Newspaper Page Text
M .Western Delegates Rout Mrs. John M. Horton Out of Bed to Dispose of One Report. TALK OF CANDIDATES" DEAL Mrs Story and Mrs. Bryan Deny Making; an Agreement, Each Insisting She Will Firrht to the End. ? il hundred the D ? . L lift, f x I ? ? ' ? '? - ?filler Hoi ? ,),.. ? ' ? - ? ? - ? ' ' moi i X several x ?? ? I Hall. ?>n ;.. d \\ . ' ? m< nt x-..t 11 \ i: ? ? mei ? ? ? ? ' - ? from taxi ' Of- "S.-w. Wood.** B. B in In ih ? " To x - ? ? ? ? ? enter? . . late until ti .... ? Ex ? ? ? ? . the con? ns a '.xi. ' takei " b? ? .- nn ch Op| t bafJag takei l all, bul It dered by 1 y< ?? iii.-nt - nn to a '.' . ? man, ? ' : '1 ' * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . m a of tins to the Il I ' ? ? ; Hall S . - will xx ,tli ? - ANTI'S OPEM THEIR ANNEX Camp on Fifth Avenue to Offset Suffrage Parade. ?? -. ? ?... ?_" I- 'th ram, nditloi i iii : he > Mr? aturra I - ? -v . . ? ? nd a i - ? ? . , m--. \\ e I I t .xi , , 11 ....... 11.1 x S w?. -haii nav? i iuar ter? open on thai d ? An) one ?ho res rs ?s will n?c ? ..-m Th? suffragi is swaj snd thi? ?4 tasb? b ittoaa to ths boya, but ar? . . . .... ? .. i?.?.. Th? ? . ai Htarsture, tsllli | ? ' ""' to vol '? ??'?' h""J m**t' . ? ,i a memi ? qua? An. **** Kild'?*in. ?Vira BVSTSU P WiM-itt und ?Mrs. Ar 1 i tdgS? DRINK M^?J?TTo^ Causes Nearly Half of Domestic Troubles, Records Show. . ,, . ?. rii ? ' the v?i?-'kinK ol an ovarwhelnalng muji?ni> ?' . -: ,, na under Ins th? last x? ar. Th? ? ?? ?**> '" ***** tw< Iv? .'.. nth? and Judge baa neatly flnlshsd bin i*4*por1 for tint period Nesrlj the txx.. ? t'g i-XlHt. lie. i.. , v ?.. ? . eansss si doin<re?-<) ?.,, . ;,'.?! - -'? m!"> kj l'"l_ mlll: i ' PC, Umeat . it''i ? parente.. 1 .14 Marrai "?" xi?""--- ? lalLasla-sM ? ..... a H Miacellaaeous >???? ? , riaa b"-n collected and t : r. .i ..*. - . to dej" ml?m arlvss ?"' ' .r." ?-i1"1 ?lu"t?' ? Il pi m,,.? ti,. best fsatur? oi Um ... in i reeord Is thai ""'"'" "?,'1"" have r?.n _I>OU_1 I ?'?">"* '" ** *** **** sf ir.? easss <?f ?-ajmrstlesi tbat ?am? " for? |t." OUTBID FOR PORTRAIT OF HIS ACTRESS WIFE Vernon Castle Raises $ 1 1 Offer, but Says "She's Yours," When Persistent Voice from Orchestra Cries "Thirtv-One." \\ I >RKERS !?'( >R THE S! FFR \(?K C.A - V?. 11.1.1AM ELL.ll ?TT li"?? much la ;? auffraglsl actress wlf< worth with oi without th" Blgnatur? of James Montgomerj Flags artist? Int?. th,- limelight yestei ? tu. f.< ? ?u. came \ ? ? ? ? c -?'? to pro ' ? s wlfi ". ? _? iold f..r $n. "Here! 'he's wortl re I ' "I "Ml ? ? ? ? -,,i |16 '" ? ? dlence i "a: ly pproval "f ? on But it \? i . ? ? "Twenl ? ? v., : v "l tell ???":.' sali ? i . . ? ? ? .. ? . i.i. " \* pretl exampl? f ? dotible irlsh. j *'t . ? ? ?? !,.. yelled "?'li-ii t > dollars , , ;,.;.. ? .1 itv .... ... ' "She's Yours." He Said. ? ? ? , | ? . over th? it ha.I '.. : ? ?'..> Mr ! '!:. .' ' re, for that waa In the bond, it all ... - niiiii of th? trotting ol th s earll< ?I know ? "Ha! 1 ? ? ? ? n The ti?-.i with .m wltl ine < 'owl, Dor! : .- ? ?? i ? ? t.". Ii.,'.??- ai . : ? it was ? nun ?rltl .1 M F." mis t ?.? ? "T. n '. ... I th? "Oh mothei ! ' i ema i ? Th? ? h? lured Misa Tha? ? ifler she Ktn'ii.-ii militants] man Is to for .i of I ild Miss Ki , ? ??< ?I ?'. I". | " T ? o.' i ran'! i. Irltual Bide test, thi ; ? ? ge, the hopea, the faith, ?he r<> mam ?? The* ???:;; II ol anee ??? onl) the tawdry, the sordid, Ihe great heart? breaking crj those women are mal ? m expect The women ng tl . ?.r.' v weapon w hleh will make anj mpreaadon on tl. pig beaded Britons I esp? ci Ihem to go ?m arguing for another fifty years ? good eould arguing ?!". anywayT Remember, it ??a* those sain?