Newspaper Page Text
? m GET DOT OF Ml Department Official Say He May Obtain Release by Pay? ing $120 for Discharge. MUST SHOW 300? REASON draining Ship to Which He Is /?.scigried Is at llz'rc Island ?Boy Refuses to Dis? cuss Father's Win. ?. raet? ri by which 1 sad Patrick A. ?soi " ft bim ? ? - a on his part, i f "i ? .' ? Bet oui : ? ? ? ?? - good rea on i n? : Official ol th? ? - ? tf-rday tha . an Inherli ? beW t. . . ? i ild. Th" i? ' ?> Depart ' it young M i ?-n , ? ? ? ? ?? Has *7ood Record in M?*vy. H" nd official f Dei ' hat h u ? ..?i n hi? 'i to make ? hat Borne phj al .?i <? ? tii f ' ment I I ' ?? t night I . ? ? | ?.hip ? " oung McO ? . a i re. All th r? ' h Bd, he i ? ? that hia I l ?????i He r? [us? ! to discuss the >'. ill Ol t i" ? * ' - ? ? ? ? por? ? Th i . alwa: a * ild " Ih? ii I? i?J ? i ear? old a : ? ? ol bul l?l* habit Id - ? ? .? d -.ii a ti r. i ,. ... . e --.rote to a frl< :.-: roklo. ii- ? hat | ? I ? . . i y. ? ' ? ' . ? : ? - ? in, a ho ? I ? ivf \i- : ? ? the ol ? i?. tx Ing ? ? ' ? : ' ' I ? . ? ? [to < I .,? .;<:.,?''.? been M - ' It ? ? . | ? ' ess -? : to Mr. .M? G ? -i l:" - "IIuW I? a tii. MUSEUM HONORS MORGAN Closed Day of Funeral?Bul? letin in Biack Border. ? ? tan Mus? ' I ' ' ' black ? covet and d< ?rotaa ' '??' Morgan I adopted b. i ?? do? : | memorial H fork Chai ?f Robert IV. de Ko-? st. H lene of the museum. The mus? ? be closed W ? .. a . . Mr Morgan funeral. The will b* til furl ? ? ?? ? lay. t ? ? ? , i a triptych ? iron the ? ? of 1 I rled h !? PP? for many yeara 1 Srtnts In Berlin; sn ? ?'" h *** ovannl Battlsta Ti?-poio. * I ui*chassd ? | . . . . il?, "' amp *? Worl gton Whlttrsdge, sad an autumn lands? sp< s/lth 1 M< En ee. GOMPER5 IN HOSPITAL. .' >. . tum |pi II.- Ssmuel Oom : Bsldent of the ?.marlons I ? dsra? nor, oi aal sapltal h? re of the left ? ' r or ge-erp? woaka h* has Buttered ?Jarabls pain and to-rlay h* sras i for at ten:inn and -?St ^^^^^^^^__ Fine Shirts. Another Lot at a Big Sa\ Ing. $ I ..SO .Shirts at 0<Sc. While and Colored Madras. Stiff Cuff-? Attsched. tfSoftC?ffNegligees, at $1.19 Of imported ma? dras, crepe and per? cale, pleated and plain boiomi. Athletic Underwear?Big 8avings. Mc. Nainsook Alblelit I ndcrwear at 29c $1.0) Madras Athletic Underwear at 79c. ?ARkE&S " HAIR BAL8AM wi md Xxa:<S.i* t?i^oAit. rerer Tall? "> ^t'lT'rSl?7* Unie to lta *fo?i?hful Color. t*f'i'?.ct<e b?lr f Yr.||rtf>ty INTERBOROUGH FILES | $300,000,000 MORTGAGE Largest Instrument of Its Kind Ever Drawn, Fills 142 Printed Pages-Only $1 70,000,000 Bonds To Be Sold Now. The Int?*r!-'-'r"ug!i Rapid Tram II i C.pan: Med yeotet-day in the Reg? ister^ offlt'l Its mortgage for .??.".<k'.ism. 000 recently authoriotsd by ihr Public Service Cemrsteslon. n is the tartfesl . instrumenl of Its kind ever filed here, n nliere else. II is i"-in? n?;nie i" j enable the Interborough to t.? k? can ' ,,: its Hhare of the dual transli plan? The company do?sa no! ex peel to Ii uo u .T" _ ... .?4l7ii,isui.ii'?i i,];. .igaltlOt the mortgage al present, bul ti s i - thought s Isesl lo make the mortgage larger, so thai there could be no d? ! II 11 were found necessar) to Issu! more u uny fnime time, The mortgage consisted et a printed ' document of II- pagea II will take twenty-five men two doj to r?ocotd the document The nriortgage la a Aral pre- ; ferred gold refunding mortgsge, and runs for flftj yean from January, 1013. i ordlng fee was >*?7 17 'J-V The Interborough hag airead* Issued . s|.;,vs?i?iii bonds under the m?ortgoge p. lag .. mortgage lax lo the otate of ' *&2 "?'