Newspaper Page Text
thl United Knut Compan) were built ;ii foreign ? ountl Tl ' Invest Igsl Ion ? ond icted bj Mi ??irgg. A\li?> is assistai b: George Kel i and i ?. ? ? Betjeman, ai*? la! *?"*<*ntB of the i?< i artmenl ??f Jusl linderstood to bs ? ? m ??toi thai ihe i niteii Fruit Coenpan: controls a *-,"? per ceni "f the business II - H ? god (n. Had Planned Equity Suit. Il was in N'ovenili. i Oi !?-' * "? i that i? i?? ame knot : f,,i lbs firsl tlms thai George ?W. Wlckersham, then Att? General, had ordered sn Investigation of the United l'uni rompan- n. Ith the . ? ? bring an equltj lull nolutlon "b the ground thai nod trade In ? lolai I? mas las. Th? graal ?mojunl ol woi k which piled up ?"i the Department ofj - . nst oth? ? large ' ?mbin ?? I 1(' have nging ? . . ? lat ih? adminiatration of Idenl Wl - ?! ihe n pending ' ? '" ' eral McR? '?"' attempl a Irai im ? int antl-truai action ?.??.?- ? ? in' ati-iii I h ? -. tinqulahed ihe "ti - I ?_ . rnea a huh mark?**d his pi Ihe other artl-trui ?? him Mi wi? k< raham Private luit Pending. ' ?..i action undei the Bhei mat hag airead) bean brought against the United Ftuii compan* . though b private part) Elmer ?S,.I? receivei ihe E ? Steamship Companj , ?ught . ? n th? fed? tal o irt In . emending ** I. damagcf lie chart ed the Bluefl? , i . form a i omblnat i"' ?it of trad " ui eliminated ihe'company as g competitoi in the banana bt.stnesa through which Hie ?? ?... lera of th? Bl ie-flelda were damaged. Th? ? -? g -m Phila Id the ^ erdi? ; be as, Ihe i ilted Fruit Company the B ? Hclda mighl be able to recover treble thl .-"ii" i? : demanded aa the Sherman 'i- | !'? ildes ? irgg competitor, the I nited truit Company has little opposition. Ba, caro Brothers, of New Orleans, are com ? ??? .i the onl; othsr i ompetitor Ii banans ti ids ol sn) a ? ount, sll the others bel 14 onlj gnu Boston April 11 Andres W. Pr?s? ton, president of the United Fruit ' 'ouapaa* alb be In t - augaiii.ii In Nan lai k "Thig ig ?11 newg to me. if sn) f<*U ?rai proba of th?- compan) aiart*d or was pending, i would bava heard about it Bo far 1 knon abso? lutely nothing ?_?f an) .*'? ii in? ?-siiga llull." TO DRIVE OUT "WORKERS" Orand Junction Citizens De? nounce I. W. W. Pilgrims. ??rand Junction. ?'..;. April U r\ . hundred citizens at a mas? meeting to? day adopted resolutions demanding thai the ahenff drive our !lg Industrial VTorh 4>ra of the W?Bi*ld members who reeently laeaiM this place on a pilgrimsge from the Pacific Coast to I" Th? gaeetlng siso demanded ?? ? esig? tiation of Mayor TOdd, h go? kg gt 1 le ?Mayor retfused to reslg chief of Police 11 it? blason, who liad an* ?ounce?! he -would ?rreat ?nr one Inter? fering 'With the street rr.e?*t!r.Ki of the BIslSWS, Th?- Mayor and chief of 1 Wan h'Baed down when they tried to de? fend their actions. A resolution calling ea the rdtlssns to mm themselves and drive out the pil grlms **-'aa defeated by a narrow margin, The- pllgrttns fay they expect to live 'he expense of the municipality when the) rpHch Denver ?eattla April "... Membera of the In? ?1 Workers of the World Will not bi admitted to eltlienBhip In any court of Washington, <?regt>n. Idaho or Montana a* IhS result Sf an uride-"8tanding reach?id ?..?day by the chief ??aturaliaation exam? iner, John Speed Smith, and his aaslet ants. mho will challenge all Buch nppllca UeOg for eltlien.ehlp. They contend that the pr'nciplee of the Industria'. Workers of the World are Inherently opposed to tins Constitution of the United Btates. HIN ?TOR "BISCUIT" MAKERS Membani of "In?er-Seai" A&aociation Be? Show, Then Dance and Dine. A Pout a thousand employes ?jf tie Na? tional Blaeutt Company, members of the ? in er-Heal ' Association, had their thir? teenth annual entertainment and recep? tion laat night. The entertainment WSS furnished by the "Ohl ?Obi Delphine" 'ompany at the New Amsterdam Thea? tre, and the supper ami ?aaBOS follOWSd at tii?. Hotel Aster. officers and SXeeutlveg of the company ?ere out la full fOTSe, SSjd the theatre was slsborstely decorated for the occa e'011 At the hotel a short musical con ? ert preceded the SUPPST? ?tul the danc? ing ?abb led by officers of the association Ui executl'.?s of tbe com* CROWDED BOAT WRECKED Meagre Message Tells of Sius law River, Ore., Disaster. Kugeri". lire. April 11 A BMSSSgg to night frnm Plorenee, ora? st the smutti of u*e Hoalaw ttttor, !?t?t*?i that Ihe gjasotoae gstaeoaer Anvil ha i he<-n wrecked there "with -. ?to??! aboard ' The ?? ? t^> Florence went down Immedlatel) a* terward and v.n detalla eouM be obi ? The Anvil xkh* 111 feet long, plied be? tween Portland ami Han.Ion and I I I erew of twelve men sn.. carried both rassengers and freight. I."i; to riehl Re? In tice?. I PRESIDENT IIIKHTA oi MEXICO AND HIS CABINET .qUinol Ofregun (Finance). <lc la Barra (Foreign Mairs). dc Hondragon , \\ (?cmados (Statt ?, Roblagil (Interior); ? imiognpa bj l-edacweed ft i ar) preSidenl Huerta" Kra Stanol (Public Works), Garcia RAGTIME OUSTS ORGANIS 1 'Ex West Point Chaplain Drive: M\uicii.n from Church. ?' Pittsb irg, April 11. Ragttm? :i a . I: I ? i-:. Hall, xx ho reslgn?*d i? Ti ? i. ? p . ne of the rlchesi egal Pennsi vania it s !?:? '.. IM. K. !.. ? ? ? 8 ' ? nlty, th.i Hall to quit sfl a ? Ti inity. Di asa chaplain st Wei : Militst a ademy, Hal ..f ih?- Am? N'.-w York and f? f th? Roj i ? ; he for? m -? ?t: Am? "The : . t Of ha ' hose foi I S, and im the whole programma wai , eccloaloatleal ragtime. Thai Is insist? (1 ' n in Tl ll | mi". NOTED SWINDLER IN JAIL Bigamist and Forger Expert Sent to African Cell. ? lakland, Cal , Api ti ?.in lO-tiS* from B B Harri ... Coopei ? en traced ? ? A Cooper would a turned lornla authorities on the i nmpletion of term of im,.- , known in South Afi ? orinan E. Ma? ?4? . ,.? . ,,,.; a>| ? -, n 111 h ? ob ta In ed t h ? man.? Ing them If necessai ? Ii ? i ? f U| Uva : ?aros known _?? i harlsa Krnrai Chadwlck and Kniest ? Moori o FIERCE FhAY AT COLUMBIA Free Fight Wrecks Freshman Dinner?"Sophs ' Kidnapped. a ' bsnd-to-hsnd confl ct. which rag?*d i Morningside Heights, with hes i ?-? to both f? ended when s Bcared?lookJ i bond o? i o lamb?a freshmen managed to socos t.. Brighton Boa? h sight f< their annual dlan? r. it .,.,,.. ,, t. s courses when the a?*phoiaoi*ea ?i snd broks 11 -, Ii a fre? for?all I ? Kg] t. "fsaterdsy'a battl? ?.. ? - Icaown in tu" university, Bquoda "i aophomoiefl chsrged up i is atepi of the librar* lo monhand men and? i th? *.? - ?? ?.ra ol Prei Id? ni Bi tlei i "<!?' ? and fr? shmen snd Bophomor? ? ssed flei rig snd frlgb ?eiie.i ; ictlma through tin streeta all dsj Ths freah?n?