OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 15, 1913, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-02-15/ed-1/seq-18/

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Opponents of Contracts Com
Advantages, He Declares
as Hearing Ends.
Municipal Construction A
Obtained and Skilled Oper
ator Gets Lease?Crowd
Wants Action.
With snumeiiti by President MM
of th>' Board of Aldermen on the ncga
snd Borough Preeldeni McAneny on
affirmativ? the two-day hearing on
propose i ' "iitri t? for the <b:ai 1rs
system rame to a dose In the con
chamber al Hi" City HaU at 1:30 o'c
nicht Th.- t? mper <?f tbe audk
was plainly In favor .,* tin Immed
signing of the contracts, and on? I ixpt
i".i Brooklyn ?rant? i the chairman
. t within s fen ti?.'II
-\n the members ??f the commie*
?a it h tin exception of Commissioner Cr
si d all the members of the Board of I
mate, except Mayoi Uaynor and i?oro
l*resldenl Steers of Brooklyn, were a
??I around the denk In the council chi
bei When Pmndenl Mltchel deseen
lo the floor t" maki ins st-Bumen! Ufa
11m contracta he s li U ?-r>??:.?-?-.i i?? ?
Iroller Prendergssl and ?Presiden!
! ? on iiie other hand, PreeM
Mltchel sad ('?-?mrniHsioni'i Maltbic i
?orta of n ? i ?" *-= 11 o 11 ?.- ?it President :
_i eny when he ?-.?*? talking
Borough Presiden! McAneny laid gi
iti s on the fa? t thai lbs ? it- was :
? | many sdrantages In Ihe '-orHi.i
which ihe?r opponents had been can
j ne. la peint ??ut. 11?' said in innkini
bargain ?with Ihe compank-a it had i"
DCCC! ,1? to Kiv? .is Well :, ? trik?, but
sdvi nti ?' i i" be gain? ?I by the i Ity u
worth everything thai was conceded
t1 em l II ? rttjr. Si? sl?ng "f the am
men? r,r the opposition thai Ihe bankets
: the Interborough w< re C"i:i?t to m.-ike
j big profil -""i Ihe j of tti?-* bon .s,
| i ?
" \t.' we r.?Mic t" itop lo arres! i
? ?progress of ell future subway ??nil.ii
I until t 1 ??? tern of ftnancl
be reform?
City Absolute Owner of Lines.
ending hit argument, Presiden! A'
, ? nted ? tit the following thin
that wet t t ? gained by the city Is t
Irontn ?
"in tb< ; i si place the n? e in ?? ?
? ? ? ..??-i ?i i?v i1,? cit> and nol by t
rompany thai ?ill operate them; we n
, ? uni a! ownership
t". Ity's rapid trenail system As
l Id, ever* every dollar
*, . vests in the city Immediately
? \\ ? . absolute unlv? rea m
ctlo ??? -i been tl
i slogan, and properly so, beca?
) we did not a^rr? to the company's prop
: ? i ;.t tbry I, llld tl ' M linee, ;ir
that we should contribute so mueb
o-ir m? n? v anil our millions for their pu
pos? but we m i ted thai we ahou
bu-i i || 1 we should let tii" coi
t eta and thai th< ; i ould pay <? re
? am 1er tl e n,|,,-a of n on? w i i ta? l<
r-f i - ? ? ? ? ? .? ? en gettifi
ictlo ltd w? are g<
tin?.-, as i have pointed oui a large
? eaaure of municipal control than o
hot i ? ? I i "- il?'' a f? m y eat
\i'i while there are nan** who sdvi
cats ti '? forth? -t step of : aldpal o\,- r.
tlon |_ t a? there are many of us srh
y Men I ha! to-dar, in d< t ih tint, coi
dltir'i.? i; would r."t be wise, we bei
reserved to the city tbe tieiu to tak
the r?M?i? after ten yearn, by any <>
t s methoda "t reeaptur? i have men
Itlened. |f then it is deemed wiae to t-?k
* ,i ( ourse.
"-.viti. tbe ownership of tin?, vas! systei
*-.?<* p,-?in th< servi es of .i si lied operate
? f-?r i?s development, and by placing th
?* ? ele aaatter upon, a businesa baala eon
t-r-Olr (| |,v f?ii( li a body ;,.. ?.??'in-, we Bf
lT?i*k!n_- ?be bee! rot-vil?!?' stair. ari?l W
* ? going to develop theee linea lo the!
full value under this managemeri.
"And mark ma, if it should be rir-mn
?wiie to lake Ihs furthest step we are a
hit-su:- |S do : ?l S?d WS are gaining this
!?*??- p\r ?riinini: service, the developments
MaSlS cf thin ? ity that have b ?n neglect
led, ?when no! eatalo vahiee have faUsi
jlnto stat-'tintlot?. where tbe city. In sliort
\ii, at ,i BtandatlU besanas H has so ion,
[wratted lor this subway, thli vhrlfyini
ifclOod tf BOW tl.ifb
"Tb? Departmem of Taxen and Assssa
menlH has flgvred <"H that thr?nj!?'ii tn?
buildln? of thSOS lines tScre will be m
least J?ftAWit.iX?) id taxable valu?*?0, ami
?that means tii.it ?t our pre?? n' rate ol
?OXatkHI not far from 1?'J,?j?ju.?.iix> Will conit
"Sri fi ?m added t. I
What Interborough Gives Up.