- Btupid, an? Imaginative Britons who burned Joan >>f Ar? at the Btake ' Monologue Wins Favor. nann'i alrj little pla ? ' 'n.<- Fai aw?] Princesa, waa followed bj Mai j.rrl?- Benton ?'.?ok m a monoli luffrag? iii? b v*.<?t? mui h applauaa Mr. ?mil Mis V.-t i."i, ' ii.-l 8 did I tangoea and r .tk. ? trota which would have arorried Mayor Uaynor Into a '?? had lo- i.? i? there After ?-"m- Bonga bj Tom Dbbaon, Katherine Burritt ano Bdgai m Ward ??am?' th.- grand Snale the last act ??: Madame X.." played bj Jane Cowl and William Elliott. II ???'*? ?"?-1"'- Cowl's Ural appearance in the par? "i ?!?" i lellne ?d t.. ?Dorothy Donnellj and Sarah Bernhardt it was likewise ths fulfllmei I .,f ,i long eberlahed dream <??? the i'oung acti eaa Th.- p- ? forman? ?? waa of pai il? lai .1 ? t ??? auae of ti??- retui n ?>f William Oiltotl who played the pari "f Itaymond with Dorothy Donnelli ! >' who lia? .. .11 .?..???n ..n in.' Now V'Tk Btage atnee retti-ement, twe y??ars ago, t.. become manag? ; foi Da*M Belaoco. II waa Mi Blloti b fondness f??r th?-? part i.m much as pi?- latereSt in the "cause," which in 1 htm i" appear ? astsrday He and . owl were greeted with applauM bul rl?-,i with toara Maybe there was a un . . n ti.?? house, bul ?t ? * 1 ? -? ?? > 1 Bound bo 'ih.- audlooee w?a large ?and of ga?ereua diapoaltlon, ?h araa stteeted ;.,? the amp. ?Sower baskota ami '"rotos" bags of the prettj girl ushem among whom wer? MIm MarJo?rie McMann, Mis* Altee Reed, Mi '"i Oardw 1. Mra Joba Lowe, Mis Arthur Lawrence Bowsa. ?Misa A!?<-.. i,,,., Mra Kat? Batchelder. Mlaa Bertha Ft-j-man, Mrs David Robtosoa an?) Mr> Arthui William t ? t '?*??- m William Gillette, Constanea Colllei Mm David Pola eco. \i?hs ?Katherine Dreiei Mrs. Jasase Moatgusssry Hagg Mrs ? ? arpenter, htra May WUaon Preaton ami Mra Koiarai Hinton Perry were aasoag the weU known Buffragtel adh?rente present. ? JERSEY MAN CHIEF BOTANIST. r'hli ,.,, \,,Mi ?i i>' William Tn ,,f Boo nt?? >?. S. i ? has been ap? pointed bond of the ?sfsjrtmsnl ol botaay u, u,- University of minois, tu Hucceed Dr. T. J. Uurrill. JAN E ' "W L OHIO TO PENSION MOTHERS Enactment of Law to Aid Desti? tute Women Assured. ? ? ? dlgenl Cox, a ? . mill ... I ? ? ft ? ... SAYS VOTELESS WOMEN -PLAY THE BABY ACT" Mrs. Villard Asserts They "Bulldoze" Legislators. Tli**?i Escape Begpongibility for Bad Law. ' bllll'. ' ? ? So. I ' XX . 11., ? t 11. Max Kaatma I ... i ?in! : - ? . - Iv? women, a he ballot don . I protrel ? ? i Mi? . ? -.. women n? en th.- vole most o I bellev? ,, ! Itx a : ol the rot? Thi i o In? tellisent Iher? publk ervlce 1 In .t p..sit Ion <>l ii women ** ho so to Ubai ? - ? i * i ??* thr?j!iM.'i are ? 'i'h* ) m la*.- and vx n-.-iij. and pe? ?nade t h? H i.,i ?end ??? u and Ih? n II the bill they xt nut..i ?i take win thej . .m |?l< ad the bob) Por h..xx ,.. ?iNinalbllll lan'1 u ? I ticen? No th? w< : I., th? Intelli? gent, th-- ?octall. .. ? ? ?? ? one? ?? ho n? ? tl ih? . alloi n Mr i:a-tinan told Ihe aromen hon little .x mei lean xx omi n xx ? ? niffi-s? ;: . ompai -"' aMi t bat the Kn ? nm. n ar? ?." ng \\ h\. ai ?hat m-. Una Ii laondoH the other iiit' i ? ??.. .. "th< ? '..i..-.i rn.Wo And tn- xx.'tn. i ? ; monSy n?- ascrinclns almoal everything ?-1?. th? p ib Ic regard, thi their v? ry Voo v bal an you sac? rtflclng ' im no! her? i" pse? the oontrtbution bos," Mi Kaatman ailded, "and any one x\ ho k:a.xx - m., knows I ail ..i raialng men?:? but In tl i countrj wl tn?- campaign is -? <?.-.?? and pleasant, aurel) you oughl t" i?- wllllni t.. mak? s.. Unan? lal ?aei\Pee i?" Ib? i i 'nder Ih? Indu? *.? ? ..i Mi Eastman'? i. ,a a tai ..i.' ad i- .?...... I peri .? lona 11 om Mi.