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MORAL SUASION TI RELIANCE OF JAPi Should Personal Exchanges I Tokio Wili Take Aggressiv Attitude Against Anti Alien Land Law. NO FORMAL PROTEST t Treaty of 1911 May Be tacked as Infringing on Co stitutional Rights of Statt ?Irritation in Island Empire Growing. Washington, April i?. Presj Wilson has hml <>ru' ?(inference so v. ith VtSCOtint Chinda. .* nd pr.?h will have others In the near futrir? view of the Japanese AmbasssW si Instructions regarding the C fornla legislation to forbid aliens h Ing land It may be Stated <?n highest authority that at no Stag? the personal exiliantes that havo \ in prepress has thi-re t ? en anythiin the nature of a "protest" from the .1 nnese government with regard to anti-alien measure. The latest instructions to th.? i haaaatlor from Tokio look only to Coritlnuance ?by the embassy of courae it has pursued ft ?m the bef nlng. of reiving upon moral suns and a dignified presentation of the fortunate Impression produced In Ja; by this unexpected rucudesceiice anti-Japanese feeling on the. Pac < 'oast. So far as ian be gather.-,!, th? ministration has listened with sym thetle interest p? these personal roj s?-nlati?*ns. and while without loga! : thorlty at this* moment to Interf with legislation In California, it i not hesitate.1 to bring personal inl ence to bor t-? bring about th?* mo Boatton of such features ol th?* p posed legislation as threaten t.? load unjust discrimination against Japan? Not to Stop There. While this is the present aspect rechanges thai have bean going between th.* two governments In an t ..rrii-ial manner, in the background the practical certainty that if this si of moral suasion fails in Its purpo ind h-gislation which the Japan? government lagarda as purely violai? of Japaneae rights Is enacted at Snci to, the negotiations Will take ? formal coursa. This -A'ouid in\ <?'.*? ?? u n analysts of ; . tad meaning of Article 1 ?>f t of n?i l. under which the 3? sneas have owned and leaned land a i.s?-s in California. A radical dlffi ? on this point miglit t?e expect 10 Uad lo a formal protest imm Jan which, m turn, it" not regarded, -i doubtedly %\ ? ? : ? : ? i reaull In the denun?-i lion "f ihr whole treaty ?>f 'radt m ?.-oinnier? e. \ chattel remark dropped from hl| quarters makes It ?vident thai tl treaty is perhaps In danger from at\i< in another direction. It is known tl? s"iiii- consideration already has ?>??? Riven to a suggestion emanating fro the Pactfk ?'oast that a treaty. ?.I any statute, is subject to the test i constitutionality by the supreme Caui Consequently, if th?- existing tret i of 1911, conferring the right of ttt* hold and lt-ase upon Japanese In Ame ka, Is in conflict v lth a law aire id enn.-t.-d by the state of California ? hereafter enacted, in pursuance of tl legitimate exercise of a state's powC then, instead of tieing the supreme ?a of the land the treaty itself must *-i\ way to a state law, so far as Califoi nia Is concerned, on the theory that ill treaty makers have infringed the cor ?titutional rights of the ?t?te. May Amend Naturaliration Law. Questions like this and that touchbl the right of the Jupant-se to naturaliza fi??n in America under existing law ar reserved for consideration, however, i cas?? the efforts now being made to Off? satisfactory legislation in Caltfornl should fail. As a last resort and to re? move the h'imillation from which, fror their present lega! Status, the Japaner, now suffer, it Is possible that an appas may he made to tl;?- national gov.?rrnnen to amend the naturalization law. whlcl If successful, ?mild compl?tele remov the basts of the Japanese plan, evei though Japanese subjects WOTS Stil preoiuded from oamlng land-? in Call f??rnia. Secretary Bryan of th?- state Depart a ?as non-committal to-day ?Thai t?.!ii of nears dispatches which set forti thai the Japaneae government had in "77" FOI. ? GRIP&COLDS Ml winter long, we ba\e been harping on ?one string, trying to drive home tin* ian that the most important time i<? take care ol a Cold i*-. when u ia coming on, ?watching ?