Newspaper Page Text
Baseball *# Racing ** Indoor Games S Boxing Golf ?Yachting ** Fencing J> Other Sports 1KRBDHH WINS TIE IflHUI DERBY Races to Victory by Yards. Clipping Seconds from the Old Record. BAKER SPRIMTS IN SECOND Dolan Brothers Capture the Family Relay from Flving Field at Indoor Games. tba rnlversltj <>f pw ? ? *?" ?????? ? In the 01 of the ?M-ord si hall ? i \e, a on a ihr.; . ? -v in the Loughlln ! ?? rbj ai WO yards, at tha Indoor game? of the Lyceui the armorj <?f the 13th Reclmenl last night Meredith bis tl? l?l int?? tu?- ground, and Bros :- iker, of the v w Yorg Athletic Club, by i en remHrkn.1 le tin*.- Ot I minut?- 13 4". asttlni ;? ss*a I ?rd fo? the distance. Eight in-r? v.. r?; nominated to Mint, but M-i-'iit?i. HaktT, Caidwell and Hayes, ? finished in the . r.l? r nain?-.l. faced ter'a nun. 11;?vea was j la .-.l on the polo, w:t'. Rak? n?-\t and M? Nth The men were Inti ? Roabach h wsi Hay? ":'t Into the lead and a . i first ? : he mm ,.i the track, with M< ?? dtth bounding ?e on h. ti-all. Baker v?.us third and Caidwell .v.-n up, i m last II t .-? bach <?f th.- stretch Hak> r moved Up und took Ins plaOS :it Maredlth'a shoulder, ami the (*rowd cheered him tor fast inning Ai? read) Hayes a 1er the furi r?us pace, and he slowly, but none the ?;>-. dropped back to ?M rear. Hi- i ?? aponded with .- sprint wht-n Caidwell ? ! t'i pass bina ..''i held bta own arlth ' Ing Boat in : It thi I ? .ul < f tin- lust i;ip Meredith flashed Into tne lor the 1 ? ? .i.-.m.-nt ha lost the la ii ii .... :;.- o ; i I ?? run nvvi t;.. boal At befuie him. be romped away. ? d up at mus point, running a -. frac et rid? ii. moved pasl Caid? well i. foi the tlv inij; Mel li? ; - - ? . It remain? -i .?-. the IX ? .Tun, Tom and .1"- i-? win the famll) re? lay race fl i ran first for his team and held bi> own well His hi .ti. r Ton from . and handed Jot ? ?? won i,is i. it- : ai l >.n tmouth, .'. lead ol ? t \ \.?, which : ? teadll* In creas? .n? of \,. ;. won the one-in.I- race, '-,-.1 t-. the < 'ath ollc Athletic !.? i ? W ' [ter .i ??.- n ^: ?? iunner <>f Sprlni Held i!?- h ?*-' ? ??? m. timei Inel -3*an 'I ' ? .-..::.: : -V. . ? . by Ton Keil] ?am? . .Imaa (IJ thii I.SM ? .1 Rosen l anu?, uns I ?? ? u M. C ?.. rhlr.J. ' ? ? ? ' Wtielan, Col um . <-|,ur. ' Lrmghlln - - ?'? : ? A V . no ? ; in W .-i. I.-. .1 McGutre I't . i. . lub I PI ' ' all 1.-. - ? I Hal, Hi ? '? ? ? 1:43??. - , - - M ' . . - und i :. Waldron, as* A DINNER TO* YALE COACH Yale Baseball Men Honor Frank Quimbv for His Efforts. i New Haven, aim) 11 Fifty of the moat I usent und? i In ui Iver Fir v to-night ?.. .. ? ? . h of the Tale , ,;,.|. :,t ;, ?lltmer .it I 'A at! y affali if? ??' iradual ? . ???am. Tin- present ' ? -'S in I,,,. ? Ut ... .,: -.- * and pla revive I n atblei Th.- Uatstmasti r - E ?' Mon well known in univers!!) circles, <11.<l tba Speakers Includad ex ?' inslow, ?f th?- IMS team, William Hsckett, t.i\ col? ?e. tor ?>f New Hawi. who p|j , ,? ,:, tl,, C?ptala Joba T. Bloasoro. ..r tins years team; Philip Ttoup, edltoi of "Tha New Haven 1'iiion' . .lim I ?onnellv, ,,f Ihs Campus; Bjrdnsy MeCrssry, of New fork, and Frank Quitnb' I i trade from ?Tut***' to ii??' ti ?"1",i th* dinner. Rain Holds Up Baseball Race N V I l??N \| I KA/.1 E GAM? TO 1?\V H.i?.l..n ?it \,-x4 Vnrk. HriM.kUn 1,1 Phltadrlshla. St, Lanhi at ? Menu*. l'iltslMirgh hI ( In, R] ?I I I? OP ?. \XlKs ? Rg-PRRDAT, Itiiatnii u. Se? >ork (riilni. Hrmiklxi. ta I * i, i 1 m ,1.-1 j.t, ?., (mini. ??I. I.oui? i?. I hi, >?,, (?art BSBs), Plu?bunth ?*? ? i", ii'ii.tii , tt11 i;..!?. NATIONAL I.EM.IE BTANOINfl. nil? xx. r. p.<. It,,4i,,n | o i ,i,mi ?at. Louis ?I ?? .(KHI Hi,?.LI? n I I ..MKI < l.i.