TONKINS LEADS FIGHT Means Freight Monopoly for N. Y. Central, Former Dock Commissioner Says. WEST SIDE MAKES PROTEST Scheme Urged by Railroad and Board of Estimate Would Destroy riverside Park, Is Assertion. omktna nndo pood hta pr< i to Rj ne?) ,,r tit** : for the , ? ? t <.r Wet ? trat ? ? ' irked out l>y the X?*.v Yor',- ? ?? lion he nppearod yester? > plain hot ween the of the termina] commlttee'a report neither the committee no* the Central , takes the report a?rions] oh ai lt. nil questions Involved aro but Inci ' dental and subord nated to tli i 1 whether monopoly In Manhattan freight servios la to be ended i r confirmed. "As a private cltlsen, i now have privilege of *??? Itlng t.-> hear what the tcreat commiBrcial an i other Interests r'inoernort have to sajf SbOOt this plan , and horofiftor of deciding when at: . 1 can most effectively Intervene." Gaynor Frown Causes Silence. Those *7.-v,i. appeared before the I vero protesten almost to a ma: riurinp th?. early part of the h< vhil*> President Mltchel of tho Board of Alderm.n was In the .hair, every Ml made by tho opposition was greeted wil i applause and stamping of feet Thing? <-hftn.K> ,i s ht i. Mas r Gaynoi ti chair. Hi < no who applauded would bf* pot out Ten nilnntop laior a mai, In the fronl brought his hau I [ether witlh a re? sounding smack. Tho Mayor said noth. Inc. 1 ti !?*ok,.?". mir f. 1er slunk out "f the room si If be bfia.l ; : Par! v. v that your 1 ; adopt a plan thl t Will 1 11 In ' ', and completion of R Park, preserving ils landscape roar. Ju:- ? n. for the ?"itlzens i i loi of the te i minai commute? g t : ? rath ny." ..-?. , Inued, "baa ? ; proposed Impi t ? eritl? too ?- to tak.- ? titu'i?- that ti i all the right* In tho premie? i that the city must ho conten? to accept the best bargain that ?at, i ? n TI e i of the tw? n! yard f"-.'tn 1X71 . afreet t.. It7tb a pnr ntlon. Civic Bodies Protest. Controller P' i ..?? a a bett? r ; Ian tlar* *?.?>. the ? will ace? ? ? - Turk li a ho thought |.. arranged i ? have t.'.-- Cei tral .-.?cks brought in I at l"1 *\ Itt i ?'. II Wood? Height ed tl ?. aek, north ? Central, for tari of ?? "i Mr. Mil ml League to End 1 It was ?Vuli si i ? et ? tther pn t< i.lza tlona i ground League, Che Park 1 d th.. N,.r'!i Ma I The ; ? i i wl : be '.'?!<] to-morrow. SMUGGLING INQUIRY BEGUN Federal Grand Jury at Boston Hears Witnesses. Bo ' ?tlgatlon to-day <>f ti-..- el i amuggllnj y l?? r?, thl ? i: the got ? : i to have >.. < n defrauded of man] ti i inda of doliera. s. -. ? ral ? uatom ? ir.',. I ?. i. ?, It la i bj .i i is f frequent!) dined ren al o Palled ai n? i.< Bhevlln, who i?- Hr. lu?an, a dress? maker, o rk, are charged with ?sharln? In the Nicholas Schramm end his wife, lira Lena Bradley Schramm who were ht ought from N< w ! ted t., t?.