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M AN Y \^_DDlN(i? ?? SOCIAL N?TE* ~* ^%Zrs FLORENCE- CJIL?EHT ' Some Well Known Young People Are to Pledge Themselves for Life in the Course of the Coming Week?Various En? gagements Are Announced. Spring ?a- __BIM lo ?risa.. attention i ? I?I notaba ..nes h_V? Uaf?J i for this ? With the ? many will go to Tux???!??. _-*_C 1-bir.d. or irtH along th? il'i'i.-on to f tlM svmnv'r s? usons nt Newport, 1 i ' irt? i Mid oil places popular with the fashionable ? on.* of the nol will 1 "".-.-? \ .-.??.' ' M? ? . Mrs. II. nrjr AJh fun ' I - B iron, a *a>n of the toi r to Rol ? rl ' ' on. It (sin tak? ; to-morrow afurnoon In ihe chapel i ?. 01*8" '? I !hnr I ind aft I nony iher.- ?_ Ml Mr. ar.-i Ml M XX " '" .. !>r. Kt'.dieor ' i ?ion School, Croion. Mass . ?will oitic I by the I i'frrkhcad, of Emmanuel Church, Bait!? ? ??"**"?*?, form??' y r.N tor Of Si. G ! ''hur'-h. Misa Murray Will b<? attended by afta, Oidea L Mitt*, MIm Martha tI!_son, a BMted of the ; Miss Edith Mortimer find Mis? Jos. | kotts, Q-_n*ar Q B_ooa w.n Im n_ re. - I etfg boaI man, an?l the usher.-? Will in? clude Alexand. r 1>. ?Jrant. Fl*__Cla ?'?"? Sargent, jr., and Kob? ;t Win s or, jr., cf ?Vm*__? Q-f-argc Whitney, j. Watson "Webb. Elliot C, <'ovrn. 2d. Henry A. Murray, jr.. and Jamei Jackson lllf-prln Met- Of N'>\ York. Most of the uarV rs W/otO clasfcmat? I of Mr. Bacon at Har , vard in the class of UBf. i taothmr w?s?\ad1n*" of importance this ??viek will ho of MlM Ulla f. Oil? i i.ert, daughter of Mrs. EX. Bramhall OH? / bort, and lb ward' Prie? n-nshaw, of Troy, X. 7?, and this city, whl' "friU 1?' ? cc! ?-??rated ;.t the l?orn" O? Mra <.. - N_ ?i Wont, Ftaa stiae", on Tiiraslej af ' ??moon. The ettttenmsy will lie perf? r Dr. Kirklanri Huske, of '??rcat X?'!:. i '.n.;* Itfnnfl. in the rr I ?of about l?ame i .*.??.*?? i i v. n and 'rienda. MlM Gilbert will hav. hi : MI?S (*To it, as mam ?if honor, , *.<! ? :?< ' .'- r sister, Mr- | | Gil ?????t, \ii? aot'aa h^owor alrL Her "-?aiiag brother, Harry Gilbert, wii: i na*Te. John I'ainc, of Trov. cou>in of ihe ' bridetrroom, W_l be best man, and thTt; : ????ill Lo no asihei? Mr. B>S?thaw ?<i:d his ? bride \vi;i pgawA a part of their honey ? moon in Europe. Many relatives and Monda! In New York W_l attend tin* """-?{?ddlng of Misa ? irac?! P-WIllOI. ?iaunrlit.'f of Mi. and Mrs. Harry _?0*a_laa, ol ?'real Harrington. Mast-, to J. Sh?ldi>n Pott, i, ?.f th!.? city, which win ta_a p?aos on Tu? i lay ? toning .it t?4 ? I th<- Mdo'a [.?rents In ? n. The bride will have ? r - ' Kan Douglas, at maid ?f hoijor. and hir young nephew, |>?_f__ K. ttila'A. MM of Mr. and Mt_ Ki'iyl K>n '.al!, ? Ptrk, will a ! a> page The in st man Will be Mr. P?