APRIL 13, 1913.
Kaiser, Dismayed by Pan
Slav Movement, Through
German Chancellor,
Asks for Huge
War Fund.
-aia OCCUptea to-?lay the Strong?*?!
posit."ii in all hot hlutoiy. Kmlit y, trs
?A hat With i!ie ?iintusi..ii of h?r nii'i
tary and naval dlaaMara In the Par Ori?
ent an'l Of bar Terrorist revolution at
home her i"i'u;ii?r? were al the loweM
. ? . and try many it was alleged that th?
death knell of th?? Muscovite Emplie ha.l
l.e??n struck. Yet at present she || th.
cominatlr:;* power in Kurope, as well as
In Asia.
If any doubt rerr?ame?l upon th??
j?=( c it ma-rt hare bt-n *?m at rest ?luring
ihc ta?t weah by the remarkable specch
of th?? German Chancellor in th.* Reichs*
ai Berlin, it atoa ? rqieech int'
. ? ." hill fur th.' . nactn.ent of th?* s|"
rial tax i.f (fMO.???....... ,,.?. eapttalr In i ?
Fatherland. This tax 4?as for military
purposes, ??ver and ab?t>Te th" ordin?r)
antvai arar taxes, a-hleh this yent aho'.v ;
? large increase over the preceding t\v.?'?..
?ontha. No such avp. a. h_a been made
to Teuton patriotism sine? th?' Inaugura?
tion of the strut-el" for liheraiion tTom
Napoleonic thraldom just a hundred
vears ago. uni if the German Chancellor '
calle?-! upon the people for such a h?>av* ?
sacrifice <? is hecnuse, as he remarkt-d. '
Ihe safety as well as th?? very ? xister,???
of the nation is menaced by the new
I * tions In Russia. No innre striking I
? "quent tribute to th? :?.-.- ItaVtlOB
of the s-.-,ai:.d Coloaaua Ol th?? North
could b<- found iban this etwnnous wa'
tax denian?l?*d of the German t'i-opl.? |n
plain. unvarnished and withal extremely
t?-n.i>erate language by chancellor von
Bethmann-Hollweg laal wet*.
Vet Russia has engag?*?* in no war sim?
her d_M_troua conflict with Japan m
Mar. h'.'ia As recently as four years
ac'i she was compel?? I -.-? t thr a;
ai from li.r'.in and Vienna, to Willi?
am aw the support which she ha.) until
then accrdrd to Bervla in th?
offered i?y the latter 10 Austiia'a am
I Um i Woman pro*. Intr-ei "f I:
(?ovina and I'o.-r.ia. WhlrCh have a lar-fe I
la! .? . At that Ume the centre |
>'.<-r was at Berlin Soar It is -.
Petei ? ? ?
in .*'.?. holly by statecrafl
and diplomacy, in fact, Rnaana has ac?
iahed : nitl >ul ha**tni any
???? .-r.l
As intim?t? i bj Chancellor ron Beth
niaiiii-lli'llw. g, th? ?utoniun Empire, j
'.?c MendaMp with G? rmany !
am nintcU almort to an alliance, has vir
tually dial-appeared from the Cace <.f Ku-1
. its place haa been taken by a ?
tion of ci.nstia ? ? all bound '
?<? i; and to a i
extent of raot powers whoa? union ?nth I
i Is Of th? hara'ter I* I
n?. .-?!??! thai in their war with Turkey
i' ? Balkan ail ? - ? Wei the ; il
iir ,,r th.- Ckar; thai if Benrla end
? n<-_r<>. tioth of them proverbially
?linp'cunloua, hav<* been able t" face the
expenditure -teci-taaltated ! I
th'i:- military 0] which hav bi M
in progress now for many months, it has
be?:, du? to financial .;Ss."-'ara" from St
- ?