*tlfy to-morrow, a*, wel na i i four ?.tiier New ?fork wlti - NATIONAL BANK CALL, w sshlngton, ?tVprll i of UM i nir. ? um?:,,' i of the condition of all national banks of the i nil d Statt ; of busiucD-* ou Prlday, April i Former Dock i loner, who assailed fork Central ?plan? si a hearing y? aterdaj GRAFTERS FEW?GAYNOR Expected More Disclosures and Urges "Criminals" to Tell. Ma* or O iln takea occa Ion to New York I aa the I fori*e in tl ? *? hole a .... , ? ., ten t..111. ' i In I and thai ? Ing th?m out. He e* elation* thai have been mad? i ? . ? Ken K Albert It Granite Com? Broads 61 1 nhattai I .-im glad to r< the police. ' ? force In t! e n th? ( buslnesa. I cxp? revelatlona I loft th?s.- crin . ? . ham . - ihr. ati na ? ?? ? - ? MULRANEY'S "aUbT WEAK Counsel Say They Advised Him Not to Take Stand in Trial. Earn P. nd H. ? ? K Lim? it ho d? fend? d "Hapj ' Mul? trial for the murder of Pat? rick M? in. ? ? told J Rosal terday at a hesring io determine whether Mulrane) aha 11 ? ? ? trial or die ?t, that th? y i. ? waa ' Harlem al M 01 *>:'?? ? i: ert Ru riel .niney, had i i Mill ? hat if he ui d< rtook have t., ? would be lid probst ' ? - down under croi : ? laratlon "I. John M t to pul wil land i ?!?? not wish to to the jury m Mulrat py told hi ; - ? ? . the lohn Dow Hm He . ? ? . || . ? ? d onlj t., ? . ? charge II I ? . ? I ? : ?owning at llbert Mu?? r.'in?". n? ver told in - ouna? i Ible for "Thi ' death, sltl ed his own inno Tl - Re?. Ism? ? of SI Jsm? i "a I thst 1 ?i Dowllni had told hit i truth In I ? BAG AND PAPER TROUBLES President Says He Sold Stock Before Passing Dividend. ' | of j the fnlon Bag and Paper < 'on . of ti ?? cl an ? lined I ? ? ? nal n..- com? an ? foi sted I, at wer t?> ,i ?i ? i wheth? ny of Ui. ?" dli ? ftora had dh pos? d of previo lo paaslng nd, Presiden! Bai ret? aald ti ?t In Beptembei. itiZ, he aold ? -, of ri. '? i red and tot ??! ,-,-. s ol n ato? k to m? ei hla obligations, n.- .-. ?? would not pledge him ? 1 ? '., a i eduction In I he aal u of oflli lala The presidenl rec ilvea l . \ |l >? ; i. -,.:???. ? end the .- ? tat $10,00 agenu nt i * the I ellef j that ? ? i," great dlaaa l i faction with I " ?*omp in) '- affaira are i -,n i,i d ti,.,i t!,. it:,.ti\?- i,? hind n,?? i? - . was not m tbe Interests ? u MISS BROSKE GETS DECREE Member of "Oh! Oh! Delphine" Co. Sued "'Naughty Marietta" Actor. Octavie Bra ; ?. sn s? In sa appearing in ?Oh! ? th! Delphine," In the New Amster .-h. ,,i'.. aron s point In her s tit ,,,, ,i i ?.. aterday before Jus? tice Van Bleien, In Long Island Cltj Het ..,,i j.- George ?'. Burke, an ectot Bha i con apondent an actre i -_, oWl ??- P? ?-'?? ? WhO Was a m. nd" i' ,,f ti,. ? Na ight) Marietta" company, ?>' , Burke \\aa a1-.. .-. member. imong i ' bo testified i.-i.ia- for Misa Broske wsa Aubtey Mit? managet ol ' ? "Naughty Marietta" company, (leorge <; smith. .. theatrical manager, aald be f..,in.i Burke end "Peggy" living sa man ? n.