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10 UNITE ALL AMATEURS Gustavus Kirby Wants National Athletic Federation. EVERY SPORT INCLUDED President of A. A. A. U. Outlines Plan for a General House Cleaning. As orgsnisstlon of nations pi..]? ri ?.s?, principa ob ??? t sha i i.? io brini im? hai mony in the ? : "amateur" In .ill At pur is T Ki' bj president of .-?:.| . na.i - o..m of t ud*? ttee ol the Amateur \thi? tea of Am? rica Mi K ; by I his Intentions ' banquet of 11..? Mid? dle Atlantic Association "f the Amateur Athli t..- radl? ? . f the thought en ??ha:- /? ?; M? Klrbj ? ? mod to? il,., present at 1 meet? .. :.i Mi Klrb? 'a Ideaa an given here ? ? Mi dy ??i :u and h for? Iblj lm? ? he Inconalst? n? ea In th'. ?lefn. ? made by the rarloua ? ens which Wferenl forms or aport Theee deflnltio i con? ? ng that an amateur m one spent is ,? professional in another. Por Instance, ? Finition is that imposed by the Amateur Athletic Union and the In Ill giste a*-- ? ?.mat? ui Ath etica "f America In thes? sssociatlona an amate nevei ?com? peted toi i -iz? or any valuable ? onatd? i at ion or wltl tot a Til' ? ? :?! !? at tie Ideals "f til? ls coif, racquet and lawn t? aseociatlona ara quite as high as thus, of tri- Amateui Athletic Union, ?el thes?- Associations accept men who ??? prof? ?? othei sports, .?f men, in fact? ? o -.iv? competed in other aporta for money*! Th?* ?Amateur Athletic Union .-?'-.i th.* intereo.iei.-iat. Association "t tmateui Athlet.-? ?.; America rulea proclaim that if a man Is ;v professional iri . spurt he Is a ] l in .ill This feature ol asnal - .>a n??t appeal t?. Mr. Kirby, arm wh admits th?. dlffl ch confront him he would ?ik?. ? .ut a ! ?ttcr un? derstanding between all th?- aseociatlona which attempt i<> define an amateur, ao that ai: would i'.- working one ? mi. an I a herebj t; ? ii i ? to be ? ailed, as I - ited, the A eur Ath? letic Federation of ti..- i nit? ?! 8l Thla nasoriatioi ? mail ? up ? "?is which i on control different ? ? ?l spoi ti Thui tion for ? l "t track and :i? :u athli a riot i-, r for SO ? i ?Tin is. ^.. : wrest OXlng and ai! ti-,-- Othei apoi is. M K i ? ;? ,- broad minded enough to gnize that and inad ?. ?? one unifoi m ? .tion ?>f an amateui in all >'t I . ?? although a man may be a ; ? ' In one .-i ? may be ??? aa good an amateur In anothei -lit claim t.. t.e an arnat? ur m ah. ac? ordlng l tmateui Athletic ? ?iiois ?ii the ;.- in thla : hat .ii Kirby maj . nisatlon of auch an aaso nation a - - Tin i ?? -.?? r... dOUbl I ?? many ir ? ; Ion of an ama;. n n ??<! throughout the athletic world Although .jam? s Tl irllali i odian, w ho prov? . ? i ? ? - ? ? ? i 'lyinpic | - i " more a prof? ? nal I ?ther ? i. ? irat n itan and m? ra? is, n la a fa? t that no one t who for the United Btat? i and fur . ? In th? revolver, rifle anil ?- arould have fea ?nais il tiie ? >lj mplc <"jii ,i had ? eral definition ol amateur, thi same aa In t:.?.k and field aporta Many Of the m? ri Just referred tl< a, and a hue war? - ?' nominal their Urn ecsil Of th? rnan ? a a I f fact thS) held their 1 v n and their sa. ? - ?' ? ' ? pi asented ;ii?r I'nited Btatea at Stockholm Mr. Kil would likewise s. ?\? th? e\ii ol sununei bsssball it would make It i how? irei, to oi e an inten oil- glal atlon? which would determine the d?fini? Uoi, of an amateur In baaebalL if thla baseball sseociatlon wen s membei of ?? it ration all i.f Its nil | would have t.. tx epted I lb? Amateui Athit-t; l : os and I ? Intercollegiate a atlon of An ?? \ etea ol Am? i - ). a. It : DOt Ml Klrby'a id? as will prove acceptable to th? Ion and the Inten ol? Uoa oi Amateur Athletea of America, which for many yeara hav? stoutly mi ?at a prof? nlonal in port is a profeeaional In all. There i m. r n \i Klrby'a auggestlon? With la- la and not with theori? ? non stand, th? Kulf between t; ? and the pi sional ?? wldi and nothing ?s being done n >,?? don? ? ? ' crooked amateurs, th? men who play professional he?hall In the summer under assumed -, - .. moteurs foi the ?iet of ' ' a s? aaon. Mr. Ki| Up his position in ? t the (St prof? s-!'