Newspaper Page Text
E" M Inspector Myers and Fourteen Plainclothes Men Begin -Clean-Up" Planned by Newburger. FIFTEEN ARE ARRESTED ind .-1*4 Reserves Have Stiff Fight to Subdue Throng That Gathers in Front of Clinton Street Station. Where Prison? ers Are Taken. A i ri?sull .,;' the Inspection ? ? Side made lam u.-. >- by Mnx,., tiaynor and Ham W Newber '? it Police Committal.?'. ?i Bj . i. aning up of iii.K ? -'?i last night, when - ? ' accompanied bj Inspe? tor M- ? ? ptaln ? ? t-11. ?Ml": ral li.-iit. ? plainclothe? meif, raided .'?Hi end ?tr?**et-*. 8 i. n \xomen -.i;.i one man \?- ? ? ' In il?-- ..h warrants la? sued "ii Friday night by Mag - Mi-t.?ii,i.i.-. Bitting m ii-," .i. (Teraon ?Mi i ? ?' <'.,urt. The worn? n are rharg ; vxith heaping and : ng disordei - ? i and the man is charged xvitii Ittng for some ,.f i.1..- raid? d I 1-..11..X.X hu? the raids on the stubea." Deputj New berger an? men i.ii.|",i 1X4,, alleged gambling houses mi "Saal ?ith street. Seven men ?ran am ?ted as s .-? suit of \ lsi! of ih*? police, two of whom are charged xvnii beeping and maintain? ing gambling houses, end the other fix-..? on chain's of being common gam Residents Jeer Raiders. When all ih? prisoners were taken to the Clinton streel police station In !he police auto x..n. then aras a tre? mendous "in i ? ople into ?he Bpace in front of the atation I ? The ? roxxd gr< ipidly that the ?? ' ?.t. ii<l> i on Horn 8th suret m Houston Btreet on the south. Th.- reserve? had ? stiff battle to keep ?he ex-it'-d onlookers In order. That ;he activity of the police was not wel? ? oin??,i bj th.- persons living In th.? distiicl was shown by the manner In which they j.i everj appearance of tin- i.uil'-is. A rording t" Commissioner Newber? ger, ill" Maxoi ? mined to a thorough Job f>f tin- cleaning ? the lower Baal Bid? The Con i ner said he and his man would a?? n tiini?- their activities until the ? ? Is a veril bl< "8] otlees T.>\x n." Two of ih" placea scheduled to be raided li i ? ;?? ?! off beforehand. . \.!? snt ' 'i':? i\\Ibc the polli ? nenta went off lik. clockwork. Pronaptly si I o'clock Commissioner \ , *.x I . I to Inspectoi Myer'a office, in the eet stat The plai led raid? '?-? ? re made clear to ? . ru- o aho were all d - la? Having th? li Instruc? ? . m.-n h ft the house ros and three, each t;.kin--- a dlf ? iii-e.-tion. ? ry man ? poet at 8:45 h, two i. -' noi.'-'i outside f ispected pl?tr?e. They al? ter or depart from ih<- houses, a ? ilted the api ? aran? ?? ? ? ergcr and In : . . X-. ho wei ? t he r ? ? ? ? oil:. Had Little Trouble Ent?rina. Th" i '.on ? r . .i m the .-?ut" van oppoi it? ? bouse . m ?.?...? ?? 9 "'< !"? " '" tne t?o word xx;.s sent up and down the line of raiders thai the mom- nt had ? '?"? ? have any troubl?* in gaining admit:,.m?-. fjmce in ? while i' x\..s t,, put a shoulder t" tie doora but there was no use <>f cold steel and battering i ,t was Been what xxas transpiring the Bat irde nlghl i rowds V I FEET DEMAND Dr. Broones' Foot Comfort pit? ?'Ho" * ' r i It Is snt ???ptlc. ? * ;?uxi4 i miiiii ? "?"' "f toot Dr. BROONES mil I?! > :.