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WOMEN RAISE QUESTION: "WHY FORCE WOMEN TO VOTE?" A Page of Anti-Suffrage Argument?, Edited by Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge. President of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mrs. Dodge Tells of Inception and Growth of Woman's Organized Movement Against Suffrage. The National Association Opposed lo Woman Suffrage was formed for the pur pose (,; assisting women t.. organise against auftragt In states where no antl augrng* srganlaatlon ?-xisis. and to strength-en, h) cooperation, the different slat.- associations. The presidents of the vartoua stat? organlaaUoaa fera the efli can snd board of dlretoere a.r the na? tional association. When the national asooclation was or- | gSLBssed. In Noeember, MB, there were In a slstsnea associations in the states of Men vork. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. I Maryland, Rhode island. Illinois and Oregon Blnea that tune associations bare been formed In Connecticut, New Hampshire, Washington. i>. C; Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginie Nea Jersej v.-i? mont and Michigan Mans l-enguea are beingf?armed n man) atates the latg-esl In Maasachu tt The women who s ? most active In th? stata associations are prominent In edu? cational and philanthropic work, and ; some of them have been pioneers In > ivi.?' and municipal reforma Thosa' who hi. opposed t.? woman suf? frage believe that women do nol yei r?? alise the enormous opportunities which -, ? be. n glvi h i.? t ?-ni m the lai i fort t reara and that thej have n..t >.t been able to adapt themseh ?,- t<? new coi lions, or .... all 11? * work which la nowi within thelt pow? h> throwing women] Into the arena <>f activ? pottttc**, and the holding of elective .?tti?-.???, with all that It implies, neitiiet women thorns? Ives nor ;h?> stat-? will be ??? aeflted. It la 1er that the M purpoSS, abilltj and: esperten a '?<? be found Bt**t*TB women In mai v wnlha of ufe should be used tor th< | benefit of th. cesnmnnlty, and thai . n of hjdgmeni and energy should be ap- ' pointed on auch educational, > haiitahla -aiutary and reformatory boards com mlaeiona and committees as th? ml methods of uttUalns thelt cap? tlei Interest in the public welfa ? Women should s. iv. the stat. In ev? gay possible wil ? ; ?? ??)??. i lalni home i?> tin- entrance Inb a"tiv. politic*! Anti-eugraglsta believe as do the frngtsts, thai through women, v- i t i ? Increased opportunities and advan s menta siiali coin, nani reforms for the betterment of Um condition of women - I children, bol .lift'.: from the -uffragists In the thai It c in be through ? - ballot box. Tin nation;.! in has Its offl< e at Xo ?? IV?m Hfa street, Sen fork City, where the monthly meetings of the hoard of director* are held, it Isouea .. monthly nu-gazine. "The Woman's Pro? test." devoted te argumenta an-amst - traga and news ?concerning the antl-i rage movemem an ovei the country, which has grown iapi?ll:>. Pamphlets nivin^ argumen - ega woman suffiam are sent on requeel , Books reoommandai for leading: "The Ladies' Battle." Mollj Elliot Bra? well; "Book of fVosnan's Power*; Antl? Suffrage: Ten Oood Reasons," Oraoe Duf *ield Ooedwte; "The Bnstneas of B? ai ?> Woman. " Ida ftt Tarbell; "Woman Adiift," Harold Owen. MOVEMENT "BEHIND TIMES' Would Be Imposition on Women, Mrs. Ohittenden Thinks. The movement for woman suffrage la in reality fifty years !.. hind the times It helongs to the past ratln-r than the pres? ent In that it chnRi to th.? belief that the ballot in usa if i- a panacea foi all existing ?viis. At the time of the French Revolu? tion anal even halt a century ago, uni? versal suffrage was widely regaralcd ?is being a sha.rt cut to th?- solution of all governmental prohlenis and evils. But that clay has passed. M? n have found that social reforms could not he brought about by merely voting on ?lection day. That is the reason th?