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ALLEGED'WIRETAS^lSS" ? CAUGHT AFTEfi CHASE Thompson. Tarbeaux and Dow? sing Wanted Here for Swin? dling Pittsburgh Man. ARRESTED IN CHARLESTON Trail of Men Sought for Getting $100,000 in Fake Pool? room Game" Led Across Twelve States. months, win?!? led om i dosen states, 111 ? - trail alter? nat? i> shifting from .is fai north as t"ii i.? its m ithernmosi ex? i [gvai ... ? luba, i igt? i ti- a Mt Kenna, <?!" the Central Of ,i. brought about ihe round-up ire m Charleston, ?-'. C, Iftgl ,i. a. Thompson, an ail?*1*'!) wiit- tapper, and "Colonel" Frank i ;ii!'i ,i. a Dowsing, said t.? i??' Thompson's * ? rers," - i." i i v anted in tin- ? Ity r??r the ?'? - d i: Jones, a rich coal ?Pittsburgh; Major Pendle lon, of Atlantic ?.'it*., ami others .. ,i of i n - ?jgregatlng nearl* S10O.O00. ? ' ?mmissioner George s. Dougherty and Inspector Paurot, in etectlvi bureau, re : ?' ord ? f Ihe caplure ?'a: ly last py ? nlng. mmissl r i tougherty j-*"' e*ord ? ? midnight ?-. tn- third t Of J \. I '.." - nt-. said t?i i ?:? ik- epei and "ste-t rer" for the f?ik?' Near fork poolroom Detective McKenna mad- the arrest :,: l" .?' iu?*k DoWSinf is alleged t?> ha\t ;:,? cast ??:' l'r. Powell and C. Y. Sidbury, a lawyer, of i "Wilmington, X, ?'. who i?>st aboul $10? ?;<? ;,? tii- srlre tapp? rs. .. ? ~- . sv Indie "?" th.- Pltl - .-'? man took place hare lasl ?Sep? tember. Jones waa stopping at the Hotel Ansonia and was Introduced 'u mpsota '" .? man who said h Mi.i tan. Of Buffalo. As SOOfl -. . ' was set s i.? ttlng >m miseloner appeared on th" stone with Inside information ob how t.? "beat" a ! $20.000 on Mythical "Pomes" party finally went i?> the ?m, m West sTth sti? et, ? niral Talk West and a: tha " with the myth ,i " .! : ? ? :;<! bims? t . 130,000. Thompson'! part in the alleged min? ing 11 ; J'. ndleton oui of ? '.-"? ?im? . coup th.i* was ?nRineered al ?'?nth befoi ? ' mt? affair ::>*k gtlrred th- -, .... ? ??f ;? half? >. ? a ?-itit-s to action Through evidence which came oui ? investigation of th?- ?Pittsburgh experta Thompson wag i '??. i with both affair?, bul th- Idcn ? ? ? "Judge Morgan" puszled tha *->.-.- for weeks i? soon a-? M-? however, struck Thompson's the S t he aise began pi. iking "it which led him to be? .istlnguished looking i leman who had figured in ihe Ng-g "killings" wo round v,,tn pgon. ? cap? . ?, s ' Ku Pig "i i >?*.?. mber i.' laet rom Pittsburgh, i< .?.?i'l :.. h.i\?' Identified the pris? ? bul Thompson*! cou ? -:??: him ti d '.? ball v ?-n?. h, the police aa ? ? tel umped. \vh<-n )fc? ? ? rr ived !., i,(? . charge of th" ? Ph< mpson had escaped. trail < th? distinguished : i t i-...-! m?.-ir."-, hile be om< ' ? '-*??, ever, thai .fcK? i -i dei Ided ?na to inn. He ? ?! ?'.?: tx i -. fiotn Tampa to I'l-i . ai d I1..1D there tu H,, ? tino- h?- arrived in C '-v ''': Tarbeaux had made his v good clew turned up, n? ? ? In th?- waybilla of two trunks fa ?.' -x had shipped to At? ? h]i\U.e Capture in Charleston. .,cK? nns a' ?I hla .? i lUtnti ?*.eie I I ? ? north i" th ri when they received In-j ? their m.!?; had beei h ? ? - ives v ere or a, --. ,i by w-!r?^ tn the scene of a? tlon an II? K? o- > ?- -i bis men If the H ? i ? i/thlng was In readinesa for th? Within *? few iroirp Thompson found and i aptut ed, and Tai ? . i follow? .| short I] after? - rai cording to ? 'ommissionei i ?ough? ; boul slaty yeara old. hihI Invariably dresses \u the height <?: "??? H?*- is further distinguished niave manner and perfectl) which he i?. n<*vei \rlthout. He is ?variously known, the - t ag R Taylor, i'. it. Homana R 'i.. ? ? ??? bile among profes _-?- ' bis exp? rl uno,?, ledge of . game has earned for hin? the ? ^i<!uet of "The Bteerer " jt vas Tarbeaux, Commlsi i ? . v. v h?, ? as "Big Hid ' ?- partnea yeara ago in the no? . -s -indiai Jewel" affair, .-inn the : further sty.? that formel M< Laughlin am sted Tar gntry some yean igo _? t" bunco ?