Newspaper Page Text
"BUY BY POST" PARCEL . p,.-, lafonnat! .a Bureau is maintained -T?rk Trtbuae for the benefit of j-j T**? Bern ^rartlser? ^^Vaddre.edto here Informetloa regarding tho all tlinei In Till NF.W YORK TK1BCNF. -rH POB1 IM ?KM ITHM ni-RKA?. ' ? u Tribune Building. New York City. ,?_m 8-" ?'" u . KR ' REIB L?RMT BT PAR ?-"?os ' . .?., 4S a doxen, cash rack, Quahertown, N- .1. ,. "??iCR\rHBRh Nui?' necessities Iti ene 5"E-V ' r ? . ? ,i _S!?__. ' " ?"' -' ? "? ; " ' tg?*' > centi John M r.n - -, . fast - '..mi. specialty; Atj ? ' teiei'liune user buya; price $... H?u ;*r ? '?-^-jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? ? - resularly by parcel poet. EGGS ? ;c. i M '? Fai m. Suffei n n y ?. ? ~. ismple EGBERT CO., DESKS AND OFFFICE FURNITURE. ? OESKS [Hice Furniture ; le jrenl eStritt} "' Mile ?nd *'r"' T. 6. SELLER 1U fl ?TUV '' CARPtT CLEANING. _____ IQRK I i '-' x'- '?' WORKS. .... ;- - . , n FROM OLD CA nyrr~ -,i 4w: ???'?? ' ?' ' >.;' * ' ?..rrt ,'? rf CLEANING CO ? tiV\.-n.. ; " i.,a. -J1 ?-"set 4ML at. COK a IK'-M ? *;? MISCELLANEOUS. *2 ? - AUCTION SALES ' _ M ANTlQUfcS. SSTIUfES ?m ; ?rUsB-dwi ? . I ? RESORTS. mu aun, vii.w ru CITY, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J The blending of the pleasures ol fin orean vov.ifie with the deHgbtl und comforts ol a first class hotel-having all the disadvant ?gaa of the former eliminated and the ad? vantages ?if i lie lai:er included?are the :n?ir? enii.verl apea its open decks or in ils fl"SSS*eedS00d solarium ovfjrlonlinff the sea and the temoui B ?.rdwalk "THERE'S HF.Al.TH AND VIGOR IN EVERY BREATH ' Thi? hotrl maintains an iiin'hstriicted "?ean view (rom every fl ?or (.?? pictured above) See watet in private i?aths Ce pscitybtHi AIm.'ivs open WALTCR J BU2BY Jlotet Jiut^fiioficuw CaMno ?37 GALEN HALL ? V I I IN I i< I ITY. NFA" l? H*-' * ? ? ?. pi Bat 111 ? '? ? ?. . . -. : Qen'l Ma - i HOTEL MORTON \ IKU1M \ .. I... mm; Hi *? H. \TI INTH MM \. .1. Bui tel with I Perte t stor to ? Boera r. Capaclt) 250 Urn. N. R II.MNKH. i I Ste? i RES0RT8._ NEU .IKK-.F.? \TI.ANTK CITY. THE EASTBOURNE Farine Park Place, o,e,.n view Modern "-tcli-eias- Booklet K. ||. 4 II. C. Oarw?d. OllarlboronQb- J?lenbctm ATI.A NTH' ?ITY. N. J. _Joilah White A Sons rompan?/. I.AKKVYOOD. I.tKKHOOl), N. ,1. I.surel In 'Ihe pine*. _n?l Laurel linn*?. JAMAICA. HomTlTCHFIELD Port Antonio, Jam ica Mom perfectly appointed trop? ical hotel in the world. Hoi and cold water in each room: private baths; orchestra; elec? tricity; laundry; garage; tele? graph, cable and post office; ei?"ht hundred feel o? piazzas; all ?tut ?loor amusements. Open until April 30. E.R.fiR*\BO\VCO.,Port -\ntunio, Jamaica er UNITE:) FRUIT Ci . I 7 Batte-?, I' :ce. I Y. INSTRUCTION._i F'?i l'util Sexes?t*lty. The Brown School of Tutoring Beerdlna | Dai *?? heel. generate Building*. UNK PUPIL, A1 A TIME WITH A I'KA?'llKi. .'II ~*>a| ?th 94. I'll'?lie. (Ill IK-ll. IHK HKitf.iT/. SCHOOL or i.ANoi M.I..?.. MADISON HQUAHE (1122 BROADWAY*. Harlem Branch ::i:. Lenos ' . nr 127th it i . n Branch SID 22 ? 1 Ivlnrati n ??t M UtN I KOR ? v|V.. i, ? - '?peat, most pra tk-al methi in I i B? ! nil A" El's? ? R*i ??? 'in k ?i. ?";( ".? Bro ? ? SCHOOL AGENCIES Imrirai aad Potetea TeacBera' Kgetoy.? n t?.,'.,.., . : ? . ... roll? ' i and Fan ? '.;r* -1 i ', ? Il . . I.l'.N. i_ BUSINESS CHANCES. PAN *f?M IXSt'ME ' iNTlitSl, el i ? ly; patent I - _ I . ?? ' . ?..; . ....... i . ADVERTISEMENTS miPMONL YOUP WAMTi * /veTUIDUNE. CALL DEEKMAN 3000 FURNISHED ROOMS AMiIIMN M. 1 1-r Vstl ? F ' ad-?l?? t ol ?.&!n?