-?ut for the tir-t feeling, the tirst sif*;n*-. 1 a - -1 - tude, ?i sneeee ??r I shiver. , Any. remedy, especially "Seventy??-cvcii." i- much more efficacious when taken at ?the be ginning of a ( old. It yon wait nu your bonei begin i?? :m 11?.-, it will take longer t" break up. ? 11 pays tn keep " S e \ e n t J -??ven' handy, il i*- a small vial ol pleasant peilet-. ?its the -.est ?pocket. At your DfUggist 2?5c.| Of mailed. Iftimphrt-ya' M-?m?">. Meiteiae Co., i"?fl William rtireet. N?-w York.?.A<lv??rtl.,emeiit. | LAND ESCHEATS TO STATE AFTER YEAR Even Realty Acquired by Descent Can Be Held Only Twelve Months?Bill Hedged About by Many Precautions. ?Sacramento, Col., April b, The *? draft ?if ths proposed anti?allen land k thai is to take ih. pla???? ?it ail the t>i that have been iiitroila? .?i relating t?> t1 sam?- siih.iect was gdopted by the Bens int?- to-day ..n second reading sad a eesae np Meada) tor Snal passage In tt upper M?"i>' "f the l?gislature. Senator Newton w. Thompson, ef Ia I Angeles, settni In behalf of ths Judicial Committee, prepared lb? meaauri in I preeenl form The principal ptfovlstoi art a? foUoa - Section 1.?No alien shall acquire tit ? to or own or hop? real property with? ? this state, or any Interest therein. < take or acauire or hold same by devis' I descent, purchase Ol otherwise, exce?, ? as In this act provided. ! s.. tlon ! Title t<? i. al propertj -dtuat? In tin- stet? ma) i-- a< i ulr? d and hi M h I aliena, whetber r-si?i? m or I ui di i the ?-?striction?, tel m? and condl , lions herein sel forth, bul i?"t otherwls? ?A? \ny alien may hereafter ai qulrt- h purchase or otherwise (excepting bj de vtaa or descent, which are h provided for i an) right, title 01 , in .a to an) real propei t) sltt at? ?I In tin ! stnr.v un,I m.iv hold same for Hie pen?'? of one year after the date ol ao acqulrlni I such title, right or Interest, hut no longer At the expiration of said period of oni I year all real property so held by sud : alien and all right, title and ?nteres' therein so held by such alien shall b? subject to escheat to the State of Call. fornla and proceedlnos for such purpose? shall be taken as hereinafter provided. Subdivision ii'? relatit t" property be? quired by devise or deecent, snd pro? vid. s that '-I may he held toi s period ?-I one year pfter ths ?la-.?' <?f final distribu? tion, wh.-ii it shall h'loni?' subject to escheat t" the>-. ai In sub-dlvlalon (a) Section I "f ti .- ai i pr< icribes the same limitations for corporations, whether formed under the provisions of the laws ?.t ? 'alttoi ?i a '?'? of sny late <>i country, "g majority ol the Issued and outstanding capital stock ?>f which s?mil be pwned or held bj anj .?it? *i or nitons." ?Section i relates to contracta sad toases, and reads a- fol ows NO < "lit. .ft. :>::' .. m< nl ? by real property, or any Interest therein, ben liter let, leased or rented r?.? a i period than three ill be made to any nii.-n ?u to any corporation nf the ''.as;? tof-crlbed In Section 3 ?.f this set, and no renewal oi extension ol such contract, lease i igre? m? nl shall ' ?,?. rnadi ? ttending said p? i i"'i of I in s. ? i."\ Mas ? ha t en alien "i ? ulleii corporation "hereafter scqulrlnj (,\Ah.i " holding real property" in th Btati of Californie In contravention t [pressed prorisloas <?f the art? sss i-onve) the saun ?it an) time before lb commencement el escheat proceedings p? operl ? ma) be con e) sd i" n nol he alien or alien corporation, t<? be held to ;, -??i lod eol .*????? ding on? j sai, It I provided that "If ?n\ such conveyaac shall i" made wi-ii the Intent er for th Mill-"' ol evadlns the provisions al t h' act such rom ???? Bn? ?? shall i ender th< proper!) thereb) .veyed subject ii each? '- lo the State of California ? Ihe bel i ill of the state school fund " -ih< proper!) rights ? ? ? i ? \. ? > ?. i throaal u. ? ?' din ire defined In Seel.; ai follows \..- s sel shall ?i?!.!' t.. m) real propertj acquired owned ?? hel? s lien ? bo shall he i ?? ?i? ciar? i tent oui ol bei omina a ?it i u u "i the I'nited States arcordlna to law, <?i who shall have become a citlsen ??f ih? l*n t-ii States, ", to sn) i?