- m .. boarding house In W? m li. . I Maid, last \UKiist. Burke pul in no defence and an Interlecu? ion o? cree wai granted? KELLY THE DUMMY IS IULE Stenographer Gives Evidence of His Ability as a High Financier. IS SUED FOR $100.000 Anthony N. Brady and T. F. Wood. Jr., Want Him to Re? turn Securities Given Him in Railroad Deal. Joseph I" Kellj ..f So !**? \ The Bronx Is no! such .1 "dum? my" ai ter h?. li.- used to b 1 at? nog rapher, bul to-daj he occuplea the ?.?:.i manding position ol defendant ? ? ? ;?n si?? : m.imut b] S*. Brad Thomas r VA"?*od. Jr., t" 1 ompe him i'< 1 turn >? .ni Itles \ a m-,i ..i I 100 ? ? 1 ilvslenl in 1 a^ii. K. II) and nol Kellj '?? ? Hi- . fflce of 1'OUn** A \\ al 11,1 . II, H., ? ???inn.- ? ? Brad) and Alder M v an iiiirial t,. ink? over tjSe Dayton Powe and 1.miiili . - 1 ? ?? pur? im*' of .'*"i. ??' ol "?. ferred si... I.. ROC ?- coi in atork and '??'?.t b ?ndi I I turn foi ?' ? -? ?. ? ? ities r- |? I Young were to pay a floating. Idebt? ; of t?t,' p a it reel >ar line 1 nd ndd ?i., ilu- power plan! mu? distributing ays? t? m of the ? Mi,.' com pan 3 K [the ',.1 ti.,, t ss "dummy" for the two Sea ? ?, ora financien ha! the lim? h? srss 1 st?nographe] at $25 a s eck. : The situation s 1- exp Ined f : "tu *i "inn; t.. Bi ady, a hlrh 1 ? ad In j part l Ihouffhl bul under a dlff? I \\ ?? . an il., n hav? the * ? 14?ver to us and put th. i pany snd ari Ite b lett? r to 1 lim ?.f ,.ii ? ?? ' ? ? ? ? - - 'I'd., rontrset I? thi ?I ? gem? m ?.' ?. t- 'i and turned t.. K? II) * ?. wortl died .n .1 ? n In-lsa Ml ion '? W'a- ' ? trael >* ?, t2,100.?X?? . ontra t to ese? le, d ?nd? 'i lai ? llowed 1 y Brad). VVai 1 er ata! P. M. Tall C the Pay ton the 1 ? ? relative to th? ? ? 1 I Th. ? ? ted With the ? 1 ' kept ontui ent until th? that th? lion s tx had no! ? ? a Burplu 1 of al In the I Is of 1 , . . rmand? ? . ' ira? t.'r. I am 1 ! ? ' ? ' my ? as assit ?m Injunction and held b) K< Brady and Warnet ?" M H ' ? longing i" th. i - ' lhat he had hypo! ? ' of 123.000 from the ? ..f !! brok? r to dispos? TO TRY "BUSINESS BROKER" Postal Authorities Say Jacobv Made $250,000 by Swindle. Ra p*s Ma . ? ' at N'.. ??. \\ .11 street, who wa ra A| viI l". "'?... b; ; oat fl be pul on trial 1 ?-..:?? rged wll ilia t., d? ; \ ?,.,'.? .,f Ja? "t. been brought fn ... to !??-!? for tl . all of his business ? ! snd liis "ell? ? ?ere ?.v? i- the B hole 1 ?>i.t.r ? ? | t !?..? Indi, t m. 1.1 la vertised thsl hi : ? : ...rat?? . terprls? "f all kui'K. pi epare theli nal attend '?? th? aale "f ? r .1 it ?. lie i. manded an sdi sne? ,?..'..'?. I H .... .. a,,-. .nui the preparation and distrfbutton "f tura snd ehsi??? lo N psi .. i.t f.a the Tl ?? ? omplalnts . harge thai Ja? ob never made a real effort 1 .?.it .,! the bsrgalB. He woi - th? tu pi Int? d his total ei ? .in 1; a mu.ill psri ..f ins fea *? II was ailes? d, he won 1 - ! rlarity, allai William .1. Leehan, for the; M. Carolin? Turnei M..ri arity was si once srrsigned, and, tram* bllns with .