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OF tie davis cup mm Lawn Tennis Men Hard Put to Find McLoughlin Partner in Doubles. HACKETT'S NAME COMES UP Wrenfl Says Australian Players Arc Sure to Make a Hard Fight in the Matches. ? Bum!; to t t In th. tri ?i matcbee erlcan Int tion.? t? ..-.,. of thi ... ? sill?n, holda pionehlp, l ' ? :pctc. ? in thi do ten ? ? ' - luring I i4 in ' r g the in? i ... \ i ?. ? ? i. . ? -. . . ! '. ! - ? I? .111 .1 11 ? ... ? player to 1 ? ? inter ? It le, th? men ? ho can go ? I -j , ??h iilble that er by th? name of Bi ? ' with ?-;;.- Dr. Bui I i ... ? han . tner The commit! in do th? a ladom of thla ISxpe unenl great -in such matches ai 11 lacking in thla altho -? ? d to h??? ? all the i ai power which le Mel . ?? ? ? n of the country. The commit a to bi ?ther etrona hieb Harold ii. Hacket! may I ? v- tt ha? ? ?<? shall v atch hit ? .. a part of tin dlflleulty which art ? ?vn-onie. how-ver, is In nominating pU - ao iiidlvldually strong that of Injury or lllneaa tbey may be - : trferrt*d fron tha double? to the sin -, irithOUt t" lk? ? . ? i-.mer.can "-am. tlcaliy haa b?en decided th;,t the ?ingl mai ? ' ih in June will bo : I the other, an-. iltaneoualy? ai has been the ? usium. Ky this arrangement th? trill : the annoyance of the detnonetrav nuns for- one court i toring with th?; ??thj-r ai d the spectators the difficulty of attempting to watch two matches at mice. '"W< .. .r likely to have any w-ilk Bgalnat tho Australians," said Mr. Wrenn, In closing, "daapttO tbe nven-onn .:. r, i ol a great many of tt, ?. s. Domes t** rated aa one of the gr?-test doubles players In the world, and has just ' .-sfuily led an English t? I :n a dual series of matcbtta a?-:a,-.?jt ?man team upon th? at Bremen II" . ?<? Rice Is also formlda ?a is indk-atid by the following paja. graph in the cnrreal laaue of The i/>n f,'-n FlcW. " Australasia's chance of re?-apttiring the Davis Cup thi?- >iar is materially re? duced by Mr. Wilding's within-wai from the team, while th? ?JacMatl to play the preliminary tie between America and Aub tralasla ?-?n the. former's courts Is another factor In favor of America. Tho success of the home hide, however, is by no mean;; aMured. " 'Horace Rice, who will take Mr. Wlid place. Is a Fhre?-.d and exper! palgnet HI? phyetcal resources, like thos? of Mr Qore, eeeea to be unaf: by I ttarta, while !.ls<* line,?- 's calculated to trouM?- any vol Mr M .' bai i .-?'resented NOW South Walaa on ???er thirty occasions; h?) \M-n the championship Ol Australasia In ? and th" rn>-tiorolitan champion.-h.?> o? ::?>? as recently t.-? 1911, while he araa '1 against Mr. Dixon In smgltB during the tour of the Bagttah team last winter. 'Aa a rul?-, American pla*."rs ar<- reluc? tant to engace in International matches ;is early ?s June, but Mr. McLotlfblin, their champion, has the advantag..