?nal. hut 1 do etesl th? dishonest 'antat? -.he man who : in amat'ur. but ?Ah" play? summ? t baseball under an as? . ; name oi pi ?< tl? ea other forms of ? tion x\ hi? h we .<n know about " BIG M0RNINGS1DE RUN LIST. -*mvi teama from Philadelphie will ?tart in the third annual five-mile run oi the Morolngeide Athletic Club <?f Harlem H - afteraoon. with most of the Mow \..?-k ?luh tsaaaa sa opponents The ? I be from the ? luhhoime. al iD?.th street and MornlngsMe avenue to Broadway, casi <?n IMtfe street and down Seventh avenue to tbe starting point. Practically every club of th?- metropolitan ?Iistrli t has enMred runt.' ra SCHOOLBOY GAMES POSTPONED Followers of a? holastl? bassl all wora sorely dlaappolnted yesterdai owing to i> ?? continuous rain, which forced a post? pooemenl of the Ion gamea scheduled Most of ii,? gamea MU b? i Isyed on open this week? with Manual Training arid De Witt ("VntOS OpSlrtnl Up on Mar? quette Oval. Brooklyn, to-inorrow aftor? noon. TRAPS TIRE TO SPOTTS Twenty-six Compete for New York Athletic Club Honors. WEATHER MARS SHOOTING Vanderveer Carries Oft" Lion's Share of Prizes at the Weekly tfourney. In tl" driving rain of yesterday aft-' tiiiiii, Ralph !.. gpotta, ? m> ml? t of \ ? ? ? || 01" Ripie tia.t'-hdOtiii'. I.sit, ??m t' '? clay i'ir.i championship of I Nea 1 .>? .< Athi? tic ?'lui. atet xhc xra< ? it Trav? s Island, Notwithstanding the Inclement weathei iwenty-sts gunners t""k part In |h? Bhcot. Th? winner made il ..? a poaalble ?'??? targe! Hla Individual ?cora? a*?rrc .'"?. -"- -'??? -"-'? --? llld J.. gaeond pi ;/? ? eni lo .i h Vandei > ? who recently won the championship of the ("rearen! Athlet!? >'i b Mr. Vandtr? v?-?er returned a t..-ai of 171 Then came Frank Hail and I ' s \1 Mahoo, with io tal? "f i::. Th.' pair had i" sho?>i ?iff for third prise, which wen! t" the formet gun* B m Hlgtlnson, s o ?v "ti tti" p.mi in 11*12, ?lid m.i ? i. -T.-ti.I tils titla. !??? beim in Canada at the p-*-?senl time in addition i" tin* title match, th?. gun? dedded th? usual weekl) pt*?*>gratnin?l 1.1 ii V'anderveer won lroiit the higl ich and high handicap prises..the club ii"t>hy and th.' Spring cup Aa he caaM ii"! take both the high scratch and i tho high handicap rups, the latter trophj ? t.. Prank Hsll A E Ranne) won th? lionthl] rup, and ?;. K. Pelham capt? ured th. Travers Island trophy. ? ? will b? ' o al.ting al Tra*? i - Island n< \t ftaturda n the Winged n the big Invita? tion shoot of the Larchmont facht Club. i ? ? - ?rea !.?:',<'??. CLl'B CHAMPIONSHIP '-''" ?RQET? - PA ? ii i: i, s?,. '4 18410. i l?M .i n \ ..?.a. rveei 171,1 Conrad Bt? In IM i rank Hall 177 Dr. ?*ulv? .. .MB 1 I B M Mar on 177 \\ MS 17.'. A .1 M? Manu? lui >; i r. Ihair . 17' E Qroaa 1'7 ?' v\. Bllllns? ? 172 in I'- Wi Ift 100 \ E Rann? ? |7.' Jone? , ISO i .; p pe? 17?' i: R p.ta. i ?r. Ml H M Hfsi -?? IM ' W H???!?!! IM W i: . i? a : t.'.?. Il H Duden ' M \ W . ' ,:-i l?M i: i: Psi ?? l?M Dr ihon . 1(4 BHCa>T-OFF POR THIRD PRIZE 28 l.U: ?;i:t> :?.? d B M? Mabon '-? MONI Hi.V CL'P 28 . \K'.i. ra HANDU ?P I! .,;?. Tl H'csp. Tl i 24 ?. r i ? ' a i " *.*i W I lai.,.? 