Speaking of the preforontlals given t?i
I^Ui? InterboroiiPh. Mr. McAneny tsaid:
'In return for the protection Of their
?tines from tbe losaes that otherwise they
inuM s-iffir f??r s brief p?rlii?l of years
they bave giv? ri m fre,- carriage of our
passengers over the new linn?? and oi?i -
tbi.e. timos the mileage, n* i have said
Tin f bore gtven lia th( investment Of
li'.,.?.?*?'""?> without tu ther ?return to them
uj?o:i thai than lb? carrying charges of
tin- n."m y, and th? y have practicably lim?
it, (| their chanc? oi profll on this trebled
system t?. the earnings of to*day until the
city sha'.l have ?.m.??! S like amount.
enabling both from thai point forward t??
so ? *% i ?i o as they ?,-" along
PmsMssB Mltchel signed thai there
would l?e tli?- Incentive to linari'i.il fug?
siery by wMeh profita might be turned
into tin rollers 0| s?oin" .siib..i?ll,_iy coin
patij-- He BpakS "f playin?: With the Sjrn*
t.'tn as a paHtlcal ssachlne "i do not
mean,'' he added, "tb.it necessarily any?
one <?f tb? political organisations In en*
i?:. gee "?in he able t<> lay lis banda upon
this organization ami us?- it f??i this pUT*
por?-, but I mean thai jmi will ?ilid tliilit
there la tbe company one of the best
typet? <?f political aisnhlncs if the people
who aie Is control of H ?ses tit le use ?t
in il.a' way."
.1. Asplnwall 11,?.i?;.', speaking against
the contracts, wanted to know why J.
Flerpont Morgan baxi not been made to
VVr Make 11 You Are Building.
v >? rank? m ( I inOs a sohi vartsls
?f Btylss Mmi.v Iteaullftil d?r*slgni
"It Pays to Buy the Beat."
Our price in l?nv ?quality eoMtMere?1
Make nott of Ibis SdVU I( don't sppesr oftsn.
Edward Miller *fCo. ??-W?*
Ktif Ub?*'i l'??4 K.iit'iUi In Merldio, conn.
\\ ith the oldest street cleaner at Stable A.
appear in public In repar.l to hla pari h
the eieal.
'What ?nuiei Mr. Morgan Bay, If h? toe
the stand, ti.nt waa not aal?) hi th? r? es
letter ..f his firm"" ?i^ke.l Controll?
"He eoui.i b? croas eaamlncd," an
awei ? '1 Mr. Hodge
if v',.ii want to eross-ezsmlne hint
v?in snnpcena Um," Bald CbmmlBsionei
Mr. lloilKf? <ll?i not ac-er.t the oder. Bay
In? the re.ipi.n?-ihilltv- for asking Mr MOT
gan should rest upon the eotnmlaslon.
Borough Presiden! Cromwell ?ugsoste.
an addition t.. the contract ma kins li
obligatory for the Interborougb l i ? nt? i
into an BdHlliltinnl tor free transfer? ?.t.
ni? l|... ?*iutcii la'.aniJ lerr; fo
th. -? ' it fare
In Response to Mrs. Douglas
Robinson's Appeal, He Spurs
Detectives On.
f. r '".- under tat delusion
Pn lent, fiu*mer, politician big gstm
jhunter author, orator and fathei "t th?
Hull Noose patty. Colonel Theodor?
RooseveH ha'l MhauBtSd the ptaaatMHUe?
of eme iiiiinan b. in?: for Vers?til It*/ trill
be wiser tn-ijay. Yeslerelav the colon'I
?-?ir.-itiR forth into th? runks ?.t the great
detectives of th? world by solving, single?
h;?n(i"?i ami srlthout an) make-up ??f any
kinei. a Hipster) which has been pussilni
thoinmiaU of Now Tortura for weeh
fin Pebruary 4. 9,999 persona In Man?
nattan received an Innocent lool
velope containing s wim?- ?*ard on which
This i?- to re-mmd you ol an In dent
it? v.nir past, ami of tin rnmlt' U'h? h
you receive a reel card it TVlll tneaii I am
_ i., ar The Mastei Mil 'I
Tl oraday me.rninK, the LStl . ? (1.1 >.f
blood red carda appeared vvitii the fol?
le.wlncr Rteasage S'rawhel on thi
"TWa i*. th? re) .?.rej to remind v.m that
I have- neit forgotten WTien you receive
.? hiaek '-'.rei, vow wilt knot? that tiie end
ir at band The Msst? r Min.j "
Mr-- Doualai Robinson called at hei
huaband-'B r. al estai, office, No, IB Esst
Kui ?treet, yea tards y afternoon He wa?
out and aa ?he ?at waiting ah picked up
an envelope out ?if which f? n one <>f th?
red cares, sure that it waa the work ??!
desperate liin.-k Hand men. reached
tor a telephone an?! called ip Colonel
"Leave it to me.' ?aid the colonel. He
called PeUce Headquarters and de??*ribed
the* ahanymoua note whleb Mr Bohlnson
tia?i n-eeiv-.-.i, anei ?Detective? Hyama iiii.l
Hughe a were put out on the ease (,,i
Hioaeivvay they met Kdward Stream*, of
tie- ?'?>rt ?'iroult hooklnR Ofltoss, end
Mopped to |NBSB Ihn time of ri.iv. retniirk
lag, ly wi,y of Impresfiinir Mr ?'.ir?au\.
that they were on th?- ioi, foi Colonel
G?renos exp?e?.???! interest ;n,'i Hyama
pulled out the threatening ?ar.l Then
they fan the Joke. Olreaus pulled out of
hip pock?'t one ?>f a third batch ?if cards
which appeared yesterday It muh quit??
as innocent looklpg as its pre-J**cessora
an?l borg th?> .*iniplo line.
"I v ill sec yen at the Hams Theatre.
Tho Master Mind " _
Wife Receives All Personal Ef?
fects and Two Homes.