**tor*l broth _M P. Potter, jr. .lohn BU-bMnj, of ?mit Hill, I'hll.'i?!? Iphta; Adelbert ? an and William F, . " ' ? ;-li(-r.a. Mi. Potter in ? MM Of Mr. ?n-1 Mrs. Asa H. ? rotativo of tha late i tter. M M Mari/m I ie I-', l'i* by a form?-!- mai ' .???*?* Of Ma*?*. X ' ttn, Will ht to John Dl-H-it I' *'"ii Of I'" a"?" Mrr. _.r?.I.ri I ?? m '?*. Prim < . W-drr ' i in Bi Thomas's ? 'ai.n will have I ?t lis. M Ad? laid. ? 'aria.!;. SI'1 I ! . ected m i !? '?? -i 11 Huntington, M Hols '?unnink'h.irii. Miss MUdrad Hives and Misa Katharine Milled H?MH7 I !?? ii pottor, ? ? randi t*n ol Um i;?* i'oiicr. -Aill |M htOt mar. and Ihe _dMt*l ??ill b. ?: ifton IV Mni'it, of I'.oKtori; \vt!!iam Jay Behloffelln. PtM-mla Im-ra Bfl r ? 11? tritt, rr.-?1erl'-k T I'r? - llBjfhtsyttn, h's '?aii.mcll, ? 'Inn '. :a Jtus i 1." '?ramI f.. i.r:-.n And Itivini-ton I M Th- lU-v. Dr, Blliaol M .S"ire?, anui-teii hy in? i:< ?.- Dr. En-Jfeoii para. I.o'ly and tho i'.ev. Edward Tthbitts, a coutln o? the bride, wiij be tlic olIi?.-iutin_ Ifter the .-er'-nnnv UMTS it the I -? - oi Mr. and ? Ftcllnghuysen, No 11 W?sst - " i Mr and Mrs Alfr? ?, and Louis rtsebuij ?v?-. ;.???.- of this city, will -? ' ? hoi parents, **."". Ill . . it. Wiinam W i Chapel, Trir.ty Par? ? be s s.ina. receptioi Mil ? only attendant I i K'.i ?ns< n will ? .. ? r girl imbur i ?. IV? ekes ? ? . Ralph W. Wahlen 1 ? ' - i '???.- . ?W< Ml U ?-???, F Burrall Hoffman? i . i Ei. On - and Henry K. Beekm . Mr. Weeks iave I Is farewell bachelor dli - Owing to family mournmg onlj i ' mben of the two -.-.. I be : P s?nt ai the in.iri la..-. Julia N<**n*oold, daughter of Mr and Mr? Thm w. Redmond ?Croes, ? of Mr, .?mi Mrs, R. Jai ' ? ! Old, I No -?'' Madison avenue, on next Satur ? i r.- afternoon. Miss Now bold arlll no attendants, and there win i? n>. loi ;: W. ' '? will he )>? >t man. The Roe. I?r. i. psabod* ? !' the ? roton School, wlH perfora inony. in th?* Fiiih Aven ie Pn - ijrl Church <?n Wednesday, April I?, Miss <-;iadys MeAlpin, .i daughter "f Mr and ' lam W. McAlj ?r. will I??- rnar r;. i to William ' i-? ?attend? be bride will b? her i te* Mis Her? nett<- Lou se McAlpln, Mis. L-sules Ven? d? rhi'it. ot On H. J?; Mis i MUdn d Eddy? of Mon li toe n, N -i .M ttobblns and Mlsi Frieda Bauman, o York. Miss Eleonor Hubhard, daui of Dr, Wl lai laas r? m Hut bord be the flower ?tri. .lohn B. Irwin Will 1"* best man, and the vahen will In fjk orge t. Ids, jr. of Troy, N. T . ?. an 1er H? m y Cam r, < James fJnhaa Damon, of Providence; James BheMen Potter, of Port Ch< ter, N. V ; Allen ll'w.anl MeAlpIn. Of v. n. N. ?', end Pn derlc ? '. Inms .