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n : ind Innam ? ? . itc ,xa t***H1 " un?* n? -it '""!" hetng k?n>t ?Completely quid without - ,. pi : oint, d otal tha? . , .:?):- ,,' In tl ? -y 1" th? t il' the " ',,f' ??bin h of st. John Lateran, where tiutelll Will : mi. ate as P ?: {Yl]S y xx-th ,? - court. (!1 ild have lelliii . . ,. ou Id havi - en over , on. , had llit Physician's Plain Talk. ? bed! ? the Pop? he h id a .ong with th? Merry del Val, the physician plain!- saying thai he i not take upon bin the ? ' of the l'>>P" unless he thai hlS orders WOUld !?" carried out, 1 pal re ahall .it' ?v physical or mental e*C? ? rtlon, not ? a f> w d lyg bul tor B long 1 ? riod. Although th ? 'i public ?lio. k? d to in ar ? hat Pope Plua had Buffered a new 1 cannot be said thai Mill tern for the worse caused much surprise. illness allowed ' to do I which would have tried the conatltu . much young? ? m it must ? 1 thai the Pope, .:tor having been 111 during the ?who 1 month. a re ? ' mday with thi 11 said that mira? ? ip evidi * ' ro day? ; . . .-..;,. albuminuria, which ; .'..t. ?x. nt. ;.nd an other da* ? symptoms disappeared. ? thstandlng thi^. Profet-tsor EX Marchlfava, the iv ? He con '? .i to the Vatican at Fat . : only live by following the rogimei I I ng ctrems ? are and ha? Received Four Bishops. ? ring to the ph) ? ? . Pontiff Waa allowed to rise bad rind even to leave the hod room, thus ? B des thii he ? Ived four bishops yasterda) mom wed to ? ? time yeeterday arternoon with hi? Uni and an iwreiing a letter brot - Rosne by his gra The Pof 10 ?.vas | (xx t ntry postmsjn i 1 a mule. Why win he not give and , ome b? t. '.' He is un old -noring the fact that I ween Pilgrims to Pray for Him. Ihe relapse ? trred ad pllsjrtms froi I di*9oeoe of "rrertso, led by a . like thCSM ' ' ? *? rd.v , by Ih? Pap I I al Blata B laonghin, In presenting the pilgrims, grieved that their . . the chief ob Of their pllurlmage?* . Holy Father ?ras impossible. >i,. begged Cardinal Marry del Va! I the Pops that seventy PrtastS and nine hun?r? d 1 hildren of the Tn-vis-o churi h in ull the days Of ihclr sojourn in Home had constantly prayed God "to pra? se?*? r for many years to th" glory of th" Church and the ?f? ft etion of the Catholic world." The ("ardi?al answered, recalling that Ig UM books of fie Apostb-s It ' that the followers of Balnt i'< x< -. when unable to nach I i- petBOU, must he .??ntisfiod with his shadow. }).? added: "\!lcxv me fr.r the moment to ?on elder Tiiyj*. I' the Bhadow of the Pope, ?and tell vou in his name how tenderly he tortas you and your famllka and ?gjghw vou all B] Iritual good." ii-- arged Um piignrns f?*trvently to for the recovery of the Pops m r.rd'r that he mav return to ?vork for the good of the Church and the people. The Cardinal ended b) impart ing to all .the npoctoi:?* biessing. FRIEDMANN GETS FIRST PROFITS IN PROVIDENCE Results There So Encouraging. Financially, New York May Wait Long. MANY FROM HERE FOLLOW Dr. Landesman Leads Party That. Returns Jubilant Over Treatment with Turtle Germ Serum. i.Ike i he spies of ol?) ?bo ret? raed te (ter i ? trn ia the 1 ',i- .1. I '? ! r .'lu- h Frlcdmann'i I I -?ant, i>r. M A. Storm, returned to this city ! I? r .' with g?oi tidings from Providence, v hi re he and tie tuttl? ? journeyed Is I T u da) in ?'