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$M$0Tk ?rtbunr. ?SATTRI?AY. Al'KI- 12. l?'1? OwE?(l an* puMinhed dallx- by Th? *Tl-?"M*? Assr.-latl'Ti. a New Tor'.< etw?*<<t*rstl-a; ??nUn M, R<*|.1. Pr<_ldent: Co*i?M Harnlln. S?xretary: James M I'arr?*t. Trea?urei Tribun? Buiidine. ?a ?tt Naaass ?ti??*. K?r? reek. srnS<"*RIPTION' EA*fEB.? -By M?". Pos'??? I'ald, outside of Or??l?r Nexx Yerk. "Pally and Sunday. 1 mo $ " Daily ?nly( 8 ?month?.. . tt-Ot Daliv and Buttday, ? iiio. '.?a- Daily only. I v?r . SOU Dally an<i Bandar, i r?_u ** a'1 Sun?i?x- only, 0 moa ths.... i S9 Dally only, 1 UMMfe . .Ml Sunday only, 1 ye?Xl. SAO ror*i?m subsTiptions to ?il countries In th? Universal Pastal Vnlon. Including posta?? DAILY AND BUM DAT I I CANADIAN ItAI F? ??na month. |1.(B? DAILY AM? SUNDAY one year . 18.40 One tn'inth . f 1 f?> BUNDAY ON'IY: I On? j ear . IO.M Bts month? . 8.07 1? xII.Y ON'I.Y: ?>n? year.fill' On? rron->i . 10 DAILY ONLY: | One year. BOO One month . 1.0) BUNDAY ONLY: one >ear . 12 2?!'One m..tit)i . BO j One \ ear . 4 M Knt?red at the PostoftVe at N'?xv York a? ?-??nnd CaSOI Mali Matte?. "Honest Graft" in Bill Drafting in the Legislature. \\ lien St'iiat.'i* Stilxvell sent Kendall, who wanted 1i? have a lull drafted, to Lewis, lin? Sennt?> revision ? lerk. h?? xvas engaged in nn Improper transaction. This is Irrespective uf xvlietlier Stilxvell Shared In 111?* foe paid I'V lvenilail tO L-SWlS, BS l.?'xvis ii?.xv ?ilinits hi? tul'l Senator Wagner. Of DOt A Mat?* Senator, chainnan of t lie coin mit tee tetare which ? hill is 1<> come, has n<> in.?re btisln.-ss reionnnonil Ing a bill drafter t?? a man seeking his fSYOr with (regard to proepectlTe legislation ihan i?r. Russell, suiierintendeiit of Maiti'iixxnn. had n?. ??inm??!i? 1 iii*_ ????unsel for Thnxv. The txvo t"*S-aaSU<**tatoni are of the same sort. Recommending a bill drafter could hardly fall t" exercise a corrupting intluence. F.ven if Stilw?'ll WM not to share in the sum to be paid for the ?Irait log, he would n??t be likely t<> retain an unbiassed mind toward legislation which had been the source ??f a fee to one of his friends. If the opportunity to surest Mil drafters to persona "seeking legislation is a form of "bonesl -raft" that prevails In Albany tills exposure ougbl t.? ?*n?i It. The temptation to abare In auch "bonesl ?Traft'' ?s too atrong. We have no wish to prejudge the cas?, tgalul Btllwell. Bui Lewls'a testimony jrw lerday should Impel the investigators to gn to the bottom of the charges, it is not easy to see what motive I.exvis hn?l for tolling his friend Senator Wagner that Btllwell had shared in the bill draft? ing fee unless thai WSfl the truih. I.exvis himself ?s a lawyer, and bo the taking of the fee by bim for services in drawing up the bill waa not crim? inal. And. moreover, be lias shown <?n the witness stand no unfriendly disposition toward th*' ?<*cused Benator. i.exvis was furred to resign for going Into the business of bill drafting while holding a public offi'-e as revision clerk of the Senat'?. What will the Se?ale say of the Senator who sent the lmsi riess to him? Taking Chances with the Third Kail. The Tribune gare the exclusive news yesterday that the temporary equipment In the subway i"?'p < ??nnecting the Baal River bridgea "all? Include s naked third rril It is said that otherxvlse the loop would liav?' t" remain idle eighteen montha longer, until the completion of the Fourth grenue subway, -?hice the Brotjklyn Rapid Transit elevated cars, which are 10 be used temporarily, are all operated on the open third rail plan. It would he a great Inconvenlent-e to postpone for a year and fl half tin? beneflta which xxiii i*eBul1 from Unking together the two bridges. But it would