WesternTeams in Both Leagues.
However. Able to Entertain
Half-Holiday Crowds.
In Losing Opening- Encounter of
Season Giants Follow Out
Tradition of Several
Successful Years.
and P m?os Bianag?*d to gel
? ?
yesterday, althouph the ?limit? ami s .
.is remained Id ? , ?nt of Vt(,
WM weather. Pittsburgh's victor? .
Tinker's Cincinnati Redi was aa Im?
ve one. while the CMca-JO pe,it,ant
? Oders followed th.. ?suit of th.- .,
and dropped their Aral pame to Bt. La
B supposedly Weaker opponent. !
? - - ??? inaged
to win another pame treta the Red
e-lvll? ? ?- Boa i -ram I thlni
with Clereland by piling up s rousing
t"tal of thlrt? en r- r jhroe
for their opponents.
The Boston Hi-,-iv.-- left her?
to make way f<?r the Brooklyi Bupei
who win appear at ti?.. polo Or
???orrow. CeAPAk??-?.:. ntlj .
unrolled once moro to foi-ego th?
nleasure of getting tack .--t
Btalllngs'a men. Brooklyn . win
ir.pclled t<> i,,r,r th. brvnl ??* th?
?? at a time when they are roused
vr> to a fiphtim*- pitch. Just who will
fOr New York to-morrow la a prol
v tty and -? ?? ? ?? are po]
with a possibility of ?afnrquard or eren
Dahlen will I
Nap Rocker all primed for the fray, so
iy of tna
?--??? the o up of
- n by the Olanta on
? ?? ??on is no d ?ah?
the ?'fans-" of toi ol the ;
"*?? ' Ul ? WOI th? !? am t0
-? aa? aunt? r. it g< n? rail* *
the tcai to get atari right
? son, when the Olanta mads
? ? ??? lost til!
played, i >??
. of five
ter 1 ? ?.?
.*??.. ? . ?
-:\ cuit .'!??
the pennant by g Ml of bard Inch a
' last
? n i\ hen tha i
1 ? out It la a fact
?? -. th?:
i toklya by a acore "f U t?. ?
? -. v g ]
eeded to loa? th? nest thi
? : Brooklyn aron the second |
? | ? eren though T?
. . ? V t 44 . . ! ?
of them by Bhafer, pave the S .
-,. Rucker held Sett fork t.? tin
:. th? tliird pam>- and aron by B
of 4 I ? '
? :. i -.-d Hatty I
I f ring
It wasn't ont
.,. k in tl ? ? ? ? - m? and b? ?I Bosl
i v a score of s .,, J, a! ?
that the team was started In the * - ? ?.
rootmn. and it was n"t ttaten again until
? won nine straight Cincinnati was
eo'nP Hloiip a', a rapid rate, r.ut on
Ifay M Matty pitch.-d the winning game
apatnst St Ixiuts that landed tha cham
!n first pla
In MU, the year th" team ???"*
pennant for the first time, the Olai ta
o?*en?*d with ti.o PhlUlea a? the P"'<>
Grounds, l>on Am?-s licit,c intrust.d with
tho ceremony of u-sherinp in the s? a?r,n
He was beaten by Lui! Moore, who al?
ii **ed only two hit?, which wore made
hg Josh Devore and laarry Doyle The
rhi;Uen Fcored two runs in the ninth Inn?
ing Ames parcell??d out only five hits,
-rave one pass and struck out nine men.
Vnore was wild to the extent of elpht
?passea hut MeQraw's men did not profit
thereby. Philadelphia won the second
fame by a ac-ore of 6 to 1, Rowan holding
tne Olanta to three hits, while Matty
was l*oon4 for fourteen That nlpht th??
Polo Orounds stands burned down and
th? Giants wer* lismpaHnll to continue
their operations on the hilltop grounds of j
the Tanke???.
Iyon Ames opened the season of 1510 in
I -'"on with a defeat In eleven Innings,
althouph ha was found for only four
Mattern allowed seven, but ho won
th?- rame by a M-ore Of 3 to 1 BoetoB
??as also victorious In the SStwnd battle.