?? srch of a ? i ? ? with nu'.k sn I 'I ;.,!?.? *?. ? . ? rding t.* Dr Bturm, who Is : hyslctan at th?- nd ??-ho .? of patienti without ?nd -?Ti' 1 f>*. ? in plenty. ? ? es ?hat the do, ? - i ??lmr'.or. ? f< .- - v ? ? :. -lid n..t do W? v. r, He made ?e^s than V.OS ?'The . no <iis?'?->ilT-1'*?>- to II: ? pli ? .. r.? ;,t Beton,' said ? " Bl irm, t in running up to a week, t little money. Fou km.v. hear] h< LI thinp v* .i ?-? ? i. ? nothing ? om Ing in. Law Barred Practice Here. i Dr i "?-?? I ..... .... County lety thai .? " '. a Neu y .-? I ii was ? ? ..... ed on the t in the three or four ?i ? Providence, would i ? ? ? that th? i . . Joke to Dr. Bturnt t of the hoi n i? 11 < :??-.- the to be treated 1 - ' l>r-. Btur Count - etjr in Pro-, dea? ? had to his i ? action ?.ne a a ..r Il< r. ' I ?r. Sturm ?aid, an?! ? I by the f.i--t thai they a*< : ? ? ??-. ? had ,i .... that nothing happened," addi ; th? ^rm ? -? inn s :<?>* prld? a bill v.M.- pendln-- ."i l -. - ture pi t of I be doi state. On the Gridiron in Washington. Di FTiedmann has nol announced ? n Pi ii. ?ranged 1 : stlenl at th? <>f Dr. Dwinell, N'n. K Ja? ks?.ri street, in on Monday. He left for Washlt ? ? ? ?: the dinn? r of the <?;?-!<* uh. ) ? irl leno Ii already full of people who I Oth* r Cjtl? I" him. i>r. Mai Land? I -? i the I n phj ? -mi ii? Amei : ? ? nnw tl <? germ ?? legation of i I BO W< re r?ti-i r?-d t?> h ? I <r m as "Coxey's Army," to i ii - - i, nd ?ity. 1 maa part r ?. <i ths treatment and returned to this cm y r ? I Acoording to th?-- Ansonls doetor, a hun? dred let) ? t to applicants :ri vat lOUl Of tl to a; p. ir !?? Providence for treatment. Meanarhfle the fifty patients in Beton H ' 5-itai, who were ready for ?treat over s e/eek ego, ere tang ilshing nn?i I wbsn the doetor win pet book. | that they ? ? ? aiment II i' nut Impoe . thai ths '?? the turtle germ i?**erer*s tls the Proel? i trifi Indeflntt? ly, and it ? i thai tir, Lavender, who in charge r' the government teats al Beton, may ! t-? Washington, and, ?x eispt for the f? ??'? patients treated, the ex? rs tests originally planned be aban? done?! I Haviland China || \l Kxc.hisive. hn? -Unique \t J? Novelties for Wedding 5| n Gifts in French Bronzes, \l \t Clocks, y Il Pccoenr's Art Pottery. [*}( JJ Pccorchemont3 ks h? Pate de Verre hit? \f IV Lali(|iie ?lass. U 1 Haviland & Co | }. [stablisheij ,840 Jj }{ llEast36>i!St.-i?Ea5t37xhSt Jj ?tmm*mjawewasaama^^ PROGRESS SLOW FOR "^ FB1NN PATENT Pittsburgh Lawyer Treated in Berlin Eleven Weeks Ago Said To Be Far from Cured. FIRST RESULTS HOPEFUL Second Inoculation, However, Fails to Produce the Eeneiits Expected and Third Treat? ment Is Given. to T Ibune !' . . April !-' l'?rl ill. ii u ?th the ?-M ' rien?ce -ol a Is -.? ? ? ?. Da> "i .*--. M, ? '.um. a tj pical t ubercular vl? tun, a lu? a at sent to B? rlin, ? lerman; , t?> r? ceive t he tub? rum re di? re i from i 'i Frledmann hlms? If "The Pittsburgh Press" to-morroe a ii "Thi re what ? I t th? i- r.? dmann I tnenl : worth -i i" nnj (? monary i onsumptl i ?? ho i seekli ? lute ami positive ??? I On Janttai McCann received itment \\h h th? ' I. - m, i n came t.. \ HKi les i "ro?? - " of his Berlin patients, Including Ii i .uiii. In ail. Ml ' ' . r. i - IV? ?1 rum. "Thi i her a ill say: ??).. ? I up to the pre? time In Al torn* y McCai indei f- ittn? nt for i.. do '"'i beat oui a claims made for Dr. Pricdmann's serum. 