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BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. j BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. ENGLAND FACING CIVIL WAR AND A WOMAN IN POWER_ An ? I'sHaatanflflflflflflgflflflflR Affair of State J. G. Sna??h Author cf " The Principal Girl/* "Broke of Covenden," Etc, a WONDERFUL Forceas! that leemi ghoul la lis ful ii th. plot o? this new romance, Mr, Siiuiui drai ' ' - OJ the ririw-k y \ rti.*?.-,)?., it. 1,. v '?.? the ?c? ai YfTjt . 1 : -[-..pal., a* -.:? w .!'? im : Vi i BSl T?f**.*r<" is ? -,-i''J ihi. ??? " . . I- ? , xvlt.r l: ;, taUking .' ? 'litli. Uli pt'-'l ?? ?- m ?? j .-?.' : ?('. .di! s h - ?Mvi'i t' B ini'ii p;..',', feSf$X2'.\ Published by Just Out DoubEeday, Page & Company, Garden City, N. Y. n At all Book Shops and at our own in the New Pennsylvania Station, New York City. bl is cloth, in the oth? - hla oM n caee, and sui Lg< buaalng s soul him m ? arned Ib P? I B o? this day he proclaims hli "an American" and suggests I i that they take "the KI." There | :" great r proletariat of New v<?rk '. Kallscl meter in whom tl ? ? nallty. This si T?-'F WAYS OF WOMEN. NEST. By wick ?. .... ...,,. ,?,,,, : it i?. .1 good i tory ? ia1 fair j clamera, : in th- magasine, to bi put ! a book. When s "The Whit? Pb| -". in ' ? ? -.-. i.. ," we had an Immi conviction that it would not "lily stand Ut Would ? ?;?t ?.. i- : .-f atory 'bat r SBlly want?; .-. Incl ?.' e wondei ; on reprli ?ild hav? its , . 111 in th<- preeenl v? presi and fui - ? bopea From 'i b Neei ANNE DOUGLAS BBDOWICK. .?h'?r of 'Tl- Noel ?,h. . sea :? ? r boo* Its title to the IBB ? Be? tales whl'hcompose this i that must sngagipg <>f writer who has ? .1 kri'-v. s boa tO say laya th?- proper fame win descend apon n ?? : tA "Tar \ Fountain Boalod," and lakMBj a hi' ?. cannot rv ?onK delayed, the one thlnK tor, which sh?- win be moHt geaarouely re ? g- -;? upon th*- art and ? , a i ertalB klad>of ??? for an artist so van thoughtful and paaetrBttag, is curios r atii tad Hul srlthln h< : field neuaaaaate, a? blevlng a BS Which Mr .Tame? and Mrs n might well ? Th" woman She ?an paint is the If -.hsorhed woman, n?.t ?? -??:?,? th?? selfish, ungenen?us type, ? ? ? ply cbbboI for the r aaa areere. save ? | around her own latereatB Dagseal, obtaae, BBaaparaUag, hut never for a moment is she dull. r ws pay tributa Bol <?"'> '" -MrH ourt's art. which lljrhtlv SB? every passage in her narrative, t to her deep. hllBSan understanding ? as a gtf! for ?1* li-atf satire. which - || delightfully m her littl?- mas ? ? . - "The UI ItS rtgodS " I ' r In this n?.r in any <?ther of her ces she gilow bei isoas "f ? ?<? disturh the poise Of bot svm If her h?ro?ne?* ex? ite our mirth Mir scorn It Is their fault. BOl -;,!y show? us their strangely row souls in action, and. with a iBBt shrewd strok?- that is perhaps her beet Mao re, ?he ends by Inspiring pH ?his be?ause she develops i'om l.rehenslon. Character In her hands is -ide out. like a ?love, taxi **t hardly know WhJeh to admire th?- more. the completeness of the revclat!< n Of the lu? id, subtle pro<*eBS, I,y which it IS -.? -I Her various them?-? bave., to", a piquant freshness. The pretty la.i "The Nee*" is the liirtattous, dlson d wife of a mmi whose physician ha? given him hi? death warrant. The n-?w? tram-form* her. Many a writer I manage the ensuing situation well enough; bu! Il ? Mis. Selinrourt's origlnalli lleve, s lly i" deal with whal I ? - ? ? - ilutlon to make ?lays happy, and ? ftowa ir..m the quite unexpected I taken by th?- plot. The ? - e In "The White Pai m of ths Imitative Instinct, a I too, is s :?.-.. atoi*)'. II iii iii- ? ? :i of her i author heal shows her skill, it is : akllL ? '.\x endolen Con] ? ? us. and xx.. watch bei lions enthralled. "TI e Suicide" is a 1 tip dis ? ? rig .,* first, f"r it sax. "f melodrama rather than ..f come? bul as th?. tal?- e,. . s , n a ;..i.- m I]]] thing, her i ? trait ? itcly genul :? Is SO ?-;?"? '.. We Bald just :;? that Mra Ds B? kln< ourt had her limit ? ? painting only i***rr?)w*mlnd wom?sn. i'.;! she km ? ; urn i about and ? ''"it. S<,moth! ? ? - 'f .h a ions x. "A F(?rsaken Tempi? This d iel i.'-tix .-.?:, i wo a omt i unworthy of Um in "Miss Jones and ths Maaterpi? i which has the ser! ? chara? t? ? I f ti .1 ? - .?ii?-- xx i;., carea t,,. ?.i tlstl? fl< Hon ?hou fail i.? rcii'i ' The Neal It la beyoi ? ? BOOKS AMD AUTHORS Current Talk of Things Presei and to Come. Among ' h? i Ming ] apai - to be so Anderson Auction Booms n??: xx.. i. la an autograph letter from ?;.