Newspaper Page Text
SPECIAL EUROPEAN C O L TT UVE 3ST S _^FOREIGN RESORTS. _]__ FOREIGN RESORTS FOREIGN RESORTS. WIESBADEN on The Rhine " The Saratoga of Europe." TREATWEHiT ALL THE YEAR ROUND. HOT MINERAL SPRINGS. Notable Cures in GOUT, RHEUMATISM, Paralysis, Respiratory, Digestive and Nervous Disorders. NEW RADIUM EMATORIUM : The greatest in Europe. MAGNIFICENT NEW KURHAUS. Varied Entertainments : OPERA, RACES, GOLF, TENNIS. Booklets, Hotel Lists, eic, free from ? THE MUNICIPAL ENQUIRY OFFICE." Wiesbaden, Germany sei sx te ?m Stirring Finishes at Annual Might School Games. I and I . Evcnli i : School ? ? ? . ? ittiita _?? th Jump ? Harl? m Ev? '. nho hohla p, wo the half-mile i ui gin In th? good time of 2:11 i-.'?. i his one? ?: w.-nl to An (the mosl . ? II ? ?. ,i t1 ? ?ils. ?nil w on by in jar-, lohn B ?,?. k ama? ? ? ? !: * ? : - ' I - !. '?' ' - V.irk, : . ' ind W. Van - - ? ? .1 ii ' .1. n> on, M ' Ni .-. ? iiv i . . . ? : s. i: .- i.-. *? i . ? - - 12 ? , * - Won i' ?? . . ?-) . '? *?? - ? ?'? teet I SOCCER MATCH FOR PRIZE: Hollywood Inn and Yonkcrs to Clash for Dewar Trophy. ? ? ' . ??;. Il m, have dwln ....: ?.,:. nnd play off i??r in-? P?.-* 145th iti-eet ' tIKl this i!i. " -- v.. -8 I .. t I ? . ? Football maj ?? Rf<,! .,::?_? Ol tbl I ? ' In charge tue for . omposed aa i .. i; Manning A A i k..\ fork .\r blbald I ... Andrew M. | ? ??? b xr i \. N Bevertdf**?, ** ? A?. ? -rk. x. j.; Tbomae BasnnIL Harrl .,...-..<?' ? ' t 3. K. - temporny j p\ - ihtl?, Nee* ry eecrel u -? ? N.Y.U. TEAM TO MEET RUTGERS . rorfc i nlvereM") baeebmll tedin tarnoon on ( >tak> i Th? men pul up ? ? ollege on Thursda? ?i?'1" In tl in?-*, and expt ihm after? 4,-^BMBBMBMK?-O^fcf*!" SUMMER CAMPS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS See the Camp announcements appear? ing in the New York Evening Post on Tuesdays, Thursdays and .Saturdays Send for the new E>*nln-f Post "Camp Directory," jjlvlng complete Hat ?nd cost of lummer campe. Gire u? the fact? about the kind of a camp you want and we ?hall be Riad to advlee yon on the basis of ii iDTCitlgatlons v.e have :'ia?l". ?Tbc ^eranfl \?o& 24 Vesey Street, New York City EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. LONDON SHOPS. LONDON SHOPS. When in London make Oxford Circus the pivotal point of your Shopping ?c Sightseeing FERTILIZER EARNINGS DROP International Corporation May Pass Next Dividend. * In the common and ol n- int? rnatlonal \, ' orppratloi ? u . splalned v ?*-? ?*-"daj In .m official Rtatemenl ? being tatlon thai ti..' m \t ? ? il dividend ? f .:?