Newspaper Page Text
fflri?wttt rp In < il.? of New 1 ork. .lerser 4 il y and Holiokei Pi / ? i,v ?i- f * |?|?|< 'i; i?YI." B^B^T?.!!^ IaCM?ofN?>w???T*a,"??)e?*a-fCiirBaai .V*1?I.?T. ' IMV I ?* l'.il? V li-ll M Stil II Ht I TU <?< I NT* 5!? AVE.-CALVARY T! Old Baptist Congregations De? cide to Combine, with Dr. Cornelius Woelfkin as Pastor. TO SELL ONE EDIFICE Dr. Charles F. Aked Resigned from the Fifth Ave. Charge I Few Years Ago Owing to Friction with His Congregation. ' :i In Will 57ih -?; ? ? avenue, ? ?j.'Ui street, with which John D. Ro ,!?'.!. )? \ fkln, past be mini*- j ih< "mi ' lurt/h, which Is tl ??!" lilt' II... ne church ? - . add Ihe 'HI. -i,! o? tin "tie igr? gation. ? aii'l th'' I'm*'" ?" ' The ? 'i" Calvary Baptist Cl ur? h ? ? ? ? . ? ?l The i the ? ? ? ? . In fact, li 2, when both ul<] take pi Plan Once Abandoned. Wit Woelfkil to Church the plan In I . Altl - an prob? ? um tron bot h - ' i -. First at!-! ; ? un- ! ant publl? Ity ii th? Fifth A ? - Dr. < "liarles P. - I Ion. Dr. R Ma Arthur, ? ho Churth i ? ? !: "I thll ? ? Fiftl Church 1 - it will till. Ided li . ; hink . li : a bl y lessen? ? i.-.l. Still unol i ata ?? be found . _' ? ? ? ? Fifth Avenu*; CHurc'i Too Small. ? twtv, 7k?.l and th? i ong I ;? .. ? ? i.- Chun h A ? him. ... :h? ? he said, . i rat! five At ? '" Ij'lilil .. ? ........ *rh?. . i ?.mmu..i .... amge, fourth rolases This Morning's Nxtws. LOCAL. Tut?. !.. . rjl ta i. ? led. 11, ll Rogen ? '??' i t. I ' Cleared. 1 ,.? luir?n?) ? ? pa " i ... 1 2 3 0 7 7i . 9 16 is! GENERAL. IV... Tariff ? ' *'nde ,......,) Kxplains Tai iff B i |100,.""' ? ? ??Said '. .., i N lasara ?'all ii . . ..,,,,,, ta i ,:,,i.liii?'iit ? ' i*a . .n m < Bpitol ? ? ? ?: rOHEKi*' Hol Big Kxplosion . ... .'? ' 'on , foi I'm ' MISCELLANEOUS. ?n., ????a f,,i W , ? ,.. ?. K-*!t',? j?) . "W !<-! v . Mu?,. ' W'.W.W.'.W..... ?Vu, -i . '.'.WWW.. ?Wi, *??ipr'iiii?. Wasthei |"- '?' '?<! l.lel M.i l-*-?l t?suta . io snd ii, 12 sad I 6 0 6 7 8 I 9 9 ? 11 U |] II 14 CAR AFIRE ON TRESTLE; ' PASSENGERS IN PANIC Men Trample Women in Frenzy to Escape from Blazing Trolley Stalled on Palisades ? One May Die. A Nortl r.' rgi i trolley i ar, i.nd from th? Weal Hhore Railroad ferrj at Wcfhawken, loaded with paasengera. '. ugh) in-? last night aa 11 waa aaoend be Palisadea, and In 11.?- ruah thai followed nevera I >'t t it*- paasengera were ? ?l ii?i\\ n and I't^i't's Jumped _:? ihr ' ;if *.?. nduwa to es? ape be? ? ? ? t i ? * u "ii... n in I? .o ring ft?.m m win *i ?\ rleared 11?.- treat 1? and landed <>n - not ?? Road im teen feel below. She was s?? hadlj Injured thai at Ihe North Hospital >' - d ah? will ? ??fin r pa as? ni;' ra w en mure or .1 and injured by g from Ihe ? ar. arg? ol Motorman ind i Ed i. rry Blip with .? ??ii of i."tu? a .n ?l bound to) en from Manhattan, :?t"l while ascending Are from aotne un kti"\* n . auae and a ailed Many Tr.imoled in Panic. The a hob r*?nr < f Ihe i u aeera d lo ... flr? al on? ??. and th****? a aa n il rlcki ti men and women foi th? """i i ; nd a indowa I a ai ?'!?? th? \\. akei and trampled on tiro? >v'i" were thrown doa ; i. .Mis- ?.nna Eckert, twenty-two yean n:... 