Newspaper Page Text
London Theatricals THE "SLUMP." THE REGENERATI ON. MR. GRANViLLE BARKER. MR. BERNARD SHAW. SHAKESPEARE AND RAGTIME. (Or-pyrtgfct, 1P1-?. by r, w. Bmslley.) London, irch \\ h-'ii |n English newspaper flndi ?elf driven to ta'k of a "slump In tl tres" the stat? of things must reall* :<i slump has nom that elegance wo are taugh! to ? and sometimes find, In the 1 presa Lowell ami Mr, How thoritiea for r.yc, still; Il h branded In the die! arit.3 a-- obaoleb**, colloquial, 61 Am can Protesta were at once he Friends of the drama though! the n unfair, even if im? An ? ? manager remarked tha tinned shame t.? gaj > ' thing the whole riiie?* of criticism in relation t.. plays ' - "i- taro of tbejK au| tl - maelvoa inter? ? a \ qui tit.-in order to .. wha' vet- might bo t ir own theati n .'is- admitted In I nal statei 11 nt that the sin though ?general, wat t -?t universal, of tar? . -, ,,11 but war? said to be In trouble; und <>f all aren at their !?? b!. came the phil??sopl . - seal found thn-e: I ; ? thora of had playa 2. Lent. 3 The I 'xi atrlks So doubt the strike k< ?ps- many p I ? I hume, u bas lasted two mon and during all that time you co never bo Bure of getting n hud al theatre; and cannot now. T Ity affecta mainly the public Ih and boxes. Pu and galler sre content, now ns g*. ? r or motor-b?a: A man can alwa rnr liimselt; hi*-- trotibl. : . look aft? r. I deterring Influence ??f i^-nt may rm methlng; and of the weather. T playa must be a?lmltt?. and of their production. . manag? rs b< gan to * m't they r.'uid no longer forocaai t ? ps or failure of th? ? hem. Th? an vei men of bustneos, these managt tl.. y are g? 1 ? of the public 1 ? ? s not depend wholly on t ^ of lb.' ; ? ether 11 happ? i r" the town at the nv?mei do much toward bleu tl Ighl not. a.-kei) what did. But I ? . ;. , ' to each oth ? - 1 have known s of th in about the sale of ?book* we ha ? . awe the regeneration of the ? ? ' ? imp? 1 think of Mr. . <*ne (a a S ? on th platform and an Ai ? on tbe stag?. ?Can 11 be th; r.- . ?!- ( 1 y?- ? ? nae. ? 1 think of Mr. Granvllh Barker. 1 .'hi. a tor, arni mar . I ' 'an ho ho a 1 BUS tt Ar- pl,v he attained the distinction 1 ? ? naored; < 1 en before libio ?guardian ?"if th" public mo ' ! ?ear < >' ? a<i !.o<-!i appointed Joli 1 of plays by the Lord ?"hambei Mr. Barker - ' Wast. " turned, abortion, ami dealt pr? ? L- al efferl ? ^i. a! proooas. A pr *.??.?? performance of ?;. ?.?.-?? Which 1 wa*: not privilege?! to witUOS What i say Ihi !naTt'r of common notorl? n Mr. Oranvlll barker-- "TweMlh Night" al the Bavo Theati?. a play originally written b Ifi ? ' ? ? ruction diffe trot 'I til?' ; ?A-i.ich Bhakoopa |hl Uve act ? 'i many, Mr- Barker alh ' ? Whether he hold;; that Baooi nroU - ire 1 know m t, but b tl ?? he. Barker, know better than Shakcsp?*?".r?i knew in wha f'rrn thi- comedy of Twolftb Night' ' The change fron fl'.'f a (j to three many be one Item li ration of On Elhabethai drama and rf th? Mace in general. Th?re are other Items. The Savo? I tself has been not only rogOfl *rrat.i] but whltewa-thed; or I sur?!1??*--? wir i. The enlarged pro?, cenium l? a splaah of white, dasallni *hite. The curtain has been Ml ba'k f-.-.ti.Kl ts am BO much broad'-r as *A ?? th? winga t" begin In rk the audience; as if Profeaaor U< In* It'a methods bad Influenced Mr -er. There is a broad dah or atei In !? ? , eurtala: which itaelf is ..or ..r,re h..-! been, ahito; now a dirt:, ?hite; Ump and wrinkled; a rag of a be acton passed it fr< n* ?.f t; ?r,nle behind When 1' Wrinkled Itself up. yon behold a set scene: whlte-walled, plnk-tetnphd, with I"*'" y |r woodi ? ' ?''"'? two ,.. iamid.?i ..<" ahrubbory Iu green tmrdboard cylinders, dhnlnlahlng M they<--d alof!. This I underatood bs were to accept s onventional treatment of scenery; and conventtonal Ina sense it 1?.. of th<- kind one b?. aine familiar with ? n life, in the '"'oah'-i Ark*- provided for the enter? hhment of embryonic youth. On this ??nd (,\k ,,r i\<?i ?.Hit scones the dirty *rinkled white rurtaln kept Koing up ? ?nd down; the change? ho frequent that ->H notion of continuous dramatic: move n.