_. per eenl on ti ? d st->- k would be deferred al any> next recular dleidi nd meetl.ig. 'ta ? -? ited th -i th? i I U for ? ?' ? ndtng ,i'ii.. : dedui Um . ? . 4 ... would $ifs ???'. ?j || able that the decline li | ? pi Ice of th? ato It a due I ... ? thai the dlvld? nd would be p ? ? ? itai im ni ? '?ii? ,n I >>f ils ici ?.n .1 : . - : : . t.. be no reason t.. doubl thai II ? njoj ? e of thi - buain? m at a prom constatent with condition! I obtali na H ana f-?r me i on? duct >.f tin- compart) ? bustni ? |ih\?- been u -i> : de1 ? lopmenl f i will, n . provi ? ?? iiii tei lai adt ai Ed? .- i: Btettli I i r ol I b tard of din I J Watson Jr., tn asui ? r AGAINST DETINNING CO. Fight To Be Made on the Manage? ment on May 1. lock? ? an Detinnlng i em? lohn M ?ir ,\ ? -.., No it Broadway, - a - norit] int.'i?-s| aw.?.' -? ? " ement. aaya t th? ... e-elect ion ?? ? . nn'ia! meeting <?n Mej I ???:. I? . ; ? erenl "f ?ii?- st.?. k ?>f tii?- ? '.i" ? i- . ? that certain offlceri are draa i of a "t| ? ?.n?- of t???* forra T ? i haa -i ? ontrni t b) ? hieb i>> ; ? ? '-f tii?- ii?-t profits <?f dm against tn- American Can Com . i The clr? - - othei i barg? s _ - ? -i certain stockholder?, arui asks hareholdei - to *? nd proxK i to . - i- Hull who lia*-- been ?Itb ths : : rteen yeera and Is now mag? i. t.? J'.i.n Muir and Rob? \\ ..i sing. Muir ?v ? ?? ai e the ..n r. ..i?i. holding Mi \\ oi ring i the second It. with 1.000 shan a. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. mim ITURR ALU -i> '-', ., . |. ?,, ?. .. ??- ? . ? ?. ;? W \'? ER \ \i P. M ...11:31 i:'.?.I Il ... 1J 01 . *'?* 1 Ml WIRtLESS REPORTS. Ths 1 ? "' I ? ?est ol , ., ,.? 1:1? p i .?.???? ? for? ""'i 4 ? i expected to reportad ai i'-', mil??? ->i??.t ei ,,t :, a n *..?"?> la II *?: ??? wn to ? INCOMING STEAMERS. 10 l'A?. . V-ne- ? ***.' -,?",.. '? ,,o"'j; ? Ha?ti .Uvorpool, At-ul 3 *A I It? r?t ?Campania.I.Utri--?'. April "? ? ' ****** ' -.:,,i-*. V'i. ?-???? ?; " . irareo April I ? u? i D n la aibraltar, ai rll 2 Palermo, Mai - -* "?". '"r Taroi I? o, April ?'? ' laeki mvllle, April !. Alano.OalTf-ataa. Aprils ..laiioo ! \Y, APIU1< 13 ?Galeeaaai fllasgns April ?'- ah'hot ? Hrlna *A i.un. m iia.u. April I. H ?' ? } ?i>-, ilnl Para April 1 ? ?"? s,?n Juan, April ? M .'? -I'l'l. ., I:, rn ? i?. X\ 'H H ,( y " '* lia ana, April I *!*** ? renn? aon . .Barbadoa, April 1.1 an p <v H C of MontioRiery.savannah, April 10 -' sfOMDAY. APRIL M ?Ose . . ? Brea an, Api ii I NO Uoyd R a ?> rdam, A| rll y Holl Am ? /.,.. land ?.atwerp, tprtl B Bad star ? Minn. ai...!i ? ..l/nii'.!' aprll '. ttl Trena Bermuda, April 13 ?.?i-r.?