'Thi ?? | incomplet?. demoi ? ? ? I 'h ?t tii' spreading i . ..-i ..f the I mi ? pulmonary tub?rculo* mpletcly eradl d in from fo i b* l ?i. PYiedm u i l ?! i < ? ad? I "Imprm ?.I num. -j: ately following ii- ' ? aaai II an Indi? atlon and . annol i ? Mr M? - <'aim's . ondltl ? ? -. ?in? nt t'.i a ? ?? his condition I ? ? |j slow. Mr. M? ' Impro? ement i Injections h I . h - ' grot ?ne\ m ?j , Itallty ; ? ? n as to Tl according to ' Pr? : ' I Mr. Mi Cai talked a lth him da- i ego a third ii ? Imi ?.'. high 1 : inf- spasms, f? ? ? ' Inocul i? - m- nt ap pari '.; Is 1 eu ? d, .?rr-i Mr Mc< 'aim Is m r : THE KEH1LLAH ROUTS VICE Lower East Side Cleaned Up by Organized Jews. 1 ? . p th? I Initiative, ?.. ?1 1 t .j i. Magn? ? the 1. ??sh pa low? "f New ? ommunity of 1 II .,f ?. ? 1 ? Lsh organisation ;.i -i aln ihei Hie liai 11-iri and ' ? the Jewi ol \- m v 11 h city In all rn.iti local Interest 1 ? 1h fore the op? ulng .... ? rivent!? the Hebrew Teehnl? al 6? l.I for 1 : avenue ??? ??! 16th ? tn < t t ; ? ? 1. lion adopted en July II of last rear, i!- Magn? idded the Kebillah organised .. welfare com mitt? ?-. v. bl? n su? ??? ded In ela Ing a . .1 ge number of gambling .?-1 prostitution, opium lointi an 1 1 '? ? ? reputabl? horse polsonii ?"The Kehlllal tlon,' rnnn, "the fad that .1- an organisation it stepped mm the breaek if similar work is undertaken with the <<-.-<>i.i'!.it!<>fi of the authortti? t>) other organisations hi tlon? of ths city there can 1 ?? little doubl thai tills city will be n Ik red <>f s large pari ??r the vice and ?rime ander which II fltritrtrer.M " Referring ?1 the friction apparent in th? K'hiilali ree.mtiy between the re? formed and orthodox Jews, th chairman declared thai the organlaatlop'a aim eras h united, r.ot :. uniform, community. He nrK'-'i the oppoeing factions to come to ?get) si and tall ????? t th? Ir diflf? rene? thai ?nit of th-m a higher doty mlghl roio. to Israel The executive committee Indorsed two bills nw before the Legislature, on? to Incorporate the Kebillak and the other t.? permit shops which remain dosed on Saturday to open <>n Sunday, it air.?? laid plans for bringing ordei to Jeariah re Ugkras im'i educational ystema, and for earing for tn?* handicapped claaeee, espe dally the more reeeni acquisitions to the Jewish comninmty. tn?- Jaws of the Otto? man emiilre. Owing t" th<- war in the Balkens, said i't Main.;, the Immigra? non of ?Ottoman Jea to this oountrj -va lBerees"ng rapidly. SULZER SEES MURPHY Governor and Leader Meet at Jefferson Dinner. Qaveruor Bulser earn? down from Al? bany laxt mpht 1-. attend ths Jeffei on ?llnner of ths National DSSMCratk ?"lull. at which Ik- w?s nn? <>f tne Speakern. It ?as aspeutad h- would hold sereral r.?> Muai eonfet*eneos while In the dti Charlas r Mnrphy, ot Tammanj Hall, was at ih.. dinner. Ndtber the Oovernei nor Mr. Mnrphy woiiiii say whether they Intended to "talk matters ?seat" whils th? Govei aoi v 1 ?.. ti,. . Ity. GOVERNOR'S PRIMARY PLAN PUT IN SHAPE Sulzer's Committee of Nine Drafts Tentative Measure Embodying His Recommenda? tions for a State-Wide Direct System. ?aprll '- Tl.rornltl ? ?- nine I by (Jon terenoe in th? BsecittlTe < ? , , to ?;,?, legislation embaying M .