That Russia was privy to all ih?- plans
of the Balkan alii? s bef?>:'' they took the
remainder ?>f Europe by at-rpiiae In ?
balking upon th. 11 crusail" against Ihe
? a - ia ? reveal?-?! through the
indiscrr.tion of ?'aptain Walter Christmas,
?f the Danish navy, m giving out f'ir
1 :? ation In the Danish ntyeraymnota
MOM private lett?rj- which he had r<?
ceive-i from King C?onetantlne, written
?h?n th ? latt.-r was still heir appar? nt.
In or.?? letUr .'spf-clai!* , written from
-*'i.:o.*,.r.a. th? then ?Town I'rlnce Bi
a c-onfldenUal ??minunlaiul by the
Balkan powert ?bscribing their alliance,
?? . f.>: ? campalffn against
;. 1 th??ir partition of
as BUbmltted to R u 11 ?i d ep
d by th? Caar's gov?*jrnm?Bnt aa far
back as twelve months {.go^'<'o:istantine
? ? . Bt I'et.-Taburg It was
sironciy recommended that the War
not i ?? comment ? '1 '" fora the
I of this y?ar. H'it Turkey's weak?
after h?-r slrugKl?- with Italy OS
Hie Balkan allies t-> precpitat'* matters
and to embark upon hoHtiliti? ? last
tumn, quit? prematurely f-om a Rt
Mini ..f vi'-w. TIks" XoSMtt prove ?Jef
..t Kuf-sla was in thor?>ugi,
with the attack on the Ottoman
Km i ire
Th?s. Haikau powturs are not merely
. . 4.?4., but l.k.-v.'s.'aiV'-'i.'Ssiv.' They
ar.' j >t at pi'.-.i.t ?-..iivin'-.d Of th?ir j
lnr-_*aUblllty, mtoxUaUd with victory.
Their large armi'-;? are compos.rl of s-a
?"?i.. <1 troop?, with all th?- Invaluable ex
p-r:?nce of six mor.!:- Of m"!?- of the
MM strenuous kind of campaigning, and
In eacn Instance they have r?as?>n tO re
tall that their national existence is due
| y to Russia
Both Bulgaria and S.*ivia owe their
free?lom from Turkish rule to her. Mou
teneero has for nearly half a century
l"*en financially ?lep'-ndent upon large nn
DUSl llhsslllll from the St. IVterslnirg
ir. asur> : ahile it was UM Czar's hand
? thai Mayad the victorious adesuK-e
of the 'Inks in l/M WIM" th?-y wer?
n a ?lays march of Athens. To ail
Intent- and purposes, ?hen, the Balkan
i_j be totwrna* nt offeaalve am:
allies of the ?'zar. While Ru?
>1h has s|.?-nt the last as_ht year-- m '?'in
.rganizing h'*r arm.' . imreii.-ing
it? s.Z.- so that it I? to-day big-c-r than
ttVi?.-. 0f Germany and Austria put lo
aWtha-T, has constructe.i innumerable
?trat? su railroads aloi;? bOff west.-rii
frontiers and has wholly < ?lun^"'! b*
?yntem of western i! e has not
l?ad time a? y? t to re? ?institut?* her i\t\y
?o any extent. But at sea she will r? l.v
"pon the aosistattce of h?'f ally. Kram ?-.
?lieh, as Oermany La wall ammoo, _
*altiiif< (<.r an oppoitunlty to sad favor '">
le-over her l"Ht ju ?.?.i.'icen of AJaaCO and |
lorrain? The !-':.-n Ii ar?* 111 inly OOO- :
Vl'i-?-d that lli.-.v have ne*.?T net'ti, from a j
miiuarv point ..f vi? w, better prepared
for a wat ?Al?li liirmany than at thi I
."????ein nioiiieiit. a belief which li <'..n
trU?tul by uuiiaitUI niUiiary exi'tiis ?jf
foreign nations. The French people,
too, ere now called upon to m
sacrifices <?! a financial,character !n line
with thoae which tn?. Kai-, r and his
Chancellor ere asking of tbe German na?
tion. Bui whi;?* the* express theli ?
to do ? hat .1 of them bj
their government r.?r militar?
they urc?? that it would be su
t" tackle German*' now, before ,sh?' bas
had linn* i., spend the 1260,01. in Im?
proving ber army.
