Newspaper Page Text
THE CROP MARKETS Wheat Closes Steady. Corn and Oats Higher?Coffee Lower. Crop repon arhli i ha e seldom been f their uniform ? sc< Henee were ? ?? "i the a i '-.-u m u k< I j ei terday by ? la of heai * ? upoi ? b- ? ?net *. end an ..' . . . ; rtly !?-' ??vi ve<i, ? -?big .it ',.- doe n t.? so sdvan? 6 ol ?- PTrmneea In Borop? and tic- feel? ing that any ? bange in the i rop i ondltlon . i-, i.. sn upwsrd t-n ii M t for most ??r the bullish sentiment in the market Corn recovered an early ?ir.,;-. ? " Eastern d? mand tor ? oin ii. th' Wist cloned near tii" of v1*'- Oats held llg a little an?l tIt? n rallj Ing t< ? '?? i unehanged to v ?- h brave bul ? tl.?>>'>'? t r;,.] . ?ut heal g or del ' - ??'?'? i ?|K>-?* ?A ?". ;;t' , ht ';-' I fOI ?' and ?-?li ' th? 'l.i U to 21 ?point peclal featun in .? ".'? h < d ! ' " dltcd with ?i I lack ??! confidenci and evidence thst the . d trend 1 ad shaken th? mosl i. i :. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS il. I8U ... . o n ? '. I ? .-?-,.? . Flour, rack? . - pirn, i bit ;. ? - 90 ? .-. ? - -? ? 4 \J,.' IM -3 at ?? !? pc ilti y pkgs. i.e.*.' iT4 i4v? poultry, - i. 1 ...?v i.'?K I .. ' lai, bxa ? ? - p. ic. pki ??ill.- ? ? "I urn? al bal - loni ? Millf I ? " 1 . ? gs . . ? ? I Lard, k ?,? ? ? . .i ? - i ?*.;., EXPORTS. * < urn, i ..-? "?a,. I - ? I 'I' Flour, bbli ? Grease. It Butter, 11 ? ?' ? 1.843 IIH ' - ? 'oi n.i - CASH QUOTATIONS. i, ??-, ,\. - r.flt M n ? ? Iron, . Me?-! milt .. i ??"? ?-?and to ' ' ? Dg4 1?-ad. 4 30 pelt? * ' ad 111 -? n 40' 11 | . Rio Il ? ? ' ? K, p 3 i ? ? ?,'ei ir? I IS GENERAL MARKET REPORT. Vo . Api 11 181 ; lilltIV ? . ,-????? - - .? . ? ? ? ? . ; i .'.,4 thai IVli ... at oi lit loni In <Jr .. and ' ? ? ; ? .I ' i | hell Ind it? ? -? ?? ? i ' nh 11 12'n el? * . ?? i ? th? , ? . "A ,' . . Kourag a| - * . . ? ? i?. .? , ? asti li. V, ' IS i ? ? ? ;,stj .- ? ., ,. RYE ? ? UARL - ! i . . i ' . v ?' .- i ?? . -, ltHI.3--?! ! -'4 "*?1 47*? i-..i '???-?r and - ?;i3 l uly 1. 188.0 I -. busheli . . it ] ?.? .< ut: '., li i ?'*?;;., : - I M H YORK mit r - Mi ? r ? i. ? '.; . '.<?'?-. *? July BONDED ?WHEAT. i (.. I on'*. I'-TI.MIOl- RECEIPTS. -,?-.. rial 112, Oik i 322 '?., ;,-" mo . |9U ?"?? i 'T .?.i I" i -';.".'?>" .?7 '??? . ';.-?, >t AIIOAKII I I BAUMS! I >. \\ hesi 7" ""?i 195 . 00 :7 .?in La - ". . i- ?? on *X31 "--? 277 ???'? ,,,- '- '. -I . - ? . i LUI It \Mi MEAL in?, uve, a bul trsdi > s ?how I i th? i jr-.?l 11 .--i |4 HO v ,i.'- sighl 14 ms .<4 ?j?-./?.'-, 20; ? Itar*-. .*t l"'./?i - . l Inter, I | ?-...:- .,.,.. <-i ring patent ?.". M683 BO i -, . fair In g | li SO; ? ? . 13 ?*."'''/>.?; IV, i OR. L?-KI 13 IS BAO Mi-' IL A 81 80081.18 coarse, 81 2*??8 1130 PEED Western spring t?ran, 820 25: ?-*. - $20 'S; Hour do 828 51 . ?.?i- i-i ?-.'.i bulk, l-i :?" '? li ?.i*-'-?, i el dos, 128; ollmeal, - I Ol I II ' - i?i ?. irop. v.T.' i ighee than ? *pe< i?td. . i .. < mi r b< ing .hang??) in :i pointa advance, it soon became Ibera wen- gwJ n< H - Ing orden ..?>: -i?- Mi? demand ?h?? - i* ?> ho bought u-r h rail) b? fright- ii''I S?d SOM ''- ??'? t'ii'1- . .. neakness and ai the close showed ?< nei loss ni IS8721 i 121 008 b.?K* I'mat?? sdviMS """i i -.- ?H-i that sentlmenl ibera ?ras beerte)? and lb? f<>r?i.;n markets ?lev-eloped "'-Akiirsr, before Um i.'. Coal ?mi freight ; ? showed r-omperattvaly little | snd this l ?? sa bsMsTod to bo principal hu!li?!i factor, BS Prl ' I IKW* BrS i ; mai v n-Mi K< r M gad ''' \ fian?* lue'm, .'?ftrr I-A' int; Hl own .-?n ad ,: ? n' *?< '<? I tt ??? cerllei llai-ir . nr ', f>*>nrl?r decline to . Rio --.b?. .?'?a.'v ai l."rO r?*ia ari-ari'?*. si"i hantoa qul->i ani unchanged. ? ? ? with m., No 7 -, lad a? n Sic. eon??a" i ? ?? "??=: ?t ?n? lui] . . August ? r n-toiVr. ' I -?h . . . litrrh .. iaji 11.a 11 4fl II K? 11.08 11 a 11 ?s Teai |?l ?>:; to ?m 11 10 11 I I 30 II 4 ; 11 18 Il t.". I! 4!i 11 V) 11 'I Vi ?--'?-ti, 87 10 ta ii? ?7d1*i *? 10 WfJ m 'M m ;?; n 02? D o.-, 11 l???7lt 12 i' :??? u 2*>d it -??? Il -.'7V, ll 28 ? n s?aii -*? 'I ?r? 11.22 H ??>>''rll o 11.80 ll -o n '.'?.'?n :ui m |3 II '.??wil 30 H ?t 11 M 11.83 H 82(811 S3 U M PRO! IMIOM Hog r. I toma . latlo - ? os iiiK t?, H"- tmall d? mand but pi ped firnir.-?.-. Hud laf In Ihs n .. ?? a? th? i"-' ?*f the ?Jai i'.'HK i - . 121 75*W22iV> rai lly. |24?0I2*>; laai |-.'lg|22 8" BKEK .-1 ?.i -1 * . ? i |2 ?*??.??. i..?' k. r I21<fl22: i |Sr?d83S ORE! -Il? i in ont, i :',''i 13*1 ' p.c.. 1 le 't.'! vri \tr Pickled bellies i|Ule| nr H./ir,',.. . ,?!?. a? IBfJ IS '.? ! AI i.ow P?.rial 7 '.- i-ltv, 8'i? i ounti . .'. ?.'-/.; . ? . ? H 15011 ***m : city. I ' i Ri f,,i.-i, Houtli Amerli s, ) . n> 11.80 Brasil t ei. 18 "..-? I -.'.i ?? ? . 'i..\i:iM. Steady; eieo. ilr. ? ird i: < iHTHN-lKI? ?HI? There ?an ?-?nly ni ? folurni ?' busiseas, bol i'"*s *m \ ? '? -ti ? m ?ytnpathy with ? '' ?'r ,n !^" ?'', ion ih? 'nur t| beca m. :?...-? ? and fin? ?-l|..X?r,l ? ,.rl. ol.uW ?? l?j? i' Lota! conti ict pi .. Ma .lU'l .111 X'il? .-? I" Hi*li. i.ui?. ?>?' n ?.s i; !... ? :?.* . me i, NJgfl '.?.? 6 81 .'?''? M (. V/>?'. ?VI ', -1 * -a ?; BtKfJ ? !' I ?. M g ' 'a i KP.ln?. :" '? ,.,',i?. 7? fl.f- ? . ???Mil I**? Kir? Stead.? 113 S 'i (. M c, M ?i {?I 6 01 c ?: ?" ? m ? ?7 ? ' ? '? ? un MOI A??? N ?ng? . md 'air'? actlx KAVAI, BTORK? rtier. was a slight I in? fl'l lll'l.e.llnir poo . -'Using 1 illness ml 4:1 ? ? ?. l*ai ; n?J oils Llnsccd "il xx?? utif!i-i!t".| 1 petroleum ?lead x? *-.-,?>? for ?tsadard ?xMl m barrel ..- .?- ., 1 orlt m< B i- ? n -.mi Pur,? a-,,,, biiali 101 -, ? : quotations. *?l C.Alt Refined 'iu!