*. ? ? . . iiia?i:M. Apt II i" i lamb An . . . Sew <-ir>ari!-. tprtl I Bo r & cu LTD REMOVALS to AMERICA MAPiLE Rib BOIDRF.AU (pern rn,,.r,-.) PARIS Having - -v.ral Am?-rlc?n T.lft Vara returning t" l'Hit?,] st???>?. ran offer ?tceptlonsl terina for the traneportattoa et rond? to .imarir? In One Van from Door to Door BoggarTC Warehoused PARIS SHOP&. SPAULDING & CO., DIAMONDS JEWELRY WATCHES SILVERWARE ETC. Mi Avenue ?Je l'Op?ra. Paris. Michigan Ave. and Van ?uren St.,Chicago Sole representative in Pari*of theGarham Company of NEW YORK. i m .n.i-, , ?;.i-. ?toe *, ?r.-Ina? ?sai OUTGOING STEAMERS, m IA? *i .n Veaasl i - Lina . ! ?-? Mil? ? '. SO a Ml I" ' ' if*. H ' '. K s m '. k:30 s i *. '?? I , ,-..., 1 .-..,! . I ? . M I' ? 00 t -,. I" ."' a 111 .. '?' III ... : !? ...,-. I IK . ? toi ? ima..11:30s utd, Anl? " I ? Mlnnehsha, i ? >? ? Tt. PraiK on la. L, I? 00 . m i ... ? . i. . - IS'OOi . ?? . rii.-ii-a - i. It M 8 I' i '-? p ? ,' itisnti - i u 00pm SV .Y. APRIL II I- Irene, Naple? N a L I ?ai MONDAT, APRIL M Anc?n, i rlatobal, Panama 11 Ma m l:0up H? i ? i.- ii I OS i. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. ? ? In N.l i M lia a a.i ? i. fan i rao i I ?rra Apt II iiHxaan Japan i oi Ipl In? ?la , , ? ?.Apr. I., S**W ? .? ' - arid?. Se ?? v- ?Ian ? tralla tx la i m rra- - mal . ...Apr. ZT. S:30 , ? : i ... i, . | H Trsnaporl Api tt I M Hawai - - .... le?an. * Mes ? ? land ,X'i?.tralia (x ia . BO I ? "i ? ...Ventura ...Ma 1.1 M SHIPPING NEWS Port of New York, Friday, April 11, 1913. ARRl D ? April S. i uh pa? easari .., I It , ? ., 1 ' ??ton 9, to the ? passe? ind a i'..- ed In '.' ?si mill ? si I 23 s m. x. A eat 7, to th. Mal ory Bs Co -rllli and m a?' I'ua??-.| in Quarantine at ? ?':.? .. i ! ? ... ,, ubani Na. Its? Mai ii 8, Nip? 37, Km.- no, Qlbara '-'-x and S*u< \; i u ii. to ? m .. Sa Une, ? Il IS | , in,!.?., xiii-- i al tau Bai ,<* ?, Il a m , ... i Kabl ? ? Bi ' Calcutta i ?I i .?r ? Colombo -i. l'en Bald March 7 .xin-ra i? . ., ? 11 u i? to S? ton A ?atrli. i si 't Bsi .,' '.< a m 10 .,,.- r i orldi ?)' ' I? inalra xiar h i" Ha r? Il i .. .. Il and Hallfaa April ? ti,.- Compagnie Usneral? Tranaatlantkiu? 23 cabin and '..".< - . lenger? atnl m,i-, Ai i ived a: t,m Bar ..: midnight, loti. Btean ?i B ? ? ?ire? ?R| ani Bai March .'V Valet?. I? '?, Mi lasa -?? and i adli .'m to tt,?> Campent? TraaetTantlra, with I au-, ?nd i.'?? ?'.-.- -in- passenger? an,i tr ks? te? K? xx Tor! .'' ?w?i aad '.'4 ?teerag? pa? ters u, trnnali f, ? Havana gnd x -^ ont A.rlxe | .1 .1 ? Bai -.' '? ?? m Steamer El Vall?. Oslveston Xii ?