OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 17, 1913, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-02-17/ed-1/seq-8/

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Reserves Needed to Save Suf
fragette Marchers from
Crush at Ferry.
Come Rest Your Tired Littl?
Head on My Big Heart.
Writes One-Legged
Civil War Hero.
,1 ?-.-.- ? >?.?*? COrr*apoad?ot <?! tba Tribun?
rhil.ilflpi.iH. Tob .6 - Oeneial Koaalt
ion?*-* and lief at my ?atorad f'hiladelphl
?M triumph to-night The largest ?.?row
tha army eeee exp'tienccd was on ban,
., m?--I them. There was a neai-not a
Hi?- Camden fen> when several hundre?
men and boj s tried to t,r?ak into the thin
tired out little line of pilgrims
There ?Aas onl) ??u?* v?-t\ apathotlc no
Hoemnn ?>n the job. ami the Jeering
mrainbiing. pushing mob had Cie auf
tra netto?? at I heir mercy for tiianv hlookl
Mere men Iia\'a their moa ir, tMa world
ii ?vas then l"?ain?d The baggert wat ca?
? spondent -talk??<i nrotectingly at th
general g" tkke.
The next blggeat ?grabbed "Colonel'
?raft's banner in on? hand and hei lof
??ibow in the other Qaorgo, the bugla
bOY, who ?h as big as two Martin
f\latsr,.keii--. took' Ih? littl?- o?iporai
irxfer his arm, and together thej
? harged the mob. f'iignnis who WOrg no
thus manfully <*a****tected reaorted to pbysi
< .,1 force to maki- their wnj alonjr
t shall aiwa>8 remember Phlladelphli
ia the place where i becam? ralHIant,
grunted one pretty pilRrim. as aho steppe,
doUborntoly for the sixth tune on the bee
??' a man who pushed in abend ??'' her.
\ hurry ?.an to Pottct Headquarten
'?i ought tlie reserves, and the arm) wai
?Me to tnarch in ?omfoit !? Maik
-treet with two polieemen foi M ?h p!"
.'??Itn and six pieeedinir "Generar' .lone.?
A halt for tea was ordered al the bend?
quarter? "f t'.,? Bnatern Dlatrtcl ,,i Peno
?yiranta Suffrage Organisation?. Tlier?
?he ?army, wearily picking up >,;?.?.??, am
knaps.i'ks. proie.?lo,i i,. th Hotel Walton
Reception Pleases ?Generar" Jonas.
w hen t ;, neral lorn at ?:?, hoe
I thouaanda or i ?-,? ?
i<i\ am ? upon the cltj ih naa ?> ,< i
The; m ??: en i ver? reap? ih?
-aid. "i aan onl) one man who I ??? II
hli hat lo oui Bag. ;',' ?; we on aot
fheta talking thai la oui -?-??.:,? i<? th?
i a'iae."
'I h>? "genera and hei irmi were ia
????o ?eat?, to enjoj 'he banquet which '"?
Philadelphia alatera had arranged fo
tan, but aubmltte when it
Hjs explained thai "a r?sal ?joclety din
itei whs neceaaar? lo impresa Ph
"Thli la auch i eonaerratlre tb-ara
!i?i' ?women sighed "P?*opk think
thi? is a little spectacular, anyway, and
-f.n<* ?Of th?* BtOf*i<M In tii- lOCal panel?
n;,*< g?\en the ' ?rea ion thai ihla army
? - well, you knot
There waa <i.i,,?;??? lbai th? loyal army
??,, ii?j '?-ud ti,- local p?-? ??i? to bifa whH
?i-?- heard thla stor>'. ~r' the "general" ?or?
? ler"??; faithf'.'i "Cokmel" Crafl lo aeal h?t
n?furiated It-pa and lock i?? ? emotlona lafe
,, her <>w;i b?reaat. Th? old guard the
? ? wai correapondenta who n-eni to %i?
i any an?? t?>i>e .,rr t?,< ?i h?,ts u. oui gen?
eral ev?*i time, couid not bt allenced
however, ani the) ipenl half tin attar
? eon tolling it ah?. :t thai kllaa .Iones
and her follower? were ol unqueatloned
??, 'al ,i,?sitio i and ?i?>,r,R this "atunt"
i" aim the? ? ?? i ed It a o ild
v". ip the "i
Pilgrims at Head of Table.
? ,j nner reflected the heroic .*fr,,iii,
of Mlaa Kataenatoln secretar-; of the
?Woman Suffrage Aoaociation, aad Mrs.
"??t ilhati, Alb? ,t Wood, 'hairnian of th?
I Otirnitie?*. Ao'i'jt -ifiy ?WOmon w??te pro?
ent, ihe "g?nerai" ;,n?j bei pilgritna at th?
head of the yellow and white tables
T'-ioso ?preaenl were piomment in the
- .ffrag.- and dub life of the r?ty Thev
r , ??<
Mrs. Anna M Orme. Mra Lawrenc?
l.'wis. ir Miss Maty Irghain. Mis Wil?
fred I.ewis. president of the K'pnl l'ran
Is? Society af Phltodel-phla; Mrs will
lam Wllbnrl W-?od. Mlaa Carolin?! Kataen?
.?.m a?eretar; ot Eaatoni r>?str,ct o(
I'cnu?) Ivania Woman Suffrage \ss<?-ia
ii?,n: r,?<it?e<- T HulniOO, Mrs '"liarlos M.
??oiidls- Dr M;, :d BowyOT. l?t Maty
Oett]. Mra M Kltngeloanltb, Misa
Harriet) Imiii.s Mra, "..orno a. Tierno!.
lender <.f th? Woman Suffrage part.?, of
I'hibidelpbia : Miss Mar-. Winsor, pr?si?
dent ot the Limited Suffrage League:
Mlaa lane Burgess. Mi aad Nits. F.dwa-d
II Haws, of Kar berth: Mrs. Anna Low?
? nt"iri*. Miss Ida KaUensteip. 1)T. Kate
BaMwtn. Mrs L W Martin. Di. Clara
T Pore urn Miss Katmio Wltheropoon,
.:.?.?. ?Cornelia Oreenough. Mra, \. S
Ta?eh Mra ran: M?eConjoiny, Mra Kiitn
H. r-ri<?. rtttt i:!<anor \\',?od. Mis. StA
,'hen l^?rge. Mr- MarRar<t Kelly. Mr?.
Uiiliam Bpen, e H,,rvey. Mrs .lohn I^ewls
'?robs. Mm A F. Hums pi? ??dent Wom?
an, nuifraR? Party of the City of Phlladel
Ma. Mrs M B, Brown and Mr?. A. R.
