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LITERARY NEWS ? CRITICISM ? Reminiscences of Civil War Days. North and South. PRISONKRS OF WAR. lW-lVv A R" crd ?.f Personal Kxperieners, and a Studv of the Condition and Treatment of Prisoners on Both Sid?-? inirinK th? War "I ?he Rehdllon. By Thomas Slui ? a, 1st? first lieutenant, r?T t h Regiment, Massa. huaSjtta Volunteers, and alde-d" ??,11111. ?' Hri-ad?-, 1st Division, '.?th A. C. Illustrated. ?Svo. pp. Iv, KS. G P. Put? nam's Sons, hl.MI KA PRISON ?'AMP A History of the Military Piison at Klmlta. N V . Juix I ISM, to July 10. lia By Clay W. H"im?-s A M With Blxty-tWO illus tr.nions Ivo, pp XV,'., M Q P. Put ti,mi's Sons. RK' (il.M i'TK'NK OF TIIK C1V1I. xx \K With Many Original Diary Hn and Letter? written from th? Beat Ol XX'ai- By Mason Whltlnn Tyler, late II? utenanl colonel and brevet roll """th Realmei ?. Masaaehuaett? ?v'olun s lalHe.l b) William S T' lei XX it n tnai's and Illustrai ona 8v< ' ; P Putnam'? Bons Ths M tni-ieiilcii,u y of the xvar for th?- pi-c-i'ixation of the Union is bring? ing into prinl many bl? ographies and military studies of vary? ins importance t" the atudenl of the history ?,f th.? conflict Some <>f theas books are monuments of filial piety, others ,.t?- "f algnllacance onlj to rsgl ? tunnel had ia<MV?fid from its polnl 01 destination One of the comrades said 'i understand it. We are all rigin handed, xve lie on our left sides an< dig xvith our rlghl hands, and so ?iig tot much in front. So the tunnel swerve? to the right, and dtSSCribes I lonii | cnrx'e." The*, s/ers Still eighteen feet flway from the ft D< ?*. Mr BturglS from personal experi? ence, and Mr. Holmes from Information Klxcii him, hot!? speak at leiiKth of that nostalgia of prison life which is worse than neglect and 111 treatment, WOTSS than hunger ?m-i cold, n 11 h. abusa, dis? ease, and danger of sudden death, the [ almleai monotonoua idleness of ih?* : prisoners Colonel Putnam baa apoken of ?t. i".? and considers tii? greater I power ..f organisation possessed b) captivo Ofllcer? as the re,-is,,n xvhy they. generally, emerged from the prison camps in better mental and phxsi cal condition than the privates. Lieutenant Colonel Mason Whiting Tyler, of the 87th Regiment, Massa? chusetts Volunteera died in 1'.h>7. leav? Ing behind him the no! eltogethei ? finished first ?iritf! of tiie MS. of his ?1.1?. which his son now ???x.-s to the FEDERAL PRI80N CAMP MORTON. irrem ?n Illustration In Thomas Bturgls'i '"Prisoners of War, im-lSS." m?-nral romrmb's. while others, ai m.-iy prove of unexpected ii?'ii> In el dating disputed points ?>r ihr??'. new lieht ?>n matters of fact sppar ly settled beyond tii** need of revU < ?f the thr???- boohs here briefly \i"w?-i1 th?- first two deal with pr camp <*<>n?litions ;in?l managen N-.tth um! South. They are wri by Northerners, ?o I ?? | them, Holmes's "Elmlrs I'm.-..n Camp," direct answer to an attach made that camp long ai;', ?.ii l**-T*? ? it) House ?of Representatives by Bei | H. Hill, "f Qeorgla. who amoi k other things, that ths treatm of Confederate prlsonera al l'An had been "tea times worse" than t of the Union soldier? si And? or m Llbby Pi if there bs one i i lining that who!?- period of Internecine sti over which bitterness can still Im k iilf.i North and s.?