-,, ule ri, Paclfi <'". xx Un lad.,. Pana. * m (?U*. ? I ?? ?', . n?.. Philadelphia to ? i s- . ,,. ?tith moai Passed it, Quarantln? .-t 10 -'.T a m. ' | .11? r, xpril .'.. to the ., ? ....... tTansaiiantlqu. mall? and nidaa i -seed la Beady HooB .,? I os , n Bteamei Marraganaetl (Br), London Mar lo D t Ward? n In ??allas! An Bar a' n -.os ? m. Bteatne? Monrr? S?wpori .s.-.x? end n... f.,lk. t.. th.. Old ?k.i.i?ni.,11 s? Co with psi L-t r n ati'i n--. l'a.--- i n, l.'uaruut nu- Ht | "I | p a*. Btesmsi Monten ?? ? ?r? Crui \ ,<? u I l- lerto M? *.. " I Proareso ?*. and Havana ? I ?,, il,, .vox?. York BRd Cubs Mall s, . ,, ?m, I 169 passenger? end mdse, Arn-..,] ,,t ?j,, Bar at ?1 la i? m flteamer Zulla, Maraca. Xpril g , ??, l0 :: aiai Mayagua? ?'? "? Bllaa Dalleti \ . ,,. . ;,!, Hi i- tlg< r in.,lia alai iii'I-i?. .*, r n ?d ?l the " " ?' ? |:' " '" -?. ,!?,,. ? Perugia 1 Br 1 ?, no? m?, i, 13 .,, Pslermo .'?. '" Henderson Broa xtin, ,,?. sengtr? snd m?ls? Anclwred in QaaiaaUa Steamer Baltic IBr), Uverpoel April 3 and (j,i. eiiKt.-tMi 4. '" ??"' ?M"?" i-tar Line ?Hth iTaeaeneerl .-i'?*1!** """- "'*???'' *-???' of .xi 1 roa Chann? : LtgM?hln at S:43 p m. .?.t*aii..r Baltl? IBr). Uretpeei. i-nsiei in ?-'mi,It llnolx at 10 ?''*? I' ni "an.Jx M.-k N ??? ??"l ?'? 9:3? n *""?" Wind ?outh froh bttete; raining. moderate ???. S.XII.KI' SeMataam. nertttk and Itarpari \>X4. MavalXO?. XXIIiian?tf.n and ? leertet,,? n , r,.i.,;? -vT Turk- Islsnd x??i?. charlea. . , ,; K,oi ? S- ' ;:'1' "'???'??' ?, Ha ? ..? midawell IB?. Trap-anl; Philadelphia. .., mr?. l-,lla.l.|?l?.-,. s,v;,.M l?Xoan?? *?*****?** (^***' t,m**> I STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. I ARRIVED. j .- vprll f?- 0?.?r II iDaiu. New Cor-nhairen a^| d c**-*|-rtisi?a, SMtmS April "?ndoza tlUU. m*m Tort, I FOREIGN RESORTS. FOREIGN RESORTS. BERLIN Conrad Uhl's \ HOTEL BRISTOL Unter den Linden Jeschke's Grand Hote BAD-NAUHEIM Opened in Spring, 19.2. Latest Creation in Modern Hotels. 200 Rooms, i 00 Bathrooms. r*?f only ttottt It Tews with highly rtdlt-sctlvs bsths rich Is carbonic seid. LORENZ ?JESCHKE late of the Proprietor HOTEL ADLON, BERLIN London Office : 8, Bogont 91. How York Off loot 889, Fifth At. ?d-Nauher WORLD Famous C?RF Since ROMAN Period ! Seainn Apr. If? October IS (-40 Minutes from I rankfort 0/t? ? I Mlpulled tor: Diseases uf **** Heart, Oout, Rheumatism, I emale Ailments, spinal Disorder*?, Nervous and Overworked Constituions. Springs With in Carl-nnic Acid, six Splendid Net*. Hath-Houscs, Kurli.iu?, Tennis Courts and <i??li Links. Magnifl ,cent Park. line Modem Ilut?is, Villas and Hoarding Hou*-?