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NEW YORK SHIY Miss Ada Phipps Gives Dance at Sherry's for Her Niece. DOBBS TEA SALE TO-DAY Will Be Held at the Plaza? King-Ford Wedding at Morristown. M - i PI -? i-.? a small -' t Bherry'a 1 .\i - ? Kortrighl ? i aei ved. I Ml run! Lewla W. Noel, Mr and lira Mr and Mra Carroll -. M- and Mra Arthur C M mringe, Mr and M - Emmet, Mi arid Mi *t M a s Harold ; . ' ; Burrj - . Cathei ' ? ? ? Ble-. ' Hun.-., i;. ? Brown, Justine Ing? Btilli eanm Lameon, I Hilah ? also ?;. orge H. Wai ron, \\ Hilara Bow? ?i, Redmond, " lylla. Gor? ... ; . . ' Addtaon Cnnrnnack, O? t' son, Malcolm Btoane, t hrayl Htm land s i ?.iv.,-.. Btdi ? | i Hllon ? ?WadswortB Lea ? - gi of Misa Roaetl 8 Foi -i. I ? H H Ward Koid. Morriatowa, N I to Ai kit ? K i ' Pr? - - :.'k lior? K ng, of Qai bo . N ??\.i. tak?* place -?t n.-..n to-da) ? ? <>f the bride'a pnrenta Mis- | i a act as i ? ? l of ? ?-. and Mrs. Harr) K. Knapp? Jr., t>c matron of i ThS hrni"-rr.a!<is ?rill he I I Hoyt, ' I? ? irr, Elisabeth -?i A i ne N? son of ???n. Maa i Ii ? brotbor of the bridegroom, will b - Will iri' : ' H di Rham, ronce frimmlna. \r extra da nee of tl rlotta vVllmerdlng, I the "May ? i hi Id laal ? B Montf RooiN v. it. M a Skin? Sand?. Mr- | ? Amone t Catherine !?? i'-atu - - Montagu v\ urd. Mar; ? M - ? 'oeh '? 'hai lea D Maaoi I - me and O'Nl ...? d early and waa . annual Dobl - tea and sale lor tl * the Maut ? : - ood H"?.-?? ? Id this af- the ball Uon l II Moi \ i*. || ,??:,. give mono of East ? ? ? ? ? -kill. hie ? in trip and will S'.on p.? to his v home at Rhlnebeck. N v in p i open Be? * - II ? in ' ? t n Von Bi i fl Am? ? t f/ashlngton, and ? the - Europ Mra Ntehotes M irray Bui MOT and Mrs. John W ? ??? la In N?bwi ? Mi Richard Oambrill w 11 leave Hem apg on th? M Mri Morris K rill go to her ? -m?* In ! ? r?xt month. WASHINGTON. Th?- Trit.ii!.. Waahlngton, April IL At the White House. Th' and Mi -. Wfueon enter? talaed at In honor of Ihe Bg Britlah Ambassador and Mrs ? ' Co ? rn?."ti to h?-a Qodowok l <-r were Mlaa Wilson ?Mlaa Eleanor Wil? bol. M v*i oodrou '? Uli Hal aer The Cabinet. tarj <.f the Nary and Mrs ; als were gu? te-nlghl ->t ti - h League of the United t and " ? rj of War and Secretary of ? om jnerc? and Mra RedfleM wert ? I In Washington Society. .\;-- | the gueei M I on ? g| lunch? on I ? " ' N'' ' Dosmla aa ? i ...... \?, ? ; ? m . - ''ham;. ' ,.,rk. BeSora de Pena afra !.??? ?: . ., u Pletcher, Mri Hi .... i ? - Mrs ' . | p Blddla ?? 'i Mi - Mra ?? -r. I ? ay. the part S i \vti!i.,m i snd Ml - ?lohn Ha >. Hama no d, of Virginia an ? c!-. i Mar it His gueol - srere the *-? B lie ar.?l Mis Bl I ai, the POOt ? Oeneral and Mrs s' "" aim and Mra. I lira Th..m.s N? tept gnd Mra. A Mil Palmer, Represar, I M ** Ittte"1 - Representative aad Mrs B P Harriaon, Representativa nad Mn W A IVataoa Repreoenlatleoand Mra. i-athrop ntntlT? K D M< Mellar, *Hm Anna Portner, Mr aad Mrs Will? ? Meredith, Mi snd Mr-.- ?'hat's Hasr. . \i-.. R|< - rd ' Byrd. of Win? - Va Mr and Mrs. Colbj Doda **T. und Mr?. Arthur ?A-e. Mr and Mi Ateton <;. Ctepham, Dr, and Mra Ctey '"' lit and Mis W. Sir,? lau BOWOO, Mlfs r .... m ga l.ucy ll??k.- ?Smith. Mi ? John Davis, Mlaa Hagnor dfa Howry. J"hn Harren, Euslgs B B Byrd Thoma S Byrd of Richmond, ami Randall Hag? Ser. Mr-? Btepbea B EUtfns entern."' :,: ??inner lo-nluht In honor of Mrs RobOri ?Vi I - ? '.t \. w York ?im Theodore ? Bhuaj aatortatoed si luncheon to-da v *tr? John IIh.k Hammond was at BOIW 'hi? a!t?.rnoon to several hundred riritara A,?lett,g her wan Mre Joseph liu? k? r Mrs. Colear?an and Mr? Phlnisj 2 '"',' ***** Mrs TI orna i Wal . an ttrt Alexander Mon .- ? ? ? kara Mrs \\'iiham \\ ... this sf ernoon, havli . ? guest Mis Marshall, Mrs ? ?.- ? u"m' '? ?! ii'- Cablnei snd d?i I "th- lal -.?clety. '"' "ft at t - colxtn I Th? tr? ' - on ? lied ... . lo he? V .... .,..; ,; ? '?" M? Progrsmmc Besld? - Mn Wil? V.- x\ , ?? Mr? Thomi i R - Mn | . "'I II. TO?! ? Idl !'. , N'eu . . 1 the Swlsi Minist? ? an. the > |an Minist? d V'ls l'Asy, i'* ? ? -, . ..i at .... AT NEWPORT. Newport, April II 4 aptaln i I ?: i ? dm gave ? dtnm r at Fort ? ?nlghi in honor ..i Mis. jo? )' T ? xi. | : !?'??? ' i ?upont, ? 'sp? Mrs All.-n i> Rsymond ? mor ol Mr? Tr? nd Captsln and I D Ing a an all In? formal .! ,- ? thi post i ? n . evenli ?I .... . t t Hoi day. Band? Is i isl ret over? . ? pemil MlM ?.??? ,| |; ;. la ,,, ,,.,,- ?K.. me for th?.? ? s ? xx m go William I.'. ? ? ?turned to P Iphla. ?i. i' ' ;? ?i. and Mil 0 tmned to p liad? Iphla, aft ? ? tete BALTUSROL BAL MASQUE Annual Season's Dance Merry Affair at Morristown. N. J. :*'". N i x- ??! ii.