"Bags*1 Raymond and Otis ?randall not
l-irip strong enough to hold the tall
enders In check. The store was '< lo 4
Matty sprang into the breach In the third
samo, holding Boston to six hits and
-,p by a acmtO et 2 to l. and then
V.'iltse opened Are with a three-hit K?me
al tha Polo Grounds, whloh the Giants
?on. with the count 4 to ':. The Cuba,
".on the pennant, lost their first two
Il was in IP?? thai "Red" Ames opened
* ? ?.as'.n at tho l'olo Ground? by plteh
b 4- n r.o-hit game for nine lnnlnps and
t?a- arpuuient In the thirteenth
frame by a score of 3 to 0. Hrooklyn was
'?ponent, the .?uperhas pettlnp sev? n
iii the last four fi?mes. Wilhelm
ti..- New Yorkers to three hits.
B g-g" Raymond turned the tide In the
' I pame. winning by a score of ?. to
Nap Ru'-k'-r and Moll. "Rube"
Mar?juard stepped into the hreach and
? 1 ?li'llantly apalnst Philadelphia
?a tie third pan-'-, witiMia- by a score of
' to V allow ring only linee hits and
faiinlnp elpht men. pa?sinp only one Rut
Xent only a flash, as "KuIm-'s" hour
? ,t y.-t corn?-. Tin Phillies won the
fourth pame by a ??ore of 3 to 2. glvlnR
the Giants an even Break on the first
f"'?r pames played. Plttsburph. which
captured the pennant ilia! year, won
ihr?-?- out of the first four played
Math'-wson tifpan tlM s.-a.-'.n ?if Ut*0-*? I"
l"P f?irm, and in tie first pame at Phila?
delphia held his opponents to four hit?.
witiriin**- ?lie gama by a aaati "f I to ??
Amos lost the ?SOOnd to ihe PhlHISSi with
tha -?.lint c to :;. hut wins?- won tha
third, U to 2. and Malty w? nt to P.rook
l.'ti for the fourth, allowing six !
winnlnp I,y a SCOTS of 4 t<> I Six hits
ol.- off Ames In the fifth, apalrst
hsmaklya, the <<iunt being 4 lo 1
Th.- 'liant- won Hie hist patm* played
a' ihe Polo Grounds against Urooklyr. b)
"f 3 to 2, Mike T'onlln making a
??erne run, with two out I? the ninth
Baseball Race
in Big Leagues
M. I.iiiiI?. at ( m liman.
I'll l -lui ruh at ? Mcage.
St. I-oiiU. :,: ( l.ii-aco. ::.
FittHhiirKli. !?; Iinilnnuti. 2.
Biiktun ,??. Nrw \?>rk ?rain?.
Hrookl.?n \*. Philadelphia ir.iin?.
W . i. i'.i . w. i . r<
B?i?.ton 1 0 1.0(10 l'hila II A*t
??I. I.oul?. I 0 1.1)11(1 New NorU ?I I -000
rUtnb'Kfa 1 0 Mit?:? ?lii. int? o I ?****>
HnK,i.i?n 1 1 -Mio ( iiinatl ? I ???>"
i hican? at M, l.oiii?.
Detroit al ( IrM-land.
riill'iilflpliia, .*,. I.?>?.t<?n. I.
l'hlraga, IS; * leveiamt, ?..
Detroit \??. M. I.?ml- irain?.
Nrw. \?irl? \n. \\ ti-luiiKion (rala)
,*.. I I* ? M l . I*?" .
l'hila .' ?I I.IIIIO I hi? UK? I ? -'?00
Nt. I.oiil? ? n l.iHli? *?->? K.rU'i 1 ?MI
?-. v . . -, i o i.ikiii Boatea ii ! Att
t leirhiiul I 1 ..MIO 0 I .OdO
cubs m m m
Cardinals Jump Into Lead After
Opening Ceremonies.
i i-i' ,'ico. April 12 TI e belated op? nina
??f ti?'- National League baael
took pla? ?? I ? r - to-daj . and t . - ,,"Iin.i',s
? ?? ted tl i .? - : .. ore of 6 1
St. Louii Jumped Int? Uie ii id wfien
;i boat ?m Italia, a -mcrlfli ? ? and
Binde netted txx.i runs Two more ram
?rere ?coree la the flftl a hen th? rli
bunched hita. T- ? ? m r.-siili.-.l II ?;n
:-. I hM ? st"l.-r. !- ? ?
played an uphill frame and ?
ertak? Um \ Isil rs.