-? prominent New I ,. nker j Owing to the ein idi? ations 'hat fol? lowed Thompson's previous arrest, he has ba?? ?harmed this tllM With the ,- pendleton swindle Th" local . ?a-,? <-t to have aome trouble i>?? Bnally ?gel him to New v.?r!,. CX-POLICEMAN held as thief. m i i-i- ?nnoi. a f".' ntei polios ... ?.-,.. ?- | | dismissed fr??ru tii?: lomi ? ' ? SgO, was h' Id .ui for the grand Jury by ?Man ?. gppleton In 'he Jlarlrm court ?,n i charge of attempting t" . i i.f thai lea Rl aJfll. a detective employed by the tolgB*Bors?gh [FILES CLAIM BY WIRELESS Flash from Uncle at Sea Holds Up Dale Estate. A airelaag ?aeaaag? from Mauric? Brod? gky, ? paaaaagar on it.?- gtaamshlp Georg? Washington. ,|ii" her? (in Monoa* BB? nounced timt ii?- had a will Brad? bj hit BOphOW, 'i h, Oator? Hrodskx I ?n 1 e. xx ho committed s.ii-iiie on Mart Ii :?>. on lh(-?*>e of Lis tri;.i ( n ;i Criminal ecaBTg? Tha Burrogate'a court has airead) en.t.?! lettarg of administration on till Dal? ? tat? I" Julio? Krudsky. ii soldi?-! in in.- i i,it-.i States army and sor. <?: i gender of the wlretes? nia-aiaaga. Th? ad? mlnlatrator ?aid in his a* pin ation for the letter? thai ?o far as in- kn?*xx his cousin mad? no will ami thai h? xx-as ins only next of km in this count! * . in was known a1 thai tlm? thai abool a ?x. ? r, before Dal? took all llf? be made a xx ill. I,i.t It wai believed that h? liad d< latroyed It if the grill Mauri?*? Hrodsky provea valid it will, of couraa Invall? dale- the letter? of admlnl?trgtlon graatad to Julius Brodak) - ? o ? BAR ASKS BENCH'S AID Sixty Judges Invited to Discuss Uniform Procedure. .\ general conforme? of Judge? fron highest court? In all parti of the United State? la planned In connection with th? meeting of the Amerii n Bar Aee-oclatlon m M>".trial ii:.mlflg fall. lux Itetloni wer? -? ni ? ?torda? t" list) jurists, Including ti"- chief JudgM of the cour) of laal raaon In each ?tat?. gad to th" ?enlor rircull |udg? ol ?ach f?*d??i-ai couri of appeal? to meel with th? Kar laaoclation'g >.*ommitt?.n uniform . dictai pi,.celui'.? ?n August M ano to at* tend th? nssot latton'i moating ind tl ? annual dinner. it la ii.i|...-.l through thla conference be? ? . ,i t,, he the Brat of It? kind, to stlmu lat? aantlmeni foi unlformltj In pleading and pro? ed ir? ?? ?. ST. PAUL BOND OFFERING ! $30.000,000 Issue for Public Subscription at 99 J -,. Th? t'."'",'??' general mortgag? !?' ?,: .??til bond? of th- .'iii, ..e,,?. Milxx ,-rik'?? "? st pgul Railwa; ?old Thuraday to Kuhn, Lo? !. g i '... god th.- National Cltj I will be offered for public subscription at :?'?' , and ? ?? i u? ?! ?r,:- n -t t., dell ? B n . Iptioni xx m Croat at I o' lo? k n. m. Thuraday, April I". An Initial payment "f *-'.n each ii'?" la.n.l must ?(?company - ;iis?-ripti.?n?--. and tin remainder x??.!! ? payable on Ma I On? of Hi?? under? writer? sa.d yeaterdg* thai lh< ? n. ., demand for the bond? - greatl in ex? ces? "f expeetettona an.i thai Indica! ar< thai lb? public offering will ?- a great ?utxeai He ?aid tl I ?om? "f iik ii.-xx bond? would be taken In Prance anal England Th?* bond? .. ... b a direel on I US mile? of lirai trg? I. ol railroad, on valuable term "a: In Chicago Milwaukee, Bt. Paul and ? ..tie-- and tr.- . ntlre ? quipmenl of the rompa i Tie- ;,., furthermore ae? rad 1 te Aral moi i".ur* .?n - of Aral tra? k. In? ludlng the ? ? - ? terlng Ck ?.<??> and Mil? wa kee ami bj a refunding mortgai o "?_ miles of Brsl ttaik. ?u!..',e'.t t-> ?.."., prio lleni mai n mi: on oi be? ? i l, ?-? Al present th?- general mortgag? bond ?re at the avei age c ' (gj ?' .. mile, aad after v>v, grill n a,..?,? it? Brfti mortgag? al th? rat?? Of "lilx J.* 7 . ? a mil. . Th? bond I ? i m? ni foi >a\ mg- baaka In Nao Fork, Maaaaebu? ? ,,n:,, ctlcut ind ot i,-1 it itea Th? gl i'au?'s net '.?M nga foi th? Brat seven month? of th< ? . bowed an In? ."...'? of tl *'-.??. '1 ?| pli afin xxiii bt iiidiie to ; -i the bond? on l ? Ex< hange, ami tub i ri? liona ? ? ? ed In ii'??t',n by Kid I? ? Peabctdy .x- ?., Th? Brat trgnaactlon on th? ex? "iiani;?* In th? bonds, "whei igui was t ? 0 ? ? ' ? 'I ?aged front ThUI Id? - ? a,.-Hi,; pi i ?