-i eral John A Dix concerning bli hiiii OB tii?- SPOt" 'I'l'-r il- s;,-, therein: "Ths order alluded to xx; arrlttea by myaeli without any suggai slon from any one, and was a i I ?.?ms i??-f..i'(- it was communicate to th? P Ident or 1 he t 'ablnel " Notes, on d Annunzio. Gabriele d'Annunxlo's new hook, f Cols di Blenxo," Is no! ? r? in; ti. ?- not S PO* m. bUl a illixtute ? '?.,,1h. H'* hHH sh'.xxn a i j ? ? t Origin! sipcistitiMti in the copies of th?* boo which he has presentad to t\"iend- h has F"t doxxn th?? date not n?- )'.t\:\ but M "1!?1'-' 1 " The author xx as boil] iri Pescara, an Ui. citizens of that tOWfl recen:' iiim to Bocap! a beautiful villa betwee WOOd and flta. |i'ArniUfi/.i". who is ROI liviiifr in I'aiis. telefTapbed this tar anew? r i go no! reQUlre <ith?i worldly ?> spiritual presents. I am perfectly Hatis i.t.i xxnii my own ??if. and ' llv? wher? Ilk? ??tal III hOUS?? which I lax-. e!,?,4, I The Fio"*aBtlnai have ?jrgajalsed committee for the collectiez of fund ? ? '.?th lo pro'-urf a jrold m?-'lal fo it. * ? station t.. the author, another o Its ptirposes being the pto?w t?"n of t persuasiva argument for his return t? his country. The Novel's Vogue. They saj ihat In England th< i gu< Of the noval is pass i ills'- That .anno i- the oaao lure }u?lgtng from the xxa> m Which John Fix's n'-v. t'omanie 'The Heart of th? HillS," is going In', Itloit It IS Stated that the ?,n? hundred thou and copies of th-- flra ?.(litlon has been pra< tualh disposed Of How Walter Scott Looked. . Count B idolph Apponyi was an at t ?he of th?- Austrian Embaas] In iv?n> fr"in th? end of the I'esl.,ivti?ui to th? ??.stal.lishiii-iit Of the S'*< .mil Republic, and he kept durin? all those x.-ars ;( ? voluminous (?iar\ The MS . which hai sinie been preserxe.l m th.- castle ??< the Apponxis. in Hungary? ,ns no* been ?-?lit? d 1.x II Ernes! I'audit, ami is i., be published s<ion The young touiit mei Kir Walter Bootl at the h.i.?.. of the J'rilish Amhassador and BSt down 'his des, ripti-'ii of the farm, ,s I man ? Tti, ??- la nothing ?en distinguished I about ins faoa. ?aya tti?- count, "except the L'.tvx .x.i.-.-.x. They ate BUppOScd ?.. Kix? much expi???on 1? ?he physiog? nomy. Tin- remainder of th? forehead la i irrow and Hat. th. ?ye? ara small and almost closed- th?' cheeks are wrinkled ata! th? n KM thickened. He hfis Whit? hnlr. hi? ?an ara a peculiar ?thape. and h. atoopa h great deal. >3out has attacked la the foot and turned It lu K, walks xxlif difficulty, with tti-?- ni? 1 of a ?tick, lltupini: a ?""d deal*h im speak? scarcel) any Fianch, h? under? siandh everything " ! W. Watson'? V?rs?. ?The Mme'In Exile" is ths title of ths vnluni" <?f xcrse v.bich Mr. William \\ais"ti if preparing to publish. The book will have as a preface the le.-ture on 'The Poet's FUce in the Bchem? -f Life," which ths author delivered in this country and which was received v ith little interest. Another Myth. The Edward Heldoa boas has again appeared?this time in the French musical periodical "Le M?nestrel." A statement that Edward Heldop, who was burled m tii?' graveyard at Fred-1 ? rickshurii. Va., was on.- ..f th<> pall? bearers al Bhakeapeare's funeral was; published in ?Phlladelphls almost thirty I ears ago Tarant) years before that the poatlcal epitaph <>f ths supposed pallbearer, as quoted m PI Hadelphla, was floating about the ? anadian news? papera. ??. doubt the hoax will . ame t?. the surface fon i , i vv ith more <>r lesa regularltj. Not by Bacon. Discussing sir Robertsoa'a Jual i?ut? liahed i.ook on tu?- Blab sapea i a Baron queethm, the London 'nutiook" da? rlares that In this matter it is without prejudice? Ths plays ?>f ?Shak. Speare," Ii goes on to say, "may have been written by sn?other man ?>f the aame name or another name. They win' nut written by Pacen. There an a thousand and ""?? eXcclUnt rCBaOBS why they cotihl n?.t have b.-tn. hut WS need none >.f them ?One good literary Instinct is worth them all. The mind that shines through the plays is ths ? in?nd of a man no -aint. oi eeOStlC, but a true man, and not that of a ?raven sycophant a corrupl servant, an Elisa? bethan lacartot Kacon. bk?- ?Words? worth, might have wrlttea Shake? speare's plays 'if he had had the mind it??.' but, as Charles Lamb, In the case Of his fi |i nd, had the ;-c:isc to point out, ii was the mind that was lacking. There is really nothing BHsadsrful about Shakespeare but nis K'>nius, and noth? Ing wonderful about Bacon but his rep? lutation." ah of which seems to I?' '\ n1 good sense. , Ac August Book Sale. Among the attractive Items to i.? aold I In Aug-ust b) C, P. Llbble ?V ?'