Newspaper Page Text
mm ?saUnt?fl ?JH? w45A ?nnounrcinmfe of ?oks BOOKS OF THE SEASON Constant Growth of the Literature of# Knowledge "Popularization" in All Fields of Human Endeavor?Belles-Lettre*, Drama. A survey of the publishers' nnnnuii'-e men?s of hooks for publication till? vi in ths early summer reveals ^ration of the modem move men* of the printed word away from ttres to lbs lita rature of know). ? iron Jin to psai Heal m i vlep try. m the person of Mr. .lohn Masefleld, appears to ba gurrenderlng '.. lbs impulse <>r thla tendency, ami to In- uader?fOlnt a ohanee in tbi i ? Fiction surrendered long a?n, bag and ? ;t ?Kipp." not art, has '" sn ? ? tbeas many yeai i I '??? en the araaa, now thai people have learned to read it In th? closeti baa '? conscious, ami often self-conscloos, of thr burden of Its mission. While bollesMottreg la ?Jtber gur rendsrlng, or dwindling from m this literature of knowledge Is con? tint ly expandinc in scope. We are. In fact, engaced in the "popularization'1 of all special knowledge, from sociology Kini political economy to meteorology and ths aecreta of the phyaielan'a con? sultln* room, from history In the re ?rnakin? to tag World pol?tica of to ?mnrrow. from ths archeology of F?ypt 'to domestic economy. The "popular? flzer"--hims, If nearly always a spe? cialist in oni> a single field?has in his ?.numbers made all the activities of life Shis province, leaving the reading pub 'bIIc to make its own choice, for it, too, ?must specialise still, or he lost. It Is. Indeed, no Idle sp?culation to ?wonder what will he tag result of this rise Intellectual activity, with Its 'manifold practical aims. The a-. raaadsf may well reach the condition of I 8 ?entlpf -do in the old story, v. hi. h. cm being asked Which .leg it moved 'first, became so confused that it lav on It? hack, and never moved ggaln at all. Still, popularization must needs be mpanled by simplification, where? fore it will probably always be : lile to return to fundam?ntala to reduce tho political economy of the high cost of living, for Instance, t.> the | Ism of domestic economy, and that to its initial meaning of efflclenl be ng. The New Motherhood Will al -? be found, on examination, I itself In essence to the Intelligent of a baby thai ' ah air and ? liness. and Bleep when It do? I I clamor for food, and the training of . tag children in the way they lid ko. Ar.d we have it on the high it uthority?that of an 11 world politics Is "the art of Sg plaining to others what one does not und< rstand oneself" aurvey here piven ?>f the books ? meed for ?publication during the Kl few months Is not exhaustive, but - representative. If the reading of n is declining, as has b? en con? tly stated, it la not markedly per? ceptible in these annoui then, generaliza*Ion? are ran liable. The fact Is that the t appear to be bringing out their n first of all. holding back th. i g books f< r gradual ; FICTION New Names and Old, American and Foreign. The list of spring novels is so long -that a few generalizations and a well known names must ?suffice, There will be acain Action w.,th g ; .? and, fortunately, that ?purpose will lei In many oases- no more setioua thai the