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GOLFERS ON ft OF HONORS HAD Americans to Make Vigorous Assault on Strongholds Across the Water. SIX "PROS" PICKED TO PLAY Smith, McDcrmoit and McNa mara Included in Invading Partv Which Will Cam? paign on Foreign Links. I ?? rr ?ions I ? ? ill unqui prove to be i h d t? r mined ? ff- >rt ev< ? m? - t,. \? m hoi ? ? . \. , - - ? Ihe trip to Fran? ?? ' ' ? im at r a Bmlth, I. McDi na? in; Toni m Namai ?, n tit!. M ?' ; and Ale? Camp ? ? "rVherevi the con? - toward forces. One pal ' - well ;i? nam. i m?! " ' ' ?-" a of the '? ?? tii ' ? ?i. for ? M v in in - th Probat the Dos ... i ? - finished In the mot ? ? - ? ? ?! be sur? him some rd th? I n the othi - und B - Nlcholls oughl to be moi el ? ? ' ? | ? mentiom ... p:?4t ng for 1 anno . . .? *? anj eire . \ ? ? : ; - ?. a ? '? ? ? .... v Id Smith, , :. I When il ? i far ? .... Th. fact ii play. HE | . ? ' rtain, for one play? hoa ? v? r. in fa? or ol tha ? * - ? . ?hi n II rames to strok? I'.q -.- ? 1er eat. so ?,?? ? t*. >? rn?*d, w III be t.?k? n In th? Ir d at lb-vial??- It of th. American? ??? ? ti al onlook? rs of < ?'oat Britain as one !?'" ? y pul it. th? comn t i ? - ? ' rench Api lake. ;i frl? id ol Brady'i writ? i ** ,. , , far as mj experience goes, HoyiaKe .,f golf In England Th? ? i that no two be bet! eth? - not th? St.?I I ? . ? istlc of th? Hoylaka ? 1 ? - ? ;"" ?.??*d g i.i. ? /? . nlng ahol ?? hi? b I? n the arlnd favoi ? complemt vi,j, i i the second . at In Its d? mand for its arltl th? ? found poor thr< ? . ? aw. II mg tt?** alioi t holea, and .... re too ?a ran t ? Hoj lake sr ? Ith of . ... ? n f T h i ? ? but it ii ran a in, h t. al to defy ? ? RATHNER WINS KNOCKOUT Fells Sorenson in the Amateur Boxing Tournament. A knot ko il la ' Iba pra? r. i? ire of tha am.?t' ir at the Creecenl Athletic Bn okl ? ? ' Ight. ?VI ?V i ? ... -; ? kilty (Jluh, el I'.rook ? ted two oppon? nte, arenl down t.?f..:,. m a*j Rathner, of th? _? Mei - Boctotton. i r:vai ?r, th? final boni lan. ,s. ,,f the Union Settle asrai ound metropolitan cham ? for Han Probat ? ?n boxer. forzilius out , ont? -ta??, and ? - the bell ?'" tl round clanged Probert ra? to continue. ????" K.-iiin. the Hg pOUad m> t:o[..litan Of th? Pi ntiant Athletic fJlUb, I an Intoreeting and elev? i bo H In itlng Louli E?dn, <>r tha I'mon ?attlemenjl in tha final ?mounter the Pennant Athletic CTub, of The on a silver loving cup, scoring ?he most point?, during the last m "! anat? i boxing at the Hnif Motra Club It? total Was 47 points Commo? dore V ?? Dalsell the pr. sid.nt of Ihe *rgani-catlon, made the presentation. The summari? s foil? toat-t (flnat Lato Kahn, Pra "??"l A ? . swsrded iudgea' <!?-. iSi'-i. <??'' L . ?? round? 115 pound il beat) I Cornelina, ni'.n aia?Mlem?nt. made If Probert, un.i u'i"-'i null it. one round I trf.utl I Mr jij.lK.? <!' '-l?lon j x . in m" . nal bou!? g M?jdlsr, Paul "? *< . , ,, vt pinger, We?| Mariein A ?'