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WILLCOX INS SUBWAY ' CONTRACTS AFTER ALL McCall Asks Predecessor as Heart of P. S. C. to Attest His Signature. END OF LOMG STRUGGLE Citv Officials. Shonts and Will? iams Rejoiced to See Heaw Load Lifted lrom Their Shoulders . . ira ? ... .... . . ? - ?. ? ? ? ? . - - ? ? ... . ... , - ? I - irm upon th? - - . , ? ? ? ?? ? . . ? ment ?if th? i M . . ? ., . ??.ri J - : ,\ ?. iam Raj i?. i?i .? ? V. , "? ? ' .0. rt W. l Not inxtrfere ? .1 ? ?a I \ m R. W ?r k hi peri? - i? i?? ?? - ? | ? i.? .? ? ? ."'IS ?a soon aa . i ?? ? - . .. ? ... luit ?.'o111 M WH ' ? ' ual i hu r to att? in. ? .'iir. llMlon, ??? r ? llaf ?... , ... i Mr. \\ ? ? ?-..? - ?re of i ? said M ' . ? lur tu.? in..-.: il??- ? I ty lia? evei ?na U ? "in*.:r mai. Mc< '?? ". extended U,. ' ? , \? h.?. Mil X ? ? i i : .? I ? ' . ? ? . .. | ?i ?. t,. do ' ? - ?.. K i ' . Kacn . .? ? eaident 8 mi ?'f ike ? . .. . i a? to ?a? ? '.:?,. s proven i x ? ? itton th ?.- : h?- third i i : . i . i xnr.i' ? ? ? The first, thing lb? -. \ . : ? | . I | | ?? ?a. ?. . .... .i.< i oui ' ? ? ?? ? foi '?; ? ration ? ? ? ? '.?; ? ? - ? . ? ? ?... : - ? - del S ; .i I I K'kel over in] of a aysten f sixt* ml . - ? ? ? ? .' - It mm ... I safety, for I . ? - ? ? el bat the mil I ?>- ? - ' mai. -J .. s ? ?? ? ? i ?id be was ?jr? j ? li? ? . ? been all ?apt ? i . Ins the Intel ?t ? !,u.. "" ?? ? mp ' ? ' b -rrov.-?.d 't.rnt? UK" to ? . ri ? Uie ??..?:?. It la the i ? omnllalunenl ol . .... . ? ? Mayor lat? . ???:.?? 1| hurt ??ometblni that 7 ?? 1 ? ,'l?.?? " I h?' - -' '? . I ;. ?.'hall roan fad .?, , an to on? ?' ir.? ?rontraoti it ?o ? ?minuta aftei noo 3i \. Butler, m. a-.?i?.iani oounsel '?i the ,a .in.m.s ?.??> ?? r ... :?.. n.- not pul > is lasl lignai ira on the .?^i contrast ??i ????^"?**?*^^^***?**************"***************'*?"**?*'?""??1'^"???^ Coward Shoe i ?a. ? a ?a. ..,' A Man's Model In Tan A new Coward model, on stylish last for busi? ness v/ear. A shoe with character, and wearing capacity above the ordi? nary. SOLD NOWMKRH F LSR JAMES S. COWARD 264-274 Greenwich .St., N. Y. ?.aVAJI *Aa\ja(M run.?-. Mali Orser? MM I intuo tot Cotoiopuo SIGNING Till'. CONTBACTS FOB THE DUAL-SUBWAY SYSTEM. - ~?.i?,- ?at,.?.****** ? ?.! -? ?^T-??l.^cX ?~ V> ?lliams. prcsidenl , ? the H K. I : I heiK.ore l\ Short?, pres.dert of the, an nth. _ ______- ^n ) . -? ._ M .' '"? ?\. Hi f ?. : ?"! v ?i ?? Um? . an, ?s ? ? had t.? s-.k r th. tblrty-elgbl Insti ument ? - ? |h nu n ?'??i third tracking . xi.