providing of entertainment. In ro? mance, adventure and the detectlv? Story, which continues to flourish, .There will be problems and propagan da, but the marriage complication ?sjggag t?i le ir 8aa*syaace for the mo? ment, at bast In Its extreme t Winston Chun hlll'a new- booh I "The Inside of the Cup" <The IfSCmtl? Ian Pompan) i. its subject ban not yet b> < n revealed. The Messrs, Bcrlbner announce a new novel by Tbomsa Nol son Paire. Klien QhaSgOW will five U "Virginia." tDoublcday, Page .< which firm announces also the new an? nual travel novel bv the Wllliam??ns. "The Port of Adventure," wbOM I are laid in this Country, and ?hi. fly ln California. Henry Sydnor llarrisiin, the author of "Querd." ha? in the pTSM Of the Houghton Itlfflin Company liis bSW k, "V. VYg Kyes," the atOT) ?if a woman slum doctor and her i with real life. The Csatury Con announces a n"w novel by Jack L? don, "The Abysmal Bruta," gnd Little, Brown & Co., i:. Phflllpg Oppenbe m" "The Mischief Maker," bis IStSSl COU oa of lose, romanea and diplomatic :ntrigue. The ApplotOBS1 new flctlua includes "Adrmm's orchard," b] thai ? m ?1er of long ago, Sarah Crand India an-: risa flgurg twice in the ?spiiBg Usl of II. ?;. w. DUUnf Company,'in "The Buttss of >3afa ie Deamer, and "rdara. fr:: Bid ?;-." by A. J. IVestcrmaycr. This flrm ;ust brought out another welcome \\'on*\ ill?-" book of stones, "Faro Nell and Her Friend*." A'fred Hear) I., v. IS ami his Arizona psopts, with ?i r ?g ?pggCsVj lose none of their SjSgg, 1 ? ? m ih<- K. a. Btoki i ? tampan; a ? Ogres Jdhnson'a "The Fifty-ku . ? i." ,. detective storj of N a York, with high aagaacs compllcal Dufflald & Co. are the publishers of " Gwynne" and ".John ? by W. H. Trttcs, a young Am? rann au? thor who found hi? first recognition ::: England. The fieorge n. Doran Com? pany announces the novel- of Ottvgf Onion? and Frank Bwinasrton, Kng-' lish noveliflts both. Henry Holt ?? r(, ; have secured the American rich's of the "novel of the ?canon" in Paris, Julien Benda'a "I."Ordination," which ! will be called "The Yoke of Pity," ., 1 ..: n,, sti ugf ?? beta een ' and llf?, in w hi? li life n mains the tor. The i am? firm t i on I translal phe" with the third volume, "Jean Chi Istophi i J ' nd E. F. latei mood will be : in -"n.. vVeak? i \ . - ? ?! ?odd, liei d ? Co > els sre in . -?? of publication I the Putnam*. II, Ma) ti.iiit .v Co. ' ?f ? literary Impoi i anee bj far la i he I lation of the worka i Da to ? liii.i. rtaken I ? ? ?la? mlllan C ?m ? irthegl Bast com??? ;i volume of . Ighte? nth c< nturj Ch ? ? l?i\<> ami ghot trangi Bto : ? ill.- Lodge <-f i.- . ui es," : ? by ? ;? oi is Bou le, ol the Pi i Iconsular service (The Houghton Mif WII.1IAM DBAN HOWELLS Author of "N' ?i Leaf M 1 flln rum] my) B Bei ? Il ' later mood, will \\ . I:, r V. Mel" 0 And last, i ul not ;? aat, Mi How* Ils gives us a j :<-t'irc of American the Ohio Valley sixty years ago In ? x< v. Leaf Mills" (Harp? r ? Bi i THEOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY. D . R.-insford. Professor Josiah Royre, Henri Eergson. The i lasw of the Ri ligion of J- a la i .. i : - eral read? r, no! for ; heol? | ? th? general tl Th? B. P. 1 ? ul ?.?.v ie in this co intry a llbrai ? the |*i The Aral volui of the < burch of i ! r u. Worsli ?, M A ' D by W. B. S D. D., ?? . 