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WOMAN or PROODECT- CIVIC tY DOMESTIC Barnard's Greek Games, One of the Most Picturesque of College Festivals. I.v. n Mrs And**?**"* <'.ir ri?'i;i?. xx;\s en a-Hic ??] r.? ' ' *--'?' BO many M <-'!i\ ftrli in rr life.' sin- declared t?. Dean QUder r ;?n I got ;> aped Hi" K'liiark. like read of happy lold, through all the Creek gamea i hroh?. >' to ; i on ii' the ancient : i r. ally ei ? It athletic : ;'ii ?Barnard College ? :? ? -(4 un : ?? . ? . annual ? ?; conteat ol irai ?? and which la the unique pi***aee**loii of ? _?? "ii Broadway L-ol Walleale) ? ? ? ? i '-?' I-. ? \ tmggr build I ? l/?t M.nini Holy ?hip her mountain ami Bryit Mawr lu'- 'l'M'i?led meadowi and May lai . i. Barnard itak? claim ??riz?* anicriK coll?ge ? ht I h ? ? k cunes rniii tal? y? a: mu. common or uneon .?? Ith-Barnard | .?? le ,\ i nnneri from time to time concerning this .nrrr ? utjr, brain an.i brawn, ?-?in mortal man rink-ss he in Barnard |el more than a t I.' - ; ? ? ,-( ? ? \? . I ? m- i on BW ? lita un.i thus j-iiilli'* ? i nid"." t] ? r way int.? ?in. crowd ?>; Legend concludea that they .<? p-ffli'-ted with weak eyea ?ver after, ne similar t.? ruai <.f other legend?r* - Who i....);..| where they weren't ?*.). However, thla j ear I |.- .,-; wore .?" ted wide t.? thoaa ?who bad the priic. i"i Barnard Ii aoroly m ? i of ?.'..m and ? rei") Uttla Ml ? GAMES ARE ON! 'I'm-' ?ti.u .j - \? ? '. m ,i l. .1 III ;ui In vioed amphith??tre in t>?-* Col mbla ?ersity gynanaelum overlooking th? .KK?an Pea and iii?' ?nils of Attica, j _ -t U hi' ii _,? .,': I i '!? Whit? of th?-- Temida ol Demeter, in th-- contt ..?' ii.. ???,>_? i~ ' ? tar, irhere preaent? fht the i ? .N.. >?. r ? **araea are ? ? i . ?' ? ?-.:"?" ? ??Hi- | .-;.?.I :i ?:."?' whit? - ? then ?: ? I choli ?? blouKomi i" honor the ? i'li.uii voh ??i whoae honor th? - ? muele is Oounod'i Bleei b H th? ?????pis are ? ?. ? I of A tala ua l?. ir ua ? ..- i ?? mea, i ;?" glorlea m - ? . .:? : round befoi th? ..'tar. the mal ? off? r? ? r fruit and flow? ? n retli a to ? ? u : Ite cuahlom a - m al ? ..' ? ? adlum. ? ? Behind the i ?ins and bloon i rolled up?a la l?ut.-!i clip ? ? unbluahingly, ?? ith .. fine .1 -: the ana I iheae ere ? m 44 hom ? ?, .? ? snd the honor n ?? - ; gamea .? and jumping. To nality ? . h? r ankl? : - Kal ?4 n 44 .th measles, but ? ? j "Hani ? ?. ' ? give Ban : Bh? .- ' Did _? ace t.. nbsei ?? l a. ? ? ? in ma ? m 111.4 . ? ? ... .. 1 , thrill t?a v in. be ? year they are In golden broern, color of ti.-- . h "i mol I si l'.'t'i'-ter. a ? ? 4>. rlest In th< !" afin?:. T ol pouring the libation ipon tho ? 'i I Igh11 ng ? Then the sophomore i -, wll. GREEK HARMONY SOUGHT, ret ? eenl la th? ? dan? a Thi ? ? ? land at one i mi.I the ., ? ? I the rtory of the looa of Persephone, the : is !'