-d -V SI I :?' KftV REO ISTKR ? ' ' ? -Hi Ml ? . - RUT-YORK TRIBI XI ? .. !? : ? - * ?? Tort r>, j ?r Free P.oom and :. ? FURNISHED ROOMS. Ht-i >u>. t?Bomm issu au ?sal ? - ?- ? ? ? 3d ? . lal r*P h i ? ? ' i ? -, l ?fej . . M ; . ? 11 ? aub-a . '?Tl! ? ! .. ?levai ? ?' \i-..| . I He? ? ? - )'. houra .?,:.? . IO , I' >:, KOTICI ?ter your roon I " \>W I' , ? ? ''? ?assada i to 1 i m ind 4 I * I TIIK At ' --.'.. Si.'.TH -J - Parlor d ball I ????'?* "???> r*'r" t>i?h*d. ?? ? - ?? ? n?nt guests, hot?! tr* ?? ? flat lona; honiel.l??- und corn? finable. rcBtaurani .nd?. oui own asaaas?* r.rnx. nt - ? ? *_,_ (TEM? sll>E?llMiir li?<?tb Street. a--18*ril-. ?MO WEST Mir tri'M rwii; *-?.? .; ii ? !?,??>, ?-efereacea, BARROW fc a:.?. $., r? ' ?( BT.. ?sas WEST Well fur .,., privai i ?' ? ?Hariaekli si ??*?'. ??? ?' ?" ?'? tt ..:;?::'? ?SJTJ - ? ? ' ' 'A'? ?* ??aa ? sr Rlveralde, "I" . [* l ?San :? excellent ' ? ?/??:?. . 8073 !'? ?WTh'k;'. : ? WE31 ??aras r*?'??" "S?'.?.S?! ,. t.. aubway WIN? UjW._ 1?;H - .'. I - Two laiKe i-.ori ?. ?ew'.y fur -?d ?strictly i-rivat- "V or ?sstrsur; ilred River U??. ?"MlTH 106TH a?*". 218 W I.ST. Uorse front, P*r,?r: ?'???aaSj rural. heated; ?bath: Ule^-oaa, ?Jii^"1? MAHONBY. H3TH si. M; WE8T fAPT. '-"- ' -tjerge - titmo fnrnl.hed roomj prlvsta ?Tamtly. ?iJrJT^T ?J?5 WEhT?Bunoy, airy, sins?? -?on in Irai rloaa elector apartii,.-nf; -.-. y-rstt? rtouir. !. tall after S P '" 'A KS"N 1-6TH BT ?V4 WKHT.?One minute eut,way, large i -i,en; board optional, ri r ISHh ST 4,1. WEST -Light, out?lde room: muttrn: bath: ?hower; telephone; elevator. gntl?mi n \, i-iment l. i?lS'l BT., 1? WVJrYT.- I?erice. newly ?***ri?Uhe? ?ultabl? for Io toi ???"ST, Ml WHHT Sie?ly fun???1?fd front .'?'"'?? all conveniences; telephone ri.ih.K-* Uli*-- ni -ni WEBT Qulel roo two *?-g?rnjwtr?lowa: Bultable atudeiita, >p' *?? '..; WEST "Broadway" elevator ?*?ertm?mt; ?ultee, double, ?ingle room?; J?f?'atjle. maid e?*r\lc< ??M) BJ"., ???.1 WEST. I^??S?. Us'?1 roon.a, ?ultaii.fc for i wo. reaaonable, conv?nlent aub *&____ "25~??t7 "Ja'? WEBT. I-.'Ke front room and Bmjjtr; eon pi.i ; cons.?. reaaonBbl??. *TH WT~~2i* WEST:- Nlealy tnralabti; h?At?,i room running water; "U aubway Sitlonr____ WH BT., 615 WEST. K*re fhanc?, large, "sht room; all convenience?; aubway; Apart ??iv 10._ UTT1I sf7 UM WEH? IIIk?. 'I"*? seeorn 'nodatlona tur bttalaesfl peopl? -, ?SB??ap, ?? Apt 2? _- ._ l?-*T!l ,-T . 00? WEBT l?rice. l??v,',lv ' " ?>l?h.-i rooma; froal apanment, all ? ??'? .,l?'.|,'?. HHi.'iKrt_ l?f?Tu"n-, Si H WEHT NeWlf furnl?l,-d . r<"-?i??, private house; telephone and horne m*fh ?ST, ?Kol WEST- Kl-joly furnien? d rooo? ; f'-tih, telephone, elevator; all eoovealencaa; l*^lt,,,?ri A pa m mer? I '?1 tk% W ut WEST.- I-arse elcely furnlabed ?ans room, aultable two, telaehone. FURNISHED ROOMS tt I ?I *ll?l - Move lOntl, ??trret. i connecting, .rge to 1 ? . :? _| ? n rf ? . | ? ; ? ? . 1 : ll ' ?room? ; .... , ' I : I Bl O 1 . -.; ? . , . '. . ? I. v.-! BiDE? B< loa IMtb, Mrcet. room; I . ?? an ot ?ung i . 111 room? ; excel ? ? ? a ' - BBOOBXYK. ? ? ? * : ? ' -. f i ? ? .I'.', ?. .n, ad- j ? l?A1 ??..... . _ ??..M.I I IB .*?'. Near rai'i-ea* mi ill In prove ? ' -..- a\ P ;? ? \ ..'-,. '??o'?', r ? ill In.prov en ent? B^ACDERS WANTED. WInI ?II.I ? Below 1011th ?street. M H BT II WEST Magnificent ???cor,': ?tory room private .a'h. parlor dinlna room; ex -' . 11 ta- :? _ i.ri !l FT-, ""? 15 WEPT .M-lros?. Sunny hail i,? . irr;.- n,.,in. tab!? board; an?. _ _ \\l.*?l -IHK?Ahme loutb Htreet. I4STH BT., 140 lo ,M* WEBT, r<nr fir ..idway. Moat beautiful, h? althl il ?e? ? - The - iiii ,n ?-?.,, un. .;,,'? ?.:. inctei ou! of M bright n, m?, on? al IIR ?aotlier at 111 ?weekly, v.!.i t. : ?? a firat cku I ,;.:6 tot two; r.,.,.n electric IIk'ii?'