Newspaper Page Text
Wliski *s JSprins Announttmrote flf IBooks ENGLANDS BOOK MARKET Quantities o? New Novels- &tablished Popularity o? Many American Authors -Serious Books lo Come in Autumn. London, liai h 26.? Books, bo? ks, and then moi i I.Its, bul Istlng - . thai sp m up the spring publii i; In England. Then are n? ? ne Hi m alone bo? announ ed , h for ih? ? .'i-'. months of the ? ?! the leading alone tl from - the ?,- .i.i I? ?/el ? t i ?i the pan -ir-i Kiplin a? i thai ih?- new Bomba ? edil Ion PRICE COLLIEH ? "?lenaanj and t? ? ?;?? from an Ame: s com] lete w? rks, verse, limited to 14)60 copies, and pub? lished In twentj -three royal octavo vol ? $6 ? ich, has been i for already. KipliiiK continu?e t" s<-li ay form. e\?-n the moal expeni MANY NOVELS. . H the ? r old-? BtabUah? ,i wi l Mrs. Humphry Ward's "The Mating of Lydia" has been moal cordially ra? id; Eden PbUlpotta'a"asodeat ??art moor caOMdy called "Wldccmbe Fair" tarde?! as one of his best; -I. C. th has supplied a most creditable volume In An Affair of Btato"; W. -t rare to attain popularity with i Maria"; Charlea Marriott'a "The l'atflah" shows improvement ovai a mi ? f th?- previ?? by the author ? The i Prank Daaby has . ?in with "C mci rl Pitch". W. Maxwell has nearly r> ? r'a Wife"; J< :-'- : ? Parnol's ( i-.?, k. "T' .'.???? man," . ? -i off moal auaplctoualj a II endous first edition. The Rai< ? H?tten will be represented, af ? ? of Inactivity, with "Happy Arnold Bennett reappears with a theatrical story, "Ths >-. Temple Thuraton's nexl book will be ? d "The Open Window"; Un Henry OB la Pasture (Lady Clifford) Is a warm reception when "Michael Ferrvs" appears: and ' are also novels this spring by B. P. H n. Elinor 'Jiynn. B. Phillips <>i' ?:m. John TreveBB, Max l'.tril-r ton, Compton MackenxM und many j othera h. G. Welle'a latest book, "Mar? ', ge/* has attained n sals of 24,000 ? I, which is hich WBtar mark for ; him in this country, and a new <: story writ?'r has turner] up in j ? Trent's Last Caae,N the worh of E. C, Bentley. AMERICAN AUTHORS. American writers i re represe* led as ai ia! on the lists of London publisher? ! W. D Howetta's "New Leaf Mills" is; praised. "Tl ? Crooning Water." bj Marios Hill, an American J I author, i?- i,, mg hootat ,i nto p? p u i and ha? air ?d. rea? hed a ?< ? : ? Pi Intlni : Henr* s Harrison'? "V I ' ? It? ?! Iix ll.c m.i ! *' ho delighted li Q Rob? 11 H< - "l m.- \\ ornan i Life " Rli hi ' - : ' . i.k "f ahoi * "The fled Cross Girl"; Louis .l?,se 4 - 'i",,,. Destro) Ins Ang? l." ? '? Harris'? "The Recording Angel," Ja London - " \ Bon of the Bun" and n? Roberl . ? 'hambers, i >ax Phillips, the late Jacqi ; Dell ti. x, ;.;?.,. pay und ? I? 01 :?? Barr MeCutchen i to m- ntlon ?i fea. alioul lo _i?i?e? Johnston la a prime favori tid Ceai ?? l'.i Ing ' lia* attract ? ? ivorite attention of King Geoi Qt ? en Mary. The failure ?.f i la a* ' i. ulatlng librar!? s here to pu chase for t h? i aubsci Ibera i"i"ks i the ti'-x-.c- xmi. ?! .m authors la a ti mendoua handi? ap ? ?ne seid' un hea ? writers of som? ? ? I I; ? In ome beat seller? in II - but, ?'ti the ..ill- r ham ?'.'iiiii'i, R? n B? ach, t ? dy ci' the i' .Mi.-.- Hegan Rica Gertrude At her to ;,ii.l Kate Douglas wi_:?