-iiK.? I? ?> .mm I'liihi i i .and l'iit?i.'*-h o n .nun Kern X...I, n i .nun ? iu'niiii u <? .???Hi ?iXIIHM \X II tfil I (,\XIKS TO-llW. \rtx ?it.rk ?it \X ..alilrn-leM l'llil.lllel|ll.i.l H| lll.atllll. ? alias? al < i?-??-K?..?i. I?r|rt..t ill Bt, lauii? HI -1 I I? (?I BANKS X I ?I I HI? XX. Bt. I^.ui?.. S; Heir?.il, II. ( let l I |,'.l I? ( I.Il'llt:.?. I. \<-?x Vorh i?. XXn?l..iii:i"ii (rala!. 1'hilndelphla r?. Boala? . tin OH.Kll \N l KM.II. STANDINO. XX. I 1*4 . XX . I., p.c. ??i l.asil? : u i.kk. v?*?x x.,rk(? i .(.no l-liil.l I ?) I (Kid It,,-tan I) I mu. XXtishtoii I 0 1.4.410 ?hi, aw,, " 1 .000 < I l> I mi.. Il.-I.a.ll 0 .' .1)110 BROWNS OUTBAT TIGERS Pile Up Five Runs in Sixth? Both Teams Pound Pitchers. st ix.iiu, Aj.rti il Th.* Browna and the 'i | H...1 in .i alugglng mat. b here t ? ? - ? i a x. Ihe fornie! winning bj a Boor? of 1 t" '; st piled p a -.i i.-a.? Ii 11 ? Blxtb - * rli ?? Bve run?, arh? ?-. Johl ?t?l .v Mil th? ' ! ?T"t bis third - i.. ? ? .11 knot Ited Hamilton o?H ol tha th Inning, sc?rlng two foui BOc? eaalva atngle? and n xxii.i latea. Baumgardner, xxi.?. relieved Hamilton, i ? Cran ford'? hit? ting Hud Vltt'a ? ? ? the I? - ..f tin- gao ? The - ' .?xx s ! <' > I ' I . . .f -1 t? 1 . . : . Wlll'tn* rf f. 1 3 Pratl th HI ( ! 1 1 0 ., Sb '.Ol. \ --41,. ? 1 " . 4 1 1 S t " 1-. i . a 0 (' 0 * " 141 ? . fa...... 1 U ? ? -.4 : 1: ? ' I ? ...... | . Two ? hits?M . - t,,n. -, , ?ton Hit l.x Bit ' I -.,1.'"" iMorlart] i - ' n ? Mta?Ofl Inning I Ham? nnlnfi on ? i in st ? GREGG BAFFLES WHITE SOX Naps Bunch Hits with Errors and Win Opening Game. Cleve ei d, April :: Chli ago'? ;?.? n hit ?'it-tJ b) Vean Gregg, ihe : ipaw, while nx?. tilts and the ? I Inning | ? land the ?' ? two i a t ripie In three ti mes -,t tte, who re| Beott, for C\ nth n?- d the > Tin ? ?it. nlns ' -, reeze failed t pen I . ?- fol "'-x s 'I.KX'KI.XNI? 'III, sb rI ab rI ..... - s ?, c 1 3 ' I ? - : ? a ? i i. ? : . . ..... :1 - ?_? 3 :?, ? ? ' 11 11 , , i. Ih Ia.n1 c ?90 f, l 0 0**100 ? ' IV? a ?I 4w 4 , - t, . ,. I ., I ... ,, .. ,1 ?('trotte i . ? ., i , IT?! ?, . : ?Hat! - - >u In the eorm r -? m :? '?- ? gktk h . I 2 'I i o ? I " ??I < btcaa-o .I M t M I I H j Two."aaa? bita?Jad afattl. ... i tollina | Three-base hil rifles Slot Blrm? :., ,..i ? Lord. I xom\ le . bapmsn, I.?t1>.l- to .lohnj?t,,ti. Hits ?iff Scott, t In .-'.?,.??? . .ff QrefB. !? ?ft ' '? ? '' I ? i ball i; . I rent ?I?ordl -',.;. ??? .?? ? H I '.:? | ? I v <.-.,\ : . I . . tt? I'll a' I ,,.-,- ,,a ? develan I l. ' !hli nao, I X* ft on bt p vela i II Inn ' t\ I ?nplr ..' i '-TK .?on. RE ELECT THE OLD OFFICERS. At a m.-titiK of th.- ??oard of govetl of the Bo ith Orange I'l-hl t""lub lust uliiht ? The.,,i,,:,- s Bn?/der ??.,,-. re?ele?*t?Bd prest? ? ..f i ,,- ,. ib. other officer? if-.i.-. ted Harry W, Champenois, ?etn-etanT, and 'halles S, C? Haul ti.iiMuu-i. who. wuii Mr Stivd?-r. have been In office s,nce JOhn vV. l-lillie XXllS ?ll? .-.I) trice presldei I 'I'he h.i;.r,i <,: go ernori elected wer? John B Allen, U Mason Meek?*r, Jr. W, x Whit.-.,.:.- S Bnyder, .lohn W, I Crane and Andrew \\'. Bray. Th?; chair? iM.-ti <.f the v.ui,,us commlttaea t?.r ihe ?rere appoints aa fellows: Bhatlna alai hockey. .i<>i,n s. Allen; Mlltarda and ?a,i.i. Josepli B Palne; baseball, i. Masan Meeker, Jr.; tennta, Harry W, ?'iiain:. nota; towllng, Ralph A Bralnard; goif, ^ f. Handy; Snnn-r-t. John h. auch OLDCROW Rea '? H I'at. Off. RYE ASK FOR AND SEE THAT YOU GET IT THERE IS ONLY ONE RYE AND THAT ONE IS SOLD ONLY IN BOTTLES~I5 PUT UP BY1K NEVER SOLD IN BULK. LOOK M)R THE WORD "RYE" IN RED -REFUSE ALL OTHERS. WE ARE THE LARGEST BOTTLERS OK OLD-FASHIONED HAND-MADE SUOR MASH STRAIGHT PURE RYE WHISKEY IN THE WORLD -,. B. KIRK & CO., New York, TIMELY BITS OF SPORT Famous Racing Colors of Old To Be Seen Once More. STABLE FOR L.S.THOMPSON Ban Johnson Talks Further of His Plans to Shorten Baseball Games. i. > rhomi ?i i hsa no! owned ?in ii'.ugbbred hoi-.