Look for Fourfold Increase in
Business if Proposed Duties
Are Adopted.
Posbiblc Barring of American
Cars One of the Points Cov?
ered in Argument by
Their Representative.
13 ?tatem? nl of 1 ?treme
im-1 ? ? : BUbtnltted b;
ilea, .11 ?Washington, an 1 (
f of I mpoi let ?? ?>f the
Unit? -' and on which, it Ii ?
thi . ?? - \ i-!'?n "t the
1 - - ol 1.i ? ? ba ?? 'i
'i I? ment 1 >i ??? -i " ? ??l it
1 time hiatoi I? In e 1 ' e ret
.,,,..] I ;
I ? ? 1 -II
-????? 11
t. ?
per cenl ad valorem 1 nder th? prop? -d
i- w Inch :?
the power plant, traiiMtnlselon, Iran
\? he? le, the ta a ould
ta ..i
? ? . ? ? t. V ? du?
? r tht
\r th<
t ai. | yn cent
I annua
:r- nrgutm nl .1
? '
' try In Ihls
ng up 11.
- -
- .
.. wad
??t 1 ? which th-' ?im
1 ' i- 1 -? ot Ii dti ? t ? . ever) on? I ?
1.. b? neflt? d by I luctlon in I
? . tomobilea I mobile
Mr. Carpi? 1 ?
"The Ameritan man- I f this
r type of machine will txt
magneto of ? '??
?-.- ru;-,- ?i mu1. antia 1 -tiiie
"f i- . at he
ran get the same at a ? t to what
he is paying at. Hie pr? I . and
Tbe ueei will get
ean "1 --
er '. to 1 ling ati-l a
"Of tl ? ? ?
? - ?I is
that at I? . ? '*?? ? in be
under ti'.?*?o in value, h exporta continue
!" lacrea*** ai tbe tat- thej have bean In?
f tanging there will he about a M pe?
Increoaa between IMS ami IMS, which
WOUM mean that MMt-? WOTl
nu: be exported. At h unit value "i O.MQ
w"u..i equal ?'" -aia whl?
dueled ir??ni tbe output, would leave a
i-aian--e ol . lot tvmerloan coneump
"If the prediction in the la
fled, then In 111 I Amei lea a I
g ? atea! ? 1 portel "t au!
bllea in ti- world, and it ta up t?. America
t-- iioid that export trade
l have received ?word that the V? rein
er Motorfahraeug-Induatrteller, of
?:ian>. tbe BritJah Motot Trader) I
? Chambre Syn?
dicale dea -x ai?
fully watt-blag * l which will
be taken by ?
turn of automobile dutloa t"v\ani tue
product of their countrlee, and ?f ; ? ??
, 4. wnward, which thev na-,?? been
.??I n> fxpe?-t. 1- n"t forthi-omlng, the**
win Immediately ??tart ag tbeh
countrtee for a tariff which w.i: protect
th'in agaiuM the Invasion of Uli Amerl
? an ?mall tar. In other word?, If we in
tins count!y see fit to legislate against
ih?- importation of hetween HI to MM
|anj cars, they -".ould be in a posl
ti'in to legislate against the admission to
rhetr countries of nome 3?.,000 American
. . ("an, and by putting up the fame rate of
'iuty on our machines as we have put
pon their? they will make it Impossible
the American manufacturer to put
ean within the rea?h of the aaaaeea
v\ hi?, h. by mean? Of th?- present low rat':
- f duty in foreign ? 0intries, he is now
. ,-i.ibl? ?I to do"
?.?amar?an tie queetioa: "A! what
WOUM a downward revision of Hi?
iM*-ifT stini'ila'e r. v-n-i?''" Mr Cbrplea
a -? "At the point of competition"
lie proceeds to point .?ut that with a ES
par cent duty chassis of foreicn man
facture, equipped with tires, but with-? 1*
?lining tif.ards. fcmieis, mini guards.
i.aintlnE or Ironing or font in?? of any kind,
. d fairly enter Into competition with
completely equipped Amerkan car
"Jnderwood MB pla.-e-, chassis at .".11
pee1 cent, or I per cent more than Mr
? 'ar plea snggepts
The point on which the Ameri-an man?
