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A VIH IN ENGLAND OF RACE FOB COP "The Yachting Monthly" Points Out That Designers Have Learned to Set Sail. SLAP AT THE CLUB HERE Calls Declining of Original Challenge Most Unmanly Act in History of Yacht Racing. -, to M...U hon some Kiitish yachts nr.cii t. ?l coneen Bit Thomaa Llpton'a ?, determination t?? "lift" tlu- Araer ed It oriel In the \ tchi ni Month . . ted. it n . ave i" ? n ao many falai ? t..i th.- America'a Cup thai ?If: , . ' i ttlil tin to matun , Tl cumatancea of the chall? ; g< .?:' rather ?. ? _ -i he ? up, which w? had almoal "orgott ?n and, li wlahi ? '. haa prov? ?l i attractive In tl ? ce. it a probabl) th?? onlj occaalon on ? til? Thomas had a rival In hi- life'? quest. However, he ??"t pr.dence, and hla chal ? man ?ill? forwarded, and forwarded In i ?mmlttt-e <<i the \. ? "fork ould hardly - x i a they i yachta being built and meaeured i>? an one which baa ht ? n ? ard? .1 for all ? lae. "That and no si all we aall und? i " they aald, and, ??i couree, the de? d ol gift wat the goat Foi ? bull? and raced under a n? a ? no? comea a chall? nge from this ? aking It a < onditlon thai the old i ule : I to And thla, mark jou, nol i" !| H which the N w York Yacht ?'lut? Iwayi ? x ? ? ? d for the rule, but i>> Thia ma strange. In rten i xpr? ---. >1 opin ' ' ? ?>' in comprc-hi n et it li nol - ? ? ?n ol it. Por a? Knera have been worklnii to the uni? ot one of our di am ? xperii i.i It. Wit! ? m. nl and gradual i .1 in attaining bu inexperienced would lj handicapped. Under the <>?<J rule, . i th? othei I even. The British challenger has t.. ? the Atlantic, : ut that la by no mea . \ ? rj thing ni the d oi a ig yacht. Mor? li most Important under th n n ja? B? nl . m t., s. t it in place and how to wer? always than ? tin, tli?* rule under conalderation la lath and latitude la a V, ' ;, 1 . spei ?l only, la if Impoi tanc? B< facta In mind, aurprlee may we i give waj to -, Usfactlon In the ? le. At all i v? nts, It la Bner'a ? ?; it haa I : the New York B ?*5-foot waterlln? th? Ir failing to ? t.. ti ?H! many sensible thlnga urged bj them vor fit small? r ci aft MOI '.-..- t hem an ad?, antage. are three nun In America who . ably trust. (I with the de ng oi a " fool waterllne yacht: th. r? la only one who could be ? upon for ??n?- ?*f I The above was written when Sir Thorn? Upton'a challenge waa announced. i ay that challenge has been decline?!!, ? I leave th? . ph ai some ? i atlon of the with which Engl American yachtamen heard that the New v..rk Yaohi Club bad unan? imously . ??n a aft-fool waterllne. The tai? i .... rtsrnansl.ip, but here are f th? must un? manly acts In the history of yacht ra One ?aii only attribute the club'a action t?? i ? t if In the da i >t ? arller conteal memb? New York Yacht Club f? it thai th? ?hone only <>: nrock's owner, it red brilllan The- American . lub i action a towarda Bir Tl the moat potent our 1 ... . cria|. lene?? was th? nterested he h id le, and th? declining of it p its Jin onua on the New York Yac I ? which ti.? ? hard to American jracl tamei t mo irn an ac ti.'ii which on?, cu: ? grows too ?? ?-. on our ? ment th?. lost opportunity ??f a tri.?.?! r the chance wl b off. ? :..r. sinr?. the above waa written sir Tbomaa has forwarded another ohallentr?? Without ' any stij ? ? i;th ?if the ? ' ? . cht, and tl m by the New York Yacht ?'lut? within A ft W ?I I' I It is tntereatlng to note thi\t. according to the x\;.-. gnere abroad "have at fa at :?*arnf'(1" how ; ?Jl and bow to keep it aet YALE~LEADS_AT CHESS Has Two Victories in Match with Williams College. New Haven, April 11?Tale i t.rst blood it: the cheee mach being eon -toeted I Bdenee with William* ?College. Of the t?.. gatnea th<- flrat t?? be flnlehed lasted ?.r.iv twelve mov? v??? a brilliant victory for the Tale playera, who by dint of ? lever manoeu Yrlnf.' "Worked tip to a position wh? ra a forced mate eouM riot be avoided. ?'n the twelfth move Williams found it neceeeary lo aurrender the queen in an effort to avert Immediate disaster in t tiirin?