?" Controllet Prend rsrasi has arranged I -,.. borrow *l,O?0O."JOU \n caoh from the gh Rapid Transli Compan: i .on i short tbnn n<?t<-. in anti-*ipati<j!* of n bond talo in May or Jane. Th? note to the fnterhoroufb will expire in June, the date n?>t having been fixed .!.- yet tiip mone* ?s needed to pay for im provements now being made by th> ? it.*. The Interborough Intendi to deposit tiir note of the ?Controller with th? cltj at ? part of the security required under ihr subway contracts? snd it srlll in? {i ,111 hm ? ?i * 0f ,.jtv tr-onds, as the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Comjfeny has done, .??i?j substitute them for the note w lion it be? omes due. The Public ?en I? e ? lommii sion -. rda: appro cd the other I1.000.00U ?-? ? -int required of tiio lnt?*rborough. it la In the form of a bond, the follow* Ing compsniea participating In ihe fol? lowing amounts: National Suret) Com? pany, fi?SO.000; Pldelit* snd Deposit Compan* of Maryland. IC??5.000; United Btates Fidelity .-in?) Guaranty Company, ,\'ji?iiiH??i American 8uret* Company of New York, $200.000; 'lit!?* Guaranty Bnd Bur? i ' ? 'ompany, IllKMIOO. The ? "ontroll? i did nol can to yestcrda* '.vint dat? he would fis for the n< \t bond sal* Sor n'ould t-? lay v. h I rate of untere? t would b< ?1 .? d. BEAN'S BODY H FEW SEE IF LI < SSsltaSMi from ?Vm put?. ???'" Into home waters waa a? ' . . pi ?. . ? ne at 1.15 ..'. io< ,, Ii after b? at Ing h? r pr? ird " r Ihi out ah."it ?.; -, ". . ? Shi ! the * " '?.I?37 mile front H 10 minutes m ng an ? -*< ? pi d knots. no 1 Capl - I f? r rcdu? ? '1 s " v\ dn< -?.i ;i ght, . ii- n tatter? ?! ih vessel foi all t>? eh ? ? rhe rest of the voj ? - ? ? m. The m nersl party atoard si trip wi 'i and ai 11\ r,i In i Mi. and Mn ce o ipied "apartmeni de grand ce ' on lit? ol I*, roomi with s : - m and I unge A? im thorn wen Dr. Qe? A. Dlxon, who was with Mr. Mor he died, end II ii. H rj ?itm ? Morgan firm In Pa M s? Helen v' Hamilton, a un-. r, had a <.. r i ? .if . Passed Body in Midocssn, Wil on Hamilton h< r fs xd ' '???? ? u mido ? an, ha !< fl in i ? ?.u tin Adrlotli t wo ?re ago on learning of th< serious turn ' ? ' ? In Mr, Morgon'fl 111 - ti>..; h< ma i-.oh here time for the funeral if he I? fl the A i ,,*: ai Queen * ? nd ? a ''Khi ! nia westward on tin I day. The tVhltt star liner lou-h'ii enotown Isi '? Baturdoj. a hen . ?ailed from Li? erpool. ?|'h?* two women of the Morg?n pai ?" I in :r ? abln during tin ? n excepl for half an hour ca ? hi' h thej B|K m m pr;.; ?r l.< ? ??'!?? of the financier. The ?i departure from this routine was Wednesdsy, ??-inn Misa Hamilton i Bpected the ship from bridge to k? ?u company with thi Bkipper, Thi m seen on de? k doily, bul min?! little with the other passengers. Until the flogs of the \essM went half-maol h ohe <r\xoret\ porl the pr? .f the body of Mr, Morgan e * practically no change In the II aboard. The regular ?on? orts xxero h?