-rmI-, recommendations f? ?' **j?" ,..,.. erect primary law. Includlni ? ' '.nventlona. .?Pi* .?tentai ol th? MU .:" . .rtrni , put in rorm for Introduction In i. ? Bulscr bill The principal provision? of I.? ?? "" tollow; trict ? mi ?********] ;?", potliloi no parta rmbleni or d, , , .-. p, man ?-???? ?i.,,,"i-b'?".f , ;V; " nat ' '," ?'* ,"'",", h r ? "' ' '.,,.? limitai I ' ? , -- .? mln? ? _I 1 '" ''"" "f "Hing IndepaiHl? ni nomina /" ! ???? lengthened, approval sha ... and! on primary ballots, -?asltlon to b determined by lot. c-.-h esBjcUdat? uum b"i-".i in -stcii group; only ?tats and coun tl commltte? hall be ?Hmsen dhrectlj li? the roters; tat? primary .liwtri'-t. anal be Identical arltb the el?*?i*Alon ?listi-i'-tn party be fr?..1 by ; pai 1 ? oum ?i rompo* ,i t.( 1 h" memben of th" ?tat. "'minuit. .*, pari candidate! I ? ind party candM I s. net? and A.-*-'nibix. and in off si Senator and ?tat? elective officer? xxim mei i.e., tii. party; etnnmttt? ? oa iiliii g 1 prima ticket , fnatlag petition; chair? re.-11 . ? - ? ?? ..1 ? I" "!'" t"'l from OUt ???? litt? ? ? '-mber-dup. rollo? ing wb 1 ' ittV. - xx., ap 1 oint? d to promote lb? " Introdu? n .m I the I* glslatui 1 i - 1 1 lagan tal.mi It! 1 '-.m. 1 a. "?Vlllard, or ,\lb ,? eakei 1 '..Mai m 1.1.1,1?. of B< hoharle, and ?' \ 1, ||p, . f Columbia Thi , u ?]: na . 1 m Hi.. eXSCUttVe - ham ber xxitn Governor Bulaer on Thui ds! ? CABARET ON THE ISLAND Third Vaudeville Show of Scries Given for Blackwcll's Inmates. I of the city'? r| .be d at a ibaret i .. islai ? mi the arram ? i? . m ond ? If? "f th? i ? .. v . i ., ??? jrlxa "no ? . ? mill Jui Peri . -i man <? i '?'? a I ? ?m. |y aket ? ' end ... . ,..-.? enter ? t . ..... g hlcti ? X ? , I ? ? ' .-. . AI ' a. . Dr ? Ital *?talf. ? o HONORS EX-PRESIDENTS Republican Club Gives Testimo? nial Dinner for Form? r Heads. ? .... ? '. ? ? it i i ? ? . Mortl i. inch? aril ? ? : . - ? , * -.? - Hoard ? FLOOD FUND STILL BROWING Bad fro? Has |6M,961 M gad Mer A. . Total b 171,17176. ?? i re? : ? ' ?? Yort Red f of I ' to the I - , . it also i : ? \ U xx ? of Ml | |4M f..t .?? . , | ,., , I. .'I. i n m ?er ?i i- Most of th- children lo b" ?Ml? t" pooi ho ? and ? th? lentl t that If h? . oii'i ?? i- i u is to tin i-irl-i will feel vet. c?a) nor.*' The 1 lation hai r< .... i to dati *.i. N . SULZER SIGNS NEW LAWS Statute Against Race Discrimi? nation Made Stringent. ? ?ore stringent pi l dl 1 criminations ? n a<-c.amt of ra ed or ? r in public p] ices, was - ' ' ??mor Bulser to-day. A plac ? ?f public a.-, nmi.let Ions, r. vr? .-i si within t'?' thlslaw, la? to in udi ani Inn, tavern m hot? I, ... of transient guests or for ? Uon of the eking h? il in or ? ...?' theatn hell -, Ol tl ?' the uta! relate to I t ? tlmis by ? ? ... |f a pa . ? nclude I ? I ? ? ' . V ' -. ? 1 4 lent to tl a'' - if immer ..:..- the . M pr? n i ? o. John \ M ?.. i ? t., ? :?. .,..'.?? ? i : FIVE ARRESTED AS ROBBERS Held, Though Man Locked in Closet Fails to Identify Tliem. : i tires fr<-?m the v. eat ? ? ? . ??? arrest In a i if?1* In seventh a M l et, I mg i the V ' iValters, ms ? The pottee, therefei f No. Willi ?' ? ? ? ' ? f viol a I i i ' - ? ' ' ? ' , ? ? lth, of K ? i talned i I that Thorn i s ??? Mr .. ? nth aven i? ? ? ? . four? for it STATE PAYS CONGER $18.000 Award tor Fees of Counsel in Prose? cuting AJlds Case. Ul ? ! > ? late Board Of | ? ' ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? -, . .