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"FREE SOGAR NOW ALMOST ASSURE Movement to Remove All Du at Once Making Remarkable Headway in the Demo? cratic Caucus. CRUCIAL FIGHT ON TO-D/ Only the Most Earnest Effor by Underwood Can Preven Success of the "Antis"? Shoe Machinery Made Non-Dutiable. 1 ' ne Bureau W aah i gtm -."aril 11. With i Pit - d< nt d" lining n. lend hia Influes to either si.i?-. an amendment will offered In the 1>< m?>? ral ? I morrow t<> put sugar Immedistely mk free ii.?.) and to strike from t 1 nderwood bill ih?** provision foe n t. t? ?. ni n du? i i"ti snd free tugar sf1 ? ?? j ears 'i h?' hv ' ? m? nt t<? |nit sugar ?mi i free list nt once received decided ii ? to-day When thi* caucus made fini ?hange m th" tariff Mil sh machinery waa put <>n the non-dutlat list, find the rat? .?(" '_'?'? i"'- ? ? nt carrt? ni tho Ways and lleana Committee h x\ ,,^ d. fi ated ?oi a \ i? ;i ?."?? \ nt? / almost su i*essful effort ?as made i ? m." ?? .< ?.' dut? f*? in ma? hin? : .?i i >? " ?? . ? i mi m'" ra of ti |y *a Ith amendments sugar on th? fr? - * is ? ?ith?. ;hr"?' yeara' grace, ??m of these Den ? ?'..' t??-d.i\ Bounded Prealdent Wl son, who was dlr?ectlj responsible f the langia?-" in the new tariff MIL Tl President mad? rt to dlssuai lim from off. ring a fn e sugar amen? ment, in fact, Mr. Wilaon made plain that he would -i"t Intel .my way with the caucus Democral 1? adds of tho Hi. usr are aw an- t. iii-hi cf the ?President'i attitude, ar th? VVayi .-in?! Meana Committee aloi must defend Its Mipr ratea Crucipl F.ght To-day. rhe o !f ? I fight ".i lugar a ?n ? on * ?" ?-'...,? |y |n Ti Tribune's dlspat? in * of last night, thr; itrong sentina? ni m the H" ise f? ih? imm?diate free listing <?f augd nl grave apprehension exists smott the fratn. rs of th- tariff ?.ill that *ti romia? arrangement mi) i??' n j- ' iff!. Th? gon?-ral Impreasion am?..i House i-'' ocrats to-night is that 'h ? igar w ill be ? ;. and ii? ,<- to*mo**row ??.ill be most heate it Is regarded as slgnifliam :ha ? hen tin- i'i ??- . .m op] ortti nit;, to-day to Interfere In tii?' plans ? '".? radical reviaioniats he contents himself with ?if? taring hi< r.c itrallt . Louisiana Democrats, who hoped I .?nike from the i?iii the claims puttln sugar ?.n the free list after thre< j r are now confronted with mm" Immedl ?? disaster, and ?>ni*- ih?-' ni"-- earn? ? ?Torts ff Mr. Und? rarood and ? ?? loaders uin prevent th? "'? ' on ??f t'i - Igai 1"'?? ;": Demo rata ??. ho a"- n tt ntl i fr. ? listing of wool, boots at..i -h"? s ai . it; products whlcag? ??ti tho non?dutli ?!? lis; with ths naa ire m leag m and de termine '? t" s-" I bal ? s .n - . nimar? fate. Several members at? anxious *<> offei ? ? 'i<??? tugar amendm? i ? Rep< lental h ? Thomaa W Hards o k, ?> ? leorgla, a iii be given th. i ?tin oi Mi. 11 .i ? < ? -??? i i "a? chairman ?.f th? augai Inveatlgatlng commltte? ? ? ?! Congresa and aas i peraiate?' ad ? ?" at. ..f ii:?-- i nderi.i i ? ? su<*-.. Kill of the ;.-i mainl* for thji reason That other radical re? itaionlsta will yield t?. th? Georgian Underwood Embarrassed. Unless Mr. L'n?.??iwoo'l mak?> :i ? personal Issue ano pleads a ith the can? ?us to stand b) the \Va;>s and Mea * ?Dmmittf. '.. -ut',.' is expected t< tarrj to-naorroa The majotit) leadei lonieahat emba?ia<-s. .i ?.. that in the last stssa.n iif championed mi;*?' of free sugar both In th? .? u- anil on ti." floor ;?nri yielded only last week on 'to- Insistence ?>f thi President, who now acema dislaclined to meddle ? ith th?? cau? - it will alBo bf pointed "?i >n dohatt o.<-morrow that the House Democraci ^ jumped through th" h..op as re .aid- w-.ol and si.??at. Th?- ..I.? Under? ? ?d bilis provided f< i free sima? and it per < put wool The ne*a billa pr?o? rids for trr-i- wool a:iii dutiable augar, ? complots reversal of position ?