OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 13, 1913, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-04-13/ed-1/seq-12/

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Mr. Marshall Attacks Colossal
Fortunes as Democrats
Honor Jefferson.
Charles F. Murphy, Prominent
at Guests' Table, Hears
Governor Sulzer Promise
Free. Fair Rule.
! i ? ? ?. i ? ;. nt Tiinmas R Marshall was
i-rin I pal guet t "t honor at the an?
imal dinner of tii" National D?mocratie
Hon ol the ITOth bh*t
oi Thomas Jefferson, a! tin tl ildorf last
night The Vice-Presiden! was snthu
lv< .1 b] lb? Ml membera
- - of the club at the dli
Th? - - nee of s nee brand i f
Vtce-Preaidentlal cocktail sparkled In the
ton? ?' ? a hi :i Mi Marshall
to m'n "t vast w< alth He
? ?ti" ?>f his charactei Istlc "al I
in the pooscesora ol "colossal" private
fortunes, i th it publl ? opinion to
. i ?I that ma
hri'i been obi ?it:, d a roagfully.
He *aid tha! the temper of thi Am
?an people had reached s point where
it m. longer would brook opposition, and
declared thai the spirit <?t unrest .?..is
BUcb that, unless reckoned with, the in?
stitutions ?.f tin- government mlgbl bs
?r?li,'.. .1 and the count:.v revert tO
paternalism "?- turn to socialism.
Referring to tbe sentiment ?gatas! great
wealth, Mr. Marshall huinoroualy de
clared that he had ? me to New Toril
to "heard the lion in his den. and the
Douglas In his hall." hut without fear,
favor or affection, without hatred, malice
I! will. Speaking <>f tbe possibilities
?: paternalism and Bocialism, ha said:
Fears Unwise Interference.
"The backward looking and inward
looking nun may be able temporarily n>
check the onward movement of the for
ward lookinp men. but if they do it it
win be an unwise Interference and may
result either In a paternalistic system of
government, which can only endure upon
.in?! serfdom, or in a
ab?tie system which will destroy
t?'?th the opportunity and the <ii sir?- of
mai to exercise in the fullest ca
ty his natural and a'quired endow?
rernor William Pulzer spoke. Hi
eulogised Jefferson, and reiterated bta
campaign promise to ??ve t!:e people of
tbe Empire State honest, fair and ee -
liomic government and in s,, d"it-K to
carry out tbe principles of Jefferaon.
Wllttam F. McComba chairman of tbe
Democratic National Committee, spoke on
in. subject if "Ti!" Democratic Party."
He was Cheered lonc.r than any of the
? - ipeakers when he areas. Justice
ni- ? Donnelly, president of the
dub, nrer-ided.
Charit-: ?, Murphy and several minor
had? is in Tamtranv WON at the j-ucsts'
t-ihie -A-ith Oovernor Suiter and the other
apeakera Mr. Murj by aal near the Gov
irnor, but too far away to indulge In
venation d?nnt- the dinner. The list if
peak? r>' tabla wai as fol?
Henrj M Ooldfogle, Police OonuBls
f-ioncr Wal't". \Vilii,,m ft P.",^
Parrotry, Ma'?ir Edward (*? Bchermerhorn,
Augustus Tan l-Vyck, th" p.. r. Joseph
Silver-man. .*?>hn W. Keller, William A.
("lark, John B. stanehheld. the I: .
Rev Menatgnoi t>a\ c-ii??. Morgan J
?O'Brien, Norman E Mack, John Wot
Oovernor Buhrer, Thomas i\ Doaaelly,
VI .-Presidir.; Marshall, WiUtain 1*. |fc
;'r.:t:k B Byanaon, Qeorg? M
Palmer, (liarle.-- p. Murphy, Bdwaid E.
M ?'all. chairman of the PuMn S
Coiaadsa?on; John ft M?cCooey, Corpora?
tion Counsel IVatson, Justlc? James W.
Gerard, M. Warley Piatzek. Theodore W.