-y have organised commissions and ootannlttSSB to consider the questions of child labor, tuberculosis, the care of dependent children and kin? dred subjects from an economic and hu? manitarian point aif view, in order to edu? cate and stimulate opinion ta? a more in? telligent anal comprehensive understand? ing of these questions. They realize that public opinion must first create a demand for a law. and afterward enforce it In order to make the law effective. In this task of ma.uldlng and stimulating public opinion woman plays a great and Impor? tant part. We believe In n woman's right to the control of her earnings and her property, in the right to make contracts and to be protected In her work; in the right to be Joint guardian of her children with her husband. To-day woman In New York State has not needeal the ballot to gain any of these rights, and if It were known that she would never have the l.,-ill..i none of them would be taken away fr?>m her. But we go a step further In our be? lief in woman s rights and hold that she should be exempt from sharing the bur alens and responsibilities of government since sh?p ?"-annot alo all things and alo them well, and It is her lilghast right as well as her duty to give herself unre? servedly to the great work which she is called upon to do, that of ministering to ail life. ALICI JIII.L ?.'HITTENDKN, President, New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. CARDINAL GIBBONS HOSTILE Political Arena Not Woman's Sphere, Says Prelate. I am hostile to woman suffrage, always have been and will continue to be. Some one ls always asking me why I oppose woman suffrage. I am always wondering why they ask me that question. I have written about the subject for years : I have preached about It and I win eoathsue to urge that nothing be don. which will take woman out of her proper Sphere When a woman enters the political arena she goes outside the sphere for which she was Intended. She gains noth? ing by that Journey. On the aither hand, sh? loses that anrtMSlvenssa resp?-et and dignity to which she is entltleal in her home. To debar woman from such pursuits Is not lo degrade her. To restrict her fielal of action to the gentler BVOCStlSM <?f life Is not to fetter her aspirations after th? higher and bettet. It Is. on the contrary, to secure to her not equal rights, so calle?l. but those xuperemlnent rights that can? not fall to endow her with u sacred Influ? ence In her own proper aphete, for an noon ns woman trenches on the domain of man she must not be surprised to rind that the S&rfl?a M T?rbell i .-?. c ??: t on* > .'. "i .!? .1 bei bas bi en In pai t oi a holly withdrawn. CARDINAL GIBBONS. ROOT'S VIEWS ON SUFFRAGE Says It Would Injure State and Be Loss to Women. i s n opposed to (ranting oi si ffrai ? worn? eca? se i believe that ll wo d be s kxM '" women, to all wom?tn mi i to ? ? i on ??! . and be? ause i b lleve It would be an Injury t>? the state, t?> every man and ever) woman In the state, it would !?? Qselesi to argue this If th? right of suffrage were s natural right. If ?t were s natural right, then women should hav? It t .?? ipii the h? ai i ni fall But if there ha ?ste thing settled In the long <hs cusMon i.i i >.: > subject, n la that suffrage is n?.t a i.attirai tight, but II slmpl] a m ear. s ..: government ami the sole ques? tion !.. be dlscueaed Is whetbei govern? ment ??> the suffrage of men and wessen win be better government thsn b) I ? suffi ace of men alone. The question Is, therefore .. quesUon of exped?an? ). and the quesUon of expe? diency upon this subjaet i-1 not a question ? .f tyranny, but s question of liberty, a QUestlsn Ol UM preservation Of free i on stttutlonal government, ?>f tow, order, i'ea? e iin.i prosperity. int.? my judgment there enters so ale? i men ?>f the Inferiority of woman, it is ? i that woman II Inferior to man. br.t it Is that woman is different from man. that In i ?? distribution ..f powers, of I capacities, of qualities, our Maker bas created man adapted to the perform of certain functions In the - -onomy >>f ?.- and so? I? t). ,.i"i woman ad ? i<> th? performance of other functtoni One question to be determined In the dis [cuaakm <.t this subject is whether th? nature ?>i woman is such tnat ber taking upon her the poi foe manca of the fun?o? lions m ?.;iwi in mffrage Will Lave her ;in tin- possession and tiie SSSfClSS "f bOI htghesl p..vers of will be an ai.andon ment of those powers and an entering \ upon a field In which, because of her dlf ' ferencos from man. she is ?list?n rtly in? ferior. . 