- Howard Man H Id a? ?. ? i al ?Ai.m... I subscribed aeveral dollars each toward I the bran? b suffrage II ?rai ? - ? .? xx islit-s lo estsbllsl n the va . ,,i s? -x 1 ????*? -tati YALE MEN TO STUDY CITY Student Exploring Party Will Spend Day on East Side. i N.-x?. Mm .- n. Al "' II In ti.. larg, , -.,, . , . ? t parti th.'t ?... ; invad? d .\'?-\x x ork ' "v , ' ""-'' '"'' *?"??' '?',s- th? membbra ol i ? ?**?" ' Cbrl Uan \..M,.i.,t,..i. "i "-' Bhsnleld BcienUBe School xxi ?. are atudjina ??,. xxIM to-morrow -i"'"1 ".> ?????ugatlni at hist hand rcii.n""1'-- "'"'" "' hsi ????i", t ti, be m.''"-11'1'1''1 i!1 "" ';,:'!"i Csntral Termins] Nsa ***** *** '" ntpati '"' Ellis I.lsnd b) ?0'ck.ek. The? win hax?. ,,?,,.,?.,.? ui.h th? nnm^i..,.. .,, ,., M?d Will tb-n ?-" '"'" "" ? ' ?"? M'??"-?'-? ,f th.- rJU *** ?U****** ???""?"???- l"l ?? trli, t" I--" ****** 'V|'""'' Wti"" ***** u , aovsral hour? m th? work. : ,;";::;:.,n,i,."n.??.?,.^ ?.. ' ., Chinatown, followed bj a tour s'u,',Mr, '?'. ,.*a(i, Bids The tour win end ?j.r^'rn'-v'-''''''-^''--?? "?ASKS ALL TO HELP FINC LONG LOST WIFE AND! Court Stenographer Kept Grief Secret for Months Fears They're 111. Sea bi k N -i April |] At tin Balle]. B foi n.. ? Nea \ oi h '? poi lei for rda years V'lce-Chaneellor Iteven stenographer, In Jersei t'ttj bai sen ? , f..- his ?? if- ?nd ? ?/ear-old ; ??? bo disappeared ? i.. ? Their going awaj wa noi gene kn?.w n until n???? Balte) i- ? elT? ?i thai ins wlf? .- ?? a ? ? lous ' "ii'iltii n .t"i run. and the real lhal be n t the point ol ."..?ii prompted I thelt dteappearai - lived at .\.. M i. ike street m ? ? Balte]. "ir ?? a Buff? re? 11 om rasthenla waa a Christian Sciential N?.? ember IZ after Ball? ? h "i I? ft big wlf? and bo] wer? tak? n i i ?rding lo neighboi a, in an autonv 'i .. ->?? a a- ? a n led ":'t "! .n .. blanket Halle] bere l o i 111 I ? i : In ? 111 Th? : rain <?! the search told .n I lhal i" baa becom? practi? ill ph] si a. ?? re? k. ..i .1 ghoul i he I arai obi ig? o t?. gl> .? up hi Since then he bs ? continued I ? wit h pri va ti detect I vea EAGER FOfTmISS WILS President*! Daughter to Ad?ttr< Two Y. W. C. A. Meetings April il. A ? : rogramme ol the foui Ih )>i <u I'onventt? n ..t the v..un?- \\ om? i ii.?n ? ;..r the meeting to-n ??? ??.' m id? nee? arj to? i" u.. gre il d? mand t.?i ard? ?Ion t?. tu. chun b, al whli h ? es ?? nl be .'? ir. ered bj Mis< .1 ? w.Iron Wilson, daughtei >?f l*resl?l :. M Kllsabeth D Ki a York Whi n infnn I ? bundr t/o ild be turn? ?! awaj \ I Al I ? ..... iii-? " ovei ti"'? meet I ? Means to ? ' wl by *? t W llson, ?? ? ' I ? m in speak t Wl at th? ? ? m M? ana to the The ? ?.n? entlon to-da: ?*oni Iden ?l ? lion "i Mil Mabs ' "ratty, <?f N ^ ? ? K. g? n? i.i! s- retai ol 11 ?? natlo board, thai "thla la the womai . .-ii.. thi - ? pas, twi of Mil tl'ii :i, REOPENS SAVAGE DIV0RC Wife Who Fled with Chauffe to Put in | Defence. ? i I Mi ? . So. 1 : i. ?? i went to I ' ' ? ' ,.? ' ' ' It a . : ? ? tlona t" a militan DEN OF VICE NEAR P0LICI Girls oi Fifteen Brought to Chi cago Hotel Intoxicated. I ? I.?Afl ? ? ..." ,.f th 11 111 ? ? ? ? ? mpto] ?? ol hotel a fes from deti end ? ? ? . ? . broil gh I ? ? h ?? bile In-.. led \ i . 'i ? . . thi .i i lei i be rommlaaion t i ? bp ens "i ? ..?... ? i 11 :?fi man t ti 11" nu ?! ..f gli i in ? abad ? i ? soi la ? ? J - ? ' ? and bis sweet hi art es i I eei ? ? *? Bhe f. : up ?ils i ....?n |o h i ? iii.ili. Ines, food ? i"i a doctor'i ? . i - tin.1.1. BU to privations ind was taken t?? a hospital ?, i ? ' ? he ? > malned ? month s\ hen h? \. a^ i.i. ..-??! In t.I t the tfll'l ha? .? ..Ik. -i ? ? en nil? as and h ingi ? ? . ?? ?.ii on m?- Bboulder." Bal? Tollen, "ths story ?if bo? she could nol ?tand ? ? ?? ' nd had fallen i 'ha aeal I'oroi m t? - ? -ii--: thai ?