-i Bion ? ?? ' t? \\ hite PlsUi ? nue l - ai ? l.? ? for Queens llnei ? .. . . mail coiikI ructl contra. : Tranatl certlnVati ?i t and c? Acate f? ? nents ? lea ni-1 the lut ? tracta in 1 lia nuit co ? ? ' * fur the I' - ' i ? ...... # . ?ign, ? ... rough Krai : | the Int? ? on ?'oui - to the 1 ? ....?? foi th? . ? ? - Gould Signature in Advaoce. R T Jeffre. ?a p.? In II ? abw m ? ? , had to th? Marnhal prt?ficatei ai ?ne ol no) do it in public il? -.?. . mei tha? i ? , ? r. md he arai f th< ertlflcat ' ... oa of the coi ?. ,? the Manhal l't ? - ? ? ind llarr) \ i : ? .-? ? ? foi th? M - pa ? Uli. : Harki ., ? nael v,i fone ?>\ e ? . ? n M?.l'ail i I .?r.-.| .? tl Creak nt '-' - . , ... nil acts lia . ?? i ' et ? and l no? ta ke pli ? .'?-:.? ? hei la ? on : ha ve ?.itx u.rtt win, thei go Ihi heal arlsbea ?>t a this cil - ? i '-.-:?; ? ?i? ? .. ? mu ? ked, win. t i ? ? t gift ever | ? ie city, at i? 4-t ii booli form a?,.i I ?i ? ? ? i?.. idmonition It Ij thai w? ta,, ?? ? ?,. a i . proceed -i- ?dll carrylna out of the*, ontua. And i r neck until thi 11 ?? | r - ?, : i ? . lad that I have enough ill engi ? heae < ont racla," ? ?s n.. coin Shonti ?h. *.? ml of do ument - . - ? ? . | . .. rea it ?n ?ffei ed L ? lommlealonei Kv-; eap ?---v .- thanks <>f t).<- commission t.? Boro ?? - Pr< dent M? Anen) an?i hii .i..-? - on i he conta i? ni ?? contrait t? ? ? nuil ,?ii ?? at .? n.. mbers <>f i lu Board mat? for theli prompl a? lion ui, i he ? ? racta a riaiua vote irai taken, a, which ? o ? .\iiiiii.,.- took pa?t, leadlos to remark, with a Mull-, that it the fit it tun?- they had ,-v??i been abl? ?? gCj ifaltbh <?n rooocd ' ; company haa put '.ip aecurltj ?.f i;.0??'.'"" foi tl ?? partiel] itlon It th? ?'.?n itt lotion ?md equipment which will i,. returned in Inatalmenta sa the monei I* ?j eat v d I ,?00 9 ? toi the faithful per? 11 ?? opei atli?K agi ? ? which will a? reached during the period -, rbo v:. stockholder*, al a :.??.(,:., yesterda formally approved the ? ???? ??? moitaa's? In Ita flnal form, in ?pite of the proteal "f .' Aspiawall Hods? representlni a f?*a minority stockholders ? ? CLEAN HOMES FOR WORKERS Senate Bill Requires Factory Owners to Keep Houses Sanitary \ ?ten) M.?i'? n II The genata le .t?. ?. ? i the Wsgnei in?! which would re quire all factor; owners win. maintain v -. - foi th? . employas le keep ?.u? ii quarter* In a aamtary condition TI i ?Senat? ommitt.n \?:ileultut?? lae ? ? ?portad favo m bl ,? ? ompi oi .i.Mik.-ia?i t?? license an?t bond ??<>mn,.> ion Hants The bill ?-niiioiiiei? the reoom mendatieni I ? ??.-.?? anee In Ne? ^ ??rk beta ?.??..?- atora and ? on n man bant? DURING EASTER PREPARATIONS, When ? walk, shop or are on roui f?-? ? fortify and care foi ) ?'M fool Don't gel footsore; get Foot-Ease, ths antlaoptlc ?powder t<? be shaken Into the Bho? s foi ?Swollen, A? hing feet v??u can walk i'.i houra and not gi t tired ir you nae Allen's Foot-Eese. Ii is ?always In demand for use In i'ut?