- of r?: ndini- In the West, which lias no "close" n.' " BULKLEY WINS AT SQUASH Defeats Putnam Easily for Columbia University Title. T!. Duncan Bulkier won th** s**?un>h tOBgril championship of the Columbia Uni? versity ?'lub yesterday on tl*.-? court.?) or the clubhouse, at Qiwiaercy I'ark Bouth Ifl the final of the to'imam-nt. Wblch haa h<*ld tbe attention of the lovers of the ?por! during th?* last few ?r??lu, Hulk'. ?decantad r. **f. Potnan by the *--or?* of a if.. bV-T, If?fl, It was a tally of three sets out of four Fiom the opening aervloa Bulkley. wl.o has previously held the title, began to pa-, th?* tall into tho corners for ?rick? ?, ?i dieawaye off th?-- baeh ?ran. in? i-hots were so uniformly eaoeeaafu] and Ma spped i?o goo-i thai Putnam f,-,?l- d from th?- flr?t s? I In th<- second s?*t thi latter naaaaged lo take a brace Bulkley, after UM BttE (lush Of fast ??lay. lot down ?<n his gam?-, and by adroitly Intercepting the bnii ii, nid-oottr! in the voMoya Pul I ir-i forged ahead to score the set. ?if the aal was ?uAcient to *t..rt Muikicv playing up s-Aitiiy one? more Mnding that Putnam was antlc; ? r abata, Bulkley played ? < ball atraigbl up and down the eourl ?i lart rallia? He alao changed fr.?m frOnt wall "ticken to similar shots off th? back wall, r* which h<- easily -.cored tin third and fourth ?et? and the match. HEAVYWEIGHT BOXERS NOW .VI "WHITE HOPES." THE TOP AMONG THE "GUNBOAT" SMITH. ' i Hl k MM \R I . Regimental Team Wins Dual Series on Courts Seventh's Lawn Tennis Players Find Yale Hard to Subdue. ALLEM EVANS A SURPRISE Reverses His Form in Defeating Smith ? 'Varsity Captain Vanquished by Hall. R?gimen! team something of tl" Ir arir. ml d tal terday on th?* armory c-oorta ?tree! and Park avenua The men frotn New Har? ri i?..-1 by i gin that the ?mni; of ? few ?-?in:. han changed th? reeull from the 6 inat?-hes to 3 "K?re, with which thi -'? petition? cli ? . Allen i;- .,-.?- :.? of the M ?'luh of Philadelphia contingent, . .Smith, ih..- former Harvard crack, in the - . '? i ..,..,,. ., ; ,, .( Bum j .. | for three \? a litf-h place or. Tal? teama, likewise amotb? red < C, Rosaire t-? tie tally of ?> I, ?'.1.' Were the i ' ?rtctartoa for tha colleglana in the i in the douhies Bdwln W, Pi telec and T. Btanley, the former one of Tale'a moat dependable Teteratia, defeated i. n Pftch and J. ?!. Koen at ?- I I ' Deaplte tbe fact that the llf-ht was not What it IbOOld have b'?-n r..r f-ist and apactaetiiai piar? all of the matehea worked off rapidly. The tally in th?? atngb i wa I mal bt to -, xx ith t* ? f- ??? at | to | and tbe game? a! I to -,! In iblea it was 4 eeta to 2 and Z" gamee r., "g. The margin o Ramee In the total was M to ?!?. Indli atlng how : Walter Merrill Hall, rated tenth on the national liai ? ? "?'.1. led off II aj-ainst Alrlck II. Man. ,r tl,? ! ran. It wan a showy Ml oi playing? ?'??il" ... to midi following 1 ? oft? n - to ? n ? clipping it acrow I ! man? ag? d to p ... ? ? i pow? ? ul atroki a of 0 ? ? pled I ? ? ? ? ? . n i ha eaki ring th? i ... ou! ??ft ?. . ? ? ' ? ? Pi ??