OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 22, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-02-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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\bhh jAMI..N? iM.LMr,.
lo-da?. rain; ln-in??rr??w. prohalil?
fair. ? ol.lrr. I a?.t uintl?.
NEW-YORK. NATI HDAY. I liBRlAllV 2?. I?.1.I.-18 l'W.IX * PRICE ONE FKST "'???ri?.^XZ?.\%r*~
Easy Money from Harlem Lost
m Speculation, Whitman
Learns?Broker To Be
District Leaders Haves and
Nagle Said to Have Had In?
spector Reassigned and To
Be Back of His Reti?
cence-Deft by Nagle.
Two arge and active stock brokerage
account? ?n the name of Captain Dennis
Sweeney were discovered yesterday by
District Attorney Whitman. T^e stock
broker w.th who?r> Sweeney ca-ried on
these operations wi'l be subpoenaed
oefore t^e qrand jury early next week
Sweeney was a heavy Operator it is
understood, but never a winner, and the
c-iscovery of these accounts goes a long
?ray toward explaining what had been
lon-.ewhat of a mystery?what became
cf the graft that was supposed to have
gone to the former inspector.
In ?pite of heated denials bv Tam?
many men, reports were put in Mr.
W'-'tman's hands yesterday, tending to
-?iow that Nicholas J. Hayes and Per?
enal E. Nagle. Tammany district lead?
ers in Harlem, we,-e responsible for
having Sweeney re-assigned to his post
?Sj Harlem after he had been removed
from that command.
From other sources the District At?
torney got on to trails and cross traiic
that disclosed stili more clearly the
Tammany influence in the police cor?
ruption m Harlem, and it is now cer?
ta p that Mr. Whitman will not go so
'?' as even to recommend clemency for
Sw-eney unless tha former inspector
'?veals the whole truth about his rela?
tions with the rmg which dominated
the Harl-m graft.
Sweeney's predicament has become a
mattar of the keenest concern to some
of Iha most powerful men in Tammany
Hall, by reason of th? possibilities of
hi? making a full confession. Such a
confession, it is now believed, would
directly involve several big Tammany
ieaders, and through them involve trie
whole clique now dominating that po
litical organi?ation.
It was riimo'ed yesterday that be?
cause of this s'tuation Tammany ?ne?
nies of Charles F. Murphy were bring
?ng pressure to bear upon Sweeney to
indice him to confess. Their object.
? a? said, was solely to down Mur?
ohy. On the other hand, it ?s known
? friends of Hayes and Nagle are
doing evarything possible t o let
Sweeney know that he ?eilI have their
mera I and financial support so long as
' lights again*! and makes no peace
overtures towarc District Attorney
?V hitman.
N-iglc is the district leader who gav*
R-?irlander Waldo, the present Police
Commisooner, his start in politics.
of ?wollen ?bank accounts
ai . ? hot ? ,. valuable r< al est?t?
oo?v.. - .if captain for?
""?" ' i I>? nnia 8 i eenej.
id punsl? ?1 Diatrt? I At toi
? Bfnce h? I" ir.-in t?i fel >>ii th
of Hi?? rich linr'?iii graft thai
: to ':? ' >?OllCe otli'iul. Were
i plaine?] yeeterday, when it was dis?
-?il ihm Bweenay had b**4*n s
plungei and a conaiatenl loaer
? stock mark? t. Proof of this a ill
' ,?,1 ?iiiio.l ?.n tlflu i?as?>. mm ??ml . i.Iiiiiiii.
This Mornings News,
local ?page
? - i .?.st au in W? .1 .-'i : eel .... 1
'";?! Betting No ? run? . 3
L'rget Retention of Philippine? . 4
raaan M?**Call Boot Mayoi . 4
ge Waahlngton, 1781-1611. 4
Ol. n ? Maro" ?Back in Call ... 4
Italian Bquad Neetled, Baya Editor... 6
Wife Call? H aba d I orger. ii
? ?- i ;??>? i >?, tared ISx? ell? at... .11
lf?M H'.r?f f?M i', Crop, Baya Oler... is
..i ?Dog Bboa , 18
' ? i Than BHbs Waa ?Taken, He Baya i
Haerta i'???-?-* New flavolt i
i:i..,i<i-.ii.-<i in Mealea i ?;<n-<i 2
?, flota ti 11?\ re de I li.?' ?-. Mil 2
. t.? Murphy Qel Joba , 5
ligalaat Naval Bill. 6
?-.?.. n rjlfti foi the Tafta. 6
Competition Against
Monopoly . I
To ' he? o? i naugui .ii Bti u? : tire 6
; . Am? i lean Would Build N< ?