'j : : Kteln . ?i 21 i II. Van ?. i 23 i ?. - i- .2 20 i? s. m, m ihon t 23 . i ? ?trim ell., i 20 .; 23 0 -o n i. Rpota " 2a ? lot? ? ... l 20 w n Ogden. - 22 c. tl ? i" ?; .i . ?:. ? l 22! Dr. Hhorl n n Duden. ? .:' ' : i'ulv? ? 11!? ?'.. M I 22 B. M Btei II ,\ w rtiurcl 21 lu !?? Wolf? S i" F. Hall. ?-' 21 t \v Hessisn 8 17 u BU Inga o '-'1 K n i ?r ]-? r, h A, t M Manu? ? 21 BPRINU ?il' 28 . * ' ?aNDICAP .1 il V"ai ? ? - 2S D H M? Mal on i 22 \ W .; 23 I! I, Kpott? " 23 r" Hall .. . '.' 28 ?' '' Orlnn? I --' \ i M? Manu? ? 2S '; F P? * an. " --? W. B. O 2 lt. W J. Elia 3 21 Dr. De Wolf?? . ?-' ?.'.-. Dr Bawl o 21 ; :t .; m Thornaon 8 21 i 2* l u lieeelan... B 21 ? l ' " j i i : ! : i ? .*. -jo i ?; .?? i... | 23 H n Duden I "al Kl: ????.". tonel i M K. Oroe? 28 " '-'" ?? '.'.'1 II M --.??' '? PS A i: Ra ??- ? i 22 ? ??:* ?ron ' ? J H \ .r a r?.. ? TRAVERS ISLAND TROPHT 28 TARi HANDICAP ?; r tHIbam ? 23 i ?? - o i*.** i; .t .-..ii..n . i :?.*. \ a* . : ..? ? M n, m a.? 4 '**?! R. R. Debochei 8 23 !?? Ha : : J ': ?. .-; ? ??- ? 22 ?. ? l 23 D. ?. McMahoi I 21 i?i De Wolf? 2 24\A I Rann? ,i w n.-. 'i.-- ? .i 20 i i; la- a. S 23 i: QrCMM 1 -'? I 23ir W Bllllnga '? IB i M 0 - W I. KIih. . 2 1?? W. |< ?v !, a 2 '-"? ?i M Tl ?.in-'-n .". 17 i*ej I 2.1 H. H. Du Ira . B i* .1 m. \ ai ? ' ? - 23 ?? i Pelhai FIVE TITLES CHANGE HANDS Wrestlers Grapple in Keen Bouts in Amateur Tourney. ?? ? - i war? . ? tti.- Bnal ?"ait- f..- the metro? politan chan of the \ mat? oi ? ? . ? ? ? ? Ne-a v?.i a ?athl? tic ??lui. last night. ? TA) lor, "f the Nal i Turn if Newark, *?'.<? ia also th?? na plon m t he 108-pound data. and A. C anderson, "i the Norwestsm Turn s?., i? t*.. in th>- 131-pound eis t, wer? the twi arestlori wim au<*c?Msfully ?i? - fended their * tl? ? >\ ? ha mpioni i ron : ed were i ! I? class, II. Junge, National Turn 126-pound ?lass, w. Dreege, Baal Hid.- V M C. -A : 145-pound 'lass. C II,!. 158-pOUnd ' ?ass. R Jaeckel, N ? k. C. ; 176-iJound claas, ?' Boj ?' i 'i ?i?, and i ;.'. pounds snd over, J Gunderson, Norw<e?gian?Ainerlcsn A. < '. The Judges were called tipon lo render dt>cl?iona in three >?r thf special i)??tiiH which w<nt the limit of fifteen minute?. George Taylor, o! th<- National Turn Verein, of Newark, 'utiflii u tartar In l'aval BrOnsteln, <.f the Boys' Club, In the issl? Tayloi had his opi-onent In several tight places, oui the latter v.n* gled *??it "i them. Th** Judgsa awardw the verdii I to Taylor. Roben Jaeckel, of th.- Now V"rk A?h Ictic i luir, and Pster Smith, ?>f i!i?' Twenty-third Btreei Young Ifen'a Chris? tian Association, battled f"r fifteen nt\Jn iit?-:- fur the 158-pound title. Jaeckel won. The summari? s fellow: BAN! AMWEIQHT, us il Inal boni) <;?? ?? ?, National i V. Newark, awarded daciaton on ?n. rk ovei D Bronatela, Ho. a- ciub. Tim?-. i SATHERWEIOHT. 113 | nsl bout ' H Juaage, Na tlonal I \ Newark, ihre? ?: Mullnoa ??r>*?*< A i '. ?i'!; a half n.-l-nn sn-X l?s bold Timo. ? 12 si'K'lAi. WEIGHT ? H4. laeml Baal?) i. Ru-nlero, Grace a feated V \. \ osen Br? m - 'hurcb Ho m i Urton on ???'.!?> i Im? 10 ... w Droege, Eaal Bid? V M. C A . *> la de. isa.u on ?roi I boni W Dr? ?;.? awi .'?-. isK.ii ..n arorh ovei L Ruggiero Time, 18 0 UOHTWBIOHT 133 pasad rlaa? lsea>l finals) *>. i ?\n?l?*r S'orwi gian i V . ihn s H Paevdogian? . ... an \ ' . artth a t,a k '""'? h"M Time, ? '?'?' i? C NVi-'.ii. Norwegian Au., n ,?:,!, a . , it,i..\4 a L Bvan? m *-???? Mneiiran \ C ?ut? ? half aelaon .?n'i bodj tii.l.l Time, 7 :?i flasl ??""' A ?'. ?uidei r, ... i. . Nelson, wttb ?> baM nelaoa mvi ? ?. la WKI.TKRWKH'.II T 141 pooad ' ?"s- isesal final i i Bkeglaad, NorwMlao ?. merles n * ? . ihre? ' i - ? y. M C \ . ?ni! a bai sad b i? M llin". '-'"7 '" Jetimeom, i?nalla?