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MusicdlNotes^SFdndFCommenl ? satlaued fr?.m ferwth rus-.. ... .n the < | eduction ..f h - ? "Scarlet Let .... n the last t gun ?enba? h. Do? Pi not, B* ? as> The ?? I Satt rdaj matli ? ? ?HA EN S EL" IN ENGLISH. ? I ng ..n i ? Hi -. ; , ... , i ?'? ?rought i? rompan) of and began t bal - on ?.t "I hm ,.| und Qi t? 1 ?? ? di B ? ????.-.?...... in nadi quat? and i ante to an \ \v??iK of ..- ? PTtOiy o| ?" ?? in - ? ti Metropolita ... i t he i . ,t ? ?? >'? tl Madison ? hi? h announ' ?.?i lardei The :?'. ' In Rni 1 ?? ??? ..?; ! '. i -?>; -.? || - -? '->". C A STUB SQUARE COMPANY. i ?-? . I?W -. > . ? nt of -: ? . Ht I ??..!! -? ? i ? bllltat?* "i" ' .... . ,,-? ,,ll ., ng a ga li * r. 8a vag? I - M< \; ,-? ?v .??;?? unit? d aith ih'iM' ..f Mf. Qrau and ? ...|1 ? ?. I. ,:??? ? services ol practl .. i ? . srere ? - i epi rto ding one work ?. i I i ... .... .?...*. talked ?i ,i ?,.-???? nlnary to th< ? ? ? ? ? ? araa to ? ? s - talent and the ; Met ?>. - ? ihicb - ? Id. On - ; glVlg? j .... gles Into j ? , - ? ? ? ition at th? Ore. At hall l ? ... .i r..? . om? '. ? Ir. i . wit i ? did l ? ? ?' ? ? Girl ol , t lv ? ? re Buttert! irden Th? ati e on Kovem- j ; ? . , ? | 11?? i I Hfl ? ? ? ? v - opoliton com? hb?i Introduced II In Itelian on il. : - In an ? Bepteml - ko. | ? I thlr? i .... ... tut to follou 111 itan und Isolde, j 'Ring.' ? ? - -?' "' rhe pu gi and ? . better ? n . . ... ? I .-.m told that II If ... % . ? . ngl' It all ;" ?? ? ?to oblis ? ' t ?'' ' m?nent ;. :.ii !?.,< ? Pra* t ?' o ?i from ? man But whi *? ? ' - grand O] p mi? h?"*n ? ? ' ? .... ..' ? ? it, ||o" and >>t h> t out i, r.;.. with I hlngs In t e con nn<*. ' ISIT0R9 nROM FOREIGN CLIMES. . . ? t ?,. . i. 111 n ) j . '? i ... j at lea '. o n sl Wal? ? I rae I .... but i ip ..i pa .;,,: -.t?, the it"* al it ?i*ii of I..? ?Seals Tii!?. ? "in N?v Vor', Ulli 'i- tesliusl rrectton of v. ?? I ort II I of ' ,:. " prom? ? ? | b it, sfter th ? ? u)i?n Ti?- Tribun? " net a? i ; down Broi d i -?? to g vert? h- found the irk end til tij ? i. Th- Ro] :?' ? omp iny bad ?joe? ellrrn ? Th- u..r?' outcoms of Mm to th? teg <?r*er;i HotlS? hi ?OetObei ; , . i, ,.\f|-:...,l4. ?! till . ib In th- ii)'*iii":.' of al1 ! otereei In ipei stl? hit "?' ! '?mi?..*.?.r brought s companj t .... .i >i. . Ictini from I, ? .-;, Vfiil'-llH ? .ti.. "Zsnetto" and "Riti real ren the ? cpeetatlons of lb? rs of Italian ??|.?r;i He did n??t en ? two doohs. :?t"i the blami teas i" r not nil with th?- publie, for h? ?I ;i s?ir i > ipproclatlon ??f Hew ?<? n i demand?-. However, tube r< emphaaised one of the truths re ig "prrn in the metropolis: arlthoul . restlg? of fashion it rannoi sue? Had M;?.