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MU91C?L unTTseccMMsm GLANCE AT THIRTY YEARS OF OPERATIC SIDESHOWS Experiments With Cheap an English Operas?A Lesson That Experience Might Convey. [few York ... s of Walt? Parker, M ? - . .. ? ? . ! ? ? : ? [S York. ii Kind, "municipi I - ?iilllill? nt of whi . ' ; ? ? . ? g which ' ? ? ? ha fath? ?V ? it courae, J ewent uni? . .-oil?. I'-ii'.n that Neu ?Oi > ? ? ?? Itan Opera O ? in thi- week for twenty-three areeb ? 0? tli'.ii'. l'Ke it. ban existed evei - "invented, son;. . ie tii' itanci ??. wr<v*ks. Wh pu? menta, if ? man tttl? ht ? sger te folio*? i., ... the veriest a - th< iris]. it lead them Into a debt ? . n? |i I the philosophl .?i Laond'ir ^whereat be rejoiced because ol the pi ?? '..on which from hie situ .the reos lare. ?? different explanation m ind i?t itatlt Metropolit i Com pan) and the mmltt the < lit) ? 'lub. They muai ! tb?.':K:.: ol fil ? riiy? I an instltu? badge ol ? notion. This, at erlth th? i owning ? ipany? rtl) by ? ?? ??i lbs of ? our ? fn tbs Mr, ?rau, srhi n v. hieb en .. now, the mot I ? : older*, ho? I mom or I? ? THE "POPULAR CRAVING." . ?. tie ' city itriotlc romp whet the) bi ? ? aving. i ?oes s" m s ?if the narrative whleh will be told pr?s? not, ir ... ... how? convie? i . a-o?. i, iii'ir? da per. i eople try to get Into ? llalli and ni"! al 11 th? : ? Is I Iple "f ; ? t to be Ii ? - al ? ? ? ? i ? st "i ft"ou lbs fact in ! fei opolttan i ? < t of I ? m the manner In v. inch I ril is produced in? ie m p. ? poiteruuely | there is n?? w,i4- in Mrhleh '?ail : . ? ? !'" bj p Will the public bti , ? iras? 1 ii 44 ill l*e an swered by our ea ra on Into l?"-;i history. Mesnwhll? which has bwil taught - ind tlmei let it remembei.-?i that opera In .t ? ateti hsa a! .v..;, s been th? and the fed of the wealthy and ariete i ratlc ? ? That the populai d? all to enjo ' cultivate ti t .!? sli e t .-44 im with t ? ratlc current. The ? ? - ? . . iv. n? aa away I . Opera H? the privil?ge of braring a tern of it ? nai singera, which would dlsap i .ear a - a matt? r of ooui I the pop I ular clamor would cease VVItn? dr. J 'i ai th.- Man , . ,. . it I TI ? Nen Thesti ?? VVitnesi the fee! ? i ? and fi ..n ..... ? ral public, a S a ? ? ? ? ? Meistei sing? i end i score of In* ? irii n ma] be pi? k? ?i ?. ii of th? i narrative e hi? h folios - 1 hsi i om a memory which is fairly ? ? ? ? ? i ? ir pi- 4 in the Metropolitan sided by ?'omen.; i... oi dl 'I ? ? "n j, .? hi. h deals with n i opera, is? not told; ere operstl? aideehowa into ? hlch ??.1er wss not lured and which lefi no tra rapbooh B ,t lha i ? i "? ?i is < ompleta "i." ign to aerv? la aa DUAL. THEN TRIPLE, RIVALRY. The Metropolitan Opera HouaH v?.. ? - built beci ?M ??: Hi? growth ?.f a atrtclal ? emenl In Hem York for which no pro vision could be made mi th? ,,:,i g< ,,. of Muatc, Ti,.