Tt1.?- usual ? ? ? attend? d ' ??
opening. A braar, band paraded ??r
t- ama A cheat of silrerwar? ? ver il
? ? . !-?? ? wer? pr? ?? .-it- d to Johnny
C\ ? ra the gifte of 1 The
. ? entation epeech waa
A chilly, damp alt et :h?
. ? .
to .- hiver through I
The iwi
ST. u r-Hie.?
? '310
Td.lf LOI 1 Of
? i Leal ? .
4-1 ? 11 1 ! I.av? ? ? ?
It 1 I
? ?
?Batted for Lai tain h. ^,?.-'- Inn ai
? ^- ;?i Inning
S ?? n I " r, 1 I
l .;
r. 11 ? \\*
? till
Mac? i?, K
.irr. L'mpirea?
- m
Pound Three Pitchers and Run
Up Score?Adams in Form.
Cincinnati. Apr!! I] '.'- .:!, r,
In mii!s?-as.<ri form and the Pittsburgh
team battliia three (?n? Im at) pil
hard, the Piratee defeated .if??- Tinker'e
k?-<?s hare to-day by ? ecore of I to 1 A
cold, raw ?lay in-ill down the attendance
fur ih'- opening of the oeaaon.
Tli?- I'lratrs took the lead In the open?
ing inning and practical!] had thlngi thei
own way thereafter, getting bite when
they OOtmtOd for runs, whil? Adams ?as
almost Invincible in the plnchee
Cincinnati trl??d out twe rotjngeten, M'*
Manus, formerly of Ottawa, an?) Smith, a
local product, after Fromm?? had tiren
hammered hard during the first five inn?
ings. McMamis was wild hut Smith did
fairly well.
The hitting of Wilson. Butler and Volx
was good, all of the nine safeties that
were dlstrlhuted among the??, th^ee being
timely and Well placel
The score follows:
alir li po a i- a- r I, y, a ?>
Care? It i i -0 0 Be? her. li tl 2 1 1I
llofmari rt 3 1 0 d 0 1 Bur.? ?f 4 " " : ??
Byrne, ?? '? I ! i '? 0 Tlnl -? -? 101
?.4 1 S 1 3 1 Hf-Mltsi 4 l ? ll ||
Miller, it? i i i io lljMaraana, rf 401 4 ||
VV'lUoa, rfll 3 t d? Egan. &> ..too t t?
Butler, to. II I I t? Grant. 31 im o i'?
Oltxion, (?OI600 ?lurk?- < . 3 d 0 .'. It
A'lami-, p. ?? 1 ? tt I: HUM, p Ml 0 ii I
| Ml Ma DIM, p I I I? 0 10
- nriith, p., ..oo I I '' I
[?Mi Donald . i <>o I ''r>
fBw ?.?-r . 1 00 0 0 0
T'.iaU 36 9 li. IT IO l T"!?!?
?H.-itt?*-! for Pronim?- la fifth Inning i Hatted
for MeMaaw in ?ex.-ntii laalni
Plttaborgli . I ? ? 1 10 4 1 o??
i'ln?-innatl. ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? 1?1
Two-baai hir? vtox (S)< nutter. Thra
bite?Miller, Wllaoa Lefi on bat-*? Pitt?
i>urrli. lo Cincinnati, 6 i><>ui'l<- pla) Bjrrne,
Butler and Miller. BacrttV? hlti Hofman
.. \ i -x ?sriii?-r, t-ii?'- Hurl?: Btrueh oui
B) I'runim?, 2; *M M- Mar. i? 1 bj Smith
l? hy Anaaxu, * Paened hall ?hui.?- kithi
|,a>?.- mi t.hlle?OtT F*r?,mm?-. .'; off M- M;mu? 4
(,r Snnth 1. <'ff A-lam-, i Wild plteb?