! private pbano; mi?? joining ? M accommodation?; ?oetal fidla - ??- T?l. 27.*>7 Andubon. ??tor_ i;AB1 SIDE?Below lOOtb Street. MTB Lr. IB BAST 1/irge nn-l small rooms; privai? i .Mi. ? lain? _ BBOOKIaYM, HANSON PLACE ' Neatly farslahM i-oorns, fi, m |1 :.'. lo I"; B'ii.wav HELP WANTED._ Male ?.N OPPORTtTNITT to learn the. advertising l.uslr.'S? ,.n n New York d?1!y 1? afforded a youiiK man who la living home an<! la not nfr'., 1 of l.ard work Snlaiy and C'-mmisslon. Appll Boom iM Trlhun? Hnlldlng. aft?r 10 a in i M ??DK 150,000 In ?-,e year? wit?, a small mall order bualnia?: lAi^nn win, p Bead for fri'e booklet Talla BOW. Heaeock. BUM. Latickport, N Y._ _WORK WANTED._ Male ASSISTANT AUDITOR - Al l.ookk? ..?per, . ?respondent ?nd confidential man, 2?, married de?lr?? p?rman?nl poeitloa nt once. Addr..*M <? M N. I?2 Bail road ave., Ilrooklyn. CARPHNTIalt ?o tnkv and k." p In ie ralr three or fi.ur hou?, h. uiiilerslnnds ele valora (.nd .limit.wall.?? ?. m!?!?!,- aned, sitial?, wax?? m.,iletnt''. ref. i.?n<e. ?it? or country. i;,,, |-.,, :.l>; Warren si . lir-eklv n._ M Miii.iiMAN, experienced from ?tump up, Including export, (leslr?-.* p"?lil?,n with son.? i reliable Brm. ?"an b?ndk* office ?lets.i and \\ w lioa 80. Tribun? yol N?, MAN. 22; Al r? feren. e.s. o. <-|au?. ' ?j7.'i Cornell? ?t . Biookty? vu S'l man 22. at anything; Al reference? i r TI ..n.. ?im. I2M i" stttr ?1 . Brooktys !?'? iiiiili . A BBPINBD, btShh* Sdacatad French lady (Partalan) as uaeful i-ompantan ta a lady. Ad.lies? Hoclabl?, Tribune ?ptOWS (>f!l'?\ 13??4 in adwaj A PEW MORB LADIES In ?" alp treatment, >h:, ?nd iii'-?...' at lad tee' reel-I dencea turns reasonable, ttii bt. Palis at.. llrookiv u LOST AND FOUND. i.? ?ST ? ' u ? p| . ? ". ? :: l???.| BANKBOOKS ? ? ? i. H i i II In I ?i -,'?' ? ' ? of v. 4th ? ?-...-?. ???.-' :, 1 .... ? .... ? ? ? _I_ WORK WANTED. Psmale. LAOI deetn : altloi anas? tor n?a I ; ? i ? perle i .-.?'.... ? ? 4 4, . "'? s- : ? _ DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTE Male UARI BNER Msr;. I; III uperli ? ? ?, ? . . fruits, l ... " 'i . ' : a i ir. ? ist rel ?? Ft male ? ? ?? i -? r ? . . ? ? ? ;. ? ? .- lit . ? ? . ' ' ? paetrles, < . ? ? . teilen) n inas? r; trial ' ? I to P i ..... ten) all brsi ? excellent refei .. ? | r? ? ???'? Ii -. ? 17 \Ve?t ?2d tl ? I'otjK i'ouns Swi ? ? ?nt referen?? s ? " er? .'...'' ? , ?... ( . II ,i< ref? rene? ? ? .s? : ? ? ? > ^ ' " , i! I i II ? . - reference!; r|i I ?? ? " I.. ? . . il "il Piala INFANT'S v i: B v?:> naai foans ?rt? ? ? n i si train? i full ?.nia?-; five pears' pei Ktnsl ? t' referen? ei cil in try; ?? -i. 1.0-140 ' industrial taao? ?lion Ar.ii-y. I v. ?? lf_d si T? '"I" l n' INFANTS Nt'RRE Y?,una Oeminn, aeve ?ears' referen'? |'.T. *.''.'? B., Mie? Hof ma y er* ? Assncv, 'i?*?* 823 r. *. r> sre (ninth floor Teleph ni 4.*il'7 Madison Rqusre, I?,-II'IIINK DRATTON. l-'.'ii W 1'lTt?, Tonne eolered ?rir< wishes po?iiti?>ri i.v n, ?. ? k Of day'? work I.?1 NDBEM Beotch itr?>ns aroman; kiih:'* lent; von wllline; not ifraid ol work; egeei lent references; city, count*. tndustrisl At m? latlon Aseacy, i: Wttt M n Tel BS1< Bryant. ? r*ONH N''H-'i: Tw? ? Minen i Ity; 11* mi?h FltiOerald'i Asency, r?o* its ave tu Irai <? l'-'d it. WORKlNO HOPSKKEBPHR Fot in riel i ?r widow's fntnii?. thoroughly esperten ? t?. .'o entire work; heel ??f refereneea; ?ity o countrj ?an?-?, ISO-S.1S Induatiial a??... in lion .eency, it west Ifd al TW. .'.210 Bryan ai.'l '4*1 It.-vanl DRESSMAKERS-MILLINERS. - Jt'I.IPH I.. WPi'llMAN. LADIES' TAIM'R AND HABIT MAKER, We are the i?rlc. ? ol beat taller ma?!?