>f ??i? mi?-? n hundred women - I? idea In bis ,.lulit .. f Offlc* Il.'.-I ?V.p i,, cauae ..? d< i.len? i I b? chk f raum ? ,. ol lilil?.? Mi ? ;?? i? id? How? Brit ton, presid? nl , o| it,, Jut ??: ii" Association, aa sited I ?al .?. go i.- persons ol goel il ; ,.,,,, . j, . encouraged Impropei dancing .-?m?.in/ poor glrla who wer? proud t?? Imi? tats Mom Bhi ale aid thai danoe halla when ll*i "' waa sold to girls and where ?friends" wars provide foi Iboea who I n.. m bad i aoaed ti"- .i?>wnfHll of man) young women w. ?,, nd thai lb? re w< re t???? bun? ,i,. ,i . gne baila la ? fhl? ago ?? liera Itejuee , ? undei sixte? ii ' - ara old, ' ?au) Mrs Brlth GIRLS REJECT BONUS PLAN Boston Phone Operators Ac? cept Rest of Settlement. .prll I T " hot :i- bj st? m of annual payments which Ihe Neu England i, ,,,,,,,,, md T? tegrapb Compaaj of? .. ,,,j |ta op? ratora r? aterdaj Inat? oi ->r granting theh ?onmnda foi Inereaaed iragea wai ft acted by Um ciris in a fete taken to-da] and to-niuht. Thi vote area on the 'i"> atlon "r mthTj Ing the nm. ?? roenl between the eaaeutlva eemaaltl.I the telephone operntora' union and Preel? lenl Ipahllng and ether offldalg ol Ihe . otnpaii). Thi? agre? ment, which previ nted a general strike of the operators, Included a provialoi foi a lolnl board ol arbi? tration, and tins part ?( the plan ??hs accepted b? th? gli Is 'I bei .oted u refei lo Ihe arbitral. board Hie entire ...I ei ol demands, which In? luded ;. ?? ?u. bi for an advance ol II a week, an elght-hour da) and other betterment] m uorktug conditions? ? I HEARD BY THE WAY AT THE FLOWER SHOW The Blossoms Discuss Suffrage, Race Suicide and the Fashions and Manners of Their Visitors. I ? Th? Crii_soa Ramblei ipeaks: "Say. ,i"1 ! you ti? it th.. j.'k. - | Th? Stucs Horn Fetn; "No; what?" Thej ' ? prise t.. the xxoman xxh.? 1 de? orate ? dinner table assst pret? tily, and a xx.miHi! entered ih?? <*om petitlon. Thej re an off t?><?, be?!?all otT mffrsgettii i Ko time for dontestle oecu? - i.k? d*cc-*atlng dinner tablea" Tb? l'ai,s? "Oh th?. femlnlsl gaate* menl If? In the sli Why, I bsard timt nt ih. . tu ? Bsntbemum *-h.>xx last fall there ?xas ?earrely a prisa Bower i'1 the ? thsl wasn't committing ra< ?? atd* '''I'- 'I'h.-. said it xxas unfashionable 1" bav? s,., gg ? Th? en,-... Assle? romfortably Oh -"'ti. ol i..- somes aren't doing as badly. ' tsee u" nica litti.- family of twenty-flvs hundred bltMaoms." The Butt? itb Orchid, sirilj ? BhunV .'IT Ihoae old faahion?*d notions, *_alsy. My gardener, used to leave The Ootlook' .sround ihe greenhouse, ("?>. bul now I've hesrd thsl Teddy is going t" make a ?uffrage tpeeeh Max I I don't hay any j i'a-t ml ?takes 11 ? i rlmaon Ramblar: xx ell, sboul tl. dlnnei tabl. ? i m glad t. I bal th. ri ? ? at aux ratS, are CSlTying mi' tu-- traditions .<t their mothera. H?*nry 'tai Samuel L*nt?*rmy?*r snd ""?'Ill lam Sim ail came forward and trimmedI tsblea as prcitj as ) ."t please j At.'i i ieli tables m., s.'im- style, I can tsll '.? i They ail e,>" ,,, |7,.s ,,,. |,,.?. ? Tl ?? Purple Tulip in fronl of the Dutch House, scornfully, in a deep \ '?'?? "And t thi ..1 ..r the ? i ? ondltion*. ' The man that won l ho second prise In thsl dlnnei tnbl.m? ? ?i. give? contribution? t.? th? ??if I - a/.x country. ? glad t.. gel bach t'. Holland." 1 ? ?\tnerii u Beaut] Rose, in a tired "i nex-. i . ould und? rstand polli ci la Is talk Cloth? S " 'lin* Carnation Pink? in a chorus "Last'a .-- . \ ? i s .. - i, i, i adl) ?ir? ?ssd a " are coming to view 1 . t. Ink the) ?. take a liini ii ? m ? I"- ?? a -. en ; eta II eng, and e way? Tl ?a? mud? . .... reat!" Tl ? Gardenia i r ?.x- i ?? .. thlna I ilk.