-;?:i are as gi*ei ? -in their m tlve lai : SERIOUS PUBLICATIONS. s i.ita of the api : o? ? mlssea th< grei - end in- molra and work? ? ? v , rli li Ism. Mo moi i Loi .:...-l ? i - sr? -- ing their moi tan! \ "lilil?es in the autumn. Ft exam; ? n Annum*-, i. i of his discovery of the South I little vogue lier?-, xxlui.- the trsglc dtsai of Captain Scott, the English Antarctl ? i. xx ?11 make |he l""'l? I the material loft bj him one ?>f ti' - ?.f the autumn si ason. ?.aptali B. Mikkci.4? n'a "Losl in the Ai I .-iH'ili'-r polar book Uiat found i?,- surfeited xiith polar books. Th< ci op of book? ? ear la tha devoted to the erar In the I War correspondents xx.;,, i.. r. .. h f.. fron! hot ?foot? <1 it hack 1. London a*hen tin* armistice a'aa de clarad, x?. ith tht resull thai many ol iding publisher? have this sprlni a x ninmc pi rating some phaa I I confll? t. ??i-, h dis? iss? ?: lif? ? mann, bj Berthold Lltsmann, In xxhi.'i nuich S] d i" Mendelssohn, Liszt. Wagner and othet great ?if the ? be of except ?... Dr. W? Wllaon'a T '? : reed un' I ? - . tiled ??. tor hi re) made ?i and i' - ? ,i. a. Thomas, M. A., xxiii unquestionably ?ri?? l?*_:r.t student? of naturfil history xvith his forthc? n book, "The Wonder "f Llfi." TI ? r xx ill be :?ii Important art book called "? ;r. ase and Mis M< dels " The i er Alfred Noyes, Ma Hewleti and juhn Masefleld lead In this class I ?, rmany and the f_en_ ? lure ''? tick!" Englishmen; G. K. ?i xviii supply a volum? on "The Kxil ?if Eugenics.'' Alfred R?ssel Wallace has a book of essaya called "ftoctal Knvironmerit and Moral Prog? '['h?re are a f? xx belated I ena books, ? yaar after the < ? I? tion df lu^ centenary. T. Martin Wood x? tut' n ?i blograph) of ?'.? org? d i Maurier, "The Batlrlsl of the \ Itorians,'' and the tutor <f the son ?if NapolSOB III haw supplied an intim?t.? biography called "The Prince im jii-lial." The book that promises to be th? sea? aon'a s'-nsHtioii. however, is "My P by th?"* <"<? nit' aa Mm la Lai ? an American edition of which has already i.?, n am ng? ii for. BOOKS OF THE SEASON (l ontlniiwl from preceding p?iRf> whenever we ChOOeO. H?' teaches iir the wisdom and tue pleaaur? d< leatS cookery, and. ml?! practical Of lemonatratas boa simp;- it really I i that is raqadfad Is Intereal ?We ourselves BBVS "" unnvi,ll?-'l v of foodstuffs at home. IV m B P. DuttoB A C* i? to eoosa 'The ' ss Maid Book of Cookery." for the I of those who, living in small .., or apartments, keep bul one : or none at all. Bad JfOl WOUM Uve aell There is and eertalBly there should i., no connection between this gaatro? aomk paragraph and Dm P. 1- <? P pert's and Arthur Holm? s',: "When to for- the Doctor, and What to D? ., h- ,?,?,..-? (Ldpplncotl Com ,. m is a booh for quick reference rgwdes, s book, alao, thai will It, famine developing ,,f ,,;.iioon un?iai Idea ir.ssur.of appi. h.nsion. H ?atalogU?*! deecrtbes the symptoms of **i";''' ;ir,() carefully divides them n the first maaHsatatloBS of ssi.i SOCIOLOGY. ECONOMICS The Child. Woman, Social Hygiene, Labor, Finance, Etc. ?r, aumbors and timeliness tbs books h, this d?