*?th. it is this r< question of the ?t d? and Conf?d?ral?' prisoners, it has bl thraahed out often enough; oni woi think, it m.ght art w< ?i to i for *-:iii anoth?*r d?scade, f.... after : ?s th?-' Balkan! ha'? ? ? th? other day, ?war Is war. Cesl guerre" remains the explanation oft profesaional soldier; ;;nd one ?.-mini American professional soldier has y aa th-- explanation a turn that no who has ever ?heard 11 ?and it bai go around Ihs w?wld?will ever forgot. "Prisoners of War" was originally papar read before 11.?-- New fork ?.*.?i mand'T' by Lieutenant Thom Bturgta, for which Mr, Putnan mam orles of his Imprlsonm? waa also original written. But Bturgis breathes s dl ferent spirit. No <???t?bt he is sine? In his protestations that that spirit n?.i mis of surviving anlmoeJty, but insistence Upon the registry of facts: they really were. Si ill, his Indlgni tion certainly gets the upper hand fro time to time. Mr. Bturgts's experlen? was a curious and. comparative! speaking, ;*? ?'Xceptionai one, situ alter having served as adjutant of tl regiment placed 08 guard over the fee eral military prison, ?amp MortOl near Indianapolis, he was. in his tun made a prisoner of war la th?r follow In year In front of Pstcraburg, h ml cos fined In Lihby Prison by the Confec erstes. "We are th?* living witnesses, he says. "We ar>* rapidly paaaln BWay from this scene, nn?i It is flttinfj In the Interest of history, in Justice t the way our people conducted me ara and to the contrast presente?! by th' action? of our antagonists, that w? ahould leave our testimony before w? go." Mr. Sturgls deposes his In no un certain terms. Mr. Holmes, who apparently was noi an active participant in the conflict has documented his vindication of th? management of the Elmlra prison camp and the treatment of the Con federatea confined there with all the official correspondence extant, many letters from surviving ex-prisoners, personal reminiscences of others and other material An interesting feature of this hook Av the narratives of the survivors of lhe ten Confederates Who succeeded In ping from ths Bh&tra camp by i -" ''ir--*-. Nobs was **ecaptti**ed, but one of their number was never heard of again. John Fox Mare]), of the Jef? ferson Davis Artillery, enters Into fascinating details of the digging of th. tunnel. One of the ten?their number grew gradually?was the happy pea? aeasOT Of ah extra Shirt, ?Which enabled ths conspirators to maka bags in which to ' firry off the ex<a\ated earth, which ?aus deposite?! Bl th? sinks < r a pool within the stockade. They worked hy PBUgll calculation, of cours?, and at a] critical moment discovered that the world. This is on-- of those records the war whose .-hier vslue '" us i ? f All, not In what it t. 11s. I,lit the man by whom it is told, one thousand? "f brave patriots- who aponded to the call of duty, who i ih- |r duty as- n came to them on i 1 match, in camp, and in 1.attic xx!:,. \\ ran?, by hard s? rx i?'?>. and xx then taak c,.mpi't>.,i returned civil life to make a auccess ?>f that, i in ?pit" of the Interruption of tii reen I the critl? al momenl of th beginnings. x\-?:)? thi Army of the Potomac i ?I..? McCl? : Hooker, al Oett: from Fairfax Courthouse Brandy Station, th?* Wildern? -. Bp< ? told Harbor Pel Ri? hmond campaign, back to the ?i ? of Washington, Winchester r ?p. thlfl la the i ?cord "f ti L'nlon officer and hi? regimen! appendix give? an account ol the par tak? n and i he positions ... c ipled I ? . .