rropyrlght, tail by Tba Tribun?* Atta
IA\IIl..\? 24,255.
T??-drt.v, rain anil ?-?inlcr.
To-morrou. cloudy.
Discovery on Thames Embank?
ment Inclines London Police
to Belie. That Memphis
Broker Was Murdered.
Illiterate Workman Picked Up
Articles Week Ago and Knew
Nothing of Their Importance
.?Neighborhood Infested
with Hooligans.
. ? ?. . ?..
?. ti. M'fii .;:. ? Tho police early
this i..' riling announced tint the
4 and opers hat of Joeeph '
? ? Martin, th.* Memphis ot?
to** broker, missing t-*t daya had been
toand on the south sld? <?t' th.- Embank
mem near the ?Charing Croas i!'.ir,,.ii
brtdg? - Barnea, a workman
wli" heard of x ? i * ? man's dlsappearanc ?,
took ' ? the polli?? the artl?
tioned, saying :h.u he found them . ?
5:30 ... m. on April -"?. thirty-six hours
Mr, Martin was last toen sliv-?.
The pocketbook was ripped ?>i?-'ii and
torn ?and no money was m It it con?
tained, however, a paaaage ticket ?if ??*?
run.-.!-! !.?r??. ?4isitin. cards bearing the
name of .1. W. Martin. Memphis, Tel n ,
?im; the namea ?>f cotton
broken m ?London; a ?receipt foe ?13
fron .: eafe deposit company, a :ard
ol T, Lockhai I A nd? mon, a! a
Martin was staying; ;i rani With,
the addn sa of a Pall Mall do? tor end t
card from th.- Bavoy Hotel.
aald that In- picked Up the
i stt? ? hat tea yarda from the
.- tbook. He t"i?k both homo, but ?
ghl llttk of them as he could DOt I
r write, an?! ?lid not know what :
rs in the pocketbook Meant
thought again of th?-- black
?ceo wallet and the hat whan a me
r* i liini the .Martin st<?ry last
I fi m a newspaper. Previously his
ahntet thrown th" pocketl.k
In th.* i:r..
Seek Traces of Scuffle.
'h.- workman vas takr-n over the
s'i-ri" < f til? dlacovery early this m? rn
ing i ? B otland Fard d?te? ti-.? ?,
:.i] a s '.-ir. !i *\. - made for ?ra? ? I
'.- in the mud. The neighborhood
? f Charing Cross Railroad brk|g
infested by a deeperate gang ?f hooll
-. and th?' police now are mor<- In?
clined !" think that Martin, ?while Wan*
rig in a daaed coiidltlon, waa
Multad ami robbed ami ti*.- body
thrown over the Embankmenl than t.? ,
? v'ii? ?ii?' th? orj proi io'ts hekL ?
The inapector <>f th?- Vine etreei po?
tation said last night that he be
; that Mr Martin, while suffering
from a tit of remorse, bad thrown I
self into th?-* Thames, and uoul?! n? ? r
. "f again until t1" i- dy was ?
... by ti:?- '
"I an? ? ??ntiilent ti;. niait threw him? j
?\? rboard," said the "it
ractlcally ImpoMible to be so long
-.i in London otherwise. Th- onl)
? e of tl -i.ru ould ha v
robbery, and nowadays hooligans don'l
' killing a mai:
? his *'..' ? and i s*< -
would mu< h rat! er UM a Mndbag, bu1
if th.. had been th? caae, Martin long
? ild ha1." recovered ami re
turri- . ;. friends or if in a ?ia/.? "1
would have been found aran
deringthi tree, Id ntlf etlon would
... ?? '.-in'? cloth? .-? except
his evening dreea >'?? rid? a full de
? | s non s? attered all thi
Hard to Conceal Body.
? Uc*< ? thai hi . still a Ith
a ?nan <?f his instincts
very probably would have tired <?f her
If run down 1 a 'bus ).*
would h?- in a fa ?! Shot, it would
? i y hard to on?' ;?] th" body. I
think probably be Jumped off th<- Em?
? SatSSSed <?n ?.?-?-iiml pac?-. ?.Ulli column.
This Mornings News.