\i. small credit must ?y ? ord .1 t.? the
Kaiser for his watchfulness In a]
? % the dan| i II tenlng G rmany
through the changed conditions ai I. i
and m the southwest ol Europe and for his
bold rig? ? king'i'
steps to meet It True, then has been som?
discussion In the pr* v ith si.]? s ??f
tin* Atlantic as t.? the growth of tbe Influ?
ence ??f th?* czar of the concert of Europe
througn the victories <>f the Balkan al
But no ?mo, not even in ?Germany, real?
ised that the matter called for immediate
action .if a defensive nature bj h.r
pire until the Kaiser, aftei careful!) con
?dderlng the situation with his generals,
with his principal statesmen and with his
felloe sovereigns of the German Confed?
eration, directed his Chanc-ellor t?? make
?an appeal laal week In the Reichstes
t he huge sum needed to T? uton
defences ?m such a footing us to safe?
guard the fatherland against the menace
from Russia. L'nder other circumstances
the appeal might have been resisted, the
more so as William is rightly credited
with having "a several oceasloni Indulged
in sabre rattling an?i war scares for no
other purpoae than u obtain from Parlia?
ment the money needed for addition lo
the army and navy. But In this Int-tance
there is verj little resistance, save o i II ?
par! of the S
In convincing all his fellow sovereigns In
<;?--mam and their ministers that ths
?lang?*! is r? al, and not Imagin
i- onIng to this that th? p? ople a
readily yielding to the heavy
demand?.i of them.
Of course, then are some ..f his coun?
trymen who arc disposed ts i ,
de in th? : liberta, while
on the other hand, Nicholas I sui <
with . onfldi ntlal retainers an?
nt to n from Berlin, be
? suse, ;. he could not trust bl
As Chancellor, Bismarck com
bated throughout his term of orhv?
i of the late Emperoi
Willlain toward I: lie, declaring thai
they were detriment ! to Germany's In?
In fact, i ad nol tbe o\,\ Kalsei
ild low ..t thi time by th?* serloui
? In ii.. attempt madi
mi his life by Kan Kobeltna la ICT Bis?
marck wo i'i nevei have been permitted
? ? t the ? '/..?r- at tue l'on..
Berlin In th it j i ar ol the ?r- ater part
ts of Ictorl? i In his war
of isT7 ? ? Turkey. Intimate friend?
th 11 Romanoffs has therefore
been a mattet ol ti edition with the
, || ws - the respi 11 foi
'.-h prevented the present Kaiser
from dealing Russia s smashing blow
eight years .-.;,'.> hii.i thus preventing her
from becoming so great s menace to O? :
many as she i to-day.
? ncello : i; thmann-HoUweg In
. . speech last week ga-. e full credit to
Czar Nicholas and to thi government at
st. Petersburg f"i the sincerity ol their
professions of friendship toward Ger?
B .1 ; ? d? lar? .1 that a bal he
was th< overwhelming force of
popular sentiment In Rust?a fostered
Bgalnsl Germany by Pan-Slav agitation
in this connection II ma) he recalled that
t was this same Irresistible Ftr-.'imth of
popular sentiment, ?excited by tbe leaders
of th?- Pan-81av movement, which com?
pelled Ciar Alexander n to embark upon
s war with Turkey In IS7S-'T7 for wMeh
h? was ri"t prepared, and which he,
well ? tera, was most an i
old on military, political an-i eco?
non ?? grounds.
Th ?' n \ i\ al of Pat -
shi'. lam of tat? ii d? ? d, on Bunds? Ir?
an ?\t:..linar; popular demonstration
of the r. took place at St
Peten i I ? ...... of r?
ntatlve i ?set feneials, of?