-!.??? ? ?tight hia i trol latt? - ? ., , lo F1I through tl idgei I ? ?? ?, ? ? ? tenth i Val'- man thret .I to | ? i Ith tri. ni him ; I turned tl : or? In ? I?..-?:. ?? played In exc? nl . . doub ? ? with Stanley Hi? ? couri shot ?ere tlm? skilful].- und< i th? i"r-r? lot a I straight : ---i Tbe aumma**** ?Wl?wo. i Tt ti R?-gtm*?i ? M? ? . Hall. T? U. M..- ? i Ruse? ? Robert T. Bi "? pi i; ii - ... ?. i. 0 ; : ;? ? ?nt. defeated rale, ?, i ??- : i M i ?? ** T?l ? ? I | a i i nl ?>?Walter M. ill ii atl<" ? ' ind 1 1 ? -. ' Il I, ? . Tal? J. J 7-'. Regl < S?-1 POWER YACHTTAKESWATER Tec, Named for Ocean Race to Eermuda, Interests Crowd. in the presence of ? larga number of yachtsmen, tha new power ? ich! Too, owned by W. T. W rah I maica Bay Yacht ?'inn. wag launched yeaterday from tha Ruddock ZtSth Hire,? .... j t .? Harlem River. Tha new boa! fur the ocean rac to Btsrmi d on Juna '.. n*a- named h i hai La*"*, ir, th? commodore cd th< fa men's Club of Philadelphia the ; hold, f Of tho , up, ? ? In M year by the commodor? i boat, th? I ?roam. Th<* Xei m? leurra M Ceci iri In ?? ovei an, ;? let ' beam and f< ? l draft Bha la ?-quipped with a M-horaepower Buffalo moior. wh!. h i i apt ctod to a ?p..ed of ?? n mil? an houi TI i oat haa comfortabi? living accommoda and a larg? < o. i pit Th? re sr< ? Ight ? n? I . ? t foi ti, Bei mud ? thi '-?? of which an from New ? ork. a ? MITCHELL CHESS WINNER Defeats Tyler, Winning Every Game of Scries at Hamilton Club. W. M. p. .Mitch? 11. arstwhlla \<ir??ity player on Marvaid's cttHtM team and Biuesi W Tyler, torm? r Columbia Uni? ty player, completed their match of raven gaines up at tin Hamilton Club, In Brook 1* h, * est? r.iav Mit? hell ha?i til?- while pieces, and ha\?? int.' a iia.i of bIs games, eaaay?Bd the, gambit, KivinK up s pawn tor en ?ail' attach Tj ?' -. ?? ho racentl) recov? red from an illness, which caua??d s postponement of th? ?iihI game, found tba attack to be Irrealstlhl? and succumbed In twenty?flva' movea The imal soora was. Mitchell, 7; Tj 1er, 0. KRAMER'S TRIP A SUCCESS American Cyclist Beaten Only Once in Eleven Races Ahroad, Krank L Kram? . the American racing it arill i- 'n n on Tu? ad ly from a Europe? foi two n .Ith a re?oord on foreign t . n i. r hap haa no! been i rom 1 t-. \ ? Kramer eleven ra< igi t thi pick of i : ? ? r ? ? i ? ? -. and w? ? once. He ran th? gi it of all kind? ol i fr.iin ahori aprlnl mat? h. i ? - unllm ted race and ??? six hour team i ont? it, Hii chief opt.i ? i,-1 ,i Hourli? r, tbe Frenchman regarded a*? the faateel man In Burop? He defeated Hourller In three matchea and -i ?Ix-hour race while ii"uiii?'i ti. .| him m one race and defeated him In an oilier. The latter araa n ,<one?mllc open In thla r:.< ? How 111 r '.