-ri'd. i Qrtll nnattached, ??ni: ?? - l?sor? Tima, :':H llli.ll bOUl 'Hrl .lohnBi.n tir. a .1 BBHSglSM with a half-iiflaon an.| I?-i* h MIDDLEWBIOH f i.'.k peaad elssa tasail Raaia) P Bmltli - Street ' M C A., Hues i' Wli ?"?? boya'Club. ??ith h Ksif-oeUon ?n.l les beM Tinte, 8 :*i n Js? ksi, Mes Vork A C. Ihres K Reichert, National A C, ?ith n la, . i ai hr.M lime, B M Final haut i:. Jsckal awarded |udg?M eurton o? ? i i* Btnith on Time, 18:00 17:. 1 ound ? Ih-h ,? n,i Ruai?) 1 ? H?a? ? Non agtes Asaericss A C . sstar?led .i?*?-!?t?*n on ??". ovei 1 Kalatrhlta Es?l si-i<* 1 M. ? ' \ (In**, 10 ?.?. .1 \ srgs, i<r' -' i*Ms>. t!ire?A M. Nelson, U?rl<m V M <' A , ?Ith a bar h"h? Tim?. 4 i?? I'imhi bsat .1 Varga ?sos ov? O, Hassley. MEAVTWEJOH ' I7? -.oiin.i < la... ninHl bout! .t <; :n :? Norwegian Americas a ?', three C Jse??b ???n. i:.i*,i sai. v m ? a w h h ?< boSf held Time. 4 10 ARMY Ai NAVY NOTES Mew Battleship May Outclass Dreadnought Type. TO BE CONSTRUCTED HERE Generiil Board Recommends Trying Some Features of British Battle Cruiser. ., ? ?a? Tribune 1 vVsehlngton, Api | TO I'ONSTRUCI BATTLESHIP AT NEW rORK Th? Secretar of the Savjr twin noon take ?|p ih? question of con i rinn tl n "t the battleship a ithoi /?? d befon ni.- sdjournmenl <if th.. gEd Con? resi At the m ai.I Repreeentatlve i*./i-. -, .??' t ?? naval hill i ontsjned ?' pro? vision requiring the construction "t ressel ?" >? "av* yari Secretan Dni will ordei the nava: constructoi : at th.- N.-? ITorii Nu\ Yari 10 prepare ] for t?.' a-orl The material will i. put - '. ha ? 'i in dei contra? t. al 1er eomp? i i>>.i,It,:.- conducted i".- the Bureau ..! B plli i .md a.ints it la ; robable th.. boil? is and mat hlnei*? will i" tracted foi a? parat? !?? after it i- <:? t< mln? d "? hal l ? i ?? of motive now r ahall be Inalalli ?' The di aign of 1 lp has .-. mpleted onl) ti ntatlvel) A ? ? n ? ral proposition hai ; 11 n fumiahed t.? the B? ol th? Sav) bj the Naval ! ?;. r eral Board The di talla ?rill hav? It ?... worked oui by the Bureau ?>r ? on ?traction .ifi Repair The General Board recommend* a de parture from the design of the Pennsyl? vania and Ihe ad? ptlon of a tj p? d? Rcrioediai ? ? compromlae between th? bal tleshii and thi battl? cruiaei ol th? ? lah i i Bom? naval ofllc? 11 ha* e b< en i in fat or of I latti type, bi ' oi tion d? ?? slop? o among those ? ho bi Hi vi d Il ?m?' is? t.. i!, ?.art radical)* from the design : the battlei l| The cons? r. s? I iiv? vi? i? .??ih. rea t.. U .? b? lief thai th? new ahlp ahould be a duplicate ol : Pei nsylvanli II ? nalated tl thei , -1 , iid b? no reduction n th? . ?I I of the ahip In vli prov? i in gunr.? ? v. the In? r? aae In th? i ! action "' aubmai In? i and the Intro lion ' ( a? rial attach The last | render il nee? assi ) I? idd to t of armor bj an Ii en a -?? d prot? ctio Ihe d? '?;. ? oth? i dei ? ahall ahleld th? vessel from aeroplan? ordnance Th< G? Board di , ntempla ? I ? i l knots Mme of the autl i ? belles e is nol . ? ..,.-., 'hen view .i? ??. th?. ? hai act? ? ' Ih? aome offii era b< i r. as. o over any of th? trui ted ?tilt of If.. ! ? new t\ pe of wai | shall be In adt anci tempiatlon or und.': const it has ? en | tint? d out thai ?? ? id 1 r.eht type hi for ten yea tie an advance repi ? n> i ? ao as to ? and gum "f them, than ... : lei ? ..! the P? , Thei ? ? a mated di? r the problei . thoritl? i be for? B? opporl .n ; ? ..... de ? ? ? ,' month*? maj !"? lakei ? ? :? that tlm? th? work of Kav? Vai'i foi i ??. Ihere. ORDERS 188 Kl v Mi ?? R 18 a ? ? ? i . ? ? . ? ' It \ 1:1.1..- - i:i ? OIIN - HATTI.I lit I ' ; . M.OYI.1 n Hm n ?? ? ? ??? ? ? UX1A. 1 !.? ; ? hin ? . , . .... |v ni Qunni Utl'IiRNi'H WITTMj? f : MOVEMENT.