? sera, I Demeter al Plnto/a altar, the i.'t.irn ?if Persephone n i ; again', ind ' ? en knd trrsHgod by. nrnsi . ?fia Ma Porter H on ??? t.!. pi Id? it rutt of he. ' ird ah? i ? "W< ? a to i . ? liai tnony ?>i' all the rhe Ore? ? . '.Graceful Girls Perform Greek Dances and Feats of ? ?. Brain and Brawn. :;" me ha?! art lv ??.??? ..v.' fr?nn the I<i? from which we at ??m; In the i?i?i atatuaa and draa The freehmen win the prtae for th?? dan? ? yto th? i un bo tndod * joy. Their ?performance waa raora perfael m datall betti . .1 . ti,i. fac? ulty jii?ii-.*y fn>m tin- bench where they sir m i - ilemalty. After the daacea cornea th? pooOty event two aerloua .-'i"i one comic lyric from ?i'lii ?'.ass. Th?- i. . au onea alt nil ain.iit Peraophonei bul th.?mies leaji doom oft' th?. Olympian plan?' gad talk ai"..:' Barnard ?venta. What would hap? pen if Juno v.? i.t t?. ?tylumbla Ltbt i \ ulth a whole armful of hooks and allpped <>n thoae treacheroua marble shims: v. hat Venue sai?i whoa Mlaa Baaajh t??i<i her her heart wai weak, and why Athi-n*? flunked ?;re?k proae, form tin- ih.-in? ?? th.' peni?, 'iii.',- pre not bad, iithr>r. The BngUah faculty nod their head provlngly and award all three pria? ?ophomor? ?--. ? "heer up, ' I this is onl) ? ?? (Irai attempt, BEAUTY VS. STRAIN. Ti... .''i. "ti" ??-. ? nti hav? i>' ? n r ?hi ? tri?' Btrenuoua featurea which nraa? _ ? ? O h? .1.1 h and <! '?a t- .1 fron; tjSfi "??a .p.- ?.f th?' conteet They used t?> . high i impa and a tug-of-war, m wh! : d aaj ? toui itrla ? i re overcome ? a . i thauation one I ? Th!?- '. ? .? only ?lisons hut ling f??r form, -?? relay race? n?**? rolling an?l a t<?r?*h r.? A | iftf- - i.n *"a? !?? i- .-m ? \! ?"?' i"n ???' iklpplng I I ul ?jophOfl ? ? ?:??.! a Ith - ? ? ? ? AI ? ?. ? ski?'?.< 'i two ??:? threi ;?1?? .n'l t: ? plan and si^ . : ope ski ? - - I ? This is a auggeatlon ???? hi? I ???! as a regular ?vint next Well, th?- lophomorea a ? ? waya do, Various attempti to arr . . ?--? m that th? ? ? ? ? '? th.'in for ? ' -I?-'?'. No fraabmen ever **."n in Oreek - The lophomon well, for ii ?? ould ? \??! ) ' ad '". . ally. 1905 SPONSORS. h ti ' ni) ten ice i tifiii fr'11 ? | umMy in ?Bar. nard' - stuff) lltl -? "gjrm," a ? th?* "quad," artth ?s tenu and1 was added t" the < map. i ' ? - I inn her i t ? i ... ? "? ? ? .'i ir w ? -11 ran ? K : aid. Th" glorloui dlatln? tlon of ? added I - I tearnr?! to make theli : - | [??meter, too sind t.. h< i lo I da has ?inven awa) teinter. Il.-d" Ha '!"c: ,.. earth. Persephone lllh the I i sa and eolia coal i *l ?.. i. - *i I I I nan] nev< ? I. ... fortunat? ? ..,.*? ?. ?'?. unsnspe<*t**d rlppk in ed gra f fia. a NEWS OF WOMEN'S CLUBS ,, .. m, Political H ??! Mrs. v ?n N?nn,..i Palmer i reeidant. ?" ?