Plays and Players lloro and Abroad
a ~--???^ r^- ? ? i ' ! ? i ._?? ??-w ^*~~~ -^
Napoleon in Drama, Musical Comedy and Grand Opera.
Revivals and the Question o? Their Prop?
el Season?" Rosedale.
- ? ?
ii'iM-ai and roi - i
I tbe
? _ b* ? it tgrev
"f tllO II"
with euch .-?ik! every phase o
eer, privat? :
o j
r healt ly oi
it might be worth wh
the t
is ex machina ? H
? ,. ? ne ti
Men <?f i ?' win)
?ri of lh?*ni oll, bUt til?' tOUlil
in the theati the Continent A
der, for n
' to ambltio lywrlght
? rs Thf fa
onatlon bj
: ? "<*<1 lini
?i ? : M
.tiny has only two pa es?his
lui k into hit
\i ri always
:.rn?-i hi h? ad. and
..-'m >B**?ochbank's Napoleon in '1
RO id . ? i .? I..i" ' t T
v?vn<la\ nicrM. Mi?\\??l thai h.- was I
?uliiai wifh these traditions ,ol the ri.
.? M sh.'-.'.'.'l mors beneath the unc?
:.: ?. .?pr ? ai.'?: -. nami i .
ar i" r<- iiikmi on his part of I
laibilttles In t i? rob?. For one thin
he ladleeted the luti ? und
which the world . ?m"
? d. All this i.? not "? (trims importan?
in a mu-u'Mi eom d**, of cour
part is **?? ' ' ? -'I. for all th ?
n :? the innr. *
| -. ,! , . :tt?.|l fOf '
.-: . At'*' ?ll**' - ?
gO hi Of COU1
??? n must i" .. bei ) toe ' ??:
? ii. it?, can be Mtther tenor no
tiaes. the Ian- r tp I lng th
? ehi ? -j. . ? rat d ? ough th< av? i
roua Fou? h'- might se? m t<
th" um right i<? ?t. oi ''?.n?.'
?Misen belongs In th? "trend?
he Ii "? be ?! ?
to wot I? ?
? grand op? ra on I t has ovei
really wot th)
o II
.i ? -i. opportut
th<* M? ? .,,...' tan te ' Giordano
? m his "Madame B?ns
\ ipolee-n \*ill
Its ? ? idi iSapol? "ii to
Seh. ? .
tust r?a.
to Pa
k of
: lits mol
i ' ? I
and ??
. ? i
down th.
to be not
n ? i
it of an
? ? 44 ihinu.
Ittte m? Una! on to luok
44... .i on ih. road tiavers*?d lea il ill
, matter of l men.
like a ne? pi ? du ?i on th?
? ?gain ??? hil?
bul s hen th? o| po* tunil ..(t. red lo
? , .
ol th. momei
i< rio oft?
Aim ? ? :
prtng th. ' thest
fall baa a m
' ne? lliiliia:- Coming, |
mer. In !
of keeping
? j dramatic oi
. ??. ? .
count ? ? th. 'p. ret. ? ? Mil
? '
. of Offei ??? h and I "... r q
lik. Budei mann - ' Magda ind i
? lid H? i- i
, i... . ? ?.. ? ? .
thei?' first
theii value. And the; evei eem to
? .,.... ? No minor
..p. ra u ring 9 >uih
a bul haa some of these ? as of
th<- lighter mu i Mui e In it? epertorv
. ? in. of an) pretei
? ? ? ??,.
_. ni rat on I n ? i
t., acquire a knowledg? "f
rsmstic art "f it.- own air
tlons, but, a- we n e. told "n an svel -??
of on? ?? ? ? ? -i. thej tak. theii di
s. riousl) over th- re Aral theii ?-:.I
llghtei n
, "Rosed ? aig ? t, a revival
| 'ri ih. atrtct aei
i i greet s ma
nt ? .,...-. 4"i 4 ;
?thin*- new in technical wayi II "?la
i t.. be sin e, and i"i i " ' i ? a4,,n h
amuaed a first?nlghl ? i but, hoo?
... tt< ' t?*d i han a good
nf th? ....
.... ...,. the imp. ; ??.. ? ahl? e-|
th? dell
? ? ? .
it | ?
? -
' -
: ,?
nf thus? K.i.
In Imagin
At Least One Strong Lure at
Each Leading House.
That vi of a
the weeh Th? i
i i ..i no n ove] and i n- '
terfalnlnc shou ? - l i ?
.*-??? M. wil ? - T imr ?rill
head th?? programm? ?: K
the programm?
M ab? i Russe Kai
Kline - Phe Hunt?
th? Hunter-en*" i ?;. ?'ml Hei
man, i ?? meni "
'. ? ? ?an et I
l? i... " . Cighl M i Maj
.. nd \ Idman, ilngei ? v i Imat? -i
I i. v ,, , -r
Keith Brom Tb? str?
i. f th? ? weed
ippeai .1 ??'?? B4
c ??? ?
will t-?? ' er her? The re- !
i th? bill will In? lud. \ . Hov
mad mu ?. ?.