- . i the fa? as til ear, ??.unen med i? t ? ?.: ?tern ? , ?hey used t?. be A woman \* .?n nia ?noir graceful when her <?t?'tn isn't sniot ? r?*'i in petals " Tha Begeaie "Huma, ?wr1 Hont y? bno? a h man being*a stem is twtna?" Tha Oardenla Dont h<- waxy, .?' i' ?' s ' l-n i |i tri:?' i li?t n ????man more graceful in scant p?*tnis'" 'l'Ii?* l'itiks. kIpkI?iik: 'Von are, d<*ares bul how ?bout fat woiiiin'.' Do ynu lii bobble p?tala and slashed p?tala on th?ta H*?? tint two-hundred pounder m a sh?*at petal '"mini- toward us that ont? In pm pi", with ri yellow Calyx! Tee, hoe, hn What a sieht for K?>?ls and Bowera! Th? i-iastf-r Ltttoa, r?-provtngiy: "S-si Miell hear you laughing, Dont i-t n be bad mannered becauae people are A paust The Ulaea yawn; "Oh, ?ion" ?"?i arlah this .??how was over? Theo ?i"??.Is bore imc so. They star?? at on. and makr? ail kind?? ?>f peraonal remarhi about ?>n?'s complexion and one's figure and s.? on And now it s te h?* kept opt another whole Aaj !unday, the day wi oiiKi-.t to have to rest, i wlab there was i society f"t- the prevention of erueltj t' Mow ara " ?Various lilneaoma and ahrubo, hastily "Oh, wa don'1 mind ata] ?hk h?-i?* we're still perfectly fit: bul you ?h? looh a Ml withered, Lilac, dear!" The Tallest Lilac, in a rage, shaking her etoatera at first on?* cn?l thfn an '?ti-.?>r of hor crittea: "Tew you're an Imantophyllum! ?Tou over there- you're a cypripedlum! And you- you're an odontoglosaum. And ?our?- a retinte? por us! And ?.?i In the i.:?ck thrr... you're a cibotlum Bchtodet, you are! The plants, shrieking in ehorua: 'We're not! We're BOt!" The Talleel Lilac, Uttering: 1.00k on ?nur labeta and aae if you're not' Learn to read Latin, you gumpa! Kot ?b hail for one win? lately was hut a simple lilac that In th?- door? ?ird I !oomn. <*h" Kv.-n though" arltheringly 1 am withered " The Beater Ultea 'Don't quarrel chii I dren. Oh? here cornea the Woman who IGrowa (fleer Howera in Her ??arden at ? Home Don I listen t<> the Inaultlng creat? I Th?- FlOWCra: "We won't.' The?- stand Iup v? 1 ??. straight, and look ?.*? haughty las th?-? can.____ ARMED AGAINST EMERGENCIES I he Owner of "The Cook Book of Left-Overs" Can Rest Serenely in the Consciousness That She Is Always Prepared for Unexpected Guests. ih? h? id "f the bouaewlf? o owns ? ' '..i.k Booh ?.i Lieft 11 ?* - ? keeping hai ? ' bUSltle - resta i the thoughl thsl what .... ? ? ' minister di . ng In foi dinner m .? nd . .>m>- !??? ? n en ? .b.x- when ah? hasn't had n" to m n kei ?he la arm.-.l t.. meet nly ha <? the four hundred gusrd hei llaaater, i ? ? lowed these hlni - ? he book a nd . ? .... oard filled ? ? ? .| thai tot? ? ..?, . ring i '..?'I'll?"? ?.a nd Supplies. Spice? nd herb? "f all pepper or pap ? . I.4 la fish and soup ... r , ? ?oulllon eubsa I ? fad -XV.'H t.; ' - a : dressings. Tomsto past? (Italian atores .airy ? tin? i ?.tat??.! ParmoBan eh??se. In bottle?? Jar of sjft.d i rese* crumb? I nsxasetenad i ra'k.'rs. ! ? of s'.x eeteiici condensad milk. l'ans ..f unsweetened evaporated milk Potato ii.iut ? Jewish stores i si ry - Utensils. Moat . hoppei Double boiler ">t two aauespsna that i one in th?? other ? Inexpensive wire frying bsskel Individual baking dlahea auch a? ram? ... ?hell? Dovei egg .r,.. COOK BOOK COUPON. Pressnl ih?n Coupon xxith t?.. othsri and 15 cent? at the offies <?f Th? New* fork Tribune, <>n the ground door, an.I receive "The Cook H'.'.k of I.eft Ui.T'." bound In x?aahiil.le <* Hy mall M "-iits _ I 1 lomemade Cosmetics H.r,\ i,, pr?s? Ihi delicate texture of ? , and ho? to ? eatore it ?? hen it ? Ben Impaired bj lllneea, exposure or any otbei ?aus.- ?m ?i ouestion >.f para? mount Importance u; health, nervou?v nesa morbidness and \.r digestion 'auae pimp ? n. .? red, M.