(? on th" ' r !? PRAISE AND '"RAISE" FOR COURTHOUSE COMMISSION Mayor Asks Extra Pay as Ap? preciation of Trio 3 Speedy Work. Ma.laynoi approv?*d ;. bill yeeter? providlng that th? commigglemer? of appraisal for the ii?*?- oourthi*}!?? sit" "shall reeetve a- compulsation f'" their gervlceg ?uch teet and expense? .???-? may l" taxed I" th?? COUrl in,on ?-?".lit days' in t,r,. .,, the Corporatkm fJouaael." Thla is In lien of tii?- ?iu ? day I ? prott\am& tot Such work hx tl,,. city ' hur ti i i? i? uiaict-i'io.i thai Hi?- lull has been ? ,i for Hie riurpoes of allowing tha commiaaionera In tins case, who are xi,tain i. Elkua, Jam..- J. Cooc-m and ii? nr- > hneid? ? largei fi-?rap?Migatlon ? ban they would ol lei xx ;.-<? r? i tire, beean?? <.f th? fa. i toar they have exercised th? utmoat diligence in tbeli laak aiai ;??1 f,., ni.-,i n ;n I ?, ,.i (| tin," it. i.asi years it bai been the cuatom for such commission? i to ?ir..n ,.ut tbeli work f? i x.-.-.'-a i:,en witti a larger com? ?atlon than the |lg-a?day rate, th? lulls of in".?- rommlsalonere, conelderin?. in?- amount of money Involved, ?vili prob ebl) be much ?mailer than thai paid to similar commlaslona In i'.rst reara Th? award that la expected In ? fas daya xxiii aimpl: be the preliminar] aprard, xxiii.jii objection? xx:ii ?." heard and ,n xxiri.ii aome changes may he mad? bt for? th? final award la announced. May? or Gaynor'a memorandum aocompai > a gpprovol of the Mil nays, in part "I a'(,.-|,i tins bill foi Hi?' eitj with oai tlcular aatlafactlon. These commiai ? tve aet an example which ahould ii? followed by an condemnation commiaalon-1 ippolntod m thla citj. Th? y wer? m pointed .m Ma?- -!?, ii'i-, to appraise th? land t" )'? taken for the now conrtbouso for .lie Count; of New Fork, ctmalatlng of I sixtx .Infer.M parcela ?.: lan.l In abouti ton month? the) hav? ?J<nm thla large i? ..i I,. ?a? .. il? ilmlla ? ommiaaiona ? Ith m i.." ?..t for years Kor Instan?*?, I BSV? this dB" ? coninlaint Mnl I" me lligt ii, Ashland Pia?i exnnsstxlatton, in Brooklyn, wttfcl. ?as .-.i,,point?.i In the ?., :. is -mi Bitting A limiter itats of tMngs exists in many ?treat opening gnd ' oi,d. iniiata-n ?-?.mmissioi,? Ihrough . m i?,.- . itj. ? ?-.?st the exampl? of promptngsa and dlllg?snc? ?it by ihi.- com-1 miasloa \*. - i I b? follOW?*d hereaflci.' _-o WOE TO FRENCH EPICURES. ? ?ne hundred and BllMty-tWO QUarW Of froga' legs troto ?eised al cold itarag? houses > esterday by agent? "f lb? Slat? ( ?<?ii?crxail"ti Commission and small' r gtiaatltiSS g| ?-verni restaurants. The raid "?xas th? rommlget-on'a wa? of ?rvlag nollf-r tha! i! -.tilendrd lo (?JI?OTC? ttii.l!? lio- BOW laxx pruhlMling th?* t.-ik Ing, hu.- iti?:. Mittag or posae?sing of'"bull. Iiors, SK?n frojt? or spring ttOOJO'' *'1"' ing Die ?pawning m"iilh?, A|*rll and May a I THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S Own Story of His Eventful Life B??INS IN TO=MORROW'S tf TRIBUNE Don't Miss li. Order Early. SPIRIT WRITING IN "JAP'' VASE Mysterious Breaking of Ornament at Hotel Astor Reveals Inscription on the Inside?How It Got 1 here Also an Unsolved Problem. Could o ? Imb Into the inomii ??! ;? three-fool Jspanese vase, said opening i.? ing only fiv? Inchea in ch umf< Pence, take With v.?;: pen nnil Ink, and ins. ru?. Japaner* chai a? lei ? on th? amootli t.,. e ??; I Intel i??i. then i irn around and crawl rlghl oui again? Thsl It whal ;? Japsnes? did, sccordins to Sa? mo i K ll 'ii. a l'.tti\ ?? of 1 n?- land of ? oms, xxt ?? -.- a n,. ii - i iptlon m lh? i:?i. : lor <?'. ti ?? ? ase i- ona of the I ??i'? .ui:. na "' Jap..a a IIIns In ? ? taw. in ti-? ?-.-i and mi asanln? bal? onj ..r th? Hotel tsstoi thera haa i . fo man) month- .i three-fool Japanes? vai . with ,. 'Iiolllli [|\ . .... i., .-t tu-ut ?? (ill? i u. main oi i Ido crgwded a*ith gueata, a deafening ???.-> i - ? h-ar-d. Mr. Uuschenhi Im a? i ? i .?l ' I? ? lu .?: I gueata. i I to the 1 OH) an.I found tii?* v.i.