Th.- will of John Inneis Kane, who ?lie.l
February i. wan fiie.i jrestertlay for pro?
bate In the SnrroK.it'> Court, showinK
. ti.au |1I.?MI real ami 11MM personal
prepsPty. His widow, Annie? ?'. Kane? oi
H? .wo Fifth aveiii).,, recetvea all the per?
sonal affects, Ma country place at Bar
Harber and Its oontenta end his dty
dweiiin?* and the isaaa on its granad.
Th? will makes the following b-sqttesU
To l)or<?the;i Kane, of No. il Bast ITth
street, a riico, ll.VOi?:?. to Peter Augustus
Jay, of Newport, 11. I . S in-phew, HMM?
to hie sotlaon Kohert Morris PhslPS, of
New York v'ity, tv.OdO; to his godaon Nor
rey? Jepht-on O'C'onor. of No. M IflBSl 33?1
street, l?.nofj. and ii,?Mo to his noaahman.
tadward Campbell, an?i ?1."?' to hi*? but?
1er. John Matmhip.
Tic residue of the estate deoeden! leit
to tila brother and three slater?- or their
issue per Btlrpes, one-fifth t<> en.-ii end
the reihalnlng fifth la left between two
nieces, Caroline Kane Pbelpa New !????
cholle, arid IL lin Dot*othes Kan? Ko. ?-'
Bast ?i.th Btreet The brother la i? ban*
cey Astr.r Kuni . of Nov. Hoi Ik lie, and
the slbtet? are- Kmlly A K Jay, New-,
port, R. I ; I-aouisa l>angde>n Kane, No.
21 West 47th stre-et. and gib-,1 K':nt Kam?,
also of the latter addrasa. <
Accused of Running School on
Guarantee to Fit Pupils and
Get Jobs for Them.
< oi rad Bt hi? k< ? Has, m??-i.h it ol the
?Schick? ? Uns ' "'? pai y, maki rs -?f ??-?????i .
at Ko ?10 Maid? m Lai ? v? arrested >es
t. rda i "i, an ndlctment charging him
and rii-'<!,i. s | ?. .?? ? i irea ?????? of th??
?concern, ?ith usina ihe mail? t defraud
The In. les? d that 8 ? Merili |
? m du? ted f? ? ? ' ear th? Internu?
tiom i Jes ? . - .' ? on ? th
his msi .' urines? obtaii i i
large tultloi - ro? pupila en the m'?
r< pr? sent atloi tl I vo iW : ll them te
"t't.ihi lu? i. iiv? 'i ? ?'?.??:??,
tiiul?- end ?-? ?: ??? tl
Pupila wer? lured Into the school b?
advertlaement In ??? Vork ?and trtdrtfty.
-I j...,;? |; . , ? . ? t ? . ? || , ? '
in railroad i lationi i ? i ont? ?? j. s ? I ?r
;i> .1 . . : n fr,,?n ?."'. t?, lift? ., ? . , ?. POSl
lion secured ...
Hen ta'o i" twelve -,...i.?i" > .i ., ?part
.,?" the -if, a ? broui ? ? f ;
pili to th? s
lioua to get o? world ?tnd ps ?I
? hi m fully from t ??? ?? $ ??? I ll ?? prlvt?
f ?being Inati ict? 'i
? if i ? thlrt) form? ? pupl.
t ? ? n ? \Hii)iii?'i i ? fore ih?.? gran? ? ? r ?sic
a as ? ei Bbl? In pel ? ett? lob t|i??,
that of in apprentie? to i ? ? - I? after
i ? got through will the s M? kerllng
roethed, and they lestlAe?! th? kna-a ?Sf
only oi ?? man for wl om Bchlrk? rlins ? er
? '? i ?i a i ?t?. .'? ' ni ? ?? . 'I; ?
? ha? ?? ?I \ Ithln two we. ? ?Ins In?
omi.??m to ean hi ? i .-,? ? ?,f to a
-.,.. i.
1 ? of the witi told I Brand Jtn y
I ? h ni ,(?i?i\? ti ;< - ung ?man a n>. put
? . ? ? ? : ? th. t litlon f? m Ind
i.mitt? ?I suicide when ? ? I.I
th? - hoollng had n"' ?enabled blm to w;
Bcbl<ckrrllna waa anr-algned befor? i ? n
mer fl snd h? W ri * ?? I all
Aviators See Moving Pictures
of Their Own Feats.
Members of th< \?-rn i ub ??? America
?.? ? ? omed ii.'ii ? pr? Id? nt Man i:
Hawl? ? lasi nlghl a Ith a i ?? ptlon ai d
a s< ri? of movini l howlng'mosl
?.i ?ii- ii,? lt.i,? ra In th? h n< ? nol il I?
Blghti i..iv. i. no i ira ham i 'bi Istopl ?i
Lake, Bidn? y B V? It, ..f Parla slid liar.
iil.l i: M< i ?..run? K watched Hi?-m?. v... du
st nti un . i,.i ?'!?"?-. ii.i. i no . .,' ? ?? 11;?
Harold t II? I'onirlck, ?son li law ol
John I ? ?Rock? feller, am oi .i that h?a
was solni to ?sata illsti an avluttoti ? ? i I ?
in Chi? ago thai wo rid i- i mh ?of BJ Infl
ot i antei .. um land < aptaln Tliotnas
I- ?Baldwin toid ul man; < \o> ri?-nc?.-a fly
Ins in vsii.ni. ?., n tri? ami of I ?- two
tin ?? around th? w ui Id ' lew j ?\ aoi
houra . ? dltoi u ? ! Iru ' . >i ? ? ?I
th. value of un aviation eon ? tu ""? --late
?guard n. .??.. u ? ... .
??'Hint' I. ? i. d th? Ir but 11? ihij ? ? c" i?j>? ?J
with aeroplan? itnd theli furdilcaUuns
prepared against u tria I rrarfere.
