Newspaper Page Text
?f NOTES OF FINANCE Paragraphs of Current Interest for the Investor. Th? cci?. a ' r''-ppiiti sixft] rtx hank??is ,. . .. i cent bontls of the new jynri'.'W - ? b* tha Chicago, Milwaukee a .-? <'? that it is a question .j ? . Class issues rather than ? ?carxity ,,!' money In the investment m?rl?ot espe? ally ?hen ttaSBS iaatMS ma:? ?spurte??-"' beloa p;ii ?>nc point ?liten I, ii-.r' "*? t" the fa?-t that such ro??** as r- niis* >' ?'">?- and Bl I'aui should ? -: Isauas at this time. Sre ("livinced that tin? ? In"sp?*?*tiv?. of the gen? iai money market. Trouble ?B Quicksilver Company. ^tncy nave hejen having I ? ? stockholders ami ,p , .. ; - Quicksilver Mining UOm th? ramOUS New Xltn.i.l, n mine. x\h,, h s situated batw?**an Sun Josi 1 i?-Bcttcally controls th?* ? Ol fpii'-k?ilvei- ItocS k npp 'inied x\'. m It. a thorough stud] and bul when he at? ' als mission ha is t> pOI't' ? "> tOtt'lbl?- p"Vellt,*,l from -; MtST S ixv.. hours' Ihr I -' n?'nt ?haiig.-d its ta. tics ami I sndarfl to start a physical -"-"nation ot tii. property. Cliargas of ? - i i" line baea mad?? si ' ? Btock*t4*ddar8' mating h?i,, ? \*< ' ? ?? ! tae rcsSagaatioB at r- tt x. \..iipS wmm ,]f.. mended H ha- I'.-cti r li'Tcd that ihe BTeaWsjatloa bj the i. t this araa act , ?ommunk*ation het?* ? ? Bl and th.? fci? ra! . Imitated. Th?? ?w j Aim?'. I? .-..,;.,? Bad ? - vetee, during the Spanish IBS output since ips ' x ... .la.iaiii worth >>t QUICK* pi em ? annual autput is v ? m annually. Popii!ar in London Market. Asa i ara "frail thought ?-?r in ' ? . Loi lot market as is evidenced by - ' *r? 'The LondOB Statist . . n ra'lxx ay "??"O'irit-.?**s na at I dlsttnctl] low, card t" ih?? condition ,,f trade, the financial etrengtfa ?.f th?x con:?,.air.-s sr-l I the mainlenar.rc of Ht* ? ? ? ' . -, :.i,?;.,]. K,.r in? festo ?v iio are looking for th- higher r?Msjonabii x?. strongly reeom m?** .... Xtner.eaii . The high-r txnr? of bond, the of which la !>?*' .?nd question, ?an I ' investor over 1 ? the a otad das* i?>".i--, th' ? I xvhi.-h is also undoubted, ighl t" | e .? leMa oi i - ent" The Country's Good Roads. ?'lit ill the dit ?*,'! "11 "f ?_ -."I ? 0 intry lias mail?* wondcr -?-. as is sho?n by th?? informa . ?. i o 'in ? upward of $???' - . ad? Ponds lasuaj and " ' ?8 compile?! by the t?""d ' ol th? United states. i asad ?"i returns from i:tic-s in Hi?. United Btatea npp eeiated xvhfn li la statM for the two ?car?-' r'oriofi ending i> r- nil ' . . more than 3?."i?1? niil'-s of ?v-.l roads were construct, d. <>r I ? ??* iban Hi-.- rata**? nslleagj? ? pi iI roa'ls in Frai Pennsylvania? Greatness. (?rofesaional traders who have depressed th?? i Paasylvaala I'.aiiro.oi stock the magnitude, of that ?ad In an article publtabed In I i Match li BOBAS I OBB? - era mad?? which are both - and Impreaatre Tue PennaylTaaia an annual ton mileage .-! ... tons, or nnhre than three tunes ? ? total of all ihe railroads ? ? l King?, m although the ? ,t tas only <'n?*-ha!f tha mlle Hngllah toads. Tha ?n*ass ton? Peana ; an?s annually is 47:. - I ??? ? a?- i-onripar?Ml with sSB\f0Mgl British Isles, but its aver? - . ihty-aeren asilas, while ? |y txx. nty flvs miles Tha ?z . - iraffl'; miles on the Petmsyl* Udlng all the sTvl-c. is 4f,,'>H>, : x? th n.saksgkaaj for th? i ? t? ? K nK'iom. Railroad on ih?? Penns] I ants etoubM ) -. while in th? United King iam It ta et wy thlrti -three ? ear? - '?vania i? always ahead of its unathing thai ??n be said ? . ??? t.? : roads i'i the a 01 Id PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES. I ?h?*, capital of tii** na] H llaray Company from i . ,.?, t,, *?-(??-s?ifr?i \x;?h dp bafora the Comn ttos of f**ttawa on Thv,r: Central Arkansas Ry. and Lt. Corp. irai Arkansas Railway -?"'i -? , .. ;.,. t grogs aarnlngs for Pel "f g&4.8??0, as -omparcl xvnh ?C.'t; for February of MUL an inc-cas?* rent; net saralags a*ara i??,*ii,, ?S agall r J!?..a.'7, ,-m inerca:-?? <>t 42 4 p?:r saat Th? Burplua f?*r tba memth ?mount "1 to tl ',-? u eon f.aiid vxitii r? '??I for 'ait Februar? an li saat of taXl per ssat t for January and Kcbnt ' ?4Hg.gR, as - mapared ?"?1th '? i .... ? two months last x'?*. -, ass of -'''-' pot ?sal ; Bat aUa-Jai ?* ? r? V>)M?t. as aitamsl $37.US. an I HI r< r cent The B .rplus for the two months end??-) February M xxas ?omparad arlth W'?'-- f?r ?h,; ! "f I91X an iii'-rease, of 220.1 1 ?**1t Un.ted Light and Rmlways. (?altad i Ighl ..nil Ralhtrays Catapaay to I how -*"0-l mer' ase-< IB ???*? *on?oi'dat<d earalngs of ?? flubflldlary "*Bajaaiea, and f"t- lbs ?*iKht month.-i . H, P?ir.. the? bslatice axail . airiot? siock of the holding ? in aaoBBS or t s p?nr SSBt ' .,n Hie ("UstandliiK ' i'i ? tu:, th? grass gara? . IdUry properties xv?;?? r. ;:,, rasa? ol gtwXtet o?/?w ^t"",'-', londln*- eight monlhs of tba After payment of emetOl. taxe- int.-test and Oth? chari n;,- i,-ft a surpliih of ttnr>, '?'??. (aTTiSM Was ?ppli'-aM- to the Of I'niled l.ighl ami Ilallxxaxs. . arlth (lixiddidH and ?nl'-'e?! on la VestmentS "f I74.MI and rnlscellaneou.H Bg? "T (BJJgt, made up gross earn Bf United Light and J>ailxxa.x a for ?kS Sight months of W,". Out of this *?tre paid aapaasea of UaVmX taMraat "?'"