- nos opera ?aa -?n inter? hut it foughl vigorously, backed ;.y larger si reeourow than 11,...-..- poa? . ) Its i iv.??. and won. A bb? 4 and - companj ai d the Oei man 1 ? gima which followed buried Mapl?*son and PatU in tu?- ruins of the classic )?>.m?- ol opera n Bdbl !i*n sti' ? 1 Before th? iwo houses "i" ii.-.i i".' ti..- .???-. .in.1 round of their be,ttie, m ? ?.nbi . 1M4, Ibera ap? peared "'1 the ground a iivm t.? both In the abap? 1 a -*o?called Milan Grand . 1 lian .i.,iia 1 ompany, which gave open weeks at iti<- Btar Theatre. .lam?.s Barton K"4 and Horace McVicker and 1 hi 1 ? v> aa much that wsa sdmirsbl? In theli organtsstlon, the nucleua .?: which t?.??i probal ) drift? . .1 up, aa s., ina 114 <?p> ? at Ic huika ?.? ?? n, s., .th Amei i? a 01 Meal. >>. The compan* contained an adml .. tenor named Qlanlnl, who afterward ? ?n.. ? i Colonel Mspleaon'a tureee "Th< expet Ited In financial failure." -'?.Man ill II.s "< 'hSptl . ? ' Opera" sententloualy, "bul it lntroduc?Ml to New V n k the South American opera, II Qusrany,' b) Beftor, Oomea An Am. 1 lean ' it noted, all ell one from 1.?low the equatoi "You tee ' 1 ? ?zed the' Brasilia n Conaul, sftei ?srd v ntatfve ?d hla < oui li .-. at ington to the a 1 itei. "we prod h a thing 1 ? aid I ? i;i as 1 m .i and Walla? a gave a 1 In Bng . ?h (a form ?if opera which al leaal four general of New 1 - ? id slreadj knos nj si the I' fth av< nue Th??tre; th? n <i sap? d in tin- depths in the fsll of IMS 1., 1 -> introd .. ' d < termas oj ? ra . ? tha T talla Thestre, and kept It up 44 n h th? asm? l< lasliuJea thai hai ? ii 44,-i\ ? Gtei nsn lh? att i. ala f?.r -?are; but there wsa >." un-lei -1 Calendar for the current week. ftUNDAV?MetroDolltan Opera Houss l:M p m.? symphimic ror-cerl und? l ? ,. ,. linn ..i fllanoi Toscanli ? ? ?' ?set ho ven i Mi h ?Symphony: . ., . Hall, a |. m . raf? ???? n '?? I ?' ol i. ig? n? ? iye B.1K p .,, . . ? h? ii..- Italian Plill armonlc Bo? Ie? Monday-Carnegie Hell. I.W ' rarcwell recital ol , Culp. slnm-r; .\i.-?i..i ..uta?. Opers m. x i -in Italian opera, l-a ntt T'jesday?Carnegie Hall I P '' ? rerltel bj Klena Oerherdt; Horace Mena A ?toril ... Col urn bis I nh - "? ?tel Wednesday- \i? i.litan Opera Ho - . s p. .... English opeig , r?fale* I fall 8:.Hj p. m.. concert ol Hie Columbia I t I ?-???. ? WURtDAV?Metropoliten Opers How ! n ... ?? man opera al popnlni .??,., ??[.. ?/;,,,..?..-i?,,.- R p m itall r. .s, "Don i.? inali Carnegie ,,,,.,. ni the m ?? i 'tridav?Metropolitan opera Hou* -'" m... s?-mphi?nl? cet ind? ,,,,,,,, ,,. ?.?,.,,,,i Toscaiilnl. ?? :-" i ? ": Iteethn n- .Nintn S niplion Caiiieixle Hall I IG P m concert ??i Hsrriet War? - mmim o? i Opera' House *? p, m ? Hellsn ???? ?a. ?""?? le-illan it II ? IS , ,, Bong i?- Itsl n\- Idell? l':1'" '-"" ""l i;'1'1 ''?"': / SATURDAY-.M.poll tan 0,-eia "" ??". -' ?;. '"- tost matine- of the seas i rtussian opera In Italian, "Boris tnidunoff . n n m last tierformsnc? o| i he season Italian opera at popuder pritee. ?'AMa* Hotel Piece, i:M p. m., i?, un? ?.i pianoforte mu? ' bj Mm? Pek* ben, ____?