-The Bal? tusrol Qolf ' ' ih wai t'>. ?., ne of i m path? ring to-night, thi Ing Hi? annual sessoi ?given by the ? | a bal masque, and I red i ?e to two hundred In? Indine man? from N< xx \ ,-........ . the Moi Ile ' olonlea AI 13 o'i - XX., in . The club! was gains! the | ther. was furnlsl .- - Tn..imltt? - ? gemeni led Ml Henrj x Ba ax. Mrs. ' H. Browne, Mi C, ' P'.nk. Mn '?.? org? t ' I |e> ? loi Ick a Walk, r Prloi to th? p. ople din? many in prix..t.- dtnn. ADD TO NEWPORT PARKWAY Summer Residents Give City Land in West Narragansitt Avenue, ? ? ? ? ?'. '.' i April ' M - Vanderbilt . x ... . and Han trici the city, thi ' rti made to the elder? to the City Co VANDERBILT GIPT TO Y. M. C. A Millionaire Frees Newport Organiza? tion from Debt. ? ?i Newport, R. I . April i: Thai th? S ? port i'oung Men'? Christian A*ssociatlon ?I x.-ar this month free of debt, Alfred Q. x and? rl lit a I ? ? it building ther, has iri en tl ? . . he? k large ndebl ? ?en mad?* by th.- board "i direct ? the smount ? stated it I? ui derstood t.- Le i.e txxe. u .<;,'..' and *. ??? DR. PATTON WON'T RESIGN. n? ? ? ?rapli ? I'hilad? '??' ?. .xpr.i 11 Poliowli | ? tins of the board of truat? ? I Pr I nc? ? flea ? ng it xxas announced, in iditlon ??' published reporta, th .t ? t,.. R? ? i " Pranci? L. Patton, I <-i an pi ?aid? nt ol ' ? ?? sen nsi srould Bu al the close of the present FORDHAM LAWYERS TO DINE. ilxth annual dinner of Fordham ? - boo! xx m be held al the ?'..n t.,-n,..!loxx night Man) ? .. i ata.! ?ni-* -a- ? i ?-?? WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. ? ? ? ..... ,.? \ir; ..r . . ..-'urn* m at th? ? ' ' '? ;,,., |U -, a;...: ?ad l_?l-Steo a??lve-_jri ...-.'..- ; ? ? ?clama ??nal .'..ii?n? H '? ?. i P m ; - ? ? -' \, I ''? Hr"1 ??'" Il I ?? i k M . ?? ? rjrand ' ? ' " n ol u ? - - "' ?*-'?"" v"k n., .-,:. Wesi mi. ??i.*.-t. i p m M .... .. ..,,. r of the M ml sti n Blagl? ras ? . n .- ... sa! ?? Dem. - ris. 7 p '" r , ? n . g? , . ? SO -M \X.--t ?"!?' ?-"? -. fork Board ol I ' Tra - ' ?V-Il.: * i r. T s n*. Of 'la- W-st. re-'-r ' Ha- X-- , T p ... ,, n?. .... ... dban i i'.-- r? " S beml "f xi...ii ettaa, T p ?a of the Ui , ? ? . a m p m ' ?i>? .i- ? ? ? '? ; K' hlllahi ' ' ?* i l sx.-n.i'. and I5lti ?treel I ?? p na Heuiii,.- "?? le? ?nd b? : -?'. xne *'?? '"?'' ' B'PublI; V.ak t;-- - ?' "?"' '? ? a.ieet .?n.l Turk SlBXS P?i.n,- loi "ir.s ,.r tl ? Board ol ? ? u n m Mann tun r ?bile t?.i is? listh sir. me t ..i Kiftii avsijas. rhe ., ,.. ?f th? l'a.'...' la '.''I-I ?I.Jt"M..s..a . ? ?f m,.un,! Htotory. T?tb ?reei \X.-t ''I John Quine, ,?d i?, lien,, i- im.,i,?i ii. . ?', "??"' ?II; .?.i. ?t.-. i Art i fl clrtmt ' "? U.II 'K. ?2 ?,.,?,,. s. Barthojpme*? ."*.'',' , . .-' n"uHM,'r ? ok v M ,?..,? ,.,,,f, .-r? Jan.e? w ?; ? ? ' ' n? * ?? . x Hall No r. W-??i '-'-'n "",. Ua, 'r, n . ,1 Measuring lust rum-iH?? ? Wall?*?? Ket. THE REV. DR I08EPH BIL VERM AN, w ho ' elebi at? ? h Iwenl fifth j ear aa i ?m the Emanu-EI ?'??? PLEA FOR ENGLISH OPERA Oscar Sonneck Says It Is Need? ed for Real Success. 1 '*'? ir Sonn? ? m ?I i; librarian ol the u ) .?!' < '..' gn ss, l- - i 11 ?! -??? "An His:.. ll 8urv< of M lie in Am- I I the Hotel P u .. und? ' ? ; . of the Schola Cai Mi Bonn? ' K mad thing ? a pli i r. ra and ?? to be auppoi led i | i1"- rai loua muni? ipal go ernments ind di we ahould ? ? tic ari heal) hy b , ? u ?? im re ? in English. H. mad? ? I rthei pi? a for a greater chance for the American com? and ii, plored the fact tl I the ?i-, run almost entirely - ..f .ol?.. rt'sinir. In dlacuaalng the need for opera In Eng? lish, Mi Bonnech described Ih Hetro polltai Opera'Ho ? huge Incubatoi of ant ? | ' ' ? s.? i ? d nol rteny l ntrinalc ?,. r f... -. FROHMAN GOING TO EUROPE Will Remain Abroad Six Months ?Praises American Plays. i to-da Oly mpl? mont I ... Vienna lahi d an exl ? He look ? . ? t of I I \i ,7...tlS" Ihe I f.- I ? ? ' ' \.i.n.i - ?Mil . ' ? ? n? Pel mi ?I ? ..|n>' .... . . night . er. PI ti too mm h rparal - 1 ? .... ... ? ? ? ? rill ? ? ? ? ? ? RACHEL OF JOSEPH' WEDS Mir-s Ann Crow?? Become*- Bride* of Silk Manufacturer. ????.. ? . -i "Joseph and His Hr.-?? rei the Centn ' ? i I '? ? ??? W',11 lam M Kenn? g ai . ge was performed 1 the F .[ M? ??<*'. paator "i Ih? Wayiw Street !:? . 'hur< i.. ?'? ' ? on Vor ,.??' I . ? ? i ? i ?.mti. il ri, itufl I, u i;.? made rlags Mi--* . ? ghtei "f Ihe . n ind Bari Kirchgrabei ?:?!? in ?h?- a; i ?? foi the mari age II y ;. ? . ige as t hin and stated I grant .i ., .' . ..r.. I - ; he Com from her band, II. ll Kirch? lia ? Mr. Kenm dj. who Ofty-aeven, ?