- ?u'.tr $?'."? and 17.', Bl |4:. un?l |S_ only Thl? la Kcod Only utitll I-? b SSI l'hune ?1711 Schuvler J?0*i WejM M?h ?t_ "-~ MME MAt'RER, CORSETIERE For a abort time I ?III make a |12 <or?et for 17 "?'). 1'crfect fit aiiiirante,.'! Alee dean Inic and repairing ?lieeley, ."."04. .IS Went ?ttlt ll sj. _ MILLINERY TAL'OHT. Prepare new; eprlns, aemraer positions, It h u1-?* .i-?iKi" ?? Instructs privately; posi tiori enaranteed: "ls" i"!?1"' net advanced method matertala furnished; d?y. evenins. Mme. K.ivre?. iot Vftai *i3th at_ MMK LAA.N.-?. jni WEST DOTH HT. Kxt.rrt n.tter. Sttef Bad .le?l?ner. tailor uinda eveiiltif and reception gemoa, nie. Fit tina auarantied ??louiiilns SOWns mad? ?n ?4 ho?ir?- notice I'liolie f,_!*l River_ -~ " MMK WILSON. 156 WEM ???TH ST. |_ATMT BTTLB QOWNA l-TfTINiJ Ql'ABANTEED _ Cr?KSM AKKR. -Reliable, ?imti few ou*^ tomer? who appreciate Individuality; rood workmanship, remodelling l'hon? .T.?i. Morninsslds_ __ DRESSMAKER Fir?? elna?. perfect fitt?r, ?liiper ?-?.?tuine? for all o..n?l??n?; out, I? ?trie' ?referred. Frederick. SSS WtOt 14." th ?. y\ . |uj "ii '"in TT?TkSSMAKKH FlrM ?las*. v?.l?hei work, aleo alteration?: modern's K'i??-er?, 11.5 .': 1 H?e l'hone 7775 I.enux DRESHMAK?R -?'ompetent; make? an?l re modela; children? a specialty, Juliet, m Baal 12th st. T?l 4?iS Btoyveaant._ DRESSMAKER.- By day or home work, nt and style faaranteed; quirk -renter, i.ewia. SO west l.Hflih ?t PhoBi flu w.Harlem, THE BFTTY Ladles' Tallorln? Co. 287 ?th ave,, will make a par fail numi anil te seder for |0 or ?klrt for II; furnlil? your own matirlal. TIME TABLES. TIME TABLES. The New "OLYMPIC" FITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL Watertight Bulkheads EXTENDING FROM THE BOTTOM to the TOP OF THE VESSEL new York April 12==May 3 ^?^? AMERICAN WHITE STAR I i.-'s .-,'. B 6?. Si. I'ler ?I!. V It BrfM \. N. N.Y.?I'lymouih? ( herl.ourg???....?h.inip?on v v. r'li mo,.||,_( lierbomg?Southampton i'':..:.!,.'!:..!-..', 15, noon Sen Vorfc Mat I i .,.,,..? ,, .,,.,, ,:, .? ?N#w Yorh v. ft ?U-Mle^nr, ", '"^ " "' '','?' a - . * ' V M " ?"-?.<"! Mardi 8 ?White Star Une-tteamer from Pier M. N. B .Al..,.ri, ,,? Line steamei from Pier?.!? i< ATLANTIC TRANSPORT yew reek ot^yn ""*? New *i?rk ?I nn.loii Direct. I'ler .*,?. N. It. , ?*,',' ',' \J '.' ,.' !' j, \ln^ '.7 ,v " ' '?'' '?'??.ti''. Minneepoll? Van I, * Buaton?M?diter.eaa Poet? Italy II ti ."S?.10 W*m Minnehaba March I" , ;, y.., jsioetlc ?prtl ?t RFD STAR Plerdl ?. B. '' ??eo from, Nee i*? v^!.",,.,;.:?,L,?,. RIVIKRAdTALY-EGYPT " ind i .-i. i'- v.-i.i. i? ??,?''' , n? i., _. upland Marel I MUrtath " Peh. U seea, ? edtk Mur. i. ?limltl |. ? . . Iarg,?l Vledllei ran. an "slem.iers. CM III A**** IT" fO? PAXAJM ? ?**M Ml*? IMHI*?. IM " v ! & \c, c* imwfuwwii?^ ?*v",***m""'Vi I i: nl P IB I Ml N I I BBOADB ? '? " I W t?tl!lv NEW Srsfsm FLOP/DA "71 ?", LENAPE ** Newps1. fines,. must luxu? rious vessel in coastwise ser? vir?. Staterooms w it U t w in beds und pri ? at c bal Ii : also without bath bill with pri? vate toilel facilities. MOHAWK and APACHE T ,;.,?? i,,-r v. ltd ! h? i - t 1 rns| ?? I i?e i.'ii.'il'iie os -v,-,'?'?>>?/v forpti .--? ?? - holdii -i ff ??' flag? ii'k?1'. w ' . ?- ?V" r? ?4, ?- ?S.JV N**w York ?r/trpcf fo Jackronville without change ?B'-tzlBO WEDNEBDAYS $/f*-?.'IO TUESDAY8' pO-* SATURDAYS *"**0 PlUOAYB 1 ??? (?,?<! forretui u | I ? - i rw nil ? orre ?.,.?? le ta all Florida point.