110 13th atreet, w.-st N?w York, the yo ing \ oman who : ? i .'- .? i her spine .-iiiii broke both her torearina mu? her I? ft hand. She waa ?ii-" "u and bruised about th?' bead and body. ?md it is belli v? .i Hi? \\;is internall) in? jured. Lou la Bchepper, forty?seven yeva old, of No. ?M3 10th atreet, West So* V..IK. *-\;in ills?, badly bunrod. H? wa bruised about tin- thigh when he leaped from Ihe esr with clothing aflame. II? was taken t?? th?? hospital. Adam Meyers, forty-five, "t No, -'?'?I 13th atreet, West New fork, bad hi? faei and hands badly cut, sod \m wai also burned about the right arm. He a-aa one <<f the Brat t" k?i wm at ?* window, ii. arai taken i" the bo P tai. Several Badly Cut. Charlea Ahlers, thirty-nine year? aid, ? t No. 415) nuil itreet, w est Neu 1 ork, is aleo in the hospital with his left l?"'* und hand bad!? i 'it and bruised. Ho u.i s ?ii--?> slightly burned about tli<- rao .m?i head. Bruno Lehman, twenty-aeven, or No. ."??i!? 10th Btreet, Weal New Tork, -- i1' Ihe hospital, H? wa i cut ghoul Ihe head and fa? c and burned on Uw '? I; ?eg. a number of other paasengera were in lured or bui ned during tii" rush ? ' g? i ti?.m the <.... bul they * rm to their hornea ??n a not h? t ? ar. The r'ii!- of ti." . .u a? ???>.' dam? ?.-?.??I before thi flamea were ext o? guiahi d. WO? UNCERTAIN RESULT IN ICI Vote on Suffrage Amendr Close, with Bad Country Ro Factor Against Them. MOOSE MAKE POOR SHOW Candidates for Supreme C< Get Only 2,000 Out of th First 12,000 Ballots Counted. ' ? ? ? : turns i ' ? ? ' ' at? tin?! " ? fa will be last fall. ' m favor of th,- woi The polla "i ?Detroit did nol i : The con Aden ? aglsts aran I toward midnight, a ?':?-'?' ' ? : l!i..! had i.n light n ;,,.,., ? ' ? ? II clalt Ni? t- ? ?: .1 the headquar of the ? '..:;-. 1 he ;,,tt, i .. hai? :;?????*? m;i ? ? III I I. !? I- ? . -morro? ? :- i ::'? ?.;,]*? t., tell Thoui mda ??? otei ???. er? i vote .? ..f '" take ? are ?if thi .\'. !? '.'!i .;iil..?s w.?re ban, i, .,i. r lo-dtty, and k| took Hie ?, its five or vot? The alow thin!; ? ? ,i fifteen "i i wenty mlnut ! !'u m in ii the far-tor . i ni..)!- lai? riii"-.' men could i ridled. Thla worked t" th? sd th? \? omen, f"r I ??troit win heai :: - frage, as It did I ? ? ii i, ,i. th.- \ ..t. being une li light for i uffrage In th? ru ;., i,, overc? m.- i "'s sdvet -, ote will '"' small? r. Th< ? ?Detroit r? ihe nig showed abrnil the aame ra? again i ndm? ni as t . arl) ' ount. i liua Indicating thai v. iii hold thi ougho it the dty. In s?.i . .in i-iii had gained ??! In ,.i,, . .,.-? 'I h? probabllH .,- 11*.troll will Eli ? .''""it tii" asai ? did m Novemb? Ijihi.. 'i h? n at "i th? state s III hs o fun gain ol "? I 800 lo cart th? smendn ? i,, the state 11? kal ''"? Hull sfocn , andldatea are making ??> sorrj sho? Ing, th? lr two ';" dldat? a for the s , ,, ?,,. Court g< ttiti?; onl) 2,000 of tl e, t i?_?.?h:i> ballots count?**! Clrcu i gt Alfred .1. M irphy leads with n . i i??, i, ?? tii?