Newspaper Page Text
WAN ATTACKS NEWSPAPER OFFICE Suffragette, Objecting to Edi? torial in "The Standard/' London, Smashes Its Windows. FIRE AU.RMS DESTROYED Grandstand of Cricket Ground Burned?Attempt Made to Set Flames to the Army Balloon Shed. . , la.iixjli'ii. April st t.-t. _?*?_ i he Staiidafl-I Building in 81mm lain.* l*i ??! atroat, la""! night, ami two ? (-?.is- windnxx-s-. tu tha tionok<eep at?ce -x'-rc i"-'ik/ti. The timakaaoar ? n. ?.k .-* .'tTifiuiK by talo ?leak when ha Biiddasilj heard txvo loud re? I'orts. TtaOSI a .?-h'.vv-pr of glass fl? xv pOsl hia heost. Tiirrniiig i>> UlO xxln i?i<.\x.?, ni?..ut fOOT f<?'?_ ttOta xvlior.? 1". tx'.-i? standni.t*. h" saxx- that OOtll prOBOl [(each aboul !*? imnos, by IS inches? ?>f |Th??< iJjato glass 1**?8*eS larv?k"ti. ? I".-an <>ur of tho hii.!?lin-ar.-' h<? ?.., ,?_ mapnnied by one ?tf ths? workman, Who OOloed the am? of a xjonian xvh.? i?-o xx-ra.'k-nc lelaarely awa*y. She at ',,?,,-0 idtnltted thai ah?*?,had hroki-n the ( Windon s?.nti?l x? ?* asked h? r to rrriim ?wtta i ? to Hi.? offi. ??. "_hs ??liri bo and ;. psMoatnaxn, wboihad booo notl l?*Msd "f i ii*- w*j'.'Ji.\v?pma,<liinR-h appeared ' ?>n ih?? sivne." In th" -vx o m an -x riosse-AjilDi? xvas a lit? ; tie htinini?f. wi;iiit"?'l In ;i> Harlk clot... I Th?? woman was ir??mbiing,anrl flushed xx-uh ?'iTH'tion a_?tae_ wrar aha had |a_a_s?hed Th?? sttat?an<f Bafdiltsado xxtn ?!?'.? s she repllod : -. .?" referai aaa* ,n "ur iBSsiar, otra. Pa_?khunrt " The s;;?:i<i ?ni" eiisooaflfl (approval trf th?* s.-nteriM' 11 -4,ii .,?, nu? militant -, d-BBouaoad the ?^mpstlgpi of re? ned by tha militajT-**?. ami I that ptxattni InhrllcrBble s ? it ion must he torminaTo.l ly- ?b liig i the nsilii j * tnovmicnt. \s ih?? editor of "The Evening stand? ard," also an ontir-BUffrage D<*wppaper, WOB '--iniPK lYs offirf? last oxTilng a woman of atout fos*ty yemrn ot aajps. who !? In? In irait, llircxv a. MioT-.r .-.* ? BBloatla B__aO?**_ Ita Tii-ark. !- ? ? iash? '1 through tha xvlmi'.iv of an ad - Oaltaa and injured ihe night noon. Tha "aroartan who thi-ew tha i pes_. An allegad "roffragette att**rapl t" d? - '.?> fire th? dirigible balloon and eroplani parka of Use? army flying 'k rf..?,rted fr.'iii "%rah?orough. Two lighted candlea w?sra ?_?_?6ov<snd in rarae buahaa sHrroundirsjg the sheds, ? ? . . mrere exMnguished hefore any damage had boon antta, ?| mlHtani ??ufiraget-ir?- started a : atarday by attacking the fir?? alarms in tha i.oi-.ion otreeta, three ? roj ed. iti ? ird bearing tha wtstelt "Votes for women" woa attached to the damaged apparat*? Militant rolTragett?** lax?? aloo tel Ore t.. the t- of tha great - ? ot ground al Tunbrltlge Wells Thoy lefi ' ? ad than 01 hotognt] Mr?. Bmmeline ?*ankh_rs1 as a II at ? ? GOT 20,000.000 FRANCS How Nestor Wilmart Fleeced j the Belgian Banks. x T4??r 'n bank?*f who restetn j arrived Yier? trorn Brtaasala <i?*"-itbf! yest? ? o _oss_4_t*Msfl !?? arhleh the nol ? j v??>st.>r Wllmar? fw. ?.i aoasa !'?<? 1 m , ??arks out of .-...rr-a...? fran. 8 I Jf ISBUlng a ? '*'te Ol ' - ' ? ?*- ? ? ta-OOd honda la dupll? ?.?> .1 : trloUeate. it s?*??m? a?***?OtTdJng t" th-? bonk? . !i?at Wilmart, xxho \xa?i tb ? riirfCtor in ?-hi.-f of a sn.a'l ra?ir-a.) riiti ?? fron ??rt???it to Terneuaan, K^igi-.m. entered!!' with the govern? ant for tha purchaaa of h\% prorir*-t\. 111??. BOJd t ?-*? T If tha gox*rrnme?,t of H?-i trium tool oad, th?. bonds, xshirh xaerw giJOtOd Bf flf) f'aii'?t On II*.?? H?*i! BtO? S ?-x< hatiK-?. i . rm?eaa*t? n? ?>?> fratirs. In th?? UPKoila tlons ?*ith tn*. K'.x? 1 nment Wilmart mad? th-> stat^mmt 1h;it the Original t-.-i (Is had ?-.n d?*aS?iroy#d bjr fir??, makini; it n?"*<?i ntry dUPll?Cat?MB should i <? Binds from th*? platea. a banknots oompany xxt?? emp oyad to aagXOVO ths bond.? not on,?, In ?hipll'ir. * in triplicate. Th? oovorneaant stamp X4S.: Bseor?*?* on tha lonrjs. and xi nan ih ip?#rrst (?oupona fell duo the laigf-si bond or, ?rhleh arao Wilmart himself, co' ?..rt?'i the amounl due to him. Th? i?'ss final.f ?i-s.ei.x-. ? rd. bul Bol before Wllsriaii bad oi.tait.p.i ab.?dt WJO*?.?