-tii.ti.di. fairly 4h,,,,,..,] --a^,,, guilt) ' The prisoner v...s grestl] encouraged ? trller In ti"* la) 1 lb? si rlvsl ..f Ms wife snd son, Bi sd 1 Mi - Leel sn si on? ?? i? '-ni to Hi- Jail, snd i*tosscutor Neu - ?nan cona??nt<*d to her vialting her hua band, Mia lacehan, ?Aim is :, ?mail, thin, pals v.i,iii;.ii asid before aha ??>.nt in 1" .- .??? II." !,l.lll "1 ha? ?? , "in" t" atsnd i.\ my husband i kaos ?,? iv lnnoc4*nl snd thai hi did nol ? I,. this iivifu! thing iii. 1 ara charging him with, w'?? m?? going to figbl sa hsrd as <;. 11 t.? ? :.-.n l.ini." MUST PAY HIGHER SCALE Subway Contractors Directed to Rate Waterproofers as Bricklayers. .- Public s.T'!.-?? '""intni-a ?..n adopt? I ? rda) a resol itlon dlrsi ting aubwa) contractors to ps? 1 ? r*r?svslllng rate ol syei t.. the men ? ngag. il ? 'n In i? iii'- bi 1? k m saphalt foi th?? Bat?arpr?-ioflBg ol the aubwsj atrucl it has be? n 1 ?? pi 11 ? ni ractoi ? '??'-; ?? . ? id? of !.r ' ailed "wat< 1 for d< Ing ti.i work, snd Ibes? mattrprootert are nol i?ald sa high wages a.- bri? kiayei.s ttaiiniiiiiiil. ?'HUB TEA" DANCE, RECTOR P? "Non-Alcoholic Turkey Trc to Divert Golden Stream Started by Mayor. CENSORS WOULD LOOK ( ! No Liquor Could Be Bought Dance' Hall Floor, but. o Course, a Drink Might Be Had Downstairs. Aft? r i undei ing for thre? daj - on I ? i. i danct " situation, and partlculg i on the fa? t thai hia place n mg | closed it hile hla business rival** i I reaping ? harvest aa .1 resrull of Maj ? (a) nor'a pn - - agent u'ork, I ;''"1 Ri, tor im j ? aterdgy upon ?i pi whereby he thinks he, too, can coi m foi ,. hare of tho golden ) leid .1 at the same tlm? n mam in the k?. : 1 1 . of the < 'rusader at ' ?lty Hall IPs plan, m abort, is a "denatured 1 dan? '." "i in other words, "? non-i I. oholic t.iik. ? i',.t " li all ??un?* al.'i . in ill?- foll?n Ing way: Mr 1;.. tor runa a n ttauranl 1 doca not have !ii;> bedrooms sa .-? si and. therefore, has no in,tt ? : them be? opd th.* r< th? Mayor uni II he g? ta hia Lilis pass? ? . ? .he same 1 ....... , . c ? ? . ?. 80 *n ? ? 1 hollc dan?' u hi?'! ' i. h B. < i'Mal \. ggest t< x 1 ? v said Mr '?Mail? "thai we be allow? ? ? ?? ? noon dai th? ui thai 'ill ha*, re nothing ? \i r. than 1 ' to coi ? ? ? ? ! ? .' ? ? ' ? . nable in the .... ?? think l ? that I Oat m ? ? ed No Liquor on D.ince HjII Floor. ...... ? . i.-.. .1. ???. ? ?d-r a drink th? 1 n to thai The 1 1 Of dill tO ? "I ,. Off th? ' ? lei ? ? t ? 1 i. 1 1 have r? malned luid li? ?l Th? prop? ? . ? . ndment piw .,!?? that the 1 ?? >\s? r t?. r< -. "kl- licet ? ? n a ble thro ..: a writ of < ? rt 1 orari, so that If a He? nse Is revoked <>t .. renewal refused the reason for such ut..; r exit Ung laws must be given. Under the present law the loser of a licet ? 