? ? ind of t':
CntZJsf? o/^73l/jST/A
lam for i vins permitted Russie t?? ihn
ait.vii Mj d?minant a position in Europ?
and it Is pointed out that if the tal
march i ad b? i n all? e an'i I
power in 1906 he undoubted!; would ha*.
to t..k.. sdvantag? ..
the Ciar'a troubles ?with Japan In th
Par Orient, and. wit!, ? ],,. revolution?r
at home, to ii:'
blow u;o:i Russis as he .???i upon Prune
?i. the war of ' .- essful war u
' it t i b ' lermany might have ha?
the elf? t of adding Northern Poland
? . .1 of such vasl Industrial wealth
anil the German speaking proi i
the Csar to the Kaiser's dominions
I . finding territorial compensatioi
furth? >: south. The result ?>f this WOUld
hav? i ? ? ', to rendet as harmless,
from a German point of view, for a bum
number of years as was France for tbe
first quarter of s csnl r' following tbe
campaign of lOTft Bui the Kaiser ?hi nol
avail him?--. || opportunity. Less
brutal snd more chivalrous than Bis?
mar' k he refused to seek any profil from
.tbe misfortunes of the ?Csar, recalling,
moreover, the solemn pledge ex?
from him by his grandfather, "!<i Em?
peror William, as he la: on his death
bed, never u> attach R it save in de?
fence or under the gross? si kn.'i of provo?
cation For the old Emperor wes <i<*
voted to his relatives at st Petersburg.
Nirholas I hart |,een his brother-ln-ln*1..
Alexander m bis favorite nephew and
ai? und r m ,-,n equally cherished cran?i
Be intim?t, were ths relations between
the two courts ami governments from ths
secession of Nicholas i t.. the throne of in i-:.-., until the old Kaiser's
death, in IBtA ih?t Pruesls was wont to
'?onti'le her polll n.iiiil OOnVlctS
?o th? Russian gort mmeol for penal
??..un? II of the I ? tn larl? I
... -? lawy? rs. dortors, en?
? . manufactur? i
and men hant tre present, and i I
- ,i ws ta ptt ? '?
st friendship for Ahm?.a and O? i
ami at wl ; the government
.all?.i upon to ' si ai', costs the
Balkan all I the den ind and
.... gn .r powers In *?n
. ral and of ' ' ' '
Huentlal wai thli m<**etlni that the au?
thorltl? B1 Bl PeteiebUrg ill?l n"t dars
, ithei i ? ' ? ? rse it oi to prevenl it
Ing place, although they were well aware
.?s resolutions nor- Ilk? ly to rive of?
fen. ?? both st Vienna and si B?erlln
Dr. Dillon, "ii" ?">?* Ike foremosl writers
of Europe upon the affali ? of Russia,
where he 11?? nl tbe greater part of his
Ufe, de? lares in s dlspat? h from Bl Peters?
burg thai n was the first tin* Ii B ?-? lai
ii .; tbe suthi ?'? had permltti d
nstratioi ranhced in
;i,|. anee t" i??- held crltli islng and con
.i. m,un-' the govei n.' i ? ?:' '? ?ind '"*
??The authoritle have thus sen?
-, .i to "rammt n from the vasl depths
,,f ?popular r?:issi..ii unruly spirits whl< h
they may be unable to contreL"
A good deal of Ignorance prevails wtth
regai-d t" the Pen-Sla* mevemenl ft
may be said to hav? assumed a d?fi?
nit, form St Trague, in the Slavonie l'un
gres? held there Is X*ti Thence it ?;i
'? rred to Russia, whcrs it
fuund s gifted champion in ths person of
the great Russian editor, Aksakodf, whs
foun?! in his Mo?Beow newspapsr, "The
RUSS " B pOSrStfUl instrument for the fur?
therance of bis vlswa it was Indeed
largely due to tbs nmarkahic peteonellt*
of Utaakoff, to i?is rnagnetlsni snri to ths
unroasonlng entbuatas? which bs
able to e?.nim?ir r-.?!?- to his Meads that
__ asany man eminent In pedltlcal, mimin
^Chronic Indigestion
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Intestinal Catarrh,
Dysentery, Gastric Pain & U.ccrated Stomach.
treated by the ?Celebrated European Remedy
,___---a.Ua---?#?d-MJg^ 5S bn^n.
