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?OCl ET YT ^H_D?LE._4^ ?*?> A DU ?Y ONE Cotillons, Receptions, Card Parties and En? tertainments of Many Orders Are on the List of Festivities for the Inlmediate Future. of th. Hot? Oothsm f< i o( I Sot ia Carolina mountaln ' ? ' - . II, .- htm Elliott, Mi ?Ira CI M" Prai ? ' m, Mrs. Frederick 1 Mr* .1. H ? l i M ?**1 M Hltchlngi I Dtine Bchu R. f .? ,; Vei Plan? I M ? Weld and M ri m the ? . . m? Mlsi ? Alms !?? . Amend. Ellas Dorothj Fenn, Caroline Pem , ?lid, Ann.- Hooper, Mollie Kllner, . Morlson. tas Ryan, Katl . .: rra Btewsrt ?;i,.,?.ps.rn. Mai orl? B?a i/ei Planck, Annstte _? Lorrali ]'" ,,;" Me8,!r .-..-,t. I>ati ,,?,,,,.. Newson. PhlHP i^asalnger. ? .,.?1 Clifford Wi-. ___???? BROOKLYN SOCIETY'S WEEK Tuesday To Be a Day of Wed? dings?Dancers to Compete. . , : -a? *M h*v" A" I .. . (Eunice i lift ?Mlj attendant ?he; -nan - ''?*-'**?? "*? **** tt .,??.?... ... Orace Church on ' ? - ?'? - ?"' ??*? ,T,;'' " ,. : !, ?ttan. . ,, rg, , by tie- H* i P. J. Wriglsy. l*?t?stor of Ors-eo Choreh, . ! have been Urn ,? d to ? ?' ?< - ????"? ,!""" ?"' " l o, ?* tew of these hay? ad to ths reception which will follow the church ce-renr?ony :it N"- -'1 i *-bta ?here Misa Bt?nf?n ?.. ri with hor a*?*a_dmother1 Mra on. "i aunt Misa Man aasi el ?hood. Bhe u l ter ,,i the ?ate Mr. and Mra Praah Bat?*?rman Benson and a ?"?"and '.1er of the ?at? Hubert HOS. UM ? otos. Mr. Plaga la Um bob of Mr. sud Mi Charlea Noel nags, of ?Hartford. Conn., ifcew of Kniest Plsg.? the New V.iik ; .-hll.'.t. HO "S?1 have Si bt-othtar, Charl?ea Noel Kiagn, Jr?. and for lish-rs ?i'-oi^:. B Hit?), J' . nf ,, g \\ armiia-irt. Of HSU? ,;, . . ? R ,,,. i . of Pittsburgh; Alfred lUiUaa-a;. of Bniokllne, M Chsnnlng Turusr. ot rtn.-.m... *"?'' ? as AUM?tOta, of Wi'.k." -Harre. Pena. II. will give lus farewell bachelor din? ner Monday evcmriir. il>s Florence C_th?MlS Burke, daughter of .!;. mes Stranahau Burke, an'1 Laymen Bherw.iod are t.. be rnarrle?! Thiirs*!.. Msy * Tl ? csr? mony ?fill tahs Vimet si e_*i .,-? .? k hi Chrtal ?r ? i,?a,-.-la. ' ?llnton, ?nri half an hoi.i 1st? i there will hi n smaii r... ptioii at the Burks bom? No a* Pierreponl atn 11 Miss Burfcs- grandfather vaa th? late "> khtam C Burke! e?ho practised mor? I than forty yrars In BrookBn. Sli" i? ? 'jfrta^Mlniece of the lalu J. t?. f. <Straiiuli_i_ I foundei of Prospecl Perk, and oih? i "i..ut m the earl -- hiatoi y of !'??. ivn. end ;i m?.?.. of th?? i.,r. \?,< ?,. ? ; l lut? tu ? . ? in h< '?".t hi r'e t d< granddaughu t ol thi late Philip ? '. Calhoun, ol Neu York Mr-. Bherwood is the s..n <? Lj mai o "' Ballston Bpa, N V making his hom< .mil ? ? ? ? ' ?? . I I;:.m ? '. ! ? , ? . i . ? ..., , ' ced i yeai ago Mr. and M - Oeorge Bllas Coleman, "f N... mi Hlcki street, announce the en? gagement of th. ir daughter, M G < 'oleman, t., Alix r( son of Mi and Mi s. Bom? yn A. BaHsbur)'. of No N ?Washington .. enu? announcei.I a m made at a luncheon Thursday In compliment to Ml Dorothy Noyes, who Is t" marr) John Ta.