*n kidnappe?] Waltei D? ? sophomore president, who ws? tntlced ..a ih<? rampua thrown Into s tsxlcsb and iiisiie.1 awaj a half dosen policemen .sinl* pursued whlli Pwyei smashed th? las ab's a Ii.?? s In his futile effoi I ipe. i' _ i.' . ai 'ti--- t;? um wa rapt'."-o b) eight husk] - sa ? andl. bound up ati'i carried owa In an i ni?.blle. aa was siso Charl? [.ourler, Gera I Ober? ndi stai I ihman pitch. or, woa overpowered and carted swoj in a furnltura van to an apartment Inllyth atreet, where he apenl ihe nighl trussed up ,n :,..1 MAKES PAYD~aV~SEMI- MONTHLY. Harriet irg P B#l ?,,. bill providing fo two | ayd i month for workers In 1 . , the House lost nlghl slthoui opposition, and ffoes lo the Oov? rnoi foi hlS B?"tlOl _^^^^ f \ Bell and Wing: By FREDERICK FANNING AYER The spirit and genius of poesy. -Crydcn Chronicle, Englasi. Great ?-?riginality and dcptb <*; ?eriing.?-Booitm Ti/met, A lubtk thinker, and one who 1- glao the ma let o? ihe language oi imag?name expresi?n.?Publishers' ( irctilsr, England, \ inle an?! militant ?Brooklyn Tints. ] irrce vigor of exprei<ion ? Thr I ight, l.vcjland. An informing soul which vitalize? --Ro.hesier I'vst. fl. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, Publishers, N. Y. Price $2.30 WALDO SHADOWS WOMEh 10 HP WHITMAN I I ottt Hi?i?-.l N. II"-I I'Bg<* ?nil I,"! <ll I I. ? . third depul ? d i :. :. id made u iln i ? ' ' of tii?* alleged bi ii special eff< i ? ? ?? ... I them, in I Hi i i had '? ? ?? ma ??' l*ol ? not - in moned to Pi lartei M :. ... t it." Mr. K< ??' genen whether he waa cov? ? a hether aom? *- i reaulta ol ? i am , ome :" "?' md i ? ery d tan t.- n hom i hav ?? . on fin? d - en it ? ? m il? "i ? -*- that m| ? g t torno vi not i?r? ?? . - been i ivered t Attorni \\ ithoui Im Im itini en? ". ' hal 11 gho .i.i ? .) b) i hi i ? Mr. Newl ,..i ih ii would m gh ? pi , Hartigan to Prison To day. John J. llarlli patl "'.mi.?ii. \.|??. ?.\.. - ronvli-tfil ..; per? jury and Bent? n?'ed t? . ; will be taken H - Hi?: but gei V fi lend ?I n.,: tig ut , called ?'H Dlati Ici Attoi n< . Whll man -, i i.. .1.. and ask? d lo ha*, o blm h? Id in th?- Tombg until Mondg . without assigning any reaaon tor the requ Mr. ?Whitman explained Ihat \he n I t? i ??..??? in Sheriff Hai irger'a inn d-, nml that the I >lsi rlct Attoi : iif4\?? nothing m..i? tu do with th? nt this tii.?.. So l igg? turn , : ,,., feast-on rsme from Hartigan, and nun-* |g fx|,?'< t?"i now. The Bh< i Iff an nounced thai h? wo ild lake ih? 11 ?? k iiain foi ' ' ? ? i .,ii, Ing. .1,11..- i i ??. Han igan i i ? .-i. am oun? ? ?I ? torda : it h? t ou Id in-, appeal rend; ? i thin week - H? said that hia arg im? i appeal " o ild lx bg ? .i on the groundg ? pplicstion t"i .i ? ? i liflrat* "! reaso Bbl? doubt, Just il? - ni?*?l i? Just!? ?? Pial i 'I? ?'is-' A. Blpp, ?'aptsln Thoma \\ 0\ algh. Patrolman Eugene P. i'..\ and i:.iv ard J. N'ewell? th? las ? r * ho ir\?,lv.'?i m the handling of 11 ? * - Bipp gil? n?