-l il'l BS?. V V R. Simpson & Co. - ? ? -. ? ? Loans to Any Amount on Pledge of Personal Property .,,,,,. ,,f i' ?,. ,,,,..,,.> |> ,- ? I ' ' " '"' '' HOOPING? The Ololirn??*?! ?:ff???*Hial R4?nn??*7 Roche's Herbal ?^ Bronchitis, lumbaco ano rheumatism W, Mwas-SsS *??>ii. i-oii'i""- ?"Kirtii't i I-- ?; ? Y. r.M.arrii A ?'?? ????.?.?I?.. lt?-<--,aii>.i ?.I?????? I, X. V. MyCeylonitadiaTeas , ?ri. roi '" "'," ' '' I ?!.,,,! (,,, ,, th? poorei graneo. ?-allanan? Magasin? mailed "" r"i''' ?? | ?- ". i.\i.u.x.\>, ii a it ??""*/ Ht JOHN I. HARTIGAN STARTING FOR SIN?. SING, he first policeman convicted m the graft crusade boarding the train ??' the Grand Central. Deput) Sheriff Coaklej to the 1? fl - n to block the stre? ts and ill Everj time .1 prison? n from ? house ami bundle? patrol wagon the crowds h *""' ' '-"i Simm. ' Why don' ? leave r. spectable people al? All the way do? n to the police police van was f??li?.w.-.i i.\ j, ? : a imen, who r in close t ! * he? Is and ?yell? I ? \. 1 rations at raiders. Besides the ?police ton ? ? engagi 'tin- cleaning up process Mayor Qs ?-?<i -*:' '?'- w llllam Walls ? Con sioner ??; th.' Buree 1 ? ? 1 - muel Martin. ;i si eeial officer Ii ?ti. with th?- r.iidi'r.s. Martin, ? ? '? 1 th,- arrests w? r?' made b 1 )i? ?? in th.- cider stubes, raided twi ? ?? houaes m Bas) ? street. ?i\ ?? men 1 1 leon? rs were the 1 that fell from Martin's raiding ! : ?-?? 1 of gambling wi 1 ii of them. ? hile the e common gambl? r. prison? 1 ? 1: pig; ??1 card garni known a? "?Seven .?r : Half." s. arcelj had Ihes? ? 1 n 1. >. up than ?Detectives ?Wing .nui Rinj the Central < >ftl? ??. brought m im Page, ? ..t No 137 Baal 6th *ti 1 harged with keeping .? v.?l maintaii a gambling house In Eaai Oth street LOW WAGES NOT BLAMf Philadclphian Sees Other R< sons for Girls Going Astra1 PI Ii delphls kprll IX 'i loa as f ?? won ? n have little to ?i?. v. lth :? ad ? v. ; 11 n Men Invi tlgat? m I ? ? , ? ' ? th? Fran? Ii a Lea s, of t ? . ;-.'"t 1 he comn of the repoi : I ? ??? n id? i?-.i t>?*-xt *.*.?? k Mi i.? v- iking ? the Civic 1 ? ? thin mlnln ? "1 f??r won " ? I '? | ? ? Hhow 1.?N*. wage? have i- 1 ded t 1 I may I . , -. . ^ ? Ml . ?? Rave I , .. ?-t Ions 1 t-. 1 li ? 11 ; ?-11 r : -. 1 in ex plali 1 ? II I ... ii| ? j?. : ? r 1 :.. : t ? ? \\ 1. ? - ? ?,;-?!.t have nol hi found to he th? aaj The a .11 e th? - ? ? ? ' real estai pun ' ? - ? ? the bull UNITED FRUIT'S DEFENC President Denies It Has M? nopoly?Welcomes Inquiry. \ or-, m W. Pi sston, pi 1 Ident ?>f 1 Cnlted Pi ii' ' ompany, laso? -i ? t -. .?, rday in defen? e of the bu m and pollcj ??r bis compaj eing ?.. itlgated b? a federal grai jury. 1 le d? ? tared thai thi oorpm atl? welcomed ;? thorough lnv?astigaUon si wat eonfldenl of i Indi? stlon. He denied Ihe all?gation mad? government ofBdali thai the United Pro ?-. mpan* a 1* ;? monopol) .at ? ..ntiary ??? laa. WThl the company'? business im*- Increased ; ? t since it*1 organisation, m IM, M 1 an, thai of Its .mw Uto ha? groa n U0 1.? '? !" lh< sam? i" 1 lo The assertion thai the compen) eoi 11?.ii?