.. '*? '1< fault _Jto IXXjimI ?la?? itinal hnutl A IlK'hnrr. l?'J?l? Mm? f?rt,rrw .'.4-,. im ?on kn"'?"I out **? tloreuon. Trim?. ("lu P. in third round. PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS WHO WILL REPRESENT THIS COUNTRY IN INTERNATIONAL TEAM MATCH WITH FRANCE s Plays to Brilliant Victory Soccer Cup Tic Contest. in BIG CROWD SEES THE GAME Hollywood Inn Eleven Puts Up Vigorous Defence, but Falls Before Opponents. With mot ng pin ' ' -? of the pi? the finit I ? this ? country?and with ? ... r of i ? ? . tion ? Amal ?tb ill ? kern i Kootball ' Yonk? ? | . ' ? ? ? ' tl ? ' I.- i?l lii?- ;i?l\aii!. . ? . -, - ? of I ? ;.ii the Aral ? nd? 'i I to 0 m favor "f v. \t n-. time tlui ? - per oi ?*! pla) w? re the m- mix Irin ' \ rt- ? t-.- . ? r? King ? eft i ikera, ?hoi the i.n ? fcr hi.?- si?!". 'I r i? a mai ? ? raa kick? 'l up ihe fk?!d, and, f?>l I up beal the bark? -in?l goalk? ? ? ball n the hoatlle ? ? ' ? thi? ? ? ? ? lefl ha? k tot it"i!% ? "-"i Inn, lo and Indulg? bit did not eaca] ticed William ? ? - ?.r*r th? n? !<!. and thereafl ? lolly w.i,?: inn had to pla] wllh a man ahoit Fifteen minute? from th? end King i ? rj certain be-: ond all doubt by ,-ii and i.!.-t C"ni of tl It wa tl iln? 'i attack upon the Hollj -.-."-..i Inn i II King eluding ' left and going ball ;?t in- lo?. ,. followa Holly? M I..HM.- i: B S-. w:i?- LB M .tt 'I . M II ... . '' i' . nibtj . I tValdron . ' ? ?? M? ?a- -i I R Champion . ?? ' ? ' l i. ? ? I. ? | . ?? ? v ? VS. POLO PLAYERS AT WORK New Stars Work Hard for Place in International Games. i ,.?*.. wood, N J , Iprtl : Fe. ? - rted rain I the polo pn here to-da* Th? can I ?li'iat?. for the Am? ? i- -'?r? t? am I working hard In nearly ni! "-' the prac-1 tice mat I the n te pi ?babl; trill i the ' hem fri?m becoming ? S" far, the qu whit h moa! of tii<? experta ,-tr.- Intereeted la whel not any of the candidate? can wreai ?i away from one of the old Meadow i,n,.'k i"iir. Thla la wha! th? week'a work is expected t'? d< I? Bo ?;i>- foui from amona ' ? -,-? ?hown aterllng work In practica In addition t<? Ullburn and Lai r* Watei I ;" y, both ol \\ horn are member? f?f tbe Meadow Brook team Tin- four experta ai?- L I Btoddard, ?'. ! ?-. Rumaey, Rene La Montagne and n. I i ? phlpi - Th? wet k "r Btoddard and La j Montagne In particular i-: exciting In? I teraat Rumaey, a youngei player, haa no! ahown the conetatenl biilllancj of I theee te o, and ?* bile Phlppe has pla] ed | high claea i">i". hie pealtloi U bai k. and . . at tins poeitioa with j i.aua Mllburn. Tbe work of Btoddard and Le M.?n tagne, however, has. featured etrerj k.i rn? ! ttsey have been In. Both player? are hard, dartag ridera and tbej have liittini: th<- ball r.inarkahl'- welL In Thureday'a bruah Btoddard acored four eu! ..r the Bve goaia r-T big team \ ta n whim? \ nt at albtwi more than mu ?.r tin- niii team on the ame rid? li jmpoaalble >?*t o? lodge bi?! how tb? . andldab - compare wll* tbe v < lorana, lhr-ir \xoyk, at any rat?