___ g o| nature until I \in"ii an ' M" ?! ' mpsi . ? . ' sit ripecl 44 I. itHklria. I. rtighout 1 ? - ? i . , . . sal dation t.?? ra in Et uf ' ?| heodoi ?? operation o ? ? i I lion >.f siiu.'..!* ?.,??'. nal ? end of i ? ' ? ? t*wo ' thai nail? w hi? h wa I een up? ? ? a Bien? h if .1 1 id b? ? 1 pon II 'b. Bina of it.. ? ? ed it, ind? r the l Natioi 0 ? . in n - guag? ol It? pei foi man es s it then tmei 1. pertory, and it? most slgnll ilion t.. Ihs local 1 ??-? s not ti ? 44 huh hS - ri"l t.< . ri Ina rd of sil Rubinstein'? N ? 1 srhlcl its second ?eason al th? M? r< Opera Hou Meanwhile ? 'olonel Mnpleaon hsd goi ? 1.a. k in 1 ?ondon a ?otet I? .1 man a little vain, p.*' hapi b?...... of I 1 dial m?'i 1.o. which i." waa auppuaed lo .: th? onl Impresa 1 ,?> ?? a ceed< 1 m getUng Into dsbl io Mm.. Adelina PatII S;* tngelo 441... 1 . , ... .n Ma |. ? -"" - s ???-.??;? n aati ? "1 a ?. as,m . Hi ?.I I th th? 1 smnsnta >.f M iplei on'? con other .11 tists. 1 ...i uiii^.i 1 vid. ml fron I la ' Bid.1. ?hi ii hsd I? fl win n \>rdi'a "1 1.?.in..,.'.: an-1 "Luisa Mlllei 44? 1. populai ..i ? pabulum th. re n> ga\ 1 sncee, at which, so ,t v*a- 1 ithorltatlvely repoi te.r at the time hli re? elpts ? one third "f hi? espensei ? 1.1 >?< be oin? d the m.-.a.1 n MME. PATH'S TRIUMPH. Affei iii. cl.' the 11 ? ;?-i ma n Mason at tha Metro ? 11 ti.mlng "?' Mr Th.?mai n th hla am bltioua '"it misguided fore?*?, Mi \ who Mad li bei 111 In 1 he ; ? - ea ..i the establlahm??nt, ram? back with 1 company headed by Mme. PstfJ. Hh?? who oould not prevail agslnal th? Metro j polltsfl ?...A.m v? hen In "i posllIon mad ? .1, ... - 1 mph 1 n si \ perform : ? ib.- recelpta w. . ovei ?. and Mi a I Abbe* scorcu 11." IP"' si..'>-4 4? n, .li al i t. iai.-.i an opeiatlc enti rprls? ncl r ?;? , the .in.-. 1 auaplcea ..' ;'.?? owners of th" Metropolitan ? ?peri Ho 1 1 He d ipllcsted it Ister, aa w? aha I -??. but mih i.. ? gust ii" '"ii.m" d a ?th '." nsm .,1 Hatti. sa pdtsasnt h name then aa Carneo la nos n.-t us waate no I on ti.. doing' "' tha Nut ?".ir. : Opera t"_m pan] m tha nest iwo aeasonsi th-fj ara I not a pleasant roemoi v. 1 ' ??n ht ? - ? great ' ? II ! S.I p -i . ? . ' (ai Rut the pu r In Jun? i. i.?. ... ?????.? . Mr. James . '? I | ? I a . > . i isT opers In Kngll ? i Ihei i a? ? ? In i?. m . t?lrt." T . ? i n cess tin ni ir ti.,- ni? ???' FURTHER EXPERIMENTS i .. uni ' from th? * reeked An ? i lean ? ?p? ? ?? ? 'ompan l gan ?? appear Ip the tlieair? i iini.i .1 ie p., ? be had ? ? - - 11. n'a briet end Ittl i ...... had I. ?. n !.. Il ROI ' Ml i i. in '. . ? n.,.1 ? . i... i uli t . lei m., ?.?.o at the M.-' opoliian Mi * '?,??--. on Mm ?? ? i with an it..,. ..o . omp in ?? which Paul Alban . .-... ill .1 .III '!..'