*?t and un. haSg? ,1 ' '" *?"'' r |. ,.? ?:- now gaoling; 4 ?1,. -. r. fin? -a name 4 lie for granulan -I 1 ?lei ,.r N i?.1 oaga I-".", in,,? ?ugai 1 ubsn '?sh" x?.e*e ?till quoted ? poi rlei w( i, i,,n:c,1 M follow* c, u' il .; ...?'?i;;.,';?-< ; muacoxado 2 B3?82 **?'??. ?ml mois?? ? 2 6802 61. In London bee! ? i| ?rs? nul?! in?! n, hanged, with April ?,* :? ? ? .'i Mux at :<? *??.d and Aoftiat at 10 "?d ?Vlllttl e. cm? - : I stork of 1 uropej and ? ' I'd .'? I? lOtl? iE ; II ? .' '.'.'., II! ?ami ? ? ? i, .i ?i - Th. in ? ? lo. i 20* 90t to . ? ... of i IM s?, un week. Toi il ?lo. h ?n i il ? x a . blbl, - ? i ? 10 347 ion ?gainai ;: o';7 (H lest itaxT, oi in Im ri a i :.'..'.'"'?' ? m? " COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. *> x a '.. \prll n IB! l BEAXB ixii pi,a?. \u ? -i ? .",?'? h? . : i ? .'?-..,. r ? - of . hoi? ? s ri ver* light, xi .i uni and .xi-, r buyli i i o? Ibl a ?thou ?and bag? ?<< i ,i Kidn??? ,.t | ; ;;? i.?., ?.. . ,. ? i >?* bidding highei market i lo ?.. n st ti , q ill. Other ve? ri, t,rS ? ithout quotabl? . hang ? o? ot, h snd ?x ,. Marro?. ? hol. ? UX ? I ? * ?.onunon ... good, It bo ? ? ? 10 mi , ,,:? . i ; 4" ,, -,; ",, pi i, ... 7., I - ? com ni on ? |a I i i ?. 11 ? . , i|a b*i. red kid . H . a, riog 13 '?'?' ?:? ,.,?',," ,.-?-. .*- ; ?'.. .xi black, ;?. ?_ | . fornla, ??-?'.?ni" ?'i:.\?i. Bcoich. ?;. ?.??"? u J. ? 13; a u, Impoi I. .'-..,, |*| i , HI IT t. It R ipt? I ?..: .--.?'. * i *.* ' . .,t ;? mi .i in. di ?" ji.-i .<??" nsrket wa? of to? ?r? to til '-'4 . l/u?!n ? i . a ? - ??? with I it? ot ing qulckl it 34 l.lgin fl , ,?<? ?, fat lorx .u.d ?ir.i . i . i ' ??- ?t-condl ."? ?'? ? ?' ?!? : ; i ? : , i .. common i o ?_; ... . . . . ?. , ? , - j?; i .it . Imitation . i ?. ii -J . Ihlrd? 22 .... , jii.,,1 make. No -', .' ' '. 1. . So ".. 20? 22?->?*. ? ni i ?i , v High i ? I? I \x ? || . , , e?e ?bout s:> no? M ? 4? i ?111 I ; : ?I i*.ak(? ?, Hing bet! ?kl n? easn :x\ho',. milk, l" hi lolored. ?pecial?, 17dl . ?7' *?-. ? -i l?',\ - , !?? i IB?. lexx r gi ?d?l I2*> 1 , I ... iversgi ' i ; a ; -. rgradei i : ? ' ? ? i,,,;, n ilk ? ? : , i ?'-i 15>-.??; ?tai?-, ?kl? : -i l.'i . fall , . ...- i." ? 7 '-i I? ? .?.'.?;? |o fsl .... ... I.?.?.-. - ?i ? Igher grade? of f- I - . , _,.| ? 7. an" p|? quslll - hi rl? ,is -c m.,? i." ala - ? frei igi . gula from northerl] paint? Di I? ? . . ? ptloi . -..?-. i - 17 iTc and ?ire l> fine good? . . - - . ..f ..'?,cU r.? ;. ? _..-? about ?tesd? i ?1 l guiar pad . ns 19 ii'n'.e: uncra.ied ?outhei - . !- - :\-'* ?. i. a i. ? ' ? i " - - ' io?,i, ..-,-. ...... 211 i c ,,,? ?o r- - ??' .''* - . ? o- ., a; ,. . 2O?Y20i xx ? ? n .? ? ? I Kt ITS DRIED? Bi '. ? futur. a.. ..,-.. ; ... \ prime, f o b : ? , r ru t. |l -W..I? ? ' ? f .. ... wasi? !?:???'.'?'' s,.m. i?nii? H ?eak i ng out preti) i 111 11?. ?: ~u ? sipti "' .-. ni" bbl?. - ., ., rapeiruit stead xiti.i. erg. I ?- I - , ... King, 1201 ,n ? - ? nlng *i ... '* . . .,...!.. i'i Al;- K .,.. ? .v. all K. '?;?. \i'.i:r . - ; > 1 ;. . ? ? . ? ITffllO; .1. - ? l x . ?. :..xi', Bl ?1RI1 ?? I'M?* ' ' ? |0 . A'4 .r.i:i* Kf .- . LISOS |3?IS Ot ? . . Porto Rico. Il ?OB 13 7 , >.|. ?? PI I Rl I |1 .i |p xi g |3 Bo : Cul *1"V :-?i.-. i ? I Red -i"- * Rl ' I a- : .,?3 -,,, < ?Ban. ?l ?CIS - i - ?2.'?0 II \V \M> STI'.AW M ?? ! 1 gh gn d? tlmothj . receipt II? ? M. idea .,, .: . i , , ,, HAY So i. Kift*: |1f?4il?jn *... : to S'n , x iiaoiii ?,.i" ? - r.i?*i <i? -,?.?-?? nilied llfMTIIi So l 11?'-*! I ,?i; PR X" . 121 ?i|22 Ism? ? . HOM Holden offering si n to opera No It . ent eold, .-.??? .- i fork Si ,. ? . i ? ? ? ? - gros. * i .... ? . in. ? . r TOI I.IKY XI.1 '. 1. . a: oad? , fri ghl und a ttt . es? a Ilated . n under limita mal ng i i ;i-:* ip t? i is car? I ? iturdg ? .--'a. a i,i marl I ui settl? though prie. ? ? ?? Insllj bang. IP ir. m Passox er boll ?. Ill 1 < sill >? I indo? n on M.\ . 21, snd d?al<-t4 ??ill be com | In their supplie? nesl ? eek xx ui be busy on Mond?) ???PI '.,'.: i?. . 'iiirKPN*. I*- "i !> i :'?"?- ri.K- 12 ? Tl KKEYF mixi I, 15. Dfi'KB, l*r; ?IBUSB, lie; GUINEA! . ? ? ; PIOBON?, pa ? 30 i.u:.- ''*-.' i... - of 1 .... mostl; In, ludln? en- carload - f? it' ? Trs ? l?l? ?to. ' .r oui ?I ur-. hi TK' I : ' in mod. r;.t. I . g . -' "' I . H- -J-J . i, el, bul >l? . ? ' ?/resh i Hied i ItKKBN Philsdelphls ?quab brollen pal? .5?80 :; to 4 1 ... : it. 4"',i:.('??. Pel . ? *?, io filr. pot *>? Ilo'd-lOc: I ir a-Rr. n.-r^g? 11?H?> XT"c?t^-n latee. coarse, I?-. fOWVS ?!-? pecked, Western, dry i z to ho*, W? t?> snd >? < r to ...,.-??!. 18 c; 48 to IS It?, 1?'-< ? ?"''. t" 42 rt>, II ? "C, n>, lC,i.'(i17 Irtirclw , t). ?ard;, ?, di i- . , :, ?', snd " er i1?'.. . :; . P. and under, IBc; Southern an?] s,.:th?e ?.??: di ? :?.'. t.. i lb, 18' ? . '.? ... snd Ml. hlgsn, - aided, i? '??? oth?*i Western 18ftl8'ie: *7i>?l mi and southern, ?msll snd !""?? I4H015. . t lb a-er^ge. Iced, II he? and mixed, lired l?"-. ct.r? 'Hi'K?-? per lb i.".' -..u i/.n? are: I .lilis? 1 ' ? nla ?prillg I 'I ? K 1.1 N ' . .-' 22e; BQ1 AH- prim? while, dozen 12 *?*>-*? MM; dark, *l 73; ? ill?, .-.n-o''.*?. l-*n?"?-?EN 'ii RKRYH young torn?, So I, -Ji'?-,r.-',. m? TSttZA oung hen?, No 1. 2.ia2te; No 2, IC-aiSc old hens and torn?, 22e: Teta 1 "JL'. . other gra?5?*??. l*'.:?'?.. ? n !? k c? - , fan. '. 24 lb snd und< SI 2B ... :;o lb 23g2lV; rorn fed, fsney, :\ ;t. snd under. 24?g2*k<; '-' to 80 lb 21?*22i i ??ter?, '.. ge, 2lft22. , i ?*? 2n&21e; second grad?, i?c ., ?>.i. fancy, 'ai?? ipg ???.i, . ? it,. ?:.. . ?,,-on,i cr-H.p. 17'-- fryeri mill* fed. fanev, |?c; ?erond grade 17 aid. r, |l?c; aeosnd gredi lie I i IW1 ! No I gn **b and oxer ta d"/en. |v. . i(* i.? ;.:. n> Is. . 