> a widower 'In.- couple '.' .11 Mil t? ' ' ??".,.'. iiij.;-' .....n ti i|. The) will make .-i-i extended tour and return late In the - ,:i n ?? MISS BARBELL APPLAUDED Song Recital Discloses Mezzo Soprano of Natural Beauty. Mlaa Margaret Adait Barrell, with a . ?oi i iii" olci ? i nalural bea ? i Bong recital ? len i aftei noon In an Hall M b Barren's lalenl ??. proba ? a Ith h'-r as peri? n.-.. bul al pi ? her Interpretative powera ai>- ? ? ? to th? - ? - - matin and Brahma, a ittempted. fot h? r rolce a ta ? ???.I one, though not a? B ? la lit. erally appla i TO GIVE OPERA LUNCHEON. ' n y < ?.ii? will gire a lun? Iv on de viit.-d to the opera thla aft? rnoon .?i i tx, \x hen the ? ib'a i ommlttee <>n opera w'" nuifca public announcement ->f u?. plans foi the production <?t opera ;?t popular pn-'- -imons lbs guoata of i,,,,,,,i ,i.. .,, be 'ii illo Oattl ? aaaasa, < ?tt.. H. Kahn, John Broam, Alfred H? it/., R 1, , lottenel H R W Inthrop, Paaq Xll .,.,, ai.ii Herbert Wltherspoon THEATRICAL NOTES. .,-,, night? si Ibe Eltlnga Theatre, ?Within ti??- *??*" **** '"' ***** fl" ?*s . ?.?.. Mme Bayard Volller'a melodrama w il r iiniii. al "I'- Ottofs until iulj i ?,... Mon I ?'itr.-d tl,.- ,i, ,.?.,. tic rights i" "A Romance of Bill) Qoal .'.,,, ? . xi ,-. ii. gan Rl< ?. a ithor >>f "m,. tvigga ' I M" C??>?*?-SS Pat? i ,.WI it n ,, pot ed U> Mary, w u? OUro Wyndham mouss ts the Mth Btraol Tho? ?,,. ?a Mondaj night, April ;i. for the bllance of th? The dictagraph i--~ *?-?? ?-? Perf-e tad thai n nos? t*-:!f* ,KI"'' '* '"'" ' ,""1 '?' - made ? iterdaj bj which the Roben HUllard and natura . ..,,?.. ,,, ,h.. , V'1"/'' *'**: ?,, ,.f ? The Argyle Case" ?rill [*lUn? ",',;, ,i phonographlcall) In the .V " '. . : - Ol th? I..SI a? t ac? uaal ion b t1v.' hundred of u?. , ' ? ?locution of lb* National Bla? '""".4l N~ ? attended th?> performance ?V1 .^XmMpWiis." si lbs Km? Am f " ., laai nlghl II wai one '{"tho" ?a?sS U?SS4fS l-artle? of the acus?n DRrSILVERNIANS JUBILEE ! Twenty-five Years' Work Cele? brated at Emanii-E!. _ CTOWD HEARS SERVICE Rabbi Tells How the Influence of the Temple Has Spread Since He Began Here. x ?p? lal sen i a the T? mph Emanu-EI, st Fifth i ? and I Id ??-- - I m ii"imr of the K'-x . I ?r. Joseph Bllvennan, upon the ?completion ol hia twenty-flfth .. ????h , - I? wJsi of ths con? ? :? lit?.n. i-'niix a thoussnd ol pa ?d tl." rain to I hono paid him bj ra I ?-.... ? |gogU->? of Manhattan and OthSI i I Aft? the R< i?r H. ?;. Rnelos. associate ra th? Temple Em inu-EI, th? !:? ?-. l?r. Mauri? ?? 11 Hai and the R? Dr. L?ouli I i N Bilverman ?poke ?., *i,.ngregstlon t. ? i a/a? i ; . thank? Bto thi i ? His merclea endure fon ver; lei i - sd snd rejoice thereof." Thi ? x? ..i.n ,t. rig? on thi? occaalon.' Dr. Bilverman ?aid. "I am thankful for life and health: t.. have 1 t" ? n ..i service d irlng tin- ?liver cycle of ? .tided, i express gratitud each and everj on? who bj hl? considera? lion and instru lion has <r?\ ?-n me cause i" !o,.k forwsid to s I leal." When ii- i.eeam. rabbi the Jewish ?"op? tion "f N.-XX- fork XXt- .p. la) xx- it \x . more than ? million, he declared, and the temple, through It? earloui channels, | had ?nt making better them it had si combat? d the xx ? \,- ,,t matei lallsm ?keptl. Ism thai dad ?pruna up In Ihe last I quai t.ntui mti ided b il j at present had a largei task tu t- n awakening anea the spirit of moralltj Ii thi I" .i'le. Dr. Bnelow said thai eome ol I distinguished men snd n*om?*n of this and other ' '.Mitti.s had ? ritt? n their riain? i In BOld? n I? ">?;t Upon Hi" annals ol ' ? Temple Bmanu-El, but non.- had been mor? distinguished <?! rend? r? ?'.tniix- tn,in it!.- man the i oi m had gath? red to ?? x tribut? to l>r siix. i mai fr m coll? ague? xx as dellv? ? ? ..f the T? mi Ha l brtna ' ongi ? Ral arhlch Dr. S New Yoi of Jewish Mln 1er?, of which h? ? ? .-.???, ? .... ,. ? him \ benedict Dr. 1 ? mm? aras i thi R fifth ' enrlx . . Bl ol l' T? x ? ? . ? Bi ? ? rved a vnlui ?? . irish ... i ? ? ? i ? ? ? . ? . ? tl. ol ; ?? ,.-' ? I the 0 h? DR. J. M. WHITON HONORED Friends Gather at Century As? sociation on 80th Birthday. Bei Di i u ? Moi k Slate I'm . ? . . ? R t . ? .-? ; .. ester? ? . a eld In the <*i ntury \ ,. ,t ?. clul I let h Mrthda) ?\ feature of I the pr. f Dr. Whlto : X'ale In t'a- c?a?! of ? i ? I ' '.'. ' . -.t ,,f Corn? ? ind ; - i - I ida? 1 -a U XX'ood ird, "i Non ell, ? \ ?nn . i nd Thi ?? n ol New fork. in add lion to Dr W hl toi ismate? Hi..