John Purroy Mitchel or a "Dark
Horse" to Get Best Piece of
Pie in New York.
OGorman's Son-in-Law Third
Assistant Secretary of State
?.nd Columbia Professor
Bryan's Counsellor.
Th? Ttttn at Buna? ;
Washington, April |* -John Purroj
Mil? Bl of thi Hoard of \
tjr, "i a dark horee
jug] b" nominated by ?he President an
"ftceris*. I ?? Collector of the p0rt ??f Hem
Ygtk '!" I? '?"??mi;.? known to-day when It
that ?tohn K Bagua, ??Mayor
". aatfl been eliminated
f-oir. the race for the eholc?sst plees or
In New Tars Btata
trail " had baaa snppossd that
Mr. **.. ?- led in the race, bat thi opposl
? ' ty ?politicians, in? lud
Mall, aeei is to bar? ti
snips iklent Wllaon has in en
srg< ! nt a Nea York City man
te th? nd, supplementing this, it
Is ki thai lie has s high regard roi
Mi v tddtng to th. belief that
Mr. M be? n selected is th?
thai h* recent! announced he would not
b? a ''?i- iii? [>emoeratlo nom?
Button for Mayor,
Included among the nominations sent
j if, tin* St natS to-day hy Prcsl.'.nnt Wt'son
( wi-re:
To be Third A-.?-istn.nt Ser-rc-t-irv of '
! Stat?. Dudl? | ? leid Mahnte, nf .%>.* fork, j
To t*. counsellor f??r the stat-* Depart? I
T?assott Mooro. of Nov.- Jforll
Tn ? . tors ef Customs: For th??
sogri ? ' Balarla, Tea. Andrew it
ns; for th?* district of Beaufort, B. ?.'..
I Fran!?' -i P < 'otCOi k.
To i' L'nlted Stat?*s judf-o for th?*
I ? District of pioiida, Rhydon M.
Toi" t'ntted States Attorne* We
ia, .i. L Camp.
Tn be i tatted stat? s Marsha!. Northern
? ? i- se . William J McDonald:
w. tern i detrict of Ti xas, John Rog ?
Wanted Another Office.
??* he Is th? s in-ln-laa ol
O'Oorman, who will handle prac?
tically all of the ?Vea re h ?federal pat?
iccept? ? post of Third *
? ? ? ? ' Btat? al t b?- solicita
; ? ol i ?' rident Wllaon and Mr. Bryan,
- stated al the Wlhte House, his
? ; t on the ? electorship
ot Set
v. |i ? . exception of on? oi two
Souther? tal itoi ?'lth
?i vain f??r Hi?-* name
of their candidates. The greater ps l ol
ti nf army and n ii )
Some tt lief I how? ?>r ?.
Bryan is to hav? aid It
-olvlug tli?- probli r, depat traenl
i is '? Moor? '? appolntm? ni
Bees 'is?' of hi
training In diplomatic affaira, It
? M- ? i- -i that s? ? i? tarj i'.i ? an aill
himself in
? ?r diplomatic procedun
omlnal. eferred to < om?
? ! will prol ab '? ?
\t w?reh.
? - - ' W Jei nl ng of Junes i to
nt. .1 fun? Btati District
? laaka, and C i. Ri ame . ol M? d? j
or United
? for th?* District of Ore
? Wilson ?
? Mexico t'i tt ? ? ? i 11? nv
? - ubmttt? 'I'
Mai ' i? '
I ,,'. Out ' -.; Ma oi ot Pitts?
Ivania, u ho had been l< ntatlvcly
Iti Inclined to take th? poet,
-?i r,.? foi mal offer ?it it ws
, however, to i ??
doi to a European ? '"-11.
, ? n bcI? ' led
? Britain, took
W il .?n l'
ii?. paid tii- n ;?? 11 lo the
. ?? i ti -i the
l??ate Discusses Civil Service.
i aion of th? B< ns l
? i to . onaideration el Bi nator
ling for s list
a . : , and certain In?
Bmoot an.) others took the]
rtany ? mploj es wer? accri dtted ]
? i.-i nol belong, |
? i Galllnger ad? j
-.. '.'? nt of Ihe powi r of tne 1
,.-?, .a i of empl
: . xamlnatioii or j
the rules In Individual j
? - proposed tiia i
th. . , :. .. I(. eodll
I ? ? th? resoiutloa off? red
t require ths ex
1'- ? . } ...... r th?- hire Of a'Ul!