?iK.s oi | .idend? on flr?t pre f**ired of $w?s "m and On ?<ecoil(i picf't"'! Sf Ml,4a, leaving the lat for tsM (dglht months appllcabl? t<? the ataanaon ?'" k ol I .< company ttn,*'?*', or Sltghtly ??"?r 7.1 per .cm. ? Mmlnga ?,f the ivopi. h nnr Cot* and ih. Mason City <? ?'I'???' '?"???* l?a?rMi?d Company of Mason ?City, Iowa. **<i i?f ihe Iowa & lilinoi? Kail ??a y I "in P**y are In.-I-^.,, for ? n .?, ln ,^ mints or th, iub-dUry :,.?,?:t;... ?Wit, 1? the st.tcnimt of 1 sited Lifhl ?2 *7ailwa^ Proper thfJM earnlngg an eluded but for, ha two "-souths 1? whleh u.fv have been ope ratet b) United Lifhl and Railways. Ed.son Company 0f Boston. JUreh ***rtt?*e? of th? Bdlson Company Of Kos.,,n Show o K!,,? of w ,? ? asa.n,t ?Mtt for slareh of IfU ?not earn. u*s were *^:,**, HH rompH,n| wU|l r:?:. w. the nine month? g,-,,,.?, ended M. n was MM.f??, HS o-jnp,,^ wlth ,,,,;?. MS ror the (orrespondins period of last ? **\r' and *** **n*t?m Sttounted to ft? ?n.m. u against J2.W4.794 for the gam? period of the preceding year. Utilities in Flooded District. Reports from lowrja ?,ong th(, Ml^iv Uppl Rivor say that the damai? ?rill be ?mflned to ?mall gum?. Banhara hen nterested In publie utilities in that see? "";i hay? received telegramg statlnj that '\ i"'!i-- in retard to flood Mndltkmg In "io Mississippi Rleor arc greatly ex? aKKfiatc.i. Ther? has br.-i, no Interrup? tion to aerrlc? ?.f th.- fcfemphig Street Railway, as the crest ?if th? fl.?...i baa ed that dtj and au levees have held STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. CHICAGO STOCKS. Chicago, April u -The market ? ?? U securities ?a.s weak t.?-?Ja\. nrnl I : ???? Of? ferings of many ?f the leadlns issues forced ? number of heavy decline? in prices. Quaker OaU common loal 10 pointa and Rumely preferred -'? point?, both comparing alth old quotatlona, *->hii" Bears?Roebuck common, which ? i mmsndc-d the most attention In the traaln**, dropped a couple ?>f pointa or njore. American ?'an common ais?? de cllned i early ? ?points, loss.-- ..f about g point each w.!.? noted In th? quotatlona .?n United states Steel common, Booth Fisheries common, Chicago Railways. ?*?? ? " ** Commonwealth Bdlson anil Quaker Oats preferred share? Ther? wer? fractional recessioni In Bwifts, Diamond Match Peopli a < ;,t - and ? ;.h ????? i om mon Issue*. Th? uncnansed stock; li - eluded Montgomery, ?*i Wati preferred, l'; eun atlc Tool, Publl Bervic i ? ?i^o Railways, Serle? American Rhlpbuilding common Can preferred and ? a common Bonds -*- < v.- dul i cea i iled f..r th? moat pai I Srm. ITVirala id i>? William It Coliea, .**??? ir, Breadwaj * Share? Or<-n. II gh. Lo? ? HI Can. :.f.\ ? ? 13 .? no ?I.? .. '.-;~t at . IS Dtam - Matcti itgs *<?'?'* '?'?'? ' its ? i ? .a'-. -n ... ..i ' So p-?*f .181 1ST in: 1"7 - 4?Hwlfl AC? . ??'? !-. -, laP? ?Jean :?? i? ?. Ill ll chle it- ?. i?!.r*. -?i H MI . - . . ? Id . .. , j prut lti*A lo:1* ltt*i i";'? -, ? ? 4 ? ?? 30 People'a Oa 11**% 111 i" H"o:h i-lat? . - ??? ???-? "' '..<-..m i" . ? ?? ? .?.? Com Prodni la I . . . : . BOK1 li> nun Armour !?t 4't>? .. N , ?? . ' . ? IC.008 Chle < v la) ?? lo?? i "? . ? ? ? '.?vin. hlc R - Isi M ??? ? ?? . ??? ? "?'? .. ?y?.-) i p lit il . . \ 4 . '*nn M?*t Elev 1st 4- ** Tl?. |?, , ,,|^. -rf U.1W lnl '"I BOSTON STOCKS. iTuralshsd by Charles Head * C< No. 14 Wal at reel i UAND. ?,? i m : .*. 14 t - i ll'j I MlSCEL-LANEOUt ..., ,- , . , ? i ..-.?i; III CO ?" '' i Ry \ El. 1.8 Am 1'niMini . 4 ?'? do pref N /?- ? *'?.. M,.- Electrl i? Am T ?.- T ..UV I Am Wool pf. 7IU 78%'Ma . "'? Am ?Sin ' \ SI I do pa * Cumb ro???r. .i ..o liitH ?; ? -i, pref 17 ft1'-'swift a ? Mexican fel . Mergen Lino New Kna T- 41 < . ? hlc Btk Vdi -I" prsl . ? ?I? t ?t 104't RAIUtOAD Boa A A I 4i'? a Main? '.r' 7 '' N v N M \ ll '" ni'i ?> Ele? i".?1. 11414 vv - ? I " 1 ? | '? ..l' i ONDi ?AT&T ?:???'?? Btil'AT? I '? I y :mn<; v ? 4 ? ? Laka . *? . . ? ... | -? .". Ma? ' ? Mgomah ?iMlch gan I . Mlouea '?''?, at Arcadian ? Ma " ? ? A.Id M I ?i ? ? ? . -. , H? i Nevada Cons.. 17', i? Bonanaa. to * v- i Ming *> I ? iu.n jy ' ?.-i.m ?-'?* North Buti : . I i? .ir?* <?. Ral. ? Sort i Lain Hutte A ' ? "i ' ?Id ?' : ? ? . ? i . a Af *S*A tl .Old Pomli ? . CalU ?V.- He--. I*n it? "I'!.? ' . ? i l'MIT ....... ' cona i '? ' Ft* o Creek ? .-Un., . 4P. 4.-'. Qiln- | ? ..p frnrige . 4?"4 f\ lit? .Sol ' . . Dal Wss? . Ti?, I . tents I ? . '.d?- Butta l??? 12S Bhi It Prankllr Its *** ibatl i M ? ? - Glroux ' ? I **" Ittl i '??'. ?Jranbv . si1? ffl Super f. Boa I .- 1% ?.?-""i- ? sn i% '? ? Bup ' < "11' ' '* S '? llelv?Mla So - ? i smarai I I H Hai ? " .. '? "? linli ? . * j lladl? -, : ' ' ? ted sia'-n 4 . ? , Insplrstion . i-'? ivt? 'io prsf 4- 4? . Iri.liHna < ?:? I II ' IBS M" ? ' *. Island <???*'. 4 L'ta .U? r-r- '. ,84 C I lull ' 'ice?*- I . . laic n ?? al* **? '-'*. Vletorl?. "* Kei - Lake .' 2\ I?? Winos i K--?*?*nHn . l*| ' j Wolverine.. ? ?i II i* s? '? ? . Wyaadol . CURB I i??' K Ro rn, a ?"?? ?'? Now Ba '*? io^>..:i Kl? *?-. M ru-en Mining '? orMn ' op M e- R I t*oa' -. '" ? l I ""'i' t? ' ,,?ii ii- i . 74 .'