-ai propert) a eu u I red. oa ned 01 held b) sn) 001 ?? ration Ihe owners of ihe majorlt) stock ..i wht? a shall ? ? ' 'i ?heii in? tent Ion "i be? omlns ? IIIsem of the united States, according t?> ln\?. 01 who sh ill ha ? ?? become i Itlsi m ?m absolute guarantee "i fi II treaty Ighti '?? evi | subjeel el u !"i ? Ign power is . ontalned in Sei lion wl readi ai follows Th?- pro! Islons ol Ihls scl shall nol imi ? or des iroj anj i Ighl -??' ured to an) alien undei ihe pro istonf of any sxistlng Ireai . ? \. ,.,.|i the I'nited sin. ? and the count**) of a hleh such alien shall be a ell Isen or subject The real of the bill defines the pro cedure to be followed In bringing action m the name ol Ihe State of California de 'larinn propel t) held in \ lolatlon ol ,, ? ?<? be - n ? ' ? le esches! As sn sddlt !"? i -.1 fegu ird to Ihe con? stltutionsllt) of the scl Ihe following paragraph has i,., ,, appended Si. t?on ii It iin\ section senl ? lause .a phrni e of this acl li foi ani reason held lo be unconslltutional such ? Ion sh >li no! atf.-< I the -all.lit- >>t ths remaining portions <?f lb? The bill rontalns nothing thai i sn bs ? it..--i "i esche?t of anj prop. ? ? ? la a goes nto ? structed Ambassador Chinda to make formal representations. He expr? ...i!', the sentiment that .t ?rould be tlm? to conalder formal representation? after the measures In qu? itlon bad been ? ?I bj the California Legislature anil were under consideration by the <'.(,* 'i nor. Representative Raker told Prealdeni Wilson '..-'' ' hi had ; ? celv?.! ? tele? gram from Senator Ban ford, ol Califor? nia, containing aaauranetsa that the alien land i>iii when Anally paaa? l xx.,ni,i not conflict x'iti, an*.- treaty obll? i g?tions Tokli . ( April il' Viscount I Chinda, -i panese Amlmssador to the ! United Btatee, ?xas Instiuetad to j by Hi?* Japanee? "Toretgn Office t" inake : formal representation? i.t Washington ixxith regard to antl-Japanea? legisla* , lion in California In-iiHiion over Hi-- Callfornlan land ! legislation ?? Increasing througho it the country All the political partial hae< i ?-?-'lit deputation? t.> the Premier and to I Un* Foreign Minister asking them to ! adopl meant rei to pi esen ?? Jap treaty rights In America The Premier told the deputation of the Conservative party thai be trusted Implicitly In the high sen?*? of Justice and falrn? bb ol Americans, ?? id!'- Baron Nobuakl Maklno, the Foreign Minister, spoke in the sum?? strain. The n- \x ?papers h< r< cont? nd tiwt th" , proponed California legislstlon is Just us uni'h ? breach ol treaty as th-' i Panams Canal bill, whll< the foreign j press retorts that it li an object lesson for Japan in reciprocity, Blue? forelgn I ers ara not allowed to own land In Japan, In iplte of the law paased by the Diet la 1910, which has never yet i been promulgated. The (Constitutional part) hai pro l*osed an aatl-Callfornian boycott and the chambers oi cmii??*!-? ? bata havs telegraphed to *-> ? m 11-* r- bodies in San Framisio. Los Atigelas slsewhere, 1 asserting thai the raault oi the legla lHtl'.n will be ni'.si s-erious f.>r trade laixxcii ill?- United Staler? and .Japan , 'VOTES FOR ALIENS' WIVES Bill Passed by California House Is Another Step for Cau9e. ! Sa-ram. nt". Cal., April II Womei I franeblaed for having aetaed aliens xx-iii lbs restored t" rittaenshlp ir ? l.iil paaaed i.,-,iax In th? lowet bauae Is enacted Into law Bine? Callfornt? x*..n ?ron BUttrag? there have been many complaint? be? ca i?-.' wur-i'ii who??? buabaada were not citizen*? were nm permitted to vote. al thougti He women xx. -r.- nativ? born A nirrl'-ii ?li? lt is believed the bill ?rill b* onv i Is a INDUSTRIES TO QUIT U. S. Connecticut Companies Plan to Manufacture Abroad. I By 1 .Ifirrapl. t?, I'm- Tnl. ,'?? \. xx Haven, April II Txxn in-oiiilii. nt i'onia-( licit iii']iiHtri**M are likvix te re? iia.x. to t,,i?-iKn ?-.'in,tii.s. alter? thei can ?ecarc cheaper labor, and ihlp their ??oi.'i- to Aniiri.ii (?.i sal. after the i??