-. fund," i. : tifii d i? '"?? the irr/in.i im ?. -.t. i,In ti,.. si,,, ? n,... ? ? to tell i- point! ?I ni ;; I.?.. t m ? dictmenl f< ; ? onsplrs? j again il Swet '" H'i . Thompson hi d Uta, all former Harlem h " hi? ii a ill probably be filed <>n Mond ij 'i'ii. - c-neplrarj i ha? tu a ill h" be ? il il la undei itood, on Ike .'i?'! i\ i? li ih" poli? . nfTi? lala n imed il.i? lion ?? ith tii" fund of $ l.t?Q. rala? ?i ta ?,?? through i '"y. t" Blpp foi i if pui poi i eimburslng Sii?i? t,. :.., p oui ? f n, ? <.:,<? n he a .' i m anted a? ?? m h - n? aa In ih? i.?rtlng igainal K? Many Damaging Confessions, w ;i lab a .i i n even conti Ibul oi ?: I the iithci four? ??? i "idlng i" ? i.? - ?i??'.? nos in Mr. t-Vhitman'g , iWalah confeaaed, however, t?. big pari m th?? raiaing "t tl"* fund, i> bile Fo? t"i?i Ing it from Ha? ligan, i be ? nger f.ii the ' i Ing," and thi n .,t ? ..ii ing m along t<? anothei la? ? . a ho carried kl lo Ne* i II Newell hag admitted both the re ? Ipi o? the lii'in?". ?nui the payment t<? **-:j*? *r* in th? Centin?-iitiii ?Hotel, In Newai . sud Neweil hi-? ai??? ?jr?.,-i un .i in detail I ll foi ti" ? li!-p"' '"r ! : the - olle? Hoi h ? ? H? . on? - i ???! '.'i'ii lh? r- m of . id? ll ? rated sp .. i ? \\ In ??' ihe a II ? ? . e the i l ? W sla ??' ? ? ? ... ih ha I i hoi i ? ? ? ' ; rlusaej - Dtsti ? *-,-.?? will - p a?< the Robin ' -h?*?! ? ? . ' . S , f SSI I I r.x'-al F? ?fie Li. ng lnt? temenl which from i.. ! ? it I \\'..Isl or, were li in j ? ? ? ? , | re enlenl S a ' 'n . ? snd in ? ? - ? . n to fix thing . ihe "i" ration i ? offln ' ti.* i. i thai propo I ho igh II a . .?-i ??s? ,-.,- h p?) m< m snd s i lows nee ? 1!"" i >ng wsa deemed Bdvioobls foi bim to gti away. Blpp'a Btatemoni reiterated all Ihe chsrgra ss t?. the raising of the fund bj the Uve police offlctala i.ti.l the handling ol ihe fund b) Sewell and b? Pos . ???) ?? r before It r? a? hod ' 'I'll..mas Boll? i- ' the til. ? , re Hotel, In Raal 125i | set, wa .....Iliii.. p. to ttl? I " Ht. t X'lort ? ? d?. .? yestei daj. hut "??. mi; to the on ol ill" giand lui Mr, \\ hit ? i n moble '" lall. i., lilil?. I: ? ? (ornlned latei i on erning .i t poi i Ihal . ? i ? i ' ni' ? \i i'.i i office ihal iiu- llartigan fund, raised ire of HartIgsn'i faun!-, \? hilo he i ? in i ' ' on a sa i aid "\ er o . r?pres. p of Ihe i on< I? led ?otroj i '(oil ? ? Boll? ? '" ' l ?>. ; ?. -i. i .i., hol h" knee nothing of in ? h fund. ? lomml lion? i Vt nido tran f< al i apt.till .lain" J B BgS ! ' .in lin r m? m t,, i,,, i.., || lOftl ir< ? ' station ? ' itei ds ? and promot? .i Lieutenant Patri? i? r Clot fan m h ? Il 1.1 le. I: . I -, Ing ?! -I .-111 ?list | Hi I ? thi *? hool, i" a rapta ni ? and Ihe he i?J ? ?r - The methoda of ih< ? I" "i wer? rit i? t?d in a r< "?i' ? ?? - ? ? m,.m iideiman?? -m mu?'-' made public lasl Monday, i"i. Ihe us 11 reason 'fot I h< k.i of I h? 1 ii' i.ih. loi . splonotlon . honge, DRUMMOND HE.tRD IN SUIT Denies Alleged Price ?Statement to O'Gorman's Relative. Mi? n... .i i u minimal, i 'ommisslonet -.r ' Lai di. B, -?.ii . ? anu?,, d l'est? I'l.i.v in th. brought i.\ \\ m fu i,. ? ii, ,, |, ?lent ..r tin J?males w atei \\ oi k si Michael .1 I >i ummond <x Co.! -.- slers in Iron pipes ? 'ommission? i Drummond wsa s 11 ? ? senior member <?! tin firm i titil h? borai.?' ofil? lal In Ian-mi i 1910 Le-slii. ,i brothel -in ion ..t rli-IlMlOr Ian,? h .X I ?'