1 hav?- sail that 1 thought suffrage ! would be a loas for women, i think so beeauM suffrage Implies not maraly tbs ; .?asttag of the ballot, the gaaUs and peaceful fall of ihe snowflake; but s if? frag?-, if it means anything, means enter? \ ing upon the field of pol?tica] Hf.\ and politics is modified war. In politics there is struggle, strif?-. contention, bitterness, h?art burning, excitement, agitation, ? everything which is adVOTM to the true I character of woman Woman rules to j day by the sweet and notdS Influence* or ber character. Put woman Into the arena | of conflict and she abandons those great Weapons which control the world, and i she takes into her hands weapons with ] which she is unfamiliar and which sh<- is i unable to wield. | The whOM science of gOSQI UllUlIlt is the i science of protecting life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, of protecting ! our person, our property, SUT homes, our wives and ?>nr <-hildr?n Bgtlast foreign ag? gression, against civil dissension, against j mobs and riots. Against ?nine and die? , order, and all the army of evil, civil s.. elety wage? Its war. and gOVSI nni.-nt is the method of protection, prote.-tlon of us all. In the ?llvin?- distribution of powers, i the duty and the right of protection rests with the male, it is so throughout nature. It is so with m?n. It Is a great mlstak? . it is a fatal mistake that these gaosliOBl women make when they conceive that the funcUoaS Of men are auportor to theirs and se? k b> usurp heni. The true government is In the fa-nlly The true throne Is in the household. The highest exercise of power is that which forms I the conscience, Inflin-nccs the will, con ' the impulses of men, and there to? day woman is supreme and woman rules the world. BLWU BOOT. * SUFFRAGE AND FRANCHISE Henry, A. Wise Says Women Voters Have Not Helped. 1'iimarily there are main- obligations incident to th<- franchi? which .vornan is , not capable of bearing. H man in the exercise of his franchise ?n not capable i of doing Justice to woman, I do not be : lleve that woman's condition will be In any way improved by giving her the fran? chise, i Th?- greater the extent <.f th. franchise, the gr?-ater are the ?llffh ultles Incident thereto. , My observation is that in the comnnmi ! ties where woman has been given the j suffrage then has been no material Im proveaassit In eondhlone, and my furthsi observation m this regard Is that a very I large peresatags of tbs nest women in ? th.- communities where the franchis?- Is : vest?-?l In them ?1<> not assreisc It. ; If worn?-n will us?- their intluence with ! their husbands and sons and brothers, ! they ?an utter conditions to that way stare qatokly than they can by ssereaaag the franchise them;. Ives. If the women up to th?- present time. with only ni?'ii to deal with, have not been able to produce satisfactory r?suits, Cardinal Gibbon<s <S> CAW7ML L rroo/0 Sertd?or E2ihu f?op? (?)I4/*W0A/ rAmxer-r let them . onald? t v. bal ?ill be th? I eultlea when the) bare both Boxes t,, deal with Hist.,: . does ti"t Indicate that th? : ballot atavatea the moral tow of any ??i" an?! woman have all of the u..,l. ? t! at men ai<- hair t... Lei ui produce a ? Isaner .m.; purer con? dition in the franchise .'is it now axlati before we add sny other elemsnts to ths alr.-ady difllcult situation HENRY A WISE, I 'nttsd .Stat'-' 1 ?1-t t it vu?,in. v -I DAMAGE TO WOMANKIND Dr. Schlapp Thinks Question Not One of Equality. Ill .Mai <i Schlapp, a.f a'ornell .M.-di ?al Behool, cam?? out racentlv in a i>ow erful iiri?tf?st against the tendencj >.f th? modern woman t?. Interest herself ?' eternal actlvltlea of the Industrial world in- gchlapp ?f-- m a position t.. under? stand the eppalllns daasage being dona ta. womankind through the operations ol this tendencj i r? ature le quote s. of (lie most atrtktng passages fr.mi hi.