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? Quiet wqgK in New YofKs Theatres REALISM AND FAIRY PLAY Brieux's Pathological Play Before the Public?Three Mat? inees of "The Necken" Staged by the National Iedcration of Theatre Clubs. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY NIGHT: ? At the Century Theatre, a benefit performance for the Volunteer Fresh Air Fund and French Day Nursery. MONDAY NIGHT: I At the Fulton Theatre. Euqene B-.eux's "Damaged Goods." At the Princess Theatre. W lliam De Mille'? travesty. "Food." ^TUESDAY AFTERNOON: At the Lyceum Theatre, Elizabeth G. Crane's poetical dram.i, "The . Neckem," and Robert H. Dav?s's satire, "The Guilty Conscience." TUESDAY NIGHT: At the Irvmq Place Theatre. Ernst von Wildenbruch's historic drama ? of 1813. 'Der Menonit." The Volunteer Presta Air Vxta? end gti Kri'tuh ' to give a 1 psKfotmencs at lbs Cmtury Theal ?. \- : Who i I*ri!-ctl!a KnoWles, in ;. sk.t'-'i "Tl ? r< After;*' whloh tins never been pr. 4 ? I.till !.'? N? ? I ?*-??:;. i Lyu Heeding, -i??ii EuMteon, *?*? ?> tgomery nr. Btens end th>? . . Mum "Ma? pilar llor?n in ? Danton ? ? win <!?--ii\i i i. ten-mli "Wonsssi'e Buftrag? " The \ i" i moth? rs ai ilrtn durini; the b??t lummtr n ' % I . ?' the ' nite? ?-'trues h ' ' N ? rund thin *ur one hundred - . i ni?!? i .i ? feel loloslca ;?- ? . m nt K. ? . ; ? '? "fh-j ??. ' '.' ? : at tWO ill", SU - i ? 0. Crane, will b ? la] and ? I? il. with th? ? .?? river ?v??.i who tlful (??-n-?ant i ? -....-?. ? >4?l." Will !?? ? b Robert H Dm ? .ed ai lb? ?v i??- Mille, ?. will ' ad Ii i t?? the bill at ?i to-morro-? algbl II - s i?ii pi-oblemr. of the lard?*r lift Three ?-I..? ???i. Mafll. a Hon '? ... '. ir? Bills; Irons, hi? srlfs, ???.' H ? g office ? ' ? | | ? lb] ."-ihn fetoh?M "ii,veryv???j*i?aiii ' Henry W, bavagt 3 i production o \ i modi r n morality pla-, p? i r<.i lij .. , company lai of Hi?- non week's ei Grand Op? !????? .. en I "tai ' 'i than ?seventy person?, and ? th? ? . New ? ... . . ... 4 I'll.'' i Housi ne, prnmlni ? ? ? i/omai ? ..:| :i ? nate" . ? II ;i.|.|...| I" the Ii ? Open ?e n i ? 1 | ? 'nu?.? Ing ? ? ? \l?.n- | ? ? p\i-t' i fami I try and ? ? mi edy hit, "M ' In' Ii:.' I k. THE CONTINUING PLAYS. 'Wii.ii Happened I it the Kor? ? ? ? I ,| . i.'i'i polll . I'oole. at ,:" I i dran i ej and ' bari? Cloddard, 'i... M . r., Mind .n the H ?Tears i '' ... i . ,? i :,,;,,?, i ocke ? '..ii ..i the Bel Mph and i Hi Bn thr? '? ' i.? :.....-. > Pari Theatre. M,,. Ire in. ? ?? i>* Prosy, ? eotnsd] by Cat . "Pel " My( H< , uy J. Harth'j .\1;uiir*? f, St UM wi$ CotX, I It I .... '-.-?. Ivl?. M? ., John a? ? ? ? ttle 1 from t Th? "' ? ' " ? ? i |ous? ? ? ;..,,?i |. it . i ?. ? . i? i Mn e. 1 ? .i and Mau , . , ,. '. ir.- !.. r - i,;, i .1 Bhaw, at the Bard at the Pis ? ? t . ? . t th** O .In . ,. ned) i . ? the Knlcl ii... ker " ' ? ? ? lam i? ' n muai? i? ' ?rnanos ? It I ? ? it tl I'm. .,' The H Gaby D ?.1 lolaon, ? . . ? ? , . -i ? . ',-.. i ..irr. IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES. 1 I'ircus, st M.