** -airin been tn\ it???i to the toUtsgi to produce hli "Iris," or ? ?du? ? hi? ? 'avillorii," the ? tt thusiar-m would have been boundleee, MORE RECENT FAILURES. a few r?ore hiini???i notes end this ???range, eventful history inn?-' ee brought irftrsior ??n Mereh 14 IfH ?Cher irir.ii eenpeajr (reea Neu Orleenel ?*gan whni argg I?, be ;? ihr.-- WOOM? n .-.r the ? ;.:i.n?. it gavs Nee Y?uk ? ???? . gperten? ?? of Mme. Breaste**? f??-inoii'? tiiinicn, for which ?are he? s evei -iric.- hf-.ii hi at? fui. Then it died. A ? 'i ti-... margin ? ?' the i?!> ?'^i' scrapbooh nays curtly: "Ths c^mvany Ulsuauded bc?orc the fourth ?" . iiiiii:.?? ? mi \. I ?ei ? '? nos nu ' - . ni ? . | . ? ? ?t| ? ? i. heraell n :*." Pi , ? On Noven n-. tboi. Opera < "ornr ".? a to hai ? pom neai ei solving 11 "i cheap opei a In Bnrrlli h tt-gan nn gajiii itioi - ? : Bsrag. ? a ii- . i 44 . , r ?i ha - .... . , vpril i'i ' "?* Ahramao t'omp I In Ma y wont to I * .?.?m Thesti ?. ? 1 still s ? hen ;t announ? ? tivsl." m the sam lin??* K. ? ?;. , nn ? ? ' pOSSC? Bo i and M and ninduel i ?? a" s'il nigh I bj \i Mme. Mnulfourg and M Scott I Bad? l'.i ? . ? ... ., .... ? ' ?. . ;. tin . ' i -? "-..n I ? . . , . ? .,,, .1,1 ", i '...?,. i | -?;... \,- . ; >.| >.i * r - - i I'.iiir. ? ? ? .- .; nia i... '. ? i; ::..- |. nd Ki ddlei Mt ? ? . the " ''' op ?n?will . . . .!.!<?>.> Mm?*-. and M. --; ?, Mar? p, t ? ? Co/irsttjbic? Un* i> e/rjj/ cy C? or-al ConcerA ^'Sjor: /6 ' ? ;?' ? ? . - ? ?ti r?l \; ? the directo In the line ? ? . ompa .;...? - | ' M uttan and I ? itre ire of th? ? ? th? M< troi th? N ? ' ., ? inn n n opera! ? .... era i "It j i . ? ? I : -? ' ' Doc? m ' ? who sells Ncai ? not managing -. i ompan; , i ' . rap? ?> i ? i ' i.i-. in. i . ? ? i.t ?ears W< hal ? ?i ha- iroi ? ? ? ? Mi ' lamn ? enture hI nul to th Metrorx did th irok? ol o?- ral ? . it t:. K. ? ??e--?? AT THE METROPOLITAN Toscaniiia to Conduct Symphonj To-nipht anrl Friday. i len? ; si Manag? r < lattt*< ;. ?. ?en*? 'i on? of ' he n o-i Int? ? ol ' be Metropolitan Opera aeai n until thla, Ita closing weel trturo 'I'ox. .-mini to the Am ri an , f..r the 11 r aa t inn.- aa a BJ mi I | ductor. Thla Importan) mus?? ? 44 ill tal ? pise? to-n gl 'i ""? ?? * iii consial >" Be I ..,.-ns Ninth Byrt?* 1 i.|i..i > 4vith Minea. H? mpel ai <i and Mesara Jon and Urt s/cld a soloists and ;? ? horui of t? o hi ndred ro ? a) mi'h'Hi' 4? ill be pri dled I ?Vsi "A I 'SUSI Overt? Richard Straus- "Till i. a M? rry P ana TI. ? t >?? ated on Ki ida ? aft? 'i o?mori... nighl l_ '?? rill b. sung b) Mm? a At? Messrs. i.'aruso, tie _rgurola, Dldui . i,.i Ananisn, Mr. Polscco conducting ? < ?