-, ha.*? mad? lh'-ni much talked of as |?'?fsihilltie.?>. GOLFERS GET A RESPITE R;tin Too Much for Seniors in Lakcwood Tournament. ? ? gather? I tl 0 i ? N'iarly all of Ha ..... girt! Pi ? i ? I'll tul?) of I \ ? ? h< Id I ? hprli ? Invll ?? ? FOR UNIFOP.M MOTOR LAW.S Ml.. ? \ , - -?'? ' horlzing M .... ... - ? i . ? ? i ., : ? lehighTacroTse tzam wins. I ' ? ... Mount Wa it I - ? ? . . Bowlers Asked to Waive ? Claim on 1911 Prizes Hope Thus to End Controversy of Two Years' Standing. LOADED BALL NOT BARRED National Association Elects Ofti cers Roseville Team Movea Up ? Peg i . ? ?? ? . ? .. . the d? . ? ? - - " ? ? I ? I ? ?- . - . I ? . ? N. ^ J .--i th. M.i |OI ? ; ,. . ' ? ? .? | The , z..\ ? r the National 11 loi mcmbe r* Majoi ', ?"1 ma) V? M Y ink ? .-Mil candli ... . . | ?i ... ... - In all thru ? ?: -,-.?. >..rk. compe ? ? r. I.HlI'l'-s. .. N. .1 . ,?ii.l < 'ohn, ??f ? ? N V ? ' ? I English Athletes to Take Time by the Forelock Widespread Interest in Train? ing for Olympic Games Reaches the London County Council. ? ? London, Api : I- no* mad? a tai I si popular trainii | athl? t? - ???? '? ' ' ? "" London Couni Council ha * ?.'fat,* - ,.,i permlaa m to ? Clapham i - mon and VI? torta Pnrh ? ? f"r tralnlng A re i ?? ' '?" ' " " ,n1,1" for vaulting i ,.-.,, IIKI4 slmilai ??? tho - grant? d In London are b< ing ?? ighi all ntry, and many old athl? t< fertng to .. ' ?- teachei ol lh? amateur athlet? i ?-?.,,. i?,.. -g ,r? . ommltt? ?? look? foi - tvard to th? ?inte when ev< n tha ? , .,..?, ,,f the pariah? - will be gr? f,,i ph) aical training i i e Id? d ov? ? by ,,? athleti? M' ar 01 a farm? r. i -,,a, hea n III '?? *t nl to th?? b , ftmpa to gi"?*t Inatrui liona 'i here ara I ? ? : I athletic? -?' .? a Id? r .1 nd moi< demo : : [ It hai ? Indian i India which : ,,i of natural athli l? s ,\ promin? nl :?? tin*?, atrilri ?aya i i.f ih. ? ixford ' oachi i, \. ?,. K ti I ? ? ? ? ;??-i - \in- ? -i 11 ? > .i'- . ' en for i he i Harvard race: "Th< t?- i .-tii'ihing H.-- ? i ' la Mi,in n ? ? ? '? ? to ? i.. t fclngliah coaching, and l look upon it ;i' an mil III lev? I - ? | ? I r i ? ut m ,i mined ? ?i"i i i" free am ng m Ami M-., ti "tu ti"- ' m -" "t profeaaional control, which led lo the bai i un. "i vtti' 11? .m cree i ->t II? nlej ? i note that ih?- honorar) aecretary ..- the itnateur Ron Ing Ana? ?? latlon i-? t...mpany Mr. ? (old to Am? ri< a, and hope hi trial) a III i? uli In an agramen I a-lth the American Rowing .- |al Ion "? ? t ' he amati n nu? I Ion, .?..i thai m future American -rrawi of the beal type will t>?- able to row for the grand hallenge and otbei H< nley 1 cupa." HARVARD WINS WITH EASE Defeats Pennsylvania Twelve in Lacrosse Game. ii .??-.-. Philad? Iphla. April 11 1 h< Hai rard ,.,,,.... team op? ned Penni Mn thl aftcirnoon on th? gi the Belmonl ' 'rick? t Club, trouni Ing I ? kers by a scon to ?3 ? . . had little troubl? -.?hite.washina thi ,:''' ?""