<i *?'? per et ni of Ih? bansna . tlcallj d< nled by Mi Pr< stoi -,. ,. [jnlted Frull Compsny, he 1 aid, ha developed th.- trull Industry for the i>- r?' ,,, ,,? all 1 on? ei 11"! in It, snd, bj roc . . men! an?i system haa made m an open field, whll .. have failed through ba ?""' '?" k "' *? " ' Mr Preston declared thai the pre* 1 Investigation by the government ws U atlgated through lealousj on the pari ? Hi,. MMnpany*s competitors. Blnce th ,, mpan] entered the buslne ihe prie ,,, banana? had stead?! decreased, Mi ? -add, while ti?" price of t"??. rrtaplea n??t handled r>v th" (?ompany hai Increased. Besides, Mr Preston 1 lid the eowipen should recelvi credll for openlns up ais developing Central ?.merles and tl" W? ludii - mor? Iban sny otht r ?<?*? ?if Boaton, April 11 General William - Gregg, ?.sslstant United States Attorney wh??. with two special agents, has been h ? \11rk tor the inst tin?-?- days pn v, tiling evidence befor? th? federal gran? ?jondurtlng an in ?-estlaatlon Int? th? 1 irrss ??t 1!?" I'nltt-d l-'iiin 1 "ompany un ii,,- antl un t act, ? ame lo Boston to lo -c, 1 sddlllonal ? vldenci H< rorif? rred ??? lth < 'liai les H ? 'boate, roun , ?(.] |,? the l'nlted Blioe Ma? liinerj ? ont . 1.une? tlon with lb? case no? dins agalnsl lh<- ? ..rr|.;?ri* HIT BY BULLET FROM RAIL Woman Knocked Down as Re? sult of Boys' Prank. A ?a. stbound Houeton strw I rot fit p ear rolled <?vi r a reralver eartrldg? ??? terdaj afternooa An eaptoslon followed i and Ihe i- d slug struck Mrs. ' Chsppelie, thirty-two yean tdd, ;. ando** . ,,1 So m Ma?cdaugal strw t, oa th? h it ..1 op bead. Th? woman wai h.bei ""?11 bul in.- millet did not penetrate th? skull, and khe wen! hesne sftei being *>-?.. t.. 1 al .*-'( 1 nit's ii?,si?it;ii ??> '??"? t***nrot I,, ih- opInhW '?>* ?the polh ?. hoys ?f t|?. . nHghborhasd i??a???J tn- eartrtdgs m the I rail -L-. i V/l' OF J. J. ASTOR ESTATE < "lilil?.i?-,! I ruin Ilr4| ?i |g? Ions. 'ri... . . ? in the Ast,,! vaults, ' v v. ? -' treet ? ? da? follows: r?iamo ?! - unburst, 282 . ,|ialll"ir.l ."?. I I , ? ? I | llamond earrings, 112,000 The lotal \ alue "i ( ,'olonel A toi i Jew elrj is * i ?.'?'-?" Robert i?'. i '"\x ling I he ? ? p- ri n imed !.. n\ the valu? of th? ??? al entate In the l Iroadwa) and Fil II avei tion ol III" Citj . has put li" a "I'l : S< 'I x alue "f ih" larg? r par? . nt proi ? r j at ni rl: ?_'.. per ? "m . : ie p ,|. .1- foi I'M.' as in.- following . ompai laon ?hoa - Proper? x . Ins "i" I ? ? ? - Hot? ... \... ? ? ;., ?... ? '... ?? ?? '.-?-? ? ii... J ?. ' -??' ???' -.?'.,? I ..? ? -. ;. 47*,.OOii n> r Bro , .tu. aral ?2d . .' ? . 4 ? ? II...-. ! . *..-?-. ... ? | and i ? * * ? . . . 'i ? la i ger m m? s hi? h ? '..?"".i ? ? ind ?? hieh ?-? i ? hi? own investi I Albanj .x Buaqueha ; . I? ??! ( '..| : ? Imi ? I ? ? ? . . . ; , . I ?? & Hut ??? f.. I* ... Guarant? Tru I. I ' : ? | ' ' I ?' ipi t.. und R? i $li , , , 1,125 National Park Ba ? ; ? x.-x y,,:, Life i. ? 'ompai ? ? ?i ; . holdlns r- I"??.