^kt, meeting on rueed ? or, Mrs Klls Crai. .. .*??*?_? ..h "The Attitude of ????<? ;|" ?ddreaa .. Toward the Crin - PP-? ..,..< sere Hyen by Mrs ?er Henk*?, Mrs ' ?v. >?;;??? AnnaJsekson, Mra Benjamin J. Cro ECiisabeth Bsrstos Mrs Fred? m. Mra Modero end Mn Thomas Black. Mr. J. W L. ?'< ? paper on? i ??* Tl1"^ the City Pederstlon ConvontloS M:. Au??.. N Pol?? Mr. i^dertck u-a-h-nheim and MSaa ?"?*?*? ; Meln ecka Altomoteo: Mrs PbMp R; ' Mrs Frank Kolton and Mrs Otto Kahn Th. 1*0.1 mootlni of ' *>" ,.,,?r ,>n April ? M? Bella da Riser. ?ill he chairman_ The. na.ighter. ?.f lb-? '"??vol.."..."' ??. ttha. state of Nie Mrs Bverett M nor. recent. Will BOM a regular l"-?CtJni of the Moeat-va boojrd hi the Hotel Bei mont. Oi ?treet and Fork avenue, aa Friday, A?rll It, at 1 o'clock? M a n.eetln-r ?.f the ?"?-ntury ******* held at the Hotel Aator, on I rt?M iha nth. Mrs. August Dwirt?^ tvilton laieksye g?Y? ? ?*?>? ??? ""- n" " play, "Dama-:.d <io<?(ir>". Mrs Ja_aog - Bailantlna chairman ?>f atudy. "*i*od""ceo The *r___f*|ar.N bJ *rl"*ste>ar?, Mrs. Bdltll de _?-_g .Jannutli. < halrman ?.' ?Irs rnatic criticism, led H the ?l.-- .xsi.-n Ol "The 1-h\' M-.y" and MJ0S0B?J ?Sad ?asSj Hrethr.n. ' a rniirii.<*r or the uaembara tak? ing part. By an at lancement ?>f Mr* CO *"??" int. Jr.. chairman "f matinees, a lina'* t*ontlngeti| of th.- ?ambara of Um club ? re acheduled to attend the "play of 'The l-'ive Fiankforters" on Thursday a-ftST? roon. April l?. Tii? next -fSStral meeting;, on the "BTrth. ?ill he under the direction of Mr?' Belle Kan?k<* who baa arranged a ?irilHai't prograinrne, ronaiMlnc of music, toeoi, Piano and sloMll ?o?os. i>.i?m? an?l "__a ?tonga of Solomon" In ilraniatlf* tOYtn. The Portia riuh. Ml?? Mary M. Br??nne ?nan, president, will hold Its annual meet? ing for the election of officer? on Thurs i*y, April 17, at 2 p m.. at the Hotel Altor. regular monthly meeting of the Grad?ate ?Til? of the Normal Co Ei eat Bunal r? lent will be h'-l?J \ i tel? n \ Bt?ln. ?? ? ? it '.?'. atreet, on Baturda. aftei - noon, Api II II, at lo'i Th? ?I memben of the Aaao? M.iillli?' Ol th. SOI m.?' ?'"H. k. ?? ;l| i I on ?? m the ?.o'.???' muaic room. ? -"i itreel and pa k avenue? on i i d ??? afternoon, April I from i until ft o'clock. The ? ? -n ? n i : : ? ? ?-. Jdri Jamei H Aloft? u, chairman, hau arranged an attractive nun e, that ? i ii. Re) nol la, nr m- the con m ttee ??i ? of th? ? - i. N- a v??rk. All Intereated ? ordlall) ?n. 11 ?i t?i ati' n?i. y< .1 r?gulai n ?nthly m? ? iIng ol the 1 alifoi nlam ol Men fw k, Mn Dai Id Mason. ; reaident, Samuel Wendell . ? talk '.n "Hlatoiic Old N?*w York" at the Hotel .\*-'?.i :.isi Monday Qreetingi ware hi" ight !.. tl ? gu? ?