*. M le for beautifully I latrated I 1er. i itioi etc. CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANY AKIIHh W TYI. Pa?. Ir-JRc M..n*?er. Pier 36. Nor-h R.ver N. Y. City Tkkol Office?: 2i>0 Bro?d??y.cor. l-l-ade St..9'.? U.oadvsay, lor. 23d St. 11 LONDON' PARIS BREMEN Kaiser Wilhelm ? I 1 RRUARY 181 George Washington I?,. I in.. .1 < ?t.aio.r ' ami FEBRUARY 12nd I H I \1 E I) I I E R W A N E A N . ? Prlnzess Irene W MM ii l?t OELRKRS * CO. Uea*-?i Akpi.' , I BROADV/AY Ni:'.'. YOR, 01 Leva! A , ? -. ? CUNARD -m? i i \ it ni i i?h ? BOI'TI HIBI ' I ? i ? PI-M?.I Mil? LONDON PANES ill HI i.\ VIENNA i ??i L-?? ?'?! ?mi i ?? sei.i ?i,. (aalest Meaner? m ii,.- uni? MAURETANA LUSITANA Q1." FNST'iWN FlSHBUMO IVCRPOOl <"?.?"?'?. ? . farinante.M i I MEDITERRANEAN ADRIATIC SERVICE It Ml fill ' ? t. i. ;. i . * ? ? . ii' Itinerary : ' - WINTER CRUISES--RIVIERA ITALY tGYPT i ? i ??M \. Mar. i ? ? i n p?, |4SS p??. tel thi . . India < I..II.I .mi sa, m 1111:4, .? n , .. ?n .'? and autl Irl 1 and ? 1 ? 1 . n leni toit? in 1. trepa et. . send tot booklet L'uasrd renn \Erni? loi I. un,? il... A <???eiil.ll - M lo. in tailed -im?? no.I t mini.,. Ililieriiri of ? iininei ?mi??-?. \<>r?M4?. el?.. 191 I. Jail I-II. \ni. H. *.,-|H. V ii?>?\ Tier?, foot tVeet 14th S?reet. S. It ? >ffleae. _i ??? .1. Street, H _ . opp ?it- Ball ? ? *. A "IHliMl in \\." iTbe ship us ? ? PreaMiiit-Blerl WUsen.) Halla ever} W'ednes* ?lay. 10 \. M. Twin scree 10,311 '? ? dla 1 .H' "m? nt sut narln? ? Ism 1 leas; 01 chestrs He. ?ni trip Mi bean M minute.,. Pastes!, newest sad saly Nteanei lunding Maseaaeta ?1 lbs inrh ??? Bermeda irllhaul I l.lllsl? I I, s. "oitoi \\ \..;:? tons dis? leemeni ?an? si ? . ? Tnssday. Tours In? Hoi 1 Shori tiscunlons, Lowest llatei riekets In tan [ i'.??? with 11 M i. P Ce, WEST INDIES Ne?? s. R. "Galana" and other steatnen fort* iili?htly fur SI '1 h? rua?, fct Croix, rtt. Khi?. Antlsua, Onsdaloupe, Dominica Martinique, st i.uii.i, Barbedoes, and Demorara, for fun Informellen apply le \ k. Ol TKItlIllllX.I d ( ?).. Aueiit, Qtiebe? 8, H. t <>.. 1 id.. -n Brandwar, uam lork: iim ((?II? .t ?(l\, SIS nul MHS lln,ii,??_,, .'??t and .1.13 .lili n?e , N. v.. or any TI? ket Aient. HAMBURG-AMERICAN L?ND?N PARU?MA :??HG t* PATRICIA KAIVN \| ?,, \ H PR KM. (.H 1ST ??Pltl'.TORIA . I-'.!. Ill, ??? A M. . Feb. SS, Il A M Fel?. 27, *9 iii.iii Mur ?I, *J A. M 'Hamburg dlnei l??n?! sabla only. Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa H.H. Hamburg ? 11.000 Ion?), lei?. 22, 10 A. M. h.*. ?1 in? Inn.m ( i;,ono lona). Mar. Il, 10 A. M. 'fonti?' D?ni for Trips Everywhere, IIAMHl Kli-AMIIIKAN UNK, M ll'wuy. RCR'TVI IMC Plet il. teoi Meataaae neu U LIIMt street ii'ui.ii, et n?...n. For San Juan. I" R , l_? ??uavra. I'to. cabello, i'iita<ao *. Mm? .u." Nia 1' CARACA! Wtt '.-? ; Uli Al ?I.I.I'll' n Mar 13 For M. jj.,1 1' |( |__ ?luiiyra. ? A Maracaibo, ZUMA r.i, is M 'HACAIBO Mar I Huperi r Accommodations for Pasteasen BLIS8. I>AL.l.l?TT A CO Oenernl Manatter?._ ii Wall Htr-et. PANAMA "alllesa Wednesdays and Hat. ? ""-"?"?"? ??? n_r__M Attractive crulit-i ?'?*"-? Ht-ainer? Write for booklet, I NITKO Pltl'ir ( O., 17 Battery Pisas, Kew York. WaaMfmmmKmBmwmmmmmraMWWtrWt' ?COOK'S TOURS All I vpt-iists Itifltidvil 5 BERMUOA ? Iter-MMdtaa." ? i. . ? ?. . CALIFORNIA .. ... .?I I ?.--?? t I?, ?.iin. I < io. .11 I ,o, ?i train? nul hotel?, ? : -ii up. FLORIDA HAVANA n... . i i.i ? ..i?,t i .i,?. ?? i >?? m. PANAMA CANAL i L THCS. COOK & SON i i , ? ? " u i ? - a? ????ii Bi > inen -?? :. Bl ? SEW iron OLD DOMINION LINE UAH.) ?...:'. !? '.. loi Did I'olnl t'omfori Norfolk, Portsmouth Plnnerr'a Point and ?iewpori New? \ a . coo n. ting i I'eterabui'S 't' hnrnnd tVaahlogtoO, i. C. and the ? nllr? Mouth la i \\ asl i i,.. : ai i i ' ? ? its?. it? ?mi ? ^ .ii frota pier .:. s R . fool ol North Moor* PL, eren M. . K .. It S V to w i. WOODROW, Traille Mbiisbbt BERMUDA ?B ARCADIAN & OROTAVA Tlel ' h Q. B. B. Ce to I ?I imiii - l??lll?. t.,I bookie Till I.???!?! >l\ll -II \M PACKET I ?? ??uniler?."