-nt ?Leather Shoes, and for Breaking in New Bhoee, This la an Bas] Teat Sprinkle Allen's K??<>t-Kas.- in one shoe and n??t In the <?th??r. and notloe the difference ?Order ? jr.? package TO-DAY of an) Drug-1 gist and i? ?read to forget you have feet During Beater Week. Bold every? where, 25c Sample FREE bj mail Addreae, Allen S. oimsted, l.e Ry, N. Y. , Dor't accept any aubatitute. I Se.-' t-x |. fttnatntt '?V "'ZU**.*'*'1-'''!' * / /Lu.J-UkZ'X? /a"Va.?.W ? I? ? MSB ?lu.? ... ... .. . .- a*? ?*... ttoat urf???..1?. ? ... .at aUtaft ?? '? ???.'???? ,ai ?m..'. ?. ?. ..p.? ?- ? r%. naat a. ?.?hura.?? ' ..:?.? ... a..?.? ? ml? F'< ..?? -.1 ? ... r. ,* ? - .?.' ?47 ? .??>..t . a. | a. ?a?.?., la. >?? ?al mm On Her* ..???? >l'Mif SH?1ttfA??iyiM>->iriM ? TU* naair p-?T!u r>r?*ot'^f"/of<y \ ? aa?aa f A -?tfiT??.'?*^-*-*?,' ?nnrir'ioconurfT u? r?>r s ?amakm ? ? -*. ,, fictif: I Ac 'SI.MILKS Ol llil S|( FULL DETAILS OF DUAL SYSTEM hollowing Dat.i Show Existing .md Future Hracltage, Ownership and Mileage ol City's New I i.insil Plan, Which Will Comprise 629 Miles. i ?lloaini ir? Hit- deli - ? th? and sd llttonal tn ge t i?? the d l plai Interborcu&h Line? To Be B.nlt Jointly by the City and trie Company and L?i.i pued by t ? i e Compari;. ?j ... rlHH ?? i ? ? . ?" i . ... .??? : ?'.? ..:,>. , .- .I.??.. r track .*? >> H ? i ml ...- Kvt mi? i ue t-'iu.n ? ?. aiiue to lia ? Road ? " ? fourth ?ub Ihre?. ted Three track? ?? ?*' I .vard aud .yeatcheetei a ven .?i ..? i ? ; ??v. l?th all ?'...? I'm ? ,.?:... ? ? y. Iham >????? Park ? m., hall ?ubwa on? half a ? ?? st?a?l ?'hre. UK- it I .. - .... ?. it a on r rom ? itro. i und Boston Road ? v\ ? it i .u n,.- LUviaioii nt existing aubwa to and up ?*? bile lia ni Roa? Ueekei avenue all elevated Two _ and three tut?.*?. ?M ! >, .. ..-i, i nui? Une Prom 1 lm< i i .-, :t.i.- n? ih- battei.- ill a ii?*-.??? i Pour tiM'ks north ot Park l'lace fc.l T ; t la??.-. William sod ' tai ?? .-???? i Una Pi. V eal Bro*?d? a through l"ark Pia? ?? privat?? prop . ? Beekman atreet, \*? klllam ..i and ?.?lii Blip In Manhattan ... i m... Kasl lllvei to flat ?* ?treet, Brooklj u, and thro igh ? 1st ?? . : and ?Fulton atreel to th? prei ; enl i ibwii) 411 aubwa ? 1 ? ??? track? ?-? Hletnwa) i unnel l'i um l'ai k ?vu, ..? and 121 atreet, Mai.tiditan. i>> and .??: tbe Baal River lu l_?ii| I ! and Cltj All aubwa] Two track? LI Stelnws) Tunnal Kxlenalon tn Man huttan in tti etreet from Tlmei .*-,.?,?.. Ui function with ktatnwaj f n.?.. 1 All subwa Two trunk? u? ?.? ... 