Draw int's by Walter Biggs
BfcrROADWATER had won
the enl u
? ?graph thai
ol the walls ? I
rn'im, the best rooii
the cabin's three. It
that of a young man,
a face that *s
?n its lips,
Ihgence on its for 11,
.ilt y in its c re ? y? , ll
? ? :;?1?-,?
... f their son. ,
':: iped branches of laurel, that
ting hills, and a
led mango] Is. Peril
Broadwater wond? i
.... pon tl
ire with a certain awe. Th -
-, ? ? ra? pap Mori land'snol
-, B :' ?I ul lb noi ..
r and 1 then w? re a h .- picture
? ng, however mut?, dei
? r. appearing at hi .
-eningi .'. ? ? Br tei landing
i [< li I not interr ipt 1 i an from
;. ;? ... dt I until he bad turne ! of his own ac?
"I'll tell you about him after supper," he iid; and
different, Bro
Ai I Broadwater noted that in the difieren
r ?orrow or regret.
-. -, -..';.. ?. they were seated befoi
?. I irandpap More?and told the story of his
Mod my "rife never had bul two childern. One
.. gyri, who is now marri?ed an I g I
her o '?.. ' '< ?ther was a boy, who i ? i
n' at. He was
trap] in'?and th? inn ?/? in : 1< thai he was
, j ? | if he wasn't! He had ey? l
one minute, and the color ol a new
next. H? neverwas whipped by no man,
.. v,.:?-; ? -. ? dn'bul aground
:.- Lor I a men y, what a man he wa ! And yit
is a gyri. 1 never een ?
I o'my borned days. I tell you, we re that
| 0f hjm ? ? lin't hardly bear to talk about
? ? ? we hain't never told you
now in the W< t, David i He left here on ac
the law. The law was right; but I Jan. i "...
v. righl David always believedin the law; he lived
. ? ? ... felt that thar wa i law than
. . _ . matter how good man nrrighl be
T n May. and the tree wa - good.
1 full ,; wild bloom an i the bird and
: rantin' and a fusshV everywhar. I '1 been to
the ?tore and t.. git a
? ?? j from the mill; and a I i om a dnvin
. . :: ? ? Stiffknee Spur road, a thinkin'
. good it was to be ahve in ech a pretty
? ? nped out <?' the laurel a tall, kan man
? ? ? ;,. hirt, and a broad-brimmed gray
i, blue handkerchief over hisface up to
.:. | a repeater rifle in In-* han ! . He thro we 1
houlder, with the barrel a p uitm straight
... i
..... .,,,_ and be quick about it. he says, buta
. holler like in his voice. Then he adds,
, talkin' with my mouth.
; lent that I didnl know hardly
? , though, and jerked at myoxensand
? n I turned and facedIthe highwayman.
I tter over the edge o the handkerchief,
I keen and determin? i ? th? y wa
. back and like them <?t a very rick man. So I put
i ?ri
Hi gol up in my wagon, and commenced ateelin
I ? until he'd found my old, wore-oul
H? openedil and shook the little change I d got
? .'.? oui in his hand and counted it. Dien h.
loney back in the purse, and the purse back in
1 ? rooked a a barrel o nakc , he ay .
a trvin' to talk ?grufl and only a bein' pitiful, bul I ll
rtakei ni from .' old man like you!
"Pul Vr thar!" I ay , a lowerin' my nghl hand an
I to him, which betook an ! hookashard
a he could which wa n't my bard. "I don1 km ?
?i ox," I goes on; "bul 'bar' ome
rt?teinyoit ni tefl the worid that. And
the money if you want it.
He tarted to ay omethin'; but he didnt. He lei
?.' my hand, turned, and jumped oui -?' the wagon,
plitoo up through tli?- laurels, leavin'me a wishin'
?n't gone.
Vf/l-.l.I.,?:.-..-... !? v.m. low, and il was a'uphiU ?x-ad,
** and I wa a ?Vmg time a makin' the nexl mile.
B .? v.;.' -i I it ide it I found a boss loo e and a pickin'
at the bu be akxig aside ?>' the road; ind jesl beyont
*TJ it laida man tied
man \vh?. tl -
I .