1 ?hi- Pather Hei berl 'run. B .1. Prom tin- Macmitlan Compan m . come "1 ha Probletn it Chi . tWO V? . ? With ' The < 'hrlstlan i <? Life" and "The Real World a nd i Ihi I The same house a Iso publiai ? Idealism and the Changing Theol by i >r. i ;? ?m the i.", i . ? .... |nt0 (he. ethlco-rel ? | "A Mew P i.. -ri ?: rgson," by trai h bj Vin ? .i and an? noun? ed by H Co an Introducl Ion by tl pher him BELLES LETTRES "(Hi?bmIi of English Literature"? "Sapplio" and "Faust." nnela of English Lit fa ?!..?: ten In ol ii. pi in? ipal lit? eral re a convent? m whole evolution of English The publish) .i ni i,. b] i: I'. Dutton aV Co. and m -, ?? rh? ?? lhtsbur>. . I for this month. The othei i i. and Hero i ' ? "Ei - I anil .- of Philosoph). ' Bi \ ivn c snd < I? and religious poeti (In three * olum? s, eut writers Bi ' and i? ' . and and "Engll h Crltl? . uim." i ? doa n to pn ? m <i?\. Among the i on? tors ??"?? Bruasl Etta s, i ell?. E ling, oii|,lia ut Bineaton and the Dean of Norn i'h. Th? series of Paul Blmer Mort 'a Bhi Iburne Bass , ' Th< Di Ifl of Rom intlcl m ' ins jti.i been laaui d b iii?. Houghton Mlffliri i ompany. ? ;<><j?i not da ii<> bush. John Albert ? ,.; \ tin ri- t n Lit Page ?x- Co i . tedl: omlti ton of "writers ; dmlttedl) di ad In the spirit ? I ? nan.. : tis Ol reputa tiun." . ?i Poseas of idaun Uadaaj O? iion," iiie Australian poet, un- In Um Irsreeaol the Putnama. The publtortliia Of the complete poetical works of Al? fred Noyes hu baan i artpoMd till fall by th?* F. a. Btokea Company, bul bb Talc? of the Menuaid Tuv.rn" is ready, "fapaito and the Island of L-cs boa," by Mary MUls Psrtrick, pfaartderil of thl Aiii.-rl ? ' ? ition i.f i1 i .it.'< ? contali ? f the fra?. ,:. (The n M101 in Comparo ? Il Paust" we have -.?, ithoul ' ml. It la, ' S3 ,r> thing one loo? foi v-- " '? ? "Goethe's 1 ? n his words, i ompilt .1 by Will n (Tl ?? Houghton Mifflin Com? ? i ma; cs .1 m i:. ' has ? i, still another coi m of Bi.Ian i?. ; " (Dutt? 11 i iragrai h by hlmsi If. HI ? of ? g (8 xlbn? r) la i tiled p ihos of Distance: A Book of s and and i >ne Mom? ; WORLD POLITICS. German* the Ove'.sli.o.'.cwing Topic of the. Hour. In th<- ti. Id of v. ..i lil polll leg i he flei ' man i !mi I .i the pi ice i > M in i he w orld'a al ten : pan -Slavism, I after the 1 n, ami hj .! urla, Germany moment the world probli m so man; bi :? ai or Roland Q.l Pan-Gel manb m "rece?? 11 I Houghton M Hin Com? - the i German mi bi ? form "Germs nv and Its B i olut Ion In ! Modi rn Tim? - ' i Hi m ? Holl & i 'o ?, bj ' a Prei chman, Hem ? ? Im? : Rob? .' ' i'a ' Mon? arch! .-' n Germai -' solution <?! n ? ? t.. the fore In tl nemploj 111? ? r11 Insuran i ?< I - the Prlrt ? 'oill? ? rraai Point of VI? I: : ' ? I : ?ry of Am i ? I. ncelot Lawtoi ? ? Par 1 i d of H er i M ????.' . and p ? Perl? - test i Peruvian dl| int of its fi i in . i f th. ? m othei .'-?'i ?..-, ??' TRAVEL AND EXPLORAT] h? C?ini Zona, AJ and B this spring. " i ii. h. , in i he i roh n Foi i : I W li.'i! Il i :? i ROMAIN ROLLAND. i ? ? san- Chi ? . i , ' i atud ? ? i i IsTwajr and Ita . on? I stru tlon Han n i rank, the author i ?.f ?? ? Vagabond Journi j \.