\i w vori.. PoUowtng t: s oerem? i win be a reesptton at the berne ol Mr Mil Mi-A'pin, No. Il Bui Nth street Mans arc ? impute for the marriage ol Miss Caro Q. Brown, daughter ?if Mr. and Mr?. Stephen H. Hrown. to I'niriklin Rh hardson. <">f this city, it ?rill he i ,. brated a' the borne of her parenta No. :.M Baal Nth street, on Wednesdey, May 7. Mies Brown will he attended by Mis Qoorge W, ?'arpenter. Miss t'rsi.hi BfOWn and Miss angeUoa richuyler BTOWfl N,n Rl? hardson Will BOTVe Ins liother .i? h?st man. and the ushsrs ohooon arel Frederic C? Iniiian, K. I?rexi| ??ndfny, Laerrenee B. Rand, an?i w-iimm R. K?n clair. Mr. Richardson will give hl.s fare? well bsohshtr dinner on May ?.' at Del* rnonlco' . Another wedding Set for May 7 will he thai of Miss Helen Ogden, daughter ??f Mi. and Mr.-. Allied Ogden, arid Andrew Murray Williams. It will take place In Qrace Church, and a reception aril] fol low al Delmonlco'a o^denh only attendant Will be lier ulster. Mrs. I*avl?J Ottonj, jr. Colonel Caffee, 17. B. a. win b? i? st nun. .\ii Williams was gradu from PrlneetOO and the Harvard Bcbool, umi is h member of the I'rineet'.ii and Harvard clubs atxl SlSO of Bauadrea A. ? t> la New Vork Will be intore?.ifd in the raarrlege of Mies Beelyn Petty. Who sras la.iy-ln-waltlni; to the Dnohsss I Smaughl when she visited this rlly hist antumn. to i'aptain Thomas H. Riv? en? Riilkeiey. of the Srots ?jusrds nn?l aide-di-tan-p to the OovOfUOT Oneral of Canada, ?. nieh win take plaes next ?at Urday In l>nnrton. MIsh Alice Astor. daughter of Mm. John Astor, will lie one of the brille? attendants. Alumna: o? Miss t?pente 'g ?-juiflul will c \. an enti rtalnt Tbeatr? on the root Theatre 1 culo-. I be produced I fl irlth Miss PTtadlla i - ' t r Plagl In the ? ist it the ? forman e "WltlKBUt I ? .-!. a the Lai f tin the i s de Bes I ir. . I thi Misses G n. ten n Mall, Mart : '? ' ' ? XX ill be th" M ? -.. ... t? i.... ? ? i .... r-., I'i re n,. lit u 'I! I ; Ml l: I ' i- i*J ? ? .-? ' ; i Jeannette I'laKi.* The young v will ICt S " ' t ?. . id Tayloi ? lai kaon, Man Qlsabeth Cook, Julia B vi? va Pisher Mis He!? r I nderw? ... t .ir?"i from Mr r ? i au-dlls ,-. .. HI I ... ? Baturdaj '.\"meri i|.teie.|..| ||< | Jam? Bpeyer. Mrs. Oe? Mrs. Joseph Ho dall aad Ml i (Mad i of' the entertain) m lint, i.nrr" ? of th? , ? i b) the aui liai \. J. Th?- ?Hi. ago ? tl - p - ?? ?? ? ? Mit John B Mm Ai thur. .n d ? ..f four ? hot and coM ivati r be en tertalnment sell] ? th ' i..'- ? n at i ? i. costume wt serve tes noon In aid ol ?-'? Katharine') 11 in i uction bridge i " the afternoon ?.f April V Vmons patronossss ar?- Mn \- ?? . der, Mr.? Oeorge R ?, > ... .i erieh Prellnghu : r*- John I Hay, from wl em -1 ? '.r ? d, 1 '. .*.? i ? Heg? Bettlern? I Rivington street arranglni ? ? ment, consisting of m isle and ?( ? which win be given at th? Rlts-Oariton on April 'S-. Ani'in? those irho ia>. con ?ented lo ael es patroness? i M .lam?