It ; ? N_ur?l and Ra?on-I .Stomach VB?m23
,he Diae-ttve 0:g_?. to th?f full Healin andV?o r. "^ 7
?? Ji?Wt^iMntenU cl ^?g*.
?old sv ?it ?';U?0"T99? Bcekt__ SU KewTwk
E.F01?EHA&C0., ine- iA|enUtl. j."_ ? -
Istratlve and military walks of life
Induced to j'"fi the BKrvement Os
face of it it ?s one of purely beiMV
h.'i Itable aim?- It styl? I it?? If
deed the Slavonic Benevolent Bo?
and while moat of the clauses of the i
tn lay stress on the charitable natm
its ohjrcls the pith is to he found in
opening paragraph, which (helares
; h" so. i'ty ha;? for its aim "the pri
tlon and development of Slavonic soil
Ity" itii.t of th^ "union of foreicn 1
with tbosi of Russ ?
What this means Will he undcrs
when It i?- pointed "Ut that the |*
mians are Slavs, thai many million
Emperor Prends Joseph's H?*ges in i
gary, in Austria, as well as in Hi*
envina and liosnia, am Slavs; that
Poles ot Germany, Austria ami Rti
are Slavs, and that the Servians,
Bulgarians, the Macedonians and
Montenegrins also belong t" u?:- part
lar r?" ??
Th.* real aim and object t the I
Slat iti-'Vi ment is to . n,.. ? the poll
absorption by Russls of ail the dlffei
Slav nations und races subject t<> fon
rule. Alexander n endeavored unsucct
f!ii!.\ to check us growth, bui v...:
even able t-> prevent the soctet fi
raising and equipping In IK??; a large h
of Russian volunteers, under a retl
Russian general, to start the Servian
surrectlon against Turkish suserai
ami the Bulgarian rebellion against tx
man rule? widen developed Into the ??
of Russls and Turkey of I*". Alexan
hi. who was on?' of the most intlm
friends of Aksakott, favored th" l'an s
movement, encouraged its propagai
throughout th" Balkan state-, and ?*\
In the dominions i f Emperor l-ran-is ,
seph. some of Its most active agents he]
consuls, secretaries of embassy, and ?*v
full-fledged envoys in the Russian servi
Alexander even went *>?? tot as to tot
ate ti-.-. Pan-Slav conspiran*! in Bulgar
Which resulted in the kidnapping and :
duetlon <?f Prince Alexander, the rti
of that country, who had Incurred t
wrath ot the committee because he <
. lined to govern hin kingdom a**cordl
to Pan-Slav Id? as.
Tin Pan-BlaV movement, poaSl
enormous resour ??-. has. made and
mad.? "f the crown at st. Pet ?
burg, and, Judging from th?* appreh?
slons voiced m th.- Berlin Reichstag
the German Chancellor last v?..'* ..
from the resolution i pa- ed bj I
i ..- Blav meeting at st P? t?
Bunday la t. the socletj seemi benl up.
shattering all the efforts of the gre
? i" maintain i
. tu.' Balkan ell!? .-it" a m i
. ? ? ? my, 11. t o whl
would i? drawn, ..:
; robal
the .*i ? wi -i. h as
1 i .? m and s? ?.-.. ? .?fid,
? . I ...?(???. : ?
i The Boardwalk Gives Evidenc
That Spring Has Surely Come.
I Atlantic Clt At I 12 "? ? I ?