. .4 r.!.. " ? .ii and i!?? stti ndu.n the nights In which Pattl did not a as i< or in? ? - pltlfijll small . it? ol thi boa uffli ? . i. t ... n \iban v.i -i'., i ... is In his prime and he brought II ? . ht ft "m y ? i ill end Milan ': !? . i'atii . . . '. an I ? It? i-, thai or ll nhcil? \. far? .i ?. n in ? ict? '.. i \h . i lamm? i il In "i ?.! a ? ompan?.i i i op? i ? i : i ? . .... ? , i., il not tempt ? In ? ?? !?.??? i Istl ?.. .o i ..i ..n n. ni. m id? ? to ii ? n ?. I ? i i . ? nal i "f II" ? .: ,.,..., |? .lui},|, A eon son. a i l'aslm II Hein, at Iht l-en? ran s : ... |. . the Hi it p ' I" .? ? I ;| serfs ' sft " ?-. .?i n,,. ii?v irked th? i .n sn Improvtoi 'i stagi la I bs ? "i? ? ?? i hall, and hevl ?? bettei rast ami ? ? ii Wim the thiiit Hammemteir ?|?il ?ifii i Ihtreo p\ i form? ?iron on ;?.? ? Ifl I) ? In an in the lummei ?>i imi ? ^? the painter m al ove ni" atsge of the M? tropolltsn fOI ? I, . air a al prOdUCtl.t' Ml. Al''"'\ 44 ho had again becom? tha l?*?sea "f tua boxiat . itarted ? lire a ? 11?, lu? pipe o> en ! Hi" Interior wsa ao aerioualy damaged thsl the atnckholdsra ?are in ?oui ? i apace sa t" ?4 hether or not It a ..i m while t" rebuild, it wsa at thsl The Tribune ?ame for? : with a n commendstton, a hlch baa mann? : b?*>?>n acted on alnee, it wot g . pose me mon? : i d men of New ? ,. ?.. r? iton and Chi? ago who are ana? lona in he!| In l ? ad an?*? mi ni nf art ?elate th? ma? Ivea and endow Ion n opei i i -? s on of Mi month* .. ; v i?-, dtati lb ited among th? .i, . i ... i ? ?eery tn ., ,;. , to ? ; ? ? '"'*' P r' ' ' mani Ith foreign artiste; |g montha and long time , ontr ."t-*- ?<,,! ' mat ;* ' aatly better i. nn? t ban w< ? under the poll? y pursiii ?i o ti . M? tropolllan dl.* . ? , a?], a i,. rmanenl ??n?i.i4v isaible th" ? ? .-ni ol a public Bplritl d ano I M the fix Ina ?f ? N -' standard of i . ? ?? ? ? nt a Igrg? ami hi" ..?I poli? y," Pel bapa thla la .? ?m,, on at I i " >? " ' i ? lo be arlahed, though the tin." cities nos ha'..- their own ' ".ni'.'n.e-. which are Interlocked In nteresti tn Boms est ni HAMMERSTElN'l FIRST HOUSE. 1 he Meirop lit an a ? ? nol rebuilt si unce, i nd th? ra a aa .i era thai a in the aint? Mi Hammerstein opened his . o.. ? Rouse, o Mth Bi dwa and Sei ?ni h av. nue, >i Jan isr) fi >'" I le hsd n i gnnli .mpsi . - ? ??? n Kn| llsh, and brought out |hl Mo ikon - 1 - i rythlng looked id.era-h ? .: ? hlch Mi ' Thei s ?/ai m Ha lein wesi d t ii fortnight ib* i tnd ' abandoned t .?? ? i. - i. npsny a as n?.i g i, ..i sum" g?Md ? ;.;.. that are likel) o l ? ? I In Ei gllsh, if rama of th ? mu. 'aik<"i about . . n H ? wea i . .. h ? ta '. ial .s sai renl , . ... ? ??, it i? I not n i appeal that ??:? . ? i'i.-r .if , fad ?hick fon Ire of good vet ?orne ? ? ? a It an sri .... rhree reeuli f? ? "? ' .!'