11 r- Kxtenalon of Bteinwa] Tun to Queensboro Bridge Plass Sibv.uv and slevgted Two and three iraeka ?A at orla Une Ci**ac?nl ?street t?? l?n mata avenue 4\n elevated Twe ?mi three Ira? ka ?Corona and Woodslde Uaa Uraa ? cent street to Hrtmo street All ? it vated Tun ?itiii ihre? ?n?? k* .. Kastern Parkwaj Une Prom tei minus ??t exist?as, subwaj ni hi lantli avenue. Brooklyn, out Mai bush H-.i-nu*. mi.a Eastern Parkwaj in Buffalo avenue All Mubwa*. Foui track? N'ostrand kvenua Une From Real ?-m Parkwaj 10 Platbuah avenue All BUbwa! Two tin? k*? Uvonls \v.-ivi.- t.iur Prom Kastern Parkwaj through Kam Nth Btrael and Uvonls avenu? to v?'*-u? l...i mi elevated i??, traeka lb 7 b || I Total ltd ?Trackage 11 ?; 1,1 _? alee le B R T Manhattan Elevated Railroad Exten ?ion?. Putnam Brida? Una t-'t?>n. 117th atreet and Eighth avenue a?!???? Putnam Bridge, ovei t?. iiai?4-u. . New York Central right ,.? wa\ ami private propert) mu? ii;.?i atreel le River Hw-nu?? t.. oonneetloi with Lexington avenue aubwa) ea trnaion In Jeromi .? si nua Twe 11 ,n h- ; I West Parma I'onectlon Prom Third avem a ? i<-\ atad line at about 1 ?d .-ti > ?i. through pi iv ate pi oik i 1 Willi? and Bergen avenue? tu Biool ? ' .<? ? ??lui?? tion v-itti West Parma Dtvlaion ?if th? aubwa) T*? ?1 tu.? u.- end Includlni Hh leu Itiv.-i Bridie Kxtenalon ?.f Third '? \ en ?? Une Pour? trac k in ?.U;. and tour track Une between Harlem Riv? r ??n?! i Mth atreel 1 1 I w tut? 1 'lair?*- Road Connection ki* vated Uni from Pordham avenue through Webater avenue and Oun inii Road to w hi;, piaJna Road . Rtemrion ot the aube a: Two I traeka _? Queenaboro Bridge Une Prom Se? ? i.'i ?? ? v?.... elevated Une t?> Queens bora Bridge Plaaa Two ec3 Total ol elevated extensions i?? 1 Third-Tracking of Manhattan Elevated Line?. ??ei "H'l Avenue hikI Third avenue Un? s- ? lompli lion ?if third track from ? It x Hull siatlfiii to UMfc atreel sl Ilnth \v*>nur elevated Une-?-'oni pletlon of third trai-k from Reot??t .-irr*.'t t?* ijftth atreel thtew r?oi tlons fr..m Rvotoi to nth ?treet an?l ? ? rated M ' "??I fl a ? ? ?A .1 y Corpora? 0" U P. Ti l.'1-.e? To Be Constructed Jointly by t**e C't?- and the Compa??? i . ? ftlorrli ? ? - I ?? * , ? i ?. (.,? ' i. ? .. . . ? ? K< ?| ?.,..,.-. i it , . -.. i ..m Brooklyn I ? throuKh I -ii. m ? . ? i rack l.'anal Hi n I - ?? ? ? ? ?u, ir- .....i ?? 1 tan Brida? .-?.?.? Tw<? tra? ? i ? ? ?with Brighton <??., ? . . ? ' . ., d r:..!i. -r . .? ? ? ? Mi -i. .i H ibv.?. i * ? - ? Rast? 11, i ?nu i? i i. i - It h sir? >?' ..i.i ii Kill .,; -x ... to ! -> ? ? a ? 01 ?? Hub? a ) ix nd ? i?-\'?.?a?.i 1 . trad M.I i ,. i lit? ??; Tunn? : ?\ lilt? I all ?Jtreei to Idontai i? ??? ? el S lUua) 'I no ? k? ? ?i i ? ?? ? i. ? ? .?u .?? H ib?M .? i. tensloi i d tree? la? l?th atri ? K? to tttti -?-.-.? ? Kourth \? en .? H ib? ? Mai bettai l?i Idge to tie Ii ? ??? ?Juba? iraoka '?'entre K? ? el i a? ?p Bi ??? i Ri um |?ai Row ti? V ' - i? ? - ? Bubwa ? ?'