he trifling With an imminent danger to allow cars to run in any subway wltbosjl sufficient third rail protection, n la irue thai few Accidents have happened on the Brooklyn elevated lines, Waters the uncovered rail is Used. Bul "ii those structures there are footpaths tietween the stations, and in ?ase of accident paBsengt-Ms have little tr?iuMe escsping from the trains. Underground the chames ?.f panic are mii?'h greater and passenger?) cannot see weil enough to walk confidently in the neighborhood of uncovered deadly third nils. We ?l?. not bellfTs that aafety abould be aacrl fl. ed to roiivr-nienep ,,r i-heapness ,,f opt**ratlon. Sometimes Increased transit fscllitiea may be pur chased at too high a price. Park Dairying and Agriculture. Racetracks, .art galleries and soap factories hav? ing been excluded from Ceniral Park. It Is now pro? posed to introduce there a cow pasture and stable; to afford to the urban population ocular demonstra? lion that tin cans and ?lass bottle?-*, are not the original source?? of milk. There is also suggestion of a .veil appoints! pigsty, prcsumnhly to give similar proof of the possibility of BSUSSge xxjihout resort to the dog pound There can be n<> question of the engaging character of these plans. The chief criticism ?.f UMffl xvill have to do xrith their Incompleteness. Surely there should b*? A genuine cattle range, with real cowboys to Bbow the origin of leef as well an of milk. A potato Held would seem to be a necessity, if our people are not m remain under ihe delusion that Saratoga chipa hare their origin in carpent?'r shop Sharings. \\ by, t?H?. should Indian corn, the king of g]] American crops, be neglected? A xvheat field wouin he a fine adjunct to the city's bakeshops. Then there are .?ats and rye, cnbbageg and sugar beets, ?ind what not else. Burriy no njeinipollian park is complete xxlthout an ample display of all such things In th?*ir tnmlllar habitat. And after xve had parcelled the WhO?S area of l'entrai Park up hi such fashion, we might purchase a square mile or two of adjacent land, clear off the i.i?ldlngs, clone the street* and create a new park !o be what Central Park now is, a plOBSors ground for the people. One Tariff Bill or Several. President Wilson and his advisers xxjil goon have to face a problem in the mechanics of laxvmaklng. They will have to decide whether to try to pass the '?administration'' tariff bill as fl wh-ole Of to -split it up into sep?rate measures. The D?mocratie catKttfl 1? passing upon the schedules an If they xv??re pans of one comprehensive bill, and time Is being saxe?! 1 hat way. B'lt when all the parts are approved it \x ill be much easier t<> get them through the House and the Senat?-- especially the Senat??- if they are submitted piecemeal. The reason for this is plain A complet?. ?,??? n0,.. efaKsrlly unifies the opposition of the diverse ele? menta dlH?*>atlsfi?>d with any of the 'paris. Th.. op? ponents of free wool and of free sugar hau? little in common. The sugar men xvoiil.l gladly vote for ftSJB wool if their own pro?luct wei*S taken rare of Many of them are ;?rot *??t 1? .ni-t *s t/,,r sugar ogtiy. j Th?? xx?x?l in??n, 00 the ??ther hand, would be little Interested in xxhat hap??eiied to sugar if the.x could Laxe their own wax in making oxer the wool BChed ni??, on aeparate measures wool ****** would neu? traille sugar vota, bul -n ? <'"ii)''in:i?i.?ii bill both ?'loin.'lits WOttld join in Opposition, ns would th? citrus fruit- Interests BUd thOOe Whfch oppose free lumber. in ratting duties the moel practical plan la to pool Issues .'ind make mm* divergen! Interest help gli thi others, in lowering duties tin reeerae process h the natural ?.n?.. The Democratic leaders will make i serious mlgrake if thej Invite all dlaaatlafled Dem?crata In <"<>n^t??