-.i the World," spent I ? moi ? . ? the Canal y ?. ? l iker and pi ,.. and \\ ii! tell I rlencca Poll? ? .nail ss ' ii hi ' '? m ui ? i 'ompai ? i. ?.:, the ???i.. on of the i anal no m ..i sei. Bty-two nation i - . wi re ' n ploj - ii bj our ??.. ei nm? nt Captain EJnar MlMtelaen'a ston of the ' V !;i l.;i in. Pi'f.l-TJ, ' !?? t in the n ira the Imprint ??f the Doran Company. riu?u Dodd, Mi ad t i '... i ornes Ali ka i An Bm> n ths Making," by John j. Under? WOOd. It Ii an economic Stud] und a ITS Than a booh Of tM i. ?a Turkish Woman'i European Im? .,?,?? b) Zevneb Hanoun, will ,, ,, the imprinl of the Lipplncotta. ?The Russian Empire of To-day and , . ,,v ?? ,., NeVin ,,. Winter (Psffe ? Ines iravel with social, po? litical and e? onomli it.formal ion. BIOGRAPHY. MEMOIRS American Worthies "Monarchs and Men" Notable Women. h, the Held of Ami 11? sn biography, .,. . luding two volumes the third . fourth of the late John Bigs low's "Retrospei liona of sn ?' i a" (Do ibleds . l'a:- A Co ?. ?I ? ? first place. The period covered ??, them is thai from i.**1-! t?> 1879, the ? after lhe#wsr period," whl? h era man? ?raya of su? h \ Ital Imp?t lai in <i. ;.imining Ihe direction "f the de veiopmenl of the nation. From Ihi \], ^i .- g) ribn?er we arc to ha? i Letters of General lleade," edlti d b) George EL Meado, s collection thai cov? ers not only the <'h il War period, bul the entire careu r of Ihe ?Ictor ??f Get iySb ,... To tut n bach for ? moment ?n American history, we are to have from the sum.- house a "Life and !.??' - o| .lohn Paul Jones." i" M' R I Inald de Koven, arhich, so are are In? formed, a di "swi ? p sside some "f the m teriet which havi slwsya blurred ,. . |si h of lhal picturesque seaman." To the autobtograpbj of <-.?n Bchurs, i. h unfinished al his death, bul com? pli ted DJ i'f derlc Bancroft, the lorian, and Profl bsot Dunning, of Co? lumbia, v. in be added this spring ?The Letten Speeches and Correspoo f Carl Hchui.-." edited b) Mr. Bancroft, to be is-m.-i in h?\ volumes ?, p, Putnam'a Bona The publica Hon ol ihi^ woii<. together aith ?reel i atatui ??(' Bchurs by Karl er, a hi< h ? ill be unveiU d In the ri K of ib?' labors ,,r t . ? | H hura m tu. t lal Commit ? . in ;i ? ? by, we n English ti tnalatlon <>f Maximilian li irdi n'a Moi irehg ami ..u i 'ompanj ? in i- h ich will I ?? ? l.ibo the brfflisnl editor of ? Die Zukunft" givra in- Impresstona . Illtles, both i and Ihen Edward VII, ? K B tu "' K, <*/..r Ni h ? Mil. th.- ! Im i" t ? - y '?':.?? and ' ? ; ? ? \ . ? ; 11 er ta i n lng rea Lea ? - - of ths W? I ? the r ths H ghton M Ifflln i ? the l nun. a hom w .... .1 Abbol will John C w Inston ? torn : '. : . il. Things 1 ,ii ?ul lh< ? and ' la. t loriea ? - ? '? \n to a ill fill tl ... . ah?? h il ? 1 nol ? :.. ' in . a . ? ? i sprint I: of Eng ? It led "ti t?a- : . b of boo . v. in. h hi re? i n t.. ua a Ith ? la :.. 1 , DEAMA BhskespSSre and the Modern Scandi navb.i ..? Iste i'i Hoi ' ? il. ird Fur \ i m Edil a oi '..