< potei i n xx iHiifi ramorlng a dut] ol IS I pe? cen? on their product becoma? a laxx. ! The) are th? gtanlej Rule and i-. ?< i Company, ol New Britain, and the ?riest Manufacturing Company, of this city As h....n a- it i..,mi.- known thai Con* !*-i?sv planned U:?- 15 i?-? ????i.t reduction in BSWmg machine good? ?luring tti? win? ' t.-r ii,. di lesl companj ?em It? ?? ? ? - tary Hubert (iri"??t. to (?>im?<ix H? ha? *? i ui. (1 a facinrv. and part Ol th? plant iisj airead] bean iranaferrsd there in ? order Huit I he concern maj mi el foreign I comix-tltlon promptly. Raymond uiirat, (.'(?Mtl.nt .a the company, said to-nlghl \\ > can manufacture oui gooda In Germany, and ?r tii? > are mad? free or ; dut) hv can ?a*| inem mu. i. ch-*ap?r here than xx. van mak? them here, and ! that I? exactl) x* hai xx,- are plani ig tu do ' Tin. Griest compon) employ? about ?-\ eii hundred and the gtanie) eomi an) six hundred hands The, "i..i.a t of the conf?rent?? In X? a fork City to-tnorro* among Governor Baldwin of Connecticut ?overnor Bulaei and Norman B. Mack ?? not known, hut It Is bellev??d here to be Inspirad by alarm a! ihe prospect of the passage of the Proposed tariff bill. SHORTER HOURS CUT COST Steel Plants Find Eight-Hour Day Gives Good Results. Waah ngt? i April U Flft**< pei tnl of il ?? .'Uli?:..* "- In.the Iron s t ?r- a? ? whole si t moie than H pe? nl "f the blaal furnace workmen, ?oik reven daye a a/eeh ?? : ? Bun a i ??: I.,.. ? ? ?? Ht :' a ?di i ul He ? ihlrd 1 rolum? if the burea ? f workli i,' conditions snd the relal ? mplo* ? rs snd -?-"i km? n The report States thai t.1.?- main Inveetlgstlon wai mad.- snd u- rmal woriUag ?' ? for I ? era s tw? Iv? hOUI-l lora Will id ? I ? ? ?? ' "f ih? entire ton ? r?gulai > ? - ten ?i ix - ;i ??. - ? reral ? ? 1 om ? int. 1 (T?i t VSI loilS bj a i I? h none of lh< Ii emplo ? ? 1 lo work more than ? k Between N ? .?nt of lh< employes formerly worklns ? ei dey* ..- 1 ? ? ? ?net ted bj thes? arrangements, t";t IS per ?ent still ? 1 evei 1 da m CORPORATION TAX GROWS Must Pav S30.000.000 on Earnings of $3,000,000,000. W? hlngtoi s : ? 12 The nel ni corporations .?t (he United SI t< tti" calendar yeai Ml were I ??? ? QtM an m. reaee .,f < -? ??? ?? ?'.?? rii ? amounl a III ?- told an Income t.. the f- tl ?ral government undei the corporatloii t i\ lae i.r nW.QM.Ott, which is K.SOO.OOO, <>i p? cen? great ei than m year .ita? li.'.v.ll B Cabell, ? '?'iimnr-sloti. r ol II lerna] Revenue, has Jui-t rs?eeived returns from practical!) all corporations end to? day ?completed assessments t?> tu. fui 1 .-?,? t t.t ??r Ihe HO.flOO.OOO, will, h mus? be paid te the government by lune II la addl lion, i:.-*i.<**> will corns 1 ?>m delinquents of in evloua \ eai s. N.'i ? "i poraUon ? at nil i-- t..t IfH 1 de ? .1 - per ' -ni .1- ? ompared >*:tii ISM, i FREE SUGAR BEATEN; WILSON'S FACE SAVE Underwood's Plea to Stand I President Keeps Three-Year Provision in Tariff. RATES STAND AS REPORTE ___ Anti-Free Wool Democrats fro Twenty States Decide tc Fight the Wilson Bill In and Out of Caucus. Fron i ' ? ? ' ?? I?i ? ' ? \\ sehlngton, April il? a plea f->t t ? ' III. I'! ? vj |, ,,| ,,| f, ,. I '? I? Btatea mad? a- th? Demoeretlc raue ;" ?? ? ? bj R?*pi eeentatlva ?scar t 'ndi ? -i the flow I'-a'i.'t. - i\ .-.I the - I * bed lie .a th. a? .?. tariff Mil sad pi , ' .'iit.-'l ii.. adoption of the i lai d a I a mend mi r, t foi Immedl ?i? 11 ? ? i ?V . u ihe rnthualaatlr fi--.- ^ 111_- ;i i- met i- -i t.. : . ?'. . ontrol of t! Ion .iii'i ti i ?. - mlans were i ?. .. : a itboul h. M?' i e-le? e o id loi ., m behalf "t thi \vii""ii rates ? ?'? nt reduction non and fre? nigi I m ihr? ? -.i The eau ?us pi? rloua had \"i. i ?I'v.n ib? Broassard anon? raen* i?" blghei an?) permanent duties ? The ?? i. lion of Ihl ? d '?? ?. ill l al the i't? -i'i' it of ihe l"nlt* Statm " said Mi l'nderwood, m sul Mann and i pul up t.? II ? ? au< ua t! ' gui stlon ? hethei it s anta t.. tal la - '? i? and tum dawn the nrst reojue? i i in- PresM? nl has made of u I .Mi i n.i? t nroad ' i|iiaiiu ?i that ti augai !"