-- nine? the dlsao ?? I ? i si inei -nip ,.r l,. s ?v \v i' - ' m i-'?.", hai come ha? k win? ti.?- re? Ival ??! ra? Ins Tl.Id col? ra L'- en, '< 'i -i?'-'\ - - and < ?n have i ? ?? ? red with Ho- Jo? key ? 'lub and e? n --'??-11 .it the Sorfolb meet ? Ant made lamo a b : w p Thompson father of the pi ? owner, who founded H.kdale Farm and uin- ?.. ?-.? ii ? name ol Brool s .1 alnnli ihe I?ila r? n? ?? i:? slli ?? in :?*" with R??! iltal ? b< itable continue?! w i ? uni eat -? 11 ? . 11 ? ?i--:? i h ,f thi eld? i Thon peon, bul In II il -a ?? Y itnrltj v? lib I. A ouette. Han i ?? VVhll n?s non ban hin breeding atud hi II.kdale, an.i man) wlnnera both here and abroad bave been -. i ? ?- ii tr--in 11?? ? ? In i ? cen? reara Th? Thon i- on Btabl? u II he made up ?.i ? h bred si r The at my da ? ? nt Park will m? lude ?? ' ind ? ip ??ii the flal ? *, ? tu be ridden i?v i?rn, th? \m <?? ii ' ' p and s atei pie? ? hi m 'ii a tu : ?. ind otB? era a 'li t.:i\ ?? ihe mounta i he pop ilarlly of v? hi? ii m m. v nffl ? an ntei enied lias been ?Well attested In reewnt . ? .. BM well th? Hiirutcm court? ? johnxon 11 nk* h i ill fifteen nun ?- - . .?? be >aved i i he pla ling ol bas? ball garat-a t ? ? : , trleve foul Ital - II? ? quoted m aa i | In ? 'lit- ai;" A i: ? ; ail al - put Into p ??? ? ? ; lm< a f< * even If It i - ? -?o o\ er the fence or li a Ik wbei If It'a a ?? I ... i . ?niii-.r . at i, i - return to Uon Imm? -i ? the ' in.i !... p del? ii la itlll p?? same will pi 'tiny . ?-..-. the ? ? ? . . ' ind Kill.'. i few I on Hi- diamond ???? Il m siioii.o :. - p.!? inei . ? Kilns ?* .: '? again . i U i -..:..' . ~- I. i ' over to ii?- M<??? ? t th? national i ? > m? nt BasSbs ' ?' a to travel out to a i.-ii ? b< i ? itenlns -\ ? Has, IK feet I ' a III n* ovei "i ? : i K ot?et - In lhal - I p| i ? -i \\ h? n .? ? an taken down. Th? , . ? lance. ? i II I no -,! I : \ . -of I . , I ? ?,i the Si. Lou i h Uro? I ? ? Ma The S' I .. r? pp. ? Kollli ? ? elder, le th- Sea Haven n Aa ? ? .. .. : | ? (?Itch? lit Ho- HI i, In th? * I.. .,:?;,. ba ? ?? en i d to I h< Ri i Oi irge B tova 11 manasei ol lb. r? .1 s i... - i'.i oa na baa i ? - - ? i Nap.-1 .i pit? b? i?1" i"-, ?h Infield? r, hmj Bloan, .m outfielder, t-. lha klont? ?.; ? ? 11. ? ? A atlon Johnny uvera, of the ? ? Cub i ?old t wo ol his ? o? ng pi' !?? - - Pa i,"?-.- in Montreal ol ibe international Leas ??' ":'' ButclWfs to Se? Loi.?ion, in the Bastera Vasorlstlitn i?>?' Tlnaat*, manager of the Rads, has refused to aralve on Ftoi Tone .? ?? hk t?vii?.-r, tii?-.i oi.t i?> the Cubs lat? fan. liarry Mein tyre, formel pitcbei >.f tha Buperbss and Cuba who accompanied tha Cli Innall .'."!?< on theli training has shoe n Joa Tink? i I sal i-- can ? um ? back," and be has tx en i Ign? d lo a r? iilar < out i .i- I TO CROSS FOILS AND SABRES Women to Fence for Title, Men to Compete for Trophy. Bteel ? I i ?lash and ? tang -r? a omen and m? n m- .i In fencing hu':ts t,,r i* o ,,r tha imp a tant trophies Of the X it,., r. ... | ,-t, cere' League ?>i America at tba i-vi,. ? : < nub, si N" ?. \\ rsi i.,ti, si , .y te daj The women will compete foi the nation.,i Junior championship ?mi folia, r-.i whl? h gold, sliver and bronse medalllona era ' offered | Tha men srlll finish up tha sabra com p. UUoi - i..i ths Dru sel Blddle bronas which wsr? begun In Philadelphia last ?aturda) night Al 2 o't lock Sunday morning tba bouts were not completed \s there the posalbflltj of police In? terference because of the Babbath Day regulatlona in Philadelphia, it was da ridsd i?? Bnlsh the tlsehing aabre contesta in ibis ettjr. W, Bcotl i ? '?'