*'- Bpeyer? Mrs. Oeorge ? Bs Mr- w. Bourks ?Coekran Mrs r-? n Co i< r, Mra lier i ? i ! Par on Mi James Lsee Laldlaw, Mn Tbeodo Rooesvelt, Mrs Benjemtn NicoU, Mis. Anthony ?'? Dresel |i Mrs Cadws .["lies. Mn, Selh ly-iu Mr- Hen*"! Me genthau, Mrs. T, ?Douglas RoMnson. Mrs Algernon B, Bulltvan, Mi Qeorg? Mc Aneny, Mi* Nelson n Henry, Mn. i ton f. Wmthrop. Jr., Mrs. John Hsmmond Mra. Arohei U Huntington Mrs A Gordon N'?.rrl... Mr BdWOld R ii? ritt, Miss Mabel Cheat? and Ml Martha Draper. Ticket? may I.Mainel from Miss Klsie NlCOll, No, II I ? street, Baronet i Llts ?ros Elsnei svi grvt ? ?latinee musical al th? Pi no - Th? >f ? on Tuesday afternoon -April S fm Wn'i'i of St l?os? m Free Home 'or In? . m '!-le Cancer. The pat) 01 the nueheKi? Unwairir of NOWCS I] . Pi l'ierr?''ko., Mme. Lillian Notrdfea, Mra Robert J. Collier, Mrs. rharies M. ?Delrieh* Mn ?'?? son. Mrs l,"onard M. Thonia . Mi >'ai?' uel A. Clarke, Mrs I O'Brien? ?Mra i.yiti? ton j-ox. Mn. Theodor Have? m?yer. Mrs. ,i Crimean Emmet, Miss An? nie t.faiv, miss Bvelyn ?Crieuntns and Miss Rosan., o Brian. Tht sti.iiv wold h.n?fit productiee ?n "The Three Tiib... of Helvetia' at lliu - ? ' I ' ' Ml ? ? . ? . . ? - ' . :? ir.-h. ? ' arear th? ?. ." two of i ? ,r ... ? ??i. i . trill i.? of the cust? ' ? : 4 the Little Theal n the i . raid I li< eftei n.i I 38 for ?the 1 rill ?it tie Bi ' i Hou - ..i .-i i . m t.. .??i will . 11 >i *? -.*. III 11; ' ' .,, . .1 .. Pi .n.. ?.. Helei lias Ai B loi i r. M MUdi. ?I Bn ?rat?M . Uli Ho) ' H .ii''1'"" Ml ta M.. . ? ; lu .um. w erren, Misa ? m Edith .i r and M i Julia Breltu ' . ar 'i....' Ina i un nexl B?ti m? "i", i - uf ?le oclel" .ni'i thi i' i te the Piping Roca . i _on i and, ?*. ? ? i a im., heon 4? 'ii '" : ? i r< d tlbeii 11 ig? ne ? '.allai id? m ?if Hi" eoclety, P? i ? i: pj i,.. :',i, ? i . pi. ild? m and ai ? h me v. .i retal rVnwng the m< m \ Hoppln, Mal I ?ouglai 11 a.... ii- rniiinti ? n ii leba n '... u n on, v lin''m Aator, Harold ?/and? n.?n. t ' . tlandi field Bli hop, W, B. O ? " ' i i'i'i'i. ? llltam w. Hoff. mur,. Hii.ii Holdster, MeKInti Hollina, Mai hall n k. m'" han, N?*rwf{H?ld Morris, Ogd? n Milla n id. ? ?it v. r laeUa and n-.i. ? I I ??i? let. ? . ., . O GENERAL SOCIAL NOTES Mil Oerti ud< H? bei t. d f Mr. n., i m s John Warne H?/rbert, will ha iii*iiri?ii to "Sdward Delaney Donn, ?ir Nawark. N, J, on Tuaodajr, April "DJ, tn? tin. CoAh? ? Of Si. John tiic l?vii.? . ' ? . .. ,. i The! :< ?. I -, . Vo. 14 West ? Mm Mat Is Matt ? tre party 01 She win I tt Th sire. I -, vv, V i nderwood ? I Smith,,ol ?A ... it the on in Loi don. | , .4 . dinner o N?" ?"?'*? Mn n n ? He, of M ho ara her . p.. li? Th? del ? ? ion of t h" Ni a , I. I I ! 1 I . .1 : . . Phlllli in i "i ? ? 1 n >. i.. : ' Decembe '?. i '? t ? ... . nd Tu? will lake place, ' usual at nico's ?.?tu? ileeson, oi a bridge pert) an i ?i m... on Thui le) ti snlng? Api U l ?