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if th?' Pontiff wer? real e Siste.s Somewhat R-l.cve-l. i 'he lo the Val ? ? m ..-. i. ik t? i relieved 11 as ap? parent! m... They brothi 1 '.. Rome. l'i.r ycai gout. *?* it'i - i ' ing in int- n it; an i.i i? few ? ? ? Ihe l'util' ne ? ? H the Pope, na n re? covering i rom ih< i i ? ? ? ? a; ' . ' ii is ? ?!? -tinit? |j abandon all i ? ? . ? li. ? ? ijii.-i,. Friends Rome in Win. The Pope m." lunsl BUI |"ml all I i 500 pilgrims, in?'ludlnfi ?i ? '..m Hi.- \ . n< lian i ft \vh?>ni some . aim Treviso, in which th? Pope'* birthplace . and from Sal h pri? st. Frequently during th? daj h< on eorrj ' many old friends, adding, with n mel? ancholy touch in the Venetian d "l am no more uae, cither to myself or . ih. i The pilgrims were dl ??' to bt able to see the Pope, and r? m \ at!? an the whole >1 ty, notwithstanding u downpour of ruin. They ex? hani I Ions with ?ist. ? -ii dialect .... .... ..'.;? Of th? H i 11 Th? las! An Pope wer? Bradford, ?a" Philadelphia, and I ? ? : ? i. r, who w? n pr?s? nted by Mai Martin Mal?n? i. a? ting i Chamberlain, They Judged thai Pope had ?l'iitr- recovered. The Impres? sion received by Marquis Maloney runt the Pope ii.-xl aged greatly sine?*- ho ?? years a?-'??, bul api to i.o cheerful ?in?! was- takini s - it in ).? ople an tl Joked with Cardinal. ? "i Mor lay the Pope, ?rho had r< - ? i his ordinary routln? . ardi?al K. I ? of Salzburg, with ??horn t ' ri;inp thai ? n had attribut? <\ t-> him ail kinds of Hin? - ? llf have written thi : ? ted thai i ?? ? ino! walk; while ]o..k at me.'' s.. Baying h? the room. ? my thrjpat, ?.. thin i cannot speak; while nov 1 ?? aides, my whole trouble rdly l>c > -: niv \ f i.i i Is my real dis? i r<? t plied thai b? the same disease In i i : ? th" r.'iititT. Wh< ' ? rature .is no! hav ? Katschthaler later slgnor i:?? esan, privai and ? ' t hi above 100, thus dra1 that ih- truth ' ?rn him. The ' - really ?n early Ii i n ho stiffei ? atarrhal tj pe, wi1 i Hon. Pr covered a mi? d 1rs g ' . OBJECT TO POLICF GUESTS Owners of Hotei Avenel Want Guardians Ordered Away. Th? ? the : of i *t..r\ of grai Indict Inrp? ? applied l .- . r> ? ? ' lion ' resei Lin! : ? Bern i, that'-I ? ...... the ???? I .! . . on ducted would ! ? APPROVE $6,.1,000 BONUS In u ? ? of the dir? trial |n ..I - \.? : . ? ? ? lar 1 if th. W.iS | | r< ' In i. ? . ' ? ; ? .I'll'I. s Dr. ?Jubi it?.nf? and -j^nme Your Relief Whom Constipation YOU are conBtipi.teu. You waut quick relief. Beat go around all day with a headache, heavy dragging feel mg, hrul ??t('i* f-lc A buftinc-BB man with lota or dutiea nee"?. | '-.enlt'**? -rJnd ana body. T?on't waste a C.,\y cfyor.r Ufa. Take '? glnai, ot HUNYADI JAlW? WATEB V the Natiti-?.! Laxative In th?s % morning or at any time on au % empty atomach?israich the % eloclr, within one hour or ao ^^ your bowel?. 171U n*ove pran ^^ tly and yo'i're relieved. ^*k Oat r. beetle r.t any ? ^^ Diuy Store f clay. A DEMOCRATS FUIR ?H Sober Consider v Measure Gives Msny Cniiso io Coir^'am. SIGNS OF DISSATISFACTION rnntled Representatives ! Tnrn to Senate, Hoping Nar row Margin There May Bare Some Industries. \|,.il ?. Ti... ? rag? ? ? ? I. car? ? , and ? Iff ' ' that tl?< ? ? Ii. ?..? Ih. run? .? ,|.. i ' Members iron- th. Mld?ll? In? for tl . men from that - on I ' ? 1 ' rol? ? - K that 1 there will aa the di In which ' Rlvi ?. ... i ? . *. from th. New Knglui able I and ? : Njw En-il-inder Inrjiqnant. ',- to wan ... s .? ? ' lo ki i ? Indi that i U in aa ? He will : ?isk which ?s . in the new in? -.- III iphold want . ? ?.