36 ?o ?j 1b IT,- under ::''. r. KHMO-ii *o :? ll'oU. . OLD '*C"'K'.- 1".' ',, i? l'l''K-. So t. fane l !????*"? . axera??. I K-./it..-: No 2. I4e: fresen. 4 ;,i,i, 1. bo? packed fan. - misters harir? HOUk"; f?ncy, ? ??. 1 "?. rr?eic ir,,,i7' rm? i> 1 tb snd upw?rd 1?, ; j average, 17'-.. fa? ? brolliMs, ?mall, 28g24c; , I?'"*?-!, POTATOKH AMI *? l.i.H %M.KB R.t?. P 200 bbli ),o.-it',e. ?>.,.] ? ays i?'..R4 onion? Hem I potato, ? fli .-, r , ?id ... 1.1 ? lowei I ? mi. H?el-, and . arr>,t ?teed; . I ?1 ?..un,-,, lile'??*- for fan ? Romaine ?/?wer I--iT.XT'irv. R-rtrud? tic?. * ,, 1 bbl. *..,/?'.. ?,n ? bbi sni?? :,o Florid? new, white, N.? I, i.M *4 '7* 1 :.?'. S? 5 K 1X00*"? '?"? I morid?, re?! ?... 1 ?.-.-.a.?: 7.*,. No 2, 52 ?'?"'" *."? cull?, *2'i$2''-", x i-gil".-? 1st? crop 1 i.i. *i,.?i7',. xi,,,,, baf || f*n?f2 bull Xir< "? *2a|2 Ift; >U''- ?nd XX'eaterii. In ?"ilk. ?I "'.1 '- bag, |1 7501100: SWBKT POTATOKf I 1er? basket. ?1 t*.../? 1 ?i, Houthorn. bbl 12 I '"*-.','1. "NIONS, old -?laie 1IM. It, bag?, '.'a''(? ? '?'? eral? r.-u7.'.- ello?*, us? 11. bag. 2:. '-t ?1 red. 2*)g7*>. Ilermtid? crate, ?1 ?VVftll 7S; Mexican, crate, 11 -_*.* ,, ?J i ?11 ?.8PARACU S. I Xirslnl? prime, dosen bum-he?. ?27.*?4?s*l 25; ..iiiH. ?1 r/i'4?-j s,?iii?!n fan . '", ?-?'.''i> :'?". 1, *-.? vi,1*:; prime, I20S22*.; . 'ill.-. *l 2&B *l ..'.: 1 nlif.,11,1.,. y,-,,., jj -,,", ?v. -, 1 ?hit, ??_? I als; xi: 1 n hum..,. ,;,,, ,, yswgtnut ,,,c |1 :.ii-.i*i 7:. 1:1:1.; - south c cr. ?.,. l-aalTct ?l'on,-,. !>,.,.,,..., I .. I . I" bbl, II .,..,11 v.t BKBTK Hnulli i irnlln? ion bunch? |20'4; N,.? Orleans Md 11 .'?JO?-? : ft ?". '1 .,-... ??eftii ?? 1 bbl .. bes, Il g Il "*?? CARR0T8, !'.? itt I'-. "Jl mitfa ? srollns, mo bunchet. n "!?' ?? ? ' ' . .?. loo .. |2?|3 old. ' i'? lh bag. .;? 4; 12: 100 lb baa 76? iTCI MBBJR? Y or i,. ' ??: 1288:1 7' i'AHB \OY. Carolins? ran II 25011 7-'.; .?!-.'.<! -"? r*lorWa, . 4i ?nil -.-, \ frglnla, ? ? its. fli Si -.T. bbl. B<0?5< . So" . i.*arollns, 11 ?5011 ?'* ; bbl '.'?'":>" . ?tat? .i'! Dsnli h I " tint*** , m I.II l-'V\ 111;; it. II '<*' 75 South i , ,,r,.; . m .' ;.. . CL.KR1 I ,., !?.' ,,.. . ,.... ti i?. Id Inch ? ii Mdl- ?'?" ncrg-j ?? Ifo i ? ? ? I ssj . .x i ?.. landard crSl? V; ***? I. .i . rate, ?1 250fl 7.'?: <-*HI? OR? . , ,, ... :.i. .?.! 50083 ? "arollna 130 13 ;.? l..-? \l:?.i.i.,' bbl, tl :.",?*-:: 50; I :<???; i orl - ; ... vi .."..'.vj :." ' 'ii an ? i-j*L'?.'.".. r.M'Ivr. 'i l.-il?-. MOR ERAI? i-ii ll?? It?, 82081: KALB, Virginia bbl, -,,, ' Kail 10050. KOHL.RABI, |00 ? , ' . * ..?*.?; I.FJTTI -'I.. .'Irgltiia -.-. -.41 ?.?:. Carotins, banket, 8Id8-1 25 1-IMA , -, - ? Worlds na ? HOI I ' '; He, 81682 :.'. I.l-'KKS, S? n Orlean i, hi .vi -|4i ..n i . irb und :' .uthei n, . j . .inrlniK l*?l I, v?-.,vi ;... < iKR v. - ? ei 12014; ? liban *' r?0flf" ,'i0; II n.w i ;'. i-. r loo bunch? --. lu-if8.'?; ? ?; ? ? - i .?'! borket, at to $2; ,,.. ll .?'??<'. I'KI't'KItt* Florid? i .' ^ %?? 1? till box, 117508350; I'ubsn carrier, >l ., -..v.- 7.-. larg? i.,'- .?1 50083 I'M. Ml" , -?? vi i ? \ i : i.i.*.. \. -.' ? ?tI? m-. ? url*. ?. -i, plain |508*> Bermuda rrate, |l 58 S|| ... KAI'ISHi;.- basket, ..?> 9|l; Rill i; \ ni: r 1201 . 50; California ??;?' Hi bos, -,,<,vi-.?.. ROMAINK Carolina, basket, VO 4" ?ki ?-? . hbl 4| i.vj. Bermuda, ?i 25011 .:.. sri.N v. n. ? Irgiiils, bbl ..n, .i<! Raltlmon . 75 ?t; KHALLOT8, N? * |?bl I' -il- ." ? . oil ?. eral ??? ?? .41 ...i .1. ' II ' 1 .'.' ..'4| . '?..I V-'l ? ? !??? . $-.".<*.': 13 11 i:\ii-. 1 ui ibaa 1. "'?' " ??"?*. ??"? ??*' ? pi ?M \ r?"'-*. !'?? 1 ??! . ., li r, 11083 LIVESTOCK' MARKF1TS. ,\. ., , ork. \ prit 11 Bl * i 1 S i'.. ? .'u 1 .?? . sn or I.? K bul ? ;. .?.I . mg; t..i rowa ?? ? ...? I latslncd lu price; medium and ? oni? m?.n (ui - ? dina lo 1 ioi< ' V", .,. 1 .'I ..... 1<?l| ii, i,,,. ... . |S .'.'.. Inferior :?. ici 1 ho ? ? 4 : .... . 47 i" ? ?? 17 50 ? lallei ?!? 4 . ? ? .... ? 1 ?_? ,1 1 ?. i., ? nuil? - aid ? N'o porta I 11 or io-morroa. Newton a Co.; Id Penm ateera, 128S 1- ?..-.-; i<? > it, |0 1 H??? v?. 85 1 bull I33H T.; -,.,. 1 isiiii. 87 -.-? -' 1140. $1 ' '."?' v.. .. , -',.. j.; ?_?... I. .?? <? ? III *, ?" . 1 150, $?: ?i?. ' ???? ??. ...? 1. i' sn <?; 25 - 831 *>': ?. *?'?? . 15 75 ?' ?'. - -. i" -??'. t.. i?i ?SU 85 ? ?. ? ? ? ."? I . 7-1. 81 BO; 1. ?'?'. , - I . ? , - 81 10 1. '..'" IS SO 11 "."?' '? . II anta al 100 17 50 I.Hi. |S 2.'?; 1 130. $7 7.*?; 1 ; 1 ;.? '-. .... ' 1350 47 !.. 1. 1083 *', . ? ?o . in , . |043 *??> ?'?" 7.'.'. 80 - ' I" ' ? 1051 '7 !" ! i-"" I?! 7.. _ 1010, 10 50 : 1-.-"" 80 ? 10 ?41 i?; I 1043 v . -?i .1 4 ; ?.,,-?, "1 '.??. 4 - ? :?.?7 85 25 - ,1? $515 : : ??.:. I 814, M .?? ?? IK! . M . 0 . 900 M 23; 7 7-7. ?s 1 > ?;?:?', .. : (Ml .- 810 ? I 7. ?.m..11 17 0 ? 1251 li'. 1? 7? ' Bei na Ivanla, 1210 "? m 1 ? 1 ? ..... . " ? ? 1 eera, Hi7?i lh 1035; ?--.? Ohio 1243 *??> .' hull?. 1 ,23 17 3."? 1233 *? - 1380. 87 20 n? : 1 v. 87; 3 ' ?? *??? -?? 1007, 88 7:. ?. 1 120, 88 7" -- . ?? '" 1"?". 18 25; 1 -.7.. |8: fed 840 |? 1" 17 l'. m - 1211 II 4" ? 1.100 -. 1040 v., : . .. . ; . !?? 1- |013 111 2 - ???? ? I? 25; ; ?' .; .v?: I? ??',.1 v.. ? ?._??'?.. into *....-. in --i* ' . " <. ?? ??.1 v m ;..?.. 1, ?in. 85 .?;.. ?.. 1 ?. m :??. 1 v. - M en ? 1.- 84 70 ; ? v - . 1 .?? 41 so ? " v? ?:, 1 .4? :o. 1:1 m % 1 1 : 72. 83? 1 ????; I . . -. I v . 860. g I I \l \ I ** Rreel * 1.183 ? s ?le. \ . 1 . '" ? ? 17081 ? ' lh 811 v.. ?.... 17c pi ? . ... 123. 811 ti'. : in ? ilia ; ; 4.* . 4 1105?; ? . ?. v 1} lb. 810 v ,, .. 