> ran?. ' a-til be gl? en on ??? edm i. -m 44mi the originel i aet, In ' Mm?.- \a a ?' ttf? d, Curt?a .I Mulford, and M< - - Martin, tmato, < ;rif-w " i. Ri lea, Hlnshaw, R - ?s. y ? ? ptay i.ti.i Kretdlei Mi A '? ?' H. ta sill condui t "The Magic ?Thlt? " ?? I he given at pop? ular pnces on Thuradaj sftei.n >?:th Mmea Mempel, Osdek , \; ? i sr ai i?' -, i u tit. M ilford, i?<.:.??.??..n and Mi ttfi Id, .?rai M- ?-s. ? I rlua (for Hi? fli ? lime here ;?? Tsantno), Qorlta, Reli (1 ?old and Braun ?ff Herta ?rill conduel ' "Jjon l'as' ' will be rciita'ted on I PHI BARBERS EXSEMBLE. g fe? . . ? ? ? glni '' ? ..... di i ?? ? ? ??.t ,.t ? i ?-?for?' 1 ? ? n i'l ? .1 .?r : ? ? ,. d t .... met, Mr. gg es to face s ? t blltty 1 ? ? ml-publlc ? ?? tns 1 revot Hill, In Building '?n Tu? ?? ? :? ? m ii- S ill ",i- j ? . ?.?. nu h ? . !?? in ... IV it 1 Is ?liege. ? ? ? "a ....... ?? . . ' ? ' ....................I\ ?Ir Ws . . ,.... ' . . ..--* BOEOL/a OANTORTJM. ?i mi ?ni ih? Bchols ii.. rollo? Ing i' ? ? ? ?.. .in.. - . irn? |k ila.l on i n - ? .. . . . ? ? i- . t ..m- ? hni ??(.? , t? .? inn ? ? ? <-..?n il ? llanto? ?i - ? Kai I'll . ? t? fai? I? .: ? ?ill Ki ? , ? lllsln Msdiigai . ; ? ? ? ' ? . ?--in?. i .'? ;?..-. MUSIC NOTES. Th? ' Ihe first ublk n ?- Russian pi? ? ! . Baturday . , ; ' lO? ?1. ... Bet ',' *r.,,.U? , ., m., ? ?glr nun ' IM :" ' v ' ' ?"'"'''? **** hfi the princlps? offering al lbs concert which th? composer Is t? giv, el Car ncale Hall ???' ****** "v".? A-'??"""? '.. ,,,.,... w?leeted rrom Avg ..r worn? ' ' choral bodtas In ""- ?totally, sill sing ?,'r Ih, ' mhU' " ".'? nifr -n., soloists of the rvenlni arc ,ff , ' .... y. ill ?\. Mulfori. -;;';,. Wells snd Arthu. Phillip.. ?'","' "?'.,.,.,, gpross .?t the -dino snd V ,,. . . , ? the oro. Will 'sl-i'c'ers. The entire prosrranime i,. "??? \* in I of tw>f^ th. Ural of I h? Madison Square Garden popula i priced eonccrl mui i? 'I'll, i one? it i: t.? ink- Bta. . m t in ? lard? n ?"i B inda ?.ig Ma 18, ami aill be "i duct? ?? bj Da* d Mam ? a, the '?.H Known rlollnisl and form-?! con? eerrt ma ?'? "; Hie ?'-? ' York Byi.n i Orch? iti ? Mr, Mann? - arlll ha r? ndw hla baton an orctestra ol i'ri musicians select rd from the ranks of the Hen "fork Bymphon? and Phllhsrmonlc orchestras, an ore ?atra, both in numbei and ?> a!? Itj. superior t" any othei d? i ot? 'i t.. pop? lar p . ed * ) mi.nlc t one? rta In S? 4? ? ..rk durthg tht aummei The exael Programm ht not announced, bui li sill in mad? p entliel] bi i ? musk?, probebl.? from Beethoven and Wsgnei b it m i.?.?