There m*a a much araaller offiriei d?>.
;;?lion fo ?th-omo th?- army at the gatos
of tho city, ??? o:<mi?-i" Craft to.'d the pii
-rims that this was because the Penns.Nl
ania women tliought the? could not af
"?-d t,. do anything gpgnfflat iust n,?w.
I hei, Mil i- tremhluiR in the balance in
IN Legislature, ami the? hail a notion
thai anything ?-?-.yorim,' <,f milttanc\ would
0? dangerous Thev would not allow
rbolr names to t>o used
Mm R W. Hulon. Rov Ti Olsen and
Mi?-? Helene Herfpnarrk. of rhiladelpiil?.
?'II join the armv to-morrow for the re
' tinder of the trip. William Johnnon. of
Krle, a veteran of the Civil War. an
'?ounccd his intention of going to the
front again, too
Th?? ranks to-morrow will be aug
niented by a lari<e number of Philadeiphia
enthusiasts who dar?? defy the leais
ators and puolic- opinion. The route lies
naet the rnivensity of I'onnnylvanla
?here classes will he stopped and the stu
l?*nts permitted to web ome the suffrage
?rmy. The night will be apent at ^'hester,
twelve mile? away, but where luncheon
will be dependa upon the Btate of the
?inaraiitine whi<ti is t\ing up the town of
Twenty Milea Was Easy.
i i,c Kunday nian.lt wan the earnest one
?nice the determined little band left New?
ark. Twenty miles were covered, but the
lOaxia were fairly good and the weather
Three Bo) Soout? Raymond Oow?aw,
s r-rt Saiitn an?; Paul Aile n cs-ort?*d
in? m all the way At noontime they aped
ihead to build a camp tire. Tha bota!
Brtdgeboro being onli i? gunner rcao
the pilgrims ?ia?i t?. bave h picnic turn
The scouts niaue coffee and set t-ie :al
with saada'lch?Bis and bananas,
'i'h. h they inai-i-d areartlJ Into < ->
<i?n. where the avflval "f ,h? bagaju
?amin an boor before had collected
iio-ad or several hundred around I
allstociati. Uun? of UTS. Alfie.l Ixiv. I
who had rashl) volunteered t<> ?nt it..
the airny. Two police sfleen fers Una!
must-red tu keep "volunteers" from ppi
ln| In with th- if^iih?' a:m> ?
There ate only ?-exenteeii suffragista
Camden. T, - tew weaaea abo were i
hand to welceaaa the pilgrims did w<
with thp tea. salad and homemade cak?
This and the recefpt or the follow!
letter -hee:ed tha faltering feotste]
Even the "general" eras able to laui
It read a.-? follows, ami Kill be add
;.i the collection ol affaular doCumea
rapldl) BlUng the army knapsacks:
Dear ...j>alie ?iaidlfie; Juries:
I have seen your picture In the pape
and 1 read What you are doing to furth
ii great cause. I losl a l?:s at Chain.?
loravllle for a c.\r-m cause, *o i symp
thii-.e With yOU. 1 Msi know liQw til
>on? little feet must he When this nn?r
Is over. 1 should like to l?a\e the ?han
or imoathhlg the road befoie them f
the rest of our lives. Yen may any
in ?ihl and >ou are \ouinf. 1iul what
that'.' I ma)' havs hut one le,;, hut n
heart Is blgget than the heart of ai
t,? o men, why don't you test your tir.
little head upon it'.' jQSl BSy the wo
and I am \ours. Other m-n might I
afraid oi you bacanes you have so mu<
nene, but i can understand yo.,-. W< a
both sOldlers. Sgy. little one. if you w
?.?in tones With . 1 will giVC yOU ao
thing rour littl? heuit desires."
Taft Will Open New Lighthous
on February 22.
Washington*! Blrtbda) will ne ? men
arable da.? foi the Wind people or th
cit>. ?On that da> President T.ift wl
formally open th-- new Lighthouse wht>
th?' Nan York Association for the Btii
has ju.-t (ftmpleteii at No. "il East Wl
street, at a cost of ftmhttA.
PI -re |g no other building in he worl
just ?'he the new Lighthouse ?"i it
notn -a clubhouse, where hind met
women, boya sod -a..'" maj meel ao? lall;
and a settlement house, where the Min
will ne taugbt reading, sewing, weevlni
atenographj danclna gymnaatlcs and
acore of other things tn?i help to ?nak
them useiul cltisem
Kverj Moo" has its special puipoe? ai
commodatlng, among other thlnga a ':
bran ol books In raised type a a.:?;
nasium, swlmmini pool ano bowling si
leys, .i restaurant, a salesroom snd i
application bureau B ur.se.m contalnln
the l?story of the "emancipation of th
blind/ ;? roof gardea, an outdooi runnini
track snd numeroui classroomi wher
Instruction is to be ftven both daytlm
and ?? enings
Joseph ii. ' boat? ? ill pi ? ide a - th
exercises which will ? opei sd aritl
raya Monsignoi M J. l-avelle. re?
oi of St. Patrick's Cathedral Rabb
.ludaii L Magnes ?in read from tin
Psalms and Bishop K.\id H. Oreer wll
<.:frr the benediction. Besides PfegWen
Taft, the other speakers will be i>r. Join
?i r sley, presMenl of the ?v.iege ?>f th?
City of Sea fork, who la also presiden
..r the association: Heien Kelt? r, who in i
\ ;?.p-pieai??-tit <.f the assoclstlon: i>r
William ii Maxwell City Buperintenden
ol B bools: Miss Winifred 11 ? ? : t . roui dei
? ;i>!;i:v of the association: Eben I'
Herford, a blind man. who'd president o:
th? American Association ol Worker* fo
Blind, and W. I. Bcandlin presl?
of the Blind Mens Club.
i pon President 'raft'- a i is a? tiii
Lighthouse, at S o'clock p. m. In wU b?
me- bj a i?qua<l Of blind Ho; Scoi,-> Whl
will escort him to his seat on the plat
form. 1'ollowlng the .?rcfflipf. a grou]
of blind boya and girls w_.ii presen! ;
miracle play, "The Wind Unchained,'
written for the occaajon b; Mis*- Hol
and Miss Carolyn Wells. The childrei
who ?ill appcai in this play have he?
coached and drilled b; Edith Wynm
Matbleson, the ectreaa.