.. are ? tin- Bibliophile Society's issues of An? dre's Journal, th?- Polish Letters of | Jean Paul Marat and the Dicksns-Kolle i.?tiers, the supplementary volume t-, i)i>- 1.?-tiers from Charles Dickens t?> Maris i'-- adnelL BOOKS OF THE WEEK. ART. . ii ? , .. SYMBOLISM THB i. v t m \ s ? Wit! .'.? fu.l pi . i: i i .? ? ? ' BIOGRAPHY. RtAOC B) .1 ? ?' ?a ? ?? Hi front I HVO, !?! .'-" ? . ? ; . ?? ; ? ? - < .- ,? th?? I , ? ? ???? ? ritten by ? ?p? rtr. ? \i: 1-. ia ci i S III ii Winter ? l'-'n-.-, re '" ' t?,?- Plaj ?-.??.?".'.? ?? THE .-t!t?l g ?;? I" B. Rar? Imperial Tranalat. I i ' .. . ESSAYS. J-> H ,, .? ? ' " W. H v ?ii?. ? ? ? I - rranti ? 11. t<> -? ' a ?ui ? i??. ? ? ? i ? ' ?t-Utnt] n I,*' la to happan m I IMPn !' ' iriNI? ?Ki M< igtae f|. Ir, til , pantano'? ? ? nc?v ?JdHlN ol on asrly w??rli i?~n* out ..: print - '" ' " *ri'1'-" f'.r || 'TIS SIX. Y rKAl '"' It*** "? Caariu* rmr.. > ?' i.: aia ? ? 'i. ,'?*r', ... " - pen-/ ? A . uiiiiaii?'.n of \i ?i in ? ??? lia and - NATURE STUDY. S'il'., lii ?.ND H? ?ME QA i ' H D If? I? 1-" ? pi ' ? ? ' * '?<? > Olvaa Inatntctloni foi planning f? th*4t sre | ... ? ,.-.. Ol KHr.liTi IHK BEND IN THE ROAD Bj T-iiman A. i ,. a tern i ! i.t-.-itfl Iva, ?y * *E? i Harper A Bio? I f i ..?.k v? r"?? ? ? ? a ? he ? .n of Uta ,i?v ti,?- ...... . . ,? ani esnlwtmanl throufl . * -, irenlti POETRY AND DRAMA. i UK Ml II IN EXILS !" ? ?' * h aSMi .,,, ., : ?. -. Poat'i i-i.? ?? in id? Schema of Ulf? < ?? William Wataon I a, pp na ?Ti?? .t..ri. Lsaa - ornase) ? ?.mona '!'?- poten* era ti?- Moaa in Ba ... '-importai Molhar." "Homo .'ruth?" Mhaf vettern of pati ? ? u'<. i ti? aaVSra-M ? ti"- le i**tt rueuai arad in \ il.? r ; h ? - ii.i.i:' i i:i> POBMI ? a mis i?..b?"n Ninth . Iltlon 1-" ". i ? *.?, ?? 'i: Y bsti 1? r. ce.) 'i m?? volante ontalnt i re fies ttapli? ?* portrait '?.' ihr ,, IN THB ? \'-'.i tRD B- Katrin* TrtM limo, , ?i 11*> ?Ti.?- Ma *. :ui:i? ?gaunt ?ar ?III. A'RECK OF THE IMAM.* I-.. I?r m ?re?. -.'? -1- I ?trata? i> the .lutia-r. IBM PS M ?l*rriokl\n : I?ontiH Sin Mir I ri. vv- -."?!.! Rertet Tbe EMer-l lee, Um i.iiii? Dream. Juetloe. n. .inim (lalawarthy. i ; i'" " bsi ? rltmer'a I one ? BWeel B n" I? ?? rjeem atl? ?rute in . te, 'The Little l?r. am" un i , . Il Ui ?ceneo, "Jwtlee" ? tra?f.n in f ni 1er of i.. 11., .4 i? the .. |un .. ? ' theti anitlna n"' ? ? f th?--ir prade? tu n SOCIALISM. .-?-?? i m.i-M II? t-i-?-iiRit. Buta? FttA Putun i Ufrt i Ba? n ?ml lohni r.'in?. pa II iSstes m Malin i Ttuaxt, amoBS tthut thtus? of tt,* attlteSe , ' th. .-.'. w ? '?-."nr'1 Boetallani TRI I Ht I H M!?1I T S-m'I VI ISM n AllBii I. H.nii.n l'.'n.o. Pp |g| , ?, u Hu< i-?. I. ? aalSSaeel ef f?o<?la||?m f,.r n.-n S-, clallate. svm.i.'A! ISM INDfSTBlAL L'NIONTSM KSD SOCIALISM H? John Sparso IJmo ? |. x-:: Ml I ? Br, Huai ? Tin- aSjeel ?H iBfta i-nik i. to ?n-tni-. ?slatlaa Ihauehl on tha tahjeet, ?ni o> prr-aeni ? aos-i?rtJaeB ateaanwni ? ? .. BtssUes _ WOMAN SUFFRAGE. \\ w 11 \'i''"V, !'?' .?-t-Sf**?* RsMaa r:, ? ,,, .1.1 ' I'?"1'l. M?--.| ?t .*,-,, An ??M'r.?lil"'i "f Ihe ?aanan'l mm ?mert ?il, ipeclal altentloB lo ih.? ?tiutgi?. in en?land \ ***** cr>nn.xineten) ,'/,.,,. .v nta In t Ii?- progrmi .,f tli?- mit frig?- in'--"'""' " Bnelan-1 n Ki-..,, T,U* WOMAN WITH KMI'TY HAN. CvalutlOfl "f ? Buffiesett?. Kr..iiilr,pleca. Tl,r bf.ok 1? >'* ? ***** "?,l0W,> ?urTraa-M"' ?ha orefen lo r-mam a-MBxmoea. It M ,,, ,,?n- or on. ? ronverato? la ?h ...c" "f 'A "'"?'" ''?'"'?' vv.'.mkv <?** vv"iu-i' B?ILDBBS BtBdlea vi,.i?rn remlnlaw Bjr Si?ra DrrfL ?mi '-f '"? tchleego'. Ftatta A ?Oe.l n.m ntnxmtt i"'**'l f>" * ?ludy of Um , V .la ih- feafctB-?! n?nv?ni?ni io-4a) "a'1. i^UOB. Ohat ?HI ?h? wnrM 1? !'! ,', ?ismen i? '?""??? lh-* ?tuminant for?*.. {'????'i v inan'e view of the woman'v movemen*' CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES Reformed Circles Puzzled as to the Future of the Blooming dale and Madison Avenue Churches. RefOTIIMd church dries ,.r N?w Tort are ?tlrre.i by conditions obtaining tfl ?xao tniporlan! .-htirches. These are the llhom Ingdale, on the upper West Side, and the Medlson Avenue, at ITtfe street The Bloomhigdale ?Jiiurcri is clossd Mexl Ttaeaday the N?rw York nssala arm'meet to deteimln? what to do arttfe the Bioom Ingdal? property. Uonf?rea?*e? between th.- Madison Avenue l*burch an.t the '??ntr;ii Prwbyt-rriaq Church, .'.7tti street, twar leveath avenue, the Bev. Dr. Wtltaa Merle Bmtth, pmttot, bava bass held to see if ions.iii.hiti.m la leasable. The RlOOnUtlgdale ?hut, h may, it .is "aid OBSBS to B? th.