**nt wan lout, and on n??cnied to be y Wing on at a peep-show. to this impression the actor? and tt? htsse? contributed. They popped on ?nd off the stage casually, a? if fr??m ,tln-s to tune it occurred to them to ap **** or disappear. Once there, yon i wondered who they were and a came, \\h<> is this None? formlst Min tatet In solemn garb and of solemn peet h who talk pi I Thi ime telli you It la Mai? olto It is ii"! on r. cord that Malvollo I ? ? ed from ;i Convcntl? le i" ? ?' Mr. AInley, who act, ? - an a lor of ??apacity, which 1 Judge he has eubdued t" the Barker gtandard. Of la .i thai h-- meant thi g i it? re Mal ? "li?> to be a prot? I the bul - foon? i? ,-,f Mr Horhrrt Tree's Imper? sonation? Whatever the reason, he pla? ed it ? under i om ti aint ol kind, xt mi acaree .1 fia h of humor. ' ?? ??t lin- ? nd had a mo? ment a glimpse of lie. real AInley an! the r? al Malvollo, a Ith his tragic ? ; j of revei ge. The . otnedy, ind< ed, has ' ? 'ome .1 ? Duke of lllyrl 1 i? ht i 'le- ? ?'? o; v\ hit? w b?, ? Boom : , ? ' lian, Antonio, Sir An?t? a Agu ? h< < Y j aro all rag? ncrating h ' Into the Barkei mould. Sir Toby Belch wa the 1 xception, in; t< ad of reg? he was hont on presenting to real Blr Toby; steh a Sir Shakt - ;?? in dren . h S Ir Toby ""ho re dl) might have been Olivia's ?tin - man; never too drunk nor too nol?) t.. 1. 1 ii< -, ,?? i. g .- ound and Int? ? 1 ting. Tho Viola 1 ? en h' fOW Lilian M< ? forth] 'a a as the \ loi Misa Phyllis Neltson-Terry; 1 .' in corned). a girl of a? ? teen. -. ? ed it with I natural grace and ? wll h 1 1? b tiue feeling for el. such -?*;,. with 1 m fa rape In hot n . .-'otilo.-, as if she had always worn t hem. und with ha] rcep? Uon of red!'- valuea aa In a 11 ? were astonlahli puld 1 ave been thi ? admirable. Ml M< Cau ir. -. ni us ? Ith a mature, d . ,11 green pyj with the stamp of the nursery still "? . 1- of tho nursery maid. ? Hit whom Bhakeapeare gave youtfa ? nough to ? nthrall the 1 ? now ! ? com? 1 a mlddli -aged dame, Maria, one of the In all Shak< ?1 Quak? r la* a. if the , ... ho . .,-h of in* en? 1 ? r of ? Il?en ir t beta 1 en pi 0 -? and no on? pi rform? ? g ? al values; nor of 1 b)thm; n - ten? I a form, is tl en th? . to be .- v* ith the art ?cutlon and 1 . ... 1 \ ? th. IHouse of Moli?re, In Paris, tl ? al i" the ren I? rtni tlon and cm- \ position r?-. kon? d the 1 1 ? ramal ? have ..?: through this "Twelfth Night" ... .,. ? ag* ff I am giving you a pure! , lm preasion. Tl ? ? ority i th?- other way. rker 'Twelfth Night" haa kep for more than g ; it hag been pralied by tho , 1 ?ti. by some ol them. The fi i. nd ? h? with m>? chose it as the on? 1 Lon? inn-, " as half empt; and cold an exceptional night. Mr. Parker ha: made f in timos pat ? a conald man? eg? ? and product r oi plait, B . tan? oui a Ith Shi e he 1 laic senting, as , ften i-< foi ? .Mr. Bernard Shaw; who luper orlt: to siiak'-spoat-r we have Mr. tin.1-1! I ?? : BCC4 ptillg. M ; . Bai k? 1 \en v\?n '," the height ? ; 1 om should he not with menta and a ? ? ;..-.' Th? ?' tt* other n g n< 1 t< Mr. Barker and Mr, Shaw. the ra Ig mor, the n. 'han the ? but Bin '? almost all th a-iors and a'-tr?ism i now m 1 to ;ho halla that la no repi Tho opportunltlei for ragtime ar. nat? urally greater In tin- halla than m the ar theatres; In gome <>f which playg without muaic are atill foi m? d. Thli inn"' al Ion must be an ath?-r form of rageneratlon, suco it comes to London from America. \V< brought soin?- of 'i with us ine other day on the Luaitania. There ".oro ragtime |" rformor;- on thai nobli ??hip: both colored and while. I h? , were fished out from ihe second cabin and gteeragfa, und for two evening) lighted and ?icaf.ned the saloon pg Bengera In the l-mnge: "f whom the Atntrlcati Ambaasador to France was one,?indeed, he food naturedly presided one evenlhg ovar tin- entertainment, for chant.-ft ake, with Mr, Haddon eh.n.,la rg as in at lieutenant An American gin aal ent*rnnced on lh game hencfa with ih?