? Bo -'.' Mian . Majestic.<- tt ?latertM ,r> ba addi BALTIMORE STOCKS. rsralshed bi MMdes?li-rf, William* A Cj S? m fine aireet, Nsrs X'.rk ?ni No, I I I i flSISSSS -r*r\. l-a?inior' i Bid. A?W I Bid. A?* ??er ?4. 4s M 1 Horn i ni et , 0 f . 44 M -1" **-**f .... *? - ... i,?f . ? S4J -*1* Narf ba- 1.1 ?" n% m tt nui b ?- '*?? f'' ,N,,'r'x '' '", *-,?'; '" ,-hl,. ?.. :<-* Not Central .1 ? Cons Coal .'. - ?M Sr*'' Alr '- *? s ',)., ,.? ;. M :?! M n t'.i ?' ? cms Power, llV* ?- Sa ; ?- " " . ,-?' i "... I ' . w-s ,.., , .. M?4 -: i-, fads - - ?' -? ? Coi Dork m 74 74'-, W n a Aa ?? '*? . M i; n s i?i 4?. - i.: PITTSBURGH STOCKS. im Alk.I ''i'1 * '? ColumbiaOaa n'i }}. Ir'''' ''""' ?? S S i'iiKiM? i'.'? i ?*? do pref >i *'? rt; ??;?,,? ' ,,? , pi?, hat. o. ? m ln?l?pan Brea ' *% l"i'J"' . . . ' .' ' toy, it |8aa r'?v :? galla ? ?Sewer Pip; da ,.-,f i i i?.ti"|.?ii I. > ?? h Mfralii ^ ?' ?''-< M | " s* *?8,51?' !5 Nat F'r?.jronr ?.?? ' "? \V--rh-? A I? - 1 ?? ?Jo i.i?f ": ".1? Westh?? Mn-h .? Ohio i ?*! 414 4"', Westhse li Id K'-i Ohio 1 u?l ?"?n II* H [Wet*. Pen? Wl PHU Brew . ifl,i .ft^' ?lu i" ' ? ?Jo prT tt% '?'. _ PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. m irnlitiil by Charlea p *k*rnarA ? s .N< Broad f"1"*1 New TotIi, aa I So. VB leuili 4:1; Mreet, I'hliadelplila. ? Bid. Ash ' : A*k m, Railways? 5K ?S!" ?*?' ?f* '2? Bald?", p'. 104', IV- 1'hlla ???? 4J?? 4?i? Smbrta fiuot **% m, do pre JS lo?? , T, , f N .1 7? 741? Thill? Meet? .?? ' ! v ?.,- Btor Bat ?8? ???'-? do 4? M si ?;V.? \.t'>?" ?"?-':. :,;??'? ''hlla " T ' *U '?'?' ;, ,4?. Phil? Traeilon K% * \ , , ', Vf N 4 .?'. Rsadlng B It. tt*i N Lai-?* Superior q -'? ITenopah M do laels. ? ? ronop? Bel .'--? .??; t??h N Tree . ?*** ** ' " tra? tloa ??? Sh V -l'ar, S : '. ;;ni"l -? ?"* ' i., prsf fork . ir. r>nn B t: ?"'? "' ? n" >' ?f . J7 TORONTO STOCKS. <i"jrn,?i.-*.i i?;. Mar.v i: Thiaaiaia & '" Na .', Hio?d ?'ie" | ? OEAUTE BI i A.k. ? i Ask Balle? ?H 1ft Hsigmvei ? \?n?r 1? M Hudson Bar ''2 "? Buffsio . M s-? Ken? I^b* .v - ? ?.nniii Fer "?-? tt 1?* RO?? ????. ,i) - '0 .v .if.oi.ali4?.1, 47ia MeKlnle* LM t? Cobalt l-vtK? -? M NiplMin?. J ? ? lN,llH,a. H f?1?, feterion ? i'CTr? ill l 2 Right of wi) ; ? ?., ;. Tamlaksmlng ta O, Northern?. ? ? ?Ttethewoj.i 40 PORCUPINES . ?? S Poteuplna Imp ? hi. Vnm.' 17 it Porcupins OoM a ? i. m? km ... 10 n Pi-i"-" * *?? * * - ki"....) hum. :?; nt Rea l? '?> Hollinge" . 17*4 ? . ?? lup"? .41 11 W??l Dom? 14 Mon?ta ? "? 'Mclnl-re . I ?n, l'carl Lake. W *>: I? DELS 1 President Loree Says Railroads Must Advance Rates. Thi Delawar? 1 Hudson Compon? in Itll earned ? grom revenu? ol ""2,lioi<xj from us railroad del artment ? . ? ..:?: from it-- <*oai mining department or a total of $.."..?,,.?.??'. Th? e,,,,s ,n( WBi |(, in.mblned pi*op?H-tl?M nmounted to v," '?? ...:*;. of winch s....-.! jag wtM goritm? from railroad operatioai Dedui-tiona from the railroad gross IncoBM aggro Bated H.gss.'kV, leavlns ne! Ineome at ?'??11-v,;'. or i.of, a- com? pared With Ifll. After adding ',.'? ? ? ; ""n.- and ?i."iit. ting ftflM (tor taxaa th? n?! Incom? i arried to the genet ? profil and I..-- B4*C0Unl xx,,- V'.VK.i'a:,. x\ hi? 'i la "i livalent to 13.1 cent on the companj 's M**?*B.O0o ??apita* Bto -. compared with 12. g per cen? th? pr? ? o - . lu his remark? to stockholders Pr?si? dent I* K i/?, i Bald, in part : 'Th.- Interstate Commerce Commission I has proponed rates x-> be aaaassad bj ex ompanlea on Intei state marchan? Alt* expresa traille, which would causs toase? estimated si "5.1 pei cent ?>f the yroes re? enui - then from, and ?x hlch would rorrospondlngl) reduce the expresa revenue? of ihe railroad? A hearing be? fore the commission on the proposed rat i s .i! be held dui Ing the j ear IMS, and data ai.? innv being prepared which It is believed will clear!) Indicate the lajus li,? of making any general leductiim, and lliat. al most. . hang??? should be mad? only In SUCb individual rat.-s as max be necessary t" bring them Into har? mony with the ?i i" ral - taedule. B* .-in acl ol < !ongn sa i pan el poet x? i . itabllahi d "ti Januai * I, W . a here bj pa? sagea not exceed g eleven po ind In xx . ?glit ma ... :.. ? ., rd -i a ? I nited B ates mai!, .x ?.une percentage ol small pa? kagea foi m? rly ca? ? ? exprima will ? .. foi x\..iii. d b* ms 'The poatofflce appropriation bill xxi,:, u became ?? ia?x on liarcb ?. ItU, provldea tu?t, ??n .i,, ,..;.i of the Inrnsssd wetgh! "i mall resull ng from tu.' eatabllshment ,'t tin pni,.. post the Poatmaati i Q? eral la directed to weigh tin- malla begin nli ? Bepti?mi"- '. Ifll, and to i compensation from th* date oi th x?etghtng. it pio? laet also for th? dis? ont n lain ?* of th? trans? portation ol s?-. oii?i class matter In freight tra?na No provision I ?? mad? for aatlon to tl Is foi th? ad? ? ?. , mall can in of th? : ? ? ? te ol ItshQ-enl and ?he <i.,t. of Ihe welshlns "While the Im - - litli ? from the reweighlng of Ihe mall? n*tl offsi t th? loss In ex | ? ? ? enue? of ti, oad?. it ?ill i."i ? ? them for the In? ibor In hand the m ? ? ?? Il il i to handle a Itho ?at oi at transfer pi and l'osioMi. . ? in all ? ::?? ... i U>? ?? ? distance ? ? i ? | .Is " . ? ? i ... , to the in? ? ? ,-?? ? ??? n r - . -??! mi salon i,. invrotlgat? ell rat? el , i I i irai ?nation "f antl IP- no!