-! OK WARSHIP?"" r movem? nts of na vsl vess? ,. poi led: \ i : i : I \-1 : i ? tvpril 11 th? i ? i. tb? 11 2 H - ? 1 ? . . ? . I. s< ?Cswpert; the Bierllns. ?< ri. : ? i- <?, .? ? -..;?-.... . ? .???:?. ? '? I 1 . ihe ?*1 and t hi ' liBveri !:.?. SA I I.T I apt II 11?-The f< r ftaal trials; the Oil .;.... ?er ' ' ?Tinto ri.?. BufTslo, fl f?,r P n 1 ra ? te i irollni ? ??? '? - folk for L?j nnha ? n Baj TWENTY ONE GAMES ON LEST ! University of Vermont Baseball Team to Have Busy Season. TIk- achedule of the LTnlverait? ol mon) haa been ??? nnoun? ed b? Hi \ Tredlck, the ma nage i Twent? tame- will he played The lai i win he included, '"". foi Tn di? k h i ranged a game with the Chines? I i ?ttv '?'? Hawaii team, which ?Hi be pla yei at Bui llngton on Jun? Two gamea will be pla ? ed in thll .li? st. John's ? 'ollej-e, of lirookl- n, will be m?-! In BrookI; n on ?Vpi il 17. and I ham "ill entertain Ihe Oreen Mountain boya "o Api II IM al i ordharn ?.ftei meeting Kord ha m the Vermont boya will ; i ft m n to Sen England, and the big i i that with Dartmouth s?. it? be foughl ? out at Burlington on June ! I i Th?- achedule In full follows: i M'til i :. st John'i ? '"il??;.-, at Bi no . l*n. Apr! I IS, r..? .in.?m. al Koi dham. | Moil 19, Vale, at Ne? Haven; April .'6, ! Middlebury, al Mm llngton; Apt II Brown, al Proi Idem ? May I, Harvard, at i'ambi .due Ma Tnfts. m Medford Ma) 3. Tumi Burlington; Maj 10 open! Ma> ?7, Hyra? cuse at Burlington Ma) 22, Dartmouth m Hanover; May 24, Bt. Anaelm's Coi lege. at Burlington; Maj ..'?'.. Notre Dame al Burlington; Ma) 10, Tufti, al Bui llngton i une ''?. Hol) ? 'i oss, at \\.. .. toi luni :. Amherst, si Amherat. June 11, i ... m it at i lui llngton -i un? 11, < hin? ? I'nlvereit) ?.f Hawaii, al Burlington; June tl, Dsrtmouth. al Burlington; I it 3, ?Wllllsma al Willlamatown; Jun? Ii alumni, at Burlinaton BERKELEY BASEBALL DATES. The si nodule ?>f the Berkeley Beimel Ibaeehall team waa announced bj it?? I manager, i lent I Hahi. yei t? Twelve gamea make up the list, begin? ning with the Kohul team on April '.* and sndlng with the contest with Cutlir School ?m tbe home diamond on May -'?'? Kins gamea will be piH-eii abroad The schedule follOWa Api il '*. KohuL at home. April If ..o? - ola. ?it Loyola. April IS, Columbia Gram m u s, bool, at ? 'olumbia. April 23 |r \ mi: School, at home ?Maj 2, Kohul Bel.I. al Kohut; Hay .. Greenwich School, al Qreenwli h; Ma? !?. Hamilton Institute, al home, ,\|,', ' 'i Iton School, at ? ai lion Maj i I, H,?? nard School, al Barnard; Maj 21, l'olum bla Grammar School, al home May !3 ? ollegiate School at Collegiate, Mai I i ?"tiller Behool, at home. ' j BECKER WINS GOLF PRIZE Beats Hunter at Nineteenth Hole on Pinehurst Links. riti'hirst. N. C, April il?C. i? Beenat, Auburnaaie, :.?..-??., e?*?n the flrit ?iivMon trophy in toda) 'a final round <>f Hm ?"' nual mid-April golf toumamenl B?wa ?l" defeated Rots ri Hunter, of Wet t*?rn. ,n s clean-cul nlneteen-bole \at.nv. Beck? r was I op at the turn, b?al He ? d th? I? a?l M tit-* thiit.-.nlh. Afti halving the next flwa holes Hunter loot the ? . nth and the nln? '? oath. in the semi-final round lhli morntng 1 Beck? i .?. i...t..i ii. nrj C P"own? ?? ol i Oakmbnt, Penn . -ghlta Hunt? r wt-si from ; !?: W, law in. of Kent, Mich. | .1. V. lin.I. ..: Pittsburgh, was the win? ' ? . ;.n tl.t"1 Ml-h! *""1 " * ! Waldn n, ol Agawam, R I , liten the ? third I Thi nl end? d to-day ? on I i i ,, mu ? . ..!.!. a hi i' "i" ' ? d ? r.. annual au) iimn toui nain? nt. --? THE WEATHER REPOP.T ?lili. Id. mal an.I ? or?*, sat. '?'? i ? ..; ??hi h rain? wer? ?-eneraI I? .... ni?LU? | 111 I hi all? ? leau. but thu? fa : Ii al.l? ai..??. i he !??. In M r . 