-? protest. Wllicii appeared recently in "The Outlook' under the graphic title The Enemy at tin? Gate**: "Never hefaire has tin- world done itf Work ululer mi? h high tSUStOfl as to? da >.' "Industrialism thai la absorbing the vitalities of men i> doing stili grast? ? damage to women, it need to '??? some? i what unusual f..r aromen t.. i-.. int.? th.? world ait work Only the daughters a.f the MTV poorest families gave their lives to Industriallem. N-sn women have almost displaced me?, in many Kinds of employment. Office work la done almoat exclusively by women The great office i buildings of th.? cltj ai< Blled with i aromes employee." "Pubii?? men who attend several recep? tmns, aeversl dlnnera and make ten or twelve apeeebea n an afternoon or even? ing. bealdes travelling aa many mil?--? ;? maka a daj of w?orfe for s trainman, ara only a ra-Mev of crass industry thai de? mands all there is in a man from ala.V t?i day. The woman who belonga t" clubs and bo i'-;i.--. acting on scores ..t committees, taking part m meetings, ne? gotiating business dssla for the csns? until she tremblas from 'lie sxrttemsnt of it ail. is following the example ' -purred on by B restla-ss energy 'hut is due to alisregaral of mental anal physical hygiene " "We hav.- in", the first explanation .?i ; tin? abnormally active woman Tin? ner ' vous organisation arorka peculiar changea ? in body and mind. The niiml. perfeetl.v sane, but l.alanae.l like a ha.r-u ?gger, be? comes ssperssnsitlva to external Impies alona ''aim judgment la?av?-s It. It lie comes enthusiastic over a propaganda at ? whii-h botera i* wouiii i.?- aghast j "Hleasures ceaa.? to give th?- stimulation I d'-sli-fd. and new IdSSS OOBM that seem and perhaps ar?-, bigger anal worthier. Then women advance, as th? y have now, I to disput? lb? phlloeoph) of th? contest with men In all pun i u and -? -t I op their ? ??>?. n plans of iif> <;.nt!<- women, naturally retiring and re, becosM suffragists and suf ? i. and they aland boldly on .? ?oapbos m i public square, before s mot? ?to) throng, t-? proclaim th.-ir ssmaada 'These am? women, driven b) the esl?| genctos .-f the hoar approve rrocti eon* dad "i? the part of their Matera as that .?f bias king up of meetings, storming and InsulUng public men In the Mrs? 1 throwing Moaes snd smashing nindows i conditions ar.- only an svldenc? of ? ? Dsrvous tfistreM thai has iMtootne uni ? .1 " "We are developing i w*MBaidMSd that is bseemlng free of the bss?acttve d-sire for mut),. iI.o.mI. hii?i "frequently without in?- oapadty f>.r it. The racial Mrangth ; nf r.-pr?,.|n?-li?.n 1? declining The blitb1 ! ?rate drops, sad of the children born the proportion of th-?-.- Infirm Incresaea, at last we are confronted with the prool thai li.?- hlgh-sp.?-d effort of OUr dSil) lires bas b i. ?ugh! sugar tog not only upon I ouraelvsa, but abo upon our children It i ibocking t.? cootemplats how fer ths \ iMtatloo has ?stende I. 'Th. rate Is told In flgur. I Th? 1*0 are moi? criminals and Imbeciles to each 1 oM of populstton than over bef,.r<- Then an- fewer Mrtbs to sseh IjM populstton "I.attcr-?la\ win? I). driven by the sti.le .?i the elements within thorn t?> caormoua exertions, are ssklng in what way worn? n an- inferior t.. in? n and are Bt? tempting to demon strata their squat phy? sical snduraacs. 11 Is not ? question of equality at alt M .??> one of physical rttf? i.i. n.. in ihe sesea which forbids worn? en from perf(Mining sHb?w factory Labor or disquieting taski ' o PERIL OF INDIFFERENT VOTE Ex-Secretary Fairchild Sees Menace in Suffrage. i fear this question of ???man sotfrngs has been treated too much in the psM by m? n as if it were g |.,k?. as If it wars an amusing thing, and as if it did Sot amount to very much. Men, that I.? not the way t.? meet your public duty. TMs thine, Is Mtber very right OS very Ill next Sunday's issue of The Tribune various leading r.dvocates and exponents of the Wom? an Suffrage cause will reply to the arguments advanced upon this page by their opponents. u ro?a 'i ! ? i ?? Is no n Iddle ground abo I I It, and ?><> i bave gol '?? consider it from' II ?? standpoint i i?> lleve thai II ibould j i...i M Bra) rasaos .- thai II will somewhat In? ?? i ? i. ? ntag? to the siia.i.- ?.f : nrclta '?. poaslbt) your corrupt, ? rote i .!?. not aa thsl it will, bul I BSy ! ir m..