? ,'1'" ; Th? -?core nt the I nleh of the Brat half "fiwlnsr lo th" rnin the mat? li. which 44 m scheduled foi Franklin Field, * i i , . , the ? rlckel i lui? ground the latter held ?u In bettor condition Th? line-up follona h,.ii- ''""';.'" ''"' , ? , I la I? ? ' !? ? '..l n. in huiciai ...??? ,,' ,ri, : ? r i. . ran I, Bloom?! d ' snwsj. ,, i iraham !: \ II Brundagi , y > ,, n .... IVatl? i , ? . . \ !.!. ,'.'?' I ' ' . ... turn?. ???? ?" - I . fn, norman M Bowen foi ? ; ...;.,, ? , .. -jram, n f for (??' Hlooi. fiel , \, ? . I'm H li.a.r?. Blcbai I. '-' ' and SB miaute : airee_ CYCLIST AT FOUR YEARS. ,, i, m the re ?ng< at m ""' ' ' !'' enthu? ?last of the n-orW - Waltm Baktwin of i Ul? H. ^'""'.T, ,, '.V'?.?.:...,....- fo-h?? ? nin.r? Vaster Baldwin is z.^r>zTz.t. ,.,,, a .?.,., ,,.?.. u a,...nun-!""1 Wcycliat (RULES FOR SONDER RACES {German and American Clubs Agree on All Conditions. Th. ? ;. ? h,.?i \m< i lean race i omi ..f tii- Kaiserlicher facht Club, <?r Kiel. ati-i the Baat? rn Yacht ? lub, <>f Boaton, i, i ,.. ....!. m . ireular form, lb? i ul? - and condition? thai are to i?-"\?-rn the i.,, r-a !>- all nlng on Bept? mber I, off M bii hi .?'i ? ; th.mi. i Ida - ?? ynebta ?|-h, trial rae? - for the ?eleetlon of the three -.meri? an yaebm tint ara to corn pet? are to beg.t Marblebead on or before Saturday. Auguel W Programm?e . , a/Ill <<? ? ad abou) Jul* I ,;,_,,.?.. ,,,, ,]? m .in?..- on 1 ?? i. ,,t i.n with Henry Howard a! He ?treet, Boaton. Bach : a? ht mua! be ??? algn? d bull! and .,ii ...,,,. ,.,,: , loth and Biting? made In the eountrj to which ehe bekmga and the ,,. g mua) b? mad? up ol amateur mem? bora of the rachl duba ?rhieh ah ?admit? tad to the trial racea Tbey are to eoo aiat of no! mom than three peraoaa, who muai be citieene of tb< eountn In arhlch the yacbl ama buUt The racea will be Balled a?ccordlni to tbe mi. s of Hi- Internatlooal v.u M Racing Union, nuil, i tbe loin! eootrol "?" ?be Katoerllchi i fach! Club and the Baeti m yacbl Club Them will be Bva m? ?, W* at ?in- i. prlna will ha glwn bj the Kasten, ?achl Cltib. Tbe Preatdani WJ? ?an cop ?in K" to the f?achl which Br#l trina three racea ?>r wine tbe fifth race 01 m. i h. v la eaaa tbe decMIng ra< ? i tbe third, tbe wbnaaf nill r*e?l be allowed to compete In th?? further race* :?A1E O?? OF ?HE RAGf Harvard Wins Soccer Game am Strong Hold on Title. ? ? llav? i, \;,' II 12 n , from i t bj ??mu.r in th ? ? ? ? . , . rhampio of I ? ? illeglai? , . ?? ..i: .? nd Harvard of the otl hard l g h t, ol t h < n i Ing In the flrsl ill Y alt liar Mai ha the advantage I ' the ten Itoi ? ? nisi foi Harvard on ? i larvard goal was the r< -uli ol I ich Hopkln? tapped Uey, the Val. j icoal who ?lipped ai .1 f? ,1 in th.- tnud, til, i ball i ? ? .-i? i he p. in th? ? rond hall '. al? ail tl ? tage and liai ?aid ma l?( entlielj mi I the ?I. '- n-1\ ? Vale lost numei n !.. ?(?ore bj Inablllt) lo sh. I llll and <;.i y, th? ta? a!, foi and hesl a >i ? both unable lo pis - and t hi Ii ab r ? nee pi act leu i coal V? le t h?