* piano ragtime player. Blr "fahe**naa Llpton looked on ami listened. go did the . aptaln, That Wag tWO month;* ago. T J'agiirnc and !he Moving Picture shows ar, the m"; 1 profitable things going In London. Neatl come the Musical ?oni'd:.;, Bast, paynavm, g different sort of picture show at IP- .Maj. I Theatre ''Drake,'' with I man nights' run to Its 1 ; ? Mi. Bai ker's "Twelfth Night" al th? Savoy, if Did be not regeneration, what la? it is a toanciaj :wr Bhall not tl e finan. rial t. .* t of .*??.- pt< d ? it may be unfoi tunat? ; hat, tri? -i b this t< : t, Ragtime and Pageant p?? ? and Mr. Bernard Shaw arc more -u, ?,o;,.sfri] than Sha le pear. . But, itn fortunate or not, the fa ts must ha faced. ,; W. ft RED CROSS FUND ??1,560.000. -j?/nshlngton, April i-'?' '??"? n i.j 11. .n. atnountlug t" aVS,SSt raceived to*da) h? ti,. \in' ri.-au Red ?'to;.- brought Hi fund fW tho relief yf tho Hood silfl. 1.1 - up to J!,>",'???. FLAGLER ABLE TO SIT UP Condition of Railroad Magnate Greatly Improved. ? ? Palm Boa? h, Fla . \? rj Hi nt M. Plagier, th. railroad mag !i" ha ; been n hen week?, ? . |0 ?? ? Improved to day. I.'? II :- stated tl ? Hi Plagier sal up for s I -? ? ? , BIG CATHOLIC SALE OPENS Local Societies Join in Monster Exhibit at 12tli Regt. Armory. . . the United >' orl ?.ned last i Ight by lh Rea ry, ?t Columbus avenue snd ? ? ooti - an i , .-? n ti?. Hi -.'. \ orii .i ?? I] .. in '.i..L-... for the ti' ?X n th? high ? ? ? will sel i .in i. ?:?'?' fault '. ? ? ? wit oth full of i >*our ret tve i no more 'ii smiling, ? : ? He? . Into parting But the show l Ind i ? Marquette i , ? . i man? ain|i ? Ulut-I ' Catholic m i throughout I ?? \V< ?i. ? 'hin? ?? mal ? I ? ? -i ..r tii? . ? I . t lo n.J.lit und > \' Ibllt "i i nt I Ihe .*-' mth, f the French, ? i The < 'athollc i Hind s ii""i li - nled bj f.x. nty?one ehlldn n, wh? with tl . . production "f their m Bool room \ i it"?:- to this ? ihtblt ma] tin tt:- blind pupil: v?.c.iviiik baskets, i.-.pealitlng?.hetlni and doing .? ? ?r other ?i i ti i. ull varieties ol work t ? An i- nt . ?..o r of 1 lib? i nh.n a in by the hundred, bul ? . ol orangeade to iur llf? i ou e h it, s v. Ill I, ?ml '.?m a MISS WILSON WON'T TELL Suffr.i^ists at Richmond Can't Learn Ker Attitude. ; ? r. "i I. \ . ' r ! ? ? ? ? r 1 . ? ? t nt all th? - n?. . lion hs ...... f 1 I family 1 ? ? ? . ? Because of rsfn 1 ' I the world hi I M Harriet Ti? ALL-DAY SESSION AT OPERA "The Huguenots" and 'Butter? fly" Have Last Presentations. Mm? i '? and Alten and M M Rol ' ite aft . ist of M r and MM M and .-? -??? the < packed t ? '..IIU sson Mr. i ... ? ?? th.iti : . ' D >,ro\ id '.' L fil .. i the Met I red The ?: with ? Hon. ? r . . . l'a,-, n,, s mont | ? .??"i her comp i ? ? frd ? ?tample led. -.-?? BOYS IN "AS YOU LIKE IT" Banuurd School Pupils Give a Sue cessful Performance. Th? Iu -it'' ''hih, of Ban ?. . o? i very o? manee ol -?"???? it" na i it .ta night, at the schoolhoui -, In 244th sir? ? t ii. Idston, '! hs Broi Edward H Weaver vas Orlando .i i i oh the part of Rosalind. n ,'-. Brown did son i I itllng it c ' ? ? ' ive to i, if, i Irland.. In lh? I Bd Th? of 1 oucl -i on? as dlvld? <i betw. Alan i . i mnn snd < i:i ster Boll? . < 'ha? le ? Fowl? r (?-ii ars Raynoi Hal? . Shlpman, pr? sld? Bt ol ths < I ib as Idem DOBBS TEA SWELLS FUNDS Adds Hundreds to Resources of Nur? sery and Neighborhood Hor r. hm..(it of Ihe Ms :? ? ho ! ?.. Nui - and the i ' boi hoo i 11 held ? ' t. i o.i .?It- 11...',- ,,t the Panel m ti- ' on sali I do!? d. Mia uolly Best mono!? l*t* ? Among ,n chargi ol I . , : " - Ros Mrs. m, m,. ? I i Mrs. Livingston Platt, Mrs i ; . ? Hollli ' Mi - ' '? ' ?'? i:" W j \?...... it? r Mn '?ci bert w i.- "\. ;,,,.i th? m ?es Lydia Colt Batter, Anns .,,,. \.?.i Northfl ? Marjo Han? i.; ii. i \\ ret Loe a, -,? | erite ? Bt? '?'" t Talmadge, i ? ; ie of ? g h? -, ii Young, .. !?, . '-"?? k, Kllsabeth Ken lefen II ' ,; !n"1" ? !.' < ?i? t.i R. noon Rutlei II and Motile ?.' H:'' '? 1',._ COLONY CLUB TO GIVE BENEFIT. ,,., h Int rated In tbe b? neftt ????,!. |??;-int" ?vblCh ?ill hM Riven at th? coloay 'i'1, "" T".,v i,f,,r,in"!' . und, ,- tl "?"? ot Mr, \ Wright and Mrs Qeorgs Btb? i ,i ,, itu ??? ol the affair ? ; i ; ^AtM^bt.e*???mfi5 "frS"? Fifth iivrnu? CALLS CUBISTS THIEVES Have Stolen Our Stuff, Says President of Art Fakers. EXHIBIT OPEN TO-MORROW A. Mizrakjian's "Butterflies" Wins First Prize-$5, 3 Cents and Pie for F. Ncitzert. ihr Society of Ameri?