I? Males ? ?m number I '?"?
ales ll
Women IJaj Kidnap Asitulth.i
?Lord ? ii.-tii,-. ?i,,, to Bee n<in Yorb .. 3
p*x?Qrand Viaiei Adaalta Defeat.. 3
\ Ui" B| itlhh i ?OUI ' 3
f?.. Woman
K.|ilon;.l .
?Society .
%'t ?xhibltloi ? .
? ?bituari .
. 8
. 8
. 9
. 9
. 9
Literal ? s ? ?? and Crltl? lam l* and ll
t'hareh and Rellaloua Newa.n
- i?or( - 12 and 13
?A aathei. 13
.- ti i l.j.i i,-: . 13
1 litancisJ and Marketa 13, m and is
Army ami Navy .16
?HagJ Balate.i?3
British Authorities Constitu
Fund for Dependents.
London, Pen. 21. The Loril Ma] or
London announced to?day thai P
mler Aaqulth had Informe?*] him ti
tire p?.\. iiiiii.iii wen!.] propOM 1" Pi
:".m lhai funds from thr naiioi
treasury tie appropriated for the
?pendents of the late Captain Scott s
his four ?companions who ?li**?. In I
Antarctic regions.
The amount, the Premier said, ?woi
itii< i. m t.. >?*t'ttro to the dependet
the pecuniary poaltkm they would n;i
enjoyed had the disaster i?? th*) ??
plorera not ?> i urred.
it is understood thai under the go
ernment's scheme Mrs. Scott will i
celve .m annual pension equivalen!
the salary "i s naval captain In actl
sir\ i? ?.-.
Pugilist Dies Following Bout <
February 10.
i ? nton Mass. Peb 21, Injurias r
? .. boxing mau h are bellet i
t., i?. i, sponsible fin- ill?- death i>- re I
da) .?;" Mi '*i t .) Telle.
Telle received a knockout blon m
i u .i a nil "Young Kit. In- ." .?!' Piu\
dence, m a boxing match ;?i Thornto
i. i "n Pebruarj 10. Physicians sa
ii' at h was due t.. s bl4>o?d ? loi on 11
j I.rain.
a ?
"Girls" in Short Frocks, "Boys
in Sailor Suits at London
Freak Entertainment.
By Cable to The'1 .
London, Feb. ?Si. The freak pari
rase has w at hi d L"n<i.>ii n. a . or
tiseir never devised anything str?ngt
'han tin? "baby party" held in ihe res
dene? of Edward Storer si BayswaU
lasl night. A score of artistic and li*
erar>' friends of the boa! aaaembled i
a ru..?n labelled "Th< Nuraery." whk
?iva?-- fin?.i with toys, rocking berree
dolls, T-sddj ?bears, popguns, rattle? an
other playthings. On tii?-- walls ?a*?**!
. hlldieh plctun s and printe
nurserj rhj mes
.mi th'1 men and aromen, somi ?
them ?niiMi?' aged, were dressed s
babies and worr? children's si ;r.j ??- r ;
Pome even had .?h?rt "socki*. Th?- m?
te? re attired in boys' sailor suits, shot
Jerseys and "knickers," and the arome
very short f;?. ka and pinafores
Th?- amusements were varied. Sein
of the "babies" looked at picture hook
ns they ?at ?m BtOOta i>y th<? ?re, \'hil
others prattled t?> each other of dolls o
Igollywoga ??n?-- 'infant" no? morethai
thlrt) \ears old busily entzitgtd her
self ?? lib a feeding bottle.
New Yorker Appeals to De
troit's Mayor for Job.
? s I** lea si I -.. a r- ??.
Detroit, Peh. 21, -Mai r.r Marx re
celved .? letter to-day from ~'llllan
I Strieker, giving ins address as .\'?>. ?_"_'.';:
: Fifth BVi nue N? W ^ ?>rk. a?*kine; for is
Bistan? " in obtaining s lob her? I ?
i e'ould pa; at leas! ?110 a ?reek In orde
thai he mighl gel married. The arito
dentl was edu? at?pd, thi letter ?clni
? w. ii a*ritten. Strieker gave hia age si
. ? ? ?? .? and added:
"1 tell .?"'i H 18 B shame thai US ""-ii.l
men aun"* gel an. a*ork here peyini
more lhan >>'? a n*?p? k. No man nan i-"
mai i.' 'i ?n thai -alary "
? ?
New Test of Parcel Post front
Jersey to Chicago.
. egrapl to 11? Ti oik
Near Brunswick, N. ?T., Pen. 21. -Th?
iSayre ?*?? Planer Company, brl? k manu
facturent al BeyrevMe; Ihe Am?-?rir-ar
Enamelled Brick and Tile Company, ol
??"iitli River, and "th'-r bricfe nianu
Ifacturen In this vlclnltj each sent by
? parcel pool to-daj a brick "f theii
manufacture io be used In building a
? brick nouai .-it tin? Coliseum, Chk*ago?
during th? r:av Products Exposition,
Februar] 2fl t" March 8, These bricks
will ?*" toward -.>.<?H? sen! by parcel
I pos! from brick plants In th?- United
States t<> be used In building this bouse,
which Is to be given awaj and rebuilt
?I ter the exposition.