* dally, snd while no formal dance wi srronged, there was informal dan? ir ..?i Beverol occaalona The usual pr formnn<' for !''' benefit of the sei men'g on Thtir??lay night with enthuotasm. Moos was celebran in the main BSiOOn everj morning, a? cording '" custom on the French vei Th" onl) mention of thi shin's sa m m the "Journal de l'Allant que," the doll? paper published HimiT? node In yeotortoy morning-.?* loot? it '.?ai- in the form of a wireless dis? patch from New York, and gaxe in con denaed form the funeral piano. At (Quarantine the \e?5>ei i?,as imarde hj i P. Morgen, .it.. who motored t Tdmpklnsvllle with Deputy Police ?Com mtasloner McKay and a*eni oui to tk France on thi launch the Qoverno Flower, Mr. Morgan wen! Immediate!; t?. the mortuary chapel snd then sough the suite ?if Mr. and Mrs. Batterie? ?.?.here he remained until the OBst) docked, three, hours later, Dr. Dixor? Silent on Illness. ?m thi ??nay up the hay i?r. Dixoi B0k?sd for .? first hind OCCOUnl 0 Mr. Morgan') last days Mr- d?clinai to gdd i" ih" ata temen l which he la mod lasl week with Dr. M, Allen Btori ami Prof-rsso* O. Bastlonolll, Mr. Mor I ? -ri- aie physlclsn. lie sold thai tiie financier's trip wot morel] la oc? ,o'?i,?ii." xxith b custom of man? Thi France broke another ree-Td ir docking, reducing hat tiiu.ii time ol mor?? f'-jTi ,-,..? hour to thirty-seven mlnuti . ?Soon after the gangplank ?? . ...j. tta ?..-"?i- al.oard Bhlp X? ,T ?onie,i by Mrs. Hamilton and her vm, Plerponl M. Hamilton. Horry B. Hol? lina Rob? t-t it;).-..!.. . g.Amboooodor to France ond ;? tonner portner "f Mr. Morgan, rind Slephen Baker, t-.m 0f ?;.ge l\ ""taker. x?.er?- als-?, on hOrtd. ii. inr" the i-ei-i..x'i?i of the ?-?.flm ih?" ?-.omen net-.- escorted oahore ox?-t the lower gangway ?'"'i eeni away In an automobile with young Hamilton. Gen 1 ei ?i Nekon U. Heno, Surveyor of the Port, wit? on the pier to ree thai every leay ? h? i;?*> allow ? * is ??? tended to the Morgan baggage Th? Inspectlofl ??.is made as brief and formal ?? poa? . ible With Its rhargi R.."?- th? mortuary chap? ?. '? ? h .i-??! r? malned ; loaed ?!nr .ijj the entire voyage, was ihrown open : i in ???- jtion and ??? ? urious f? a s an? <!< red Int ? its depths It ? ?'; hung in black velvet, with ?liver border, Th* ,, md catafalque s er car ?. ?. , ... blacl Bll? er stars and lear? i y p bed? * sd the " alls \ t i It four com? ra ??r th? : ? ? tood ? ? standard . *. ? ;> t< ppc?l v it'i a 'Ingli elecl ri? bulb, a hi? ;i did to glow throughout the lour? rhc two ** .tl' light ? <"r<" ?i In bl i - I ?? ir pi I? 'ii' na rae il ... . ? ; . ? \t il I th? real f pink or? i.- th? ? ;? t man b*mp*?ror. \\ ? Bal sllvi r wreath ; rested oil ,: iring Its ? ? i In th? i han? i ar.] palm ? from the I r? h ? tiamb? r i , omm? p ? and th? i 'r< rh- \ i ri in d at 11 foot Hartf?ml onn.. April 11 In recogni? tion ? tercet th ?1 P ? ant Mor? gan to? Mayor Louis R. Chi I the fol lowing | ??' ;i '" ' - ' "In t ? ith of J PI? '' I ? Hartford i ost?one of II t friends. Dteresl in th? ell "??? I at all along both finan? l?l a ?! phllanthi I n , right, i at Hart? ? ?