*aa faker., tho being thai portion of tho Art Stu? dents' i.oac-iio thai gets an acute attack of tha fnnny-bone at,out this timo on.-ii year, c.iio H private vt<ew of It? annual Matteawan of Art y?Mrt?*rday in thi tionai Aeadem] al Deatgn, g( No. HS I .' str.-M, for the benefll of thi , The deal opening will eatas to?mo*-r-*w, when the -,?? neral publia wit* be allowed t., ? nter tha wards of the ? ahlbitle? pari ? Itb 'i - .?!'? for the privilege of ?air ?!io \arlous forms "f ait mania >"n there. Th? pui*pose la i?. raise funds fer ? for *,?"!-th*- .- tudi nta who ? to i- coi ? irttsl lust like th* v on* i through tins ? '.. art," said at i' Pridley, ni of th.ittvrrak, ''?me should l>?ar In n ? ' twenty-second aun ial ? ? hltrftlon of un.- ?^?p ?f ;,tt. My next ? I? that during iho last two or three ? - i-? thi re baa at Frai tain p tint? i who call Um m . BO forth. "Their ..- balled at the r<K?*u< national Exhibition ?*>f Modorn Art In tho '.otii Regiment Aratorj thing v a mat lei ol fact, I i al all Thi ? of American Phi ? - i.- .a, doing the taentj -two *-? srs, onlj betti i Th? tuff?anybod) can ??o<? thai There are aixty?foui i*eaulta of u many Collision t-.i,^;, ?...?i oil |?aint and In the exhibition, no le a four of iiiom i"?inK prise wlnnera The prise winning was dorn trie! iintter tho rules ?a tho a aso rlstlon of fakera, which call for burlesque on ihr works on ? ii. ?la- doarnstaln In tho ?gallery uf the National A ...!? m ? of i ? g Whi n the publl ? i admlttt d t i it v? i . that 1 first | : ! r ? ''Rutterflii ?," i ?? a Ml . ? of the wo i amot tit of i ised In '?"'ni- it. to i ist what mu le - \ !" Bradley, jr II i I rlt ? a Hod "1 . er and I - - Ir. 1 ? 'and en the I "fi a a ?hile th< ? >i the worst f i'.. .' ? ?. ? m In? . ? ? rha Loaded ? ? Th? Pew 1 India : ? addition .... ? a of t it i . ? that I will i ? ; : ? 1 ? I to ?pit ' . i ? rade there 4 . . -i Will he o; . f ,.m to-morrow until Thu . night I old at auctloi alghi r|il wind p with a dam a CUBIST MAKES A -KICK" ! Picture of Dogs Barking m Saloon Puzzles Health Board. A ' " ? received at the 11. partm? nt of Heall i ever ? ame In stiel a form and had there nol been mu-*h _ In a letter th I com] ? ' ?? knot plaint bureau loped" < ul the i i lui a to I a Ma. be it's ? ? about n ? ng <!,,?? nsl dra i aid one "f the .tt expert of tht d< p n Intent, who knoa s bla? K c? ?? m b< II or can recog? la/a a , oi ..n you i tld a nol liei 'thai , rd ? ling op." The complaint however, i found to . ? do a "i t" o lai ge doga In i he i of a aaloon on the low? r Weal Bide Th? a keeper had placed "two extremely lai fa canines" In the rear <>f the -*al?*?ou, and ti , th? a dot larked all night, "as ? i plctui a " ? '1 | .?t do? in'l l""k like a saloon to i,,. ,;. a . i a doubting Themse, aftaj h . ? ctlng the picture 11< 11], A anitai ' ?raa d? talli d t.. and th.- offending d 1 BAC HELORs"f ARE WELL HOSTS ; John Dyneley Prince, Jr., and Louis S. Week:; Give Dinners. John Dyneley Prince, Jr, ?ho will mai! - Ml? Mai lai de F m en w . ?!-. -.i.?. m g! TI rch, gave -, ?. n bach? 1er dlnnei la I nlghl ? i ib His gu??ats In? lud. d Ph-enla It-graham, Bi tuna Hewitt Ftmi T Frt linghu -? n. Le ??.and B. Cai i r. . . potti ?? R laan II, William '-?> Ht hli ffelln, I" . I 'hart? n Rui sell, |r , Qammcll, Qrnttaw W Mloot, H |*i... .lohn Mutilo. . ' li'-fit' r i..,.i.i. Ki ham Bmlth Emarat and <; orge p d? Veau. !.,.,iis ?-Valoir? Wo? ks. who \slll man? Miss laabel Uli ? ' '"???? "" Tut id i Ils faiew-ll hacluloi- dinier laat nigh! al the Colvmbla Club. Among hi? . ro Arthur I' Wtt ko? Jr.. \V.n ,i,ii i? Blagdt-n, F. Burrall Hoffman, jr.. ? (; .,, . :? \\ lUttun N. Taylor, j Henn i: Be? kmaa, ?'? sidra Pi II, Citarte ? . . : 11. i Ralph ?v Orar isTOWELL TO SUCCEED MOORE. Philad? Ipl la, iprtl i- U ?raa an? . to da) thai Dr. 1 ol Interna? lional aa In the \%'ii??? t..t, .'?'. iiooi. Uni? ?,., it] of P? nnaylvanla a euld go to I 'a lumbta i rU? ? ratt* ? ? ? ? ar t,. take ap lh? work of John Ba ? " Mo ' " nom counsellor for th? Depa-rtunenl of State, Washlngtoa. SUBWAY CELEBRATION PLANNED Alton B Pai-hee trill be taaa-tnaaster at ?t .Itiiiicr to colehrato tho gggnJag "f the BUbway contracts, at the f-An? nula II?.1.1. on Monday, April 21. The dinner will ba att.ii.iod by ariany pelt? tic|;,ns. hankort?, m?