A record will he kept -if em h brk k
from the time it Is malted until it is
delivered m Chicago lo ses how speed
! ii- ru. i? Sam can deliver s brick lionne
' by mail
Gas Almost Kills Two Where
Engaged Couple Strangely Died
, i, rele? eg to Th? Trtbeae.l
Cumberland Md , Peb. 21.- -in tht
! ii'iusr ?i which Charles Twlgg an?i
Grace Rlosaer died mysterloualjr on -he
.. . of their wedding, two years ago
' Mrs. Marshall WUllson and her sis;.*r.
.Mrs. Pearl Man-;..hi a widow, welt
overcome by monoxide a-*?'* :ast night.
The arrival ?.i Mrs. William Btephe, i
neighbor, saved them.
Mr*-. Lewis P. Bloaser, mother ol
Qrace, sai?) today thai the ,n?? Ideal ??f
: last niKht I'.ais OUl the '"lit. Ill Ion of
tin- family an?i the authorities that lbs
?g roupie '??"I .i" i?l'iitally fr??m
?monoxide gas. The public has boon
.slow i?. a?r*cepl H'i- thoorr,
Th? I'.ioss? i* r??moved recentlj from
d,,. fat? ?i i.st to the ans adjoinln ;.
j0 lessen the drafl In the chlmne)
..?? .,:? i.i ick ii? 'i been placad In . a
aperturt, I '? this sool had fail in,
closing the d?raft This i*ombinat <?n
-generated the carbon m?nt>xMe, Il i*
claimed, resulting i" the w?omea being
'., ii'oniB.
Suffragettes Mature Plot
Seize Either Prime Minist
Lloyd George or Lewis
Mrs. Pankhurst Comp;
Events in England wit
Those in Mexico-Taunts
Authorities for Not
Arresting Her.
B cabh t? ? I :
Laondon, ivi.. .?:?. fl teas stated
night on the highest authorit-j thai
*uffragett<e?, in adltton to thoh o
? 01 templated ?coups ).a\o laM plant
kidnapping .? ? .t tatn . ?abint t Mini
Th< plot has come to tb< knowlodg
the authorities and means a ? h
taken to ?efeal an-j such n< farioui
M?osl of th< Cabinet minist? ? a
in this country .n? shadowed bj de
' Ivea it- plain i lothes a ho look a
their safety -iml prevent suffrage
From annoying them hut h vie* <,t
lit' st developments special precaut
'ir?- t.. be t;( .<??
Por some reaaoi nol eastlj uni
-:???>! t ho militants .it" ri"?sr Incei
a ith Mr. Lloyd George, tr?ho, per?
nll*. Il In -i\ .r of their ?cause
i.'hancellor ??t the Bxcbequei la ai pi
Mit .*n .Viro, bul ??H ti:s retun lo B
land l-is safet* a*ll| be the lirai ?
? ?r the poli? i iront ihr motnet t h lai
Mr. McKenna Favored.
Other ministers oho sre i'f;nR ?i
lall} prot?ect?ed sre Premier As?r
und I.- \? is Han outl II is not hk
that any attempt -will i?> made t.. i
naj' Mr. McKenna, for the milita
f? el thai while ht remains Homt H
retarj they can pursue iheit bun
i-triki? tactics a1th impunity.
Public nervouaneaa on the subj?* I
increasing nn<i there is fi general ft
?,ng that tin? very near future is frnu?
with events of momenl to thi -? ? h
suffrage cauee.
Meanwhile the Incendiariei ?.? ? i
al work. An outbreak ??f Bra o? un
;ti tin graiadataod of tu?- Kempt
Park racecourse last night The t
vu? dlacovarad l>ef?on it K"t w?**U in
of the building, and the Barnes were ?
t.nguleh'd without piu'-h damage bel
Mr?. Pankhurtt Watched.