-e lying ..ii IS' i floor, broken Into a thousand pieces, v?? Ibody wan seen on the bnlconj ao hon th ,\;ise was abattared la a mystery. \\ In n the tit st ;-h.?.'W of hli i ?i ied, Mr. Muachenhelm and hla cl; K~ l.'^hii to j;..ti"'- up th.? i?i??iis. .\ir. Klshl, ? patron tW tha hotel? sssiati d In thb work On tha Inside of one pleca of th ? *.;.??<* ill?. Jspanese discovered aome vei Ine Japan? a? < rtpl ? ithi hi? roglj p ii? i ?? found? ??M written tn the body of tl ? x.i They were pieced togethei sal translsted b Mi Klshl? ? ho tt ndi-re I tato English - fol Iowa: ; ? ? i- -.;? i ?. .. u ho lolvea i ha ?lit -. ? I ti;.- ? ..' ' Mi. Klshl .-.,?.1 ii would ha*..n th? a riling t . hav? ? .i then before lh? vas? a a mod? I < 'i. o. ?s if * ,, ild hsvi b ? ? rated I a h? n the va -" a i bak? d. ?GIRL'S WOUND REOPENED j FOR SUIUS CHARGE | Case Reeks with Perjury. Fed? eral Judge Says of $75,000 Damage Action. INDICTMENTS MAY RESULT Doctors Disagree on Necessity of Operation on Victim of Taxicab Collision, Said To Be Insane Indi? nil' m- '? ' , ? ? ? i. ? .' nflictlng li itlmonj ...i efor? Ida e. Mack n th? L'nll .-*tat<- District * ??T."..""' ?i .;..... ? ? lUghi M ? ??,? i Q ? ' ? .gainst the Masoi ?8? aman Taxi? sb I ?ompen foi . . ???-. ? ?? -? ??.. n the ? , . ding i i stree ? i Judg? M ck '.-t.... one reeking with ;i?on Henry A. W I ? ? nl ? d .-'?,?? ? I to Inveatlga I cut? th.,.. ?; i.- ol res i I The court wa i ? ? aftei ? ? ? ertlon iia?i been made openlj thai tii" aca ;. wo ind received bj M <;u?-i r ? . ? Idi nl of m '?. ' HI had not i..?n ????ri.?-!- ;irni had heale? .1 o"f n reopen?*?] to give ill.mplalnanl m iiasis foi a damage suit 1 ?' \V\ nne, of Be pet f?.r n?. ?i the operation, testified that the reopening ha'i i.ei 11 neceassrj si Mlaa <?'.??? t m "h? losing her nui d beca ?? Mi?' wound BO! li' ?- !???! I'l "'?? ' ' ?'.1-? iif.ii .ii.i nol Mem lo remore ihe m-niai .h' tresa Dr, Wj nn< said, snd ihe patient wa? ttlil suffering from delusions. Th? ? - ? of the opera! Ion a aa no confirmed ? ?? Dr, .lam?"- Rellly, of Boston, Wim sdtnlnli 1er? ?i the him athetl . He ?aid 1 ? ' " nd ? ? ? ? ? 1 to iiirn well heel? I sad thai the operation wsa followed bj? bemorrhsgea thai may have caused the aqucnt trouble. The opinion thsl the wound ".1 an old on?*, reopened foi no other reason lha form ;? basis for action, was emphatically . xpresae-d bj 1 " Jullua I rank? I? ?? dallai ol this city, who ama 1 all? d on be hair <?f tii? def? ndsnl 1 ompsn To thla conflict waa added contrail let Ion ? r,.? a?ceusstlon b; counsel fm Miss Quer? tin mi?! *??,n?> ?.r her wltnesoee. t*"red< ri? k w Lamb a pinging teachei of Boston, told "?i tha aland hon he had be? n ep 1 Mi.'irii.'.i ii. Boston bj Albert Crankahaw, ; n sgenl for the Msaon-Baaman ?Company, ..ti?i ihr. atened If hi ahould t? rtlfj for \i Quertln. Crankahaw followed him ? n the atand and denied having evei aeen him. Then came .1 tddlson Patron, a brother of one of II Isa Guertin'a Iswyera Hesald 1. waa vMtit hei when tha scddenl nap pened Axk?ro sboul hli occupation, ha eaid thai he had woiK-.i for tii?- State ?>f Connecticut, which later devi 1<>|.<*<I t>. h;?\ ?? been worh In Jail when ha had aerved a ?entetn 1 for i.?ri ?'?i\. m ? Quertln ?*..? aa d t<> ba unabla to . bei ?" "i al the Ifurraj Hill Hot? 1 Mu gave he.?m..'. 1 ?ru In her complain) aa thsi of a prlvsU detective ar?.i mM had been ? mpl? ? ?? b a ? Il ki..,?? n peopl? mi M "' England who aoughi ?ii \ ore? ? GIVES RING TO FIGHT VICE a diamond and 1 my ring, sn heirloom, tj'.iii to lha American Vigilance .?,,, > ?? itk-n ? ?' rdaj mot ning -?.t Iberr* 'g, following a lecture by Clifford O, i:?"* on "Hrhita Slavery." before Miss Janel Rich ? ?; - , urrenl hiatorj class 'i he name of it??' rinn gtvei dra ?1 h? held )?: 1 h ircasurer whs announced mere!? that ah? aaa prominent aoelall in KM.1114 the ring? abe asid it was .-1 ?ifi from her father, In whoae peg aasloa ii i.a?i seen far yeara It hgg b?-?-ii np pral ed ,-t (g*** 1.? Tiffany, and will ht ?sld *\ aurt'f.n. m 1 Roi la general eoua? ael ei the sssodation. THREE SEIZED AS ROBBERS Prisoners Trailed Since $250. 