??limit, asen i.i. of tli?. Pancera I ?us sue, announced yesterdsj that the um of ?-ompetltors t?n ths worn en's'title Included Mis James 0*G Duffy Mrs. I'axon DsstS**, Mis. Max j:?rhohn, MbH Dorothy Hainti?-'.s. Miss K.llth I'vall-., Mihm Marie Bradlej sad m?h- J?sala Pyla ah of Philadelphia; mi?? Chaaseutan and Mian ' Lars C*beeeeman, of OarrisoBa N v., M?as Oertrude c. U*i1agston, of Um i^niK Island division; Mi?s Louisa s. bids, of th** N?'W Voik Tara I tu in. and Misa Margaret Btlmson, of ths i-vm-i-re' Club. Tins.- iinaiipstHlons wni bs decided In the evening. SARATOGA CUP WINNER DEAD Countless, for Which $25,000 Was Re? fused, Comes to Untimely End. Lexington, Kl . April U Countk aa winner of tba i?*i Baratosjs Cap, for which John <; Qreener. hi? earner, had inst refased MM00, died h?*r. to<day from what is nailed 'shipping" fever, t'ouiit ISSS WHS bU years ol?i. : ?POP* AMSON LAUDS WILSON Congratulates the President for His Interest in Baseball. \\.,si,i. ttoi . April 11 it.-i'l'iit ?Vllsnn m ,:,,(,. ate,i to dsj for n? \ntnrett m baseball bj Captain Adrlaa C. Aaaon, om ..f tha fath-ts .,r th- gane. 'Tap*' Anson aenl the following ii-"**asage from gall Lake I It) ??Having t.. ?n Clt-? Cjlert. of Chk ?-."? "" the i? m".TBtlc takei and .';-" sllghtl?; connactcd with Las.-Kil!. 'I plaaaes ?"?' - | to know x,. i have goi ?? rronl for Ihe great national B?n baaeball. i am ?*onvln?*cd noa th H i mad? ii.> mistake In rotlng for you BETTING APPEAL DELAYED Question May Not Reach Court of Appeals Until June 2. x:i..,'?: . April 11 Th? question of th? '?i.?in of ih.- antl gambling las? ,,.,,;. bltli i oi 'i bolting al rac? trat ka uno hold ni: .iiictots ..I" r.o Ing I ISa*CMtl4*n? liable for su, h betting may not rasch the (?..mi of Appeal? until Juno I. Th."in of, Ihe appeal from the re renl ?h- Islon of the \ r.i .1 l;at?- Dlvlalon. .. ?.?.-i,,,. .,t. aettlni aalde these ?lona a- Invalid, ha? nol ? ' ?? ai hed the .'.. ui ? ' appeals, and cons? ,.,!.i not b. H on th? nee i rder i alen? da! made up to rnlesi i.'? i" ?* ' '"": ' fr,irr, ?? ? to arg ? the i lae oat of . ordei it will t,"t be rea? hed ,,, r i n.. r-. m ordei ' al? ndar la made "" ,.., the June term ol Ihe court Boston Yachtsmen Wish Lipton Well Sailed Race Sir 1 homas Seems Satisfied New York Yacht Club Will Build a 75-Foot Defender. ?prll 11 Sir T- .,11,as : .. m. a? .I I ? ? ' "i b? \ - mdltlonal ? it, -i (Blgl ? r .*? Thomaa la bli ti plj to Mr. Bllai . Hook ' Ii. then b> Ind ?ate? thai ? Club ?xi;. ht ? ? *: ? latlon, x? r . ? . ?. . Jull Ma 1 ?.. it i ? ten . ? tlon, . all? -I t" ? . i SMITH LANDS AI Ml Floors Rotlei Six Times in Ten Round Bout. ? n ,i x... - - t?rrl - ? - '? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? -. The ' a fiat on his . the ? ? thli r ha ' ? ? II" . Il ... ? . . ? r 1 - x? 111 . ..i,.: alnmenl rar? ? poil i- rod Tl Ml? holaa , . ? . ? i bold th? i ?dd popula i priced entertainment? In th? n- at "f t i.r>.? ten round bouts ? ? II. t Mian xx hi m.. t Joe Bh< d the other txx.i content? "Bull" Thompson ?in la? ?? Hari > Kellj and RJ? hi? i: - an ?rill n ? ? t iviii. Btanton Three t? t. round rontest .,? t- ?? , -i.-ii Athletic Club "Boldler" Bartfleld ?xiii meel ill, I,.- "x. ..-.iiii, Ketchrtl x\.? i . ? .-1, i- rank a'ai .imm-. . .m ter x? M Ir . . .,:,. ? I IghlS J la njei IX , j,..- Mooney one of to* sai rants for bantamwright honora, xxiii t,.- put to l ? when i.