OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 09, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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?AXll N
'II' iii.r. |.r?li:ili|t
i ?. marro? ruin.
un.. HI".I :il nii*h?.
iiidi'iule ?ii.il?
NEW-YORK, \M;|;\i;s|)\V. APRIL ... liii::.--is PA?SES.
et ? il? an.I llohokrn.
PRIfK n\K ? TNT "?'" "f N ' ??'k.-fWllMj ami I
! Ill' I ? ? r . > I i V h.? l i i >i i\ ni i.i i im? i i n i -
Miss Leona Burrill Thrown as
norsc halls on Fifth Ave?
nue. After Wild Run
Through the Park.
Hundreds in Panic as Animal
Dashes Amid Maze of Cars
and People Victim Un?
conscious, with Skull
i Bun
i. daugh?
et?n s. Burrill, n lawyer, a
? . waa
I II I'.- lie? ?, ?
and Plfth avei
noon al i g ??.
Ml !:? \ i
? ? ?
v tal Dr. Cobb
all ' ? d al
i n.
Mrs. Read . ?
.?in. -
? '
tsl ill. lr
re m Auto Vain.
' -
t'entrai Park thai
' om ,i Fifth avenue i
started to run It, i id? i
riess t? animal
led i7\?. I
: ton
' - : .
When Mi- 1' ' ;
'..IV '
Runaway Steed Falls.
as the
ded tli"i"!. . . ? ?
ttei turn '
? her
i ??
lit.us. i !?
? h*!
:, the v..
? - ? ?
This Mornings News.
LOCAL !t '
' ":
:> ,
laid 1? 13
Plan .18
.. 1
? 2
ii. ... 4
... 4
7 ? latoi *< 11.. i. *
? I s
. , Btrike.. ?
???? ?
.... g
! . 6
" cl.^
!.. .7 i: i h..!, t.. Waahlng! ? "
i ? i'ii loadltl . *
Huffragsttes i lr? tfltagc Qua. 3
Misa Lb? ?? i ?odg? i "ound . 3
Bee Pi *
Knglai d to Bei ? ? ?
Newa for WotneB. 7
lorlal . 9
i . ?
iary . 9
? .10 ?'""' n
... lal and l?, I3 end 16
Hhipplng . .14
ii i . . J ?
' H . J<1
Real BstBts.14 *""1 *"*?
Sends Unconditional Challenge
for America's Cup. Which
May Produce Contest
of 75-Footcrs.
?Many Yachtsmen Assert De-i
fenders Cannot Fail to Ac?
cept Now Shamrock
la ?Already Ordered,
Nicholson Designer.
'?";': ' ?Pril? Sir Thema ?.
Hritlsh vat-htaman, ? ?
Mew VorK
? ? seriea of ;
for ,h" ' C ? . irough *h
CI ib. Later he
?"?'"' : ol Th? \
to ran : ??-. ?
V? ii? V. ? In . Mill, ,, i-;. !-? ,
h.o infon
: g ' "inn, n
from Sir Thorna* Li| ton:
ich ..m- n]
? ?
I ?ha! e | . .: i ?Hi
York Vachl t
I] sti]
g the Am? r
in a
? ?
?: l
TH? >M ?.S J. L1PT? ?X '
" 'We ha*... the gr? ate t plea
Ve* Vork v... hi .
the H
Club ? Bli Lipton
? ?
mal rhalli
? Mry."
May Be Race of 7?j- Footers.
? ? ?in? ?
Sir Thomas
7 '? ? -
: build ?I I ?
a ? ?
To ?
the de?
? ? . . , I h er<
? ?
ht del
? B
.?:?li.)ii u lili Si: Th? '
? W< II, the i ade up
and as
I ha
Sir ' lid.
To - ' l??n, "Do you think
... . .
Im .?.LU I think I
the - up a lu ol a fi Ighl i
ilia i gain, ii
I am Bl
d not 1 ih pi Is? H >me
;n Amer?
: ; ? ? . :
"The ? hallenge, ' Bii Thomas i onl In
. *?. ?i :'. ?' week agi
. ..? ih? Ro al ' Istei 1
Cluh, lull at n >- *v&* ''' ???' '' '
., ,,i oi the death of th?