-'. boa ev?.-. fale opened th? king's rook's fil? ggallWt the whit? bag the William* t?am lo ? Tin- acore follows : (TENTRB GAMBIT. v m n BILACK. ? WH1 i i i:i.\?"K. ->\ llll II Ynl?v IP I. 4 P K 4 TV KB Kt Kt ft -- P ': 4 P n P | s Castles ?'? Q li 4 ? Kit a Kt 'JIU ? lj K 2 Q it :, ? Kt ?. f Ki u :: 10 i- k i: I P K R 4 B Kt x Kt K ? 1 ? \ K t ' i K i ? ? I : .", !) Kt S P '.' 4 I] Q i Kt P x i? . ?? n n . id of playing 7 P K -, where the tun ? ?I In favor of Yale, w IINama should have exchanged pawns, with an ? v? n | PICK DOG SHOW JUDGES Long" Island Kennel Club to Ex? hibit on Memorial Day. i?r. .i. i: DeMund, prealdont <?f the i^-dk island Kennel Club, makee the anmraaco? mint thai th. annual bench sh'.v. of th?* organisation will be held tins jreai at the d Bay ra? etraek <?n M?*-moria] i ?a The ? oa alwaj ? la ti:?- most lm? outdooi exhibition of the year, and Indicatlona point to th? one on Ma) K ihoi. of i"i m? r m . ...I ?it th? jihIk? s all. ad y have been appointed. Warren Purdy, a recognized authority upon Krench bulldoga, will look aft? i tu?t in... ?i, ? ;. F. Bgg? 11 Pas i,.. n <ii?. s. n lo do Ihe Greal Danes, and Jamea iv win make 11.*- awards among bull kmi. is The Boston terriera will )>?? jikIk"! by A, v. Wright, and Mr?. Nina M iioiiii win hand out the ribbons among }t. Bernards. Aa abe la an exhibitor and a breedei <?f the an?mala no i.i- more capable of Judging them The officers oi the ?lui? ?im are man HK'tiK the show ar<- ! ?r .lohn E. DeMund, i ni, Walter < lui nee Ni t vie? preai Krederkk l'-. Thomason, aeoond vlos-presidenl A. .'? Rost, secretary, ?irai John F. Co)Una, treasurer. Wilb i ?i i'iineii again win have charge ot me ?feg?. YALE'S 'VARSITY CREW, AS NOW BOATED IN PRACTICE ROW ON HARBOR AT NEW HAVEN Bow, Gore; No, 2, Plimpton; No. 3, 1 ?r ne. ? ? ; No. 4. Philbtn; No. 5, Iciikm-??ti : So. t>. Minutan; \'<>. 7. I 'pia nci.* : -ti '>ke, t laptain Snoar <l?ii: coxsaain, Barnutn. 1 DRILLING YALE OARSMEN Harriman Employs Methods i Which He Learned at Oxford. AWAITS ENGLISH COACHES Gold and Kirby Due in May to Handle Final Training of New Haven Crews. Now trial William Avorill Harriman. th? undergraduate I ? h of th? "fall ? ?? |.l.i( e in.- men on th? ? i ery da?.. toapaiatlons ar? rusta ? tlif arrival of tha two English ...I'll?-', j i ' ,'inii Kirby, n?*xt month. Four shells bare been rigged aith tho n Engllsl gad thol??? ;>in 1', and the ?larsiiH-n art- i i -? through whal raae-nMea ar- eltwely as| Harriman ran make it Hi" preliminary training ol an <'xf.>r.i erew. liar' hot s'-i.t two leMoai in observing the iixt.inl m??tlin(l Ol ptmtMtring a CTOW uni lias been a faithful etude-ai of both OoM .?.roi Kiiiiy. wbo bandle lb? Oxfoi ? at ut?mrenl -dagas of thalr tralnl ! 111 ft tl ?? tu ? 1 -':. - I : ?- ti ir.irh? a at riv it Is doubtful if Harriman will SttemlH 10 r gv? n s tentative Urs! right, al? though the fact thai the *-??< "ml crea been entered m tta Ajnerlcan Henley makes it Imperative ihat be ebooae only tboae ? ; ?? n for the Junior 'varslt) ? clta_<*?*a for the varsity at?- slim, in ? f thia will m?-an the weakenlni .?! the ? ,v, but Hi ? thai togllsb ? OS?he* should n"t be ;.. i.-.i in an? way wh? n tliey ont ? ??n the i ? a? Ussier Harriman an?! Jim ]'?? relinquished his duties as bead coach last] June after the Hawvard race, the Jfole . n t.. the number <.f three eights are getting aom? might) thorough diilllng in the fundam?ntala ?>f rowing, with greal stress "ti the English Idea. "The stroke la being kt-i't low and the man are rowing wuh very little sini.-. The off-sei wats ;in<! th.ole pins n...k?