-. r,?- hrther* . ? r U ? ?;.. , the charaeH. The .-l ilm of ' ? ' '-' ?" t -.. ? . Van v ii t 000; [laviil W Van Hoi en, 14.948 l Kilward \ \\ ;,i-..ii. :.' - . ., p Bonney, 11.063 42 Courina and Crawlling Coats for iUcn nn5 Ulomcii Outer liarnients fot Street Wear, ihr [rain and ihr Shore. I lie newest l'.nP-li,ili fahr us in original design from our own workrooms. Raincoats ?Oust Coats "I ilk. linen, mol?an, etc ?ells??ogglcs??lovcs? motor fiats-Bonnets motoring Accessories of livery Dcscnpti<5n *\\mmp*gf!Z~l Department of ??m*S**p>^J) CHAUFFEUR EQUlPMEhlT LIVER Y, bul 1 S, OVf Rc.OA T3, m an unlimited variety from the most inexpensive- to the best?ready to wear and to ?>rdcr. Sinti fer illustrated tatahg SolV Agenta for ALI RLD DUNHIl.L MOTORI1W-S. London FIFTH ?UW. <y 34.?* ST. N.Y. OPPOSITE TOE V?LIX3RF ASTORIA MARTIN'S HAT AW POCKETBOOK FOUND Continue?! from flmi pa--.-. bankment and not a bridge, af? the brldfM are .-Insel y patrolled at night. "Dote? lives on the itoUcg tliat Ms friends enuld talk more than they .seem Willing to do, are ?going little, for they believe tin- man COI11 mltted suicide, These friends must know the motive that actuated the deed, but have c-vidiitly not told all they know." A man answerins* Mr Martin's pen eral deocriptlon was seen l?eavlng ?--t PanCnu :-? ition for Edinburgh Is I night, but the poli?*e have not yet <?ni pleted the work ?>r followtng the clue, ;?n?l attach little importance to it, be? Having that Mr. Marim killed himself. in The \v?'ek!-.- Dispatch" SI Is sug? ggsted that th?* min'- illsnppeeirsnri . .?une.'ted with a Let which Mut made with an amateur detective, a friend of i>. "Ti .* London Budget" ri ports tha' the workman found the pocketb?t*ok on ill?- Th.iin?-.- Embankment, but that de tectives found tk*e battered opera bal under a bush in Tiemple Qardens. OFFER $12,500 FOR MARTIN Relatives of Missing Man Raise Amount-Brother to Go Abroad. I c pel? pai I is Th? Trisan? I Memphis, Tenn . April 12 The relative-? ? ?f Joseph W, Martin, who has been mi?:--; in?,- ? ii ??? April : m I/mdon, tn-day es ?'? i to in London to off'-r h reward of -J.yjii for the discovery of lit.-- xx hereabout?.. Later this rssraii xx-?** ?aerasaad i.> n:. Mt Kill Martin, bnither of th" inlssin-j num. started for New York to-night. On his Way to Iaondon Mr. Martin's relativ???*? and friend** ?ay that UMTS i? "? ""SBasn why hi*? should have committed satctde. They ar? gel trying to he??p aa-rtblng baek. i!?*in? p. ..pi., of culture, they naturally have shunned the publicity and notoriety <.r this affair. Mr. Martin went ?,. London and MC?"*SB? fully elasad h large ?l? ai in cattaa ptaata? ti.iti lands in southern Arkansas It understood thai his i-iiar" of the proce?-?"? *,xas about *?>''-' .\l.c-tin is a hai-h'-lo:, .?rai it. always been abatemloua BRANDT SUIT DISMISSED Surrogate Blocks Intervention in V counting of Ziegler Estate. ??:irroe*atc ("ohalnn diatnl?*S*>d ' i th.- application ol Georg? \\". Brandt of Chicago, half brtHher of th? late Wllltaa '/.ir-nWr. !o iniervn?? in the a?*countlng pi .,.