' h ni old i oardwalh it la * Itti Its > "U
:,? and ar. '
from ev? rh<
down to Its ? : i .*? o iah? ?. ? Ige fa
? and foi surcease fros
?W -?
?[ ? ; sleid? icopi? '" " Is ilk |
' ? ' ? time ?I.-? ???'
; a irr. atl) " . ? ? Rip ? ai
\\ hiki?- i wakened .-?t*.i set ?
upon the thronged walk might trnairiti?
? In the East? rn countri?
r... "l \ m hei .?;.;?? i . I ?f th" t: OUbil i
Balkan i i the ill ip? i gad model
?if milady's wear and i'i the h |
shades and cob rs with v.i ?. sh< : <
? a If It Is a merry, a *pr!:?
l. and a warmth producing si
here i.? the tumbling billon -
Hem York visitors at Atlantic City in
? lode
i ? m ?i'ii Hn l 'bar?es
V, al.ion. I'i and Mrs. K Btl ar.'t?. ?. A
I', ck, ?'. H Hani? s. ft I* Brownl
1. M. ? barter, W, \. <'hari?.<. George W.
Bohde, Miss K. ?' Bebde, Mrs 0. '?
William Mom?., and Mr. end
Mrs. i. s t.? rerick.
Grand Atlantic Mrs. L B Bedden, Miss
Bedd? R, Mi--, i. Bts kpoie, W ?'.
... Mrs S. nr.iit;. Mr ..?ni Mm.
H. Slid ?Mr. and Mrs. ?1. \V.
Bhelburns Mrs T. H IL.k*. ?'. F
ching, Edward B. Benli ih, M. Joyce,
Mi .i!"i Mrs. I'.mi? i V Arthur, Mrs. A.
Oeurshofer, Mrs Elmer Black, MlM
-? >3o* ce ?leorgs it Brt iman, Miss
Margaret Mat-dona, Mr. and Mrs Jesse
vYIneburgh, Mrs P. 11 Goodsell, Joseph
C. Jackson, Mr. ami Mrs B. P Caldwell
and Mr and Mrs. William S. Bater.
i Dennis Mis?? Katherine Brophy, Mhu
\ \ Murra* Mrs, J. M. Ericsson, Mr
? ?i Mrs Charles A Meyers. Jr., Mrs. .1
i:. \V. Ils ?11,d Mis \V. I>. Me? k.
Tray more? Mrs. A. Wise ?Child, Mrs. 1.
Uilanter, Mrs. H. Heriberin, Mrs James
Hun., Mrs. .1. S Phillips, Mrs (?. H.
11..;.kins. Miss Ethel Murray. Mr. and
Mrs. R. McClain, Mr and Mis. Byron
Reynolds, Mrs F r- Brigham, Misa Mary
\ 1... .4.'. Mr ? nd Mi 1 Martin D Lilly, j
\; and Mis. Oscar Tausslg .?nd Mr. and
Mrs \* alte ? R Ha? ?M rj I
New Bill Drawn for Appoint?
ment of Staff Officers.
Col. Townsley. Superintendent
of West Point, Will Re?
view 7th Regiment.
A ri"4r hiii conceniiiiK th? appointment
at ofnoeri on th<- statt' of the major gen?
eral commanding ami on the staffs ol
brigade commandera haa I.n drafted by i
Mr Cuvlllier. The original bill ref? rred
l m - column Is i lay did n ?'
? conform t" the regular irm concerning
rank, and upon the t- i omm? ?dation ol
Major <;.n' ral lohn F. 0*R' an it wu
redrawn i
The hm allows only i bit f ci staff ami
Company P on Saturday and Sunday,
May 17 and It, probabl at Van C
BrevM Major Oaneral George Moore
Smith (retired) eill raMew ;
m* nt of . can artillery in
on Bal dit, April "I I tiigadli r
Oeneral Blmore ES. Austin, chief i I
- the ?th
? ire a
on the staff of General Bm1th.
