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STILWELL HEARINGS END IN EVEN BREAK Charges an Issue of Veracity and Senate Should Not Discredit. Member. Say Friends of Accused Man. PERIL IN TAMMANY VIRTUE Wigwam Likely to Have Alleged Grafter Put Out to Obviate Suspicion of Whitewash ?Vote on Expulsion Tuesday. ? - v' Stephen J. ??? mpted ! i . ? '-???'? Bai eatli ig K< ? .-? mony to? will present Senate oi "*ht. fore the entlr? .-? will I ' t.?k??i ..ti thi - \|. *-i a? i ?'? ? ? -,. ? knoa ;i tii it th- Attorney ' eral feels a ? I i gains ?? 1 ???.. i nor .- . . , nia belief ? formal in? eet'gatlon ? ? t. Strom v. t I gardliig his past I for, howev? r, was nol ;? i ???. the .... intim? Stil ? i sevi \vh.? that hi c Hi 'l on Kendall b that f left th? ' > . and Stilwell, and that ll .11. Mi!? pi f ending S'ew York ? ? i 1 ny Hall la now t" v n. The entlr? - re up ? - the 1 ? ??<? ntim? nt Tu spite of "? n the i f gral ture ? - ?".i i' hai ' .M-. - ' ' Fears Whitewash Talk. tors 1 ?? ti by ' ? 'hristj " - \ an. wh > \ ut- ?I in ? . ? ! - . i . vote '? ?'. I It ! ng | . lal good tl ? ? ? - ibti dly j would t.- n S' I lik?' , t.? ?give him the t. Bui n the C mmai - di ????il can | with the handicap of ? ven an i oi h.-i\ Ina *"? hit? wa .m. ? It consisted ? tesi B ? who l.> ; estli ? ? ? _ ng l ? I thai of Btlls ?in-law of Bl ? ? Ml . i denial of th? Kei Btllw? . 4 end 1 Btock E* - ... ? Sen York ?Bank Not k half of Le? g thai importa ni leettmoi eld? - Ihe K ' Sot iti?.ii of the SI ineai matt? ? ? ? Ken | ' a : ? . ' "im? .... r." it was learned 1 ?;?*n. . sfl hot ? ' thi? wan a "plant" on Wlloon'a p*ul .. . ? . i take 11 : ? ? n I Which he sh<?'. ? ? ? ? Btilwell i de '????' ' '?: ' '' ' 'r Bi . m? klbany ailei n liad h ' ouri taking ? ? s ol ack? iteon'fl freo ?? n1 ref? ren? ? alleged un "' mind. Lewis Caught m Trap. ' that o? Le? ? . until s? natoi a agn? h*.a . of hia draftlna Kendall'a bill ? ? ' ? and Inaisted a perfeot right " *** ? Ht went mi to ma ? ? ? ?' ?" ? , ? ' ' i/- ted out he ' ? ? ? ., i ?j ? ".. w? ik for ti verted mind. hh?i to? ehoel ''"rn n't you I M Uai nod? . pointedl! ? Thei he aaked If ? ?--? :"!' ? " n ? B**HUei hadn't gone ?.n a ball i * ago, ? h?n -,i m th<- Hsi lem poll a ? i,, had ? i"*n u (?d b il sdmltted thsl ;< ? ?' ..f ..., ture 1 eei brought egai'ist him then and tha' ? 'uyIUK : bad read? ??? I blan a k? i -, ? A n,..m. nwd, m admit thai la ?i tVagnefa aflu ??. la the pi - ? i ' ?Wagner, Kendall and Depoty ''"*' ? 11,. t., ,...?, rgsst, h. bad admitted giv? hau of ths PA.? He ? ? a < iplanatton of th? bi in? be? - admission snd hie awoi n i< ? ? i< he hadn i epllt the fee ?*."f| Rtiiw.ii. \\i's?,ri. BUlwell'a law er, iri <i to pa??'- ?.ff ths sdmlsalow ' ? ?> igm?r aa ' leoee ?i?" a i at lona Lew.r leettfled that h* n*xt- tin H " ?"heck to Edmund i. Marl ?. lbs slsrh of th??>i where he Hroi la this elty. M)?i t\riw sal Iks **fl*aasaas is sama ol ttk |i? and IK? Uie mat vv?efc sad the RIVERHEAD JAIL PROBE COSTLY Expense of Inquiry Started After Esther Harris Calmly Walked Out Will Be $10,000, and Villagers .Are Wondering Who Will Pay the Bills. Long Island. April 11 If] 1 ? ' r Harris has any i ons? 1er ? ? '? ??? i ' ' ? bun -inv at this mln ite. Mo ? uncompltmentar* things hsvs teen ?aid about Ksthei during the Isal twenty-foui hours than falls lo tiie lot "f .