?:.?? w.??. mainly ??f thi Pr?s .t maalni addln* , oui comaitt? I origlnall a ?? unanlm >usl) In I svoi i gar, a? s ? wei e ?? eai ego " 1 then Is some ? quit In Ihe position 11*1 ? ri- rident has tak- n " Al the Ma?, .?ii., ?? . .1.1 waa apparent thai l.<? was t??g lining coi rh.' rauh ami nl?-, whleti had bet t t? nlng ail da) lo p 11 ? igai on th free Usi Immedlatel) Mi L'pdera.1 pies waa noi for the ? ommltti ? Pre ?l.-nt'?? ? ompron ! th? f? ellngs of ti... ntul ir head of th 1 "u.. ratli i?a:t\ Ptnatly Mi ITndei ??."-i -..i.? hi ?Jealred moat of harmoi Meant Wi?ion's Support. ;- ? 1I1 nt, Mi rii'i' - wo ii-i be behind tl ?? Houm 1 III when I Wl ?? tin *?? .it.- ir |hl rm li'ir?- ?ht ??"t laatertall] 1 bai ??? d 1 1 hi . ? V. ? .., . - . ,??. . - ild nol pr? n ippoi t ??r n? ' ? ent I ? II iIh whi ? ? ame In t ? g?i. \ Mi i'i i- rwoo1 re wer? rica ol ?'ote! ?/ote! ' It it t! fain ? ? -. ms t?" i? id?r '??? Um the sut It atood ? Barlle* In the < . "f th. -, an ol ti?- Wan s d Heam ? ? . Ivoci tee ha? tO hit?'? I In favor of "frei . -, . . ? . ? . . I turned In the event M lei ?? .....i mad? I ? ' ? I. ;i? I' Mr. 1 a en t furl her ? 1? bd ma . not l ? ???ii ? mnmlttM but I be I f tn? di m ol ti. 1 nlted Bl tU - 1 ?'? d? r l he 1 ? 1 ?' . 1 ' ? peeel 1. t u net the lid? is, idmttt? d 1 . ?? ? ral ?f *? 1 '? ? ,,1 imii k< 1 aroui 1 1 1 ??i 1 1 men I 1 belk <?? lbs majerll f th? , led to al lUSl " 't " .I III- ? ? t . I I ..??>.. ? bis ansa nded thai I pi?rtv would bi ? mi ??? re? ed by the cril . lam It ? '!<" t to Its lult on the 1 fi sa m iirar guest Ion "How ers w? t.. .1. fand dutiable 1 tai I now? when we were t?" frei sugsi ? y? ?' UK it asked moi ?? thai Pen ?I .liiilmr ? di bat? "Who Ii ni"*i M-.-1 '" i"' '-tul .11.1- ?? -i I ' 1 ,. 1 |i 1 Mi '1 fl? i wood II la nol | ?>u. m y.?u it u 1 ma ?"t :i 1 i' adei. whe must beat the brunl ?>t the criticism be lea :-? "i an? rhangs In oui position." All for Party Harmony. Mr th.-n ;i'.n, 1 t,.,i with an u ? ... resignation thai f..? iras silling tn be embarrassed i"i th? sake of part) harmon) end solldat It). end the fn 1 [sugar causa want t? delbnt unM appiaupe for th?- aJabaalan. Repreaentativs Ralney, gnother member ?if the Ways and Means Committee, Indl cated ins personal sympathy \*i"> ,M' free sugar propaganda, i?it in*, too. want ei th?' Ways and Means Connnlttas ?n(1 the PresManl upheld in th.- tir?t real test : .ai the n.w tariff hill. President Wilson brought no direct in? Sueace to bear dfa the caucus to-day, in accotrdanee with hi*? Intentions prfrmtaly Hiiii<'!iii'?'ii yesterday when s fr?*?' sugar member <aii??d at th?' white Manne. The L'aderwoQd speech probably ?was mor?' s?? fectlve than s direct ap|ieal woul.l have i.?n as the mnjorltj leader frankly b*dd ti ? eanctM a change In the Wllson?eeede mt?*s of the sugar schedule meant a ?lap al th?- Preeldenl and no ?mm sisa, Th.' cauctSS left i?|i??ii ihe exact date In ! r?i, whea sugar would k<? on tin- free , list. An smendlhent i?> ? Mr. Hard \\ ? k propose.) that the ttin.- should be I Ma) I. '!-!?;. H.? a?. I?, he ..rf." tl\e hefore ihe beginning of the canning ?eimon. it ?a*? agreed la leave the maiter to !>?? brougbl op by t r ? ? - ?Ways gad Moans Com? ' initie, after all the r?st of the tariff i?ni has been disposed of in caucaa The . /, ih*ii?-- ? i u ii-rii \ disposed "f tl s to i ha'-?-?? seiie?iale without an) change? and 1 \?iU take up the sgrlcultural sehsdnla on Monda) ??*veral flKhts lie ahead In this Mi hedUle, i Itrui fruit?-' ami flour helni' at i - i. among the Democratic members Will F.ght Free Wool. *?? ?-.- ?.i Democrat* from nearly latea determined lo-da) if out? I in tin- caucus t.. etempl ih< m? I aetvea from the bidding raucui pledg? and t.? continue the flghl in the Mouse. Tii?? decided, ?inn the wool schedule in ? t .1 t.? Introduce an sum ndment to ] |.li!' . .' .. a ?. IS ;??'! ? "m a-1 valorem on ia? wool This, the] leetat, x\;<- the orig? inal judgment or th.- Ways and Means I Committee, which yielded t<> President i Wlleon - dealre t., i ?it wool on the fres ? '? .posa::..'