-' . f \. xx "foi k Ct ntral, ?ortl 11 H ?. while Colonel A tor h "i H 2"*fl \.\x Haven ?tocl worth $Kil.t?lt2, ami 7.r?H?" ha r ? ,?' Siagara Fg I Com? an: |l.*Jl"M2ft He had SI 21? MR ? i all? Rlvei bonds, .??IT?' ?Ntl British - onsola and $1 Ml Wi*" ? Hat ' i. bond H< owned Mim ha ol pullman to i ? ? $1 ;\'- 7110 I.22? West? i n i.n s::i??.?; i:. and 202 * han i "t ' i.H' 'i si.,1, - Ti ijbi i imi - valued al .*?;:'.-?*.?'"?'? The appi ilaal - how ?thai Morse owed ? 'oloncl Aator $110,030 b? - cause "i ? guarant???? given b) him lo i he |ei im.,i- i,m ih?- ? xe? utora ., i hat it In- been 11 ?. i ?? ? ?all I.n< it ih< am ?uni -nu ' ? ti ? ? ' 11'" '"? ? i 190S The total xain. "i Vim enl \t loi i,.-. 111, it, Including the li sacie? in ., nlch be ha? a remainder Int? rest I i, ,.'.1. --?? $100.000 PAPER MILL FIRE. Newbura. N ? ? Api ii 12 Th? Xr ton Pap? i Mill . ?I s-'11 bui ?? . ?rang? County, w? " da a ? d ??? I - - lenl "i ?!""/"" bj i' " t" day. mm PAnED on BACK B? "OT" Detectives and Patrolmen Throng About Him as He Starts for Sing Sing. CALL HIM A "BRICK" Policeman Convicted of Per? jury Cries "I Am Innocent!" as Prison Gate Closes Behind Him. \\';'h ,i free nee ?>f Bacred i hi that re? ailed thi line "I'm- d? i il ? an ii? Bcripl i i ? for hi?- l'un oee," Patrol m.m .1. Hart i m prot? led his m noc? ii- i in? a '??-'?: .i?:, ?before i?? Bing Bing t?? ?i"ti ?i convict's sti ind begin ins sentence "f nol less than ? ? ? ? ... i\ ?ii"mil and ii"' ?i" ' I i han thi ? yean snd sis months r'<r | porjur* resulting from his loyalty ,r> ! tl,.- B) stem." ' Hartigan's loyaltj t-? Mi i ? aurded a lth -i i taal "ill1 la I rcc ? mi, .-it Police Headquart? rs, f??r j when Bhi rtff Harburger t???-K him ti" ro to i'? photographed snd measured for tin- Rogues' Galler) detectives and i ?? h n thronged around him, patt? i him "ii the ba k, shook hia hand told him h? was s brick. Repoi ten a ere nol i ei mitted to ? ?! this "humiliation" of Hartif in, and \."f' bai i? ?! itom the i?>"tn a he wua meaaured and photographed, ! Newspaper photographers who tried lo i ike Hai tigan's plcl ure on th? street outside Poll? ? Headquarters we**e thn atened ? lth arreet. < ?ne poli? ? ? man, in full unifonn, took off in*- rub i" r coal and Ihre? It between Hartt? tan s nd the i amerae. Julius's Ire Aroused. last waa h t'"i- Bh? S li.ii burg? r, for the little Bhet Iff ; ?roe I ? poli? Hilan and said; i ?? m . i atop, This is inv j'ii? If I ? ; gel ?- .i of hi rs I'll .h-'--.t The /.- aloua mem bei ..: The Fines! ' and slunk into Pi Head , When Hartigan n s? h? .1 the Grand l'entrai T? i tninal similar a? en? ? I or? of detectl I doing ent the ik ws ; iring th? ir i onvl? t brol ? it " ? i ?_' 15 in t ;. ? . :. Kenned .i i*ell ii"! :i"in thi ei .i the i. itenanl Chai ed Ji.*t liefon ' I bel Ind him, H > I gan ? ? I .?m In no? ent! I ? II ;.. h ii inn ntenl i - ? ? lor I Iti ? ? his rfully told ol bra v ? 11 . ? ? i .h ? ii- U torne) man ? hi n thi i i , ? ? ? won I ? ?.. ? I'M .