- li,.t..f a ?MW ? .1.1.1 . uali..ii. at least for the summer. It |4 h.|,i By Ha- -assis, and has ,t debt "t ai les b moral obligation "f abool ?ii."", in?-iirt...i i,, ih.? ?Mtogtate it. fOIBMd riiur? h, throtagh DM ,-lassis. It is situated in what la regard-si sa one ?,f th. best church l."ii!iotis on th.- island Its tiil',1 ?t.-t has. it Was -:,i,? \,-tei,|;,v. a .?.nil I" ?Hi',th.T "(?M ??tal *'? '?" tO make good anj auppoeed i.t. >k.a txmtra? I xx nh him I.-. th? Hi? omii-agdal? peiipi?.. An ogteer .>f tlM elassis said a est.r,lay that h.- had lit? tle id< a what would be don- with the prop, rix The ?xadlaOfl Avenu.- Beformotl and the Central Pnabyterla*] churches nanntd committee? to consider con*?olMatioa "Tha ? "tiimitt.-e- bave met informally, and the n? L'"tiati..iis came ta riothlng. Impitry ol ? ???h '-..innuu.-.- bring i'ii"i IU.I?..II thai one WB? t.. s. H ;,,,,< e., ni-i'le ..I the ?.th_*r. it seem? t" h..x.. been agreed that the Madison Avenue bad the better property the < 'entrai the better U> stton. The t*onf<n*enees bitHighl out, bo on? Banter? re? s Ltd, tin inf? rniatlon: The Central Chui i, xx . iidn t think for ? m-m. m of turning Reformed, arid the l{,e.l authorities wouldn't think for omen! of allowing the tt>fota*ned propert) t" be i n m ?! ov< r to Pn ab] tart? nelthei would the court? Th? nega? ti> x.i r.?i .n. .m- ..ii cor K'. i 1 - ? Re? l'r Robei t Johnston, pastor of a large "F-tealtTtertaa ehurch In Mon? Il to !" ? .o h ;.t the 111idlson Avi M Church t..-m..rrow. and later then ?nil be - there the Itev. i '- Lj man At,i, the Rev Dr. Hugh Black and boum other well ki.'.xxn piwachsrs op to ths time of the aumtnei va? aUon i- rlod. Talk <>f t on with the new gouth Ke formed Church, up on Park avenue, heard miMI), a>nna < th? in-...? rxsmalnlng; oth r? \xant to .?? ii Th- future , : ? ? rty . r.,i ti.- fanrtou? body i ? abject of d th among neemtiera and alae in f th? elti IN EPISCOPAL CIRCLES. At th? ' ' f. xi r- h Of the Aw ? KM I .-- Rev. Di i 'iraiit xx ill pr?_*.t>*h at m. to-morrow .... il ? '??The H<*ly . i.I I ', I.i I 'i Hem ." let will pr?s h at the Church of the Hoi] ' .?'timunlon t..-m,,i roa and I ? Itev Met a t: alley at * p. m. 'ri,- h?-x Rogei T Aa ? i at the <'hurch ?.f ti,<- , ., 11 s. in. and ? p m , t i 'hora! evei ? . -.i ? p m PRESBYTERIAN. x* ? i Old l'h-' I rated a| t.. in ?: | a \t a p m there ail! i e . t..,ir ir . aging and a ?!i?,rt n eld on "A Mini' I. \t th? Fir i k Ch .r. i, i" ?sarrill arlll ; . ?. at u a m and i p m .. to?nMrr i At the "A'eat-Park ? : ,,r* ?' tii?? R. x Dr A. m '.x um aill ; reach !?? in?,i r?.xv at 11 B I" . 00 ? N ? nlt"s At S P Hl . the 1*.. x I '? X ii-.'Ii !? ttterbun "artll preach, At the ehurch hanse, Ko M Weal ilWi -t.t, i>r. At it> arta prmm? h at n " m. and ad? mit,ist.-r the Lord'a atappsr, and i?r Bvans xxlll pr. ,-i, 1, at I p. m At tne | otch PKSbytarlaa Churtth, al ii a. m. i.?-iii.'i-i'.x?, th.. s.....amsai of the Lord'a topper aill be administered AI I I m . the N?w rork W BtUsh Bs ?III he pi. .etit. and l?r xVxhe Will or, a, !? OB "Item'ml-, rmi; ths Day? of old." Th.- j{,-x. Dr. Walter Duncan Buchanan, pastor of th?- Bnwdway rrasbytsriBB h. xxi,: praach to-morrow at s p. ? . on A LeSSOB In Quietude." At U a. in. there will be cetna inloB and laeeptlsa of f,,rty nea insml ? The Rev. Dr. A Edwin Kelgwhi wlU in the WeM Bod riesb?t.*n;in hurch to-moiioxx at 11 a m. ?ml th. Rev. l?r i:,li,-lt W. I'.ioxxn a! I P m Dr. Kdgar IVhltahsr \\"ik aill continu? to-moii.,w ?veiling, la the fourth Pi hyt. rlan, the SSI mon I" I '? i''h"l gunday evening on "Happiness and Un happiness." and Mis?? Marx I?.??? Hai ? sot*, evaagellal soloist, win alag. Dr. Work xx ill ais.? praach in tha raorntng. .xi the Chorch of the Puritana to-mor tow. al n ? '" ti.?- Bev. Robert Brat - Clatk will preach on "Unused l*:t- ultiea." At | p. m ladles from the eWldren s de? partaient sXate Cbarltle? Aid I tot ? ? tion, aill ?peak on providing (-?eases tat Uumsless i bildi?en. At Ihe Harlem I'l ?ab| ' liur. h John I.>on x'oughex, the miiustei, will preach ..t U a, sa, ta-nrawraw an "The .hii-tMt. and His seivi. e. and at S p. Hi j ,,,, Ths lmpei mlism Ol th. Right" ai th.- i.aiaxeti.- -xx.irie Prasbyteriaa ?hurch. Bntoklyn, the Bev Dr. i Imitas caii" H Alt'.-i-tson will prom I? "t i"-;''a. m ? 1.,-morrow OB 'The ValUS of tbS DlaBgr* - J abte.*' and ai I ? ??. 