-?? ?ii--h theii natll re vil Pro t the D? ? ? . ? attei form t th<- reapective Idea* of ? ' i Dor."t W,-int Free Meat. Senator I ? ? ? ? ' \ntli i1 ... ? ? read Ih? ? . untrj -i? lo ? i ? | (lui . f the r liai Mil b t? The plan ?i the ? - <?? m tod b) I ? i Inuii e none . ? ? ? Fear Trat ty Violations. , ore oi ? .'lin ?l . ion "i . on un good i?? n,Li ii. bj Am- i lilt - ig concern n- ii-,? ? ? , t .Inc. ? ? ?hi |U ? hl r? - ' that I ni i, ? m..-. ? ? tntt > ii"iu ? ? ??. ..n 1.1 i he ? "...'.i? : ? ??? In ' - Hi?? ? .. i.. and Btat? depart ? ? mi Hint. .1 ii x lu ? will i laid l" i ' .n'.. .ill, H mad. . ,- . ? . thai the hi | RUNAWAY CASHIER BACK Murphy, Fearful, Told by Wife Everything Is All Right. ? ? . i . arful ? ill? i i i,i wife thai .... .-' .m ? ? ? hei Ti..- \ 'lllag? ' s an i irn '.i the man who i with? ? ? I h. t-hool tea , i. tor of the M 1 noi ...m. ? mna : ., la non atation? il tit t'rot P? an, Il ?FF a lion o? the ^teCkCVTl* ?hen I *****^ V* " mi hi4 ifa&Uststfe P \? , "BBgl Chi| lii - t - \ of fun r?rin -fauttir in " emin ii il ..... ticiio Fmmte?mtmilakeetaatkmet $.1.50 ?O?15.00 KOIH, ,nr ?;.,,-r .?/,/ I n MISS TAFT LOSES TRINKET Silver Mes?i Bay Mav Have Been Stolen bo Churrli. , ioTI>%Ti Italilmore, Apm K \ hand.? \.,- mesh hag which was l?r< i,. r i.\ h< r girl fi I? nda when ah? th? u hit? H?itis< wn lo ' l?y "i ?? ' i t,,,,,. Mi s il- !? n Tuft, daughter of ?\ t'resld? ni Tal t, In I he i ?mmanti? ! I n ?pal i it ? ? ? - Ii ?"! ?? mdaj morning. Mi- T,,- .- ' '? ,,i 7i . i.i.e : ?,', da Ig ' ... .i i. i e of 1 t Hrj n Mav r. M Ith Ml i m . . -ath? t in?- Ai Unir ind oth r ?omen, Ml ? T n att? nd? d i he Bmmanu? l < h ir? h. m i nighl al the \r i hm- home, she s na going t>> W asn? Ington ,,,: wish hi ma ? ? .. . i ? Id noth? ing nlioul K ? cepl to hi .. is. GIRL IN BIG AUTO RACE M?88 PreiCOtt Will Bo First ol Sex to Drive at Indianapolis. Ph lad? tin,.- i . rmli - Ion haa b??en gi anted to a j womi n automobil? i. races al Indlai ipolii T ... i??. ...n.. piomlnent and Ii' ? No '.";l North ! Sil"' 1*1 ||| the Va Cup ! by dleg a m- ban d l Iding ? ith N? il . Ulule i arely i , : ?and m iP? of 11 . v. ell k nos i . Although sh. b ill . omp te In the flv? ' \. ? ts to ring th? record lo I LONG SENTENCE FOR ARSON Patron of "Fire Malier' Get? Eight ?Tear Term in Jail. ... ...... - ?. i,. :. . ? .' I he beul . - .... .m I - Hal in i. | : 45 SILK STRIKERS HELD i |Sent to Jai! for Unlawful A., 1 semblase PJani to End Disp Patera ? , . ? ?n. n, ' ' llalli - ill ef ball each ? nulls aboul ? ? \ public of Aldermen will Ih hleh ?nan ifnctm I *i ol th? l?os men and promii rut ? - . . ... Ih? ti REGAINS MISSING PAINTING. t'hlcago, April i m . r? i." teil . 7 ..:, i >: el, uild Worth Card and filing equipment That reduces every filing problem to its simplest lerms. That is adapted to every business, large or small. That touches new high points of efficiency all along the line. That is sold WITHOUT THE FANCY PRICES Telephone, Franklin 2261. Shaw'Walker 371 Broadway WANTS COMPETITION RESTORED^ BY TAR1F1 President Tells Congress Object o? Dulic Henceforth Laid Must Be the Whetting of American Wits by Contest. " WILSON'S CALL. TO REVISION ?The ?whole country expert! the tariff duties to be altered. We have Been thrift l?gislation wander very far afield in OUI ?lay? very far, indeed, from the field m which our prosperity might have had a normal growth end itimulation. We long ego paased beyond the modest notion of "protecting" the industries of th?