4 . ? ? ; ?.; ? 4 I 133 ID. 810 v 0: 10. 0 4: ... I itld ?i Co 19 I 41" .1 . - ??! % ' 23 M< I'l ? - .- - 1. 128 v ? ?. ,.810 ... ? -. ; v -. ?- ? 14. 02 17" *\\ R. Ill ?111 1 r wo 1 \mii-. r?r 5,102 In ' ' - ? I. ? . I I .... : .1 II ? ? 1 .,1 i'.'.i '. . - : I 81 17 j . . - V - 4. ... ? ? . 19 75; 01. 51 |8 5? v ? - . ? . 1 < ..- .. 2 uni v. ? ? 88 flu. 1. 8 I v- .1. ? inn.? lead L'.i ?! ? . ? . . ? ? ? . I ge. 89 ' ? . ? . **- '?" ?? ? ? v. . ? I ?. ' . . ? 1. . K .. - n ? ; . 1 : ?. ?...?.., y?i, - ?. . \ . v. .??- ?... . <- , . ?- -.-? pi*? |7n .-. ? - 87 ?';"' 19 " - li - ?. ? '?? " ?- ? ?... ? 111 I 1 ? ? : ? p 1 ? ? ? ? v. ? . -. . . . ,.?,, i ? ,1, . v . , < 1. * ? --'i:? ... ? . . . ? . ?. . I - p 8 2 ..... '?; .- .- <? -.ilhern roe < 1 V ?; .-... ? 1 . .4.;.- 4;i ..??> ||> 1. . t- .,,. y, 1., I I .1 ? 44 V . , '? (..,. ? ||| ',, Sn 15 light, 83 |9 -" I 17 :..' u v? -? ii 11:1 1. ? ghei lamb? 4? ? - . . ? . 80 I? .... f.'.50ff$7 2 ?..*-.. no . -nil .- v i ri: n ? ? ????. .-.O?. ?- 1 ? 4 . .'.'?? 4? ,..?. 1 1 %:. ;.?.'( t- ,.'i . ? ? v 1 ,,n 1. ?.'-, , .,? ? ? .- ., in.'iofffifl no -..???n.i . packers, |911 .4.; .? .<>..;-, pins a v . ? >?? .4 ..477.. -IIKl-r Rerelpla 500 at rait II ',/ 47 ' at? ?.I'l ... .;.. .,... sn-. 11a ?.'? Baal Ruffalo * !?"' ! 1 CATTI.R Re .,- lpt1 I2fi ? ? and fii n 1 1: * i..- R< 1 .??..,,. ? nd a I * i" .0 H< 1?,-- ?,. eelpi .. WO '" ? ??" i." Nil ? -.. ;, v, ?0 B ?'? .;?. mis? 1 89 SOU 89 70 ? . 4 , ; . ... 107008975 rough!? t? . ?t.- 4? ... ? . ?. -, 4. dallies, 89 :,i":) |9 ." im ?'" Re? - Ipl . . p 1 - n 1 -.:.. higher, la mb* !,, end at? ad ? ' pp? d lamba |3 r.O ,1 4- in .Ing? ?. ?'. ?; 4. 7-, wethi -? 47 15? ?? ,... , ._ $3 30 v; . ,. , ?p m| i9ti, t.. B |7 75. v Ml lam? ? M IMI ? fi .-,0 [By to The Tri bum * ? !.? r? \i",! 11 CATTLE H ? ' i tm '? ? off? e?1 found prompt isl? al strong pi , r. iji m-,-.,| f ,ir foi all gr dea HOG Receipt! 3.700 demand escellent; market ertl ' and '.? lilgh? ? ? i,??i,-- ii?.-1 ? lo n?l<-hii ti :;??./ s? i??, hulh ?-r ??? 1 -, -n r.-i ".*. nark?rs ?? :?o ,, f.? ",o. i,?.? .47 750|9 -111.i.i' Re? elpta 000 al - 875098925; cut Iambi, 1308725 ?in?!"''! niutton ?li.'i? $0087 50; remmon, 1*. a 4 . -... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. age ? 11 Rei ? 1 ?; n of ? 1 ring ,? 4??fliiif. nn-i Ideal rondltlona In the vlnter crop 1 I ? , rated to-da ;?k?'r.?? - Ii?*h? t. - ... pn agalmi V1 ? ?" 't'?? 'i?-?*- ? r<.;, n,.i.|. ^-i si-tusl gain over Ihe prevlwtia ele??e. Tii?* n?r rrfi.^-. .1 ' ' arai ' ? -i ? |os er te '? highei with Mi on r*1? tain il?Si Com ir??-)? I ?-mi?, ?.??'. nn< hana?.| lo ?,,. high**1 ''"' pro*' lona ?en up i". to 17' - fprice?: *, iter v. h- ?? f> - n High i '.- ? lose, da M... :?' :?:'. !?i ? 11 ? 01 -, t.;i :"?"? 8 ?'? '.*fl pn , goI4, :?"'. to*?! *?:? ? :>?? g? I ,.r, M ? ? ?'? ? :???' . '' ? :.','. lui; ' ? 37 '? ? ."?' . '.7". .*>7't 57". 57 ' j " ?? Ua ???'. ta r.:. . ?-, .-.:,*, tul ... '?'?'. '??? . tt% S3 ,,? .r. :;:, 34% ti% ???"? 1 ait) M,,- |0 81 1" 89 l" *?? 18 S3 M v.*. ! 1 m ?7 1881 1" II 1 '* r*.-. 10 ?;,'. Ma 11 "1 1131 11 W 11 SI 11 ir. : ? '._? n 18 l":?J 11 18 io;.j U ? If - ? il M 18 12 IS 11 || J2 p.i :?? .'.? I" 19 08 2088 10 In SEED PRICES. Iprll 11 .l.'-'v r 1;. ?.i.i? 81 '? .'??? ? ?? ? 1 si : Ml ?'? lob? 1. 17 vo peren t- lili; m IK 1. prim? ? d.h. 812 :,< TIM?. '11%. rri- - ? ??.,.!. tl ,-m Ap::l and Mu., 117??. Beptcmbo?". *l ?t% Constitutionality of Promotion by-Seniority Law Questioned. I From ?Ta? ri bum Bureau 1 Wsshlngton, April U. It.W CA8G CAUSES AGITATION - Army officers are discussing srltb th? liveliest Interest Ihe prospect <?f promo? tion by selection. Thl ubj? ct haa been ie\iv?-?i b* ;? comraunkatloa ??*r'>t la th? Attorne- Qeneral i>* the Secretary of ?War Inqulrlnc as lo Ihe eonstltutlonslltj of the existing law Wbldl OTi : ?rfpes proiii?* tioii b) seniority, it i>h* long been srgucd in some ?luarti-rs thai Ihe n Ulcttens Im? ii,..-,,i ?,y \a\\ respecting promotions atlpulstlng sdeancements ahsll b? m.-?.i?- from one grade to tha next blgher !.. entority I - an Interference with the prerogative of ihe Presktenl In his ai polntment of srmy officers. The Constl lutlon, on Hk other hsnd, gives Congress suthority to mske ruli for the got* rn? ment <>f tin- land end navsl foret?, In? cluding promotions. The presen! ngltstlon ults, gtrsngcly enough, from the pet plexltles arislni from th? proposed pro? motion of Maje Be? ehei B. Rsy? for of the poy department, now <?r the quartermaster oprpe. since the consolld8> ti'Hi ui tsff ilei'.irtii" nts, Ma .?.?i- Rsy wss the subj? el ol an In? .-?sstlgatton during the last ?-?. lien of Can? prc.s on account ?if alleged Irregularities im in- transaction as ;? paj officer while ..n ii ity m the Philippin? i and hi i?. ti political activity during ihe Mc? Klnley. Roosevell and Tafl campaigns. v..; ng cam? ol lh? Investigation beyond ,. -,|?iri of the House Committee, which f. und lbs! the slli ?;?-'i Irrt gula - ? ?i ? eel to tii-- ata) ito "i limitation i. Ti.- r. appear? d? then f??i e, no ri . on ? Major Ri should nol I ? promot? 'I to th? grad? of ' ? it? sanl < olonel, and ii" 11 ?--. nominated, to las? eft*? n 1 i ? ????.- t ? -*?? ".c. failed lo .i ? President Tail gave it.i ?? - sp point ment i ?"i *eni hla nomination lo the .-?? nati >.f lh? ?ltd Congreso, a hlch also ,,<i tout n. .1 nrithoul acting ?-n it This necessitated thai Raj return to n .i i.i.i loi end this haa ra I iii,' question whether ii" should sga ? ?t' ?1 oi v h' thi i c.' Presid? -u might ? i ii.