The Homt office in- slrea?dy obtain
from the Cardiff polta ? full tranecr
of Mr?. PankhursV* speech then ?
it if understood thai sn official nol
taker *"as preaenl al the meeting
Chelsea lasl night
Mr*. Pankhural ?continues to defj ?
police and tbt government. Leal nig]
speaking in the Chelsea Town H.
under the auspices "f the Women's 8
clal and Political L'nlon, she repeat
the ?aasertion she made al <'ardiff. th
it a*as she arho was responsible for t
recent outrages, particularly the h??n
explosion In Mr. ?Lloyd George's houi
l,i addition to declaring thai ?he ?
reptad that reapoi nibllity, she ndmltti
thai ?he had Incited the women oot
corned ir that ?outrage to ?-.trr? it out,
Mrs Pankhumt, arho "a? recelvt
?? itli a Storm of Xfilo, boos, liKs.
groana, choartng and clapping of hand
?..lid she- v:;,K Rind it n ?i R Still l><i-slt>
for h'-r to t,r pBeaent al public met
Inga, sir- waa glad to have one mm
?apportuni? ot i xpaalning the maanli
of th?- aomen'i revolutloa. beca-uee
teas ?s much a revolution a? tho pre?
< i>t series of aveBta in Mexico
?When women took to the methods i
insurrection and promoted civil ire
she remarked, they undertook a ? of
serious responsibility. No one "'"n
ni'/.'d that inoro than tho women Rghl
iiiK in this civil war, There was ?
o??] Haying thai if you wanted to roui
a Britisher you must touch ins pocke
and they -were touching his poekBl run
and his comfort,
Punishment Ineffective.
M?oreover, ?hi gssertedi they eoul<
not I"? Stopped doing it All .soriu o
pupiahmentg might be su**peste<), bti
thoy ?COUld do nothing to st-m tho ?iffi
taflon. and the women in tho move
mont had si. Blade Up thall inmils tl.a
for ever] ona arho fell thoro arould b
g hundred risincr up to take her place
Ail the force In tho wojM. Inetatet
Mrs. rankliurst. could not govern MM
woman it ?h? mfuaed t? be gaverned
Tho ?police asserted that they had eluet
to the Walton Heath ?ploakm an?
that thoy wrc Mill searching, she said
"i ?accepted full responslbilltj so\ora
times Why have thev not taken me'
It would he worse than wrotiK thai
women should be gOBl to prison foi
these ?offences while I. Who in? itoti
them, should be at liberty."
Mrs, Mllllcenl Flawcett, president .?t
ihr Na t inn.il Union ?>f Worn, m'a &\>r
frage Bodetlea, and one of the i>,?.t
known a*orkcrg in'the cauae. delivered
,, api, h this afternoon strongly de?
nouncing the militant suffragists, wboae
tactics she deecribed as ?deteatablg out?
rages harmful to their aims, ffueh
crlme?a, she declarad, would be asetiaB?
i,|. i.nlv ?among gavagaa, and wen?
realta a serioug Bteaace t?i dvlhaatkm.
Half a do? i suffragette n-lndow
?masher? were sentsBoad to-day sa b
,, g\% moBtha' Imprlaonment AH of
them pl?dg?ed themsalveg t?? start a
bung< i Btrlke during their detention
f, i ts from over-'n'l? '??eve in food Of drink.
Advfc ^
Wm. C. Clark Swears He Heard
? Dr. John W. Russell Accepted
$25,000 for Slayer's Re?
lease from Matteawan.
Hospital Head Asserts He Re?
jected Proposal by Lawyer
Whom He Could Not De?
scribe ? Governor In
volved. He Declares.
, Bj .. I? rrrapti to Th? Tnhui.?
Alt*any, i-vi. 21, - Aa uaed of tr ing
'" obtain ih. i?i?i.f Harrj k. Tba?
't?'in Matteawan stat?- H<iapital f? r tha
In6aim t.- the Improper use of Qoverooi
; sniper's n.'iiti.-. William F Clark, aa? re
tar >.f tii? Bulaar department Investi
gators, aurore to-night, ?n tutu, that he
i had h?.?r,] i>i. John w. Ruaaell, h< .?,? o
ttiHt Institution, ii.nl i?. "ii offered and
had B4*4*ept?*d a brtb? of v.1.-,???? t, -,
? 61 ? Th;i" .
? 'n th. stand liefer? v< ? s-,?/.. i
prob? ra i?i. Russell admitted thai a
i lawy? i off? red him ,i ??? itx of $20.(*M t
? ese Thaw, but said ih.it ha r? i
the bribe, lie could not remtunber the
mim?-' of the lasryer or deetribe him
He had met him. be aaJd, ta*o or three
' I nil".- .it Whir?' l'l.?Ills ?luiiriR th.- Thaw
habeaa corpua pro? redinKs last ?tul;.
! Th) lawyer trailed bin "n tha telephone
" hit. be area ? isiting- New V??tk City
in No? i mi" t or 11?. .nil.? r of lard
? sdded, an.), m?aetlng him m front ot
tin Orand ?Union Hotel, r*ot?jducted him
; '., som? hotel uptoa n m ai ? "entra
Park, u here the lirihe off tr ??a? made,
i lark m an mi' : i ?. a to?n ghi da?
clarad that i?t. Russell not onlj knen
! v ho th- ;.. ? . t ?mis. i.it that h
Russell's ???? ti lawy?*r. H? said thai
'. Rusa? II 'i"i ti? t i?'ii th?? pr? i - ?" i.