-? ?edinga Ijrou-sht by William Ziegl. adopted Son of the baklnc; powder man |< facturer and ehtsf henc'i.iary antler Mi ?ill. The piirroRaie decidad thai the npi.'1 cation xxa:i Blip? rfluo ... Bra id! Claiming h ?hare of the income fr'.in lh<? ??slate Which /.ie-*!rr seek;, ?/?? ... a parly lo the pro.-r?-d:iu' roj*??!" Cohalan asked for hrl<-?M as lo the niatt'*r <?( th?? accounting; Fhonin-t t,, whom the a'-cumulatcd ln'-om?. ?'hail r,? paid. Brand! and Begier differ a? te ? 1.1pretatton "f the xxiii of the Baking powder manufacturer, "Magier contend? that he 11 I Bt.'led tO ttM *?4 "?Vi?. at |C c*imulat??d Ineome on ihr SI4,?*W>,i*O0 estate whll? Brandt thinks !h?* nion??y should b? added to the estate, in which he, has an In! "? ' rhj the -joint which t-.<* court la ?ailed "pon to settle. OUTER APPAREL MILUNERY?^ FURS? FOR WOMEN. MISSES xxnct J UNlORSj * ANNOUNCE, BEGINNING TOMORROW. Especially Attractive Values ?Carefully selected (rom .the largest display of fashionable Outer-dress assembled in t?.is country?values possessing more real merit than can be fuund in most offerings adver? tised as "?Mites ? Handsome Three-piece Costume Suits at $Q5 ihr tcgjotl'l HngfteH efV-ts for luncheons, calling, card;, tli-^atro. etc. ?-of ? hmnetlie, satin dc scic, shantung, and silk Bedford. Tailor Suits at $j8f $50 S %<? Women's and ?Misses' Styles, h iiid-tailored throughout, in this son's most tahionablc materials and shades. Afternoon Dresses at $38 ? $45 \ wide range of late French styles seldom offered at such low pr?tes o? Canton ciepc, satin tie sou-, crepe de soie, Pompadour and figured crepes, French ?*-erge and other fine materials. /Motor anil Semi-dress Coats Unusual Values at $J? ? %0 Spiendkl hand-t.ulored, silk-lined garments of newest malcri?is, in stripes, checks, fancy weaves and shades and plain shades; l I lack and blue? at $ j ( Stunning ne*W Ctillot model, combining a M?>tor Coat and \*? rap of imported wool ?ponge, m light blue, rose, chartreuse. Miry, white and black? at $?0 livening Gowns, Special at $55 8$65 Adaptations of entirely new French models in the season's daintiest fabfiel and shades?also suitable for Summer Resort Wees*. Tailored Hats at $io9 $12 & $15 I he ncwcsl London and P?n$ effects. Dress and Semi-dress Hats, %%22% *2j <ir *?0 Reproductions ?and adaptations of late models from the foremost French modistes. Dainty Blouses, Special at ho The newest chiffon and satin effects, ranging ui \-aluc up to 52 ). Also? values tn Exquisite French Blouses at *1? to *45 Of aepe dc cfainea chiffon and tine laces. fifth Hveniit, tptt $ 47tb Streets FURS FOR COLD STORAuli arc noa being received in large quantities. I'd? phone Murray Hill 5888 and yours will In- lent tor promptly. Wc guarantee against fire, moth, and ?theft The Storage of Household Good? In t Sate DcpOttl * ompany implies increased responsibility, \vare? houses absolutely fireproof, efficient packers, careful movers, with moderate cJtttgca. Send i<?r Estimate. Let Ut Store Yoer Silverware tlii*- SummCI ?U safety ?i guaranteed from your door until return. Safra in Burglar Proof Vault? foi important and valuable papers. $5 pcr year and upward. In ip?tcttOfl united. Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. I "<l sirr??l. OgrSSsMs l.r?.n?l i??nlriil Ti-rminitl. M'i.'i eeatrally i??'.it??d, at * Subway Bspraaa ?t-nUae.