- ri' g| ranklni "fli- 11, inaamu? i .i, n,. Senate did not reject ihe nomina? non Ma,?? i... friend Insist I si i- ^; i !.. promot ion rh< ? | ng ..." ?-i th- difficulty, if President I W ill ..|| im..-. 8 !" >'\' i.-'.? Igh Its I ill I., to . ?,ii<t: ,.? i ? v .?:?!? ?, ' ? , - - ? ? .. t er without regard to entority. lined I 'i .i 'i> ? lai ition I require I ? lion ?-f the court i ?. ? ?.ttorn Qenei ? pro lion ti lion ? ? made n ? ... ? n; ? - ...: ? .., ? ? poll? ? In prefei .,!?l. ? iRDERfl i*-.--'! i.i? i ??? sing or? ... ARM1 * u m:. i ? ,. v ; ? ? ? ? t ? 1 . - - all U ' i: ? ? K - | ? ..? H : ? ? \t:?.:.. I ? i . i ,. ? ? ? ?? , ? ? . ? . i . ? i . . . ,. ?-M . : ? *' ' ? * - . Pre ??'..: Yett V1 . r v SAV1 sid I \\ . : i M A TH ?' . ' I , ? ? I. A. til.? ? CHKI i....,i:i: u ? i i.i.- . ? ?? PHILIP ' . ' -i ? - ana. I. .?,..- -. ? ? : . . . i ? ' ? P K I AMI ?! ? * -i ? na- ? . ? . ? ? - . 51 ; 1 - ? ... , ?u .. .... . ' ... O. Al ng station l. . Nailon, i HALTNORTH 81 I - - II v PINKE1 , . - * ? ; . ';? ? ?'? ?<>.'. ? i Moi ? I ? l ; M m , M . -, ... i ' ? 10 I : MOVEMENTS OP \\ a i-.??'t it rs ?'ill* Ing movements of \fvs??'s have been !? ?1 tu lh- N.v I " im! tn ? r.t *l.i:i\ ED. ?' i - M ? I? ? ? . ' < \- - ie Thi Idaho tl (*?.:. the i i i ? . -. 11,? i ...,- . i ?.' ? .. . ? ... i",; ? the *? ? braaka, n< noet m th? la - li mpton Itoadi lh# Cell Tard; til Wvo ng. the Florida, th? Dal ? - i ?? ? i ?" ? ? !?;,..,!. Inland ? .? .? the Panth? .-? - II , -,,r - till ? ' * rlj ii" \>- ? Hi i ?--i. . it L un i?.,... i-. i'.eta n?: it i ' i Haven Ba * l n i.i? ? "he < irlon, from PtMi ' - f arl foi iluantanaino tprll 10?Th? ' ? ? * , i Hsu Diego ihe Iroquoli from Mara i land fo : ..., I?i<-Rr.. ?ti?- ? from Omvi li ? for Phlladelphl i the \ relhu i, . ?.i.. m , namo for Poi ? Arthu? i ? ? ??' " fro ii ftuantanam ' Hami ?on it-.;? .? i'" luv fro n ?.ii.,iu.m n, ., ' ? 'ii- Monaghan the immi i. '.. ? i i ??. Patterson end ? hi fro n (Innata tai to for Boato from HampM r, Roads for Soi foil tha < ; from -.. i Vork Ne? ?? ', ? \ ' ? ils Hi? l>-1, Ihe r> 5 rh?- I? 1 ? h i: i sod ?'"? Tononah from s*m Tori ? , <l for Newport; the JVyomlns, the r or Ida, Mi, North Dakota Ina Delaware, ?i?, nhode Island it-? Conneetleut, th* i in . ? end the " .- |t impohlre <?-,,,,, n ,,?,, ??.ii Roads for Boot hern drill groondi ih? * . - Hampshire, from southern drill rround? for l.yan lis ven n?,' The Chickaasw? stricken from ttavy n?g NEW BUILDING PLANS. Manhattan. tPRIL 11 |-,r ?I IVE - 71 3 ft -, of -?;. ir ?,? Tork Btre? i atr ?tor?-, n i\\y< n. N Ralls ays ? o gl i rtro^ t%., Romenfeld T?i McDonough hlteet; $380 Th? Bronx. HronWI? ll. i Atv i;v PU n ?v gor of it;* gt; tt atr ALTERATIONS. Manhattan. Mi:ii. ii. l ? ? ?-ft?*) \l,\>' , ? j,,,; ,? , ;, .i ,1,,^, , ? '-? x' ?o 'in h it, .ses, o mer M i-| Baal '.'::.i il srehlteet; I.vimn BROADWAT. s u cor of Pith st; i" .? | ?i theatre ??ml ?ore and lofte Broadwa SSth si Raalt) <o c? \.An\ ii'ii ??! owner 1 P! i a in?. i;h ?Hi *??? arehllecl 18.000 ?17Til ;:t 11 Ra il lo a I sly ?n? ig g t n T -? ' i?? ? ?r? Mendham, ?. J .- ? ??? r Poster a Oade, 15 a . ?i .?iii ?t architects; $29^888 The Bronx. i<; ii : t n i 188 fi .- ..f Ceneouree " a" sad him. frame ?i^i?.. jj.t*% nSt.t ?, Pranh ' - horer :;i Pine st, owner i ,t vreeland, SOU Jerome a?<* srehlt?Kt: tool 1850 ?rr.isnv AVE. 880 : it; frame i ? v. i'.'ii" . ir derlcti *? lag ?>.? premises, owner ^?i?i irrhlteei ? o?i ttv?\ \ y BE Al K e - ITS ft I of li'.'r) M ?; .,. brk ?toro and di i< 13x88; i.roog t Her '"! '.'It Raal ITSd St. ?.??ner?. i.ui .1 Itsel ?17 rr?*??m-ii st, arehlteet; ?-o?! |3..ioa, l-l? rt.,i?"i :,nn t'liiil ?i." Irreg; I ,.,, .,,i,? ?i , non ? o. iMi.ior, Robinson, i. m,m f.'i.l |.l iir'.ldrnl ?.?iirr. Doldner a ??,,|,| ' ' r? ;m Matt 110th ; i. ar< :uir, ( , , , 870 OSO, I.MTU ST. ISO ft .. of Elton ?w ?? | an l?rh teninij. m 11 '. ? ?r 11 '-... Henjamln Ben en -i. 4?i7 Eaal ? .""?-*.?1 at, owner; Charlea Srhasfer, ir. Co, l"l Trem-nl uve, arcbltci-is ,'i.t, 1100,800 ti lN?r B?ALESTATE ?j ROW OF 87Trl ?IWELUW?S SOLO Site To Be Improved with Nine Story Apartment Aouse?Corn Leaseholds at Auction. LIGHT TRADING ANNOUNCED BY BROKERS YESTERDAY The .Mi:.un.- Realty Company ha oW to Hi-- PrlncettHi COnatrurtlon Compati! i h aa? Pol t? m. i"'' Id? ;''? No. in to l?aT" ,Vcal 17th rtrcii. ,-? group of i"np four toi ? dwi Hin.- l,"'i. ' a, "ii l'hit Igl.l i"" ? i, ?. ii. ii. i hit. Id? i a? ta? iT-'K' ? in tie tram a? lion ?in thi.s ait? ii.* nen owner? will erect ?m m? ?Irately ,. ihip ?I Lit" a |>?i it ?urn?. houi - In pari pa' ment for the WUi street h?.m*-. . the Aillait?? Realty Com? pany tai?--? tin -i. atol ?i rotor house known aa tha Bt Pierre, -?i No. "ill w.-t "0th street, en plot feet, gi oui 126 feel i aat of Broadwa* i'ii, entire di :.i involvi total i onaldei * lion ol i" tan . n tWSjWg and MO??" Bi \ ?.itldlngi "n l< aa d ground, on i -1 r i ? i ,n ? iu< m.i In ti'' nii'it'ixx n .h -n ict .?xx ri.-?i i., n."-', i ..tu i improved Prop ? i Holding .panv, mete ?old ?it ata - in.ii yesterday morning al the courtl 1 I..-- |,li I' I 'a . (\ll the I a"!"" -IP XX. |e ?. down p. .?' F. ?'.-ii-t. in. of m': | in m of i 'arateln e. Unnakln, which ? ? cnti "" i?'"'ii.'?Idei of th? company, on blda aggregat g 1 ???'??? ? Th? i ??;'? ms wer? N" I ' i" H ?' c ' ., .n,. :;ii to Ml Fifth avenu? M -i iiieheon Bullding), So?, ?-*?' -?ml SB Plfth avenue, northwest corner of 33d street ; 43d ?tree! and BI tth av? nue, north cornei (Bryant \? d? I So. UBS to 1175 Broadway, northwest corner of !7th : itnet: No M t.. :>? Fifth avenue, north? ? corn? r of llth atn I ?l i " ?? and '?.' Plfth avenue, ?.??: t n ?