* country and moved boldly forward to the idea that they veto entitled to the direct patronage of the government. Only no"- pril ?pies of action will save us from a final, hard crystal I lization ol monopoly plete V u i I the influences that quicken enterprise and keep independent energy alive. We mus? abolish everything that bears even the semblance of privi* tind ol rtificial advanta - object of fhe tariff duties henceforth laid must be effective compe? tition, the whetting of American wits by contest with the wits of the rest Of the WO! Id We must make changes in our fiscal laws, in our fiscal system, whose object is development, not revolution or upset or confusion. Wc must build up trade??especially foreign trade. We must build Up industry as well, and must adopt freedom in the place of artificial stimulation only so far as it will build, not pull down. Our object ?i clear, ii our motive is above just challenge and only id ?! error of judgment i. rgeablt linst US we shall be fortunate Wc are to deal with thi ts ol oui own day, aritfa ?lie facts of no other, md to make laws which square with those lit-. Vpril H \ ? for? ii.-- Pi ? i . opportunity to addn ? thai th? i'i ? ? ? V?tor I ? ? i ? i i : I . ? . ? ? ? ? P - - B? lection. ? i ? fail l?i pot ? . i ... i ? to II ? : r. n ?i..' th? thbui ? | ..,' Il: i?r une? ; - m . omtx tltloo i" hin? ven th -. forma ? n t" or ? ... ncerted ? ? ? . . ? i ., ha? ? n of mon? ompl? ' ? of II - Ion ?>' : ? ? ' I ? ? ? Ith tin ? Recess Hasta Un - ? i ? il ? ilion "i ?il.I iii? w , ? i and l . m m tit? tin lion ouU an ?,-... |n ... . ? ? ... | ? ... i , - l.iii ? ?? . '? ? ? .,..,? ,i.|. rttinat? VV? upon In i ' ? und utir nod? ral? ? ?.! lui . .1 upon the ? ? i? i- ::: nt VV< an 10 ti? i ?? nh Hi?- fact? of our i ? da with I to n. m Ith Hi" ? ?? i It it '?? ' Ind.I, It I i i i m i .in .. go m thins upon ou n. ? al i he ? i ? n ? |i|.-h ? ..ii ob ni- I ? i ... <i.\ ? 11 ..... "rum I hui el? -ni- ?i- Hi ? \ dutj \t .. iat? i 'im1 In?, i ikr id?, hi.. .. of mill.m t...n In refill m \* In- Ii ah??ul?l i... , l. i | ??.pun I h? ? which the ? ? rrfoi m of our ....i , p. -, n I hul i"'-1 i m froln Kor th? i <? ? nl ? i"1' op on? Id? h il Ihlnl of t . thing ..i ih? ' h - In oui II ? .i -i. m ?' in. ii maj hi 11 ? ? I.i. ? mor? lh< ? ? pro pi rll t.. .i ?a?-?-.*? p< - pi* Would . . ?, ? tu i i?. n".'? ti i ?hrouxhoul both rank und HI??" '?? - ?>? STRIKE TIES UP AUSTRALIA 8 dm ? t B. m ?.prll I The rallwaj ? ih..'Hi!1""! Ih? , i | ?i I . . , i.,,. ... , png. i ?. i \ ' . i . arioual* i m tailed ami Ih? frelfhl tram* ' Ml! Dt n.?.,..ii/,.| , ondltlona prevail. total ? nap? .n..n of rallwa ?v?t the ? ntlre . ontmoaw? alth la prohabl? b) i" morrow, in thai event b n? irtrtu? ..n-- wouM ?.,.,,, i., | rtanaatllli and " i would h? in? aleul ibl? Australie baa i crisis In maaj ft ir Se Altmatt $c (Eu i he Men's Custom Shirt Dep't is showir ' assortments of import? ed! Materials for the )rder of rien'? Shirts Ii .; a wide s m ' ? in Aladras, Cheviot, F Silk ''.Hires, Bui ; Efficiently equipped oic.. ? . I in the er I s - rices i ng fron i A Large Importation c s is shown o tl ! Men's Furn ? per dt ?n. The Men's Furnii hin ; an ' partments are easily access We fn the Plain Entrance to the store. Men's "BetaSpS-i" 5,flh XaVtmr, 34t?j WON APPEARS AS "HUMAN BEING' I ...ilinnril Ir.'.n ? ' ? ? i I Nervoui at the 8tart. ': I , Mi. W ii. ? : . m e i n 111 ? ? i I M?! . I < 1 I V I - ? ? I i. ni . ? ion. The l da ?' 'in t>i* tli. ? . l. mi ? i ..II i i u ral i*l older head had ; ?? Mi \\ || m.I ut I l*> .. ' hall .m hour he had Irt t tl > . Im i * Housed .s&? 45?1 St* and 6?h Av. U j {?7 C .<' C." : r^fttief *?**>.*"-?, s?.. , ??s*<a>?*?v /% ??**? 3^4 1-ttVj' POR WOMEN, M?s*. Are offering unusually attractive val o ?*? in Outer-wear of tho very highest stai ard?in unequalled variety? Fashions thai have been ? from expensive imported models re. ?ntlyl over from Paris?also our own :; nail adapl The nintciia's ?woikiTiansli!-)?lit ami Im; m ol the IB we cauv in stock made up arc super. ' t i whefe in thi* v<>untry. ?i?D flVvitue, 46?i) $i 47il) S?rccs*?