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Biting Wind and Error Spoil Brooklyn Opening Phillies Jump Off in Front by Beating Superbas in Na? tional League Race. RUCKER VIES WITH SEATON Muff of a Fly by Benny Meyer Opens Way for Lone Run and a Bitter Defeat. .\""(,fiy uotutor?*d In th?? mysteries of] t lairvoyaticy would have BOSpect?*d that | when Benny Meyer dr?op?jM*d an Inoffen-1 re looking fly m the lirst iniiiil| "1 the i ?t" runt- battle .i th? National League pennant atruggle at Sheet's Field terday the result would be .. d for Nap KucBer and a blot on the es , ,ti*ii>-..n of u.c Superbaa in their Dial : "li. Evea FYed Bnodgntsa could have l ? ? 'a. i.ett'r pla?*e for a liniiT, as there were t?"*- ont am) a nniner ?mmplag on aecond bast Tin aame Individual was' bone other than tie- peeks ?'"?-> Knabc, via. ?-rus.? ??! th? plat?- B'ltb the only run of the game. For nin. rapid Innings tbu Boperhai struggled valiantly agalnsi the Invincible ?"kateo, of Philadelphia, * bach the costly tally, but they wen -. -- ornusiy rspuhwd, partly through sterling i Itching and partly through shsrp ft? Id? lag (??ter during the struggle they got : man as far aa unr.i '...-". bat he ad? ced n?' further, snd lit?? plate at ihe near park remalaa undented byfs Brook? l*i. rnnti'-r in a regular game. Th? Una] gemma srai i i" I Although tno furMshings snd aarround? ii ps are all new, the samo old fi-.t" that has dogged Rocker's career alaee his ad? v??nt in Brooklyn geema conspicuously present Hs pm up a pretty fight, pitch? ing his head off t.. keep the Phillies from srorini:. while bis teammatea war?- mak? big a futile assault on ths enemy'a de? fetaeea, but It .vn> ,-,ii in vain, i *? i 11 Dahlen'a crew couM ii"t ?.?n? ??/.?? g alngte pu- across th?- plato, go thej starl the geason In un? disputed posseaolon "i the cellar, while the gonfalon ?f Philedelphla i-: Rosttns proudly alono at th" crest. i'liarlio Ebbets, who ?an spot a boll? ?lay in iho dlstBBCe quicker than any man livintr, must have bees somewhat diaap? point?.?j at the size ??f th?- erowd, which did not bog'n to iMi the grBBdatand Th- re w?r.- fn or ti\<Tvp thousand "fan " ? d but Hi?* eoM areather K?- i?t many of thoso aaray who had Bed purchased 1 their seats in advance for th- opening. I TjVn. attain, the affair of la.-t Saturday ' QSrved lo satiate the apoetites ot mi but the. flye<d-in-Tne-w.?us, and th" DSVSlty Of n Ram?. In the new park having worn off. the interest waa n"t t.s keea as usual when tlio gong for the pOBBBflt net ring* Preparations wer mude to handle a thront* as great as the one of last sreek and those who had purchas? d their pas? r vations in advancs came early to avoid the rush. The park SFBS opened al BB early -hour la the aft- moon, and with Shannon's Twenty-third Ucpfment band to enliven thliiKs gpsctBtofS and playera alike wet?- thankful thai the "Turk. > Trot" had be? n invent.,! '..,?;-? it aerv? ?I aa aa admirable Bteaas to keep op th clrrulalion. I'uring the preliminaries ("tossy Dotan, now left fl.lder ..f th?- Phillies, but for? merly third baseman of the 1 snkeee, ha \a?i?-d the pr?o|nei8 of the band, und. | grasping th?- leader's baton, BMrshalled ? the musicians throiiEh the maac "f a n?.- i vhiio Labert and Doolan gava sa exhl*| bltlon "f ths Texas Tommy which would r,\e pnmi of th?- GtantS paus.- as ?.y atal BMBabsra "C McQra*s*a t?aam eooslder theOBaMvss particularly proti'-letit in th',: particular pioduvl of ths Lone siar Btat? The cerasBoejes sttsaadaat upon the opening the season w?ro varied but un? original. Jake Daabeii collect?