- vote ?.f Justlcs sfoor. the highest Repi blk an. Ths otha 11.m... rat, Judge r? rmon, has lest ma the low? ?? '?' i ",'1" ??" *'""" ?? " s" ' '? The iniiiii' n :,ii ownership ?if *;tr < ,.,jivs.iv i :"i'"sit.?"i appar? ntly hi ,.,,,.. ,i b) a vote 'f I to I. I ?wing t ,i,,. multiple ?i ?' ol ballots, definite rs , . action will nol be kn'? vt ? until vei late. -? - ? EGGS THREE CENTS A D0ZE!\ ''Ham an' " Ridiculously Cheap in Famine-Plagued China. ;.,,., i Burea? , Washington, April '? ***** nre ihr? ? cent.'?/?? n, tw? Ivs i<>r ihr? a cants, .? i. i ol famlns pkigusd < iri?<?. Tlili Btartltng marksl nsws i?.,'ii??i theWsi in |. i ?m. nt i" <!? and ?as,. ; t.,,,,,,,,!nl an iiililf'l toontm lor r?BC? ognltlon .if Hi- r?-pni'ii?'. Major len? sral Wood, Cbk f ol BtaSt, bslleves U ?t : bata Should ."in<* ?>ff t* ?ny ?.uiiii'.iy J which '??n ptoaitOS StVt* at oiit-.jiiurkr I .,f a i ? lit ? ai ii. AMERICAN GIRL MISSING IN LONDON Name of John Bigelow s Grand? daughter, Miss Lucy B. Dodge, Mentioned. London, April I. T i Dai!; citt? aen" ... a t ,i re* ?,,i ?,;,m i,,.. ,, ,,-. t"i- Information the when ? ??; ;i roui \ :..?'. ' the ddaughteT ? | .Minis;? r i.? I 'r.nif* . ? ? man lag? i Britlal Cabinet min? ister. ' ' ? ??? '?:?i. to ' ? per th? diaapp? ared last T She from No. 11 .*??. mour treat '.r S ;nJ i. Tl ? lad aid to b the ? .i ; t ? m,? and had long ? ? ? ... IdleiH ' ?? >i' uptM ii? r In so? i? ty and had oft? ? ? r- - - ? - - j a desire to < n .*- King the oppoi nit 1 : !)?? ]<-ft h? I' hi.til by .? maid, t.. ? mbai i. i pon ;i'' II? r ? hili prof? aalng no un? . | : i ? turallj .?i : ' ?u?. n ? ing i" ti"'! i? ? . abalan 11 ? Ti... add) - glvei the i d< i. ? ' i. ... Qui ? rol ei of H Aahb* St. ..?-:? thei ol * how? . ? i ' net miniatei I ?Ion? ' i,..-- man.. ,? Mi - Flora Big Dodge, daughter of John Bigelow, who ?A;.- ;lt ..fl< tilll? AtU'll .11' MinlStOr 'II Parla, At thi time "f t'." man -?, Mi i lodge had one daught? r, I i 15, Dod i FIVE HURT IN AUTO CRASH Car Dashed Through Park Fence After Skidding. \ party "f flv? men. one <<f whom will probably die, were Injured eariy ?his morning when theli automobil' travelling al ???? high rat, of apeed along Windaor Place, Bro? tlyn, akidded at ti,, Intersection ??' that thoroughfare \?iiii Coney Island avenue ?nul dashed through ii"' high i""i i'?ii'?''i marka th?* southern boundarj ?if Pro ].? 11 Pai i-., 'i'" moment i m ?>f the i ir was ao ?'reat It lore Its wa) through th<- fence Into the park, \shere It crashed Into a tree and overturned Daniel Campbell, i f No. 177 Kenl atreet, Oreenpolnt, was on Hi?' front aeat ,,f id, car *Mtii i ?i Edward Dugan, of X,,. | | ?m ,,l:i A | . :;<:?? RO? k\ ill?- < ?'ii 1er, v. ho a aa di h Ing. Aa tii?- automo? bile amaahed through the fen? e a ? ? , |, j, ,,f the ii?'.i* ' Iron gi i'i?- atruck Campbell on the ii??i<i i auslng a ? om? pound fracture >>f Ihe kuii and lltei all) acalplng kirn. Campbell's brother, Roben and ?Cap? lain Charles Frank and Lieutenanl Christopher O't lonnor, ?>i the Nth Regi ment, N. <?- N? v ? ***** ??" otbttr m, mi'? '. of ? i ? party. Th? y were re vived in ,|1'' '"rk :,ni1 refused to ?" to ;. hospital BOY HAD SKELETON KEYS Also Was in the Wrong Flat? Police Think Him a Burglar. ?fh-j police ihlnk thsl in ih.. irreal of vu- Caret?. ???