00 0 Pawnshop Burglary. 11 ree m? n a ho ha ?? ben n fol on ? ?l detectives since the $2TiO,<000 rob? In lb? pas nshop of M Sim..n-, st No. M H go, were arrested in Hazletoa. I'r in ??? U t Right b I >??'?? l ? ? 1 m Man - and I ? nn< II, of the Cenl a' ? " ? in ru.- dispat? i? a hlch ? 'omml aionei 1 i tough? i ' rec? tbla moi nlng the ii'iii? of .ti' on? pria ? ?? ; "Jo? Btone ' was nu ntloned, ;.t .1 no d< 11 ...;.) .i i.?--ond th? facl ii.?? .? kit of burgle ???? ? i" ind on thi on? ra Ph< t mmlsgioner thlnka lie sn conn? I I Lh trio with gla snd safe robb? i lei In ihe city d iii? last two weeks i nd thi I I ? ma m ".; ? l?i Hi- I VI I ?THIEF HID AND GOT AWAY 'Slid Down Clothes Rope After Police Search House in Vain. ? Thi horn? of Prof? Mot ..f .\.. toi '?'.ui ? 'oi t:.i!,,ii Pari I.. ? . ? i rorth SISO. Dr. Moni ? , ? .-r ..? i ? ? i. it De Witt < t H . Mai I aer. eighteei ... i '?..i ? ? on? In the house a esrd j f.?? ; . ? Vi ?H" .t mskl - . tigal ,ti".i t.j Pollee I Hi adquai leri Two del . ? led la the h'ous? snd mad? ? hal l he ll ?ughi ws ;? thorough asa i h foi lb? Inti i?l r . .i t.. And him S'otblng more ".?-a? heard of th? during tt"* night. i?ut Policeman Kerne: ng the bouse ahoriiv after daylight, i ticed a rope made from bed clothing lapended from ?<?! attl? window, ite notified ti.?- Montosers, a bo dlseovered iii<- house had bu i n robbed ii |i believed that Ihe burglar h'A ?n n..- i ouse while Ihe po Ic? aear? bed foi hu.,, snd sftei the fsm Ij had ret -n'.i the robbery? leaving b* wa ,,r iii. attic windoa ??ANGEL* BOY CAUGHT AGAIN ' Raymond Beck Arrested After Fourth Escape from Asylum. Ra mond Becb hi.n a- the "ang< I fa . ?! boj bui Klar, a ho recentl? i aeapi d ? ? ?he fourth Un?? from lh? Ken Fork i ivenlle Isj lum ;? I l tobba Ferry, ?*? ;i* .?.'i.-t. .1 :n Brooklyn leaterdaj sfl rnoon He waa found Bitting on ;? Bra hydrant m Vluahlng svenue? near tVallabout Ma k.i He waa wearing pan ?>f the ssylum uniform concesled beneath ;? ahabby ault A pawn ticket for H on ?? cloak ?.iu found m bla poek? t The bo: a sa mj atei loua sboul a i?, had found tha ? leak for ?in. h th? ' ll?; -t called Though hungi r? hi refueed t.. lower bla dtgnlt? tn Ihe extent >.f a? ceptlng food from the Police Department He said ? ? had been lh Ing ? Ith a n |. nd ,?"?l working In ti>? Wallaboul Market He was -?-nt to tii?? rtilldren ? s...i. t > ??.??in-, snd Will I??* r?*t?n ne.l (., th,. | lum WILL WATCH SUBWAYDIGGERS Broadway Association Discusse*. Plan for Protecting Property. Property Interest! sggregatiag |t?JMlo HO were represented si lh< luncheon ? f thi membei ihip snd public!) i ? omm : of the Broad wa A lociatloi held al tii. Hotel MeAlpin yeoUrdaj afternoon for the purpose of dlsenaslng tha protection of property "n Broadwa* ?imins the ''???m ing aubway es? avationa AinniiK thOSS PTOSCnl WOT* t???i*n II Mannes? chairman; B. B, McAlpan, < i?. ii?, 1er, .t.'hii I'nviii. W a Bah ?. W | Morgan, ?> ?. Qlmbet, Thomaa .1 Blew? art, i ?a-, i'l BoMnson, C B. < 'ptltni Pti ? s sjtraus, JeBerson Ds .\;?>i!t Thomaon, William i? Hertbum Washington snd i. B Conger, The committee trill si a Man a campaign t'> Increase the mem? bership of ths amioeialini) i.? mir thousand In tIi*? next throe *vee|<?. The cewimlttee will advocate tiv* cul-and raver method or tubwa* roast ni tion, Instead of the open rtltch method. : TAYLOR. TAXI BANDIT AH Defence Puts Leader on Stand, but Testimony Damages Gang's Own Case. COUNSEL VISIBLY SHOCKED Man on Stand Admits Planning Hold-Up of Silk Company's Messengers and Tells How Loot Was Split. The first wltnca called yeaterdai In th? defence >?( Patrick Bolger, Qeorg? and Ro ? : t M< V'etl y and ? ?harlea ? '. < known ? ' relloa rural " ? ;m*ic leader, tall of whom ar? on trial at alleged auto bandlti befon Judge Foster In Oeneral .-. -i,,ii-, waa Jooepk Taylor, tha young man who h? acknowledged leaderahip or Hi?- automobile raiders and has plead? I guilt] to rol i.,,,-.., ? to ?5 ? ' itimon; given I- Acting i iptaln Tunney, of th? ?Jetoetlve Bureau. Not onlj did h? fail to m iprovi ' 'aptain T\ nt lab men! thai Bolgtr xx as Kn'.'