*-.- und enlarged pores bul peretatenl and Intelllgenl care ? a n ma k.- the ?-kin of 11-.- f. reell lovel] h'i,T Its perfect health the faca skin must hav? warmth sunshine and air and ?.mil a measure <a external eteentlnesa . Un 1 atlon "i waat? * Perfectlj health) skin has great elastic? ity and aio-r havlni heen strained in an) dire? 1."i. lends lo n sume its original po .siti."i But, unfortunately, few skin- i" healthy, and when one's skin is below par th-- elastic!!) goea OUI "f II and all oi th.- Memtehea leat.- th. '1 ti ace Th.- evening tollel ahould be made ??ith WatOI BO ??.inn thai Hi.' skin at OOCS 6X? pertenec? a pteaaanl i-:!"?? it Is im es ear) t<> clean th.- face thoroughl) sepe? clall) 11 II baa been exposed t.? ?lust ?nd ?Hit. hut If th.- ??kin Is ?In and dell? ..t" ?t is aol absolute!) eaaeottel t?? uee Boap A Good Soap Lotion. ? g.1 ioep lotion ??di anawei Ihe purpose ai.i ??ill not di> or Injure the m.?si fragile complexion. Here is an ??*> 1.-ii. nt formula: Moll Bee drama ??f el? m.u,d abating aoap la a watei bath an?i I a-1?1 half an OUUCS "f almond oil diop t>? I drop II. -i? a.Id slOWl) and ?.?ith ? .instant Bttrrlng iwo ouncea of water Aftei th" ta".' n.'. k and Bhouldera have been waahed thoroughl} dry tham Kemiy ami apply a Httte ?"id erefua The ?"irni thing m the raornlng, even before the both remove a? trac?e of <*r.-am ??.ith a -..?t cloth If ih' skin is moist or shiny lotions containing /ni" 0x1.1?? ??r calamina 1 bImmiM 1. ueed Here ij an eaeeltent lo lloii for that purpose Tin. tur." of h.-n ???.ni. Ave <ln?ps; /.in?- oxWte, om haie grain; glycerine, one?lialf eun?te; lime water, one ounce It this burna the skin ?t ail dilute with iooewatei A Healing Cream. \\ I .n th?* skin feels at all irritable ?lutin* th?- eoiine of ihe da) a healing nearn should be used. Th?* f?allowing is particularly good f??r a dry, red <>r rouKh ? ii'd skin Almond oil. thr?-e OUMoa? whit.- wax. tl??- drams. ??|",i'ni:??'etl, five drama; 'wmrtlne. ana ann?e; all of bit? t?i aim.?nd*. ?Irani, elder flower water? tin... euncea; wit'h hazel, one 1.urn.-. m?ii iho tust Ava Ingrediente m a doubla holier. when thoroughly inixicl reino?.* fr.un th. the and slowly add 1 he abler flower water, ktirrlng con stantly, and then add the wit?*h haze!. when congealed pseh In |sra and it t? ready for is? Fo? Whitening the SU.n. A atmpla . r. i very Bas lotion for whiten? ing and .......Iiik the skin and pies.-i vins ?- freshnes? ?fter the usa of .reams la th.- following: Tincture of bsnsoin, sns? half ounce tin? dir?, ??f vanilla. tlPS drama rosewater, triple ons and one half pint? Mix th?? tincture?, and add Hi? WStei ?lowly t.? prevent precipitatl.m and ?uni!.n?. it should b?- ?t perfe? t, hi .?x emulsion As a complexion clesnssr th?Nrs .s soth inii inttei than campboi water, hxtt do in.? us.? it offener ?liMii once a day If the sk.n Is ten Sty, Add to a pint of oatii ?n..r wstei half an oiinrp of glyostin? ..n.i a quarter "f an ounce ol bsrsa and > thoroughl] it is refining and ?-..ftt*n Ing t.. th.- skia and is escellenl for dls ?I pa ting redness that BOBBOtlBasa artliots ?la- UM It should be appli?*?! with ab 4..i i. ni ...tti.u .u ?4 piece ?>f clean chsess ,-lulh. ?nd aftei drying OB must b? xsaslied off ttith ?oft, clear watei Daily Bill of Fare. SUNDAY. BREAKFAST Mixed Huit?.' gents," Ball) Lunn, coffee DINNER. Consomm?, frics ?se ?d chick? ?u xxith ti.*?* border, spinach, aaparsgua ?alad, atrawbstT) ahorteaka coffoa Sl'IM'Ktt .lellx vaniiwiehos. cream .?..s.- xx-ii n walnute,. ch?9colat? or tea CREAM CHEESE WITH KN'.'l.lSH VVAI.N I "IS - Kot m the cream SbSSS? IntO balls th?? size of lai?,'.