Promme. Hit??? ?ff rromme, I in .'? Innlnc*; off
M' Manu?. 3 In 1 hwiasa; "IT Smith, 2 In I
Innlnc*. I'mpire??Brenafte end Eaeoe 'r.m
pwaate, n J. Apiii It With Jim
Thorpe In tli<- llne-up, the New York
(??ants win play an exhibition natiK' her?
-morrow afternoon, meeting i?i?k <-o
gan'i Pateraon tintm at Olympic Park.
LeJcetrlew llt-Oraw has announccri that
several of hie regular m? ?etli .''? on Hi?
n?-!.i and has promlaed Ihe appearance
oi the Indian. Either Demaree or Schupp
Hill atari th<- cum?- In the ln?\
iMiinK, which won thi- pnme. Matty
pitched, allowing bcvpii hits CbteagO
won the pennant that \>ar ?m a techni?
cality. The Cuhs ?ot off 1?) a good Mart.
capturing seven out of th?- firxt eight
played, while New v??rk took six out (,r
the first seven.
I. it has grat-erally taken Ote O?ante aboul
la .?????k to si-ttlc down Into l?ic leagU?
ways gad SAP) into their stri.l?-. Thtilr hlt
tmm |g Um t-.\'> tntstt ??gainst Waahlag?
ton and one again?! Boeton thii ? eai hae
not i???n Impreatdea Johnson wi
myst-ry to them whiu- the Tankoee all
th? iwed? freely '\hcii they fii'id linn.
IfeOraWe team has tbe batting i.
hut a W'-.-k of ?ornecutlv?- playing M"l'
ahly will be re?|uii-cJ ttt !*?? *<> fct
eurted right
Yankees to Make Their Bow
Against Senators Here on
Brooklyn Will Be at Polo
Grounds, with Nap Rocker,
for Three Games
This Week.
N ? s leba II i
. . ?j .
day, ami, m spite of thi ?
tude ... .??
? ? al ? I ?
? rowd? d thai Is, il the sun ?
Many v. -, \,?\
I er of the i
? ? lo give I
eserved, too. A
poinl !" ...
to il,- n
??..?"I conditiu
fight -
crippled th? t
, . 'ham e hl.i
Bostoi ;
? ..
; Mon I
ond i .
Ion at \\ a.-r inpton In I
and wh .
? -
i "i. \i horn *
? ' ?
known, the
Orounds 1
? .
I 111 to] .
i on sol? to-i
330 l lit h a\ enue. ft?
upper ti?r will i. ? ?
the upper tier $2 and In I
when I
', - ? ?
i ?
to the .!????
Tha 'f...- s" wl not I
ball The Oianl bat will play
a se rira ol
r? a. Nap
alt! ough "Big ?' ' ' - -
pu her 1
? . The sun - it i ne on |
Manhattan ? . * ? ? tlm? and I
soooei the I the "I
Th? . ; .. ? ? ? ? rer to Bost? n on ?
Thursua-, to arvei
Braves foi spoiling theli opening here.
Huh Pardos will be ?waiting toi th. ?v
Thov will he ha< k here on tha followln:.'
Tuesdav for n geriet with !ho Phillies
The Yankees ma le a most favorable lm
\ resslon in Washington last Thun
.1 Ed ?'.rill'? My! !ri '-rhe Star"
??I'tank ' i.i'.. ? - f an la not apt I"
finish m last plai ? thia *? gaon If th? r
I- ,.?,,u..i: terlal os tbe N? a
fork atoll that t< are i I i" pro' ??
UM "f the siir|,ns. - of the I??*? '
, bettei team th b t.. bai be ti *n< a
( r.dit for. and it e*ai a aotl ?-. bk fa? I
that the playera ara i tplt log a rnt* i>
ijiff'-r?-i.t spirit from what the) did last
season. With t'"- playing tho bag,
thai infi. id will look pretty ?mod, and
Cree, Wetter and Daniela ara g mach
better outfield than awt-ml other U
m th<- Mir'ti'-"' i...i-"ie ran boasl of.