-. ? .11 X? ? . I-I .' I| Bicha rda, presl lenl ol t itlonsl R< in I. Wllllan I ? of th? Ai I Baptial ' 'h irch Di I. man Abl "tt, . ditor ol Th? Out -r. Ral Maurice H i emple lai ael. l't ? d? ? ? ? i . ? y of t be l'on mission "i. I". a e and Allait?t;.m Dl II' ? l '? M t-1 im .-f i . ? ???. of i he i lolj ? lorn? nr.mon , I n Sam I? I T ? 'otter, "f l Held, S J Dr William M Heai pastor of t?o- Trinity fJongregational Church I ??? Ri f i: M< l: n of Q .Iby, C?NUa.? Ueorg? \\ -?ore, ..f Newark, N J . \\ i. Wllmlngtoa. O-orgs C Laae. J. a, Hyatt, of Newark, N. .1 ; aLelghton Calkins, the i;.-., i Btrong president ..i ih? Amorlcsa Institut? ol Bot lai Service; Dr. Jsm? - W, Cooper, "f rale Unlverslt] Di fJeorg? T. Herrick, Jsm? i ft Walton, brotbei of in Whit on, snd lohn M IVhlton, l?i. \\ hlton ? bob. ITALIAN CONCERT PUT OFF Philharmonic Society Postpones Affair Owing to Strike, TisSaid ?| ;.ncerl arhlch ara? to I t.? been ?dVen t'x th? Italian I'liilhai moni.- S,ri? et ?n Carnegie Hall to nM*rron nlghl I i been Indednlteh postponed 11 ?.is ,in?i.*r .. ' niis'lit, SWlag, I* X4HH said, to ? ke XX llilltl III,- 01 'Ii" tl a 'I'll?* It ll musl? ?mi?, it bi understood, Insist -i that ti.rchestra be mad? up en? ta., compatriots, and when ths mansgemenl rate, ad le discharge ths !..,n Italian rn .stcl.uis llu- ?-Hike n s'lli.-d 'ih'-ie bad piexiousix leen trouble ... 4 rehearsal of th? orchostra on Thuradaj aft? t noon xxh.-fi a U;?.- ri' .,f i lai? l?n sttf.t musicians (evaded lbs Lsxtng? ton Opers House, where Um rehearsal xx,,- taking pises, sad ths polio? had to b? . ailed m to Qulst tka tumuli At th-- eotie.-it lo-iii"tr..xx Dlghl Mm.-. ..-,,?,, . v ,], ara? t.. Mni and Brnssto 1 ',?,-oi,,, th- pi mist, t.. ptaj 1 ? satra Boa dora M Um Lader -.i ni" Italian Phlahar? molli.- Onubsatra THE BIGELOW MEMORIAL. From Thi SprmalU-lil ilepub..? .... 1 rlesd? "f tki uie J'?'"? ?Mgel??** ahsnld ke reaaf le h*t? la un.?? "?? ???aiial of 1,1.11 ?i,i,h i.a- moea armieeteS ??* L'slaa c,.ll?Be. In Sehen?? l??l> H? *?" ?* "?**'" ... r ..1 ih? ' : ?s.? ?4 ISSa -i"' "'" ?''?"'' '* "? ral.? $1.m ?sitli vaiiitli 10 f??"??! ? pro reasorsailp ?a pstltieal ?Manea ?? ???> armet ? l.ui ailns v/itli cl-J-roonis to he u??d for ?tu?ll?s of i|t?ratur?, hl?t..r> ?nd p-xlitl?*?. || ?..,.1,1 a?, m us if U??? inx??im.nt nowld i" in a ih?n in a building. I ?NEW DANCES ETHIOPIAN Grew Out of Cake Walks, Thomas Tells Drama League. Aa awakening of int?-r?*st hi th?- drama througnoui th" country was r-mpbasfsed SI ths rail?- of ih?* Drams I.eaKut- at th?* i ' ' ">im Theatre yesterday aftpn." ivugual - Tbomaa who prasksed. "n'*1 that ?i w.,- dtfflciilt to H?*c?nint for th?* Interest on th" theon that the ibsatn - si amusemenl H- sttributsd tin ? " Ity <?f the nea dances t?? ihsli ?'?"-..I ,. ti.,,, on tii?- stag? "?i - a stan Be? ' halrman "f ths "! ganlxatlon depnrtmeni read letters from ? itrical manngera acknowlodgtng their ''??'?* <" the league '"i nrgnriizInK ? i'!'-- ! ' - for thOm in th- small towns. | '? mong i; ? !?> Bkera ?> " gola La fol-1 lette, Hans Von K;ilt?-nh..rn. Charles 0. ' ' im, Richard A. Purdy, ????org?' Mid? d et? . Prank la Sargent and t*"lsj '"" ?.?n "i .?m noi i member ?>f 'to- lengus.'' - i Mr Thomas, "bul I understand H ! arorkfl foi the betterment "f tii" drama ? ng the Bupporl ol playa ol ?'..'. ' ,;,i. it does not attack playa of which II does nol approvi The drama is an institution natural to man. There nevei waa ;? tribe arlthoul drama. i !? ?? have i.> ? n i.k s ? Ithoul lan> e, or al least wltboul written rae? ? rdi ..r it, ;. ii none without drama. ' The Ma ??.f this city rni anl ?i'-'.r.'i ... luppreaa some danring done more ?>i I. -~ for t?o- entertainment of the public V ? dances s era Bi *?' started i Pai i the ware ';iii"'i Amort? 'i ?? ? wen not American dances, i nt an outgrowth of ?> n Ethiopian cake haw apread from the cabaret t.. the theatre and Anally to tha home "l don'l i.i".'?. whether these ?Ian?*"-1 a r\ oi not l.'H I do siilmiit thai theii popularit) Ii a reoull <>f their i. - !.. .n ahown In the theatre. Man will nevei be Immune to the Influences of it?, theatre? and if are desire to hare a national : fe that la Une we mual en? courage what ? -ui. In the theatre." The theatre mual remain for many years s commercial Institution." said Mra it-si. "and the managen must give the public what they want' Mrs. H.'st explained that the i ?rama League sras laboring simpl) to k?-.-i> on the ataga .. ? ha r des? rv. .i to be Ihi ?? "Even lime you buy ?< ti?'K.-t you '-ast oti foi the future of tin- drama." Mid ??: . follette ? i wi>' id 1 ?K?