-.! gaverai souvenir?:. <'ne ??f them was an ?-nornions fierai bersBBhoe standing somewhat high?ir inan the valiant firsi baseman himself, i? hile g gUied Oat f"! '!??? .,rat:\ .- porpOSCS and a home run dub for biiBlBBSa pui ? s bespoke the popularity of one of th? ?nost brilliant players m the game. Before the re? test eould Itegln it waa ?a cassaiy to have a flag raising of some kind. .*?o the players of botil teams, pre? ceded by the band, marched across the field and attended to ??Id Glory? AMI this same thing was done last;. SB Opening l? :.ti opening, and no part "f the ritual may be omitted, if there are two or tliree openings It is all th?' same. K?>iou?**i*. Pr?sidant Alfred E. Steers w,.s intrusted with the rearpoBadbfllty of toti-n.g ?-ut a new ball to the Iriepresalbla Bill K.eni. who revelled in th? vocal ,'? plif-hmenls and acrobatics which lend gach ,:<?<? isi\?? riess t" Ins opinions. Phillisa Start with Snap and Vim. The l'huiles appeared t>? 11 a and well ooaadhMaed team, with the enure liucnp intact for as brillant a get?aWBJ as they made in MIL In the llrst place, it was not'd that thai lie Doota has kid? napped the little hunc I,hacked mascot win. guided th? Athletic- to taro world's champloaahlps, but whose spell traa broken last season. It Is high time that the flam, haired leader of the Phillies attached some luck bringer to hi?. staff, and !f be can get ;c inueh as a fleeting smile now and then from the fickle goddess he is likely to be up in tno thick of the pennant race this s'ason. The only new face in the one-up Is I'olan. in left field, who wo* not afforded an opportunity yesterds** to show his .?kill at Seldiag, bul *.?ho cracked one of Xap Bucket's CUrvea far a s*iarp, c!?an -Irnjle In the first Inning, w hi h would have scored Mages from SSOOBd bad , Stengel not mad;* a Sparkling play and; nailed the runner at the plate with a splendid tluow. Knabe, Doolaa and J.o bert appeared to be in sterling form. Although the battit* between Racker and Sc-aton was one of exceptional brilliancy for this or any other time of the >ear, only fielding of the highest type choked off th?; runs. DOOlBB, who is almost with put a paw in tl"? league as a fielding short?top, played a aaaattnfl boom for the! Phillies, a?ropting seven ch??ese without an error. He covered vast gnantttlss of ground, robbing l-trooklyn of lilts light j and left. II? made four ?tar plays during the game, the most Important of which! was the forcing of Fisher at third w Inn ! i'allahan hit to short In the thrilling i eighth Inning, when there were two on and non?; out ?"utshaw mad. an appealing figure M " Mi'i I-a*-., fot ths Sup'-thas lie fielded FAMOUS NEW PARIS HOTEL Sf metarate alta The tOTEL LSTTI. 7 A 9, tut Cattigiiane Piece ftedemt it a raftntS "name ' iramheme"amidst tasteful surroundings Iho easy ncemtsrable tuiles speesl la the Pata people. Baseball Gans ? Boom To-Day \\ri?>N\i. iHi.i t: GAJUtfl Tti-DAY. Beetes ?ii ve? v?rk. Itri...|.l> n Bl rh?aclelpliix. St. I Olli?. Ut t III. .IS''. IIKM II <M <.\MI *.I>TUID\\. piiiitKieipiiiH. i: Bsasfclya? S, NATION M. I I \?.l I >r\NDIN|?. ?I I? *?V. !.. P.C. I'hila I 0 I.SSe St. I oui- 0 0 .iiii.i I,ii II I .<><??? lili?-???? ?1 O .000 New York O ?? ,?tss C'lw'aatl o ?i .non Boatea ? " ,SSS PMt-SVsh n o .ooo tUfl im \\ i i :\?.i i: GAMES today. Ne? \,irk ,\t Wawklngtea. Fklladelphla m Du-ton. ? Ucaga ui ? levetaad, lletroit nt >t. I.oiii?.. Ogeaiaa la ilnrlaeeH i???ip?>ne?i t??o da??, ou ;.?.