-.u iinii Ire ' world'; series baseball same, when : ".".fans" wat? ?. him rob th? I n ? t? "i. of the elmmplonahlp bj a i loae ds* , ? Ision Of course, v?mi all Icnoa v\ ;.. Rstbei \\ i,,?t ? \\ by i'.stii. i la the young womsn who calmly wslked oui ol ? R ? : he,ui Jail one day las! summei ed to com? bach B) her abso lute disregard of th. feelings of the 8hei " and the other j-.ii officials who were re ?Ibis foi hei being k< pi matt *..ii?. Bather caused an investigation to ... n ads of ?- b? x>.,-!.. mat ten wer? ? d m i he Jail That Investigation has been golni on ? -, i xx eeka, a nd now the bills foi ... about i" i"- piesented, ?'ona I 'I.XX.I. || l> S),;,|. XX ill . 1 ? . 12.460 foi h.- . H. a, .- .?? these figures !??. .1 method ?-?' reasonlni ail hli i ?". hia services ;?- commiasionei sir i ?owl 4ti:. .; ?? | ? .aa om ina t" Ihe h.??'? -i. .? of lra\??! en th.' - ? dowi Long Island wa> Ah. Dowd regardi 1100 for -Jon ?, t.. and i oming from RI? er head se only j :-? ?-u.. .? i. rigures th* fifty-mile t -11 ? as a day's Journey. Of course, this amount ?i"?*s not covei hia an |.? nata, ?? hi? ii i. Axes ?t MO Mai ration a eg? - Tl ? bu nographer refus? i to b? . ..i,.i iii.- ape ? ..?' "ttl. i ? hold? oui f" al I? .i-t $?'?". cm t.. m't.- -nattera worse, Bherlfl iv .-n hints? II ??. II ;.:? lenl bills for ti? disbui sem? ti -. adi ? !*n< helm In? estlgated, Inctudina counsel f?eea ?*i.m ???n is divided .,:. tO JUSt who will ).?*??! til. ..-t >.f ihe Investigation, some n ?- n ig th" . omit; Ii reaponslble, while oth? ? : ,.. i,..t. Th.- tot.?i ?Mil prob" ..hl? i m. h ai"".i I ".' ' " Ai ?! . :-i i., t II., 'i- ihould ?"?' I ' ? ' ? 4. ,,: ,i meek ,xi irlon >? ira? l <i?. t? d ?mu?. d?. taring he drea ? ni ?1 ?? m -.1-' xx, . k Th.- 4-i-iittin_. t.f this :>-. with Btltwell Igtl . ,,,..,,, . .. lh?> . dl-.mli g) . from the ?enai l < opinion ". tha Att? rn? > ??? neral -:?? i t.. ! bI, I.- iMs ; it the time he admitted : -? " ? ? Bei toi w agni ? told him h? no ? to esign, i>dt that - u ? (Vasnei had told h-* need u" Senator Wagner, af'. th? Bring, - colleague? on the Ju ? it hi -.i noi made the r? nan k attributed to him i om i ? - Every Allegation Demed. Ilcally ..nd in de? on? ol Kei.... . east ion? ? xv - ret i hi? ?-"ti? ll.- maintained that hi? com? t" Kendall whl. h read, "1 wil off! ??- on M< da aften.n If ! ou | to see m- about brlel ? a-l I. G. Mllbun \- -? v..i k st... k Ex? - . '?!> d wli the Benat.lea < 'om? it? ? g ? ?dink note bill stiiw. I Kenda - Stock ang? egislatl ti I l ? d cone? rnin?r basing ??: rot? Alban D - ' ?at ion In Btl ? ?al ; i?:. nd II had de lared ' I . en approached b ? - ' ? xx a - "I don't knoa -? ' you are tel na thie," Btllwell t< ?tifled he said t.. K ? d i kno? and If any oi .t \?'. ild do any! , ???? roni trtketl.'' ? ? 'hal man tth of th? A isembly i 'od< s Com ? hat K? n?. "1 ??..n't knos a ethei ? ?x.i , feel ? mor, but ????'? - a Kend grkv? t to i Stil?*.. 'i admitted ; | talked with , ?\. ? dal i ' him, but sa d th'- -. ? - . ?? i Kend F??gai i. Lyon- Bl w? I Mid thai. although lawyer? d they s ? ' In? ? veil) didn't xx..