- (he crewi l"'ik a deal like typical English ?inlit?-. QoM and Klrbj will put the pt-iUshbag touchas "n tir.- boeua, t..?t bafocs they .ir rlve the strok?- will be ?-radually to--ad up, so that th?*y will not bars i" do loo much tti the line ol preparing the man lot the rigid training thai will i r<?<?>?.]?? the departure f?.r New London and the three gruelling weeks <>n it.?- Tbaaes Six freshman crewa have bean retained and are being r?oached by Jnhti Appleton, formel stroke of the vanity four, and i> <;. Acbieson, of the "IS freshman i><?at 'i .i ? Val" youngsters are coming ataig slowly, hut their development ae?ama !?> ta- non ? the lernt sur?, and they will be Bl when the i-un la nred ;.i N?tw L-rndftn Tbs propoead race between tbs _ale fteshme? atai the rniH'?'t?iii flrat-yaar craw has fallen through, bo that the Harvard rs ? will be the only one la which the Ell ngsters win bave s chance to show [****oweasV a MARINE TRAPSHOOTERSWIN Score 370 Out of 400 Targets ? Against Crescent Marksmen. BbooUng in ri'iiiarkai.i?' form, the trap? shtmtlng t'.im of tha .Maim, and Plaid ciuii defeated th?. repr?sentativ??? >.t ike ''i'-"nt Athletic Club at Hath Beach etaaa The -"-Inning aggregation m.i.i?. ;;7n out ?: ? pnsallile IM targets. Each club was rapi-etaented by four nun I > i- h nlmro i fin-.i at im targata The i ?st that Un- New M?mwi gun not a could ?i" was t<> ragastin a total of IM ' ? IS. 'ri.. Marias and Held .Club guan?ts*s al o decided s lag "n thadr April .cup Et Toa n". pi? aldenl ?.f the 'club, and s. p Hopkins registered the high i.s a sweepstake of .".ti targets ended ill.- sport it was vs.m by If. W M?r*Con? ??ii?, only after taro t?as with C IX mpetiticti was de? Id? .1 in B driving rain storm. The Bcorei INI BRCLUB shout + ?> TAROBTI M \.\|i f ?t.i B, CRKftt'ENT A C B I* Hopkins VU F II. Htephrnaon . S3 II Loti SB 1 F lernt - .SI P, I; Town? ..', 'alls II ..n . r?. i?. <; <;. Ktaphrnaon, Il 711 ?i. ITOl Total.MO MONTHLt ?ri' IM TARGET- HANDI ? AI'. H'emp. ti il eap 11 P ' ?*. M g, h u?u . " '.?? :? R Town? ? M i M Camp ?? ** M C D m :? _ H ?:.| M TARGETS HANDICAP. M w. COatrille.M M i t leases ? ? M '. ?. Mephes V R Towne. ....S 171 ?sa, Jr.7 SOIE II Loti .... S ?7 <-. n. garr? ?. :," i g Hy?tt 4 47 H. R Rtoddard.. 7 4;i ? M Camp ..." ? s. I*. Hopklna . 0 4SIJ m Kldrldge... 4 47 F. B. gngaaasea 0 4S|i: Hatward . 2 45 WH ! [AM Wl RELL M -iRRIMAN. S"n of tlir Lite E. H. H arriman, who is '? th ... , although iffll an undergradcate Indoor Swimming Season Now Well on the Wane ? " Year Furnished Many Surprises as Well as Mew Records. RAITHEL LEADS SPRINTERS McGillivray Has No Peer Over the Longest Distances? Hebner a Star, Too. The h ?ooi awl \\ at.?' Ma- y of the l< i.a'..- broken training and ar? taking ?? ??? i i .-ai Bred rest before n for th.- aumm? ? The time Is rip? ? \ er t h?- chronl? lea and foi lea of n hat a a.- a. compilai The ) ??il f il r r irpi ? * champions aeemed to take ? nan ,if.- ati.i d? r? loi ed i.n? \; ? tod ability, ' ' V I * ? ., I,'' I | ! . ?.? thai i a ai!, gratll ? novices aome ol them, th? veterana hard In many an Important race, ar,.] the latter were forci i t?? reo ord-breaklng feata t?? retain tin-ir laurela To a. C Ralthel, of the lllinola \ti.t?tti Club, must be conceded aprlntlng ho although he waa beaten In the national L-HVyard race Ralthel la a unlvei man, and waa unabl? to train foi I aupreme t*?Ht. ae that h?* entered la unprepared. Note, however, that he lowered from tSt-f to IS aeconda the fortv->ar't standard, ?real?-.I b] ?. M haul?:-, arid that h" travelled tl tury in h aeconda wtthln one-fifth ol the litter's world'a stark, tl in phv his en -M the eeasoi fas) t tins it thi dlatanca it la worthy ol mention too, thai In club competition hi covered Aft) inja In .; aeconda and 190 m '.: i-:, aecond both ? r.'