-m i..m ..if the track, and then had help from Thorwald EHIegaard a? a "teammate I. lagaard wa?. second In tbe race and Kr.i.r third. Bill gaard and V'lctor Dupn, both for? mi i world'? champlona au? curnb? -i t-. Kran? r In ma! th racen, ulule tn the .r ti em r u ?? th? Yank? abow? -i is bee!? i" the whole pack, with a erj uody agalna! him. He captured one han? (Heap, riding from scratch, and waa aec ood In anotber. Ha abto baa a rm ord for ? lap or, th. \. i?. In m? d'Hiver track, the i.m: winter gaucar, oi ii l?l aece-nda for ! in- . ir- ?lit. Ki.iiiier.-, home is in Baa! Orange, N ,i ii.? lias h.'.i the v"" rtcaa national cham? pionsblp for thirteen reara in rocreoaiun, and i?-' naaon added tiie workTa title to hin rrown a l'art.- of i,?s frtoadn in Newark are arranging a ItwUmonlal banque! fot ium Ir ?Newark after lib arrival home. OFFERS BASEBALL PRIZE Chalmers Again Puts Up Autos for Most Valuable Players. CHANGES IN COMMISSION Grantian:. Rice Succeeds .T.jhn B Foster as Representative from New York. ? ? ? ? | a natl ..; . ' i . ? \ ilph I t i Pi ... i . i ? ? ; . ? '. ? ? . Bt. Louis -? '. ? ill ?HI i ? ? a . ?: m, forra Th. i >. troll ? r membera of I ? i mission <ir' i r Bai ? i ? ? . rribuae"; rl -, Bal ? i Th? Detroit Nea Tim Murnane, ol TI ?? Be !?>:, ? ; Jach i', d? i. ol 'i be ? Indm at! Bi | J ' ' ir . tigra, Of "The I'lllla ? North Anioluli . II. !,--. p. I ?! wa-rds, of "Tie i i ,.i l Pial i ? tier," and Ai?< l*ag< r. of ' I Tha ' lialm? rs l -final I in mi. v. h. n Hugh i nan. ? red an mobil? to tl ? contest at? tract? ind wh?*n i 'obb, "t i ? Lajoli ' : fini ? ?! ' i ? point t iv ? Ii th? ni. ir ' M t. Cht omli d i . :-. lag .? ? att. play? It ? ?!?? id? I !" ? and lltlon In th? ?.m? .. Kations : <? n n?e a changa i ami in ?'ii a ?sa lo the bral aii around p?a)ei in each of iho n ?.a. .? i bt man who, in tha opinion "i tl ? m? ibi of I aera or the Ural valu., t,. i ere to be declared I a im ? > of Detroit, naa idjudg? d the tiplon In tha A mei Iran Leagn and ilte, of ' ?hleago, In tha "?rational ?.a:.r year Lan I ?a, of th? la, and Tr?a 8, eakei ol tha I Red Box, berama riaototrist? ris Um Chai? trophy rouf. Po ? i considered In ludging tho playera are batting, basa running, fielding IVI c- aid-to-team pla\ , QUlch thinking, conduct on and off Ike field, time of reportini,- to ?lob and rraprat f?.i , bib ?ll.s. tpllne : ru. rs trophy cohtoi I i - lo i be in.ii\ id.,,ii playera what the pennanl rave? Ii i., i.luba <'ritics pii-n. i thai this season'i battle for the honor' .?ill be a i on. even than Iii3t year's. Tho ?la v? lopt-u nt of aensatlonal neu itara and tia retiogrreeslun af some at tha veterana i expected o-?? NEW HOME FOR PASTIME CLUB. Th" Pastime Atlih-tio ?lui. will move. Into Its IM *.* l.oro. In the I ; ilia i'.,.,. non:., MM ntr?et aii'i J?aroma avenue, on May i The i iilMIng hai bean i. g ,,.|. ,i..i. and when Miiinh.-?i xmii i,. equipped **?'ii a gymnaaium, a awlnunlng pool ai,,i handball eotart The ?lull Will llRVe Iho il?o of I [ill ilo Held, la tha raer of 'ho b?*nTdlng. ior traialng at-?