- t a cen? ?.f thai ' becauae i .! dn t want to ? ? . onn? ted xx il h :' Caurtesy to Sulzer, He Says. .f hi tho ig .t . ilatoi to Inti-"id' ? K< n bill. "1 did It becauae the Gov? h -u t" me, and i ome faxurs ? Qovei 'i" ," was t he i ep ? ' Idead? a - iphei le? _ ox. rh? a:<i Benato Bl .loh with Ken? .? xx ii i'ii ., i | thirteen inlnul E?? -.? d th? ?-? nator had dlffl m underatandina x? ,,,t Kendall said of ? i.... sir? YOUNG BRIDE SET FREE Mrs. Scutt Gains Separ?ation from Aged Husband. p. igl k**< pale, V Y . Api 11 II M ri Alice H. Bcutt, th" twenty-year-old wifi of st. phi n ?Scutt, sev? ? ..'.?i. a wealths dealer In vinegar, obtained a decree "i- separation In the Supreme ? ourl to-da M i -' it t xx.. - married I? ago W it)i?ii a few months hei bus? I,.u.I brought suit agsinsl her, hum - s leplled xxith tu?- count? r suit, which il i xx'.ii todsy. m .,-id.d xxith his bride m ?-..un to i, to 1 im hut she refused, end the idge awarded her ?Ml s week alimony. SULZER FRANK STILL BUSY Governor Notifies Politician to Stop Its Use. . i. | 11. ' So o.,, has author? m Congress frank ' ,,i to us-? u mysslf since i rssigni i ,. , ,,.,,, - of Congr? - on Dac?Mnb?Br SI ?,. | Govern ?r Buhwr so deetai-ed to ,?rx ?fter h- had I.I '!>:': his tr**k, which la good for nine months aft?> hia resignstl? n went Into elfeel h id be? n -,., Bending "m political documenta i have written to William C Llller, of Lan? s te , Penn . ' said ths Governor, . i . ? beatini m t ank m .st . ,i Mi. Llller Is secreun "f ... |., ,,.. ? rOti? Asaoi ...:."n of Clubs." blC INTEREST ON LOAN Man Who Borrowed $700 Leaves $1,000,000 to Lender. Chicago, April li.-i't Edward B, Hlo? . lurl ..' ' llenn Bll* n" xx ho ,.,, parti' ular kd? s that he was ? ? I lnI bi - a-i on th? itera, in th" early N ?, .,.,, i ;hai ea . ?... licli |70u i" asslsi him through a coura? In tha Uolvsrsit) ol iska. i/roelii h, ?' ho liad aros n wealth) m Australia, visited his rormsr t?eneisct<.r ,.,-.,,, . ,t - ,..-.. snd i. paid t'"" lu;u'. "Un ,-t compounded Kroeh<* ?""' re? . t.ntiv xxitlaiiii neu?, and lo-da) l" Hlg? , .,.,.,1 .i, u hl? fortune, approximat? ,.,: |]. had been lefttohia COMPENSATION BILL OUT Albany, April U Th?- lfurtaugh.Ja? ? ,.,? ?ro kmeo'a e??mp?snaatlon bill, advo , .ted by tha State P?*deratl?*n ..f i.?h., .,,,,- i-|.' n"i favorably to-daj b? ths Bensle i idlclari ? 'ommltt? ? H? aoreement. this ""'-"'"?, -"."? ?'"? Btnate Insurance < i?n..,.iite,-- bin \?. a.i i,s me St,-?!- Superintendent of Instii-.iii? ??ill ?'? ''--'nsMlei?-! ?..???her on the "i'1er of final ??assa-r. on a Ost??. tu tie determined ????*?? xve?k. FOSS FOR N. Y. MILK PLAN Recommends It as Pattern for Massachusetts. Boston April : Thi Sea Vori milk prodiK lion and distribution tl . m inlclpa .?^' i ? ? - ?? iecomm.i as a pattei n ?"i Maaaacl laetts bj Govei noi .? to the i."Vi - ature t.. <i rt '. . 'in?* Oov? noi say? thai th? Bvei .??-??? i.r mei Is rec? Ivlna a pri? ? a h i h .i m?! retui ?i h.m an-, .i.i ?. i pi .??'t. and thai sen diminii ? . ? fo the last ? ? The ?coi tractors a ho i i Ufas with the produi t of othei stati s an position t.. demand the hit heel - . . i, ti om the f.?' in? i - ai ?'?'? p' lc? and : ? public ?)? ii\?'s im benefit Ait. .:? kcriblni hoa the llfl Ii owned retail ml K depots of N a Y..ii? ? n and mai kel in" prod ? I affording, aa he'sa* - high? : prices foi Ih? fai m? i and a better qu .?,.??. i ..... noi ' ? commet ds l the plan h?