*<fl0 ftancs from his bat kins fri?m?1s. Tn? bonds hsd heoa p.aif.l xxitli tli*rt>- Bruo* ?OOks Ond rrltat-- llrms. a o TO CROSS ATLANTIC BY AIR Balloon Will Start from the Canary Islands Shortly. ? p palm*??. Canary "Mando April IL Th.? ,i.;.ariir.- of JOBspb BtUck.-r, for msrl) "f Mll-sraukee, on hia t!*aa_a*Jantlc ?'. hl? h was aeliMstluled for ti'-n-e r.i?x. a ,.. i delayed i- dim? th? military authoi h ?? ' ? ; a >itr for bis be loon x? ?t! m th? bo, as he th'.ughi H s as beat suit? d for lb? start of . ' .? the tmitiHi y authorities -. ?.? gra%t him permission t.? u fforl ? ' I'emc tna'le t.. nhtHln sutlior ??! from ib> governmenl a? Madrid WINTRY DAYS IN GERMANY Temperature Down to 22 Degrees Fahr. -Snow Squalls in Berlin. Berlin, April n A return ef ointef boj hfen aspisrlenced thn*??ugl*out Oermi . raturas of "-' degrees fahrenh? ,i ara ??'I from many ?IiMihts In the norili i and also in the Black "Toraet, arhera the mounl eos i i ? d sltb anos Sin y i'.u falllao :?-!*" alnca this a-ssraini In Ih? c Btral ltliit)'- r. ?ain High stinds |.i?-vaii on ths ?? s? reoehlng Hi"? veloett) of a hurrl**an? ..i C'uxhovsn, orhlle at Kiel Btoan*?tra t*omlti| m tin Baltic an la aaad la lee, in Berlin furious snow stjualls occurred . fternoon, and greal ? t.? .. ??hardi i? r? ?".ri..) c\tr> nhere In th<? vi'-inity. PROPOSAL TO DEPORT ALIEN SUFFRAGETTES Case of Zelie Emerson, Who Is Now Suf? fering from Appendicitis, Brings Mai? lers to a Head in England. I By ( aM?* to TtBfl T-i?>un? ; London, ?April IS. The Indign?t!? shoam by suffragettes and others ot th?? treatment of Zelle Emoreon In Ho loway J.iii .'ni?i the attempts '," mal ah International arfan ol Ihe caae ha* ao aroused ?the antl-suffraglata thai Mil Is likely to be Introdu.i In ti H oui** of Uommona next week orderij the deportation notonl] of Miss Bmei son. but of svery other militant Amer ?an suffragette now in England "What rieht h.i\o Aim p-an ?.?.?-mo to ?unie over and mix In our affairs', satd a man high in public affairs j <?? tsrday. Bom? Csbinet mlntoteni con skier thi* country's hands full airead with three Pankhurata and their ii?"i tenants and want no outsiders to ad t?> th? bun'.. ??ne well known anti?s iffragist mem bar of Parliament has drafted ? ?if portation bill and was Consulting othe "amis" yesterday to learn tiV uvas un "f support he might ? spect. it i: certnln, however, that if auch a radica move Is considered tremendous oppoai tti?:i will d v? op aa not oi woman suffrage many friends ? ? ? House of Commons, but th? ru? Internet!! nal ? ? lai Ion i m ly it developed yesterday that M?sj Emerson Is si ffering from ?|>.,> an?l that sn operation ma* be sai y at any time The Mirg. ever, arc ?ic-fi-rrinc tim operation be? .?atise the patient's vitality la so loa that tlie*.- fear shp woul i . ?? on the operating table. Her mother ws lowed to s?*<- her for only fl? ? to-day, for Miss Emerson la *tiii so dased b) pain ami Is suffet - .? itely fr. m the effects ol her Im ment that the i any - mall excitement r< tilting fi om a chance remark. Tt is understood thai a member <>f th?*- House of Commons who I to th-* cause <?f woman suff afp Int? ? to a-k the Home Beeret In the Houst ? C< mmons whether he is . ontemplating a plan wher ?Zeil? Emerson, of Ja kson, Mich., and' XKI.n: KMKRSON. n hoae sctivltle In r*ondon have prompted th" propossl that alten militants be deported f'"'1 Great Britain. ??thff for? gn militant suffragettes I of breaking English Isws will be deport? ?? i Under the English la? Mr. M< Kenna ?a " ild !" a ? Ing ? Ithln hi - thla Th? ' ' for?. th? r? port ? . do r" ha i imong th? ?m< in v ..'n. n hi ?? " h ? ha ?re ill r? w da sa well ka smong those whose af"itiati?.n nei - ? i ' i'nlon, th" n tanl iffrai I organ!? ad I theii I ei ed to a term of pi .*-?m. DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHT HAS APPENDIX REMOVE! ! Displacement of Vcrmiforr Organ Original Cause of Her Prolonged Illness. . - r>f ? 'Ol naught, wife of thi Oovei or G< ' ??nada ?Ht h? oj ? paiied a ?vo'"! Hghi The actual operation on the Duchen of Ccanaught was th? renioval of U vermiform appei dix, tl ?