(?ommodore J. Plerponi Morgan. I
....,, ? ... .uii.'-r of ex] r< BBiona
,,f r< grel from promin? m Am?*i
.,?,' . -.,, ? ? 4 thai had the
,,s been omitted mv-- chal
Mould have be* n a? ? ? pts I. I ? '
??hi?, of th? ireatmenl i
ulwfl ?? I:-1 ei ed al ih? han
th? NeB "fork Va? in Club, Th? onl .*
,i,s,-,,,,i );? lie? n thai we differ on ih?
I th? d< ' '? of gift. I ai
, ,,.? of idgm? ' '
i It will lx
Morgan's Death Delayer! Challenqe.
su- Thomaa lnt< t di to take th? :
. m Bhatnrock, b hi? ii won ?
? ., ear, to Am? ri< ? a ith his ni w
? oi mal
\ ? 7 ?,?,
Up! . ? ? ? ved si th?
i || ?as sddi
t., ?;, ..in. \ i 7,111 a, k. r a ""
it \, ;,? non a .' taken
,,,, ti.un? i ii bul ' Ii und? I ? I
thai ii" y w"?u b milted to th? '?? i? .
, "up ' "llillllttee till- '? Th?
ii ; i .i t.. followed II Is
to call a special meei
of ii,,. , |ub, al which th< ? i ommunlca?
.?. m b? r? sd and offl. Isl s? I ? b
... i . ? J
? w .... v . ? ? - I OB n I lie statilin lit Of j
hon ' i ilpton a ei ?? ol tl.pinion
thai t'"- Ist? Hl chai!. .-? mpUl '!
? - of i fi .i that
tii. . in,, would i" obllsed t?> a. eepl M
pme dlff? mi,' ? ?
ir,,l,:il.ihi' Of th?
te Irish 1 aron?M ? Ith a i
yacht Borne believe tt.at the club may
? on meeting thi n? a i all? nger
v, hi' h is i" ?? im? i i h? Bhami o i. i \
owerful and tpet <l ? - loop
Ihsl > ,n be i.m. '-.i a meai 0
loot? r. i.nt ti,. ma a?"'... pd to
? n at ,i ??..iiii.i !?? fair? i t. i
i he i halt? ag? a II h a doop of the ?
dim? nalons, for th? * argu? iha( oui d? -
< ta.tiiuirtl mi lltlli i'nc lliiril . i.liin.n
The President Revives Custom Abandoned
100 Years Ago and Reads His Tariff
Message Personally to Legislators.
Wa ?I Initton, April .**? i;---.. ? i i'i?; t" ??'
(UKtiitn ih. 11 ir? val led mure than a hun
. . re .it;". \> hen I he republli
I itura few, Preel
\\. odrow \\ iis-.n in : ? reon read
I ? for? h Jolnl
11?, ih? huHdini liecauae Ihejf did nol
poea? 11 ? roveted blue ll? beta, tt hile
| Ihoueanda w ho had besieged the ?l?."i -
k? . p? is during the m.ins had K"n?
home disconsolate.
Admission i<? Ihe House fallerlea w?
;?? ? i.m ? il. each Senator and Reu
I House I
Th? ' ?
I !. ? I i ?
. I
. ? I
; I?
api" a:
"Il ?I:.
i the Ilou?
ham i< ' ?
?,: the '
Galle? ?es TSron-ied.
i . ?
of |
. . ,|
on the
tood ?I appointed
hund? eds who ? re ?leni?*d I
I ? . ? . 1 .
" rlct i
? ? Mai
? the ' o?
lera ei
? Ih? ? v -?
? ? . ' earl] nil th
??mal Wa
? ?;. ? ? la Itl
? :.|>i
! ling about
hoUl i ?" ' ?' : ? ' '
: ? ? ?ted on
i . .
. ? s, . ?
In :? White II. ?.-?)
., itnmohllf* aii?l
? inl.l.'.l
ig if the i'apltol.
: ...
i ;. ; i . , ?.: ? .... || ..in? .1
. . Senaten Kern, Ba
! met ? ?? ? i ? i h
pi. .... : i puke to each foi ;. mon ?