--paaaa Thai a is u pian oa loot to iii'ludt* itaSHeiiull and baakuthuil g*?Tf*ra in Um li?t gf Hag ot?ntaagg of the club. IIIH CI?SE IB IE ''Gunboat" Is Logical Opponent for McCarty in Ring. CARRIES A STIFF PUNCH Many Boxing Enthusiasts Think Former Navy Man Can De? feat the Champion. '' ' nE forward IntO the rank;? of the heavywelghte, striding forward and up? ward in ? manner tha! allow n<> denial, 1 I ird Smith, ol Ban PVanciaco, known in up roped arena ai "Ounboal ' Smith. iklm ins Lid for pugllletk fame ami .1 . hance .it th? championship title, al? though announced aa .1 son bf the Golden State, Smith is really an Eastern man. and twent) Uve ago u?s horn In Philadelphia II araa from the Quaker < if. thai Smith enlisted In the United .'? d to the hard work and train ng thai he r? 1 rived while weai Ing the blue i 11 kel ol L'nclc Bam, Smith rcall" owea his rise In the boxing game. Scrubbing down decks, polishing bright a rk, .ni the numerous "th?-r pleaaanl dutle? and otherwlae, <>f the .iM.-t. .di?,ri 1 in hardened Smith's mueclea and which ha? 1 htm m ? ; h exi ellenl rt? ad In many a Ing battle In Ih? arena Bmlth l" an Irish-American t">>, and his father reara In th? 1 Btat? ? -.- 1 ':?! 1 as not ye! t een tered "ut ?>f service, it was on the ?!?--k .?i his ihlp thai Smith first donne ! the 1 n wai nol he was i kn iwledged the on 1 . ., op- of the tourna? mi ms. nd aftei fli htli hard n .1 in? da hi later tried ? tha! the loai ? more ? . real pro? ? 1 - . -,n.i . '. . ? the I ese are f that If McCarty and ng ovei sny t ........ -,i ;,,..,. ip ? 1 ., h .. ,:? title of heavywelghl Cham? orid Ju - : the mim to for I ? ? opinion mai no! b< md C? rtain It i? ? .? ? ? 1 n any r- ii ? . ? ? \ f the two men 1 aa ?? . IfcCar! beli ? ?3 Inches. ?.j,-,,- ? ? ?zed In thla dt]. : haa gi otan bu-?-r since that I ?"hen be next boxen he I po md? or ma ? In bis tx ot t-.--.ivi- r than ITS Prom what 1 ? ? ? them aa ? - Ing I ? ? but the lit! ? ? while nol haa ? ? : itack ? - ? ? lim Stewart .... I ttei ? 1 . Ini ? . ? : : ? I ? ? ? ? - ? rids with Mci'arl ?1 I ? ? to mi ? ? ? ham ? ? al he can t ? ?? 1 tv. man In tn.< ,. ai d wan! I ? it to i?>- 1 1 1 1- tlon "i thi entin I ? ? I Mlc Hum .- ? ? ? 1 ? ? one-punch, o i and? .1 fighter II? ? ? demon ?trated 1 i ? ft I d la to 1.. reckoned with II? pro ? :,l. d he I? ? to 1 ?f-' long right hand wallop over, and 1j liable t-? knock an In the ?-'?? rid if he w? t take and ?till i" ' '- for In? ingford or Joe J? ann ,? Smith would I" RESULTS OF BOXING BOUTS Young Rector Outslugs Mike Rosen in Ten Fast Rounds. te of Jersey 1 Itj I oui 1 ? Mlk? Boa n In a '? n round - ? --?t Brown'a ? I ?? laat nigh! ai wb? ? ? rere not tryti hnrd o? wm .1 - ?. ?nd tbe crowd, win- h i ickod the building to tbe d< a oar moa! of tbe Uma in t"- ? arty round Re an held bia own w? 11 bul .itt'. - I hitting .' u him iiuough lo t Ictoi put I ? ! '?? II ke) In ten ?laa iln : rounda at the At] intlc ii.n-d.-n atblefJ? 