? ?.. ina n |? BUlng (,? in?,??* i.n alleged oven barg? ? toi pipes Mi Drummond *-..i.i his Orm had been iipplylnfl material lo tin- waterworks. .pan for - reral i rara a ad that no .ranaemeui ?\ as made a ben Mi -?ii?- became president Ths witness de. led Ihal he told Mr. I_?s)le thai pa would urnlsh material s' low? than in. pi?., ailing iiiat-k?t pticea. AMERICAN SAILORS KILLE Two Lose Lives in Fight w> Mexican Policemen .- ' ?I P| i u.. ? allora of ? ? ?i ? i wound ? ' Ml were J i ? ? g? ? ???ii . .. .. Bo fa ? . -, .. ? di< f the ?m? ' ? ? : a .? .. ? ' ... of! ...... g . i ? thorouj ? ? ? i ? , - - ? I ' t the re| ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? , ? l he a 11 ercal ? ? ? ?? m m.?? ? ? illy al ' n F. Kb ... ? . '. . . . . ,- ? ion Vt l? ha i ??. n noil .? ' made to send ? ' ' Th. ? a l ? ..?? in c i. in? ... \ ?. ? weeks ago r ta l Ion **..?, at lia height, ?.fir. ? of tl ? i ted whll? a ?Imr?' a and "ii anol ? on, a hei ? i "i ..??<- ? I ? ? n \ ? r i ? : port, anl tmerica nmnlng Sn Strong il,..: hfl 0 it . ?? ntermand? d ai I to pro t. ? i Am? ricana and othei t I - ? .... ? ! tlonalli i '. Mi ?Ico ??? il! ? ? i ontrart i ide n Ith thi ?, ,;i. according '?? .i :?>?' Bin ,i through 'i a i"? al ,'it?t.i i" ., itatem? ni il on Ihe ? I ? ;,.\. rnor Venuatlano t'a i i . la, ml itai "ft i?- foi i i ? ir or king i.. overt brou II ta . ' th?* aligl leat ??f < onatitu ilonalll. '" theli s,. ?. _ . ? inii.'iti 'i he ' on ?in ' ilUt part d? >:..i \,. nolle? thai : " no) ?mV loan or debt , i hi?? a? compllcea , g - SHELLS DROP INTO NACO Shrapnel Fired by Mexican Rebel;; Readies U. S Side. Va? 0. Ails., April 11 Itecel? ln| n? :I1 Uli? i ' ? . ? ? glit, the lato l .? oundlni N..-, too l tlnrt < ngagementa t>. fore da I ghl to-dai The ipnel al il into the U? il? an I.I? and m Id? ntall* Into t ? o ? Vni' if an , ? , , i,. im 11. ,i from hei ni foi i,'i belt? i n lb? theatr?. and t lesta of thi ii.?i? i \.i... promptl) aban .' ?" 'i i he frame ti rtuti in n,?. n ?i two ? ngei : : ""i" wen ompelled t?? retr? ?t b ?' bj morning I ,.i gained theii former posttloni 1 n rifle plu within 100 vsrda of Ihs lews | Ei.raged by th? irrlval of ?" ****** ' ? ''' I i.?i. troopa .v. ? brtsh In lbs*? mova j tot i b. and the fed? ral garrison '*? I Hd te 1 ' ? > auf? red great? i lo i In killed ;?n?i ] ?*o md? .i than al an? time ? ' ? '""" ? i ? alego, another attempt lo annihilate .v? ?? Bonor i, b* ?i namlt? a itbo il apparent ? arc toi tu. . gull to the Ait*."'"1 te? a, felled lat? to*da* itate n""i' ?????? i ?r*. i *.undi of dynamite and ?00 iwundg ol K'atn powder on i car and started it bj ... ! The til ? ..i the south 'l'Ile i TO AWAIT POST MORTEM Fiiedmann'l Brother Not Sure What Caused Temple's Death. ? ' - ii ? ? - - . ? ? ? - ? i ? ou Id ' men? I ? ? [jr. Arthu -i Blon to i had ? - ? ? .- Dr ? ; and \\ .. s II?.t ? ! '? . Dr. Aril Imann I ghl th it h. .. ? i of of Temple. 1 ' ' . s -1 i.'t a ? PLANS DINNER FOR WILLCOX. and Tra ?porta? dinner ?n " ' II " ormor Bervlee t'a ? din Hotel A Monds; ? ? ? B u bac r ma? ? ? Gardner, secre? tary of t menu at No tlrketa 1 ? I .