Tni hydruacropli n?. ur winged ?bos?, I*
to be '.' room rate?! li? n I WO-intl? Or? ?t
ill,,'- flyin :..,;? i. , ?, . ii.- i ont? si an?l
erulse, starting from Chicago ?.ti July '.
und concluding ul Detroit on Jt|ly IP.
ICttcli u tun ?. ,i< hi will i rr: a i,;i f" '"'? '
The rtmtesl win be iin?l?r tli?- control of
the International leronaulic Fr-deratlon,
August Belmont Made Vice-President
at Annual Election.
Til?. f-allo-sinfl otneora were elected a?
the sanual ?meeting of th? Japan rfuciety
yesterday f<>i the ensuing Bacal year;
Pr ?soldent, Lindas y Russell; vice-breal I
lent, August ?Belmont; honorary vice-j
presldesta, Jacob H. ?Schiff, i>? Joklehl I
Tskamlne, Emerson M? Milita and Chartes
I. i-'r? ? i ; .-?<?. i-1-i- j Eugene ' -Word-en; I
honors**) aecretary. R< Antl and Prof esa oi ,
?tamuel T Dutton; treasurer, th" Bank?
ern' Trust Company, and honorary treea?!
urera? R. lehlnotnlya and Isaac K. rfeii?;- ?
An int. resting featun el the i? i .?it ?hub
the prisa ?competition? st;irt.<l by the ??o
eletj ;?t ?eight Important urd-ver-dfsea for I
th? ?i? v.i..|nii.iit .m.) direction of th?- :
stud) "? Jspan m'i Japancae-Amertena
relations The sum of HSI Baa bseaj
turned ore, ?to ?iach of th? ?institutlona as
f..i?..\?? ' olumbta, Isaa? K. Bellgnutn;
i nlvei-alt] ol Kentucky, Henry Clews;
L'nlv? rail i of Ml? hlgan, Undi ?? i. . -n
??..!' l nu. ?i. |> . ,|,,ki'ht Tuliaiiiln?-,
?'..riitii University. Jncob H. ?Schiff; ilar
vai'l University it. Aral. Amhrrat L'nl
, veralty M..rtlm<-r I? rtrhlff. atitl Iowa
! gtate L'nlverBlt?, Mrs. Ulmer k.. Black
Gaynor Jokes Over One Patri?
arch's Whiskers and An?
other's Winning Way.
Knows They Have No Bed of
Roses, but Neither Has He,
He Says?222 Are Re?
tired by Edwards.
Penaioncd by the cM* :,?t. ? years of
*,?'.,,,. Krissled nnployea of the str<" t
Cleaning Department Blood m tie yard of
Stahl? A. .u Avenu,- C an?l I7t!i ?tr-fft,
aterdi ??? morning and hearii Mayor
?uynoi mak? an uinisuall) Infunnal talk,
accompanied b] util" "f bis customer?
,. ?'".' Mai oe Joked and laugb i
with tii. i,i, h. ai,<; even insist? ?1 on h+ttim
plitHog.aphi?1 with "ue veteran, whose
whisk, .? made ? ti? mendou ? Ml with
Mi ? ; -v 1...1-.
Tin.- ittk old h.an wna Sam Bcbtvarti
?Ixty-nlni your? ?>i.i His Ltrown, patri?
archal beard Immediately won him th?
nlcknaith "i "ttabbl Moess" .'ie-ni the
Mayo). who aaked
"hn tii,? ever guy you abolit thai ''on
j? rfui beard?"
Beb warts ..owed, ?eraped ont foot spot*
ogetleuliy and nramMed: "fJometlreesi
v.cir l.onor.' Th? Ma.")i *!io..li lialidM
with him ?l?verai Untes
"TOU l""lv as if ;.o'i .d : '.t ' iv
marl.',i i.. Ma.<?.i to M?ch-iel hnughlin. a
s|.?\ ?..', fellow of seventj - ? yearn
"I ti ink i i ould do ? "i ?? ?, ' oui ho' or
i s'-i. i i 'aughlln " .. Ihl ?
brogu? Ni"i thla dellshted Muy.u G i nor
s.. tii.i ? put I ?.th han.i. on th? ?I owl*
dei s .,? tax ..;.i man In th ? a hit? dues
uniform snd ? aid 'Yo i'r< ?? |bi
Fi? igh In!
Th? ?? -i" .. di st emp o ? of ill. who
..;, the laioka sa eighty-five, but InslsUd
he was oui) "sixiy-tive oi maybe .*ixt>
?iv I dUnnO." vaille in fin ill' 't the
Ma) '.r's lokea
"Thinking of cttiii?s married sgain?"
amll? il the Mayor,
"Tee-beei" tittered the sged "?hite
wing,' whose nam? la Woltern Travis.
'Il?,vv (JM yo\l km.iv sbOUt .?. Ml '' '
"Oh, ever) young trhlewer aliould b?
looking aroond si wered the Mayor.
'I he Kti. ?t i-leaneri m er.? tickled to
?.?.itii by thla exhil Itlon of fam ? -.. ? r i ? >.
ere wen . "f then? in all a ho t
? er e<\ penstons. William KobMna, tbe
i--en. rsl ?upertntentlent, who has been In
thr deportment foi thirty-one yean, r?;
? -. oi *', Ml snd hla assistant, John < '
Wall.???-. ?>n $1 '.<"??. Their .'.<'??< We?
jmm .no met, -? -p'tiveiv Amona
others retiring on M i er .eut pa- naa
T i ni'?' i IVbaten a ?ertlon atatlon man?
tel . w be i? so v ?? . .-t.t ? -?... ir " ?
h. served on the I nlted Btat?