1. no 1 Ighl of an spp? al t.. the ? "in ts. 'i he other main i>?.ini in the sm< nd men! is thai making il a ml id? m? anoi t.. hold a dance In the atat? armories, n in? h ha? '? n.? ?lam ? hall ll< enses, Wants to Introduce New Dance. ?v leitet . ut 1?. the Mayor * ea by the .-'? t- en < Hub, an organla . - lion of photo-pla*. producing companv . 1 p. sling foi pel mi-- Ion to In - 11, du? ?? h n? ?? dan? ?? al the clu6'a cont? int 1 .', Ten a.. < larden. The n< si ??.-t .i..-. rlpi Ion of |usi h 1,.,1 the dan? ? ? mighl be w ? - ? ?.r.. ej 1.1 .11 the f?.ll?.\\ Ing m. .11.?;, ..1 tin \i 1,,,1 - favorite phi ? li can n--\-i h< p.- '.< Ilnd fator \\Ith thtMte .' I ?? at ? |>l.' tO i 11 < 1111?- ? - 111 .iv 01 _l? - 1 uta', .nal.i.- . rlticlsm of it ran from those whus? ?? 1 matter has degenerated to g con dltlon "i hopel? sa plssltude, It is not a tango ". .? fandnngo; ratl er, ms it be nid, n ? xpressea through the po? n ? ..( motion the more cheering pi ps ol the philoaoph) >.f ?-.plctetus. ' MAYOR FOR GOLDBERG BILL Would Amend Law to Name Additional Magistrates. Mayor Oaynor resteras}] , learl) Indi ted ihut be was it, favor >.f the ?.?.i.i berg bill, whl 1, emenda the Inferior court law, giving t.? tbe Mayor power t,> appoint additional magistrates, in speak? ing at the publie hearing held i.v the Ma.m Aaoemblyman Goldberg statt.-.i to S.f A!... H please fOUr honor th.- a'. parent opposition In the newspapers "Never mind tbe newspapers," Inter? rupted the Mayor Tea certainly Know that 1 am ',"t opposed to it ?What'a tho n-.-.,! wasting words? There are two neu msglsti it? needed here now, and sn ;? eiatar) ,.r 1 he Civil Servie? 1 ef? rm \- ... ation, op? posed the bill m? in;-, a eit) official Ih rtghl to give a rehearing mid reinstate ?? .1., d man at any liiiit- .Miliin two year* I ! $5 GRADUATION DRESS LIMIT ?Passaic Girls Must Make Their Own Gowns and Rowers Will Be Barred, Board of Education Decrees?Dress Suits May Be Frowned on, Too. PBSSBlc, N -i . April I. M"o florBl pr?aa> cntstiona 01 expenalve dresses foi glrta will !'r Education muy take ac? tion regarding the attire of the youm? m?*ti at the high s.-hooi graduation. There have i .n l?verai stormy meetings of the boya before the commencement exercioea In tho past n.s to Whther full dr?*-.? suit" ahould !"? srora .-.t tti.* exercises. Last w-ai's ?lass adopted dark btUC suits, hut the preceding ?lass could not ogres and the graduate! -Ante various atylea An organization Of leading women ha.* obtained the unanlmoua consent ?>f the board t., organin ? achool children'a aav? Ing fun?! Robert D. Kent, president of the Merchants1 Bank, has niven |lta to siart the fund LENT MONEY 10 I OF BROKER, MAID S Court Asked for Injunction straining Mrs. W. K. Ku from Disposing of $25.00 WAGES ALSO INVOLVI Justice Lehman Orders fondant to Give $1.000 Bo to Protect Claim of Mai\ Ann Coogan. Mies Mary Ann < ing t<* ?