(.iinl ?>f recent BeSda, Sla??.r ?.uno?- lo Ihm?? out flr,| Im II ut Pole liroaada i?>-?l.?.?. ??li?-n tmnr i?. railed, el 3:SS ?? rtork. hla pi.--iti?'ii with .-i?-'-?ir i< y end aklll, handling v\ chancea flawlcaaly. Several ..r th.-m were bard ob? - Perhapi t ? aenantional plaj ?>f the same from th? Brooklyn point of -. n-*?. was the throw ,.i Btengel'a which caught Magee .?t the t Pish? r did a '-i- ? pi.f ?'?" ? ?ti i hi i" sed L.rt out al third ?m I?..!-Hi's grounder In the fourth, aft? had !-? n sacrificed to aecon i by Mag? Jak' i -sub? rt waa hli old self at ?list, and Wheat contributed a nice catch ..i" Ludcrus'i By, although hla day'a work was Bllghtl? marred by letting Dootn'a ptngXe am h I rough him for two b i ? In the i ? f t * ? tram? Thla mlepl iy, how? ??,?-, waa no) costly. Pitchers Battlo for Victory. s-, I .. duel bets ? - n pitcher? ai Ruck? r and **? aton p it up ? ai moi ? lo be *? pectcd .n Auguri than In April, Rut realising that tlctory wa? going to eoroe hard, both worked atrenuonaly t?. i*?-t it Bach pitcher gare ??? lo nrst. the Philadelphien striking "nt seven men and Rucker four. The Buperbaa retired In order for tbe Brsl Bre Innings, three n reaching first on hits, two or them being thrown ?"it alcalins -. - ?. r i ? i. Daub? I pilfered the mldwai eucceaofully, ??'it ? kiil.-.l ..ft' when he "tried to n sch Ihlrd ? s abort passed ball. Although Rucker *-m*_i? 1 In the alath frame and Meyer w,iik?-?i In the acventh it P.i nt until th? ? Ighth thai Brooklyn P"t the sray ahaped i"i- a run- With wie out, Plaher and Miller K"t i" Brat ?-n acratch Infield hits. Then Beaton ticht ened up, r-?r? ?ni* rallaban? who batted for Rucker t.. hit Into a for. e-out, while Stengel itrsngicd bj Uoolan Beaton m< ii. a blase ol gioi retiring th.- aide In ord? fai nlng Brwln, who batted for Meyer, snd making -?ach Wheat v;.iK the plank, a* w? i Rucker did not Pitch quite sa amooth ?< n..-- S?-at?'n. in the flret Innlnif lh?" ea hit the ball hard, and coHect?*d three .-f their rlpht int.*-. Thej would not have aooredi however, but for M**yer*a error. Only three timos thereafter did the vUttora get s msn t.. ?????*..mi, an?i never waa tt.--.-. more than one man on baga at one time, Rin-ker holding in tir? command of th? situation. The lower end <>f the Brooklyn batims order ?li'l m..?.t ?.f the hitting, Fleher, Miller and H.i?-k?-r dividing smong then I tour ?.f th? six hits mad? <iff Heaton'a delivery'. Tl"- young catcher, who uns a | brilliant career ahesd of I dm, m...).- two I ?>f tii?-s... Smith, f-nni a hitter ??s he la struck out on bla Ihre? appearancea ..t i-.- plate. Dooln, who hantent .1 ba? h from the funeral of bla brother t?. tak? part In the. game, and Otto Knabe aere tin* most familiar arlth Rucker'a curves each mak? ing two hits. The ascend baseman made the only extra base hit of thi game, .. double to rlpht it. the Aral Inning, whl?*?i put him in s position t.. ?cor? tin win? i nlng run. The score follows: PltIf_AOEi_pui v BROOKI/ -. abrh poa ,^ ? ' 101 1 OOlSteni ?.-.Oil'. ; I - ???Cut .? ? ... t -. i ! io ? " l v '?"> Meyer, rf 11 | . ??see. ?? SO? ? 1 ?'?Krwli . ; .... ft , o 101 l| Wheat. II i .. r, ?? . '- ?? Haubert, lb 1011 ... I 1 21 DooIb, . .. tat f r. 0 Flahi - - SOI 3 It Beate?, p., ?? ?? i i _ o Miller, .... las I * " Ml I than... i " 'i o ??o RagoB p.... '< 11 Tota .. ? -. ?? I. *?*__-?? : "?< Hey? r la i anltu ? ?? i- i- i.?r in ngii.ii inolaa h i ?;. i i ?asesa? ?-:??? I I -i .. n r | haaee?l adelphlt r ooklyn, 4 ft i It Knab? Kerrii ?? ; l_ Labm ;'*-"?'' I ? l.,. l - 1?