-r< limits, o lit? tais and otbera a laes-sttoa ba the A-itor tsasatty will be hold bmtOte th?? dinner. JOHN e. HENDERSON DEAD Former U. S. Senator and Au? thor of 13th Amendment. Waahtagton, April 12 i"1-'! B.? Hendereon, formerly United Btatea Isna t< r from Mlssonr!, and -?nthor of tbs Tbtr? teenth Amendment t?> the ?""institution ot tbe United>, ?ji?_d hers al s hospital t"-nicht from ? complication ol dloord?:- ? n<- \?,is eighty-els years old. Mr, Hender on was t ii<- n -? Monday, and bia pb**alctans had him re* moved to a hospital. Mrs. Henderson who bad been with hba oonataatly. and ins only wn, John h. Hend?nreon, jr., ar? ? ar his i?'i.-i'i' when death ramo. ? ?If'hn B. ll?.ndcrf">n was horn in ?ylvanla County, Va. November It, ,s''' ami erben s mail boy removed arlth bis family to Lincoln County, Mo. There h. r? '.'i\.-fi a common school education. wtili-h was supplemented by his own sf? forts with g thorough training in math? - mattes ???"! .. ?,.i knowledge of ?the i ;? n. )<? fon he s Mr. Hen d< rson )?? e -i" ? sch? "! t< icbi r, ? ?? a bile thus ? ngagi d s! dl d las Hs was tted t?. thi m Matoric Plh? i fas Loulsis?a, Mo Ho ws elected to tl ? lature from I'd? ' ? .... ? . ? tied many i -?i snd imnkinc laura, in ;-'"? 1, i.-d for the national llOUfK ??' t.- ! Ml was ..? :? ! Mr. 11. nd? i son n i ? oppo? , . ! t . 11 rrlng das ih.' Civil Wa: If? WS ?' Bncl sideatl ?i ? i> tor, snd In ? the tlo* I Ml ouiI f?. Bt? phi A Doui ? lent i ' ? er of ?ni convention to determln? I ? ol \- ih ..f th?- < " i \ ; i War ti.. provisional tlovernor ol Ml.trl appotnl . d Mr. 'i. nd? i - fen? ral ol the Btats militia, and ha organised a bri? ll is pronounced ' i m i -i.i carried him lato th?' Republican t , and in UM he eras appointed t'nit' ?! Btat lA* itenaal Oovernoi 1! I to fill th? vacs caused th? ? tpul .?"n o? 'ir laten Polk, a Hunt:. r, following ti il tlon, I ? Ml ourl I gl ilatun m ti i 1 I ? memorabl? u i toi i' ai singti set of 1 ? life ol ?.'.:? Thlrtot nth Amend ?'.'.;? ?? ? ; ? ivery. lalrman "i I on ? - commis? ? th i i ? - . : I . . P . ? ' ?ill. I? i ..:? .i a" treaty n it h the : ? that ' " ??'.'.: . ounli?*? li. .i ? . reimburse r war ex? i- nd ? " ?i." of th'* : ? ' ? ini i ll". If? ' ? ? Johnson, snd ? ? ? | refused ? ited 1 Bhort end ..r hi- Senatoi ? . ? ? ? ?? hi ' ' ? !': ? .-. r-clal United tti ths whiskey In ISM hs was chair? n -m Ol ' that i ? n tin ?! from th? i nd with rife and ... ? ? t Henderson hoi at.d I'ith str. - the ol wai hing ton and rtsh entert I In J . til ' ? I ? ' immoned to court 1 '"i ront ol ? , ? . -. r ti ' t he poll ? led gu 11 ty, Henderi Washington . , ? In Ma* ? tying I ? -liar in at In front ol i ?-? choicest the < lid w : nd her hun? den! ? irder ol Re? bal " I ? ilaatlon , alii .1 "Hend? ft on T? nt" m mbers were Invit? - In th? tlon of "th tuff" that i ? n Brathering obw? b b< lo? stair COMMANDER WALTER J. FEARS. Commander \\ alter .1 Peai ?, I B IS .,. tired), ? I? 'i st the Saval I : Brook!] : Hs bad i eon III for boom Urn?. snd wa ? taken to tbs boeptt u on W11 Conmaader Pears sraa appointed t" v napolis In MU, and was retired In IM6 n. beeame superintendent of municipal In ""'i", .-un? heM tha! ot?ca up t.. the tiiif ot his ?!?? ith He lived at tbs Hotel ? k rard. He I? av? i ? wXtt CLARENCE W. AYER. M .pill i.' Clan A; er, librarian ol I hs ? -ambrtdge I'n-iii' i nee Itot snd sn suthorliy .. : ,? ? administration, died suddenly from ? out? 'i '?'-?'' i '"H i" dai Mr, Ay? r was born at Hav? rhlll flftj - ,. ,? ? I I' r .. I Im? I ' -, if E rllsh .?t Wittenberg ? oil? go, gprlnad? d, Ohio, later belna connected with Wi ? '? r Mr. Ayer attracted attention by his srorh at the ? Library and nt tbe New y/ort Publie Ubr i. ? OBITUARY NOTES. IRA i: B \kKit. d< rl of ths Pr? port (Long Island) police court died > ?tcr?i?v In th- Hempstead Sanatorium. He was horn in Brooklyn fifty-nJos >? had ii*."i on tbs south side at Long island for twenty-five yeara ?ot years hs sras superintendent of construction at Long Beat ? He leai i *nfs and an adopted daughter. ARTHUR W. RATMOMD, known on tbs Baal ***** ai "Tbs Boy Tragedian," di?