- to the n " ? of ti?: great ma i ? i I would therefor? | g(g\ ?.. thl !>">!'. ' ' iterem to I ? m? mory of Mr Me ? ? .i ng i b da ? ' ral. SI April i?. and that bo far a ih? ,,, | tl refra from act busl? . that aft? r.n, the I .' for the al and Interm? r< In this ? ? ' the remains of Ha ? Special deta ? ' n s?? lecte? 1 Bd i'!?jt- ? i on to the t ineral part ?. ??'? Ing ..,'.. i 0f the ps '! ? ' ? n ,.,,,i . ., 4,1? dai Hill ' ? met? r; will c ted ove i th? i ? and - ? "' ' '* '' ?''' ' Bishop ol ti" Hart '"'" 'i?" ' '* ? ss? i | op Lawi ai d th? R? ' srl Beiland, ol Ne? ?ork. _.-?? REQUESTS FOR SEATS AT SERVICE STILL POUR IN Ticket Supply Exhausted Long Ago?More Organizations Pay Tribute to Morgan. i leaplM ti.?' announ? < mi nt b tho ? in ft of th? arrangement! for ih?* lu neral of J. Plerpoi ? Morgan that the sup? p|] ?-f ii-'k?-ts <?f sdmlsst? n i" th? ser ? si In BL Gawga'a ' hurch on Mondo: had been r hauated tht demand continue to i.?- n,, great restsrds) thai th? Rev. Karl Relland. rector ??f the church, la led th? following statement: ? w , .,:, t>. ? < .i to a k tin prea to : ? ? ua m Informing the i"jbii?* that the BUppI] Of ICSta for Mr. Morcan?, f.n-rdl la exhausted. ?So oveiwhehatng la still t i?* number ol sppllcatlons b? Isttsr sad telephone that our force Is no) ufBt I nt to answer alt II i? a greal regret to nil ?-oneerned that th?- limited space renden a larger dtstiibutton impossible ' More corporations and soclettei with -a in h Mr. Moi gsn ws a i o lab d ?? m ed i? oluttom ?/?tsterdsy upon his death snd appototsd their committees to attend the i mend The governing committee of the Sew York Block Bxcbang? appointed the following members to represent th? <?* chsnge: James B Malwo. president; Charlea M Newcoml il?anry < . Bword i? Rudolph Keppler. ii'r: K. Pomro* B?*d W. W. Itcat-'ii ?flu dlrectoi at the New fork, Now Haven &? Hartford Railroad Company ap? pointed b special committee, constating of . ,-*. Mellen, president; Charlea r. Brook? ,r vice-chairman ol 11k board, and win lam Bklnncr, of Holyoke, Masa, a direc? ' tor. A? ? ?nfMiiiR of tho ?JlicTtors <*f Hie I Southern Railway Company resolutions ! ,ur, adopted expressing the i?.-s t?i the Lcompsoy Is th?- death <>f Mr. Morgan. Th?- Bouthers Rallwnj directora ap* I pointed the following committee to att ad ! the funeral: m ** *****. ? president ot Washington: Colonel A. & Andrews Brat vIce-preaMent, of Raleigh, N c.? ralr? ' ???,. Harrison, preatd? ;?t ol th? ? bicago, IndlanapoUa ? ??ul*v,,'e ****** Com? ; .? 0f Chicago; H. B Bpenesr, vice? irealdent ?"??' Mtni v Thom' ******** counsel, both of Washington, sad i: i?. Lankford. tie*********** *** Meratary. Ol ?hi- ''??'? . i ?. , , ,, The Nsw VorK Qsn?sU)?gtesl and 3to .?...i society sdoptsd resolutions of ??mpathy. s <"-r- oI ****** *** **** *? ? ?rMorgsn ?smliy? nna appointed the :;?,;,?-immltte? to AUn.i the to, ?^SnstalJ*^??"i^lto0"Ctor' ,-', maa*t B?wen' v********** l" "" lociety Wims? B. Osfjood Field, Oeorga Jirtln Morrison. Ir?. Abraham Uatlield. , . .?, R Totten. iT^tAOorT*t -?recto?tti^>^-" ^cntyun**** "ll""f ,? h" *?