-ral brlgad? I Of thS Sixth ? '. 11 at the battle "f the Bloody Angle ; Spotts; !\ alna. ' '? . .-.. . 1 , ras -.x ounded t xx |i ?? the '-,, irae f the wa I the ba ! le of W ncheater and ag? In ? P ? irg. THE AMERICAN NEGRO , From the African Slave Coast t the Citizen of To-day. 1 a BHORT HISTORY OF THE AMl-.i; CAN NEGRO U Benjamin Cnilii Brawley, M A (Han*.), dean ai d pr. ol El gllsri in XHai Is Hanta ' Heg? * - ?? |,|. ?vi, :?:. The Ma ml ; any. The dean of At lanta Bapl 1st i toi eg j has done an exceeding!; x slual I? p ? |of work, ii?- has cry'stallised Into tb Bl possible form ths tx*mpiete hli tory in a brief volume <.f the negro rac In ?america. His object, so ably sccotn plished, he sts^tea has been "to set f..rt the main facts about 'he subjec! ths one mixht \xisii t., know, and to auppl ,n sum" measure the historical back gi md for much thai one reads to da m newspaper? and magastnea" Afte a statemsn! <>f the o:-?k?ii of the won | negro. !he Italian, Spanish Htid Port i form ?,f the Latin adjectlv, aiper, inaanlng stack, be beglna "sitl th?* planting >f alavery In the Americai Colonies, ??nd tracaa ths course in oui land of this people, WhOBfl biStory her? [ has been n? strange, traffic and appeal i inir as anything in the aimais of man ! kind, excepting no! the < ol ?the Old Testament Prom the siax? ; coast of Africa th.-.x came. WBlllng am bound In chains, in Ihe dark holds ol Blares ships, to be sold into bondage This brotherhood, iioxx- under the lash, noxx- singing their xxild melodies, earn?! to he th?- greatest factor in the history of the American nation, which could not exist half slave and half free. Sloxxly oui of the rnxht that cox ?Ted them thex rosa as a people. The Lord, a? their plcttirsaque "exhortan" have M doubt told them, led them on. Pro lessor Hrawley's hook leaves Iheni fl race not xvithout culture and solid and distini;iiish"d achievements, it la a aympathetio look, but it is flr?.t a soun?l and an uiicimmoiily xvell cons!ruct"d histoi x. Professor Brawley paya tributs to ihe courage and valor of th" negro American soldier. He discusses th very Intarestlng folk-lore and folk-mu si. of the negro p?*opl?>, mentioning the wotk "f irriten ?uch as Thomas Nel? son Page, ??er.rge W. CablS and .J??el <'handler Harris, who have jippreci ,-ited Ihe literary value of ihis male? [I 1. "Negro music in America," lie says, "'?* especially interesting because It Is not only the voice of an uncivilized l?co? pie, but also highly developed folk music." He notes thst their mo-it Tig ,.?;,l songs are generally religio tone snd moal sorrowful. Hs re ,i,f. contributions ?>f the negro to ature, art and invention. Th?' negro to achieve recognition In ature In America was I'hillis W ? young woman l.??rn in A who "??s brought in Americs bo ight A? a servant by tl?S wife tailor, <H faul Lawrence Dunbs ,. ? pays thai he waa only IJ ?In, .? when he ?lied 'but he h.i lated million.- of years.' " Ths most poet of the race at preei i ,,, ? ?e is William Stanley i.i iralte, "f Boston, who, is also a g? man-of-letter* Bopker Washir ih?- author coBsiders a very m orator. H?'nry Oaaaws Tanner American painter of recognised t on. It hur- been the author's aim to with different phases of the 11 f ? - < ne?