\hi?h I if mot-rats f th? Wavs and M?an> Commlttea must defemi as best they may because of th" Whit" Ho'js. man? date. A' ting fur the Louisiana sugar num? bers, Mr. Broui-sard will offer amend? ments to make th? hundredweight rati? on M degree sugar from Cuba $1 1 I on passage of th" Mil, ll.OM "ti June ?"?", 1916, and '.?T'J-lo cents 00 .liiii? '?'.". v.*\\*. instead <?f s i .' ; i *->. as under the present law. and fl <??MS m th?- com mittee bill Tins would mt-an by com? parison -a it n ih? present tariff law a. jedu? tion of I'll cents at the outset, 29 < "nt* in lili and .'',7 CStttS in 1919 Og l?m degree sugar ?.a tie. from so I I - < thor than Cuba, the Broussard amend? infills would mak?' a nel reduction from thf press?t ratea "f ?'!"'_? cents s hua? .ii?.i pound? on pa sesgo of the bill, BO < ent? in 191'J and ?iii OSptS in 1919. The pending tariff bills rat?- is M rents. Another Broussard amendment would txtend the period of grace under which the contemplated free Biigar basis wag to be reached to four years, so ne to fBffJ the whole question beyond the tKxt natVmal sisetiOS Action a Surpriss. The '?v< rth'ow 1>> ti." ^??cuf of the i. ppoeed int?.? on siio?- m?' blnerj was as unexpected as wai ti" Increasing -M'nfcth of ihe ir??* sufcat ?entimeiit. Mr. norland, of Missouri, offered the amend ment to admit shoe machinery free. Tr.ere followed bitter criticism of the ?hoe machinery trust, which was assailed I WAR BORNE TO PELLAGRA ZONE Vanguard of Thompson-McFadden Commission Pitches Camp at Spartanburg, S. C?Mostly Laboratory Work This Year- Woman Among Corps. i ? a S ' f, I le : ? ? I -r "fa butg, S ?'.. 11 -Dr. r'hilin ? :?:. Qsrrlson, l" h\ s . and a. h. Jennings, SS ??niomologist "f the rnitet! Stai?-*s Ds- ? psrUnsnl of Agriculture, arrixed hart to dsj a? th?j vana i**r_ of ths **srpa ol - i-i. tiit? r. m 111. ? > s Ing ths Thompssn-lfcFsddsn Pellsgrs C?i?inmlssl?*?n, xviio ?r?.- ?uing tent to BpsrUnbura L?] ths Ksw York r.>?i ??raduate Hospital In ;?n sffort t?. dit ?r.vrr 111?, iiatur?? ami CS.USS c,t pSlISgTS. Ths* ssld thsy smuld soon b? lolnsd by i?t i r BUsr, r. **. A . ?Ors. ghuls and McNeil of ti??* Posi-'iiadua!?' Hospltsl; ,,,. y] . ,,. t , woman, "f "Th? BugSnlCS i:.- 0f_" office, cold _T*rtn| llaroor. Long i Island, in- ? fOr?*S Ol lal".r:ilor.v as.sisi snts and clerks Dr. atunzy srlll ?evo.e her tntln atten nquli ' - t" th? ?...-.-n-'. ncs of hsredHy I.Jlsgra Th? i ,lllc i.aii im i- n pot ? tin** yssr i" -!. m0f) of thslr activitiea to laborstoi arork They ai?*- Inclined to fa tot Ih? the orj of Dr. Ismbon of th? Ixindon School Of T'Oi' Me.lf.-iii?*. Hi.?! i" Usgra ? .,, ;.. thi bit? of ? ;' ?? I Th. tomoiogiaU' : i sesn hi I t ? ? itisfl<*d them. I -,N '?? : thai ' ' tttMi ;,v - ""'?? probably ths esuss than th? buffalo | h i" s.-i!iii?'ii in-i'i responsib Ti,, . ,.ii.n.i. --..a. I? ?iiil'orto.J I.-- th? coi tributloni ol .tu I Robert M 1 Th..mi.?.on. of New York, and John A McPsddsn of I hllsd? Iphl i MorUIII ?j_tli.- of 'in-' ' "? ?how ?*?*' ??? "' ' ' p, |_arra ia . aussd n or? ?? n .,,, an-- othsi dise? escspt | si?. bx* Mc?srs. Borland, Ux-Ooy, Oglcoby and Howard. With I i? sdmlssloti of English mad? ??hoe machinery, it srsi contended, ihe trust could not fore?* it- rontrBXTtl 0*1 American sii... roanufactursn Mi Underwood ??.is lukswsrin In ht? sdvocscy of th? 8 per cen? dut] provided m th? basket clause of the metal ached? ni?.. He exj rfss.-d .1 srilllngnesa to have th? ? .'? 'is vot? on th? amendment an.1 lo abide cheerfully by ih?* res lit. Mr ? er, ..f t t wax i a'i'i Mesna Commit? !??-. defendeil th?- commuter? rate? both on ?h,.? machinery and machine tooli The amendm? il lo remove all duty from ?hoc ma< : si snd tl Mi tin* ? i - | ipted bj at mlng * 'x.i ?,, . ot? It wss tl ? ing? the . d succe? ded in making In the bill, snd ; I ? an outburst of \ Iapplause Th? member? were] t?.ei: ||n< -? . ; ..t the ?truggle to-mo ?? o--. Mr. Howard'? smendmenl ? ttini ma? . ?,?.;-? ,, , tr" i-., liai Xu- narrowly defcsl wss SO to ?'