??.. UHU p? 1h ' - ?rlth? ? ? r a i man? tha Metro ed of his ? r return <>f PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINERS ESPERANZA GARRIGUE Mt; ?M i?! M. LULEK i.iilrn.r Hi: I ?.'ml ? PHILIPS I tare lOMTI N A l> M THEODORE von HEMERT It \???.|l < \\ I ?. V | I ? in I ills? I.- I III?.-. I 111 "?' WOODRUFF i. i" M ? .?. JOHNSON t? M STUDIO HALL irsa I l 1MIIII HOPKINS Mt; IM ?lM.IM, If 111 Xi ? r t ,,k' I Bll _PI_f -'IRMAN HXRITONK t(_D L-sl ?_- %ea _ _, ?? ? ? mm **** ****? "????'??**?? JOHNSTON I.,; I ? 'nil ?I Itr.n.U , n ni me r?;?.? UP? i: \ I <?. ?im: a n w in. gene gate > ! II I II \4 1 M I II \??,M I \\ I \ S | | , , p -.1* lllveralile lirl.r. I ARTHUR D . | | I || on f? r i ;i .??-?i tlth at. V.? ...r). a- S I <?.| ?Mil II I III?l mi _ " III Mil ?TTI Mm ? ? pi on? UM ? 1.4 If. I) is .... i .... h h c ru ?OH KarUm. \ Mi. Ml! I 'IK .VI BIC .? LP I? p. hear?? i.i I MTH ?T., ?til VI hum' lo \ \ Ml i.-iill I IHITKI. I It \SM IV ' ?i:> ti. m ?. mi: in. ?? \?. I6iti v v MORSE ?M Mil I II I?.. ? ..lare,| 4 ... :.l an.I III.In? n.. m . i i alert sisera Mal ' nualc and al an? i-t- 11.. ? 4, \\ Kell- Ms ACCOMPANIST ?.#._? PAUL GUNDLACK ;:n \?<?i nuiii ?>irr.'i Pli.m.- IretoMe vim. | UUII ???N 0? ?_?_??_?# , r,,?rr_Hr,.||?U \,|ili.-44 i?,?? I I M(| MOST UK. Ve?. l??rU. I'll.,?..- leOI ?loriiini'-iiile. HULSMANN TRIO %%???{* ? . i ; i and piano ?alec .?Mr.?. I reilrrir llnUniniin, ?2.1 - I'hoi ?? ...Hit .? SPECIAL PROGRAMS I ?RRAMncn AT HOMES I kmHm ? ?.?.. .M.?' Rulorlu? ." n?i,|). 1 \v **tii HANS MERX "r",r)r;r","r .41;-? .r geta-rtesja x Kam., i \v .in h gi Par. - Ml 1. ? "? ??III?? I |2fl || 4 ,v ?.II II I Will I'MIN. ACCOMPAIUIST I-.? M V v || 11 | \\ ?,?,?. T'hun-. a.*!?-* Rivar MI.MII F?i>I*ET ""'"'? '" '""??' *??" 1 i oatum? . <.r?.iu>iii# H, i.i minor C. Baldwin ;:;;;;;:, I ?Hi HI., x.* ?is i ? ? i?: pianlsi 11.-. Ma 11,m in: w?*.i f.'ii.i si. -phrase rheUe* SOSS, in.hi..i.,n WILLIAMS Clarence EDDY ;/;:;,;,.,. REIMALD WERRENRATh inirMiir Mi .i .,, mi ' n ? . ? i \v :iiii si . v y r.usrae ?VIIFRT7 '"??"?>? ** Way ?r>la .??_"" nut nit*, ?aid, ,,.?,,,1 ,Ke?.,,,.,,,, '..' .1 ail ' a. ?i. Ki? Hall, 47s * i ,, .MoMILLAH^^^'V-^.v-*? ACCOMPANISTMi- Kal'-J?SoWwif kx MM UK I II FAROE,rrn,U ?***?_ ?'???Hon. LHmnu- . ir?*ai nui, fa, AOVBRTIHKMKKTa v\f IUBS(*1UPTIONg i.,i fh? Tribun? i-..-I4..1 m Hi?. Vatawa .?Hi. ? ? ? I ai la .?.I?4H . I . 144.-, n ;?ilin m,,| 17th -i ? until !? ... i.? i? i> m Advertise I.It- I? .14...I ,11 III.' full. 144 UlK ?ifliCfa m Maillai i.i!?.?, ii n ? it S n . I... 'a |> 111. ?,/; PU ?>iii ave., a. a tmt, mat ?< I ISM ?iiii a???. Ott Un. m : UM goti tl'h *?? ? ????? nteal Uri at., batveea 7Hi mut Mti avea . ?Ml w?*?t r.'.'.ih -i , MM. M ?ve? U'W 1st a\x-, near j tin h || , HI last U?iiil?. i the Italian iegime und? i Abbey, ?'?? lioel j fel A Orau, i irn? i his sttentlon t?> Eng' I llsti opera, and. becked by Mr, Qeorg? I Qould, dira? t. ?i a season si the Oread , ? 'pera Houe?. beginning In Ma). IM, [tu mosl notable achievement ?.i.? the pro? dii?