Inder Chan"- th- t.-air; will MM Mai] '
Intelllganl ball, bul it will hustle to the
utmost, and sic h a >"omM*totloa, If H la
helped by P"'-d pitching, is not g"ifH t
(?tiish asar tha bottom
"i'h;.ii, I trai t."t In the ramo, hu! sont
Sterr?-tt t" fits! Instead, and that v..;:ir
man gnet a rery good atr-etamt of himself
The rtslten *' fei splendid ball and left
a rarj good Impresa. with tha crowd
Which WltPc-.s.'I lh. pame."
William Peel als? h-ci b goo i irard to
v,v ,,| i-|,a:a''s .ivn m "Th.- Washington
iieiaid" by writing
??post mort' nis show that tin Nat otial
iiavc a bettei t''1" leant lean a rear ag.,,
.,,),- pf? also ha? tt;* Fanato-aa. <"-. i
i ums to i '? ?? ;"-'" *' ' ''' ' ?arum of
? ?..,* into ala playera and thej will be
danger? ? <: ?* '" '' ' ; '
!,,.,,. i ...i. ?.;. . sfter one look al tho
yankeet, thai they ahould fim.'h m lower
than fifth plaee, and might break Into the
rlrst div.s "ti "
Oraal prei stni no an b? li i made for
the big ''Frank Chanca Day, on latur
f . Miiv ff, ka i hh-ap... when lh
y *m r,... ... forth to pla) the whit?,
Hox An autom?'"'*' parado ?nado up of
. u-ousand touring can arlll ba one
iv-nuto whUa badgea and llaga ?Mil be
-,ve? out for tha "tatta" to went.
f,dl bacal ??? ????? '"? M *'" rn"r'" *
Has n.-l'l I" "'? ?
in tho erenlng a Mg dinner will ba
the Peerh m L-??'!? i ?'?">? rn ?r
Mov?:;"?-- ??? ** ?.f ,""
Moring . ' . ,,, . ,.i br< ? ? rd
Irti he #ti ?* *** ****** lb al ?" :av"
oiable. -- ***?'
Champion Red Sox Fall
Airain Before Athletics
Mack's Team Pounds 0'it ?An?
other One-Run Victory.
Former Laiti Only P;>rt of
buiing and Lattei Furos
Little Better.
? ? of the s
i. l;.*
dlenl and Jack C
but neithe ? lo u*?t
Co retired aft.-r he had faced five
men, two <?f *-? b m hi!
? i a- .1 a fourth a ?s hi! P?w
tfl '.i-k'H !?? ",.-f, but pi ? I
??? ' men, ?o that old n liable !
Plank was callad upon t.. ? nieta tii<- game
The Red S"* *?<-or?-<i four runs before ti"
??rit.-i? i the fr.iv. and thai ?? ?*? all
counted, ?? i the ealtai I tl n allowi -i
onlj su Mattered aafetti th?? triM?
ovi-r eight Ir r, r . ? ? | . ?I
li. dient -t.i* ? d tin ugl Ural
l Inning, but three htte and a pa
? . ? r ? ? ird then
t.n.k up his station on the mound .1 ri.l
twirled In Une fonn In the third fra n?
L'olllni elngled, etole *?? ?nd and counted
on two outa Thta ?*:?- a ?? onlj ran
?cored ' B Leonard In ? t *?< 1 ? t Innlnga, but
n von the 1
ami Ja? k Bai 17 with 1 *'?? re faet?n In I ? ittaek of 'he
v |*-*tora B| made two
Il B ? The Atta
h.-m nor ? 'ootnbn, w ?
? ? ? ?? - wirl 1 :?
.-? hit till
: hie luck ? ? n
?? .
? : :
I ? :'
? ? ? .
? - fair weat
. .
line, the st ?r bal the two ti ama
M ick ai
? ' >lng.
' ? 4
? -via, lf ....
4 | 1 '? - '
.... 101 0o?.< ?
. r
; :
""> "Kn?*i?. I??.
. ion 1 ; . t 0 n n.?-?