....? 11 ii? k? f> ?? ? a . rad] ..i.? t? ?.. t???i Soutn Brooklyn Linei ? onne? Uon ?nth Htr?**e( f ? ??.? Ih ? id Ninth \ ? ? nui i s?.i.?? ?. and open eul Tim a ir.?? ka ?', *>???? i ire? i?i .venus tHk lo Hth Str.?-(?t lo ?'ut,.-' I -Im r..l Kl.vulrt Tina* traelta I:p ? 'ulver, \ii.ti. . renu? i" i 'on< > i?-i ai,?i ?Xlavated Tht-*a Iracki ? ? '. IMi.ll To Be Constructed by ?He Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company a* It? Own Expanse. ? ' ..?.?.i.??* i. i ,ii,.? ?ii ? snpoinl i ? ? rated i au tra? k ? lantal? ?? lalnaa El? at?*d i ???? tra? k M ni.- \ ?i. ,.- . latitheran ? 'enietai ? i li.-ii i'..i,.i Koad i.i. i.i.-.i and ?iKiit ??i ???? Two iracka :'? Brifhtoii Bea? h < ?pan ? ?n - " Hea ?Boarti ?tfth Sn??t and ?fourth Avanue to ?'onej Island Upen cut and embankment Two ti II "?? Rastern I'arkwa* t?? Malbone Htree? Hub? a T??.. ti a? k ? '.. ?.a I ltr< ?.? ?i>.ii- " it rotal Third - Tracking and Reconstruction at the Company's Expanse. i ilton m r. ? i Rlevat? ?! I. m Third na? i. from Hii-iikl? n Bride? lu Kaat ?Now York Broadwa? Rlevated Lina Third tract? flora Vvllliamabura BridK? to Kasl ?fe? Tori Myrtle Avenue Bletratod Uno Third track from Broad? a? lo i : i ? ? -* ?? ?A."..I Total ???"??< Summary of Dual System. 11.??>.? additions to Hi?- i?i ??-' id ii? ?' the r?mpanle* form ?? complet? dual ? - lern oi in?- foilowlni proportions For Operation by the I nterborough Rapid Transit Company. i,?..?-1.;,?.- ?ttibwas ?3.?i Rxlatinfl ele? -. t--. ? Un? ? III 9 Bub?a? nmi ele? Itad linea f??1 poi et ?ruction lotntl) ??? clt? .?n?i oom pan) M ? Rlevated railroad extensions lo be ? onai r uct? ii b companj II i Third-tracks on elevated roada lo be . ?ii-ti??.-ia.1 t.? compaa i??5 Total . '.'?? 1 For Operation by the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company. i ?. istini elevated it"?.?? . . ..?-., H Hubwai ?tut eieTatad iiii??i? tut con Htiiutl'.n JnliilU l.v a-lti fiinl Mil) 110 ?I Rlevated extenaiona f??r eonatruetlon l?y ? (??ipan? ti, ... Tlilnl-lra? ktnK and r-M-.inmi iir||..n t,y compa n? s ft" Toial . 271 '?i <iraii<1 total ?1ual system.t"3? 7 TAMMANY GAGS ASSEMBLY Smothers Debate and Prevents Capitol Graft Revelations. i. ? ? ?'. (ill I I ti nal. i it ., : ? ? take, hut I ? : ? ? ? ' ' ? ? ? . . ? ?. ? i ? ? e SHOWS SENATORS $200.000 Takes Novel Way to Prove His ? Company "Responsible." v ' ' h i ?;???. ndall Vote ; ? ompan Bled l . i ,1 , . r * ? ? .,.j. ?C,,i ... ike it a i ... ?. ? thegroundtha l ? engi svad by a ? ? . a (lied .the a ritli effort to ron vince l ? thai wa? ? ?. ? ? ' . i- ? Mr. Kendall i ? ? ti from pi Ini Ing i a tea id vi ?i ? i-,,,- ? tfa-nat? itilwi hairn th< mut Itte? .