-ti??n of "Paglfecd," which, ilk? "Cevsl . la Rusticana." became a Bxtur. in the Metropolitan Opera a-? soon as it had effected |n entrence there. Foe s time the enterprise !"-?m<'ii t?? flourish, bul ai the ?rid h went the way of ail vagr?*m I operatic flesh. Mr. Hlnricha, who wai directing opera In English in Philadelphia and conducting th? performgn?Eeg al the ?.tan.l m the fell of IM tOetober), gr< \ too smbitlous to be satisfied with the Weax Si.i... H?- t.?..!-. his company to ; ?? Oarden Theetre sed art ? fashion which has prevailed widely ever since he In? tro iue?>d 'h. do ible bl I, "? 'avail? rls II - i . gna" and 't. - n That, hewevi r Is all need be mmembered sboul his snterprlse. In two areoks he confs ised his ' failure and went baeh to Phlledelphis The Tribune said In explanation thai M Hlnrii '?- i" md thai b? could nol ? the . handsome ? l?entele s hl? h hi ....,? ? trend ? ipei s i lou te to the Thi a? tr... \? th il 'i no* make ths patrons of th? Oarden Tl ? k'i.i Its elass believe that th? anees whk h he gees arere worthy of t heir support si rag ilei theetn .ti ?'..? for ths best seats) In Noven little i Ipple xx) ivas ? il of I mystery as t<? it- raison <i Mrs wei b) the m lianizati'iti <?f a. eumpatr. t> p. r f.'iiii Qounod's "Philemon st Beucls" m Bngtlsh at Herrmann's Theetra, a tiny plsyhouss in Broedwey. '? ****** not sndun long? The spring "t" UM was big irith p ?? ? win n ths friends of German opera "?ruf the representatives ? I German opera, .\r. end Walter Damraeeh, wi. . oi h been a? live el the Metro ?Opera House during the ?German r?gime) atlon for that foi m . ? lertainment. Moth men bed vblubls ' poii. a:.?I an effort WSJ mad., by rr. , rtds to i.mi- them togeth? ? I* rv.;.,. ' Mr. .-*?>?.n t'..,K up r-oncert work bel Mr i ? - ? - though it looked Inadequate ? <?? en? to go i?? <;? ? mai ? ./?? a ... mpanj. with s htcti he ?? -. ? son on Pebruary :i. lkt*\ it - .n Neu Y?>i !< ind was s ' Inglj - I at the M? tropolltan i ?p?re ? . lern..,.? ?..i the '.' ? ?tendard with BOgt year M I '.m l t.. ?-o to th?' thOUgh he dl'1 not do - ? ? ? .: * si ?.- "i nt to continue ?-till am - and h pai s ni. Churl <? ? of Boston, gavs Italian and ?w men i or g season ai the Metroi - being ." I iiiiliiiii.'.l mi tilth page. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION._ -\..t all m?? I.""* *? rti-t-. '??it tret? ana "?? ka tonghi ta ?in* artistically.' HAGGERTY-SNELL Teach-Srus0ifcVooal 210 W. 107th St, i\ \ ? m 1.1 ? - -. PIANIST ERNESTO CIIS HOTEL M-.PSKIl.LF. Brnadwa*. * 103d St. N't. GREEN VIOLIN gOLOMt UM?? uncen .. .'?r.ViP. I WMh M.'lr..|inli?an l)|iera II?>.:-.<? **r< '"*?'?;"? 1 *HIII*N 11*11. \*ral ltd Ai. ??t mho MSO. ! Ilaahl^nie. .'lim 7lll *?. I'h' :T??\. FREDERIC A. WETS PiAHitn ***** 11 M Hi-.H. . - Kiiiuel leeet} I HereM ?eaet. m;i ? *i?