. 14
|M ? - - M 41 tt ? I
for 1
ni ni Bat
i . ?? o ft o
i I I <.
'I ??
- ?
t, 3 In I
, ?? ? .
? i. ??
lia .
? n l
?? i. ' .
b) i'iank, f Wild pi
Pile Up Score at Expense of
Wild and Ineffective Pitchers.
v r i 12 CI n Lai d i II
v. ? ? ? -, i ere to-day,
Ing alrnoei
to ; j
? - - - ed Mitch* 'i with * e
full In th? ng, a on ed
ilted In iive runs, arhlle ? Ha? -
1 nlch, .1 ' ' ? who dnlahed
the chancea to ac
play? r? reach d
'I hi ? m In the m eenth to
. ? train for Bt. !
R ? ?
10 i
? 'i r l (1
II I 101 2 11
; i "? Blrm' 1 I
Land, e ...111
i ? Mitchell, p.. I :"i '* i o
I 0 1 I 11 .-?- n p... . 11 s " I ??
Ich, ?.- I? I I ot
Itl^llH'l'l. 10 0 rt 1*0
1 T?taie...ttisiittiit| Totals.vtintri
?Batted for Weaver In fifth Inr.lnf. ? Catted
for Btcen In t'.xth lnr.'.ng
? ago. i o : o f. o : '.?.
,- . * 1 0 ?.' 1 0 ?V- 3
., 'it - agr? ment
Mir.-hell, S-linlk Stolen I
n m 1 Innlnx
. ? ? ? ofi oiav
? i ?
, ? - ?
7 n and
.- ? ? ipolla, I < 'olumhua i
K.-.r--:.-?? Cltj . T; LoUif*Tltle, -1
Mill Toledo, a
ladlanapolla, :i; Bt. iv.ui. li.
Secretary of Club Quarantined
with the Diaeacc.
Cleveland. .kprll H A"
lam Blai Itwood of tl
land , ii, of the Annri I? an i
' ' club will
not Mtici fro to* other man
the? blllj winde oi o ?
. .,- the playi we ? * pom I ind
. ,- not ti,.. ??.-? '??? ?
Too Obstructive in Maintaining
Discipline, Says Johnson.
Chita ... April.I
the Am? i 1
? I
? :i;.. . ? ? irlng, ae hae be? n th? i
t,. retofore ' "' ?''?' ?nnouncemi-nl
muag last nigbi i-. Preoldenl Jobi
Tbe stat?-m. nt wai mad? I ?
Presiden! KultJ "f ? ?"? Baaeball Pie
,-,.,,. i Btli requ?
puniehment of men eject d by umplr.
withheld until tl.rlr ,r.i?* of tbe
i... n- aid ^
Mr Johnaoa take? the ?Und that M |
Mm of the ?uapen Ion? <:
th? am ot profane and
I u-,1 i, I.. -
rateten! wort to I '
minimum. Tbe plea of play?
mtaeed aa being "unworthj ofeerloui con?
i leratlon." bec? *n* H would he too ob
MMn-.iv.- to tnelntalnlin dtodpllne an ?
pla> ill?,' li?.l?i? ?
Mike Donlin Hears the
Call to the Minor Leagues
JoeCanti?lon, of Minneapolis,
Secures Former New York
Star in Deal with
the Phillies.
Mika i ?onlln'a sun baa get M ? inajor
II player Word wen rt
I from Minneapolhi yestordaj that!
joa? CantiUon. Baanager of tha Minns?
?Of th Am? ric? I? As.-s-...tlon. ?
ba? cloeei a k?i ; ? - ?**1 ,vl"" '""
raices of lbs former
cap? tar ( " ? ? "? !l"' ????"??K
Bonita played with Iba nua?burgh
mmnon, but showeil unmls
..,,.. ,?? Blowing UP. and m*
Phillies : ii .. ised him at the wale? i
Donltn refus..i to report
.. .,*, Dooln'a ic n. Ha
.,.?.. uith a tii.-atn.-.'i company,
found pranciM behind the fooUightt
i? fore an appreciative audience m.-r. con?
i than i.i. log around the bases
imp '.; '? aing la the gi
as nag !.