-ts of honor, kin i. EC Blngham, pr?sident of the Ban r*ran ? M tal? .i. i i ,ii and Aral ri? e*prea d? ' ol Boroala; Mlaa Fanny Danforth, ol ih? Mme city, and lira imn Bherwln CTroa reaident of the Woman s i h mo ratk ?'111!? Of this ?it.? .\ifi".i ii Brown -,.? ? ?? i abort 'an. ..i, hla California aaperlencea Mis \?? . Martinaen read Itom the poema of John Niihart. .\iiss Keith Wakeman wo* ? ?? ?*t 'i third \ . ? -preeld? m t,. tin oui th" terra of Mrs. '.. ? Oottachalk, who hua nt un?.?i to California, Twenty-eight new ? ? I ved int?? the ? Pr< Identa' Day" for the Mar] Arden . Club adll !"? oboerved by ? reception liven bj Mr- Charlea champ none Haniaon at her home, So it? Weai ?Id stri-?-t."..n Momlay from i to 7, The Worn? n's political I'nlon will bold a tea thla Banda) afterna?, as la thai Buatom ovary Bun day, from ? to I p. m. I?r Anna It S-'liaw will f?r"itU The i."s i i,. Mis Henry W. Harden. Tir* Waahlngton Hefajhta ?Chapter ??f the i?. A, It, Mm ft ?. Kramer, regent, gave a luncbmM al the Hotel Aator. Then? v.-a.? ? ii-i;."ira: piosramnie. whi<*h wan in ehai-j-?? of Mr?. Kair".el?l .Mortlmore ?".eraliline Farrar will be the ?.r-iolit at th? lait Kiihlnitein conrert thti seaion. to he given g* th? Waldorf-Aatoria on ? day ei enlng, tpril .'-' '?a Bsturda ? i Of III?. ' ? 4\ iu be Flor? n< i Hlnkl? w Maral sit, bsi t. Pierre Henrotie, ? i ..i the Boa! ? i I !om? pan!. and dl, I i i Bldltor i .???'?. a? ? ompenlat. A limite I i,unit" i of tickets for Ih? ae t in? I k? i?. obtained by the < i ib membei - b- sp to ?fia Mar) .1 Bak? r ...... The Montai ? Mo : \\. -1 ... ? 'i 1,. gnnt al ? I? ? tlon ?I of! 1 will tak ? : . 1 ' day, \ 1.1 i M, al . ' The ninth annual ? en Ma* ' ? ? ng i ape? ballroom and hoi > I tnd no applications ?*? ill be received after April A Resei aUo . ? on be man. I14 applying t.. Mr k ig? ne H Poi 1er, chairman, LVo. US W? : 17th ?tree! ?p ,. ? ;.. . nm< ?;' ? '!?.". Mra Belle * Bl. ? '.-?. pr? vi'!' t.t. a 1!' di-, uaa at th< n< ? ? mi etli g, tpril -?'? H' '"':''. '?'??? Won of o?l?? ?m?! the ? - -?< m. Mra Frei I ??laut, ehslrmsn .??.,,. Km,! a . 'ollege ? Hub of New "foi g Citv 44 ill hold its anna. SpHng linn lie.>u >(, ,||(. * int.-! Plaza ?m Satur.I.?'. April ft, .,, 1 ,, ,;,??!, Th.? bjnrlneas -ne.tine arlll ,? aI m 0*clech fee Iba election >.f ofHeera ..,?, ,,,.. panascttofl of b-Mheas. y-, ?? ? ??iinpiieii la ebalrntnn ?>r lha uetsitalnmtnl rjamtunlttee, anal bna d< - , ,,,,.,1 to 1 ' ? ' lt " ' ??*"*?*? '" "'"'"?' ?'"??' course and ""' ;" **** :| "?""?Tular f - a..? iii m* |.r MeK-UlSiC. Of Kltniia I'ollsge, will . . t ,,., ,1,. peogreea of the eollegs work . tributa i" lbs ? h.iii-.ter end work ef hla prsdecaeaor, Dr. Augustua M. t ,,..,, |,.a president emerttua of Kimlra College who 'i'?"1 Mttfeb li ??! the family home In Blmlrs. ?? *?" i,L'" "' """**?