?.ii?!s, bul una? ,?' ?' ?? because not maile in an op? n m< ? I Ralthel la only eighteen years old? sad the prediction has been freelj circulated that he la destined to become the gi est all around andmmei evei developed m ti i.? ? ounti ?? ii.i team mates, Ha? t ?? Hebner sod Perrj McGillivray, were his ? losest rtvali at the api Inl ? OVI l t?a loi gor ?lisian? i s M.Cl.,' showed thai be had no equal, ami it may be questioned whether even Qeorge ii'"i". vor., the Olympic atar, could non lake bla measure. The young Westerner captured the furlong title in I minut?e -"' aeconda with?.m half trying, and the Canadian never ton.-lied the mark uiiil.i similar conditions. At 41" yardi McQllHvra) brought down Danlela'a record <?t' I minutes 11 W eec onda. ami Hodgson's "f ?? mlnutea 82-6 ten onde, by going tin- coure? m ?'. n;,i ttt-t aeconda; at .<-i yarda h?- reduced Danlela'a ngurea from I minut?e -l --?"> aeconda to I minut?e lS4-S?aeconds, and at M yarda be came within ono-fiftb ??f a aecond of the latter'a best performance. Mir, fellow i lubman, Hebner, and HI? ho laa Nerich, of th?- Hew v.. li Athletic ?'luh, at tunen forced the pace, but they a ei e never i ? all) da ngei i lairj Hebni i again * t.i m a ? la himself in back-atroke swimming. The IS-yard mark ??t ;:",;:.-? seconds bj H. i Hand). be shatter? >i t" th? I ine of ?"?" fiat, and hi i own 1 i time he bettered from I minute H aeoonda t" i minute M ?-?'? aeconda' ills nearest rom? potitor proved '?? lie a lad of fifteen, .\i i, Mott, win? took aecond t?? him in t,,. ? hamplonahlp ra? ??. No breast-stroke swimmera ??i note were dovolopod, and Michael McDermott one?- more bold th? ra ?. He failed hoa ? ?. t<> live up to hla past work Inti rest ?a\le of natation i- al low ? bo. in plungtag i"i distance the two chl? : claimants, ?. B. WXlll? ami |?, Lichter, found no opportunity t<> trj conclusions, an.i they are I.'enly match >i foi a \. rdld t.. ).?? pooatble, ?WIIMa baa the lient mark. 8u tOtt, but Lichter gpannsd tl ' ? e end of I loving l woutV ? ? t 1 tl th? ? Arthur Mo A Alhl? ' ? dlvli i ti. : d ? Ip of t Ul j Aleei ? ill' Mi ntloi ? work ? \ ? Club a? ?m prov? d the 1? it i mlnuti * the ? :,i '? lowerliu r . NERICH A STAR IN POOL New York Athletic Club Swim? mers Win Dual Meet. I:. |i \... || : ? ri N< ??? Athletic Club el ted the i| Hue Ba m ? i ? team dual meet hi re to? nlghl ] ;. h. of th? IS , ork ' lub, irai the Individual tar. win? ning both the WO and -.. ? ird ? form? i In I min itc I seconda Ihe latt i In - mmuti ? I r. n Jam? ?. ol the Brooklln? ? n won first In the 0-yard < ? lood? of Now Fork, econd; time? -7.-? seconda Billot Church <?i Brookllne, the i ?m i md champion, won the d cont? at, with i. ? Mull? o. ..t York. nd Toppafl ol Brookllne The N? '??' ITork relaj t? am iTi idenb i? h ?. limer, s?.nth. ? 'ullmani d? fi ated the i -.kiln? quart? I In I minute SI ? onda ; FOR BROOKLYN SHOW Entry List Includes Many Nota? ble Blue Ribbon Winners. Pour hundred ? nti le h ive t.. en : ? ?h?d for the twenty-firs! annual Broo lyil Horse Show, at th.- Bldini arid Driv? ing <"lut.. ?m April i;, is and II augui arell i"i the aucci of the ? *. hlllltlon and eM-e?ils tl.ominitt'.- . \ pectutlona. The quallt) of the entri-M i* high, While ti-ir* list includea man) hornea of note, there also are .? number of prom ialng unknown aspirants for blue rtbl which will m.ik.- i Ik lr Hr I appe irai ? ?? in a ah? xx ring The club'a riding ring baa been htrned Into a reritabli horse b< a at nut, ;'t"i el! la in i. adln? ? for the op? ning on Thvradaj evening. 'J'1.. programme Rill l. ? an .iii)-."i i o that i he a? Ions \*. ill !??? equall) attractive and rai d Ft r the opening nlghl a <" i be? twttn tu?' hatt. ii.s of n? Id arttllei | of tl?. National ??uanl of NOW Y.ui. ha, been arranged imia? evening xx?