- t.? bave the world -?ix,. the matter mon thought in.m lo the ballol on Election Da) OLIVER H. PERRY DIES 'Descendant of Commodore Col? lapses in Jersey Summer Home. Be, : Ight, S ' April M While in- i . hia a .itou. ' ! . im ..? thla pla? e I len ?- ? ' ? ? Hasard Perry, on? teat and weali Elmhurst, Long [aland, waa seised with acute Indigestion and dh d. Mr. Parry? who ?*?- Beventj ears old, . ..n Broadway, Elmhurat. He had ?i i tin?- eountrj home near here. He ?as .? ( deaeendaal ol Commodore Perrj - ai ?! a . oualn of O H P Belmonl Ha ! ves hia wife und ihn ?? sonn MOTHER OF M. POINCARE DEAD. Mn ? Polncar?, mol the Pi ent of French R? ibllc, ? idd? ? ? lo-da? -? ROBERT E DELANEY n .1 April II R.? i g D?lai if the Hotel Dunlop, ? Brigbl i dleeaae ?? m - uas Loi n ? ? ? years ago He i- an? y ha?l i - ? r. rara a t ght hand man of 1 re Louis Ku< nl? b i had spill with lim? it w,im th. nad< ih? Mate ta make h m r? ?? > I Bl til Pountj 1 I <? NO I.imi .'i A| i ' ?? ri ?..,?..- Bai ber an.i Albert K ?? i - .ir. w much attention to The m. ? disappeared and the eclared forfi It? d \ verdli t ; ? ' nt of the ludgment was ? ? -i a h- n Delaney evaded pa ? - m? nl : .rdlnga ?. taken (?? deter? : to '!?? ??? It Tiiis action dl closed thai Delaney, while thi ownei ??( a boardwalk i"operiy Il al ' it? ? mid for Mtt.Sas, had ' asset ' t totalled ' ild tl ? m, bul Tji it I ?a.-, not until April \ Mil, thai Delaney ? ?? ? ? ? the ball I oi d m DR JAREO GROVER BALDWIN. i" Jared <;?,,-..?; Baldarln? one of the oldeal hp**n?**opathlc practitioners In thla died ? . ?? da) al hia home, No 11 i ,,?i tun ? ire? I afl i short illn.-ss i|.- , ? da vrara old I" Baldarln waa bom In Montrose, renn., und received j ? ? ? . ?!.Uon In New York. He waa ted from Sen fork ITnlveralt) n ifgs and Immediate!} took up homoeopath!? pi act?? <* i >i. Baldwin araa a censor ..f the *\. ??. >,.ik Hommopathli ??n.i Medical i lollege and Hosptl il, risltlni and cons ? ting p to the Hahne? mann Hospital, ?i membei ??f the ,n Institute .-f ii-',!i'i'"pathv. n.-.. ?fork State and ? otint) Homoeopath!? societies, Hom?opathie Materia Medica Society. Ne?*- fork Medical Society and ih" Union i.ea?.'U" Club Two aona sur? viva him OBITUARY NOTES. ROBERT l. BAJtBBR, postmaster of Csmden, N -J . <ii?"d \?--.t.-?,'dav ssomlni irntii |.n?-iiiiionia Ho was sersin?- his third t.iru as poatmaster. II?1 uras COUntl for tea roan prior to hin appoint?I men) a*? postmaetei n?- was Msty?four] \,-ars old wii.i.i \.\i ii'ii died at hia homo, I Nn. 171 Macron street, Bi-ooklya from I d.aii rail m- Thursday Me w.i.s ham in flotlieetev. Moss., Beveotysla years ago] ai ,I \<as a retired niemlH*r of tho whol? ,t - paper Arm of Wilkinson ?Brothera a-I ? ,, ..f No. Ill? Brooms .str.'?>t. Manhat? tan Hs leaves Ms arife, a ?mn and a daughtei His luneral will he h?i.i this Bfternooa ?: ths Tompklns Avsnue ?'?.n-! pr* sational ? '.b in h MISSION HEAD TO MARRY : Engagement of Miss Ethel Thompson to Lawyer Is Announced. Ths engagement his been announced "f \1 M Ethel Th.)in|.s..ii. daughter of Mrs Richard ) Thompson, ?if Ko. M K?st ,v,th street, to Henri netebsr, <>f this tMy. IIIm Thompson has for th?. lust fi\e years boos the bead Of the M street mission < onn?><rtad with the Fifth AVOUUe Prosbjr? lorian Church, and is rtee-prssldenl of ih?- NorthtVId i.-.XK ?*? of New York. She i?, i sli-ter of Hsnry 1 Thompson, I'om mlsslonsr <?f Water ?supply, oas and Bao* tin-ity Mr Kl<*hh?r. who makes his hOBBS at the Pla..-?. was graduated from Vale In l?!?s an?l from th?> Harvard Uw S?*hool in Ufg, and Is a tticmhir of the l"nlver?lty. Vale, Harvard and MOW Vork Athl?-tlr clnhu. H?* Is a member of the law firm of Pletoher, StlI?*orks & L?*ahy. of No. 1?!5 Broadway ART EXHIBITIONS Decorations and Other Works by Charles Conder. A little more lhati | yoga aR'i there was held at the Kei an Phofngrapni?* CoOtr pony the first American exhibition of xxorks i.x u,.. BngHsii painter, the late Chartas Con?et. in ordin?r- tMream ?taaesa ther? arould have bees n. enttott for an earl) revival of ?the subject! lim Mi. Hit r ;? 'in baa ,,i,tamed the nin.? dec?oratlv? ,-.-?- ? ai.-ii -Nsjoysd .? kind i ..r esoteric ..pit,- a,,me tim.- Mnca, Inl th? PS - .-. of M. Hin?, and this ?erlea baa ?sail) lusUflsd a second ex hibltlon, which include?, inoreover, a numbei ,,r other things not hitherto dis-] played In puMle. u makes ? charming | episode In the art ?easoo. Conder"? work kaa Blwsya leen attractive, and I! la good ' ? ? t m i new form. H? was an e.-ieetic and ?ubtl? decadent typ? M,,?t of bis commentator? make Hi.