-- fac? PTai Conlfre) .t .., rn 'M Athl? it' i i b, of 1 ? a Brona 'I X'.Hi? t t. Ii t..l,l|,i I.i- XX III : S bS txx... n Joe Kn.ei.i and "Baba" Davis and Nl< k Muellei and ' u hit? r" '? ??? Th? ..ih. i bouta ?xiii i.. aa f?.ii?.x?. s r?.-.i 'int. i au n. la .'I. I i III?' Il ?athletic Club ' Bold i f Baohua ra la? ? ? ?.i the national vthl? tie dub;i Terry Mitchell ra lleorge PTs ?er, ..t tha Qowanua Athletic Club Mti?.* Rosen x ? ing" H-?' tor. at Broa n' i G> final iound ol amsti ur touinan,, nt at l ? , ? .. ? ? At!,: ti, ? i ih all ?tar bouts at the Ut., i .1 Atha ti.- Club, of Btat. n I-1 and; nil ?tar bouts :?t the flharkej and ... .i borough Athletic ? luba SHARPE HAS HIS TROUBLES Says the Council Players Can Neither Field Nor Bat. it i.:., a, H, v.. April n i?i AI Sharps, ? "i" h "f ii.? r'orn,.|i i ?is. hull team, said i" da?-, on I...? return from the BOUthem trip: i i. m vary much disappointed with the 1 '.'I 1*4 ?I plaX .IS it xx III lake an,.th?i? ne,nth I., for.- ,-i t.ain ?an i"- HbbUj Be let i? i The m. n caanol Bald or bat it Ih hnr.l to Ikv nil of the defeats to ?uix one hoii.-.c Th.- pitcher? proved t,. t... t.. n. r than xxus expected " The t.-iuii xx in pin) Niagara t" rnorrow In th. BrSt h'lne gBBBS GILE A PRINCETON iJAPTAIN. I'rill.etOll, ft. I . April 11. ll.lll'l'l Hal, h ?in?, 'i.'., ..r ('..hrni'io Bpriaga, Cat., wai ? I? .i.-i . aptaln ?.i r?< xi '?? ar*a l'un.. i Wreatllng leiitn I., ?lax II. ?4 ||,,. ,||s, m.-nil,.a ..f th.- sophomore ? l i to receive a xarsiix leadership, the honor ...n l?l him I.e.,tuse <>l lllS XX, ?lit III tile ll|t.| . ollealate matehea i tils *. es i Hi... I,nil, |-,il., i,round??. To-ilia.!. llBSP M QIANTfl x?. U'iSTuN. Ulffii IKES CHANGES Shake-Up ?n Columbia Nine Be? fore Game with Union. I |l Ml ' 1 nd Mat ? ? f the Blue ? - i ??? t ? ??? bul 1*1 il d - been ? ? , ? ; ' ? ' I '.I ? aill t. ti'r. ? er all round i ttlng ? : 1 YALE MEN TO TAKE COURTS Meet 7th Regiment Team in M;itch in Arniorv To-day. i will in- ??' the ?i, i:, giment t?> day on ii dual i and doul lea It had p :.? il i?? bold thla ? art? i ..?it of ?'? ' thi rourta of the New Tennla < al Kb rabrld??*. Th? Indem? i t weatl ei boa at m Robert I Puti am, the preatdei t of tha mi ' ? . ' i ?;? .- upon com ' .us In th? .?? tnol I it is -\ i., t.-,i thai \. . i ?lion ? 'unning ham, a hi? It H. Ma i I -'? Peeaelee and othet -? | ? id Ihe team from Mew Haven, The Vih Real men I t< im i eluda William B. A Pi? i ton Burt, ? ;????? v.- ? ; \i '.. . ? 11.? :. k, Moi ils s ? lai i. ?i.?i othet - The sei I? s will in' I ida both alnglea and du iMea Harold H. Uackett, one of lbs pis ? < ? ? ted f"i tin * da foi tha A mm I? an ii :iun i to meet \ . itraliam wl i pia?? Is s sp? I to ii.'.i i "\v m. the rourta of the B? dford Park I-awn T? nnla ? 1ub, .a M., Parkway. Harketl ?m have ? partm r w altar Merrill Hall, with m i,. won tha metropolitan ? hamplon ? hip doubli i i.i-t .-? i -". Tha pair will be uppoaed by Theodore Rooaevell Pell, ..r the American Olympic team partnered a m h i'i edei Ich ? ' Inman. FINAL GAMEiTlN ARMORY. \\ ?th tba m?, t ? ?-i foi to-nlghl the cur? tain will be rung down on ths <?i?i ttt Regiment Armor) ss ?? scens ot athletic exploita All arrangementa have been .iiii.t..! und man) good performers, both nl ihe m.loor and outdoor variety, w ill m? ti uli's ? i?.?in.? ? lark win be at s, ratcti m the and ? 'ompanl? - U ? .?"?l i be? repi eai nt? ?i In lite Bvi man team i.-i.iN i,,..-. n in? h promis, s i.? be Ihe moat intereatlng conteal of Ihe mIkIh in prar ti'. aevi i .1 ,,t the entrant-? have been bn aklng the record, and .? nen mai k is expected. Nea figur?e are also probabla m the 100 yard aai k race, which pre cedea th? dancing GAME WlTiri)A^TMOUTH OFF. The i ?.iitiiioiith ? 