-!" political, economic, social lit;?.,us. ctilt'iral with some ilegr proportion; but becaues of the Importance of negro education ?ths Civil War h?' has not unnati .given special attention !" this fea ||,- ?jays lhat the composition o book has been a pbasant task be? of th-- sympathetic Interest it awakened. The publication <?f th?' ume will undoubtedly go far t<? mote .< more general, more Intel! understanding ?>f a complex Ame: situation. A HORSEBACKJOURIS" A Leisurely View of Old C fornia from South to Nort CALIFORNl \ COAST Ti: Ml.*- A U bach Rid? ir?.m Meal? n o. ? ?regon j. Bmeaton Cha?*?. Willi Illustra from photographs b) the authoi pp .x. ... -in.- Houghton Mlfflln ? pan) Csllfornls has become one of the tion's pie]?ground ? it is a land pleaeuah seekers, in scans part this country, notably in th" Mi West, "going to California" is all lau?. Everybod) is doing it. as song says. Many people go perl i ally, and nut a few H" that are again seen by the eye of Eastern n These last write bach extravagant t? rs from Urns i" time, with the r< ..t d**stro) ?tig the p. ace >.f mind of I former neighbors, who hesitat?' ai ?elling out their biisli i"i -" along, i"". But noi m my i fashion ?>f the author ..f "Callfoi Coaal Tralla." il?- baa atltt? n ba .. most tempting "travel i.?*..'' Ind? ii la the storj ol two .i" i horseback, in the courae <-f win? h author - ??> ered pra? tlcally ths ? '? ??oast i n. of ? California. Bom? ' Imi road laj along the beach, in com pi with ih*- ' Jaded pa m passing trains t urn? d eyes "f ??. 1 -.. he, no doubt rightly, I ho i him .?s ii" rode leisurely along on ruminating travels, in I. nej he >> llllngl foi ego? - ? tin- galaxy of MashoT? i ? i ? to* "?a hi? ii m the exub?rant m- ; real ???- late ? Ifculara 'are flun? tribute ..i gema at the f? el ?.i Impel J.os Aagt lea.' His put, ? ?-? has i ! im much of t h? a a> <i l tr.. is. And his wbol? ; \\ .??? look sboui him al hi*- ? . - i<?uri sii"!l about Paria .-r London. ' H la objet t ?,?. a^ i?. . lew al bl 'his count! >. on? ? of sue] ?. i I , cene? noa "t . hang? s." i:*-!" i lall) he a u h? d to i \\bat b.? -i ' of h- lesa comn before '!-? aho ild 1 i .-:-.?i aa?? 'he old? r mann? in Hi" land; the ran? h housei -t int ? ;i Ingo ?i.?' a it..- i i h m ? - ? ? i .?f the padr? don, the large ilon iif?' ?>f th? and ? ittle rang? , 'and ?-?.hate we could And lying ?becalmed In II bai kwatera of the hurrying sti Progress." Huml le things pit i.?-t. Mod? >.i ih<- rustIc i""?r. "with th? Ii cratlc maiigoldi and nastui Hum more charming t>. his *-> mpatI mors elabi i ste and self?? ? thinga i los si rovei sd poi balconies, the golden landscape "fllcl ertng under an ardenl sun." the "hul bui. ..r birds lhat ?-?"?? i >he moinlng the "thoughtful h.nlight" llngerln upon -1 imbllng sp.mi.-h a alls, M "heavy shambling Bight" of a bussar "swinging alowl) In the sk? " a "pei slve pelican," the cave <?f s legends', hi i nut i be human net ure ol m humble host f??r the night, the quais lettering over ..n old mansion doorwa? ths venerable 111 ? ?- -1 ?. 11 s. auch are th things that ?sing to the peaceful, beim loving, well stored and quietly humor ous iniiiil of oui care? fi ee, pi? knlckin traveller. H?