- followed it? Maasachunett?. BAR CARNEGIE LIBRARIES New Haven Had Asked for Gifts Now Rejected. New Havei farnegti ra ea -??I aftei (.?itic asked Mi hv in direct ? odd situa to-da 'i ? Board of 1 Inane? has deUlned to Indors? th? i I i .,,'.;? ? ? ? ? ', . i a ill i ? '?? rraased lor an explan ? t I'-n ? . ? New Haven has a : Ives, a e gift ol ibo it ; ? ?? enting ?ilm? t enUr? fort un? er o hei hi ?bai d, Hoi i Ihe l provided *hs ? ? ? .. i ?i-i a keen den 11 .. : : Libi ; d to ask M foi them ii. to glv< about IW.OUO for the | ras ace? ihe Board of ?.Idem ? ? I . gift a probably bo returns* STOCK JUGGLING BARRED Sulzer Also Signs Bill Regulat? ing Tenement House Work. tlbei Api Governor ? ? ? lo .; |h? I ?? i bill provld . ? . ? ? e the pu ... n.? and ? ' constll ., ?nd ol ? ? of st." .. i ??? ?? tage f '?" -'i1 b Is .?.;?! by the Oovernor. The Oovi ? m. nded b th? Btat? ' ? toi Invest _..... .. n ,....?. Id? * for the laau? . of i- : mita b? Ihe ? ominiBsioner of i.?i,,, .,, own? ol i." ' foi which articles are manufactured In ten? stringent regula . i Th? Baa? bill, '''"' ' *'?"- ' ' '" ' i ul? - and r< gulatloi hoi thand ?port? as day. AS AMENDED BY_CITY CLUB Suggestions on Blauvelt Patrie Bill Sent to Sulzer. i ' , . ent to Oove . m? n randum r*o m ni oui , , .i,..,. , onsld? ' defecti in Ih? Bis ,. it-patrl ? Mil, ?'? ilgi "' '" ?"" nd the , ., i,. . direct primal Is ?. The amend men) la urg? d so ? ? lo provldi An un? hangeable primai n II In the . h .'lim. il it I.' i glmi '.. pa i. .. anisa on, in? ha , abl? b: pai t) ruk I \ dehnlt? laf? --; ? ? - * ? ? J i - "r h< pi.?i : ,,f pat u . ommltte? .n deslgnallni i * Igldatea abolition of ( ?f part} ("'ni i rnitii ? - l< dealgnal.Ildat? t" auc 1, ,.,.,i them: ' Ive ? ???? ? ommttt? < men. \ \i leasl ihre? w?*eki _:.v?-ft t?> -ait vot? en m which to dissent nom part) desig? nation! a radical reduction In the signal : ? required to pis? a a i and dati I sfon lh< ; Jilillial ) . w oiitii i of th? ?' oi l hi part] f m 1 i.i?m . n tbc prim r .'.iii"t Abolition of ihe perl or fact onal ? ol? ; m,m ?.n tl -? primai i ? allot. a real prohibition ol the ?-? el i art , runda ai pi Imai I? WEDS WIDOW._GETS $10,000 'Yonkers Man May Now Obtain Grandfather's Legacy. v,f(^r wait In* 'i''?" yean, Charles i? ! .,iih;? ,,, twent* Hv? yean old, of >..., HCrI ,(. ;.,?-i i" sel msi ? ??.i ?.. obtain ? a na.000 legoc: under the will of hia I*,.,,.?rat.'-' ,;"'"1-" ******** "f ??* He ?.?s married 1 h n a,, nlghl W **'* ??"'?"??4 Hoottet, thirty. n ;. , ,.., old, ?? widow, ?it,, ,,., , ,1,1 .... (. pgrt mon wsa pel termed by th? Rl M--*'1'"" r * 1,h"" '?' ?*? ""'", "f ?"'".. .,''*.ii',',,?..;. was ?? wealth) quarry '?'" ,,i dial Hi.????? five years hkh ?wn.V. ,;'i i iif left I1""" ?" **** ?rsndaon, "' '?'*! 5??K? young man married. Mun? ,'"''1, " ', nt-"t on "' letting married ?""' l'"1, ' . but i-ecentlJ hia friend? be? st ***** *'nr, hc wsa ? illtng on tha widow. cam?' nwuft PVEGLASSES MAIM WOMAN. " ? ' [~ so. : ?Wssl ?th Mr...,, waa wu^eu*t* .******* ***** ? ?..? er?is ' ?.,,,, i, *h>- aras riding came lH\l?al? '" .,., g touring <*r In Went 1nt(, collision """??j ghe ??-i taken to 4oth ?*t''";'rf .s,?,i., whtre * Physician t,,.- >'?"'?.,,:,?'l-ft clxtek and lea ?