- lo form ? league for general ????fi'iKp. "fhe eehedulee ?i?'1 **? reriaed better, and more strictly on their m?rita, if 'hey are scted upon nepers tely. Our Forgiving ?Governor, The tender, friendly, ill?emhnfJni >pirl1 ol ont Governor bai been tii" mattet ol much commenl ?it Albany. Hardly g great man eomeg to the Cap?tol from Harrj Lander up or down whom Mr. Bulser does nut clasp i'\ tin? band and free! puMl? lj s? "mj ??hi tin?! ?jood friend." Now comea further evidence of bis ?great heart edness. II bad peetned t.? outalden unit the old boyhood chumlneea between Mr. William R. Hearsl ?md Mr. w llliam Bulser had been visibly scratched. Certalnl*/ the former hag had no dUBculty of lata In dissembling ins admiration for the "friend of fhe ).pie." r.nt |g Mr. Bulser rexedl Far from It! To the contrary, be takes the trouble to deelare bis belief that bis old friend Mr. RearsI Is to run for Senator in 1914 under the dlreet primar] system. "i hop?? be Is !" be fervently exdalms. Long raffering and forgiving adoration could scarcely go further. Who knows bul lhal soin?? da] Mr. Bulger will even succeed In forgiving bimaelf for his own weak-kneed fumbling of s great oppor? tunity. Common Sense Wins at Buffalo. The Buffalo streetcar strike yielded quickly to mediation. Both sides sgreed to arbitrate their differences and both made concessions. Thai Is as It should be and ?is it should bave been from the minuta 111 *- final break came. Trying to settle labor disputee on transportation 'lines by suspending transportation facilities snd destroying property Is an out-of-date process. The Interest of the public must be recofpilsed, und thai I Interest requires i pacific settlement and n prompt ? resumption of adequate service. The Noble Art of Dining. "Music and dancing have spotted a noble art, ' "People usi*i] t'> come In to gel ?good f.I. Now ??they expect h Uta t?"? ?'.'it. with i theatrical per ; "fonnance and s ?la-ii of Barnum ?ml Bailey on "ihe .-id?'." So spoke up boldly one Andrew Mehler in assuming 11 if- management of one of our hotels the other dnv. And deapite ih?' obsolete flavor Mr. Mt'hlor i*. one of our oldtlme cbefa why Is there not something lo this caustic criticism! The Idea is revolutionary, t?i in* rare. Sotte, ol one Kind or ?mother, is generally regarded ss the one essential accompaniment <>f f??xi In America. ; Tour bashery must have shining, clattery table tops . and bustling, shouting waitresses t" be s real sue? casi And aacendlng In scale -and price we s|.l lly reach those nmgnlncenl palaces where you have "PsgHaccT with the oocktaU, "Robert B." with the si?ii[i, god : ?> ou throughout the menu t" the laet Icy sip. slipping shlveringly downward t<? the ersah? Ing chords ??f 'Butterfly.*' Noleo?-that la rappoaed t.? he demanded, ?nd that is certainly what la sop plied. l'or th?. cabaret sbou s much better caae can ',f> mad?'. Since we have "pora, un Ingenious Jumble '. of four or five arta why not a cabaret, with another 1 art thrown in for ?.'"ml ItlCk? Bul s dinner In peace and quiet, with s (Jalllc stp?.- ii]i(.ti the really Important element of ii'.(> ? function, might well prove a welrome novelty, w i"? kii??\vs but that s whole !??t of Jaded New Yorkers arc ?really tired of rating with their ears? Clean Out the Rubbish! Tho city's sprim: cleaning is about to begin Wail for the final notice! Bui in t lu* mean time, t?