1 i ,,i.iiiiii.'ii ..i. ..-? .?...i page, ?.tti. ? ?i.nun.
Will Btart Opening Gain- of
American League Tomorrow.
\\, . rV-Pn ?"II
M . it? nd :.' "?'
American \* ' "" '""
Washing 01 nd New T< on 1
day and ,,;'11
H., v I -i'1" " '" ' '?"""''
??.a,,, i Wall? ??
i remiel ta riel ? t. he,
. hide will : ? :; "! "" -'"'"
Bier Bt4ir? I ''"' ?"'' h,v* "'
Manager Clai
,.,, ,.. ni W '? '" ? ? 'i
,,:, ,: : n I "? ' "' ' lar-t !
, . ,i io-d |
?Champion" Barber, Scared by
Explosion, Cuts Customer.
tree!, but I! ? |
I. bomb t" take th? tltl?
' ?,,. ,?. b His laat
ng to his !?
' ' '
? ? ?
i salking
'?' < ? , |
Mi ii' ?
.fui fini
? -h"i> !
?" " .?etonstl ?n A mirror fell
brokt , , ,, , .. wled
who ,.,
D Banks,
???n ired n."
"' '" ,,., mo a .hin and ?
'"' K . Idliia ilenle?!
v ' ' ..
is . ii-i' '
n.iti'i thr?
Youth Takes Poison and Asks
Janitor to Call Doctor.
I.. ,.,,. Dlggan. nineteen - eara old.
,...,?,:? ut No. HOU ***** 125th etreet,
.leepond? m jreaterdai afternoon
,,.. h? uns unable to gel wort "'"'
.. rnuintil ?,f i..'ni", id.-?.I
,,,. , , | ia down to die.
Wh? " ibe drug began '" m??*? >^"i:'
,-..,, i,,. decl?. ?..ni?I rather live.
jumping from bed. he railed the Ian
,,,,. :,...: Implored him to gel ?? doctor.
Tw<l ,,h alctae .' Ponded end Dig
. ,? ??ai taken lo J. H.I Wrlghl Hos?
piUl, where it was said he would lire.
Eesg.-ir Who Inherited $0.000
*Now Wants To Be Free.
,;,.,. i Bubmejrer, who tea ntly m
M',.?", a ould Ilk?* t" gel ?mi "f
.. orkhouse, where he is doing three
montha i"' begging. Hie attorney,
,,. Btengel, will move i? fore Judg?
Crain ?i. General Sessions to-daj to
...? i,?- clleni -i' ?b?rt!,
Bubmeyer was a? ntenced ?"i Februarj
,s ,,,, m.,,, h 11 his broth? r Henry, <?(
m0 ? ig palmetto street, Brooklyn, died,
i,', lnf. him part of a 120.000 estate.
Ifagtatrate Freschi, II la said, Is will?
ing to mdor* Bubmeyer'e request and
the Distrl? ' Attorney probably will not
oppose . ie ni"''""', bul II is probable
that Judge Crain e/UI require Bub?
nr , ,.,. ?,, Bigi| ;.il ;.KI" Ill-Ill I" pUl Ins
fcgacj ,,i th- handi ?X ? trust?e Bub?
moy? hia counsel ****% ''?"' ?""'?
,?,.,?,.,.,i employment if he wen lib?
erated ao thql ll irould not be neces
Han for him to drat? on kia principal
l?.r In lug eM'i'i'
Vice i'residenl Marshall beside ? hamp Clark at I
Speaker'.??' di
Women in Frenzy When
Freighter Rips Off Two
Decks from Queens, of
Municipal Line.
Crippled Vessel, However. W
Able to Reach the Slip at,
St. George?Accident
Was Due to Mi.stak?*
in Signals.
H n n dreds of ?
? ;
the n line, plying
i '? 81 ' '? .-'
? ? i wild |i
her. I
:? aboul hall .? n
. hitehull Btreel alip.
i . ? .
Htarboard the Qu?
i . . ripped off by th?