-i'ii "i. S'.ll.i !? i . ii . ? ... .. lacle "i ? Hallet ol ? . . t plrl .it the BIJoo Thi it ? .. .i, bine? ? i in U/lllii Moi ..i ...... lainnu it I "THE NEXT RELIGION." ii. ? ? .".'- \t i:. i ? .i to ? ? ?. I? ?? ? .. ? i '., ..? "i. ta j . ? I iii? i.i? bi.i. inj i" . i|on Th - - ...... |f hi ...i :ii? ..ft. - ? ? ? :it the Hudson Th? ? terbood "f il \\ .?i kr-. ?' t >?? Sursei i in tin? , -i George ?" Tj lei ?, . pla from Mi Z ingwl I foi bii Urn, promises somsihlni "s*n?MUoggl .... . -' ' ? I THE STATE OF THE DR/\MA An English Writer Predicts an Annul Btir&bilis. ? . .1 i Rut what 'I'll? . - proil ? eut to . . | i ? ? - ,, |ii?.\ In ? the pla] .v- in two prod r. . . in( the vitally um ortant I ? ti.,11 a yi.i.ii. i. s? tor in r . i.. . Is prodtii Ing plays by Tolstn d ? ? ? theui '' ' ;, m- int son . ? ? him Al ? ?? Mi .1 runI ? nnlns i" uni i . . t ?.? ? it? ? : i. Intereated fl I lr. the riran itlc form. 1 i loi nlm m Repertory ? mi .il ? ?. ? . I to drive horn? ;.--"i. ??? hlch i oi don b ?? ? illxation n i i h.? --hi .... i m boom "' M? Ho thton The growth ?.i the neu .in ? suni? r c .-in thi rteeaj ? ; th? old in ,. ? a ? ? ? ? ? ?ablj hai annm mlrahllli when the ni ?.? ill burst nil?? flowei snd i ? new aetlnir, ne? de? ?. n? ? lighting i. Itlelam and then th? mui h ah ? -i. i !?'? unjtistl* abuaed, public win com? in thi anubl? to I I tvlm profiting ??? theli 11 *- Ins ?? I ?? ? ' ? ?? :l.' ' nt? i - ? ' i, i. klndlj dlspo ? 'i toward, i m.? thai knowi not i... ,n i : poet lea II.?? ? i\.- ! Ii not .i? mra THF IRISH PLAYERS AGAiN. Imnns ? h? pal oni ? ol th? performance to be Riven hj tin Irish it w .?i i-1. rii. air? i . 11.1 noon, \-i'iii '. In '?? n< fit ?(, ? Ballet ? i?? i??, i.? Hugh -.m?. . .ai ..i i-i' tun (oi Dublin, grs ' ? lion "f ? A NEW SILE4NT DRAMA To Be P* .dined on ; ? ." Motion Pictnrei. ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 n? ? ? . . ' ? I ? ? I ? , ? . at the Aal ? CLAIRE STAYS IN TOWN. | g , ? ? * ... f from (junker tat Ion I m tabl 1 ? ? ml.I ! II l; 14 . all ImltStiOII of ' 4 ho ? [I ni i., extend I ? '.. . al ? .1,mu?. . . MYSTERY AT THE NEW YORK. ; . * ? \ . 1 I in 1 ed a slngei who a ? . 1 ? ... ? \r 44. \ thi d< psitin?m thai hi 1 Sl/a- I , 1 Emma Tr? ntinl " In -pit' ol thi Ind "i- nt tin "depai tin. nt al no , p i . uiikii..44.1 and a ill app? 1 nask. I nek ,, 1 sakl to !"? ? AMONG THE BURLESQUERS. m.. ,'lllla . ? n?i ill- ?? I ?1 ? .... ? j I ' : ..I ...411, ... bis The? ? ??? in a h. 4 1 I*. culled "1 he '.' . B h? mis book . !:?. hard 11.lall and 1 . ,a ni., -nil . ' th.. snapi?) Km.1 H,.ti i-, -.. popular not I 1,., luall] hand om? ? 1 'ipi j .?n>i ... ,. .. ? 1. g .' .i.-' moat pre? ? . in. 1 m lesqu. . ew a III be 1 th? Hurra) Hill 1 ' " ? ;? 1.1 ??. n h. ad? a t.' Ibi l'.n ? Uil-la.. I"i li.o, ? 