-i J later Batat? * I . -
Th!? ? Kindt of ? ipera ?Likely. *
red Three Blocka ^i Bubway. l
: riedmann Klnall) <?"c Money. a
But Bids Reaoi ta Raided. 3
Hartlgan ??" Back... 3
I..-, in Itl-.u-ui?. 6
- ? ineral Plai s Complot?. 6
Voulue Republicana Pian Campal?"-" 6
Moraran ?7-uneral on Tltanle AnnlverMry 7
art Pake**" Assails Cablets.*i
. ads Ami-t-1? an BcbOOla.ll
?Marshall Plays <;r?-at wealth.?a
Jury Finds \\ :tr.< ssm ?-tod.12
iim,. i. . i-- ?o Danlele*s Order.... i
Convicta aproad Pire m ?Prison. 4
JSMn Relies OB Moral Suasion. I
? Sugar Now" ?Beaton. '*
Mltchsl May Be Colleotor. 8
Toll-- ?Up to Wilson. 9
lot ; \: Hen-ttoi ?-on ?Dead.*
Pep? suddenly Woim. *?
n'a Hat ami Wallet Pound. *
Paakhursl <"??. 8
London Pilliitg for Seaeou. 8
Lmdon Ragtime Mad.
A* to Prilge'S "DS I'.ofnndls". 8
n it. English Or? heetres. 8
I'. B, Artists In Paris .Salon-. . 9
Rosala's PoHcy Approved. *
Home l.if?- ??f th.- ?v.ar q
hnpleyera AM Belgian striker?. 9
Editorial .\?
OMtuary .? ' "
Hr?on,ni- gactloa .*****
WMtbei Part a .
?hipping i'"'* a. ?
Army ami Na\y ?tUi **.! ?
Eetats PaH 5.a. 3. 4 and S
Fjr.4r-.ial and Marketa?Part *-*?
? al who ran ins automobil?
a bowlder, bul i a apt d ? lth
Naturalist Shaken Up When Car
Skids Into Bowlder.
Poughkeepsle, x v.. April if. John
ugha, the i ?-. t-naturalist, wa
1 shaken up when he drove his
lutomol lie Into a bo rider In the I Igh
v in near his home, In Weal Pa-'.
The machine skidded In the n
'?iv and lurched against the
bowlder. Mr Burroughs waa slightly
bruised and the car a*M wre k< I \
n? Ighbor drove the naturalist to his
Mrs Burroughs la 111 her? with pneu
Young Woman, Destitute in
Brooklyn Sanatorium, Wants
to Give Daughters Away.
\\ 1 " wants t.. adopt a pair of bright,
I ri ta ins. ? h?? a ill ?.ne
old to-morrow?
Th? little on? a ? ame Into th? v orid ;
Mondas night at a private sana?
torium in Brooklyn, whore their moUttr
had been brought from one of the
? - after S man had do?
d her by S fais?- ma triai;?- and
?? ?t h? r- ht ?. -. tha
The young woman a*aa persuaded b
the man to i onsent to a s? cre?
? ?? m? ?. and II? ed v.lth him f r
- bell? - Ing aha wai his
lawful "if". Then he left her, and rela?
tives of th fter learning details
of the s ippoi ed u-eddtng, dkn overed
that it had been hctitloua a few daya
? th? > hlldren a ere born the girl
Bro ?klyn Mnatorium.
The you
to care for the litti" girls propei :
her earnh - ty Is small and
without money. Bh? therefore would
like to have the twins adopted Into ?
Christian home, wher? the) may re
and training she la un?
able to gli a th? rn. It it Is possible, in
order to be near her t hlldren, she would
iik<- t?. enter the emplo>-ment of tho
famll) wl o "dl adopt them.
??'i,,, i.? .. Ian In charge of the Mna?
torium has taken s great mter.-st In
th?. caae, end said yesterdaj thai aha
would j,i ? ? ? land til-- ex peni ? of
giving the young woman the training
t, i, ol education w bleb she ? ant .
Meanwhile the twins are ??"?ir,-,' and
crowing m their temporary abode, ?.?..ut
Ing for some pne to ?give them ? bone,
family thai mnj be Interested in
the babies may addreM M. i>.. Box 24,
The Tribune ( KBce.
i. ?-???