I ' he othei I and i he i wistlng ai
br? a. ? ? m. ? i and B'oodwoi
added im Hi?- 'will*'- ?'omina
t ,,ni, ere, ai ,! the shrl ima of tl
?i.iii.,i lu m
M., ny of i he >\ omen s ei
' .11 the ii|.|.. i .i ?? B*hil? othera
st. am? i '???? ra oiitaid? When ll
| ? rash ? .nu.- those on the ins Ide made
i \41i,i rush for tli? 'l.a, thinking in
boat wa ? ? link. The I
th. lr ?ah shoved thoa? on the d? ?
against the railing, adding to the d
and . "ni usion.
Uppar DecK Torn O?'
A fiel h. r i i "\v nit?? th
?.m?-, ns7? side Hi-- unknoB n Bt< am? i
lii ? . .i t.. belong i" a line of frelgh
steamers plying between New "fork an?
pointa ??n Long Island ?Sound, hacke?
iiiiin. she st.I b with engin?*s -'i:
for act eral minutes, bul tha tld
ning i :i "::': at fl.I, soon ? an led ? i
II ?an the aille of t he Qu? ?
\ 4 ,?,ii a . the first ghocli >.i ?
llalon was ovei Captain Abrahan
Bralat? d, a ho has i.n a fen
captain for twsnty-flve years, wenl oui
<>i. the deck ? nit his .,(ii, era an ;
e.i thai there waa no danger of sink?
ing, as the Queena had no! i.i In?
lured below ?h.- wat? r line, A;?
??ral ansio ta mom? ms he auo ???-.i.-.i :n
bo i ? toring the i onfidence of the
aromen and children thai the] consent?
ed i?? K" within the upper cabin "" lbs
Bide that had Bol '?? i n injured,
Aft? i ih.- . rem had made a thoi u gh
. Ksminatlon of the boal C plain
Bralated d? rld?*d it B'ould be aaf? i ?
pro?.i ?m the b a) t>> St. ? I? oi |e. Then
th? Queens's engtrtea were sei In mo?
tion sgaln and the trip to the 81 itcn
Island landing a si made a Ith?
ther incident.
Ag Boon a the ?_ w ere
losered In the st. Q?**org hi> th.* pas?
senger?! hurried ashore, drawing ihelr
first .asi breath sine,? the era ii i'i
midstream. "A gang of workmen m is
i m r t.. w ?.i K ..n tin- damaged boal al
once. i!> working all night ll is
though! the Queens \?iii i ?? m service
again to-day?
The a.. i.Lut ?s ?4-jl?.i to ha* a h. en
caused h? a misunderstanding >,f aig
nala on the part of the captain of the
ir. lu?it. r ii was lu t ; jn .,, i,., k
when Captain Braiste?! took hin boat
from ti" Whitehall street alip, ?V strong
Captain BraJati-d believes the ..ih.*r
boal tllllSt hale he. || Sell.,II. I\ 1I.1I1I-!
Bgf*d aboul bet boara. '
'hopes for cancer cure
Boston Physician Has Immu?
nized Rabbits by Serum.
I Boat .prit S Di-, ovei of i
hlch developa lm
bbil I :i!i i
i. Buttai ' | rodu -
H hill lalil.it-- liav.*
Immune ?? meed
i ? Howard V Sov i II, of
n I'tir. ' t.-u S. I."?.! "t' M< .11 -
? ? leventy
ng of the Ma aachu
Hon ? B iety.
i >r. N'.v.'-li haa been ? ngaged in or gl
. . for three
.?1 !l!i
aa .m Important --.. p in | i ?
a- ? r.
mi re??
1 ':. N'owell told ..i" i lana i >
i h h.i:-, .i m in .ui
,. i- v. ere to be Ino? u la ted a Ith thi
m. h v, II lire two eai - to
or in.! the aei i?n
r\ ictim,
:: m !i":ii an opera I ion haa
ii d, : '"m i'- growth.
Ivlun Made Appointment with
Oil i. Then Couldn't Keep It.
? ..- ? of Btapl iton,
liad m...i. . ingena
? Mise Elsi?)
Howard, ?-. i '? - in Hills, in the ferrj
terday, he found h?
? ':. 'In -
? Bterda? moi
Tli? ter ii?- was resci fr? a
. en ? i ii i - r i -. -
.I Mill !.. .. nun. .1 :1,.. .?.i"i .