- ttist irlll ha? e .? pop i i peal | <; laouia Holsaevain, presiden) of the if mui I ? Company, proprietors of the i la i den, who la i - ?? ntlng it?? cerl ?ith Mi Mann? ? that ther? la .i ?,. ; m \. ,4 rorh - int'sl? al 4?... i.i . thi ?-i.?h.- of i h ?.?;???!.. intil to- openlnj* ..f the coneerl a< asoti in ? ?ctobe d ? tkl pel !? ?I. i?? ' ? m tli" i h.i ?? i? tu !?? heai >i pi a? licall) n ? ?i.i muai? throughout the city, A lau ;i portion "i" See "fork'? musl? loving ? public la ? "m"'"?? -'i ??' i" i "'.- "t ino'i' at? !, 4? m art unable lo I? eve th< cK for long, and foe whins the espenaive , i oncerta of t he ?? Intel ai ? a hi i? I ni?..h ru?.it resources Thos? people re? i ma i. in the i I and hin? ?? ai ? di pi , "I Ha . nan ? ol i.- J r.'ol mil -'" 1 ? i,..; their mon for) it? ? ? being? ? iiui\ hcai thi" ighoul I o - K.T.'i?. an i- "MM U It la to Ihla I public :> H"I to I.i lovi i omp their prea. net In t he I oil I hSt '. - ? ?.. 'Ii.';tt?*'l ri.? pi lei , from 15 i I to $1 .no>!? ra', enough '? ? Hwoki ? h. ;?? "'-a a ?'? ?' "' M III? .1 1 ' r i 'ulp -? Bong i" Ital h ("si n? -?? Hall on Monda? ev? n ng 4 Or Kt ? i. . I !>(< i. i m a i.i- Ton, \?. ? .....i' i" ? -? .? ? ran ? r 111 ihm i.i. h nie t? i\* ? i li i | ? Mi ? t Olii i - ... | ... ?on 1 W Hill ? 4 ... na?*i 4? . . . , . . M ' - - ? " ; , m ??... ited i l?ro| ? tal In i I ? ' ' i ?. ? ? ?' . ' a - ? in ' ' ' . . \v ? M : ' i ..... - ?' *' M . ?? t pon i; ? ' i M . i: ? ? ?I . i . Ruatmel ? ? ? ? ,. pirli ? ?- -. 'nun ! |.| '? . I . .? ? | ? ' rated Belgisi 4 ioliniat, ?? Ill ma '?? hi? asi spi ? ? ?? fort -'.i': . ??? ? n.i al Hall ? hi tin.. .... aslon !?? , ? ?... , ... nrk h? ? ? " ? r ? a. i '? ei ? ?" !'? aa a.ita He will also - . ? m I no i ? ??'. ! i he cha? i i ? Bai I I . .in i - ' i ? ? ?" ' h. W tgn?. B iii" In '? -'? ' ?"" tif hi ..a, .... >?,.. ' '. ? . il?te. ? .m,'lo 11- rreus,. ' The Zu i i Op ? > t i '"?.. i.oral ? .1 ?' r . " I'.,.. 4l| '/.uro h.?4 ,-n ? ' a ' ipabl? . nf artist ??mi I ol 44111.1" hav? been memben of t ?,. . *n,- ' JfanJ JWfe<***rj nJojvcr ffyc/fcf, J^jos-73 ...... i-ai ii ?>? ? ii a ?Il h? m. . . Addition? i al artist ?.I ist ? tek are R ' ... ? i.,.. ., e last I ? i . e AH? ' .? .nducti "The | Girl of tt* < ?old. n B i -? fo ; ? manee wl'l b \ .. on M? ??' .? - ils . ??? :?' " H irmanci bin .. .,.:,.. W'!l i he: Tu? ? r*agl ? ?:... -?-..- ..'? . ; .... ?.. Btrs ??;' ? ? mu? ?an The mu? l< ? "ii" tteeof the t'nll . ' - ol \? H N ..r:. tldi r ? '" ntennMl i lion Is t" be i the H .I -orne on .-'muh.' ? ?? % * t. has d? - iil"?l tu ... gramme, and for I I lime in this r "The i . Supi ' ? i lahl li i Aposti ! ?. which ths m ? : *'? t th? .