-par: m-ml "? srahadow ? m ail other?. Hera, iBdaad, lbs procaaa "f popularization ih all-in< lusiw. OBS ? only anota .? title here and thara, ? id ih s-? larga. Ths ? IMId first of i-,.. ,? caaaell & <???. ws are to The Mother, lbs Child and ths by Dr. Elisabeth Bloaas cii-.-s MarlH Moni?-*"-. - ''' dng"Ri? ?1 Anthropology." ths basis oi bst aduca tlonal UMorlaa, h ?iBBOBnced by tin P. A.^tok?-? Company. "The Prohlem of thr He\e?-,-' from tl French of .lean Pino! (Putnam's), is review of the attitude of th<- ay.? - i sroman snd a pies for i" further enfranchisement "Marriai ??nd ihe Sea Problem,'' bs Professor I Poerster, of the- Un?? erslty i Zurich i p. a Btokea Company), ? ! i ?sea mum nitra ra? lern th? 01 II two mam contentlona li<?iriK that ih ? ? i.'.t method of ses education Is t keep attention from sexual matters Is stead nf iiii'-'tint* II toward them; sn thai the problem of moralltj power far more than of knowledge, tha th?- apiritual factor is ?init?- as Impor tan! as the Intellectual "The L'phol Btered t'aK?-." by.Joaephlns P. Knowle i ' leoi ge n Doran < ?ompairrj |, la a dia ? -i~si-?n ..i Hi?- unmarried daughtei am ..r xx .?man in business. "Th.- Immigrant Invasion' b PranM .1 Wai ne, Ph 1 ?. 11 >,?< I, ifeai .?.- ???.. 1. mat Bxpsri long connected srttl : 11 n.n board? and 1 ommlsi loni snd xx ii h the Cens?a Bui ?a u. Thre? ai siudles desei ?.- men!Ion, Will? lam C. Van Antwerp'? ' Si'" k Exchangi from Within" I Doubl?*da*. Page ? Co ?. "Gold Pi a m and Wag? - " bj -i"1 n It? klnsoB Mobson (Doran), and "Money Changing," an Introduction to foreign ? a? icniK". bj Mai ii. \ With? ra (Dut? ton). Populai aovorelgnt* la t|; Prederl? k a ci? x. land's '.*( ?r_ani-ed Dssnocracy" (Liongmans, Gwen i Co.). Thai graa! _?*i?i_a_?narian, Dr. Alfred Rusael Waiiii??-. .*?"'??** 'i?(*'-ii?-i;i' x m many .,f ?"ir s... ni conditions, bul - nd 1 xxith a xx..1?, of bOPS, it? '"Social Kn and Moral Pnyresa**' (Cas? sell ft r?. 1. proiasanr Mtaaiasterberg*? MPaychology and Prs t?>-.? 1 Efll? ettey*4 vxas rcci-ntly pobliflh??- b) th?? Hcugh ii.ii Miifiin Company. Th? M? an - H.iii'ci will is.-ue in .Muy ".Mclhmls t-.r patioi ind Othi I I ? Idenl * and l >1 ?., ? i - .\ itudj ??f - ? t? a di be r?' ind In Frs Koesl r's "The l't |.| In "??i? i m"?" <s'r ? .? n ?? -?, com ?. a sei Ii - ol books on H?" * o? ' i an -i under the ausplo s ol Hi" Bur? .-.u -i Bo? Lai Hygiene will be published bj the Centurj Company. The Uteri ture of socialism rontli ? i rw, end? iv.?i ing t.? keep step ? Ith social and economic changes thai con? ? ly require n i Islon of Its theoi les . Thus, Profei tor V. a Bimkbm Itch, of | Columbia ?111 Bhow In "Marxism va j ?Socialism" ? Hol! A Co.) I bal the ... onomlc tend? ndes ol lo-d.i.v ere far .,,, ?i,..., the ? ? ? i man leader's In? terpretation "i economic history, thai bli form of '" lallam has i onsequentl) h-ecome Impossible, and that therefor? i new meaning mual be for tic ,.,,i i hi sme firm publishes "80 Ism and Demc-cracy la Europe." by Samuel P. ? ?itii. Ph. D.? an historical a lin ? direct bearing on Am? : can conditions to-day. ?Prom B. W. Huebach we havs John Bpargo's "Byn dli allsm. Industrial Unkmiara and ?So .laii: m. ' and "The Truth Ab? 1 ?o . laiistii." b) Allan L. Benson, 1 "state men! of so? lallam foi non-eocls HUMORS OF THE BOOK SHOP Confessions o? One Late of the I rade?Wit and Little Poses?Questions Without End?And Often Without Aim. Th? panorama t.? ron hla vi? ? Is i human mind. He panders to Its dlv? follies, ? onsulta its i at led a Lsdom. stands umbrellaless In the rain of us iiiinsyiii rasles Why has be i lifted up his vole? ? He, th? '.I. i lei lhal lives among countless volumes ? "iit- ai Ions! Whose dall) i.?sk is ' le hour b? houi with -i III : ? 