- .;.? ,? it probant] will not .h- - mint?, thai to tin whole II euraly will ? Increas? the percentage of your Indlffer-1 ? ?? or rot? v\bleb does not ??? to the polls, the rote which does not con? sider questions, l ,>? rote which doee not tak? part in government, and, t?> my mind, thai vote la mors threatening to ?m countr) to-daj than its corrupt vet.-. CHABLU s rAIRCHILO. Becretnrj ol the Treasury under Presi? dent Cleveland. WOULD WEAKEN WOMEN Mrs. Ho?velcr S:iys Their Pow er Is Greater Without Vote. Ham enrnssl aromen bnve toi.i why tiiey me opposed to equal suffi age much better than I can, e i only add my word ; >.f . noouragemeni i<> the atl-ent ??sters, ? hoping they win be sllenl n?> longer, '"it? ...m.? forward and -av : "It miisr not a-otlie." hulead (>f sitting OUlOtl) .?t llai'n*. aytng "1 supposa II v\iii come," ?if , ours.?, it win come; It i- bound to come, If ?ill the woik is done by the few who WSnt it, wlille the urea: ni.ijoiltv u ha. deplora II say mKhlng, How can the man ?vim ray: "if the majority want the franchise let tii.-in have it," know Which is the majority, if that majority forever holds if. pa?.ice. While our friends the auffrsglata ma- continually urging ami clamoring) \\>? have a hard etlOUgh POOttlOS in he? ilig the opposing Instead of the aggress? Ire force. Do aol miaunderatand m.v meaning I do not oppose progresa f welcome all efforts to help women to a broader Intellectuality, bul think the bal? lot has no neeaaary connection with adu? csUoi and opportunity. If womsn nrs eager p> . ? ? ?. i.nd insist upon tin-ir ahnra In siding reform, and lha betterment of social coiiditi'ins. they do not need the suffrage; their power i-; muck greater without ?t. MKS \\ 11.1,1AM A n<?i:\ BLBR, of Pittsburgh, i THE INFLUENCE OF WOMEN, Suffragist Non-Progressive, j Mrs. John Martin Says. I am often sshsd wl,> Il Is that B woman must neglect bar home if she vot.s Sur.-ly she can ? BpBSSB herself In public affairs and still be faithful to home duties Why annual she do both? gfa ? <an do but it is like have t.. hit two balls, but you must hit your first hall tirst and cm rom from that I to the aecotid. She can influence the slate ' through the ii'iino, but shu cannot Infill- ' Mrs Mee m Mittenden pnce ii..- bom? thro igh tbs state The l.,iii. Is her firM ball Unless she makes ., hit th? re her pto) does not count. iv, grei |? lam a thing that is need* ,.i i. ,11.1 this Is my objection ,,, ti. . not progr?s* ?j... m -ei : .? ? d of hwnsnlt) is ... ? ow ? the great task uf braedlng and rearing a higher ;-.. n poi ' Milt) for this Brest i, :, test that ma nkind has ever att? mi i--i a t.. il beside wh* h the building of pyramids end >? catting of ? falls po? . | withii om m' provine*. Tin re.?' -,iii come one day, ,,, i ?fin -,,. on? nrhli h ahall awaken b? r u , ,.\,. ? the regponalblllttea <-f this o-day progn : ma to , ,,.,.. tion of those things which dis , .... ? ? m and the diverting ..: u .? om this i sst task ? . ,, -? -, tion of II ow li.,I;:. , .,-? . a rage the forward I ... , ... ,. ; ... : -., v ,,( bar ( . | | Ids her di ttin snd fulfil Ml:-- JOHN MAI'.TIX SAYS IT THREATENS HARM Mrs. Francis M. Scott Points Warning with Argument. u.. ffragi ???? ? ml no- meaaurs , wiii. h threat? - ??- sll as pron iJ> -' i good ?'.-i extrei ee, if they can be in Id a ; a foi a wbMe, aubetde to thai ?? mparate course s at? llfllS the b. 11,-r ? i of th? romla? Won ? ? ??:???.. j foi the work ?re bound to be . ? i ? I in Its -?-i vac?not phi!.i. ? bllt Civic as we!!. As the men air? .1- oq boards commissions and committees Hi .1 the value of the women who work ?ith them sraiaea will i..- moi.- snd more used in appointive po -?li.u.s and will be the ? so? i.-i<-d f..i their capacity, training and freedom from other obligations, la this WS) the -'al. v- III have i? ? hen. tit ?if her valuable ? cltisetu*, ami social conditions aill not hi disturbed or liarme?! b) th? polltlcall) valueless. The right of women propert) owners to vote ..n property questions, for, mothers t.? rote on a I ool unsattops theoa aad other things v?;d settle themsalvas in the gen? eral raadJuMm*mt of pro grasa, as similar thing! have done in th. past and arg doing ail tin time, All women interested in the betterment "f public affairs can then form a sort of moral union, which will hav?