Bfbeturar will most strongly take is-uc
:. the importers' 1 oir?**eeealatt**o is bia
artloo that by lowering the duty on
parts the former "will lie enahl?-?' to use
?. st Muropean material at a reason
able figure ?n the manufactuie of hi*? < ai
- :.<i give the benefit to the consumer." A
large pror?ortlon ?>f the Industry in this
.trv uses foreign bau li-arinss. bul
t from tbeee It la doubtful if the
-.wer tariff will change methods to an)
considerable extent, the American motoi
car build'T hein? prettv well eatiafled
\>?nh the magnetos, etc . thai be can pro?
1 ure at home.
Lubricating Parts of Motor Car
Require Careful Attention.
a greal many motor car complaint?
.ine to tbe riegle?! of tbe owner to
beep ail lubricating point? watt ailed, In?
?Ibint) of thi oiling placea on many
?.??i? mabea fot a condition "f neglect la
I ...t niiiniicr of caaaa, Lubricating
planea on all machine? ahould be in plain
a,!?! located ao thai they ?-an he
tilled without th? lacerating <>f han?ls or
oiling of ga? m?
Th? eg ? ol reaching oiling parta la one
?ii Hi?-- advantagra on Itll < ? v ? ? 1.1. ? ?
pointed OUi by ? T. Silver Instead Ol
iilaclna thi Important "ii and ?reas?- cum
? y thai are unhandy ami dlfll?
? ?ii? t<? ?pet at care has been taken t.,
[net 1 ;?<l ut
dralgni ' ? o ?? oil ?
prevent < - tun 1 unning Into oth? 1
a iniili".! which insures a ilegre?
of rlcanliaeea i?"i poaaibl? uudei tin o!?i
Famous Automobile Maker Says
It Promotes Economy.
I*.< lohn V \\ ill... i (I, ?Timid i.
man ? ho aa* ?? ' i arouldn'i buj
.... ? ' sing Increase?
....... , . : iking th?
mlstak? "f He I? ov?
rj and prov? d,
i hat baa moi ? than ai other on? agi n?
to Jo a-lth bringing althln hia reach .?
i eallj high i la? pi oducl at a n
pi ?-, He Ii ai much ml taki n a the
mer n ho a ot*}d pi cfei hand
ng to lb? pur chaw ol an a itomal ?
spent In eat? ? a nd ludiciou?
ad? ertlsing Ii the besl Inv? atm? ul In th?
to da foi ? i ei ? 011 ? am 11 tied foi
gnu ... i irei i and th?
I purchaaer of a naotor cai The produci
that ii not advertised will not ? I read
no matter hoa
nd pi Ice
T ? g. or deal? i *?*? ho hat
on his -b.ives g.i- thai
? i I bear wltn? to 1
',,,i * \\ : olt al? ind
- a . do not ,. will
-? to us truthfulness by the coal
?? ? :
? .. man In the aroi Id t
Used good? can i".i a .
-.. i than thos uni
? t to a ? ompai atl .el ?.t? i ??
of usera.
advert] Ing It ?
: o lalltj-, foi ?,, -.alu< -
produci c mdri rtlslni ? id
The man ifactui coi
? d ?\it'.i the distribution aould
al Ion and ?. -.-. Ill
ong ont Ii ? to I : \?i\. ? -
I la no inore an ? at ava tan ? I
iH of good ? ? -i oi good ma? amor?
by the fairair
Extensive advert
q lantlty pi oduetlon in the n
car Industry, for it brings It
q 1.? r tot'irn of ti > Inv? in ei
inj- for reinvestment -, material? atni
? i lent i irRe production it is si
aentlaJ aconomlc factor ol th?
haa piac.d the Ana i
ni.,,1'. automobile nret In even markei of]
ti.. aortd_
No-Rim-Cut Tires
10% Oversize
Who Wants
a Different Tire?
Who really wants a tire that rim-cuts, or
a tire ?just rated size?
Who prefers a tire type which countless
men, on mileage tests, have discarded?
Is it not simple neglect?this clinging to
tires which a better tire has supplanted?
Note the Figures
More than a million Goodyear
tires soldi in the past 12 months.
Contracts from car makers for
890,680 to b" used on this year's
new cars. '
A demand from users now twice
as large as any previous record.
A larger sale, by long odds,
than any other tire in the world.
Such is the verdict after actual
experience with millions of Good
year tires.,
What They Did
Those legions
of users first
looked at these
tires. They saw
that the tire*
could not rim
They saw the
oversize, and
they knew that
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without
Non-Skid Treads
extra 10 per cent added greatly to
the mileage
Then they tried the tires. Many
metered the mileage. Many com?
pared c'.her tires with these.