- s thai the In?,i il ru ni ol t ? ? a".. ? i i'-ii' ? ? In ? , ? , npproa al ' ..... ? .-- ?. is i , ? . ....... .? , .,, g- i .. .. i that on Jun? the i? .'i- i di ?oted t i? ?a B '?'? I ?in ' ? the ? - ? ..-i ! ii ? ?? ?. ompaiIni ??? ?? "then x?.i , .,. a , ? ? .lend- approximat? I I I .o ?? -, . || ,... ... |, ?.?,. | ........ mor? |4) and bV,SB0,OM ' ? ? ar P'l'i WBI th? ',: xxiiiei, th. ralln I II 111" ll'XX m..- ^ ? ? ? ?..?,. , t - .1. . .,'. d to pub ..'i'i in Dial ?,.,: tii- received onl ?- \? \ ? th? m' ?< .i- . f !. ? ? ? road snd ? -, ? pm. ' ?"? ' ' ' ? * compar? d with tl.' on J mi -.? . i. ' ? Bl of return on the total invi - I ? ? I ? !?? r ? i,e,i m the ? ear IttH. ??Th. neceaaary a ' eatinenl >ad oi po at.? .irg? of long !??' m ?? irltl? - i? h will hereafter be placed ?xiti. ?om? dif? ficult] ? ' ' terest as the compant? ? sn sffo -i lo i sy, uni? -?-? there .an be se? iired to the ? lei ? fs rats ?.r return upon th? cost ol the Impro ? ? to th? .... BOND DOTS. ?? I' &ansenbacher, Auditor . r Toledo! Count .' ' ? ' ' - i'-T". - a!:, until i" ? n n April IS foi |?0 111 eut ros rovi mei I bonds, d? nomination |1 f" " dated April 2t, 191 '.. and due ? ?. tobei !9. 1*1 I The \\?. l< u R? * "? ? lair Isa? ni i om? ,,.,,-.. ,,' rjieveland, was lbs sui i sssfnl ... . , ? foi || '.'""i 41-.. per .eut twenty-year serisl tsi frs? schaola bond ..f Bewiekley, Bearlcklej .**? i.""i District Allegheny County, Pena, It | i< port? ?I thai Rutherford ? i I \. ( ? _ w ill bold ??n eh i Uon in the nea future t" ?i" Me on the lasuan? e of * '."" i,,.,,! Improvement imn" The new I ?' Kstlo B-u*li ol i ?? I'liiihus WB1 awarded on April 1 ' i,?u :? pee cant nlw vet? .i'."*.? water? worki bonds ol QraavUle, Uckittux County, "hi". balan? ea (Quotatin- f-";"^^ }'. - I I 4 ' S f. S neynoli - l.-l. P I ' do ri'f near Blere? Jo pref.. TOBACCO STOCKS. L> L xx ui.t?iin?n a ad rgreei i np-n Midi let? lt.,I ,., I ' Ml *: .:>, 1*1 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. ?i m-; MONEY M tRKRT Call raaae was easy. Rate? Opening, 3**j per cent ; hiebest, 3 </? percent closing, 3 pe? cent. Time money wet unchanged '. . -, par cii' for sixty day? ?? cenl foi ninet ? da . -. ;. poi i ? ni foi tour months. .'. per cenl for ii\e months, :, pei , Mil for Bis month-. Mercantile xxas diiii Hatea: .'.'j-??. per cenl foi eist) '" ninety days' IndorMd and ? bolee four to sis mouths' Bkngls nami ?? FOREIGN EXCHANGE Forelan es change 'i" ed - lead" IT? ?tentai ? q io lattoi' Demand sterling, l.tllltai.!?*??; rabie? 4 x, in'?/4 x;i.',. sixty-day bills, 4.1304.4.311..' t-1""'' francs, I. Il ?Ta; skorl I a lehsinai r, . IS I li. DOMESTIC EXtTHAXGE Boat?? par; Savannah, buying S-IS? discount, sslllna ? ? --.,!? i ranclsco, eight :;,- premium, t?-l?.gtaphi<* ?*>'? premium; Charleston i.nxing par, selling l-lic premium; Chi? raso pai Vea Orleana, commercial . ??? ,i,4, ?lint, ban* ?? pramlum; BL Louta, .,. tn < ?iiium bid, ' ??'' .iv'?'''i SILVER MARKET Bar silvei m Lan. don xxas (|Ui"t at 21 '?'i MEXICA.N EXCHANGE Mexican es? ehange on New l"orh ??as quoted al .m ?.. unchanged. SUH-TREA8l"?Ki rh? i nlted state.? Rub-Treasun ?"*? ? debtor at th? Clear? ing House >?atardai to the ?Mem ..f $ -??_*;. i .">. BUSINESS REVERSES. ? * -' liv. "i BEB a BONI UN? ? Petltlea lied ?gainai * - "??.?.? Ben? i ir- roof "', sad c?rale? atasen, at No :<"<< Baal Nth \l??!i;?rf S. Iiu." $..: MS; ir i... t n,a'!' Company? I18.2U0 and I*eiirc?e Itr? ? I on ,r'. V: ',<** ?II for i; i . in Ma i * api oint? d Oliver i. ? ;-? . ??? ?tvei bond 130,000. **;'-ii a'.'.hoii'* BtlniM l.unine?? twoi-.t? da>... Th.-r?- at .?-... gating ll.".?? 000, ' 130,808 m?- BOW In lir.xfsi sf ' j ? ? red profltabla and for ths best Int?r?t Of cr?v||lors thai tha I.piel? d I . ar? 8120.000; -.?.??.... su ?Kju. consisting ..r ? la 170 080, aa ; stock 11.800 Tha b.?: ??-- y.,,?, .;arr?-.i mora ibas thirty tx* .-.?.r. as? a?, i v.,.-, tncorptnatc-d on April 18, r.H?4 with .a\.'.:-a\ v.,,. n a| I30.0QU, with Aatbonj k^'"! .-r. i ?,:, i| :, . 'IHK 1. BTEINEn '??MPANY PatltiCM rVf-.i Hg&mr.i the I.. StslnOT Compita) SIX tloneers, a- No. M Gresna street, Credttoi-i u .?o i,. sa'ks. 1183 Besam Cloak Coaapur, 1183; Il?nr; 1'aui.i. $*C., and li-nmn.ri WaM 111! Th? company ?n? In orporatH oa ?luiv o lorj, -a-nk ?-i;..'..i -'o li of 18.800 Judg? Ma\?-r ?ppolated '.-or?.? ll Mall r. boii.i $:xio l.iabilltlr- i i -, b- I liooi?. assets, $r,mi ?** I8AAC A- ?'?i. (Solomo? 1-.. f. sd ?K.? ast Bolotaen Isaac, trading sa - .. ? ? ? . ?ad pi-" ;i? t! - Ba. rlaloi No - li i am l 'un manufacturer ..; bags, belts und neck wear, ?? No :.?;i Braadwa; Croditora: hen u ' o. Nathan. $::>?... m ?, arenal? li ? -.- I ?181. snd Joseph Ullstein, i;, Uabllttle* i.?i.i to t.. ji:. .?on asaste 14.000 In - .inda?- Mayer appointed Itoger Hind i I I? oos HANS TRIEBT I N I ? ? ' Mil. ' BCHRAMM1 Petltkw Bled against Hai - ind Cai ! S? hrsmme, ?? ho form? rl: trad? d si li Msi ?J"?r I? A Co ? aportei and li ipoi tei -. al S ? ???' *? '?' IS 11 ara ?n."i . redite! B? i ??Ules ?la ipa $.?28: Edward Miller ?fc ' " I''!''11 Manufa? turin? ? 