Al t.; t he
. .
... light, ai
heerd 1
... ...
I, and I i . I
!: ? e quieted down ftei
told m? ab ?ut it m son
"Some . oundrel in abl i
.... . .
an I stand si
...... . .
??< iol any : is?" I axes, n?>1
I'd had a littl?
"Hi ' ? me feller, I g
...,.?. . | .. ||, . ? ? i
day. The Sh< riff, I understand,
oui for him. < ?h,h?'!l be got, all i
hav? ?
? ? ? ? p. I can tell
. ? ' ?n't!
? man he g.n down ?ni I
Valley and tall ?1 i*verywhar he se?
an I pretl n loi o* people feard
their door at nighl
'1'lu , here I i in didn't eei i nd the Sheriff
and the lcputie : everywharh? . ? And
? ?Id that he'd teal up clost 1
offii er wa a i ampin' at night, an I si I I ? ?1
..:!? n the fin , - ni iugh and '?' '? a ?in'
in hi weak, holl? r voi? e, and be :
Som I tell 'em to quil tmn'
?;' rabbil ? and to watch oui and noi
rabbil bite 'em.
THE ummer pa ed, and ? did a big : rt o' the fall
..' the year, and till "nr t?.il man wa n'1 i aptured.
For everal month he'd nuil holdin' people up; bul
?' ? li In'i top iln- hand o11,..- law. Aboul ;:
of i N tober the gov'menl offered a reward ol thi
dred ??"liar for him. I
knowed thai would gil
him, t??-? au e the acorn
crophadn'1 been enough to
feed the mountain i"1.. ' i
Irouth had killed
men who
owned the mountain land
had h?-t down on p i lin'
tanbark, and th people
was all hard run.
\V. 1!, my son 1 lavid he
took a notion th i1 he'd
h the bad man for the
:.]. We needed money
t., five on, and a ?<le
David had d hi ?hearl on
,?,..,? to i ?hool down thar
m the Valley thai comin'
winter. I>.?vi'l did want
to ?know things morc'n
anybody I ever seen! He
told me about hi n
oneevenin' at the supper
"Now you j?- ?1 I? I thai
thar feller alone," 1 ay -
"He hain't never both n 1
you none. '1 he go*, 'men!
ha got men hired, and i a
pa) m' 'em big money, t?>
"Pap, D ivid, with
them thar big, earne I eyes
n' hisn .i hootin' traighl
into mine, "Pap,
bodyllgithim. He'll hore
ugnt; and we might
? |] have the morn a *ta
anybo ly else. And I ? an
him withoul killin'
him, whi? h is a thing i
.,' jir..j.l<- i ain't do. And
.' he .'.n, "hain't
I alwa 'i -iv thai
every ? itizen o the united
? ?? oughl touphold the .-"
law or move to some
country whar they hain't
got no?ne?"
And, Sir, by gyar! I be
durned if thai thar boy, " rhc Alml"h'y Ncv
j?*st turnt-1 twenty-one, _
. . luty I
. ? I j ....
'.-??? I dcpci
I ? But I
... . .....
? ? ......
?j ; i
repeater rifle, ai
1 'i
md ii IJ ?
n?l i ' t?> git 1
li that r'n 1
... ....
. .
? ? ? ? ?
In 1
... ...
? -
' ? - - ? ...
? rklin' in l lighl l in thai
a vi ?i
"Hal I ?;;.
,i ... ? ? I noi 11tel
n ? . ?.?? ,-?:.'??
.: ...... ? ? . ? i
m, ami rost the sights that I keenest,
And D '?> en h< in 1 'the
rel's i ? . . . - .
. .
. ? ?? ? ranger to
t last! You'll nei
? \n?t, an I ne?
me to go 1 ? ? ? ts ii .
I wond? ?
? i thar silent, pi in' a? -
l the feller thai ha 1
?? 11? : t ... i, ],,,._
Ida? k hat mi hi h? i I. He was bi]
cr Vladc Anythlni/ Sweeter than That W..man.'*