*-??..:, -, -!). ? in the Tomba, although h< eek ? fi"in turn ; . . .. ,i Bweenej had d 1 I " "iil'l .t-k Hut ai if he . i \ m : ? ? - ? ?? iv If? to l on the I y hoy, I a ? |] . - i h h I haven't i h< ?alil ii-?t on? ?', I.ut ,.".? ral Mini Th.' mil? thing ii?? In 11 u i mi? i ? ? ' ? i m : it.-, i that 11 t Insp? toi - rot? "ii ;i id" fraim rt-up ? ; Immoi nlil ' ? ?? used i.. the pull? .? In :i futll? efl 'H tn gel Blpp u il 11| 11- i au 'i u? ?? Whitman'* hand h< n hi h '?! Blpp i" Ulantlc ? 'II S.iys Hartigan Lied. ? u iiiie i au i?, .i??! Hart Iga u ol liav \\np written those chs n ? ilni t Blpp, ' said I Hstrlel \ 11 ? ? i m - w hitman, i , | ne\ ???? sble t" prot e II Hart I gan '"?i i" me there, loo. He di . inred tune snd again thai he knew ? nthli -? aboul Hi?m Probabl) he'll ? thai be t""i? ihe mone from ; . \\ alah i" foi " ii" i "i' it u ? i leai i" d i > i -mht thai I jfttr gstorage at the lowest rates consistent with proper care and modern facilities. Remodeling and Repairing at a substantial saving during the Summer. \ Tilth yWenue importing - Monufiiciuring <7^rier5 Between 35th and 30th Sts. Tel. J044 ?reeley B lern h.-s nol been stopped by It* failure to trave Hartigan from tiii?^1' ? mm, witnesses against the other In? ill? ted |-olice**aea I ?istrld Attorney Whitman baa found it neceaaary to, place Burns detectives on guard c*v*w nlni ..i his h jay and nlghl to gave them from s hat the wlti i believe would be ??? rtaln death If they ??ill i "t have protection. i ng to an attai he of the Dietric| Attorney's offlct, Tony Tan e the ? rid? n? ? thai r< lulled h. the Indictment of Patrol? man Robin on foi grafting, was visitad b) Robinson hlmsell Robinson ?Id to him: i ? tains! me I'll km* k '?? ? ur .I ..i ." D ?i lei Attomi i Whitman has mal ; ? ? ?..i wiltiesa?. ibp?nam) by hlra who hav? been willing lo tell him . t/erythlng Ihey kn. ? of police graft In confld. bul who balk? d it t< tl? f) lug ?iti" i before the grand Jur) or ? m r The? rel used to teal u s the.? ?vould rather go to Jail for eontempl of court than t i? ?? Ihe unre ten ? PRISON TRIP SHAKES NERVE Harti^an Curses as Walls of Bing Sing Loom Before Him. Wli> n Pal nlman Hart ? ? led Bing rowd .u the depot ? r?p? ? ?'??d to ? ? .i bo) i ih lookl ? ? ? ? mind ? ol the dea? rlption the) had read ol him. Bui the trip up In Ihe train snd the growing reallt) of the fete that waa ? for ' im turned him Into and .-"ur looking prlaon?rr, who kept con tlnuall) cursing In an undei I Kb? i Iff liai I'M- ? . e left th? Hartigan had b? ? ? ed I tii" a ard? p and t.i\ en a f? loi 's numb? :. com tin tii> i o llartlgan'i.snor. "H< ms ?n?rr ' t ? lit up I ? ?aid Bhei Iff Hai b "He m I took him nd hia whole attll id? arai the man I took ? ten hout [FINDS POLICE UNDERPAID Curran Report Shows Beginners Cannot Live on Their Salaries. Plrat and seeond .-.-? ???atroltnen are greatl) underpaid a? ordlng to ? raptirt on ih.. homea at-ai famll- budg*eta of HO patrolmen submitted to the Curran s?dar manic coramitt?*-?. The Inveatigators raaeh ! th? conclusion also thai the time honor.