1 weatl ? il vsl ? .... ?. ii. i.. ? ' i?. ibly without I ... In otl ? r? t* art probal ao tas north Ps iflo ..a region . ive? th? ' ? mda in the tad i Monda? in tl ., ? . . .i ?, v all? ., and M i ? , m , ? ttlani model ? i north ? ? \\ ? .1 ? I ..le. ,|4| f,,r Hpsrtal I ?a lilil?, a. ? Inr I a*l rrii Nin \ork. . Ion.I? in northi'rn. ? ruin im?! realer m ?eat be ta part?an, ?.. . i. ? ?.. t.erraw, rleody; ?ad?rale la i.n?!, ?hin lag ?4?I..I-. ' rain mod et! ' ? ? Ohio " I'em I ' For V ' Hnmi.lil? ' ? ' J i ... al <?"? . ?i i: ...r?l ? ? ? ? m ... ? . ? MARINE INTELLIGENCE. . . 11:40 I2:fl?3 ? i ' HI WIRLlESS REPORTS. ? INCOMING STEAMERS, w Ve-u-ei Poet Lias i > *.?. i ? ?Mr? - ? B, April 1)..It II I* ' . . ? ?. April v l'a? ? -'? ? kl. \; ni ?_' U ..? 'I Moni ? i i" , \".N, ? ? -, ? "I'll. II apt II I! \ .: ].?? t ? tl im X; ?.i :. II ill \m ??elend .tiatwerp? Arm "> rtei Star 'Minaoapella.l?nn<ion. April S_AM Trans ?Herniu'iifin. ... Bermuda, April 13.. .QflebM [.'?"'?'' ..Neu Orleans, Aft] ?i .80 P ai Manda.??aive-ton. Arm B...Se paa TUK8DAT, APRIL IS, K \y dei Orof-aa ?remen. April I N O Uer* H-*l?l"Olai .Ctirietlansand. Ap-n 6?Se Ana, v'.a Naples \pni B ... .Italian ???"???"?sa.Havana, vpril 12.Ward ? isstorea .Rocaa del Tora. April 2.U P?3o' M?Sl .Kaytl, April |0. . . Hnmh Am cujr orsavaaaeh.f*avaBnah, April "JtSavenana ?Hrlnus mall OUTGOING STEAMERS. "ft ' DAT V??-,?l Tt-anl ' For. Mne. rloiaa. salla. ? i" Irene, Naples, N <; 1. g-goara ii.<?"-in* MONDAT, M -mi. 14. 1 en. crMabel, Panama. 11 to a ? t:<v?pm 1 .?i:.., 1 la . ? 1 . fr? a,|, . I .?a p in I L'BSDAT, APRIL U ,: KuiTet, Bremen. NQUIMim 10:00 a a larrti ? m ni .1. Bar 2:10 a ??? H ?s? a m ? ? ? 1 Bermuda BMBP N ?ni h m ?non a m 1 la, Oren, rrlnldad. 1'?.?i<ih m 12 M m H im, Rotterdam, Il \ in.ini a m S'SpI? a, 1 *.11.r? -, ??? : .-. 00 p na 12 '?" "1 12-00 ni 1 i?l p m 1 no p ?'? :i un p rn ?in.i'.i.ii.i .?4|.i.?. r ,i Moldes! ?? 1. H 1 I ? , War.I lonvllle, Plyda Mnnl Bavai Ha? Kl Hol 11 MUM .-. IM. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. .. kwa 11 I st? an ar. in N.? P M. Hawaii ' ; Paa Praadecel S:enI ... Apr l; I'M 1 ipan, ? ??' ' a ? titna, Phil; ? 1 ., Hai ii 11 1- ? Kite.Api ...? M Maaqueaaa, ?-.ok lalaada ? Zealand, ?.uatrulla (?rta .- m 1 : .:. ?I V.. I 1 ? .;l . -. . ApT. 2?. g**M : , . , 1 -:..) Kr;in 1 1?.,,, 1 s Trat ai oti Air .",11. ?1 .to Hawaii, Samoan lalandi Sew '/<?? 1 ind. Ai atrslla ? la Ban Fran x. ntura . , Ma) I, 841 ?SHIPPING NEWS ! Port of New York, Saturd.iy, April 12. 1913. ,i.i:l\ ED ? 11 ? . 1 r..- March 1 n ?m ,\ Boy? .ill;.. Uli Perugia m ,1 ?i -'i. ?_??.. m Hend? raon Broa NOM . ... and \ : H , . ,?....??:. Ill r llalli' lili '. i.' ? I im ? i... ? 1 . . 1 , 10:20 1 ' . Itll Mli I I 11 ? ? M ? ? 2" ., ? 1 ? ? ? Il II :i m i . n , ? la. u ...m : le \pr:i !? and the 1'Iyd? wHh pa . ? ' 1 -?. . ? . Perth An teat Ind Id ft at U W a ni ,| . . il r . fun? h Bd ? I ? '?' r New Zeal il ? ,1 ? - ?1 ,.??,.... ? . . . ? I Domini? Ii I ', ? t 12:18 I ; ? - - t News and I ' ? ? Kurl .... 1 rith 204 . 1 *:. ?Wind tens? fog; 1 K A11, ? , iBri k ? .-?? n 1 ? ? cri ?loi 1 ? . . . ? 1 ma. 111 iBrl. I llrui in (H > . 1 ? ... . " ?? ? lot! art (Br>. 1 ? I ': 1 I'n-. iS.'i Front? 1 harr Ip v ?Tfolk I " ' - : n-? iBr Hi 1 ? STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. IRRIVBD 1 ?....?? ? ? ? ? -.. ? . . j - ? -, ? New > . 1 I - KI ? ? :. ? ima, '? ? - . ' v h v 12, 2:30 .' raine iFr), I I ? ? . ? . , ? ? ? ? l| . 1 -. 1 1 ? ?? ?i.. *n>m ? - - ? ? ?prit 12 Min ? * ? ? \ ? , . . ? . ? \- 1 m ia ?? ? r??rk ?'