\\ i... "M lltarj Night," when all the mllll u m be fudged. The pi Ivate boxea and aati ai a i" m ? atm demand thia i eai than la t and ai I on i al ? at the ? ? l ? 111 ? .? office in the harm tan? ami foui ?m hands ? eti lea Im re been made among - th? ra bj w lluam h. Moore, i'-?*. M. W irburg, w Ullam Zleg i? i. ji , Dmii Beettg, Chart? E, Berner, all of Manhattan, Ml I Margaret H. Pratt, "f Brooklyn, end Jo eph .i U?. tn, of Surf, in, N, v. ihoe* from Now fook ? ho will ?h"? m the addle hoi a ? - are Justice Jamea W, Oerai i. Mlaa hi? Atterbm |. Roll! m U <;. rry, ?i ,i. ??ni.., M. ?? Ranger, l* m New? gase, Until Beelig, Misa Cynthia Kearney, i-. Douglas Pranks, Mr. and ,\ii?. inwe it B, cm. hot, Albert .1 Davis, Bdward Griffith und Mrs. Samuel ?Adler. , M CUE Ai BALL Horgan Fails to Name Date for De Oro Match. .CARROM EMBLEM IN DISPUTE Hoppe Not to Play Cassignol in Paris -Other News and Notes. ! W Ho the throe : . ha mi loi ship ? ' and Al? I m ."i h l". il.- also evlncea a dlspoa i ? . on tending held th? emblem for one i. 1913, it la now hla p - i -.. Bi unsa I? k Balks. . nder (*omi ? Ian of the r *?. mu.. I >. > si an play or fo fell the em The ? chain] pro\ ??le thai an) hi ,11"! !.. Ill" .1,1 ..II m in? h an emblem ? ill be rome . ? mal epted, and a fallu: e p|; nvolves .? forfeltura This rule was adopted I i prevent posai le r?ol ? r and ikj ? 't" are i"'th in A mat? h for the .1 ? i I.ami'"! t ? 111!.a III mil II ; ' P"?* "'1 ?A It It'll m Mai ' h '?"? and i ?e < ?ro must have', days' notice of th" tiiri" anal ?'la ?? | I B) ..['I'll IJ Horgan must name time and place or (or*. , Ml and be must plaj not later than M . i ndei the rules governing tti.? cham? pionship at Issus he "an name either Baa Fran I i o, ??>? hare Its is filling aa su ? i ? ney's, m St Lou , ? bich II ii- i?. al r? i Tbs .Ionian emblem has an in? timai value "f ? ?> r ?i."". and Ho i ? lit!', ?!??. s 11 ? ? t S Isb 1'? tak?' ;i chance of loalng It Sh.uii.i be fail to r? - pi et th.- . hallenge of Ds Oro, tbs Hi ins ' i i? i : .n? ? ' illi nder .ipanj a ill tak? legal action to compel him to i k ? r i h" trophy. Edward Ralph, of Hlghtstown, S. J., arlll not play .mu,?i.. i>. Oro for lbs pock? ; billiard championship When i>" < u.i named April It, If and 17, al .'.?.i Kranclsco, for s decision of ths Issus be ;?..-. u th.'in, R iipfa i. legropiiad J ?a ? iro !? ii hi could not go to the i'a. :ti?' ?'oast t.. play, in reply De Oro advised him i,.- ...nal withdraw hi-? challenge, ami siso authorised th.- return >.t th.- s,., deposited i.? him ii support >>i hi"'. James Maturo, ol Denver, is non nesl m line a a chal?? nger. \\ llllam iv Hoppe, who holds both ths ivi snd lt.J baikllns clminptonsblps, is not going abroad to plaj Plrmln Ca-rslgnol m Parta 'i':.' i?'. ? n? h i *?ia 11' backer ?n i not m. ?t n.? demanda made bj Hopps. Maurlea i.,;. , ii cas ignol Alll ...m.. U? Nsw Yotk snd plaj Hopps a three nlgl t m t i, ,,t the Hotel Astor i will t .a u. - pari "t iiis :.t,ik" snd a*U| guar? antee to sell ?Un worth "f tickets." Hoppe eapressea the balk t thai CssstgiMl will not ? ..mi, ami a?'.Is. "HlS Bugs ;?:ii"iil in a Paris academy it* i"" valuable." K'ji .ainada, ths "apa?ase snpsrt, win i.ot return t.> Berlin this ysnr. He says: "I stay In New York and practise hard, i hope t.. play ?;>>?>.i nesl winter, if I i-o t.. r.. i un i n..t practise, so i ata* hern, II I am ill i:....?] play In thS fall I ?Ii il lenge Hoppe. H" la s greal Player, i mustVorh hard to havs chance t.? beat him. 'I'm um champtonablp from hi a high bon? t'." ,i. Cope Morton, "f IN ?Unk*n ?_***_**.. riiil.i?l.,l[ih';i, and .1. I'.i.lman.l POggen? i.m i,?, ut th" Uederkrans. will pity for Hi.. iiieii..|...iiian challenge ?op .<t the IQermantown Cricks' -'i"1' nexl Saturday j nigh! Mi Morton Is tbs challsng? r Milliard?? Is mors popular than bvot be? : fore in i-m-iand. An ??it"" I" hotng rnade ! t.. bave a room in u?