?? ? i ?.. lal con mlttee a pi oh '"i to onfel ? lth Ihe Pre i'i- nt ati'i the W ?? - and Means Committee in nn ? ffort to , i: tr abo t a i omproml ? '.'.'" .1 'l.-V, r, ??|' we ran nol gel votes enough in the R . ? i . adalr. of Indlai ? " "? ? tempi ourselves rom I - i?!- dge and light on t ?? \ flooi. I'M ??? for enough i;- pul II? .?? I- : i.. wool i" carrj twin) I tug .-ta itt. April t. a a., u,-.i lal t" Congress protesting that the proposed I reduction in ii injusi dlscrlmlns lion against business Inter? I h Milne ??*ri *?."'i!?i serious!) sffed the , r?,?ln?? t.-' "f tn.? land, forests snd manufactories of the ~i .'? aras paauet by the s?*riai'- t" ? I i) a ( em urrenc? ? lth Ihe Monas ?? u WILL STOP ALL WORK AS A TARIFF PROTEST j .Entire City of Gloversvillc to i Join in Demonstration Against Destruction of Industry. * ' ' ' ? ' - Tl it.iin?? I Qloverarille, N Y April || ? ?,, Jfondi nili start in ? ? , ??-mottet >< t par,,11. I in th.- I lUntl ! ' Sr? I fir. - | J.!,.. . ? "?" .'A atorea m noon thai ? ? taer? ?.'.. not be s ?I Even the . . k? i up \t . ... :... k ths !?? II ? .im! whist m "f ti ?? ' it- mills and fa? ? will lie man.!...! for "r. ? minute?. Wli.n ?hi- raided what ?in pfobebl) be the ?? im- ei.- thai svm 1rs aras i ? tart, and the lattei part ??r thi ' will i?' . un with s ? ?; ? i . ? ? ?r-s ? ? r the tariff i vi?rwood t'li Is tl ... . Democrats Progl all ? i n 11.. i I for ti ii .". ??M.>i. Ths ? ".t ."? so ol ? ? ? ' mill ind ? ? '"'tii m?n and women will tabs pari In tiie parade, ai ? -i. : i? will be a inlq le method ol ?? ? t . infa? ? .! '-. r ;? ? ? ? ion file ' ommttl.i . ? -i ? barg? i'i?'? m have It :, bet we -i. ?'.'i'i -..I"*? ' is Bps ? nol want? ?i If de i. ,.? u . ?. ? ndustry, a nir? d bei. . prote? led b) .? high tat Iff U The I i* ?'? m.i : HI ?'?nid ' ut it ,,... in ifa? tuii 11 de t would make it Impossible to i mak? glovi Ii lion with foreign manufacturers Then Is tt? ether Indus tn here and Ihet-etor?, the) assort, the new nn! means ths annihilation of ? ? ? trsvtlle, Johnstown and outlying ? lllag? ? Bpeclal tratas sre scheduled from all I'olntM in the county, snd several moving ).i. t'ir.' com ? rus h ive announced their in l.titloii ..f taking picture* of Ihe par. .: ? over lajM s(-.niitiiref< havt been set ired i io g petition which in?* been In circu?s lion three days, addreaeed t?? Preeldenl WH-'??, proteatlng against in.- proposed i .'it in glove iluth-H BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENTS ?1ROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENTS BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENTS. Ik .??*= BROOKLYN. 17 Minutes from Gr..nd Central to A. & S. Subway Staiion, Movt Street. Direct._ The Most AmazingTrimmed Hat Sale of All $6, $8, $10, and $15 Hats for $3 Each. vor WILL BE SO AMAZED AT THESE HATS WHEN YOU SEE THEM that we must ask yon to forget the price, |8.00, as it is too deceiving as to quality. Such high gracie trimmed hats were n.;ver sold before ?n the history of the business at such ? price. FACT IS THAT THESE HATS ARE SOLD BY THE MOST EXCLUSIVE FIFTH AVENUE SPECIALTY SHOPS, and some of tlicin have been priced in our own stock, at more than $15. It i- the entire -*t<>?:. of the makers of the iV-t Trimmed Hat- m Ne* York. This sound? stfong. bul it is impossible to exaggerate the wtinder of this ?ale. rhere are hundreds of them, Imi IIAIxhIA I \\ ( ) ALIKE, bo you need n"t tvorr) aboul wearing your beautiful hai for $3 an.I meeting gome one wearing the same thing something thai takes the joi out of such a bar? gain. Everything high ?rade trimming, material, STYLE. OUT COME EARLY, as even these hundred-1 will nol remain long. None C. O. D. nor on approval, Ko Mail Telephone "r Hiirn Box < Irders. , ,., ,, , ?I ? . i!. ? I |.,.,r I-...-I Ian In" Fine Oil Paintings and Water Colors By leading artists of the world at extraordinary reduction?Splendid rich wedding gifts. $17 to $585 Paintings at $12 to $350. KANSAS PRISON FK SPREAD UK CONVICTS Four Large Penitentiary Build? ings Burned After Flames Start in Twine Plant. PANIC AMONG THE INSANE Six Hundred Other Prisoners Help to Save Several Struc? tures from Destruction and Maintain Order. l.iin.?ln?T. Kan. April ? l"*. ?Fin? ?li'siriix cd four liirRf? Imlldlngs iiml i.1iis->(1 ii Ins?, estimated ;it |3. Kl.?NXI in th.