- ibert , .. baiii OIT ?n Kreton, I. .--, ich ...j- By ? ?? i .i- Beaton : WIM ,; ' ?-' R? ker. x la I ma? : '**** ' naplrea ki. . and i irUi. T,ni- l .:;<*. RED SOX DRUB HOLY CROSS Put More Ginger in Work, De? spite Cold, and Win Easily. !'?'? *"?:- -?? ?' ??? ?? , rib . ? Rostoa, April :? in theli laal practice] Bams prior t.. atartlng another champion? l?>iiii? race the Red Boa beat the Holy I rosa College nine here to-da: by a acor? . oi I to I. the weathei war. colder than ; ?' lerday, bul tin Boston playera w.r. ? on theli toes than In th? K?me laeainst Harvard, making a dosen hite I "Buck" n un. n and Ra) Collins pitched i f? i Jake Stahl but the ? oil? e boy? mad? Ieix i,its ?foui ogalnal O'Brien and two I against L'ollina?acorlng ?.r,. run on the i combination ?>f u sin^i?- by it Murray and a fine double paat Duffj I^ewhi bi i , Mm ray. Tin- score foil? - - BOSTON. I in.i.v . ROSS. ul.r hpiiiif ,?, ., , Hoop? ? -'i j .. .. J.M ..i..- .. ', m .- i in i'erkea, ?b 41 l 2St Cawley. tb.. 4 00 i ?o Bpeaker, cftl i 1 ? 0;Oatervren, lb 4011! 10 1_ ?. i?. If... 41 t 1 " I J ' I'li.i.n. , f 4 'i 0 . It ..-ardner. "tt< 4 u 3 IM Panadera, aalt] ( it s-.ahi lb . 0 i 4 0 0 Lona, rf..... 4 o n .. nt .laiiviin. lb 1 ? 0 .". .) 0 R, ?:iiroll. . 1't u ? 10 Wasner, us i o i IK Dolan, ir . .1.. i o ?u >'..iri-;.in. c I ? 0 i '. 0 I: Murray, p . i 1 ? ., i I ? ? ! I M Manui ,. i 01 . T OBrlen.p tl i 11 ? ?ollins. j... 0 0 0 0 I 0 T?tala ..It SIS Sfll Telak r ? i .; _4 j : * Boato . o :? 3 .' i o o o * - Holy Croe?. o o i o o o o o o? i hita- Leu ?. .i Murray, Ba ! .; .-ta> I. Hita ?'ff 'i. < ?'Brtea, i la 1 Ina injf?, off Oolllna, t in S Innlasa; <>tT i; Morra) II in n M? Manu? i Ib I tnnlns* ?jtt? .... ba ton Holj ?'ro-a. I i ?ai Ib? r, Oetergrea, Piral baa? 'n Lui:? Off O'Brien, I: ?ff i Murray, i Struck oui Hv rolllna, 1. bj T. O'Brien, ': i.-- McMaatw, i Doubl? plai I Marrar, s?un.|?r- and Oatcrgren. I*aaaed tall It I ? roll, itii by pitch?! )'??. m Manna (Speaker) t'nipi:?- ami K.-!l?-v. 'Un- l:St TY COBB STILL DEFIANT Tigers to Play Opening Game Without Great Hitter. April ??? President Karin of tiie Detroit club, in tin* American League, ?.n noiiiK-rd to-day thai t> ??.hii. tiic cham? pion batsman, would ?K.t start the season \wtli l.ii to.ini St St. I_ouis to-niorr??w. He Sddsd that t.c Intsadad to make no fur? ther ladneetnenta to Cobb. arko is "held? Iiik cil" for moro aalarjr? Snnlslsn. .Ma., ?kpril It- t> Oobb's team was aClhSdnied to play here to-morrow, bat the gama cancelled, in kla t?*degraai ? ot.i? aald: "Disbaad la-day f-.i ??? wsek pending definite new? from Detroit H?aM snfaaa. until until ? ou hear fiom me." I SCENES AT THE OPENING OF THE NATIONAL-LEAGUE BASEBALL SEASON IN BROOKLYN YESTERDAY Upper picture Boiough l*r< hlenl Bt4*era with 1: .! and B ,V McKe? ver, nos pari own. n ..f the Brooklyn club. Low? r picture- lak. Da il I ..lai b . - m fifth Inn ? _ TO RENEW THE SUBURBAN Plans Made for Revival of Rac? ing at Be.'mont Park. HISTORIC STAKES OPENED Eighteen Fixtures on List, I with Entries to Close on April 29. Keu Int? real In th? i rj ? ? I tbe racing saaaon at Belmont Park Memorial Da* wa edded *? t< when it wss snnouni-ed thai the Bubui llandi.-ap. I/.-r'H'? Realtssl on and other ? i Ic ? lak? i toi m- rty off? red bj I ??- ney island Jock? f < lab, at Ihe? - i eed Da]. id-, i ? ? n add? d to : Is t f ii.. Ilxtui ? ? a n.? ? ting of ti r . r Ractx a Assoristlon wss held yeater?my si * the < ofldltions for the i i Ink? appro red snd tern t.. the pi it,'.r In all th? re Bill he Is eut) ?thn e alai r the Belmonl Park nv < ting, arhl? begli on | May M nnd continuel until July .. with : a. |ng ? a- 'I .