* hi h bad < .1 ised chroi obstruct Tr.o progress lowani recovery made h i ; n duchess Is bo go ?! that : e doctoi nt of her ?complet? ii covery. ENGLAND IN WINTER'S GRIf Heavy Snow and Blizzart Sweep Over Large Section. London, April 12. -Winter has re t ?moi to terrify April, and yeat? Ian-.' part of England rat swept by ; bllasard, which In nom? districts Isa te? over ten hours and brought down se> ? ral Inches of snow. In London dur ni the afternoon itaow fell foi om i nt. fon ,11 melt* d si ? ? : the ground. Almost th?- whol? dSJ -A'.I : ra III'. . Elaewher? condil on? wer?* far worw in th<* Derbyshire Peak district a snow storm raged over ten hours, growln? h< a w hour )?? bom Several In? hi i fri! ;n dalos and on hi : i The fall wai \crv heavy around Doncsster nn?i h w ott Riding. Bnow f? n all da ? In 8? ol and, an? ally alonk' th?'' western seaboar? the fall was very severe, stalling at 7 o'clock in iii?- morning? snow fel uithoat. Intermlaaion all ?Jay and ??"?? still falling late la I nigl : Th? ?? rn win h?"- ?Jlaastroui to young Ian l ? n 1h" hill farms, and h?*ev' losses -ri expected. The outlook for th?* imm?diat? f iture i*- equally depressing Rain snd inoa are predicted for lo-daj In almoat all diatrl la M. P. LOSES" HIS SEAT Sir Stuart Samuel Liable to a Fine of $232.500. [? ' BblB t.? Tl ?* PrlS?! ? Londoi. -.prll 12. Blr Stuart Mon tagu Samuel, Liberal, at p., foi Whltechapel dhislon ol the Tower Hsmlets, has forfeited I Best ri th" House of Commons, according t.? ? it clslon given yesterday bj the -i dlcisl Committee of th? Privy Council. Thl . den r ! ' ai lees from the fa? t that ihr. firm of which h? Is a m? mber (Samuel Montagu <?? Co.) helped th?* government i?> daf?sat a big silver ring at*?i save ll.oOO.tMM) for the India Offici earrj pik out a ' ont ract to bu ' silver quletl) for Indian currency. sir Stuart Is liable to a Rn? of $2,500 for ?"very Um?-? h<' voted In Ihe House of ? '..m..i"?-1 after his Arm begsn to buj allv? r for th* goveri m< i '. k? h? vote?! nliiety-'thrree times, the amount for which is liable Is $2321. It Is ? pe? t< i that a bill of Ind? mnlly w III be brought in lo exempl him from pa]ms thli ' noi moua sum. AVIATOR FALLS 1,200 FEET Perez Arzcno Meets His Death in Argentina. I .? ? - v ri -.prll i ' Perea %r? sano, sn aviator, wai killed to?daj when the aeroplane wblck he area driving fr" fi om an all Itud? oi i so f? ? t iii?- death of Perea Arseno sonst I khe $ In the annal of aviation and ihr twenty-nlntb sin?<? Januaij SEES "SYSTEM" AT WORK La Follette Attacks Appoint? ment of J. S. Williams. \; r|| ' I? i BUtCI ? n ert M. I-a Fe i *< ?*d ir el ' -i tte'a Week! ? ? i itment i i-.. .,,. ,. w .. of le V\'illla ns as As? of the Tressui ? Under the capl ? I i tern at Vi ' in pa ' i few i | ' I that ? ? ' -finia. ? ' M '.' '? in grntl? of go? rstigi ' . of his mlscella ma? Mr. WoolI? of ' e Washington real i i n?- ?????m?-? i ion of < ' t of t ii Thla a 'ayat re? coi ? , ti . . I Oil grou ' ? i to Mi \\.Ic; appoint of I "?A Int? rest tant ? - of the Treasurj Mi W : . her? i V fitl | m for thla po Itl? H? m?- int.. i of ihe " illllo . ? Club, ol MM street. ! aa ". oi k Cltj He ird Air Line R .- ? i? m and ?? aa It president from ! I lo "-? presld? nt ?>f the Ueo ? ?k i lo Ida R illroad ? ompan*. a d r? ?to.? of the Raleigh a ' harte ton Ral Compan) and chairman ol tin? board of dlri ? loi i Hi ??' ol iI ?? i? in . ..I Richmo dent of th? ' I .. . ? ? ?? of the Mary? land i ? ? mpa .f the Bouth? rn luv? itm? nl ? ?? npan i d ol th? Great Britain Railway Develop? m? nl ? itton a rid .? dire? t"'- >>f tii"? Seaboard It Kails ai ? am] -< ? .?i th? l.".?i 'i of dir? ' '?" n ?>f th.- Hi Mi VIII lam ted with 11 Pierce, Norman B. Ream, B K. \ ?ukum and "i I ? i repr? sntatlva i ; Ii i.. Il? red thai President >\ ilson ? beet Imposed upon, i.?m him i" i u h Inrtu? nc? - The i n? ? lui Int? ? p Th? ' "?!? ? in. i- fi lends In irtmenl Id of th? m ?ti ? kn ?a ii 'i hi : hould all b bunt? >i dos n But it wl .. ttl? to m n oui une man with special Inter? l ? on? ?"'