Brev? ? irai A. I ?
formeiij colonel of iho utii
Etegiment will reeiew the Kh R?*giment
? artillery In its armoi y o i Bal ir?
da) night ??april ->'?? < 'oionel Mi rrls of
the 9tb was a captain in the 14th a num?
bar ?>f ? ami ?rent to the IUi
Regiment as a captain in UM
riags for the big mortar baa I
<?? ived m the armory from the ordnaMe
all completed, and e*o k on th. Installa?
tion "f the o now rapid
ng at the Peeksklll rlfl? range *?';!i
commence to-n?rrow, when the IM Bat
Fmpsroiz _/* Gff/e/*Ai\tY
lides to imandera, t
??ral c ?mm aered I
? ? tl to i
? ?'. | Ho?
m,T ,-t.,\. i. ':t (-.-. I
\\'i, ?! ;-? . ??? to *?? ' r? ry Importai
inri || i!'.. ? i uff
? Brit ?_en?wi
R i ' ? ? c ? st Bi Igade, for nei
"Friday night, nt his h?tadquartera Beer
.-it.-I i?'.ii"
'??, ? r cap! ?In "i" a . nin,m', and a
in the brigade have b? i n In* It? 'i I ? b
to dlecuaa matter
with the f ituia ?4. Ifar? of th
nation ? guai rj, and ot?et ra, if is undei
at?od, will be perfectlj freo t<> presen
th? r o| int??n?a In dl ? , t
The examinai ?' i i '
branchM who hav? taken the co
Instructron pr< -? ? II ? In orders Issue?
from naUoi
Uctohi r m m begin \: y It? at the ?
Th? papera "ti the compl? tloi
of t examination irlll be eent to th?
art? n of l leneral ? .'Ryan.
There la considerable ci I ism in th*
national guard at tim attampl to r?vi\?
me,? reg? menta by Assembl>*man Kan . ol
ti"- 2"*-? ""HMiict He baa Introduced a
lull in the Legislature which proeid? *
for the aWganb iti ? red regiment
of Infanti*) three m nthi after the hin
i i law. Ti*.- bill ais.? inatructJ the
Anra.ry l'| of New York City to pro?
val an armory for the regiment
Colonel ?Clarence P. Townsley, U S. A..
Superintendent of the L'nlted Btatea Mili?
tary Aca?taemy, nt wvst Point, v? in review
th ? Ttii Regimen! In its armory nexl
\\. dm srlay night unl?*ea it goes to Buffalo
on Strike duty. This will be Colonel
Towns'..". ' ' Ural revi' w of a nation al'?i regimen! sine- he has been In
charge of IVeel Point, where i,
ceeded Major Qeneral Barry. Plfty-two
ere of honor ?rill be pre enti d to
?nembM? for long and faithful sei??>
An outdoor eneampinent will be lira) by
f the 23d Regiment sd
?i T ?es
I . . -
- '
oop i>. with ''.'? membi ?
of the regiment located m Manhattan will
'proc? ed to th? t 1
M.- in the ai mory si ?" 0 a- m.
? -?
Polo Now the Chief Attraction
of the Pine Ciity.
? ? I 1] -The poto
practice gan ? eeded up, an?! the
Is ... throi gathers every other
afternoon are t-. ,t..i r? some very spec?
.?.v. on th ? part of the Wat? r
Devei k M
little enou Bui : not stop
thi ? ? i'i If any
#Mrs. F. o. Rowland was th.
ncbeon at mi
* i
. . ? v fli
the cottage col
- -.t. Aft' r '
?>f the club, the tabli , sttUy
spring flow -
of a tes and card party at t
- ? t
Kumorou ; golfei s s
Country Club in anticipation of the .inn i il
; . mi ni s will ? b< Id
beginning on 'r' m -
?iv.-r a hundred sts I
.,:? for th?' qualifying
round, an nl play t -
? |, m the i1 Id will Include f*:>"ii m? n
as W. .1. I '' "ff, It. !'.
y, w. W. Taylor, Howard !'?
and Ir
iterday nearly fifty seniors started In
the poif tournament i"?r the John ?