When he found himself ;. prisoner
.. i??, .i? .1 ii.- had nu i bange to
.ii!.. the - ? phone ???
He frantl? all) beat against
i! .? ; isa door, bul no one notl? ?-?i hua
n a ? le i bj a pea -
'Policemen Rush to Raid -Find
Mechanical Dancers.
Captain Steven McDermott, of Hi?'
Ti emonl .. enue poll? e atatlon, \\ sd
notified laal nighl bj telephone that ;i
"I urk Iro ? ontesl \\ aa being i on
d al ?? 18" Tremonl avi nu?
which la rlghl around the corner from
the atatlon The woman who made the
i omplalnl m aa bo ex? re?s? 'i over Ih? ?
. Flagran! violation of Mayor Gay?
order about dancing t liai ans In?
HiBted upon an immediate suppression
.?i ii.. i
. plain Mi i >??. ni"! i ?tart? .1 oui i" In?
veatigate. Ai ?Vo 187 Tremonl avenue
he found .-. hardware atore with ?.n?*
a Indow brilliant!) lighted. In the cen?
tre .?i* the wlndoe was an elaborately
staged repres? ntatlon of .. ? abarel on
modified I'l.in an.I five mechanical fig- {
urea were going through ail the moves
..i th?- "turke irot" and the other >-.>!i
tortlona lhal liave aroused the ire ?>r
ih. Ma oi
what the . aptain h id to aa) a hen he {
found himself the victim of a Joke only
th?> lone officer who.panted him
Gratuities in Expense Account of :
Attar tie Cut Out.
w ,, hington, April I Lieutenant Colonel
i r Rejrnolda Landia, i nlted States mil?
Itarj attach? al Rome, "tipped" the door?
keeper ?>f Ibe imerican ESmbasey in the
Eternal Cltj only t?> find that nia govern*
menl would not atand the expenae.
Bach "i* three quarter!) accounts ?if the
attach? contained ii :?:', f.?. -tips. ' <'.m
troller Tracewall of the Treaeur*. hfdd t>>
,i.iv thai sretultlei to a doorkeeper were
not authorised by law.
His Erother Summoned to Hi
Bedside?Pontiff, It Is An?
nounced. Will Never Again '
Give Audiences.
?After Whole Day in Bed Ma
terial Improvement Takes
Place?Suffering from
Influenza, Albuminuria
and Nephritis.
Rome April *r? ? i a. ai I. The pin.-1
clan in attendance on the Pog
throughout Hf? nigh! rcp?*?rted thai s
midnight the Pope's ttstnperatur
Phowed a sllgrhl rise. This, bowevei
did not prevent the i stienl froni yjei
i ins a fair amount <.f sk-> -p.
Rome, April 7. Po| e Plug X baa
f? r? ,1 a n laps? a nd, sa is m nal 'ti n
laps?ps, hia condition la considere?
graver than that Dt?casion?*d !?? hia III
? ? t month The pnt asni al
tack began with a fainting fit, and Pro
f?*ssor Marchiafava, the Papal physi
dan, was nuntnonrd late Iset night
He visited the Pontiff igaln early thi
morning :.n?i several times during th?
The officisl ata temen I given oui -.
tho Vatican simply aays: "The Pop?
ia Buff?*"*4ng fron a relspss of the In
fluents "
Xhe "Osservatore Rotnano," the V I
l?*an organ i tl liahed the following onl
cial atatement this evening:
"Sine? ? ' at? fiav . ?. ening lbs h'.l:
father has been lruUsp??sed with .-. re
laps.- ?.* Influenza. His , ondllIon I
? g i .? anxlei jr, bul he r- ???rn
much rest."
Great Anxiety Caused.
? i ruth "f ii.*- m:.tt? r Is I
?se is l..H,4l:ii. g|?( .It l!J\l
ety, lirst. I..-? aus.? it w;. -? nut , ? ?
and for the further reason in.it .-?i his
? . ..? th' re ? i i' -? ?''?
ol hia being i to wit!
si.m,i .. drain on lus Btren*rtb, i ?ui Inj
his ... , m uin?*ss th? ?Pops 7?sa ni .? n
m be m gain? >i htg
health this dis! mil.m ?i:?.