Poor Man Can't Collect from
Wealthy Wife, Court Rules.
p atsak decided : esterday
that a huaband may bo! collecl ali?
mony from h|s ?if- whUe suing her for
aeparatlon, even though h?- is without
m? ans ami she has property. The cqurt
sai.l that the law that makes it obliga?
tory for s husband to support his wife
is n?>t i? ' lpro? al.
Tha decision was In tht egst of
'Ephraim OroMnaa aga'ari ***n- ?-***"
tha c. Groneman. Both are about slaty
years ?-id. and the huaband says that
ill?- trouble was ?aus.il by a daughter
of the vMf?' by her first marriag*a,
Firemen in Halls Scare Guests
Over Small Blaze.
Quanta in the neu ?Vanderblll Hotel,
ai Park av ?rue and -"?itii street, wer?
aroused at 1:45 o'clock this morning
by a tin- In Quite 61o, 616 and '?IT. on
the sixth floor, occupied by ?'. K.
Tracoy, of bUa?tlelphla. Although the
1 flam? s diii small damagOi halni con?
fined i" th? single room In which they
?.start?-?!, the clang of ?th? flr'' ?nglne
gotiga, coupled arlth the appearance of
the Bremen In th.- hallway?, broughl
th?- gUMta, nmn and women, crowding
into the hallar?) s.
Battalion Chief Martin responded t.?
UM alarm and qulckl* marsh^ill??! lus
rorCM UP til? stairway hading to the
Bra area. A t**\ "louse* ttom the hoM
linea, ami th? SaMM srar? extinguish?-d.
it was several mlnutM before th.?
gueots ?oui.i be pewua*led t?. rotura
t.. their rooms. Mr. Tra??y was out
at the time of the Are. The cauae is
City Club Luncheon Speakers
Hint at 35-Week Century
Theatre Season, with
Metropolitan Aid.
Mr. Hammerstein Refuses to
Consider That Anything
City Club May Plan
Would Affect His
"Opera in English."
N.-xx y,,rk xmii have n thirty-five
weeks' season <.f ennui opera at popu?
lar prices, beginning October I, acfJord
Ing t" pr? t? m i. port Thi? season la
to t.ik' place .-n th?' ? '. ntiii-x Th? atre
i .1 will be given ?xitii the co-operation
of the Metropollti*-i Opt-ra Company.
'i ' ?? projt "i '? til.- out? "in" "i the
mux "in? t;t found? 1 l.x ili" ? Mix ? 'lui. f.,r
popular priced municipal grand opera,
at published ex? lusivelj in Th? Trib?
une two xx.-eka ago. Th? origina! plan
? us for a aeaaon of only ?lxteeii week
? iRiit m tin- spring and ?i^-in in the
autumn .\t b luncheon given by the
"lui? yesterday no announct-mtint was
mad? of i it \ change of plan, though
Edward Kellogg Balrd, ihe chairinan of
th?- club'i - tte? "M op? r.i. an?
nounced that ii.- had little doubt of th.
guarantee fu n, ? ?f |460,?*HH) being rai ? I
a ii.iiii of thai .-.,-? having been planned
m ni" "i iginal pi - p. "tu
It was i. ..? ned, hoi? ever, al the i k*ee
,.f th.- meeting tl al the plan <>? on
eighteen xx?. i- would In all
probability I" ibandon? ?! and ?i con?
tinuoua one of thirty-five wr-eki i?.
subetltuted, t,, run from October i t'>
June I. Tin performani es xx m all be
given at the Centun Theatre and will
be condu? ted with tin- aid ol the Metro?
politan ' '!??!" . '?Mnpany.
Steady. 35-Week Run Probable.
?Otto ii. Kahn, chairman "f the board
of dii", toi i oi the II? tropolitan < ?per ?
? '"in' .-i, . \x ho -x as one uf th?
al yesterday*! luncheon, when asked a
regard to the change In plans, a< Rnowl
? dg< ii thai somet? Ing might come ol it.
i ..nii.'t ipeak officially,'' said Mr
Kahn, "bul I think it Itkelj thai ?? sea?
bob of thirt] -five a I - ? ? the
ultimata out?*ome. knataad of .? divided
.?n?- i.f ont) slateen we* k?, a plan thai
would ii"' ' -. tat? taking the
on the ?
"D?finit? plani will probabl ? I ? an
nounc? il In abo it ?in w< ? k?..