**?. lor Detailed Illustrated l'ooklets I rce. Address: Kur Director, Bad Nauliivm. (Iermatiy. THE KAISERHOF Bad - Nauheim It the distinctively quiet home ??f prominent Americ'ii visitors to Nauheim. The KAISERHOF i? the only Nauheim Grand Hotel directly opp. site ?he Kur-Bath Houses, and located in a private park. Practically re-built, and furnished at cost w th the instal? lation of :j0 private baths and toilette with hot and cold running water in the bedrooms, the woild wide reputation ol the Kaiserhof for perfi ct service and cuisine will be maintained. Orchestra of Soloists. NOTICE: No Hotel in Ead-N-uheim hat the privilege of firing Gouv' THER? MAE SPRING BATHS; these can be had only in the KUR HATH HOUSES. Prof Grand Hod KAISERHOF. B H. Kabarland. liaubeim ~ Th. Metropole _; N ! \\ II MUM. HOIII I I .,,?unite It?-? rl ?t l?iMlimni?lM',| \iii.ri. mi?. I'n ""*? ?nie hiiiiiroiini?.. ?, raaalaa ?"l?l I arana ?t.-r in nil I,.-.I,,,, ni?. K. A lull Ir? ,|,> ,. i, i ii hi; LONDON HOTELS. THE CARLTON ? Hotel, Restaurant, and Grill Room. LONDON. HOTELS IN ENGLAND. LONDON. Midland QranrJ Hotel MANCHESTER.Midland Hotel LIVERPOOL.Midland Adelphi LEEDS.Queen's Holel BRADFORD.Midland Hatel MORECAMBE BAY. Midland Hotel OERBY.Midland Hotel \*>. Towle, Manner. Mlilland Itallnar Hotel, anil Refreshment Koam?. et?-. Chief Ofllre?Midland (?rand Hatel. landen. Tariff? of tha Hotels aad full partlrulars a. to rori?e. assy ha had st tba Kurspeaa ?>m??? of "The Trlkuat." at "Haaes Ina lln'i.e." ?S*? Otr-aad (avarlesktnc Aidwr<h aad Klagswayl. Loadsa. HOTELS IN SCOTLAND Ol ?*-<?????-I. I. *?.??< H IIOIKI. ?Kur Meilern llijclil-iiiil?,) AI K?-I \II?in HOTKI. ? I Or Hiiriik iiiii.ii;.-?Hirlhplarel Hl MFRiea?st M I?in HOTKI. ? I nr Hurii?, \|iiii?..i|?-iiiii et?. ) ii i:\i!ini;i-STATION ihmi.i. I Fut S?-a?,lile (?iilfer?) Uarscl ? .pell 10 Veassia ?t-'i?. Noa York . Napit? Port Naiui ?-prll '?? Hylas iBri, Neu ^.-ik .la. .-? via,.?:,. . \ i apa To* i -? Klitestoa April 10 M?>it!.?- lOsri, ?**???> Toi i., ii ? ..i.? ' I Melbourne April 11 Canada ?'.-??i.' iBrl \.-.? v,.i, ,1., .- \ im an) C V, ; ?.'i r?.ii .**? u <; I . , iprtl 11. 8 4.'. ? ?i H- rn.ii'll.iu | :<i .. N.-v, 1 ? gi Thomas, April n ,; ? "? Koroaa IBri ?.. t fort fin Demorara llurhl.ur?. April '?? MI? ?Hl?. Nei\ Tori ? ii. natown, April n. ?? i" ?? " ""?Itl? (Br, N?M York tot l.l\erpo?*l (aad pp...-.-?...:. l?i?ii?iiie. Aj-rtl i?i Charltoo Hall (Br), New Toril via gl H.ihla Ulan, a et?\ Rottardaai, April 10?Volturn-, tun, N?w Y?,rk Bordaatu, April ? M lament (FT), Hew York Hla\e. Av-ri. t>- l'-many (Br), N'-'v York. Plymouth, Ai ni il. I?M p m Bt Paul, N. ?? fort? for Bouthampton (sad proceed?] l.i\erpo.