*??? ytmr* 0,d- "f NV- ;'?",, Thompson ?*-<?'-?? ""'? ????*? *** ****** Unli ,,i s 'll1"" ,hMt v !" '* '"' li"'1" *? .'i'..-.,- ?>f Hal robbera that has 1er? tln- K-'"' rorteed ihs lower Basl iUU r,? ,i? ,.,,. two months i ?epti Ki?-""' ' ' N"' ??'- Thompson atreet can* horn? ?< - o'clock yester? . .,,,,,-,...?.ii ?nd ?"?"?",| Vito appro? ;i;i(;nK)iisK",),is1....i'i:a.,.).;. .,,,,?., i vit,, sud putting his bead oui v.-l/.ftl ? I?"' \ ,. ,,?. wlndo? ahouted f? i the poUea ,iltI,l!lllilI1 j.*..'m?=?" "?'??.?..,.,. ?,,o re , ? haled Vito to thi Macdougal I -IH.IIll'?'- "' , ?SIr.t atatlon. wbars he wa. found to ' ?..1 suppHod with skeleton ,?,,. -,? -,?> ????? *** arra,Kn*'l "> the .?,.',mr..n-s^lL^:',','r,,W.'nor',1,,|g ^?e-riiRA BITTERS I? n.N -JajfciOUa ANGOSTURA , M|)d Jf M|f? _Adv. gave* t<> ?"'1" SMIL SPRING! BOMB AT INQUI Makes Public Letter Chan Arrest of Kendall for A legecl Attempt at Brib? ery in Virginia. HALT IN THE PROCEEDS Kendall Declares That He \ Exonerated in Magistrate Court in Richmond, and Accuses Business Rival o? Similar Crime. it' ?'? lei ?. ? , ? .',., ?.Ibany, - v t - * i ? , it. foi ? Oaoi g? K? ndall, pr? *?'i- r.i "i iii<? N< ? 7 Bank Note Compau: . i ould t< I f? dai 'i th? ,..-,!, m; ...r the inqulr* , 'I'" ?"**?: I. I I ' .1 ,; |i| |al ? ,,,,111111!. ?? ??1 ? i'harg that, i .*-! Stllv ?-ii bad ti ed to extort |5.500 i him, the n? ??? i-'i,, n,,m '?.mi i :',.i .*?? .:.. ,i n.I., ?" t'.iiiiui!!.?.. gnd At tome* < len? ? '.iitii'"!.'. ..util' , :. thai had that minute i ? eii ? ?i Important '"' mation ould hav? .,? portan! be irli g ..ti the case H? a ..;, ?m adjournment to dlscusi this mai >? it(, | 'I'lii- un..i mation, n Iranapii. i;, tii. form ..' a lett? ?- i hlch alk i I many years i go had b i-'i in Virginia charg? .i a Ith t ' ' ? tors there swiv and his I? ? I - I ??, I) ? i. ? .1 on thi* t be most i on? rete thin? l ? it baa .... _. , ? ? ? who .?. email him. K? nd . to-nlghl ??. ? ; .1 ? . ing ' thi ettei ? . ; n- bad dl with At toi ? .. -ill fn m Ith 1 It. K 1. , ? ? ??, had ; ted of a Impro r action ii ? guilty of pi Mr. Kendall'* Sto. , In 1881, Mr. K?, nd ? ' ? liDOUl ' II " i-?ii ? : 1 . 1. He .1 . ' Hi? prlntil 1 ? ?. I len, Fi 1 \ , ? Hi ?? ttaVgrsm 1 ? ?dir . iting you." Tins, he said, li" look to raei that they did nol ??? i;.. ???'.? . . ? op? i,, ,1 t.. ? tliir?! or on hall th? bid of th? ?.m? : 1 tank So 1 unrip t he \vtit ? ?an swai WS -' to I,.III. .Ml'. '? he wua loki then ? ould b? m I tr'.'ii, ? ' ontra? t, bul I?? v.? 1 1 ah? sd '?? Ith Ihe a ?Ti. |..i.- , I. "I 1?. told trial Hi" troubli l d of tl 1, . 1 ? Vmerican Bai 1 'ompan* bud sir? adj ad ? .1 m ed Mi I, lie >'."'?' ?? fOr I'* ' '?I" .?. in,!,,- Ma hon? 1 I ?? Kepubll? a put ; ? 1 ? 1 'I thai ii.? 1 is, re oth? i' ' onsldei .'?.!- a hit li s? . ount? 'i foi th? ??- ? ???i,', i? ? n oui l'i I ? ? 'Aftei mj return to N? Fork I wi mi..: m? .i le. people said t" repr? -? 