Metropolitan Opers I 'ompanj xx ill d?. ail
1st th" n? \x enter?
prise xxith its SCenerj and it.4 :>.Jx ?? r.
and some of It; din i ton xx 111
doubtedly Bselst in oth<*r and more
? i xx aya
Mr. Kahn in ':ri *-;?"-"' I the
on, at ter t< Hing of his lifelong
inter? at In mui ; ??? nd art, had pledged
the i.Is I ' Metropolitan to the
new .,p. i a ?-. h- me, and said thai
though he kn? xx- it? ?iir", tore would
meet \xItli m i? h trouble, be x\a
that H" x would ? sfuL
Edward Kellogg Balrd, chairman of
til?. <"it\- Club'i committM "n popular
<'i?r,i, who pr- ? id'-'i ;|t the luncheon,
said that, though he was not :?? I per?
mitted t" make public the names "f
those xx Ik. pad already su!..*, r.i? <i t,,
the innd of >l.???.,HN?. he could say thai
ili?- reapon. ? ??? had been most genero
and that in- anticipated no trouble in
( btalnlng th? n lulalte amo int
Tribute to Mr. Morgan.
Mr. Kahn Ib hli B?sdreM paid ? trib?
ut?- t<. .1. Plerponl Morgan, aaylng tti.it
i., him more ti.an to an) other man had
been due tha i hang? In the t lea In
xxiihii the bus?Besa trotli imd come t<?
regard Ins artistic life.
i;. n. Harriman aras ni*-" refeirW t"
?n affectionate terms as the mag xxh,.
had encouraged >'i:t> ''? his ?artistic
ideals xxhen other? had told him thai
i.rtisii' Interests would Injure his
financial MlCCeaS. I" ' ?"sin? -Mi Kulm
?We have th.- best public In tha
world, ?' public n'ither blas? nor de?
cadent, bul ere anxious to follow true
prophets, even If al times it docs follow
prophets xxh,. are fais.-. The Clly CTub
is doing ??? worthy and splendid xx.,rk
hi turriiriK its attention to popular
opera, a work thai is Indeed ? dlfB? alt
one, but one In which i feel lure ii xxiii
. U(,,,.,*. i ?.i, dg? the Metropolitan
Opera CJompany In Its i*o-o|*eration in
ih,. club'? nea field "
Other speaker? were Qardner Lam
eon, I)r- I-? 11'Zi*-T?*r and llcili.tt Wlili.r
spoon. The pi"M'e"tns laaued al th<*
luncheon spoke otily of ? eeaaoa "f si.%
,,.,.,, xxaaks. but it is undent. ,?| that
ti).- prospeci ii was only i tentativa
wii.-n Oteat Haremerataln was told
of th?* Intention of tho promoters of
tins n.xx im i;? schema to glvl g season
,,( thlrt! -"?'" 'v,eks la cipr'osiiion t..
hie own iT"Je(t for "i'<ra m English
?l ? new opers house, at I-* xin-ict,-n
arenue and :'-,] s,r",'t' ,,is ",llv ***'
ni.-m "?>? . ,
? ?i rotate to < on. ider that anything
|,k? opposition exists to niv method of
giving ateOt*. l?*^,eo,lttott?MJ ?+**
begfun.'' , ,, .
which means tn*i if h" ******* r,ut
hta intention. V* v"lk uln h"v" *****
,??,, h,,..is.s. glrini simiiit.-.no.ai? par.
formai'.ee'? ">* ?*?""(l ",,era ??????????.??"??
t-x! BBBSOn.
' n ?s under?!-?"'I thai tho perform
I tn,. oeatary "Tltaatra win ba
devlded bat?aaan "i"*?** in -.?.gUsh and
'n foreign langu.igcs.
$87,216,691 MU
Expert Appraisers D1sco\
$9,000,000 More than Firs
Credited to Titanic
VINCENT HAS $77.645,7
Tax on Astor Property Will
Increased by Many Thou?
sands of Dollars by Lat?
est Valuation of Fam?
ily's Holdings.
it was learn? ?I - ? iterday that thr i
peri appraieera appointed by the <
ecutora under the will of < !o)oncl .1?
Jacob Astor had finish? ?i their 11
. nd had found that the total \ alue
the ? t?te would i?- ?f87.216.i901.