- rather obvtoua remark that he "it ilx.-s' inmi the llghi French s.-hoo! Of tin- eighteenth century, but th? truth is thai i.-.? apirtt of bta x\,.rk aas deter? mined b) Influences of a latei date Ther? la m linn far i> aa ol thi old r?gira? In Its Issl a-as ,,f gayet) snd hh.v ?nan there is of th- Second Empire, vxtth it- sa kiler, moi.- meretri?*tou? artifice. Oavarnl rather than W itteaii is hia prototype^ and h<* d "? ? from both Is that where thej de? pleted life, lllustrstini whsi the sei tally ?aw, be Improvised hia ?ubjecti out of a somewhat morbid fan.? There are .,im? positions in the pies.-nt exhibition, ?-spe? cially among ihe lltlMgi-pha which ?bow that h? occastonall) weni to Pslssc. t" I Qsutier and to other is. I IT* ts fot les I themes A fen icka are also on x..-w to present him In th? !"!?? of illustrator. Hut. atrtctly ansaklni these matters are . ant . loitdei xvas not an Sitte! to keep his eye on the object Even In his lithograph?, xxhich ?time ciosesl Is senti? ment to the ri?n?"s and affair? of the visit.!., world i-,.- ?s an essentially Irre ?ponMbl? designer, plsyfully weaving hi? pretty arrangement? of form, leaving I ?hatafter to lake ' ai> of itself, and pay-1 ing only ? la.ininal attention lo the dra? matic motive which sometini-s low he?l his sympathies. His Is the atmosphere of ? Th.? fellow Hook.'' ih?. atmosphar? of rather bloodleaa cleverness, of hothouse Idea? arid feeling. Saturated iti the feverish inspiration thsl Bow? from modorn luxury ami cyni? cism, he Bcema th? true comrsd? of a typ? like Heardsiex. i.ut ben?Mth all thai waa unhealthy In his art there persisted , 4. atn "f ?ofnsthlng like poetic Instinct, He might be never to frlve ma i -'? stm WOUld |-?-niiiiti to In in ?utb? ? ' glimpse? "f beauty, of .n..: a- a certain exquisite daintiness WSS Si I tips, at least xxh.ti h? WSS painting on si.'a The lithograph?, curiousl) d - I me ?? ver) deliberate and ??most heavy tout h. It ?s there pai-lJcularly thai we gee bos far he from recapturing th? - and th.- iparkl? ol W stteau il" hadn't s tith" ,<f that ni ister s coman in? I ha?? h..? I '? ? ni aman s rinn, fl ship, x' racioua enough In nriood, he i ke? the manual dexterity to nix? the last perl ?xpreaalon to bl? debonair ? of thing? This, at all c enta when he s?-t himself t.. drawing on tha stone. Whsn I-." took up th>- brush and flung h s d? aa!.- .1 tilh h" ? OUld afford t" do without tl ?? f". and the precision which we miss In it??? llthogrspha Then, somshow, he was ut> OS -ase xx "h Ils medium Sitad ?US nt. What h? had to do he ...ultl then do .n bl? ?mn wax- and re_ardless Of his llmltatlona which did not, Indimd, count us limn..t;..ns. but played Into bl? bands, ?0 to SB] SS part and panel ?>; his ? bar- I scterlstic effect. On the bi tul ! I texture which he loved t.. ehoiMN as ? I background for ids pals tints his wsak nesses wer" minimized until the) slmosl .. appeared. H" did not asod to paint pi. tur.s In hi? de? oratlve naaela m on his litii?- fans ..'? to concern himself over? much with nuance? <>f form, it enough for him to breath? upon those ?.?ft ?urfacei faintest, most insub* ?tantlal vision?. The) ne ?..',.- of . os! lines, of atti? rai.-, of fllrtstlou? ' "f wholly mundane frlpptrr) and froth. Hut for ?'op,lei's Hiihi". t In itself we haxe no1 gres! -" . ItUd? Th? main point is th? de- j lightful ws) In which he distributes ths elements In hl? ?cheme o? er a given ?itace, placing hi? central design hist where it ought to go adding bora and thor? with unerring laste the medallions needed to balaacs it. and binding everything togeth er xxith k.?' la? da, r! bona and other con ventlonal factor? that serve to give ? the formal note without which the ,:,.., ?ration, ii .. ,!?-.;,,n, would i>?? in-j complete All 'his Is don.* xxith a xvon- | derful delicacy of color, with Bower-like tea "f dim rosa or blue and creamy I . pearl) atlk Itself tell? beauti? fully, t-.,,, m th" arrangemenl of ton? Nothing could be more ?XgUlSlte, more;??, or nor? diatJnguishad In us t'n", eluatve quality. Condor, as xxe have shown, xx as not by an*- means a great ar? tist H ,t In Bl? tare Individuallssd wax he xxorks a i. rnsrkabl? spell. The last exhibition "f the ?easofl Si the Photo-B?c?s?ion Qaller) la one of carl cature?, "absolute and relative." by MsriUfl d>- _ayaa It forms a sort Of post icripl t.. th? freakish sid?* ..f um recent Armor] ?how, sn affair ol basarra ab I irdity. In a few of his can? atures, those a/hlcb we ?upi osa ara to be taken as "ral* | Stive." Mr d.- /.axas treats his BgurSS In a rational mann-r and Is cleverly amus ii,k ThS ' absolute" performances sug? gest th.