?'-. i ? ] ? -i \?ot? ye1 re? "i Jed. The d x? largel* due to the pleat of Ohtoans, who declai ed a cr?a> Ind isl ? XX,.; .1 | . X> leelf.l The I ?d? I ? ? 'I ? bill carriel a IS per cenl sd ?valorem! duty, and the clos? vote ?csred Iti id? vocal Senators Smooth; no the Way. To make smooth the ?ray fo tl ? -..?? i I <.f th?- new tariff '..-?xx, th? Senats I'm une,? Committee will inform th? p of it? objections t" ihe me??are. This will enable Repr?sentativ? i nd rs.: t.. make auch < on e? tiona aa h? ma? ap? prove by offering committ? ? the i .u i? un leratlon In the i louse. In this fashion Ih? li.-n of ih. bill ??x ' ' ? expedited * ? I ? difference? to b< lea in eonf? re? i : ? educed te s minim ;m. The Fma* ? Committ? dev? i t..-.ia? ;.. con ai. -aie.n of tii. potter) and I glssawan achedule. Thla will proba tie modMed m minor particulara bul important changes an regard? las? ths Bei l? ? ti... assistai c? il ,it mighl ; *? glv? th? tanfr re? 1.4. ex ? i h ai x>. .. ....... i ,,. .i )? ? ? Tsl ; was act entual d to-dsj th? ta? t that the i>? mo? rats "f th? I i ' ia ?.. ? l'ommltt? e xx. . . ?? ., ??all in a Treasury expert lo ol ? lome i >.f th? knott) probl? ma ol th? pi O] | law. Ths < "iiiiiint. ? has before it sil of : the .-.;'"? rnatlon obtained by th? 9 and .Means Commltl.I th? HoUfH - proi ed Insufll? lent. The ; n di? tlon a .is fre? .-'. ? ate a Ing ol th? ? apl .1 lo da) that the irt.cni.-ii. <? ol legislator? who hai ?? '"'x?? i bef? re th? nsst I .... - | ,..-?:-? le disi?la.x*d in ;i flu: ry of revolt sa m- patronag? guest in i .-;..;??? ... that t Prestdsnt xx..' keep ths D?emocrau In U until ihe tariff Mil n? BSf?l] Ibrougli u ?k ... -..Kpesi.-.l that cert?ln l'.-n. . ? latic S.-nalois ha .- bSSfl SSSUrad that it vxiii not ..?- ?"Utite.i Safainst them II ? n.ake s abas "i fighting th? President's .? . si th? ahow th? Ii lo .. ? i s vote Is cast Tn> - ? no ??? - ors do not | lake kiiai. to Uk i ? ?.- ?" nt'i plana to ! a his tariff d-rni mdi through bj i ?of th? patron ;? i snd ta sn eye on I Ituation by going t" the Capitol him?| s.".4?L i nd? r the out? i eai ?? of i poUt?*fl*a_a th? I ?etno? rsti sre asutti resentfull; and th? oai g?:- of sn out i ?< ?\ whan t dsli? at? Isgiolattva altuatlon ?iiscs ii not itfsjsitled sa renMte< although ih? Piastdent hai as far al-awn hlinself ? "inniete mahler of ihe situation. M??ans Another Delay. Mi Underwood ssld to-night th? csu?*us would not be able to :-?? t through th? bill l?verai ua.-.-. and us consl<lei_.Uoa by ? .- ii..'is. probabl] no ild n?.' begin lor j anoth? r xx? ik. \ tariff itstistlcsl bursau of in?- nesn , is i d the Way? sad Moans fjommitts? is prspossd m a bill prepared bj Rspressnta? tlvs Patera Th? i.ui?iau woui?i b?- entire?? lx under rontiol <>f the Wavi an?l Meat.? Commit tsi Pr??Ideal "ffiison dosi not bellsv? Con gifviS Should repeal the fanned nation clsuac ol ti.? tariff law, unti*-?- which trails convention* have h?.?fore been mad? xxi?ii oth?*T countriei ii- h.-s- dedsred the propoami r-*st*lproclty sgrsem?Hits would not. in hi.? opinion, !.?? in violation of the favored nation clausaa in existing Iran tits? MILLERS ENTER PROTEST They Want Wheat and Flour Both Free or Both Tared. (Jhtca-fO, April 11. -The proposed tariff on lour Bad wheat was denounced in rSSOlUtlona a<li'pted l??"_SJ at th?< annual convention of th? Millet??' National Fad ? talion Th ndllsra do not want say tariff i rots?"Mon whatevei. bit uised thai if a tariff, i- placed on Wheat an ?<|ual Ising tariff s-h.iiid lie placed ?m ihe ?.linnets of wheat, and if the products of wheat an* admitted tree also ?ho lid b. free The f.illi.wliiK officer?, were Msctsdi PrSSldsnt, Andrew .1 limit, Wi'hit? : Kan ; Hist x les-pi SStdSBt, Prod M r.ov..