9 S* ** '?J?et"?S ?" Nazareth " "What S?pe<-lal 'laltns Have I Mu iftia.ii? oii On? Anothei?" and The Money \Vor aalppei srUI be Dr. ?. Bdward lfoung*s aubjeets la*? "now monitn? nn.t saaatag m* ,,,,. Radferd Piaabj tsriaa ?'hur. b, Hi..,,kl>n. At the Clasaoa Aveaos l^rinrtryteriaa Church, Brooklyia, to-morrow mornlni tbS Hev- l?r. Josafi 1'unn Hurrell xxiu ,?,,,,? ,?, --Th?- flowing Of Ugh! " Kv.-n j., t. ?tagi? '"-?*8 "f V|t*i'"?-" \ ni;,i.- ...i.fu on"*, beginning to-m.?r rox?. and c.-nilniilna through Kriday. I? ani.ouiic. d. uii.b-i- the BUSgdOSS "f the liia.oklxn i'..minlttee OB ?hriitltaii Funda toentala, b) bs MM la lb? gpeit-cei Me morial Piasbj terlan ?'hurch. I'.t.a.klyt.. REFORMED CHURCHES. ?'The Txv'llth Jutyman" will be the subject on which I>r Btinell will preach lo-moriow mornln-f In ihe bfarble Coll?? giale Church. In Ihe exenlnrc his su!> Jrrt xx ill be "A Slaxe. a I.h>n or I>anib'''' At the ?'nllegiate chuich of It NI? h? lii? tbS Itev. Malcolm Jam?? MacLeod xxill preach morning and evening to-mor? row At the Wes! Knd ?"ollegiste f'hurch the IUv. A. J. Muste will preach at 11 ? a..m. to-morrow At i || ?. m I?r ?>,,h ths minister, ail! preach on "Still erfth Thee." Al 'he Hamilton Orange Reformed Church the i;,v. i?r. g Leiabach adll Preach at 11 :(. m. to-morrow ?->n "Da Toa ICnew ?'hi 1st0'' and at s v to. un "8p>me 1'..?s of the Amerlcea Home." BAPTIST. The sabjeets >?t' tbs Res i?r 1 M Hel? deman at the First Baptist Church to 1101 ob s ill i... a* follows: 11 a in. "How t., i:,.H,i the jiook of Revelatloa. the Book Which H;.s ?1 Threefold Biese? fug Attached to n." snd I p. m., 'Trie Writing of Moees snd the Words of JOSUS " At '?;il\-lrv BeptlSl <'hur?'h the Rev '" Edwin i' PBraham ?rill presch at 'he amralag ssrrles te-aaorrew on "Th?' t-B) man's Kph? re In the i'hurch " At I P. m. ho Bill spsak OB The Youtu,' Mm Seeing Things in Right RelSMona." r?r. Charles v Baton, pus-tor ??f the Madison ?.venue Baptist Church, Bill preach to-morrow tn?.rnins on "Why I Believe in the Christisn Cburcn." His topic In the evening aill ba "Amateur Heresies." In Ascension Baptist Church 'he pas Charles Hlllman Fountain. Bill 11 at 11 a. m. t.,-morrow on ' I "' spurring the Birthright" snd al * P. m? ; ??n "Wounded i"? 1 >ur Tran igresi loas.' I Bruised for ? ?ur Iniquities " I \t ths Mount Monis Baptlsl Church the Rev. Dr J Herman Randall ?ill ?preach st 11 a m, to-morrow on 'Ths Problem of Accidents and Calamities In a?od's Universe" snd -?t I p. m. on "John Knos end th?' Reformation in Scotland." At 10 a in. Dr, Lewis Nixon, N A, will iddress the class In applied Chiiatlai .-n "f?fflcl m? y .-n s.-a and Land." Is memor* ol the hereea of the Titanic, METHODIST EPISCOPAL. ;:? Dr. W H Morgan, tl past ir of ? 'elvary M? thodl t CI srch, will -?reach there at both Ibe morning snd ev?-nltiii service?? to-morrow. The Rev. Dr. Charlea L? Ooodell, for. Mverel vais pastoi <>f Calvary Metho? dist Church, win preach hla first -minons to-mcHTow morning snd evenlni of st Paul's Ah-ic. ' li?t B| .-? pal Church At the Park Avenue Methodist Bptso church tbs Rev. 1'1 Jamleeoa will ? 1 -..,. h st 11 s or anl I p m. in the :. ren ' arlll preach on John I Howard Paj no, of "if-?rti S'v- ?-t Hijrm . ' ai ? ?: ; ? ; : te must? tot tilts 9?'!V I. ?? Ins 1. ? n Tbs Bei ?I B Croarther, of Kanaas. will preach :?t Metropolitan Temple to? nmrrow morning. The Rev. Arthur M will address a rallv of young people at 7 p. m. .-n "Uh.ii i '."tu DM for a Chin? 1: . ?? a? .1 tbs Re? Ulan M 1 Roast? aill preacl it ths < ?: sien Ice The aubject of I Retener si <'?:h- ? M? th? '!. t Bplscoi C irch to morrow evening will be "Why Christian Betenca Heals." in ths morning his subject win What ? At t' ? M ci \v . n :?? M<*tho?!lst II " ? i-.. ?? 1 ?? WafJa? 1 Mullen wI 1 presch both morning and ? c to-rc-'i i"-v \t Bl Andrew'i Methodist Church the u alle? ? ; ' ? ? h win preach , ? ? M "Hl 1rs of 1 ? .-11 ? ? al * p m <n "Th- ?.'uttti-t " U ii a ir. to morrow si Mm St Jasase Method t Bpli ' ?Church the Rev. r>r \ D Hail ?m ?i-, .ik "? "ih.' Good Shep? herd." Al I p. m. the aubjetrl will he -A ? .--.- lai Befoi est r ' UNITARIAN. v ih.* Church of the Messiah (Uni . iba Rev. John Heynes Holme? ui:; preach nt 11 a. m. to-morrow the nrst ?.f tere ssrnaoas on 11 ? ? gsnsral subject ..f the s?.- lei evil in its present aggrav?t? ..i ? " 1-- - To-morrow's t?>i?t<- irtll be "The Bodal BvU its Challeags '?? ths ? 'ti?ir- ii." .\t iba Unitarian ah ?oole' Church the Hew Dr. I | sseS Q H n.-rce. Of Wash ' in, -A III 1 ?"??' h 1 >r Pierce auoo 1 1 t Hele a iplaln ol the I sited Bl *-'? ? ,t In ths t.en'-x Avenue l'nltarian Church tn-morrow morning the ItVv. l>r. Metis st <*Toix Wright win preach on "The ftoundafJoas of Religion." JEWISH. i??