- ,1 reams Of SOmO CubtSt I math '-nail. Ian Travsllsra back from .xt |rica sometlin.'s tell xxeli.l tal?? about the transmission >>f MW? SmOOg the natives In Ihat nix st.r ois continent. When Maj"r General Sn Bteptoa Posta? ?y makes ? lUddM ioray ou! of BtSUSBbSS? li ami IB? contlnentl) casts s alsos, to ths ?-xacerba of ex.-rx MTV? possessed by every BUmI??! <>f his staff, It Is said that whole par.'-'URS axxay. in Ih?' heart of the faagla "?mecheerful nigger will turnover and report to his leia.w tribesmen ihat they must look out for s,| ISllS, as "Massa I'oxxn, .-*. hah > ast a shoe; he mad almost lo bust." Perhaps If that dusky oracle could lie brought to the Photo-Secession Qaller) be might, with a ?avaajafa etasr? royaat-O, divins what Is hidden la these . Bla-SAllf-SB It Is altogether too "ahso lute" for us to sense It. Ten or tvxelxe portraits and several sub? ject pi-tares by Walter Dean QOldBSCk art- at the Reinhardt Gallery, where there max also be s.?en a group of sculptures. Including a number of portraits by Jsasph Mario Kurbel At the Italian National Clllk there Is an exhibition of paintings and drawings af loseph Stella. The Pen and Hrush ?'tub la holding It? annual ex? hibition of oils, water colors and pastels. Mr. rharle!? Turrell, the miniaturist, is showing at the Scott _ Ko wies Gallery a number Sf his latest portraits, Including those of Qua SB Marx and the Duchess of Marlhorough Watercolor portraits and sketches bf BtlSS Klinor M. Part?a id and an exhibition of selected plates by leading modern etchers may be seen at the Ken? nedy Gallery. At ,,"> Moulton _ Rlckett? ??allery there are mezzotint engravings In color by Sydney E. Wilson. The exhib? \ tlon now open at the Charles Gallery pre? sents a famous piece ef architectural dec ' oration, the Hanouetlr ?? Hall recently Itaken from Rotherwas House at Here? ford, En-rland The American Art ?.aliene? are filled with several collections One of these. . omposed of rerf heautiful (irientali?. and a few palntlnt-s and prints, belongs to Mr (voller Manchester ?n?i Maw Ida M, Mancheeter, of Beeheley, Cattfotsda It la to be s..!d in three BBSBjOBB next Wednesdsy sind Thuradaj afternooni .md next Thursday svenlng The porcelains, carvtnga, objects In |nds snd BMtal and Japan?--.- color prints are. on the aver in.'.-, esceptionaiiv sou?! Thais srs i is exhibited?to he .?n|.| ,,n tl,e afternoons of April i\ !?? and :1-th. furntehhfga and embellishments of a private ragt* ?ieri?... amotiK them some good furrrtm? and .-om? interesting Mbeteta, Finally. from s??\eral ?-states thSTS ha\e been brought 111 Pf'TlhlgB ?f various BCBMISls which srs to bs .?old m th.- gnutd sou room of the I'laza ttOXl MOBUSSJ and 'I' M -i.i'. BVenlngS, The earlier pictures srs not of much Importance, anve m the caae .?f Ollberi Btuart'a "OssmsuI Henry Knoz," a ?terlintf portrait an?! a most in iing BOttronlr of our i-ighteenth ?.en tury tradition. The modern pictures In < lude some ?arhtal things, notably the 'Highway of Combos la Vida.** hv Hoi ?ilnl; two admirable examples of Harplfi nies. BOBSS p-"???! landscapes by Thaulow and Maine, and a ?Toup of pictures by .1. ?. Murphy, il. C. Minor. H. \V. Ran? ker an?l other Americans. Associated with these paintings there are also three line bronzes by Hary?\ Al Hi" Andereon Qallertee there is an? other extremely miscellaneous array of paintings und objects of art from five or six different ?-?.llertions. Mr W, !.. Wash? ington Contributes some interesting bronzes and other pieces, illustrating; the histories ?o Waahtngton and Napoleon. Mr. Qeorge .1. Smith sends some Japa BOSS prints The ,olle<tlon of Mr. FA ward EtUBgl :s male up of ?'htnese, w-e.mons. ami that of Mr. Stuart Kidrldg? Is composed of Chinese and Japanese tea lots. Th? -? tea SOU number some \ery curious and beautiful examples. Amongst the proper tica of mac ?;. a. Bktnner and Judge K .1. Lauer there ar?> palntlnga. hronres. miniatures, rugs and other ob lecta There is nothing especially di? tlngulshed. but here and there In the col !'?-tlon of pictures?, drawings and prints ther?' are souvenirs of Daublgny, Millet, William <> stone. Charles Lortag Elliot arid others, which the niod?-st I? it dis? cerning amateur will not neglect. There is .. curious old Italian painting, a view .f Plea, attributed to Domentea Oar novale ar?i there is a i evolution?r*. Btena by thai Interesting Frenchman. Hoi:iy. which w?. would particularly commend. If will take live BBSSlonS to dispose of all these things, Wednesday afternoon and tii-- afternoons and evenings of Ti iradas w d Frida* rt C. CLEMENT-WHITE. | Bj 1 stegmi . ta 1 ?