|. April 11 Critic iBr), Now *? ?>> W hrtstlanla. .\i-rii 7 i. P Ktstmblad .han?. *.. ? * .??. roi ' s ?? as? r: ., April II Punk? Id ? Bi ? Pblla Jelphia and No? York Bi ? Head, Mu:' il La Touraln? 11 r), \. n ' ? ? f..r Ha? i?-, algnatlod 2S0 mile? aoath ? ?? .i? in a m Duo Havn i p ai ta la """"sAll.Kl*. l'un'.? Vr?nas. April '.? I' lloa Mall 'Or) ?from Valpaiiilso, Iqulr?ue. ?***>? ttOO Yotk Horia. April 11. 10 n ni -Oermanla ?ITr, N?m York. St Michaela, April 10?Oruba iDr> ''ro.u Near "RANCE, BELGIUM AND HOLLAND Grand Hotel PARIS Boulevard dee Capucine? and Place do l'Op?ra. 1,000 Room? with Private Bath?. Tariff on AppUeatien. if ? v * * *, w? &?% [? PARIS\ ? w - \\**x a tor 1912 rH V \ "THE 'CONTINENTAL' lead / 1 > \all ?Iher Pari. Hofeis by / f ERICAN // IO ?? s- Y P ARIt? (Favorite American House) HOTEL CHATHAM. PARIS ^ NOTEL DE ULLE ET d'ALBIOt. pea, i:,a ,-i h .. :? , . . Place v. bIQb-i First .'? a- All n,,,i-,*n tinprovenM '? Kxrry | home comfort Larg? ball. Ileetaurant, lun.h eon? aad llaaera ?t Bs< ? mi ea er .4 la ?arts. TelegrsJ*?-??, ULLALB1UN, PAKU Hea 1 .-. ., ... I'ropileior P ARISH 'lsST m:i F.T ?'ALSAN, 1.m ni,.p. Oppoelt? Tuileries M (.unit-il .Kill i; Kill Hal lire,,m-. ? It....m fr??.. I frs.1 4\ iih ; Bed?. 10 ** Ir?. I.iini-li. I fra. Ilinii.-r. (I fr?. at ??einirai.- inhli?.. Penden from ir?. U.M. A_ BRUSSELS.LE. IX-I P^.RAIM-C < """"' i'"?>ti?n. Oreataal IA Lt? "MM"?, ?,?,?,., Ko^ignou, IT,,,,. HotelSPLENOID-EXCELSIOR GRIND HOTEL USSBS. Amcrh no , ;.,r "fork . i.. Kings! .I'd ? i- '? tail Algiers, Ssllc? ,!'a'. , ri.,,,, a. s- t Terh 111.. ). lanielr... ."? 1 ? i - ' Bl , .fi.,,,. Montex Id. o, \- -a foci Olbreltar, a ?,11 i ? Or ?renie (Anal) ifr,,.u t'atrai?. et.-), Ne* Yt r. QtMM'.xvn. April 11, 2*00 P ?u- Adriatic (Br) (fr.ini LlV?n.,,)li. New York Bermuda, April 11, 10 a ni?Orolava iBr), New York. FOREIGN RESORTS. FOREIGN RESORTS. HOTEL VICTORIAl Proprietor? Gordon Hotels Ltd. LONDON One of the finest and most comfortable Hotels, and a favorite with Americans. Centrally located in Northumberland Avenue, overlook? ing Trafalgar Square. Mr. Alfred G. Vanderbilt's Coach runs during the Season between the Hotel Victoria and Brighton ? Hotel Metropole) Rooms may be reserved free of charge by Marconigrams (jee back of message forms). Illustrated Tariff Booklet free : N.Y. Tribune Information Bureau. GERMANY'S EXCLUSIVE LEADING HOTELS. BERLIN. ATUNTIC-KAISERHOF HAMBURG. ATLANTIC-PFORDTE The choice of Critic and Connoisseur. High clsss service s fssturs st thsss unusual Hotels. Each under same management snsuring exea/lenca sed sttastisn. Free Booklets from N.Y. Tribune, or Town & Country 389 ?'