'omi die h imaln? ' Has the consta ape? i.i !?? of s,, man booka tx en -isin g? m In Its i ITe? t upon any lat? ni ci atlve Impulae? <?r has he been dumb the colloquial sense, forsooth: a flgu iik. Mr Whistler's guard In the Brltl Museum? Bundr* "letti n ?i i. sellers" of England have, Indeed, gh us some remlnisr? m ea of bo and Its h imoii. Bul they wi re the o boj s. 'i'ii. - ?belonged to an old ord led i noi h? r ds "As phyi clans are called The Pa ulty" ai ,u The I': v. rll i Boswell, "the i.ks? I lei - .?'?h .ii ? call? d "l ? Trad? I ? I look into tl " aa It la to-? i ? .1 ? were a bo? THE CUSTOMER'S VIEW. There are two, de? Id? -;:> i ontri dicton. popular i on? ? ptlona "!' I \. bos? ? t Is to sell ntimenl I notion ol man In S ? hat," a i and an Id? ? keeps :< hand stall. Th< n llghtful pi? I urei "i him are In i h 11, i- :: man of m lion. And 1 lly, food and drink Thei oth? r idea "Whj I? It," we r< poi t ih i .mark ..f an Importan! look man In s high hat, "thai clei n< . -1 ki i nythlni (Or anything else, ha pa not far I lught.) Thl ; ? : Id? .i thai .' ? had s.mi eon rather good. Bui noi n> ??.. Thl < onception of thi booh 11? the woi of the mother ln-law. Th? gure in th pages of humor, 111 e the talkatlvi ' the vaude ville stage a stock i. Hi ? "it aa) Ings h I ' red I?; ? 'harlea Kc< ne and damn? d i?? "Punch " Phil Ma y wi Is | Ifather .'? ,| . . him periodically. These tw< of the Look business ire i re? onclled by th? populai aentlmenl thai booksellers are noi whai ihey w? re. Ht xx i-;' pen I rom t Ime t< time prim feal aboui i h< days "Wh? n Book B< 111 rs Ki sa Bool it you ask ? salesman In s mod,-m book .. hop If hs has Praed, j on of ? o i pe? i him to reply, "1 have, sir (oi madam), bul II doeeu'l seem to do sn? good " THE BOOK CLERK'S IMPRESSION W? M. al tl ?? Zoo there i I ? the!?' looking out, as well si fn m i he outside looking In Ths I.k clerk ! m the position to r? mark certain human phenom? i?-? ?patenl to him be j oiid the \ lew "i sny othei. m< ?us. perhaps, smong them ?i pleaaanl naiveraal hj po? rlsy. "< ih'" pui sweet lady, pausing to glance for the sp;o ?? of :i *?'?' ond al her surroundings, "I think Looks are lust fui'.I In' t?. i,<- in a bookstore," rattles s viva? cious ) ouni woman "Books i. :??. ?. : fascina i Ion for me," oth? t. \ oung lad; wall Ins foi !i?,ks oui of the froni door the ? - r 11 ii ? ? time. Her frl? nd i expresi regret al bat Ing kepi her waiting. "< ?h!" she i \, i ibna, i have ?been so happy h< rs ' glan? Ing quick)? aro ind ai I he Looks. ? i should inst iik?' to be i?ft here ;? couple of yt us Th? i e i* i respectful pause by all i"i an Instant, ? a? i> bring? Ing ?ni" h? r i.o ?? an expraaali.f adoration for the dear things of ths mind. Then, ?hau ing gaj ly? th? , hastens aws ^v ?? turn to h???r-. "Oh, wouldn't vou love to live In ;? book store!" Whal Is II H" toen sa] la ?? booh shop'' The greal saj It, even, end ths f,, ti "'?i gi e ?i Each In his i um looks Bo'?