- an inun. IISS influence on public opinion ar..i through that upon legislation and the enfovcemonl <?f the tow Is woman Suffrage BUTS to come so?ne time? '.'o. it is not Inevitable, sot even probable, but >.' coures is possible, The longer we succeed In holding off universal suffrage the lean likely it is to comr. MUS FRANCIS If. 3COTT. SAYS FEW WOMEN WANT IT Mrs. Markham on Conditions in Connecticut. The Connecticut AsooclaUon was .?riian laed Nov.m!..t -?:. mi. During the past tut.i months we have fo'ined thirteen branches with s membership of'. In the past year we have bad four largely attended mass meetings, besides numer? ous parlor meetings. The branches haVO all had well attended tneetlngs. ?We have proved the fsct thst less than i per en! of tii?' women In the state want ih?. ballot, based on s deduction made from th. stat. in. ntl of the SUffraglstS as to their enrolment at th? ir annual meet? n..? to November. Connecticut ha s total population oi 1.11I.7M, of which U?MA are aromen of voting age. The loffraglsts In thi-lr petitions claim that U\MA women ar>- gaktng for equal francbtoa There fa?-, they claim SSSSJtly I -Ti*-1 ? ??> of the women to their petitions, and that alter foity-tinee veais' campaign for squat rights in Connecticut. MUS DANIEL a. MARKHAM. Prealdent, Conaeetteut Association on, i oeed to Woman Suffrage. DANGER TO THE NATION Mrs. Putnam Calls Suffrage Ar? guments Sophistries. The danger to the nation in the agita? tion for woman suffrage is vary gravo, an i ihe eopblotry atlth which it is urged is roost deserving, its advooatea have the ardor of the fanatic and the '/<*ai of the ctrusader. They behove Htanrsalvea to be tin- true advocates of pragmas it is for us to show that progress OSS only be made along the lines where Nature leads, that only by working with bar can any gain be Sff? ??ted. The timo in which we are llv. lll| la a very critical one, not only for our .. untry, but for the whole world. Women hold the futur.- in their keeping, and It Is because we believe so OtTOBgl) in the need for woman's work and woman's power that we are anti-suf?raf?t*ta. Mi's William LOWBX PUTNAM, of .Massachusetts As.-i>clations Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Miss Ida M. Tarbell Gvci Reasons for Her Belief Thal Suffrage Would Not Benefit Women. The assumption that the ?m.provetn?fl.?. of woman's position depends upon th? vote is quite as unsound as tha- charge of her inferiority, flixty years ago It was held that the only road to the broad And full plan of education which th.? new democratic scheme maale imperative ?j? the ballot, but that scheme lias been realize?! ta? the full without a single worn. ??'s vote. Free and diversified profes? sional opportunity was said to depend upon suffrage, but a woman '?an b? al most what she will to-day. It his not taken a vote of hers to set profOeetosil doors ajar and they will surely swing further open, ballot or no ballot. L'ndouhtsdl) the argument for suffrage which to-day causes most hesitation Smong tha? thoughtful ?ml ?ympathetle who arc not ?convinced of the wisdom of extending suffrage to women is that fair condltlona ami wages for the great body of aromen in Industry can amly be realized. by giving them the s^.?rage, that they neeal it lor self-protection. The rapid ad? ranea arhJeh protective legislation for woman and children is making, the abs?j lute ssrtslnty that It will be soon as pei fe, i as lias been conceived and will t>. Improved as rapidly as, it Is leatneu how to improve it, the absolute certainty that wages depend not on votes but economic laws, are the best answers to this. The woman in industry is after all but a transient-her working life averaging hut a few years. She graduates from shop or factory to real life. The best that can be don? fot her is to nee to it that lili? brief industrial period does no'. impair her physically or morally fer her high functions, and, above all, that it does not lead her to believe even dimly that tin-re ar<? happier or more useful things than those to which she instinct? ively turns. A ttainmg that will land h??r to apply ne. puwci'fl with appreciation and enthustssm to dornest! i and not to poii'.i 'al life la what she nee?ls Moreover, as a ? 