.x n ai "ii" of th? gang who had been engaged in othi r robl i i,,n h? identified Bolgei a? one who had tal ? n pan In th? hold- ip of t? o messen? ger? for th" Bilk Clnlahing Company of Amei i ? Thal ? -i- i . n hlch Involved nearlj gi,Pst, xx., one which had "Mil been to Bolgar'a a? i oual h< retofo ? When Taylor waa called a? ? witness '. refui "i !?? app? ar until he had ? . ? f. Bo ta Ii i?, it" Ai ta?? Ms ? xtt." i,. ? i"oaecutlng. | "Don't mak" m? lestlf; against those I fellow?," he said "Th? ] ai In bad now.' ?'I'm not ? a.. - - ounsel for the def. a? ?." raid Mi Bostwlck. "What?" shout? 'i Taj lor, In? ed Taj lor ?- t ,:: and thin. He ?pee? - slowi?. and it XX..4 , . |d< t that he Intend? ed i" gl? ? only t'" barest s.,rt of anawai ? and id ? ? ar th? foui n en at th? i ar gg much a? possible. When Walter 8 K< ned] i-'i m" fo u. aaked him ..... ' ai -.. n '. nney'i atati p though, l"- answ? Bo -? i waa In the Bt street ???" of the -:iu . ompai ng? r? Aft? i th" hold-up. xx in. h he I planned two week? In advance, all v?. of l i;..... . i '? ?aid a to ? liar! , ? ? on Avi i .. x i- th? oot ? Bo '? ? id. head of a n His i - bai i? w? re, entl] aflli m? d by the C? I of A| , When thla t< i lit out Mi K? ?ne.i- look?*d pert "T< '???' m-k.-'i. ' afraid to ">',,i st all.' red T? . I' ? t of ' ' dosen alleged auto bandit? In th? T? who i , ? i ? -, Inform?t! n to I i ? trlct Attorney la not an ?nd ;i Bostwlci arden to possible | lection, a he !? pit rh..-. xx In. ???I ng to thi ; i . . ling to t affidavit! not oi ?. i i, - ,.i4', pait in th? of the la on trial. in ? Yeett ok the si n.ns in tro kii : an* ? ? . .. ? . . - ? ? ??,,,,,... them that ? He "n i.- ?? , . i . , ? ? i ? d -' I re . i hoi t mi '? t thst h? i ouldn t rei ? da ? oi Monda STREETCAR WRECKS AUTO Chauffeur Arrested on Two Charges After Collision. -? . al pei.ling In ? ci owded Third ?i . nue urfa ? cat laal night xx, : ? .?ut xx it o ng glaaa and haken up when an automobile g? ih on Third -.x? i, i? craahed Into the ? nr ? \ .i Th-? chauffeur .,f th? automobile, It? ant wa? arri ?ted <.n a charge ?i i- Ing i. ckfessl) ?? hll? und? i ..* In? flu? n< ? "f llquoi. and al th Ka il ? ? ? itlon . Idrtfo ., . ,- . gi and u ??:. w? i eferr? d agaim ; him h th- ".'. m of the ..ii. Jortuln Zenm : u a (Spaniard, lixni", at th? Hotel tlotham, 1 io ?Id : i ? chauffi m had laken the automobile oui i? ithoul lit? |,, rml? .:,.n Tin chauffeur said he wat John \ Bweei.i Xo Mo Third avenue Al? 11,.,iii*?i the automobil? ? .. wrecked i> tir-i ?ti iiaiii.- n,. , ar and thi n r? hound Inn mi" a plttsi of th? ? lev?t? d rallwa? nm ' tnej . .-. ai'.-.i xx ithom a ?crati h BENEFITS SWELL FLOOD FUND New York Contributions Add S8,i-JC, More to Relief Money. i ontrlb itlona for Ih? reitet ol the ri..... i aufferera of tin Middle \\ e it tie re b no meana ceaaed, ror U.9M u ara 4, ,,t |n ? terda l rougi tl variou Ne? x,., |* sg? n'-i' 1 "f ti- amount v, ... H a 1 ? realised by the boslng an,i xx., ? ttett* fit st th tu Regiment ?rmo I Th? in"ii.x ,.,,? tui n, .i ovei *, terda) to Prank (? \. n, i?,m,,k , ,,,?m;.,. i'X William Qibaon, xx?,,, ;,a,| "I tli. I.- rout. Mi ?> Ni il t.., - ii to ??ox, 1 n,11 ( ',\ ,,r ( ihi,, , Anoth? 1 It? m t hl<.nti ibuted large [\ . ?". the iIhx 1 total waa a rhe? h for ?'' ?'' : ' "'I t" Hi" Max,,, 1 , ,| .1 :il?| ie proceed? of the benefii 11 An, 'l I, The total Ih.- Maxi.r was $*? f thi Red The M,-, . aionei. ? h.UK. xx at.I al hi. Hippodrom iimounl i-.-, - lvi ,1 1 ""'"?' Al the uptown ofiV. 1 "- V: '???'?: 'x,, , li.,n?l.,| In I' an,I a,k|, II OPPOSES HALF SISTER S WILL! Contestant Says Mrs. A. K. Dale Was ? Inconi?etont to Dispose of Estate. The \ .m,i,t? pf |he will ol Mm Amur j K? Hogg H.,1, . ix In, I, ,||4|?? ,-,I ,,f an . I tat? of about SSSS.S I ?? ta attack? ?! 1. ?. tarda] bj Belle i; Werbeaahn, a half? ?Istai of th? leatatrlz, who allago.1 that tin 1 '..i.. i4.,s mentally In omm t< m ta BS4M ut" n xx ill Mr? Dale I? ft t?""<'> i" Bt Th?