- .ream ?andies, press hall a walnut tn-at into each ball ?ml serve with a gsrntBh or watercress. NATIONAL WAR ON MALARIA Drainage Congress Plans to Stamp Out Disease. St LSUiS, Api- H *? commission \xa> ergnntSSd to-day as a department of the National Drainage fJongrsss t.. make ?n Investlgstion et malaria ami rspsri next year a plan t'"!' a aystamatl? campaign i? Mamp OUt the disease. Each ?fate la to have on?* repr?sentative, and Dr, Oeca. Howling, of ?he l/oiiisiana Stat? Health Boaul. ?vill be chairman The plan will be ?ubmlil?*?? to the congres? to-morrow, and will i'robably bo ratified. Dr. William A. Kvans. In addressing the COnaTfSSS, ?a'd that aSSlnrlS eOUM be erad? icate?! from the I"nMsd State.? In four <>r fixe xears. ""*_? ??xllnrllon of the niosfiuito xxoiild Sdd IE to tlie xailue of exeiy acre of land m th? South, and under nnti-tna Urial .-ondltiona the total corn crop would lie double?!, he said. The Woman About Town HICHW AND LOOKA?fegrg n Mr Powya: "When I went down Fifth sven-ie and looked Into th" faces of >our million? aires I never saw a mor?- ?tepfOOBlag, for lorn proeeeeJea la ail my Mfe.N Of eoarea not. for they weren't millionaires They were merely "yeuag Mooda*! trying to act that way and couldn't get just the proper st? I?'. Any millionaire looking 'forlorn or depressed" should h.jve hi? money taken rit?iit away from him WILD ANIMALS Wl HAVI MKT We almost felt that ??? had been to the zo?, the other forenoon, for are had to ?all on Miss I.son. on 147th street, then to s?>e Mrs r\>x. on 99th street,*and mak" a last stop at Mr. Wolf's, a Broadway tailor. in Ti.MK or piaci PRBPAJU roil WAR.? In times of prosperity the indi? vidual should prepare for a?!!ty." a" COrdlUg te a ?v.?man employed In the China department of a prominent firm. After buying a dish we eouMa't afford, hut simply could nol ie?.??t, the woman toM us that when her family had been in good ?it? umstan? es her pel hobby had been ths study of the .china of all cniin trtea ami p?riode. When rev ers?*? ??ime this firm offered h>-r a gOOd paying i ??-?l tlOtB. They OOUM get man? with ??.?lllng ability, bul few who knew and <?>uid talk china with weetthy patrona CURIOSITY THAT KILL1 -Wa sat In tlM suit ?l.parttn. tit and Watched Ute weary aaleaglri bring oui suit after suit. bul not one phased the proapectlve buyn "Won'l you try on>- on, madam? i thmk we could satisfy you " ' ?Hi. I don t want to hu? one"- was the rejoinder. "My best friend won't tell me whan she bought bar suit, tor the prie?. Im gohBg to find out If It takes all day!" s DOLLY DIALOOUB.?-"Beta) baa been In the family for two K?*ne?ations B a has been petched and mended so muti? times that h<*r poor Itttie body r? sembtee a "eraay guilt" mete than any ihins alee, but Bhe still r?i?,ns auprema in IBM hearts <>f the children Th.?' were playing "hospital" the other day and "Betay" was taken there in an ambu? lance. | fink, doctor." said the little n.other, " 'at she's dot the tumnier ttim plaint." Looking grave and wise the miniatura doctor made b careful exami? nation of "Betsy" Then, on lifting up lier limp arm and noticing the sawdust Slowly triek?n?: down, he put on a most professional manner and ex?-laimed: "Oh. no' "lisn't that! She's Rot the sawdust!" LITTLE THIKO! COUNT.?Undet tii? ?-?lass at a booth in the B. B. Subwav sta? tion the ticket seller has past?*d this sign "The voice with a smile wins." It's Mil) a little sign, but it's ?-noogh to make you notice the man behind the raft?1 and see that he's a little diff? rent -takes a hit more interest than the average agent The little tilines count, and it ma?