There Will SlSO I- SI BShlbltiOl in...
tar; ?Inli by blind Boj Scouts fr?..ii lb?
public schools, followed by an Irispe-tin,
of the building hy President Tatt end tin
othe' guewt.s of honor. General E. 1*
Row? i? chairman ol the oohuhlttee or
I arrangements, while the reception com*
mlttee, composed entirely of blind men. it
headed bj Charles Bowman, a Mind up*
? holsterer.
I One of the many unusual f? mures ol
the LlghthOUSa is that its halls sta"
I cases ar.il meeting rooms art- free from
I sharp angles and corners that n..aht in
j terfei- with the goin?s and comings ot
j the blind folk an they move abo'Jt. Thll
Innovation is? the result of Ideas which
i Miss Holt has gatiiere<J in the course Ol
her long study of conditions among thl
! blind here an?l abroad The bowling al?
leys in the basement weie modelled after
howling alleya for the blind which Mise
Holt found in uae in Vienna, while the
swimming p?>ol was suggested b) a poo!
In Prague.
A home for blind guis In lerusalein
supplied tii? Idea ?>f tne roof garden and
" cloister" fire socape, while the business
claaaragpsa are patterned aft-r those in a
simMar establishment at Halifax
Descendants of Revolutionists
Attend Special Service.
The Rons of the Revolution attended a
prever and thanksgiving servie?' yester?
day afternoon at the Brick Presbyt?rien
t tnireh, Fifth a\cnue and Z'Vi street, in
commemoration of the bin h of George
Washington. Members of the organiza?
tion, their friends and relatival occupird
pews reserved for th?-m In the centre Of
the church, and a guard ot honor from
the Veteran Corps of Artillen- sat at the
light of the pulpit
r?r. William Pinson Merrill pi cached
the sermon. He eald. in pan:
"The Sons of tie Revolution aie not
gathered heic to-dav in the idle hope of
hearing anything new said about our
hero Washington There was tittle or
nothing ?if the brilliancy o; genius ah".U
him He gr-w with his work, having had
to start with no superioi advantage i i
training or education.
The real greatness of Washington may
be expressed ?vfoen we say that he was g
well balanced revolutionist that ha was -a.
conservative radhat He achieved ;>.
greatness higher than that of Xapoleon.
higher than that of ?*romw?-n. He was a
man of great passion, and we all ktiow
Of the terrible oatha ha BSaors at -Mon
meuth, m which we take a just pride to
this day. We all know of his declarn
tlon al a lime when there ?*as uore need
of supplie :or the army, thai he would
like to hang every speculator In bread
stuffv on a gallows higher than that of
Hampa a remark that ha- the flavor of
ancient times, but which might well be
considered applicable 10 some of ti:e
characters of the present day."
Four Leafed Clover Salad Appears on Menu ol Broad?
way Restaurant?Botanist and Florist Discovered
Food That Is Ricli in Protein.
I'uui l?-al-d ulovor i????"J :* ?*? '??'*""
fashionab? nibble, and eventuell? will
bo iniioo'. ..i . ? ""?1 rital ol thi pe?
?ate it was placed oa the meau of *
Broadway restauiraal y?isterda: wd ?as|
oorvod at 9 cents .. ?icir'.ioi
In dsyi t.- ??.'tr.' Hiero ""? ,"' ?" "" ":
Ike r?geta ble, whl? h baa * genial last?
suggMtlug th? artichoke, the yam ? :1 ?'
Mperagua. >??: having an Individual flavor ?
of Indeacribablo deUcOCy. The benl? "r i
lb? nea looci ?- the irm. whU? io??i o: a]
variai! of European clover known as
o.vd Is
Tits ?ii-.o*'i.'i is Mas s.'in.iir, ?? "?? -l
.st an., dorio! o? this dty. II? broughl
over m."!'.- plaau 11 this count* several j
?ear- ago, ami bj elimination prodw i
the present plant. While working over
tbe ?.Lu. t. Mr. Bchllng picked off s leaf I
and .... .1 le hla mouth. H? t4*octm? ?
pe? ullsr ??'"i agr?aab?s Baser.
i Yon. thai doy i" ""rlc'?' "_
planta? .. vegetable, as srell na ? no? ?
Following the tactics to whleh th? sweet
;i/ ..:? bwea .t. origin. He stripped off
have, ano aUOOl to develop the .cot.
From tiiit tbo clover salad wna ssolve*.
Tb? i-oois a.e h.'ihd and servad with
Oreeslng. The snalySla or the new rege?
,., ?. .hows thai M I- I'"1' 1" '"?"t",r
II at ? i,a? abundant earbo-hydrotes m
plarcl . about I per eon! oi Hat I i>" .
,..' ,.,!- an?l plenty of wale?
"Chemists are uf the opinion, said Mr.
Bchiing yestorday, "?hat thai ??over wU!
pravo to bo ais raloaMc s foodstufl ai
ih? potato, sad perhapi aaoro oo n.1
? ?..,.. | |. i* oeotly, for at ? restaurant
Ihr. ?our oi the roots ???*? h portion.
In time, however, it will beeem* cheap
a.- (In . uttivation Is devi loped."
Captain Scott Praised at Tw
Memorial Services.
"Dreaded His Going. Sh
Wrote a Friend Here Before
Fatal Voyage.
'?'fi? ?pe. mi memorial service? In ' on.
of Captain Boot! and the otl si heroes i
ihe British Bguth Pols expedition wer
held in this ?it. yesterday. On? was ?'
the ?Cathedra! of Bt. .lo'nn tiie Divim
Courtenoy t'ait?- Bennett the Brit*?
Conoid General his family aad man
prominent New Yorkera wow preoenl
The? other was held In th? American Be?
ruen'a institute, in Wool stroel ? .?1 wa
attended by Britlsl sad American >?.i
men. li .-i.aiii.K man men and o?rers I
lb? British Naval Reserve.
At both service? the Union ?'? i> a\i
tb? gtars ami Btrlpes wer? droned wtl
crape. Th? speakei dwell at length o
Ihe tmte of calm conlMence ?aproase?J I
CaptainBcott's la l meseagi lo ilsfriend
and th? norid
Dean Oros ?noi di II ? ed ihe eu log
Ut? tntarctli esplorei a! lb? cathedral
whlli Cgnen Douglas? preached t. ?? -e.
mee II th? Bramen'? Institut? the Rot
i: M. Deems, chaplain of lb? Church ?>
i... .s? a preached I ?> -?:mor. and Dl
??eon*. Mcphoroon lluatei -? ? rotai | o
i-.?- American Beamen*s Institut?