'ollega bas? ball team ???'i?"! s.,iit h Orange, N J - reststdajr In a driving rainstorm, .?t"i found that lis scheduled game with Beton Hall could nol poaalhly he played. The South Orange men wer? bitterly disappointed, for tin? Dartmouth contest was to have been on.? of Hun mosi Important gsm-ea of ths aes on michioaITbe?t.s vanderbilt. Nashville, Tenn . April n The Unlver Mti ol Michigan baseball team dsfsatsd in- Vanderblll nus bsrs tErioi lM ? "''" luttltitf PUBS by * st-ure of it 10 ??? Weather Man Pulls the Rain Levers Wide Open ?Giants Robbed of Revenge on Those Boston Braves. MANY SODDEN DIAMONDS Yankees and Superbas Forced to Lay Off?Naps Get in an Opening Game. ? ? ... ?. ? ?.f ill :. w hi? h atari . i - tackled and thrown for a lorn by the weather ' men rest? ??!?? , for the fact tnal i the Bt la i n a ho had all aoi t? I ol trouble wlnnlni lh?*li ? ahlbltlon game? ti |a ipiIng, w.'tit .. t and defi sted the ???.M,!, aa i letroll Tlgi i - for the a? i ond uni., and Ihe t'leveland N.ip- wallope.1 the i hlrago W hite Bo i lirsl meet Ing, there ?? i Interest in the da) aa though II were mid? lanuar) ". robbed the Olanl i of ti.pi ? revenge on the Boato ' '? ? for the ? e bean eat? ? ? - ? ? it the getaway. 11 * not . . ? ? ? .?'..r it,.. on Htalllna -'< team arlll be poatpon? ?: as the prospect for ? the fli ? . . ? . the ateady down? pour, ' R? J" Am? i w.i- all pi the thl? b of tl ? battis and gal the Otante -tan??.i in th right ?Iir* ?'lion Although h" would probaMr bava draw ths clever sou ipaw, Tyler, ?s hi? eg ponant, Ames |? in condltfoa t<> aix?? th beat of ihetn ?i pretty fight if a cnnt?.?? N played ta?daj this sum.- pair aartll i?r.?h I ably tii.-'-t, i m u looks as though ih Glianta xx?:? hax.- i,, make ? fi-sah star against Brooklyn on Monday. The Hu perbas have given them little trouble ii the paat, su the overdue flvin< K'-ti?x4a? xx ill be officially Inaugurated next xx-.-ck. With tValter Johnson aut of thi-ir way the fankeea had hop? s .,t' evening up ? Washington, but thex- ?rera disappointed Ha? i aldwi l| Intended to baal aaj p4tcb?M thai Clark Griffith could i>?t agalnat him bot s.-ii,.s objtfction? were raised hx- tin .? ...,'-. r xxlio \x,iit rlftl! alotiji ?et. lis deadly xx.,! k and pliin? U|> th double h??adera wl*"eh ?.?-ill be off.-r.-.l ai ..u a -: da) attractions duiinn the sum? met Th.. rain era a n ?I altogether amiss as u -h. Vankem are concerned, for tha fewer games the) have i?> play without ?h.-'ti.c .iti.i Derrick In the lineup the t.ett ? off ? ? ? ?rill be P/iti .. f.-xv days' n * i ii:> \ xxiii be In bettei ? ?ndttlon I up agalnat the Athletic? n.-vt xx.-.k. Brooklyn ?xas compelled t.. forego the plea i ? re of giving i I 'hllllea saother while II u I lad I'irntes ... el ted at all. Oa tha i who!? ? -..n . annot be said to bava I oegun *-rx suap) LIEF James B. Hacjgin Decides to Sell Yearlings Here. OTHER SALES PROJECTED John E. Madden Now Boasts Biggest Breeding Farm in This Conntrv. i v ? ? the I ghbred anno met m* nt el three metings thla v.-ar. - ... .... ? . . tigs will I ? ind two I ? Jam? i B Haggin, onl ? ? eara i ? :? i| aztenafve '?'? ? ??,'- i of thoi ? hbred horses Is thin or an'. wil offer lorty?-th**00 \ ??iirlini-s from his famoos ?Bateador! Mad la Um ? looks at Bbespsbead Bay on Monday, Ji*aa?H Vo?ot?sxg this, on -iun?< forty ?ariitiKs frotn thr? breeding of H. I, Oxaard win ko xiiAur tas t the. anm? pad<1ock. It wi'l be the ftrat tuno that any ef ths ! Haggle \? srttags have be.-n ottered for ? ? Sbeepebead Bop in Bee yean aad ? ? - ,t they hat ? ? as i dgned t?