- I? that a very little thin* will make a big difference between us and the other fei lo w. News of the Markets The price of pork- I? still high, and ar r-ording t.. ?n,?- of the Washington Market dealers, there is no immediate prospect of its rteeomdll e Rah prices have returned to where the] arere two weeks ago, shad and lobetera aapectell** being very m?ich cheaper than last week. The very ap pan-nt decrease in vegetable prices and the lti'-reas.? In some of the fruit prt'*-*s. aggeetaUy apples and ??ranges, are both indlcathms of approaching spring. The prices of poultry and datry pro?i?icts re? main mchiitiged Sea Food. Salmon: Pound M'lani? Hundred ?-.? .:<.-. Uttla \e.-k $t*i$l ?8 Whale . t? Softohe;; ...eOcggSBO Lebet***?. . ??". Hardfdwtl |i . 'od. .19c] (*howdsr .. *i**$l m .-.??.Ik cod ..1261& Oysters . ...ISoMltU I'elloa per. h.18c Buck ?hsd. Bach Pickerel l*c whole .iv*???-?. i ... ballbw . -.'??? Ctn .*?o?se?v Smelt?. .. -.'??m:.-. R?*e ?had . 11 l-;.-:? l-.i.'.. Pair. s. . troui Mclsa-td roe .4<y.f.v* K!oiui<]>-m .lOal'.' Dosei FVeeh hluefl?h 10 - ia?f,?h . *?0c F.!-- of -.- . '.'??.? Slirini's . Ml Meat. Lamb: Po ind Poun-1. I^k ?WO'?"??! Round tttxk .. 2?jo Forequsrter 14020c i*orned beef 1*4122* Racks . . .'.'.'?;:-? Shoulder of -?si .. l*c siew .12*2ibc itr-Tiut of real......IS? r.-rk chops .23?g2Sc Veal cutlet? . ?Wo Roantlng pork . ...01 Veal chop? .54ff2*'* PoftertttUSS ?teak ?OelliSte of pork ...30022.* for roam . .. 'JOi, 2-.'.* : Bacon .aK*?'.*..* PliRM nl. ?.>.i?i 2f?.* 11am .I8?ff22c Tap rtrtote . ..'.'2?* Tsaajos. 2?v^;^ Poultry and Gams. I'oun.l I Each. Roaatiag chwkfns .2r-? .rumbo nqunh? ......Mr, Broilers .M Pair I>u?*kM . 28-,Gui?es hens.. II 7*x**|2 KOwlS .'"'? Doten Capaos. ? ..32c? Pigeon? _Il 2<>g|l Tfl Dairy Products. Kulte: Dozen. I Butter: Pnund. Urne- .2."*ci Phlla print .?I". Docks' .8To Clr-ene: Hu'T-r P.i'ind ? Mil-I and eharp . .22.-? Sw.-et .Sis I PWlSS .82? goal tub .4ik- Kngllsh dairy ...2fr?, Vegetables. Bunch I Each I'm?..??? ."?ci Eggplant? .10-Jldo Keei?. .fl.'l l'uciinibem .Ms Radishes . Ac I Yellow turnip?. . .IWflOi (-?1er.*t* Head Itaparagu* (C*l.)...?tee ?-auilflower .2MI40-; French herbs: Romaine .-HV> Chervil _ liVi- Lettuce .l?*n Tarasse .lie cabbas? .Mb H,,l,t. .He Quar? Mint . .10c Teae .?n round I fit rlna bean? .28o Ton.aloes .1.1c'Butter besne .gW) I'alUii chestnuis. . P-'c! Crsnberrlee .1/io MuhIii-.oins . SU Yellow onion? . 8<i Pumpkins . 4ci White onion? - 1.V Kndlve .25c1 French or Callfor ??i peck nla artichokes -2*i P?tales. ?*Je|OrefHI -landellon? ..Wa s, inach ? '-"O' Doren White s4l?a^h ?C Cikra .I1?--? ?rat? 'Cariota .18c Keataaa polatoas $t ??5 Fruit. Pozeii ?Qiiarv .pole? ?o-?i*".? Strawberrle? . . He Oranse? KeTk ??rapn? Pound lemons 20t.:t?>. Mala*? .Ma Hananae l*.ff2*><- Hothouee ?180 King oran??-.. ....$180 South Afrl. an fruit l.ii :?? r?ai? tl Doien F.a.-h Peaohe? . I* Pin-aiip??. ISff?fc Nertaiin?? ...... ?4 CrMii.'fnil? . I*C Aprt.ot!?.12 Bunch Rhubaib.MB P4ACE LINE IN SOUTHERN CLUB Chicago Women Amend Constitution to Exclude Negroes. Chteage, April U The Southern Wom? en's Club of ?'hicaKo beeaaee exciu?iv?iy h white orgnnlzatlon yeaterday. when forty of Its members ?ote?1 to exclude negro women from membership. The me.-tiiiK ht??l he-n called hurrl<*?H?-. one of its chief puipoaes being to chan?e a line In the constitution whli'h read "A woman of Southern birth " It was chang-M to read "A white woman of Southern birth."___44444444?..??????ffffffM* P.ABPET QlEAjtlM Our uro?e??e? prolona the life of Roe?, tor net? DtrneHso. \\ ? .l-an??- item thoroushl*. rratora Iheir col >rt n-mler them inn?h-proof. THE THOS. J. STEWART CO. B'wa? ror. Ifllh *t.. ft. V. Phone .TSSB Bnant Krie cor. 5lh W?.. Jlerney rit?/. Phone ?IDS 1,1 -.rom' e\i*e-.*o?*e.