1178 *-h??iirr Harburger recetv? i m .4-11141 (hem on 1 13. rating $81,:.?;.?:. but when i a weal te Infoi.i tha? -i ?? Si m id ' ?>een aucceeded i .. iirporatloa ?-? i *' ?' ''? '?? 11 sa a year ago . went I Into liquidation, ll I? mid. In August, kill, I ?mi liabilities of $4?>?????i and aboat 10 per ' ' ? tba redit? took ate n i en ! rorporatlon for their claims Th? Brna ?lid in Mexico HENNRBIgt'E CONSTRI'CTION ' ? M ! PANT Schedule! or th? Hennehlque Con I npany, ol No U7?? Broa - " llabllitlea of I2S6.82S ol - ' ; 157.0 ? *?? ired: nominal aaset*, il*-.: 4;.:. ..... - % of I ??.? ? $84 708: a I ??""? ?17 bad .? ints, 131.478 118, | * ' i ? and I - east *.74v office furnll ire 1813 si i n-.i^. 8*4. i.. pan sent awes It St ? Boar. "? i lu . . .? |3 ISO '.?..?? th? ? ? Hennehi?iut *::', MS. Inlin i Bl . 118.000 Ra Bafi tl '?'?'. Mut ?at Baal tu i7?? - Bond i mi any, i? 838 and Dei ??;.?. 4 . ,??,. i '?? '?? a -ideni mita again I the tompany, tii?* iggrogatlni ?i:. ... WILI.ARD ? BALD'S IN - :.- . ' ' rd ? ' Bald? u. ?? l. .. . ? i tin .. 523 Bro ime at re? , lia 4 , ?,,?-. nominal n??-'?. $S4.3.*?0 latlng of ????' b so d by Ih? i I i ?1 -. ? not? - 12.100 ?....-,.. i.. IM'?. . ?ah In bank, ??'.:.' ? I an I ?::i!!.| ,-la i ?n ,,r ??8,008, ttmona ' ?I creditors ara Samuel Nssh, .i^.n ?! ? ' ??? ? i r??** tt ?..ii ?. aa fled on 1 rada mo im.h w .-? i ?km H ' ? S'?-".'? Gatil McQuad? Co., ?7'>:... H ! |>e?l Id. 84.311 I. H |4.?1 ' i foi m tMO * 1*8 i NDER * : I Mil ii \ pet? on I M i ?i- - lltora Hermsi H ? . Man? I | l.labl I?! ? "' |l M ? j ... ... j l Jo? .. 4 .11 i le (?roc?- ry I ? i . ?. N'.IAMIN ? '??. m:? m i - I , . . ' - ? I ? if ti 4 .. 1 1 ...., ? ? '.. K. Sal ' ? ?? ? ",.v, II \ *. v m ill i. ? ?. ? ? ? ? , . arith it 12.431 n . - . ? i] ?? ? r-OMPAX?, ! .- ? ... ' A < i . . ?. in- I 4 Ml ?..??' . ?. | I ? ? ? N ' M M. I- . i - 1 ? ? ?' ' | " ? Bled | ' of IIU ? ?..-:.!? ? ? -, ? IMP' ' I Haul K. B ... ?? Wem 47? I ..??'? ?? I ?, t- . Mar?*h H'.d all ? ' ' ; ? ?? IfPPl ? ' ?' ? te M W . for ihe I . ? ?? ? ? , . f No. 814 1 \iu: mi'! ? ...i.!., i . M 1 irlna a| 174 Hi - -? ' ? ... 4 | '*? ;..-?? i ? i ? I, . of I i Howland ? M , || ' . . ? ? en? . 1 ? - .,.,? ,, . M | ? , . . . . ' ? Ri , - . ? J ol ... . ?tlatrlbuted " ' ' JUDGMENTS RECORDED. e following luda ?' ***** ?B#f" 1100 were fl ... i tat Pan ' ' -"'~' - ? ' , . ?'.'., 17 Mai and M *?? - lai i r HSl ce, tl IL?4I , . |SC4>b an : .tional SUS < t, lui :'. ,, , , . ? ? i . ml Hud .?? xx.A.i Worklna ''" |l?3 - ? ? ' ' ?l (M? TA \r- :i R Haas? 11 ? ? i.. ??., i- J of ? 1284 41 H pain .? l lorlndo .-h -. <:?,>i II Dl Hani : Ml ustlg; 11 KW Da ??, 'r."- ' Northnip, ?-"?'?'', ., ,, l mu Suydam ? I ol v ? Vm ?-' ? ' , Mallvill? Hugo Bsi "'? ?* ' " I ?? ? ?' ?? of N, | ..i ?1 - 11 r. ?. '-' * ... mdre? E-O M Roden; 82.74 ? orinan'- Peter aad Aaa Pa (Traff lohn T ?? Maaebaa at ai IU8M ,;,,,,.,.,, intente Beaboard Win? Q ow?ri tJi?7 17 ,.,, ne, William Empira M'a Co, in^ 8104 OS riBtette, win C H H Veagbl ?' si, reals; -?m.? i'.:? rhriatephsf Btra-d rast? 112338 ItWrrli .. lisa ?V* ' ' ? ' ?' ******* ^??^ckeL Huso Y. H?il*o r Iseekel. tr, nteh ard Jaseksl sad Waltsr t- .l?-"?-'', '? W Kopf. Kr?-: ?l Mstlhswi $IJ1 ; Kai Ml? hast L Kram HJi ??? Kramer. .*-?iln?i..?i H I *? '" *M*?".. . . ? . -mrip Philip, ?i?'1 '* "?' " Ear ?i , ,,, i ,,,t(.,i stat? ? Realty and im?.-? . 818881 I .labmann. Devld \ prises, k 118.80888 (lame Ban ?. 81 18403 Sams Bame; 1888 II i.,??. ja sb M Oelb 8*37 ?'?? I.-??'.. Win I? >? Y IM?'.oc. ''o?;? 811221 l,(l ,, ottsvle nui NaMiii.? Bursty ?" People, et? . $1.100 ', - ?jut?i* N?w > "rk "-7-lnon ??.. 14,. 'K? M-.,! mi. I her??.e R A II?*-/ al Si; $188 81 Mendham l*mila P and Ptaaeea a, ?dm - I n K?lhrinr.?r. $1,833 >?:.' Mn. ..mie?'. W i-lurj-iH I ^ r irdman; SI 11 n-1 Mulrare. William J H w Vog?l ?t al; $188 -J7 Moore H?ary ?" ?'? i. Moore |tfd .:? i iron?a?, adln 1>*ft Weller Cn. .. ia lioa 38 Mcifroi . Jaaae? Mra M i- Blsckwood; r.!'? Il ? . nui* i-ian:?" *. Psttsrson, In?-; II? i? l'un-.n.-.; i. Qlorannl New te '-. Kdlaon .y?. ?:>4 7i l'on? Irt-iii Hii.mcnt;ia! A Bickaft, in.*. 1121 81 j'hiitpi'ca... Wm >'. National Buret- < o. $41$ 77. Pag? ?tlfrad an?! Untie II Rorluch?d Brait? ?u ??W?: 70 Belfly, liani?.! A li'snnnm Putilllng ?-o. 1206 32 Roaebault, Walier H Ko: a; Typewriter ''o. $100 32 Bos?*? Howard ?' y >' Bmlih *7:c? -.7. Benner. Morn. \ Beadier; $282M Bothschlld i'.Atr M Blnsbsrg et al; $22887 Hmith, rhrron 1. L OHckms? ll i".:< 14 S?*hl?slng?r, Dsxld-?".uttt. Pcabody A ?"0. $316 00 H h?llte, tv?:ter ?> Huttllngar, coiti; liai 22 s- i-iiiiM. fliiiip W 'i IVedenburg ?>t at, $S78$1 *-kladu.?!'. Alioi! '*. s. !'-r $280 3.1 Built ai. .!o??ii, <?r Ja? .t Abdallah. $214 81 Bha? Rl hard w i> I ?? f.r?-<i. l*-u 30 *-l?.i: City <?i N? v *i .-rlc 1384 41 ihlaldi, Paul \ Hnd Louts '! C WIIM ?:.i7 SB Kohnapp, Joaepb \ \ Keniurd 4 '"o $842 81 Kolomnn Sidn??? K r-olomnn r> al. 138.1 SO !-?-*i?*'an?l, Oinrl??!? A W l-?*m.