* .-,l th? An - Mra Anns B Adams, el No. IB ?reel , ., luni heoa followed b) bi Idgi. n n,:.i la) al the Hot -l Plasa. 'i s o of hi. popular ?i? butantes "f the I ?.m. r wen Ml* , li "finis ? '????. don and Ml Mai i irel I ?ppenbelm. Mi, and Mis boul i E i 'Hi! ?eve re lurni .i from abroad and ero ai the Hotel ? m until the) leave f"i th? h ? m trj p?a . m Bllsloyd, s< Leite forest, 111. Mr and Mn N?orman Johnson will ?rive s danci on Tu? sda) at II ??" be ise, No, IB Best Mth street, to ??? lebrate lbs ti um. am,i?., rear) ef th? Ir wedding. M? \\ iniam Jerome Toome) gt* ? ? luncheon, followed by Suction bridge, on W ??in? sdsy for Mrs John H. Judge. The I lunoheon was served at Bve table.??, dee? rated with pirih tulips, P*nl candles and Pink shades Ths gusett Iseluded Mra, uiiiiam ,i Barney, Mn Ubsri Hicks, Mi Bamuel ?Seyhiour, Mi Oeorge Cowl? : i"1-'1*' Mrs- Julm Jw\a Lilla (Libert vhOIO IV? AHM! VX/POKT I ?' A?he;? H. ' . , ? non. Bamuel ? *?| Read. Mrs John H. Peck ?. Hura ' ? ? 11 a a mu? ? ? -. ? - .1 . s? II Weal A ??;??" , . , ? ....u venir. Mr ? ? ? l ; Ute sum ?? r-.t in ?;?.? k???*!> .?n ? their a_> . ? Pat? rn?> hit? aani ; it the Cae ?1 l Rivei li I? I Men, on ? ? - I 21 Pel : her last it n 1 ??! i ' -if!, moot. ? h?ni ah? >?? 111 ?fin a a th?* dan? ? \ir: Bedell Parker, of BncUd Hall. gare a bridge Prl ? for Mi*? Bather tVlnkler, to !.. married to HertMrt Brown on m ? ind Misa laabel D?Kker, who . to Ll*-1n-rston fountain. Mil J .!;in\r:n. I; f-', R 1? la-i Ian-fain ha\e moved from ?To II Madison avenue to No, III \ ?arg? i n ?. .m nill hi gi?ren at pel- I ? ?n Mondsy afaternooa for the I memhera and Matada of the women's: ?.uxlllary of Plower Hospital. The ''(gota Room" will be nsedi and the color i . ai i tsn win b. eartfrad IS and .?lev.r little menus ? ? a pli fire of the new ttospltsl building, the ftrtkt that has he-*n publi. ly . i Th.- luncheon romea as a pleasant ?ii mai t.. the m.'St auec?*rasful asasen ihe lian bas bad Not ?>:iiv bas UM nu rnl'.-rslnp been Ini K.'ty in?'reHS?>?l. but th? plsy, dancea end aftsrnotm teas bava proven .-? Ilnsnelsl gain Al a result thsj ? ? been Hbi'* to htoositn the | ??'??I.I IU Work, and has |nsl given the i mono} i"! .? t.. a'ltifil room in the new] building t" i"* known a;? Am i'*mn<vs RlS? 1. Memorial. Dr. l!o*'al | C?9peland will d.liver a address ai the luncheon, and Miss II Owyn Jon'.? will sing, acoompanic'i h) Mrs. DoaaM Newton The committee la <*har?*e includes lira i'i 1.1:.!.. Von Boose W1 ta Mrs. William Tod Helmuth, Mr?, n. s. Or??