-d yseteriay imm pneumonia at his home, .s.?. 271 Third avoaus Raymond waa algbtsen years old and s gradu?t? of iMiiiic school ta, ?Maas al IMA n?* leavaa a iiiotiict and a . 1st? I MR1 CATHRRIrtl ? BROUWMR, a widow, sevsaty-two yeara old, died on Prlday frotn heart dlsca.???-? at lnr h?im?\ Ko, 171 Oraad street Wlltbunsbuig. iior fatbei Henry l> Witt ram? fr,.in Hoi land sixty years ago to Btng In otic of tha first companies t.. produos Brand opera In this country She leaves a son. BURKE stonk. ? well known r.-ai Ba? tata broker, ?lied yeaterday from paralysis al his bens la PondfleM Road, Br<-?n\ \lllc. lie was born In Chteagg slxty-ntn? years a?;o. n.* leaves one son MKS anna W. ABBRNETfff died yeaterday al hcr borne, Ho 77:; Moi-tgom ery street Jeraaj City. Bhs araa the widow of Hnch ii. Abernethy, e/he aras colon, i of th. ith Regim? nt, N'-w Jersey National Quard, and president of tin 1er Bey City Pottos Board when P. ?, Wan par aras Mayor. Hit" leaves two daugh : WEDDINGS. BOWER?BUNKER. Katherlas May Bunker, daughtet ot Mi and Mrs Albert Banker, of Ko :<7 Hudson Terrace, Fonkers, was married In St. John's Episcopal Church In that la) aft? t oon to Rrnesl Tur fil Bower, i lawyer, of Manbaf*en Ih? Rev. John Mark Eilcaaon, rector af the ? bureh, offl? laied. Hai Ban I Bunker a a* meld of honor and thi brldi imaid wars Mi ? ISdgards Robinson and Mi-s Helen Kiting, "l % ??nk? r:-. MISS .Ian- Torran -. of I tl I'urgh. and Mlas May Connor, of Tenafly, N. .1 Charit R ol Hartford, Conn., ws ti' beat man. and the ushers were gi Bunker and Archibald \\ 11 ? of fonkers; Edward Barber and Robert H. Mead, of Ardmore, Penn . Trow bridge Marston, "? Brooklyn, and Wilfred B. : Waterbory, ? 'onn. Mr. Bunker, who i, ?rloe-presMent <?t" t!?' Psjardo Bugar Company? of rort'? Rico, gave his daughter In man 14 s Is a graduate of the Halstad Bcbool and loll? g< - Ml '-;''" Val man. ? CLARKE?NEWMAN. Noah inner Clarke, of Albany, son of lohn M. ?'larkc, m,,t?- Oeologlst, and Madeline spar Newman, daughter <?f Mr? and Mrs. Howard Newman, wen married last nicht at th?- home ,,{ tiK i'M'ic-s- parents. No. !>i Pallaad? avenue, . oaken*. The fXtff, fu*. !. Mason "'lark?*. past .r or the Pira! Preebyterian Church uf Brooklyn, an uncle of the hri?ic. per? formed ti.rereony. Hs araa as : ted by the it- v Dr. William P. Bl venson, th? PIrst Pn :?':? I? t Ian ? ihurch ol fonkera Mil s Elsa Han kers, tbe ?ride's only attendant Warren Waldo flaw-ley. Jr., of Batavia, H. Y., the baa! man, Edith 1; " - - . and Walt? P Qetty 11| ell were 1 Ibbon bean 1 s o KING?FORD. Moi ' ? N ' April 1 ! Ml Ro Pord xx.,:, married to Arklay Km?-*, ? ?' Qarrlaon n. y . In the ? !hurch Rede? mer, at r,? ?? ?.? to ds The was pi ?form id bj the n the i;, i ,, ?. ? !? 1 The bi .itt. ? ren Mi Henry I Men york of honor; Emily Ward Pi.of 1 is bi j maid "f honor;; Miss 1 r in ? Bun. ' ' ! Isabel iioyt ar-?i Miss Elisabeth E ' ? ?.' . ork, and M of Boston, brldeatr Archibald Oracle King was his brother's 1 were Kredi rick H. Clarence ? '1 imm ns, ? lallatln .- all of N' a and Heno W. Pord, I b I? brother. After tbs - bureh oerem ptl >n ws given it "i "ni Pat m, the It me of th.- bride's parents? Mi snd Mrs, u. . 1 "ni m \'. 1 renui -. MISS ELSIE E. GRIDLEY TO WEp. M '. Isabeth Qrid ey, d.? ighter ? n Mr and Mr ? 1 idws o m id ?Iridl ' to Edward Hinman, ir.. '?' ? : .* the ? of b? r pan nt.-. No. 1 Bedford 1 '? ?? att? ndant a III sist.-r of the bridegroom, ?? d 11 nry Brevoort Ren . i to be 1 ' tat Al | ? 1 ?eor-jr?- I!, r.: ??. Wat Ten, ? ? Ferdinand Zogbaum, Id ? ? ' i?:v. .- v. I .it ,it the ? mony at 1*30 p. m . bul B fea ;: tl? e been s iked to the 1 ?? ? ?n.'n. which win follow half an I itei m [fan ? e son of Mr and Mr?. I Hinman, ot No IM R? -ri-' B . treet, Brooklyn - u ? MISS OGDEN TO WED MAY 7. Arrangements have been complet d for th? wedding of Miss Helen Ogden, daugh Ml snd Mrs. Alfred "sden. of N... 117 \\'St ..Mil stre.*t. and Andrew Which is tO taise j-'ri".? ;,r 4 p. tu . Wednesday, m..