?i lea ' d the In? ??? ? ed .1 to 'SB
tain gcott " ?Jeaih
Thi ?" v li e e th? *i> amen * Instil it?
was attended b) Mrs tVllllam Orifllth a
{Co id Central i'*r?. Wool ? friend oi th?
Bcotta Bh? rkctived ? lottei ficm th?
nibthi-i of ?uptalii Scott onl) ?? shot
tin.e heim, iho ?'oiid loomed el hli
de_ti.. In which "" motbei told how oh?
??.-as looking foro ird lo the tin.. ?? hen ?'??
? aptain would return ?o hla bom?
Mrs ??riftilh ;, -'? ' ? I With h? r a leilei
ti.. t ??_ ? montl i"ir. e ..i- ah Beoti ?ut
?*d .n ins fatal o ag la which the ??i
plater'? mothn -to-. ...' .. ?? u
:.er .-? i '? *;ii i Th? '.at. i la SO '
Ho . ..n,!.? : lo ist Bl Ms " i Road
llenh". -On-TI a)
Vou will have seen b tni.s ? ?
lear nor Is ??o?iik t?. n-? agali and s?
south in Auguat nek! l dar? not Ihlnl
of it and am quit? determined not i" lei
him see how much i dread la toing fei
.n my heart I quit? sympathize ?im hh
work ood ? ?? muai ?ra? ?t? besi w? i in
He ha? given ur hi? good appointmeni
at the Admiralty ami i? working entire!)
, ;.r his prepai atlon?
it i?< ver) ?lehghtf il ?.. ?< snd hh
i.D.. ir? !? ? ri.'irr I" bis little Ol IVf"'
He in so i rood rinn delight? ?. I.U
with s nea toy. Th? ho. Is very hsnd'
some m bob'? eyes bul mu li bottei
Tue servicei si the s amen ? Instil .ir
were patterned close!? sfter th? memo?
rial services ai St. Paul's Cathedral, th*
ramo hymns "Roch ? t ages' snd lesas
i.?.' er ol My Bou!" '? ? Ing sung
Ambassador i;. r ??? an?i several ?>i t?,?
British ottleera w?*re jnapi?- to sltend tin
.servie..?? al fa? Cethedrel of Si John th*
Girl with Pisto], Minus Bail; He
Shy $5 Fine.
I a prett) young woman, waving ?? small
revolver about her bond, .?nd her escort
I ?rOT? arrested near M.Mh ?tre?t and T.enot
avenue a! >>n early hour y?tsterday morn?
liriK Later In the da the-.- wer. arraigned
? In Ihe Harlem coin where the girl mid
eh?* praa Madeline Rede, an artists' model?
of No %" Hei K sir??t Th? Bran*. Bha
WOE held by Magistrats ?"orrigan in MM
hall for '. lolatiriii the BUl||vaa la?. In
dftfai.it of hail niie was remanded m lau
?o oVall further hearing
il?! companion owned up t.. being
Baaaskl? Koechlchero, an artist, with a
Studio at Itath street and ?'ornent aVenu?
where the dOtolnod mode! had pone.I The
< oiirt ordered him to pa' a fine of $,"> for
bolag intoxi at??i La king the money, he
joined his mod?! In fall Mia? Bed? de
Hsred Kooehlchero hud given her th?- re?
volwr for Inopoctlon ?iril". a moinenl !..
fore ahe wu? arrSOtOd. and thai shr had
no intention of fl''ing It.
Miss Boardman Selecting $10,
000 Necklace.
I m g Tb? Trlkaa? n area u
Washington, Ftb I??.- Mis? Mai.el Roanl
rnan has gone to Neu Volk lo ?elect
the magnificent ?iff ?Which the lender
Of "A'ashirift'in'ri ??mart net are to bgfltOW
on Mr?. Taft before she tnkes Im?* of
the Wh:??- House and her Washington
friends? \ meeting wiia le!J at the home
of Miss Boardman on Saturday? and it
wa? thin decided what the j?ift was 'O
he und what It would I ..s?
V conservative gUSSg SI tie ?'oui of tl
diamond necklace on ?hidi the) all d?
? ridel I? ?dared i,r aboul |M.?Mh To pie
vent Its being a ?iupllcate In shop? nul
ntyU ?>f th.? norhlsfs which Mm Taft al?
? ready own?, a photograph' r last week
I made g pn tur.? of the ner klare which Mrs.
I Taft has worn at stale funetlons and
other ??? enta since her husband become
president. This photograph ???.-?? carried
I to the jer.elleis In New York.
r.-grei lo ?vorywhem 'i.-ar-i thai the
j se? ret could not ha\e n*?n ke[?t until
j Mrs. Tart receive?! th? proosnt, so that
t. ?? ?ionorr* mlghl sham her aurprisl.
Having given her order to New York
jeweller? for the necklace, oven submitting
a design fo-- !l, MUs Hoardinati Will re?
turn to Washington to-morrow to W?
sunir ber duties at Ihg offl. ?? <?f t s Artir"
lc_tl Red ?'ro.s.'. Whom ?he BgOOds ??very
ment?as; .sh?? a?ou: nothing !? interfere
with her wort? for tiile? organisation.
Comber Foils Those Who Try
to Prevent Suicide.
Liner Baltic Puts About and
Searches for an Hour Around
Lighted Buoy.
^ ofdlng to his shipBMlet a ho arrived
hers yesteraa] <m the White 8tat llnet
Baltic, Patrick Ward, a strapping able
aeaman iwenty-foui years old, ??.?- de*
creed bj '.?le to drown In th? Atlantl?
H.? aenl over the -ide ,,r the vessel
'ei, irsday und? i nn isual i lr< urn?
Btsncei .?tul although the vessel waa
stopped a.ni a Has biio: thros ii lo um the
-ail.- man ? as not ; e? " ered
At . .. . loi k a it. Th irsdS! vv || ..:.?
Kean who had been ?>??' lookout lut? In
th? croa i nesl of l te Baltl?*. climbed
down througl the hollo? foremasi to the
mam deck A he opened th? dooi ol the
mast he met the quartermastei end
talked ? itlt him several mil
While Ote tuen W-I- In c<.rsaliou
',' .,-,'. n-ho halli from Dublin crawled
out ot his h. nk and walked up to them
H? .. ted Btrangel? and would not re i ? n.i
in ... eral question? asked b: Kesn
present?; he tiled i<? brush b? Kean and
the quartermastei to ?.?;r. the ??.ii"- of
the maal Both men saked him wh-re he
?.i' golni Ii waa not h's watch
the.? woadersd wh: hi wsi *?? i -? ip on
de k
w a ?i ram? bs< k sad looktna mourn?
i.-1.. :ii> facea of both nun sa i
It ,- '. Ing si -i ild happen te an Ke..n
be buts to 1*11 mj sisteri ? I i n you gel
ba? :. in Qui ' ??? ?'"" ?'