?414-rci?. *? ? ? ? ufman !
^?'*rilu'? . ?
? I? ? I .
? ?
Th. air? th..
. ? ' ?,
HM'I I . .?".I. ' .. *?
tli" I,
i... Kuiopean i?
Nuri ? . 44 iih ? lark and ?:
\i I'r... im - I-' ?
march ?>i proi
??o. in ol he idlln? .1 la thf
. 1 c 11 r ol li. 1 ? '.
pHii4. in "Props ?
i ilatka O 1 ? ?
Th? formel atl ici
?.t thin.? ?thre?
.ion. tii? tabloid n .?ing
with lapidit* and fin?
of fun sml 1.1? lod
Ing card art
\ i...mim I'ogoi ? ..o 1 he i.?.' n
? .
th? \ i? loris 'ri.'
a I.ill ? ' - ?
this count 1
. rpi *..i b) H. m Prench ami Alice Eis
Th?- \ ."nil ? dan? ?? 1- foundi -x on Bud
em and B
tones 1 lam?..1? ratli
n,un. ?i' . tiers. id b nit i
I for th te ?r*?n
it? will
? i
ton will iimk
i team I
t tin
? lliner .1
u vaudevtll?
: 1?. her 1
I ? ?
e attired In 1
? . ... ? a. a
period in the nal
V, 1 hi ."ii 1 ' ? ' 1 .? 1 iitly th
?. feat I ? '.1 Tin?-'
1 ? ... 1
ilte ' ?? Ph 1
m . ". .? urford and
. t.. nt* from Berlin a 111 gl ? ?
? ? won? Itlon of th? It ? II lence
? I ii. glgantl? 1 ? Marie Mi -
I Mad mi" ". Hi?. Ms .
? '..ii" will be "ri.* of th?* r?*:i*Uir<* a.-r.
top of th? great
been off? 1 <
u that found in
hi . :? 1 ? that ' on
Union S'i'i n?- Th? ? ? Th.
com.-?!* .1 ? 111 ? h indled ?j w illard
Blmm* Mil "i gu< rite l.n
ii.i |.,ii_. n?- Robinson, i" ?.?: 111 ? 1 ?? the
titled 'Tllnder 1 ? 11 u t -* 1 ? ?. - J
Plat " 1
A Daring New Departure in French Drama?Ibsen
and Russian Influences in Its Construction and
Dialogue? and Public.
i alia tprtt I, ? if te?! . _pu
play. ?'Ilel?iie .\ ' al the Valid.
4ii'.* rviirr? ii wan put on aftei ih? ei
ceptionall) long run of baclia Ouitrj
"i.i Prise de Herg?<?p?"Boom,'' .- parti.'
larlv on terount of th? celebrll
d .4..'.iini: popularity ..f thi autho
: 1 tseil ? ?.r? Interestln
from t in- rsi than from 1 pra? tl? ??! the
n trica I polnl of vies It ?a not a Ml Ilk
a Pi.h pis) IVhether II Indi? atea
d? lit?, rat. de? ? from Prew 1 dra
mstic ...?'?? ? 1 I wa
'. a mattei .?i opinion it onqueatlonahl
,. erf. et, .m one of Pran?*?
tlesl of t l?*menl
? rd for the diam., fa
? de of I ;
? dull -m roun?
r:|, .. 44 nli . .irnnion .. d dull popl
?rsonslil ind he
: 4 until. It -
romanl Idom artificia
? 1. f..- .1 N*ond?*i ' Th? pi"t 1
mo? - ?? 1th a
iiatonishingl) true ?tuptdlty, ind there i
? r .? heroine herael
. less cl<?> or than . *spn
r i., do all "..
Fren? li" and n th.
with it."
'i'r> a 1 ie play is not qu<
men M reminds one o
things. ' f!;e n?is
1 ? ? ? .. ? ? I 4? 0 r k
? hspa a littl.* more 0
1 .'. 1 \ doutn" thai
? ?? re? rnt ? ca-:
, . .
; luen? ? ' ? ited .."'i mixed v. Iti
It . muer. In?
? and f?i ?!' mltstora ol
hnioue, ?? ho a re ? ontempo.
? ? ?
[I - m possrli'.* t?
..? ? ? in th<
? ll ? "ii - (been touch li
howev? It I ?. '
? , ind bold as th? S?
I. I? ?of?,? n? ?1 b? the 1 ren< h
?" : 1. a. h talk ?tr eneaa,
chai tetera talk a lot n hi? i' lb en ?
1 ail? stui. the toucfa la iinmlatak?
N". ar? ' 'spua'a chai acteri
individuals a. Ibsen's: the)
? la? k ira foi \i 0* a ii ueture,
r, no wa? app oa p? rfe? ?
n.m of I"-' 11 His dialogue 1
une Bmoothn?*sa, but it
cannol Hia exposition la Intended to '???
? tbli a nd a.oml< al i"it il is not
Tl ? -'". ? - a im lull m thi t' Ming
i of a bourge
of ?.? . ?hi Bh? hsa married in?