Mytna, P. Henry f) ?,-ro, Il.-rtn.ur A Mets
aad Qensral Henry i>c Writ Hamilton.
Gives McCombs Due Credit.
Introducing Mr MoCombs, T>?astnia?ter
JmnneMv said
"Woedrow Wilson pcaaeaaaa the ?-?nius
ard panama] squlpmenl to fin the office
he n?*?w holds, but Mr MeCombs made the
facts known."
Mr. McComba said in part:
-.-?ome allusion has !?een made 1 -, ?
WTiith, hut I don't think the Dome I I
party has been long enough In power to
know much about It. The party does
know, however, that It i? its duty to dis?
pense rlsfht, to Five it to the people and
to exercise proper authority over th?
country. We have decidid upon a repre?
sentativa form of government. Assuming
that we have taken control at a Critical
moment, It S SB true that ws should
i ?H expert too much Every member of
Patsidsut Wilson'? Cabinet, individually,
pel forms more labor than JeffSTSOn and
his whole Cabinet did a hundred yean
ago. \-? ?? must not expect all from the
?-rovemmer.t. The partv must administ'-r
thp government safely and sanely and
carry It out with Integrity, ||llllkllSSS
Judgment and certainty, out with Justice "
Vice-president MarSjiall caused a
eral laugh now and then by his homely
tit his Struggles for thirty
?.?a?s as a country lawyer.
Tbs Vice-Pr?i-i'l<r.t declared blS warn?
ing was the result of oboervatlOB Of eon
Branch Offices
New-York Tribune
1364 Broadway
Bet. 36th and 37th Streets
263 West 125th Street
Bet. 7th and 8th Avenues
?L^ -aaamaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
Left toright: Joseph Keller-first prize; Esther Freedman. second prize ; Margaret Hanauer, third prize.
diiions in twenty-seven Northern stat?*?
during tho recent Pwsld? ntial campaign
? -i fortums and the accumulation 01
?.'rent wealth through go* ornmont.-il prlvi
legea granted, he held, had much to ?i<
with the dlscont? nt
"Aior,_- with general prenpafHy hai
eome .. marvellou plllng?up of colossal
private fortun? ," h? said '?The piling up
of colossal fortunra, supplemented by a
ral dlffuaion of knowledge, baa made
,;*??--?..1 ? ol 1 ' opl? re i.ye.
?'?? ,; .. ? of th? ? ? ople Ii for greater
equality of opportunity and enjoyment.
llora and nMt*e asen ai ? '?.mir:?' t?> the
belief that s<.<-?n!?sm atone ""rill oi>en up
. tr?nt? a this SQualltj
Inspect Chinatown, East Side,
Ellis and Blackwell's Islands.
Thirty MrneM young men from the
Iheffleld Sclent! c School, "f Tale Uni?
versity, spent yraterdaj gtan-dng a*. the
i prahltnrna of New Torh tu pre?
?rated at Bills [aland, BlackweU'a Islanfl,
Chinatown, th.- Esal Bkle and the Klghl
Court It Ki),t them rath'-r hic.\thl.-Hs
flying from one r.f th?.?? haunts of woe to
tho other, sr, that on boarding thi last
train to New Haven last night th?ir im
j,rossions vs. r. kaletdOM opl? . if not phan
One thing Stuck forth rather Sharply In
the minds Of a majority "f lh?-m. how -
ever, and thai waa the presence of a leper
in one of the host.itai-, of Blachwell'a i*?i
snd, Ih.y eouldn't remember which. Me
t ?oh rare of the i atiente1 laundry, tho doc?
tor explained to them, whereupon they eat
li.rn down as ;i ?ii>?as?sl Chinese laundry
niari. Th"\ nevei would have known him
for a leper, though Tha ?i.?--tor pointed
t" s,,rn?' raised v?tina ?n the patient's fore
anna und above ont* of his eyes an symp?