-. Grand Rapids. Mich second trtf pr?sidant. A ?'? Loring, MlnnsapoUa; treaS-TSr, H W. Matr. < ulunihu?. inn.. and sc'Titarx, A P, ilunbaid. ?'liicigo. S "NO ICEBERGS," REPORTS SENECA Washington. April It?Th? flist vtrelasj xxord from th?? revenue cutter Seneca, patrolling transatlantic steamship Ian?-? to warn shipping against Iceberg?, xxaa received to-dax. Reporllng S*? miles soiithea?! of Newfoundland, with no i.? i.eigs in sight, th? cutter sail north? ward t" tin?! th? exact l.K-.-ition <>f ihr les ! fi.-ld?! now. 60,fJ0n PARCEL "POST SCALES. W aa_aa_gt_0, Apiil 11, TtiO J'OStOfflce Dei'urtnient contracted to-day for aVSOt arts of ?ralea for the pat eel post system. B.-sides thi? number Zl.w*) sets have al? ready been nought, and many thousands more will be r??quir??<_. ' S?LLIVANS" BEGIN WAR "Paddy" Rallies Bowery to Oust Fitzgerald. POWER NOT HIS AIM New Club Starts with Defiant Cry That District Leader Must Be a Friend of "Tim." it '?sa a daik and i ial did nol pn i ? nl ? rathei Ing of I fi lendi ol 'Bis 1 Im Bullivan .?t No :'./< Bowery last ni^iit to rally around the t.iiida .1 "f Patrick Hem ? Bull ..- Btarted t?? tai," ihe ???;??? : ad ,? of th? ti ? ? District f i s. natoi .'" n .i I ii ha.i i... n Benl out, bul it ? ., ? : word had i>< ? n pass? ?I around l of thi nea i lub ?<? " ild h ?? The room of tii?- second floor ?\a*- a-ell filled when Paddy" Sullivan, a brother ??f "Big Tun." aros? t" itarl th? a hfel It I pr< ?]?? ted. will ive the 1 Md? the eara Inside ol i.-, raid waa i proteg? ?f tl S and \?.i- p. nerally luppos? d to b? ; ? h< Ir to th? ir Infill? i?' ? But tl el the men who placed n?.?? the* want I B ? luence to tfik?* hold as Paddy.*' a tall, i idd i*. cleat of bla? k hair trying lu bald pol on the lop ol uw?*?l ii- Bltatlon in talk . nation and slncerli ? marks. I!. Bras greeted s - I ? ? ? - thai ?i..?.? ...-..'" ,|. .i | ... We've got ? last' ! I ?? m? n ' ? ? ? .. ? itarted to attempt : " g? g t o t el I y : One r? my brother CB ? seven motil tl la Kiizf;. . g asked hoa BO friend of thlri i doe ' ? a nol ?l for an) ? h na i - : ran from i frt? llf? I am i. ? "?? So far aa belni not ^i\ r t?'.o ? ? !?? f i. g In It for m< > l i win i mus? frlei \\ hi n the ? ? waa i t t lie ! ?.. .?4 - "?If ? " .1?" i.i? ?. . m' r who < ?? Id? et, because th? aim it mtgtal i .i ' n ? . ? , ? ms ?nsiile ni no. ? i will hav? man who nol here i i snnol I ? DO \ ? i i ,"Jm ? ? .i . m- n ? ? ,?!., .... h ind "at ? ? i ? Jam? n ..i. ?\ th gra ha with a fui ' ollai thai had da; a. "I've beei ior twentyflve yeai ''and i m m ith yOu I Vnd ??< it ??? nl "I'imI"' ' was i"i" I It ?? ...,;?., ng that ?! th?- ba< k ., .; ./ i ?? ?.ries l Mu? pb . I? adei of Tam? il ? lia!, "I -A.?>. in ran manj Hall whei t l | waa b i:- p ibllca ? 1 ? :i ? 14.,ms to pul up ?? red hot : .,., . end i o ighl i" arln b: foui to "Uiti? ' liulllga h ?lf brotbei of Tim," x' ill i.. il ? fin I ?? tenant of i-.,.1.1 fctnong the oth? presenl nighl arers T moth? Bulll ?? and J - .., ?,. cVhisIm of th? "Bl| Kelloa ' i (ugh Bull n. Ci Bai ?"?"? Bu? k? Idortimei D Bmll Wt ?th ?BUI Patrick KJen l-.inii Bo) ? t ? nd 11-. ? ? t'ai ? ha n. Il wa 4., i i. a lattei. a ho has been otini Ihi Republican ticket b? ? tusa of his dlsliki for FltsgeraW, la romlni ovei to "Paddy" with his entire > I ib of some ei| ht? tot m be i.s. HELD AS DRESS THIEVES Flour Sack Relieved Bulging Brother, Say Detectives. Isidor Kn u its i ? ? I ? ? tbi ham, a t? ?> ?. are h Id l "i furtlu i ssam nriUoii m the Jefferaon ktai ket tarda) on a grand lar an charge are alleged to ha* ? ised sn InflaW d Bo n sack to rob laldoi ? mploj ? r isid'.r worked foi Ipp Kwlnl I Co., dealers in women's wear, .?' No II West rr.'ij street Wash dresses ?ih?i been i appearing myst? - i s the thre? ran i hat laid? i had been.emplo? ?