4 im? rllckej ? in strong and aniaaalia. ?"it Bartfli d im 1 him -?t i?i*< own game, ami bla punch araa more effective. "Young" Herman, of Pekin, 111 . ma?le .I-"- Bheara "t England, null In ala rounda ?h the .-*t Mieboiaa athletic Club Her? man wai bj far too elevar for Ihoafa ud 1? i"'i around him, landing almost .it n*UI Th- Briton araa game and nrllling, but had abaolut ly m defeoca ?md never lei ? punch (-,'?> t?\. Harvay KaQy and "Bull" Thoiupeon boxed tan rounda with honora ? ran In lb? aeml-dnal bout The champlonablp aaplrations of foe Moonej received a aevere aathaoh wb?M frangle Conlfrey, the former amateur champion, knocked blm oui In ton rounda at ihe Pairmoni Athletic club, Conlfrey wen! after his rpponenl f" Ibe laat round, and hanking rtgh! and lefl lo th.- chip ?' a! Moonej doam f??i th-- full ooun! JOHNS HOPKINS TEAM WINS. B?lUmor?, April tt Jobna HonklnaUnl reratty defeated Btevana toatltufo ?it la? eroaae by 1 M-or. .,t 11 t<? ?? here M-day Th.- r?liiv r?r t?,? ?,ost part mas ?round the Stevens goal. Rain Plays Havoc ivdh College Nines With Mm e\.-e?>lion- rnln played havoc with th.- eallegS liii?rh;tll k tin,??. ????trr day, sad artvatosale t*aaeella?l*?ass were tha onler. t ..rii.'ll anil the Anny 4*rre list only t.aim? el any prominence fa? vored 4\itli run ieaeSSS*Ms 44oalber. and r;i. Ii mude Iho he?! ?f It? oppi.rtnnit ir, I.? \4 Inning. Ihr sanie? playo?! rrMilted a? follow?: \rtm I I Nor? l?-b .1 ? ?>rne|| 7 M a ?ira i The gtssssa aeetymtsta, eeeet ?>f which wrrr <, ?<rr a? fall..?a: I'rln. \-.. Hart innuth. ut I'rin, ei..ii : llur? ar.| v.. "MUM II- ? 14.1 ?.- ut Il.iltlmorr ; I'.-rin- 4 14 nni.a I? I sfaVJ ?-Hr. at I'llihulrl phia: 1.1I0 4?. lYrslsjsa. ?t N?-??- Haseai ? 4?.. I nlon. ill ??...itti Pirlil; Su?, VS.. I alil>-li. at \nn.i|,..l?4 ; I .ir.llii.n? 4?. Hal? I i.,-., at I .million li.'l.l: New ? ork I ii!\er?itr ?*S. liiilac.*--. -it Oble Held. CORNELL TEAM IMPROVES Defeats Niagara, with Johnson Proving ? Power on Mound. Ithaca, N- V , April U Th.- I .in-ll ,:i team -?edeenaed Itself to-day af ter its poor ahirwlog in tha South by <!? - ? g it? first opponent on th.? home diamond, Niagara, by the ??-?ora ,,f 7 to 2. irtlcular ?atlsfiictton In t> ? ? Igl t to '-iit ? ? i-??r* , ? d through the Kane- .kei : ? . ? .. .t ?i and ail- its T - Mi the R| NIAGARA ah r ? I . - ' - - 4 1 J 1 10 ? j i 1? : ??lOio ? f 3 00 100 . ..*. If. 100 0 0 0 Brenne? k. .:> 401 0 0 0 ? J t Me? ? i 0 'J I 6 2 _ '? - x? 7 Nla?**:.. ? . ; .13' Hi- . ? , Q11 ro y. 1. Sa ;i, '.. " Carthy, o? : .-.*. 'rim?*--:':?**. ARMY IN BATTING BEE Pile Up Runs on Norwich in Listless Game. B] ? i . ? N 1 - April ' Arm*.* , h I i.-.V' . fa-lhaiti '..- a s,o:" of 11 r , 1 . ' 1 w<m ?- fifth atraight victory. The ora wate never dang*-n*o?jjn i'at.-h. ?? > pitched a fea ganrtea for the Cadets ?ant Ig lia a;-; . aranc in the box for tl ?.?:? i i tortng th? i ran aafa drives Norarteh mad?