-.! , method of disciplining policemen by tines i ?,..iii,i be al d? .-ai..ii!\ tnodin?*d. '1'h" ri,-xx schedule of salarle? BUgseeted ? in tin* r. I...11 la tt.000 for Hiat-year i ..a t ? ?. ' - m. n. B.MO for ih" aacond-yeat roan IXSSt for the third year, 11,901 for the fourth ! and 11.100 for the flftlt Uhlfonas ai,,i equipment, the Inveatigatora say, should .-.n. r be furnished free i>\ th? cltj or deducted In ?mall instalments. 'I'll.- rapotl Incliatea tin.? table, sbosring th-. averaga minimum and maximum famllj iiiaiia-.ts ..i Brat-year patrolmen: Araras?? Minia? .m Maidn-um I ,,Ik??i DUdSSt I i : ?., ? ? I * i .. $174 19 ?ISI...I .vji.i... I , i :?'.: -;, 197 oil a?-: 4" i ?lot I , , .4 ox?. .:.....? u i iig-bi .-.'? 13 K??" ' >?m i rnll n 7? I2?J . . ?M 3H I '??' I !-??:? * '1 -? ?>i> I'ontrll il ??- I" .'? ?? -'? ? .'?..a 7 HN l: .im. ? i I-"" 7 ?*.-. SO 71 i.l 4,, I.C.i?. $.**)? 71 ? - |1 I*-? !'? . .1 m all 1 ?i-ji. it |IS0 11 |ISB 14 Mesl| is , home 7'r -, j :j no i?,. no run i. 16 "- IS US ? - - ?n .-,i r?i n :>... . . I ?_._?., . i mgfb |4 ? is II "**'? i- |T85 ???? |l ?12 -? HOE EXECUTORS REPORT Receipts to December 31, 1912, Were $2,993,125.04. count Ins of I he ? ?tat? it ?I,, u '... .? , ,i s, pt? rnber 11 99, fi mi Bsp* teml er 15, 1911, I Dec? mber II, 1912, was lit ? ? . | ? ..... i ? \s that B ? ? in, ? .-. ? - i" the in balance of *tis.:':(.>;. Tim sxeeuters ?how receiptl .?:,'''?:;,i.'" ?"?i and sapeadttuiag ol *.\i: ori6 "g, Th?- exaaufon report thai th":-?- is *t In their care real estate valued at HUM ""'. .in?i eaah on hand on Dm ??iir,?--r . Ml, asaeunting t?> $'?.', :v... m . ?QUINTARD BEQUESTS LARGI ?Will Distributes $240,000 t? I Members of Iron Man's Family Th.. win ,,r Qeerga \\- Quintard, owns of ths Qulatard iron Worha, who died si April 2. was Bled In the ?Surrogate's Cauri >' sterday it ?iistrihut. i kis lara entirely within th?* family, lira Mary.C Hoy! and lira Anna V. Payne, ??isn-rx <>f Ur, Quit bird, i IIS,. nil. end lira M. F. M.nitt. an other slater, reottvea RMM Kate ??nin tard, widow ??r Charles T. Quintard, and lira Mary Qutetard, artdov <?f Bdaratrd A. ?Qulatard, iteters-to-law <>f the t?ss> tator, receive DMM ? a? h Oeorg? W. Quintard, S gnadeon, will receivi 1100 M when he reaches the age ?>f twentj l?vs yeara ami Prank P. Palmer snd Ueoi Q Palmer, also grandsona, receive *?>,&*) each Two nephevm, Oeorge W Qulntard and Bdward a. Qulntard, gel beq (S.OOQ each, and Nicholas F. Palmer, a aon-ln-law, Inheiita *ao,"rW, The r?sidus of the estate Is lefl In truel with Deloe McCurdy snd "Nicholas ?. Palmer, executors under tho will One half of thla residuary la t-? t> paid out? right to Mrs. l-aura Adele Palmer, a daughter of Mr. Qulntard, while tha In? ri me from the oth? r half will ?be paid t?-. the four children of the teatatora -in, Jamea w Qulntard, foe III* II ?nil t'1?""? go i" th.-ii children. PROGRESSIVES FL0HK BACK Pennsylvania Politic?''. Trend Is Toward Republican Fold. I By Ti I Ii ipb i iae : \;?ril 11?"The it- as ?HI r?capitul?t? to- torrow a assies of articles which have i ear? - the laat sis days -tve strength In - i-?ported b. correspond? ents The gei i ?i review of the srti? I? ? ondcusl? ??!