* KfUlaMI |,i nili-iili.-irx tii-dux- was by < "ii x'?is. who mattend liiirn iiiK papan In bulMlnga ihM la ti"' i?j?th of th?? fliiiiu??. ii'-' ?irdlns !<? ?? FmtaJssmOnl lix- Mli iifirl HhIiI'T, Fir?- Chief of fjOOt' IC?WOatth. Ills (.pinion etna < .infirm?-,i l.x nmi Of UN prison OffV'T?*. Tlif flic ?atiiitcl xxli.-ii I In- uliiiHturf >,f :i motor in the t>xiti(. plant suddenly l,iii-st Into flanea, ?vlii'li Luiiiiniini.aU-il to xx alls und HoOra. lliili' an iiuli of oily lint ovar the ti.n.r.?? ma.i.- the build? ing burn like tinder. Th?* building? en a loiiil loa?, as tli.' flat?* cnrrlaa no ln ?uran?*? on It? atructuraa, S.\.-iiil pi i??i,ii?'iH lold mi- ot ??.??inn other convicta lighting bunche? of papara m the old bulldiM known hs the furniture tneUsty,'' ?Hid Chief Hah!, i. "When i reached th< prtfon ill?, m.- xxa?. ..iniiii-d tu tli?- twine fac? tory, I uisp?-I.-.I OttttM liwildiri'i?'. m. ludlng tin- furniture factory. Later, we smv ftanMa btnttging fiufii the n.-, ond Mt??r\ xxInduxxK of tin old tii'iorx. We f.und thai tires had slatted inside the building "II t!." fll-t it..or. nne ,,t them in h n.orn at Iohhi. :',ihi f.-. i nanu ih?? burning txi-m. plant. I Tiltil could have i?-'-n ?tartocl only | tr.iin the Insiii-." Warden J K t'oddlnf ?aid i.? be? llevad ii iinproi'iii'ie thai MnvttTta had , fed ti-..? flanea J'li^t.n ofllC?*ra mad? even pr?para? tion f'.r niiitlnx, and I,?using and . l.e.-ix ,-tix*.?>rth x?( r<- thrown int.. <?v I m, ni. fe u ? r i ?-r an outbreak. bul th? i.iiixi' i?, pieveri'd th.* beat uf older, h?wtfli*edi ??i then aaaigtlng in flghUng tli.? r ?tn, a Their ??fTi.rts w*sra r? | mi,i.? for ?avtng th" building itccupled by xx?'inen pilVon'?i?? mid Hie ? riminallx Il Mite H' liai'Ing thlB huildinK d'ionied. the wromen were taken ..m ?nd tha m [sane convicts transferred to the cell, house. The building was only slightly damaged. The scene of the granted excitement was in the insane ward, which is Ifigj feet from the twine plant. The flam?-s seemed to throw every inmate intu a panic. TJieie were fifty insane con? victs. Kx?ited b| Hi?* sight of the flames, the prisoners at r? amed and with clenched hands heat on the iron ban of their rooms. 1 The maniacs set up such a commotion that Warden Codding was forced to I move them to another part of tin? i prison. This was a?iCOOBpllehed with | the greatest dUBculty, many of das ' prleonera having t.? be dragged ovi by i their guards. BCVCrnl patients | Unir res? uers. six prisoners and om guard an r? burned slightly ?luring the Bra i-'r-.; erlck Appleton, a life prisoner, saw ths gra start. He had just shut off *l,. I motor In lbs tarins plnnl whan he saw a spark fall to the oily nibblafa on the floor. Appleton was slightly burned six hundred ?onvicts win? were at their ?luti'-s about the prison y.ird when the fire started ""rare not kicked up. hut ?ware ? silled to >*ld In lighting th?- flamea, ?v deem prisoners la the [boiler rooms <?f the power house stayed at their tasks, keeping up steam for th-* pumpa to aid th?* tir?- lighten. The prison's "n?' ancient fire engine was o u ,,i cotnmlastoa and th?* presnurs pamps i.f th<- wat' r system had to be r? lied on. BANKER'S S5.000 CAR GONE i Stolen While Chauffeur Was at Din? ner. He Tells Police. Edward m HoUnnhachi a chauffeur of John H. Ferguson, hanker, whom office u I at N" E Wall **tr., an?! ?<- ho !i\.?. '.n New Rochelle, reported to the police >?'? terday that afr. Pergusot I ?se? , bile had been stolen The chauffeur sai?l !.?> dfOVfl to bit home. No :?"?'. Part av? I er and left the ear standing in tiv sti uiK-n he came eut it was ?rone. I -??-? i I ?ARGE STEEL ORDER Contract with St-:idard Oil Calls fof 100.000 Tons for Laying Pipe. | Tl. larg ? sing ?? i rder ot 11 I .... . ? the Bb ? ? ?ties 1er Is rd ? ??i Companj ? tor c.I at? i plates, t?. bs used tn th? ? "?? Tblt - - .-?