- of William Bh ? on i'- ra ta ird ? lance i .??.venteenth volume, "Jullu l'ses u. havli a Juat ? orne from the p. raaea of thi Lippli ? ma lui.n n diati drsrostli ?nteres! ? d in Ihe ; slit? of I Our period I I',; | I .i naiivel : bort one "! i ma i- i., oming i i i ." t of ua snol b< r foi m ol ? u a ith m w || houl a put ? erj current plaj that la worth while, .ma tii.'t are not, tin?N n boards nnei oi Istei ? dish and Ami i lean imt of .i n 11 fon Ign drams a a !-?? I the Bcandlnavlsna, the Germans occasionally, a Russian, ?Vsvsi a .man. After Ihe Norwegian Ibsen, the Swede Strindberg, who? one would - " om Ihe llttl. in woi h thai ? u . ? 11 pi.ted ?.u our . or publl bed In Engllah, a hi i hat ? r sti uggle to un.i ac imong us than Ibsen, ?-^ en In i :-m ill i in le n?- baut in? prophet, i oi kmgn, a ho i i siso hla Iran? - i.itoi'. om there clings about his profit, aboul hi autobiographical Action even ""?i - i ban about hla plaj *, an stmoi ph< r? oi mental unsoundness thai must impair lie ValU? of all be has |.|o duced, Meanwhile the Messrs, Bcrib? ner hi e read i wo neriea ?>i* lu.- ahorti t and. in addition, a trio of i Bj?rn -ni ne Bjdrnson, "Ths Gauntli t " ? im h desli a ith the single moral atahdard ror both seseo; "The v s- si.m,' a sin.p. of tin- difference in i v i en i omraerclsl ami personal ethics, aiid "Beyond Human Power," .i plsy of physical curs by faith thai in i!.nu at ot ils success The same in m i buss foul" "Plsya bj Anton Chekoff," the Russian short story \ i in r. Mil.'.; \? .? sh.ill have the BOClg] SI il with ua in ?irania ami Action, as well .-?? ni SO) lological BtUdlSS, is a foregone ? ??m liision. charlea Rann Kennedy? one-ad pla.v, "The Necessary Fvll" BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. |. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. THE BEST SPRING NOVELS OF 1913 THE INSIDE OF THE CUP By Wisstov CBiiuHlll.. Author of 'huh ard l'are ?4," "Tie Crtsts, A Modern t hroaieis, ate TBa bmsI tn?tiirort awl el ?mertee's !*v!!ng Bereust ?leaiing with delicate ph?.??.?. of ifr son raadltteas vital t.. the aattaasl Hrariu Mai, M, I'll.'! llluftralel, II JO ri*t ONE WOMAN'S LIFE iiv Robbst Bbbbicb, author of "The Healer," " rogether, 'The I otnraofl Lot." etc l drena of a bastan aoel "A rsasarkablB hook ?he I,pm .mrl b.,J I. -i Robert Harries: h*> il BS yet Xtm I t?. Sun II 3? net CONCERT PITCH B] Pbaxb Dambt, Author of "Flga m ? '-.\ er," " rbe neari ?f a i hil.l, ' io?.eph in -Jeopardy, ate \ love story of i.ot:.ion Boherala far ?du 11 -.. a aeai iinvri Fr?ni. Daaby ha* \nit?c,i " Ii .v. net ?CONCLRli PATSY I'.v S I'. CaOCBBTT, Author of "Loves ?ouag Dream," loe Haid?r?i, " ete \ ?tirrlag stagy al i *!iow.-iy in the year? of ?muggilag ?'i i savsniura aril worth reading iint/m Ht<jui Ji ?'.??*.? COMRADE YETTA B) IbBBBI BaWABOS, Author of A BUM ? World " ' v powerful rii>v?'l of great ?<^lal algnlflrsar*' .iving t.arr hv vividaridietragedraad in?]>i?,trial shame In a creel etty'a underworld ? lUSast VANISHING POINTS By Ml K BBOWW, Author of "The Sc.rst of tbeCtai A volume of trr-pp-wlr? abort fiction Treating ? wld?. kin.wi"!|i- .?( lit?" ??il a roast-ry of h-- nLort m a*f ir-, ii ?i?? POOR DEAR MARGARET KIRBY By K ? ran i ix S'oaaia, lather of Woth-r, * i he Ri? h Mrs Burgo] se, ' eu-. 1 asJMCBC ' lentnaeet, iirnnv ?.nd ?