-?th Ara., N.York. The ! itast Seaside &**m ?CL^ **\\** au**** flkl f*% f Belgium ) -S Hour? Resorl tin the North Sea J^nS ?x^m 1 ELL I ^utW from London or Paris HOTELS OINT THE SEA. FRONT Hotel de la Plage The Continental . . . 400 Beds And Restaurant I)e Luxe " Splendid .... 400 " Entirely Rebuilt & Refurnished " Kursaal&BcaU'SitC 150 " III) Reds Kooms I rom SI.20 With Pension $3 to $5 per day tt.LHAVC PHI? \ 'K BATHS A PAt.COXIEg OVERLOOK I WO SEA \ DE? LRR? H <\ OO ICHY?Leading Finest Hotels : QU PARC MAJESTIfJ. CARLTON. & THERMAL _J. ALLETTI. Directeur. J\ITERL?KENGdi>otel3unfltr?? ?? I BOTH M THE H?HEWEC. - Adjoinin?-C?i,io. ?-*\\ ft M ?I VlCt?ft? ******* "?f?rr Amane-.-. Hotei Com.'-rt 6l Luxury, Goll Ac. ,\3 ?? l/V?Vl *rlV?Vi ??*? , T. MORITZ-HOTEL-? LAC (Entfadine, Switzerland Best Position - First-class - 400 Beds Private Apartments with Baths. Manager i B. B OlETHtLAt ; wall known to A mor loan Violloro. r'^rZJ::. HOTEL ANGLETERRE Bionehitt?. Etc. - ?artt,, ... SUITES with PRIVATE Bath BOTCTC-GRAItfD HOTEL ROYAL '?in l< hin?- >. I in?"-! Hti?i "ii ill?* Khlii? ; with ?Vtgt ttttUAtU farine *m?-jiii?t I ?nil I'llf. I |l-|.?-.l:ll?. W, ?V k?>\l<?. *>l?-n;U?T 'hilf of Horn Hotel, <"??ln-{iK>>?. S?dungen- gp hotel furstenhof " Germany) -MAGNIFICENT TERRACE RESTAURANT FartlOUS Care tor Eminent American Patrona. Entirely Rebuilt. ?., _ _ The Newest, Lariiest and Finest 200 Apartment? Kidney and Bladder Troubles. and Rooms. 80 Thermal and Private Bath?. !? k!?'4 hot? 1 ????* I C?elrr, :<8*> ?ih Ave:.';?. N ? Yotk, M TribtHH <^ft. ?? E I?RLSBAD, ?>?? 7 Mun iiinalil 70.935 BATHERS. 210.00!) VISIT? ORS AND TOURISTS. Address, Municipality for information and Pamphlets. CURES: Stomach and intestine diseases, enlarj-ed spleen & liver, I r?state. kidncv & bladder stones, hemorrhoids, corpulence, abdominal plethora, diabetes. .out. rhciima'isni. uric acid diathesis, sciatica andoxaluria. MEDICINAL AGENCIES: I'? miner?,! sprint-s. I hie hath establishments, hot sprinj;. carbonic acid, moor, oxygen, ri\cr. fresh water, hot Mater, steam, ??.pour portable and separate, electric light and water, hw-itsgt, - h.Mlro-therapeutic establishments. Swedish exercise iSlojd) and massage. line ???nils and promenades, races, theatres, concerts, golf, lawn tennis. &c. ItSBADEN: HOTEL KAISERHOF I IKS I CLASS THROUGHOUT. IN ELEVATED POSITION IN OWN I.ARM: PARK. 40 NEW PRIVATE BATHROOMS. ?