*.:?? - i due and t> .... ? - nd, Wil Kurts, a bt n, ?? an In In thl ' ? ?? .mi " ? for a i ...... . -,;. i.. from * n nr?. in aun ? of her I Kurt ? mined, Mlaa ?'? ? ' ? ! . ' ?'.',.'. ?? ... . .... ? for her m ne r Mai \ ? ? Am s?. Bon , Only look ?;? . ? ..... I f I d id not e hi ? ? i l. ' ... -.' , . for ua ? !",'klllK tO IHlll ' ? ?n. it ' i for pal ??? burdens. 1 wlal i the aecret . : rich quid I ? | I ?. ,\. ? a ? ? ? ? . freed of debt i II ., Ha ? ? ? le of living i ? an li... n ? ? ?n all ? ? i I tief? e to tri had n \ ..t. ? .1 IK', of th? ? K -t/. told me n hat a hard m ?' having," ah? lured ai that 1 would irel Unie M ...i 100 In th? -..v.' gs ba at n.- u.,-,. .i ?,,. '.. loan her I : ? i.ims ..n ' ? . '? ? it wo tld be us s.. -...nh hi r .,s m th? bai ?i i dr? at out tl ? ?'.,. ? ? her er . > i, luma ... 'aslonsll). ?n i ?? ,t aori foi h< '?? Itoogan add? i | a bad l< nl her mlatresa $i4'i ? her t" keep h? i fut nlture and % t., pa] foi ' ? 'onnsi i f"f Mrs I irti told the coui i ,,i Mli ? ?? ? I nd otnp? i til?- ?i? aragea or tiw mona I, .! i.. 11 ' ?atid ' ' i ? ?.*. i i" i"t h? u hile i a a aa all?? I ' thai th ...nrt could not help the creditor ?>f mm, **. n?. dli 'I hop? '? Insolvent, no prevent his ?ridos from applying he mon? - i to aupporl h? i Just!? a Lehman aald the i lalntlfl hai llttli hope o( collecting anything the monej abe advanced for 11?.?- Insuranc, premiums, amounting t., it?','1 Ha ordere? Mrs K iris to give a bond of |1,0M t< pi ..t.- t n..- . I .mi of Mlaa . loogan t"t- thti amount RAN DOWN LAD; FLED Auto Driver Sought by Police for Fatal Accident in Queens. Bamuel Malarnl, eight reara old, wan att ui k and fnl i In |ur< .1 j eaterday afternoon al Osone Park, Queens, by an mu,,m..!.n.-, tti. driver of a hl? h fled. The number of the machine ??is not obtained hut the police have -. good description ?>f the auto and expect to apprehend tb ? drlvi i The boj llvi - ..i \?>. IMS Lan n avenu?. i none Pat ? Ha waa cro Ing Bt oadway nt Hatch avenue, when he waa knocked ,;,,u n His skull WS?! fTai tUTSd He was taken to Bt Mat \ Hoapltal, In Jamaica, TOSSED BY AUTO AND UVES Salesman, Thought To Be Badly Hurt. Surprises the Surgcona. Arthur P. Carmlchael, forty reara old. a -al.-Miiaii. Who WIM nm ?i?>\\ n by :ui automobile ;?s be waa crossing Fifth avs? mi?' at ttth. street yesterday, and was taken t" Bt \ lne?mt'a Hospital In the be? llet thai he was badlj Injured, was found t>, i.. Buffering i? ..tii oontualona and a la? . ration of ti?. for? head Jerome i tai I . a ho on na ? gai ose ..t Broadwa) and UOtli afreet, was apeeding] up the avenue when Carmlchael waa truck on the aide and thrown aeveral i-eL ' SELLS 'CITY RECORD' 'ADS' Man Trying to Work New Game Worries Mr. Ferguson. ??Who arsnta a half page advertisement it. The ?itv it'-?' Iba elty dally, for One of the aharp young men who go around town trying to ?vt aonrie "easy money" from the i narsry baa t? iv on a ri?