1 ; li.. American Bank Note Coinpan : hi ,f 1 se: fool m 1." hmond again 1 a, ?ul i?. arrest? d. 1 ? onferred a it h an ? toi ne? there b? lett? r. He sssur? ? m that it wns probabl) true Aa soon a t lie e.i! ft pond? le ? ?l it II '? !??? S.ll?l .'It Lorncj . eaa? d I, In pui auanc? ,,t an ai rangement with him, Lmm?*dlately pu .m mj hat and si '.? <?'' lock made m appearance In Ihe magistrate's ?'uiu and demand? d thai ?' there were sn popera in which niv name was conn?*cl , ,i the) be awn ed then and there Th Judge aald thai th? re a'?*re no pi? "?! of snj sttempta on my pari t" hai bribed sn] hodj ? bu1 lhal 1 he proof were u,..i tin American ?Bank Not. . lompanj had adi aw 1 ?i ihs mon? y t' pa- .\,in-.? capitation tax, s hl? h I g] n hea'i m Virginia, r.-r Ihe priviteg? ..f ? oting " Leqialature Annulled Contract. After ins discharge bj the magli Mat.*. Mt. Kendall weni on, be went t,, New fork t" ese? ute th?' ? ontra? 1 for th- bonda il?* ??ompleted s ork os ?<:;4NH? worth of th.ntract and ,1, IP, ;,.,! ihr bonda About thai time. h< declared, Usions callad a Bp?E*rlsl aea bIob of the Leglslsturs and annulled ti.tntra? t. s hlch then aras glvi n to the a ni?-t i, .m Bank Note Company. K.iniaii foughl on and a suosequenl I Legislature, he averred, passed mi a. 1 permitting his compan) to sn.- the (Sinking i-'i'"'1 I*"*'1'* "r ?'"iiunifsiMiieis. ,i?. body tiiHi bad the swarding ?>f th? contra? 1 ?'? '? ?''"'?? aa rolloara from a hat be *??"i mat a 1.1...11 ..f .-, legislativa .il """'"it"" which la? v. ?tlgated Un -?' ' <"'t,ai ' "natta n ? y,,,,, , ommlttee la of oplnloa tha? Ihe ai ti at ihe bont? ?" rttfuaiiii ta 1, reive Iba i">"'?-" ' oupotas and 1 srtlfi , gua print**! and engravad 1.? tl 1 K.n.laii c*ompany e*? In attempting; t.? annul the wnttra?*. ;'*"1 awat? .t to another company ars wltlwul sha-loa of lustili. atii'ii. ?it Mas a current i"i'"'? I?****"*?. \t n..t g ,,ir-u-eded i""1 ****** f:i"'' thai the Am? lirai. Bank Not? CtnMpXeUy had SUl?B? I'll'??! *:>?<**> 10 M'- ?M**'"'?" ? '???"? ?...,. in.-I .... ?r.ond I"??*" ?*l'*h ,u""??u- I 'principal figures in the stilwell inquiry top, Gci ?! ge 11. Kendall, a ho made tli<- charges; Scnatoi S J Slilwell; and at the bottom, .1. F. Murtaugh, chairman o? the < ommittee. MRS. BOURNE ASKS DIVORCE Bnei Ex Senator. Charging Cruel. Inhuman Treatment. i ? on '? . Lilii-in ? >..tii II?.m ne ill- ?I auit for dlvoi i m i : ouni t? gain?t ex? i Btuti ? loi m rig cruel and Inhuman gen? Mi -. Uourni ?:? , ? :i M ? ;illil"iil .1 l-onsl ' ?? ?:? :. lik. t.. h. r In enten nd ing i" talk i" her. Although the? pied 'ii" same apai mi' m ? m hington, sie' aa ? - i.' r hu iband lias i.. .. iid purj ! I. I . Si . |n i- i: and tcrroi ' ..i h? - hu ? band, .nul that durin - Am ml 1011, he ordei. .1 ?i'i''- .l'm. m . ?, ? ? i , rig 'i' ii' 'i li' i ill it Bhe tele] ! COLONEL GETS IN HYMNAL | "Theodore," a Strenuous Tune, Named for Ex President. i ; ? . '. pk une. \ Philad? i| lui. Aii il 7. Theodore Roosq*. ? ii ka no* m ii.?; Methodist Kplaeopal II>*mnal The hymn la called 'Th. odor?," a nd a : i s rit l? n m IttXi b) Benjamin I i '"i" .nul. with m i by Peter ? ' Lutkin. Tli.s fa? ; waa brought i.i