*mas*a Ki'i?"'!ii Church, Nan fork, and $:..o???? la Bt, Matthew'? Rptsc?>pal Church, ..f Bedford N x ti,,. Rev. I-u? lus Oint? Mead of mi xx.i, m . 1, ?-.-ia.?. 1 Ms\aM m ? l|?* xx ?n ?i,,., lat-geal beneficiary xxa.s Al? fr?*'l b n,,!^ ,,- \? ,, \*-,.., inn, .,,,,., buaband of tin testai m. xxic. r-tcMvod V"..' Th?? rr-ldti?? of th? ?State xxa? x* n to Hi?* m xi ..f kin of beg dead firs! husband 'i h?? contestant was not raen? tloaed a? a hi?nrf|. larx. RED-MAN WORN OVER OR INDER 1HE VEST. 2 for 25 cts. SOLD FROM CREEN BOXES ONLY EARL A WILSON, MAK-Er.s or ?r.'j? *. uc^i rn?DDi. Scotch Mist inspired it! Scotch cheviots with their rough surface and soft, misty coloring are ideal for Spring overcoats. Bui because of the ??pen weave they've never been used lor raincoats, though many men want their .Spring over? coats to lie shower-proof. We thought it could be (lone by special weaving and our f" r i ( n il s in Scotland worked oui the cloth. 'Scotch Mist'* it's called ? new. attractive and rain-proof. In Spring coats of medium and light weights. $28 to $85. Sporting goods! Baseball, golf, fishing, mo? toring -outfits for every Out? door Sport. Rog?is Peet ?Company,, Three Broadway Stores at at at Warren St. 13th St. 34th St. AMUSEMENTS iJUjLrn rirrllirrn n?l ut? B? s? ?i I Mala, ,t \v- d -11 . CENTURY THEATRE com ^/'V^LAURETTE TAYLOR ? iv? o m. Heart." *?.-?. ;-. * .s>?t m ! II WITHIN THE LAW g? i ia . : 1:13 ?BliLASCO : YEARS OF DISCRETION REPUBLIC vV J8WLS-8. A GOOD LITTLE DEVIL ; ANOTHER LANDMARK TO GO Old Home, No. 628 Water St., Must Be Torn Down. it ither landmark nr Haw York la ta I disappear a/hen the hoosa ,-u Ko ( ? ' Wat? arhlch has -good tot root? ? an ." ..i?' la torn down by ord?-rs the Clt) Building T'rpartn.cnt. Ti ? ? \.? r nf-c of thi* ??Id placo, -\hl? h * ef brick and three atoriea high. Ii i known definitely, bol II ti said t.-i be I it itanda on part ?.r tit? old Nteho Rovtayne farm, irhtch fronted the i'i-t Rivet in pre-Revolutlooary ?la> ??. bul Ii 11??-.% at th.* ti??ni ff Gouverneur Blip, between Beammel nn?i Gouverneur ?treeta Gouverneur Hospital fa?ces th.* i 'or ma ;? out on? of 1 hi it? hi mi * o? ti.Id Ttii Ward, flnallj paaatni Into the handa of Mrs. Julti Drie eoll, who lived in th?* upper atoriea for i, .?i oi mot?'. intll her death. ago. The property waa later bought from th?- Drleeoll eetata bj James Halvey, of Ho. ?Ml Water street, the II . . ? ? ,,- n Tin- pli?-? paid waa *.-."?? ' The property ia a ? ad al |7.?JM, Pot tha laal t**.?? BWieratione, or shut IMS, th? i hou a lias been ueed for a aaddle and liar ah ,|,, a tin an?n end othe rtorea on tha "*round Boor, with dwellings on the i t ?? h uppei Boon WILL BE A REAL CLEAN-UP Letton by Mayor Show City Means Business. Ilayoi Gaynor yesterday laeued a notice To Landlords, Tenante and Household? . i- notlfylna them that the Depart? ment a of Health, Street Cleaning, Ore, Tenemeni lions?- ?and PoHea ware about to undertake th?- cleaning up of ih<* entire city, Indoors mu? outdoora ii?- a?ko?i them to Bather up nil tii?*ir rubbleh an?. ?.in.' mat? rial a ml. ??n B date tO '"? H\. .1 later, place it ?>ut on th? *,nr.-t. when It ?iii i??- taken away. This relates also t?> varanl Iota whleh i?o cleaned up ami the rubbleh pia??*?l whera it mai ?'? . en 01 - -i ? a \ letter was ?.-m t,, p,,h, 0 Commie? iloner Waldo dlreetlni him t?> *??*?*? thai the police perform their duty In "mforelng the ordlnanee against rabblak. Ho ais.i eska thai chargea be preferred against th-? inapeetoi ?if ?n? ?atrlot where dirty ?i irrt-i at?* found. The Board of AMermts* -a ii i appropriate Wt.tM tot hiring trunks lo take away lh<> rubbish, it is tha Intention ?>f th?* Mayor i" clean th?* cltj up In a way that ha*? n***.-.? before been done In us history, Aftor It )tgn nren ?.leaned thos?- prht Utter the aldewalka .i"?i streets with rubbish Will I??' fined for ?*v?*ry 11 an?->,'r?>.-slon. TIip Mayor has also w rillen to tli<* Borough PrasMfta .MiKaestinj- that tbey Compel <v>r.tra<(<*r*i ftiKaKcd In building Operetlons to rover up their pllea of ?and und dirt on th?