That has been done on proba?
bly 300,000 ca?a. And the sale of
Goodyears shows what the meters
told. '
Do Likewise
We ask you, for your own sake,
to do that. Then let the figures
on tire upkeep decide your future
That's all we ask. Gn see these
tires and judge
t they deserve
Write for the
Goodyear Tire
Book- 14th?
year edition. It
teilt ?II known
waya to econo?
mise on tires.
Till? Conip?n> ESS 1? i-*?iin-*cil*?n -*lini???.< r with an*, ??ilirr
ruht?? r (Omrin Hlilrh u.? . i|i.- <,o<mI>?Nii limn?
Sex. York Branth. IQ72 Broadwa). Phones Col. 749U 749I7492?749J.7494.749.S.
Brooklyn Branth. 1172 Bedford \xc. Phones Bedford 7.SM-7.S6I.
Newark Branch. I* Halse) Si. Phones Market 75f>6-7.Si?7.
Aleo Docs Not Intend to
Abandon Automobile Field
Leigh Best Denies Rumors in
Connection with Factory
at Providence.
I "? r
??ii r .
i he i
i.? ill . -.i
? ? i line
? . '?,..
it ]
to | a'*
l we heve ni
?.f ?il - ? . .' Al 0
and tat ?
i;. ? , , ? ?
a ? . , and lo
I -a
!trri'k?=. rjiri anil taxi' aj?? under a nop.
? ? .? . tacking ot
? ; .1 ?
?i several
? ? o( Ibe ftutont-o
' prr.?";
?? otiee ? low
In iliHi?.
? ? r ri_ :? ?n. ;i- 'i
? ',.'? | ? ft I
hla dutlea
he b
itl? ?? ' ?
Ini-'irpiirat"'! ri It? ?
? ? ?
The Tread That
Makes the Brake
Goodrich Safety
Tread Tires
Best in the Short Stop.
Goodrich Safety Treads not only
give ) "U -ittty ami Rurcnegs all the
i une, (lri\ iti-x, turniiiir or stnpping?
They naturally give you Itngtrwear
?p eater lire value.
The rows of five tl?i?-k, tough rubber
fiiif-rrs repeated around the usual
thick, tough (?oodrich rubber tread
add durability and wear to the safety.
They are not separate parts?they
are made right in the tread, an
extra thickness of splendid rubber,
compounded in the Goodrich way,
which ha? forty three years of
rubber experience in it.
This extra thick, tough tread is
obviously certain to give you more
(ioodni-h Safety Tread tiret are not
emergen?) propositions. They are
made for all day anil all night work,
if you so wish to use them.
In addition to the safety and se
??urity they give you it is worth
your while to consider the extra
N.ilue and bcrvice yotu secure in
The five thick, tough rubber fingers
of the Ooodfieh Safety Tread, all
the time your car is running, are
digging right down through the
mud, slush, o??/,e or oilier 6lipperi
ness, and makm? g constantly clean
safe path.
The human hand-grip they get on
the or street is a powerful ?le
fense against any chance of a skid,
(?oodni'h Safety Tread Tires are
made just as all Goodrich 'lires are
made?unit molded construction.
The strips of fabric, pure rubber,
nnd thick, tough trea?! are literally
molded Into a unit in our single
\ ulcnni/.'ition.
This is one reason why Go??drlch
I reads do not strip or peel.
Your tire dealer will show you the
Goodrich Safety Tread ; he will not
need to explain it, for its principle
god suroness arc self evident.
Hundir-.- gad >? r> lea Station? in Principal
( itira. Dealers Everywhere.
Nrw ??.r?a Mrmi.b:
iiriniiiua? K Wh Mteet, item inri,.
is nothing
in Goodrich
that isn't in
Goodrich Tires
Write for Goodrich
Route Book, ?-overing
the auto tour you ?<?
le? t. The?e Iwok? are
?en! free on reipir.t.
Increased Efficiency in Manufacture
and Drop in Crude Rubber Respon?
sible for Cut.
Ht .HHIV C. \\ I.IM??l;l .
Au announcement of no amail moment
> the automobile fraternlt) la made to
,i.i> m the advertising columns of The
evening ilaii. it i* non.- other tiian thai
the B. V, lioodricb Company bas made
a i, ?lu. iion In the prices of Q<oodrlch tires.