, compile n l"i to the i ef?
. tion to the Ben
; on < "h ii Bi rvlce, ? hli h
?mm ; .:?;,-- ?lutlon thai win
for a revit on of th?
service laws.
le-daj for th? Brsi ttntM as th. Senate's
?r-?-?. . ent pro ti sspor? VI? e-Preal
sll ?a? in Hem 1 ork.
. ?. F k m Malens Is ths gon-ln-lnn*
? I'l.orinati, imt it Is said Mr
had nothing to de ?rltk h
Mooinl ? ? ? 11. will have ? barge of the
talnment <?f diplomatie representa?
Ufes ?,r oth nal s. it will i"- nis duty
diploma! i ? ntltled to recognl
and ?-o h? ? - "? -1 sort "t --'" 1*1
?eeatoi ... diploma! ? This, of
t, a I be In i ddltion t<? the r?gulai
na ?.r the department Mr. Malon?
???? long enjoyed tin- friendship of the
1 ?-?i.'.r and Is on specially ?.'???"i terses
"rith Mr. Bryan.
Profeaaoi John ?Basset! Ifoors kns held
' ? hair ?-r Intel national law ai ? Mum
? ntverelty states IM and in h rscog?
. ithoi Itj ??t? the subject He has
: ... rabl? eaperten? <? I"
***** I?. ; ?. irn. nl affair v SS hS WSS Third
lanl decretar) <?f stat?- from MM te
"**?? sad ??y Assists nl Secretary in WM.
pa rssigned aa Assistant Baeratary Id f?
** ' i ovaael to ths Amarlcafl *''?*' ''
?^nsasiisiuii In the ntgotlnUong *-**:,t
about the end <?f tl" Bpanlsh
An"-i.'3!i War II? was s law derb in
Ms But, Departrai,,, , mc lt.- wss
'""n In IMS.
Mwerdam, N Y Apt H 12. ***
Hm ha? ?iard I140.IM0 In ten days for n
"-""?ui'g ??<,.,. , i.hriatan Association bu.ld
m. Altmatt $c (Ho. S. Mimait Si (?o.
To-morrow (Monday), ApriH ?4l5l!
Women's Trimmed Leghorn Hats
in an attractive variety, which includes a number of youthful style.*?,
will be offered in the Department on the Third Floor at the exceptional
price of.$17.00
A!so to-morrow (Monday), April ^^h
W o m e n ' s M o u 5 qu?ta] re Ci ] a^es
offering unusually good values at the following prices:
Kidskin Cloves, It-button length-, in black or white per pair $1.90
English VVashabie Ci'oves, Doeskin finish, H> button length, in white,
^| ^| ^| ^| ^B ^B
Also to-morrow (Monday), April 14th
A 5a1e of Cretonne Articles
useful and ornamenta!, suitable for the equipment of the Summer
cottage, will be held in the Fancy Needlework Department at very
interesting quotations.
Desk Sets, in 6 pieces at $2.75 Book Ends, per pair . at $\.25
Telephone Registers . at 2.25 Pin Boxes, cedar-lined at 1.25
Waste Baskets . '? . at 1.90 Veil .85
Hosiery Boxes .... at 1.75 Glove and Handkerchief Boxes .?55
Comb and Brush Trays at 1.45 Mat .45
On TUESDAY. April 15th
blisses' and You n g Women'sS p rin g and Summer Dresses
Afternoon and Evening wear,
presenting a selection of the newest styles and materials, in white
and the favored color effects, at unusually low prices, as follows:
Imported Hand-embroidered Lingerie Dresses . . . .at $115.50
Crepe de Chine and Fancy Washable Dresses . . .at 20,00
Evening Dresses of Lace and Afternoon Dresses of Dolly Varden Silk 24.00
A limited number o? Misses' Hirh-cost Gowns and
Tailor-made Suits at reduced prices.
Ateo on TUESDAY, April 15th
Girls' Washable Dresses
(sizes 6 to 14 years), featuring the desirable Spring and Summer fabrics
will be placed on sale at special prices.
Lingerie and Colored Dresses, hand-embroidered . . . at $2.50
Chambra? and Batiste Dresses, hand-embroidered . ?. at 3.75
Linen, Eponge and Cordeline Dresses . . ... at 5.50
Eponge and French Linen Dresses. at 7,50
Abt.? G". TUESDAY, April ?Bth
Women's Knit Underwear
in a specially prepared offering consisting of the following:
Imported Fancy Swiss Ribbed Combination Suits. . . . at $1.35
Ribbed Cotton Combination 50c.