? . . a k-t. n ? ? ? I Ih B?t ! BD 12 I laho iH N'es Torh tot TIME TABLES. TIME TABLES. GEORGE WASHINGTON SAII S SA11IRBAY. APsTlX It. 10 A.SA. KAISER WILIIJ^M DER GROSSE SAii.s itfsiivi, \raiL :x tt LONDON ?PARIS?BREMEN Twin Sert?? ?jaaiuia?. l,r.??c Hurf??t?t. April IS P?rW?*a444-, ?Baraftaw*. Dir} Mar 1 l.i-uar?? . ad.? I i ?,.'? 4- lljl.^4 k. i a?- Wi l-#ln, II . .. April*?! hfuH-mu- ?"> lllia'tu .May >. iir. e;?\i.,*mmlB (aWlIU _ ttSf 13 M LLOYD *Ma'?Ira. Ciktahar LI It\ I T k U O 4 llj t A ?kj l . ni/<?aa 11 ' "? \|>r. I:i[ ?Algi?T?. N?|al<r?. t>nsSS ?????'?????????lilalBa \lh?*rl \|lr. :ii| ?a. 'i i'i.i.1 a. Milin? Hal Through rate? tram New Tor? lo Egypt, India, "??. Baal ?a? South America, via Europe aa?A*jr?^? KORft ? *? i.n.l ?'<" ?'? HI Li"*?**, I'll"* ?? '"??I -Sail-* iavut trpur In 1912 tlie Nortb German Uayg carried more* rs In all classes. First, Secimtf and Steerage eastbound and wen!?tornad North Atlantic service, than any other lia"*?. OELRICILS ?t CO.. General Agent?, 3 Broadway, N?W YORK !'i.', Wi?'.:??? ?*-.)/?'?:{:.-;, KEY TO EUROPE PACIFIC COAST Grand Canyon California Yosetnite Valley Yellowstone, Alaska Canadian Rockies Colorado, Utah. "Nothing ??',r!** ulule tlli44(?l NO time ?yggtcd no pari hurried Similar tripa ib I ti n ??. 111 I > ? ????? August, frequeni departures, ftine rariei ready. Raymond & Whitcomb Co. lours and Tickets Everywhere 225 I ifth Avenue. Telephone 6270 Maditon TIME TABLES. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S ii New OLYMPIC" FITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS EXTENDING FROM THE BOTTOM to the TOP OF THE VESSEL Will Sail from New York May 3 May 24 and Regularly Thereafter AMERICAN S ? v \. ri?iiniiiiii-i herfaearg-Hearlhaniptea - Paul..Mav 2. 10 ?" lune 21 I '? ; hla.M '? 8, | SI I...I ? II. AUS. ? He* Iforl .pi ' - hine 20 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT KC? > ?.rk ? I Minl.,n llirn I. IT. IS, V I!. ... ? Mi v i . July in RED STAR :?i ?... ? M S.V. I.eadaa Parla rla Deser?Ant-sera . ? l ? ? , . ? ?? Way 3!. June 2* WHITE STAR i. N R H.\ I'l? iikiiiIIi ? li?-rliiiiirjt*?i?iilli:iiii|ili.ii. I ? *' Ma. 31 ?i . || ? ? Ml \t ? ? 2 ; ? ? 11 Ken \nri,?Qseeaatowa?I hrerpeel. i: ? ? . I 21 ? i mi.??. n.,?i. n?Mediterr?nea??'Italy. . ?18 Pasoenaer l???t lin CUNARD won i i \i i m i n?i - roi m mill il \ I \ I i ?::?. i M.I? LONDON PARIS BERLIN VIENNA id.? fnaifal Measaera la ti?<- werld ??n......?....--- Mauretania, f*fS Mauretania^'-"i- **** I \. M. I nr.inia ? mii|..?ni i ' l i Mauretania ?T? ? unip.ii.i t. MEDITERRANEAN ADRIATIC SERVICE INI \ v ? P vi lit \ M i - ? i* "? ? *? Summer < mi???,. Surmuy, eti . ISI I, .Innr in. lui? i. Jaij m \m- ?, ????pi. i. BERMUDA in.I III. in.I. r ?? In M MW TOI KS IP II EXPENSES \t\\\ RATES THOS. COOK & SON ANCHOR GLASGOW . LINE LONDONDERRY ? 'I . ;. i i ? : ? I ? vins. <;.? i...I ai . **l I HMI I \MI\. ?..?i nuil ii|iuur<l r m ii< n ? i \>v t ?-.?? Ill M OLD DOMINION LINE PAH.*i ?Bio |i 'i: 'nr i.'' i ? if ? ? Morte P?rteme ith, IM aer*a Point in?l Newport Newa, Ya., ttut i..: ling for I'aten IVaahinftoa, I ' i- . and th? eat Ira Sou 11 and w? at I -r. lal r? aamera ?all from i'i. r ?::,. \ i North Mo -re *-?.. ttan week ?tai U 1 P M W I. WOOPROW, Trsffl? Mnmi" oll?ud WE , ill LONDON ItuTTKI Iwn rrw Salllnsi - . . 1" v M. ? -i A,r 2S lltotli ???n?. x\i Z'i x ''??* ? ? V'l.i II i jn B'wrii *? I _ RED "D" LINE Pi r Porto Rico, Curara ind ?'arara ?.pr. 2H I'hl id? Iphl Mai n ' '?? s 1.1 crlor a - HI.I--S DALLE f , I ' " BERMUDA AND WEST INDIES I III UH\ VI M Ml >M \M P M KKT ? O. Naaderaea .V ??? ri \- *, or \n? Hteamahln r?< u?i t-reat, Fall River Line i n. v K.? It, l huhu at., Ken \?n... ?i.i.i? .it .-..n?? I ROVIDI SVK ,\ PI *. Mi ?i TH. Drcheatra ?"