This Is about 10.000.000 ni".-.* th
the estimate upon w hi? h the eati
paid a preliminary tas of $3 l5n,?0Of)
? >? tober, 1012.
The experts a*lll be examined t?? i
th-? thej have followed s proper pi
- edur? m making the spprai J, and
so..li as they have sat Nlic.1 Mr. COggi
the transfer tag apprali er; I
Quinn, the .-????iai counsel, and Le*"
Caas Ledyard, ji . attorn?**) for I
estate, the report m ill i?. sign? ? ! i? I
Coggt y and fifed
Ii Is nol expected thai th? re will
an; i bange i'i the figures or in t
values of the various b? Idinf
estate. It is probable thai the sets
a ni be ???m ni-, .it', pa) an nddit lonal I
? satin?- thousand*, of ?i??i!ati T
r elue ol the mi? real ol Vine? I ?vsi
m ?!? r th? n< ?? ? il .mat? i*- *:. ? ?
The ? ? .di- ol the estate, if d
ductl ? ilm ?I an- aii..v. ed, w il
fW," :: 10,010. The value of proper
. abi .?lui? i- bj <'olonel Aator
now estimated ai |?Sl.ZSS.?1S?t. The val
? i? rty m a hi?'h h?- had a Ufe i
with a powi r "t dit posai In h
will. Is $".:.. .* Ml
Vincent Aster's Inheritance.
The m ? a ? hon thai tl
amouni t" u i t.. \ mc? n( Ist
? lu- father'n a 111 mak?
? !? ol mor? than S77.?.
: j!.i,. more than th? orb
Inal i stimati Part of this .
. ?? :ii n <t be l>l ? until .?*.t.-r the death >
1 benefit ?atlea !?? ?\ hom II
Th? formal iflMavIt it: behal of tl
ex? ' utoi ?. N'i- holai B ddle, Jam?
evelt, Dougls H
snd \*lnc**nl Astor, waa made i-> M
Riddle snd i bat ? 'olonel Aat?
mad?' t" ?i ? ? ? ?
ins l'ai',. Madeleine Force ?I tor, ?.nf-?
Tl ????.? alui d at 1311.334, mak
:.. total of $1,416.' Colon? A il
? tt u i fund of J . to hi
:, his a ill.
The .-?m? nuptial trusl
: v. ? Willing A ? ?
: ...",. Th
: i' ?.; the ex? ul ?? u.a..
mention ol an) pi opert lefl r. > m n
\?a At tor under her divorce d?
Th?- pro| ?it owned outi isht i?
? 'olon? i \ .??.r Is appraised .it ? : .
:?sv Then aere two groups ?-t prop
in-, which he held In trust m tl
alii of his father, ?William Astor, will
power t.? iti p..*.- of th.- property In in
.... ?in ?. e group s worth 1 1,231
:??i and the other $234,171. The, c m
i ; i-.- i...til res i . ?tate and a? i m Iti? a.
Secur.ties Worth $20.000,000.
Th? reports shoa thai the value o
the real estate ; over $03.377,500, a-hil?
the value of '?.. securities Is ovei $20,
000,000, a feature of the appralaal
the securities is the great quantitj ??
worthless stocks In the part ol th?
estate oarnod aboolutely by Colons
Astor and representing his personal la
vestments, in comparison with th?- tuui
grade stocks and bonds ?a the trust
funds i?-ft him h\ his father.
Securities having s par valu? of sev
era! millions, bul found to be worthies)
at the time of i lolonel Aster's ?I? i?th. an
ail Investments mad?- bj him. ?One ol
the largest Is 6,441 shares of AW -Chal?
mers ?Jtock, -jar value of SS4S.SJ00, whlcti
was not depealtod in the Hnal reorgani?
sation ? f the i ompan) and which la
then fore i slueleaa
if th?- deductions claimed by the ex?
ecutors are allowed bj the special at?
torney, the nol value of Hi?- estate upon
1 which tl.?- tai '-? t ? i will be ?$85,340,?
1010. The total deductions claimed are
$1,876,771, |he chief items being made
up as followa: Debta about $800.000;
administration expenses, $540,000; at
torneya' fees, $200,000, and legacies of
$85,000 ?a<h t<? the four executors In
lieu of i*ommtasiona Colonel Astor had
.. loan of $800.000 from tha United
st.it?? Trust Company, upon which
$502,010 was due n?' owed Cartier, <?f
Paris. $00.772 for Jewelry purchased f??r
Mrs. Madeleine For?.- Ast??r while th? >
a. re on their honeymoon.