Princeton and ot?.er ?hipa front IM on
sud ' ib " ?> ? i '?'" on the !?? ? ' ? ?'
i. dp the! ought th? trat cargo ?
i ., f" h, lapai to thla ' " .m : He h id
? ? h ?n ti ? .,? , i i ' nt f.?i ni y ear i
l'a- eh K? -ii ... lain of ad? in
i nal *??; ? ? d i th? ?"i t Mi- 'i Ht ?? ? 1 .
f.uil'.v at N'?- .- ?"-leans ai.il Mobl ?-. i
? ? '-'. .,? 'i ? ? ?? ?rknn 'i gol hl i' ??
p. p. OM
i , .,,'i.. ? ,; er Edward? I ? ? u
,,- iioj guesta ss we is
? ? o 'itti.ers <jf th. '1- l'.-i tn ?? nt. v .i ?
? t when the Mayrn compliment?*]
the ? ommisston? r em hla ? fforl I
ting the pel ? n I in thru ign toe L ;
.., . ?
?.i 'i'iiii those who wet I ?. th?
SSf a!*' v. ?? look ?i 'A.i ?! t.. B
t. li ??? i ?ton .,? the time that th? retire '
bra? Sow, i know there are condl
??. part men l 'hat ai ? hard,
I can't mak? i our work .?
Led oi for \ ou; neither ran < em
ml - MM i ' SrdS. I haven't ? bed if
i. aelf tt'e ' 'i i bave a p en
te.'i?;-! tint? "f II I <i"'i'? lif ' n- ? bul f
rth? r things ?o "1ft, or trj to lift.''
The Commlsstonei Bald ... men bad
in en eaamlned, ano 9 found physically
in to remain laaervlce. 11? ?aid ht want?
?r.i th?? str.tt i leaning Department to ?-?r
i, touch v.uii th. Poll. ? Department,
which would he giu'J to to-nperate In
nutklng n esta for riotatlona oi tho aaul?
(Hr.. ? ? i
Inspector Dwyer Leads Attacks
Gets No Gamblers.
I nap? tor Dwyer, tvlth Ideutenai t ? ..oper
of lita ataff, snd detectives and iralfonned
m? n, led h . mida las! night upon ai
legcd gambling houses? laavln? :t trg/U of
Beised poker smj crap tu..irr-, 'hips and
...n..s from \\ ?at 4M Mien t" H net L'.'.th
-' eel i?, liurlein, where the h?at assault
v.ade upon a "social" club * little.
sft? r mMnlgbt
The Inspw tor made his Brat attach upon
.i house hi West I Mil Street hetweeri
bread Way and Sixth avenue. Two men
from ti,? fu\ preventiori bureag led tbe
detectives, with th? intention of demand*
Ing entra?es for the purpose sf inspecting
the prend? tea, hut go one answered their
demanda for admittance. ,tji,) Detective
Cowley, of th" West 47th Bliest polhe
staUon, broke a win low. through, which
th- -widen entered, They sotssd severnl
poker tablea snd seme chips and bent
tlteffl to th?: station house, hut the lu?
ll stss ol th? place had deserted it by the
ti. in? poll? ' got Inside
The Inspector left ttie raMera m Mth
-it .ei an?) went to a place In l.'.tli stn ?t,
between Hrna.iw-ay an?) Hath avenue.
There- the polled Md firemen were ?admit?
ted I?:' a mau who s??l?! he was tin? BtOW?
ard The police took Baverai mom la?
Mee, qttaatitlea of ehlps and decks of
tarda, and there, they assert, they algo
found two caaes ??f oi?i nuns. *rtrortta ?tad
knives. Which the Itiape-tor seized as he.
mg held i> private perooaa in rtetettdn
oI the Sullivan law.
Another social ?'lui. in Wi i ? ,i h *-1r. -t,
a short distance west, was ii? xt ?aid. 1
Ko Ott? appeared WhSO ?M peillce hr.jke
III. PU! they found mor?; tables and chip?.
A house In West Dd street, attacked
SbOUl III?' satll?' tim* and also cntptv, gar?
up tahl-p cards and chips. |
Th. last raid of the Bight was that OB !
th' gsnajnet ?Social Club, at No. Ul Weft i
tilth street. There Inspector I ?my er'?
force? found twenty men. hut they failed
to lind th? P? reonS for whom they hud
warranta Bsstdes ?the "gu.sts" wer?- two
B?gro tnatdS and a nerr.. man m chars
of ?. plentifully fiirnlsbed buffet and sev
eiai crap and poke* tahie*, They seized
h? gsmbllng spparatUB and le-t the ttli.\
tronfl n? aft?r taking their names and ad- ?
<?!'*:-? ? At all the iilace*. vieited CTOwda
cileii.d lo watch the attacks, and In the
downtown yeetie-n these crowds, causee!
??"iiMderable excitement by following the
police from one h^use to another ae they
broke their way in.
Attorneys for Arrested Westj
Virginia Legislators Charge
Connection Here.
?True Bills Found Again3t One
Senator and Four Delegates
?Hurried Exodus
[By Telegraph to i Ti Ib i
Charleston. W. ?Vs., Keb if Thai the
'plot to bribe memben of th- HVesi V'lr*
\ clriia Legislature lo vote for Colonel ITIII?