\ il cornei of llth treel Ma a .1. Kl? In and Ignat '. iv? i old Hi? Hoffmai... i.... . ? ' ?? ? and !ll W< I II ? ti -i on plot ??? bel I Ifth nd Lei x- nu? i Th? Hoffman and flat hou S'? I and -'I ? . ? treet. wer? taken In ? ??change i . ? ntl; from ' ? ?> i I larris foi tu e - at, ?? -xx,-,. ?, Tlffai ti ' ' Prop . .id '? K It >*4 Roth, a*? xx.,?- :>.. ntly !> port? d. for Manhatl ? i ? The Bi"n\ folloa : IAXI ' I ?old N ' ..'.'.--. SO.!*? ... i - i . ? -?-.,' .a g on the esst, snd bu ?i; -.. :..; - , 4 n g ..-i . ? . . |< ? i, xx-? ? - ' ?; ("he Weal .,,. . . . ... ? , . ? x ? i ? .. ?311 West 11 " ?? ? ? It 100.11 ? -? g 1 ? . ? ? t 14 '. -.i:?: : Hors e 8. Ely A Co .! other? N fou ?tory ... :.4x01.0 fe*l lo Ml . e ? j l . I , ., - - ? * - ? ' ' *' ' ' HAMILTON Hi:!? lit? a ? ? ?old for Ani Han ? ... ? ? ? . ? p ,. The H ..... ? the chu ; H'. BRO? '? IftlTII ? '-?? ? x xi Margaret : M treet. a two ? . - ? ? - ?, ?? i|104 feel Dexoe Pa a pu ? ' ??.. .\ ftOAD Xt? l| aol.l ? ? ? ? i . ? .? - - . IN THE AUCTION MARKET. f. ?tions XX, irai cl ? ???? .1 i it the R ' ' ?I '? 1.4' ' i.-? ? ? s r ? ? e ? i ?rt A. I I.AFATI ? ?? I2S fl n ot -1 ?. ? , i.xi' x -, ' ? ? > |7i ?r ? 190.1 f n of I '.x ?? lennil en : i ? l* Jos? ' l'a B ''.x i Rl .in ..... ... ?i r ?? ? - -, ,.. , . i . plaintiff ( t, '.?. i.\ -i || ? i . | | fi ill ? ; >? i- ? ? rei ??' i io Bvrtha 11 | ;:' !. B Brj i -i i K VRRM? 'NT AVB I'M e ? 14? ft ? ..? ! 10x100; .. ?' i ,. .." ' I. XKi.XI' INT AVK. Itig. e ?. 110 fl i"? ?>. lenn ... >u tied ? ,' II lie ? ii-. : |41 ii -1 ,"?_? gnd .,m ix e a . ioo ?. ?msterds . II.? 90 11 . .'. ?ty 1 . ? .." .m.i io xr> ii 21 '?i r . r, i?:: We?? ?? .:.???, 0f in,, t.,; n? i".. i lenml i , i .i ii i- ... lin .-?m RECORDED LEASES. ? ' ' ind ? ? ' nee. I APRIL 11. Manhattan. '. -V I '. ? . . ? lor. . Marga I Keaaj ui han .-.>"iiiii.4ii .. ? ' , ?,, xi4- I, IU1 ? *l l"" sddl a ... X . "., ? URO.* DM ,\-| : -i, ?nd I ?. ill fl org? xv Reetor and inn lo l."nl* Marl rt; II lb 12 ?rs fr.'tn ?.prll 12, inr., $;*j. address ? 'H. x-. -i r.itii ht BRO? ?M ' : : 1. 300 i i :-'i. all 1.m ???> P Rone? ?ml in... to Joseph I "l.nir ,X ? ,-s ' ? ??' Mt i. ivi.i. I:';??", address, :...x Baal ' 'HERRT :: I' I? st.. . ,..,, |? * . .., , and sno io Mai Io Mlgro; :; i 12 ? m r, ,n, A" II I, 101*1: V'.?n address, II i neu ? ? i URAND BT, 31.1; ?ton . Irani? i: Roman and sno lo -?hsrl*? Bolos? 4 ?rs from xi i 1. lt?l I -.*!H?, Bddroes, 313 ?Iran.I st HO! -I": H I' hi i.asl ?|,,r, fionr. |'r?,,' ' .?i.iiii.i te, chsrleg Kaulbaara ? yra from Jan l. 1013; 139?; address, ??. Hoaa? Inn ?I HANOI N BT, M; ..ii i|f,"c I* Rlsel to Hum? R'-.? ., corporation; t I 12 <n from April I mil; $2,750; d.lre.?. ,*,n ChUrch ?t '"!' I IIRR? .tr.i i,r;x aim? b e .or it:..I I ""-?. '? . X.|< I- : ? ? -<rj.| t" John !? ?aeton? Io a f,?.? March I IB13; |2 ? ??!.'???- 4,,) sonii.eii, Boulevard ?I? XXI n 0r4i Boor; '...irct. Bc-hlaepiH '" ?'? ?mln 1.1 Inberg: "? yra r ora Ms I ;:>i I; fiiiki g (?tress, ?, "Casi lib ?I "?i> xx i: isas. B)|; .?.ii.,? rtneatre Co m -?alta ? . ,,, .*, , k from April i. 101 . v. ms); addrea?, f??? 3d av? "?I? x x t n t, ,-or Trenxonl urej r.-.-t ?tor. Tremoni Holding Co lo rbornas i ?i and sno; IB ? rs from May I, IB19 |1 ' """ , (.|r. . |(| ,.\ M i.l. | I? .?? ? . ??in x* g, , .. eoi ?Tu, t 23 ?xlOO; all; Henri C t'opeland m American Purchaalng Aai... r uion ' , -. i * ira from Ma? l. IBIS; *?*'"". it'tflre-s. BOI ?'olumbu? fin x \ r., x.-?, ?tore; Henri ?' Cope I snd io it..-m Ha*ilofl .-.".i sno; 0 rra ir.uu m^ I li?13 -*a?i' ?tldreaa MB thh ?? , I'M II x \ i; 132; |||; , in.. H? "IS.-hel t., Citarle? E Olaasmann; > >'?*? fr,"M Ma I IPI3; I1.3O0 ?ddresa 132 lOtb .."?. I4TII .?' i. 3.11 .....I (t.13 i;nai. all; 1i?c:??, P Ronca ?,. Joseph B*omnlr; ? 11-12 * rs f''""i inn- i, im I. .*?!?>"". ?ddress, .?;i Real Mu. >t ?:i> ?, r 11 x\, ?i. ?tore f"??or? Jam?? Rioter ?,. Henry S Beheadel; ? ? rs f,?.., ?B'll 13, ihi.i, ?i:.(?h?, sddrees, 121 i.ast ..*,i ?t, ?'??"ii! -i ??:: xx??,! all ' i^ri?, A Rrubna le t If red i xx^n.,*- .<? Co; in ? r-. Iron, .l.nir I. r.ll!. 5 is"'. .( !'l i-.-l. ||g I Weal BAth ?? I OBI ii . i. Bfi ; Bast; ?i"-' "J?*orge r I frommer and ano, >?r? if William ?j Ring. ir te. i. ? ; - from Mardi I, i:m? |*?jo; address, ?"'. Eaat IMI? '?? RECORDED TRANSFERS. M*!*ll. I' Manhattan. .',?,;?', im!", and addree? ??: oui*cl*asei sad atiorm ' , X \ .M ,.\ - i 133 ? '.' ' 100 Mir 'IS Ho tenths! to H ' U tton, -.''"' Prslrle sve, Chi . i.-.? imts 121.11001 .prl . fit?; eit-?rB? I. Jo? i i,< xi :;; Liberty ?l , CANAL BT, n ??? ""- Allen ?I 22x7?; i.oui? I to Ephraim MB, Lowland roe Nyack, N V in Ig |l(^?M0| ?II II? rt?i ' ' '? --? . >i aim nv. Jai ?Japlnek; .'.', Sa? ?'i ?I MADISON xx i: 2??72. ? ?, lg.iJx75; Char? lotte X Map?*? t.. XX m 11 Horn.ann, J. Moun ?i , \\ |t( M,"?-- N Y; ?I''" >" ??,?JOO; ?ttorne) Lawyer? ritl? Ineavenr? <? I.... i ..ixxa-.. N xK'ii.r. xx i;. . I, :.-?" I ooA ax, ........ -.? ??..-' i" t*eg. .. ...... i,- a i- n.-ii. ref, to In land Realu Co U Pei R i* llore? loe, Men 111: April j >a... iti Uuarsi ,\ rru?i ' lu n.??' . ? ?in . i ? ;.. fi - ? ?' ???????: -.melt? > l| ? ? io Ml ?i ' S"lp?er. '-"?' ?? ?-?','? ?i \prii ? ii ,)?? rn< ?- W?*chsaer, II Para Rot ;;'H i| , n ? I..? ft ?x of !.'?.,' g'' Il B' t, i 17x9*4 ?? Margaret R Kl? ' . an t., I" nul? l M' Donald l'!7 K 4, : . ?. a ? i '? not, attorney. I ? (?-jaranK -? ' rust ' o I7-. ; i il.-T ST, 320 We?t, :. a.. -, :. 20x0*0; Ja? Reall? Co, II* '-'-1 It! ,, |na - M ii I 18 *i"" attorney, i it I?. . luarsni ?? a : ? u?i i '?? 