-\v Idea ii" i- trying t" as i advert! | ; ? . i:.-.- i:-1 o d" t" t.i'-ii arho i,n\. dealinga with lb? i I it is nol known whether he baa "stung" 01 ?? T not, bul he was aoi al hoodwli k i Mr Murray, ths manager of a ipoii ig |.la atore In Warren street, whom he tried the gams yesterilay. Ths compa ipplk a to obs of t'10 departmenta sad the man -aid he had been aenl by ? il ?bat da ? m. He told Mr. '?' ? . ? moi ? ? ? ? ? : ' year 1 - The Ra rd" and that M had at last ? :. .-I'l-'l t.. tiik- sd ? ? ' - I the publication but the prices a ?ippart atl] . i ''" ..... to pal t of I Mi M irray a , i . nrovid ? ? t.ik.u by ird " H? show? .i iii-- visitor to and t ' i v.i !?"??? - . ? ? The EU ord, ' sod about It i- . ? ? first ? liai but Mi ?m? p? have I vl limif ? i by the ?w. ? ? ? . the Mayor and Bill t Hum's movements. -????? AMUSEMENTS. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN-NOW i-T.?-?'-?Ai-1 CLEOPATRA < un i > ??i N?. \ i hin . itn?ti '.iii PagUarrl. N I? ? - liiur? ? 4 Koealaaklnder. Farrai i: - I ri. - I i.iiii|iii.-,i..r .... 11 .,...- i i. ? ? ??ni 11 u?c .I.-TI4.1 ?> ' titan; ? . ? vu. - r..|.. prleea. Iluft.?r*|.. r I -?? ? . i \?*\t XI.?il. t 8.1.' Boheme. \ . ? I p. ? Mr.I. , > ? \i.ui... i trnato, Rl :??. . , ' II i IK DM AN PIANO KODAK EXHIBITION Carnegie Music Hall Or^n linm t?o I,, Irn B ni . witti il!tistr4tr?I l?r. tar-, nn.l mot,.a- pi BBW .it ?BNS an I ?..-lit p m. I (*<>mr,tim.-nttir\ Ticket ? at any KoJ.ik Dett?ert, I?KFDU XN" *tta - * ? Mata CENTURY THEATRE : Matinee To-day. ?.'...- to si..mi Ana* * f H ?''. CORT UURET?E TAYLOR ? WH I 4 ?a? 2:1.1 ' Peg ??? M, ?l..?rt.- ! ELTINGE ?3 - WITHIN THE LAW PALACE ?mi i: 4.TKK ? IHK, 11 -,. i. 1 i. RUTH ST. DENIS STELLA MAYHEW ?? 1. ,*. Hill.-- Ts t 1 ? 1.- ? ' C'l I!.,: > Ollfoll; i ?i-l h'laher, Berl Klt-aSlblaon, Ths nu n Kan II) I .. Hall? t i 'laaatau? . K.n.f - man Krothrri ..i..| 'III \.*k m i;i >s it V. KKITII'H K.H.. Kllnora .?; Kam will IIMIilM ?in ? .. i.. , , ,v co., .m uniun oy. Kil> ,v rantweii, as. ii. i. KP. I rii'g'i p??i nillAl " Pl ' ' ' Carter, tlULUrllNL jaa .1 Morton II. I. Kill tl?? ' Mat iMllt HARI FM*>t"'rn s " '*' '" ln "?"ether ft The BELA5CO Vv.-'U;; w'.V^r' YEARS OF DISCRETION republic a ' K ,; ^;:: MATINKK Hi HA\. A GOOD LITTLE DEVIL ;r- COHAN'S THK: &.??,CIS MAY IRWIN in WIDOW BY PROXY A-sT?l?.. B'aay. 45 81 Ev? a 13 MtaWad. /A?-? IUB ft, Sat . 3 18 Pof*. Mat. To.luy "A MAN'S FRIENDS" ?.ra??.! ?>l?. H-M St.J Av.,Mi toll. Ml Totlu?, Id? II Mil? ? Mil I?Il \ IHK \\IIIi\m? i in: QIRL PR? ?M M< >S r.MAit riti-:." park ,; INA CLAIR' r ;;?;:,?. i . . i,. _-.>..a. ,?. .',".? Mai.. Us. l>.m., I-..I.I Harry D'l) mi? i??.i.".?;??., righa ?v Poll?/ Prim A\ , \ -?tails Johnaon a. h Hin \- Is TU AMI aTway, Hew "f?M*k"a ? i.i.??i.