- lamuel Bchulman win ?.per-k a? 1 h. m. to-morrow on "The MBBjNHdSd Question of Baaday Dbesrvance." To-morrow at 11 a in at CsinSglS Hall hefor?- the Free BynagOgUSb Kahl.) Henrv ItB of Philadelphia, will speak oa ".Jewish Chivalry,*1 with special refei t.. the social afltxX At Temple Israel, >.f Harlem, .it 11?!. a m to-day, "Salvation h?. Necessity" win h.- th?? subject of Dr. M. 11. Harrta'a idtn-in. I GENERAL ITEMS OF THE WEEK. Tic subjsct of the lesson-eermen In ths CbristJaa Bdsnce churches to-morrow ?in i- "Ars sin. Disease and i?e,-ifh Real?" Hti'l the ?"."Men Text 1 Romans ?i. 11), "Reckon rs ai?o yourselves to n?- dead Indeed unto ala, t?ut allv.- unto tied through Jeeua <'hrist our ?Lord." At th.? Church ??f the Dietas Paternity the Rev. l?r. Krank oliv er Mall, I> I?. win preach al 11 ?. m. lo morr?n na "The ?Parable of the Vine." The regular service sill he held at st. Paul'?, Chapel. Columbia University, to? morrow at 1 p. m , with preaching i?v the Rev. Raymond C Knox, chaplain <>f io lumbfa Cnlvsratty. I?..n ?'. Bbeltoa, prsstdeat of the Na? tional Mbls institute, win spsak al ths Manhattan Gospel Hall. No, W Manhat? tan sir?-?*., to inorrow sight at I o'?tsock and u!iv"ii th.- portraits of Mr, sad Mrs John Hunt? i-,-., w h-, boipsd IS fourni th- OC-Spel Mall In IMA At ths ReConasd Pathellii ssinioa lo? men-' w at 3:*1 i? m , in Christ's MUsion, NO. Ml Went ?oth street, Misa Caroline H frlintB. tninHlonary Irom Syria, will ?peak <m "Work Among the Maronlt-s'' The Kev. ?liarles b, (Joodell will talk on "The Fellow \\ ho ?Shirked" at 4 p. m. to-morrow at the Went Bide ToUBg Men s ?hriitlari Association. The H"v H.-niy A. Atkin?..?n speaks on "ladustryi Chrtettaa <->r ciodi?????" at the TBBBlf llllld ?Street foaag Men- i'hria tian Association to-morrow at ?1 p. m. The Rev. Samuel W. ?Jrafflln, ,-f Wash. tnj*tin, will adilr.-sH the Harlem Branch of the ToUBg Men's ChrlHtuin Association at 4:30 p SB. to-morrow. An KvanKelistIc Institute under tin? auaplces of the Brotherhood of Amlrew and Philip, th?- Breshyt^rlan Brotherhood, the ?hrlstlan Kruleavor Society and Kp \ worth League, the Younjr Men'a ?hrlatlan Asaoclation and VounK Women's (Cris? tian Association ani the Men and Re llSion Movement will meet on six sue e-esplve Tues.lax- evenlnc?, hes-inntn?: April 29, in St. PauTS M'thodist Kpiscopal ('hurch. At 11 a. ni. to-morroxv In the meeting house of th ? gociety foi Ethical culture. Central Park West and Mtfe street. Pro? fessor Nathaniel Schmidt, of Cornell I'ni versity, win d?lirer as address oa ' Pres? ent Tenden.tes In Maa'a Itellgt-Mts Life." At Idl p. m. Q K Pederlehi srfU give an orirari re, ital At I! a. m. in the Brook lxn A.-a,!? luv of Mttaic tbS Brooklyn So? ciety for Culture will be ad ilresse,I by Of?, ||, r.rx .N'.-iiiiiann "ti the aubjeet "What Caa l.e-risution Do le im pt-.'Ve i 'har?, tei V" ? I'.. ?? -Why. When, WhsrO or Have We l.iv.d H.fore and W',11 We Uve Again' aill be th.? aubjeet of F. w. Bears'? :??? ..- at ths Haw Th<>u??ht Church, N'-xx A.-i.lian Hall. tn-m?>rr.?xv at 11 a. in. The ,,. m Kulloti street monthly Bible !-, i in will he tu-ld at N" U3 Kultoii street next Monday at 7:30 p. m.. with Oosoel SddrSSS by John M. ?"arnte. I>r. W. H. Vail, Of N.wark. will speak this evening at ?Labor Temple on The 1 High i'ost ?if 1-ivinK" Dr, ?. H. ??reen ?ill speak nt I p. BL to-morrow, in. W. Francis Irwin, of Louisville, will preach at s p m. "Why Troublai Coast to TV* win h? th" siih'.-'t of .1 free 1?-. ture l.y Mi*-s ! Villa Faulkner Pace to-moirow at j p. m. at the ProESSSfcSBal Woman's I segue. Ho, UN ?Broadway, m her April aeries <?f lectures oa "Belf-Unfoldment." -. BERKELEY CADETS DRILL. The parkerey CBfM <"orps held ?ta thirty-third annual drill 'ast Bight in the Qd Regiment ?Armory? Brosdsray Bad Mth street th- battahea was reviewed b| Major ; -'? ttls and staff of the SJth Infantry. Meilals wer.- to the beet drilled privatee m each sens* to r ? ! ? I drilled company. CHURCH SERVICES TO-MORROW n.viTisr. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH llrnailvviiv and Tilth MlWt. PASTOR I. ffl. HALDEMAN II A V| _? now | o lit. \ H IHK it?.?'Ix OP It I-A I.KATION. IHK liuiiK Will? II HAS A I MltCKKII l> HI I --IN?. \l I -.Mil li HI IT." I Pits' in ?.erlrs ,,t I lir???? K\ I??.-ilion?.i ,8 P. \|._ IHK IVItlllM. ?It MOKES AMI i THE ??Hills ??I -ll'.-l -: ?IK, -T1H. ?MUMM.! oi ?Hi: LOBD JEfUH < II It l-i'r TO IHK III?.UK!' ?KITH-.' FIFTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH REV. CORNELIUS WOELFKIN, D.D. Y t,BT< ?It 9 i" v M . Hi' i. S? ho?i - I ' .