> quote the words of our Mayor, "net together In your hounes ??or tenements all old bedding, beds, rags, paper, j "furniture, broken up boies nnd barrels, Una ?stoves, 1 "bottles, dishes, crockery, glaasware and all other j "rubbish und waste material/1 Then wh?tn the order I ?comes pot it ootslde for raoaoral. Thl?? effort to rlfitn the city "Indoor?, and out? doors" and to k?aep It clean Is sn H?inilrnl?l<- idea and ' ought to have the ready co-operation of every house? keeper. By the way, cannot Mayor Gaynor find s?.nio clause in the sweeping phraaeology of bis edict which win justify ihe ?turning over of Mr. ?Waldo '?? the proper authorities for removal? A Panacea Petering Out. The railway strike in Australia threatens (0 be? come one of the most seri?nis and diaaatrOOS SVOT known. There is imminent danger of s total sus? pension of service, both passenger and freight, and i conaeqnenl paralysis of business throughout tbeeom monwealth Yet Australia has for years been the happy hunt? ing ground of social and Industrial experimenta, and we have been assur?'?l that its system, of state arid trat ?on and what not else luul practical!* aolv?Bd the labor problem and remitted strikes and lockouts t<> limbo. The present situation seems to indi, ate thai no "be i! enacted" In the world Is an Infallible panacea igalnal the rvcttoae, aberrations ami Idiosyncrasies of human natura Hats Versus "Castles." a Chicago sociologist has been renting his spleen ..n dwellers In flats. He ?jgyg thg| flat life ba* "degenerated Um human mind'' gad exaggerated I the natural human vices of Indolence, recklessneas nnd discontent He even traess tin anarehlstlc : tendencies of cubist art t<? the prevalent of I substituting the spartment, graced by ? steam ra dlator, f??r the <?!<i fashioned frame cottage, with s morning-glory heater ??nd g eoal-hln-nvthe-batr^kyard I attachment With all thelf faults there aiv Hals which g?-g gg much real homes as any of the oneomfortable ?mi uneoonomlcall] ran ?two and three stor?- Iwuses which most Americana recall u. th?.?r birthplaces and the scenes <?f their oarllaal igperitaces x-. j 11 * this world The average fiai is bettet equipped, better lighted and better heated than the average small lions??, and at a much smaller eoaf. Its <>. ?-upiiiits may be ?ubi-ts restbel??ail.', and morally, but they ?re living i" -i more modern ami rational \\,,y and the children they bring tp will probaMj wonder how senalble beings compelled t<? live in g large town or ?ity ever could have pat up pritb tin In .onveiiiences and labor waste inrolxed In trying to maintain Individual establishments of the kind xx hi? h an Kngllsliman ?lelights to describe in the historic phrase. "Kvery man's house Is his i-astle." \|..-t experienced flat dwellers xvould rather have dumbwslton and janitor and elevator service and get along without tending the furna?'?' tire lu a "castle*1 "H..1.son for Single Term " The InSStisbls ambi? tion of these l3e_M?crats! Ih' . can't rattls "Plain Bill" by suggesting that he deliver nri "achires?, from th?? throne." He oar? Una th.m out equally xvoll from the plain executive ?'?fW or from the throne room ?>f ihe People's l'a lace. ? As th. English militants Hun the t'.rch upon a ?ticket eran.lsiiin?! th?- rnnota empli.* ti'-nil'les at Us fi.uii.1ations \\'h can't these, wnm'-n conf?n?* their attention to Windsor Castls <>r something sise of minor Importante?? Colonel H-nt - Watterson says that hia ''through 1 Slaughterhouse to an open grave" proplv-cv "f 1892 xvas "the ringle guess of Its nulhor in forty-two y?tara that seemed t" be c?tmli_dlct?ed l-y the event." Bu? h marrslloua Inerrancy in reading xho futur? must be attributabls t" the generous . ..ntl'l.-nces of th?- Btar?B)d ?lodd?*ss, Ons "f Marx land's urea! constitutional L.wvors has mail.- th.* axxful Ui.* ..very that Senator William P. Jackson, ?.f that slate, has no right to sit in ths 8? tint?