!? .V **..n. lien tgtl 23 R St it- St. \ i oi lay Mearaahls Ttekel Agent. HOLLAND AMERJCAJJNE Twin -'-lew m.E laca Toas i?> A. ht ?liyndam Mar n ,1 .-ii MM I ? R ?.??! mi to ir 1* ? Vial! ,!ilii?ne fPlymouth A- lloulor-ne tfti, 3?.? if wai. N I FLORIDA AND THE SOUTH I.i?Miriam.. In--,.-ni-.-r Strumen, lliill?. MERCHANTS & MINKRS LINE I.. II. I star. Aul.. 11 _? : I : ? ? ,N V TVI I Hirillsd Hq CI ID/ADC i"'r unship ticket. f..r all iitn-a. L.Ut\\JrC. .,....?. n bertha; loweal rate? lull ?.liepliig tar In,, ?.'Ml ;,l h lie.. N. V. Fall River Line I0BDSTDN83E? ^^^^^^^^^^ .... It. 1 un.m -.., .Nr?? Vork, ?iitii) ai l.*ee, PKOVIUEM'E sad PLYstOI TH i n. i, ? mu "n i:.?' t.. MW IDMIIIN (N.'nvlehl IJNEvl.i S-r? \ , ?don I ? IMer I". N R . ft. H"UHton ?, '?..k day. '?:?? ? "" ''? M I Tier ""? ? ' i. ft r ?"2d k\ ? ? "?'> P. M Btrs MAINE and I'HESI ER W CHAP?N. NEW HAVEN LKSK Li lir ?_??,. i: k ft Catnarln. Ht., ????k Boya 1:41 i' M Btr NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ticket? .?!? Bl 1T1 Broadway. Tranefe. Tourist om? ? snd ?I Mera The Ne? Enalind Stram?hl(i to. SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS _ FOREIGN RESORTS. FOREIGN RESORT8. HOTEL METROPOLE, LQIDO Proprietors: The GORDON MOTELS, Ltd A Favoretl .stopping PlaoO for Amer ?can Via Hora. Mont Control P.isitton in the West F.rtil. Tariff 1'ree from Room jij. "\ew I'ork Tribune," ft, \'. KARLSBAD,ISI2: ?H 7 Muniunalit 70.9J5 ?BATMEtS, 200,000 VISIT ORS -.NO TOURISTS. \ddre<*. U Municipality for information and l'ampli'. CURES! Stomach an?? intestine diseases, en'ar-*ed spleen & liver, r?state, kidney & bladder stones, hemorrhoids, corpulence, abdotnina' plethora, diabetes. ?-out, rheumatism, uric acid d.sthesis. sciatica and oxaluria. .MEDICINAL IQENCIES 16 mineral sprints, 5 big bath establishments, hot spring, carbonic avid. moor, owgen. river, fresh water, hot water, steam, vapour portable and separate, electric li??ht and ttkltt, four-stage, 2 hydro'therapeutic establishments Swedish exercls.? Slojd) and massa-... Fine woods and promenades, races, theatres, concerts, soli, lawn tennis, &c. GENOA *uiMlRAMARi Th?? Leading Real 1st Class Hotel in Genoa. "The last Word" in Hotsl Comfort. NO HIGHER PRICES than the usual 1st class Genoa Hotels. Open all the year, cr UNRIVALLED, "'i GRANO TliOIKi ? HOTEL HOTEL ? ?reinl d'EUROPE f?-f*r- Plie? Chalnu. First Cist?. MsSial Locjtlrn. entrai. Ai. enran Hoi? Comlurt? Apatimentl 8 with B?thr.'iin. Toilet'?, *ic. Bang*. B-'i'M tul cily and Pliasurs Heiort. Intsrs-iiln?*, Si-bts wo.iftniani to. BfSaktai ISBiaaj baiwasn Pant ?nd Rom.. GRAND f-l ADFIIAC Hotel HOTLL r LvRLUvC d'Italie lit,- I r-iilini; II,it. Is of riureiir... on t li.- I'im_-- \rni> with < iMiiinnnillng view ot pi? t nre?qtie ?iirrnimiling? an.l HI? er \rrin. It.-im I ill 1 Winter ?.arrien? I'rivate Rath?, ?teum Heat. et?'. 1 GRAND \7 f IVJ f sO rp Hotel HOTEL V L ll I V ?Li Royal Danieli Every Smorican comfo?t and luxury. Looatnd on the Grand Canal tha view balconios and terraoea Is marvellous. EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. ' LONDON SHOPS. REMOVALS to AMERICA MAPLE & CO LTD RUE BOUDREAU fpres rOp*i ?) PARIS Having a ?/eral \merican Lift v?