-.i 111 Hits jstl, St. \iiiulrvl 5 Ilia Show, it iau'v Mi it ?SO, toe, ! Hlg Act?. ' Over in Honnie Scotland, ?where the eye for color and tin skill for weaving are bandet down for generations, yoi expect to find wondcrfu woolens. Add some practical Yankee ingenuity and you have winner. That's what happened whei we developed these "Scotcl Mists."' How to et instruct a rougl Scotch cheviot and make il rainproof! Twas a trick no one ha? ever done he fore. We thought we knew how and sure enough we did! Had a cloth specially wovei on our ideas thought out ii Xew York and worked out ii Scotland. So this Spring, for the firs time, we have these "Scotd Mist" cheviots made in'< smart, practical raincoats. Most attractive "misty mixtures. A distinct break-away fron the everyday "Mackintosh." Medium and light weight browns and grays and even pattern exclusively ours fo America. Some cut "regular." som with raglan shoulder. *:,o. ?82 and $85. Everything men and hoy wear. Rooem Pee t Com pax v, Three Broadway Stores at at at Warren St. 13th St. 34th Si AMUSEMENTS. M \\ VnRKf* IKMUM, THK\i i:v *??' PIIPIRC I ? . ?. < "-mrint Matli ?? c -u Ih.i I Melil??I ;,?| M,,ts. I...I?. .f, -.,. LIBERTY HALL " ? ' ?? JOHN MASON KM? UK KHI M KM*. H'.i?. iii.l ,Hlh >l. JULIA SANDERSON ,., ? Till -I SHHINK I.IKI. ( um Horn LYCEUM 4" L 11. turn n4M r At* M l : I B.. - ? ? I HAVE M ?KAN H.B. WARNER ^?.IT GARRICK ?? \ H bit? *?ln,.- Ilr:?iii? Thill lhrllla fr-nii Itt-ir, in ?>><._ I?. I ml " THE CONSPIRACY CRITERION ROBERT HI LU ARD HUDSON w 4* ? . H , ? The Poor Little Rich Girl III It-UN Mil \Tltl. lomu \ft . r V HELEN KELLER Beueth ?t II..n.?> for Blind i.iri? FULTON ' What Happened to Mary with ?II.IN | \\ \\IHI\*.,' ? ? <=t\k ? in., iddh ii ?? rxi es ? MON EVK nttill II WED. 4 -IS I'Kit I ?MOI \\< i DAMAGED GOODS ? . i .? ? ? 1? ?? of R< ? i.-.? v for All Pi ? I mai N Bt?H >-? R? ** ..i H..N . ?fflct?, II :.T. .\ THK \ RK II IMUS, w i i Bl Pop Hal "JftL tV?Lsif*yftti^uC NEW AMSTERDAM OH! OH! DELPHINE 'I i.?* I ??I ? ?til In Miim.mI ? LltJlliRIY | ir,, Mat. i.,.,i.,,. | 10. THE PURPLE ROAD "ANOTHER MERRY WIDOW" _ ICTOX PAVIgO. GAIETY l; ' ?" *i Kv**. ' UHICI I Populai Mai To lor i.i?.iii?iii_ Psrpawaa ?i..i?. "STOP THIEF'.i\ : . Braaaa 1 s ? ' Matt To lay ?t ?? GLOBE Nixr-risI Mat. T?.-?la>. M..iii??'??i?*r? .* Maaa. I I?:.- -Uni?. m? i.? !? uf ti** i < .IIH.-ICI." Mall. Similar Aft.. M0*_M_??_L Farewell YSAYE Recital IN a ?voMirr.kri ft MDCITAL rR?>?.R*M saut, now ut Boi Ufl ??? ' '? ?.??'??? rlna I (?mi??_t> Hall. TVKfi. AIT.. Apr. 1Mb. ?? *? Atan UK NX Fartwtll mil lull, Tl r.i. aVT.? Aft. i.*in. ? - Gerhardt Tk.'i? T."?- i" *-' al Hall Ms? w ..:-<>i'i H-Jf^i ACAUKNY OF MISAITMKI? ?RT. '?' Innu ?i TranasrMalon, 111 ? Mtli ab o* lili April l?th. Atlinlaaloii, i.'.? AMIIKRSTMVS. I Lulu 'B'",'_'?% l ? tv | Ulaa-r?Co.rWalr"*?"?"*-" Matinee? 25 * 5?J<*. | A I? Bit? ATI*