-W<*' ">. |7f?l 74 Harr? M Soloiii'-n -I al, |1I7 t?. $30,000,000 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Co? General Mortgage Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Bonds Due May 1, 198? INTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY I AND JULY I. Coupon Bond* o? the denomination! of $1,000 cadi with privilege oi rcgi-tration as to principal and exchangeab! !,,?- bonds registered as to principal and interest. Principal and interest payable without deduction for any tax or taxes which the Railway Company may be required ? pay or retain therefrom under any present or future law of the United States of America or any of the States thereof. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE ABOVE BONDS AT 99' PER CENT. AND ACCRUED INTEREST TO DELIVERY. The subscription will be closed at three o'clock P. M. on Thursday, April 17, 1913, o earlier, the right being reserved to reject any applications and to award a smaller amount tha applied for. The undersigned reserve the right to close the subscription at any time wilhot notice. A first payment of $50 per $1,000 bond subscribed for must accompany all subscrir tions. The balance of the amount due on bonds allotted upon subscriptions will be payable o May 6, 1913, at the office of either of the undersigned, against temporary certificates exchange? able for engraved bonds as soon as ready. If no allotment i?c made, the first pax incut \xill he rcpai<i in full, ami ii only a portion o? tip amount applied for Ik* allotted, the balance of the first payment will he applied towards the amoun due ..n Max- i. 1913. X.. interest will he allowed on such first payment. It' any further balan.? rein.mi- such balance will be repaid. Failure to pay the seo-lid instalment, when due. will rendo the previous payment liable t" forfeiture. ? V I. Earling, Esq., President of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Compam in .i tted Vpril 9, l'M.-i. copies of which can he obtained from the undesigned, writes in par' as p.ll'ixx-. "These Bondi red bj a direel mortgage on 6,314.78 miles of firsl track <>i railroad upon valuable tei - in ? hicago, Milwaukee and other cities, and .,!-?? upon the entire equipment o? the (.'"inpany. The General Mortgage Bonds are secured by an absolute first mortgage on 3,753.07 miles of first track, including the main lines entering Chicago and Milwaukee, and by a refunding mortgage on 2,561.71 miles of first track, subject to $52,357,000 prior liens maturing on or before July 1, 1926. The prior lien mortgages may not be extended, so that by July 1, 1926, the General Mortgage Bonds, of which a sufficient amount are reserved to retire the prior liens, will be an absolute first mortgage. At present the General Mortgage Bonds, including prior liens, are at the average raj. of $22,193 per mile, and after 1926 will be an absolute first mortgage at the rate of only $23,750 per mile even if all the remaining bonds should be issued without increasing the mileage. ? The General Mortgage provides thai all additional lines of railroad acquired with the proceed- of these bop-i shall become subject t" such mortgage as ?? : i -i lien, "li- .,??-.'! by the General Mortgage form ? netw?**rl< of railroads traversing the States of 1 lima i - Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, N'orth Dakota and South Dakota, serving inch important cities as Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Sioux Falls, Council Bluffs (opposite ?Omaha) and Kansas Cit.. I h, mileage, m conjunction xntli other line- owned by the Company, forms a through line to Seattle and Tacomi ? 'ii tin- Paci I oasi and to Ontonagon, Michigan, on Lake Superior. "The General Mortgage Bonds are by $76,226.655 Debenture Four Per Cent Bonds, $??8,850,800 G'n vertible Four and < ?ne hall Pei I ent. Debenture Bonds, $116,274,900 Preferred Stock paying 1 per cent, dividend? 18,200 Common Stuck paying 5 per cent, dividends per annum, a total of $357,700,555 I present market value in excess oj $400,000,000 "'I'll.- <i leral Mort g : \t Bonds have been ?,r an- reserved to be issued as follows cd ai ding in the hands of the public, 4 Per Cent. Bonds. $48,841 .'? - Per Cent Bonds. 8.950,1 Ul in T- (of which present issue is part>.19,852.* HJ I? cd I ' ire prior hrn-. 52,257 11 Total . "The ?ncot ihe ( ompanjr for the three year ended lune 30, 1912, : aa foil ? - 1910 1911 191?? . $64^46,894 $64,975.995 $bi, 122.7 V . 47,112,750 ?9,520,750 50,590.39; ? . . $17 : i 14 $15,455,245 Otl r Income . 7.759,443 11*879,786 7,591,94 ; . $25 19.1. S7 $27,335,1 ?3 : $2t 1,124 :? ?.' Is, eti. 6,811,803 10,976,717 10.1W.M7 $:.-4.?,'!..?.?.i .$16,2*58^14 v'-?-'n ?'? 'The? net earnings for the seven months ended January 31, 1913. show an increase of $7.80?. 0J0 over the earningg for the same period of last year." We ., ? these Ronds arc a legal investment foi Savings Banks in tht .-'.i'c- oi ??A S'ork, Massachusetts, Connecticut and elsewhere. \pplication will he made to lisl the bonds on the \cn V'ork stock [exchange. ? bt rc< eived in BOSTON by MESSRS. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. KUHN, LOEB & GO. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK 111 NEW YORK OF NEW YORK 4 .. e Wslksr, li il * 4 e ? ' *? I . . . |. ? - ' 1 ? .'1. XX,-,,.. X - X... 4 ? ? , In portin? i i?. >??. ... . ? ; ' ? r . ? . . ? , I . ?1 ."J? I I . >l ,,.-?. . I. ... - ??? ? . x. i . ?? ? ? fox Ot a. "Mil?! I XI : ? | I ling I. II?>-. $1'IT 15 ? . M12 i" ?? , . Dru m mend; costs; I . ...... ,, ? H -. jr.i ??? v. ? . ,. 'i \\a ? ? Crol i 1 " . , ? ' ' Piaiilsanl ?ici | ?Ml -JT. . ? " \V H II. !.. le. -.'? I .... | of . x-r |13l ?J CURB ECHOES. it? ? ?' ? mad? on ih? Jumbo E? . -i prop? 11-, on ' ? '"." l.-xei. it ? ?id that thi ?ein show? fifteen fa t of 1.1.- running $?>.'. .i ton and fifteen teat running v ' I ? ion, X ?. ?. ? ' -1 . XX i t h A. xv, ?tii t- v. is? mu?..: . ? ompi a ? ? . ipacltjr, an eli trie bloa ?f .'ui'i i n 1.(11*. .1 hi I'I I .un? . I ' . : , ' irt.x I"*, n In ?tail, ?i ...i ii,?? Oro property. Tlw hoist II i?. ?aid, la capabli of sinking to ? d?*pth .,' .... ,-r t. ."ii feet. in th'-ir xx. tklj i.-ite, 11;,; r i ;: i homp ?.,.1 g ci. ii..-.. tha foltowlng paragrapli "!' Bl '!' all] ?Very big x.-iu that ha? laen Op?m 'I In TonOpaB Ih" xe?ti?. thai . ,.ii>i..) th?> camp to prodtx a ISO, '"i",""" worth of . and la pay dlvl de-nii? of -i.,.'tini.ii'ii' has a dlrad aast aral RT? I ?trig? : i >., I <ii| I., ill,? lairtll. Ill .ir-., won) , ih?. deeper tha vaina weto eeptuai Juel m much further north have ., . n fun.i'i When th.' nawa cam? forward of the opening of Ihe rich ore on ih. n.n. r, bIkhiI ??v<? bundri d f? al ?OUtll Of th? T"ii',pah Mine ?-i .|.-l i nr?. It . itidpated thai Ih? rain w^?a paral? lellng th? rich vela? of th? Tonopah .Mut? ing Company, hh.i m depth xxm.^ attained II xx-,uiii .in. lato Um propttrty of th?? Tonopah Mining Company and be loot t" i..,,. Jim Butler, In trle-s or the x.rii,-ai kid? lin? ? - ' enterai Into between ; i,, i tx., . ompanl? - Th? liatii | ' on m It? ?? of the i *ui b Ae? 4,,, khi,n rula? ? follow? In ihe mattei of "xxiien laaued" rontracta In United Mat..s Motor i '..mi .-m- xxiock : ?'Wlleie.-I.-.. the plan ..f ie,,IC;?;ii-.aU,.|l dated (?ft?.her lc. IflS, xx a | apparently rfonaummatad on March -?>.' XPIS, and tha i.- ?.f ata? la xvheii. aa and if h un.i.-r th.- pian Hinsei! andar advice of eounaal t" reedy? a.n.k a?rerai b,iyei-s havlag .i... i.u..i n.. n Intention "f carry? lag tha mattar Into eamtt, aad whtwaaa H-..- ."usent >.f ;? n'ajoril " Bl -1... kii..l?|.-; s BBgaara t>> bava baan obtalaad without Kixli.i tba minority an opportunity to r?gl?t,.- their i.|.i.nxitioil lu I hti Ul'-Teas?? <f (ap.iai. aiiti aaaraaa tba Maxwell Motor ('.ittipai.x- ?... untie*? I,a.?a pot * .?! I...| I tod "r*. th.- Nevx- York Curb Mm - hat, ih-iefore. ti.e .-onnnitie?; rula? thai tba matte, is our i??t a?*Ji*di?*atlou i.\ tba .'"in.? ?n..i that iba partie? !?? rttJcgatad to their remedies at law." IIS OF WAIL SIEH Transactions for foreign eccou I 88? ? i'i.. on ti).* Steck Exchange amounted i" 12,000 abares, -?'1 on t ne buying aide. Dividend? ?ri re declared sa fellows: Ra I? ? '.;r ? f. pairar I'ompany, !???;.'< ??ral aiin-ia. of 8.1 on fT" !?? i |2 '.'.'? ..n common, an in-Teas? put cen? over ihe aravloiia dlrldsnA, both Ma IS I'hlladalpl ? War-r-ouaina -, .... Bteraga rompsny, annual of *', ant t?n additional l ant, payable m?- i. itlon General, Initial I'm ??' ' ?? ? ; fi n !. p?r able . . ? ' ?? or I April U .m 4-.., '' r tu'ji- nu-rl-ri; ???i pref?*-r??d and J per ???nt ??m .', ?-rr . ?p' *\!.a ?... ths I to si f ra ord " Broadwa it Compaay, regular q arterl: ? ?' i , p? rent, ps.dt!?- May 1 te - ? ..r.| A pi 'I J!. Joseph - MarCUl Irai rcsrr;ne?l ;?.v prrsi ?.--nt ?m?! directes ?f the Publie Rnirk ?if New Torh City, an Institution 4-.hi?-ii hf formed. Warren S. li.i'.Jen. ?-f 11.? > ?J c n. Miller Co., Of ? "le\ rlaini. ;? ? i. e-pre?l-lent of Uli? Im ??-?'tient ?ankers' Association ?f. Americs, bsa been sis? ited president of ths [Cleveland Chamber of i.'ommcr. e. Will,un'. M ('.?iiiu-U & <*oIetnan lia\ e I | ubilahed in panmlilet form ths provisions if .':o proposed tax. 'ill? Chingo line <?r the Chesapeake A I Ohio ?i-- reopened lor traflk on Thura > after baelag baea tied **p by th Itooda m Oble. :?. ??f copper for the ireeh sudad Iprll 18 were ?1.4 ? I tons; sin? ft April 1. 18,88$ tons, and for the same period last sr, MM ton.-?. F. H l'avis and Horace P* Andiews have fatten elected directors of the MIs -'>ui"i. Kanaka ?V. Texas P.ailroad. 10 gU4J .'.I A. A All n and A. W. .--mithers, re -iSlie.l. Weal?) m Oler, presblsnl of the Amer? ican I?e Compaay. who has been spei.dinp Ig Mal weeks Ifl the death, will return to lus New York office the first of next week. Application ha.? been made to list tha foUoainf securities on the New Vori; Stock LSxehangS: Minneapolis ?t Ht. I-ouis K.nlroad Company. lt.SM.dN refunding and .-Men-ion mortgage .'> per cent serl.^s "\- h.nid.??. ?lu? Ifdl; Nevada COflSOll? dated Cdpper companv. $.'.7!.. additloaal capital Itoeit? and the IniersolJ-I".?in.l Company, |l.dM.dTI additional common It? k. The I08B of cash ??' th.? New York banks 5n the last week is estimated al 83,588,88$. PVOBI the interior g 14.7 ?53.00? WSS i-cived an?! l9.8U.fM8 whs sent iheie. Including |t.?fl,dM national bank nOtSS ??hipped to Washington for redemp n.,1, Tko $?"'