--.i b hint, Mi. Kwlnl said ? t? rda: I). leOtlV? I f>.II????- ?I Is;.I'. I th?* ?hop in I in. i. Um?. and fu ind, thi , -ki?j, thai bs in*-'- i??-" brothei .*.?., i who carried ? bulging flour .*.n i, i hlaaaelf bulged aomewbai aboul th? waist Une ?Recording to lbs detectives, the taro aunt IntO a nal", m. |g ., flaesilSll rear room, isidor snwotsad nina wash ore-sen from beneath liis "Sajstcoal ni.d transferred them to Abraham's Botlf BS? k, which, n was foiin.i. iiH'i i.??? i bloa ? up .-<> tint it would look ii" Bam? going on - II Id i."lliK H i -.. or*i bail aas fix? d al ..??.,, i \ liara i al K "" i ?? tti ' 'i\ ??*? wi m t., ti,, i, ..??tu. and recovered a i ink and ear? roj ?altcassa nisd ?with wash dressas riie ?able of tho good.- f<M Bd .?a.? at??iat $?00, anil the haul was ?aid to be th? result Of a single, week's work, as the d.fcsseb weio sold on Saturday night. TAMMANY CANT 1/ WS FUI ?us ? President Will Not Recog? the Organization in Distri bution of Patronage. BUT NOT ENTIRELY BARR If Otherwise Qualified for I fice, Membership in the Ha Will Not Alone Prevent an Appointment. ? ' ' : - -".n. .\|?n! n. Tamtnan) i | will nol be r? ? ognlsed by the Prei anisa Ion In pationage distribu? i .nun...r m.m will nol i" bai implj !? caw ?? of hia affluatloi Isatlon. T?os ?\ ill i.? Presid? nl I ittltude toward tl il prol :. it giving Tamman* enj pati on ? ? ? torman w ?11 pi.? ttcallj I ? ? '. patronag?. and if b candidat? from of Tamman) there erill be no ob 11..n b) i'?> sldenl w llaon, th? qualll of ihe m.m I ? Ing the chb ; go i President Wilson <l ... Tamman? . ? i.i i.? manll i . nthusls m >.?. i ? . ?? i Il 0 ?-'. I ' '1 of t he X? ? mindful of .ved In the i I? ? lion i i. entative St? ph? i B tyr? . , .,t th. w hite - -n ' lo Tamina ? ? ' ? . ral a Ihe dominai : ... k fit) t ,. Tamti i i ? [)<*rwer Doctor Wants Office. I ?.' |: I. '? ?: Of D ' ? Dr. Jeffi Inl tei to ??''?" "' ? \> i Harris. Dem? .. ? be n - -ii I i . ? ? ? ? ? ? to I .1.1? ind ? . i Will a Senat? t?? aioi i ov ? I ! I Bril pptal liter 11. I ? next " ? ! ..f I R lte| ; it i ? ? Conference on Postmasters. ! | , ? ' ! : he in i ? ' ? . ? (he Henal of I ? . ? i . " ? ? Bull? ? ? office of H Mr. 1 ' I Die piare will Representativi ? ONLY ASSETS GUARANTEE! Senator Owen Plans Bill to Pa; Depositors Pro Rata. to 11, \p 111 I modi A ?Ml f o r n u' bank I be re? Owen ?' h? m tii ' i ' . . i onimitt? ' of whl? . ? ?.r, para M"i? Ol ;i ' 'in? n<.:n bill III: ' ' . i.i.i r..i '. ?? :??'. o i" Insuri I mm? dial? pa i?.- r.t i.Iltoi . and .i. i ..-it... . ??. hen i ?i ? . ? ,. ? f the di could "? paid ? , proportion '?. i I tee! ol Ih? II real i... t'" Ii alia? ins panic and pr? venting hi anc| Tl " ?fmounta thug ? >i" nd?s< a. uld i.?- retui tied aa I ? the bank'i could be ' onvei led Th? currenc) problem a III ii" tas? n .i as ."i entirety through .p ration "i i' Ho a and the Pr? aid? nt, a. ? l t" i. i : ?; i now undei dlacuaalon Benal.wen and Representativa Qlesa ?' n" i pr? paring the Hout ?? bill, bad h pa? rat? conferences again i.? >i.?? nrlth Beere tan Mc \'i"" -it Ih? Tr? taui Depari ? ire to be allow? i a th? i i eliminar; to thi pr? paratl in ol . foi m li ? dation AIMED AT COMBINATIONS Raker Bill Would Define Them Al Conspiracies. igton Api il 11 Ann in. agti 1 ?'""' I* '" - ru.?? th.- attention ?>r the Demo lie ( 'on earl In the p I nol during the i tti ? *?? ? lo s' '? ? i al ' ill - am? riding thi 8b? nun. ? ? ontemphttlon, and one, all i id) latrodue??! b R< pn ??? ntatl a Raker, ?,r California, baa been referred ?.. the Ju? dicial*) Coounlttea Ths Hak.r hin woald gps? Ifloally ?I?tin? Um law m mi pubUe poUey of the go*r?