> ?a inr I ', .m,i i 'aptaln Bai on ol ItarvH ???!?? Individual -?tais Dickey and Stn k pis ? 'i a remarl i ? ? ... no . and with proper supporl theli brllllan l would l,.,\ . .al r aal th. . The scon foll?n?. p.,. .i.i ? -j. i-... ? ? 11 N'i? hoi? . ! III.o,'. I- . .1:1 In.t.. Rush mor? i I ': il. Krank? .... C. H M . ?ton II . ... S,mm . . i: ?i ? i: I. M Maul. , I'arnnrhan i. i Holme? l..? i,.- i ' ' lie ktorti Rush m or? fall Holme? i im? IB-mlnute Ri ?.i. Haven * FIELD DAY FOR SENEY. Han j ment | proi ad th? ? t.n of the .m ,.4 ,,i th? ltd Regiment Ath? letli Association, In Its armory, Mth ?treel and l'a i ?? av? nu?. lasi nil ht. He won the stVyard dash and tha VA and BOO ? aid I 111 The aummai I? i foll?n ... , . ? -, M on r.-- M B? ne) ? \i . i .i ?, ..%. 2Btb eompenr. third. Time, o ??; 3 :. .j,, ,? : \\'.,ri b% H. Sen??. hospital . "i c- M Sel? m, hosp .i Dawe* satb i.'?*mpaa) third, Time, 0:24 1 :. ... i rard rua i? ratohi Won ???? H. Beney, hiMplul eorpe; n Mchtman, zatti Com-xuiy,; i im Iskli ?-? Con pan]. third, ii,,,. i t? i s ? in?- nul,, i un > < r ..?? h. ?.??ai b] C Tim mla-a ? -i.?:..! corpa .i E Bmyih, Inatruvtlon .t. paumant, ?econd ?' Felldex, 2Btk Compaar, third Tin ?. r, 17 I :. Half mile run (heavy M*Tl ?Vea bi i. Btult? "?Tth C? mpan* ? " "hnlth, rii-t c am, uro ?econd; T Bjrntea, B2d Cooa ? , third Tun... a fi i :. 13 pouad ?I .a pul (serai ?"? ? ?? I B la. htmsn. Mth Compan H I -' la? h? ?. n Nuil, regular rfrno. .".<; feel ?'? Inch? ?aoond \\ Dicklnsoa, liosigtal ...n.-. :n f.?-t .*. m. b???-. n,u.i. Cunt,In-; blgh hBUIg ...rat.!? ! T Bant? n ha-spitsl ? ori - I <"t ' hv ii r p.. m era band i ? pa I toei 11 la? he?, -??? oad; u I a, ?Inson, ?1 fe..t B Inches, tlur.l ? a ? mil? mi.lap?'-.-. r?i.?*- r?. c Won b] hospital ?... i?-. ,!'i, sinson, Travers, Banh*rg and s, n... . ."..:? i . nmpaaj (RanowUch, Udndl, Up ?ri.i Martin?), ?econd ?lsi rompan] In Kmlth, D. Hmllh, Hut>en?tein and KeasMe), third. Time, 4:<?8 in kau recio eus Pi-card Topples World's Mark of Many Years' Standing. VOZEN WINS THE MILE RUN | Twenty-second Regiment Holds Games for Last Time in Old Armory. h rtni PI? aid, of the !3th R? - I Coaal Artillery, eetabtlahed a new world'a :.i m winning the 100-yard ?ach ra a foi the championahip <>i the Militar) Ath? letic League In tbe ann lal rpring gamee ol the SM Reglmenl In the home arm", . laal nigh! Picard'? time wa? IS ?f-conda, . ? ' P, Blatter?. ol Companj B, ol ih? ?2d Regiment, bj aip.nn three feet, and re yard? n fronl "f R w Tbompeon The Oh) :>?? "I'l was IS '?-'. -t'-i waa ' ?! ibllahed b) Jim M H? i ? i : :??'' ii u.? i broken In h"tii trial and final hi at- Jim M< ' won the fii -t heal In la :?'? ie?*ondi n r < .u'l won the ?econd In the fame tlm? In th* final heal the four mi i M ipeon, Picard ? t""k theli poult ion? :n t h i .n? ?.' j from tii?