*.eland. Mr?. Wendell Bsrtter, Mr?. i> k. s. Colftnan, Mi-ra "Odna Simons, Mrs. I. A OBrlan, Mrs W. Q. Crump ?Mad MM I. L MeK?M Ann? uncemenl ?sas menti? oi i he (.iiKngement of Miss Helen Vans. daughter of Mr .m- Mrs .i??nn W, Pails. ..f PlUShlng. bong Island, to Warren <'ai s.'n Smith, of this city. Announcement has been made of the cngag? ment of MlM Vera Dorothy Hot -fOn. ?laughter of Mr. and Mr?. Robert C. HotSOn, of Helham, to Alfred Du Mond llninmett. ?if I'elhnm Manor. Ml?s Hots??n is ?i MlWlbet Of Kappa Alpha Theta. Bar? nard. I.. II? i liane?? graduated from New Viiik L'nlveraltjf In the class of 'ii. No date has lieen set for tin* w?*?l?1inaT. Misa Gertrude Tutuam McMannle, . i - ? of M - ' " this ?i" f I ROM a? th? ! Ml >" : ?? ? -? " i laaghti ?IB Mannte, srho ??? - ?**? *** ' NOW York f..r - M ? base Is a s ice ?Halt Chase, found? r of t igoTlt ?3eai antee and Trust Com? ? : Heise fried son Of lad?.'.* H ihii and a I tain Jonathan --"has srss os Get tral sraahlngtoo'i - l ' *** n Bs M In the hanking ind I Je ""? in this ? .c _ , Mr. end Mrs \-. MtATStUSk M Mount Vernon. N v. lia* the engegement of - ' '? "?! Ciare ?fr?nese McCart to Wads" Jerome Burns, ol I ? -- BIsi Me" *? ten to ?< grandds ?- ' %ve11 known artist, the lat" V. : '. ? ?e?"?l*p of th.* National A ?*? TlM "??f* will take place on Wednesday, ?prl ?'? In the ?"hurch Of tl . ?cart. Mown. Vernon Mrs Orara Bpei ' N'?JJ '? ? ? T^d street. (S, ?"* * ? ?* lowed b] br dg< %t "* Hotel fjethem. ColeaM and Mr? John Herse? ?lnd?s?l Kave a children's thi ds Mil OS T'l-'Sdajr at their home, Wo, Ml ****** *>* ***1?mM\ for their two smell daughters. ***** Beatrice arid M M M I ' ******* and their son, John l ?Andr?e?* M? The leal for tl - ',yr "''^j!, dances known ss the I ir fotll w tnt. take place on Pi ' ***** Mrs i. i? Smith x?*t ? les Ms*?* lOWed b) P ''- .-reit Belleclaire. Broedwey and si--** Her guests numbered KIT. Mr sad Mr. *^r "'"? wl?J% heen.n.'aif^iaf.*'^:,^.^^ tnrne.l to town and are St ms Astor. Mrs S N PSI 7Z " - ?J?** .1 Major, ol otuws. i ; Hotel Astor for? ??AR lag for Atlanti,' City, when they ?? L" ?h. M,.rllH.r?.w?th-l'.'o.h,*i.n r '?r of two wralw before returning to Otta-*^ ?ir. *^tntbt*?Uooithtt?i*tttt*m mier of Qesbse. The .?.lira' A.ixIMsr* ot ****** Pel.a Club, of New York City, f denes st .he Columbie Tseht CT?*JJ ' street am. the Hudson *>^-?,?hgt ?renlo* Thsra was general iSEmm Hipper ?an served at a amOOg the Patron?* < < ***** ' . Mfi wtaW.-Orvta, Mrs? Jomos B.cun w? 0, Pratt CUtter, Mrs ^^?Jf Mm ?Samuel P Conner. M re n Cot-ar, Mrs. losepl, P. linn^F-l? John w. Ueb.jr.? ???^^i? Patrick. M.? a. H MeUb**?J g -rt IT. nedpsth. Mrs J. DJ*"? ,ohn C Coleman. M^CUrraee ri,, Mrs. Joseph K Ware 5 r.. W. Williamson. Mrs H?W1*"|1^cc-jBS? ?Mrs. A. V. rringl... Mrs. P.ul M Mr, Oliver O Devi. M "Art? ronnable, M,ra Frank I- !???? ,|t#, 4 lim D. Hegt?. Mrs Wllllem G? 1 ?JJ Mrs. Ci. W. Porter, Mrs. 0. Glenn and Mrs. Manning; HMO* The IU>son Alumna- J*j vaudovlU? and dance lust nil?-- ? 1 J