> las that this I irket. ? . .. Mi Hagi ? ' ? ' ?rebtn n ??' - : ;n Eng? i . the / ". nded ? - h it with th? N- a . <?tk li ? , . . ,| thai . .. .:??!; ,v .- ! ? i\- n ?Inn ad In Kea ' tl in v.--r.- N'.-.v . than an) et s . lae In the i L II ean fa , for their foala sod. ...--? tan? ??. it will m- Her part ths foal i ao aold i ? a I ? ? ountr) then of I ? Belmonl ? ???.?! from his Kren Is t Haras da -711 Th? \ w ill also ? 1 ? ? : ?! i : .rr -; ? '? ?1 n ? ? ?.- Part during - .i B| i Vn?.'hei i'i? ? ? ? s .n N,.\v York v?ith fourteen hots,- which h?* la offering a ho, w it n ? ateedfast n tl ?? return ol the apoi t ? ? i ? keeping up hbt big set in . ? m m m aaouii all through the i?-?*." Mi - ? i has bla horses at Bbet-pshead Bay, and for the greater pan i . . made m i>?t far fiom ra< Ing ? ondll ? a Thi re are huh Maty marea al the Woodlanda Kann, in Mis aa rl, and the atalUoaa la aeirlee there .,?, Bennockburn, S'eaion, i?>?- ?";?r?-?. . , ukin and De it* hland Bain, the mo I famotia atalllon of the ? atabllsh ?meat, in??*" been leeaed i<v Mi Bchrelber t.. i: B Brsdle) Ths Dich of the band In S relber*a lot upi'.Mi- to i"- t'"' i"-. yeai old Montai? i.-i.i. a aon of Bain Lisp n?- la s hand? i ...?.vn sad ataada a full *-ixi???'ii i .n da two lachea on hi*? plates Ths i - i . ? ? i vaut.???. .i broa " lo! ,, ?.-... i.,. \i.i'.' ? ?his.-n. a bay coll i.v Nealon Devoted; /.? i??m*. a bay coil b) Otla I'agahot, and I't McAlllatei a bo) SOU b) S.un I.<>*??? Thorn. John B Mollen, who was a rifdtor S| ti.IBcea of the Jockey Club yeaterday, aaid ii? ?i he baa no fewer than m tbor? .. ahbreda, which undoubtadl) makes htH f.n m at ii.?mi m -, Pia? ?? ths most esten ? i\. eetebltahmenl for thoroughbred horaea In the i ountr) There are nlnet) yearlings sad tweet) three horses la t? alning TO FACE PRINCETON CUBS Erasmus Baseball Team Has Hard Game on Card. Ti??- baseball game between th<- Bras mu*? Hall iiiKh s. hooi ?m.i the Ptlneoton freshman team, t.? be played si Priaeetoa, la one ??r the t?-n ooatests scheduled foe achoolbo] nlaea this afternoon. The Interborough game botereen Poly Prep, ?.i* Maabattaa, ami ntitr-raoant. <?r Manhattan, ?,:-.?-? promias ?>f a fast eoa teal Manual Training High Bchool fa..--. Da \\m <'Union at Marquette uval Brooklyn, >?n<l the Hlu.? ami Gold look for another v i. tory. Ths ?.Hi?-, ir.iin.-4 arbadulad are Boys' Mi?,!! va Brooklyn Proa ai nn? ??"""" field, Brooklyn: Richmond Hill vs. Adslphl Academy, at Adelphl fih?i Brooklyn: Sterling AthleUc i'hih v?- rom fnerclal Hkh. at Commercial Field; Bav Ridge High vs, Curt?s High, al stau-, [?'and; Baatern Dtatiicl vh huahlna al la-M.-n, Watrlct; St p1(l,is Behoof' va ?Montclalr Academy, al Garden C|t?r Btamforti vs BtBmford ***** -Khoofc al HOTEL NATIONAL, Lucerne (SWITZERLAND). m!i *?****?? HoUI m dr.!?.. L?i?r* * Coaferl. Upttk Vu. ,f l.k. 9 Mevalaiaa. SELECT BUM DATES Eastern Trade Players Arrange Tourney and Team Match. WOMEN OUT ON THE LINKS Contest Over Lakewood Course To-day for the Shanley Memorial Cup. Mastern trad?? golfer? have ?i^l-e?,^ Max U as Hip data for their Brat tonina ment it Is prohal.le that th?? eottttM if the Trenton Country (.'ltib will he th? s.?*ii?- of the enmpotition. Hlthousrh th:? has not he.-n definitely Battled. Th? W? ?t ern Trad? <?olf'Association has challen.*'?! Its Kastern rixal to :? team match, whi'h xx III bs (l??rlde?l oxer n neutral BOSJIBB. As most Of the m?-mli.?rs of Hot h or ganlaatlona aill attend a convention of ths National AflBOrialJon Ol MBStW aHBBSJ Fitters in Niagara Fall? on Juna B, ike ?inks of the Buffalo Country nub bs> doubtedly win be cneasa for ths matck Then? has been no contest of this kind for several > ? ?( i - At th.? annual raeettng of tha Kantern -Trade <;?