>eiuj f' ""''i, UCttAtri. wert badil '** IS HOST A? PRIMARY ?tt TANGO Initiates Departure by Holding Political Mass Meeting in Executive Chamber. "HAS BEENS" CHEER HIM Proclaim Governor State Leader ?Will Get Election Re? forms on Statute Books, He Predicts. i it? .?? - ? . Ti bun? ' Ubany, April ii Governoi Bulserheld ill) .-.'rano? d demonstration in th... ' X'-' -iix ? ' i ...m.?-, thi i aftei noon "f tin* i strength which hi? recommendation f"t a late-wide i ?emocratic pi ?mar). aa , ' eased in in* - ? sti rdaj. ii id ?- ,-,?.,i. n xx;,.- :n th, I.u in "f a i?.|iti al I ? ? : : i:. "f \xhi' li the < ?" ? i n< i 'i in Ivate ?? ? -? etary. < 1 ' Platt, xx,.4 u,, mast? i of - eremontes, Prai ? \ Wills retar) of a bat la i? fi ol Thomas Hot! ? "-"? i n? 'a 11. mo? ratlc i eag u it . ? .u ?ntl Tammanj ithering. n h the a el >i the b ittlea thi ough Th? i ?? x? ?re about tliii ty-flv? ... ? al -liai .hal. 1 --i,. - \ rlulg . ? ....... xx ii.i baa - m i (?andida! fo n ? st ev< thing from i ? ? . owi I once was I ? Depul ittorn? General; < 'hai '? \ ! 1 ? in, of Albs i 'lei "f Wi Ban .-;?;.., [mniel J I ?ugan, x? I? n< w fighting "Pad klcCab? foi thi i ?eme? i tl? lead? i ?hip of Alba of bol h th? ? ? i .. i and th Independ?i ?? ? eae mei loudl' i - " laimi d ? ;?>?? ei nor Sulzei I ha I " nu., ratl? I ad It I to be I lirai time ? .; ? : nor "i tl ? --i ,;.. Ins. .n the i-.x- n... iber t furthei i n U gislati? ? -.|..,. ? ;,. . - . ? . . | ? t.-.i i tiuxx ha h i-i ui g? -i h a ? .. I mei tage s Btate-wld. dire*.*! prims i I i ?x . n I b fid better elect Ion laws. Means Every Wo-rl of It. tnd t of the yes i .x. ....n.- rny get I? ? I ,k. II] | tters for the i | . ? ? : ... .?. i- - | expect ? ? ? . ? i . P ... ? ? dlst , men In the 1st? I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? duty ? ? ? ? ? ? Btudied ? ? d in t "It .?*. ? ? ? It Is m i ' ?? form on tl ?land ? t.I ..-, tlOl ? 'a !? n latui? hool ' ' '! do ; ? ? ? I I xx.. ? ? . I ' t than I the But betw? . I Januan ! ar< i ?? ? ? ? . f ? . ; xx.i.s t... ? ? ? ? .. . ,? . , . ? . ' I leader? ? ..?x ? x. evidence ! ' I ' ? ? ' e | ? ' ' ! XX ill,. 1.1 aft. i ?-..??? Go v ? ?..;.-? . ? ? ? .wt of t he I ?' in." ral frog i ? ??? I,, t and 1 t les In I ? xi Platt, the Gox en ? .,,-.. ,1 t . ? ? ? ..f the pesk? ? ? l hat then would pr? enl If . nol f"r ;? ? Bina s? t" th? dsl.' i' ? :?.? i ? ?? tl . Ulla I a "f the pro I l/l Ihi Democrat Parti ' ?? ltd the] at ai ., ren? ? ., ti .x, .litixe i-ii.iinii. t, t.. be h< Id neal Frida; It waa Dai ?. 1 ?hai I? i . . if i 1. inphai Is? d Ihe fa? i thai loirn |?eo| ? -<!. r? d ''."i ernor ? is 1 h i ii. m... ratlc atate I? ad? t, Frisbi?? W.llinti to Follox*/. "We are fortunate," he ?aid, "In hax-in.*. a leader who dares to lead ' -?m ?rilling t.. follow arbore h? lesda and t believe i ?,. great maaa of l K i io rats of th? itst? ar< " r.,1 m. i Benator Pie?et ick M Daven poit ,,f i ti.-a. who was th? Progr? i I s candidat? foi Meut? nanl > lo* 11 noi. sa d ?a- \- , - glad lo luppoi t the n ? ow i.? ! ( >.f Governor Bulaer, partlcuiarlj In of tl ? ta? t tha? P ogr? selve i ? ' ,. ntl) Introdu? ed ; <i'-v In the Legl lai ira , |i.,. tleall) ' arrylng oui liMse reeom? i m? ndationa. ??r-.-.t- . i > ihami I, "f the Indep? ndem s League, said he believed there ??a? .a,., .tii sentlm? ol in the Benate t" pass ;i:) |ng oui the Govern? : r? com? mendations, bul l liai s little pn i bs Got f bot x? ?4 need? d, He I In ' ai ? ak for 1 taasi ? nil.