-, no that in only one Inning ?Ud th.. i laiton manage to tartier more than on, ? Norwich ?-"? two Min?? In th?* fourth n Mtlilken booted Ay? Thoni! son ??? nt ''-n home with .-. doul le. Muta , ... Thompson a moment later ? ? With Mllbut -i ind Badtl I ha fourth N? ? land, aho < ? is ?are!! as pitch, cl< an. ,l up ivitn .. hou..- r:n The holding of both i .via t, hi <i 'i ? -- ? ,? folloa ? ARMY. NORWICH. '- i"> a? ?3 IIMurray, cf.. 4? 1 '10 4 M l'?!, SOB, -'l> 4 0 ,1 I : ' ... I] . i .?r. ? ! . I 1 1 : .blast 111, ib.. lio i? <) t i I'll) I 10 ' ? [ihsrd. ss 4 ? 1 t 11 il I ?' a I' !.. ,-. rf .... .-1 ? ,*, 0 a Patch p. 4 1 1 I M If i ! ! o ? o ! i i "i' ? ' 'Hi i>aon. p 4 1 2 1 ; 0 ru. i, ,i. :r i i t - ? i, , kl.llk.en.? i o o 3 1 1; Total?..3?> 1111 IT 171 """?tala H 4 7 :i 1: 9 Arnu.1 0 ? I 1 I I 1 ?-it N01 sieh IM I i M 1 C-.I Biotas i? ?? BsdUsf ft) Kartend, i??t.-h. Meno h 1 hand. Il ? homp? n. i. Thomp ?oii, rthephard, H? I Merrlllatt, H?n M II Pwo-baa ? hlt?ThoniB ii.nii. run N? lead Ktrue? out?By 1. t.y Thompson, 3. Plrsl base on t-.ii;? 'I tel . PS? H ! bull? Lytnan, i-'. Hit by pitched ball? ?O'N? I, i.rr. Belysa l??ft on base? Norwich, 7. Army. ? L'mpln ' ill?m Time- uroo. TOO WET FOR COLUMBIA NINE Game with Union College Cancelled on Account of Weather, U tilt th?- South Field diamond under two in? h?n of water, tho l'oltimbla-l'ulon ba.seh.ill game that was to have ln?.?n played then yesterday wnn out of th?? quratkm. Hilly I.ander, the ?Columbia OOaoh, made au lnupction ol th.- i i. ? 1.1 tust after tho rain Stopped y-'stcrday morning and told i-'ia.1 i law Min. tin- former Prtnoeton cap tain, who is coaching the Union team. that if tho rain In Id off the diamond would probably parmll tho pinyin? ol th.? game When the hkioH besan to leak a?Hlft, Jus! after 1 o'clock tho game was called ?.ff ami rancelled. MONTCLAIR GUNNERS BEATEN. [ By T.-b'Srap!. I,, the Tillnino. 1 Moni.lair. N. J.. April 12. The f.ltt!,? rail!? Qua Club met and flgfagtad tin? Montclalr ?lun ? 'tu!, this aflemoon In a c?o?.' contest by 7 patata, The .?hoot was at M target.??. In strings of 25 targets a man. The sores were: Little Falls, 33a>; | Montclalr, 228. M W TRIUMPHS Retains Court Tennis Cham* pionship by Overwhelming Challenger. TITLE HOLDER EIGHT YEARS His Play Never More Brilliant than Against the Bostonian, Whose Rallies Availed Him Naught. BoatOta, April IZ I'nr the eighth ve^r In auc? aaaion Jay oould, r> pn m ntlng th? Racquet Club <>f Philadelphia, won the national court tennis champion-hip at the Hoston ?tnoguat and Tennis Club h?.r<* to-day. Oould defeated Joshua Cram ?' Boaton, in tha ehampionahlp round, by a, acora of I i. ?. o, 6?:'. In Baverai waya th? present tournament was a repetition of lar-t year's champion ship match, in New Vork, when Gould defended SUCCi lafuliy against ?"rane. The earlier .-tages alao saw the rilmfoati-r-n of ?'hat-les K. ?-?.-ruis at the h-ui<l*< of ("ran?