Bhanl over t C mtry
____ i
Drag Hunt at Fassefern Farm
Event of Week.
Hot Springs. Va , April U'.?Th? ev?*nt
of th?* week al ii"t spnnK-f was a 1res
bunt ?? I two or three days ago at Fas
sefern Farm, under the auspices of -
Hunt fJlub. A dozen or more
luncheons were given at the Barm Houee,
while the s>fternooa eras taken up srll
races and n number of teas. Sixty or
mor.? ove over, Bheper's orcbes
?ni the Homesteed Motel furnls
ustc for danring <-n the Farm
Ileus. ;,:?/./.?. I the crowd ?vas only
? torm thai prev? -
-; run off.
Hat t, ot Hew v<?rk. wiv
In ? ra'" :
1 lured als skull,
Others wi -?? Robert
Waller, of New Vor'- arid Edward A.
Mr. ISter of hounds
in t! ? ? ' M Sad Mr -
M. V.'atk ? the
. ? h
? rn, of >"?
; i
:' '
M ?
? ?
i. ?; H irnham, "f Bo
In the part1 s
son. Mr. ai th B. Behlsy,
Ev ind r ' ! an.I Bdm U i
' ? -.
"?1 !'. Roi si s cam" irr*
ly ft-. * Oyster Bey < '
Miss Bthel Ro ? u 1
M ??' was here B
peer ago tl ?when the ss*g"***"9"
? of Mr. ?ukI Mrs, Behley was ?p
i. Mi : Bel lay a I Mb ?
mn ""Ysneh has reti;rr.f l
from V hingt n I is WBbs h?*r h? r
? French?, trho h? I
? i '?. Bee!!, in
? Iphta.
that will not
wrinkle or bulge
is labelled
eBtiy %he Genuine
Sold at good stores everywhere, in
Cotton (black only), at $1.50 to $3.00,
and in Silk (all colors), at $5.00 up?
You will be interested in the
KLOSFIT Style Book de Luxe, sent
free on request to
KLOSFIT CO., Publicity Dept.,
208 Fifth Arenue-. ---???? New York.
Announcing a Wonderful Sale of
72 Large Kermanshah Rugs I
At Prices As Low As 54c Per Square Foot.
Oriental rugs like these heretcfore never sold for less than
$1.50 to $3.50 per square foot. These Kermanshah rugs are
among the most beautiful we have ever seen and are in espe?
cially desirable sizes for apartments, hotels, offices, etc. The
designs and colorings will blend harmoniously with the fur?
nishings of any room.
These rugs arc water stained, which unsuited them to th; importer's
use, but that doesn't affect their value to you. These slight hurts don't
affect the beauty or utility in the least. The rugs arc in their natural
state, hut after you have therr. on the floor for a short time they
tone down.
The Sizes Range From 11.9 x 9.9 to 15.4 x 11.5
The Values Range From $195.00 to $525.00
Sale Prices $56.00 to $250.00
mi J'l.'.i'i;.
- - -- BMM?MiN?ii?.\M>* -
A Few of the Other Special Events
Scheduled to Begin at Blooming-dales' Tomorrow.
Showing of Women's and Misses' Attractive Tailored Suits.
Sale of Beautiful Shadow Lace Blouses, in Striking Models.
Linen Tablecloths and Napkins from Abroad, at Inusual Prices.
Important Offering of Rich Black Silks. All Moderately Priced.
Demonstration and Sale of Sewing Machines from the Leading Manufacturers.
China and Glassware for the Country Residence at Interesting Prices.
Sale of Toilet Accessories and Moth Preventives at Lowered Prices.
1 Guaranteed Vollrath Enamel Ware Here Tomorrow at Reduced Prices. j
- .- BloomingdyJea', Lex. to Third Ave., 59th to 60th St ? ~ t