-, loi Aims Saturday, Ma) '? The other guest? were Ml - I Ion n? i Burke, Miss Mar? -"' Miss Henrietta Dana, . tValbridgi Mra Herman i 'art VVeber (Kate Duryes Allln) and Mra Ben? jamin )'? Pesbod] (Helen Beavera i ?if Interest t?. man.-, in Brooklyn w?? ? ding of Hi it prise to John T Pratt at th?' flower show for hi- ?m?danlas and daffodils. Tuesday will >?e s record ?la? foi wed? dings, in Bofton Julian P. Palrchild eill merry Mir*- Marion Pitch at the home <?t h'r parente, Mi and Mrs Charles v.i-.. Pitch, No. _'4<> Beacon street The Rev. l ?i Worcester, of Boston, -??. ? 11 perform the ceremony at i o'clock In t!?<- presence ol relatives and los? personal friends Tin- bride w-iii be unattended and th<* -loom Will liHve only a best man. . old i'?!,.? ' classmate, Oeott? i.. Brewei. Mr, Pairchlld is the son ?.f Julian D Palrchild, "i No. MS ?Carroll street an?J c.;i Long [aland, president of the Kings County Trust Company, of which be Is a vi. ??president. Another OUt-Of-tOWn weddm? <-.f Brook? lyn Interest on Tuesday arill he that lp Baltimore .?i Miss De-rothy SeweU naifi arin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bummer field Baldwin, and .lame.? Oarretson son ..I .Indue ar.d Mrs. Harret .1 ?.arnt-oti. ?>f Blmhurat. it will take place at the home ?if the bride's parante, No MM Noria i i arles street, at ' M o'clock Tu?*sda.. will also be marked bj a mill wedding thai of Mies Martha Oonser ,-.n.i Lieutenant Robert"iii Qray, U K A The) are t" be married -it I If o'clock In Bt Bartholomew'! Church and I inn-? reception arlll follow at th* Pouch Oallery. \. aii ..f ti.,. bri?degroom's attendante an brother ofllcen, the ?accesi?n will be lack? lag m none of the ?.phii'loi ami OSTOUMay which attaches t<? the taking of ?? bride by s member of the service. MISS ?.??mer Is the dSUghtCr "f Mi* Au? gusts Oomer end s sister of i>t ?Clmries A Oomer, .?f No 771 Wllloughb) avenue. . fa? ?? i.,. i...... maids ?? |un? b? on at -toi on Thursday. m noon on Tueedsy it. i*tik?1 Church will be ti" scene ??f tbs merriage of Miss Constance Margaret Rowe, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Iteginald Penh Rowa and William BedfleM Portar? it win be tel* low? ?' b i 1"-..',?., ? i. und Mi Itowe'i taime, IN -i... i \t i i i,, , | ., ! ? ? . . i ? f honor and "id* Mr i ?? i !? '. 44 bo i 11 , -, ? ' *?!? W I. . : ? r. I* r. ..f S.. I IS \\ . t ? - ? : . ?iian los broth? i Ole atd i ? lo i ? Regina!?! ' ? .' ' ? K'l ?.. in T M ? ... d i rank 11 i a?*k? n* ? ?xji be that of Miss _nld l?nl ? : lid All i 'l?< ?ni I ; Buri'hard i ?uti h? r, son of < l lutch? r, of No ? -, eremoi al n the of the Messia 1 Ma '.? ill la a imall t.?? ' l'ti"!i t": Hi ' i. ia'i4. - el the Hotel w.. latii? i ? ? nth lito, khan* a low? ? girl and Mi - Rali la nd ? '4' ember of th< bi idi hi i... n ..i i ?m >.i honor .,? ran Can H Min Mai i ? ,i ? . a fes ? he ?.- i mpi' Mi Duti i-.. ?. ? ? aduat? d fi om Pi in? < ion ??.a?" all Hi a.i ? l .n ir" (1 av _ I., ? The* i > J|. ' ; i ? ' -' in, '1?"