* ?treet to prcv. nt their blowing around. AMUSEMENTS. atas MW .?IRKS IF.\T)I\?. THE.TItr?). CM DI DC " B'wsy? lOth. Evening? s fj kmrlnl. i a?( Matinee To-,la-,. : ???? I.AST TIME TO-MCill". LIBERTY HALL"'??? JOHH MASOK /?pr. 2?ib. Mis? Rilll* Bu'l?'' ?Al 'h. Q| Who (;r. t t-,, ;,, .4 r ,. , .,, f, , Amases? KM( KKRBO? KKR. B***a> and SSttTgt x; "? s ?harp. v.,*.. Te ?la* i W, i .? JULIA SANDERSON ,?,,?,, III Tilt. M X4HINK ?.IKI. ! nxl.ior?. LYCEUM ?J'"' v'' ,: ' ? '? ' ?*?? H. B. W?RN?Rr,,,,,,oi?; BREAMR, ray, r.-.t da -, \"'-i RlBR?f-af "??'?t.rr I', - -, . r* . ?a ?a *t?j nanniui?. xi-t?. t?>-.i? -. ivcd THE CONSPIRACY CRITERION,,;"" ?? I A X?. .te* J IX IN TH? ?xr.'.vi.r. ' ? - *. ROBERT HUH ARD The Poor Little Rich Girl FULTON "'" ,?,"'.'??'.. What Happened to Mary ???Hi (il.IX K X\ *i M?H\M. ??? :,;,v:^'.; april 14 ?';.:,..;-. v -ir, rCRKORMANCES DAMAGED GOODS ? 4P ... .-". rand <?< ih? m-j r? ? ... ,.f r:. ? ii -j??. Appll. ??' ",*- ' Performance?? No?? Tvir.a- Re?*?????! ? Bas <>T. - rt i,---..?. niKX ' ni; HARRIS, v i.. Mat M "%Ml /%t??\S^***l^/h*XdMj?C i. ' NEW AMSTERDAM ^r: OH! OH! DELPHINE 1!-?? I a?t Mord in Mu?i?*?l t nn?.?d? LIBERTY ; ^ "Tl??? ino.i < hirmlri?- I ? c I. ? niu?l. ?I pre ?Ii.?li.-.i thi? i???ir.'' i ? . D? "? THE PURPLE ROAD ?? Ith '. .-> ? - '? GAIETY r m f 7j? tor I ,-|..?liinr l',:r?,, ??? IIii't. "STOP THIEF* GLOBE Matlaee i<> ?lax. :.-o Meafaamer** .t ?.ion?. r.lale .lan?a. Th? ' * METROPOLITAN ggs; 11.-da? St ' llnsicn?.!?. I - t? n .Caniao Braun G R . Tonla-hi at I 13 Pap, retese, ituiirrtlr. tst I r " ''.rrvi Mai - . . . N.?t Mon. II I II Bohemr. IMa A'.'??, I Caruso, mil WSui Begurei? cent petaee? Wrd. B1 s (?ran?. ? Martin Am'.'). I r>'4? ortewold i ?? d H I hnr.. Pop. rn??? xi??. xiaai, net?. ? ?;? a. ,, . ? tterti j Thiir?. ??? ? la l?on I'aannal?. n *..????. ,-'.... 1 ri. Aft. .. ? " ?' ''? loaraninl ?"?r>?iihfl?? ! t eaestt. Prog ' ?f i . - Till Eutenspie? - ?? IX i? ? r'? ??? . . , ? tors <irlewold. ore,-. ?? . ..' ' ' *., ? t . f ? '???, in. ?? ? i.-. row?, ran - l;,,aa I ? a - ?al. xiai linn? i..?, >'-"?? ? ; ? ? . . Ro? di . . a ?es n Bat, r?>i?. rru-?. >? ? Alda, i--? ton. Martin. Oil f-et ' ' ii xRr.M \N I I x\ , I'gED MADISON SQUIRE GARDEN-NO?! SiSBSS1 CLEOPATRA till? I x M.VSA.IUIN ?H (I MIRY HI?. t'Hr VK_jr:*Ullim ?i HIT;_ ??iinii??ii.ii t.. oe_ a en ?Sassu t irr-thins ??OC ? OUc : ?11" I'rl a;? tor. ?-at? I** V l hilaren in?l?c *???*( price aftern'aa. Box oftv ?? op en a a M MtRl BRAN' n , ICKE i" '" '?'?'. - . * ft -' a? ?t Madison Bqti Qardem o - 1 in?* j R'jr???.; World Bids-: iWiic-. Valtey "fjsfcet ! Office; I MO n ? .- '? : 12 Si lst,,r-: .loan ?"raasmaker'a ?. T ? -, 121 \x >?.i l**sth ? Una?}. V-K" COHAN'S \v; MAY IRWIN in WIDOW BY PMIT ASTOR 'T ;: MA MAN'S FRIENDS" ?.ran.I Ilia?. Ho.. Jl M. ? \x Mil. todWO I ? I ? il \ i : 11 i \KI.K?HATTIK WIIIIAM? THE OIRI. PROM xi.?>?. ; xi.xf n:' **>xt \\ k Hem S la . Eir?rj-aa?aS PALACE ti E-i ri;'<; . .x m i n RUTH ST. DENIS STELLA MAYHEW I... . .t. Hill?? I?' et Klon ... - T, ? ?? . ? Hai ?her, Hen Kl? -?it?^ . r ? ???-' man Famllx*; ta nail?*? i*las?lo?*< ???"'" man nroth?ra ?nd BLA?"KBIRI>S ' ? arn??sl?? Mull, fe-merrew ,*?un.i Slt-?je^ fj Farewell YSAYE ? Hall. Nest. Tu?*., .it . ai - Gerhardt Recital in t *i-?i?M?Ki;i 11 km ir\i. rRO?;"".-?'4, *-.-,|t, -V-IX4 tl (l..x ..?T.. . . Ir a a?l-'Xi.JjL I I arne?ie Hall, N'OSt. Tu?*.. Ift?? ?? , arara kiev*? _ ? Fartwtll Recital ^mmummiummmmum 'il.*.... 10 IS SI HSI *f.'g.'?aUI*f?1 NATIONAL ??a? ACADEMY ^????B OF DESIGN iVaWP?.135 PARK;',1, .;, INA CLAIR ^^u t - I.? J.i .:?> A :.??.- Mahrl* l>.'t* I'nrd ' .i 1- xna | l la-h? ?t l'ol'* '' ?*' Kn?ilBh A KiaJI? John?on X * QiJS**' IRVING PLACE THEATRE l'.l.?* Mat., l'atvj?? -I ??abinerlnn*?? '" l,lrIrt., ltr?liil|.?hr'itlHti? In Krl .lo.a'ti- M?'t *ip AtAUKMY Ol MIBAPPliED AtTT.-HgJ xiu.u?! Transsreesion, 111 E Mth ?*. or till April I'll, A*mil?IOI' -a'' M ,?? H?"?SlMER?.IKIN>. I l.inu " * f VtVci. E? .?.o?.x. ft in. x;ia?..iA-:.- ??!??* MstinM? tl A 10c. g It BIO a?*9