** FR?NZENSBAD. Hotel Kopp Konlgsvlllm Apartments with bath and toilet, Hot-water heating, Vacuum Cleaner, In large park close to Cur. All up-to-date comforts. Auto-Garage T.C.A. n EIDELBER6 *??? Location Charming Near Stat,on ON Fashioned HOTEL !? A Iff Cr HOTEL D'EUROPE Up-to-date Very best and Central Position Autobus No Charges tor Garage. GRAND \7 r M ? r IT Hotel HOTEL V L ll 1 V/ L Royal Danieli Every Amanean comfort and luxury. Located on th? Grand Canal, the vit*?* from balconies and terraoes Is marvellous. HOTELS IN GERMANY. 1 ADEN BADEN l ?it.-?it lni|.r,',x.-...rnt.. Hotel Messmer ???i?^ll^'ftC?al?^?''l,,l? ?'"h 9*tatae ntwUaCll Bata? und lull-tte. HOTEL BELLEVUE l.,4tin*.li.l'e<l lion??* of ?Id repiitnlion. 11:1,11?? noaltlon. IC. HtivMH ' "? *??''? Manager. FRANKFURT "-? L!?ht'"?'?!!!,,'?.,.l.r.i'.,.?: HTL. MONOPOLMETROPOLE Hanover :;,;:;.,,?.',:;,!.;";r;?. HOTELROYAL M UNICH ' ll,e Most -'eautiful ;,nd Uni un MotJani in Germany FOUR SEASONS HOTEL N?REMDlRu US -BOOM xx.lh Bath?. Sendi^'s Wurttemberger-?lof STRASSBURG Facing Station BaPirnsV.a*iu.. HOTEL NATIONAL WIESBADEN : "V^rTroT' P/UACE Hotel & Baths OPPOSITK kLRHMS&PARK. iMPLtvIAL HOTEL HOTELS IN RUSSIA. u8Sia:-M08C0w,lstCI?iss HOTEL BERLIN date ISO Bedrooms. Americas and English PMron*.* R AUSTRIA. HUNGARY. SWITZERLAND. VIENNA Th& F'?-?. Hotel I til NA in Austria HOTELBRISTOL I ?.rete?! on Hie Fashionable K*mtunerring and I he favorite reeort of Americana, Fat* feet Itevh Cxiltine and ?.?.ok? ni?ee. AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, SWITZERLAND. A B USTRIA:?The Tyrol HOTEL TYROL, INNSBRUCK ??rent Motor and I on>h Kiriirsloi? I .?litre. The Pesetea 1'lav in all ?Im illi.ilx till, ?t.i.uii ?t 111 liles?. 1'.?! lui,ira I.? motor from Hotel Tirol UD?PE S~T~ Gd' Hofel Hungaria I ( lia? Holet ?lili I'anoraini?- View oxer ?he I?.nul..- h very modern comfort, i Kirltttalve X m, ri, i,n anil Knglish patronage. ?' Dire. for-. HI IK.? I'. XXt.SM . Manager?. B UDAPEST HOTEL BRISTOL Overlook? the Danube Highest Class. All American Comforts. BALE, CD. Hotel VICTORIA All Modem < ml III, ft NATIONAL CARIERAI! ?"'"?I?*'?"?, ?aritos MnLUB?*t.llaii.l ll.lienhurg X ill?.. Savoy West End Hotel CARLSBAD.?SB* M3 TI C n D 3 (j Kd*44 ? rd, lattg -1 BSgL HOTEL WEIMAR Marlenbadfsasti HOTEL KLINGEft Finest Situation. Electric Light. Lift ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE C O M O (LAKE OF Ceroobbio Fttts f-1?1??. L**-itng ronniiiiTCl Hol.l. Fine?? Situa tjKA>UnUICL t,?n immense P?rk I/Ilia. ri'Fctav? ""?<! ?"?ardeiis. Autobu? Villa U t-SIC ,, ,-,,?,,, Statin.. G CU A A ,N BEAUTIFUL CRU A? PRIVATE PARK "EDEN PALACE? i