- m I 'I h II I I and Bat? urda)* Tl.. old the M? ti m " i? ? ? Brooklyn and Bubui re li the lisi ? f i ose for hoi aa esr old sad upward, the Belmont, withers. Lawrence B**slisatk>n and Brooklyn i tax by, foi th? thn ? ear-? ? - islve? ly ; while the t w?.- ? eai -old la the Juvt nile, < h - st ?.mei '.??.,-,.., , Triai and A to ii i ?Inn? r lak? so taw Keen? Mentorlal. Th? three atakea for th? n an r,". im; ...... ?ni condition! the <!ra*.?i National, forme! um at i;.in,')iii Park; the Empire State, i run ai ? ?i ova - a nd, and the independence, at Bbeepshead Bay. II Is ti i ?i? - ire ol ? ... inten ted In ti" re? irai ol radag thai the bast of the oM time fesl in prest i \ ed with..m regard t-, when i were formell; run The ?"?.led mon?*] le th?*. n end Suburban handicapa Brill b K ?-? ahile ?j. ?. snd tAJetV will be sdded In th? i I a stak?sa e?'-"!'t ? of the elllng race? which are guaranteed TIm thro? leeple? . has. - ?i ill ca.-h bBVC tlji " Sddl tl a Biaiortty ??i the stakes will be handi? caps, which win insur.- muck better coa tests liiiin mu?? i tin old form of early closing condition.?- thai got 'in. d the Bel? i mont i.nd Lawrea? i R? allsatloii i Ti? distance.-, of tbe Brooklyn snd Bub , urban handlcsps will be one mil? snd s furloni Insp id of on? mil? and ? quartei ..s t?.!-m?-i ? i hia i made i.lary by th? ? . ondltton ol th? oi a mile snd ?< quai tei chute ..t Belmonl Park, which waa torn ! up for the aviation meeting b? Id thei e . -in, >? racing oeasod. i Ti.?* on!) new fixture v, in be the Keen? j Memorial, ninniil for the !at<> .lam. i: [ Re? ne, who was v!, e-chalnuan of Th. I .lack.-y ciub from iis argaalaatlon uatll ins d.-atb snd who slwsyi played s prora!? nenl part m the aport. it la a condition , i... a for two-year-olds, .iiui?*?i to bring ., n i the best "f ihe JavcaUb a I ? nmarlaad, Hi? Btakea ludude nine for throe j a ir?oida snd upward, ion foi ;!,ie.-year-olds, ?-.v.-n for iWO-). ai -old. sad tarse tot jui.ip.-is. ! The cnlliet will ClOBS "i, Monday, April I 'A. The Bddsd money t.? th?- OVSrnigb! ! ta'.-s Bill be Ve'*-. Ml and MM. It is the t int. ntioii to ni\. a a.-. ni., hase each day, I Also, there will bs an army day, when i races for arm) horses, In arhleh o4B4*ersj ?will have the mounts, will predominate. Superintendent Pela si Belmonl Park has a large for.-.- of men si work getting ! the course in condition, and it will i? _?, | it4 i,e*-t ?m Memorial i>ay. Ths track ?propei aiifady is in sptsBdM condition, ?and horses latsaadsd ?"t raelng at l!a\re ?i. Oraos bave basa workhag six furlongs In better than 1:17. Applications for StSbte room art con, ing m ai a rate which insures a Hbsrsl supply of material, ami li is sxpeeted that the stakes will close with BOflTtCthtng like ih< i.i.i-tiin?- number of eatries. <>|>?nin_. National laSBgBS, Mn., I,all | ham. plonshlp Polo "in.lirai?. To ?1? :*. .-.?. |? aa OIA NTS va BOSTON M'.hIc by Ttl. Be?' Band. 1 P. M -AHM "' r? iM BI A'i' ?N Who pH? hed lh? PhUISes to victory KAP RUCKER, Star piidi'-r ?>f Brooklyn. S*. ff?n ? YANKEES OFF TO BATTUZ Chance and His Men to Open Season in Washington. ? FOUR RECRUITS DOOMED The New York Manager Cleans House on Eve of the Pennant Race. Tank, ss, twenty? I?" atnmi left the Penneylvsnls station ? ? s u '?? '. .-??'. for Wsshlngl i., do haul? with the -*? natora tl la -.ft' -- i "..n ?n t. game of to? luaeri? ? an I ? . . that city. n : ? , it- i.