-. Sine? he xvas not 'chosen" t" that body In the .us,? of th" word as used in ths new ?Seven? t? ? mi? Amendment if be xvas r."t chosen to the Senate bos did he gel his name on ihe roll? ''an it i- thai there nre members ol the Benste who are only called snd never chosen. AS I WAS SAYING Even a dog xx lil sometimes r.? back on his pub lisher, an.i Mr. Qsorge H. Iflfllin is still holding out Indu? ?-m' m? t,, g prodigal put', though, as we think, no! altogether wlselj*. He began by offering IMA l'oint by point, the figure "advsneed to ?fW. Th?-n. gaining nothing by tha bull movement, Mr. Mlfflln steadily redu?*?d his offer. Ingenious, tins, tun has he not ot.serveri that the lump-sum arrangement is never attratrtlve? Royalty, beginning at 18 per "?nt and rising ?o 20 after Ihe Urs! thousand doga haxe returned, xxiii xx..rk much bettet*. ? ? ? n xxiii p.. bard with l-vjst-Impresslonlsm, now that the National Child l?n?'or ?'"rnmlUee is amuse,I. . ? ? Whereas, we ourselves are ae?*att8tomed to xvake up like n little fl..xxer. our poet W-kSS Up Ilk? K little bird Tims he singa tiiniich i prophesy only xx-ith acrupnlon? cure. Being far lass audactoua than good Mother SMpter., I Mill fee! Inspire,! to ?irl^?. and .lc In That ti ere*i niany ? slip 'twist tha eop nn-1 the i.ii ton ? ? ? With "pi. il'klng up" and "theoloc _o> ??." as the ?.?ok.???1lers rei.ort. there is said to he hope even for th?- essay Mu?*h encouragi-d, *??> shall continue t" foil rw Mon! ilsjna, keosawn, Lamb, ? .,t i Bta ?? on at a devoutly i*a-?p<>ctful dis? tance We have slways hesitated to stta-sk ptxi?ery, for fear it would break oui in soma worsa form, and evidently n\\r tsrf\*ttrs were trosUflad. Of int?, ths of the rixr an.I toiiKue snd pem has been sd till there la i verbal dstseney teft I allvs m Americs Bui meanwhile I l - wild j mal fantastic high jinks Indulged in by tha pr idery i of th? eye' in London, in Philadelphia, in th.? Ohio state i/ectsi.itute, ??tul consegu?antly in nil the papers, it i? Intimated thai ihe u.dv ?.f tha Per od goes about ??" sin" klngl* that ? ntl?*men trha trasvi irs their rematalng morals ahould take refuge jit? th-- near? r| Home f Burlesque Amusing, this; i.nt. brethren, it i ? no! unto edil i ; i is it philosophe al r ndamentally, ?le* issue i t., t t.. 11.-has '"i' ' .... v,ont? n ?hou ? any ? i ? ? ? ? t Lai ?. a "Kx et-x ii.wiv'ai family," srritea Mr Ellis O. Jone . i" fviictlx- us old as exerxl"!-. else'? family." s.nin'i*- i- isonable; but, darn it. ours la tsethlng! . ? ? ?as this Is the open season for Mr Walter H Page, xx?- fore i ' '? ourself f..?- s? ?-?. iihk snoth?er of hia atorlisa ?tiria. so he relates, there was ones an In genlua wl?.ncelved a brilliant and hlghl) ti ? id? i oi eixniK thai th? state s/aa well p?eupled i iih ambltloui but as x?t inirt-.|uit.-?! author?;, ?-..-ml ? issued a circular, s?Mn?*rwhs4 as folloars: ? 1 ;i ?IT? ?RIAL ?'??NS PI It A? Y AGAINST QBORGIAH NORTHERN PRBJUDIfTE BPURNfl SOUTHERN TAI.KNT!! .? "This Is why TOUR poems essays ???on? s are s\ stsmatltrslly rejects?-. "Stand It no longer! "Bend iheni to MB, aJoog ?\ith PHCXTO ami AUTOBIOGRAPHY, for publia atloa In ihe nexxly tn tltutsd QEOR011 maca/.ink: "X H. As tills enterprise Is a patriotic one, yon x\ ill of ?oui se not ask f-.r pav; and pleas? observe thai m*, offer la nc4*s)ssarily limited t?> suhecrtbsra. Subs, i Iptton, ?Ons i ?ollai In poured free tlction. free art irles, frei? p.. tn.. Itobl?.graphies, ft,.?. ph<,io??*-rnphs, and a per f. 11 raging, warring deluge of Bree allvsr, Moral: Th? sii.u gam? hai been iri?-;i11x ?s/er I" |.1 I.m,i (Tavalleri sais Nexx York Is 'wickeder than Paris." Naughty, friskx- i.ina Cava? | Her! taya Neu Fork is ? "Puritan village." At first glanc? these remarks ttttn to indicate that one it?? ?iK'.nt is' enough i ?n furthr-r reflection, howaverr, th?