*.-? m..rr rloi - bases ??,' Ufa, ?rita 'h- sn,.r |m appeal sa Mother >, li*M*y? ii 30 '.et THE FEET OF THE FURTIVE ByCagnLBsG I) Robbbtb. Antheref "The I.. ? . Isa in," Neighbors 1 tiknown," a <t: ueal ? Urn of aalasal Itfa 'Mr Rolxprtshas wot IfTfo rnowlcdge r,f *rM srlmal? ?re ?re U.rlli<Ml t>> hi? Uvlii -s-rnr, W.i-?o-i : am tUtutraft? ?i 35 rtt Si THE FEET OF Ba THE FURTP/E ?5-^ rob 1?* r.i as aa .-. >cn 1 orl? r /vJ?C'J*iaiC*?'TWi3ia?( *?*" THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 0n?,^T|j pe? a Bros.), desla with the aun? n from i ? to] Gregor] . - ; p Putnam's ? I add to thi m ? 'orni llua V ? idy ?>f . ' ? ?? | and i (Houghl Mifflin TI i autl oi h lud ry <>f ? p G< ? 11 . Iram ? . In the pi.( B W ? . o||l. S P. Dutton ? ? le m ??:' ... '. r ? . 1 WINSTON ? H l Ri H I ll. A n.t rh< Inggic ol thi Theatn \ olume containing fortj .?. Blgna i"1 Inge ? ci n< i, aci om? pai li 'i bj . i ?t ical noti s p- thi : n - ventoi. HISTORY The Civil War, the 'alkan .Struggle. Our Navy. The long Aftleth annh ? i - grj or the War for I he i talon ? ontinues to call, forth mair. books ol rsmlnl i en? as, bl f ogigphleg ami militan ' idles. The latest to i"- added to the iron tag II it la Joa a it. foung'a "Gettygburg: A Comprshenslve Narrative" (Harper A Bro ? Th.- author w a < pi ?senI al tho i.aiiie. h;is lived for manj years in or near the ?battlefield, is familiar >.'hh ail ih.untry m irched ?c er and fought over bj both armies and hot conversed with many survivors. His book la bsssd on an exhaustive siud\ or the literature of the i ami algn, : it, t Gardner W. Allen, the author of i >ur Navy ami the Bsi bai ? ?',,, ah ' and "( ?m- Naval War a ith I "ranos," ?vid i add to tho list of his works A N'a\ il| History of ths Amerl? an Revolution ' ' "The Houghton Mifflin Companj ?. The time for writing the definitivo lush,, i ,,[? thi Balkan Wai hss nol a! corns, inn in the meanwhile Ihe news? I papel . on apondi nts, a ho were lowed lo sss little enough of It, srs giving us gccounl; oi ? hsl ?hoy did ' see in many volumsa A '"" "' lhass i.Us whs reviewed In these columns' n?'i so long ago Now thsra sis added! to ua m iwo rests Under ths ?', ... ?.ill ; \ a/ar Con-, apondent'a Experl-? encsa With ths Turki In Tripoli and Thrace," by H. C flopping! Wright, Sad "With the Completed Turk," by Major LlOBSl Jaims, both l"??ks ''> English corrsspondsnts sad '"'i'1 PU-> Ushsd by Small, >iu\ nard it ^o. "The i ?. ?- - : 11 k i.f the Turkish Empire In Bu? by ?'.?[.tain B, Qranville i? contains sum .m account of the rtae of the Balkan Butes. (Tha ??? i{ Llppin . m' ? 'otnpany.) Hendrik Willem Van Loot 'a "Fall .,f ths Dutch " (Ho ighton M " ? 'ompanj I I of direct Interest . ii .......m of Its details l at of the pari played by ths Dutch i- pi in the International in; of the Anverican Beiolu? tl DOMESTIC ECONOMY Hume Organization and Management Good Cookery, in . i- pn . ? i] atfon a Ith "high? ?" - im ther awa) s ? ha i a aome nrhal hegiet ted, to pul il mildly, the ? a .t n i .?i ' of home making; .? 11 th<? education of the boms makers thai to be, 'run.