light to? da) ??i il., meeting of the Methodist min lab ra m Weslej Hall. The Rev. Carl F i'i i. ... ..i \.u Y..I'k .h hta ad? dreaa i" the mlnletai i t"i.i i h? m of iiis discovery. Mi I'll- ?? -?;ii.! he ? rote Mi Lui ?? n, asking him a hj the ii\ mn had Im en ..ill...i "Th. ?odor?. " mi.i th.. repij atated thai ii waa named after Theodora Rooee*. ?'li ? ??ti a<*? iiimi of i he mualc being so Btrenuous and the word patriotic. . FIVE DUELS IMPENDING Death of Warren in Cuba Starts I Ugly Rumors. ii. i?, .m?. April 7. Th.- duel bet ?s ?en Rudolph Warren, *"r. of Jera Warren, ;i | romlnenl American sugar planter, and Hannibal Mesa, a member of .i wealthj ? 'ni'.iii t'lniii: . m hi? li r? Bulb <l in ih.' .|. .Hi of Warren, haa i auaed much tenalon on account ?if certain ac? cusatlona <?( unfair conditions, Allega? liona are made that Warren area delib? erate!) sacrificed to the superior mark? manahlp <>( ins opponent As ?i i ??nit i.f th<- controversj ii i*-* reported to-night thai live duels aro Impending, the principals Including the1 former Bpt ak? r of ths Hou a of Roi r - Bsatatives, Colonel Orestes Perrasa, and Major Bangully, the opposing sec? onds, .iti'i various members o? Con? grass. Tin- aecret pouce ere ihadowing auspected comb?tante for the pui ?....-?. <>t proy eating the duels, ASHEVILLE 'THE LANDOF THESKY' Delightful enmat* reaebed In Southern Railway. Double dall) st-rvloa Write for parileulara. N. v *<m ?*. 'j'-i ru mi i renne Advt. LONG FREE LIST AND DEEP CUTS STUN DEMOCRATS Radical Reductions Made in the Tariff, Which Congress Meets to Consider, Fairly Stagger Rank and File. COLD RECEPTION FOR WILSON Senate and House Will Be Polite Hosts to an Unwel come Guest When He Presents His Message in Person To-day?Long Fight Expected Over the Revision Measure. The Sixty-third Congress met in its first session at noon yestet day. The Democratic tariff bill was made public ; the House or? ganized, and the Senate was increased by one member, Lawrence Y. Sherman, Republican, taking the oath as Senator from Illinois. Speaker Clark was re-elected. James R. Mann was chosen minority leader, with Representative A. P. Gardner, of Massachu? setts, a progressive Republican and one of those who led a success? ful tight on Cannonism, as deputy leader. President Wilson informed the joint -ommittees of the two houses that he would deliver his message in person to-day. The Democrats control the House by a majority of more than 140, and the Senate by a majority of at least 6. The House now con? sists of 43.5 members, an increase from 39b in the last Congress. There are 150 new faces. There is. of course, no increase in the membership of the Senate. Despite the determined effort of the Democratic leaders to pro? cure harmony on the tariff bill, mutterings were heard on all sides, and the prospect of a hard fight and a long session looms large. ? M aa : | \?'i.'. 7. The cratic tarlfl bill, with ; ? eping i? 