(:r::.,-i-;li hl g D man' bad . - ?een urltti a. I 7-f?rr:e? &0^**JPlr*ci/a/j Car.~jcy??>^7ta2l > ;.n I ? . ? I It an .-'i ... , ? ... : ? trill note < lime I 4 it 81 Pi ?.-? I. '1 hi ? ? . tM . ?' . horal mi' Hall I ? ? 'oluml i.. Uni to g -.?t . ? ? ... ?? : ? - ; ? ? ?..;.? -. cl il.- i " ? \ iv!\? ird i ? ? ? it? An ?'-itr.ii I. festiva i ? ... ;. . -,, ntr.ilt. ; ; th.* : ?l ?els the conductors IttVi to perform tho I : tten for ? ' Bra snd M? Hein m?l pen made up compris i .... of Nee Vi'i-k snd ? . ? . ! ? l pera? Wagner s r?ti i la es n ? || ? ? 1 ?? :;. ? ? th j ter of th? l, ? ?... . I-,.. - Zimh ? gramim of j ' ? - ? "/.Illl?IT. pr the I Modest Alt? I in 8j nil". ? . \ i tiding Bat urd? Hall. A will b? given i of promlnen? c pal - tty ? ami I - s ill hi ... ..i. the we? ? ? .1 prim ? 1] '???- i ? ? nal Uns : hi a ??; kl'-- pi ... *i. i k t" h'-.-ii the fit i low , ? ? * ? ' o buffo ? - ? Ml ' i ? ?? lil. II - i ? ? ? ? - ?? .i II Mi ? i . ' ?ni h on o ? ???? ra In Km. : ? i ? ? ption of ?Mill ? ? ' ? ? .. ? \ h. i. Hi. it i ?? .... i,.*, mi It?. tOUl -n _;..'? .1 ..... ?' ? . ? * i, T? oi ? ?.bom Kiur .. ? : op s ' mpanli beg ? | i hiKhl, at th? Ti rnionl Temple, In It?? i ; ?un? the I of Music, n bis b - r at Ford's ? ?per i M i ?un I . ? e New Nal mal, !n ,Va .... ' In Pitt I the Pi Opern ?Itogi ? ? \l..?r:i ..?. ? t rh? ..: .' i?-1'i.v ...i,. i. tie all ex nglni md prod rlth ont another from week to week AT MUSIC STUDIOS. Mme. Ids Hag*? :: ? will give -. ii n-.\i Tui i venlng at ? I7tk street. The entertain? mi nt pi ? , ?? m .i.-nion ?trating -r ** theorj thai overj - one .i"i Sent oi duihb may !.<? taught to itl all? '''i" youngeel ..n the prog smmi i- i?" reara, the < b* the i ?i\-" A large and enthuneetic audience ap* - : f-'r-rtta:? 1 d?* Bernyz ; and h?*< pdtdis al a r-*<?tal and lecture tt-ii lest I r ?'. >. svantng. Pongs isare II heard |n four la.nsuages. Among those who dfctlnguiehed thsmssMss wore Mrs. A I? ! Fohnson. the Misses Muriel Marrev ford.* E U Wacker. Josephine Schwartt ? walder i nd Mesara John Jensen, h R ?? - ' Ha Is, I. Dalle Molla and Ouel i sad M - ." ? da Davis, i te I ? . ?I?- Horny-*, in ins lecture gave a : ? l ton? prod k lion -a i >?i the i as .nt ol taaey. ?i i.iiit-. and power ??? ..? h gove ned by p?n*per i ?r-.* ? -1. control. Ho 4V.1- aasiated by Jaunes Maii> i-.ii... a tetasr, and Mrs. Jehneon, ;i con? trslto The riexl r-edtsl sill be given m ' '.-il negle M;':: on Ai u :. Mm" .'.. '. m Behrens, coneirrt'pisn ?1 .iial ica- , ; i cess of th? recent Eugene Halle betiefll . "l'.-ori in Aeotlsn Hail, which aha sr? r,iiii*o<l 44 1th Ludwig Hess, the t.