- i ?. .1 - - oui "? .i; .i i taking about two :? ? t on in.' field In the e on h la h> ? I? cami PI? at d? i unning in -? cond m.i with -nui, ,i> one could i" in-- ? ? apped In ?? big gunn When the I the tui lie? '..lull -i fell i., thi fiooi ?vitl Hi- carried Thompson aith ilm and the ..?Mil down to it ?ti I'irard and Blatt? pair nil uggl? 'l on, PI? .i"l glu .. l"?. l.i -I foi Slatt? r ? ? u . i p uVl'l ? ? . ? .-. uiii h hi ? oHdw? and lattei ..ti ol thl i\ it" ? al HongK. Matt - ? . ai i :ui-.-.| Lu a -1?. ?'lal I'l ?? im? In honoi of i he i losing x I ol Kam? - and pleased i hi ci owd \ \ ?Voaen, "t ? 'ompanj 1'-. a on th? one-mile i un In Un? ?etyle. He ba handicap ??t fort) yard* ai ? ? m\ -tiv. ? ard after ilged rac? tl roughout. J. 1 i?i????n in.i.-ii.-.j econd to \ or? n, and 11 third The pace In I com para tl? elj alow, and \ ?? .-..?"ii r....k ti.. o l ni rj i" i ?luicken it. To j ? v< ra ! "i' 11.t< modle i spi Ii ? ? - ?? he a '-ni ?? de his tin ii- m (a well and at the end was g n hi? i i,.-: ?'.,.'ice won | m 11: ? n fine si IV. J, ' ?-hit. in was s? I, a fool oi two winner, - i , ? ? . \\ ' Hills, "f ? 'ompanj B, ran ?:. run. HI . a? i\ from His Held -'? the ?end ! i .i ten x.-; ?i- i.- hind > i Im TI ?? ra fo ll.'i fr?t?. thll > i I: -11 ? ? II Hill. R H lira ? V II ii ? thll I ill ? m i \. ,1?. ? am .. ihlr ' 2:00 , ? i ?i M tai \ 1/ .is .? t::td ? ? ,i - PAT RYAN BREAKS RECORD ! Beats McGrath at Weight Toss? ing at Battery Games. Cine w? ?rd waa broki n and ? ? ??? v?..,- . ,| :.?: I at tl ?? Indooi r ? "f Battery D. held rj in The lit. ?Il X Pal H bam ?ion ol I ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? . - . - throwing I md weigh! f-.- hi i-i t Ryan losa et 9 ? Atli . i ? ?ut one i John -i mi of l '?mi ?i Athl? tl? ? : ih. world n irord of 9 1 ? onda. .1 Smith ??."ii the W-m ? ith Eddie Jordan, ol tl - Xa? I? r A A ? ??? -i The aummarle? follow Won bj i ? 0 '7V -, ? rai ?? lhandl ?oral Yo v ??-.'.?? 4. third ? ? Won x '' ? 1 :. . ? . . il 10 feel), l ? ? i . i. I i '. ? I J - ? \\.-:i tmerlcai Mai m > ' .. : I , . \ . 19 i..-i third Si ?? worM a M.i. tROUND .U MPINQ ? ?? ?MPETI ri"\ si..- ?Von bj i.. Uoehrlng. Mohan i I m \ i -, mi ke, it. ? ? , i ni-- h Houae ?i In- I ? . Inch, ? : l'uni W --ii b) B Ba H ... io feet 6% '?:.-? M ad E I. Em? -, Church House ,: Inches), in feet 3'4 third i in. ?? standing }umpa \\ ..n by H Hi.m. Chun ii ii i . Inchef M v Denecke, Sr Oeors* \ ?' IS 32 I..-I !? Inches, ?.ad; i. Ooehrtna. ,-.? r. a . ' i?x rat? I - 32 ? ? ? \n at.. ,n I wi ii Buehlei ? hur ii Houae i: i. .... ? ? Bronx i House ?-??? ond M \ ! ?? n-- k< -? i ;? ? : _?- v ?' . tlur.l Ten nui. ? .h . nal i m w on b) Harry Rruna - A.A..? * on M. C. A, thl . H II ;i ."' ? s HOCKEY CLUB CELEBRATES Title Winning Team Receives Scarf pins for Work. Members at the Hockej Club of New fork held tiuir seventeenth annual din? ner ?it Healy'a. laal nbjbl There waa nn? i uatial rejoicing, for ?t ? the irai time I thai the club has bean able t" 11 ? ? r ? ? ? r g\ ? bamplonahlp team. Tbe playera who iron the championahip of the Amatetn Hockey] League were all preeent ?md aaek was preeented wltb a bande?me ecarfpin. Xboaa who receitred tin* pins were <^hi> liiin. a 0 MiH-kctizi'- F ?? Brltton. mana';'!. H >'? ?'a-stl.