? n. sppolnl .m', h? i a ?th hk?' aflillation ... pla? ? MRS. ?SKINNER WINS TRIZE _ I Actor'l Wile Writes Best One Act riay in Philadelphia Contest. ... ie Th? Ti II in Philadelphia, April 11. Mrs Otis Bkin ner, ?if.* of th< actor, was de? lared the arlnner ? f?-. ? i r i? t In s contest for th?* i>o,.i <>ti.'-a t pla? . und? r Um .ii'.. ii,.ti of I Play and Plaj ? i ' ? ?rganlzatlon. Mi i Bkinm ' won th? W pi I u ? Ith s - all? ?i ' Ph< '*? ' to Retun R? ad Edward Hamilton Bterllni .?? Trenton, gol bu i.:abl? m? n?".m ?? id hia Ba? bett?," as 'ii.i ?!" epb w Du Cur: ?, of r Had? pi a. with "Duet <?f the Road 'I'h. playlets of Mrs. Hi.'un?-' and Mr. Blei ling a III be plaj ? <l ?? lha Little Thi a ire her? m it month .?t t he In* Itat on forman? a <>f the Pla ?i d Plaj ? i The ludgi ?.! the cent? il w? re <;, ,,r(., MlddltMon, playwright; Clayton Hanr-llton, dramatic crttl? ai d Mi Bug? ala \\.i ward, actress all of Nee rorh Twenty? one aketcbea from budding writers from ail ports of the country were entered The Judges till have In theli handa manuscrtpta for two and thres-aci i?ia>??. the winner t.. recelva WE. Thi ?? awards sill be anno meed soon. POPE G? A?F-NCE TO 3 AGED PRELATES Falls Into Deep Sleep, Wearied by His Efforts of the Day. SEEN SITTING IN ARMCHAIR Pontiffs Sisters Optimistic Cardinal Merry del Val Im? parts Papal Blessing to Pilgrims to Rome. Rome, April II. Despite the lnjunc-j liona of in*? physli am and the remon? atrancea of his attendants, Pope Piua this ?ft.r,i,...n raceit e.| m BUdi? I ?? three bishop s ?." had hiade ! a pil grimage t.. Rome to visli him. and be? sinne,] upon them tin- Papal blesaing. To-night His Holiness, wearied bj hia cfforis. fell ?til?, a deep sleep Imme djatelj after hia phyalciana had made their customary call. The meeting between ihe pontiff and ?he three .ige.l bietlOPS STOS pBthetlCC. x- ihey entered th.* sickroom they Ihres i'? ? maeltea at ihe feet of Ihe Pope, "ho wai silting m ins armchair. 'I'h.. p.'ii?> smiled and, lifting l. - It inda sbove their hesads, bestowed Ihm bless? This, ho ?-.mi, intended not stone for the preisten, hu? for the pll? grim?- who hid Journeyed to Rome lo ? ?? ? i "i homage 'i'h.. bishops, who had been * t.. mal d the audience i ai pos fl '?ie papal bedroom, iheli eyes bi imming a Ith lears, Seither Pi I aoi Marchiafava nor Dr. a niel was ? ?r during I he re- ? ptlon Progress Become? Rapid. Th?? recover? of the Pope from hit retspss fr..m the iniiu? : u ippar? entlj ?? .-'?.?UK rapid progiesa HI ? ? ? ig to? da; irlth th? pai : - ? .. ' 11 4 their the Venel pllgrit ? .- the V'atl an, said '?l"- < ondltlon of I ? ? -f -,.. , non so aatiafa lot t ? ? Brai possible he ? able \?ithin .? feg? da? s to n the pi grim : **r< m his nstlve r | tj?, ired it s ??s the desire of thcli broth? r t.. do bo, but that i re gent I? g to give their pa ble Immui from ? ? clt? ant in period ol The pilgrims war? d In the j . Hall this afteri il i rdtnal Merry d< ' Val, the Papal Si Stati at 1 ? r eat of 1 Piua i ' a a .nn function. Tha ' .'ni add!? cd I ? ? ? i m tha minv <?! | be Pop? and Imi i ? I hem the papal blessing. Ii srsi with mu?._ regret, the (.'ai Id, thai Po| ?? PiU l| ? : ii ,. , . , ?Venal ? i them, xa h ?m hi greatly d |0 gree>. The i 'ardi?al told i1"* pilgrim * ? I not ,'?' ? 'I adi.iii ?.?(s*. ? '.?., Rom i, -, red for t he m the . . i they might d ? idt*d 1 ? -? ih.' Ponl If d< ? -,..., itioi ? ? gardlng the I ri ?-!iur? h be given eoch ol I ?? i grims a oo enir of their i lait Pop? S.qn? Documents. ? ? . ? ? ?o..*.? th? relaps? Pius sppi i" d lo da . ."? ? ? are de a hlch < Cardinal Pomi 111 nnd l'an Root im ar< m id? m? of ih?j of the Holy ( ?ffli i. Thi? ?-, filing ? ? ?in Ion of th? ' ? ? . ? ;p ' ? the offl? la I \ ,iii 'an i "In ? onftrmal!'?: ? ? nen ???ti.- ti regard lo Ihe h? nit ?i ! iher we are able to thai .Iltions ? untinu? ? n Bl * fa. lOT] The pop? al i ?m- i ompl lins of | in the small of th? back, which Increa ? ix?h?*n he sits up snd also when h Icougha These and other s mptomaar? attributed bj Ihe phj .