- \ laits old toa ns, obs? i ? -, i.n relics, talks with ??? Marblehead sklppe of bygoae whaling daya, paya ri ei ence to the literary ahrlnea ??f Callfoi Ilia, studies the Klatnalh linli.m views ths Ba) <?f Ban PTanclaco, exam uns tin- soil "f different localities, hai an sdventurs with quicksand, spend*. . night al a lighthouse, communes win the inn?.?is of ths see, considera th? humors of f?mcs a<i\srtlslng, d?bats with his boras Chino, falls la with ; jocund cavalier, admires superb trees consorts with friendly .Mexicans, meeti a ?Robinson Crusoe and does and sees I altogether, more Interestlag thlngji than we could even catalogue aithln the limits of this review. The thlngl hs sess In Calif?ornla continually re? mlBd him. too, of other things, nf th?: heath?i ut ?Scotland, "f ths Brittany ??oast And h?- Bay a: Such reaemblan?Bss aie full of pleasure they keep one'a though ta unstagnant and sver ?>n the wing: and, i??-tt.-r ret they i reach ?sown and stir sometimes those sub? >tlssl strtuMs nf all, thai vibrate in ?he I ?lark, quiet chambei of the mind whera ii?-? the well of toara, kaeplng thai un stagnant, t?'?' Mr ?'hase has an amiable, sunny disposition, conaiderabls talent .?s a writer, arid an uncommon instinct t>? t ieecrlpUOU. And one comes r? Irish -j, as though returned from a VBCBtlOa, from his book of travel. Now this Way of spending the ni|-ht I*- something'liko what ths ductor ordered: "it Was highly pleasant." says Mr. chaae, "it evening to il,> in our blankets llatentng l*??r an hour to the surf growling lik a frlendlv watchdog in our SXtSASlvs backyard: Hn?l to wake, after ? nUht of industrious oblivion, to feel the sea f??K brushing our faces with its cuol, BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. J BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. J _. B^OK?*-^D ^ The Two Great Novels of the Year Are Now Running in] SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE MRS. WHARTON'S THE CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY A Story of New York Society "!t is seldom thai an .-pulmr makes her characters as real as does Mrs. VVharton in 'The Custom of the ?Country.' Undine Sprang, the -<? climber: her father, ?.bner E. Spragg, with some old fashioned prejudices bul ti" business scruples; Mrs, Spragg; 'Leota I'.': Elmer E. Moffatt, the plunger; Mrs. Heeny, the gossiping manicure; ( laud Wal singham Popple, the fashionable portrait painter; Peter \an ?Degen, ihe rich man about t"x\n. with whom Undine has an adventure, to pul il mildly, and Ralph Marvell, the scion of gii old Washington Square family, who married Undine are a- real a-* if we had seen them in a play." The Best Love Story for Years JOHN GALSWORTHY'S THE DARK FLOWER ( The Love Life of a Man) Spring?Summer?Autumn It i<? a story of ?-entiment, of ideals, written in a poetic vein and with an intimate appeal to all mankind, to all who have ever loved or known the influence of love. If you will read the first chapters in the April number you will be con? vinced that it i?? a story you must read, one that will touch the hearts, appeal to the sympathies of old and young alike. SPECIAL : A reprint of the earlier chapters of Mrs. Wharton's story will be sent free to any one upon request. And you will certainly want to read Short Stories by Mary R. S. Andrews, Author of the Perfect Tribute; Ernest Thompson Seton, James B. Connolly, Thomas Nelson Page and other famous writers of fiction. $3.00 a year CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, NEW YORK 25 cents a number s.,fi finf-er*. ? kin.i of Infli It? m il i ? . ? ith." FICTION Mr. Howolls's Picture of Old timo Life. A HOMESPUN CHRONICLE. MU \ I'-' X" I II ?. ? Mi I; : I..i ir ? ? ' ? ? ' ? ? ? Hlty moi ? I. .. I, ,tl ? I Btid i ? "'? tra-redies, ' n"ti?