-? ? ? ? ;? from the ? iovei ii??' ol Rhodi laland fat i the Mil i ?, M ,. ~ ? t the K?ea Tori Uli k i.. ? :?. brief HtuiitiK Ihe >i" i ? - opposition lo 11?, bill whirl ?a? ntro ?i ? ?? it 'a tin i he Intention to abrogati th< ? vi- ..f the exehat i ? n In tot ? ??? i.?i t-ara. to thi that *?? ? rltl ? ii m dei to In llai,*d be enaraved pa ? , ..?IIn allons bave be? , ?i h ins ?"in'?.h i ? ? i ? ex? ang< Mi Kenda ? un? ?t tha? i had .i.Dpi? ?i to dh ? Imlnati agaii i i. - ? otnp ii f ' thi American Bank Note ? 'omi ? TO REJOICE OVER SUBWAY. ?Brooklyn Committee p!:ms Dinner to Cel?brate BigBing <>t* Contrails. i in i ah bration ol thi algnlni ol lh? .?.?.i.. mi t., held In the Brool i ?.< adorn] ??i M I \\ .in. ida] evenin ? b the Hi"??k ' i\ n ? in,-., ns ' am mitt? ? snd thi ?. eats ol honor i? in in? lude the ru.i a ol I Boa.i iv-iHiiii-. the Publli ?Si ? ? '?ni.'! ,n.i i be pi ? intent? ??t the contracting railroad companlei Uo\ ernoi H?lset will v? Int i. d to inaki an ad ?ii--- \ ap? ? i..i m..... s tu? d, and ?... i rlbei will ? glv?i de ut in ,,i /.,. ? ;..;,i ..,. - * llvei meda 0 ill be ?ii-i.!? ,i |n the im I? of i.i l'ii? tonal ma tei will be i i. ?lei,. It Pi .?ii i M?.!' .i . Blum la Hi? ? bah man 01 h ? ? ? ill*..nun, ?i ami unit.* 1 'lai >?? i ? ? bah man ol the dlniiei ? oinmltti . The ex<* utl*.- cominil I.,?<i. up ..> 1 follow - I..IU..I.I ? i um, w illtain Ben i, John l! i'i..ii:in..ii. ii, , i,,.) i I ? lunn aoi I ileorge w Brush Pi ank w ? 'onn I w I it"\\.v Kiwi ii s P| pe? Jeremiah i i "'l-' ?! - Nathanl? . ?I i.,?.i, William 11 Mllnoi John i: Bulllvaii, Thomas K ? lark, An.ti. y (*larke, John Idlke? An ?i"? I' Batid David Porter. Prederic li ?Pratt and Charlea .1 Peabodj The dlrinei ? ill coal i. ., plat? ?-e GAYNOR HEARING TODAY. Mu\.?i (ley nor aras uni aerved yestei ?ins with ?1 ?summons Issued bj Magistrate >*?? 1'>'"'??'.<i' to appeal before Magistrats McAdoo t.. answi r .1 ? hat. crimln ii iih*-i' agalnal him bj Ralph Pu? lltaer It 1- aaid that .??? understandlni tiHs been reached whersbi the Mayor will ai>peHr at ?the hearing ti.iV afternoon v??t untarllj. mim Bill ' OPPOSED BY DRUGGISTS Want State Board of Pharmacy to Enforce the Anti-Habit Forming Drug Law. FAVOR ANOTHER MEASURE i " Westchester Medical Society Objects to Provision Requiring Consultation in Prescribing Drug More than 3 V/eeks. (i apt? ?a Alban Man h I!'. ? I? neral x? ,14. II? i.i ?I : . e 01 Of til" Pol i of N?' ?'? York, rui'i ?aeveral well known Mew ; v?'i h |.ii i ai? tin - afternoon 1 the Kennte Publl 11? tl Cotnm i.??...i : ?i bill dealgned to I'M .? itop I" -?? of hablt-form? ??x. epi on ? r a pr? ?< rlption of .? reputa? ble i : il? lan an agitation to -/hl h i. ??....". Ti ? me Thei ?? w h - r?. h? u ing ?'ii ' i??