* Icians to ?? neuralgia arising from Influente, and rem? 'i??-s hove been appll? ?i. Th?. Pope i .m-' If declarea ihal he bsttei Bnd haa i xpr? si i 'I the de sire to read the newspapers, .'a\iiig that .r'er w hat waa invented when ie waa id ih?? iirst time he : rurlous lo see xv hal II ay ha? e be? n ? apabl? ol ? doing afti r hia i' lapse, Profi Msrchlofovo, however, refused to i"i mil him t" read, whereupon ?he Pontiff < s< lu ?in? <l. "Thai thowi ih?- muol have killed and burled me:" a 'FINDS CHILD MIND READER I Prof. Mucnstcrberg Tells Psy j chologists of His Experiments. I '!>'??ra|.ii i?, tmt I rll in? i sfiddletown, Conn., April IL Professoi lidii" afflnsterberg, "f Harvard cni verslty, speaking before the tenth annual Spring > Otlferellee ,,f e \ | >r I I 111 e>| t 1 ! |,.a\ chologists .-it Wssleysn this afternoon - Oil <??<) the belief thn! len-? ear ..?I [:. Utah Miller, ..f Warren, k t Ii ?? mind reader of ?tilaordlnai abillit and thai hei ? ? probably ha ? s an \ ?ray v\ Ion ind .? through objecta arhlch t" other i ? "i'i" are opaque Prof?*oaor MUnsti i b< ra told si length Of thi ? ? ? ..' . \ ;?? ; inn mi | ..? . h he performed xxith ths child and af thi " sndi ' ful abl Ity ?lie <li*m?-?' ? d In laboi Btoi . 'ii.- i -i" i Im? ni ' an led "ti wer? somewhat similar lo iii"?.. uaed In i lie recent Inten lea ? hi? h Dr, John l ?. Q ia< k? nbos, or Ko Bl Wi I Sth atri St, Sea York City, end Di Chsriss Ksi i of Brookl] n. hsd ? ?"i Ihe child Tha session of the conferenca al arhlch P ?'? ?? or MUnsterberg apoke araa largely attended Professor Royinond Dodge, of tha pa hologj departmenl a! \x > il? hh announ? <?i thai Prof?*~sor MOnsterbsri i nti'ier . oatrav1 with a publishing houos t?. writs .'. treatlss upon I >? esperimenta a ith Bealah Miner, ?n* it prohtMta him from Kiilti'i an*tlhlng lo the pul.lie m adx an? a ?if the i?ui?n?ration. it x?s? ..nix by v|i?"iiii Biroogemenl t ti.ii professor Ifilnsterberg waa lnduc?id to ?peHk al this < onfer. rice, and upon the promise thai newapaper nun -?kould he excluded and Ihe attondan?*e eonfined as? ?*' . in i to s.|?niiii'- investigator?. MYSTERY Otlil?lN'S DISAPPEARANCE GROWS No Trace of Wealthy South? erner, Last Seen in West End of London. SCOTLAND YARD'S THEORY Talk of Beautiful Brazilian Woman in Fashionable Hotel with American Who Seemed Dazed. 1,:" ' ant ] London April 12 The mysterious disappearan.f Joseph Wilberforce Martinet Memphis, Tenn., la engaging the attention nol onli of ?Scotland Tard a nd the ? "i.' " authoi ities, hut of the entire staff ..f a piiv;it<> d?te? Uve sgency and a number ?>f ?\?'nn*n d? - tecth'es. Mr. Martin's friend, .1. 1/>????. hari Anderson, at whose flat Mr. Mar? tin had been staying, ssld last niKht: "Mr. Martin a*ould nol have gone' without letting m?' know his Inten? tions, if. ?'.in??' t.? London In Fsbruary, partly on business, but also to return ??? ,'isll I paid l<? Iii** own h-.m?* in Mem phis, if" wnt ?i strictly temperate man, and on the Thureday evening when a-c saw him ;.?-t he had had <<??':? two drinks. \v< were playing billiards ?'i ih?- Automobile Club He ran tou? - drinks, in the nexl room you 1 ? '" ?* ? ih.ktall mixer 1 bought ape* lalb for his ''"r- ":1 . loi h?*- .'irr* still in : ? ' 1 nd they an 1 a Intended to return. There no I di? .'i..ti <>f ;i hasty j..iir He s si at t ime 1 lot lal man, bul general I he a*ss grave and busi? ke. "W bi ?',, 1 . iggest has happened? W? lit to say, 1 Tin afraid he may I fallen Into the hands ??>>* ? a deep? rate ga ^ or It Ij m-*; il! aomenhere. All els? v.. : may be cer? thai he has not ?-..n?* rreptit ? tlon of ird." Mr M ' popular in the West 1 ? rn In the flnsn? if Lon I"n. A detective , " ? ?? |ng on the cs ltd him :?n-i he sis ? struck me as 1 eli t ? cool, level-h? ni.m. H'- Int ar abl? . .-ir-i<-.| mu? h Ith him, a*? mu? ii as [400 or ? - w h ? ' b? 1 uni ? ? ? the night of hi?. t . . ???.,.., So \.\ be n left by him In 'It* he ? The ? ? m .'i'.' git ig ; * th.: , n hi.'h pr< mlaes to be 1 1 tha "th*? g di g to the : * ir?-*?! a hi n 1 ?? ''?'