Truit Company's Trouble.
At the time "f Ms death Colonel As?
tor hud $SfM W4 deposited In the Astor
Trust compaay, while th?wre was j,"i
S5S additional d?spoolted there out of
th?- trust estate under his lather's will
Tin- trust company was seriously em?
barrassed thron*** the ?tying up of this
cash total <>f Si."*9?.r.4??. and it was nee?
esaan for th?- State Controller t-> issus
a special order releasing the deposits
in order t.? relieve Um trust company.
Colonel Astor'? mother left him a
nnmher of the larj-er pieces ,,f jewelry
which nh<* wore ?>n important ?.c.a
t (?nilmird en third pes?N third -oJo-an.
Professors Pcttacci and Marchiafava visiting their distinguished patient
From a akel h mada bj Alelo efollnart, an Ital|an artist, at th? time of the Pon?
tiff*- ????'? nt il'n.. s.
Edward MacLean. ex-War Cor?
respondent, Dangles with His
Foot Wedged in Door.
Guard Loses Nerve and Motor
man Fails to Hear Shrieks
from Platform at 96th
Street Station.
Edward ?UacLean, a ...i-rur newa
? gaged m th.- ad?
\ ?. i ?.? setiotfsl) m
? " hen he was dragged
f. more than three blocks after his
fool ha l i" .-ti ? ? .?.'ht in th.' .i..
rtbbound Br sdaay subway train
? ? "? treet sl ttlon.
Ml :.? ? | ,i CM
a hen th?? gus I i ?! the door, i
wedging hla fool The train itarted
and MacLean, dangling from the door,
\'.- dragg ? of the atatlon.
Although the nun it.-I ?'omen "?i the
platform shouted, the motonnan di?i
no) h? .i.- th.m ..r:?i tl a guai-i an? so
? ?; .1 i...* !. i
. ? ? ? : mil I en? tgh to git ?? the era? r
gen? a gn .'.. Ma? \j an'a hi id was
bed th? pillars an.I the
side of the i ar, snd ho ? as ha tied
. the road ?ed?
?Patrolman Kupfraln, ??f Traflic
Squad i' a'l o wa s paa i ngor, finally
me I ??? i'-- pulling the
. m . gi t. r ipe
MacLean was lifted Into the train,
which proceeded to the 103d atreet Bia?
tlon. Her? Ma L an was carried to the
?tree! and placed In an ambulant e .r^.m
ti ? ,i. H.i Wright Hospital
Dr. Brad bur) r" ? ? ? i ? > ? i that he had prol -
abl) .i ft s? tured kull, ? broken leg? ?
broken nose snd Internal injuries. Th.
doctor wild thai his ohames of recov
irry were slnul.i. He e\??r? ?--.?I am
in. tit that the Ilian had ROI bOOB In?
stantl) killed.
Mai i.-m was a correspondent <>f
"The sun" m the Bpanish-Atnertcsn
War. b?lllg staff.mil at .-t. Thomas.
He ws th? first American t?? reach
San Juan, the capital of Porto Rico,
after the capture ?-f the Island by Gen?
eral Mlles, who was in ?another part of
the Island at the time, h?- lives sl No,
i??i Audubon svenua.
- t
_ -
Mrs. Thompson Asks $100,000
in Alienation Action.
Mrs Adele Thompson, who before her
marriage was Adels Bleishner, a Flat?
hush ii?n?'. is suing ii? r mother-ln-law
tor si?hi,?mmi the value which she sets
on it??- affections ??f her husband, Henry
A. Thompson, which she says have
been alienated by ins mother, in ad?
d,tion t?? poisoning lui- husband's mind.
Mr- Thompson sh-s his mother keeps
him in hiuiii^.
Th.- coup!? weir married m 1908, and
separated throe years ago. They have
One I liild. a boy live years old, WOO
lires with Ills ""gather
Why Not, When He Returns
Singer's $10,000 Brooch!