* apparent diasonaii'" \unislns Many a Puritan vll .. is sricked?*T than Paris- t hut is. xxhen you know your "/fllagS and x our Parts For Paris has Ils saints the \cry salt of the furih iiml If It has also its sinners, why, so has ihe ?.lilace plague take It! - and \xi?h far les? excuse. ? '(inclusion ; V'olla, mean? Ing There ft ar-r-r-re." ic i. ii WRITE TO HIM?AND NOTE RESULT! From The Pi.ivi.lence Journal Ig ?dosing up tHot New York .laming tea? Is Mayor Qayaor trying ts ?teat .om? of hi? ssss*s?anta' thumJerf AN? rxlAYBE IT WILL. Ihe I'hllad-lplihi lii'iuliei Reoslllng, sa wer].., P/aahlngtoa'a espsri?MKa aben m i rsgs ba \xaiit..i ..m of th? Benats rhsmbsr. aftst s??tag ei... Of his pat measures kille?), It ????* t>. look a_ i hough i'iesi.Prii Wilson was Inxltlng hlstoiy to repeat l?s?lf IT'S AN ILL WIND, ETC. 1 i' in '1 he I'-stim H.-r-ild. In Indiana and (tnlu the bridge huil-L-i? aie i?,xv a? bappj us ajsts lately ih? mason? in Masleo City und th? glSSlsra In I/.II.1..II Tie railroad? aloie? ure planning repair? and r*?meWaJB IS Ihe amount of ll'i.i'iiii'nui. RAH FOR THE FREE LIST! i pun Tha Bsasoa ??luiie. !'lieno||h!lial?-ln, hinltroheri-.ol. henzald.-hx de, mtu, toluol and ?f 1 n m i? I < ?s 11 ' 1.. ndlsulfoartd are dutlahl? p. the !.. xx tariff hill. Tl,,. ulilmale oiiimiinci, hinxexer, can 'lie.;- up In x iew of th.- fact ihat apatite, SSS_?tlda, halm "t QIMad, hones, .udheni. dlxl-dlxl, dragons' hlood, fo?. ?ils. |aaa BtJeffla, old Jutu\, lava, leerhe?. manna, pulu, k'-h-toi,.-, .-in,I .?punk have lit'ti put on the ftee list "HOUSE CLEANING DAY" TUR PEOPLE'S COLUMN AVtenSl?or' AN AMERICAN EDITORIAL The Tribune Is Praised for Its In partial Attitude. ? a Kd tor . ? .. bal aith its t illy i newa i aporl of the , ? t.irlfY Mil ' oltmr ? ? 11>- Impartial snd irul \ ui ?*>iit.> rtai th- - ? and for? V. 111 r : ? l< i - - - " ? ? ? Is a ? pll -U;.-k BO fttll ? ? ? .1! 1 .'tiorit ''f-*.*t tniK' In I a I ; " 1 lei ? A .-Tit ll!? It''-.' ? ? dich, in ?;? ? doubt? ? ? ? ind '>??!?_*?': able lni mlgratlon 1 r.t.? thla 1 ounti 1 '?? red til.- I I) ??'!? IndustrlallaiTi under which II ao 1er? ALTRBD LAI REINS BRKNNAN. Ham ?fork, Apt ? ?SEVENTH DAY ?SABBATH BILL 1 i A Plea Is Made for Its Passago as a Matter of Justice. ? Editor of The Tribun? gli. < n Wednesday, Iba Sd II ! . tits mu Introduced In Iba l?ag?alatiira al ai banj at tii" raquea! of tii- Jewlab gab? i-aiii AaaoclaUon b) the Hob Aaron 1 Levy? permlttlns persona ?h.? obeci'vc the seventh day Sabbath to attend t?> ? luir buetaeec on the Ural day of the areek? was ni..-t.,1 1, the t-**oetnbly. Thla, if ths undersigned mistakes not, ass ths Mxtii time tin?' .? "i 1 to thla 1 K? I 1. id been Introd?.1 Into the Legislature and : defeated 11?* i.i 1.'i *. : - 11 ar< 1 1 Mme ac? ounl ol fair pr.iinin??H ?m.1 partial succesnes, end? in? Invariably in tinai defeat When in? troduced for the tiret time II pa awd both I n.iii? aad Itensta and ?-is >..'t...'.i by Qovernot 1 id? 11 1 ?n other 0 1 ..1 one Houae and araa defeated la the ?>ti,.i- ?While tii?- Republicana arare In poarai 1H mocratlc Repi aa? ntatlv? s told our soetet] tiuit notblng else could ''< . gpoi t? ii from Ihe Republk in pan 1 11 cause ..f it?i nanroa ami Illiberal rtaara Now ths Democratic party la In the sad* dle and has meted out t?> leveath day Sabbath observera the same Inconsiderate ami unaymsaithetlfl tioatmanl as it* BfOdCOOSSOrS ?Wa linv.- nlwa>"i Ik-.-ii loth i" i>nt thi matter in the foreground .?f publie attention, thinking, thai 11 is aol a n-att? 1 of pai tl ulai 1 onssqueoM to the community in general ?whether thoee per? eons a/ho reel ?>n the seventh dai ahall u?* penalttad to attend in their ia?nnlar i? n?