-' I ? li ??? n. ? ' cum Ingham and Da d Hal ti. id Clark. Then ar< ao 'nan', excellent danc-era in i ? oungei H? labte s? i that en ? enlei lainmenl In s tat? h Ihli a compllahi.I ma* be displayed ii alwaya ..i1 .??.in greeted. Thi Istsal renture In thia Una i*- ti?" ti.? danaant" t.i be given si the li? iuIii? Casino on April .'? !?? tween i an?.i.a a bj *?'hick 'Little Ha.? " 441:; be t.. nefited \4 ,t the Large affair a< rosa I fortnight ago, there arlll he competitive dancing foi which prises will be offered. Thla ??m t.-.k?- place In the centra of the Casino t.-i.ii.s i.i'irt. the aldea <?; whan will i"- lined with -nnall labb for tue gW .'Is Among ti.? pstronesaea are Mra Her? berl 1. Pratt Mr? trthui s. Goodwin, Mrs n...?....? _, .;..?.<i. ||, Mra Harold 1 Prat! Mra "Theodore Pratt Mra Morris Dpham Ely, Mrs John Clapperton Ken. Mra t? Irian Van Binderen, Mra Georg? Nolnian. Mis OMXi l'..r?l Hit.hard. Mrs. Calvlti Truesdsle, Mra Oeorg? Prank, m Prank O. Cothren, Mra OUa Bwan Carroll and Mra Klngsley w Blauaon ? m the committee at' th< M at I ?? 1 trude Jennings Marian Buckley, 1, ckenbach, Jean Murra>*, Qrsce Prank, Mai j..lie and I le.eri St ill/.. i. DorOth] Bui phin. Miriam B| e??ra and Jessie Hopkins. N1 a"?!?,-----------------------------------. bridge on Tutisdaj s?fts-moon Among hei l gUMta wen Mra Cllws Uvtngston Du Vsl, Urs. Donald Oran! aedd?M, Misa Mar? guertta Blaek. Mra Alfr?ad Norrio, ?>f Cedsrhural Mra Harald L Pleh, Mrs F. \ ,',i. n m Henshsw, Mra Oeorge i-:. Hite, ? ho took the prises; Mra Batnuel n. Out? -..-bridge. Mra Ernest C. Brower, Mra Ho.? trd ?'? ta/hltw Y. tire. ?sswsll W Btoddard Mra Prank ?' Muna?ort, Mi ? ?i,i, 1 Pool, Mi- "Th-Mttora Welt? 1 Bl John H? nedicL, 1 i';in Mra Bayard ? Brinamsde, Miss Cornelia Henahs?. *??* ?" ^TZt ! ' Miss Oertrud? Sloekw.U, Miss Beitha. bai ?'S B? I Pratt, Mrs Mra Willis? H ? utchfletd, Miss Mrat?agt?a^__^ Stockweij 8toekw.*u. Mlaa Josephine Sutphin, Mra Clifford Msllory- Mr? cm.1 M<-'">' Mrrf.VrT" u^*': Mrs LOS?- Kraiicla. Miss f.ra? - Merritt, ' ,* ? laren?? B ?yds. Mr. Thorn., 'i,,'.;,,,i^.y. MrF. Hetwy BMCh and Misa Bita Mit?.''f_ ?-v-v'M;r;:..r'^m.-^*.';^?:-':^; 'r. of the Hstghts. and Oeorga Nichols ?f Fia.i.ush Miss lUMera Charles Iv K^""'' "' >n ? _. is a slslir ?if 1 II ?.ate? ave ".JSS. Hilen R Ali i s. ?AKfita ."?VOO ?t-D'O ? II I ... I grad? in Semi nai \\ ! I | . | I ? ?? ? on '?'?? edi . i.f her parent Hi v i >rs .? No 1221 A v< R. Fis Rocl 11 . '.? Mr ('loss i ? on ol i? ?and M - ? - ? ? of No Ml Han? och street , In the Old D itch ("hurch, Platbueh, Bthelyn Barron Moorehead. daugta? t. ' of Mr . nd Mi i Thomas \ Mo head, of No ..... m svenue, Platbueh, will i i t.. .lohn ?' W.n ?Hahn. >..i. ol Mi ?? d Mi h.m. v Vor. Olahn, ??f N?? m Wt .r.. avenu? The bride's attendant are to be her stater, Miss H? ? n Moon hi i i Mr?i Hugh Roberts and M IsB I '? SII. Wald.-mar Pries Ol ? 'Incinnatl will ? ? ? b< Si man. and i Hi?. ushers will b< Hugh Roberta PVank B Oatea i.i .nd Cummlngs and Mar cellus Mi-onk - Mn Oeorge Brewal i Breti of No US ??..m. ?i Plaoe, will give an Informal tea fot the young friends ?>r her daughter, til Elisabeth Brets, on Saturday aftei ! :. m itlng will i" Miss Bhaw, Mian But M Helen IValker, Miss i;.in,i Dlllinghain and Miss Mollte Money? I t DA) Announcement is made >.f the engage-] m, m of m let ' Mai garet ?Touid. daughtei ol Mi ThorAas Oould, of No. I ? ?