*ii'>r. Thr? receipts, abe atalas, were M.4M If Both M i Behreaa and Mr n<sra ?rere :?? complimented for their \\<?ik "n t i Ion. Wal..' l. Bogert, prealdent of tha Kesr "fork State Music Teschers' Aaaeesatton, i ?porta t'ai at th?- SB wntion, whleh will i??' iioi.i June IS 11 ;"''i 12 al Baratofl -. v.. ??-i'i.'si.i.nt Al? fred Ha Ham will pr.-?nt a perf?*r**t--?aaaca ,,: Coleiidg "Hlssrsths" and Plern?'a "Children at Bethlehem"' on tho noon aiat evening of the aecond day. Julia Kubleti ?**on?"fert sin^or sad pjpti ol i-'i.?: Eteins 0?nster, the diatlns-ijMhed fa rilo tea? h?ar, has opened .i atadlo si Ko - ? ?! street for the instruction ?if Inslni for ocia. orstorio and concert. Mme. Kubler tiara sung wltl ? In tin? ..i Europe and contem? plate? accepting atmilar engagements in tu i s city. i.?ai:? Arthur Russell, of Caniegts Hall,? 44'?;i preaenl * ei al ??f his professional lit conc?trt, to li<* piven at th? I'.'i.ii" Memortsl AtuUtotium, ??n Tti. .I... evening, April II, Tho solo sini*?rs 44iii include Miaa Anna Benedtet, mc**zo contralto: Mi.? Jeanle MsrabsU, soprano; -'ainj'l <'ra;p. tonor, ami Krncst Van Nail.?, barytone Tho solo pianists will' be ?li?? Mtaaea Alma Holm. Kthel fur-eel. Lous.' Si'nwrr and M*'rn Lvle A nurn? hor of ??rher normal class p'ipils of th? i. - a -a*? .cii?.s \?'iii appear in concerter*. .ii'liilh is. Jean Paul Kuratetner, ??? mposer and teacher of piano. theor*. touch and tone according to ti.. latest riH>dern nuthod?. baa j'i ' publlabed a n? 44- for con? tralto ??* inly a Day for Tears." Bignor a rsrbooe, teacher of singing. erly a member of the MtHropoHtan Opera Houae Compon*. si tha raojueat of ,11 pupila his ?i-' <|o.l to give a ? ??? alio. Aoi.ii.T? Hall, tins .-?omlng leaaon ? tiona for admlaelon to tho -?q , which srtll begin "ii Ma? || and ?nd on ?? ni?. 1 l, sho'ii.i be n:-?'l.. now. 1 s.irnm'-:' session ?>f in- I 1 n srtlstle offen advantage :<_> leset rt, operatic an?l chui in 4 ? produ? tv.n and I 1 on TI ? cultiv?t.f the fse ill ol oa? atructlve critldan . iiltur. - ? .' Innovai 01 In) ? ". ? ? itudio cril ? rtion of Mr Meh.11 -? ? held 44 . Csi negt? i? ill W Ith Mrs r> at the piano .?nd Mr. Mehan rj! ? ? ,,r i;,,, studio I each 1 I to -:-ic for the ? ther m faults and pood q lalltl? a, b? rtd? - gl? ? improv? ra helpful crlttciam is sa;?i to 1 I ? Invaluable to tho pup Mme. E>i*?*ran*_ G 1 gue'a pupil n?.? eoioi ? ? lyric Boprsn?* for Ital ? ? ????'? She g?Ma i" full ' an operatti ? ...???? 1 al Bsn Carlo, - and arBl Mng tba atar rale in '"Traslata." Roeina. M?esela and Gii.ta red foe thla engagement b? Mine. ?,a, rig * Mary Hnney, c?on?***fri pianlat and il tdlo v ?? 