Kesn and th? .. rtf o .? Ile - OUI
'., ghlnj ? ? quartermastei mkmir
'Anything gotna '?? happen to ^ on Pal *
'i no ? : led Ward
What ?lo ...H exp. t t? goii ?; ??? ??_?
pei to su K-i?" a'
,<r, nothing replied Ward ? o?|ul k
I? dashed .;? the stall of tha naa
His frtendi followed him and when on
ippei deck a ' .. ?? ? : ? ??? i be
pen ? i Pbej were guk ker than he.
snd grappled with Mm befe ? ? had a
? . ? /? in imp aval th? ttt
y ? i . w. .? Bti up.-.- a the de?
: ?--'f?<? nun IWO Balk? ?' ? ? ' ? ? .,'?!
?hed t< Ihelr asslstanc? lust th? i
...Tiber i:ime ovei ?h<- aid? ind CSI ???
t! ? 'o,; men art The Hood's foi i **
parti broken sa It I.? sgslnsi the
? ? nehloni snd It #| ~> a Kean I lie Iwo
sailors and the Quartermastei .??r.iiti-t the
..?.,.' < ,,, r.r ti *,, '???? ? .;. a t differ?
??r.tl a Ith Wi ??!
Th? wave seemed benl upon *-'r"nK Mm
rsi ?? ' his orlgii a! Intent on of i If
destruction bj hurling him rleai ol the
rail iniii the sea. Th< three men r o wer?
..... , .-, er were not hurt Keat I ret
i.., ? ,i ggj buo? while the quarterm i*t-r
? ,-.',? o., ... . . xi ,. Ball aas pul
|iihnii? and steamed fot sit hi iron '
the lighted i. o ?. ,i Wsrd i ould not be
Ammonia Tank Blow-Up
Wrecks Brewery Building.
a terrtfl? explosion ol .? large ?m
mn"'a tank on the fourth BOOl -if th?
Cla?sen^Flanagaa Brewer] si \<> stA to
MI Was! sttfa street whi? h occurred shout
I o'clock resterdaj morning, suattir.ii
windows alarmed the nelAftboroood and
caused a stubborn fire reaultias III a loas
of aii'jui tm.fil' ???inn to th? ammonia
fumes the Bremen were hindered In I air
work, and ?> ascend alarm had le ha
turnad >n before th? me mold hi brought
under < ontrol
Tue brewer) o cuph neart.? ?? whol-j
bloel The tank was located <m the lop
Roor, and the explosion ?'recked almo i
on?- ? nt,re building. Although the lire
a .is -iivitiK In the upper itory, the Bremen
wen at Rial driven back repeatedl) bj
t ammonia fumes and wer- able to
iaa? h onl) the second Boot.
A' ib. aecond alarm 'hier Kenlon t
sponded and took oommand ?>f tiie Bftue?
tion. After several mor- Ineffectual si
tempts '<> reach the upper floor he or?
dered the roof t?' be torn "ft. so as to
pertnii tii- fumes te socape After tins
irai iinm the men wer< able ??> reach
the heart of the oonflagratlon and eon
na?l it under -ontrol
Depot] Chief M.?' t.ii waa obi gee to keep
a third of the force in reserve to rescue
those overcom? bj the ammonia fume*
in the basement weirs Ml horses They
were reeouad with greet dlAcult?
Case Almost Hopeless, Says
Lawyer Who Aided Morse.
? in T? legrsal te Thi Trtbeae I
Hilante, Weh th After a careful in?
vgptlgatlon, rooducted recently in Kew
York, int?? the eaaa of Harr] K. Thaw,
Thomas It. Felder, lit? Atlanta lawyer
who was ?mid a (<?? of $l?n,fliO for his pan
in libeiatmiL' Charles W, Marse, has re
fuasd m accept employment nom the
si.?.-i nt itanfard white
Than sent a i^ttei n, i'-ui? i Baking him
to consider tithinp Up his tl^hl for free.
'lom After eoneultlim aeveral law>*ers
Whe were ,"?, mili., r with ihe situation and
looking Into the teK.?' BtatOS ,,f Thaw's
case i>idci declined.
i looked into tie ease thorough!) ??hen
i v.is in New York, aii'i. believing it well?
niah bopelaaa after the exhaustive i-;rai
effort, altead] made, I eeetlued Mr.
I Thaw's reqpi t to conaWei taklai Ii "i1"
said Mr. Felder to-dS>.
Suffragists Work for the Caus?
Among Worshippers at
tie Cathedral.
Amateur White Wings'
1 Quickly Clean Up Street After
4.000 Circulars Had
Been Distributed.
in Mar) Hflton I?aa4?er ??i ihe ittk
.\??--inbiy Distri'-t f??i the Wotnam trist'
' fraga pan--. ehoM BI Pntrick*g Catbo?
dral aa vantage ground in a ?domonat ra?
tion foi the .aus?? yeoterday. .Aa ammuni?
i ti'.n ?ne had aome Bve thooaand clrcu?
Igra shi.ipiifi. a- ii wore- tiled will
telling ahota Ilka thi?:
uii?. ?bould women not hnv? th*
light i?' ? ot?" '
? w ho ? ill claim I liai I he woman i I
edu? atlon <?i nffali ? I - unfll to - ote, ? her
the drunken loafei on tbe corner ?" th?
rlcloua gunman la quallBed to do ao?"
"Il j ,?u must i ?? trlcl auftrage, eatri? I
it, but not on the linea of aoi tlone.'
i'i.? arttllerj having been unllmbered
the neat thing i" ?<" wna la lire Kni
, fit? ?he did, ? ollej al tai voile)
11 Holton had aummon? ? ?on.f ?i
: prett) ?ni helper*. Gwendolyn Brooke,
Ulad] ?, Bi du n, \iai ? Murphj Knut
? ?,'???? ? and t?'. ?n thi??? ??t:?? re reeptmd? I.
Stiffragials Ar? Cam?.
\l? ... gam? tO '!<? a -Mill II,.,I M .11
tii.- \?>ti oui at ( o'clock s n,',a, rnorn
i Ingr' ?h? aoke I
"BuflTragista a-r za-n. ,<u anything.'