\M.ll II M I. N v ' LOTTA VAN BUREN PIAKOPPRTg *M? IHMU'V. vt imi or ti *?<?' ? ? h*i EB. -n: **i s| ?in-ill ST. ?''?> ?????"r ll-rt' 06 BERIlI "'?'. Teaebsr sf Pi sds Hetaeel Metropolitas . )?,. : ? Si i ? ? ? ' ' l . ' ? !?!*? Bj id .?. W>jl T: i *?? S ?_ Clementine I II C If "T^V!,,. I , . . Il al H 1eM?lier of ItlS letedoux li V V 11 |rt of ?aala?. MISS IDA M. HOW \ I *t I |ll\ MilMI I UK HI ? Studio Hull SI I ?? - !2_Mad rD*?** JAHN M"??5?-?if* i n PI n in.truiili.n. -.-... I " . ? ? ? , II* Kl*' il D 1 E R ?'''???'?**? ? fxt V x\ tm 11 i,,.ll>;, ,,,.,, M ? JAMES BALSAM \&S Il * Mil Dit I t |\*?l Kl I I IIIS | Il \ l( MON* -*i I mo inn ????i IUTH ->l i PEAVEY I *.?.l-.?tln- ? ?""????I ?,,l , ?.? ,,. Il* W. SSTH ei n * ? ?: '! ' ; ? ? SS t ii.-n-i \\e.. R.;.i?n Th??n. ;i; I v ' . BLAND '*""'?" ?S*Em**a~agA u m-r nuini < i l<?v ? il . - ? . ? -Ml.;* k-l I F 1 I l'him.i rssirher, I'UIINK H ?V t-t t?? \, , i.iii;i:,lli?t. KssUsars Siedle, im Seat h Portland ?.ve., "FRANZ LISZT" ^SS i *? miriiii?. ri.t.K? r*-aebbsg. | tiabl -, \' ' .*. 10 I hlnl *?rnnr. COUCCT PI IDk'C CliNCOI wLAiil-.C ??. ,, , f. TROMBONE -..; i ,.? ' mu ?l '. i; 4 sic. p n n 171*5 i. UUUllO ?.ri un? * i ??-. i *-r n?;i n -i ?. JOSTY HAMMOND 1 It.iimn l.iiiiiiiiiillnii" i p| -,1 r.i gll King ? ! i S|i?.ikiii*i In m ? r i ? , , .?.? ? M tropolltaa I II i ? 1 - ? -.... N. V MAX BfcNDIX Stadl? r... '? MHS v.,,.. - : ? . . songi * ml VN INSI Kl ( THIN K?6LER * ->, ni l>:?< her. I'h " v i .? ????? ?elebml .i Bertis fea? her, Muri'lii'-i Method liiiiuhl lU t X ird si. ALEXANDER BERNE ri *nisi III IKUKM I I. *l *l I IOsKIIV. '..... ,.: i ?.' . r ? i iltnont -.: r M m?- pro A V*\\* * LRtt ef glnglns '... ..-? ?? i- . ' ? ? . i: i-i?i s? CT|||DT r of 1 cutlon i? ? Mary OIU?l.1 malle Art Classes Tors a Vu i.m ? m S' ......i mm t'ai | h . VIRGIL PIANO CONSERVATORY H \ M VIRflll Dire? tor, 13 U 7Sth Sr HENRIETTA SPEKE-SEELEY Sach?h i i 123 Hi., ?Amtvt lit ?. ?oollian Op. ? . n- ,-?? | ?aiUsus. BOGERT teeefss?et Blnglns*. -i-, nn.t i:-. ii iii leeJlaa Hall, v v c. mi*.*. D v,' D M V P1AX181 v\|? |llltl?K*ll DgI%leEi TKMHKlt :-::.\ Bruail? .. roi SOth Ht Bon and iiinr. i.l si A* BCngCB ".i- ?I'd I'" !??" l. OtURtn gtelnway Hsll ? mi Hsll U - ? 15 I SI . w ...i md Bat.I ",?'* ARENDRUP Sg/g," \ ? " v.. BTl DtO ' -'?-' w i?'?*? T .?? ? il KTRKK1 >*,*, TOR PAD IE rSSl gtttdlos MilTMH I \KNI-:i.lK IIVII. WILLIAM C. CARL l.l II.M*NT OKI.AN SCHOOL, 14 ** . l'.'lli Et. .???... de PERSIA -."SSS.. ??%?!. lOMIIII- ?V IC!? ll'Als. : ;s \\ Il 'il. SI C. B. HAWLEY r?,S5B?.or |\,n Mniiiii, \...!..'.ti Hsll, :;i w?"i l'ti st y.ii.*sr. BERNSTEIN Pi??VffA Tli?? R igoas Bei -.?r.m Ti lo, Tel !'????" Moi ? Ins THEO VAN YORX TBafOB VOCAL gTl'OlO, ?i WUT MTH st mus. R?PUniiD v"'** ?X???'tins S9B.SN HILLIH PWUlim?--* Ht. il v?M Mail S.| HAUSIRa^ iffl? W. J. KITCHENER Toar he r Bs nie. Mi??'?l?Un. ??uilar IS7W. S4 Mt. JPATCPU * i'doii? ?*H? **?