>e Trtl ssm Philadelphia, April 11 -Miss Kthel R. ?White, daughter ?.f Bemud s. White, was married In St James Episcopal Church rrnlng to Thomas l-'.nletter ?'leni? ent, of this ?ity. The brtrh was atl ? -isrer. Mis- Hoi.... ? ; White Th- bridesmaids were Mi-- Hei Dunn. Miss Hei-n Pita?. Miss V Mr- l Mct'ulloh, ??f New V.nk. M -- M M.-ment Hh'l Miss Ki-an'.r I ?hari.s Clemen! attended lus brother as best man Th- ii-h-rs teere Uvtngston Smith. Herman gehumm. Oe? rge h o? i i i ?' artes il- ? bu i. Thomaa I'm .-f.. r , and R.chard Btocktos Wl ?' DIED. Baldwin, ' ?r-"i ?'. E n'ter tv ... :, --?r. , Hin-? p. \ i !u?'.n Mm. Kenni ?;,,-. . ' "? < il j? P M.!'< r I' "'T e G. (irant. Sarah .1 1'. rr; ? Hl?r? H Hielt? rson. Georgs Smith, ?'arolitic J i.. .i. '; w illiam M BALDWIN "n April 11. IPI.t. ?' bis r'?i ?tnet. No ?? Ka,?' 4i?t ?t . af"r a llngei as Illness. .tared ?i lia ,|?in. M ." . in Uli Ml , of his ai;e BOTD?On Friday. ?? Um Botel Man? An tKin.rp-. Mary K ?.iiii?. wtdee ?f '"hn H.,-,1. in hef 731 v?>ar Pgg ? ? nere BROWM ?'n U'.-rtn. --U- m c \; || p. l'.'l.'t. ar hls r-ml.ier--.'. N'e 4.'. U. ni Mit*?, ?t . AtMteoa Browa, ?aie jimu?- ef ?t-,? t*nt'?i .*?-.?? .5 Dl-iri, t i'i.iirf. In thl? eight.- ' lUTth ??.ir of his ag ? K.-..T.I on Batnraay, ?? ?; :n> p m., at Al Sou - '" un ?- J''-*. M ir*.1 Fui: 1:1 av.- lin- rm. Bl pril ? >'? QATBS "n Frida'. April 4. lOl.t. ?t hi* he-n?. r.i<,idena, ''a! . aft-r a short llln??--? BraetUB l'arsons ?Jure-? non Of 'he late S*rh *,Wi I an.! Penny Jeann.tte Partons ??are?, tn th?? ft.'-,d ><>ar of hl? Age Interment later, at nlenca of fnmti}. GRANT ?"?n l-*Tida>, April 11. 1013. Sarah Jp?.oti*itne tirant, r,?..??.?..! wtf?J of F*ran. :s K Oraat an-1 danfht?>r of the lau. John C. M i Inas '?amer Servtcea at her 'mn -, Convent av< . Mon.iav. April H. at l?llS S m lUverstraw. Ithaca \.,v? y tek paiier? please pupp HfCKBRSON "n B -? 1 ? ! fi. in\x, .?,.,ik" Hlckerson. beloved husband of >t*v .1 Stewart Funeral aerrieee ai his lat?i r^.ii^.. . vo 4im Kin Hamilton a-?.., Hruokl:- n. on Saturday,?e??l'rtl U, ai h p m I.V.A.'H un April 10. ISIS, at hi? i**sld?n<*??. N \-,o Ma on ?! , Hroo'ithn, William H Uni-h. in the T?Hh > '*ar ,.f his aae '????nerai WHlCBS at the Tompklns A??::u>- >'ongre?a tlonal l'hurch parlors, Tuir.pklr.s a.e, rorn?r M'-l*"nouk.oi si. ?n Saturday, April IB at 2-J8 B, ? Inr.-rm^'il .ir QreSUWCBd Hoston and N?-w Bsdtl I HM ?Pf. l.K.vT ?>n Thnraday, April N lais, vaitsr W l^'ni, liu^land of Helen I.enl and *?n of ti>- lau- Pheiii . -?? I M?iK?i-1 tmu Pun-Sal fr.,ni (.is !.io- ?BBiSsaC* N? HI 47tli SI., Bt-ooklya, ea sir.<:a>. Apcll i.i, at 2 n, sr. i.issNFH BUaa Uaaoer ac/?-i M yuan Tu n.Tal In m bis tat? resl?l?it<-?*, No ?>**0 t???. lagtea ave.. Breeeiya? sund?>, Apni 13, at lu a. m BACKXNNA?-On Thurs.lav. April 10, 1P1.1, lurijaiiin TH ""n tt i he iaip Thomas C and 1...-'n M M?. Kenn?. Kun?-ral from hi? late residence. No -?I North. Bietatb are., wiilto stone. i.wx Island. Saturday mornln?, at '.1 :;n o'elocfci thence tu St. lAike .. ihur?*h, Whltestoiie KILUn "n Arr'' t, nt*, Floren.?? 'I V lar, a??-.l ?-.'? >.-?rs PtMteral from her late n> 4-..I 0"i ?' Breotdra, satur day, April IB at 2 p. rn I'KHHV A' Bay Meal. K. J . en Frida- . A.r. 11 ISIS, Oliver Hazard Herr?, beloved hu? M.iria Moor?? Perry. ???? ? ? 1 funeral beraattw. Newpeti In. I ? ai ' adelphla il'.nn ? pap.-rs please , .>(*> SMITH OS Frl.!a>. April 11, 191.1. ? arolln? Journeay, widow of Ja> ?jtu Sn tSi Y ? Bl her late residence. N-v .%.?1 W'.-nt ISBUl ?' . N.? Y?-rk 'it', on Monda). Aprl! 14. llllj. a: I .I?? p B. Interment at WoodUwn i'enia terj ANNOUNCEMENT ?-.'arnaa-es and automobiles takmj fii'nlK ti> St ?;?-.r?c s .'l'jr h for the fun?ral ?>f Mr Morgan on M*n dav mornlns ?re raaneeleS to ap proaeh th.- church by way of Sac on,I avfiiue and 17th street V' ?? from Third menu?? will be cut of* hv UM poMoS, anil vehicle? ?III be parked. while waltlna;. around Sinvvrsant Square PeaBSa ?"'n foot, holdlnj: cards of a-lrrissK-n. mav reach the church from Third avenue. CEMETERIES. THE WOODI.AWN CEMETBBT. 233d St. Rv Harlem Train and by Trellay. Offlc?-. -JO East 2Sd 8t.. M. T. CNDERTABERB FRANK E. CAMPBELL. 241 3 W?it J1? Bt. Chapels, Trlvate Dooms. Private Ambu? lances. Tal. 13-M Chela??. orne es. MAIN orn?-E?No. 154 Nassau street. UPTOWN omCB? S?. ia??4 Broadwar. ?** ? n/ American District Telnfraph Offl^e. HARLEM OFFICE?No. 15T Eaat 125th ?treet. No. 283 West 123th street aad HO. 210 West l*!:nh sueei?