?' the Au torn ? lb <*n ' ippearance, ? , 1 Ta 1 t first n fused to Krt. I 1 the 1 ? snd turnt ?1 II to the Vli at 1 s stai in v ' ? t Mr. Li irt / Hat ted. ? the m?as? g a - ? nd h week's dlsapi ? ! e are that the 1 a in ordii of a man a Ind? ? period of rt 1 me. \ ? er. waa told 1 Am? rlcan In a da ng or the la it 1 daya In ihlonable -A'? I i?i..i hot? 1 a ith .? woman of gi rat i- luty. man 1 d from the P mc ?-tii? r than M;ir tin, 1 ? la ith the ?> ornan, med c ?m| et* dominate him -u? SAL?NICA FOR BULGARIA? City To Be Given for Strip Yielded to Rumania. * : ',''?" Ing the T ince ?;?*. mai ? Aus lliinga ad ?ate, .? - cording t.? the ' N'eue 1 rel? Presse, ' ml? b should given to Bulgaria ;-i ..,'-., and ?1 Bti lp of Bulgarian ti rite , to Ru? . Russia snd 1 Vance, on the other I ire of ",' nlon that tin ?-? ?* should ha ta Baloi England .1 to fs '?r the viea ?>f th" rrtple S ? 1 1 sttinje Montai sgr ?.pni 1 ia Bervtaa troopi which have been assisting the Mont? cgrin arm? n th? age of Bet*. tart, are nithdrawing and n.ting back ti ? ird B< r. is. -? ? SOCIALISM SPEEDS BOMBS It's a Sham Science, S?iys Color, Shocking Yale Hosts. II Telegraph 1 ? ? m Haven, tpi 11 11 Bird ??-' Coler, of \<-r? Vo'i< rn? Bhocked the Fall Bodal ?'hih tonight by Informing it thai ill i" '.' b Bbam seteno < it it?* teechlngs ;?"? centran to patriotism ?ml - "n and tend toward barbarism snd He ssld In pai I ? i on have been told that soi laliaia ?*i r> onomli .-iii' 111 sai in order ti <i" awa* with the waste of the present sys? tern t shall not att? mpt to deny that there is waste in the present syatem, or, rather In th? present lack of system, for capitalism is nol systematic. There la In? Justice "' It, and wherever there la Injua? tice then 1 \< ?ste There Is erueltj In 1? then is oppression In H These things? however, are nol necessar) concomitant! ,?f private pi .?i" rtj "The Philosoph) of socialism, material? istle In us origin, materlallstle 1? all its u 1 >i. n? ?? ?. 1 an stiffen th.* sma of an sassin, can energise the band thai drives thr dsgger >>i hiirla Ihe bomb, ?hit so hull* 1 builds with th.?! snsrgy. "" brt? k I? laid upon another si ? r?*siiit of philosophy, no thing that 1* useful t?> mag ii. fashioned under thai Insplratten. 1 1 Iii i ?irr.- gre, crying, ahaateful thlni underpayment of labor, sverslress? Ing of human bodies, th,* exploitation ?.f children, ihr. degradation of ivomen bul ?ou cannot ? uni them wltb ? ttttt thing Thla ?socialism bsra the waj ; Iti tsndsnclH ara all n, the dire? Mon of <'"' ?vgfsry, 'ii" Mack barbarism from wbh* civilisa? tle-n baa lifted the world, it **hh]** **** forces thai maki f"i rtghteoumwe BELGIUM FACES LOSS OF 10,11 A DAY This if Only 50 Per Cent of the Workers Join General Strike Next Monday. CHILDREN SENT ABROAD Brussels Typographical Union to Remain at Work?Antwerp Dock workers Only Luke? warm fci Project. Brussels April II.?Belgium ataoda to los?? ajOaOM ?very day the ?encra! st-i?-* :,ists ?f. as the socialist? gacl?te and hope, 0) per cent of th? Industrial xvorkeis loova their j?hn next Monday. This Is ths' made py the econonsii 'ih??, full realizaiion ?>f the tremendous ec.Miomie blow thai is Impeodbig is be? ginning t.. permeate all sections of tha i population, and a ferlin^ ,,?? grant Ul ? i'.-sh reigaa throoghoul the country. The government and th? local authorities are fast completing final preparations to meet ail smergencles. According to the latest refwrts f-om the strike ??entres, the arslhoul ?rill ^ *>em? plets among the miners, metal work? - qoorryinsn nn?i t.-xt:!. arorkera. The ?ie, ision of the B"sB8l WOrkera |0 loin the strike has pioilu' e?i aomethlna Ilka consternation. Every furnace thai - p. ; saltad to <ii" down must be destroyed xxith dynamita and rebuilt. Thla would Imrotva a total cost of nfeejo, There ara tweaty-ssvea f-i*ns**-ss la Bslgium whose export f.f irindOW Kia?s amo in'*? !o "0,001 - ""' i asento, a? to the blast furnat-es, s majority of which arlll be allowed to cool ? i,f. their sxttnetloa arlll mesa ? el i i lOSS Of t.'