* th?? I ???.?I ;, ? ilao rather ?qualldly ??.'ni"- Underlying the patient, pad?*? trian plct tru? ?n.m of I? tten?, of life in th.? < >h o Valle) "m?? rtxty ? , . render feela a aen ' - ..f i'. aliam The ?tory i i I. brav? \x i*??, ehlld'h? i rt? l ti reai ?????-.? another ui I? i ' 'hun ''i I.?? ? n tii'* ? ? LUPIN RETURNS. THE ' ItYSTAI. STOPPER B) Mauri?*? rrai -'.,?? ?! bj x ? > 'l. ? rated by Dal - ? ? .?? pp n Doui - 1 ' . . .X m 1 . - ? h ?.im that ? ?? ? ? pup? ru r to th? nvei ? ? ?? defectiva" x ....... ''?'?, MISSION OF S.WI.V BARB \ It \ ? i-'t ?.i., un Illustration In -i Sana ton (Thase'i "C? Ifornia Coaa! Tralla.'*) ? t..i i I? daughter? ?nd ?on? al ih.. univerail Polka living al Sen drove along th?* turnpike l? . . mi. |n an "open bugg) ? " th? i t m th. "lofl h un hand ? referred lo a? on? i man." ?it i. ?tei Ihete were "calle? In th? parlor" on? ?at "'? ? anei . . . an.l falilil?es ?it.. BUppel m th-? .f.-.. ..i 11,,- .i..- ii. fora th? tnlll iher? -an iiit?li,i,K rail for th? f.uin ? -. -' hora? - i ni"ii>- curled fn m th? i abtn . hiinn?? . pig? rooted .inn.iii? un i- u," on Ih? billalda turkey? ati iy?Pd among th? '? loga mu? un? i'"?? ? of corn rustled in iii>- "elghty-aCTfl (laid " Thara m a . bomelj language Thera xx ara huakinga, quiitlnge, ?pelllng matchea, coon liui'ts, candy |.iills, ?in.I "ramp m. ? t i n ?? s " \n,| tlicti' xx??i.- xx i i.| trull, s where the Jag iranl around Tha npighborh.i cana to th? i ilalngs, for ? day of Jollity. ? i,? i n pon .11 is g rioweUa charactar ?iii tin ..null a quiet, i. adlng man, middle? aged, ?? ttraanaar, ? Baratton* borglan, xxui. -. phlloaophy of amiable m <-<pt?in<e ?,f (lie (irdi-r of 1 'i?>vl?l.-ii< .? Plndlng hin lionk iitid drills' moiv going fi. t.a?i to ?i-1?ru<-, ii<- undertake? t-> turn n i.nxx leaf, ami?joea?althhiafain lly t.? ?i pioneer .listri.-i. where ii?* la t., run tw?> mills, wii.-ti avarythlng baa been i*"' gains i'!s brotbara xx-ni i"in linn, ?m,i ih?-y xx iii atar! ?i ??.n?i muiii'l BBttli m?Tii Hi- N ii.-. Ann. f.<-1 plegad nuil rasad "v\iti> Una rnan arho throtigh tbalr whole marrlad Ufa had puaaled her i?x tha pi?o*etaloi"?al levU, i*-iiii?. ring iii*? final aariouanaaa," by ins !"!'?!.'in. ?, and his Idoalism, is nn l?-ss familiar .? type of Howell? xx-.nn.-in. t?i. rtamc of I*.?.t??rt Oartn, \xin, tt? i?tii|iii.i tha ????mmuriiiy enterpria? a! New Hiiriii?.nx, in sari) Indiana, ap? paranUy raa"aTf"?itad to Mr. Howella Um ?'hrlMian name (if his lier?. The llf.' ;.i Now Laaf Mills Is ?i scries ?if r?\il occur In The Crystal Btopper" Bow from the transition Into the wrong hand ol . ns of those bits ?.?' paper whl?*h have figured In ? thousand novela, it liears In ili:?. caac a llal of names, and the blackmailer ??>. ? - * ? h..ids it In his possession Is empowered thereby to m iiut humiliation and rum upon ??.-me of ih<- nominell) secureal Bguraa in French Ufa Of course, it i? In the pur? suit of such a talisman that th.. in? famous and adorabls Ars?ne Lupin would naturall) excel, wherefore he re? turns in this book i" perform prodigies <.r ingenious and perilous labor. Equal? ly of .inns?', there Is a pretty woman on the sen.