-r.-nt AM.I- from ti..* address of 4%. ..,?.. ,iV ?jgrs. < lai?:?'?' ffleakloj the rdub_ pr.'i'ieni ?asl l" McKensle'a tI,ik* 44.;: h-an addrees by the Her 1* '.n? tha tlmeU tana The High Coat of Urina and Ho* ** n"hu' " " rh" ,,?,,;,' custom Ol t'HVinia a ritimi.., g| k___a*_M will ?hi? y.?r I.mitte?!, hut mershcr? who *** to alt together at .he ?m?n ?Mei <?* *rTH?** tn '", '? hy . m Mart? I. Mi N" el, J? ? ? win. ?i . dr. aft? ? ? lal part of the ?da : ' The regul ir monthlj mi etlng ??: Th ? n Ri ilution, wai held on Thuraday, i? i hlatorl .1 imel maifalon, \? -.-. York Clt) ? Wotnt n'a ? I tub ol Co hia I'nlvi ' H M Dryden Bi en ? i ? ?! t.i I'lui..K>ph Hall I .:? the merab? n to me? ? i.I ri Mi F M? N l I ? ? illderal? eve go* ? an Infot m il ? ?n . ootham i'''?" ?'?|l ?*** " ' "' "''>' ,,- pee and ? anco ? all ,-'1 "? ? ? April ,,i s -m p m . -n ? 'al m ale Hall ?rick-is may IM '"?'I rr??m *M;.-.-- V K i-h, ;.,,, Ha ?>."? H'if?t. avenuei for i ? enta a| i- ' - I Ti." Woman fuffange patXfl gave i i -a ? i"- ?"??'.t ih? --u ornan \ ot? i ' and "Itetfsk ti-' ' and ti e ttth Ae i Rf-nbl) Dlatr?ct .<t th? Belaa? : Friday aftei-it-oon, "Al til '' '? ' dlow ' |ng ai ?? Boma of Ihoae who look ? Jane Cowl, i'?"1** Keane, Margaret ,.1-iv. Dor.ithN and v*arnon Caatle, l.;.in- hin-h. Bddte Want. <'!a?? Kmn ni-r. Margery BontOO CiBOlM, Katharine Hiirritt ?ml othiTH At the laut ?liniv-r nt the s?-ii??on of the Iprogreaalve ??norata ?Stub, ta b' live? ' al n?" Plata m April "?". ChalrmaB Bd? I ward ft Mr. ail of n??- Publie Barvtea \ ? ommlaalaii will be the gueal at hatwr ! Mis .i Heilgea < irownll la ?ballman tl th.. -xicutiv.' .-oniinitt'??. win-ii i.- arrant? inn the ?linn?t. The National California ?'luh Will hol?l its BOoial <"i ?I ..mi" SAEX Tuesday. Afiit 15, at the Waldorf-Astoria. The hrlUge '. ? perhi ? - -ii wh" ... |-,. ? . i ? ? ? ti ? ? aaaahlp af Mra .1. Th? "?! i ? ? ' and the < i Hi Hen C. 1 ?i kaon dlati Ibuted by Mrs m ? ? .- . ? give t 'i ni'i of the i and Ohio auffet Ida) in iii?. Mg ballroom ol the H >l Aipm. The game wl i i? in charge ol Mra John M. ?Van Tine, Mi i. O. 1 Page Mr? Bobina a. Lau, Mri Bmanuel Blzai Ht? \. F. Hancocl Mra. J. P. Ct Hi Daal? IP i> .il:, and M Moor? The priaea will be In cl ? . - . . i ? ;- ? . . . ? : i Baaw tt h wai Art i??' aIth th? Han York Bocle't i i ". edi ? da ? . and with Pratt? Ii i ? It the i.m fof itudj After the preaidenl Mi m PI. '.'. ? 'i Olh ion, bad >? ? le? m . the man* i ltd, Mi - Radjfctel a. Weed, rnthn, i i eiented the profframm i | The Wilaon College Club <?f ? Ireat? ? Hen Volk. Mra Lewii Gregor) Cole i '. will hold iis annual luncheon at th" Hoti i Manhattan on Baturda* i ' for the occailon will i.