I l,,e ? |,.,i I.-d
11 ,-' ],,i h thei ? r'??i ? ih? '?? " Km.:
people ?coming from earl) man? beheld
? tandl ig on the at? pa ??' th? < '.,t.,.-dral a
roa of fir la wearing the curioua decora
tl?n of :i aheaf ol yelloa clri ilara atrung
oi ib i Ibbon, n hlch wan lied aro ?????
? ? necka \ p?a? i rd on ? a? h g I u ?'
PI? -? tak? on? " Thai Dr. Holton >?*.
? ,? . old " ? .iT.'n - u, ? ., ?a s
.., n t handing out ? ..? ? ilara on i .i ?
? ? ?
I W ell i ?: Halton and bei gii 's a ? i ?
"?,*\ in? .. ? ? : though break! tal tot
time, and eeei ao man' people wi ?
taking th? circulara oll the baby ribbon,
when the Cathedra aoaton appeared. Ha
look ??? ? look at the inradere, with theli
? on papei necklacei gaaped and bien
, i - ?poll i a hletl?
Two f,-t patrolrnen cam? from aome?
| ? i".n n ? rui
\ ? i.??? th< ee a omei ' a ea? ???.,,.? ?J
Th? poll, emen t???i? ? oot al the de?
: toi i?.. ii i otea :?' ? on en ai my coi
????I ?vith theii thumba In then ?belt? and
i ' lu n ' ona 'i? i d tome roo ?
Fat Policeman I? Polite.
Wo'ihi ou object the fattei ?it??? of
th? two ,?.??, i ? rloltei "II ?v ? .?
?.I ? o i '
"If wi i. ? i e an rated ne must
?., ?! the '?.?>'!? i of the ?sn-, I want to
I tell -, .. |h. that i eonaulted Helen
1 la ? Oi eel? ?> utt r ge Ian i ?er? and ihe
.. I'm wll hin n?y i IghU in dotai ?
The policemen remained phmited In
g| foi a time. ? hile tbe *?? <t"ti
? ??? ? ? -, arltl hla ? mol lona
'.\ end ? til n Ma) doo n on thi
- .. a I ? latti, ?patrolman . -k ?I
11??- ? iffragiM - Dr H?attoi <?? ?i I ??
.,i?i t ? . ??' . i, .-i went "ii "to .k ip
I . I.m ?The? dldn t :? t ?
v\ith a brlel Interval f,,t- breakfaal the
little am tall ??i It itninllng .?t r.ith
avei ? md ? I ?ti Ml and i?alf i?f II .,t
[ i'imn ., ?nu? and Mat ?tr.-?-t ,, , t the
| p ? ? omlng from ? ?? maaa ? ?
Tl ? . ?? ."i -nt ."? ?*??> i li .-?il it?? with ti .-m
.,,,, ?g? . ? oui thej ? -' .mat'-d. .,' .-. -t
?? en It waa all over th? i ? p ?> led l bal
! al th? .??! i? en pei fectl: lovel)
Moat ??' Ih? women were agr?able at
? |< ?al the) look i rculara
Reeldea proaelyting i"i thi caua? auf?
t- . ^' ? , . : .1 up Pi ft h a renu? not
? ill? i.ui the wa) Mo: \o\\ ?tlomr?a
doe In ih? mlddl? of the morning Dr.
Ifaltoi ?bethought ?t of the law agal it
littering th? -tf ?i Bh? caal an an?
?gulahed ? ? '", th? hit? ol yellow paper
here a,,n there ??', th? sidewalk Then
?he beheld foui boya roller?okatlng down
upon hei
Boys at Whit? Wmqs.''
Roj . ' ?he i,., lied ? hem, "want la ear i
I aome mone? ' i 'i give yon raeh 50 renta
it you'll pick up ail those hits or yetln?
?pap? ?? '
Bh? handed I hem tho quaint Japan? r
bac ahe carried, Down the) wenl upon
ti,? li i,,)?? ? .um ?.?? hen ti.. ?. brought 'h ?
bag to hi i ? w.i -, <t< ?! i .?i ?onl) a Uli
fragmenti ot auffragc circulara, bul with
I ?igarette ?>'? l . heela ><f ahoea plecea of
I newapapei ?verytl rig thai had been
' dropped .n froi I "? Bt Pan l?-k a ? Il ce
I ihe "at hit? *A Ina. ? it pa aed thai w.,
Machinist Then Ha* Tilt with Patrol
man and Is Locked Up.
B omen pa ? ngei ? on a ?cai ol the
<r?, itown line wer? t?*rrillod >reaterda: bj
thr aetkma of Oewald To?Maa, ? machiniat,
?if So IM N"'th .;.i afreet, ?Wtlltamaburg
Toblaa, who erldentlj had boon Imbibing,
began ??> mumble to hlmoetf ,,:t,r ?getting
on th? ? h? lie m m directed tilg atten?
tion toward the women, and when he at?
tempted t<? hug end Mm the woman
aeated i,??-<i<ie htm ehe ahrieked and run t?>
i bo fronl of the ?cai,
I Tob . turned t" .? ae? on.i aroma n and
at t!,,s the tift-- ?ith??, iromen became
panlcati Icken,
Mntthon Malone, the conducto) was
unable i" auhdue Tobias; ami when the
'?ai reaehed Broadwa) ?and Bern etreei
he ?called to Pa?lrotman Doj lo, ,.r the
lie,dot,i a? ei n- Million The ?patrolman
ordered ToMaa t?? loare the car. \ lively
struggle ?nau?ed, imt Doyle rtnully orer? I
?powered Toblaa and took him lo the ato
? tlon lions. I.at- i- i : c pria.tr waa taken
to tin Manhattan acini.Mir! an.I w;is
held on a charge of ,iis?u,l?ri\ ccaiduct by
??Magistrate Daolo} In defaull of MM ball
i -1.
More than Fire Hundred Members
Attend Second Weekly Concert.
The Sieweboya' Home Club, al ?Second
avenue and llttl -li?,l. gUVe Us Weekly I
entertnlnmoni at ti"? elubhouae laal eren? !
ins. Which more than 11 v ? - hundred bOJ*e
Among loose who took pan In Hm pro?
?gramme wow .i?>im Black, Bamual ,t.
Ryan, \'??aki. y McBrirJc, D i? Albert.
Harold I ?lion. Padd) ?Madtgan, Thoron
0. Bennett, Harn' T. Poraj'tbe, Meyei
Tillar, Arlhur Gall} and Harry Smith.
i __
A Woman Who Has Succeeded Explains
Why Few of Her Sex Rise
Above Mediocrity.