111 Central Park We.-.?, has arranpf.l fee a punis' isaetbig es?*??? ?reek at her atadlo for class les?on?. criticism iiP'l tho discussion of ?".irror.t m?irio.-il ? vcni?. m . \r?,.io KatS, pianist, played a prouo commendable ityle at a r??? rttsl given by Philippe .'"nd.*rt at tha it tel Plaaa tai! Montis' aite?rai*?on Mt23 Kata la I pupil of C Vlr-ril Gordon, No. ?57 v,'r?t Mth atreot ii-'tif?. Holden Hues ptoysd hi? ?oni*-? ? lolin and oj. if, r,t the "?ga?il? o\-, .ipir--' .,f the ? noho-rtlans'" (New Y"r?4 Musi Cl lb), ?>n April ?, Totlefsen playing tho rknly par?. ?? arsi alee a feature of tat "Hum oven? Ing" at t ... KeU-mat ?Vita Chth, when, th. romi??o**er iras laaasted b) the l'*r?*acli violinist, M G r>rt:<-* V ? MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS fty?ninth free ors-in recital in the p.r."'ar sortes ?rill h?, given to-mor-otv eventna al ri." "Old Parat'' fioyhvtorlan fhurch, fifth avenue an.l i;"h M*-SSt 'in? do; th.* diro.t ?ri of Dr William ?V Cat., by T .-."tt Miihrman. P A. O. O Mr. ??an is p?Mt?gradUSta of the Ou;' mani Organ School. v -.;?..-'. ?,'? area (-?./?n in the gra -i halloo..n- of th?. Ho?o| fiar.a last Monda afternoon by Philippe Coodert, 1 irvtone He wssssalated by Mkaa ftrjajr KstS, pianist! Miss l.n-n Thompson. harpl ' Mrs Jeanle Marshall, -nprani, and Wlttlsm 'ioiK.-r. afonanpenlal T ? HlltSmsnn Trio, whioh oon-i-*- ol Helei and t'onstanoo. pianists, and Mir | Hulaniann, vcali?!. ap;"*ar.d In a o.mcort 1" at ?ho tli.'man ?"l'.ih MOSSS, Me M Van I)u*-?r street Staploton. stati'ii lalsnd The auo?Maa of the conest? 44,'i.?- conaldered dtaa to tha_' fin? por. forman?*?? Mmo. Batella Burna Muaas, a "gaaaatM soprano, appearH ai a ir-onoert given as a !'? * _| to th?. flood MifTeror?? last F"r;day evenIng si fMd follows' Hall, Aih-in;-. Mm? Burns-Roura, who was the f?at lire of th<- concert, r?-oP?v??d many compli? ment? for hor'.riK of gaaagB by D?1 buaay, Ha?-heiet. _aaave-asaa_a, P*j?*c.r.l ar.d other?. In Mrs Beach's The Years at the Spring" ?h?? was especially suce??!? ful, recelvlns ?t kba end preat appl->uso Miss Theodora t'rsula Irvine's annual recital was hold last Monday o4*onin? it the Waldorf-Astoria Among; those who aasaavtaal wer? HaroUl Mallory. t.arytir.o. who sang a group of songs; Marlon Bauer, who acted as accompanist, and Mis? Oeneviove Smith, soprano. Mlaa Ir? vine Rav a reading In dialect of "The Gaol Gate,'' "ProeDlc*?," "The Garden of Allah" and "Midsummer Days," the mjf-.c of which was composed by Misa M. Bauer, who was at th?? piano. That Miss Ir\*!ne was popular with hor audience was shown by the h??arthy applauao whl?_v greeted her appearancta. . ,