Denvei April 12 A kiss square and
suia.'U on the tips ?as th.- rewunl
Mary ?Sardes Rave to John Harry, head
porter ?>t the Brown ?Palace Hotel, thin
morninii. when Hairy returned to h?r
a siti,<mo brooeb, which the diva
i!r..|'|K.r?J when she allfihte?! at th?? lintel
door after singin?- Thai.-." ami which
Was not found till several hour? later.
Harry ?s sure proud <?f that kiss, and
is now huntitiK for a ?.*?!.<?UD Ma? raid
rlnir lost Ht the nan.?* time, if he finds
U ne may get another kltw. '
Objects to Order Sending Cap?
tain Potts and Commander
Andrews to Sea Duty.
Admiral Points Out That Both
Officers Remained on Shore
Duty by Direction of
Their Superiors.
lg Th< Tvlhuiio Human.!
Washington, April 12. Admiral
I?.-.?.- has fi!"d with Ihe President a
protest against the action of tl ? G
retary of tl??? ***avy In ordering Captain
I Tt-mplln If. Potts and Commander
Philip Andrews to d?*mona*tj*sjte by sea
duty their fitness for promotion i><*f'?rc
'they arc advanced to the next higher
gradas, they having bean found by the
? \ m nlng (.".-.ni ritt* ,1 pi
pi ? i. .;';. and m? ni :h pr ,
Admiral i ?ew< . - pr ?t? il rest?- on the
? ontentlon that the order of th? s, ,
retary of the Navy amounts, In ettoet,
to "X post fa t,, punishment, and must
deprive these officer? of the increaaed
to ?' hi? h thex- are entitled.
The admiral points out thai Com?
mander Andrew? applied for s. .1 duty,
and that la remaining In Washington
and performing the duties of chief of
navigation h** ?lid bo by otttmt ><t his
suparioe, Betaetary Meyer. Captain
: Potts also r. malm d on shop- duly by
! 1 rder of hi? auperiora
The .'i"'"iii.- of tins protest will be
awaited with th?.- utmost Interest, sa it
:- 1. .--.. ,1 th. Pi-esident will Und it
nartissBi*] to instruct the B? k rotary of
1 ths Navy to retrace ins steps.
i Luxurious Baths Abolished?
Free Shaves to Go Next.
Waahlngton, April in. B?mators who
have been actmstomed t" splash luav
Uriously ?n tin* fine baths in th.* Scn.it.?
[office building will splash there no
mora Th.- big baths, b) order of the
Democratic caucus of ths Benate, have
bean locked up and bath sttendants
haV? had their ..tibial hSSdl cut off.
All Ihis m th.- xx;,>' of < ? ? ? ri< ?: ti >, it was
sal?l to-day.
The mxt move .s i" ?"- made against
ti," Bcnatt barber .'-hop, xvii.-re Bena?
tors arc allowed to have their whiskers
trimmed and their hair cul Iras <>f
t liari?". The barl?r shop may be i'?n
tiniieii. bin each Senator xxiii have to
I pa) for his own shave or haircul.
Wireless from El Occidente
Asks Revenue Cutter's Help.
BJ Occident", a Southern l'a rifle
liner, xxiii, h sail, d frita here y?Jgterday
for Galveeton, waa in collision last
night xxith th.* Bclac-pner Charlas \v.
Church, a 7is Lu vessel from Fail
Itix-.r. Mass.
A wireless meSSBgS from Kl Oc
cidente's cap?**ln t" the navy station
?. (*;i|." ll.nl"p. n .-aid tin- schooner
X-as lying SlS mu'-1- southeast of ['anu'
pt( and ask.'d a i-.-v.nii" culler
for assislanc". The dispatch made no
mention ,,f damage t.. the st. amer, but
the xxirel'"*? "I'erat. X reported big in
t itruflsants had bean badly broken up.
Tiio sieamer City of Motttg?om?B. V
passed clone t" ?-?I Occident?? and
asked if ??he wanted help. The offer
was declined
The damaged vessel is ? freighter
and I? ??St l?elieved to haxie hud any
pnssenifera on board.
Temperature Rises to 103, Di
creasing to 102 at Mid?
night, When Patient
Was Dozing.
Persistent Cough and Inabi
ity to Expectorate Cause
Exhaustion and Con?
siderable Pain in
the Chest.