** '>' of Ml M' *%*m4 ' WINS OVER STATE BOAR Charity Head Sees Home Rul Victory in McElligott Bill. WILL EXPEDITE ALL WORI New Law Exempts City fror Expense and Delay in Building Plans. Michael J. DromnHmd, Commis loner? Public ? '?ariiie . .apresad dslighl loi hlghl thol ?".ix. iii"r Bulger had signe i?..- Mel lUgott Mil exempting Hem Yot ? it-.- from the taw which provld. - tha oil i ims for eha-it-ihi?- Institutions i eitles mu?? be spsso-rsd by ths Btel Bo 11 'i of < ihortttaa ??The bill ' srrlea oui ths poll y it? th matter of Improvements and ne* hull' Ing f"r public eharitabli In lltui on ? this ' H ' exactl at ugg? sted by as] self aid Mr. Drummoml "Boaldea es prditlng worh "f tin chara ter, it wil -'?it expense Inciden! lo referrln all pi ins i" th< . t.?i" hoard ??No other department of iht cltj t r?"|'ilrr.) to IUbfl.ll III pi n to th? lot authorities and why ehotild the ? haii in.- Department ht made lo do sol 1 xxiii hereafter b? s simple matter "r re ferrtng our p'an?? to iht Board >?' I tl rmt" ?"~ ;.?ipioxal. "The present csse, n-htch "ill be Im medlatel; i ?? m flted \-: Ihe i ?.etnptlon. I f.nstru ii".i '.x' hove drown plan; ft ol ' -,. a <ih?in_ room, kltcheii and otht building .i tin i M'n i olon;. on II ilei Island i h ?- plana ha- el. i.- i he A-i ' ommiaaion, the Rulldlng i ?? ? rtmenl II I k poi im nl ol WTstei Bui ply, ?,-. : .-.-i.? Electrli 1* and the I" cnt ol Plnai r- '" Id- 1 " . si 1 archlte : , < igincc ra and .II? 1 Intendent ? 1. ,1 th? wo ;. a as bt< ek??d b ih? ?''?,'? Board ..i L'hai Itlea, a hi? h d< tn ind??? changes ih ? ?? ould 1 osl ?'. tSS extra Thus thi n. ? an? Instan s al?n? wlli snx'e the clt one a nd ?? haii Urn? ? m 1 ?? ? ? . alary fw foi 1 ears '1 m IntrodtM liuti >.f the McElligotl I ,1 ih? assembly came ;i? s result "f ktni standing friction bet arson the Dcportmcnl ?>f chsrltles snd the state boat final I reached a clima I bo 11 d refused to 1 n- ??? L'oi Drum? .- ??.?:?? i 111 ! ? ' ? . ? . right (ainsi t '!? > .1 '._r_ti Mil on Ih? 1 ?.Id p oni ruction of b . ? , I . 1 city without t pf t he 1 I lei M- I ... . tin board t-> t ? ran .,1" out of I . ? t t non? le said the ell of ? ?p? tt s?Jx ce in Its os rim 1 the efhclci plat? d by his de| t night I did not ? ? 1 personal 11 d I d r y out I - . ? but rathci I nt th? of hoi ? ? ? s 11 ei .- ? ? lo New 1 ???:.. Clt; . 1 mads fot . ? it?. ? ? ?.!)" ... , ... JAME.S .1. HILT_ II" TOWN Will Attrud the Morgan Funeral Little to Say on Business. 1 ' 1 a t lord? f J. Pier. anl ' - n on Mon? ? .? Ihe Mutusl Life Buildini In Ihe Bftrrno lo Ii fOr ill? ?? 01 ? ?" ?\ il d lai If] t . he - 1 !?? . thai it re-id ih? publ ed ?report if the ? t? sufl. ileta 11 i" maki an ? otrirn 1 id. I'M 11111 Of 111 frl? nd ,.i ?] le; i ?' X|r IforCSI .?i mil said that h * 1 . I 11 n i- 1 ?? ? ? ? Ih rim"'"- ' ' .,,, O?\ indanl eM If. r lim?t. "' ?? *'? ' ?"?" lirt at S? Il ? i.. - t ?: . or ths I SB . r ending June 1 1 pro none too | larga -^ MARTIN-RECTOR LEASE FILED. Tl * ?a- ? ? nh 1 Loul Mai ? ix a . out .a th? restaurant ? ? nd i< led hj ?, |i \*. R?. i"' and anoth< r , r 'X'., and 1 M? Bi oada ay, ? 11 si it I Ireel nore 1 han eichtet n reai - ? ? aed ?".;.. The ann lal rental 1 -, ? I , 5; ..... I DRAMA A CRIME CURE URGES MRS. BELMONT Let the Boys Play at Being the World's Finest Characters, Former Actress Tells Colony Club. MRS. M GU.S r BELMONT. Mis. Ausu lent of I noon lo i ."