-mnl* al his companion or al ;l. salesman and saya "Ol the making ,,r i.k- there Is no end " Th?*a pa? h in his turn lights im?> ? smile. He has ?aid something pretty k.I. "There are persona esteem? .1 on their 11 , ijtai on, ' ?By ti*t "Imitation of ,?n,,|a| who :'' shewing themselves u, utroi ; he o| Inion one had of than " Though "'"' "nlfbl think it would be lt.,),,., ?ray. it li; dUBcult, Indeed, to Mll ., !.,,ok i" a friend of ths author. ..,,. | k,,,.V-. no- man a bo a rats that," ?4, 1(l,. reply, i wouldn'i read H nook . ,|jt you see. s greal irriter muai ^ il(jill \ ...mi??n srrof of look buyers H '" '"?'i"ti'* **** ****** ?-'ii??n and copy? ' **** m" ***** :| """' "" til)I1 ,,, this." ?M fraquanUy asked, B |;,,n ssfced f? something ?bound i? km'kI""'1-" 'N""""' " ?s ear 1(li(,f ^.., ??M s llfhl booh to s Jap 'ri,,-, ata IhS Look ilerk's '* Ilf'**lf*. "ferrtbl) iBtelllgeat, soaaawhal " ,i,,.i?,i.- m their handling of .??ir iiniiit?'!!'*? languags, ibay ah/rays wanl soaaathlng . \.. sdingly difflcull t" Und, aometh usually ?m militai - or poll!I? al sciai harbor constru? : ion ?-i the most reo dite form "f philosophy. BUYERS OF BOCKS. Then th? re are the remarkable p? . !;.. ' Iti ? i' up" \x Mil the H.1 , ii, tion; \x h" ?a.?. "? ?h, I've r< sd the ? ,11 a tone xx hi< h Impll? - thai th? . .1 n.'t 4,, tar behind a - that "Hat a j i,?, m ir novels?" they Inquire. Novi old " ' ne might suppose, II In a ' oupls "f ?laxa Ths qm - "i it... s.- BMktnra of books auggasta t . Btorj "i" the lady g! a public libra ; xx ho, upon being told thai sat en n novela had come In thai morning, Bal ! "<;i\c me, please, the one thai cam 1 la ' ' 'n, ? ? re, too, tics?- alnguli folks x\h', appear regularly evei I onlj lual before (Jhrlatmas, buj a gre ? : 1.kl fol 1 1 ? ?? nts. ai 1 ?lilil? tile 11 j'i-i befor? the hoi Ida) seaaon. Wh_ ? -. .1, .1.. th? -. .;.i aboi 1.ks the i- si of th-- lim? ' M ? tig racters I 1.k ? 1. rka ' 1 a ware ? ?: the gall? gj say? a felloe ??? 11 to us, "tl nd up then The official servants ol the Lord fi In the 1.k ? ?.-rk's mind Into thai clai rlbed b) li m 1 ;. All g? ntl? men xx. aring high liai also i" long i" this 1 last Ifl? stlon, i>? ? en : Ing, for ;?i thai one alxx a>.. add) 1 1 ? x- . . itomi r a? though he \\< re dea i".. Poreignera arc Invariably x.: 1 "hi" i" rli 1 :. --. Th. \ I..IXV \x ben th? take ..n th.-ir hilt?, upn Ver) 1. 41 , , ? : . 1. Th? re," said .? fellow thi all, "? om m?, old xx..m. n In at the door, Nob If I were 1 ! snd bral them.' x - .? . thi Have yo . Days' ?a lady, vet rl< h anil importan! look ng a ints n unpleasant < nding. 1 xx- ? . oking at ill "No" icloalng the '."?.l ? - M..." man ord? ra two seta "i th Book and n> mnal, lo b? a/it h ins name Is o ' irch and his pe? , X ? I ' ? i in the aummei m 1 of ih. - n MANY PERPLEXITIES. 'TI B 11c rt \ Ufe, th' ' and -i bard one? Cu tornera Ta - '1 x\,,m. n ? 'an you xx.m on 'i h< x x>.ant t.i gel aometh nu. U< ici know 1 i 1 xx hat, for a "I "li. no!" Ih'-y :-a . \\ ?? don'l xx in' ? big n *? 