[?..til?n baa alwaya ba? n one ol tha ntost
, onaisti t,t batten la the National League. I
ho narrar led the league In hitting, bat
ara? alwaya wall up and ireneraily >Mth
;in average above "' Bran laal i u
when be wa? not al big beat, be batted
?. in eeventy-aeren ??.inn s He Mole
only elgh! baeea ?nd ble relea o? by the
Piratea and later by tbe PhlUlee may be
charged f.o t?? lach ot ap?*i*d. Few
tra fell comfortabl? when Donlin
.. ui? to ti:?- hat tefth men on tbe
pgtha. ii- batt? i left handed, hut bit
to all Held? with equal eaae. He waa just
[aa likely to pall ? fid* curre into niiht
Wai 10 turn a elOM one latO
Il il
-?ir iTK-in to wane when be
dine li to a - end baae la
Plttaburgh In WT. Hp who out of the
? -- eaon, and UM found bin
elevating lb stam* ti tin- detriment ?>r
pn rye lure of the footlighta waa
,, ,, atrona tor Micha? l and he continued
...-tniK thioutjrioui tin- n?-xt y?-ar and I
;. half- ,l ,>*!S '*' **t*EtEEtg that In'
n-iall*" Joined tu?* (Hanta in mi, after
applying to the National Commleetoa for
reinstatement it w.?s ?eea at a gtaaoa
that Donlin had loot his apead, and he
Bp?nl i."--'1 "? ''ls ***** on tbe bench.
-ctinj m a pinch h:ti--r far tbe most
McOraa anally ?old Donlin to Beaton
N-.?,,, later traded blaa to Plttaburgh in
ax?bange -or VlnoeMt Campbell.
10 TOTAL OF 5100,000
1 t
Sportsmen Respond to Call in
a Way to Insure
Bigger Stakes.
The Brooklyn and Suburban
Handicaps To Be at One
Mile and a Quarter
as of Old.
Tho Puai !.. ?np raisoil arronp -?pott-men
Snd ?raen Of :8> mi* to a:d the associa?
tions to Whk antea f"r meotlnp have
hoon granted thia .'.car has now reached
tho substantial total of $l':nrta. It will
continua t?> elimo, as subscrtptlOBg ara
coming ?: s I most aver" da>, and la ail
:.!-. th? sum artU mack IUMW
"Twenty-four men promlmmt in the aoclal,
i rtd t\ m ling W? ! hi ha*..- tu il
t to dale
H tii. fund was agreed on if was d"
? tha money ao Bubecrtbsd would
be us. ?i for two seasons of ra-dng, and
ibl now exists "f th.* leasitility of
?i ?-. will be an strandam i ? I
t., properly revive the famous old
stak? s for which it will be used.
h wai decided yeatoi*da) thai SaXAmt of
r v... ?,. gd led to tha various
? -.- hich ?sill ho run a* the eighteen
m<. ? tig ol tha W ? Btctu ?tor "toielng
? iMmoiit Park, beginnim.
...i Ms
This BMM will ho allotted a? follows
Metropolltan, Brooklyn and ?tol*u-*baa
hannic; s. Belmont, La-aren a "taallaa
Uon atai Oraal T. i ?t iton? - H ?"'?? rack;
Withara B.klyn Derby, Ju-"eelle, Kaana
G . - . To?
boggan, L i the three etmaagm*
? ,? i
Phi ey thai will be gma\ ?'.
b| tn _ ation. iviii make possible ??
mor-? liberal dtotrlbution than wem arlg?
Inall) agreed upon whan it was an?
nounced that the flxtiirea would have an
add. : ? ?*-'"??', to i ?
in addition m the money thai will be
added from the fund $:.?"?' has been e*>
?? i from tha same Bouraa to ho g* -
ed to 'I." purchar-.. ? ? pi it? A trophy
w of MM will go wil am ? of
? us, Bra *?
Bubui ban, W It h ra, BrookU a Derby.
Lawn : ?? R? alisal on, Ki ana M? -norial
.h d tha Orand Na
land 1
Following ins usual cuatom Kngoti !?? l
-Donl r plato ??- tha value of ?-'?'
for th- i. non! stokes.