* "? as. "?'?"ii.* i ment ei-mlpped with tallies for the use of I iii'inhera. OVER 1HE OES BOARD Havana To Be the Scene of An? other Grand Masters' Tourney. ;TARS EXPECT TO ATTEND Janowski Defeats Chajes in Three-Game Match at Progressive Club As was previously stated in The Tr?b? mi", it la the Intention ?>f ths Mayor of Havana t<? appropriate a big sum from th? city treasury la order to arrange a ??land masters' International checa tour? nament next winter In the Cuban motrop? ? di I, and he an nt so far t" - :??? t a manager f"i" thai affair, authorising the latter to duly announce tin proposed eon i. i and t.? co ''?? in ? ?''??? with in-. Bmanud Lai ki I champion; 11-. B, Ti ? lerman cha**aplon; ,nl S? lil' < i?' i. the ?U -'ri.tti chamiiioii, and a. RuUnsteln, ti.?- Russian ? ham plon. Under date "f March M Tarrasch m a letter to t ? manager that he would !??? only too glad to accept an Invitation, and thai he WOUld I [?"hit t?> tur? i* pai t ici pi '? :r: the ? ont? at it?* is. how,... ?. ..|' opl ' I. ? .?<;? WOUld not i??- rea i If a very big -.. him as a ro? ta thai leading p?a i ; ' ?.: ? intent, and he t !:: falla to ..? ? | t the i Itatlon n - ?nable term . \. ' fro chai pionahip honoi 1 .?i 'apa? ..?ai. .-mo he also atatos that :.? greal management. Although I" 'I'-itrasch aeemed t?. be ? ?, iker would not come to Havana, It ? expected thai word will . i t;..- ? lerman cha mpion in a fea da* i aim. that he a ?uld be n a :? t" m--, t the above mi ntloned ex? ; .11. Bchlechter writ? from Vienna >;n?i?-r il??. .?!' March ? ? ? , .t aernent, and that In "t th? y? 'ti ?nal ? ?.-..; at II . ink J. Mi ; retuinei to thl m an . an.: laying in th< he a ? nl t" Monti ?. At I ,i of thr? ' ? II. tw? i Mu. ill and Oftcai - of tl m< t -, bow? ?lid not feel dispo ed t.? play an * i..i -?? D. Janonrakl, th** Frei eh ? ? irai Ion, ? I o sailed t'??i E on Tl ? took Marsha'.! I put? ? V - ronlcled In The Tribune .Lu ?.?.?.ih? won t' . t" ?_ point. ah the thr. e ga rather Ing, and the acores are herewith ?"*?? , i li:- ; QAM 'S PAWN OPENINO. WHTfE. BLA? .?:|.\'K II ... i I- ? ? t ? . I ? I P-K J : : 4 i ? ,. i i. . I- IKt-Kl I .11 ,? * ?-? ; ?j Kt3?i . I' \ I' R I... % I ? B - Il y .. ? r ki i: Kl II P s Kl Kt?g 4 Kl ? > K R?K? 4 :. ; B R I iKt-RI ?? U ? I) ..: i: ? i: i ti ?.' ? R P K' Kl I I i: ". ? ' ? . 17 P-Q Kt S I R R Drawn ?ki i . ? , ? ? t -reger to let ? ? ..i? 'i | iwn. ? pawn ? ? ? me, ? pawa . u p. ? - - ? ? second oam ? b p >u n ??i'kn in.; It HITE. BI.ACK .VHITE i ? li.?j ? . ? . 4 H B4 P?K 8 ? ? K R .x Kl K S ... Kr I : I? Ki .. It?Kl S K?n R?Ktl I r K I P li * IP-KI B? i: . .-. . r 4 ?.? r K P x P m k - Bx M I I ? H P ! B x Kl ?*K( R -. i h K R II Pi H Kl . ? ? r P?K R 3 i '.' Kt li I ' q 1! K R K H III Kt ,x Iff) It KI I 11 I! \ Kt I' \ WH? ?' 31 II K I Kt It I !.. IV I : J '.? kuhl It x It Il R t; Q R ?, H R x R? li I?, x Kt i: :; it K Kt MQiF rh Raalgna WOT] - .... p i. rathci i '?' how Mettnctly dlffi n ol Ian a li particular i lag i# that adopted by ?-ii.ij.?. la the aune of ibi Hhowina ' i ?' a pew a foi pa ' nought thsl r??r th.. loea I . I ? I i 11* \ ?? i?. Iom i" ff?l lila iffaln, s ? . i .? Mi- onl) ? oi ;<"-??'K. (d) li || Kl \ B I? Q R i with ? prantla? I I1TI I ?> pu) on the m. -ms to remain asan i - the queen I.?- kept i ..i |,i.i, for it) o aim m i.i ai If w > Ita ? oui i ha? " the B with ? afi ?..P g iv Ki x P: '.'??- ? an ad quata let'em ??? ? position no? pn ? ilmllar . 11-.. i al m Iba Jaffa Cai ? 1.1.m. a gama la tl .*.: ra' tourney a? New . ora igi w.ii played? forctag .?? II ??re, a ttralffhi -.?m THIRD OAM.: Q1 ?:i".v.- PAWN OPBNIXO WHITE, im.\?K ? WHITE. m.\ ic ? i..u, - lanoa ikl ? !..?'