By Isabel Stephen-.
"The i^asun that ?o man; women n
rise above mediocrity Is tnat th-?. I
uitii ..n.. oye up ih. chima?) and
other on th?' dinner pot." a* <?.u dar
??? down South The pink tea, 1
Neighbor'? !i?>w hat. tii- theatre ???
on,il gooMp is th?- chimney, which
e ??''?.I deal of attention, ami tin- ?-t
oi offloc is th?- dinner pot which la i
stantly sHghtod.
"Thei e ,:. a OBdei I'll op| ol tnni
meeting women of to-da) at ever)
ner, laotead <>i concentrating ah t
energies ?on tboii buaineas, however,
lakini advantage "f every < liaaci to p
forward, the averagi woman tioat- a?
w i th her head loo full <>i aii castlw
redogalae the little opportunlt) wl
?\ ouM lead t<> i Im big -? i ?. - -
it was Mi* Mai - .*?' ale? Hi m i -
gave h.- opinion of the women "ho h
i"i won out in business. Mi- Mei
?ho is much better known ss Miss Bei
in ihe sdvertistna ?world ?peak? with
; >?iii Beglnnlna* ??' ! ? ?? ? ? '"":
i ii?- ladder, ibe has ?teedllj dim.
ni .?n.. |g noa head ol ? largo bualn
and ? uipi??> s man) ? oung worn? a
Mi ? Hen? ? a.. - .oi n In Bt. l?ouis,
apenl most of bei cbildh.i in Na-uvi
?'. i.n Thei ? I? .u.' ol ihe la ng
goui i.. n bei manner, howe. i
i in- -.,. explained I?) hei ? nei (fies In
Northern world.
? i< was my roommate ai ollege who
responsible for my going Into the i
-iiiiiuiK business," Mrs. Henry said, "g
lefl th? college neai Nashville where
wen both i iid) m?, and worn to Pa
?o -'..i' :: 11 i I? f i . ollego. loo, .ii.H i
i in-ii home Aftei two yeara m) fr?e
returned brimful of plane for conquer!
N-'.\ v ?i k she convinced me of th? i>?
slbillties ? f - . ? ? ' ad ' agn ed to
with l.ei
w h- n we came '<? Sea '??"?. we \tg
,i ?? pies sanl furnli ed room, ai
- leived both a? s home end tudlo
Interviewed ihe merchant? and manufa?
urors an?' newspapei e.iitois and n
til? ml stayed home at.?! 'I'.l the work
continued to stud] orl in ISea Vmk ??.i
also lieine.i oui with the work when
had time
?\ ? l ad one sti ? ind that wi
that pleasure ihould nevoi Interfere wll
business. \\ ? won) out frequently, bi
never ai the expense of oui work Tt
?v.rv evening we wen! oui ???? -1''?
home two evenlnga
QradualU ?l" business grea i? ot
?ame necesserj lo ?{??? aaalstaats
??..?-;? '.?as satisfaction io the buslnei
men we d?'i?i? with Wt dealt with thei
on a ?impie, straight f?*M o ,?i?i busInoM ".i
sis Aa ? rule women are too free an
loo familiar, an?l then th??- ?ATO sut prise.
and burl ai the reeuli A man eras ?-i:
Ing mo "i*1 yo t-"ia\ aboul ? wonuu
?ho granted to placa su::.?? work with Mm
H? did not need the work then, bul toh
hei if li. did rie-d he. work Si any tim?
ie would let lier know Tin nOXl da]
when i.e was oui ???h- managed to ?<?v
past ? ofBci bo som-iiow md pla?ai
a hunch <.f paasies on thi man - desk
er card if put ihe man in s 11 r)
incomfortabb position He fell ihai si?
lbo igh he did nol rani ? ??? k n?
ought to iir. ,i '.? 11 i foi ??? ps il? :
On second tbo | awever, he consigned
the panoles to th> wastepapei basket, toi
from what he had *.'n of the woman h?
llldged 'ha' ii.-' othei ?;,. would ""''?'
be eacouragemeni foi mo ? annoyance
? ? ? ?!. .? gres dea i of work foi that
i er? is one thing i hat ? ? an) t^> tell
mil? who are In business, and thai li to
M>?nd their money tin .me ^.i tailor
made ?ut' and a good oral hal The -:iri
who g?"'s about ooking foi ,i pi
dreooed in ?? pictun hal .?n?i ? ?own i??
match does no! mak? tin deeired Im
preoelon When .? neat I) dressed little
girl comes to mj ?tudlo seeking ??.?.rk i
am naturall) inclined lo uiv- hei .t
chance, for i sa) lo myself There's a
little girl who ?....w* ,..< if she would do
n? at. cl? an work
"Secondly, I wan! to <.i? thai the girl
who is iu?t leaving art school should
a .. , easful d? signer
l -
, brush sway all the fa;!-, tales ? ? -???
been told abo positions rhl i ?
1 b a eek W th? student gra
i if i ,- sni bsi i -?-ii.i fundaiaeatsl
I knowledge of drawing and dealgi It tnm
! not be '"'it '?' to ? she la makii - i
I week but It woi I be the tir.?t m mesad
\*. ek -nil. i i aro girls, tn ms. ?
itudlo lii ? . little pa? Ii e isa*
plea b ahorl abll? ago. Thej had t^d ?
coud tralnlna and I wished lo i - mb
a irlal. Th? Bd tM a week i 'ol?
th?-m t" S" iround everj studio i v-w
i \ iirk .1 i-i -? ? If ould gel moic than
IfU b sreek, then to return to ai Thw
\< -m end eturned it wasn ' loi - " ??
the} proi"i that they w? ?
eten i'.. And tin y wen
if i ipoke 'n m:- of the twins t
looked ii- .i i ??? ?
pain m o-1 and ?
'Then t. . rhe
I go? 0 ?''-?_.?
ure, and n . I e a
"i work Bhe afraM I
t ? a ?? that she hai to *"?*
tor ? living, ..i h is alwayi ask -? srpei
mission to get ..ff . b to go to some pink
tea m recept b oi runctloi of a
?if courae, ahe comes to wo ' ? ) ? d M
the ?>? i astoi an ? not o ? tractai
herself llstracts all th? oth? i Rtrto
"Dealgi | - the most fa ? .