- strained ?lightly in Hi.. ? ?' lay, ep? .- a ? ? - ' t* w.. ...i be .?t first base when the urn? ? ? ?? -i i" i i.aii!" Ha sise gai ? ..ut the cheering sfonaation that i ?errl? k, tout -tit- 'a i .'..n in Ills liar,I .,!? - . it i.- 11.,.,] >., f afonda). *?* ouM bs m ?"?? game ImnaV "t taro arei : tin wound waa bsaUng nieml bad t "i aettled d? fhaltel oa | what pitcher ?? sroold use, bul Indicated thai Ray CaMwell would !.. hi.? choi?*a Mu? h win depend, of '?our?-.' on boa bs . ai m i up to Ri fore leaving this i II i ih? foi rner n ..en ei "i tbe <'ui. ?ound. d the doom of four recruita Padd; On an escaped ? . nor "t ii.- preat nt, and s m gel snotl er trial n i ? Ids boa i" i use be Pirat? : ? fu ' d t" waive on hi- si rvl? .-s. go t.. P ll its rgh he a 111 : o l ?oui i.- Hai Mi "ti ?.. r? leeeed to the i " i ' lb of in.- South? rn Leagu? . Jol i Prl ai to the Rocheater Club, ol the International Leagu? G?*orgi Davis, ihe Wllllauia College captain and pltcli? ? ..r a asi -i o. i" i le Jeraej ? ''' ? ? ''m, of the lotet national Leagu?, l'ini-i, .? ahortstop, wss release some time sgo i" the Troy Club of tbe Btat? i.. ag ? and i lals? i. a pit? her, t<> ti"- tl bany Club of the siat.- League. Tbs ..tier playera In tin squad an likely to ?tick for the pn ant, sa Chane? la undei I the llmll aii.iw.-.i by baseball la,?, GOOD NEWS 'FOR RACING August Belmont to Bring His Yearlings, in France, Here. August Belmont, chairman of the Jocks) i ?'iuh. snnounced ye lerda) at a moetlaa ..i th. Btearards thai he arould ahip thir? teen yearlings by^Ethelbert from Pranos to this ?oiHitt, .m th.* Btsamshlp Mlnne? Iwaska, which ?ails from the other side ' ..n April at Thi ? roung UMsroughbrada, ??itii fifteen ?>r twenty otbars from his Nurser* stud In Keatueky, ?ill bs .-?.id si auction arMboul reserve daring ths forthcomlog meeting n-i Behnont l'urk. Ali Belmonl win bold auch yearllags as he wan!s for ills nun stable to raes und? i his ...lors lure, but a full thirty will go under the hammer. His chief purpose Is i<? si?.* borasmen an oppor* i mitv t<> pnrchnas srell bred stt? k at s time when ta? supply is not what it ?n in hsppl? i times t.,1 i seing, .Mr. Belmont win leave inn*? yearling"*? In France in an effort to eat Some return on tbs m?.y expended in making en? gagemeats i"? tbsm ??broad. -. SAIER. OF THE CUBS. IN.TURED. Chicago, April I Reports to-day ind?? cale thai Victor lalBTdS ariklr. which he Injured la praetloi win keepi him i.ut of tii? opening gams here i<> morroB and psrbapa for several days?! Arehsr probably adll iak?- his place si fitst base for the Cuba Mayor Gaynor to Throw Out Ball for Giants Jeff Tesreau Likely to Pitch Opening Game To-day. ALL READY FOR THE FRAY "Fans'* to Enjoy Another Open? ing of the Much Opened Baseball Year Here. May? i ? ?a- m-r will throa i ? - - Polo Oround thi afternoon, when the (Hants open the Nut ??? il League s-a-nm In eoafllct with the B Bravea ?Oth?*-rarlse It ??? lb? t ba ball s Ithoul any frill*, i -i?! n I ' '? the genial seerstarj of the club, remark? ! reaterday. The "fans" ase grows wt nt the t!--ie honored march serosa t??<?? ; t;. id, Tbe sans - i Ing si .1 tl it what th. MeW York ?-lui In?p. s to _ie tii.-m ?if ....i- -? there s mu de Tl 1 Seventh Regiment hand srtll r?-|...i t . 1 on? .. > !"- y t., ht I? ? nt? ft..m the ? rowd be? fore th? playera come on the dianiond f??r | praetli ? ir the weather Ii as , .hi . was resterdsy, th? "fans" are not likely to go early, and the band may play t<> i ben? in-*?, bul the gate ? a III i<< ? ??? - ed at noon In anticipation of th? uaual opening day f*rc**rd, which hereto? '??'