171 B ?? (?,H- ...- , | :- . -i- ? :.:.?.ii?" :. . . ? i- . . ? i n., par sway, J. I -? |2!."" April >* ???*>: rney? ? - A Pfell ? .-??. 40TH -I. 423 Weal ?'? ? 25x100.3; | Mai vi." * ' B in N Hi nke, l M x_ . ? 19.1100; sttor - ... 171 Braa ' 55 i; - .?. " -? :: ai -."-.lis-, R; David I el .'. W lOlsi 1012; Si; attet Bandler A Hsu?. 421 Hro? ;ci> > r, lea i. - i. - Mtagher to i .??? - i 122 ;- < tg 117.001 ' - ' ? 1911 1100 ? ' fO Wall i ,.-. ir - - ..... e. 25xlf?0 ?'. , r so . to Reginald ?? '? West ,.. .- ,. ... i;,?, ..... ? , ? ? - |i Insurai i ? '*" ? , -,,; ; ll ? : Id - - ''"' 11! R H ? a?, r. ... - ?-* ?-", ? '? ?.prll 2; II r . ? ? KrTTH K1 ? ?. ?1 ft e ?f M W i ;.'? :.. Hsmllton Holding is 1 ? ,-,-,. 4 ?? ? , . ,n"g 111 000 lion II1TH ST. i 119 ft e of 8 i , ? a Langw. i to Harvey Clo It:,.! ? ? Mai lit?; ? - ISO Broa The Bronx. BRi ? 17.1 ? Lena | ? .. , | .... ; HO? " ? .- I -??" IIOO; at? ., ? 9 3d a - xxi!. i'i:< ?PERI I Belawa io I ' 1237 1 ?.prll I IV? ? l ? ? : : ?. -. - 1*0.7 : Klow? Reall ? ? i ? ' ingei > 131 r*e, ? 4 ,? . . | | - ? XI g |?R| ll'BRi x Doria X'., . .. ? i ? , . S Duane i ? 1100: |. x x x?. ?:. v ? !"?? I ft n of 14x110.4; <*l ? M II? . i ,.- : roth 4. \;.- in iioo ?lll?t i . i...? Bi. i ? . PORDHAM . B Wei? Weex .4 t ; ., 4 liua ? 170 ? j IVE r. 79.1 ft a cl ;. ? ? i ? ... ... \? . 4 -a O, PI? ? ? '.,--,; ten II Dm - ? ? ,"? to --? a- ; I I,' > I'.-' I ?? . : - ? ? ? \ . -iint ? . . . 7 .'? ? | X. ..?. ? .... : u . 170 Bi M xi?!?.?? wi: ? . ' ., '? - o< ; lieh ?t. 27x11??. Ou?? I? ?' Ms n t ?? ?i ,,-.i i : i: K - riTx? xv xxi ? g. 25 ft ? of DI? K ? i?>Mi ? I It. ? H ? . ? ?? II. I . fi to .... a., m, .... i. . , I . ?? lot v - ? ; - ? ' . " *:"?> ... ? ? - - \ -Vi Hi t..[.i.i-:?: x\ r : ..,? ? . ?.... i.... - born- i . . ? ...... ? . ? i ?Tii* ? ? \ ta I. Iioo. ?,.,.,- it Co, 1701 llroad ? \ xi.i M ; x*-;- -a a, p4.t loi |g fa m ' IVtei \ ad ? ? . i ; ?albert G fstll ? '?? - I ?? ? ? ? Uuarsi un '. :. ? W ll.1.1 xx . -. et a t . Re . . ' |10 i .. . I . .??, t road* AMP. PROPKR IV. ?? ? H Plant ran t., ? ...- \;r i I t? (mt| ??;,?. .-.a., ||? au,,rnc: ISim <4 a '..?? ? .x mi; i (;? > -i R r*T Re? i: . ? Co to t*?i? M n li ' i i--' ' " ,,". ? ..i?,,. Iioo; ...iom . i^, . .. Idn Broad i ? * Ml PR? ifKR Cl ; Paul M Xet? ? 4.; i , . . ., x |0 im< g ?.. ,,??.. ||; attorn? i its \>. .M?..? i.;: x\ r ?4i i, .-,.:- ,i , -, ?l at t., Kphrm ... N N ', . Keb 23; |l ; attorn , j Nassau t Wl '.-ill. ? n i: \ r ? - 1ST ft e of t* ? ? ??- t 20x161 10 xx m Buhl i" Chs? II "i 140) imtg ?ii JOOl x,, m iioo ??? r" . ritte Quarante, a . ? . 17? Broads ?? \\ KB8 ni: AX I . :-..'.? t - IS I? Web .'? ? i, 23-11? ; t Imon Pinion in i ? ? Inxi. 100 Broad?? Mai h .'?i .g *?.? SOOi: *i ittorni ?, x?- rill a Ro? 100 Uro idwaj ID AVR, a ? - I. "?? LU?? H?, , ?",? m, t . Wlngman Reall corpn i i : ? .- xprli it xi,,,, attorn i, n \ 1 an ,?? 21*41 i ?-.. , i 11 ii - i ida I..1.4T 25x11 " Hi Io Philip Weinmann Walllngford Conn; March 27 ' "i. IIA.flOb?; ?i"". attorney, rillo Uuarsn ? i : rual ? o 171 'it-" ni g I3T1 m ?T. ? . I :?'? n ?of Hew ? ave r.? WO; Wsshl 1154 .t t r?ax. lo t ? Mortgage . urltlei ? o, 1 10 Rroadwa*. Xn- 28, 1012 M i?:" ii : 2*9 ' . ? sa 3? Gluaef?pina N'orcla lo? ?lu? ppln ? Margarita, 2S? Kaai MfKli s?: xpiii i ,, 1100; uttorn -. n ,\ Mo.itani ixis Brook ? I52D i 760 i ?si 25) 100 i" la ob i; K.t. ?an i" Sali il Ri . ?? i .. -.'..i Rroata ? xpri' 1" 'tut? ji.t'as?, xi-.. . ttomey, Ma. Moa. fried. 299 Hr...i |wa IfMTII *- i ..'? !? ? of Dax Mam n?e ?nexso; xi? in Welsker io Rllllken Realty Co, o?. r.',,...|". i-, (nug ?..;,,.,, a,.m in. tiiMi. .,. lomey, Tin.? ',ii..t.,iu,, god i x ?>. 17C Broad? ? t 1*?7I'H -I. S *. Ha fl ? "f ?'., ?union? axe. ???? ?Ida Fettling to Ann? ?--..lllng. (Xct I, I90T; IIOO; attorm Leo hafi m, :.i Cham , ?-, - ; '-'??"'ll BT, n .. 123 et m ot MhiHim a list I mat Keller t. Mm r,-;,,-1 r ,,?,,? , ,, 1^4. ? ?H. ?t; Xrni o ??? |3..V>0?; *K?i> .,' lorney, Title i.u.r.intp,. an i iiut . .. im ; . . ?*.?.'.ni BT, n i ai '. im., i?; ?t. map Mary i P Msconib run? ? ?? x > ?x g s ,? ( ,,, ? ? i? *' ' a? amtAk st, um. ., e 1 v Mars-are? K Putnam, extrs, ?? rio... io iMs '?' ?It! ' " W '''I" B' ..''i ?.'V?'i -t March "I *?.,..."?. att'iney, t isycra lit!,? lru?urnii. .? ind Trust ? ... i o r.r-.u.;.?a. RECORDED MORTGAGES. '"???lili name uti?) ii*.tref-, nf grant?? ami v katnti . latarul B peg cent nleaa otaatrwla? itab : Xl'KII. II M ?nhattan. AUDt'RON xvr. MC u IT j" .-.,. RerU.a A Lawrence tu Columbia Knlckerboi'het 11 ,?: t '" '?> Pr.Itx?' X|?i,l II :; tr ?,a??i a,' lorney ritlo Guarantee ami 1?rusi ? .. IM Broadwa? .1 H 'n 1?!. - . 17 V.xTI I! ?>. BJ ,;,r(Mr?r_ tO Mn r-l. I, ll?l|, !f. IM l?.t 120th ,{; Ale|| 10 ?prior nitf- Is.iVini; in?tu!s?. ?I |.?r cnt- usa attornev, M Pawdoff. to 1-^.it linth ?t ' ****' MONROE ST. *?.'. n . -.'?K irre?; Ra-,,? Cohen to Bertha n Ober. ;;.i *.v?*.,t iSthat ?prior mtg |1v.wi,; \t ni lo; d???* April i 1818; ?? i"*r "-in 12,00??; attorney. Title ?Juar-' ani?-<? and Trust Co, IT? Broadwaj MADI8MN AVE, -JOT2. ?? a, IH.Hx?.*?; Willie? 11 Harm;?.:;' to Chariott? A Map? SOIS ??4I ?OH Hvr: April |n .'; -r?, 41 i?i?. SttOrrte] Citarles A Purthmann. :: ? .?'. ,?i i I4*tti tt n\i;?;i.i; AVE. i -. 330 f? ? of Ellwoo .; 10x300; Inland !t?iiiv ? ,, r., r-.?r?. Mortgssl i v.. ii Pan Roa i '. ., .. earn; Am ii |8,000; sttorne; . Beybel ft French, il Park Ko IST AVE . s cot o- 7?t'i .-t. 48.8x118; R m Plisar ?o Albert VVInternlu ?-t al, exi 1st ave; April 3; :. yrt, M per cent i'j.?;-j :?> *tt'?rtiry M ?ij|zl.?rsri :;* ' I'.rk R?