- I, In Grace Church. An hour after the ? tretnony there s 1 eeptlon al !>? Imonlco's, r. (Bdlth Ogden), m itTOn Of honor, and Ml Katherine (?Rden, the five-year-old ? 1 o? Mr. and Mrs Alfred Ogden Wisner), srtll att?*nd her aunr as flower girt. Tbs best man win bs Colonel Prenda |-? Caffey, formertj of . " . 1. it a 'no i ? n? a living in Waah ? ushers are to bs John T ? ifden, : brother of ths bt We; i..11.1111- ?? Ls Toun tt- Di Iggi I i iklne B. Eestg, llarrie T. ?..en berg ami i?r Henry ? ??oi .- : ..t Han I ??rk. Mr. Williams was graduated from * ? ? in.1 from tha Hi rvard Lau School in 1MB. Hs la s member of ths Princeton, Harvard and ?' ? ?labs and Squadron \ He and hta bride i on ths Kronprinz? sain ? 'et Thi y s til spend a month n oto*** II ? te "n the Continent, and aspee! to re? t ,in on til" Imperator, .June it, AT NEWPORT. [Bj - ?. tm 1 011 April 12 some douM Mi W lUlam B Lei da srtll sp-end .-ire. portloi " the com! 1 mnmer here. Bl 11 was ? \|.. t"d .it h? r estate? B Point but it la u"w reported the! ?lie has changi ?i h.-r ?im*?. Mr. .?nd Mi 0 P. Ds Panel win op. n their stummer home ?>n May t. Mrs Hamilton MeK. TaromWy and miss Twombly have bs! Juaa i si th>- .in. ot th. Ir air:*. .1 Mrs Willi.un V. PrHtt was a dinner this evening. ?.lid ?in and Mrs. Barnaul f Dallant gave ?? small daaes ?it Von A.lams this evening *.? ? Joseph Harrlman and sans have returned from Aik. .1 ,;,,, g, p Hayarard, of Brookune, has i. ;, . i Beech cottage No 1 for the coming Mr. and Mrs 1 harJaa M. Oelrtohs have retui nod from How York. Mr and Ml>? M M- * an Muren, of New . ork, have a BBB8-II hOUBS party at Sunny ti.-ld Farm They were dimi'-r entertaln ? rs this svealag. WILSON HEAD OF RED CROSS. Waabingtoa, Aagh ?- Preatdaad fPOaaa toid Mlas Mabel Boardasan la dar bs would aeeepi th? presideney of ths Anear* i.-.m National K"J One* to muc-ed ex Preeldent Taft who relinquished the office .,,, Bl ; Hin "??ii' i" pit* its life. iPRAISES U. S. SCHOOLS Rank with World's Best, Says German Authority. 'AMERICAN NOT CONCEITED' Dr. Kerschensteiner, of Munich, Thinks We Are Too Ready to Adopt New Ideas. After ail tin? criM'-ism that has bean heaped upon the Hoard of Edu atton tor Its manaj-onienr ,,r th?? public ?ichoois. Superinlendent. Wllthmi H. Maxwell semis t" tho . vvspapors flat terina; ,\ fram a *-"rnrt polarisa**?-?? kg the "Suddentesche lf?**natadiefteH and arrtttra i.. Dr. Keraeh?*nstein?*r, Bupertntendent Of BCaaOOia in M'inl'-h. Ha varia. Dr. Kors, hoiisti-inoi, who ?s assjstaaesi "lio of the hiKhefit auth'irili.a on I i montar" ? du'-uttoti m Europe, thinks "Ameriraa rabe?la <*ompare wiih the b.*st in th-- world." Ho ha.? iu?l *omp|ot-?d & ?? P. - Of allai, s giving his views of in 4 ?hoola i l'a; ..f infrodu.tion l>r l<ers<?lie 1 i t.-inor sa] ? llar o buildings at?? inv.tio.-l py tr-i noisj of tl ? atreei ind wi dged In b?? tween row** of four ?tori?-.! and fli'i? storio.i tenements, wltese entire fronts aro disflgun-d by imsightly Bra taewpet There ?r.- no proud fa?ades, no gaonu n.eiitai entrancw, an ?rar-'; pints extend i Ing in front of them ? grlth It? i ...os .,r sculpture thai engend?** In on,- a desire to tak< a peep !?? hind the tain. "An?l vet like a maf-not. nssg of thes?. rtrornato, una,|..rne.| .s.-i,ool ?"itldlni;.s drea me toward II again and again. In '?> ! II<-| ni" mote than did tW museums ?,|.,] ,.0|i,-.-tlons "f thin gtant - Ity. 1 left it inva'-iahly in a devotional frame "f mind.'' The Munich educator refer--, to tho ap? pointment af ni.inh'T.s of ?oh.oo| board*? by a Mayor, or their oleetion by th?? poo pis direct. l?o doscrlho? a meeting held by a 'ommttteo of the Hoard of E'iu..'H ti'.n at whi.-h ho wa.? pffsont and at which citizens not members of the boa-d expressed their feelings fTeelj Dr Ket*Kh-*nstein-?r claims that whUe such Ire. .i,,.,] snd i . h prlvill ^'c.4 may al tin. ? ho harmful and obstruct iv... yel the ?' Uve parti-ipation of a v.hole people In all St hool matters will prevent a peemtV nent o-rarthrow or prostration of tho pub llc school system "In the mother totii-tio, ' Dr. KaiBChen? Meiner writes, "(English Hteratura, eom? ? ?' Itloi api rugi, m mualc, physi? al training, geoi i ?d lUstor:. tha am - are i it I iras a : hi 0? rnmn). - this difference?tiiai tiio well plied Khool llb-*ariea and the free aupplj -t.