- Bo i.ill, wh . i. pro? Idea thai ? ?.11? i of Health shall pro 11 - . ? ? of pr? ?. blanks, ??? i lull) i '?? i m duplica t<. through whl? h ? ?- . ? n ? ? ?? .rd Is to ..! ... pi. -, i ipi ion ? mtalning opi mi, o ? u,?- oi ? h "i al n i."\ ?? ' i tali It ii made m ?mea r to a? ai of 1 - - ? - , epi .'ii a pren rlption niadi ? ? h . ian ?m an ofllcin i blank Anotbei ? i-i..u la i ha ' a hen? ? Mciai .; an; ol tl ?x ruga f? m ? ek ? to an) pei aoi h< shall i I in un i I ?.??',.? ? ? . r lan Pharmacists Oppose Measure. ?,. n< i.? ' Hem and I ?,? Seta V*oi -\ , r. - .1.- ? i . ..Mil I II?- bill I opptiaed I?? .1. Roemei ? f Whit? Plains, repreaei ig I N'ew York Btate P n.utlea '?- ?' md the W? led - i;.- m? r ?said thai h? i as in - mi lad i?, th? the Bo) lan I II rd of I'ha ? am? i. of the i?i ??j ? nat? of II? tat the pr? ? , . th? ? - ... Ml 1 : | ? : ? prea ti-- ..-..?? r moro thai ? ? .. ? : B t a te I m it. ? ? ? , - . . Ilia ? pit lona l the B out covered practica . . t ?forming drftga with tha esceptlon of .ii". 1 i itlon, h? ... ',! I - Kant l ?lat?. i At toi i Delcl - ? ? * t)| . - ? . ? or th? . n< ?? the I . ' ? '.! ! .' thai It wai any am dmenta al late i. . ? . . , -i. ? - ? Mm? thing haa K"t lo l?e dot ? ipread of the d *? h?bil he Mid difl i m to s hip ?u. Into attape. it .ir? ihree ? ontli? iIng - . dition ?v? mera II rea lit? .. . i don?. if -i .( I ha queai ion I a? ttled Un- ? -.?? | ?? ..r he back to lia uni ? " ? i ? ? ' ?.? ;. i " Kll s Jelllffe and Dr Uei i ? ? i ..?m ? ? ? ? ? v-- . ? ?mid thai i " .?i nould ob J? it? ? i pro ? h? u?.' lan bill thai .. d? ? I rr anolhei dortoi , u ?I pre? ??? i Iblng .i di ??: f? r m. t; t-eka Both (??id of the a?pr< "I ??f the drug habit, ami i*all<Bd ittentlon to the um of drug! amo . i In s-? i fork. F,x A?.-? i?,i.i man < '?? ? !? W, i'- 'i. v? ho worked xt ith Hi 1 Ing Mi- Ho) i.fn bill, obj? i ti ?I to an ? ?ami ndmenta He aald hi pul th? ? n f..iv?-nirin ..!' the prtspoa? I la? In tha handi of tha Health ?Department, be? ... ix.- thai department had police pow .is aim..m ?equal lo the ' nlted ?Stal ?? nun? white iii".?a.? <.f the ?Board of : i in ma, v ?.? ?i. practi? all) nil ; DEATH BLOW TO AMAZON CO British Chancery Court Orders Winding Up of Its Affairs. i ondon, March II Tha ? 'haa? arjr Co i i...i.i? ordered the compulaor* artndlni up ??i i.? Peruvian Ameaon Company. In i,. 11.1 to ?? i it?-11 a asleci committal? of tha!. r,n u.un. ni had carried oui an I Investigation on tha aubjecl of tha '?? I rlble treatment of the natlvea employed ' ?m ilir Heidi in thla rounei lion Blr Roger ? . ? men I I.i Itlah ? 