! ???"i k Then - ? wide ti-id tn it
that ever l el
V"; have to-ds) a railwai feMo
to 'h ? "i ti with view* of dit
. or Intei eating in? th#? ti avettef ?
|o h ney to-mi.i roa It me ?
ait dainty designa
oolroom ; agsli
thepn m 11 poetei or ? boob ?' ;
the woi k ? (rows t? ? li Ib ?!?
? .i clna
i?., you And that to lnt??rfei?<
? with your don fe si ??>? ?
M ll-nrv
Ko ii.ii' ? ? i ave s lov?
Park West M ?bond's i?u?'
nesa ; do? n In Wall street
m?.' neai ?v all da \- ,i ?:.. ? ? wom*i
only km b m-? lo treat
thej wouldn't have ??t?v ,,r ? iroabh
the) an Iwa npialnlna
havi n. \. i an) trou -i- ke< . a
er) summer m) huabaad and
i<> (?; iioi" .mil pla) tn .i conpl? ofmessfci
d we have s .'ont
I an : una hei house aa ? i **t
runs her business l ? ? I no i ison why
inn h shouldn't i un - y tt
oiled wheels
.i-j.. rlgl i"i teil h ?Me? ? v. ? ,i*t*t
Postal Card Departments
< All communication? (or? th?y are welcome) should be made by poitsl ?<? IM
a? it is postibl?.
Recipes Tested and
Found Good
llII re ii"'? ?pprarln?. in th??se column? h?v?
V?' i. ??it i
l.eiel ilMBUfOSBSatS ?r? u??.d salsas ether
?1*<? suir-.l
hi? iK-piirtuifnl ^ ill t?e i.i' In ?nis.T Bay
i illnary ?imstiom ?uhmiu. i bj readers ami
will i.u . rei-i|ie?.
A.Mr.?? ?'?dinar?- f-.tnor. New Tork Tilbun*.
No 134 \'a??i*ii ?tieet
lid? Qspartmsai will aol aa reseenstHl? tat
mai ua i Ipi ? hi ?b I? ma a? i canpeated I ?ta ; I ?
for ??turn. Kln.lij (?seism stamps with ?iu?.?
Iloaa re.luhhig an ?newer b? letter, Write on
?>ni\ .n- ?ide of ti * paper hu.i ?e.? ttmt seras
and edSreOl a. . ?iiiipuiii ?-n. li Item.
i'.N?;.'.lsii LAMB CURRY Browg two
i.?ni. spoonfuls ..r Hour In i pan with <"???
tahle.-ponnful of hlitt' i Add foil? OUpfUls
ol water, Boll for i fea momenta Add
pepper and ?alt ami a half I Upful "I tin.1.
chopped impies ami n ocanl half loaapooi
?"ni of <inr> a?i?i two cupfula of cooked
laiuh o? mutton thai has been cut Into
?mall I'le.e- ? ?ni? II. at the nuil thiotmh
ot n will become tough Beaaon with .?
I tile paprika ami seTVO VOT) hot, with lit*
ii- nioiind- of hol ho led i Ici i: m r
N? w York fit? .
CREAMED PEAI Served ???? rounds ??f
logst with baron, creamed peas mai??- a
aatlsfactor) lunchiton dlah Drain snd I
wash the contents ol a cm oi ;.. a:?. Make
I whit- mim with a cupful Of mill?
thickened with a hooping tableepooofal of
llo.ii and as much hutlei ; add sail and
p. pper to taste and pour in pea", eooklffll
until the whole is thick Then add just a
leosgoonful of i.iix.ii and stir well before
pouring out to serve N W
N.w York ?it?
eggs well heulen add a CUPfUl Of BUgai
and a cupful of (lour in which h.i\i? h?n
mixed a teaopoonful <?r cream of tortor
and a teaspoonful of lemon Unvoting
When .ill la thorough!) mixed stir in half
a cupful of hoilliin WiiWr in which half a
teaapooaful of soda Is dissolved Bake In
moderate oven immediately. mi? \
Klmhurat, N f
?IIKKTM T ? REAM. Remove Ibe
imsks and skins from a dosen Bna chest
. nut.? and put the nuts to bo ? r,,n' ?'
! milk, sllghtl) sweetened ail i ? P ttgj**>
[ When the] are quite tenu- ,u
; the milk, mash the chestnuts *?th tn
ounce of sift.d siu.ii and ;? fea drop?, of
vanilla eatrm I Rub th? eheataMI
through a coats- tin grav) strainer, keep?
. Ing the pur? SB iicnt .is peaaibli B i I
1 tii m mm -<iua? i-r pint of thick cream " '
I place it In the middle of i glass dish; th"?
; str. a the rheetnuts ov? it. keeping it as
good i shape ss possible The ??vrntst
before serving pour around lb? ..?- MMI
-.mi? of cherries, sllghtl) flavored *?!1
ranilla s...?u a few eberrh te Mean
? lot an bout and pi.?? them at "1'ia1 di?
I tan-' - around the pi i .i"i
APRI? ? 'T I.VM \n .? p ' " I and "1'
expensive artnter lam la mad? from ?i*^
aprlcota Wash tw<> pounds of ths frll!'
and soak overnight In thn
? 'id ?.-it.- in the mornlna drain sad WA
the Hint .n pi?s put back In th? BgdA
tuet hou fur en bout and s hall thea s?ti
sl\ pounds of -uk.-..i and eook mtll 'h'
syrup thnk.-n- A too Munched '||"0,,<,'
add. ?I to each m ghre s pi. i *****
Westfleld N i xl '? ""
a -
Daily Bill of I arc.
BRI t KP AST Tari baki d apalea ***
I priai croquettes, buckwheat paneahM
: coffee
, i.r\< HilKV Cheese on toast rtcecrw
\ ? i? ? ? ttes, spiced goooe beerte ?. tee
DINNER iti-ad-.i real "";"'- wl'n
tomato aauce, oyaterplaal weeesed rtn"
j lona, lettuce Bated, cup custard, ?,,rr''
| leftover mashed BWeel potatoes ol >'""'
Ida) s dinner into hails, burylag la Wt
\ Ct nil- Of -?' h a small hit ?>! '? "k"'
, Bauasg? meat, in them oa ihe wrauh
with the pancake* This la ,? novel **?
! ?.i serving thai popular breekfeel ??> "l"'
Ination <?i aeuaage and buckwheei ':*k<,*
Ami n h,?s the added advantage ,,f Ir
! being .?i greas) as th- usual wai *i |"'"
! paring it
i...,si v. iv lib? all) s no grated chesel
and poiii ovet it ?? little i reaai sauce

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