-- M'.-. M-ii It, I.? 1'!' r. Ynitns M n't 'I ??*? - ?i -v-?'?'?* ?" M? ?? i il A. M. S h i*, vi l'ui.ii. Womhlp. SERMONS BY DR. WOELFKIN MMllsON WINIK BAPTIHT < III III II. M vi.: ?'. . v ? ? con SIST I C.A.EATON, D.D.,Pastor ?\ III ni. .i h Si.iiiir. id ? .i. I I A. M. - !:? ? *> P, M "Amateui H ? ?i i., (?? W. 11 --tar Leader. CALVARY BAPTIST. *X5h mJf*l Di i: "Tha Ley ^tkAPgW ? .-':.),<-.'? *- ?-. You:.; M- : . - | ....... " ? .? R - i _ M i ;.*.]. -i: i a i. nv.?-;-|si BDB \':i. m?'-'.. : . itoi ? : ! 1 pr. aeh, 11, "Counterfeit ? - M tl I3:2S: Th.-n appeared tha t.u ? ? -'-.,' n?-m of Tl ith.' 18:1 Bom? a bundrr-d - ? ? - - - ? _ CHRISTIAN -? IKS? K. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Sundays, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Wedicday?, 8 P.M. I h ? ' arch Peni .?i pars w - - ? ... i irk ?' 1. ? | \V.' Fifth Church, 1 h St. Sixth ?'?nil. h, Pai lc Avi ' _ < ONI.IIK?. VIIONAI Broad ay Tabernacle I.?--, !?? ?? anil MtS ??tr.rt. en \ f : i. ? : - i: -i:fk :ks? in. d r>. ? II v. M .??. i S P M H p. M.. " ? tins?_ I 1 III? \l. I I 111 UK. lilt: SOCIETY FDR trill? \l < I iri'RK. Y in '--i !-.:-. I Hum trsl Part " H \ m -Prof. NataaeM Schmidt, Speaker In Man's ? '(.?:?_ 1KWI-.II. KM?'! E BETH-EI. i -HII AVE ?.NT* fSTIl ?TREET. REV, l?K SAM! EL HTIII I.MAN. Sl'N'DAY MORNING A ? Kl MANY . ? 'I* Sl'N'I. VV i iBSER METHODIST EPISCOPAL. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHURCH ? V C. L. GOODELL. D. D., Pastor MADISON AVE. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH' i? Pastor v.,.: . \I.i.M'il!-n CALVARY METHODIST gR* Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. Pr? . :.-?? .- '. i v M ind S P M sew i VILLA FAULKNER PAGE |naa Si io P, II Pi 'A\ In Trouble?. < ??'lie I.? I ?." Poo : ? i ? Pul Invited NEW THOUGHT CHURCH |] \v. i Ira SI i' '?' iki M A M. I- - - . ui iri ill.- \\ -.i Id <>r??in !:? -?..??? i roncen 10:80 A.M linn I ?I \m I.IT-.I OPAL. Cathedral of St. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue and 111th Street SUNDAY, APRIL 13TH. Is \t . Holy .oiiim'inton i?? a M. .Holy ? lommunlon II'. M Pn :irh.-r. Ii?>v. I". Lorll | W, Bat! IP m .. Preacher, R? - a ? t 10P. M Dali? ; choral, excpt on Mopday nml Church of the Holy Communion 8th Iv? a 20tl .-?? REV. HENRY HOTTET. I?. I).. RECTOR. I A M Holy Comtnui 11 A '-? Root 12 M. Holy ? !omn union IIP M French Berrl .? ? ft*??, p. oii-iio'. 1:30 P. M.?-Children'! Sert iRsv.R roots) - !? M .--I-. I? - ai . Bsi n -i i !:-. Mr, ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH M'i.lm.'ii Vv.-inif, eonsr 44rli Btrsst Th? li ? LEIOHTON PARKS D D.. RsstST. I :i.? v *.t Holy ? ' >mmiinlon. 11 \ M . Prea? h ir tha Re? I ?r .- Proposed ''h.inK.' .?f N ime of Our . h arch " i r M. Pi .. her, !<? Sydn? Rne, ! ,i Mud? ' I? '?' n - t Yi'n. " .*> IB P li.. < '?? - I: ? ItaL ? III K< II OF I HE A-? ENSION, I iftli Avenu?* and Tenth Itrsct. Rsv I?; PERCY STICKNEY ORANT. Raetor. 11 A m Mornlna S??r?H a and s?-nn?-n, Dr, ?iiaiii, Bubi? ' ' WhSl ?'!.?? Man Cso Vo " 4 P. M Osal't "Tha H"i? ?'it? " ? P. M Public Forum. Inc.; Bpsaksr Mr. Frank IVime. Subjsct, "Tha I \V W ; th? Coming Form or I'nlonlnn." SP M DIS? >.?l"n. i'ari?li HSSSS, 12 WtOt Hih Strsai $t. Ch?mais Church i ii ": ii v\ .: vi- 33D - r. I HNEKT M PTIBES, 1? I?. R-ctor. ?- a M Holy ? 'omm inlon. II Mornmi; .-?['.-?- .-..??i Barmon (Rector!. 4. TITANH* UKMORIAL SERVI' U illf tori CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION v: idlsaa \' i sad tii I Bl ' It.' H ?' ROBBINR R? I v M ir ?? Communion. Il i M M? r israaoB iRei-mr?. CHURCH OF ZION AND ST. TIMOTHY : i w mi STtS Strsst Rsctor, Rs? HENRY L?BECK, D. ?'. r, Holv ?'<>riiiiiui..-iii . s \. M. Momias pray??"; pt?acher, the Rector. 11 a. M I |..-- her. i>? Dr Rushton, - P M Al.I. AN?iSLS i'HURCH, \'.*.-r End Ai?.' and Mm ?!?. Rsv. ?** !' arnsend, i> |,. Rector. Holy Commun ton, I \. m Mornln? Prayer *'i-i Sermon by th.- Rector. il a ?m Choiml Crsssons, i i?. m. ?siran?i t-rs welcome._ irharrh <?f t??e Tran?l1?riirall?in. I E. it. Pit HOITOHTON, R?Mtor. SERVICES hi T. x. '.?. lu M \ M . 4 and -i r- m MARTIN'S Mass and SERMON bl , REV FATHER UNPERSON. ?> II ?'. 10:30, " CHl'R-'H OP THE HEAVENLY REST. Fifth Av< . ati.iv?? 4.*,th St. n^? HERRERT SHIPMAN, li-cior. Horvlcn. s .uni 11 A. M : j p. M._ Atuiei (IUR(H. Broadway asd 10th St Dr 8! ITTERT, Retrtor, I; : nd II iR.*?'tor); 4 ,l;. Mr <li?h>; 8 ilttv. Mr. Edwards). PROTESTANT EPlSf oi'AI.. Si. George's Church ?