*, as was th<* cage here the other day. """hrougboui tbe match Gould always held the upper hand, and th?- OUtOOtM was never In doubt. His "railroad" ?-? vlce proved M troubles--me aa ever, and he found th?- winning op* nings with an accuracy that took the heart out of the v?teran, who Until ?lould earn? upon tno scene In UN had been having alnu-fU a monopoly of tin court l?nni.s liorioi . Practi all; all tin- available spare ;-? the court WM taken long before tho men were ready to (?gin. New York ar.d Philadelphia were well represented. While ?!ou!<i'a ?Htcceag waa regarded as iiimoHt a foregone concluetoa, tbera waa not a ?irr na fr. wbath r ? rane would b?; able to win a ?et. The chan lair- d Of B .?light lllneea, but won the Brat gnme after deuci had been ? ai:?-?i four Umea in tho n?-xt gama i Oould only two pointa aad aleo won tbe third Kam'-, an oth.-r detwe atTalr. After two Kamcs had h.-<-n paired It looked an if ?'rane were t?> give the title holder a hard battle. H Bex! ? roe lamtw. however, went to ?. i. Who netted many pointa by dri\-i te ' i and gri'l. ?"rane than ' ninth, but the chamr-ion carried on tho tenth and deciding | ring only on?- point. The eecond set was n elean awaap for QouM, the chalk-ngor offering real petition only in th<* us?t game acored only aix! six ! gam. s. ri>-'.. B Of th? ? I II ' ' a hen he for red the n to a t to 1 finish after an ?zee? The third let BbOWed CTUIM in tl I form, although ho could not cop? With th.- brilliant play nf th- In ? net, ?Jould all?. .. ti | ? I uun th?> s tbe tlfti r r m rt out, onlj of the three n-maning ? ? . . ? ??nth. i : ?> ? and thr dedana for i - Thi ?i FtE ^ - 4 ? 2 4 l'i -I I 4 14? ? : - . ? : 4 4 4 4 4!? < "run- t g 1 g S f ? - ? 4 :, i - ? . 41 PITT WINS WITH SABRE i Contest for Biddle Bronze De? cided at Fencers' Club. of the Non i - ? ?g ? bouta a! tha .' -?". at No .-:? d at an earl) ?lay morning in I'hii - t? avoid ' ?"' tbe police Pitt, fom ? ? ib?r of tbe < '??.un.1 ? "-.. bad at thai I M wi'h -i- i othera In the I -. be Had with f thi New Vork Atliletn* Club, In the UM bit of elanhlng sahr-? p!ay hotv '?"?? two, PK1 defeated hi? Opponent M i ita to fbur. Th- -ummar)' follow?: Btuddlf r! I ; ? v.Vi. ?*?*'"??? f C a nui. Hun Tort- a ?'. 7 t<-> *.. m rt?-* a ?. : ?* -in. 7 to ;. t A ? ?' ?*? ' ? ?' ' , | ? 7 to ?; -? In. 7 to ?4. F ' ? ??: A ? ? ! -;..,-lf. \ ?* \ Bill N< u totk A L'., ? M ??? ? ? n, witi Clinton Bi t A. ?*. 7 tex I ? ].? w |tl fill tot Bmli ' t A- C. i ,? ?. BU **???' ??'?:?. v '.""??? ? n.i Oeont? i- , I '1.. ?? \ BUI, N- n Toril A. C. d ? Relmh?*rr. Jr . trn V? rt ft?! x;...rxe tt.-tn-?i. : |r.. !', -?V. Phil? W| ill 'O 4_ - SPORTING GOWNS A SPECIALTY H. CURTICE ,\,1<-. tfcd Imnor of a vi-tt front American KkIic?* when in London. The Latest Models tt UlC Leading French Houses arc glwayi "ti view, as well as H Cu?"' ticc'i own designa edverinp M***a"JJ in .Sporting ami Travelling Ciowil? Prices from $50. 15. Sackvilla Street. Piccadilly LONDON