\"i'i ' Strike Orqamzer? Uneasy. The Antwerp deckwerkors are cauaing ? be strikt di pi i ? ? ir t.. be ? anging in tha balance a? to Whether or not the- arlll Btop x?ork, and desperate efforts are t .. ? ?da to ? t '-.<? [r ad I ' ??...'. t" the strike move? m? lit a atrlke b] I issa man x>,P.',i be moat '.niportant. as It arould bottle up the entire export add Imporl trad?. a large number of workmen are ?? ?hawing their money i-.'in tha M bank?. Determination to resist the si ail it i reeouroea appeora to be the t ? ? ..f ths Belgian ? labtnet, ?? ;. h haa ' ? support of th? n."' ..--.i.' and ths coneerv? -.-..-. of Ih? ' 'ii th" other hand ths Socle .-*. eem to be firm In ihcir d<-? isi.'ii to call oui from r t? 400.000 men. The local strike commit? t.e.a showing ths greatest a?etlvl< a 11 ? ; ?{ lo ! ? ,? ? ? . add 111 aja? lag tit? cMMran xvtih a* mpatnJsara be? I tha fn llera The workmen base sdm? nlshed tha bast asaans of demonstrating th?ir fitness for Ihe auf? f- ig? ts u? dlapla lint and < aim and pea eful ei d _n< r Ti*e mtnnbeTs of th? ? ? ?' bol i ds coun? ? * ' consider thi situation. Two ? .,.-,.,. .... ...,. ?. ; -.?? sji ainong then Ti-.e n-s* t? th .t the general ?? 14 ill ..-.? MS ??? | as if \4 ill he . Buppoi ? s rknsm. Tl ? ? ? a thai ii' ?se the strike ?houi?. b< ? oms ??? i sral order must ba sever?*** nsaintoi an i an: bod del rl i to a? h ra ist be II ? . a that right. Small Sympathy SHown. . ,, m. ai union of 1 ; - ? -i little ?: mi ?1 ??.i'h the th-. members decided.- tin a* 44."k. iff- . ? the tj po? graphical union? resolved t.. strike, In some Instancea bj a unan rao - vote ?| be ? trtks ? ? r te he eonl s for the :?-..?. and ? the promt tent* la igltat -? '? d< i ?reld? and Hulsma ? ? at tha bells? e ?'.,?? it t? nos* Itn prevenl II being put nto effe t ? ordlng n. the best Infotn-sstlon here nelthei Ihe ?aii?>^ i ?? th? newspapers xx ill be affected. Ii is said thai th? rail? ..-.",.-? ..... -i i -i4 " ?. k?. The printers, Ii ? - de? d .<? ?* d? ? .?!? td te mal..- d tributlon t ? fund, bul to im ma n a- work H la reporttMi ? ai mai a ? . a '? - ibSCliblng t'? ti.e ?itrlke ? md Ing thi ?? m? ins to prop - " - ? ' I to i imp i - mines, keep the turn.? sa ? | and | ill) proie ? ? - masl perty, ?e i. much anxiel as to hoa far tha publli : ? -? ss arlll ba aOTeetsd bj I - xxiiikodt Ths .-'... ..?'i*i claim thai . a -I! MrUe. Antwerp, April II Tha sltuatle I ere ?s bseomlag more and inore complex i_i??t Wsdnesds) the Rod stnr Un? sont <?rr an atSdltional steamer in erdar te elei'i .'??x.i.'. the men bBJadlSS Waiting M the do? i? N'-'x another line announcM that, In ?tew of the t'ossi'..:.- Inability to load its vassals, Il Bill cancel the sailing datea of sis steoasei - it t? reported thai the Hambt I American Korth German Lloyd ami iteamahlp inns have ordered their ? lets bound foi Antwerp te? proc?*B*d Instead to Rotterdam and Hamburg. The i.n.e companies sre making sp?*, lal ? 4k i for fi -'Slit Standing .*"i il'.'-ks ..*- m transli from xxsrehouse ?.? steamer, or il.. -, r-a 'Idies are Bsktltg S premium si ', p. r .-ent for tin Insurance BOSTON GETS ART GEMS ?Turner Collection of Engravings Bought for Hub Museum. Ii ? BblS ts Tha Tr>but?? ! Pon?ion. April 12* w, <;. Rowlinoon has sold Ins line coltectlon of Turner', l.lh"t- St udiotuni. and hsneOfOfrth it will cnri. h the art ireasmes ..f AOaOtri a. a s.i.i story ?s aaoocloted xxith the pur. has? r. Mi. Bullord, of B< aton, a COUOln "f i'halles Etloi KOftOR, who WOa a fri-nd .,f t**OrlylO, l?uskin and Other eminent Knglislim? n of his time. Bullord oroi well known as a collector Of ruiner erigiax ings. parti, ularly (hos-* . f the I.?her Studio, urn. FOC B considera hie period lie pressed na-.xliu ?on to ft M liin I.iher s?rie?, t.. him. his. Intention being to preoaui it, with hfa oxxti collection, tO Ihe Huston Museum. in the end Ro>wllnooo agreed i,. port xxith the COlloOtlon, not for the fal.u loua price reportad) bul al n flgura Utile mor.' than he himself liad paid for 11. xx ?