>l<?l?i Uni i, % . UUIOUn in-.iruot.on. loin Uadlsoa Av* ??aiua? initsrtnn ?*??"?*?- ""l Teacher. TOei ,r, **E*m\EE farnogtoHall Mon.AThur. ! ?Xm CONSERVATORY K?'-,M^rT*??i?;| ROBBBT HOECH X,!V,;,N ''???00, ?IVl'VII _(?:i Knit ;i.t Ht jkssig cryiicD tk?th?r of .simhno O. lLlini.B '.' \v. lilth St. Mon. ?tr Thur?. iieotge Kiy Concert Organist. Instru?-" Heiiry 1#S?* 1 '.?on. 341 W??t 58ih 8t. RUSSELL METHODS SUMMER SCHOOLS. ? i r ?a. ?: v ??? , ? . tu... , ? ..- r - ? : ??i ni- aas. ? h in HENRYVH0_DEII HUSS I'l ?Ml \M? MIM. I*r.< UM? Kpeehll t ..?Kai rrill^.ai.lllHl l'iinil?. ??mili., ??teint?a? Hall, N. \. ? it?, m ?im; vi i 11 l i ruoM- mi i i;i.??? ;iM Mme. ?pIW \ ? W A\ i.i:\m?.ti< R..,3i?c CHAL?A t fgssg? < ??A? ?I loi: ??ri K \ Voie? 1*1?. m? n -.??ialti >iinii... IS Ka?i Mfjh -t. LACHMUND .' v "v knWIIIIIWIIH rit???.ni wsii i . Muni to < i \??*?ii m >?> MEHAH STUDIOS \ *>< imoi i ?u; x (Ml i. 1 .lin Dennl? 3 ' ?' M I ?s. ?? :n l'arnegl? Hall, X. Y. VIOLA PALMER '..V: IM < ?i'l Ml MM lt lt\ K A K AIX Kl?! 11?. Phillip MHfsil vMitit VIO M' " ' \ an D* lae Slitdl. ? l t'.iaiitl t? ? noms -Wb. !?_ KURSTEI?IER ? ? I ..iri|??>??*r ?in.! le?. \\er ? l*i n.n ?n-l rhi??*?. tue narr ? Mta ax. M?-i Helene Kieff-Pignol I I \? Ml i; m *'4i,|4?. HTt'iitn isa WKHi .-?ii ?-i . xa:? DR. CARL E. D?FFT il M H KR ?m ?? ?LIM.. ,i i mo las u ? >i .? ? n -1 ? t '.? lORK. t'jnetr: Oratorio. V-at-st In?i?-"? to-? "i-ratles MaH.?I ? ?*'?*? ii,,,, ,. 11 : i. .. ml ? >>? Il ? etaea, .? NU G 8 tl> A M 11 U ? M mi i goroi n W ??il R ? "", *?? hiim; U.V. Ilr-..l?.a>. M l/MM .11 I U P P |f| \J i..,.-eri.. neeMals l-sell? A? -??"*Jf ,fc ata M inn. -i. wA on " ?"?? VM.IIM III lYaUllU Ml s|. M 111 M MV. .s il KM? nwn?mm ? ? IMVKRHIT1 ?KliKKFg B" "If GRAND . OV.-.I K\ ITOM Or Ml *??? n ??."'????*'': MELBA ^.V^V.'.'m'^-'? .:???!.: i "Corruccini:;Vhkh ,, ...Til s! ?n, BURNS ROURE?tV.!* M MMBS rO.aWI VOin Miiti; ...?:, u -?'? . S PlIlllC SPEAKERS TRAINED BOLTWOOD . . . ?' ie,...n..e ?je Akina * \ ... il In-lri?. Ii.>n ?KM.!... WAINWRIGHT RSrS? -*-*-- ^'" ? _- ai? r. '?* v .i?h '*' 1 l.'l \4 a. I M - N > ?? n sMK BEASEY ALFRED b! SMITH fjs| CONRAD KIND SAM'L A.BAL0W1N ??.sapiOvV. -T. .r- BKISIOL ?.t'M^vvARNER!,;;;::^ fmasu WOELBER A* _. _a Ira.!"" ? |?7 a*? .'???** JENSEN \?hhI *??? lii'iut: **9-9^^**^^**^^**^~nnnm ,i niBi?."*"'*'* . ii?.? ? ii, . i ?rtr '? t?" "Aaverle.? ?_ 1"-'"'".? "" ' -L _. ru...? m\k\ p i N N E Y * t.??'?"??? r i iv?r ?*?:.,,,?,, ,.<?! i'.??r; WINTERBOnOM , Ml,.. I .rie." .??????????' _pi N N sIM.IM. I??K '?.V,'! V???II.*< H*?1* ? '7?- STINSON : C, VIRGIL GORDON g^ggg MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.^ D. B. ROCKWELL, Bg?p Mow Located at 136 Waat ?d ft?. * Violin. Makiair antt ??pair? ing. Old Vlo liaa. Caass. Bows. Tsstad Strings und outfits of all ^^^^^^ kind?. Mr Rockwell I? l . y widely known h? an expert and "Jl^1*-" -*-?-l?ltna and C?U4?>