? - Janowakt 1 I- Q ? P Q i II Kt?K It I l-K ?i Kt K B 3 Kt K it 1 19 Kl v B R \ n 3 p B i Px P M Kt x Reh ?,? \ Kt IP K 3 It Kl S -I ?' B I o I I- x I . ?, I 11 X P P-Kl * K R p x R,Q), h : b Bl QK i ..? Kt?R l Ile i r- K I ' Q Ki I I'-K Kt 3 * I ' K * P?R I Ct?Q I ? ? ?,? r. '. i: K ?'i -f. ?? S Kl Rtch Kt I Ki 10 I- KRKbl P. B i f x Kt P K I .f* 11 P K Kt ? B Ki 3 tt IC K J l: ... ? i - r it 3 i? B I S H i-1 : Q ... . Il H Ra ?.? >: ?.' M K R I Kl ?i I li It g ! P- K ? (c) SI R Kl : Kl K 4 i i- Q S Kl B l :; Q n i Kl Blrh i?. ?.? n - Px P ::.: K o; 3 P -k Kt ! i, i- ki ltd) P i P Reetgna NOTEfl mon ni.- rama la Idantteel ?ni' the Kral .am. ? i ihi aerlei i?n in:? next move Chaji la l?ctica. tbi rrylnj t,. ?.-' t ihe atta k ai an] eaal "?? lleglnnlna ?? well ? Itemed rounter demon it rat Ion w i . . m vari ???di mW? the pawn, bul la obligad t" i"isii hla queea ? pawa, th? n ie Rctttna tha woraa poaittrm. el. ? loin.- In ni ! ,i.| tO ??' ?I ? ?? i? i it im rather difficult t.? And i? bettet nova ifi This .in.I th?? following move? ara p?a) ?? In maaterl) atria whollj dlaorcanlsina th< wiiii.? f.?r. ?-??, ti'.. ..-.i. i.r.i'-ti.'.-iitv playing its If K. Iternberg, former finan, loi secretary of the Manhattan CROSS ?'lui?, took an opportunity at*the annual dinner t?? ad? .. renoe/al of boatiutlos beta.n th?' Berliner C?teos society and ths looal club by cabla As aill be "-tmemhored, such a cooteol ?as played and won i>> the Manhattan Ches? i'liih nom?. pearl ago, and when Berlin challenged for an? other match the Manhattan Chess Club could not ses it* gray of accepting ths challenge. Now, Mr. Bterfcborg desires th?? club to begin negotiations for such .i contest, Inagmuch as be la of opinion that the Berliner Cheae Society ahould have a chuii?-.? of regaining the laurel*?*, lost in ths tlrst encounter. ML HAVE FMK 1E1 Columbia Expects To Be Well Represented on the Track. ENTHUSIASM ON HEIGHTS Much New and Promising Ma terial Is Uncovered by Bernie Wefers. aMiii? ii a- h only one dual meet has. been anrnngod for th?? Columbia track team this season, it Is evident as a result or the flrst three weeks' outdoor practice that tli?' Blu,' and Whit" will have an even b tt??r team this year than Ust, when it was th?* surprise of the Intercol? legiate games and was in a tie for found place with Harvard The only contest in whl h the Morningaide Heights team ??ill take ?.ait outside of th" Pennsylvania' relaya and the Intercollegiate? la a ?I ui meet with Princeton that will be !.. |<j on Routh Field on May ?0. Tills meet, Inci? dentally, will mark the renewal of track relations between Columbia and the Tigers, which were broken off some five *?' an .4 t?. I ? nls '?' a saina.] of i. tv.. en sev?jnty-fi i hundred m? n out for the team. F?r tl?.. first Urn.- that h.? has been :ti charge on South Field h- had :i. s <.f w.'kly han.I'aap th a '? ro is-country run ?-very Becond week. By their means In* ha? brought out a wealth of new material and glv? n his veterana soni" p?iod p tic? II" has Inspired a new attirai? toward "rock al on vtorntng-ide Heights and a -prit that had apparently been dormant rince the early da*. - of the la ' decade has taken hold of the stu dei ta Borne of the new men Klv.. i sign of becoming stats before tluir days of rompetltton .?r. m In the treahman ?lass h.? has ?r??sai?g4?sd two ? X' ? p_?*>nally %.i men In Gertz and Vollmer. The former is a \mz distance man ol the tlrst calibre, and has had littl.* difficulty In sho<iring the way in tho Van Amringe 'cross country runs, while V..Hu?.-:- In the quarter-mil" has WO_ i In the btuidlcap tn??'ts. ? II - > .1 in a trial race th" day when be lulguessed ls__Don? thi v ltaity sais mile im and t est t.. ?'.?ptain Hor lb Ott? 'f the I" -l v -.11. r-mih rs that i beat him ?asiiy In a, ?? ? the str.-teb. Anoth ?r freshman ? ring : f< i m is Randall, ths v" uni *? t \??a high Jumping promises to b< i lor In the lntercolI?