'i i? Ilona in in pre? 11? all) ???? ? i -? ii' dule Payne law, waa introduced i d Ho to-day b] 1'ii'i? ru 00 I. ' li.iinii tli" Waya and Means Committee in man? r? ap eta the fn i i laggi rfhg 'i i" Dem?crata ? i I m tiff views. N<> better HI i".'i of this .?.m lie found tl that the i ?? h." rats of tb N land Btatea mel in eonfer? ? i mine ?'? ol th? awe? ti?.iis in ti..- wool and cotton Bch? and th? free listing of I? snd ah? K ? wool .nul wooll? na li 'it the hardest blow "f alL wool is free, ami the a ? rag red wool ex? :.. i h r The ' ?] tut r? Be \ lew that foodstuffa and < Ing ahall i" non-dutiable, or neai i and that 11 e ao-< all- .1 luxuriea eat rates consistent ti... idea ol producing needed re? i Sugai a iff? is :. cut of ?ml f 28 .?. ?,t. but il la pro* ided that this ai shall k.i the free list ;(t the sal ti??ll "ft TlllS IS 11"' factor* t" un mbera <>t the Senate Ho lae a if repn ?? i I augar produ s tai. a Free List Cuts Revenus. Th? fre? !:.-i alone ?a i?-' a out n than sj|iMH..HK> m revenue, which ..f th?- amount i" be aupplied .m? t..- Ti,. gr iduat? 'I Inc? I. \. le*i 1. il "11 :ill li- I 'tl. "111. I ..1 ?4,000, la i"ii forward an the lifesa i.? i!:?' D? mocratlc I irllt n ? lalonl and la i minted on t" raise more t ?" t.. ..f?st-t ti,.- revenues under the radical revision proposed ?mi th.- theory that they ar?* luxui ami m".xi revenue producers, the Dei ? rats have left unchanged the dutti ? wines, liQUora and tobaccos. There ..ti.' minor ? hange on s?ra*> tobacco, 'I silk schedi le is substantially that 11.?- existing tariff laa An examination of the bill conflti the essential features of The Tribun synopsis and forecaat carried m th? dispatches on April I Th?' bill, as w predicted, is moat radical in some ?ts rates and most conservative ai near-prote? Ii?iiii*-t in "tints. Wim!, siiunr and III?' frei- list at?? t I ??? ? of contention over which Dem crata win begin their wrangling win the part) caucus convenea to-morro afternoon. Tin- Underwood bill is regarded as a administration measure. Boms "t" it rat.- uii?' changed at th?- eleven! hour at th?- suggestion or i" directto ..i th.- President, but this fa. ; win n? check th'- growing tendency ?if numer 11.'iii"?.ia's '?? combal th..?." sehsd ules which tua;, wreck their hOOM in dustries. Free List Covers Pages. ih?' in ? ii^t cpvi rs page sfti r i ag ? if th>* Ii.'tno? ratic bill, it placea ??: tin- non-dutlabta ii>t such articles i lumber, hews Umber, shingles am laths, wool, borax, charcoal, coop?rai sodas, aulphur, tanning material, ?Heel Iron ore, beef, veal, mutton, pork, bacon and hams, Sour, lard, dairy products, nah, fresh or smoked..u anil shoes, ???it?.n ties and bagging, typewriters, sewing machinas, farm im? pleraents, typesettlag ma hlnsa, bm-ad atuffa wood pulp, printing paper, leather, coal, win- fencing, nails, ?ait, twin?, bran snd ?>ther so-called nRri cultural products ami Implements, Thos?- ara classod b) tin- Dsmocrats as necessities, .uni through the analysis I <o -Ini.r.l on r.M.rll, ,??, all h .-..luiiin. ' Washington, April T. With the attl? i ids ? f ? ii" who i*? obliged to play li??st : guest, ;li" s-nat?. to? ? -? i without form ? a.ii apt ?king, the r*on. urrenl resolution, originating In tii?