>? on l.a?i Kiili Bt, near :lrd Axe. II A. xi. unit H I?. x|. All. NKATB PRICE. l'|{l>H\Ti:i{|\N. Central Presbyterian Church WKB1 '.:'!!i BT., NEAR BROADWAY ?VILTON MEP.I.E SMITH, I' I ' , l'a?tor, II L ?I- ?l??l Cal? P, XI. tften Bu M*rsyrhelegy and Ex |>?*rl?-u?c" !' I" ? *? -? idx- club 1:15 P. M - I? M. _ i i.XI FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .... REY. J. H. JQWETT, 0. D. ? 11 - *i ii id i '." i* xr Th? ? ?rill 1.! s. ? ? . ., - Th?. - ix!,..- in th.- chapel on XX'orir.ea 1 ?>y THE BRICK CHURCH nn i ? Wi.i .? ? ?x'U.l.t XM PIER8QN MERRILL. SK LATIMER JANEWAT. r>r. If. rr.'A [it- ? .? - -, four o*cl?wk, Bible s? ? ? ? , : fiaaara n: in a. m Midweek Berries, W< -In. ?day, s P. M. Nixon ?rvl ? r. v | ?? i. | OLD FIRST Presbyterian Church i itfa to 12th ?t. ?> i?i '-ti,:*.!?. r.-i?t"r. il .x. M. - Holy - UNIVERSIT? PLACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' 'or. of loth it, xvv. i} , ROE tl.EX i VDER, D. D Pu?? x M si -i i i-, .xi. ai th? morning - n le? Re? xx x.Ums Brows, i? h. and R ? Norman M. Thon . ?? XX". '.t will l.r. ich. V it a BROADWAY IT.!.?Hi units < III K< II. 11 ?? REV. WALTER I?. lilillWW. I). I?.. i.-- ippsr si 'i x M si J : ? - P. II t at I Hh'ITAKIx PHI ?in IIKIW (IIIHIII, Hiith St mid Imsterdsm \\e. Rev. AN.?- .-? I). D. I . R??v ANTHONY II EVAN'S D, D. j ' "' ", It : ?:?> i-t II x. M. It. ATTERBI Hi at h P. M. Presa Idus ?ri \ i< i<? si Ihe \?*xx ?In,r?h llou?*, ?irt.l W. 17X1 11 ?t. Tir. AT :. : :.v . ? ;; a. m Dr ? i 111 rie? ?I'.x i ? ::i ix CHIRCH, i;*-..i?! n un.. ; ..i St, Hev. JC?>?M-rt Kscke-Bcle, I?. I?. !'. , ?lina alai l It 11 A. M, v ! M I ?AM? >N. ?if Ihe .X; m>. IN 1>ARKF>T AXIKKI'' X MADIXON SQ. PRf ? Re? ?? II. PARK HUR P. D D R? ?. ,; i; MOJ U. ? Th" !' tat r ?x-ili preach 11 ' Mr - M Fourth Presbyterian Church EDO' '*- '.' ; ?.-"-.r LA FA Y El I I \\ km E. BROOKI X n - nr.x .- x 1 ; Ii? 'I i XI.BER I I : 45. REI ?lit ?11 l? MADISON AVE. REFORMED CHURCH '??if: REV. ROBERT JOHNSTON, 0.0. ' I ' Ri H, M IN THE MIDDLE < ?III I ?.IX IK t III K? H? j? .h x? n p ?.cms, i> i' Minister, X4i:i i ? 11 x m aad I P. M. IHK MARBLE <<?MK(.|\IK ( III K? If R??v. DAVID JAS RPRRELL. D I' M .'?ter. - M. H ' Eventa? "A? a Lraaahf** IHK ?oilli.ixii ?Hi it? il il st. m? mu \>. gel \ ?s-h st T.? '.' xi.f ?KM I \xt ES M ? ?' ???r, Il i ? ' 4 ? m. Quart?-'?* secomi B, Adall Blbl i 1:40 A. M. THE "S/EST txn (OLLEtilATE 4 111 f? If, . Ret HENRT EVERTSON POBB, r? n, M ---r Rsv. Abraham John Must? ?rtl? |.r. ach at 11 A. SI U 4M P. M. D will |.p ici Su Thee." ? REFORMED < HI I? ?? <?? HAB? I M R.*v. KI??.\K IIIKIV .Xr, I?. 1?.. Mlniater, 8 " M Hamilton ?.run?.? Reformed ?nur. h. 140th Si .4 t Ave. Rev. ix !, ?? Il A. M.. ? P. M. Kl KlKXII.f? ? ITH?LH . ES. Chi I?! ? M,?4 i n. '. il xx>.-t. :.7th *;?.*.?.: D. D., Psstoi xi. - . ? s H Ime?, Mi??lcnary Xfter. ? s??? in V ?)K l'HlEM-S. Krlinii...? ?.??it-ly ?,f Krlriula Ulrlluxln?. i. i<. 144 K.-i". - Bl -hoo!, N>w Y ?: _ ""RBI if?iot c ?' ?i: : v - " ? Ings r, . ? llama? 2-1 Ea?t Lit h it , M..:i! a;-..n. ?nd 110 fi l kUn IMT1KM*?. i U I SOrtg l iiiliirlaii?. Mb \?e. "?nth St.. Rsv. TH? 'MAS H su ,:k 1 - Re? DR I 'i. B. i ' : '? i-.. ? ? ? f thi Washington. !? ' Bucc??B?*e t<? DR E1>WARH EVERETT HALS axs?'hap ? . s I I A M V .-I-- ? I CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH Unitarian) Turk Axeniic ma! lllh *tre??t. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES. MINISTER. 11 a M . M irntn? > xir. Holm?-. will ,.r >, s ,.,.,., ? '*The Hoelal Exil: (1), Its ? hallenC? to III?* ? hur. Ii IIXOX lll.Xll. I NIT A RI AN t III IH II. . ' ? i r ?;.''.-?: ? ? THE POtTNDATIONH <?! REUCION. n- \ xi.n,. st. crol? Wright D. D Mil latsr, t NIVERHAI I-I 1 Ii*- ? l.' of Hie llix ?ur P'lernlly. (?? Park ???I uikI .lili Btresl. It^x-, VH INK OLIVER MAI l l> T? I ?vin presch al 11 x M "The I*arsl.le of the Vise." _ OTHER SERVK 1 **. First Church of the Healing Christ *-. x*. -i T.r-i Bin t. Barvta? n .-*- ? Speakvr, W. John Murr..?. rfuhj?ct: -'M?ri'* xi Th ? Chur a i? ???:??? ??'?" ??>? to all c?r lln*? ae-iirt..;.rdlalb Invited_ LABOR TEMPLE R22?a? JONATHAN '"- I'AT. Sup?*rlniend*nt. ?Jundii*.- aftrrnnon-evening profram: ., Bible School i. i'i't-,1, ??; r?. Leetare; g ?acial hui hi : ?* Pr?chlPC Service THE I N'IO?? IHKdMM.Il 41 SEMINARY. S. ixl.?? In Hl ? 'S? p ' ' " ? rernont Avenu?. i.. tvxeeii I20th ?nd rJ.'J Strests, .-it ei?/x??n ?l'elia-k Prescher. Ih? R?*x.-r,-nd HARKT EMERSON KOSI'I'-K. B D. The ?tendance r.f ail refularly wor ?hlpiiliia el?ewhere I? ?|ordially Invited. ??Jk!SE DU SAINT-ESPRIT. 48 EST 27e Pue.-S. :?!<*.'? divin?. 10 30 et S h. R?v. A. V. Wltimtycr. Recteui.