-- that Progrei th:*? ?t?te is waning; thai h> ti irlty diminishing, snd thai the general political trend Is toward the Re? publlcan camp. ____? -"Everybody's Going ta THE BIG STORE" Values Like These Are the Real Reasons Why GREENHUT BUILDING Beginning Tomorrow, a Sensationa Sale and Distribu^ion^of Guaranteed Refrigerators At%noandns ?r Bach refrigerator in this sale bears a double guarantee?ours and the manufacturer's. The economies are simply amazing. Lift-Cover Refiig?rators 39 un ? ? in mi ?? capacitj ...... *5 Apartment House Refrigera lors- m th ?i r door in fnml :" inches high :i\ about '?" lb?, ai. MO Side-Icer Refrigerators 42 inches high whit i namel?. lined proviiion chamber* door at bottom; i ? I?' lit 4Tt 70 lbs.; al.>I5 Lift-Cover Refrigerators - I' ' ; 'l hain? 't. I 1 IrO lb *lO Apartment House Refrigerators Apartment House Refrigerators ?"Polar" make; 50 inches high; "!' nehes high; white - < namel - lined pt-' ?* ?si? ?n chnnib ?i i -r -,, 16 ihi.ut 70 lb! it-lined ty al IPJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ2 70 . - -.?gggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. r Apartment House Re- S.dc-her Refrigerators Side-Icer Refrigerators Automatic Refrigerators ? .. , ii,,., ? 52inchcs hieli;whiti Hd? icei st>i?-, inferatori I .... 43 u ? ? , |jned provmon .... ter bottle and high; linc?l with opalite .. p t 80 bs.; chamber; ice capacity enamel lined water " ail c,- about 1J5lbs.;?^-w? '-"lk' $\a SOtO-?73 i,,,:, $31 $1/ al. ^(OO pnces. ?"???*-<> /0 Main I ' Other Big Sales for Tomorrow IN OUR MAIN BUILDING Women's Charming Spring Suits |~$150 to~$2.50 Gloves for ir, ?..??Plain and Fancy White Goods, I ? men. boys and girls: in kid. values 1% I P'ic ?16.50 ! . bamois and a yard. am/uw Wing-Trimmed, Plower-Trim ,e?i??--Si ""' " 58c ? SaIc o? Noti?ns, and Hair Good3 i ?-, . i T- i ?? n sewn glove*., pair a? amazingly oxv prices, and Millinery Women., S7 Solid Gold Watches " a *y ,P S* to $Q 7-?. extra small open face; ??-1 $15 Pearl Ceylona Necklaces - ? ?'' movement; guai ,? ()- opera and ne? lengths; $r. Real Hemp Hats **?*& some tndeatroctible; at. 3 ill, mediu : ()- t Mens $10 Waltham Watches- Quadruple Silverplated Table and ' | es; al '?'?-* ' ' \ i .ir guaranteeda?Q -?*. Ware pierced sandwich trsys, at?. ..?.,.;.,- u.,,i? .? u;?,r m,i d lied cases: al o..~w embossed bread trays, New Katine Keauy-to-Wear Mil- _ . ? . , ? u^?, i i t i . .... , . .. , ? ', Mens Pure Iri'h Linen Hem- uni-i nut an. trim >"xx '-. Imt? r linerv "??,',?" "sin,..-. I Mfii's Pure Iri'h Linen Hem lintTlY ,*' SI l?t 1 M - , a *^ i \ **** * r r II f4_-r ?\ trimmed ^2.lh stitched Handkerchiets em P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^-.? , ..pi'ii-xxi.rk ^^^^^ Women's |3.05 Skirts gored and initial value 6 lor , -- plan,,! styles: 23 to 30 w u 0 ' ?V^C ?' nd . - i ;l ;-? -,j Women's Handkerchiefs allO ths; al -..i" . ?nfl? handkerchiefs; lome Women's Handsome Coats ?th ?licht imperfection!; tl it; values ?s a ?re values to 25c; t*%./ ? - 19.7 al ,.