? tin i of th? i - i I ? ? ' '.ltd' ' ' th, club ? ?? ? ? Bent I two club m< - I ? . . ? to Mrs. I lo tinct of thi ...,i |. i i rtdard ol Ihe ???.?: eini \ ? fork." . for l ? ong a 11 l ? ? i iportant .. g ? . ? | but hardly o than th?? | ....... .., of peopl? , ? ; ? Ma are b? all il rhteel to pia: . but ?It ' ' ? dramatic Ii with proper a < ncnl of the ? .;.?'.,! Ol ' ? how to ? . the pla: ? ? ? ? , tut original!) ? i lot ism in?J moi Bl "Lstel i ? ? ' I o i n ? afltr th? .. .1 ti .-?ii ?" t.< . . . ? .- .n? Tet all an mit ted Ian l It that In mi. ii;. nstlnct? " \ ;i 'i .... I , I k",'..?. ..f ? ... . ? I I'l 11>. :. ? 'i i t, i - .... i., i i.,i m< ?' ? ul of corrigible art for I ui of ! "?'i. .i hat they might ha*. ? .? ' rl imphs exit lo th? "!:'.d ? .'.'. ,<;<] .i i :?;? in ' wagoi ailed II i.. . ..'? h it? h youtl tl -?? . coming oiing was ? their to w hat ag some <i the big? isract In ths wnrld't and llterntur? s ich i ? i".i de ? . ... Mi . ' ned 'hat ifu< ilreai had fo 'i- . . B dan . ? |,, -. ?or of the These t. 11 direct the < that tx . ? ? ? ? ? - . ? _ ire at s ? > ? pig - v. . B, ? |||. : - Galatea" and ? "Hours ? - ? , ?. ? . . fore summer In th?* public school auditoriums th? I? ague v the Board ? Bd poelal ? ? na !?? ? alii be _-i\ -ii ?it !ng the u dei the a oner o Parka at? - am? ? ddr? ' 'i ihe i t.lub on ? n ?ni. ol the work. T " ? * j Time s pla? let ir* P ?r? r. was ? i l|. ?!? II .. COLLIE MOURNS FOR MORGAN; i . ? : . . .? , .... presented to I ca ago by J PI? ',c-oi ' Met?an ?on ? black ribbon boa on I thei ' imea i ph? id. ? '.. ? ?me sppi i. '.r. "ii lo: the gift dos r ol came to i . pari .-mi do-- fancier rlstm?*d that ? ?? if? |g tin protector of ihe fl? the patk, and tins year he i to k? ? p i" bounda imber in th< of the . ? fold . . ? ? - ? ? ' . block i " ? ."i th? , until after the Morgan fu? PNIUP IBA ADMITS FRAUDS Continu??!! from tir?! nage. Bkadj deals, and **.;??: confident that .-.?ii if <m<* ?.r t'.\?> <?f th^ni WOT? pected nothing would be said when tas money aslve v??* applied Th? credit of A. M?sica A torn Which hsd SlWSjn 1" ? n excellent, helped i.tin in iiis d?^!*, snd b? m ?? . i., 'i to ki p in*- i? -'"i abo* ?? " atar bu tu March. Then, although ?. ? - bold i operations hsd been carried on ou' lince th? first of the year, his bouse ? f cards began to tofple. On March IT the Anglo-South American Hank. Mm [Ited, Bled ?-iiit agiiln-t th? firm ??f s Musics ?- Bone t-> recover $134.<*S7 nhlcb the. Bald aras due on elglti drafts on foreign bank? which h.?i been sold to the Hem York i?i.? n :i of the Anglo-Bouth American Bank. D? ti tivea had si o begun an Investiga lion <?n behalf of a?rerai other bajriu, Disappear and Are Indictad. On March 17 lbs Muslcai cotald net i?.- found. Th? matter eras taken t?> tiif* rrand jury after un Investigation by Willian i?.-.?ii Embree, Aaslgtanl District Attorney, and sight Indict? menta ?rere returned, seven charg >s ??'..ti?i imrcenj and <';'" charging al tempted grand larceny. Thi total amount Involved in th? eight indict? ments i- $180,7&4. Four of them are agalnat Philip alone, three agd-n?' Philip, Arthur and George an?! ono against Antonio and his three sons. ,\ few dsa later tito M?sicas, father, eons .iiid two daughters, ?rere found aboard a steamship In New ?Orleans. More than $701000 In ? ?