-? r?taealns i inn , offer except tonal term? f..i th? transportation of ??""da t? Am?rtca In Ono Von from Door to Door Bag?ra^e Warehoused FOREIGN RESORTS. LONDON HOTELS. THE CARITON ? Hotel, Restaurant, and Grill Room. LONDON. HOTELS IN ENGLAND. LONDON. Midland Prand Hotel MANCHESTER.Midland Hotel LIVERPOOL.Midland Adelphl LEEDS.Queen's Hotel BRADFORD.Midland Hotel MORECAMDE BAY. Midland Hotel DERBY.Midland Hotel \\ i,.?vie. Maasawr, Mteaaad Boiteras Hotels ami l>fir,,ni anl Koom?. -tc. till?! ?I.tlce vndlund ?.rand Bete), tasedan. Is...", of the Hotels an,I lull particular? ?<? t,. route? mar be had at th* Kuropenn Oill.e? of Tlie Tribu??," ?t "Hear* Inn 11.?use " Ml ?tr-aod (ererleobloc -.M-??, h aid K'n,i??T . tendee. FRANCE. BELGIUM AND HOLLAND Grand Hotel PARIS Bou.leTr.rd de? Cap'ioines and Pifies de 'Opera. 1.000 Reumi with Private Bat'n?. Tariff on Appliaattao. PA?*13 IF*VBritl American Home) HOTEL CHATHAM. PARIS HOTEL D? LILLE ET d'ALBION .???-? r;?,.. ? ? Mom i . ?. , A ?. :. . ". i. ?, / fon i.,.'.. ? . ? h ? t fixed or I la carte L . ? i II...? : BlON, 1' ?.KIU !? i i BRUSSELS? LE GRAND HOTEL ill Km,m. \m.-rli .in liar I ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. R ome, Italy. Gd. Hotel Quirinal OPEN THH YI?AR ROUND The Hotel combine? true lioine ? nmfort i and liniirj. situate?? on lm., Via TV a-I ll?nale, lu the hishe?t, health?e<it ami most! ?-1 ?-__-? it t part of the (It). ? ?i hroorai. ; I reii. h lte*ti?urant. Hrmi. b Henseei The PeJeee, Milan; The; Pula? e. Lugano; The Palace, l.ii.eroes The' Palace, liurKen?tnck: The Stnn?erh??rn. ?? ?erhurn. MOME SAVOY HllT?f Finest Location facie?*, 0'ieeo'? fslace Modern Throughout ; Cenital Healing; fruiilf Balb -. etc ? -.1 Airniii; Patronage. fMHES, M*'M GAL?A PALACE Large Private Park. Orerteslra. lftO Private Baths. Perlectlv un? pointed Garaue Cor JO tuvs, with ttirninfi table. HOTEL OE NICE Wit Central Heating itiroiighniit. 200 Koom?t lull Sntilh. I ar-*<* ".ar.len. All B?tt*a wiili Private Rudi. PlEnbH: PRIVATE PARK y "E3EW PAiftCE81 HOTELS IN 3ERMANY. ICHR* ?"? "".? ' * ,9a bats and i Ml? HOTEL BELLtVUE l)i-tin_in?iie<i House ?>f ??hl retmtetlon ' ? '., ??* (Maillon It |m?\\ j il t I? uen ?i mage UNICH I Thl' M"<f beautiful ;nil ; ">. ??lern in (lerm.iiiv FOUR SEASONS HOTEL WUREMBER? ??''", "'?ViMi HaVh. .^endii?'s Wurttember?er-Hof IESBADEN ; ,,'i:,n::.;;,^r PALACE Hotel ? Baths ? TRIA. HUNGARY, SWITZERLAND. lENHA\Ft,r HOTELBRISTOL Located on the K:i?lili.nabl< K.irntuni rrlnf nu s the faxorlte re?ur? sf Americana. Fer* f,, i French <ui?lne nn?l ?I'oli?- wlnea. UDAPEST Gd' Hotel Hungaria llr?t-(Tu??? Hotel uish l'uiinrunii? View o? er the Daaabe. Beery maSitn resafetl. K\?-lu*?ive Inienirin and I i?_li?', |,.n r<>n?t_c. h -.?tor?.. Ml i?.l l;-*\ (?\ k i:. Maniiaer?. B TIME TABLES. Wov ?dente Hired ?1.50 | Worcester. $ZM I ?III ?lile ??tiiterooili?. >!l.l?l). Ht. . Bteamali >s I! ?I? a? r?nne???? Dull?. In, Indi.iK *?' '?'??> P. 9. From rier 10, B I? I'ho -'' " H ?kroan, ritv Ticket Office, 3 "? Broadway. N. \ I'ptown TirU.'t OiRoe B'way and SSd Kt Central Hudson Line for Neviliursl?. Poiialikrepale and Inter ineillate landing*. I'lrr "I N It. tot. *0?? l>?nl.lln. STORAGE NOTICES. WILLIAMS CARPET CLEANSING COMPANY ?in HM 771It STKBBT. 1'.. Mr* .'-'??In. iv" I. 114th; Mr?. la-vv, 121 W st'ti. Mm Sllnrstein. let W. Tt'th; Mr?. A. Kelson '32? K listh; Mr.* Zimmerman it* g Both Mr? Mnvii.s, '.'o.l W Mth; M I i>,.i..?Ai. u ?i?? K. Mth; Mi? Hartman, IfMH Am? ?r?.; Mn it:c?. is w fifth; Mr? M? - Kenn? .14 ?'.inven' av? , Mi?. Harrourl M Muh ?v. Mr- M. ekins. US W. l.Vi.t. Mr?. Kwis.* l'"i W Tint. Mrs. Hunt, 7'7 Kelly st ; Mrs Martin, 2123 Cambrellns ?v? ; Mis He? i Tackln. 82 ?V I25lh; Mr?. Eddy. 34U Anis aw . Mr? OrahaiS, IS W 133th. Mrs. a rabbin, ?Js.l An?, ave. ? Mrs. ?,ann.