-???' for thi r . \. w fork ' laid to be l with loc? - for i |oi :??? notlv? ' d ?? "* hlcl result In engines The -, ,i nlth .?t- order to th? km? i.,. ? -?? -i pan) fifty te set Lane Bryant 25 West 38th St. Makers and Retailers of GARMENTS for MATERNITY Our department showing most attrac? tive style? designed especially for this purpose has attracted wide attention. These model* an the Tit-??t desirable ft itttres of th day modes > c\ allow foi full expansion ?v?tli *.lin\\ ?ng the enlai . nt. \- tl snugly .?ti the normal figure their \nr really an economj. On?*-pi?ce Drr??e?, . $10.75 $95.CO Tailored Suit?, 23.75 10 69.50 Long ?nd Short Coat? 14.75 10 47.50 Maternity Skirt?. 5.65 t?? i 2.75 W-iiti ?nd Bloui?. 1 .95 18.50 Tea Gown? ?nd Matin????-, 2.45 tO 35.75 Combination*. Gowni, Slip?, 1.95 tO 10.75 Materniiy Coriet?, . 4.75 t?** 15.00 2539 (at Utnstrnlfi <' VXD TAILORED SUIT, specially designed for maternity, ol leri ?a .ill colora 'and in shepherd's pi oq 7C Fully worth ?v. I o Washington Heights Branch, Br< adn t) x1*? '? IrdSt TO-DAY'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN THE LEADING STORES. iVfiu-l?orli :V??&?k^ ??riliinip Full announcements appear in the advertising eol uniiis of this issue of The Tribune, litad Them, Cut out this list and carry it with you. It will save you many weary steps, many hours ami much annoy? ance. Questions will be ?rladly answered If addressed to Woman's Dept., Room 1)10, Tribune Butf-ding. \itii\ii\M g ?4i-it \i ?*?. Brooklyn ?Tell ????' I attention t.- .1 iri-'it -'il" "f ti'lnirn-.l h?ta nrt. .-.| u- |6 *" *l" ahd llfl whirl. ni.-? ,n- ?-ritina ??t M 't'1"'* ''?' -m lina '"t palet Ini i and watefeglore b) Ii adlng artista \i m w m . ,t co.. .-.?h are Mth aad '??"?? ?. ?r? \,t\ ? ? r 11 ?> ?? Homen't triinm.-.i lagharn h?ta and mlaueu' and younj wotncn'i ?piina and lummar dretseS, women's lm? -...ii.,! i-oam .'ii.l wrope, knli aadei ??? u mut ri.Ht'K litit'it? fer women, mlaaes r-nd .Ml.lien. ii\i<iiM.. UtUL, fin Weal :iT"? -a OEtr? l-li. h and Vai-'.-.n ?;:>-? n* in h,r.?.? M] i- - III ?lO'MM.IlAI.I H\ 3.1 ,?.' nn?! :.ntti ?.I im, i mi. ,.f Kermaiislirih rugi tl prices v lee ?iK r.i cents ? ?.pint? foot, iin.i ii i|..ii.ii ils? .?t women'i nn?i mlesas' m tract I vt tailored suili gawlns machines u .? also "ii mis I.OHKIN HI.. I II Mil Ol IK, .11 \\\?r nilth ? ? Miowlas ?acluolv* drotgna la ? ..m? a'i ?? ?? it (Mill-:, SUSEp '.-. Weal -r.ti. ?t.? Ca?tg at? i. nti.iii t.? h'-r un.? ??r Importad -?"?I do n ttlc modi i gea u? KAslvi "i* HI//??. T VNr..t :,;,h m \, ?howIn? ??? iireduei lena ?.r imported n,..?ni rrawai Kii\m || iki . 9th ,i?. aad Mtfe *?r ii,?,. i 111 ?e aseertmeni ?>f touring and n ,. ??litn? .Oatn. onti-i fiirment?? fur ? .. I rain ?mil ahora irrer, sag ralla, sagale? ..r.I Kli*?'" i.KAit. HMft HI'lilH?. ti groa? ?tth ?a in iperlallal-lS In ii'i-i'l lailldln?- for 'II?. rlniliiatliiK ??"inen. ( M.itHMii i?ii:?it'i.(ii(ti'H( ?<? ?' ?? '-\'; I !.. :?... n ism and in a |)||| ?a..f - . j s?ii?. ?axx.r and osl milita?-?*- ?"'i ni'*???:iii-' pattieMta. IVMKK1.. A.. A Ml., -i -,"??,m t,. th. ii romp?* ? 111.? |,??'!>,? : lli.-ir.lrj col.I ilr x.iull id?. It?. -.. ? llisl ft i I and M-modell* I - - I 1X1 RIIVlM'. - XX ?1 !*? ,-ut prieta In mat*rnlU ? -''' "'",/?, tarait- rorssts, ?Win?. romblMis??" H ,,f ?.a HI.. I - ? i | - . M\t\. It II. * CO.. H? frsturln? .????III " url -isrqut?? ?nd "si k rr"n.'*r.,l .? nt? iprlag ''"ii"- ?*-""?? ?' * ''''?.,, an- Hint ?hit? xx i ? .'?* *"w oHorei ni i.?ln? i ' pi HARgVOM. '???? ???"??* Moni ?i K*****SL\ n Ma ?ai? .-f ?prlii? M '?*"' inn. Ii 1? wi?wi. m Mr.. m \\-pi ?-?'?? ?? l?.,;'"''1!: n m ?? n'* .'f l.i.IL? tteAf ta x..-?r ?? menti M?. *.*. WsWt tflTIl ST. Inip'Tl?-'! e??M ?vn-.HN HHO*?.. XX'-?' '.?."al ?ml SU "'?'*., ?howlAs rolpr 'i ?nd M...L eilkt, ???"? "' ?.?I .n? 'loilSD orloni .1 cetyi ni??. ii|.li..l?l.ix. ??ri.- H-l'iH. aiul ymm t? |N, il /./.oil. SI Weel ?--'H' ?t '? "?"'lnuir4' [ha tprll ?si? "f tor? IK" ni'"'''1"' A summary of the speeiul offerings of the leading stores will be published every Sunday and Monday in The New-York Tribune under the above heading.