$ll./5 a, .l2''C Women's $2.50 to 13.93 Under- Manufacturers;Cample Strips of Bags-made ?i pi. "u.dins 'l,,;ifl? trim ?, fjs '-to 45-mch Swiss ?*?g? *;,,,?,? Mv? . *1'W -regularly 10c to ?^ , ^ tnnKU. mi.??2.95 $3.05 Chiffon Taffeta and Messa- ,,,,,., 50 Visiting Cards Engraved in line Petticoats in regular an?! 42- and 45-inch Voile Houncings * Script __?Ifh p|ate; nam, KXTRA" sizes; , -, ()-;?.-1> .*". to yt) %y c-j . only; usually $1; al. ?** -.A? S 50; .' x.i.d. . .?-,*?--' ????""?"? "-!..?-, iic -j i ?.-> 7?l Rack Brocaded Satin? -.-. lined nut and trun l>"xx'-. butl r dishes . embossed I, pi? n ed cas? scroles, etc \ ilu? - $2 ;'! ??? ,-,-. t" $3.50; choice, at.*l.V."? La Vallieres nished in eith r gold or platinoid; values (?o un to $6; si. ?'**' $2.50 Wool-back Charmeuse 54 inches ?vide; best ?, ??g Women's Lawn Dressing Sacques i/.CS 3-1 '.' II. -?, al . 2.>C Women's S3 and $.'.50 Spring Low Shoes l? -i leathi rs : also white , - pumps .uni ? Ixfords; ?I rn pair . *1.50 Wnm.en's Smartest Blouses low . ii high necks. Inng?-.? ??, -.. . .;,,,,, i, ,.. , *! to *J.a"*0 The Big Store Takes Over the Agency of the Gavi?la Play? er-Piano ?is an introductory ? (fer '?? e xx ill ^ix c t,. pur? ha - .i - of the CI iviola Player Piano Twenty-Five Extra Music Rolls m addition to the ' x'. ' Ive \x c usually k^'c Bass Terms?No Interest? No Extras?Free Delivery. *2 $2.75 Black Brocaded Satin .?'? inch? - wide. a j art" Double-Widih Crinkled Crepe - m xv shade-: 4u inches?*? -.. wide; a yard.9lJeSv 32-Inch Zephyr Ginghams . I5c grade; a yard. 10c $25.50 "Shell" Design Pullman Sleepers - handsomest d< signed carriages of * , m -- "1913"; al.$17./,**i ?IN OUR GR^ENHUT BUILDING $14 Massive Golden Oak Kxten- ||2 Rox Springs al $8.25 English Porcelain Dinner Sets sion Tablea olid oak top, Ml $iq Golden Oak Buffets?<14'1. IW pieces, complete for 12 per? lies in diameter; 9-inch fluted ,t .?"It.?>ll ?ns; po?pulgr dark blue?>> ,-.-. pedestal; heav) flaw jq -.- wilton Rugs sises 27x54 inchei "willow" design; al. ?? A"*) r| It *?/3 ,,. <k 1 ' .'. ? rcuulailv -r? j #-i -r l. ?a li . ,,,, _ , . _1 _ _ ' _. '-J' ' r?>?,,ia"" Pressed Glass Table Tumblers $11 Whit- Enameled Bed Outfits $3.75 to t&J.a/e (?- ?-*>() r/*, , ,],,,.. ?;, t.7",- ,- -,> all reg-tlar sizes; consisting of at.. *^.AT t,, f?v..iii ?OTtn ' ,l5C to ?59C white enamel bedstead, 10-year Axminster Rugs lizei 27x54 guaranteed Romelink spring, inchei to 9x12 it : regularly 30c Opaque Window Shades soft-top matin--, com ?. -- $175 to$37.50; ?.. .- ..,, ... completely fitted; (?nished ?r, niete *,/.IX .,. . ?1.45 to???V.5U aize 5 fi s5.9ai. ?**,c - ? I'leasc sec our lar-je advertisements in today's WORLD.'AMERICAN for complete details of the above and other important sale? AN and HERALD j a for tomorrow, j The Big Store [It ACi^iiritKlT GffiEN?alJT-Sli?ELa?OPERO. ?J. B.GREENHPT. Proa. ?gto |g<> *Str?e?*s*U | Sixth Avenue Double frX Green Trading Stampt Before 12 o'Oath-Single Thereafter^