Professor Marchiafava Insists on Hi
Orders Being More Closely
Followed if He Is to
Continue as Papal
Rone, April 1.3.?Pope Pius X ha
uffersd s ssHotas mlspss. His cnnd
tion at midnight was such as to arous
lbs graresl fiar, lio showed gre.i
weakness and his fever, which ha
risen to i?'-'.. was at thru time 102 r\e
The second relapse followed a di?
regard for UM physicians' instruction
It was due to over-exhaustion froi
several audiences erhlch the Pop
gave yesterday and to exposure to
change of atnosphsrlo temperature.
Abottl rnldnlght the Pop 1 11 int
a ?lo/.-. His efforts at coughing hi
weakened him < onsldarably and res
piration was difficult. He had in
slsted that hi.? sisters and sscrnlsrls
and ?ven his valet withdraw, savin,
that he did not need assistance an<
would call if DSi'SSSary. They wer
obliged to ob?ir, ami retired to an ed
J-?mimar room ?n order to Spars hin
the ex*-rti>*n of arguing.
Although everybody ardently wiahs
to the Pope many m.?re years of lif?.
the gravity of hia condition mak
prevalent the fear that the end of hi
Pontificate is appro?schlng. ?kccordini
to the latest reports from ths Sick
room, although the temperature km
diminished slightly, the POPS is mucl
exhausted on account of ? persisten
c?-?u.??h and difficult expectoration, caus
ing considers lo 1 sin In ths chest.
Bedroom Darkened.
The bedroom Is k.-pt In semi-dark
boss and absolute silence, Piufssssi
Marchiafava having again insisted, fa
a visit paid late last night? that every?
thing be done to prevent the patient
from even making an effort to exercls?
his mind. This time ?.'????Unal .M?ir;. |e
v.ii added bis authority in support o:
the physk Inn's orders.
i'i llarchiafava and Amlcl issued
their first bulletin In ths svsnlng re
gardlng (the Pop- 'S condition. This fact
akme Indicates ths gravity of ths ca.??',
In view of Professor Msrcblafava's re
<??. nt remark In explaining why bulletins
had not be? n ISSUSd. He BSid they Wer?:
published only In esses of grant gravity,
The bulletin was as foUowe:
"On April 7 the Pope fell ?II with ?
relapse of influenza, with symptoms o
trach?al bronchitis. The fever subsided
three days ago, but returned to-da/
with an aggravation of the catarrh.il
symptoms in the thorax. There are no
symptoms to cause alarm."
The suddenness Of th.? relapse has
caused the deepest apprehension. Ths
Pope yesterday morning received
Biahop Longhin. saying that he could
not allow "th.- Bishop of my dioces-r
to leave ROOM without seeing him.
The Pape was most affable, and gave
t?i the Bishop ? pectoral < toss irlth
white stones set in gold as a souvenir.
Hopes Were Dashed.
Bishop Longhin left the room radiant
He thought that ths Pape appeared
emaciated snd prostrated, but that he
was ? h? ? rfill and hopeful. He gathered
the impression that a man with SUCh
j mental vitality would live long. Jl.<
delight St such an idea was so great
j that be and the sisters of the Pope
?lunched togethef In high good humor,
Iwiehini to calabrais th?* recovery of
Lthe Pontiff. They spent the greater
1 part Of the aft? rnoori tog?-th? r. luit
?'were awakened fr??m their dream b
th<- sad news of the Pope's stnldc-n re?
The Pontiff, it was stated, was SUf?
! ferlng from ? high fevsr, which reu
\ Istered \*>'.'> degrees, it gradually <ie
I creased to '.f.?, bdt rose ngaln, an?l at
I midnight was reported t?> i??' MS.
His Holiness had bOOO seized in the
Sfternoon with chills, the gravity of
I \ hi? h ?as patent through the sud.len
! falling in of bi.s fa-?*. He was imme?
diately pot to bad, While his attendant!
j mad.- every effort t?> counteract the
shlveiing by the application of ho*.
water bottle?.
1 Patient Thoroughly Exsmined.
I?r. Andrea Amici hastily called Pro
fesoor Marchiafava, who rushed to
the bedroom of the patient and re?
mained In consultation for one hou*".
Tb<- physi? iaji examine?! the Pope thor?
oughly, sounded his chest and back and
ordered an analysis, which showed