<?h and n | tiabl" :^?*uritic.. was iouii'l on the t?'n iounj* vom-n. Th** two daughters ar?*. now im their pray to New York, having prawned their Jewelry t?> i?ay th<*ir raii road fare. Th? Italian* hit a < lanni.-h folk, and ih<" M?sicas stick .together. IVhen th?-* ambition snd lelf-confldence of Philip brought troubl? ^??"?n tinta, gil fled t?? gether. IVhen th' men >'f th? family wen overtaken no thought of do.<*?>n on entered Ihe mindi of th? aromen. When ih?; thret ?.??,<,*g men arara ?tr ralgned > esterdey b?fete Judge ? rain in General >'? i .:ir-"< their only Idea >?? i-: t.? obtadn their father's freedom, IJ ?-.a?. i'*'j t'1 t?? appear. In their behalf Georg? Gordon Battle, their counsel, rj that i ?.i In ths sum of si'?.?*?-? i r fixed for Antonio, the father, and thst a similar amount be named for Qeorge, the youngeet --??n who i-? onl aventeen, In order thai he might take ? an- ?-t the ??i?) mi d A nistant 11 ?? tri' t Attorne* Embn - -aid that ! wouM ha? ? to aah ins1" r ball I George, although he aa? istisfled with c.10,000 for Antonio. Judgi Cr? n Hxed Antonio's bail si $10.000 and George'? at $20,000. Neither obt ? trt?|;.; . j HACK3TAFV ESTATE $08,471 ' ViccPrcr?ident of Illinoir, fJeotnl Rose from Clerkship. II inder ?. Ha? kataff, i ? leal of the mino::. ? entrai Railroad t-'oinps and.t? ? ; "th. ' railroad ? i pani? . n ho dk d on No. i mb? r 21 eft estate valu? .? al ???*? o t\ report ol tht t? ?nil? r tax .?i'' that Hackstaff held 3? i ? ? ? ? ntral stoi k .?n'i ? ai rled "ii margin ? worl ' of bonds of th? H en ? . la '??? Sich his equli i a aa II I ? ?? ??;?? raa valu-..* at 0,418 and he bad p ill on-. ala r] at R i m ? iVadNataff ente? I th? employ ?if the Illinois ? '??? itral aa ? leek ? DROPPED L. I. RAILROAD CASE I public 8 vio Commtmion reatar? .i..-, actln? on an opinion by Commis ? ;. ?--p. V I U'i the proceetgng against l ' ;and R Iroad Uompany for alleged discrtmi nation In charging V) ?cents on ?vxprt??s - h?!wi- n Klatbush avenue ?n?l J-'..-i?f New fork, on thi ttls tl? avei ? ??" > Blon. Th** ni'?*^r?l discrimination aras based on the f.:?t that express and l^ca..-. make the Mam?- ?ingle *-toi* between th?.?'* t?.. point? ai??! that. nS they ?"in on tw^ tracks on?"}', n li lm**o*?a ble for ?-xpt??i?s ? . to naaa local trains ? r? ?' i., :?i! ii . ???!;' , '' l|[|;| ?f^Bf^lT^^^^ ???' iii'|:i?|iii| i ' M? 'Si -" . ? l|J ?I'. 1 : |j 1,1 ... , ? Two hours from your office to your Philadelphia appointment Hour and fifty minute train every hour on th? hour from Liberty Street 8 A. \\. to 6 P M Other'fast train, 7 A. M.? 7. 8. 9 and 10 P. M., also at midnight with sleeper,. 10 minute, before the hour from West .'3d Street. Take the "On Time Road" Solid vestibuled trains from Jersey Clt) to Philadelphia ??thout change or transfer. Baggage taken or.train with ?MSsenger if silvered in reasonable time. Hard coal, no smoke, no tunnels. Diners de Luxe at 7, 8 and 11 A. M.; 12 noon; 1, 5 and 6 P. M. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Tji-T-"-?-? - -