-'-- --x ho ?l oke wer? :>a '..? ; \ ? m bl) man ? "? kei. of Genes? ? ? 'o ml |a , . i , | ?,,..-. of ? N .ei.? I 'am. I .1 j i _.-, a d ' 'i-e ? _ Gibson. ? x ban j ?, ?? . ? Lodlncton, s Pi-ogres ?.??. of n,.? fork; issemblymsn Eisner, ..f New Vtk Charles N Buloer, ol Oswego, and i., . ; , i least, Bitsa ?A'rii t xi-. . . s'iagai ? ild i" be * deseen I ?# formel ? ?"? ei t"i Bllas Wright, ?x ho i? i ,,, Qovei not iulx? r Bpietetua kit "i OS] ''"' t.?, Bulger asid he wo i - ... .. -o find ??? mora l] rannlca un?Demo? I cratl? las than tl a present Psrrl veil direct primat- law, , HU j xx .id i hia - ondltlon." he , ?we mual bars a i-ad- r ??...niix lo lead, and thaak God are ha ? that nrasa H ,? ,,,,- nisi .;-i\fii,"i ?? " las hsd ,. ,. .,,_.. -., lift the bannei of reform " On u.. mOtiOfl "I Mr \Xillar., thi rol? lowins commltl.t nina men ?a? ap ,K.lnt?Ml i" drsfl ?' sisti i ? ? scl prl , ,,.. ,,,;; i assd "ti the Governor ? mendsilon?, snd '?? al? n ir..oi.,tins ti bin i.ef. ths laeglslatur? -dward M . ,,? l^i . ? >;. n e? ??? !.-.?'? ii. Dun I ir, . ?' \ ?. fork: F M P?':f"?P? ' ?' .,?. .,, Da? lei -i D ??*??? of Ubanx . x, - tlmr ?-. I. idlngton, of Nsf sorn; i s>(., ... ii, , ? I' < ' ?r. hiriser, of ?taremo tJ>snlel D. PrtsWa ol s-h" arle, and x .1 Kha of Erk Mr. i'r? kei xaa? chosen chairman an-i Mr x\ inard ?'? Lo the i?sti?-r st the sug gesilna nf <;..-.?rnor. B? SEKW? DANIELS Make It the Strong Right Arm o? the Republic. He Advises League. THOMPSON RAPS CONGRESS Says It Stands in Way of Effi? cient Control of Service, and Declares Younger Admirals Necessary. ?' Bshlagtea April 11. "When the i.Is plead for a greatei tuneilean na> ? we 1*111 hav< It, and nol till thru.' ?le? lai *?-l S?cr?tai y Danll la In an eddresa al the annual dinnei or ;;.? Navj League of the Btates hen to eight. "If we ?an convince the people of *br ? itat? i thai the navj la thelra, and thai Mm ?nd i are here .?*> their aervanta '" carrs oui I heli a lahea and Intel f,-t* :" regard to ii ' Bald the ?Secretary, "1 *IH "eel that i.?' ier*i I? i her? ha- nol "??? n rala. I do nol .'ant the people thai the na - as hored some? " here s ??..??. from them In the far mid " ? ? wlonalism, but thai II la 1.???" alongside "f ti,.- American home its protection I ?ant them t.. i. aol only it. gloi ' . in its pro -? u: - tii' lene*} ami its -oesibtlltiM." N.ivy Strong Right Arm of Reo.iblic. "Prep u edn? is." he a Id I. ' ???? be had ??ni' i>> round m oui and completing the i t lai ?" ? nough to tx ght .? m ..r t t repul lie, aii'i to ?i?? th.- work toi which the light arm la Intended; nol for punlahment, nol for to othen bul for protection of ?!.?' on? - countr? Lei ??? h.-,?,f- .!.. ? re and for? er a ith the sill ir boaal the stripling l t we an I anj nation on earth. [<ei is ha ?? done with Ihr? ata, ?? l let us ? . ? doni a itii the undei ?? Btlma i - ? ngi . u.?' minimising of our naval ? i- . -i pa ??: thai iplril which ??? " .. i den ' i'.a! I.' :??' .. ? i.un., is as I ... b on every toni in con lusion, s. i i? a Danli t h a t t her? ? t Ion ... and the peopl? :? ?? 'at;? : are lo ">? fflvi n ? mat loi - 'i.