? Bach, KKW LONDON (N??r?> mm: ris N'<*w London ;.\ Wei 10, N R , ft, Ho laton ?l . ??. . u daya only, ?; 00 P \l Pier 70 l: R It. K.2 Id .*?! f. '?" P xi ' i I . ' ?!?? LOWELL ind l'H EBTKI? w ' ? 11 \ I ? I \ NEW HAVEN UNI: Li Pier sa I it. fti Cathaiiaa St., weed >i.?.n. g i.-, i?, y **" RH'H mm? nv?4 Ticheti at? , .?? iTi Broadway, Trnnafer Tourlai Offlcea and il P 1 li.? N??>\ I nrl nul ???? ini.1,1,, (??. Providence Direct SI.SI | Worc-uter. S2.IJ iiiii-ui? Mateasen*?*, It-SB? fir, i Stoamahlpa Qeoraia and Tenneaasa Hull i. in. Indias Saaday, B:M P. at, from l'i?*r 19 I it PI. City Ti?-k.*i Offlc?, j'i?? Broadwajr, N. if' Uptown 'lloket O 111 ce. U \?;iy ur.U J3.I Si t'entrai-lludxnn I Ine-tieainrra ter N??*t>ur-{h rokeepil-, Klii-jaton. lier ?4. ft. Franklin si TIME TABLES. NEXT SAILING To PLYMOUTH (London) CHERBOURG (Paris) and HAMBURG by S. S. CINCINNATI (17.000 TONS) April 24, 11 ?A. M. ?g? hon ?? \< ??immixJalion? Aa'nllulilrgtgfl HAMBURG-AMERICAN "IMPERATOR" WORLDS LARGEST SHIP .treat HAM p.' RQ M 14. i rrh \ng h.*-- M? .1 ' 7. ,\ M i inabllnt" pa??< i:-*? i > I 'ARIri on - ? In H A M Bt* RI ... LONDON, PARIS, HAMBURG Pretoria ( m. innat i Peana* i? sala Kaia'a tilia, \ le l'r?-lil?'nl I incoln ? Pal ri? n \ 'in r.k.l Pretoria i :. IP ?I 124. It A :>?. i \pril :iO. ?_? " M :. | P M " ' II. 1 I M :*. ' H ii ? - ?WI From BOSTON t in. ?iin.ili ... ' - " ? !.?. i.inil . 1 i in? i It < l.\.|:nu| '.'Ii MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibraltar, Algier?, Naples and Genoa. It, g, Moll!,. It, - M \. M "?. *?. II imliiirc I I ; "?" Ma] SO, !? A. M "?. V Mailla?. '.. - ".'? ?a. M ???. ??. Iliiiilinrc I. . " M CRUISES II) I II! I WI? ?II I III Mil? NK.ll I *?( \ ?in.I ?.ROI Ml Till '.? <?:;i i>. VACATION CRUISES Special Summer Rate? May 1st to October 1st Jamaica and the PANAMA CANAL WEEKLY 4SAILINGS ? Carl Schurz" & "Emil L. Boas" pi ? ATLAS SERVICE 11 to 18 days $75.00 25 Day Cruses $115.00 g Vira $75.00, ;^;,v $110.00 KAMBURG AMERICAN UK 41-45 Broadway New York Frederik VIII. I .'.nmi i. ?., V.14 Buildli nin NORWAY Heilig Ma? ipeU tl II?, ??r II Mut ? Ti<*t?-rn Mi? 11 ?I ?I???. Mi? 1 ir,i i 1 im ?;: is 1 p, ?? -n.1 ? 1...- ???'.? M A.F.JOHNSON A CC. Agis.. 1 nrn?d*a? VI S W EDEN , 1 OKNMAKK 1 a. a Great Western Railway of England "Hoi 1 - ? ilt H ? . 1-e ? . ..111.? -\ . ? ?nd ?im? of ?.r. ?1 Brttata PR i 1 i>ni)i "? ' ? "? ? ' ??? ??? C?UI?aVI C ga-rsaasal a U liii.oinl. ? ?... -. . ' -th w . N Y REAL ESTATE FORSALE ORTO LET I?'. iR; SA 1.1 I "?NilTnk.V'H ri '? \i'" .. ? I* EDV ARD \\ i- !.i:k ,.i \ 1 ?. BOROI ?.Il Ol M WH \I I \\ A BROADWAY CORNER TAXPAYER - a m 1. w ? . . - ?,?, I I ' 1 ? I \ 1 v. ? - -IMI'MA '. * I ?? ? loi l(l\?. I-I.WI?. -, B? I .. ? ? Nr.?\ JKRSKf. v.'. Eae-IRILIST. HKA1 l'un:-- F.\f - ' - ? \ -, 1 1. \ 11.' ?' ? I.. M ? MORTGAGE LOANS. -. ? ? rtlRKK VK ?RM r"IRKT ? I - ' im."i.i?: i!i.i?'ii:i;.-. in? in ni?_ FURNISHEO HOUSE3 TO LET. BROOKXYK. et ? . M t.. NovemlM?! ''all X.*?** I_ !??:. ? ... . . 1? '.' 1 FURNISHED APARTS. TO RENT. i? \\ es r ?pai I ?TH H I' Iractlv? provatnenta: 'phone ?iibsraj HOYT II in r . SIT u 1:- r, 1 1 :. ? \ 1 > w (r ' * , - . It?? a,- .11 rill.-lli.a. |r. hath; ??'?? - UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. Uivr ilDS. MORNINOWDP. DRIVg l??i tPARTMICN. ?_* To ?ublei mi o.iai..., 11. l'l ?. ?l'art - mom 7 room?, now, lawlna par? Verj 1 PERSONAL. 1.11 "l'l.K ? ; I It 1. TWINH for sdoption, ..n? ?"*H old. h? ilthj -in ,\ in 4 ? In -i.-i inn hon ? \ Ml?, Ron ?I 11 Ibuai ' 'tti.. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. LUGHOW'S 1.1:1:MAX RBaTTAURANT, Importers ,.f Warsbaigai ilo?biau. rii?o?r Ueii??renachuft?brau.