-' I?; Ann.? J. McKeag, preaidenl of WUaon CoJI ige, Chamberal urg? Penn., and in William L Falter, principal of the ??n li High Bel.h Brooklyn. Mi - Balph i. Lloyd, No BO 'ii atraet, Brooklyn, is chah man ..i tii?- lunch? ??n commltt? ? The laal ol the aeriaa of fire mualcala fur this aeaaon given bj the Haarlem Phllhai monlc Bo? i? i?. .Mr - EU Ranaom, preafdent, will take plao In the Aator Qallen of tin- Waldorf-Aatorta on Thuraday, April it. The artlata will be Mlai Ann,i ? '.i-i. of the Metropolitan Opera Company; Phul Gruppe, 'c'ell?t, with Maa Heraberg al ti"' piano, Thoae on the re elvlng line with th?> preaidenl win be Meadamea White, Van Kleeck, Manon, Bblpway, .Mi-Mi? iiai'i. Haver, YoiinKmaii. Leonard? Buddell. Wupmb*. inan. .-"?illivan. PuldL Williams. Booi, Benlot and Btraet; m- uahera, Mrs War? refa Keen Bkmela, Miss (tlcardo Van Bant? \??r,t and Bleanor Toungman. Th?- annual meeting and election ??f of Boera ?>f the Collegiate Equal Suffrage League will be bald on Monday after? l.n. April ft, at I .i. in? K. at th" r?-si deiir*<? of the rlce-prceldent, Mrs. Whltar U Hervor, No, tn Wan iMth p-tre?*t, at Afanliattan avenue. v The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Peftg Tau their fi el We mui l get fi em I ?? mod toward illel typ?, worked hard to make really srttattc .;? m ?-very move I Delta CI b of Nes Y.-ik ?'uv. 441" _ t at t'.i?- ? '.>! .mili.? * nd North 11 1 ? clock. . .: p*i anchiae Lesgu. Is p - 1 i m t of ? flee leetiteea on ??-vil ? ?;. bj Osbrielle Btewart Mulll? . ? the N. a fork bar, The tltl ? . lolonlal <!.iv..|'n r. deral Oorernm? nt"; ?'. "The ? ;..4.?rutilent". 1. "Municipal ?;.n "?Vi ma 1 Place In a Kep ? ?.'?.4 Ci lilla ? Tne Women ? \v ? 11 ?nd B? ? fini, held it.*? ;..iin. , ..? 1 na ada ?. April a?, at the Hot? olflcei.- 4?. .m ,? elected 1 Mrs. Mar) W.1. Aral ? let -1 Mi B?, K. Llohlenatein; >, pr?sident, Mra William Townsend; 1 41.. -,!.?? ?dent. Mi a H. Nicola ling lecretst Mra ;..-..- ? , ? apondlng aecr? tai :?. Mi - '? ? Tower; treesurer, Mra Frank Dean; au? ditor, Mra John Le. historian, Mra . Cogswell, and chairman of axecu? , Mrs * .i. tVllaoo. \iis. John Francia 'i ewger, . ..1 ;in Woman'? Republican ?sareiaUon , .i; the Btate ? ( Net) fork, ?\:?.* t" - I "ii "Th.* Bpli it of Unrest," i"" I ? ipect? .i ? ..ii?-.1 t.? Massachu - j her place was : " -s Helen varick a eil, prealdenl ?..' tha Nstlonsl \\.... sn'a !:? m Aasodstlon. .1. in. W, 11. I ? 1 un followed Mies Boawell ind apoke os i 'Repubiicsntam. The rneetina waa apir? i 44.? attended. An asecuUea session "t the vvoman'a Chriattan Temperance Union waa bohl [ lea. Tuende) afternoon "t No. '?--'? Fourth j ?1- .lin,. Th.