"i/o has been here thro?- yours now,''
they quoted ih?s doctor, aa raying, "and la
?dl that time W< have hern unable to oh
tian a culture from htm. I.eprofy Is
neither c<mtagk>us nor liifeettoua in this
climate, n nee da a trapt4*aJ cllnta-da to
make it dangerous to othttra "
At Kills Island the students, wh?"? ar??
m? mbers of the "Sh-nT1 Toung Man's
Christian Araor-lation. had a j?ot-k at the
kitchens, the men'a Quart?*ra and .so on.
1 ii-\ raughl b ferry luck to Manhattan
in time to bava luiwheon ?1 an Annenlan
restaurant in Sftb su."t. Their Black?
well'a Island mi? followed, and thon they
? 1 the Mas. ru,1 af Safety bj ih. i;n
ginraring Bocletl?*?/ Building, in Stth
m rat Their dinner they ai?- at tha ?'hi?
nt.-. 1 >. irnoiii. o's. in Pell atraet Their
knowledge of Chinatown, therefore, eantraa
1 bout ti:s isMgiirsnt. with its tntell?*?-*tus*
Mongolian Walters mid red eunhicneu
Th?- j.artv's nexl objective wan the Enl
raialty Settl.*mo*;t. whore Dr. Hal ?win.
thi head worker, told them a few things
abeul Boetal wotk on tha East Bide or In
tha chiif?. as th. y niu'h prefer to call it.
i'r.ai Hindpo, industrial SlCIWtSry Of ?MI
international committee "f th<- Young
liea'a ?'hristii.n ASSO? lation. wlo person
Blly conducted th.-ir N? rW York tour.
BhtMrad Ih'tn g hit Of the Uhotlo after thi*
and then cot).lu. tel them by way of the
Howcry Mission breadline to the Nigh*.
? "curt.
a? 1 ?
An oil painting of Jtidge John Iaw
ranaa, who praalated at th?* trial ?f l?*aJor
Andr? and was the n< eond federal Judge
appointed .n tins district, was unveiled
? rday in room No. M of tho Eederal
Building by Mlaa BUaabMb Adelaide t'an
BOU, g /-'!'-at-granddaughter of the Jurist.
Th?- New York State Society of the
Cincinnati presented the portrait. WhtCil
I? g copy of TrumbuU'g original. Talhoi
fdyphant. president of th?? society, mad"
the presmlatlon speech and Judge Holt
replied on behalf of the federal Judges.
Vermer Escapes Extra Costs
Asked by Bclmont's Counsel.
Justice Blacki of the
Ci art. Brook!; i. ? ? Id? d : i terday to pe?
ret ?T,r.-" ? ii Yenner to i ntlqu
j::,",??"" libel ill ? ? ? ? I Bel?
moiit. but refus? I to direct Mi Veni
j :,y t .',i"?.i additional cos!
with tt?.- ?i- mandi of M I law?
:? ? ? Justlc?
"it i- tin- ti'.-it ti ?? d? fei i ?i t bas es?
pend? d ?i-,-? f money h
?ng the i-i ' i t? ot tbs plalntll
matter t" plead In Justification, and has
bu? ' sod? d m dli ovei Ing ? nough I
able hin t.. s. t forth i': I
ography "f the , ? " ;. t r. * ? fi atretchlni ovei
1 1 I liages.
"Ths pr? ni i tlon should
on? puMIi"??? lihelous matt? i he airead*
possess SS Information j Ott
i hariic Th.- fait thai an < xi ? ?
elaborate investigation i necessai
t um arid? m ?? ir, Justlfl? atlon ? v,n?' it may
ladlcats thai th<- defence li dull? .i- i ?
t.ot make Ufe i as? ? dbHeult t ? "
Invalid Importer Released in
$10,000 Bail?Eldest Son
Supplements Confession.