? knes ati'i that i? aould Ik ? i | i
to k?", the attorne: here, if n?t*cea???*ry,
? b] pr;tn?J Jun ptty Ott
Refused It Flatly. H? Saya
Russell bad no iif-n.-tti,?! li admit?
n? th? h?i.ft r H< aa Id It I ad
. . >*efue?d Hatlj He told Colt
Bcott, Superintendent ol ?Prisons, hla
? mm? ?u.? ? ? superior, about It il? ?la
told It rlamaa V. ?lay head of the
I State ii?.?i>ii;ii r?''i'.tr,i'i'?". hla friend
He ne?? r did ??!?. thing el ? about it.
He said ii? ' '?nMij? red it mere!) another
..f Thaar'8 erT?>rta t<? set free, and
.ir?-.?'i"'i tt,'? matter "'','ti h ijeclined
th? bribe.
I ? ?ne ?.f. the atrangeat pha ? ? of the
. barges and countei ? hai - ' pari
pis|ed t?\ i;,,\'tnor Suiter. Dr. Ru
., |] ?and Di Maj " " ?" tl ??< Clarli ! ?Id
them both, oi numerous.aeion? thai
the Oovernoi ?arantod Thau raleaaed,
,,i?.i thai ? (Clark) a a act Ing "ii the
? ;..\ ernor'a orders in endeavoring t" g? I
them ?'? fn i the prison? r i>t Maj
had n?? autborit) or Jurisdiction over
Thaw. N? ? ?i-th? l? ana, he sweara tin i
Clark tried i>?r?i. i> using the Gov?
) t nor's r? i m?-, t.? get him to i" i uade ?r
direct Dr. Russell to release? the wealthy
? Btai i.,i ,i \\ it.
This tiii'iih a-or? "ti l?t Ma* a nerv? -
? ,, r,uch an ? item that he swears h
>. r-tit t.. ti;.- ? ;..? ernor ??bout i? n
ago and told him about it. The Go
. in..i said ?-u1 li use of lit nain?
-, | ..ii\ unautl. '??) and Improp? t. and
I that hi had no wtensl one a*a) .?r th?
,,ti . i ?r Thaa ' ? rel? u -?. a hlch a ? ?
matt? r for tu? r*ourti
'I'h. n the ?;..\.ti..r :.-nt for ?'la.k,
and aaked him about it alL He ., -.
I ?Clark denied evei having u?-'ii ins
name, and Clark Bweara lie did h,?l
! ose it Askul whj h? ?11*1 not t,-ii the
members of the tavesAlgntlng commit?
I t?*e, of ?tit'li ?'lark la secretary, gbout
it. thai ' "'?<?? ?'i'ii"t' said m ?ft? ' i that ha
' didn't in-ill?? i? Dr. Ma>.
??i i.. ) ..u . are to va?' am thing aa to
' ? ..ur p'.-isi.n? f??r not mentioning t?> the
! ? ommiaaion that the ar*cretari had
been accua?ad ?>f uelng your name?" he
? uns S*h4*d.
"Well, i waan'l so ? ure that he had."
Iwas the ?;??\'?arnes/s eaad reply,
?The Governor tleclared emphatically
to-nixht that n-port- that In hail iv
r?'i\??il B lari;. . ami?.-? ?i;n contribution
from the Than family were untrue. ?
Queer Situation Face? Probers.
The ?-il'iatioii. as I? ft b] thr Sul/.or
l.fnlirrs to-nliTlit. stands thlia; Two
witnesses nave .?worn that Clark uaed
!th?? Governor"?* nain?? in an effort to ?jet
Tha?? out of the asylum. Clark denies
n 'i'h?? Gov?irnor ??a? ti.iii about it
I several ?lay* ?ago, bul ?ii?i nothing be?
lyond ??htainiiiK Clark's <i?tiinl. Clark
; ?I?, lares lie lias heard tliat I ?r. Russell
: a., f-j.tr-ii a briba
The Brat anj member ??f Um Bulaasr
invtstig-atinp <"ornmiH.s?..n luanl about
the all??e;r?l hrihe was this morning;
arhen Ctert t?rgi ?all??! on to explain
l?r. rtUSBtH'8 ?-harRes. Clark la still
retain??ii a? secretary t?? the Butaer
prohers. Re sat at th?' rinht band ,,f
th?' roiiiififi during th? proco?i-*Ungs thi.??
aftern<>''?n. and prompt? d the lawyer in
liin ?xaminitti?'n ??f Dr. Russell, which
was rnor?' viohnt than that ??fain wit?
ness summon? ?I before the in?*estl.