\'..i.i stre? ? .m.i Pi? di rich Blackmoie, of London. Miss Charlotts Allison, of No, I MS ? 'llnton ???' nui. i ? entl) nt< rl tin? ?i in honor of Mi - Oo ild ?-a gay week at Washington) Springtime Proves Socially More Brilliant than Midwinter. l prora Tb? Tribane Sana? I Washington, April 11 ?When sprtngtlms in ?Washington ?as r-aUed the "Mbde s.a SOn" Who liked the informality of the term reckoned without new sdmime? Initions and extra sessions of C<ons-t*asa for j-.isi now, right le t1" middle of th? "little season far more Intereattng thines are happening than characterised th? mid win tei Meson. Two of th?* mojil Charming -vents Of the weeK past wer?, th? ISfgS dinner partie?, both sntertainsd el the Chevy ?*haae Club, lu iiuu'T ?I MMg \in?--'ii. tiae Uiitr nid Mra. V I. ? lit Mil Wtl on S a?i th? il "? B? i" ? ? ..i I ? Hem > l ? PI.' ??'' \ IrglnlS ? '" :;"! "';: ?'iVil.'.J .. 1 i 0111.1,111?, including th?- Beere? f Stat? nd M Bryan, but a f tl liVl in Bl 0 ing !"ll* "i W a*-i' I.I., Southland ? To ? Ighl i'i. sud M-1 \*. Bin Bowen uskfjil theli guesti m complimenl li..n. Mis Wilson .?"-i Miss Eleanor Wilson, .?n.i th.- distinguished compan) Incl .'''.i in*. Hm .-?i. Ambassador and Mra, Hi yce, < 'oloi si sod Mi Bobert M Thompson, Mr. and Mn QrenvUls Kane. of Neu v.itk. Mr ai,.i M's Logan Pug? Captain Boy-Ed, Oerman nava^ ait' ht l.or.i Ruatace Percy, Bi Itlah attach?; ''.ami .i \. t1.. mai. Miss Bykea Mi snd Mn Meserve, Ml M? Cluskey, Mr. and Mrs Wait, i Tuckerman, Misa Katherine !..Herman. Mis> Hagner, Miss Orsce Turnbull, Bdwln Turnbull, of Baltin Mi Porter, of Cambridge, Dr Cary Oray? son and Joseph Thomas, of New *i'?->i k. The daughten of th.* Presldenl are simply overwhelmed with invltatlona and wen ihey t.. accept half of them the. ?o'.ii'i have , no time foi the man? serious Interests t" which the) are devoted - ? gpeaklng of acc?***4!ng numerous Invite* tlona Wsshlngton soctet) has been de? lightfully surprised by th<- avidity with which ths Secretar) of state an?i Mra Bryan. sepedSlly the former, have taken t.. society in the national capital. Thooe who expected to tin,i in th" great "Commoner" something approaching ?hs ?lain for the haut.' monde ha\>- been most agreeabl) disappointed. in.i?-e.i. the Bee retary bids fair to prove the eorraotnsss of He ssuertlon that all a man BSOdS SS a Wasington wardrobe Is a frock ?mm snd evening clothes. Nor is the distinguished I Nebraakan In the least austere. On tnel contrary, h?- always has at hi? command a fund of small talk, and foiinnat.- in? deed the society ?women whom be tak.? mit to .iinn-r imosidsre herself, it is remorad that the Bscntary has heen seen frequenting the most up-to-date beber? dashers' -hops sinos he enterad the Cabinet*, an?! now that his horse }{.x has arrived society is looking to see its owner decked out in quite the latent Bagtlsh r (?line toj?s. Mis Hear) ?, Dlmock, of New geek, who has spent ths srlntor In Washington, In so plea.sed with the ?apital that sh?