Antonio M.isi a. the Invalid Importer,
who with hi? three SOUS Is Charged with
frauds amounting to sboul KOO.O0O, as
released in tltAE? ball yeaiori ly by Judge
(Trata, of General Sessions Tbs <>m man
tott.-r?-.i bs bs ?Miike.i, ind loaned upon
the arm of a friend, Fernando Coeta ..f
N.? it: Spring street
At Um door ??f tin- Crimina] I "'in*! B il d
inn be xxn.A m.' by half s dosen mors
friends and they Mood th?re .1. 1 Bting Bs to
where tbs old nian was to go. It w <gM
linaliy decided to take him to S I.?.!??!
where In- could receive tin list ,,f .;,(.
Mr. Huaica Buffers from heart trouble
While be Mood at the door talking with
bis friends, his eldest BOO, Philip, who
had been irith WllUam Dean Embrea and
Charlea a Perkins, Aaatataai Dlstric! At
torncya, and supplemented his confession^
came down on hi.- w.iv to luncb with the
proaacutlag attorney?. They stopped f??r
a moment while Philip had a few ? p? ||
with hlfl father.
Philips story yesterday added nothing
to tbs broad eonfSaalon which bs mads
Friday. He did. however, glvs details of
the raiiOUS d.-alH WblCh hS had eiiKl
neered, and so Intricate wer.? hin methods
of finance that even th?- attorn'-., s for
some of the defrauded banks who vers
present at the conference found it ?Jifll
cult t<? follow him.
Philip's memory for dates, pinces and
narne.s is weak. As noon a? he has gtVBB
all tbs details in his power and bk story
has been byveetlgated, bs win t,?- <aiie,i
before th<- ?rand Jur> . It Is expected that
the grand Jury will take up the ?ase early
thin week.
Mrs. Johns'? Jewelry Sells for $9 and
Fees Eat Up the Balance.
Th?- sal?- of tha Jewelry of Mrs, ?'anta
K. .Johns, Of X" II Past Tilth street.
which was attached by Sheriff Harburger
undei ;. ludgmeni h< id by the Regen!
Realty Company for 1171, took place at
auction in the County Courthouse yes?
terday. it brought $??
Tbs lew elt y consisted of a pair of jet
aarrlaga, a plain hand rln-" and a ring
s.-l wnli two opale, heii looms of Mrs
Johns's family. After the payment <f
the loga] expense.-' Incident to the alta?-li?
ment of the lour pleOSS and the ShsriS B
an?i BucUoneer*s fees there will bs left
ti cents ??nt of ths M realized to apply
to th.- $:;:?? judgment it was s;,i.i that
the ?articles were bid In t-> a member of
Mis. Johns's family.
Irnos witnesses lied
'Jury Dismisses Girl's $75,000
Suit Against Taxi Company.
(Some One Must Pay for Perjury,
S:.ys Court?Arrests Ex?
pected To-morrow.
it r ; in -i oi.!?. ten ml ? tarday
for S UT? m If"' I 'n't. d Ht ??? Dis!
? : . Maca, i" ret ut i ??
i ? r..i t in fa? " thi Ms o-.s aman
..t? ? '???ipan-- . ? I !'-h had t" en IK d
for I ??" datnagi ? Illas N? Ills ?;r..nt
liuertta. of Bost? sn Injury which
a collision be
tween a cs tear
Mi ? . Iu? ? led
id with al
? ,?.
?r .? tlon |
form-' .? M Q ' after I
bs a ? for tbl " "n for
Honed some of the
: .- ? ., pi-tin who won
r-arllei t? tlmony,
a ? ' ? i. ? ?? la n I
it t ot
- I :
: >v f'i
, i ?
* the !
? ? ??.'.
Immediate d?ti I >' In ease. I
got to pay 1
? d , tioi
II !.- lilt."
' ' - n th<- Jin? brought In Hi erdici
throwing out " i Is rn the
? ? ? ? ? thai
he concurred enl II
l th? : ti ? Utorn? wo d do the
l ?t R|i h.ir i w? nne, i Boaton w ho
w .is i ? . all? I ?. i for it
On Thursday hs test M duel
tin was suffering from s wound Inflict? i
In t ' ? ? , .,?? Id? at, ths ' ? i ? i
i me fi "t?. Its ? rte- ? -, a- d t1 .a
,in opera!I? ?? had lo I !?? rfw n ? -i
? -r" ? p ? ?, ' l'ii: Bouvier, i oun?