- Lupin Is boob enlisted in her Service, and as hs pants un the trail of th.- seemingly innocent object which .??-s ih?- hunk its tine he n no longer th" greedy burglar, but th?. champion tif i.tie for ?hose friendship he would dar?' anything. Ths reader must learn for how the hunt proceeds and wit ii what astonishing incidents it is brought io a ?lose. Ths tale Is not for a inoineiil in the least plausible. Hut what does that ma t ter'.' Th? fun is there. THE IMPERIAL TOUCH. Tin: .DVENTUREB OP miss GREGORY. By Percavsl (Hbbon illus? trated i:mo, pp. vd, M. 0 ?. Put? nam'a Bons Mr. Gibbon's ?Mories. as stories, are so well "Tritten that we acquit him of cherishing any purpose savs that of entertaining the reader But whether ? otiHiioiislv or not, h?' writ? ? aleo as the good patriot, the fervid Hrlton who b.?li. \es profoundly in the resourceful? ness of id?; m,-i\ Miss Gregory sup? ports In every step of her conduct the ih.sis beloved <>f Ifrt Kipling, denso??. Stratlng over ami over BgBlB the ??" premucy of the eni|?ire. Hers is the true Imperial tou.h, the loin h of British authority exeretaed In the dark Of thi? world Sh?. js .1 traveller, icinar Bbou! with thi? romp?? ! ?itlon of a hook In h??r mln?l. nnd d?? llghtfully ready to aalte upon any ad I venture which may yield g?wd ?**op) *.taii>. h?r experiences have 1 wax of BO developing that ?.he? Is rail??' upon to render sprx-*?-?? to folk? In dis treaa Ah tya ahe rlsea to th?? appas ai 1 alwaya la abe ra?**c?"'ssful. In th? 1 rift chapter, to i"* sur??. It la anothei who supplies the revolver n????d ' ??.1 |n a ?-risis aboard a Portuguea? trader off th?? Afr! -t. Rut It h Ml a Gregor] who dominate? neverth? !? ? 1 ahe it la whoae i*ui??t force ex? r ad ral whan a pooi girl ? ?i Irom dlaaater al Befara, whet a dying woman la given, at the and th? only consolation that her bou] eravea when a alave trader la 'i'; comflted, xxh??n a mlaalonary is taught mann? 1 -?> on through a long ? r thlnga unexp?Bct-*d and al waya intereatlng. The stuff of th?? 1-?.*.??k n here and there rather unduly senti? mentaltsed, we frald, bal In th?* iipeh? t ?x .? .-, r<- content, being bM pleas? antlj Infiuen? ???'. b) 1 be Buth*****a native gi"t t?. And any ?aorions fault xx it h him A STRONG STORY r\'T!l. tip: DAT BREAK Hx "g L . i'-ot i:* l2n*o, 1 p ' 1 -?odd, Mead I ? '0 In his fill" poem, Mr S? I, infl". r i-*??l<? brat?M them young felloe from So cratea1 land, you Pole with the child ?-n x.iiir knee, Bohemiana, Blovaka, Citta? 1 ana and men of all Slavic oatlona Qanoeaa i>.>? of the level brow -""rabble ?mil refuse,1 we name them, and 'scum ?.' tha aarth ' " This aove! ?s an aarnest study and un excellant novel. Israel Kalis.-h comes tirst into view a little 1 fut boy playing iiis violin, "as if be had ' hf?on xx..und up," outside a beer houaa in I'cland. II" is thon ten, .1 ?'.'-tman .i.-xx. airead) "half safer, half logician." BRENTANO'S "?????''?"?????^^?iii"""?****?**???*"?????-?? French Books Gerrnan Books Spanish Books - - Italian Books Children's Books in Foreign Languages Foreign Art & Fashion Papers Text Books. Dictionaries ?All Languages Catalogues Free. Prices Cheerfully Quoted i BRENTANO'S 5thAve.&27thSt.,N.Y. RARE BOOKS A PRINTS IN EUROPE. M A LL-OIT-OK-PRINT-BOOKS" ?f"\ \\ Rll B MB; ?-an a?*t ><*u mv bonk ovor publllh??! on iinv mSJiMt. 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