?'ilbinls ?.r the Goodrich Company de
clare iiiat u is reasonable to a asuma thai
the example eel by thla powerful member
of ib.- tire making Induatr- will be fol?
loa .-?i t y the other makei s.
n,, . Kplanatlon ?o raaaona nh) era gii
.-n m tin- announcement, bul with crude
rubber selling al a aomewbal lower figure
iban thai prevailing for ?? '.-.?i or mor?
.;i-<t. unii the conatanl devlalng and ap
ilicatlon of nea higher efficient-* method?
?i tire manufacture, the reduc?*d Uood
Ich Uro prices are but a natural outcome
nul show th.* wllllngneaa of a grea! cor
?oration to .ni?'' the buying public the
?enetlta derived from changed and lm*
iroved condition?
i understand tlial the reduction bottera
he ptraoanl pii? ?? lo tha uaei . pe? cen?
rhla, coupled with the reduction lira! pul
nto cffo.t in the -am.- compon) nearl) a
? ;n ago, enables the purchase "f ibes i.?
ii, user noa ??i a material saving ..?.,
?rices prevailing prioi to April of laai yeat
Afftc l'or* Bvcniny Xluli, Man h 11, l'jij.
Sees Four-Cylinder Car as
Type Favored by Motorists
Steams Dealer Predicts Tha
Vogue of "Sixes" Will
Be Short-Lived.
(H\ V4. \r?hnr I ?**?-.r?S(earn?.>
Front th?* pt(*-?*nt IndiCattOM in Ute SU?
lomohilo Industry i believe that Inside
of eighteen montha iii?? four-?-v Under tar
irlll return te i.ilnr favor, eupplsntlng
the "sla ' Al this time the try from
nil ?iiiHrt?.is ?s for atx cylinders, end thla
demand unqueetlonaM** la ;?t i'; height
I'll?* foiir-.r liinlrr car, in the l"tiR ?un. i:-"
the standar?! of the world for many
reasons, ?nd Amsrlra la <,.<*ii non awing?
Ing ba?'k to this type.
u - menutrture i.*>?ti four end ala cyl
Inder rar:;, hut ere are atrong edvo
??;ii?*.*i of th?* four-.?> iir der Knight-motored
.;ir. becauee >?f its alienee, amooth opera
tion, simi'ii' it y .?mi economy,
That in hutomoblle conatructlon ?.mer?
rollowa Europe la a tact thai cannol
. disputed, a ? aampl? ?? i irould i
t.? tii?> developmenl of ele? irle Ignitii n,
i i. us?* of the magneto lis diatlnct from
?I y Ignition), four and six cyl .
modela fore door bod leu, eliding goai
tranamleaton, the Knight rn?>i"i end
Bcorea of other Improvemenl Kach was
First mail?* populai m Europe, and ;i year
or so i;?t?*r i"- ame the vo-,'11?. here
To return t<> the four-cyllndei propoei
tion. a few yea %g . Europe t<?
l - ? , dfmenl of .? ma
j.irif of European engineera populai
mand forced thi non typo, Then, true
to precedent, America followed suit. Non
mark thi European trend. At th?* r?
??:? mpla enow lu London oui of
three hundred modela exhibited iba ovei
ertK-lmini majorltj were "fours." In ? I
the a nee of th? ? was ssoat a
ihon??<! >?'.' arlj that a? rasa the
the "four" stands uinH'-puti*?, as th?- ?
aid ear,
lanst .? arlll follow iba ?ame eo
b?caua? Bui ope ai pi 011 ol
? f.nir." because the ' I ? ?i ik? d,
1 ?. the ? four ' Is th?. choice of
? i?i ?World 1 did?
it I luropean publie w? -i..' .1 of
the "sia - e fu? imptlon, t""
il weicht and need aa expenae re?
In thi natu al r-our.f ? rente the four"
Mould ? artns ha'k into f;?\?>r In
eountn MA lo tbls ths 1 1 thai ???
i? 1 ?? : si adlly In pi loe, with
iii?-h-*i priesa even ? |bl u is
, -s?-'! knon n fsci thai the gal
?umptlon of h I? ? ir I exces?
sive, even inder the best eondltlone. To
excel ? consumption ??'hi th?* fact
? 1 lene is ateadily
in q-iallty, anil certainly will not Improve,
,m?i it 1? ? ;??.- f. . ?? a h tbe four*' is
? r. i n < I a r< i typ?--.