1 [interviews in miniature j low It Feell I o ?Be Napoleon, if Only in Comic Opera- -Richard Carle, Saved from the Moods. Will ?Spill Ink? The Training of an Lquestncnne. I - . ? ' mind ? world ? ? it l He ? - The first ? from thi ? , to con - *'? .j , ? i ? - c.! Mr Bi ! - ._.. that ?* ? - ? : , : : 'Why. what hi ? . ? . to "I ha ttment that I \? i ? i : ?, ? We I ? ?? In Joli? i. and - * lit tl? ?? ? '*? i li| le i . v ' ? ' ' rd I im? up.-n the i*ortr Napoleon ? i ? * f.ite. Ill t ? Knot \ lili w hen ' "inall* roi *? ... ?. ...... ? ?Why d isked 'It I i ? ? i ? If you ' loing i- "i -n ?' .?? k . ?? .?? i aral ed th? likeness ila ed pi Inl - tl M Mi Brockb ink t?> ind confronting him th? other de) m in-?? he went Into the ? tut t shop ni two of in? ? ??*. n -.n ? . " I un? d '"i ii. i- .i ; ui'i ., ? paint? ' and la ? ihlblt Ins at the ? '.?? : its, Mi Brockhanh earns to this eeuntr) tin? ?? ' . igo and ? i ? ired with Ds "id id i'iiiiin and Mm?* Pasqu?is He send with Victor Maurel nn-'ti yeers ego si Covoni Gerden ii i- *?" nice t.. i.r Mi?s \ again." continued Mr Brockbank, rising i 11 > .-> i t?? Kii.iv? lui m Bngland wnen ?he a un i .in.i u ?? i to cottM le mi pla) the piano k.\ ? ? one in H"- compon) has been ?verj help? ful," he added, gtvlufl S final t.?. ist to his foreli ? k ' \- -?"ii .i* thej see me the) old 'He bas ?\.?ik?-?i out ..f th?- plct ? 'rii.n amiable i nmedlan R|< herd ? '? ? wi.iiihi n,. in? long lour sIth Haiti? will i ?''i*- In "Th? < in i from Montmai 1rs ???' Ibi Grand ?>i"!.i House lest night and i...i.?? went Into retirement .ii bis Branch ?rills In July Mr, Cerle and Misa Williams will begin rehearsals In "The Doll Girl," n n? \\ Viennese musical com? edy, under the management of Charles i-'i?iiiiiiiif. in ih?- meen time Mr, (.'arle ? in fabi leat? .i rrlvollt) of bis on ? i'i?.i minute ? hefoi?? the curteln s? nl up .?i th?. Grand ths othei night Mi Carle ara louslj received sa Interviewer? ?tiifk ?jut Us tlbOUJ to ?liakt with au tx ? ; n -?' 44...k ? Wh-, i dl tal what t that gan ghl ?? xketi ?atina dogua Tai ? ? ? . ...... ka BSB_? ? n_? ... for the fron. r the eu? '. ? . r-J ,wgr.? ? '-' M... ? ' ? ,v.- ? . ' ' show tha? ? .... ? "l . said m ,? m debut when I thing" ? .. I? re? thai ah? It-hen l bei. riding, aa i would use ??? pad I rodf .-1....1? ?nd : .iiw ' ' u rl itf I X. ...... . ?, prsctl-lng -"' bsck.led on the graund. ,uld .1" ?Ingle and do ?nd . down on aaoc? J ?.I.. ,? rours? . . ."' *' ' ,.n . stationer" , a ttj fa i ' '?" ' ?,,,,-r* 1-U.i. I want?! to do ?' ?'* aault. which no ??the. woman . ride, does and i kept "W? 0B ' ''*' that t"' \ii4- Wlrtha aun. pointed out y* ??.K- offered b, .?.,... ?t^nn?. *? ; (f ?.? ., ?..?m. woman wouW <*? ^ ,?l,(* now. who would ?tana ? ? bu .,,,.,,,. bad ..... for ->??> ?'" ?. i'."i c f,?r .Ma) i, me onl) woman rldei nj had the whole tin." ring.*? to her? . ,,,; ,. ,?!.. Ill p. i' ' '" *NC * ??aid "vira. W irth, f ,