I ira tor?
?'lark is support? ?I to have obtained
bbl appointment uh ???eretary t.? the In?
quisitorial body because he Is ? cluse
fri?iifi ?>f covi'rn.ir a*ulser. He is known
a? a reporter and ?p?reas as?ut in Near
fork i'ity. >\h, re hla ????nil', thin? uith
Ta mi ua n- Hall eJways have i?. ? n pretl
done, n? acted .is a pn u agent end
general boomer for !>??? is Stuy\e?.int
rhanier when thai **t?tiiiMt?ie rjemocrat
nni-r- thought be ??'?ui-1 Hke a bbjhei
? ontiuuril uB third pa?r, ?fill rolunii?.
DR, JOHN w. ktssV.i.i..
Superintendent of the Mattcawan Statt Hospital for Criminal
Jersey Chancellor Reported
Chosen Attorney General.
? **Ton* Th?
Washington, Peb. 21 Thai ? 'I
loi Robert .1 u Iker, of N? ?? J?
a ill i..- Attorney General, and I
::? |.i. tative A. Mitchell Palmer, ?;'
P-'fin* h .?nia. s 111 '.?? 8? rri-tar? ol I
Ti ? i' ii th? cxi a'dmini ?strati?
? ? on. i.t ion : ' l ; In
VI ihington, a*ho claim la have som?
(hi Into 1I1? " ? tl ? i' ? Idenl
: own thai Qovi not WH
Attorn? General
and th m his p< rs< nail! en 1 e?
?, iled '?? tttorn? ? Cei en ' \> I? ker
? Mr. >\'.- ... : iha 'i la undei a
1 icdgi ?t to 1 dentlty o
? ?
Mr- K? 1..\ Taylor lit* been In Wa-h
ngto ted thi i?, i art?
el in 1 let 'i ? !? ehe atati d thai
the was 1;" i ? ' ? tai j of ? ?iancellor
w...... and. a 1 b, ?? iked thai some
of th? . Irl ides and t< ? hni? aliti? ol
the depai tm? m be 1 xplaim ?1 t" her.
Prom Pennsylvania our <.me
th? -i 1 a ? ? ? that Mr Palmer, who I ?
? been ? oni Idered for tho
?Vt toi Q? ?il. has i" ?-.
Snail 1 warded the fl 1 lal p n tfolio.
Adolph Melier Provides Scores
of Millions o? Dollars for
Their Relief in 216.3.
1: ana? Ule, Ind., P? ? _'l l
statt 1 \. ?.?. York, Ullnoi . Mississippi
and Indian.1 ha ?? ai ? epted gifts ol
M 1MB) ? a. ii. 1.. be bold In Hum foi : *?
. .n ., 1 .1 ihr m? ?i tl - and ? um ?
pound? d ' ? i.,i .? 1 n .;.ii- .it I |,. r . ..m.
i'"i Hi- reli? f "i dumb an?mala, .??.i
un?; to an a im?.1.11????in? ii' made to-das
bj the m . 1 ?.dolpl H el K 1. . retir? ??
soap man ... f thl city.
At th. . nd ??' lb? ti usl per. ?..
i.,.iii.->i will amount tu s'J?? 1.'.:.:>?; 11.;.
and Hm entire ?urn is n. be used by thi
Governors of Ihe ?latea for ?lnml? ani?
mals. Mi*---..m 1 rej? 'M'il il.ffer for
t. m p.. bank could be found thai would
agree lo take charge of the fund under
the < ?? 'minions. PIve other I
? '.iiii.itm.1. ? 'olorado, K? nl 1? k Ma 1
. huaetta and Mlnneaota hH e not ???
knowledg? d the off? 1
Mi Fdclser made .1 1 Itnilm offet to
1 ;? ana* III? and II haa bei n 8 rcpti d.
li?. held "open house" las) Thank -
inn for aeveTal hundn ?l underfed hoi ? a
w in. h :"' gath? !? ?I from the streets and
s. ni t.. his stahlt - ii.- Bisa 1 'um h? d
a limn. 1 for the -in?.i
Wisconsin Prelates Charged
with Plot to Ruin Newspaper.
Milwaukee, I fab. 21. Archbishop Be*
baatlan ?? Measmer, of the Catholic
\ 1 ? I??!i-?? ? ? of Milwaukee, and four
blaliopa ?.i the < 'atholic ? !hurch ? ? n
?u? d for 1100.004) damagei to?day b* 8
Poll h m w i'ii" r publl h? ?I In Mil
?'..Ills. ".
The four n ' m "ii? d w ith the ? 1 ? h?
blahop ire l"i: hop - Jos? ph Pox, ol
Green Bay; Jann-a Schwebach, of La
?Ji.i>.*.-. I. I' Khltuicr, ol Superior, a id
Pi. di 1 i.-i. las, ..f Marqu? tte. Mich.