Imported Fancy Swiss Ribbed 4?5c.
Also Albatross Skirts, with embroidered ruffle . . . .at I .?50
SL Altaian & (?o.
Women's Imported Coats
and Wraps
now In 4*?tock include a variety of
new models just received from abroad,
accurately representing the fabrics
and style features favored by the
fashion leaders of Europe. Among
the elegant garments displayed are
Evening and Afternoon Wraps of
Brocaded Silks, Satins and Crepes,
Plain and Brocaded Charmeuse,
Beaded and Embroidered Chiffons,
Plain and Moire Poplins, Faille, etc.,
the prices of which range from
$110.00, 125.00, 165.00 to 450.00
Smart English Coats for walking,
touring and motoring are shown in
three-quarter and full lengths in
Tweeds, Cheviots and English Hix
tures at $38.00 and 42.00.
American-made Coats are in all
lengths and in all the desirable ma?
terials for general or sport wear;
also a variety of Coats in black
and-white and all-white cloths.
Traveling Coats in popular styles are
in the regular stock at $12.50,
SI5.00 and $22.50.
. Fasso and Esnah Corsets
both of which are exclusive to
B. Altman & Co., are now ready In
the latest improved models, follow?
ing the Hnes of the fashionable
Fifth Ave.? 34th and 35th Sts., New York I
?S. Allmait 4-c (En.
Riding Habits for Women, Hisses and Children
Riding Habits of superior materials and workmanship will be
made to order, at reasonable prices, after correct models designed
especially for B. A.trnan & Co.
Ready-to-wear Riding Habits are in stock z.\ ?'he following price.s:'
Women's and Hisses* Riding Habits
(with safety or divided skirt) in
Linen or Khaki . . at $15.00
The same style In Cloths
at . . . $30.00 to 45.00
Children's Riding Habits
Women's and Misses' Riding Habits,
consisting of long coat and breeches,
in Linen or Khaki . . at $18.00
The same style in Cloths
at . $32.00 to 52M
: at $12.50 to 28.00
Women's and Misses'
in a variety of attractive designs
embodying the smartest materials :
and most distinctive style features
of the Spring and Summer seasons.
Women's Jersey Silk
is displayed in a very interesting
assortment in the Women's Knit
Underwear Department. Among
the latest novelties are the Knicker
Skirt, Knicker Combination and
combined Knicker Skirt and Detach
able Underbodice. These are all
productions of B. Altman & Co.'s
own workrooms and have been
designed especially to conform to
the present fashion in dress.
Women's 'Mouse downs
and Negligees
including Paris models and Ameri?
can copies and originations, are
shown in the newest styles and ma?
terials; also an attractive selection
of House Gowns in 5imple designs.
The Rug Department
maintains at all seasons a compre?
hensive stock of fine Oriental Rugs,
individually selected by B. Altman
& Co.'s own buyers and imported
direct from the East.
In selecting this stock, special con?
sideration hat been given to the
requirements of modern residences
in town and country. A number of
Oriental Rugs in room sizes and
small and medium sizes, as well as
Hall Strips, are marked at much
less than prevailing prices.
FIFTH AVENUE Thirtv-fourth and Thlrtv-fifth Streets NEW YORK
$* Altman & (En.
Paris-made Gowns
for Evening, Afternoon and Street
wear, comprising a late importation
I representing the newest styles and
materials, are being offered at
! $75.00,100.00,1125,00 and upward
The selection includes Paris-made
Mourning Gowns,
These are exceptionally low prices
for Imported Gowns.
Women'sSiaimmer Dresses
and Coat Suits
are shown in the new Cottons, Lin?
ens and Lingerie fabrics in a divers?
ity of smart styles. The selection
includes both elaborate and simple
I models in distinctive, individual de?
signs, displaying the combinations
I of colors and materials that will
! dominate the Summer fashions.
The Fancy Needlework
has in the regular stock a large and
interesting selection of Cretonne
Articles, especially appropriate for
use in the Bungalow or Summer
Cottage. Included are Folding Desks,
Collapsible Work Stands, Work
Tables, Mat and Shirtwaist Boxes,
Combination Cabinets, Trinket Cab?
inets, Waste Baskets, etc., all of
which are shown at very moderate
Fifth Ave.. 34th and .35th Sts.. New York