- v,a>, bul it la paaetng, when our advancing daughters con? ism k< spii | as r.niicr below the dignll of I a bal Utile there was of II t" be learned they could leai n aftt r mai rtt I iej wi nt j 'i h? n houa keei Ing be? ame "do mestl economy" a acience with an Im? posing name snd Immenae social m? and Interest suddenly revived, 11 Bounded m 'i unified. The Mi - Harp? r shoe a 11 rtaln o urage, 11 i fon .n almpl: i their sllltera? tlve Hous? bold Hand .i\ ' ? i- ?? ? tide to tl.? le t ? ay of doing ! woman' s orb in kitchen, cellar, I nuraer; and aewini roofn.'1 Christine Herrick's "The New Housekeeping" 11 loubleday, Pagi .v Co.) ta s book of efflclenc] In horns management, with apecial regard t.. the economi of iat>..i ami effort) the elimination of drudgery. in "The Law of tha Household" (Small, Ifaynard i ,'".'. Eunice Beecher deals with organization! and more especially with the organiaation of ;? stag of ?? m? petenl set i anta "< lompetenl '? meal used and rareel of ;<n words in mod? ? t n bouaekei pinsr. Perhrps m? Henn '? Pluck's n-?? tronomic guida to health and ajood living," v im h he calls "Food and Flavor," and which the Century Con? BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. Little, Brown & Co? RECENT SUCCESSES At the heart <>t the fiction of the year stands The Amateur Gentleman By Jeflery Farnol \ novel that is even greater thsg "I In- BrOSd Highway." many |gy the crcatc-t novel in years. "It will DC surprising indeed it it does not prove to be one of the grcatc-t works of fiction produced in mod? ern tune?."?Springfield I'nion. $1.40 net. Postpaid $1.52 The lest selling book in Ameri ra as reported in the April Bookman is The Happy Warrior By A. S. M. Hutchlnson Tin* chsrmufg ami distinctive novel has proved a Ircmcndottl popular Buccesa sud is making friends everywhere. Ask the opil n?n of anyone who has read it. Eight editions already. $1 35 net. Postpaid, $1.46. "The best hook he has given U8/' says the Pall Mall Ga? zette of Widecombe Fair By Eden Phillpotts sir riiillpotts' final Dartmoor iva cl m. y he unreservedly reenm m< nded to resderi of tnste and dis? crimination as sure to delight them by i;> word-painting, racy humor and ?killed charaoteri-ation. $1 35 net. PostpStd, $1.46 There ?fl a treat in store fot readers of The Mischief-Maker By E. Phillips Oppenheim The prince i I it? rj -teilen iti twelve every tune. "In "The Mis? chief Maker' Mr. Oppenheim bsi OUtdone himself, ami the r w!to cannot enjoy i* ?a hot Bosl ui Transcript. $1.25 net. Postps ' ?! 36 ln(l< i? ml' ?,t: "A vila!. compelling work, forged i" Ins tire of i ' iii?. sincerity." i'hii 'I'm El enitiff !'? if: "Thi? rivid, rascwatlng tale of the a musician. ... it la a new kind of Action. . . . The records of friendship which ?.lean Christophe' presi ni s are, to my mind, un? equalled, a neglect <'f it seems, is one who hss nsd i'. sn ? SgalOsI ritlaafflShtp In tin? w??rld of letters." // ? orgT-ffersId greatest literary work that ? onte out of r'rance sice / i i esaetl writing, and its gfj le I d tone sre luflnttely sbove Zol Boston Transcript: "A mental and physical stimulus." [?oi>'",} 11 l?greos .* "Tho auaie II 'ik?> a passage from Beetk i es i ranslsted Into words." 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