, A:, I - that
; both the Brooklyn and t?.?* luburban
handl?*apa a i be run at the
ai a quarter, it bad
. ? .i.i,,-?-*?! thai tarai sM i
to one rail? ???>?'' a fu
i,.r the res ????> thai the one unie and m
? t.. lin..rit Park BTOUM N
a dean1 -.;? work to make it read*
foi I This ha* ? . r ? ai, .
1 || : . . -i t?. know that the
! Ustor;. handicaps will be Und? t I ?
?condition? ti ..i have mad., them bo pepn?
; .i.?t.
i Tha Lai mother
fstak.- that aras to bav? era i il for the
g seasoi t il has Bines basa re?
? 1 to tho mile and five furlong dis?
tant-,? Thl - a ' toM ?,?i the three
? that
? alls for all tint is stoutest and beat in
'i h ae ai ?? th? ms to th.?
atok? ? tnoat
?Park, and it. is prona--il that the < ntr;
? . among btws?
i Ithla the next four da* ?
Outlook Particularly Bright for
'Chafing This Year.
The outlook foi M??ep*(?-?l?aatag this ?aa?
son bright Tho gneei .?sfui
amateur ?astitinga heii hi th-? la?! Bsw
years have been a Mg be***, as the) htMna
brought out many new owner?, a majoiil *
of whom are distinctly in th. ?
branch of th. *-pert
A eaavara ahuwa an unusually larp*
numher of hors, i for ' luulng, and wblla
aorna "f them may be lacking In elan H
v.ill be eat to bring ti ? ? : on
? - thai will :? sting i ontanti
; W I'll tha : It I ll : Rfl !. at,.'
? Bi. ng at aba .t th? tnntt
?-? th? .. ? it i:. latent Park th? re a?l
I be plant) of work for tha Jn aapeis. ano
'? hash of the aura? -
I ?? f. n , ? ? - of Jan? ; ??< mg.
The Jumping i t" i.- rim ?t tha
meet ng a laudaiihail
In With th,.-,. .?! Ib'ltTiont Park, and wmi
a st' . it tha latter trai-k
tha "H;- rtunl?M f.u the rs will ba
little - f the | aid ten Th
hunters ?Vtll be well taken can of. ai?i
tha .?n. iteur r dera grill have ample chanc
to -?how th? Ir -:?
R.cetit addttlona to tha niembersblp Us?.
Of tir.? N'a;: .na. E ? ?? :?n?l Hunt As?
ia, n !, ive 1 ? ? ? if ?/OUng hlood
Into the organisation. A "najttrlty of thes
H' w m. ii era i and agaateui
litera, ind can hi tepended opea to taV
aa Mil',? part Ii tunl i ?ting as ?*oii a.
tha assaiauon.
"Sporting Life." Enlarged, to Keep
Records in Fourteen Leagues.
The Philadelphia ?'Sportln** Life," th?
oldest sportin- and baashall papal la
this country, has Just entered upon It.?
thirty-first year and pi.,!.,.?.?s to oalebrat?
that tatet by enlarging n* -?-?-?pa and fi.-i.i
Ko:- th? baseball season th" paper will
publish forty pOgmt weekly in order t?.
furnish Utort haseball news than any
?me paper published
In addition tO the usual editorial re
vlesvs. correspondence and news from
all over the country. '?Sporting Life" is
going to publish tho bag snares of four?
teen ?aas-nas*, namely, the National
J.oaRiie. the Amerlean T.eaKue, and the
f-lllowtag minor IgagUSS: International
Lsagna, Assorlaiion. Southern
l.,.,uu,,, Pa. Hi.* Ooaat laeaKue. Western
fifagltt. Northwestern I^aKiie. New York
State fragua. BS?Stora Association, Texas
i.?ague. Central ?-.-n-u.. Piratais i.?'a?*ue
and South Atlantic i.ea**ue. la a?lditloii
the records and all the news of the re
ssaialng thirty Uagnas m orgsjalnsi bail
will aJ?o be glvaa weekly?and all that
without increase in cost to the r-tader.