?el t oi m?- def? nd int ind by Jodgi \tti k,
Dr. IVynne admitted yesterdaj that th"
swelllag, which hs believed due to poor
treatment of a wound, mlghl bavs been a
wi i..
Philip M'i'.i'e a mounted pojllceman,
who art! sssed the accident, testified thai
Ml i ' im i tin and .i \d.ii -.n Patti n, ? ho
v., wttii hei. cams out ..r tie- accident
spperently unhurt and declined to give
i ti? 'r narai s t?> him
Patten -?? be bad denl? ?! :1a' :? p
m.iri had gone to tbeh assistance, was
i Nd t.. seiera i root examinai o ?
n.- .?-aid that hs was excited mid shocked I
n- t ? ? a? '??I? nt and > .ihi BOl bs SX?
i ected i" h !???? "h ' rvi d eveii thing. The
wound "t Miss Ouertta waa n<?t serious;
h?- did no! ass it. hut hs though! that
bl.i was Bowing, li. pal her on tbe
tia n t.? Boston, and in- then telephoned
t.. a lawyer aboul th.- scctdent Ha nad
DO int' tit ?.n of ha.liiK a ??aim for I nn
? i end Mi.-*' ??i.ertin put in launadlatriy,
h?' aald
n is probabts thai some of Iflss Quer
tin's ajtaesssa will be arraated to-mor?
Messenger Fled in Fear, Then
Gave Himself Up.
Alfred Prankel, nineteen years oi-i. s
m? s* m,' i boj attached t?? tas asaca <?f tin?
Unerlcaa i?isti:?t Telegraph Compaay at
\.i. ill Fast ;:itn street, trained into the
w.-it .tilth Mr..-t polka atatlon last night
and told the lieutenant bS wanted to gtVS
hill,self Up.
PVankel sxplataed that sa Friday nfter
noon hs was summoned to tbe Security
p.ink. ::itii -tre.-t and Third a.etui.-, and
received rherlri amounting to Mil? which
he was t?i cash at the FbcMC Hank, Madi
son Bvenus ami 29th street Prankel said
lie W'.-Ilt I? tile Pa. ?tie Pailk, gOt the
checks cashed, and with Ihe lulls in hi;
"o. kit Started t" return t<> the Security
i Ik if way hack the hoy f?if in hi? po, k-t
and dlaeevsrad tin* t.nis wer.- missing. n<
retraced in-- stags? he -?aid, bul could not
Bad th<- money. ("earing the eonaaqu? m ?s
he ?ii'i not return to the Security Hank ar
to his placa of employment but rode up
and ilown in the surface ears for the test
??f tin- gay?
fsstsrdsy aft?rw>oti, Fiatik.-I said, he
i.sked the conductor of a snrfa.-e car what
lo do. The condu? tor, an elderly man.
?id vised him to tell nlj to the potion After
the lieutenant had heard his story Prankel
wan held <?n u charge of grand larceny.
You See, This Was a Health
Show, So Little Joe Keller
Got First.
But Rosalind Klein?She Should
Worry, with Her Big Eyes,
Lovely Curls and Rose
Petal Cheeks.
i [i r, s * our psrfecl baby.
ir.s nnmi la Joseph Keller, end?ah! ho
is not beautiful, hut ho has a perfectly
marrelloua backbone, Bis teeth and n ti
angelic dispo-rttlon. I"*"*r theme and other
rirtu ?ted below bs won Ural pi lae al
iho baby show givra by the New v.ha
?'hiid Welfare Committee y?*aterda* after?
noon al Public 8? hool i"i, Laexlngton ave?
nu, and tilth street,
??ut of one hundred babies all remark?
able, of oui n J? -? ia, au ael cted a ?
the . linen I ii - record a aa IS
per cenl tge, nine months; height, 21
Inch ? . weight, -i pound 2 oun? ? ., clr?