* h?? bought a largo plot of ground upon which to bull?! a permanent^wintcri home. Jf?r Maj_?a_et Oppenheim a_k-*?i?E'_. rrvo_ ?Horo Ml . a ? i? enti li ? Ined ?' num ber "f diatinguiahed guests .?t dlnn?*r. \i r nota ?il" *>*, .-nt l"-.i l ) a , t the Brll 4I1 1 ?? ., th. Ambassador ami Mr- Brj t,. ?! goodbi i" their fri?sndi and almost th" . ntlre ? r o? W lebingtos The Am? - idor and M ra nr ce 1 arel? . ami resident? hei>-. end bjj I ?4 ,?r?.1 their interest not ont] 1 \\ ihlngton, bul In ei erj tl ng tmei ? ? ..r ? ? ; - in .,11 part- of ti" ti ? 'I'd.- ststelj "M ' mbassa 1 was brishi with fresh ?prinu gowers and i..- and m - hleathcoal s Oranl and m Mu??, ;..i, r Oage, wlvea of th? naval and mililar4 sttach?a, i ? - I BS* ? aisti ? illty, while 1 m? m ers of I ? ? atelf a ? re present. ?, not la -?? ? ? "Ht ? hi h brought to? ? ompsnj area the recep? tion given i' the Sea National Muaoum, , . res of I ?1 ? of the IneUtutten. for the ofllcera and ?j. I? -..?? - t" th" I - ? of the 4 Re? olution coi - hieb ?ill laion i!? i" next u.. ? Mr lud Mra Bdson Brsdle* will close] t . Weahington sans?n lo-m?*trr?*w, and 44. ; 1 go to Ne? 1 ork t?. remain for a short tins? befon aslllng to apend ten weska abroad Aftei thej r.'tuin t.. this eoun ti? tli? ? ??'II take 'H' their 1 reel? .... , ..1 theli charming home en the St. i,.,.? reu? t People n Bociet] ail during the week will stroll in numbers Into the rooms m 11 atrert ?here will be aeen the notabi. 1 "f 1?" silvas water colora and pastels to be shown usdei the patronage of Mr- Wlltlsm Jenninga Bryan, Mrs trthui Lee. Mis. Bteplwn B Btktna an??. other? ?another t.?.t 1 i>i? compani ?111 meet at I ihi Belssco ?m Monda night to hear the Meek ind Wig club, of the ITnlversltj of Pennsylvania In a humoroua "?inm." Th? PreSldenl and Mrs Wilson, the Vice- I*r ?COf. denl and Mrs Marshall. Mra Thoma Walsh. Mr- is Nelson PaVgS and others ara am..up the boa holders ? Other event.? of importan..? for thr rom? Ing ?eek Include the dinner "ii Mon?dsy nicht m honor of the Secretar) of the X;i4 4 and Mrs DaOtOlS, With Major and MIS William P. Huidle ?is hosts, and at 1 o'clock on Tueeds) the ??adding of Miss Doroth) tVHUema and Monroe Byre Pin? kard, of Bon Prsin loco. Colonel and Mrs Btvbeii M Thompeon, 4vho iiav.. come to make iVsahlngton their peri?snenl boms, artll entertain twe din? ner p?rUea on?? on April 18 for the Bsc etai'4 of ill?' N'a? 4 and Mrs Maniels and another on April L'J is compliment to tn. i netmartei ?;en?-iai and Mra. BvrtfSson. ? if coursa the most Important event or next week from every point of 4 lew Is the dlnnei whtch tan President and Mi? wu 4..n will ai4?. In '"?nor of the membera of the ?'Hi'iiiei it will be the Irat .?metan stri'tl'.' otfaial?event of the administra. lion, and Is a sort of a famih- affair, hark. uii? back 10 the days of Thomas Jefferson and th?' early Presidents. The Chief Juatlee ?if the Supreme ?'ourt and Mrs. Kdward I >. White, will cue h .?inner next week, and lhat, too, is looked forward I" wllh interest One of the Intel*????eg innovations In iro.bx*'.! at the ?'