(li about | per cent added tu io\or th. .ost of Insurance. Shortly after the pur. hase \?as rntlilcl Hullard unfortunately fan III am] died quite auddonly, u xxas understood, howovar, thai r? latixcs decided to carry out Ills WlOhsO, and the entire l.lhor ?ludioruni xx III g., to the Rostnn Museum 'i'h?n this combined collootioo there are fon liner in existence. Mayor Fuhrmann's Mediation Brings Street Railway Men and Company Officials Into Agreement. CARS WILL BE RUN TO-DAY Strikers To Be Retained in Their Old Places, Grievances To Be Discussed with Employes and Arbitrators to Settle Disputes. Buffalo, April 11 Th? strike <?f mo. t?.rn?on nn.J conductora on the city an?! suburban linea of th< Internal 1*4.-1 i I waj ? '??mi n which bi - Bunde*. was settl? d to da through tha m? ? ..f M.i . Lou i'. Fuhr? mann. Both aid? - mad.n eeotons ? company ? np ?ai:; ronsentsd to oonf * at the Mayor's ?. f t i ? _? ? - with Preside * William D. Manon, of tl ?? Am - mated Association, snd th? n ? ? ? - ded from Hk r d? mend I tbe reeumptIon ? ervlve tl" i gotlatlons "ii hours and wages should i??- carried on with ?? i he a ii.ition 'ri* ? agreement a as sigi tii" pn ildent, !?: ? ; ? 'onnett.. of the rallwi . ompan?. and a i ommli I ? nioti com i os? i ? i?;<? es on ? II snd Int? rurba 'J'hi.*- i si..ti i.\ ths man. The stiIke i ad? ?. ? ' ! :? ?l th.m; my'a - ' Whl? ii ' .inn"' I" eel ' ? I tween the committee of empto es a i rallaray odl? iala be left to ?i i*.?.ir.i .*f tin?'?' arbitral Mayor Fuhrmann acl alone In I pacity. With theae alight modifient , th>* agreement was Id? nl one signed bj th? sti Basis of Settlement. The all emplo) es who wei the . ora pa ny on the the day the striki : be return? d to I ?. they I:'*!?.! ;?' that I da> s :h?'. .?mi an) will Is < ommittee of emi loyi grlevan ?.*> a:i?i the workti t ??? d I for the ful reinstating .-ill m? n wil the lei ' ' ? da) a for the appointment of the tratora within I t., peu et a I Ol f'i1'.: Mayor v rbitrator. At all heai ig si.j?. m.?;, be r? desire -. The Undings of m Um board abs Mr. Connctte ? M men! th.* m ni? ti., ni Mr M;? hoi "Thla : Amalg stltutlon La founded oi u feel thai we got a ... ? ? _ and try to i nen*. If thai cannot we will submtl ? rbltra Bui l fe< i that with the ndlng we have i work out a without I ? - ; at The n : o n were notified m. nt al and ?>' III take out t ?? t morning, ?.f militar? autho ??? ? | ? ? > two lines u?*i ' 'i n e t roops a ei ? sent to I * The order for the withdra ft is national guard irora trill :.. .1 t ? > -1r.? .T' - t?? a ? ?hartes H. Brou n, ths I ?? prams Court, on whose ? di?*! i were ?cal I ? No Work for Stste MedistSfS? Wi'a ths sett .'m. nt of ... ? *** *u;?- mediators sent hei Bulzer t?> ? ondu? t a i ' '-'** t ?"ti a III taha no furl hei ' During ths si) ?i ? <*v* hundn .1 . bio? Ii i of overhead ? * ''?' ***** support 'in; !'"'? ? . i ...;?. ? " S paral; lis of street kind, in the four ds I ' ' were on ?I'lf th- re ws onlj ? ?mis . lash s Ith rioters .??"l onl) I pe? "us v ere a o nd? ?i Ml t . ..\?*r. *-' on i of atril . - men and sped ?i deputl? ? ?"?* nor Inju h a from mla II? -; I the mob The loss to bu *** h. i ii . itlmated, but a DI ni' t Att"i >??? W ? l ' announ? sd to da? that In i ? omplalnta of ? ith?? na h? eon t.? the grand |un ?*. Id? n< e on ? n.?n whether th? i ilia ?? ? ? ?? ? m,.int.-1 the Ian requiring II to irsls motorm? n at Its powerhou i .,, ,.i, the platform ? ' liioni for lift? ? n ? '*"l|r*- in' .?inn t..r. Bubposnes have '.n placed In ' r bsntls ?>f the Bh< riff foi ?trlke breakers and p ?II? i m? n aho bs.e l.rrn riding ??n the ? ara a gua The strlks oa ihr? Buffalo Boutht n line was S'Mtlo(l on ths SSIUS ba I the International, .?ii.i d^nit? ??* noun? riti.nt was mads that the ottclsn ,in?i employes ?>r the Buffalo * ??**M Fii?* Traction Oonpeny *tt*\*l*i --''"5" ?'' agreement to?morrow. WORK BEGUN AT ST. THOMAS. Bl Thomas. D. W. t., .\i?ni tl B****" she- harbor Improvementa an I i here Immediately, In entldpsttes ??f xt** o|?rninK of the P?nsma canal v *** trn?'t??'. with a staff of ?killed arorlnssi nn?i Quantities of material, arrived h?*r* to-.iny frotfj Coaeahagea to c'lnm?*??** the work.