*rglati i. In ? t tall 1." was "?' irini? ei\ ??i t <l!tl\?ti!ty. and In th.* han.; Bf ? .'. f.-. t M in? ties 'without eserting Ma*-*arif J. W. ritiC, B JUnlOl rri. tO <""i ? I from ""? rim. la alto IHudy to show thing ? h"i. be ~> ta in io."'i < ? mpan: He i be the only man t.. tain i Ian y Babcock'a sh... mi ' vault, although be win I i , I. .i.-t s f""t .?n his pro* t; ? ? ; u I . : . It, a S'.pli.'tt'a.t" wla. ; prom?ini mat? rial I i sprinter be bas bt ? ? la's star n : Rets better each time he ? ut. ? 'f the "i?! men Jann? M well up in ths mi ? ! .luti", Is shoaIi ^ ta" m".-; 4 farm. H-- has had no trouble ?'i the mile handicapa and his u li.'ht ?.nouch !" I'.-rtt'it him I the strictest kind of tl thln| li? could not .1" last -p; btg*. Russell l'eut?., rd hold? r ?n ? of ??ourse, a stay of the Blue I He is sat? ting th" shol out fsrtl ? M tri? s it, and sh.iui.i win .v- ? ? .*? ? \. rting himself. Brady the junior national champion ov? ti?e low hunlles, is running In iplend and Is a s. COnd fa5t-r than ht Wgt ? Sterling Qraham, who v?.?? just ii"sci out In the high scoring i". the broa narrow margin, si - ? point or more in each of I a ? . : to bold ui expected t.. tak" th.' me.t sure ol T T |*er ? aptain. and make up lor his d .'. the l'i Inc. Ionian'.- hands u *>ar ago. Bonstb looks tit tor a pla? ' la the Hi;.liter. QUABTEBS NEARLY READY Columbia Crews To Be Housed in Fine Buildings. Coiumbta'a new ?to?- trainlns rjuartira at I'oughkeeps!" >?re well under way and will be rendy for lecupancy by th?* mUldla of next nionth If .lint RKe desirf.? to tak? his oarsmen up Die Hudson at a * ttthjO ?late as that. The mess hall, as the | thai will house th. kit. ' - n ?nd dining i???")? is called, is practlcslly Ha* ishiii, and the .?-ton?, work <?f the neta boathouse, a room) su ?. I ire tat t l. ag and i" i.-t sri to ths s.aa.nd goor. The quarters for xhe n are t" be on this toot and will be spacious enough tor at?t) taea The a hoi?* camp i i idy on May 11 Because of the sari) dut.- el tue re* natta it is possiiils Rlea may mttttt to Sblft bis base of ?>[?* I a! lOM '? ? f? >?** Xne atoal - ?.animations Ott OOl Si the <n*_f? atal if this Is .Ion- it will m. an that th? oaism.'ii Will tak. tii.:i m quarter* as the Fall ind Harvard wem man are In the battit "f doing The rr gatta is .?-"it.air.led for June -'? and I lUmbta lommelleem.-tU d>" s SB?! ***** iintll June 4, so that 11 the Col main In Ni m forli until tbat day ?*?: ?"? have only s day off two ovei two BreelDi f..r tli?' (Mdishing ton? hes in lbs past ?h< oarsmen have put In al leaal ? m""ih ?" the ...u,s... and Rles wwaM ike thssa t?> much time again ibis F at, ****\ dally as th.* t""a_alng season la ? net ?l,ort B ??eck at the S nuis ffttd a_J ???'> Anotbei- us., t.? win. h the crea qu-art?*"? . ?rill be pnl in a.i.iiti.n to ho iring '???? oat smaii In their month Of training, <""? b? q?jartotrtag of Iks aaKkey Item "'er w.?. k anda whan they win have ao t***** ,\s a fanerai thing ka tortea on tl .-on at r.iimhke.'irsi" earl) ta D and a sptwndM for ****** before Cliri-dina* with a ******* squlpped for the purpose, the Columbia suthoritles are tklnktai ansOAoM ?t he*? iii^ a It?'. k?'\ .amp ;n the ettm .uartor? during Ika winter. VAN PELT WINNER AT TRAPS. Rsga-rdlesa of th.? dri"*tag rein, ten gunners roportad al the Weetlawn? ?*?____? ol the Benaonhural Yacht Club and sm? the fourth leg of the Dr. Atkinson roa vesterda) Ths winner was J ???'?',/ wi,...k.' W out ..f the possible a ?*??'??'','.,. v. m Saturday the <-iuh will h?.i?i Its l*** siiooi againi : the membera ol the war nn,. ami Field Club The acorea folis*w. UK ATKINSON' .11' S- TAK'?b l'ri" S. K.\T?'H Nam.' I"l Name ',^ J Mm I'r'.t . *.'? II I Ink.- ... nken ... _3| i K.?l??nt ins. ,? .' I ? r ?i ?on, jr . !_ II Koe?! . A. IK-ortl? . IHK?. Klllotl . [? T Wat* . WlW, MeKiog .**