I lam aetmour Edwards ihe Bull Mooes
Icandldati for United stale?- Henator, was
' Isld by poiitldana In New York i?' tbe
! Charge ,,f sttOm? ? I I": tin li'.?' I? gtslstOIS
I w bo ha* <? been arresti ?i
, The ?special grand Jurj summoned by
Judge Henry K Black to consider the
Icharges of briber) in connection with the
Issnatorsbtp campaign this sfternoon re*
I turne?! sis Indictments BBSs srere found
agalasl Delegates David Hill, if. W. As
i bur.-. tX. ?-' 0. Rhodes snd Rath Duff and
I Senator i: A Smith There uert four,
[counts in each Indictment The men were
Indicted f"t a misdemeanor also, but the!
egad ?"b,uce was not made public
Tb?-.- "tin;: ?>i the Jui i ws brl? f Judge '
Mack, m Instructing the Jury. '''';'l h"
[wanted tbe entln *-?.<rr. ? r.f th? unlawful
los* of mom In i lharleaton Im ? stlgat? d.
md b? urged the Jur. to return II i por!
|.?h lui.-kh as tbe Importance of tbe tes?
timony it '?us t?> i'.'i ?\"?,'?i warrant.
IProsecutor Towi iei i I id summoned only,
a f- ?.?. 9 it',- ?-? ? ' .i-i I alt' :' th? ir t?. tltil"ir'
; bad ; ? ??" tal ? i ti," h llctmenti wen
I framed ai ?, ? ? i rted lo thi roui t
Next Report Eagerly Awaited.
Intet se Inter? i la ? entred on the rtesl
report ?? hlch i a- not be made foi several i
dn ?- Rumora are ?t, clrrnlstlon thst
during the nigh) there ?a an exodus
from the t."\ h of per one ?? Ik m
are likely t., t?- ?re ?? the grand
dellberatloni Several member of th?
j i.e-,-1 tature ??!? i names svi nol Hg
i nr? ?l In the brl ?ery scandal so far srs sid (
i to be si .i"'i i t.? _.? befoi ? grand iry
snd tell s ha' t!,e- ?.n?.?-* ? ? tin affair. ?
r.ver-. member of the Legislature, es
eept those against ???- tmentn have
hern returned, together -.?.hi. man; oi -
n.>:i known persons, has been summon? :
to appear before l ? spe? ial ??ran?] Jurj m
tl ' l ans*?1!? Com ? Int ?rmed ate Co i" i
snd tell what th? know al it th?
r .,r-. ??.?.. ,,r irai . , .-?.?? s. h ;
liter end '. alleg**d In hav? l.ccn j
spent for the r ??" ?letes :
tstlon i
?.| Kdwsrd himseli irreal I i
harge of - ns H 1 Bmltl . om of the ?
. i ? . ? ; ? tstement In I
i which he is
"I have nevei . pe or
f..i ?? . ,r- tl) oi Indirectly, ottt i- d, ? ??
| ? euned t?> Is offe ?-.i to H \ ?' th i
! other meml ? i ..f : i. -? luture
? ? . ? ,,r their j
'1 he colonel in? ' llguthii
Says He Received |2S0
I The latest legli latw I I ?
i Itghl i Delegate i ' I - ?>f
?;?.??,.,..." ? . i ata I
? iei t that C ' ? ' nded bin b; a
m i- Me ?t.ite.i ti- ? e d the
i h on? ??: -i then d( ??.i II t.. .ttorney
i fien? ' al r\ llllam ' '? ? onl? ?. v? ?? ?
, it#\e.i ?un i ,,i li ?i Meter ift( 11
; Ing t.?k? ti the moi ? re) -? i to bange
I i.t i ob from Elkli to ? d .?r.i
it ?a sa learned to*dai that Bui ni
jtiMvi been working on the can since Jan*
uery 19 and at* said to have i"?n paying
? legfslatoi ? vari ? au
porting .-?"ial'?? -bu i-an?ulatea bul foi
\ oppo Ing ' ? t tal - - ?'ion.
The ninth >olui ?? ballot ?m
I United States B? i stoi ?< I tki n si noon
??i ?Jay. *?'? n itoi Ben ' Bn .t!i _n?i nil
the delegat? all?.. d I. Impll? sled
in .h' Benal ?? ' p t-otod I
?utl was C IV. w m.??? ?. ?t i: ,V ?
; r?.,ti? (Dem ? I . ? T Mann | R?
? IT. Davla Bikini ?>: p ?, 17, w P. Hub .
j bard ii:? p ?. 11; .. i: \\ hit? (R< p ? .".
W. S Edwards IR( P - I M r BUI? - ,
I (Den* i, | l II "ti Northcotl i R-1? i, : . j
I Nathan Qoff (Ri p.), i. Jo in v. I ?a* j
| (brin ). 1.
?Health Commissioner Ask::- to
Have Measures Blocked.
Believing the publ ? - am ; f ruatd
ed by presen) laus regarding th? ??? .-..
of h hospital or - amp f?or lubi rculoi
within th- limits .if ., ? ? it.- m the stat? j
Health Commissioner i?? ?i.-t-u- ha? t? >t< 1 the?!
Corporation COunsel'a reprraentatlve In j
Albany. Rdward .1 Met ?oldrick, that t'i
passage of ??itber bills Nu '.'??*. or No ! -
?would be m sdvlsed snd ? step backward
The bin?., tv.- commissioner said, tira n?
prohibit the srsCtlon of an.? hospitals Of
1 camps ?within dty limita
; At tbe present time, it was pointed ou!
the law non prohibits th? establishment of
any such place <>r ptare? until .?fter .,
| petition hai been Bled with th? Dtati Com*
j missioner ?if Health giving i full deecrit**
tion of the proposed location and after ??
I hearing lm? been had before both tb
stai. Commlasioner of Health and the
? I? i al H( gltll l SommlW inner
Racti member ??r the toard ??i health of
the town In question mus! have noth.r
Ihe Intention, .?ml the meetings ere open to
the puMIc snd sn) rltizer can state his
vit its
The bill? known as No Ifl and Ne Ht,
I would, if passed, Interfen ??itb the sree*
Hon bei?? of Inherenlosla sxtei Hona b> tbe
im .,1 Department ??t He ilth
__ . . . i
FriendR of Labor Mcr.siircs Will Go to
Albany on Special Train.