-man. . a|iia?n fur next winter;?"'. B U'hit' It. V?.unK. I". ? L.?-'?.i-. M 0 ???>'?i??". i< H McfCenna, i B, Berry? ?* ' lh-*mll. preetden! ?if th?* (lui?, and Teen Ho\Mir.i. its ooach Th? las! named aim received a puree for his excellent work throtigboul tin-- wtater In] un rtiag out ?? arlnnlng team u ?" Bueoell, preaMem of both the chili mu! the Amateur Hit key |-aa*flia> was the toastmaater. ( s fous ni Finds Herself Without a Rival ? When Two Women Leave as Hour Grows Late. ACCIDENT BARELY AVERTED Button Comes Off One Blade, but Miss Cheeseman Parries Fierce Lunge and Avoids Injury. for rational -*haat-> tltl? ? have nicker. <i oui s?, ? d aa that Which lefl Mis- Mario .\ Bradley tha holder "f tha ironun'a Junlnt Ol - \?::h foil- l?UH nlgbl ?' tho .i.r| held al tha Peiicera' ? 'lui,. Nn. | \\-, s, isth stn ? t. Mis*- Bradley, an able and skilful wield. ? ii, weapon, frosn th? rafft-"' Phlla d-Hphia fencing Club, altor .? I?*ngtb nd '?i?, if abruptly ? ? of ? "mi ? - I been on.? i ,|u,iii!i. d ?. ut "i' the field ? Iraen cont? steal -. but Ills? Clara ? man, of Qarrisons, N v . f< the hour groa in* not knowing ghi apart - as ?oiaiuit-d m : ? direct ten of the Ami i- ;? i",. ., na' !.. ague of Am? i i 1 ? Sarah i 'in*r8.. tnan, a Im had petttor. quietly gi s were : ?i n ?. the ?h?., ?a ?J - ? lira liai o of Phiiaal id I?. - ombat, due '<? I r - .,..,| the ; Vnd so onl] Mi? I' .oil' '? alld || !? , Q mi l It BO hap*-' II. \ had |.|. ? lottSly do , ' : I ind so a Itfa onli ? M Bradlej captured the honora, . The little i a ho a ? ? fin arith the l ateel blade, ?.o ? \?hat .?az.d at the auddei and amaiing term ' | 1 the ao on?I ? ? ? ??..-? ?un ? ? -....; ,iutii next real r- rnarka b i ??! home with ettlty timed thrusts, and a the enttr, of th? lea, and l ? handa of M ? Bi< -1,,a m bj ? . aamenta In th ? fair arli t the 1 - - b long bet?re were i kwely fol? i- a brtgad? ? tographh v. ho bombarded them Indh i?i ??? and and filled the room arlth ? g \ ?.. re M Mar l? "? Brad ? ol the Lad .era' Club, remarked aa aha wigwagged ? boa ol her headdr? - l eei ? . - : teal than ti a ding of i ?? -?? inlor impionahip ? tl-m ?.ma '?? -? ,>; Anaer l'itiai ? all "f the women had ? .. n ,i the phot -' 4 implon. annonn? ed the om| ? - ict that ( pete upoi irall? ? wer? Ulna Sara i ,????? N Y.; mitt, ii , ; i, iff?. ,,f Ladles' I'lui uloiphia Mr? Max Hi? rnbaum, of ? - Phllad? Iphia Per.cera ( ;:;h. Ml ? i lies' P illadelphi i ? ana, of Ia* -delphia l "iub, and Mis* ? t T irn Ven In of New T i women who . upon th?. \.> : stri|i w? lertrud? L' 1.1? - ? '?.I fencing d ? , na < 'heeseman, of Oar? 11 ?on, N. ? ; Misa .i? sale Pyle, of i ad ? ' ? lelphia Pencei ' 'dub. ml-, of the La u?? and Mra, Paxon Deeta , ol the Ladlea' Phila?i?