... iiar im*
I '? ll. ilCClsh ?Off
- -i fellos it" 's unfaithful to bta
? ?? he la Indfffereni to tbli Hia
mothei lives m ii'? tame houae, and lalk?.
? * ; ? 1 ?. al her dsughter-ln?1sw, who
- .... ?in? v4 h<?t... a ??*??. ti ictaMe 4 ?-um?
? Mill.. .
ti.T'i?.* had In in" girlhood io\e.i ?
? ..'.-ne man, K?ha I Thro be 1
been ' 'Ik of theii man Inge, but thli
project had bren abandoned when S?bsa
nrn'4 fiih.i loel in- fortune Kow li
l? ieavl c >',.ble tor Parla to advance
1 '. - h.' SK-MOdlngt] stroni*.
mti ?!? d young < h ?p. ill ?gather csceptional
In his independen? a an?! COUrSge. He
. ta H?H*ma to Md her goodby, and her
?.id feeling for him ravlvea M. Ardonln
I.rinet Infatuated at this time adth aasn< J
j woman or other, ind goes awa?. with h?i
for ? little f- p i '?' . ? wnts his b?
havior al last, and departs fat Peris
sin lives roodsstl; there *-'*hafti<*n la
???>'ii her i??v? i and insist? upon th? r?*?;
Isatlon of her iT.tMiti???' i?, ?ii?." ? ?
husband and mai i ? him. In tl t?
alone Can h? Share h?*?- m-?<1.' r pg
? i,,s.4 ,,f lelf-reepeet. it.
i without occupation. H?l?ne Introduc?
him t. ..... pg .),^ itiv?v ?
but his aggressive atlitudi ??: Inde| n
dence repels them One Cabaal?s ? i
i-? - iiKai?r.- him ai hll M
| bul thi esa and bl'ift of th? bual?
i neu "t i .i gt bast?? n st on? e. H? :
?telling H f l?ne thai hi was roed? ????
i work hoi foi graft, i le beg
' t.nn th' ides of i'-*- oming i
??oui. .-.,,-r of ... r -.ii laborer; then, al las .
h?* ?i?*, i,ir? to leavi l'ai for the coure?
.?ff? i ? .1
? ?orne large, loi sly
ft toward
hi ?> ' *?" far i banged Is lbs s*m in
i time that h?< Ii not certain whet
hi i to -.? nit" txl ' with him i?r
H?l?ne'? husband, returned from ? -
? - u id? epentant, ind sranl - bis
?. if. t.. return to him The mol hei
law i ts her In r.-n - to persuad?
? i" rh'-. H?l?ne, xx h* suffers frrm an af
fi ? ot the h*>hrr. has been |
?? iti sin "t ii sll
t-> in? new post. Then, luddenly, witl
i moment of warning to in* bod
j iii?-.^. Tiiif last ?ctivs
; in ;i ?rlvtdlj realiatti waj It I ? toui t ? '
? real lif<\ H I ,?..<- a borribl? air of a? Cid?*Ot
1 ..i.r It
- are puuled ovet M i 11 u -
rtt upe ?? -i .. cii' n.. . .<?'
1 ii odui ? I -? .?? efUl little ?Irani.i. a ?
i pr?t) i point i?? lt. i- ew of 1
. ? tt< to th? iptrtl "t t- .. ??r
ensitlvi to l All ann?
Iti mild ind its holding r- ?
The i".i'ii< i- Ho - il M. Pois ? *
?attended the first nient m tint mformal
and populai waj of bis, .vhr'ii li al ones
[.helping th?' th"-atres and making bin ? ?
llpvei "f tu" "dein people, lis bes i sV
i i'h for the ihr.itr.'. and
?; tii<* influ?.I nie
: taite ?'n "Mi.-Mi'1' m i atteedeece
?? ?je Bargj
.icun .?- well si it evtr srent ?? h??n II ? ig
nee. He luffei : sol st all b
?on with Coquelln, to .ni?ls?* from p* ? *-?t wr
inter?-?! and CUrteottg, The old critics
?,-, v tha? ?v ii ? t'?<i comedian, a mort*
derful pathetfc actor, and i weeher r?>
mantle pereonallty than C<o<tu<**Nn, Bul
hr i?. ,ihov<* .?il forceful an?i fresh in lbs
? ... tpk spostre, i?k?* m too*
I of i*..... as Adolphe Bris
?ays of him.
The management ol ti"- now Com4
dee Champs-Elya?ei im - uMuecod thai
tur-.- will i"* absolutsl in? tipping any?
where la tin?? vaet nan p?a\ and n
bouae M? bodj bsltsvss that the rule i in
rv?*i !? ?.-i. Another Item of n??w?
Ii that lbs lav ??t tb? "Right "t Um
Pooi on theatre ttcketi ?c te he dir-?-on
Henri Bernstein's neu pier... "t?e Be*
erst m which Mme sini-'i.?" is set
big, bei t. nun?!'.?i the Parisiens once
mor?? of the persiitsnce ??f tins young
playwrlght'i luperatitlon about naming
druasui only wtth arords ot *ix left*
t?*r? Ii It MM that ho <>eri<?'i?-lv MteveS
m the charm.