'as- tiie iiidustrial woman a?? we s.>n her 10-day will pass as this country regain? the indnstrtsl ?rslsi-i it has lost, as th? presenl unhealthy and abnormal atten? tion gtvuu to manufacturing ceases an?l commerce and agriculture ate r?-st?Jted to their proper place. A harmful and SMOUUd ImpllcStlOS In the ancrage srgumsnl ha? been that woman's position in society would im ??;. In proportion sa her activities and Interests become the sann- i,s those ,,f nun. Thla it' of course ?' man? work in BSdst) la mere important and dSTalSfflng than woman's. Hut hotli a:* ssssntlnl t?j aodoty, and who can "ov? that olle essential CaCtOT is aUPSTloi to an,.tuet aaaontlnl faster arg ??? as -? lenttats win aa to whisk sex h pri? mar) and arhleh Baeondnry, the] pror? nothing, sine.? the ra ??? ?ease- ? 'either brsnka down. Aa fa* a won,. .1? re-toning more perfectly ander mascullM condltlona ??11 tha Insm sf gro* i are against it ll-r apilitudes and instincts and fun? tlena ar.- dlffavenl II ;- h following th? m that she grows moel easily, f'nnonarlsna Irving along tbs HnsB of one's nature is alwa.vs moel ? ? ous ami fruitful. Poing a msn'a v?.oik m a msn'a amy almost Invarlal fer a woman aslf??**oo>Bcl|9U8neas, fric? tion, self-si.ppr? sslon. It is COSt!) to society and to th.- individual, for It means at Last the partial atrophy of p?,wers and qualities pscuHsr te woman a?,! aaaantlsl to the harmony, the ? harm and the vigor of society. Her differences are her strength Their full growth com I pl?tra tha humas sycle. To auppraai these dlffereness is to rob not merely i individual life but the life of the world ' of its full ripeness. IDA M TARBRfa IDEAS FOR MR. WILSON. ' If the t at iff comes off.' thi BSBBBBI said. why. then, we'll have t.-> x"t our revenues through other taxes There are | aonie QUeer ta\?s abroad that we might adopt "In Servia, vanitv is taxed-? ?1 tat cent tax on wigs, am rouge and on pad* and hustles ' Bachelors are heavily taxed In several countries, but epinstets everywhere es? cape this impost. "Matrimony is taxed in China and. the older the bridegroom is than the hrid? the greater the tax levied on him. It U the wl?e Chinees theory tha'. when as old man gets a young wife he la nsces sarlly a rich old man. and one well ebl? 1 to stand a heavy tax. In Italy. salt is taxed. Mstches *r? tSJMd in France. ThSSB things yield a? SasrSBSan revenue sad the ta?; Is very little felt "Oermnnv taxes music. If von play the piano you must pay a tax. and if yeu sing you are taxed again. Uood old Oer? j many! i "Music, bachelorhood, cosm?tica ?-??*?' ! ties, mercenary ami ignoble maTlagee ! whi'ther thes? taxes would be popular or ! nor here. I think that, if heev*. enough. ? th<?\ woulal Improve American cotidi? I tlons. BOTTLE-FED FRUIT. i The p.-aches and pears were ||he , :m.' 1 kins, the grapes and strawberries liB* BPPlaa and the millionaire said: "Tea '? grew all this fruit la niy o*n i hothOUS?i It Is, you know, bOttiS'M i fruit." "Hottie-fa-d fruit ?" a ysung girl aasagj "Yes," said the millionaire. Mottle ( feeding IB the latest wrinkle In the gr-'** ! ing of this enormous winter bothBBJ ? fruit, and It has Increased the fruit'? ! si/.?- and sweet MSB ?s?' or 90 per cent "This Is the method: When a peach *' j B pear is young and green and hard H gardener passes through it a needle ai? I threaal of coarse a?otton. leaving bo*? | thread anda sticking out. Me da>es thi? till eight or ten ends are obtained. Th-**8 i ends he puts Into bottles of sugar-and* , vvuter syrup, and the syrup, flowing alo?! . the cotton. Is absorbed by the fruit I sucked up by It?sucked up as b*bt* suck up milk?the fruit, in word, is tjfl tie-fed. "A^id bottle-f?ed fruit, as you aee M yourselves, is bigger and more delleats than the ordinary kind. The tiny pud*** ures made by the needle leave only ? i email, black scar." THE AGE OF C08METIC8. Lady Aberdeen, at a dinner in N?* Vork, uttered a neat epigram on th* modern woman. "The modern woman." ahe said, "rtxtt/t weeps?her complexion won't stand it?"