?mr-rossional Club under us ns? pi salda nt, Mra l*<wn?*aa V, itetch er, will be ? Wednesday ear?! party, when the kayaka?da "f women will play cards -ilhutlie wivc? of other men. formerly no -?en were entertained at the dub. ex? I .-? i t .it l.irse r- Th. m:?' - lr to he popular, - A week-end affair whl h "ill brii ? | ? togethi ? ???? aril I I n- las.:?;'-. ... ?? Itten by w ash. the Peruvian Min |and m .-? i1, t. . died "Remaking the Raleigh," will bi -? ted The i v< nt is for the ben t of th? t ? ?"-hood H .n 'i m ' -' . Hemmlck is -? I i IH with an s '!'?' wind li th? brilliant week *- ta Amparo M - ( the Cuban Minister, will entertain th.* daugh* ten "f th.. President end Mrs. Wii on at lunch? on and ? ?mpeay to me. t them. And to doss the dm- Mr. and Mi- Robert Pitch Mtepard will entertain a din ? . - ' the < .??-,-? 'hih> for th? Miss, i wihmn and if! a ? will Join the ? ? ? - turday svenini ? Ian'?. AIKEIM Southern Town Unusually Gay for This Season of the Year. Uken, 8 ?' April 12.- Vik.n fmtX at present - Interested in several i ?rat char-' Itlea, and during th? week aera rai an? nouncementa have been matte. Mra, C Oliver Isel s s ? ?th? r, Mrs. William Ooddard, had charge of th.- an i'?i?i i.- ... ? ? '. . tlon tournament fee the benetH of the Alken relief'., ha-*? ennounred that the sum raised at the . ' .d part) was |7t?. The permanent resid?'nts of .\iken hiv*a succeeded in raising ll.eoo tins season ?fbp the Alken Hospital bUlMlttg fund, for whl? h C. Oil . I.. I n hss made an offer '.'?.?.?. with certain conditions which the rammtttei Is t-sperienclng sons Mf? Acuity in meeting. Several days a... no? in . s wer. i o-t. .1 ,,r Will. OJt's and through. out the town SOjIcltlng f..i th? hos? pital, which an to be sent to Mrs, W, Butler Duncan, who, with all ths other jCSttSgen, is takin-*- S HSSP :r*t? r? .-t in the project There has heeri consid rkhl? ??' ' n ine during the week si WIllcogTs, wlu u luncheona teas and dli civeii b) prominent memben of th? t.. colon) an?t s number who havi mo* lored "- >?: from Augusta. Mr. and Mrs Kdw.ird Living ton KlUlth ;*,.?!. ?? a luncheon on w ? dn< ids? a party Including Mr ..??.I Mis Joaeph n?r timaii. Mr. snd Mn Gouverneur M ? Mr. and Mis. Oeo**ge T smith. Mr and Mrs ?dive?- perin, Khen Byere, Archibald Harrison, ?' Borden Harriman and jos.-ph si. vena. ??th.'is who have entertairii"! have in Cluded Mr .irid Mis OirUUd poster. M s. i?!i\er I'erm and Mr. nn?t Mi> Henry P' bridge Cahsnlsa who earns oxer from Au? guste. Ths serif part of ths week was jriven over to the Juniors, nho return?'?! to BShBgl after spending s gey fbrtalgM her?* and for the time being SCWplei the limelight in all th.* events on the social There were several sporting events ar renged tor them. The Alhse ?'.im Cseh ?Aas open? d f??r a sp?*< ial s i Pbllai der Cnaee Knox, former Secretary or Slat?-. m?.ror?'d over Iroin Augusta sev? eral times this we.-k with parties and Join??! friends at the Palmetto C?olf ?'tub for matehen. J. Denmston Lyon enter? talned Informallv at hLi cottage at lunch? eon *>"***-?Ux..-KriO*s, ?*-' hr~'