'ona il tlenei a at i?i?? .lim? u <? v.? ? ? ? ? Idem ? aa t<> tin? ??ul im which ha aald the Arana brothera ??.i.? i? apoi ? ? . The nation taken bj i he com ? la removes Julius i'eaar ?Arana from tha poaltion able h ha ?held us llquidatoi of lb? compan) In an aAdavll contesting the appll? atlon to i emovi him Ai ana? n ho .... m . ?. in i daclai -?I taal I he Ind i ... the Putumayo Dtatrtd aera rannlbab who reafatefl the advance of rivlllaatlon I Nelthei he nor any ntembei ol the Rrm, in? declared, had an) auaplclon ??i- tha real characters .?f tha agenta who ?"i i., tad ti.? : iibber H? ?denied thai the Indiana In l heir empto) ? > ? ? ? i aver tusen valued a?? aaaeta MILLIONS FOR BUILDINGS ! BUI Offered for State Structures in Albany, New York and Buffalo. Albany, Mareta It Tita ara?etioa ?of itate adirtnletretlon bullfllnga In Albany, n????. fork runt BuSaJo la prepo?d In a bill introduced t.?-ii;i? i.? Aaaemta4yman Caughtan Tha Alban) >n?? and building ????.Ulli not coal more than M.7W.4W4), the N. ?? Vork ?structure $:.'.?ni;??' and the Bui ful?? building tt?,t*M Tha iii?>|i.>>*ai i? laaue |l,6tW,0M t<? ????n struct ni?i equip th????.?? butldlnga would be aubinittad lo ?tha people t??t approval at t lie ?????lierai eiecimn next fall May Sides with Bensel. Peck and Kennedy in Opposing Glynn and Army Engineers. BANKS ARE CALLED SAFE Barge Canal Cannot Be Built Within $101,000,000 Ap propriation, Assert Mi? nority Members. ? t ? . ?. . ? to I mal Roa id I proved . ?? ? ? Il nu- Phi a viel for Bl .... and Dui ? | Work* - ' ?? ? ? r. The viel ? the opii . ...... i. i ;,, 11 experta to ?.I on thla matt othe .alri ? \ I V ? .? ;,,| i,?..,, , lionera . p ? an) Oov? i ' ' '. ? g theae aupi?h-mental ?' uri'iei ? ? ? : ? | ? : | I ;i i . || illing 1 k au es . ? . ? sature et teked tigatlon ? ?"i d n Rea ghwayi 1 ? . ? thla m i ?... ? ? I ? r ? A O ' * - If ' - ' - ' - ' veil ? . - - : ' ' ' Ii Secret ' ? ? " ' ' BELT LINE ISSUE ALLOWED Public Service Board Approve! Stocks and Bonds. - , . . . I - r? ?? 1 i ? ? \ i ? ?. - an-1 the '? ?Ml wiii. hi tloaet ' ... H ' . i tttr I ?.X?? ' t ? ; . an? I $.?.? Thi ordi mlaston ? . i-.,? ih' e aul I yallon toi U ?<t...K fron i..<? ?? i ? ? m, n ' hi ? ? ... v | les that thi shall i'? at the < ? . ahall i ? ... \ i ? t 'or m m. ut o? laxe* , har? rr*a . ? Thi Rali? ' ' " the aeftirtttea ? -i ill ell ' ; hi,, pun ?base ?i ihe I -i..... and " ? the Bi II Une rompan nue ? on pa amortisation n menta ??f *? ? DR. ALMCN ?UNNISON ILL Water town, S I ?an h ' ?**. of im Mm,. ? prealtlenl ol f,t* i.iu : ? ii?.? i nlvei ally. ?' Caatea. ***T* .,!., mod i?? da) b '"??l "" ***** rrltl? all) m from a? ute Indigeatlon 11 was leal n? i to-night how? ???''? ?ana m-, Indisposition la uo| eerloua LION BREWERY YORK ClYY. BOCK BEER on draught at ail oustoMea. OW *"1KW YORK ClYY.