-. ?-. n.h. st. ir im hes. id abdo?
men, 11 Inches; adenoids, non? . t. th, sis;
disposition, ex? elli -,t
Joe? ph fall shorl ol i" i f? ction bj one
point, which was made up "? otic-half
polnl "ft for height and one-half off for
weight. Joseph is lust ,? wee bit small
for in- agi His rnothei Mrs. Joeeph
Keller >>f No. - ?Vrai ISSth atreet, as
?I proudly that Jos..pit was her .'ifth
? gnd that h>- alwaj s s;, pt .i i ro? i
with the window open and had never
i.. on di pend? ni on a bol t..
The se.'otni prise was awarded to Ba?
th.?r i-'ri.riman, fifteen months "id. with
lovely little black curls, which weren't of
.-my use ??i ,-,,! to )u.r yesterday when
pl.t., d m the balanra agaihal tha fact
thai her head was loo small. Bather had
i - ??:. ol M i- ? ? ? ,-t. however: Height,
H*mj inches; weight, M pounds
? is Inch? a; al domen, IS im ?:> i
Bottle Bahy Breaks In for Prize.
The third prise V4.ut to Margaret Han?
ata i ..' ? ? ? a : "'.i 1 a part leu
lar honoi. f"i M i ottle bab).
"in spite of that handicap," said Dr.
Roger n Dennett, the Judge, from iho
Post 0 lati Hospital, '"this mother baa
ble ( l r baby almost l?
point of perf?
the Board of Health mi^k stations and
i. ai "? 'i al oui f? edlng it prop rl? She
,?! .--.. ?! .,;; the < ? ? aboul (?? ah air
and I? .- She dea?
aim"-' more credit than the mothera
Who* I id B natural advaut.igo
over thla ?? ?
Margaret'a measurements were! Height,
ght, 23 pounds; etrcumfer?
of . h? at, ??? ,,m.i drcu
. n, ? e \'.< Inches,
Tl ? ?hlbl
lion ira eleven war?
? u. by pro? raa of
woi ti j "f m? m. or Th?rit m orea '?? ? i
nd I them falling
down on th. !r quality of bone, sha:
bead and condition of te?
Tha iiaiii.'? "f the eight on tlie r"ll of
di were Paul Bprofera, Ha-rtnan Zlm?
merman, L'rsula Parrell, Myrtii ?'.luck.
M'ait? Hem Ho i? r, 11?
I . . ai ? >'? Hi d I
It thing I tat?.monts
at.,, ;? t' ? i .: of I ?it raen so
t.. m
repeal tl I bad II . I . .; . ?>n
test th? prt? would I gone to Rosa
lind Klein Alas! Bhe was too fat i--r v.
Perfection Beyond Tape or Poundage.
i ? rf? i ti- well that I ? . ,
-'.??- '.? and
I bra ? th ani two din pit i
were Just aa i >r ..
?.. .i..- lady aa
? avolrdu] ?
m., i ..uai -.s"r rj. she t',: i th.- !??[ orb i s
a .-mi calmly ancked s celluloid tat?
u? nil tha lima the b wert being
m. litt!? t !.i aunt ? n broken h<Mrt-?ta,
There were pretty babies hj the
disappointed n oth? i s it v. a < th?
dipt? mal - ?ask i't the boys "f tha h> it on
Ughl I.iteran ?'lui. to sooth the turbu?
lent maternal iptriti
"Pall h," <-i led on? n ol h? t, "w gam
m> : ain i he gg handsome u any baby
ht re
"Hut madam,'' raid ?.rung Paul Tlllia,
gently, "you didn't enter him In time, you
know. Next year I'm sure he'll win, and
beridea, rou know, thii waa a health can?
test Beauty didn't count"
\'< at u'.ir the committee plans to have
? .-? i i '?? * bow, it i? h"|ie<i, not only
for iiatieti.. i,ut for othei aeetiona of tha
Ity, Miss Harriet hllverman, who
In .hinge of the . < ?tit- st. was man
pleased u'.th the Interaal .u"i;s,.,i in Har?
lem on iii,- guhji ? of good fresh air and
hygiene for babies
Hundred Passengers Terrified by
Sparks and Flames.