* ojueetlon of help In tb? lai.t our foreign population ?a. isscd, .i"'i Mra F. B. Auen, suite ?- 1 perintendenl of the department, reported th.. \4,,ik being done at Villa (aland for th.- Imntlgrsnl arooMn an.i children b) Mis m uiiiai.'tr. ?h.? is employod by the Woman's Christias T?nnperan??e l'i,i?m. Mra. Aiieti alao i*?*ported rx?noernlng the organised work ainong the Italians of tita Fast Bids "" tit* one of n*fOtbetreraft and child Welfare. lira p. \' m., tinsen. si . praaldsnl of ii,,. \\ NaUonal Tb?aat ??. in?*., anri Mis. 1'avid Mas??n. preetdent ?if ih.? Cali? fornia Club are among the ciuhwomcn 4SI... will he in \? iisliin?toii UM week <?f April 14 M'.?. M.-itirsen arldi eas???l the women'a Deaaecrstlc t'luh at its.Jeffer ?on dinner on the ?ubject of the Woman's Na-funal Theatre. ..... to diapeni re? in white ito tage i . md no?-, the a lie. ! THE ETIQUETTE OF CALLS A Few Rules for the Dweller in ? New Place. I. The newcotn? I The lady loi ? ty m\tal call Brat B id ? L Have tea .01 Op .?.|>- in th?* warm ant athi r. i:- tuin the Brsl call an the riaU?r*' g| home." or within the rtegl meek I. Lea ? \ n who i- ? ? i two of bei hua ... daughter'! i ' will be printed ? n her ? an!. A in. ? \ .? is nt home lea?? i '? > o of hei ?? ? ; nlv sli? viMts t' ? i!av. In tl - ? - ! t. , own card at th" 1.r>t vieil only?-n afterward. \ married woman caNIng an an nnmaf in?! woman or widow who baa no growg* up .-'.r- i. ivea one ?; ber own carda nul. ? i ? >:' bar huaband'i II '.'..? hoaieaa la If tl - at !' ? lhe Ii nd'a card il .i., make bei "al ?borne** ?la- known? ! An unmarried woman or widow ?'a":n^ 1 un .? married woman lea.*.?-? bar own [ if tl" - OUt ami M ? '-?ni ai. gi? i;' th.* hoataaa i-? in (i i wl bea tt ?Iran attention t?? bar "al boma*1 <i ?y whan bM proceedi in the mannt-' tkEttA abova An itnaiarrlad dajighlaf "Mjrli ? call !?>r hbr aaother laavea ? Bard with .. and hot n?.?th.-r'.s naaaa ?nit. Theee eafjdg should he haadad In tag maid it she offbra ? tray far tfaana If' sti?. forgeta !?> ?i?? this, ?-.?n atmuM i?t?t il"vn on the hall tahli* as ymi gOE? it Novar, ?>n any account,<*m to your hoeteaa hereelf. After >.ii bava been to a dane?-, dinner or largo roeeptloa it la usual t?> pay a Call within a week Many people bgg| the ?Lit? s of their "at hom?1' dgga printed on the back <>f ti??- raoaptkm p.-omammeg. ami. if this In ?tone, vmi must tak<* ?vu?*, to ko un mu- of theee daya?net ?>n ast other - ? it i? ?..n economical plan *.?? have :m 'at home" day of your own onto a weak ?eP once a fortnight If you do this you aril*, always know whin t?? egptCt ggaata, and arlll always be preparad Bar them, it ?> faahionable now t?? tun- "at home" daxa duiins; only part of the yea:?the winter months, or the three spring and three autumn ones.