A A. A To Be Represented in
Two Foreign Conventions.
Thr Ami automobil? I isociation
, win be represented In the two Important
International h nimm th?* ?omine sum
tn?*r Tbe fir-t of th-.-* Is thi Ligua |n
' ternstionale d?? Aseoclations Touristes
("on-it-rsr-, a* v .- U to 21,
ai. the a |
Bernard Vsn H. B? hultx, ol
who ?h aaal ta ur M -Ki
ropf*. |fr. Bchults ? .? aaost <x
t? nsivf Eiuropean motor I i and ii
i ).. couna of I
h?* lui* ? all "f the
Foi the Intern itlonal fi";id i
r.i t;.i<.- pia? e In 1 ?
of m nieta the Amer!? an Automo
' apclatton la al w .t m? mbei Jai H
? "onk, of Al Ppiiinted
Thla ??
the world will i.?- .1 mo
and It is i.--? ithltkely thai I ?
Automol atlon will ha* ? ? ? - < rM
delegi t?
- ?
Mi Cook, arho, in ?
\\- W. t klarylai
? to 1.Ion n *h .-? n a I
tour .?' the Continent
? ? ? ?
- ra.
fi'?n amom the *? rt*>
between the 1 h Aul ? ?
' tbe Am? ri? an A ?
of I
?? ?
?Club arill aupply . ? |
Inform [' |
? ? ? months for tl ,r?
' di|
latter l t,
Pennsylvania Doin**; Good Work
on Fa*nous Highway.
- I ' !<t
, auch ' .... .,.?
? 1 ? k
j mobile ? reel
, . J f r,
. - n< tha
tick th? to was
*-? larr--.
? -' ! ' ma by th?? "BOng?
tain >!? ? >,[ ?traadlas ^'n>
lilng of h--avT p'ne
" Met north of Haa.
? tona,
- ISSJ of th?* th-nuirt
' ' ' ! - ? : ? I
1 !.'.-?-'??? ? ? T*:tts
and beyoi '. Latel er, the *-*ar?
Hijrhw^ |?d anfj
aided by the Autoi ( Maty,
land. : ? 1 tsrest 1
a. A. a. thai <
- ?
i ??*
T- I ? - reader? believe in Tf-f Trib?
une. Ts any'- -.. re ten?
th! in die U Id?
Tribune Motor Wants are sfn -'arly
by an | re;?:
p-ircha-nnn etpgcil
< \l;il -.
rAH; ? '
?. 'Tl M
: ?
? '
1 - ' ? '
, M
i- ' *
in r?l8t
. of _*0
? t eut ':rv
?ml h
?lag eat,
fully ? feat <?*??
lltlon; 1 ' , *
p glxtn to i**bi ? '?'
mall only, Ii. 1
*' ?*' -
Ibl?; - ?? fti r ?
r>?>rrn.'in?'nt Rtructure; oth? 1 r:'
. . \tt*X
?*.,_.? r ?r ?? I *' P*!?
?oup?. 1 M",M
1 T'.'* (;
- ? '?" ?
im : i.Min.14 < 11. ,?? 11 P.. * ,.*'.'
I). 1S04 1
The Best Line of Autos
At the Very Lowest Prices
; itratlona
Tires & Tubes? ri Others' Prices
J ?ndert Automobile Co*
42-44 W. <>2d St.
-?t I 1 ?? Ill FOR I ? " l" ? ,.?
?-?I.Ml. n.iii I??'" BROAPW ***?
? |?t? ?M B "BB ??? 1,11 iri-t. "I t ?.-'1 ? ?rt
LU?.fcK"K:v?vi'.- ??'
|S?S'? 1 V. V. ?H*
I.I HI II I IN!? ?.! I?N KM 1 1 ???
I AA ?
\ \ e ?
?? -. ..
1 ?
- u s cyl. 1
itti i, \? w .????? "'__
PA? KARD TOIRIN? ' . ','?1
m, nth Kolli?*?. Jo4 W?* ? ***
.', ?n?!
nili,, ?*'?" '""A.
Li-Hi.vh ?-^ :
? I'J
| ? v.-ii ?til -Hid *>"' ?' ? *** -?At
!..-..[, i i- . I?OS let *'e- *wm
ttik ?t., lo? Beat USRb r.t.