. ed. \\ ith the rei urn ..i" I
eprea ?ion is uns of thi
: t-.tiis thai has ay.un bean naanl??
'? his temperature i?
:? loo ?i. grass Fahrenheit, which
in tat If is nol ii all alarming, but lbs
heart ahowed w?*akn?*sa and th?
? ?' Idem eg of kidn . The ? ?m
dition known ss albuminuria, ?In. h
?.:'.. .i (?I . iii|;tii!. s inl'aeiiza. is
-, Indicating
n. iti? -, of the kidn? i
?.I ? late hour to-nighi -, ?? Pope's
condition a : s aaid i" hat ?? mal
? i. pertly owing to th.* fact that
. Ii?- had !? main?.' ? onflni .1 to ?
end, a Ith the e*x? eption of i
Merry' del Val, th? Papal B? etary ?Bf
si ii,. his sisters anJ i niece, sd r> -
? n e.i no visitors < day.
Another Fainting Spell.
At 7 o'? ?"? ,. ' n M.'ini.t. . ? ning tbs
Pope retired i" his atudj. ll- bad i "!n
i!air'..-'i of feeling ..\ erl In 'i N
a ha? hour he s i faint?
ing Bpell has not been lesurned, bul
members of the household rushing bo
his a ondi?
tion a ia aerlo ia snd be ame gn
alsrmi d is no i - ??! a a - pr?s? nt,
Pather Pr4-4sd?jc?no, the Vatican chem?
at, was called, and administered ^tita
i\ ??i? h revived the Poi
i>r Andres Amlcl was haatily sum?,
montad, and was followed by Prof?
Marchiafava. Th?ry fouod thai ih??
Pope had airead) been put t?? beu, but
was stui guttering from g re? ?? ti
faintnesa. Finding that the a?*ii. ?
a .> weak th? Ii ?> t? 'l
atrophanthus, which restored" him
The Btst? ra snd ni?-.-<* of th? Ponl
were nol Ifted Iramedlst? \\ and wenl
mi.'.? t" th?- Vatican. They remained,
however, al the beside for only s fsw
?:- order "f th?* physicians all nudi
tspended snd Ihe Pone
in.?.I In '"'.I throughoul the da?.
with I It 1 he I a si. ...l improve?
mei t was noted. ? >n his las! visit I
night, i ?r. Marchiafava found conditions
aatlafactory, s (though the Pontifl wa?
extreme!; a*eak.
Cardinal Repl es to Questions.
. 'ar,in- :i Mi n del Val, In replj ta
questions concerning ih-* ? \a,*t >*ondi?
tlon "i the r?'p>-. asserted thai th? i
rial ?lit. in.tit WSJ SbSOlUtel "?'ii'ei-t.
ii.? aaid thai tip* Pope b-bs suffi-ring
only from a fresh sii?iu attack ??1 in
fluensB, which bad caused an inalgnl?
in.mi ris.? m ti-mperature. Thlg r-rav
ditioB, he n?i.i?-.l. n.l.-.i greater '.?re
ih.iti the former attack, and s it-ore
prolonged rest it lBdlcat?ed th??t the
constitution of tin? ?Pontiff, which bs
considered atnmg, was ?*asiiv affected
by any ssceaalve fatigue or atntos*
pherlc changes, a-hleh are ropec-lally
n..ti?eable in thess days wh?Mi th??
rgga>iieg of tbs westh?rT brought sum?
mer h.at one ?lay snd ?-"Ll and rain tbs
??| fr.l sure." aaid the Papal Serro
t:ii? of state, "thai ??"tli extreme --are,
helped by the prayera <>t' the faithful,
the Holy mtht-f will be ape red l?>nc f??i
ih?* ftorjr of th.? ?'iTir<*h"
Pfof?*?aBor Marchiafava, In an inter
riew to-rtlght, cai?l that the alarm wa??
not iiistif,?*?!. He ?Apr.issed the h?>p?
that th?* attendtBg physicians would be
able lo overe?me Hi?- disrase quickie.

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