Til.- friends <>f labor bills non pending
in tti?- Legislators will bave g ?ban?.' toi
support m.m by ?going t?i Albany when |
they are heard before tbe Senate gad As
ssnsMy oommtttoos on l**boi and indu_-.
try next Wednesday.
A special train will leave ths t.tand ,
Central T?-rinlnnl on Wednesday morning I
at S:.Vi o'ilo?;l<. QsOTge H. Hall, m? r? tary !
of the New > ??rie Child ?Labor Committee, j
No. pw Best lot h street, v. in lasos reduced
rate tl?-k*-ts ko?,?J lor transportation both I
ways and a box luncheon tor .... Th?
I'll,m are the on?-? Introducid ii|"in re?'?>iu
nii-ndatlon of tie New Torh State P_tC*
tory Investigating Commission.
Robert Rofheim. a chauffeur, employed
by Felix Isnun, a rich real estate oper
You can't get
away from a
_ ^^_^MMM..j?,j????-??i^M?w'*************^^^'^^?^?^ga^?-?t,,^
EMPIRE '??,,'. .T,-.U?'MVH.. .::;..
T,.r r-r-air"* o??lWOPUI
THE SPY?*???? "li??Ai.o.
KM? KERIMM KMl. Broadway ft ?i ?*?
Evi s ihsri? M ?tl To ?la' ? Wti.._*.
\ i:\i.'?i
??n ?;t \i
''IVlM Vs. wl7h~s?wkrW I-AWTHORN.
LYCEUM Mat? To ?lay a'Thor?., 5 ?.
i'.^.^V^'^^ri.Ths New Secretary
l.ieenin Tlientre?>|ie.lal Todio at Hum.
CRITERION v, : n, : ,':i vk'5
FULTON ' ?;,,;,';
i? i ?? .., . - ??; ttr ?-?.?' ,v w m VN "
HUDSON SaV.'ro -^"'
Harris "? ??.'??.;:.?':'..v... '",
???NEXT M??M?. Mi.ill'. Beats See
Ith l-.'lntuiid
? ???# -?af y, . :"i ivlimilij
jkjLiftaswnkAtA nr.
?JkgHlf IHKATRK '.?St..Col ,'.,:?;1
ni?;h r
?i m u ?Ss ft fl r ?TOP P?J^8*
?? woow i ?-?? f. .,;?;:;Vr.?V
I, .. )| \ i?whu'?r
H . !',.?-? ii K' in
? i, ' of SO
I ,.- I ,i?l \t ..r.l in M.i?l?al turned?.
LIBERTY \\'..;..SWi.--?
\l?lii??\? III*-?. iSMh IFKIOItMAM K.
isirrv ' ? ?? a ??? i -i ev? ? ?.'?
GAItTI m its ro-rf < Wei 3 M
I ,.r I Mrs-MSB r.'rl?'"?e? ?Inly.
??STOP THIEF" m, h
? ? > ?. O-DAY
M?.nia"'>?er.? A? M.'De.
I Isle .lanl?.
- Lad) of lbs Hipper
li.'l.i? ll : >ln.t.'i? |e?rniit. !;? ? Bl : B
SAI i - .I ' '??' ??
I., iilalu at 7 "? ? Po\ Price* tlalkne-e.
to.'- iiau.r i .':,??.:. Homer; t r.u? |jr..?jti.
? .. . M
s,,,! i ,u .i :.". to *i ?"?" Bras?
lirili.i II. ink ; "' W ll '???? I 1".
N?-?t ?I?.??.. I s ? leubl. bllll ? at. Kn?H
. una. .. ? , ,1 ? ? ? ; ' 'end . 1* jI .??.???
I'r Uaesael usd CretH Alten. Matt?
ll ? ?: rll !'????
? n??. Wl. il . ??le.-iul Matinee. ? ' t
rale? -1 ll..(T.ii.inn ll ; *? ,
t.-l III II.1I1..me, Al I?,
Mart? \ ? . let II, Tunnlr*eii?iee.
,.. - 1 . - i;, lea A. t 1 ?
Paxila, rl. II ?'? .
lu,-. riiilii.-l !'k?>. ";?. Ce., Tl.al?.
r.erdi Herat; U Dumas?. Hal ?r?
<: M 1.?"?it'll.
Wei. Il ? Muele I Iule. Ii.?.:ll?i. HeBtpol,
? ? ? 1 1 , ?>??? Cos Herta
li'i.r? it I " l.oeltrniieiiiiiii-rinu. I ? 1
ornla ? r:?i?. B?*S IB
H i'on?l.. tier!
tin|i?. n - ' it,u,-n??. i , rar Kornla;
Mai 11, Had 1 aaranii
Tat, it S:i.i ?.?rt of 1 ? Weet. D 0
linn: ? 1 ito. Hill i'on?1.. Tow ?n it
Bat. '? - iiari.l.-r,. .i. ?.UiKliu. Hemp?';
v . , ?. n lal ?.Segur?la ! 1 . "oi ?1 1 on Htm 11 ?
??nt. n - 1 Tom. Pro e? Travatatv. Qadskl,
Horn. ? Ma rt tit ?,:; ? "oi ?! . Klurenl,
HA RUM \*- MAN ? ' * BD.
m-'I ICTA '?'? ?' ttagt ?? If Mnts. :
XAdVU lay s ;..?!-? ?.? IS.
republic ? ??,?:.;,?v;:(
\ i URl rt..x v ii >k ?ii'.i ?w n i PS
i'1'" ?TOMAN'-? *????-. ?''v.'::.i st ?Kvafl ;... '
? tunan o Mi .,,,... T? .,.,, ? ,.-,
GEO. M. COHAN ??bmo?dwav-'Iokm
Holier! K?le?-.n ?,", i|i,,? | ?,-Unve
Mux I liiinan Roar! ?lalilnn'
grano ;??;,\,,:, oLcoii ,;:",;??;;':..
i< i: ??? n a York
M \l I ' t: tMMRONI H (..ndtiilnr
V.-,< Kmluin Hall, 14 \v. |;;,i st.