<tf Asaoctetfcm h?-td in tin? dtp th.- other .lav K ? ?? Mol by, of th? Rl . ' mi.ii'i County Country <*iur?. was *soaes i,.e-ii'-nt to succeed Charlee s. Priaer, , W, ?'. Malla? k. of Trenton, ix,i? ??ler.ted ? x*i(*.--pr.-s..,.'i.t a s. ArBaagaae, of Up* par Montolalt. will BSTVS anoth??!- year a? se,?rotary UaeTjmrar, whlla .1. Hnrt..n Oaf. ilehl, of Korest Hill, remains as eapt.iln ot the Bsatern t>*am. It ' ?gin? !?? look like old time? at Ba* glawaod. Mrs M I?. Patcrsoti, pr.'.l.l. nt I Of the Won?SB'S Metropolita?. ?.n'f *UBB> I?-latiiui. and Mrs Arthur Hiis-ht. f?**?B*eriy ?Mis? .Julia Mix. runner?up t.. Mis? Cai bell in th?. Canadian champtansldp last 1 ?esson, d.'feai?-,! Mrs Lawrantss Bwtfl asd Mi?s PagS S'*h\vai zxval.l. r aft??t- ;i e,,nt??t that was brdugbt t?? tha home cr??en. Mrs. Paterson's I there turaad the trtnt*. Th.- fourth and final match hetn-en Lau,a repreaentlng Kaa York an.i New jeraey . 11| been arranged by tha 1 ? n s M? ti ? ...'.f A-S'.< lrtt'..ti. tuerai Ii the course and the 'lat?? is Muy on tha hat is ? ?ahfaad. sa '?' ? i by Moat? lair, May i-. Kin ? . Mux "a\ i The hist tourn.iiiiHiit .,' the ? x? i - u,. re fain loi al flai or U i? '? ul?-<! ior t,,-ilax over th.- !:nks of the Co? - i try Club of L*kew?ood, where th.-r?- xatli ? . ? ompetlttofl foi ?? ? Joba F. Bh i memorial trophy, open to bum of : , ',- litl i. - proi modal roumi of eighteen bolee, \x.ih a cup for tha b???! ?ros? - offered bj tha dub .lam.-? p, in,... ..t i cup last xvar HeKinnliiH OB May 10 ar. ! Closing on N" Ivambet i. I ; ; ? r Moattslalr i intry >'. ?-, ??? ; r??x-M.-,l with all the ? they are Hkaly to car.- lar Ib club ?eh? aten art ry ? . |? ?rell pro* ided ? Ith et mpetlt i-.: .... fio'in tiiti?* to tima, ? ? . ? and f ??? i Jualor and women m< ? ' rem? mb? tt a ? lua? 7 is ' le sel lualtl in the dub chan Ing the d to the rua ip Match pi.- : a Ben SI? holla, ?? bi f ~mer ami ? xx hiteiiuirsii Valle) Country Club, i nd? Ipl la Ben VI alia arrived tn Ametici from ICngla i waa greeted by a | i, ?ho .-tit.-i lalned 11 getf Pai ? SI? 'Is was 1 f,.. taarl) a realiSenl >. but r> * irn?sd ' ? i !ng and .? few y? - *-u Tribune ic?.iJrrs believe i*i The Trit??? une Is anything mir'* essen tig] m the 1'icil ?Jar til Tribune Motor Wanti arc leeg Hailf by go audience of (-real parehgatng capacity. ess tl IB 1 .'?'?" -'? bt "-"*n |* bo aui,..-i.ii?-.i Mise K a xva-in ?""? M'est IH 1st ?1 ' '?'?'_ V . KK?1.XI. Mill inriil?:* ? OX rOBaXbOSj l"> t ?. condition, overhauled and repaint . .1. ?vei | rqulpm? n : ,,f ,*"** ? ?a rar can be lnapee??d ""<i ,ie*non?tr? n.'ii hu.i i.x calling at .-.m xv. ?t I4.--1 ? -? ?nd ??kin? for Mr MeOra?**? ear _ . - . _..r .?,,r,n? rar. 191.? T..nrl?i? Car. -??i ?I ?' Matter f?ll) ?qu ? ' arieo, $???'?" IBM s '?''h ?' The Best Line of Autos At the Very Lowest Prices t itrtiloiii ?lvfOi i .?? ? - ? r " I Tires & Tubes-'? Others'Prlcii xx n. :-..:? Ids, ;. i ? Mag. ' ' ' Jandorf Automobile Co. Bls-cssl "it.?t. ch.-.ii Kernt B 42-44 W.62d St.? BARGAINS-ISLD AliOS g"gl is I1K1??HK ,?>l HO ? SX, Kll I'l: SXI.K I'HI' K8$V;'.''"' '?' \SH?K. ISM-ISM BROADW"??.._? OHIO CAR Stan.lmd in exorx reape.-'. Kx.tx il!'??? 'l-te ***?***? Bas. p,,? m, ata if ,,';*"''.'V r EARNEST MeGRATH MOTOR CO^ IKlfl BmadxTs.?. N.'-?"? STEVENS DURYEA USED CARS i,,:'tr,^!-,'",,,",,""K''' X.x ? r>l. Tom in?. V A <yl. Totiriim I ll txl Toiirltif r ? , rl t.imouiine. \ t\ ryl roiirinit. X ?1 ryl l.ini" isine A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. 1ST.*. 11 XX XX -1-fj-l ..,,| MM. AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT._^ PA- KARl? TOUB?NO.jat? "****?:.?,fa| month. r?s?onabl?. i'ol'lol. IN *esl 6*** Col.- 31^.