-1 on the iii-i .1. ..i not, ?aad that there was aa need to create public ex* dtemenl oa this a-seouat. Bui the .??n atant dlsheartaatng asparience t r. 1 ? ??i ? m h ??..? iinM. gana soavteees aa that our polloj tins boon k niatakea otto, and that it ib nseessary i?> snllai public ??i>ini<>n in ?>ur behalf ir as would ?? ossd ?Ta are. therefore, now apgoallag t.? our ieiii,u rlllaana .?f Neu forb aad, In particular, to the leoegiilssd Haders <>f publie opinion, the preso, the clergy and publie spirited rltlssna In general, la son? eM.r this question an.l IS |IVS ?PrSS ' i ? tu their views thereon- The SJUSB tlon te a Hlmjilo one and SSSSSS to ua on? of slsmsntaif luettes and American dti senehtp rtghta, There are i" ",|H etate ?everal hundred thousand dtissas. ?>rth<? dOS J.-WH ami Seventh Da] >>s"?HJsts snd -AdveaUsts, ?ho atrietly ghstsla hroos ail labor an?i bastee? from Friday evening ''' Saturday svenlag*, shaarriag that ?period ua the Hat.hath and li'>'y Usas. Nevertheless, these eoftaclentknM nr-d rs* ?. . ? ted by the Bun? lau from att? ndlng to their s? ?a? ..ii Bunday, aad are put to peri? . - - '. losa bob ', ' one sixth of their Unie without ? v. . ? , Ol !>' * ' '? '??'?'? r' ItelOUS Iti'l aelenttous people -rafler under the law, f.,r tho?.?? of easier prinriptee violate their d care nothing for it B ?.! this disability eoattauof To ub it most Inconceivable that tho ?Legislature of a f:.?> American ?tat?? .? Bubja ' i* mod worthy ?dement of it? clUsenshlp to euch disadvantage. Twent) f? .r statea of the t 'ri?.?n. ai ng them oui neighboring Btates of Connect!? ?ut and Rhode Island, grant thla azemp? Hon and no harm baa n ? led therefrom. How Btrange that In Now York, where the ? th day observing element Is much t r. i, u ? roua '?? esa ??'<? iln no coastder? ati..n for Its nooda an?i justlflod triabas! Till-: JEWISH SABBATH ASSOCIA? TION. BBRNARD DRACHMAN Tr'-sidi-nt. N? a York, April IS, I HI ?WALES" AND MR. BRUMMELL A Rh.\Tned Version of the Princely 3-rievance. To ?ho Editor of The Tribuna s:, -?'i.- totter \?.u published n ? about "Wnl< f sad Mr. Brununell re ails the f-K-t thai th- former had .1 much deeper grievance Srhere ths latter was concerned fou nm> remember that In the "letter" addrceeed by tho prlace re ts, r letter freely translated Into rhyme by "Tom" Moore- occur ibvnr lineo: "Resentments Pee none, nor hope there may come in To mortal, aave now that I think on't, i k .1 i Brununell? Who ?threatened lasl year, In a superfine i Bleu, To cul me snd bring tas old King into faahloa " CJLABA ?MARSHALL Neu rork, April U, mi ARE THE ?SCOTS IRISH? Here Is One Who Protests at Length Against the Honor. T.? the ?Editor of The Tribuna Sir Neither tin* ICOl nor the lister Soot Is i'f Irish Origta, nor were the PlCtS or Caledonians >'\?r conQuered, nol even by the Romana n"r ?loes a .Scotchman ever attempt to be an Kniillshmati, or any other pereon than a Boot Since i?'". when Wluaua Peterson founded the Ranu of England, until to <1a\, Scotland lias deas more for the British Empire than England, ami atece Andren Hamilton, who cama here from ?Edinburgh In MM, dsdSBdod the New York printer /."iiKer. sh?> has ions more for th? I'nlted ?States than any oth.-r SOUB trv. In IBM garnSfUl exodus irom IM to TOO B. C. the Boots settled In Spain, after? ward m Britain, from th? shOMS of which the> crossed to Ireland, and In 268 we find tii? n? on the north of the Clyde; a ne?,?i,| colony In fi03 settling- In Argyll shlre, in arhal hi now known ns th? Mull Of ? ' intyre Red?, as well as Marcelllnus. nays "In ?"onJuiH'tlon with the Plrts the flcots had made themselves formidable (,, th? Ro? mans," and "basanes tl?ey-the Mcote? had Ingratiated themselves with the Plete, and dl?l good service against the Britons, th?. riots consented that the Scots should continue ninoni" thein." Thus things remained till. In the reign of Kenneth Ifncalpteo, >?? * i - ??