? haa nil. .1 : ?tanda to ?..-i -? Tas gama a III .died prompt!) at I " ... hu k snd n bile John .1. If? 1 ; was reticent, th<- chancea are ..n Is favor ..f "Big JefT' 1 reaii pitching. M and Marquard w-...-k..i on Tuesday, while Red Ann? pitched three Innlngi yeater da it is possible, "i <?>urs.-. that the last nsmed, srbo has the name ?>f beins .1 \!:? r pit?... r. will gel ihe call? but Tesreau i<???k-i ?ik.- the logical lelec? : n?.n, aa the little manager has been csre? fully grooming him for ti"- openlns l in ? Hui. Purdue 1 r Tyler sill be 1 n the mound for Boston The Jiravea srrived here Isst evening snd to all sppearane? were full ?>f confidence, ii trill be ? da elded sinnk. however, If th.-v defeat the National League champions on ihelr own diamond IfcOraw baa never been much In the prodicttng Une. ami In- was n.?t ? H r-i >-?--??? 1 to depart from his usual custom Issi [evening, He aald that h? was well satla? Bed with tin, condition "i bis men snd saw no reason why ti"1 ahould n?>t do sa well as a 1 ear sgo. "I'll ten Mm aast Beptembi r be amll? Ingly remarked, when usk.-.l ?f he thought the (Manta would repeat bul It was piala thai h? 1* imt lacking la confidence. C?ptala Larry Doyle grinned whan asked his opinion, but thai irla apoke volumes ii?-. too, aald the mea were la line condition ami scouted the auggsstlon j MARMON CARS J All Body Types. Open snd Closed 4 and 6 Cylinder Models ill at once for it prsetlesl demenet ratten I SIDNEY B. BOWMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. t Saleareesa -?n?! Serrtee l'?pi-;. [ tits-SSI W, ii?th nt , New V?>rk city. *; ??.i- ? barley Herzog would not be In hla ; da? ? at third ba ' ? the bell tans. Neu Torh i .*- had mon than s ft? Ir ?all i ?? ? . . i the 'tin hungry? ao that the i ? : ? ,- r.,.. big to :.. 11 - f - thos? s ho ?would look on. Th.- ? .-..n .il.--., will open in two either ? Hi.s i-, the National Leagu? and Philadelphia; and In font American ne cities, Boi ton *? i btagton, ? 'i- >.?? land and 81 i ?oui i B MUCH GLOOM IN CINCINNATI Opening: of Baseball Season Postponed Two Days. 1 n? Innati, Api U I i ta lag t.. the eon? : hard i tina that fell here during th?* . mu. day. A rin I ?t?- to? ? l t.. i.,, tpone the openli c of i ? National I ? on In this city until Saturday, ?.prll 12 Ba m tin- day the game had been postponed m ? Friday, but it wa d? ? Id? <\ that it would i- to gel the park Into condition by thai time The i--.i it-a u ? cltj Invaded the ball pai k, and s bile tl ?? water baa re? ..?i.ii the work <>i putting th, field In condition for ihe opening game required not on i th? work ol a large for? ? men, i"it also fslr westher ? LUCK IS WIIH FOUR LEAVED mm So Says Nicholson, Who Is li Design Lipton's Boat for America's Cup Race. FAVORS SMALLER CRAF1 New York Yacht Club to Tak< Time in Acting on Chal? lenge?Members Quite Pleased. London. April 9, "The luck Will all b. with us this lim?*. The , hall, ncei Is th' foiir-leav.-d Shamrock, while the Set York Yacht ? .lub will be d? Auen i cop for the thirteenth time, said Charles B. N'lcbiNson, the yacht d eigner, of i ? England, to-day. Wich Drill di sign ii ' i"...t with wKick b1 Thomas Upton lias again Challenged I the Mue ribbon trophy of ths seas. Tin.? alii n-'t be Nicholson's brat '''inn?. wuii tbe contests for the ?up, hi yards si Qoapoti harina bseo nssd to dod ths original Amera a arhen she was und? repair. lie sold '" Ti"* A4-",.at..1 l'i, wish to con.