- ?., . i BLAME UNI! STATES FOR HUERTAS WEAKNESS Failure to Obtain American Recognition Held Responsible for Mexico's Plight. UNABLE TO MASTER REBELS Condition of the Treasury For bids Extensive Military Oper? ations?Business and a Traffic Crippled. Mexico 'it. Aniil ii ?-Thai th-> with? holding ..f Oa_etal i- '-"Kiiiti"ii i>y th? United ItatOS baa material'.-.- weaken??! lbs h is government ?* the ??pinion generell) expressed by the pubM s ' privatsl) admitted In -?ertata Mexi.-an >>f flclal pIi ? - The m ?? si novs-sonl .i-?.?? m**!? sot? igresa than has th? pro? Islons - ,11 ?ii'pesing the in - ii--? i ii .1 i? in. longer a s ? ..iiii,ii..ti --( t?it> Treasury vuii n..i pei mil much ong? ? ontinuatlon militai ? "i ?. altana TI la has he?.. Imltted the Mexican Min? is Intei lor, i.,- - -,? Oi_aa<ios The ' , imbe Depntitt has not ap? pro x*ed tb? . foi ?Ik". I".id. bUl Its .. . - t,. take up this a ? -aal m h" dus to ?? .1'-.:. t.. a further eOS? . - : - the ."Inai I - pei Intent, 10 Brrsnsa ' ? losa, rtotwitl assura m London, it la aiwime.l iy the g? t tha t? nsM Ity to -. - i aoa? .i Holding U. S. Respongible. 101 a .- - lient "i! 11- ?1 ? ? -?.?- situation, and a propaganda . - il | '?? =? * adlns to pl?tre foi the fats <?f Mes ? i on 11 ? l listes i : t ei ng the Unan? tal dif ties ... the government Is tha steady r? ta ? .-y iiini,'e rat?*. Wl wit ? s ? ? . ?.. - rnountsd I s ? 11 ti< Bll .. m, sad that rate Is -.? ? -i ,.;itioaa > a' effoi ' the upa ,,;?,] t?nJ?>r. the Mlnlstei of _ .-??4 t.. authorlss an ;-. ? . - ? i per cent Ii the ex| is brought Mexican? m thai ???? ? the oat ? - ? ? ? v. .... ? : -, ..?,?. ? : ,-?.r- ?' ? turboncea Omeii?t?. Monten Vola? ; dena sos i ave basa i 'i?.-1 r fu? i .-.? . ? potos? ? ? ?? ? .i.titr.iT ?.ti half * , at X.* s Csllentss t . ? i, t i i Mi , the mills IIme. tlgg ads to tha ? Mateasen - ? ?mile!?. Rebels ... ? i Sonora, Coa mg N'orth, s the 1 . . . ? . baa : ? Btat? ' ? ' ?' of the rs Teas - - 4 froai .' . nnim II - ? In 1 la the rebels s i ite neig iround Torreoi . ? ? ? ? . ? ?l?xica ? ' . -' ? s ' ? - itloa In B of Durango thi the g la uni tul la in tha ' I the o*ov- " ??? elthi ? i Mont? rey. A m Mot - ?rl ? - and ? - . \ ? v.. i^?.?t' h indsd bj Jesus raaaa -. | .--i rscolvsd fresa Corra s i ios u ulna rierth of tha Mat "? .? ,," the Nofales I ar? itenlng il s town x *-i\ala fr.'tu Hi)*t-?in.> isas nti'l X ? Xilirra. IS Nei-.'i. KlSttSO Leon, ss y sever si hundred *'* opteratlag In the Mamulloue m tslai t" 'he ?,i?nvi?ri| of ttios?? em??. ?;*r.?r?l M er has ???n' ttav?i>? to guard t * Mata? moros lit., and to trj t'*> dnv?? ??'-.'? i \ lo 1 so sgl v? <i' rl S. Altmatt Se (En. are devoting special attention to Fine Footwear for Misses and ?Children. included i>n the stock are High Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, Party Slippers and Dancing Slippers for class wear. All are made on approved lasts, in leathers ol the best quality. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION BY EXPERTS IN THE FITTING OF CHILDRENS SHOES 5PECIAL SALES WILL BE HELD THIS DAY (SATURDAY) of Choice Dress Silks, Women's m\>? Misses' Trimmed Hats, Women's Riding Habits and Imported Mackintoshes, and Hen's and Women's Siik Hosiery. ?ffftlj Awmir, 34iij otti. 35tfj j&tmto, Xnu ???*.