>n, M ?Col ?ve . Mrs. KaTloele, ?Willi al. and Cet me'.. Si l'aul ll"t?l: Mrs Ju?l?l. 7?? W l.'vh You and eaeb "f you are berabji aotlfl?d thai 111,, 11 in.? for th? payment Of our : ?. t? upon the property hereinafter deaertbed bavins eaplred, after due netleo thereof had been siren ?nu. w? '?iin ?ass*' ?ucb property, t" o/tl Carpet? Rus? Pereon?! Kfr-'.-i?. ?toreil in the VPIIIUma Parpe! Cleanains Company | warehoaa? bj v..n ?c in yamt wow? (,,r la v. :,:. fa i ou m.? ? '? .'?? .m latei ?el i, te be ? ?Id m publie ?action, aeeordnta t?> the statut?? In ? in ?i cas? sud? ami provide,i. si ?er irarehouae, 210 ?>?'?' nth ?t., New Y?.?k City, <??? Monday. Kelnuurv Mth, lnl.1, at ? in M S ni . an.l If ?he suie thereof I? not completed ?m ??Id .lute th.? same wiij bol continued ?t the ??ni?' pl:??-e on each and i every day thereafter, heainnin? at lOi.iii a, i m, and continuing unUI all tlr? good? are j told I MIHIum? Carpet Cleanslnn Company. STORAGE NOTICES. Iheisea Fireproof Storage & Warehouse Co., Inc. Tr, ,i ?talanj. w R tk, M Baai ?, t ; Brel n. L. ?BaiUMa, Helen Butler W W i r.. Sett, Blaaohet Broa., >; <i Baker, to ' 1 .i,.,-r. i'liaa A BrtgSB. 111 nie k? \ i Ian ?Bow ?? ??. Un ? man, *? P. ?.? ?TftioB '?n,,nr... i.. u Hark, i laeara Bl-tera , i ,,.. i. a 6 a ??>. m. i DewM s ?Doyle, E. Fountain, Mra ?2 ?Fisher, J ? ;?? Tamil, ? \. \ Krilie. Paahlon MfR ?'?. Mra K. . 1 r;i?,-r. I. I. Fn .11 SB, M, TtU 1*. Mr? ;H to. Feot?n, Cowperthiratt A.- Mr? E J Oallafltar, Mr or ?Mrs tlsn ta ' v iiai ln?*r, f.-tidron Bro. iJ? .8 K ? ?, n.a'.-..?. i: II?r?r*te. .- n?. rart. A ?? ' i ? rron, J It Keane Co., I f He??-. ', A Morton. Ti.os. Humphrey?, It. ii ,?*#? s, n. Mr J Joes -, H M Isai , r ?V jT.kin?. J Kinn.-iy k Kotaar? ?a, A I I (Cellar, A. Kenner, John Lane, Mi*.. I> ? I j. i^.vett. Mr? R P Murphy, Blan he M F 1). Mullan. Miry V?? B, I' to iBlon Mulher, J ?Maataa, TUIla McCaffre) E M Pheraoa. ?Mra I t?. McMurray, C W Kai Nein, ni eh ???.? a, n K \ .???, s o nell, V. n'.irajy. ?-atheilri?- <iHil?*n. OH Powers, Mr? Paterae*. Mi v Ote - ? ?Mra W H Parktaa \v i? ?Pf. ?tar, Run' ?men, Annie Ruppert, Mr it ?>?>. c ii. Ninth. Mi* E. Sunimner?, J..'in Steal). B I Bcott, 1'nrrle Btraat, Em i a Bn ? T. Bu 11 ?rea Bruus Taylor, John Trayaor, {-.? A, Thtwdoroff, Mr <: Wileon. witty, u si W ilah t \v. rtnf, Mra i< wl ? y. W, Wart, Pa il T Loakte, M uiet- ? Mr? Ururm. Y? ?? i un? earh of you are kar.ay ?Satifl. . U it the tint? f..r M ?? peym. nl -my ;n;..n the property hereinafter ? liBed. laa ?-xi iri'1. .ift'-r lea null. I thentol ti ??., ? I nr. '-'i i ..'i. a a arlll eaue? - ? . ?: ? i,; j ?.. l Ii .?, huid k,',?..'.?. n ? ?? han ?. t i trunk? ?it>i i>er?.mal ??fr..'-is ?ton I 1>> you lu i tt.? rr.tilaoa RlrsaresC Blaraas Wamme - tac., to bs ?oil at public aii,tl"u a*-cor?ln* It.. In euch eafe u;a,le anl [)' ? \.. i- ? 1 ?? i'li,?ea Klre: r.vif Store.;,. Wur^houaeB, In.., Ma, CM to ?SN W.nt I't'.th mrti't. New Yolk .?Ity. on \V.-,1nr?da\, February M mil and j .i.'ln iiuir extra \V?,tneaday thereafter until all ?"?><;* ira lold ?-HKI.SKA FIREPROOF RTORAOE WARr. | H?f?i'3RS, IN'' l. s,, PreeiSaSl. < TYPEWRITING AND TYPEWRITERS vi? (?nt VISIBLE, 7? Naaaaa ?r .ii?:..u?. i free; all ?-sskea takoa i rt ?payment; baraalns h tinderwooda, Remlnstona Oliver?. Km!tha. ADVERTISEMENT;) AWD BUBSCRIPTIo?s fur The Tribune received at their Uptown I Offlre. No. l.i'.-i nrita?way, i.-t,?.., ,-i .ist, a,?-| : HIS Bta. until It ofock l>. m. A4*?r|?,-. ii..-1-.i? received at Ihe folio?In? I ranch orflr.-e I at ?e?,ular rates until H o'ilnck a aaw vl? i I 264 ?th ave., ?. e cor ?M at.; IM <R?a ?%?? I cor. 12th it.; 1iM Beat Utti at.; 2S7 WCat 42d st. between 7tb tad Sth avea.;