*-ra? in-'ii with reaped to oombtoationa it would dehne eomblnatlona in restreint of trade aa all arrangements, without eseep tton, limitation? or noallncatlon, between It. mora .n ?? hieb In snj a ? to an . \i nl llmll .i petit!.-> n,, fi "l'on t?, com pet? in ii ad , or \ hlch creat? i dang? ro ta probabllltj "thai tii? totatlt) <?f a national trails shall be do? ereassd fot privai?- profit." lach son? blnatlona la Which unlawful means are used to fuithf-r th?*- pa**90(M of coinblna Uon would be classed as conaplracits. ? ! CALLS SPRECKELS WRO! Beet Sugar Man Disputes : Figures of Cost. n Rlstnan Duval, pi'--i'i-?nt "f American H.-et Sugar ?'oinpanx. unxxv Claua Bprseki is, pi?esldsnt of th? Fad Bogar, it-iiniiiK CJaVtnpaay, y?*s?lsrdajr in contest between th? rival auger inter on th?- prnpoeal for free sugar. "Mt- Bpre? kein," said Mr. Duval, quoted sa havlng said that the far? jr. t n?. benefll from labor in ths lV?SSi ?V as it Is .'ill ?lone l.y Japanese and Hin Even if thai statemenl xxere votred 4f.,.|n that th" faina HS ?x ho I the land must profit by its being W-l an.i is-1 the ' reps. ?in California, on the ranches tribut ... th? Oxnsrd factory, M per cenl farmed by whit? men. i net cent t>> M ,. - and ?? per ci ni bj Japan? agi "r. 1 nt it in another way, Pi per .cut farm? 1 bj onmsrs, x~< per coin by i.?na all of x- an native born or ndtUI-ll . r th.- 1'nltcd State.-... and ? ? ;., Japanese The Isbor ? t.. plant, "Un. cultivate and line cana Of ??g per 1 ? ;,;"'- :; * 1" ?' ''""?- 'ap.u. t t turallsed Msxl? an? and ,,. 1- , eni nnnaturall ? d Uli in "Mi Bpreckela Ii report?*?! 1 t . t sugar p? opl? ' lalni thai t ... driven ?"it ?.f buMneaa, but 1 not i.-!;.*. ii A? ?' n stier of fact, tl low? ' ' u |6 lo $7 fo .. ? 1 her? ti. I at ag< - ?.'. a ton.' "The truth 's quite ths i-.tix, of what Mi Bpreckela k n poi . ,1 Ta price? for "? I pa d Europ ? ' .a as I ? - ?Rum ?? ? 1 i" ? !"?'? s lib tl to the ton "Austi la-Hung I' ? ?? ton, m ... pound 0 the ton 11 -1 ton, with the mi pounds to ti" ton. 1 , .,.., --. ,,.-- || :.-. a ton, v .in tent 2 ? -m'!.- to the Ion ? \- ?rs that t ? ' ton ; ii.-i 1 coal . . ..... pound? xx ..i- h con! Mr. Bpr? 1 k? ?srl on that 1 ... n turn ? ... n?*d product at I : REPUBLICANS CONDEMN UNSCIENTIFIC TARIF In Open Caucus House Minori Declares for Creation of a Tariff Commission. ? ? ? he H? ! no ? i . ..f 1 . 01 :i.ii' t d ' ?. board coniml '''? ??? ? ? 1 ?? 1 11 ng R? ? Mi n the dooi the ? to 1 ? .xi 1 H 1 pt"vi in?.* ti .. ; ' ! lion Vit .1 of Iowa, a imend l! i . . ? ? ' ? ? ? .. moll? ! .1 ? ? the pi"' '?> permit 1 e bill ' ' ? ?-. are n? ? ifted ? : ti. . INTERPRET ERDMAN ACT Railroad*-. Hold Arbitrator Can t Make Award Retroactive ? - mski ol the ?!? mand of tl 1 ;-..? ?,., or tl ral rssterday 1 ?lroad In 1 brla ???i i" n ? lb] Ell ha !?? nmlttw ? '.f thi id? manda, 01 t> award sha thi Mr 1 ? aya 1 lion I of the Krdmi ? Idi ? tha the ? een filed In tin ? lerk' - . He ? 11 of ti United stat .. into effect aft? ?: ?? expiration of t? n ds; .-. from th? dat? such filial that the 1 and th? i 1 ? ? i. th on record . t si be i". ind - h n all i ons, am mskln ret? 1 ? n deter H< 'ei- ta In I to the d< mandi ??'? ' " ?<- ? Igher an? ' ondltlona ol smplojrmi 111 thai an b< tt< 1 'ban tl,..- ? a !.. .1 for |n the pr.-s. nt BMVe men) ihail i- iiiain m effect " Th? re n .:- ' a u i tainlng "hlgl apela unies? ni., board allows the "ion ?pots" t" i? main Ths fireman' ? .., ? Mi L.nt? nd ? litixe Inen ssi i more than thi amount ..i snd I'.'U. an.i i. I "m i m-1 b) si., ing n ..t the qui itlon ol i...?x long the roadi m atsnd aw h add? -i I urden si th p -.Heal n,.?,,..,>,.. "i a ? .... ol ih.n sei M. ?? ? Hb..m Impsii Ing th? h i redil d? pe.i.b i., s larga extent on lbs il? i Lsion of ih? srbitratlon board, AWAIT ACTION BY CHINA ;U. S. Authorities Not Ready Yet to Recognize New Republic. 