-. proi Iding that i '?mgiesa aball ' sit ?ni a bod ii- ..i r!'.*i -??:.'.- tai Iff m. a Whan senators Kern and Gailinger [announced that th< Presid i.t "would ersori a communii ;.;',?? in C ngn M il I " ? Ioj :. ;"-!.,? rro re , t..rial backs. Tl ?i.f the D id beet opt? the doora ..f the i , , s Ith an expr >ut the I glum i'ii'cm in th.* cloak root* ?post lit Wl i y'it restraint, put ., damper <.n 'lue | ?I'm* of hoai I When th.- i.,.. - .? ?i ar. in ,,, ir,.!.i ? ,t , ' -it oui "t" It, ..?el ,! pi'"', klcd . Imply I f.I I!'.,' Joint Hie. 'lili?'. Lodge Quotes History. ? ? -r I ...?.:. ? :,, d ?. cuss the pn i"'.-- ?! rit of i ' 'h.' : Ex? ecutii... ?| iiav i-,,, int? um h "f opposing lb ? ? tes..inn..ti." be aaid, with ..;i air >.f ! polite formaliti. 'bul It Li atari, an In? ! '? resting rei'ersli n t" a m?-il.->? ; doing businees thai pr?ri'alled mora i than a t*?*ntur ?- ? i i ? anno! i ? I it,m from making -?orne obasrvattona upon it. The form a*as borrowed from land. ? i?? i ? i be K log or ???i? an opens the Parliament ami an sdcii is mad" m reply. "Tins m. t hod wai i he aubj? si much animadversion ..n the pari of ihu Anti-KrueralL* t*. who look? d gpofj II a* an attempt lo mtroduc? into this country monat-chial cuatotns. Of course, tin* danger >>i .? reversion to m.?nat? hiai prai ii- '? a is ii"t obvious to ,i, ?? Senator Loilge t ?<i<l t>? the ?li.-in Iteiiioiiais in.. Istten of Th.,ma? .!??: to tii?* I'!', sidiiit of lbs .-'.-nat.. dated i>?, eini" i il. i*m? 1. and i in? ..iher to Dr. Benjamin Rush, dated Deceinbsi -?? lbs sams ^ in the first ??'tier ih?* aposti" of I?.*m..tracy s.ild h?. did not I.illoW the ?asi,.ni ? t by ins ptetVceeeors, Washington and Adams. In the nit.:-.?is of .eiitioinv "f lima and to relieve ?'?mm ess iron, ssa? ..aiiassin?'!!'. In the *-?? ? olid he ? S* plained mote freel) thai hs ?lid It to obviate the ''bhaa-aly < ? ?nui? t" that ui tended the fTanalng >>f a reply. Senat..!' Lodge mtttnated thai ie ? en in?? the messai*" waa on!) ona-half the rale and u... laplylng t<> II ?a.? much ih>* more intei t ?-tin,,' l'ait of the custocn thai pravslled In Um huh? of I Wsahlngton and Adams. Senator Williams, one of the I ??mo? or..tie (?Batten was ?nor.* sapHclt. "i ,,.)y much legist thai th>* Pr?sidant has t lues, n in lal<" this routs. ," ho sai.i "Thv Pederalisl ciMtom of ir.ak iiit *,|.t"'t h? s from the tbrt-tse Is not going to allot a<i?.Tsel\ tin* 1? ?iisla UVS interests Of th.* AtiHMieai: ji.-opl- , but th" ??.million *, nae uiideriuiiK ihe ,i!>arulonnien' ?,f th I practice la so ob? vious that it iii.-i? ii" ?-xi'l'tialioii. I hoi??*. i?,r one, thai this will be the onl) branch of a petf?*?ctl} simple and perfectly i.pui.iuan method Hhich Jeff? raon Inirodia sd Admits Preaident's Rtqht. Senator i'...' .m. another Senate ? i |ert dropped the admission that he wag in . line.i to share the \ i.-w of hla ?oi leagttS from Mississippi. but added, |k? Utely, that it was the ? right of ihe Pr?sident to come to the Csi ?t.?i if it? wathsd Senator Btbne, also <x? ?*tdingly ??o llte, called attontiuii lo tin* fat**, thar. the Senate rules pruhibiied Imimaei?