?'?.ir ilra.". t.. nun the I111.111?.' "f tin
new spaper la 1 barged,
Ta, troubla 1- aid i" be largely th
1. ?lit , 1 th? effort! of Ami rlcan Pol?
1.. obtain I'.'lisii biahopa, end 1 he or*
Kanlsntion "i the American Federation
of Pollah Catholi? Laymen, founded bj
ih.' editor of the pap? 1.
Part of Five-Year-Old s Scalp De?
parts with HiaS Curiosity.
Curtoeitj ii> :-?? ? II ha trat sbla to atari
an automobile, which, unfortunately, h?
was. reaulted In ? aevereljr lacerated
?calp foi f!tre*yeai*?old ?VUliara Poyle, ol
So BO W ? -' -'''-n atreet, yeaterday after?
xbe boj puhed th? lever of the
, 1 .,,?. ,,|i. rated bj lal? fathei caueing th?
machine t.. algaas acrosa the atreel and
craah inu> ? delivers wagon. The boj
? a-* attended by an ambulance aurK??on,
who round thai aald? from th? lacera*
lions lit *??*,:* n,jl ?-?-rioiialy hurt. |
Bucharest Government Accepts
Offer of the Powers.
1 ; rest, r? b 21, The i lout* ? ot
? - to-ds ?et ni'?d to, a? cept th*
off* i ?>f the power's ??> mediate In the
tween Rumania and Bulg iris
on the boundary question.
Englishman Enters Forbidden
Shrine with a Camera.
[Bj ? ?
laondon, Feb. 22.- Lactibrlng y-ester?
ds at the ( "amera ?'liih upon his
travels in Egypt and Arabia, Julian
! Grande stat.-.i that he had siieceeded In
ring i lie shrine called Aaron's
Pi mb, ??ti M" tog of Mounl Hot, which
is Jealously guarded by Mahometans.
um it: taking g pliotograr.il of the in
; r 'i. thonifh covered b* the rifle of
in trab fa?i.'it!
H.- found there certain H?abrew let?
ters which evidently had hoen ?it at a
remote date, as ?or agon no Jeu- hua
been i?> i mittcd to approg h the place,
He .'?i unable iu copy th? inacrlpthms
m the ?brief time availaO*4e, but he be?
lieved the; would yield remarkable in?
formatlo .
Mo ?- Hot, where ac-cording tt tra?
dltion Aaron died and was buried, is
1st - ith ?' the I 'ead Sea. The
i t m?- on the summit ?s famoua, but
ha? ie i-i : been examined bj s ?compe?
tent i? hteolog ?
Stonehenge for Sale, but Must
Not Be Tampered With.
? i ' ,? i<
London, Feb ."_' One of England*?
moni famous archKological relics is
ehenge, Included In the Ameabur*
estate, belonging to Bir Bdmund Antro?
i is to !"? sold sliortl) bj pri?
vate contract. II is a condition of the
how ever, thai the historic ruins
shall Im- preserved t.? th.? nation, this
latton effectively disposing of the
.?ft repeated rumors thai Americar, dol?
lars were going to secure Btonch?engs
for the United States.
Rfforts are being nenio t.i induce the
War Department, which ?owns s kirgc
portion of Ballsbur) Plain, to purchaae j
th.it pari of the estate which includes
Btoneht nge and a hlch adjoins th.- m?t?
lary training ground* The govern?
ment is sani i?? be considering the pro-1
Accused Broker Twice Raised
Money on Change Membership.
, Bj i'? lesrapti t? n.?- Tiibaac |
Boston, Pen. 21. Mme. Johanna Gad*
.ski tiie op.ra singer, paid $22,000 fot
a seal in the Huston Btovk Exchange
for Btephen R. Dow, so Dow told the
jury thai is trying his cage In tho Bu?
?perior Criminal Court to-day. Dow
testified that Up t.. date from lOtMl ht
liad paid IhC smucr lui! .?7,<MI. still .,??,'?
m-; her $15.000,
Mme. Uadski, in? said, was protected
in hi Will, bj Which th" s,..it was to
revert to h?er al his death. His part?
ner, Poulln, he dec?lared,*waa never told
of this transaction, nor did ho tell the
singer of how he had used the seat to
raise moncj from four different per?:
\\ hen the Arm of Stephen it. Dow ft
Co. aras started, in 1900, Roulin and
Doe were the company. Poulln put I
si i.oHi cash In the buatoeaBj which was
m??t by th? seat Domi "owned" in the
exchange. Two yean later tjem i?or
rowed $25,000 from -William iloweii.
putting the seat no a-^ security. At a I
later date he owed Thompson Towle & |
Co. $14,000 for loaaag OB speculations, i
To cover it he told them thoy might ?
have the seat originally purchased by
Johanna Oadekl DOW was ?Subjected
to a Herce crooi ezan*dnatkm by As
sistanl instvi? t Attmrnej Webber.