1? ?' hlngtoi xpni n rT-eoognttlon ..f China b\ th,. i ,,|,,,| Btatsa will be ... la ? <t i"t- m >i. thnn a wimb, if not longer, as the rsqulreta-eata laid down by ths PrsMdsm iiiixi) not been iict-.iod bj Iha Yuan le^une In iVIiliu, and he 18 not dlspossd t?. p.-iinlt bus Secretary of Sun.- p\mn lor Imm?diat.? Ia-.*<>?;nltl?>n to ??o through, although Brasil, ons of ths nation Invited by ?secretar] Bryan i<> sel m concert with thi? government, has at? r< "i1- fu mail) recog?? ls?*?l Ihe r? public Pr? i.i. m \\ i| o,, udmltted to-da) thai ! !?'? did la.i u ,!, r tand h hj the Natloi il ' x embl.? ad.*n< .1 on 1 uestl ? ?' Ithoul taking advHiitag? ol Ihe off? t ol ths II - i -'i .' h i. the govern m.-nt provided the Assembl* complied with certain demanda H? wee u'>t in? clinad t.. discuss tin- Question la ??">' ??'? tu.ii. but axprosaed the con**i?w*m that ths Asssmbly will ultimately meet the rsquirsments exacted a_ u pisrsgwiaits to I fotuual recognition. ? ?PftESDENT CONSIDERS GRIEVANCE OF JAPAN Confident That California Legis? lature Will Enact No Em? barrassing Law. IWILL USE GOOD OFFICES _______ i Moat Favored Nation Clause in Treaty Now in Force In? voked by Mikado's Government. Washington, April |l.?Prestdeni ?Wilson to-day expreaeed the hop?* 'hat the pead? ?11? legislation in California, by which aliena in-iiuihi.* to American cltlsenahlp would i?i> prohibit? ii from owning land? Id nol prors obj? i tlonsbls to Japan. ii?* realise? that Japan Ii Inclined m view legislation .-? ?? .-? contradiction of lb spirit of h< i treat' ??? Ith the I rn'' -1 Btate an?i. while officially unable to In? terfera In the situation, he expressed con? ? ? ? CI fon tature, cognisant of i><^ Ible International dim? cultl? s, ivould enact a 'hit arould prove ai ceptable lo Jai ai Thi Pre Id? al talked infoi mally aboul ih.- queatlon In hia semi-weekly confer? ence with th? newap Indicating ? dk il. ate polnl - Invol? ? I ? a th? ? ???? aith J pan Bl i ilat? th U travelling ? in th.- othei ihall ?pa and t>> ? land, n -?i - notl ng aw la ' ? ?the hand, i . ; for? ign own? tii?- Impellal edict to put iln f. i" ?' ...| laura baa aol b< ?*n ? thai Am? rli an ? I own land In Ji W hll th? admli tr itlon do? i aol ? true the I rlt ing Japan? m Bpo ? own land I feela . ? that I on th< i ? r the i in many Am? r i ? ? The it. ? t while 1 points h.-i'i beei ? ; ?? real; eeded f m d Hi declared thai e'hili moment ? ? ? . ? ? ? ti ? tnorlty in i i. it that it itlon. ?t prll 11 * ? ? paid a visit to 1 . Chargi ? ? ? lean Eml? to ?? hora i ? ; a (o the ? iltfor? ? : ? : "? \ ? of I cal ; ? . : of pi to be? ? - nent Japa ' I, ? r\ aseda Unlverslt) ? ? ? aglti Tokio . oi ci i ii'i. the Se?al llipatch to? fit ' Nol ' nsti ffectlng I sidings of an .i ri'gurdlesa ? ? 'in. . ? peon? m ho '?-,??. - bill. "No ? ' ' ." ml ' - lion U Ii aid illei retained forever, tor an that this hill 1, ? on? rn.-.l "The only restrietleea ara -., htad . be acquired hereafter, arhethar by U * or purchase, gift, devisa orothertrtee The hill limits futur, leasea te three yarn duration and ownership to on?, year Th is regarded si ample time for gg alien to dispose or euch property without I The rtghta of any alien to cltlsi not affect hi- statue, so far .-'.- owner? Bhlp ??r land ?s concerned All aliens will '.?> ti".:t.-,i alike tinder ? Ii act. for it baa been drawn t" apply equally fo the suh \t eta ol any I oreign nation." PROGRESSIVESPLAN BILLS Ten Measures To Be Prepared as Part of Programme. Washington, April m Th? Piagn conference ?.f tii?- Hou to*day pari*.'l_.i ou' i:." um i. .r prei ',. Ua ? ? that win form a pai? . i.. pn grt legislative plan. Tl ? Kou n win arork it. ? o ? latlva eommltt? lUooal 11 . .-;? .-i , j Addan i, ( ' :i ' ? if i?. m:.-?..-. Cnlveralty, ?Walter We* I ami ? T? B ._?!, 1 hi ;? | .? . ? ? subji eta a III J??* pn - md I form Ihe basis Tor ihr \, | atgO "f ? Oongn H. I-'"!I"?'