1 x 'h .i. Something nicely bound." A copy ol 1 "ranford ' 1 nsai bj. < ih, when 1 i' .?'i .; 1 iii'int think n uns mu? ii good." ? Pot n x.\... 1 don ? nten led ; poetry,'1 "Du you au| , ? ? n srl book " ' . ' No, ih 1- tint interest? I In [emol?a then.-N", Bhe would noi ...i?- t..r that." "Wh), 1 had no Id? somes ha! reproi Ingly i" us, "thai ;t arould i"- ai dlfh? .ill as lb!-." a ' ailing xx in. ii n quln - the practi? tlonei to turn easily from a recondite gentleman Inquiring the author ol Ri - llgioua Teachera ??f Anclen! Greece" to consideration "f the problem <n<i less recondite) "f a lady anxlou 1 to Bad something lo entai tain a ? hild of H. e and b half In? ul? atea muh., dtagras of mental agility, "I ?rant," r-m? iba x. 1 > la hlonable lady, "to get a book for an "iii a" (with aoaaa pato? Ian? a) "\?*ry stupid ?bid man 1 want," from u Berious.old lady, "to k-' a book for 11 young mag atudylng for ii,?- ministry." "i wan! "aaclalmedths x . 1 \ sinai I B l'i'iii il Ion, "a 1/1/4/.,,/./ book for ;i '"""?'" "What is th" best houk on Russia?" Do fOAl know ROW if ihis is a good story? there ara ao ma ny poot books ' nowada) ?*." Baya 1 large, uncommonly black lady, "1 a ml 'Speara of Wheat, No, ?">.' " 11 ?la .,,., ered t.. be 1 pra) er book.) "I xx ml the lates! book, please, i>n bow t.> bring up a baby." "I'd lik?* |.> s?-.? xxhat \ .i bave ?m 'physical research.'" "Can j mi m , ,,ti!iii"inl B I.k fin a x .111.18 man w 1111 BOftanlng "T the brain? Poor fellow, he'a In Bloomingdala,'1 ? j ii,.... am dis? "um to ? 'in istlan mrorktet.Do you ktmxx." a demure a,, an a?ini blank i""k ooalng ovar bar taea, "whal i wan! has gone quite ou! of m* n*yan\" There is an Bppeailng !"??!? for balp. "Something Am--! i' an," mi a imlrician xi.i. .-. ' ; * Hi?, ladles to r??ad ??"mik orar on tlu boat Tin- Ul Amen? an, BOW, is It? N*W V.,ik S..?i't-.' Ah, x.-ry goodl Have you anything about th?-u?> ky Mountalna, or that sati of tiiinnv" NOW xx?* s--?**' the man xxln. lias been dira? tad In ?? \attat ttatn his arlfe |0 ?_., t ;, , . rtain I,>."k. abOUl xx hi? h he I knows ii'.HiMiii. an.I Ih?? lit!" "f xxha li i,.- , ii'-ciph.T. n?-??- li a parson sehlng for '*?B0_?_-t1 mnaewT tot the I ?ii b Hers Is Mr* s??-??mi-?"?.. who t. us ui h?-i busbaad i? vary 111, u*-*con-l ncimis; aha has t?. Ml up by him sU? BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. 3 Striking New Novels by Leading Writers The Isle of Life By Stephen French Whitman Second Edition " Strangely fas? cinating talc." (outlook. 14 It is a book that aril! fasci? nate manv." -Pkil?. Press. "A work of the first magnitude." Nee York World. The Penalty By Gouverneur Morris By John Fox, Jr., Author ol "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" TheHeartoftheHills Migrated by Henear d Chartditr Christy Second Edition " Unique, thrill? ing and formid? able in the ex? treme." ? x*tuuu\f> delphia North America*. "The hero U one oi th?- inosl interest inp creations that American fiction ha*. evolved in a long tirm The problem that he prevents goes down into some of the profoundest depths of human nature and his solution of it is dis? tinctly of the twentieth ce-ntury." ?New York Ttanes ?1-35 art; h triotl, $1.45 Firat Edition 100,000 Copies ?'Rarely has a more sympatheti'. character been drawn in fiction than Mavis, the mountain heroine." ?N. Y. World. "By long odds the author's strongest book." ?Bort?n Globe " Fascinating and gripping romance." Cki?ttgO Record-If er aid. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine has a worthy rival in 'The Heart of the Hills.' " Pkila. Rtcord " Yes. Gouv?er ncur Morris can write novels, and unusually inter? esting ones. If you're in doubt, then read 'THE PENALTY/ And if you're not in doubt, then read it, too." ?Chkae.0 Inter Octntk Illustrated. $lAri net hpmii?. $1 4? "Emphatically a book to read at a single sitting, one which holds the attention and holds it firmly."?New York Times. $1.35 ?art; by ma?, ?1.47 Charles Scribner's Sons Fifth Avenue, New York iiikIi!. ?iti.i must have something >? ig" i" divert her mind. Her? Is ih?- angry man '?> whom by mistake snl ?i booh ms. ribed "To mj i-'"'? I a 'i- snd true." He iven help up ? oor 1.k clerk arhen the nun? g.i wits .-in.i iru?- comea In with hei present ?.f .1 naught) booh with hum..nuis re? mark! written m It! Now, how do ?on Ilk- the Job? JOHN GALSWORTHY Publication of His New Novel. John ? Isis? ortl ? n< w no\ el, "Ths 1 ?-it k Plower," v. m i.,- publish*ed m i lai iv- in "8< rlbnei Magasin?," b?. .i?ui\ ?. \i.s\\??Ki in Authoi of ' The Dark f ow< a nil ii.?' April numb? r. Th? st?.i ? the love-life of i m in i tt . ..,,,,,? r, aiitumn, winter.' will run through mosl of the year. ?i m?, is not Mr. Galsworthy's Ural sp- ? ..,,,- in ? s- ribner'e." which pub? Habed quits "? entlj a i la) of his, Ths Little Dream." 'i""1 English author, .,,,,. of Hi" mosl Interesting and thoughtful of rontemporary arrlterg, has i" ? h ?"""' Bldel) known In ?tlsi-s counti i ii? is far i i dramatlat, his i-ia\ .ui the subj? ' i of labor and i ai I? | t;,i. "Bti ifi. ' h a m-- i" en mu? h dis- j ?usaed i" re si the time of Its | i ti??ii ai ru.- Centur) Theatre. Another plaj ?.i ii^. ' Pigeoni " a??** prod Hi?- Uttls 'rii' atr? issl season, snd lud ? tsful run. iiis Interest in the working claaaea ami the i"?'i Is mani? fest ill*-') I" tWO Pi' lit \ nlimii'S .?f ?ketches. "A Commentary" and "A Mi i le* " Hi*1 earlier i?i">ks no\ <?!* ?boa ?i "*een hing understanding <>t' the passing of 'ii'' <.i'i order of things ?nu'-ui' Hi?' English aristocratv NEW FRENCH BOOKS. Paris Man h ?'." 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Mori m an. ii". ? bird i if pre).' i : the mortal enemy of the old family of the Arbota, who tot centuries have resitted la tho chateau of Quatreloup, n>* ?uts the throat of one of the b?*mnda of th? Aih.'t pack, he as ssslnatas a young 1 peasanl xxh.. la loyal t.. the Arbx-tts. H sets (ire to til i m-- i <??-. si s thai pro duce the n Bin. He lets looaa ?? ma i .1"-^ among the hountts, and ;?n epi? demic of i.xdraphtsbta enstsaa Ha I spreads terror and .le^truction Basou! him Y'.iini; Arbot tails m luxe xxi'ii a peasanl girl ahoae father ha-a i? | fused .M.inii'.in as his .laiiehter'**. suit - [or. Ths rural tragad-- R.-xr highly ex . ? [ting, but the greai i barm sad ran I ?aine ?.i "L'Oiseau d? Prole" Me In th.? xxiiik!. it'nl Searchlight U casts upon the little known countrj ?>' nv I.atl.l.s.' ??. I. 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