-jo. whos? mother sma a S. ?it, and entitled to the crown by a peculiarity of Ptetlah tear which recog nlssd descent by her, hia accession led lo u complet?.' union of the Plots and Scots, and th? esta! k!iu-dom. .v.-: ? . ?|j> , Xinlan. xxith his t??.. and BrehSlsa, ' ?> o -, i t-. ihlria, Pert svso on the thai? I'leph r. it: Irx-.-ri.- H - hotOtO B * ? ? I 1 and l! > y-ara befOI ? S...t us an Irish! ltd.- ir that tn? ? habitants of Irsland and ss ii'ti.? ?i:?i ?* ?hnlans thai Agrioola tsM , - legion and ix tew mix'.haix t i have been iufBci(*nt f"r th- i : . ?-? ol th?- Island, but no i I appear lory than we find tr.??m in m ms. m?klig ararllkc ? tp> d I Britain and with th- i Konian Isglona l--i;r!h?*nn?-.-.-. >?'cots wer.? In Ireland the t UUtT) - Sc.?tin. m. .sooner do they a I BritS u than Ireland gjj 4 -?y bernla In tl..- , Mf?Mai?XI Of St Patl - teg as in lei I ' Be 'ts th.- EtegUll, "?? tiohl.-s. :c | I 1 it - !i. ??: * Itsnts, 1 a as ihe common sn ? M ahot - f the ] ?am? Qaelk ?>ri{_in as In the most early ages sscUad In i:*i?iU:-.'i At the tiaaa of Agr?colas Invasion CBlSd >n'a xxis dl? ttlbuted among twenty-..r.? trtBSB of Brttoaa uii.i.iam "ffAV-LAtwI BEOOB Brooklyn, April 9. Ifll THE TALK OF THE DAY. Passengers on a soithboi;-. I 1- ?'??y Bar aiteSSBSd ? hrutal exhlHtin Sf l"".?""* authority xxhich caused vl- ???? I ifl ' ImstSa I An old man, leaning heavily on a can?*. jetiuie?! the ear at IM ati-set. ?sMarsI i himself xxith dtftlculty while he av.ked fur I and, deposited his fare .11 1 1 1 hearil) in?o n Beat At *Bt*~ tttot' ka " bled to the ?loor and BSked tot a a** ?n-rtet transfer "> an! Bo It." I comltl' tor. '?.'i si: ai Id I ' ? ? gSSWi for ?t ?xi.en von got on I dktn I ?' SS ?* ; the man "There's the alga IM SSWt ductor snapped. ''B ?t I ean't l?Sd ?*J sign, even with my glaise?.'- said the old man. ".an't help it. ma ? Uve you * traaafsr.'1 "i sappsae in Ba????? w sal Hiit.ther fare, the old man said *">ltli ? sigh which loid what rt*. e DSI ta "BSSsBt to him. (?nt there was an .iti Of P:l' htm xxhich piev.-nt..I thOM who ail - ? th.? m id.nt from . Berini bin? tlwassanst Conductor No ? had oSTrisd ?,ut ,n' itni'tions to the letter. "There's no use . rx ing for I n al,,- -a .1.1 when -. threatened to do ?om*? thing desperate unless she ch.i-.?*-*?! n?r lllllld 1 tm "I'm not crxlng for the moon, ?' """" 1 piled, "but I d.. hale lik.? gam ???i;/,'%i I up ihe Idea of bei-oming x? .* ??iner? son-in-law.'' ? ? hfcago R< cord-Herais. "Be the friend of your .iti.i let n? r rsallae thsl you er? iatxi????' la bar xxellbemg." xxas t*M advlc? sM le. iiir.-r Perore a hou?-, w 1 ???.?' ':?? tin? *l Vienna A xxonian xx lio attends I -a tul M tened to the servant pn.lileiti dlsxiiislon wrote a letter t<? the l,-?-r,irer a fe*? ?????? later In the ?ourse of xxhich ah? agree with you. but did you know ihat M this dty a nursery maid, a merecfcflda*SP self, I ure? the child intrusted to her car* out of a window hii.I then followed, in? tending to kill herself? And that on tM name day another child Servsnl attemrt** 10 take her life'.' And why " The first on* had be?n denied a part of her earn*"1 xvages becauae her lady wished to t?*?cn her thrift and the" second xva? not alio?**? 10 leave the house after a certain hour at Bight Our 'friendship' I? often mi-Inter? preted " "I see that one of our young bastball nhsooms b t<> he sent back t?> the minoi? for more seasoning " "Yes. evidently he lacks repp?r ' "But max be it's another xxay of tOTUS? that he isn't worth his s_lt."-Detrolt tree Presa.