-.p, -, -*a?*?f?raphles and tz-ic-d r?a.|. r tho children a tar better msiKht Into are than the ptMM r*?*aders and piti ..-- librarlea do in Oennaay. "In drawing and In nature ?ttidy snrl Brience the aims are also the same, but m the United States, in tha nine cities 1 ted, wrong raetfiodg In tha ? ?a?'? of drawing and Insufficient emiipment ht ! iijiur.' atudy ."ai BdesaM prevent tne ?seh....!- fro;:) i-, tchlng their alma This la I all lh?? m?i;. IM it Waa j !iot true of the high ach?M*la that ?rtica? 1 igte with the . lementary seta ??'?n the rantrary, the drawing method.? I in th?- high schools were auch as to make ? ,i dole t" carry out r i ? ? - aims; and the i . qulpment in many itui 1 study, for biology, for i>! ? !? i and for chemistry Biirpass?-d In appropri?t.:. In'i. ?? and In um anything that l I )..i\?? . -?., r seen in l Muntriee, not ei i ;? rman? that r have vis? it. .1. "In arithmetic end geometry the aims In the American ?chootg ar. higher than they an? in German schools, and I must ?ay that m the schoole In wklck r oh ? i tin? inatruction in tba upp? r classes they accomplished tbe work a t f.?r thorn ? i he bett? r class "f acttool ? In th? '? ? ? Ically In moot branehea am rn a.- ,<-a> K?"'l school in German) n may, lnd-?ed, ;?? said of th.* amerlcai that he Is too .asi',:. Indu?*ed to adopt He la alwaj s ? liling to learn, t? . anew ?t sn undertaking has pravae a failure, and hi do ? that not only in life, not only In buatneas, hut also it. his schools. Its adopts the a>?*od wherever he Anda It; h< la i?"t con<"*Tte-L although hi .i 1er 'his schools the besl " MARRIED. MARSH iii!.i.y>:i* it Orees ''hurrs, ? ? ? on Thursdsy ? Ko 44, Will ?i i ;ast ? irsng? to Thi odors M< ' -<r.>?h, ot So. ? tee Be I "*. Nolle??* of gMWlWkgaa and death? most b. 1 ?, ? o in :i:?ni- 1 at full '???."? sod ?u.jre??. DIED. Balds Pa .1 Sanaa M Ua ??. i ., P? ?? Oil' ? - H , ,. ?:, lolph Caroline UP , , .?'? ary..r.' J ??rant. Sarah ' n.\!.[-win On v.ri ti. ISU a- nil rea l Eut Hit it.. after ? llngsrlng tllne??.. .!ar"i G BsldwtB M D . in UM MM | ' SI ut i.'.K Hg'' -,<??vi. .?n trisar, Itsri K- ,;;;|- ***** st John Boyd. ?:> her ~li ?ear. Kuriers! ?ente? ?o Mot. ! m.. tntoli Mo lay, Ap*'? ; i ..t ; p m BUCHANAN UlliM H.*?tr|. * Tern, ??rlov?-! Of \\ :i it -r II. B'.i.h.iiiMri. l*un?*ral tob? . . plainAeld, N r., Tu?M laV] Api <-\\ !'\- i m rit i ? pi 12, tail ""era lughi ?'?* Oenoral ?? l'.-?-!l. Fil? ai ;,< her lat? restdeacs N-> Mai lay Apefl i*. IS ..,-k. ORANT On I'ti.ia?. *aP?tl ". M*. ?"?ra?' ? ,. . ? ?:-.?,', of i-Van--!? x: ..nirliter of the lat? lots - M ? ? rr?r la'.. ?. ?ni a ? . Moods: i | ; .m s? m rlS4*eratrsw II I i ,;, | ? fork pel art ri<?ai<. cap* 1. Martin Paul, at the liara , Ko It I .?? IM M '''? rntns. at 1 .?? b. I -i-| K*, -a ii. r. ? a? ^?a^t"?B^, N .1 . on ptt? i :? -i |?1| Olivet -: it Pi ?da ?? . ; . lying Island, ae Monday, .\pi-u t?. si i ?i . ? rtvsl of trHin lea? '.-'? Penn ,' , tstlofl SI 1:11 o SI. lnt-rnirnt pri PI flower? RANDOLPH ?I'-'1 '" tata in Pan? . trotina l.ydla f-'ox ri.-inrioipfi, I'r inklis Pit? Hando!|->h. .ige. SMI in -Os l**r*?le . tprll II, IMS, raroHn? .loura ? ? ' Jsy I^-e ?-,?1,1, Fuii-ral .,, , r 1..I.. ,. ||d< -i. ? Pto Ml '.'?'.?.?* 130? ?? . i orh Clt! "i? M-atdS! a-, rll 14, mi?, P m. in!?riinrii ?t Woodlavvn Cenio ? n _ \ * *."? N. BME.VT ? Birlsge? ?nd ? itoniobl?a? takins ... ?t| G? rge-.. fliiir. (i far th? funeral of Mr KerfM on M"n ,U> n-arnltii* ar.- re*|tMSt.d to B|> i r ..a I I be cliiir.-li by ?ii of .-'? im si i 17th ?met Ae-???? front Thirt aesaa? ?in bo cut of |. ihe poll. ?*. ?ri'l ?? in l"s will b. \-nrWe<i. ?Ahilo w.ifinc. ?rounl ?tul ? ??an? .-vinar?? l>oj,|.. on fool. h?-ldlns .-ar.l? of adn !.a?i'?ii. ma? reach the church Irani Third avtrnu?. tKMETr.RlK?. THF. -JVOODLAWN fF.MKTF.RT. I33d 8t. Pv Harlem Train and by Troll.y. Ottos. SS l*a?t t$t St., N. T. -JNOEKTAKF.R8. FRANK T.. rAMPnELt- 24IB West SSd Bt ?-hapela, rrl?a?e Rooma. Privat. Arabj Tel IT* I '!?r-,..,.