- nt ol ? in I ? introdui tl. i ha i man Fits? ? : lat ions Con luted to n ipond to the toast ? Uv? ," i olon? ; Thompson, the toa ? ; iled to the "next ? ? ,.r the Hi . pport of ? .? tl ? ? ? I Mi . ? ? ? per of the p .' ? ? i that no ? f.., i : ? ? could neil her be nilui ? i hi i he l He t oi ? ? Increased ippeared bel th? A|i|.i"i it lona ? " ? qu i l - 1? did nol kn?j?r? ? i hal the?, ??> ? ? replied ! ir wa not ti . of th? Icagiu to u i priai i i i conviction hlmsell i - audltora awn I ;?'?. world? hard foi ? Bmlllngl? . "i ha d i" ? Ilminate .?attle hipa during ? ite to Sec? Danli He e would wtl ; ? howev? I he m im? nt he B , ..... Ing to Increase the na*. \ und ? ? - ? ta ? ..r . ni i.'in contr? ? . ? .. M pson, chal? ms n ol t hi ? . . itee of 1 - .?? Y-iuncjer Admirals Necessary. ?i t ?? are neeet ?? an Am? rl an fli l live in : ?'?.? ??? ?? . ? onel 'l homp ??il ' ?" \g\ ? | ' .1 | ' ' n g high ranl oflli ? ? a tl na ind ha pei liai i .?? u ?? .i t.. pi ..?. ld? for ( .'? sil nation a in h ? ? '.. ..n.'! Tu..n that in Jan ? iS n ar adm?rala oa t he na. al Hat, the i ? ? < ? . ir and aevei .i - i aptatns one year ind nine mi tl H? added tha? nft? ? n ? ? ' ? !.. en)?? elghl had no .i rear admiral . whlli the remainder had ? been In i .?'ien i command on an ? ol ont) nine mom hs al wa i ndei i h? pi i ? nl la a. h? d< "our adm?rala ..!.? too old ? hen th? > i? ;.. m in.- Dag ? ink and the- ha? a uh'I t.... little ? v|i?t'.'?i ??? .n rommand lu In i.i"!" i I* qua iti. .1 foi hand Ing thi bet I in tlir,' of \*ai. Airships Won't Supplant Battleships. Accord ng t?. ' 'aptaln W. i ? 'hau ? i s x . aeith? i the dti igtbl? noi I ? aeroplane ??ill ever aupplanl the modern i gttli ship .? i wa lighting force H?* ;,,i.i Hi.- aeroplane, however, would ht of gieai value in an auxiliary capacity. i iirectors ? ere ? I? cted as folloa - i oi the t-1 n. ? tiding March n. I HI Carter Harrison Kitshugh, ..f Chicago; Governor Kmmel U'Xetl, ol ?.labama; Clarence Ousley, of Kort Worth, Tex., and I: w Sees? r, ol N? s Vol n I n the I, g March ?SI, 1912 .1 I? Ph? la ol Ban Ft ancla? o: < leoi gi V. I. M?> ? ?i tasa 'busetts, and P? < i Bel.nt, >?; N'en "i ork. i or th? t> rm ending Ma HI \. ii gta) ton, ?'hai lei i. Pool. i ...lit- A. Oaborne, Henry n w ird, i. i .i |.i Moi gan, ? 'Union ti Braim . Beekman Wlnthrop, William K. Clark and it. A Long, all 1*1 -'1'- t' '?. SULZER GUEST OF DEMOCRATS Will Speak at Jcffcrsonian Dinner Here This Evening. Alben April 11 Governor gulaer will t., ta New ?orfc lo-moirow, where h<" will Bpeek in the evening at the Jetferaonlan dinner t<? be given under the auspfeea of ?iattonal i lesBoerstlc ? lob, An Invitation ????? SStSBdSd I" the Oovemee to-day t" Bpeeh sa Bllaa wri^iit at ii,?* LummsBcamstH <*r st Laarreaee L'ntverslty, tienten, .lune n. -e BURGLARS MISS RICH JEWELRY. B rgtara failed to opes ? large safe containing diamonds an?i Jewelry valued at from *fl%tn to $1".."?? IB It??? BBtabUab? nii-iit of Marry Smith. BBanutaetUrlBg {eweUei. Ne IM Breoaae street, >.?t????.?ii ; ...?!... k Th m.?.la? algbl an.) yeeterday morning After blearing open a small -.if.? the) aacapad *tth only ? nni<t n?.?'k [chain \ahi'.i al about ** Th? ?.i.-<>t door lof th? l.irtf.? *?af?* epperentll proved too atron? ?"?>?? "?* ? ..?????'