\n etocti ic dlspla -, iterdaj at the
Chati '?" Bt ..??:?? ..talion of tho Third ave?
nu., elevated line, foUoartng the rantaet of
a ia*?oaened copper wire from the motor of
a ?ar with the third ?all. wh.s sulllclently
brilliant t.. t?n*rify mora than a hundred
paaat ngi : ? s bo w? re In the i ai srh< i a
tho mishap occurred. Contacn with tha
i all Causad llames au! a shOWST "f sparks.
-rii.. motor was tora tumi it fastenings
and alWtterad a window. Ml the p.-t-ss.-n
gura managed to crowd their srsy into tin.
coachaa ahead, and no one was hurt bj
the crugh or ihe Rylng glass? Thg third
'iii- lo.rk tire, hut the Ham, s were .piickli
? stingulahad
'rim International Flower f?now this
.s bean paralleled by another treat
for the iiov,.i lovera of Hew ?ork. Many
of m., features af th.? sue es-fui exhib?.
t i? ?n in the ??rand Central Palana ara
duplicated m Bloomlngdalra grarahouaaa
?ui-lhe-ioof gnd Kilts ninth Hire I ?'ut
Flammt simp Daily hand eoneerta ami
lh?* distrihutlon of ?lowers to viHit.u.s ,,t
Maed bOUn arc some of the details of the
'?xlul.it, Which is ii"- to lh.- piihlic.
Tha Westchester County i*ar Associa?
lion held its annual dinner hist nigh! in
the Klt/.-Cailton. .I.ioine Alioid Pack.
preeldent or the association, was toast?
m.ist.-i ami Introdn.I Iba speakers)
?ImIge Alggel I' .leiiks-, .liidg.? .lullii.i
?Mayer, liinn ? '. Snoonot. toimcr Senator
from Wisconsin, und William J. l-'ullon.
For To-morrow, a Specially ?Arranged ?Clearance Sale of
Colored and Black Silks
Greatly Below Regular Prices
5500 Yds. Imported Chiffons,
40 inches wide, in <i lar^e assortment ol the late-t Parisiana Ht?*.
colors, also ivory and black, Regular Price $1.25 Yard, ?it **J
2800 Yds. Printed Chiffon Voiles, q
-t2 inches wide, in Pompadour and striped effects, at *sO
Regular Trice $2.50 Yard
Imported Satin Charmeuse,
10 inches wide, soft chamois finish, in -trcct to *?>???
and evening shades, also ivory ami black, at mhjO
Rcguj^r Price $3.25 Yard
Satin Charmeuse, r% s*r
54 inches wide, suede finish, in while and black, at ???OO
Regular Price .$4.50 Yard
To-morrow, Monday, an Extraordinary Offering of
5700 Pairs
Women's and Men's Hosiery
At About 40 Per Cent. Less Than Actual Values
Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose,
full fashioned, in black, white and tan. with double top?-,
'ile-> and heels, Regular Trice 35c Pair, at
Women's Lisle Thread Hose,
gauze or medium weight, in black, white and tan, with QOo
double tops, -ole:-, and heel*?. Regular Trice 50c Pair, at ***??