-l 'lub. the women aei I ? eehlng and ? langins again?! nte< l I ? ? , u Ivlty Miss I Bradl? > l?*d o? wil I prettj bll , . ..., i ,. Mo ? strip. Both fought i ??/elI and i le* ei ly, I ul the point of tho Phllad? found "the | ? ?? . ? 4- ?m< ? Mhe lunged so deap? rately that the a rap m the point "f her Mads rowly avoided. But at th?-* end Misa Bradley ?von b? touc ? ? to ? Then Mra i ?uffy m - I a splendid -, I? tor . ihe se? ond foi l ?? i Phi lad? Iphian - ? ? ? na Mira I |,\ .'. tou< Mls-j i lorothe ? v* I ? appear? I ., slip of a g ti. i?Ith g braid of hair . ...? up with ribbons waving behind her like the tall ol a con at, won I ? tirai bout on the f*o -' strip She at I her bia.l.? straight through her oppo? nent's guard and def?*at?sd Miss Oertrade ' [?1?. 1| lo 4 -i mi' no. i. v Max Blet f 1 sd ? ? PI ?? I? Fencer? " ? - ? - :.. ?i, Mr.. Jamos i:... , . ,.f 1.1 'a , ? | ?? ?? La Hi i ? ?, . ?as. -, i ;? to 2 M ~ N! ? ?' l.adi???' rhila ! .--rah n \ ..-.'?- i. Mr? . . . -, i, iff if Ladle? Phil? I? Iphia i , ? .?. M?as Edith Evana, of , ? , ....-,-'. Mil 1 Ml?? I.-i. ?- '"? '.!?' " **? > Vorl? Turn Verein. g - ir?n Chae?eman, of oarn?on. **? '.. , Fencer? I'lub, ?'? U> 4 Mr? 'ameaO'O. i.,,.. . ?r La II? - i' ? I? :? :; la r*< m ? - :, to 3; MUa I.ucj ' ? Turn ? ' M?. . . , . I La a Philadelphia, I' IM i ? i.? lib B ??? I Ml ? ? ? o ? ,- ; Bchulse, Men \'..rh Tarn Vateia, l..-t all Mi-s Edith Evans. 1 a-?'?!**?- rhila.|?lph!a rnup go : P - La idelphla ,-. ! MISS ??.-MPI.!?? ?' lit !.,,i.k la and Di* Isl a .'? '?? I Mi-? , ?ara i esemsi i '??>-1 laoaa N t., S to '? m r. ' Philadelphia . . I'lub, ii 10 4 and Mr- !'..\..'i t ..???tar. Ladle?' Philadelphia tencera' flub, I to ? Mis i liars ?'!..?, sea,an of ?'.aril-"..-. .N V . defeated \h- -? >;??*. id? r L ? ??ion, of Long : division, .'? '-. 3 sad m-- Dorotliea Hamuela, ,.f Ladies' Philadelphia Pencar? , iub, ?"? ?.. '. Mi-- i' roihsa Ramuei* of i?4<ii.-. rhila delphla Foot era' ?' ... d< (???, ? v ,. Ingston, of ?."iiu laland llvlsion, ?*? to ' Mra Psxoi i>eetH.. ..r Ladies' Phllad?*) ? i lu'.. .*. to i.' ii Oerti id? ' i.. ,. ....;, ,,? t?oaa i.uni ? b? r..i..-i ... 'r?.,.| Mr? I'iix.'ti IVetar. of Philadelphia Pernera1 Claw, ?'? ?o - Mr? Paxon i'..r.i. r,t i.H.lte'- Phlladetphls era' ?*lub, defeated Mi-- ?tira Cheese ?- Gen i-..!-,?, \. y . :, t.? 't ? COLUMBIA FENCERS VICTORS. ? B) Tl .?**- r-i, t'!i '<? The Tribune. 1 Williamatowa, Ma?.-. April IS Ca? limbia defeated Will ianiH in a dual fencing match la the Laaaell xxmnasium this eii'iiiDL' to. a acora al ' to :' I'loujih of I'.dunihla. was the only ma'i to win all hi.s bouts l-'ield scored both points for Williams, defeatlnar Northrup, of Columbia, who r??centl> tied for the Individual late"f>-*ollegiate chaaa* Pionship_ HOTEL NATIONAL? Lucerne SWITZERLAND . Tb? Leadlas Hotel a Social? CeeAee. Lsssry g Coaforl. S?Hrt? Via? of Lakt F M???Uia*.