?'<? .rr??? 'M'ii.ln>) \ft.. al ,1
Rymphon) \.. 3 nisBssai C.11 In |Li. 1
m \. Uaetl \ I'.urv rala > ni -i tim?,. Kntar.
I nrn-icle I \,,..,m. ?7th St., Ttn SVS. ?.*m t.. il I
Matinee ra-da>, tiSS IV ?I.
Vo ?venina ?'??"" t .1? aath Twl-t imiy
-.MMRKHTRIN'S fliftoa 1 rawforS "tpoi
1 '''." trip Kindly Uaht," l.?Rou(?
Matine, i '":> l ..u,. t \oir and l?i '.?h-??
n.Mti?K>. KFIIFRn T" ' ' - iv ?-'??>i?shT
'.'.St .1; s i... ntUtnU r.-M.iKlu, ? ;:, Hamlet.
nt??r an.i tlienttical promoter, was ar
ralgDSd In the West Hide court yesterday
morning on a rharK?. of having mn down
und killed Patrolman Peter l'1ts?inimons
?>n November 1, 1'?12, In ?'entrai Park.
?'?rouer HsUsnstSta ltel.1 tli?> cliaiiffetir In
?n?HI tail and lio was linked up in tbe
Kni? llirm' and f^e Doch, said t., l?e
raerabera <>f the ?Hip ?Slrig Ton!?, were
sentenead jrsstsrtlsj i*v Juila?? ?'r.iin in
??.ti. ral .Sen-Ions to ?il.? in the aeek t>c
?iiuilni? Mar.-h 24 Tiny yrOTi ?onvlcted
of Hi? murder of Lee Kny. a n?plicw of
"M?ror" Tom l.ee, of Chinatown.
Your Bargain Day, Boys!
Spring and Winter Norfolk
and double-breasted suits; th*
majority sizes 10, 11, 1.5 and
16 years.
V. re Vi.V I - |_#.M
*ll.~.') now.
Wool Russian and Sailor
suits: sizes _.- L? to 10.
Weie ??;._o to so y
*3.7?> now.
Long trousers suits: size.)
H to i<;.
S . r? *1_ ?v? le U-'-'Cl
S<;3.73, $10, $12 and $16 now,
Reefers and Russian over?
coats: sizes *J* -j to 1?.
n -:. .:? ??o ??? |N on
$5.50, #.50 and $10 now.
Fancy overcoat?; sizes 8 to
-\*r? IN te 1-'?
?Sri and $1.5 now.
Kxtra Kniekcrboekers: size?
8 to 16.
gran ?*-' "? aai *" M
$1.45 now.
Mouses of fancy madras:
sizes 7 to 14- years.
"*>re "1 no an 1 II 4;.
55c, ?now.
Shirts of fancy madras:
sizes li* to 14 some with soft
ii i<\ ? ? $:?'A ? .,
65c. now.
Silk four-in-hands.
.'?? - ?n'a?!
'?.h', now.
K<h,i:.,s Put Com pan rt
Three Broadway Stores
at st at
Warren St 13th St 34tb St
Wallarh'e B ? i MU st To-nieht. I*
gllllCKS M ,,. f_,.s?j .< ? . _"
re-da? 'Ial.: The (.*?>' I.ale.' ' ?"**
ri??l,.M ?f il,?. \le?leni World." r?*al|M_
"l?nilile.?ii m II.-hU'-iiii." -Maurlee Strtt.
Th- R?alas ?"* ?he M?.?ii '?
?JOSEPH I, '- : Si ?*
TO.DAY al i RMKETTY ?'*'"i__J!_??
IU-UAT II IhoimI it th f lilt DKK?J"?
10:45A.M. ?k-}?Wt'TIStp.
A3:30P.M. iS?SS^r?ABiM
I ITTI F THEATRE. .'?" Wetl M h *
a a n r tt it. u\ti M-? r H ?" : 'ir.^rii.
Ieltimqe ^ ; v ? J :???
MOHAN HALL. Ill Mt.HT _T 'i'
Ill.i'lT \U _
THF tiHK\T ?TAL1AR _K>?_.*,,__
Mai?!. ?1 - M \ltl IN \ MTUI.l ?Ittm
h) s W'AXI'A KF.UKK. -?'"??,;_.?
Manasemaet Ha??el A j.?n?*e ????__?
I?. iniirriin (Niiiiday) ?ft.. I>l>. I* -*
AT < ARM-lill" HALL.
r.?*.'it4l toy ^
CeleOretei R--i*un VtelleRL
MlMIIKIl MAIJilN. PI??'_?'?
Ntata now on ?al.? ?( Boa Offlr?
l\ll. TO Mt.HT AT f.\t
Man?! It. K._ l?>h?i?("n '?l'i?'?":l'ln.j:
tu mente Hall. To-ila>. at !___*. ^S
S3i.l I IA NO RE? ITAI. ERM t*T gtfUh
Tleketa ISc . II.?m>. |1.W. %V?h ???J*J5
? I! ______ ! _______! bateau. tiTKiN,*v______Jig
Xaver Scharwenka
The r?lebrat?d rnmpoi*r-PI??l?"* ?. _.
s.?atg on ?J...I-? jt Do? OflV-? f?oJ.d^^?oWt
Brooklyn Aoodsmy of ??*

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