Women's Silk Hose,
in black, white and tan, with ?leep li-de qq
* garter tops and li**le soles, Regular ?Price ?65c Pair, at OO
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose,
ingrain dyed, in black, white and*tan, with double lisle
tops, soles and h?eels, Regular Trice $1.00 Pair, at
Women's Black Silk Hose,
superior quality, m?cdium and heavy weight, QQc
Regular Price $1.75 and 2.0*) Pair, at *JO
Men's Silk Half Hose,
in black and colors, with <l?iiible o?-? Three
35- r; ?l.oo
lisle soles and heels, ai *?**???* Pairs,
Regular ]'vicc 5?0c l'air
Continuation Clearance Sale of
Oriental Carpets and Rugs
At One-Half to One-Third Less Than Original Prices
Persian Kirmanshah Carpets,
in sizes about 9 to 12 ft. *????--/>/\ ?*r.r/-./?.
formerly from ?$295.00 to .388.00, al *175.00 to 195.00
Persian Mahals, Muskabad and Buluk Carpets,
from 9 to 11 ft. by 12 to 14 ft. e__. ?-?*?/>*-*
Pormerly from $132.50 to 237.00, at $75.00 to 138.00
Narrow Persian Hall Runners,
18 to 30 inches by 15 to 10 ft mtmM mm 0rt-- Ar. -A
Formerly from lfr-t-5.00 to 88.00/ 524.75, 39.75, 49.50
Kazakjias, Shirvan, Mousoul, Beloochistan and
Guenjies Rugs, es from
2*/? by 3 ft. to 4 by 8 ft. ??-?re- .a??.
Formerly from $8.50 to 4( ai $5.75 to 19.75
Upholstery Departments
Large assortments i ( Summer Textile-, such as Cretonnes, (" in! es,
Futurist Linens, Sunfast Fabrics, Curtains, Curtain Materials,
Draught [Screens, Cedar t*he-ts and Cretonne Cabinets are
being shown also their new and exclusive line ol
"Deer Isle Couch Hammocks"
with many improved features.
l-i ?f To-morrow, at Specially Reduced Prices
4800 Yds. Cream Scrim,
with drawn and col ?red borders, 1 r*- oOr QAc
Values ?22c to 45c Yard, l? , ??, ?\T
1200 Yds. Sunfast Drapery Materials,
in rich shades, i^r long yfCc
and casement curtains, Actual Value 60c Yard, at ^w
200 Cretonne Covered Utility Boxes,
with lining and shoe pockets
in Mue, pink, gold and green, Actual Value ?$6.50, al
j hi the ! i'.i-d 11'or. Later Importations are being shown of
Objects of Art and Bric-a-Brac
comprising Vrtistic Marine and Bronze Statuary, Docks, Clock Set?*
Electroliers, Ivory Miniatures and Dutch Silver.
Decorated China and Table Glassware
English and Limoges Decorated Service. Dinner, Entree and Bread
and Butter Plates, Tea and Bouillon Cups and Saucers,
Dinner Sets and Open Slock pattern-,
Tahle Glassware in plain, etched, engraved and floral cutting*
I nglish Rock Crystal, Baccarat, Bohemian and Swedish Crystal,
in new effects; also American Cut Glus o? the highest grade.
For Monday, Very Exceptional Values in
Imported Decorated China Plates,
various sizes, in an assortment ?-* -*?-- *? oc i
Of Styles and decorations at 15c, 25c, 50c to oOCJ
Value- 35c to $1.75 Each
Tea Cups and Saucers, e .,
ui desirable designs, Values (oc to $1.50 Each, 35c to 4t)C
Berry and Cake Sets, 4?n .- Q -n
?Seven piece-, \ nine, ,$3.95 to 7.00. *2.25, 2.45, o*D*J
Chocolate and AfterAoon Tea Seta, $3.50 to 7.25
Values .$6.50 to 15.00
Limoges and Bavarian China Dinner Sets,
decorated with neat colored sprays, conventional border designs Of
?solid colored borders, with coin ?gold handles. ?<^ _A
Formerly $19.00 to 45.00, at 14.50 to 38.00
Imported Iridescent Glass Table Service, - ^
kixty puce-. Reduced from .$22.00 to 14.0?
Swedish Crystal Table Service, -A <
with cut designs, 60 piece-. Reduced from $33.00 to 23.5?
West 23d and 22d Street?

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