??? TIMELY FEATURES In To-Morrow's SUNDAY TRIBUNE Theodore Roosevelt's Own Story of His Eventful Life Beginning to-morrow, the first of a series of papers by Theodore Roosevelt will'appear under the title "SOME CHAPTERS OF A POSSIBLE AUTOBIOGRAPHY," which are certain to be of intense human interest. In these papers Mr. Roosevelt will talk with greater intimacy than he has on the platform, in his books or in his editorial writing, and the American people. _s well as the greater public, will learn about his experiences, his philosophy of life, and so much of his achievement as will illustrate why he has come to hold the views he now holds, and what he believes can be taught thereby to others. Thirty Thousand Preventable Deaths Here Each Year Klmer !'. Rit ten house makes this assertion about New 11>rk and urges ;x "conservation of life" movement to ?a\c si - !nilli"ii Vmericans in the next decade. Finest Workshop in the World for Father Knickerbocker Jiif new Municipal Building, now (?earing completion, will be "no of the city's prides. Cost of structure and *-itc totals S18.000,(X)0, bin N'ew York will saxe bv the investment The White House as a Home Abounds in Charming Memories President Wilson, his wife and daughters, while enjoying the beauties and comforts of the spacious mansion, get pleasure also from its traditions and its venerated historical ass? "i.t' i? 'ii-. Well, the Breed of Horses Is Going To Be Improved Again It i-4 possible that the flattened bankrolls of the "bookies" will be improved al the same tune. Manx will watch to see if senior member of firm of racing and gambling can d< - '-?- il hi ??;: i -1*1 partner. Boardman Robinson, famous rribune cartoonist, caricatures the turkey ? tters. Auction Bridge Clinics. By gtoroe kling THE WOMAN'S PAGES Greek Games at Barnard College (Profusely Illustrated) ribing ?' nnual itival .-it Barnard in picturei ind stoi "Why Not Try Millinery?" By gladys coates . ? acher of Millinery and Domestic Vrl ai Teachers College, Pratt Institute and Barnard School for Girls), rhii srticle is very sug? gest \.r x? "iii?*ii who don't know whal to '1" with their tine. Clothes for Limited Incomes (illustrated) A x.rx comprehensive and hopeful discussion by a practised hand. in the MAGAZINE SECTION Doing the Unexpected in Baseball :> by oui old friend BILLY EVANS, the veteran umpire of the \i.icii? am League. Connie Mack's advice lo "do xxli.u ihr .?tiier ello? don'l expect" ii ?'? ma*.un worth following, lie taya, ami lie ? 11 ,*< - ;? b* man* . n< cdotes Three Big A's in Surgery ?, b) EDWIN F. BOWERS. M. D.. the author of "For Judge or Surgeon ?" which attracted io much favorable attention two xxrrk-s aero. Vnatomy, Anxathetici and Antiseptics are the imp<Mrtaal \'?. he ?ays, and he shows the wonderful progresa made in surg?, al science tracing in history from the m?>?t .?n< eni times. A Fool and His Money th? M CUTCHEON - rial, illustrated bj ihr splendid picturei ei KELLER, moit! on toward its climax, and th.- love interest m , egget i" tl'?' heart-palpitating point. These are a few of the Special Features in To-morrow's TRIBUNE, which will also contain all the Cable and Tele? graph News, all the General News, all the Political News, all the Society and Resort News, and more comprehensive Sport? ing News than any other New York Newspaper gives. Order in Advance from Your Newsdealer