. :r._r || t! . moni . Tariff ... . ? ? . ? ? ... dock? "?' K m-.' - rvatlon sad ? ?.. opmei t nf Btnami Temple, Peas vania: child labor law, Copley, I_)nots; WORM -ii'iur law for District of Columbia, Nolan, ?'a?fornia: arorta compenaatlon, Rupley. Pennsylvania; in terstats U id? eommlselon, Lalfertjr, Ore? "?i of agricultural co-op? eratl?n, cr?dita and Insurance^ Rulings. Pennsylvania; Preeldential preference ; - tiiary. Hlnebaugh, Illinois, essier m ? of emending federal Constitution, ?'han'i \cr. New Fork; minimum was;? (off aromen, Falconer, Washington. THOUSAND FOOT SHIPS What Is the Limit of Practical Size? ?An Expert View. " x ? ira ago thai tlngulahed na? il architect, the lat? William v\ bit? -i Ihi World Btatlng tii it if the I I atlantle trad ad for a I t would be perfectly | end ? ? i vessel ? that si/?v "Wow reamed that th? ? latrioui aion? ra on both aid? a of th ide r< . ? ? of the si irg-Al within fifty ? iht?-. If " ' ? ?f the ? ? th. ? ? n Whal Is th? How ? the K ? ? larg? i the ? - i ? ? ? - - JIM ? ,l ?V\ I. S l). I.aitini ut ??l'.\v,'ii. iilturr - -g.tlT* LOW) "row V.l. UIIMl Ht III A! t Imt ?> *.__? ?V?. . NT'? v :.'?.?. ?? . MAP BATI) ON 0?-IBVA1ICNS ?AKB? At\ ?U'tlcCK LAST V44I ? ?o-n f??????????????????********| ? _ ,? ... ? .. u, .. lupmm ?? .1 .??. .. .... ,,..!,.. . '? "? ? ..." '4.' ? ' "* "*? * THE WEATHER REFORT. ?Ulli III Kftiird and lore. u?(. - April II I'll.' XX . -t.: u illStUI ' i .u... i m..i.. rapldl ? ' ' n . ?n; .? t\.ia otter l-'i ?? Ontario, when?**? ? trough ol !.??? prawiir? ?alenda ?ouihward la th? ? luif f Mexico Ourlas th? lut twenty-four hear. this dtatui i. ni' ?caused ? r ..u diatrit-ta ?aat of ih? lllaslaaippl i:' er .?"i m - im MintMaota an i Iowa ?., :,. ?rara ai . local i ama ihre ?taute '?? i i pial |(e, I ?. llOUl ?'? ' ?< athei i ? m-.n.'i tali - hax-? .1 til.- 1111 1-lie Xll t'l'l te ' \ . ?X I -.. lun.I ' .1 ? Id) I . Iiaai;.- tO WI xx.alia i 14 In proai ... ... i in.- plains an i R. ? Mountain ?-ni. n i ? ?? ?. ?athi r xxtn i... eiiaitix siiai-ia?, with u-4?i ratna ovar fi Atlantic ?..-..i .""'i. and i.? followed i.\ g. n , i.nlv fair w?*ath?r Siui.lux. It. all ntlier paita ..r Hi? , ..iintry the xxeuther will he fair .Sat ur.lHT mil s-.nn.lay. Temperatut ?*? xxlll rise Saturday and Sim lay <>\?*r th.* plaint -tales and the Mlsnlaslppl Val I?? and Siiii.liiv m th.- Ohio Valley, tin. lak>* r.Kloii and th.? Oulf ?.tatt-s. 'I'. inpiTHtures xxlll BOt Changa .lei Madly sat? in.lav and sun it? in ?he Atlantln ?tat. i'h.. ttia.i?. ?Ion? th? \> \x Bnaland coast x. in i,, mod? ? : Middle Vtlantle ? ,,a. at ?? ith, becoming ?rarlabt. : a.iutii XtUntli Baal <?.iir . ?. a - r. \\gh\ i.i.a .... - triable -i. am ii ..... laturdajt f-a European poi is uiii hav? in. to brlau wind* beeomlna variable, ami .ix.-i.-hm. rain] waathei to th" dread Banks Forecast for Speilnl l.???-al!lles.?for Rast - ?*rn New York, rloudy lo-du?, preceded by raini to-morrow, ?-loud ?. moderate, soutii wind?, for New rain tJ-'?y, to-tiiorroxs. ? I, r Kastt-rn P nui ! H rata: to b* rrow, . ,. ....Tl ! N'en ' Ko? \v. irrn \ li|ii .. inilllillil' g,, 1 [. ni . 7'? ** : ' ' .. ".?,' T.inp. '?? .?.??::..:..: S* ?? . w "?? ??V~. ':!? Ar WailuiiKton . ? I Uaal ow.'ii?! Iseasi, the t-???b *in*'?, clal record from Um Weather *o***?J*\**2 ni?- ?ii.mi; ?? In th.. temperature for ??**? In . ?.mji. r t.-?.?!! ul'li I ?? ' ... P..1 ? i.i IS? **** i .t ?. n? . - m i ? m ... r S a a. i i .'?.... .??? * ?i ,, Hi m.;?', '. i: u, ?< i- U I P "'? ?'?'' ?''? . tm?AtM ?iiKii. ?i i ...i"" nui ? .. -? ; lay. ? i ? - low ont. :.!> iiv.frtK?'. 17. .n.ia?.' '".'"L^ (?i.'iiiiiiK data last year, ?IS: aeeras*" roL, r?u?-.ii<iliis 'tiirt I?m thirty thr?*? ytatt, **>? Cocol ferscast: ?-i.-u.iv to-dar. PS^ff-S rain; cloudv to-morrow, with BBBSBtaiS ????-? winds.