-' t ths uBfortuaats <i..ii pi.? ailing in il"' i rolled Ktati i ..n, ,ii'i-.-?i.l ?.f s M -foot yai M. I i - ... ?. i , oui.i build one a lakh won!,! the Atlantic <'? san safety, but a 75-fc*oter which under present condltlona la sa largi snd eNpinsive as ihe H?footer "f tarent) yean ago, la s boat which prud? reason dictate "T h.'l\" tBS Kr?-atest adniilatlofl for thi and <?!???.entesa of Ann rircao de> These, .oupi.-.i with ths fati thai all th?- condltlona an in favor of th<? ?je i. mler, make the ta a of ? dgg nga ?; lengtng ?acht on? ol the keenest niter?:?! and raiimc for every ouocsj of ability 1 maty possess. "I bops Gardner as well a.?- jlarreessH will i"? given a chsnee to design the de? tender. If BO the pi'? llmin'iiy IB '??? aim"! as IntORSting BS IllS final ? ;; ...tit. -t "I hale already erected a shed Si I ' Qoonoii nd.- for the chaltaiger and havi her plan well ander way. I ? law -h I -r in April. 1911 **I hope *.n case the Ana turn a to the Britlsb Islea th I tbe r? till < will be Ihe formation "f I all intern..ti"!,..! ) seht l - ' i ? . - ' . - - ? bill*?- b) th, i:. I ?, ..-ht ?!-.l, In bei. ?ir ..r Sir Thomas* Upton lia . \" t wording la unkaoa t. ? ?? < otninodol e Pratt and ?? ' yen? rail) un.h t.l thai 11 as the oi ? r.-c Ived on Ma the yacht Bhamrach IV snd her taagto. "n the load waterllne is aev? tj all con-: ? !:iiic n?-?** l"-!ritr ellmir ? for the Ne*- York Ya-lit Club to General ittsf I that l Mil now pr ? A member of the club, In ntlna "ii ths situation, said: '?' ? ? for hurry In the mi tter, ..nd I ran state ps ? thai ?>- mk? ti until after th? ? I l'i.rp.'iit Morgai will for April ii. Ah? ? m..nth. mUSl elapse lief,,;. . . so there is plent; ? A arell knoa n racing present ritual I be? lleve Upton's stand pri\ 11? ?-? t,, -?hall? ? -?? " ." M to at feet I . ? ? M that tl," N'-vv Veil. meet him wit I. a ; seht "f th ??? al dim? : Bterprets. tion of tl e deed of gift? ( I ?' i ? ' ..: ? ; ?- iheuM ? i 'h a ballt up t" ths limit ?t?is, j to my mind, antsnal I "If th??y ??hii'itd eoncl t the Bgor witii the !: th time . ill. i wan ?'?*, WS a'? though then amaller boat nrrfi ta a rae? saeb sa h -.- si -i s rU rig I th?? chances srouM oatui I the small4 r boat I fair b proposition a on.* thai would furnish K">?d I boats t st would n.?t bs ui 1er the race, w..ui.i be to let Upton build s bet up to the limit of ths sevent) als rating . : taa (?-lass -i l ai -i i ?'?? ? ; ? Which WOUld ^h?' his boat .ib,. ;t il'M" feet We could build ^-VfTtU <?f t1 ess?, snd the) a*? a fooH, i wholesome racing claaa AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES df?i?nal40 THE STOCK CHAMPION q A better car than the NATIONAL cannot be made ?at ANY price. Discriminating people who make excellence their standar! arc invited t.( rigidly investigate ?the above claim. From $2,750 to $3,400 invested in a NATION VL buy? ?? much Automobile?as much Quality. Wear. Power, Comfort, Beauty and all around capacity a*- it i** possible to gel ?.??fly* where, no matter what you pay. We do not build either up or down if a price, nor ? unnecessary fadi to add fictitious value. Every part of the national gives 100 pet cent efficiency - ihe ear actfl a> ?me perfect unit. Five models. ?Call and see what we have accomplished bj consistent methods of automobile manufacture, Poertner Motor Car Co. 1922 Broadway, New York 1384 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn Phone: 8166 Columbus Phone: 7551 Prospect