? irom the Intartar ma? IS lit 888. ?irdinary disbursement*? by ths S.ib-Tieasnry were |lt,ltt,Md. Pay? ments r>\- the banks to the Sub-Treaaury amounted to $11 991.000. allowing a loss on s ib-Treasury operations o? $2.5?0,?J00. GOVERNMENT BONDS. -f Al" . IM? S?,?r Aos?tl?f?" fa <*' ft* LJJf l'miiinvs ;?. ]. negiiter??l. Riil A?'. inoi? ion?? . !<V?S 103?% . 113'-? 114 . 1041*4? 101 ?M\ lei .lo:1, I?? t'nupmv Bnl. Alk 1N>? - :i'i, :n.T. HIS 1141., mu im THE COTTON MARKET Less Active, with Fluctuation Irregular and Close Steady. Fluctuations In tha cotton market ft te-,lax l.epi ??..??n a rar,*.*.* ..f K <? point?, aad tba prevailing aenth ? seemed to he heari?:;. Karl) offer,lit were quite readily abaorbad by for""--!! buying, h'rtxev.-:. but after the ??lo?- Oi I.lxerpool an?l the BtOpplBg of BXbitrag' busineras t*-a<Ji:i?? Bla?*k?Hied, prices <? ? - off an,! t'ie .*!..??.. xxas Btcady a' B de Of 2 points l?) an advaaC? ' I 1 toint, cept for lb? April OPtaOB, XX hi'*h xx a ? nominally S points "ff reports from in drygooda trad^ aeeaaad to emphasti?? ti" possibility of ?*. ie.?s activa trade >i. the and of th" .?-cason, bttt iti'*r.- ? goutbera spo* ?--aies ia?glv*atad a mon j tix ?=. expert demand Bautlwrn ipot i ? k( is xx ere unchanged p. '?'? lovx. i . ano I l? markd was galet and unchiin-red st tliaa for middling upland. l/XOl ?.". tract price?: yt. . Opsa Hlsjh. '?'1? ? ... is.**- 12.a 12.33 12.1sa12.20 12 2"! xi 1 . 12.06 12.03 it ?.?*!? I'.?l0ai2.01 12? .fui-- .. x:(*>aX-<Ki x:>c 1 ; . 11 O?? IL' u:: 11 ??xH II ...T?ill 9H II ::> Aus . . 1! ?.; Il v., llra-j il.trt?llM II.H7 Bga- ... H MO n ?k-? 11.:* Oct.... :: :,'? 11 .',-". 11 ?ft 11 Siel 1 ?'?* 11 " Da ... H tt 11 57 tl M 11 ?-???in ?'??> 11 Jan.. . 11 :>.? 1: .-.0 n II -<\ 1 H n II TXeei,!}- inox enicnt Baillia Of th? X?vx* X or ?"o'.t'xn Kx,hange: l'on rscslpta 1' ???>.. again?. IP? 4H1 t\a!-? laS< <>xerl?n'l 10 nu'1, and ?'a nada, '"?li! * ? galn?t 32,227 I SSI ! ? *- Southern mill tSkl t ?StUMMd, ?0,000, ?gaiii*: 11.000 '*?' tear; of stocks ?' Interior ?<>?* n?. 30,41g, f? 23.4A7 i?sf x?ar. brsusti? late eigi.t for ih? ?*e*k, liaat? agaln.r 1W2.2KI ?as' year 'J"U' . rop mot-man- Pur* recslpi?, ?.87S.IVM ".4. ?ie.iu.-ied Port Arthur?, asan.? 11.204,2?t !.* Nasen; oxerland ?o mill? and .'anada, Sgg.?*?<l ?gains' 1.<WI.717 last ?ear. Southern mill ?.i in??. 2 31.-.OI... ?gaina. ?.?:4.x.OS) U.? un. s'.o'.k a? Interior towns In cxc-ts ?f Sep*.*", M I, 4??VI?T'l i4 4t*t deduct,? Melena., ?-r?".? JIT ? !a?a ??.?r brought into sight this? f?i for the season. 12,903.011, again?'. 14.757 ? B ;?s* >???:-. I.lxerpool e?h!ea: Spot. ?Itlet; N '??? 7 ' 1 " ha'es. ?p?cu',??ion ?n<i expon. .ajo Amer; . i*".*????, import?, *>?x?i; nea? aaaarkaa M11 ?Hin?; npl?n<l. 6.?WI l-'u(i?r?*s ??tien-M ?>uiei ? ?O "> peints decline. ,\o?e,l Stsady, 1 '? l?o:n:. I..X4CI-: Mm II. ?701 April Va-.. <! ?57 Xla? .?une ?167,1. .laiie-Ju'?. ?* 6? Inly?A ?Hit, a.lKI1-!'! : August OePtOmbor, ?4!?'-,!. * ?<??? ie; QetsBsr. ?. :;?',?! ... toner-x.,-!, ? B274: No..nih.r.D.,-,ii,|,?r. tl 2,5?,?!, ". >e-err ? .?anuurv. B2M; in- ua: \ Fehrua.--. ?.214; Vt ruarx -March, rt J2t! Marel? April, ?'.22 ?1 Msnchsstsr? Taraa steady, ?loths .,ulet an : un,.hing?ti New Or!e?ni \pril 11 Coiton fiti-aa '- - to-day tnote-t up and down xvtthin a ti-ur??. range. influenced by balliaB xxeatlW news ?ad professional tsaesBg. Ihe ,-lo.? ?as *>esA- * a net dec-iin? ?C 1^4 points l^??lln?; ]?><?, lulls on.-e Sr tiri.-e bid fot larga hlo? ka of .? trasHS, but the ring gax e them Itttl? cotton ' Ten High. ?aiw. C? ? ? Aoni . i.* .a-.ii-*-..-. - 1;? .*-..-. Mo? . IJ.4."'<-P' ?? I2..%2 1J4* i; I'". Julr I2.uiai3.8g l**4*M v." no i:l .xugl!^' ii!?-! nea n'?i ????pleiiilver .... II .??oil ?i* Il ?O II If? I'*', (irrotxer 11S4-611 .'??% II.fa? 11 '.4 H.M n.-.ei,ih?i till -.7 II ?I II 57 11 ?"?: January . . ll.*at#ll?l? 11 Kl 11 ?SI II ?g THE METAL MARKETS. 'IJPPKB?The lorot street mark?! -aas firm and hi?*h'*r. xx:tu Ink? quoted 13'.e. ?leetrolx tic. IGSc. sn.l easing. I*,s.e Rigid ? r.l ..opper on .he Meial Ki.hang?* ?sa? ?iuI-** wldi spot. April. V?y .luii?- and July .*uO?"l II.Tl#11.Mr. in laondon copper rlosed di xxlth spot at !?9 and future? ?t l?s 12? I'? Arrlxala of eopp-r al X?w York yeatsrO. were 1.10 ton?, ind export? for the month s. fa: 10.J1O?! ton?. T!\ ?Firm, xslth ?pot ?f 4* *?"?.?4|fl.l"c April. 41 ??7 S "o'0-3''?'?: -?'?*v- ??"*?*.??'" June. 4?J??'a5?V: Julv. 47.74?4? J*k:, ??i x-jgi.?', 47..">Og.tSe In l/ond?n tin clo-- I st (222 10? for ?po? ?n?1 (217 1.1? for futui I.KAD?Oui??: Sew York ?pot. 4 30c l ?nd Ea?t St r.oul?. 4 IT!? 04 20c Londen le?d elo?ed ?t i!7 17? ?Wl SPEI.TP7R?Qui"' Ne* York si????. .-, 7T I *. S5c. ?nd K??t S' l^'Uls ."> ??a.V70e. p: L?sn?lon ?pelter closed ai ttS .">s IpbO?V?lac? elan?I w?rr?nls. a.".. ?M in Tan? don. I^owallv iron ?aas and on changed, with ?>'n 1 foundrx- Norihsrn, \'o 1 Southern and soft Si7 75g|lS 25. No ? Northern, |17 2?%g|17 73.