When several of his transactions in
connecttofl with the varioug nimmi?
companies wefu mentioned he gufferad
lapse? of memory.
Three Governors of States
Formally Refuse to Recog?
nize Him and Loyalty of
Others Is Doubted.
No Matter What the Cost oa
Who Pays the Price, Huerta
Says, He Will Restore
Order, Using Troops
if He Must.
Prisoner Permitted to .See Her for
First Time -People Less Concerned
About His Fate than About
Extent of Revolt Against
New President.
Mexico city, tmh, 21.?Il is eer-tala
that the new administration in MBSte*
Bluet deal with .1 new revolution In ad?
dition to 'he remnants of the old one.
Three Qoveraorg ?>r states formally
ha\e [.fused to reeognizo Huerta HI
pt>\ i.-uon.-i! President. an(| two or three.
..Hier Oovemorg arg doubtful.
Venostiano CarrBBBB, Governor of the
State of CoahulhV With UDO men, Ig
worhlag with EaUHo and Ra.ni
Madero, brothen of the ?deponed pra?t?
d.nt. who nie a' San Pedro. Mad?rn i
??Id home, near Saltillo, which is Car?
ra nza's baag
Joaf Gayou, ex-OoveniBr of sonora,
ha? telegraphed from IfesteaM to Gnv
? mor Majrtorena of Sonora offering
him three thousand men and 2.000U009
j,. gQg t?i reatare Madero to offi.o. Gov?
ernor Ma\torcna has teloRr.iphed th?
Senate and provisional President re?
pudiating the new administration.
The GovarBor Of Yucatan, ignov-.nl
of the death of Gustavo Madero, bai
telegraphed him, offering the sen k?w
t of 1,200 men ami money to assist in '?
new revolution
.man Banchcg Aacoaa, Madero*i prit
\ate ?iecretary, is a prisoner at Puebla.
It whs- i? pot led tO-day 'hat h- lio!
been shot, bul the report proved IB?
i ?enera! Porfirio Dial ???;-President ?of
the republic, who hag been la exile in
Europe, la conalBf home. Than is ?sol
the gllghtoat ilangof that he asrain grill
mix in 'lie polltlcg ?of M'XieO. but hit
enforced ?-xiie is ?ended. WTord was re?
ceived to-day from Parts that wttnin
a gbon time Qeaaral Diaz again will
lie in his private ro<udcii?e In Cadcm
street, an Intereeti d spectator of th<:
devetopmenl of the new r gime.
ir waa a i'iioiitativ.iy s?tated f-uay
that the arrival homo of General T)Ui
will i?e not later than April 2, the ?m
nhersary of th? taking of Puebla by
his forcea in IM3 'n the war of French
intervention. Thin day will bo cele?
brated in honor of QCMTBl Diaz.
Will Follow Diaz Methods.
That the new a?lminlstratlon In Mex?
ico ezpactg to use the methods of Pot?
tirio Diaz in governing the ?ountry ""?a?"
made evident to-day in a conversan il*
with President Huerta had with the
President Huerta ?declared '?hit, no
matter what the cost should Lo or tfho
thd men were who paid it, pgBCB would
be restored in .Mexico. He ,sm<j it wag
his ambition that when ho left the
Presid? acy people would say of him,
"H?? has restored order throughout
jlexiio, Blade gafg the Investment of.
money, and rendered secure the lu s
end interests of all. both foreign??? and
Mexi? ans."
Calmly and dispassionately President
Huerta outlined his programme for the
like . t the army in restoring and main?
taining order. He admitted that in
many parts of the republic where the
n? ws of the change in government had
not been received all was not in .. .
iord with peace. To the??1 sections :.?
said, he would send emissaries in an
nit.unit to bring about order, or. .f
aeoeoaaiTi troops would be sent to in?
form the people of the governments
' I want to restore to Mcxieo that un?
interrupted current of ri< lies which is
her riKht." the President continued,
' and to bring about such conditions in
Ute -country that all the diplomats will
feel that their nationals arc se? i re."
The President declared he favored a
free press In Mexico, saying that even
antagonistic organs were desirable,
since from them the administration
might learn of evils that otherwise
might be hidden.
Trying to Win Carranza.
An emissary of President Huerta left
to-day for BalttttOi eapital of the State
it ?'?.almila. bOBriBI a letter to Gov?
ernor Vetmstlano Carranza, who Is re?
ported to he ra-ising an army to light
against the new government. In this
letter a final effort is made to secure

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