*??.. ?;i? AVE, ?;-.'?i him ??S, ?- ?. 04, ? 1*..^ llunday to Howard 1 :-'<>n?-?. 17H |>t >>U? ?t April ll: 1 < r. ? po,- rent; t.'?*), attorae?/ ja'">i' Behaltman, ll'.i Nsrsau -'? .vril AVE, ?72. n s. SSxIOO; H?tnry * Bag. t--> Frederlcl A ?"i..?-1-.. t'ooperatown, N 1 ?jvi. 10; du?-, etc, as par bond; l?W.?**0i> attorn? lit!?- ?iuarantfo and Truel ? ?. IT?. II lint AVE, 11 w cor ?1 .-,sih st, '.?.?in? City Hall PI, 1 -, 84.2 ft ?*- of Pearl at -as> . City Hall I'l. 81, 1?. 1x100- ? ll i|.w I'l. 'j:?. .? a,; IJHIi at, i .?. 23 f, .. '?f 4th n:r. KsO-J; ):?.., et. S I 3M " ? . ? || , sve, 23x82; 63d st, 223 an?) 227 v\'??r MhUi '."'?id at, , 125 tt v ,< Broadwa*., -.'r.xlim 4' 88th .*'. 1 . ISO ft ?? of Proadwaj. ^.',t1??, ?. II.:.I at, ?, I-? 11 w of Utoadwa;', .-^1,'rt 1 I3*M m n -, 17.'.?'. fi e -r 1*- ?*?'?. Kr?? :?:? 11. |**2d ??. ?? 135 (t <- of i?.-,.--. .. . is,, -'?:> 11 HIHsldr .ir.?- < ; 331 3 ft ?-..?-.-. ? Aa' A' o I . - ? f?? f. n ,,? V r ^?? 50x100 pari of plrr at 1 ? ?.? .>,.. ,, North Rlvei ' OLD BOSTON POST ROAD, a > c ? - ,lol:n Cornell, nin* ? 7" Bg . , aj3 . :,.; p , .-"v n s 178 8 ? ? >.! <tf ?, w I 8 ?'. ?. ? - ??'? ?ii ' Ro i"ii ri'?,-i'i . t M .'I'll ll .- inri., rui :????.-.. II ?\ I780X n w 53.8) n ?*? I39.3i ? ? ? e 103.? ft ,.- centre li... I ..? er it, 1 un<? I M l\ . 1 1 ' ? . ;r , . 130.5: Roaton poel Road .?' Ian I of Heran Rowland, runs : e t.? Rrons Rtver %p ? 10 Bleo io' adjoining? l-'ln; .'/>?''?, i?., ??, map Weal Perms heirs .to'in vf j? gfgfi ? ray, a s, i"r> ft n of 240tli i. ?t? ;?,_ alao m 11 lea?e?. nah??, frsnehl .'?-ontrief? , ?> a\i other property, real o- r ???vina hi hi?, time hereafter .,cqulr, -i. int-r?jor???.? Rapid Trenail Co lo ???ar??" rrwst 1'. New v - . .? Na snu it; Me ? . gold bondi, 4.:i...i?i.i..>iV. ji.r rm.oy. ini0u,, -I !. ?V- 1 ? - A.' ' \r Bread , '" 38TH .- r ? tu ft w of Lexingiea ?-,. 17x08 :? Dei It J M 1..,: 1 -.. .?.?, k .-,. Sloan, executrix Oarrieon, v ? -. J. -. f?*?- bond; \r :;i 4. f:t SfW>; ?aortai Geller, RoUton 0 Horsn, 22 E ? ??-.;? i*',,', ?*'? r 121 tl est '. ? ;? ,4. ,!(>.?. C ar|.- a .1 . hrlateeen 'o nir^-to-- ASS ?folding ? -.. 1"? 1 road? . ?. - .- ng ?ni re ? <? -I"! . Keli 15 ?; ? ?- ?*, r^r eut Cahn a '.\ ?rdllngsr, 1? 908 " ?V Of '.?MOT V?. Jh Ml ? 1 ." tO T.-ona- I TT-,j, ? k 812.000 , las S ? ?Vprtl f? ?'."?? ?."?r-!?,,' Pfeiffer i:s B sd?a< 82 500 s ?toi m 1 Broadway ST, n ?. too n ram? n IV, Urs- ;i I 1814 I ? Arn?i? a, :.-'.. f The Bronx. BEL MONT ?vi; is>:, ? .^ jg gtgn Atg? Titus ',. ?-VIII im Peters, 2807 BedWleVlSSL I due r#h 1.1. 1014: ?; --- t***\ 8300; attorne -, William Pi-fr-/c->. ?"is ia? id, ^^, BECK ST, a ? .. .',.-, 7 ft ? of 1 ?.-,,, ave, 107.8s S a ron Ooodman Realty CeT Lawvera Mortgage Co, 88 I."-?-??? - 5? I ? .. each 840.?J. '->n?r. ' 1 ? ? Title In-iuranca and ?r*r Ido Broad? BE? K -t g < . 183.1 ft n a of intermh ? * *"' '"" tai 1 ?.. ndman Realtv CoT Mortgage Co, ..:i L4berty it -, -.t, I811.on ?*.. L-x'trj ?-. -'.?, ?r Co. 180 Broad? CAI I.DWELI. i^VB. 877 to 88.1 E n-n?l - -., Oeorge W El 1?. - u est ? . , 1380; ? Idr-aa 140 I: . ? "* IE PROPER! v; sen i lo iai ?. Ml t; I '" vim? SAME PROPER .?- ?w ? ' 1f. ? I? t A' I ?.' if. li V, Aft REAL ESTATE._ BRYAN L. KENNELLY" RRAL K??t\TF. AtlTIO>El.R 156 BROADWAY. NEW YORK PEAL ESTATE FORSALE RT0LET IOM, !?.[ \M> GREAT HOME BARGAIN. S5.950 Buys $6.900 House. ' " easiest ?- ? ? beau ?in - 81 ? ? ?.-. - 1 In? - ? : . ... trim; heaui;f >.f rettm ->- it? ur.ed t ulad bat - ? .? toa. Wi ? ' "PHONE 8425 M A D."'SQUARE^ ILE.?a - ? r , . -. ... .... -?ro?i ? -..min pe? '. \ ? ?? ?? St.. Ke? ? 411 NTKl. ? ' 118 A? 1:0. v ' .<*~r', leal ? ft ... - ? - - ' " MAUEI. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. i\f?i m mo t rnn Pi "? ?rs IUVA11 . ... . ? -?mi. * ' i:< w ? K _._, Hiii.m <. 11 ?IP BUtOOKLTV. ?:? U a? * ?? P ? ? P'foe slagle datai ?''. .... lu ??-..? 1 ?_ - TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSED Woolworth Building On N H iv liT\v\lili I llOi.W. Vgeat. 14 aielworth BetMlac? i.? MS?!, ni 1 mn fl?",? I I I IKK.Ii Xl'lll-II (lit 'PHOTIM.RAP^? MONA HA > EXPRES"! fOMPAM BUK?, il*-tti W. IH1I1 ?1 Mon ' "i Espresa ? ? pa '''"''*._ M <K 1:1? ?M I*.' "KINK" ! l" ? "'' '? ' , . ..?????.. - ? ?:.?. |.'-. r-ii: .-' i'- 1- - : ''?' *' - CITY HOUSES TO LET. ?' v r?\* I I rnnp,'. ? - - II -, ? r r month ?. 1 ? ' ; H '*' ' W r-l U COUNTRY HOUSES TO LET, FUN _ NISHED. t ilVM.l lit IT. 1 ob ri srr.-Ai ' ' , " hS mlr.utei from Cn-I ?>nt-st .1 ...?I LOttsa ? ', : .. . to troll? ' A.Ti "? ... . .. ^.11 ne?* 1 pslnt? I ou? 'lde *? '- m , 11,,. 1 ?-, ' B B.?x 14. Trib? MW iEESEY. ,, s , ,.m\n gi .,! STR1 '-1 ' ' ^'JSXS ,.?- .letel ? ?; ??% or 1.? ?. ? ??- t?? ... ?-..r ? 1. ;i ' ?urad *' ir? ' ? ? ??.-.?.? and -?' - . : ..Ator. lo V'*v \ . - fit* . ., ..,- mi: BLI '? I?' N' " HUiH CLASS FURNISHED APARTMENT. IHE NEVADA TDtfe St. and Broadway t?tauli'?il|v (?.'31 ipa all usiit teomA grsatl: <-i,u,i (. 6g4?*0lUf*i? furnlaheS; Hi??a.l? a ? ? ! ll r ... r..r - unum? r A I" ?' ?"" bat?.11 apartnien?. ?? rent^w ^ 1 ... t-eptembei ta ; ";?'"?'",,'x, ' , iooi* ;????! .V:1 ,,-? rtatEf y.^r month itii?in?..t 1 urnlsh? -i for k -- ? - ng |,iii|,"M*' ? 1 iy al ilion It'-ff-r, llirprr^t ,..?! foi ""r ? w?e? dim >?i ?*<'c--? dren o?i p I ; p m lll\ KREIDE DRli ? bath; facing Dn? SO Phone 117?? i-i,"! n?-? ? . 1? Uc (roin?w 521. -1, flwr. ?P* UM. \... 11.a *????' ? ?? '" ,.-rt r,*. 1 elepbone .M<>riiin?-..i'le l"" mired APARTMENT THELANGDON5VO? N?... hot? 1. la "|- t| ?. .?.,,1 i.-irtfill LUML'M' H il b X?*.* in llU'l?* i.HATll?0*